Repairs Design Furniture

Rocking chair with a pendulum mechanism with their own hands. Chairs Glader, their main characteristics and advice is the simplest chair from an ordinary children's chairs

Rocking chairs are very popular products that provide comfortable free time. They are presented in a huge amount of species to which the charm of the head, which has certain differences from the standard rocking, is distinguished by high comfort and attractiveness. The design of the glader involves the use of a special pendulum mechanism, due to which a silent, pleasant swing is ensured. It is very convenient to use the product, and it is multifunctional. It has armrests with pockets for console or other small items. Some models are equipped with a slack for the legs.

The market has appeared on the market relatively recently. It has a pendulum mechanism that makes it possible to enjoy measured, pleasant swaying. Additionally, there is a separate banquette in which the pendulum is also built, so after a hard day it is very nice to put legs on it, enjoy a pleasant swing.

Often the rocking chair chairs glader are purchased with nursing mothers, as products help quickly, with the comfort of rocking babies.

The main parameters of such a product refers:

  • the angle of inclination of the back is easily changing, which allows you to adjust the product under a specific user, after which the selected position is securely fixed;
  • some models are called advertiser, and they are equipped with a special leaving footboard;
  • managed different types Chairs different waysbecause for this uses mechanical or electrical mechanisms, as well as the sensor;
  • the advertiser acts by pressing the back, lifting the special lever or the use of buttons located on the control panel;
  • some innovative models can be recorded in a huge number of provisions, and certain chairs remember the most frequently selected pose;
  • the footboard is usually represented in the form of a pouf, and it can travel from under the bottom of the structure or act as a continuation of the chair;
  • some products are equipped additional features Massage or aromatherapy, heating seats or other elements that increase the comfort of relaxation.

Each glader model has its characteristics, so it is important to navigate on own desires and preferences. The more functions and additional features It is in the chair, the higher its price.

Advantages and disadvantages

Chairs glades have pluses and minuses that are recommended to study well before their immediate acquisition.


Ease of use High price
Safety for people or pets Takes the chair a lot of space, so it is important to allocate for him optimal plot in a certain room
Due to the use of a high-quality pendulum system, a possible damage to the flooring is minimized. Elements with a mechanical transformation mechanism are not too convenient to use
Works mechanism silently If the product is purchased made of tissue, it is difficult to cleanse from contamination
Gulder and advertiser fit perfectly in different interiors and styles -
Modern models are equipped with numerous additional features, elements for more comfortable applications. -
Light and pleasant shaking provide complete relaxation of the body -
There is no need to perform periodic service. -
Well used for feeding children

There are a huge amount of positive parameters, so the advertisener or the glader is the right choice for any person. If desired, they can be installed even in the office, providing comfortable and efficient working conditions.

Materials manufacturing

These products are formed from different materials. The frame is usually steel or aluminum, therefore it has high strength and reliability. Often used for this and wood. Special attention should be paid to the choice of upholstery. The upholstery is most often represented by the following materials:

  • genuine leather - the most durable option Upholstery. The only negative is the high cost of such products;
  • shenill - material, very similar to velor. Very wear-resistant, however, moisture and hooks are afraid;
  • velor - soft, durable fabric, which can overcome with time;
  • tapestry - natural material with anti-allergenic properties. Inclined to abrasion;
  • jacquard - inexpensive, durable fabric, resistant to wiping;
  • rhozhod - perfect material for furniture in eco-style;
  • flock - wear-resistant type of fabric;
  • artificial leather - durable, not deformable fabric, which is also durable, hypoallergenne and is not afraid of exposure to direct rays;
  • eco leather - practical material, featuring a variety of colors and textures.


Transformation mechanisms

The mechanism can be mechanical, sensory or electric. There are also several of the most popular seats, which differ not only to the materials used, but also by parameters. These include:

  • standard glider model with a footboard, in which the banquette leaves in different ways;
  • foldable bed, in which the footboard is a direct continuation of the seating;
  • advertiser equipped with built-in support;
  • massage chairs.

Each model has its own characteristics, as well as presented in numerous colors and sizes.

