Repairs Design Furniture

Toys from the vine do it yourself. Wicker furniture from the vine do it yourself as a business. Braided decor items

To work, the secret, thin wire, varnish or paint spray, and for decoration of figures - sequins, artificial berries, various beads.


We take five identical branches of 15-20 cm long. We fold them in the form of a star and fix the corners with a wire. It turns out the framework of the future star (Fig. 1).

Then we take a thinner and long escape and, starting with the angle, we sweep the framework, as shown in the figure (Fig. 2).

In the same way, alternately deteriorate the remaining corners of the frame, then one, then the other end of a subtle escape. Ends of shoots will go off among themselves somewhere in the middle of the star. For strength, you can take another one or two shoots and "lay out" with them a figurine several times diagonally, but weaving should not be very dense. Mesh, translucent figures look more spectacular (Fig. 3).

To fix the corners of the stars, we take very thin shoots and wind up the corners next to the wires several times.


We take two branches of 15 and 20 cm long and fasten their ends with wires, as shown in Figure 4.

Starting from the angle, we flourish the figure with thin shoots (Fig. 5).

In order for the crescent to be more durable, we skip some more subtle shoots from one end to another, and the corners are wrapped with them next to the wire (Fig. 6).

For the same principle, other flat figures can be soaked.


We take five flexible willow shoots or birch branches of the same thickness and length. We associate their ends together. It turns out the frame of the future bell. Then a thin long escape is starting to mask the frame of the "duct": the escape alternately "dives" in a circle, then under the next carcass branch (Fig. 7, 8, 9).

Applying the shoots to each other and trying to preserve the shape of the bell, we continue the weaving (Fig. 10).

The end of the last escape gently cut and leave inside the bell tape (Fig. 11).

To obtain a bow to the edge of the bell, alternately bended every end of the frame of the frame and secure it next to the next branch (Fig. 12).

The "tongue" of the bell is a wooden bead suspended on a ribbon. You can make a "tongue", twisting in the ball thin long Willow Escape.

Hanging products 7-10 days at room temperature. Do not put them on the battery: they will become brittle.

From the finished figures, the wires remove and cover them with a lacquer of the NC: it will quickly dry, although any other lacquer for the tree is suitable. We advise pre-on a small fragment to try how varnish licks. Upon receipt of the necessary effect, cover the product completely.

Instead of a lacquer of figures, it is possible to cover with multi-colored spray paints (automotive or special, which are sold in stores), for example, "New Year's snow" or "ice pattern" sprays.

Not yet dried lacquer or paint sprinkle with sparkles that are sold in stores. You can make sequins and ourselves, breaking unnecessary Christmas toys.

When the paint or varnish is dried, we attach artificial berries, a little sprigs of ate, bodies, beads. To decorated figures tie the ribbons and hang them on the Christmas tree, a window or wall at different levels.

Happy New Year and Christmas!

In our time, the fashion is returned to folk crafts, and in particular, on the products from the vine. It can be original furniture, various baskets, caskets, and so on. Amateurs exclusive, pay for the author's good money. Weaving from the vine for beginners can bring a decent income if to come to the case seriously and responsibly. In this article, we will look in detail weaving from the vine for beginners step by step.

Business registration

If you plan to work yourself at home, at first you can not register this case. But if you are interested in weaving from the vine as a business, it is necessary to officially issue an enterprise.

To do this, register IP or LLC. The choice of organizational and legal form largely depends on the planned scale of production. Also, do not forget to get permission in the fire inspection, as you will work with fire-hazardous materials.

Varieties of products

Vine is a malleable material that is characterized by high flexibility. From it you can weave various items.

These can be the following products:

  1. Chairs, tables, sofas, racks, chairs;
  2. Baskets, stands, bread ministers, kashpo for flowers, trays;
  3. Souvenirs, figurines, christmas decorations, vases.

