Repairs Design Furniture

Projects of country houses from a bar with a veranda: profitable and cheap. Dutcha projects: We are looking for an economical and durable version The best projects of country houses with a terrace

The cost of the house is not a celebrating question. Having bought a plot, many owners reveal that the forces for the construction of a large capital structure no longer left. If for the acquisition, entry into the inheritance, processing the site (for example, it was necessary to drain, to ride the ground, align) People have already taken a loan, then it is no longer possible to assemble a large amount for the construction.

Check out in such situations inexpensively standing houses for the site - prices for Turnkey's country houses begin from 135 thousand rubles. At the same time, everything you need is already provided in the design. Such a household house can be put on the plot in the right place - small dimensions make it convenient and practical.

Variants of inexpensive country houses

Today, they are in demand as miniature, dimensions of 2x2.3 m, structures and solid. Among the basic solutions there are even options up to 7x2.3 m (more than 16 square meters. M, the cost of the house is 160 thousand). Solid houses - 6x6, 6x5 m. True, and the cost of them above - 176-303 thousand. The obvious plus is the rate of assembling such a house on the site, because it takes only 2 days.

Price for basic configuration

In the prices you will see that the cost is indicated for the basic configuration. Order such or search for additional options depends on a number of factors. The fact is that in the minimum set there is already everything you need:

  • framework;
  • base;
  • insulation 50 mm;
  • factory windows and doors with amplification and handle;
  • roofing, rafter system;
  • single roof;
  • rough and finishing floors;
  • finishing with eurryandy outside and inside.

At the same time, you do not need to worry about practically anything in your country house: it comes and is installed "turnkey", it is inexpensive and ready for accommodation. The price becomes final for those who are not worried about the finish (ready to just paint, cover with varnish or impregnate the wall with an antiseptic floor, floor), does not need to arrange the bathroom and it directs the electrician.

What is worth paying for?

The house should be cozy, even if it is cheap: Prices for country turnkey houses are indicated for the basic configuration, but not all owners are ready to mess around with the installation of the pallet, the organization of the bathroom, conducting electrical wiring. And this means that it is worth seeing to options.

Supplements include a variety of solutions. In Moscow and MO in summer houses, for example, most appreciated:

    Plumbing, shower, toilet.

    Additional insulation of the house so that it remains inexpensive and beautiful, but it was cozy.

    Replacing the roof on tin, metal tile.

    Installation of double glazing (warmer windows), as well as sings, gratings on the windows.

    Expansion of the doorway.

    Installation within the house of bunk beds, baby beds, ready-made shelves, etc.

    The decorated porch with railings, steps, a visor that protects against bad weather.

How to choose a country house

To get a qualitative solution, it is important to think about even the little things. Yes, ready-made country housekeeping houses are inexpensive - prices for them are very affordable. Surprisingly, many can afford to buy a house literally from one salary! But the purchase is not only reasonable, but also a pleasant, future building must be chosen correctly.

This means you have to drive up (by public transport, the warehouse is in Moscow within walking distance from the stop) and see with its own eyes, feel. Do not believe the beautiful picture - come and see for yourself that even inexpensive, the standing country house at a reasonable price can be reliable, strong, environmentally friendly (made of natural wood) and the most thoughtful.

As a rule, everything begins with the acquisition of the country area, after which work on its layout and development begins. What a cottage without a house, as well as without designer design of the territory. In order not to strain much, the article presents the projects of houses for the cottage of various designs, which will certainly help in solving a difficult task on building a house in the country area.

Many who decided to build a house on the country site, like projects with a veranda or terrace. Such a platform, especially with the coverage, it will never be superfluous, since here you can always hide, both from the heat and rain, as well as from other negative manifestations of nature. In addition, on the site you can always go on your affairs, as there are no extra furniture and other things that can interfere with the process itself.

Country house with a veranda and terrace

Projects on the general foundation

Dual houses are distinguished by sizes, so you can pick up a house, with a total area of \u200b\u200babout 24 square meters, and there are 8 meters of square on the veranda, and the remaining 16 square meters falls on the house. Moreover, it is excluding the thickness of the walls. If we take into account the thickness of the walls, the area of \u200b\u200bthe premises will be slightly less.

Not a big country house with a veranda and a san node

Such a project is designed to operate at home and in winter. The entrance through the veranda is used in the warm time, and for the inlet in the winter there is a vestibule. This project also provides a shower, washbasin and toilet, which is an indisputable advantage of this project. In the absence of sewage in the country, it is better to pay attention to the project with a biothet.