With footboard

Product selection rules

Choose a high-quality glader is easy because most models differ high quality. It is only important to know in advance why the design is acquired, as well as who will act as a permanent user. Factors right choice are:

  • the cost of a product that depends on the existing mechanism, the upholstery material and other parameters;
  • production material is an important parameterbecause it is important that all components are made exclusively from safe, hypoallergenic components;
  • the fame and reliability of the manufacturer is an indispensable condition;
  • it is important that the chair is wide enough so that you can comfortably settle in it;
  • the back is desirable to choose high so that it can be completely borrowed to it, as a result of which it will repeat the bends of the back;
  • an excellent choice is the models in which the tilt of the back is regulated;
  • swing, transformation should be carried out silently and smoothly;
  • before purchase, quality certificates, other documents from the manufacturer are certainly studied.

Thus, the chairs glades are modern varieties of standard rocking faces, which are distinguished by high comfort, attractiveness, the presence of numerous pleasant features. It is important to correctly choose a product suitable for the user, as well as created from high-quality, durable materials.


Overview of one of the chairs of the glader.

Photo Chairs Glader

A selection of photos with the views of the chairs Glader.

It is difficult to find a person who would not want to shine a warm summer evening in a comfortable chair with a cup of tea in his hands. But such furniture, unfortunately, is not available in all houses, most likely, because it stands in stores. In this material we will tell how the rocking chair is created with a pendulum mechanism with their own hands from affordable and understandable materials. We will offer you two most simple designs, the final choice remains yours.

Varieties of rocking chair

Many, at the mention of this phrase, recall furniture from rural areas or all the favorite film about the skilled detective, who loved to think over the next case, looked into a warm plaid and smoking the phone. But we decided to dispel this stereotype, imagine a rocking chair as an ultra-modern and fashionable furniture. It is suitable for any interiors due to the abundance of models presented in the market. Before starting work and make a pendulum rocking chair with your own hands, read the most popular varieties of such products.

Types of seats:

  • Model on the clamns. This design You can safely be called traditional because the seat is mounted in it by means of curved guides, that is, the poloz. The main plus of this design is low cost and simple assembly. The only minus - when swinging, the crawl is strongly scratched.
  • Models of pendulum type. Constructions are more complex, they have a fixed base and seat that are connected independently of each other. Such furniture is safe and stable, while it does not harm the floor covering completely.

How to assemble a wooden chair on the clamns on your own?

Have you decided to make a pendulum rocking chair on the clamns? The drawings can be found on the Internet, then simply use the proposed scheme or adjust the proposed dimensions to its discretion, taking into account your own physique and personal preferences.

Make an assembly on the proposed instructions:

  • Selection of radius for polozov. Make a diagonal pressure on the rail so that then insert the ends of the plywood stripes. Position the trip from each other at a distance sufficient so that the plywood flashes with the necessary radius. At depth, the guilt must be at least 3 cm.

Important! Try to make the guilt strictly perpendicular to the longitudinal direction of the main rail, since its curvature will lead to the fact that the polls will simply skew.

  • Setting a reference point. Insert the plywood band with a length of 1.2 m in the prepared guilt. Note that the distance from the lamella to the rail should be 15 cm in the greatest bend point. Approve the design to the workbench, circle the radius by placing the center on the curved strip. At the workbench, according to the circled radius, lay out the shells, with the help of screws, screw them down to the table. Fanuer screw to the shell.
  • Installation of limiters. Put the same size bars on the table surface to avoid slaughtering the lamellas, fix them with self-draws on the table.
  • Printing poloz. Take 8 lamellae, lubricate them with glue, attach to the strip, which is fixed on the staples, align them by the marks put in the center. Right in the center, install the first clamp by laying the bar securely tighten. At the edges of the slave, lock the clamps, but do not tighten too much. Place the clamps towards the center to the edges and tighten. As soon as the lamella package is fully fixed, tighten the most extreme clamps.

Important! Prepare in this form in a fixed state. Leave for several days so that the glue is completely dry.