Wicker furniture from the vine is most popular with their own hands. For the manufacture of such products, the masters use the technique, something resembling macrame, that is, the alternation of nodules and free threads. Various products from the vine learned how to create our ancient ancestors. Modern people began to appreciate environmental materials, so love for folk art began to revive.

Wizards can use different types of weaving in operation:

  • Solid;
  • Openwork;
  • Spiral;
  • Simple;
  • Weaving by the rope.

If you want to master on your own this art, find on the Internet video weaving from the vine for beginners step by step. But it is best to take lessons from an experienced master who will help you get all the necessary skills. When you understand how to weave baskets from the vine, you can gradually move to the manufacture of more complex products.

Preparation of raw materials

The best material that is used for weaving products from the vine with their own hands is Iva. You should be aware that you can not mix the rod from different trees. You can harvest raw materials all year round. Its quality depends largely on what time of year they were cut off. In the spring and summer, the material has a beautiful dairy color. Bark is easily cleaned with such rods, and the wood itself is characterized by a herbal structure.

In winter, the material is more elastic and durable. It can not be asked, because the rods acquire a beautiful color of different shades. Combining them, you can make braided products from the vine with a pattern. After you cut the rod, they need to be sick and split into several parts. It is advisable to do it into clear sunny weather so that the rods could dry a bit.

Scheme: Weaving technique from a vine


As a rule, training starts with simple weaving techniques from the vine. This is the main element that is used for the manufacture of various products. After a simple weaving from the vine for beginners is mastered, you can move to the openwork.

We act according to the following principle:

  • Rods soaring risers;
  • Horizontal row envelopes vertical.

The location of the risers depends largely on how much you choose the material. During operation, the strips should be monitored so that they are at the same distance and did not twist. The easiest option is weaving using one rod.

When you figure it out, plays simple products from the vine, go to the manufacture of openwork furniture.

Business benefits

The original furniture from the vine is always in great demand. On her manufacture you will not spend a lot of money. The largest investments are your time and strength.

If barbing straits yourself, the cost of products will be low, respectively, you will receive a high income. The most important advantage of this business is that it does not require major investment. All invested money will return within 1-2 months of work.


When the business begins to develop, you can hire several masters for work. Over time, their number can be increased. In this case, you can divide the production process into several steps. Some workers will be engaged exclusively by frames, and only weaving. To diversify the models, invite SHEVE to work, which will be engaged in the manufacture of covers for furniture, sofa pillows and other elements from fabric or skin.

Sales channels

Familiar and friends will be the first buyers of your products. The most profitable occupation is weaving furniture from the vine. It can be sold on the Internet on its own website or on social networks.

All you need is to take pictures of your products and set them for sale at affordable prices. You may not doubt that the first buyers will appear in the shortest possible time. In addition, you can sell products in the markets or in your own store.

Financial calculations

To organize a business at home, you will have to spend a certain amount.

Basic expenses:

  • Taxes;
  • Rent a traffic point or website promotion on the Internet;
  • Expenses for the transportation of finished products.

You can reduce costs if you agree with stores and take our products to implement. As a result, you can save on rental of the outlet and transportation of products.

For example, in one day you make 2 tables of 6 thousand rubles. For the sale of products, you pay the store of 20% of its value, as well as 6% - the tax for doing business. For the month it will turn out about 35 thousand rubles. This is your net income.

Price policy

Furniture items can be manufactured as a headuit and separately. For example, there is always great demand for chairs. They cost about 500 rubles. But if you make four chairs and the table, the price of such a headset is already 10 thousand rubles.

The greatest demand is observed on wicker cabinets for beds, coffee tables, hangers and so on. Also sell rocking chairs well. They are purchased wholesale private sanatoriums and pensions.

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  • Do not take immediately for the manufacture of complex objects. Try to weave simple things, such as small baskets or stands. First of all, it is necessary to figure out how to make a frame, after which you can try to pass into it a vine;
  • To give the product the desired shade, you can use special chemical compositions;
  • The most common product that enjoys the greatest demand is rocking chairs. During the day, one person can do two such products.


For novice businessmen, business idea weaving from the vine is attractive in that it does not require large financial investments. The market of wicker products is still not fully saturated. Mainly consumers offer expensive imports of imported production. If you put the available prices, the demand for your products will be high. And this means that the business will bring a decent profit.

Losophellion arose in antiquity. For the long ages of its existence of the production of items necessary for the human life, it has become real. Weave are engaged in the world. For this occupation, the rattans and fiber of palm trees are used, even pine roots and paper, but the westers are the most common material. The variety of materials led to the emergence of various weaving techniques, items created in different parts of the world are unique and unlike their beauty and environmental friendliness.

Yves rod - an indispensable material to create extremely useful accessories in the farm. Capacities woven from Willow are well used to storing croup, they absorb and remove excessive moisture and do not interfere with air circulation. In addition, IVA contains bactericidal substances that prevent rotting. It has long been withering the bottles for wine to save it. Thanks to this "case", the optimal temperature is maintained, the drink does not overheat and is not cooled too much. The jugs, weaving, are used for the preparation of fermented dairy products. From the willow make baskets for fruits, candlers, bread mines, very beautiful and functional. Items from the vine are easily clean, without losing forms.

Wicker storage boxes Kitchen utensils - Interior decoration Wicker vases and cannons - Decoration of the interior of the candlers, breadnings and vases from the vine - Desk decoration

For storage of things, accessories, woven from willow, are also very good. Their variety is impressive - these are small boxes, and huge chests. Things in them do not fit and do not acquire an unpleasant smell. Wicker boxes and storage boxes are very decorated with interior.

Braided Storage Baskets - Beautiful and Functionally Wicker Chests - Interior Decoration

Baskets for needlework allow neatly storing numerous gloves, coils, patchworks, ribbons.

Wicker furniture

Wicker furniture - interior decoration. It is appropriate and in the country or in the winter garden, and in a luxury living room. It is suitable for home and for a restaurant. Furniture, woven from the vine, was used in the palace interiors, surprising the exquisite finish of silver and gold, and in simple houses. Classic English and French interiors are unthinkable without her. But the ventilat allows you to create a wide variety of forms that will include without disturbing the concept, and in the most radical interior. Wicker furniture is both cozy armchairs, and majestic sofas, and laconic stools, tea tables, and shelf, and even beds and children's playpens. Weaving are used as decoration for cabinets, tumb, chest.

Wicker Chairs, Table and Torsher - Decorating Interior Rocking Chair from Vine and Openwork Table - Cool in the interior Wicker shelf - Easy in the classic interior Braided table will decorate any interior

Wicker furniture is perfectly combined with wood and stone, with animal skins. She makes any room warmer and closer to man. No wonder it is traditionally used in premises intended for rest. Such furniture is very functional, it is very light, and at any time you can make a permutation. It never happens cold. It is convenient for people of all ages - it's both grandmother's rocking chair, and a baby cradle, and some kind of incomprehensible subject in the teenager's room.

Wicker Furniture - Cozy Cabinet for Tea Party Wicker Furniture - Garden Decoration, Veranda, Rooms Wicker Chair - Feeling Heat In the Interior Wicker Bed For Classic Bedroom Original Wicker Chairs - Raisin Design Original Wicker Chair for Modern Interior Braided Stool in the interior - beautiful and practical

Wicker houses for animals in the interior look very stylish, make room cozy, and usually very much like pets.

Braided Cat House - Interior Decoration

Braided decor items

Very decorate the interior woven from the vine lampshades for lamps, chandeliers, sconces.

Any picture or photography in a wicker frame looks like a masterpiece.

Frames for mirrors made from a jerk rod give the room of solidity, without depriving it at the same time.

Outdoor and desktop vases from the vine are very decorated with housing. They are ideal for dry compositions, but can also be used for live bouquets on a special moisturizing basis. Flower pots and shops are beautifully looking in the interior and comfortable for indoor plants.