  • Combining polozov. Clearly on the grounds at the centers, opposite each other homemade polishes, fix them through the clamps with transverse crossbars. Check how well your design is swinging. Cut at the right angle the ends of the polozov, across the grooves knobs stick them.
  • Preparation of reinforcing elements. If you install the seat right on the clock from the tree, then they are warranty cracked. Therefore, cut the amplifiers from the board, simply speaking, the same polls, only less long. Make the groovers with a plot of glitter with plots with a milling.
  • Connection of polls with amplifiers. The surfaces of the glued elements are lubricated with glue, insert the gloves into the technological holes. Connect the crawls with the amplifiers so that they glue along the entire length. Details are torn by clamps to the complete drying of the glue.
  • Creating side racks. From plywood cut the template drawings according to the shape of the side rack. According to the scheme, cut out six racks. Wooden blanks with applied template Cut with a milling mill. Make on the end of each stage of the grooves under the spikes, pre-mounted in amplifiers.
  • Gluing side racks. Melt the groove in the side racks, apply it on the spike and near it. Put the rack on the thorn, press tightly to the body of the amplifier. Perform similar steps with both polishes.
  • Connection of the base. Crossbind concisely with the sidewalls. Do it with self-drawing by screwing them off the outside.
  • Seat assembly. Cut two sidewalls from a solid board. From the inside cut into them solid longitudinal groove. Connect the sidewalls, inserting the rails and fixing them with glue. Install the rails as close as possible so that the gap is not formed.
  • Assembly of all elements. Dinet with glue and spikes seat with side supports. Cut and install armrests. Cover the chair with a varnish.

Here is such a wonderful, durable, sustainable and convenient you will get a pendulum rocking chair with your own hands.

How to make an independently metal pendulum chair?

To create such a subject of the interior, you will need:

  • metal profile 15 by 30 mm;
  • steel strip 30 mm width and 3 mm thick;
  • pipe with a diameter of 32 mm;
  • rod 12 mm.

Naturally, in the work can not do without a brotank with a disk for working on metal, welding machine, measuring tools and clamps. To work with the pipes, you will have to find a special tool for bending a profile.

It will be necessary to perform such actions in a strict sequence:

  • Production of the drawing in full size. Create the first thing before making a rocking chair's pendulum chair drawing. On the smooth floor, draw the side of the chair. To simplify a job a little, put on the side of some kind of home chair and circle the seat along with the back.

Important! Consider the smaller the curved items in your product, the easier it will collect it.

  • Creating a housing for bearings. Measure the width of the bearing and cut 8 rings out of the pipe, that is, their number must correspond to the number of bearings used. Made on one side Details of the plug, use for this washer. It is important that the central hole in the washers is to diameter a slightly smaller rod.
  • Assembling side details of the seat and backs. Inscape the profile on the existing drawing, weld two identical sidewalls. Attach them to the drawing and check the assembly correctness.
  • Preparation of sidewalls. Using a special device, bring the profile according to the drawing, make such four details.
  • Seat assembly. Cut 5 jumpers from the profile to the desired length of the chair. Jumpers breed to sidewalls, weld the part of the chair on metallic frame. From the remnants of the profile, bring the handrails, weld them on the sides of the already assembled product.
  • Seat skin. Cut the pieces from the steel strip so that in length they corresponded to the length of the jumpers and breed them to the skeleton of the seat.
  • Installation of the bottom support. Weld together ready-made curved profile segments of 2 pieces. We weld along the same piece of profile to the end surfaces of the curved parts, as a result, you will get a design that resembles onions. Using jumpers, weld two sidewalls in the upper and lower part. Finished stools install on a welded base, bring transverse jumpers to it from below.
  • Attaching movable suspensions. We weld at the bottom of the chair and the top of the curved sides of the bearing nodes with rods inserted into them. Connect the nodes on the sidewalls and the chair the same on the length of the rods.

The rocking chair in most people causes an association with rest and relaxation. Imagination draws a veranda dacha house, Warm Plaid and a glass of wine. Is it possible to make this piece of furniture, synonymous for measured life, do it yourself? After reading this article, even a beginner wizard can easily cope with this task.

  • glader;
  • classic on the shelter.

Each of the species has a number of features, so consider them in more detail.

Glader (with a pendulum mechanism)

This type of furniture has a fixed base, and rocking occurs with the help of a pendulum mechanism. He has several advantages over the classic, but the main plus is a silent job. That is why it often acquires mothers for feeding and making babies.

Classical on poloz

This kind of rocking faces is known to everyone, but not everyone knows what a wide variety of subspecies of this object of furniture exists.

  1. On ordinary polls of constant curvature (radius).

    Radius polishes - the easiest and most common option of supports

    However, it is worth knowing that this is not the safest design option. Professionals are made to order, as a rule, rocking schools are not permanent, and variable curvatures that are calculated considering the growth and weight of users. Such models are the smallest risk of overturning.

  2. On ellipse clamps with tilt limiters.
  3. On springs.
  4. Vanka-stand.

What Materials You can make a rocking chair - Table

Material Description, features Benefits disadvantages
Yves vineVery robust openwork products are obtained from the vine, but this work is very time consuming and requires certain skills. This material often make suspended structures.
  • beautiful appearance;
  • long service life;
  • ease.
afraid moisture
RattanRattan products have their ethnic flavor. Weather from it yourself - a difficult task, as it is not easy to get the material in our latitudes.
  • very light and beautiful;
  • in the manufacture, only wicker and adhesive connections are used.
  • high price;
  • pretty fragile material.
CharmingThe most common material for the manufacture of durable and durable rocking faces is wood. Are used different breeds Tree, but most common - coniferous, especially strong breeds (alder, oak, larch).
  • relatively low price;
  • the ability to make it yourself.
  • for the manufacture requires joinery skills;
  • durable wood species have a high price.
MetalSince the metal has a large mass, only the frame is usually made from it, and the seats are made from another material - plastic, fabric, leather, wood. Fully metallic forged products look spectacular, but quite complicated performed. To do this, you need to have a special tool, as well as the skills of working with the metal.durabilitybig weight design
PlasticTo make a folding rocking chair independently, you will need special equipment.
  • low price;
  • diversity design.
low strength product.

Rocking plastic, metal, rattan, vines Willes and wood array - Photo Gallery

House chairs and garden

In the house it is better to use products from environmentally friendly materials, not too heavy so as not to spoil the floor covering. The size also matters if your apartment is not too large. Most suitable option - plastic and wooden products. Wicker furniture Also suitable, but it is not always relevant in the city interior.

If you plan to use the open-air furniture, then you need to consider some moments: how much material is resistant to moisture, the effects of the sun, whether it is easy to wash it easily. With a certain preparation, the product is almost from any material can be used on the street - wrought-iron, plastic, wooden models. Relevant on the hot days of construction with an awning of the sun.

You can also make original rocking chairs from the chairs that have long been going to repair.

Photo Gallery: Wooden Garden Chairs

Rocking chairs do it yourself

Make this piece of furniture is not quite a simple task, but it is even for those who have never done anything like that before. There are many schemes, options and methods of manufacture. Consider the most interesting and simple of them.

The simplest chair of an ordinary children's chairs

The optimal option is to use in the work of ordinary wooden stool. For manufacture required the following materials and tools:

  • chair with back and armrests;
  • high-quality plywood with a thickness of 15 mm;
  • wood varnish;
  • electrolovik;
  • mill;
  • sander;
  • dowel.

Stages of work:

  1. We cut the radial polleans from plywood with an electrolyzka according to the scheme.
  2. We grind them with a typewriter or skirt on the rail.
  3. From the bottom on the legs of the chair, we make feeders and choose the grooves under the end.
  4. We insert the stool into the grooves of the stool feet, fix glue and dowels.
  5. Cover the surface of the rocking chair varnish.

Video: Making a children's chair

Vanka-stand: Step-by-step instructions, photos, drawings

Such a rocking chair with her hands from plywood will also be easy to do, knowing the drawing. There are many options in the network, we will give one that is deprived of the risk of tipping.

Materials and tools for assembly:

  • plywood sheets of 1520x800 mm thick 15 mm thick (under the sidewalls, racks and supports), a thickness of 10 mm (for spin and seats for slats);
  • electrolovik;
  • glue;
  • screws.

Chair assembly stages:

  1. We are preparing the drawing of the future product.
  2. We carry the drawing on the sheets of plywood.
  3. Cut the necessary elements with the help of an electroll.
  4. Drills holes for screws.
  5. Sand, soil and paint all the elements.
  6. We collect a frame.
  7. We form a seat and back from the slats, sample elements.
  8. Fix all the elements with self-draws.