Woven out of the vines floor vases - for different design styles Braided flower pot and pendant vases for decorating rooms Wicker charm for the kitchen - Return the evil spirits

Wall panels from the vine look very exotic, and the floor carpets are pleasant to the legs.

Braided sculptures for home and summer cottages

If the rear yard of your country house will decorate wicker sculptures, it will become more pleasant and lively. Wicker sculptures distinguish between the dimensions and constructive features of the models. These include: a statue, columns, crafts of animal figures, people or characters from fairy tales.

Animal figures from the vine. Wonderful decoration for a garden or a large room. Made by hand, they seem to live: under the influence of conditions, the poses are slightly changing, moving.

Peacock from the vine - the work of the Donetsk Masters

Wicker toys

A special place is occupied by wicker toys for children - sosales, horses, trolley. In contrast to sculptures, they rush out of the stronger branches, the ends of the rods are connected especially carefully so that the product does not fall apart and do not scratch the child.

Animals from the vine - baskets for toys

All wicker items are done manually, each of them is unique and in each - a particle of the master's soul. Therefore, rooms filled with such things become very cozy.

Vine car - for garden decoration Did you like the article? Share in social networks!

Vine is ancient material for weaving various devices: dishes, furniture and decorations. Recently, weaving from the vine as a type of creativity returns its popularity - the models again include environmentally friendly materials and natural motives in the decoration of home interior.

Types of products

Vine is a flexible malleable material, from which it is convenient to weigh a variety of household items. Most often the wizard is used by ventilation rods and a vine - they are the most flexible and strong enough, so as not to break in the working process.

Among the woven from the vine of products you can meet the following:

  • furniture - armchairs, tables, racks, large baskets for things;
  • dishes - baskets, trays, breadnings, vases;

  • decorating elements - floor vases, figurines, caskets, christmas decorations.

Baskets, tables and chairs from the vine Mastery more often than the other objects due to the simplicity of their design. In some cases, their creation is similar to weaving in the Macrame technique: the same technique of alternation of nodules and free parts of the threads.

Toys from the vine began to create in antiquity. But now this creativity has been revived due to the gaining momentum of love for environmental materials.

Types of creativity

This concept, many novice masters can confuse with weaving techniques from the vine. Weaving differs not only by ways to create it, but also in appearance and density of the rods. In addition, weaving from the vine of one type can combine different techniques.

Solid weaving

Classic view of the creation of products from the vine. With a solid weaving on the items there are no decorations in the form of openwork holes and patterns.

This species is used to create baskets, chairs and tables - due to the density of the rod adjustment, the product is well withstanding a lot of weight.

Openwork weaving

This species is characterized by a variety of openwork and twisted elements in the product. It can be slits, waves and loops.

Most often weave souvenir baskets, Sukhanitsa and vases of this species.

Twis weaving

This type of weaving was forgotten for a while. And only in recent years received a second breath. With it, it is created by miniature products like christmas toys and statuettes, armrests for furniture.

The peculiarity of this type of weaving from the vine is that the rods are not intertwined, and twisted with each other. In this case, a product is given a certain form.

Spiral weaving

High demands are made to products from this type of weaving, therefore, professionals are taken for its implementation. The rings from rods are taken as the basis, which are soaked through one special ribbon.

Vine in this case should be particularly flexible and not to leave the chances. Therefore, instead of a yawn vine, roots of ate or pine are often used to start spiral weaving. In addition, the diameter of the beginning and end of the rod must be almost the same so that the ring is uniform.

Ribbon for braid is cut out of the upper glossy layer of the Yves vine. It should be thin and elastic, but very strong.

There is also a figured type of weaving from the vine, which is based on a combination of several types of this creativity at once. As a result, the work in the master is not proper geometrically, but with corrugated edges in the form of waves.