Video: Simple rocking chair of plywood

Is it possible to assemble a pendulum mechanism for a sliding chair on your own

The pendulum design moves the upper part of the chair relative to its base. To make it yourself independently needed detailed scheme. This is not an easy job. But the principle of operation of the mechanism is always alone. For the simplest design, you will need:

  • 4 bar of the same length and two - greater (sizes are chosen depending on the design scheme);
  • 8 Bearings nuts and washers.


  1. Collect bars and drill in them one hole at each end for bearings.
  2. Make an end beam (it keeps the weight of the entire sliding design):
  3. Each end part to attach to two bars. This will be a simple pendulum mechanism. Next, it is connected to the base of the chair and the seat. Example finished design below.

Rocking of plastic (polypropylene) pipes: scheme and work order

Armchair can also be made from specialized metal or simple water pipes. To work, you will need:

  • pipes made of plastic with a diameter of 25 mm (for sidewalls) and 20 mm (for transverse elements);
  • drill and apparatus for welding pipes;
  • armature with a cross section of 15 mm (inserted into the pipes to enhance the stability of the chair);
  • fittings for corner connections (2 pcs. - for 90 ° and 6 pcs. - for 45 °);
  • pipe plugs;
  • pencil, ruler.


So that the chair was comfortable, on the frame you need to fix the foam mattress with a thickness of 50 mm. To do this, you will need a case with strings that is easy to sew yourself (on a typewriter or even manually).

Give plastic pipe You can round a form with hot sand. For this, the sand is heated in the oven to 95-130 ° C, one end the part is inserted into the plug, fill with sand tube, give the required shape and wait for cooling.

Desire and elementary skills of working with a tool - everything you need to independently build a comfortable and beautiful rocking chair for home or cottage. The instructions described will help make it right and quickly.

As soon as the rocking chair appears in the house, it immediately becomes a favorite piece of furniture for all family members. For the ability to calmly swaying on it, forgetting about the alarms, bustle, the chair is ready to forgive the easy sketching and even a small damage to the flooring. The pendulum mechanism is able to eliminate all the flaws without changing the effect of uniform swinging. Such a mechanism was called "Glader". It is an excellent alternative to the classic rocking chair.

It was especially loved by the headless chair with young mothers - it can be comfortable to feed and burn the kid. No excess sound hurts a strong, serene baby sleep. Please make your home, make a gift to women - make a chair with a pendulum mechanism with your own hands.

Chair with a pendulum mechanism

The pendulum mechanism is used not only in chairs, but also in the production of cribs. The cradle, the seat is suspended on hard wooden or metal hinges to a fixed, sustainable base. Movement, as in traditional rocking chairs, is possible only back and forth. In order for the swing was light, smooth, the bearings are often used when connecting the base and seats.

Experienced masters advise to install hinge fastenings so that in a fixed state the form of their location resembled a trapezium with large side up. Such a feature of the installation of the mount makes it possible to not exceed the amplitudes of movement when swinging and, accordingly, makes the product more stable, which means safe. Use our tips and your work experience to make a pendulum chair for your home.

Materials and tools

Basic material can be used inexpensive wood, for example, pines. Good choice It will also be fat (at least 20 mm) plywood.

  • Boards with a cross section 2x6 "(51x152 mm) and 2x4" (51x102 mm).
  • 4 metal hinge.
  • Screws, screws for pocket holes.
  • Primer.
  • Glue.
  • Emery skin, application grinding machine will accelerate the processing process.
  • Drill.
  • Drill.
  • A circular saw.
  • Band-saw.
  • A device for preparing pocket holes.
  • Electronic digital gender.
  • Household milling device.
  • Clamps.
  • French ruler.
  • Roulette.
  • Pencil.

Work description

Details of the supporting part of the chair (base - c) perform from the 2x6 cross section of the cross section "(51x152 mm), all others are from the 2x4 slats" (51x102 mm). The size of the base parts is shown in the photo below:

  1. Cut circular saw Planks of the desired length.
  2. So that all internal and external roundings on the details are the same, take advantage of the French line as a stencil, noting the place of contact with the workpiece. You can use other handicrafts, such as a round jar with varnish or primer.
  3. Cut extra with ribbon saw.
  4. The tops of the base consist of three parts that are attached to each other and with low part spikes. To cut the spikes (1 "- 2.5 cm long), make cuts with a depth of about 5 mm, then secure the clamp vertically and cut the saw all too much.
  5. Similarly, prepare the spikes on 3 details of a length of 17.5 inches (44.5 cm). With the help of these billets, we scrape the right and left parts of the base.
  6. Use a milling mill with a 0.75 drill to make non-cabled pump holes to connect to the spikes in the details of the base. The width of the holes should be 0.75 inches (1.9 cm), the depth is 1 inch (2.5 cm).
  7. Apply on the connected surfaces, as well as in the glue groove, tightly secure the parts of the top of the base. Fix the connections with clamps until the glue is completely dry.

If there are excess glue on the seams of connections - remove them immediately with a damp rag or sponge. Then, at the finishing finish, you will not have problems with a non-uniform coating of the product with varnish or verses.

  1. Use the drill to drive the openings of 0.25 inches (0.6 cm) on both sides of the upper parts of the base.

Working a drill, make sure that the drill is included at an angle of 90 degrees. The accuracy of the work performed will depend on the correct operation of the hinges.

  1. Put up the top fragments of the base to the bottom item. Pencil note the seats of preparation of grooves for connecting the upper and lower parts.
  2. Cut the grooves just as they did earlier in the upper base details.
  3. Spread items. To tightly squeeze the uneven edge of the clamps, temporarily cut the carved wood fragments.
  4. Round the corners on the details obtained, carefully pass the surface. Smooth the corners of B. hard to reach places You can with help simple adaptation - Mix a small piece of sandpaper on a dowel.
  5. Start the assembly of two parts forming the database. Apply glue to the connected surfaces, perform connections. Fix the design by several clamps.

The basis is ready, now it's time to proceed to the creation of the seat and backs. For the manufacture we will use 2x6 boards. "

  1. We use the french line lines to get a comfortable seat shape. If a similar form is not comfortable for you, make the necessary changes. The resulting item is used as a pattern for another same (2 side supports of the seat). You can take the following measurements in the photo below.
  2. On each detail of the seat you need to retreat 1.25 "(3.2 cm) from a thinner edge and at an angle of 106 degrees make a groove. It will help in this electronic digital gender.
  3. Via fantorous saw Cut the grooves in the backs of the back of the back of a depth of 3/4 "(7 mm).
  4. Use the drill to prepare at the bottom of the 4-hole seat seats parts for the installation of the chair. They must be located in the form of a quadrangle at an angle of 113 degrees. Slide holes.
  5. Prepare in the center of the opening of the hole for screw mounts when combining parts in the groove.
  6. Start the preparation of the RECEX 23 "(58.4 cm) for the back (15 pieces) and seats (14 pieces). It is advisable to make details of different widthsTo arrange them from thinner in 1 inch (2.5 cm) to thick 2 inches (5 cm).
  7. You can not process one side of each detail - it will be the back of the seat and backs. On the front side of each plank, round all the corners, ends, pass the surface.
  8. At both ends of the slats, measure and mark the places of screw holes for fastening to the bases. Drill holes, ride them at the top.
  9. Assemble the side of the seat together using eight (4 for each compound) 1.4 "(36 mm) deck screws.
  10. Check the strips so that after processing their length was the same. Start the installation of ridges with the screws of the widest planks on low part backs.

So that the distance between the planks is the same, use as a stencil bar, the thickness of which is about 3 mm.

  1. Now cut out 4 blanks of the legs of the chair, as shown in the picture. Each item must be a length of 23.5 inches (59.7 cm), its parallel ends squeeze at an angle of 10 degrees.25. Collect the edges of the details.
  2. Attach the legs to the seat of the chair so that they are installed in the center. The legs should fit tightly, so make a pencil mark on the rails that need to be trimmed.
  3. Attach the legs to the seat on the 4 screw and glue. In this case, the front leg should be placed so that the distance from the lower edge to the base of the seat was 9.8 inches (24.9 cm).
  4. To install the rear legs, remove 3 screws, the placement of which coincides with the place of fastening. Then install the screws and glue again.
  5. Cut the harvesters of armrests from the 1x6 board "(2.5x15.2 cm). The shape of these parts may be arbitrary, but in the end, the place of contact with the back, you need to make a cutout. Do not forget to make the edges of armrests rounded, pollute the surface.
  6. To attach armrests using a device for pocket holes, make 2 holes on the top ends.
  7. Install armrests.
  8. From the remaining pieces of wood or plywood with a special cutter, prepare traffic jams to close the recesses in the joints with screws. If you are going to use the chair outside, it will fight metal fasteners From moisture and damage.
  9. Place the plug in the hole on the glue. Remove protruding over the surface of the part.