Weaving techniques

Weaving from the vine is carried out on 1 simple principle - initially the master builds the framework of the products with long durable rods in the form of a fence. After that, thinner flexible twists are taken, which deteriorate the basis in a certain order, forming a pattern.

Currently, there are many different techniques for weaving products from the vine. In addition, for each part of the product - whether it is a bottom, walls or edge - your method is applied.

But the techniques presented below are considered the basic and most simple in performance. Therefore, beginners are advised initially to engage in their development, after which go to more complex.

Simple weaving

The easiest technique of weaving. In addition, it is universal - with its help you can make any kind of products.

To perform a simple way, start tangling with one vine frame bars through one: 1 rod in front, 1 - rear. In the next row, change the collapse of the brave - now the first plow is fluttered from behind, and the second one is in front, so that the ranks formed an interesting diagonal sequence.

To speed up the process and diversify the drawing, you can flip 2, 3 and more than the first sequence, and also 2 or 3 are second to increase the width of the resulting pattern.

Weaving by inclined rows

This technique is also called the layered method for creating products from the vine. In this case, the same amount of inclusive vines is taken as rods in the frame.

The first twist envelopes the first vine in the frame of the front, the second - rear, and the outlook of the product is displayed. Repeat so with each vine, gradually fluttered the layers of your work.

This method is better suited for circular weaving - creating a basket, luxury, large round shopping baskets.

For a variety of product patterns, you can also take 2 and 3 rods to perform one action.

Weaving rope

An interesting method of weaving from the vine, which is often used to separate 1 layer of patterns from the other. It is possible to weaving the rope from 2 or 3-bar. The pattern is obtained similar to a small twisted rope.

For weaving from the vine in two rods, come around 1 working rod 1 carriage of the frame from the back and output. Repeat the action every time the upper rod, which has just been used, pressing the bottom.

Weaving in 3 vines is based on a slightly different way - you need to go back not alone, but two kolaska frame, and not from behind, but from the outside. After that, the vine envelopes the third riser from the inside and is displayed out. Weaving in 3 vines can also be used for circular braid products.

Wreath of Jews Vine: Master Class

If you have never tried your strength in creating complex twisted products from the vine, but you really want to learn this type of needlework, start with the simplest - weaving wreaths for decorating the interior.

This master class does not require special knowledge in the field of weaving. At the same time, he will help you learn how to handle it with Ives rods in work.

Collect Yves rods with a length of 30-60 centimeters and clean them from the upper glossy layer. Forty items will be enough for creating 2-3 wreaths. After that, soak the vine in water for about 4 hours so that it becomes more flexible. This preparatory stage is over - you can start work.

  • From the first twist gossip ring. To do this, the slim end of the rods start wrecking around the thick part.

  • Take the second element and pull it around the first one.

  • Spicy and fix a thin tip between the grits formed by the wreath.

  • By the same technology, start wrapping the rods around the foundation already formed.

Pre-made wreaths Leave to dry in a warm dry place for about 3-5 days. After that, they can be used as a finished decor element or base in a more complex master class. Such blanks are often used to create wreaths on Halloween or New Year.

Toys! For a small child, they are of great importance. He spends a lot of time with them. He can even consider them alive. This is his wealth, his treasure! Through them he knows the world. And it would be stupid to underestimate their importance in the life of the baby and belongs to them casually. Toys need to be kept clean, periodically inspect them for breakdowns. And it would be nice to be stored in a special basket, and not in the box from the TV. Favorite bunny or teddy bear can not live in an old box. Therefore, we suggest you to blame basket for toys from the vine. Made from environmentally friendly materials, she will decorate the interior of any room and bring joy to children.

To work, you will need such materials.
1. The plywood sheet is 40x60 cm.
2. Drill, drill, nail, hammer, simple pencil and ruler.
3. Bamboo sticks with a diameter of 4 mm and a height of 30-45 cm.
4. Glue for wood or superchalter.
5. Long booby boaches.
6. Sustained Willowers.
7. 3 m decorative twisted rope from sea grass. You can buy it in large building supermarkets.
8. Varnish to open wooden water-based products and brush.
9. Cute cotton fabric with a children's pattern of 1.5x1.5 m.
10. 2.15 m Lace and 1.5 m of gum.

Getting to the weaving basket for toys
1. Take a plywood sheet of 40x60 cm and 1 cm thick. It must be rounded. Mark on the end of plywood holes for pigtails from the vine that will decorate it. The holes should be located at a distance of 2 cm from each other and have a diameter of 3.5 mm. The bending "Spit" will have 4 rods in the upper waves and 6 branches in the lower. In each hole you need to insert 2 pntures of the shrub vine. The bending "braid" begins with a weaving by 4 spots. Therefore, at the place of its start, you need to note three times for 2 holes as close as possible to each other. These pairs of holes will be at a distance of 2 cm from each other, like other single holes. In each hole, make a dent with a nail and hammer. This will facilitate the process of drilling holes.

2. On the surface of the plywood pulp for the basket also need to be placed holes for the main racks. The diameter of them will correspond to the diameter of bamboo sticks, since they will serve as racks in the basket for toys. Seam them with a pencil and ruler at a distance of 3 cm from each other.

3. Drill the intended holes. The depth of them on the end of plywood will be equal to about 1-1.5 cm. The holes on the surface of the plywood is better not to do through that the bottom of the basket has a beautiful, smooth look.
4. Glowing the bending "Spit" on the end of the plywood donkey.
5. Take bamboo sticks and put them on the glue into the holes drilled on the surface. Give adhesion to dry. We took bamboo sticks with a length of 30 cm. This is not entirely convenient, since the basket will be higher and bamboo racks will have to increase in the weaving process. Well, if you find on sale like chopsticks with a height of 40-45 cm.
6. Take 3 Long Yves Prubs and start one for three racks. Peering around bamboo racks rope in 3 rods.
7. When the rope height reaches 5 cm, go to the layering weaving in 5 rods. To do this, start for each rack of 5 long yav rods and penetrate 25 cm up the layer weaving. We took here a booby boaches here in order for the inner surface of the basket for toys, it turned out as few rod buildings. Although you can do and shorter shrubs of Shrunt Willow.

8. Having finished layering a layering in 5 rods, we penetrate a pair of rows with a simple weaving.
9. Now retreat 4 cm up and again gossip 2 rows with the same rope. 4 cm of bare bamboo racks form peculiar squares, which will continue to perform the function of the basket handles.
10. Peering 2 cm up the rope of 3 rods.
11. Carefully fasten the ends of the rope and go to build racks for the bending "Rogging" of three pairs of rods. To do this, cut bamboo racks and increase them in one rack from the rods of shrub willow. Range to start deeply. So that they come to the lower rows woven from the rope of sea grass.
12. Glow the bending "Rogging" of three pairs of rods.
13. Weaving baskets are completed. Open it with water based lacquer. It is not so toxic as a solvent-based lacquer. Therefore, it is often used to open children's furniture.

14. While the lacquer dries, sew the lining for the basket. Tissue lining plays an important role in the basket for toys. She closes the places where the rods were increasing, and thus protects the children's fingers from unpleasant contact with them. Also, the lining does not allow to pollute the basket itself. If necessary, the lining at any time can be removed and wrapped. Just reveal the fabric so that its parts correspond to the size of the interior sides of the basket and would slightly expand up. Leave a couple of centimeters on the seams. And also add 10 cm to the lining height. It is necessary so that it can bend outside the basket and fix on it using an elastic band.

15. She sewed all the cuttings, you will get a kind of bag. Generate and step up its edges so that it turns out a hole for gum.
16. Tighten the rubber band into the bag.
17. On the perimeter of the lining of the lace.

18. From the remnants of the tissue, we cut the thick tape and make a beautiful bow in the center of the basket from it.

Wicker basket for toys is ready! Hurry to please the child!

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