Finish finish It should be done when the mechanism of the chair has not yet been assembled. This will save the working condition of metal parts.

  1. If necessary, additionally polish the surface of all parts of the chair.
  2. Cover the wood with a primer. To increase the stability of the material to atmospheric influences, apply 2 layers alternately.
  3. After drying, cover the chair with varnish.
  4. Attach with large screws with bracket nuts with one end to the top of the base, the other to the bottom of the legs. Make it with the displacement so that the line spent through 4 mounting points has formed a trapezium with a large base at the top, as shown in the photo.

A pleasant stay depends not only from the company, but also from the environment, with the help of which it is created. One of the popular furniture items to relax is a rocking chair. This furniture is very common, as it is different original design and practicality. Today, the market can be purchased on the market almost every taste, pick them up under a certain design.

Basic concepts

Rocking chairs are special designs that can change their position. They swing along one line. There are several types of similar mechanisms, among which the pendulum systems (glades) have become specially popular. A feature of such a rocking chair is that the movement is carried out with the help of a special mechanism.It is based on several bearings that allow you to split the seat. At the same time, the base of the chair remains stationary, which is very convenient in small rooms. The swing angle depends on the length of the suspensions that form the framework of the product.

Benefits of the system

The pendulum rocking chairs appeared a long time ago, but they became popular now. They have a few weighty advantages in front of other types of structures:

  1. Safety. This characteristic is one of the most important. The design of the pendulum mechanism eliminates the turning of the product while driving. So you can protect not only yourself, but also others.
  2. Practicality.The base of the chair does not move, which does not allow it to damage the floor covering.
  3. Silent.The mechanisms of the pendulum when moving do not publish almost no sounds, which allows them to exploit them even in the bedroom.
  4. Ergonomic. The design can be made of various materials that are perfectly adapted for different interiors. It should be noted that the rocking chair can be used in the same way as a full-fledged chair.

Rocking of pendulum type very often use mothers. Such furniture allows you to rapid the child, spending the minimum of effort. Today there is a whole direction of the chairs of a rocking chair for moms. Such products are distinguished by a unique form of the back and convenience. This reduces the load on the body while holding the child in hand.


Headers are pretty simple designs that can be made with your own hands. Starting making, you should familiarize yourself with possible options Performances:

  1. Wooden chairs. They are made of boards and bars, connect all special fasteners.
  2. Metal constructions.The gladers of this type are quite common, as they differ in durability and originality. Metal is very plastic, which allows you to create unique frames that are suitable under various styles interior.
  3. Braided chairs. The main material here uses a vine or artificial Rattan.. It should be noted that the pendulum mechanism itself is made from the stronger material (wood or metal). Chairs of this type are very beautiful and durable.

It should be noted that all the materials described may be combined with each other. This allows you to get beautiful and durable designs.

You can make the swinging chair using ready-made drawings that are easy to find on the Internet. Sometimes you should use schemes metal structures. For pendulum design, you will need the following:

  1. Boards size 51 × 152 mm and 51 × 102 mm. For such purposes you can use Massive pine.
  2. Hinge - 4 things.
  3. Special screws For pocket holes.
  4. Paints and varnishes. It can be attributed here - from the primer to the protective varnish.
  5. Glue.
  6. Instruments. To work with the tree you will need a circular, drill with a set of drills, sandpaper, grinding machine and much more.


The process of creating a rocking chair consists of such consecutive operations:

  1. First, the pendulum is going. It consists of two main parts that are connected by hinges. It is formed from wooden bars, which need to be cut by a selected drawing. For the connection, grooves and glue use. It should be started only after the bonded surfaces are dried.
  2. The next step is Making a seat. The backing form can be different, but many claim to better choose the classics. First of all, a frame is created, which must repeat the form of the back. Make it from the bars, which connect between themselves several transverse supports.