There is also such an option: with one room where kitchen lockers and a stove are located, while there is one bed and ability to install the dining table. Naturally, such a planning is suitable for accommodating one person, although a couple of people can fit if you set the appropriate sleeping facilities. The bathroom in the house is not provided, so the toilet should be located on the street. On the street you can also set the summer shower.

Little house with a veranda and common roof

The planning of houses for giving, an area of \u200b\u200bup to 40 square meters is not distinguished by complexity and are usually made from one, maximum of 2 rooms. One of the rooms is used as a kitchen and dining area. The second room is a sleeping, where 2 people are easily located. Therefore, such houses are calculated with the condition that the maximum of 2 people will live in them. It does not mean at all that it is impossible to come up with a larger number of people live in them: the main thing is that there was a roof above the head.

House with San Nodders and an open terrace

With a limited family budget, you can stop your choice on structures having a single-piece roof. Naturally, they do not differ so attractive appearance and more similar to small outlets (stalls), but due to the roof design, the cost of such houses is significantly lower. At the same time, it should be paid to the bias of the roof, taking into account the magnitude of the snow cover.

Medium house with a closed winter veranda

The photo above presents a house project for giving, which is characterized by several large sizes. The project is attractive in that it has a glazed, winter veranda.

Most dachensons prefer to have a glazed veranda, and for recreation, they are equipped with a gazebo. This project is characterized by the fact that the veranda represents the continuation of the living room, although it is not problematic here to establish a partition. In general, this project is considered comfortable and comfortable, with traditional layout. All rooms are separate here, there is a bathroom, as well as a corridor. In other words, there are all living conditions at the cottage at any time of the year.

Projects on a separate foundation

When the house with the veranda is located on the general foundation, then such an approach is more reliable, since even the spring is not observed in the spring. And yet such projects are more costly. As a rule, such approaches are more justified in cases where the house is being built on a complex soil, prone to bent. In other cases, when there are normal soils, more economically build a veranda on a separate, simpler foundation. Such a project is presented below.

Cottage house with a built veranda

A similar approach allows you to attach a veranda to any construction, and this can be done, both at the design stage and a little later, if the means do not allow.

With an attached veranda on a separate foundation

The veranda can be quite small, and can take a completely part of the house. In some cases, the veranda applies to 2, and then on 3 sides of the house. The photo above shows an open site of small sizes. The veranda in this case can be attached using a separate foundation, but, depending on the size, it should not expect much savings.

With a devounted terrace

Nowadays, the concept of comfort has become more realistic, so I do not want anyone to have "convenience" in the yard. The presence of a bathroom for many is the main criterion for choosing a project despite the fact that it is necessary to engage in the arrangement of an individual sewage system. Naturally, it is not for each project to really "push" the bathroom, especially if there are restrictions on the area.

Projects with mansard

Quite often comes to mind to build a house with an attic. The costs are at the same time, although increasing, but slightly, since the second floor represents nothing more than a modified roof. If the attic is planned to be operated year-round, then this difference in the amount may be completely imperceptible. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the attic floor requires the same insulation as the lower, which significantly increases the costs of construction. In addition, the expenses for the heating of the attic floor are significantly increasing.

House with Mansandrara

Mansards from bustling roofs

The country house with a summer attic will cost cheaper, but in particularly hot days without thermal insulation on the second floor it will be incredibly hot. This requires not such a serious layer of thermal insulation, as for the conditions of winter accommodation.

House with a veranda and mansandra

The presented projects of country houses are designed exclusively for seasonal accommodation, since there are exclusively residential rooms. The kitchen corner is usually located on the lower floor.

House for two residential rooms with Mansandra

Below you can see a small house plan for giving, about 25 square meters square, with a separate kitchen. At the same time, the porch is on the plan, and it is attached later.

House with Mansandra and Kitchen

All these houses are designed in the form of framework buildings, but if you slightly change such projects, they can be built from any building material. The only thing that will have to revise is the type of foundation, taking into account the thickness of the walls and the increased load on the foundation.

House with indoor veranda and mansandra

It is very easy to turn the covered veranda in the open, although many spoke at a completely opposite desire. Having attached an open veranda, the walls are built on half a height and glazed, mounted single frames. If you open all the windows, then it is not a problem to breathe fresh air.

At the same time, on the veranda, it is permissible to organize either the kitchen or summer dining room.

Methods for increasing the area of \u200b\u200bthe attic floor

Almost all projects of houses for cottages with mansard floors are designed to drive a duplex roof. This is not surprising, since such a design does not allow on the roof to linger the snow. In addition, the rafter system is quite simple, as well as functional, since it allows you to organize, albeit a small but complete room on the second floor. At the same time, at the edges, as well as in the upper part, enough useful space is lost, although it is permissible to organize lockers for storing various things, mostly seasonal destinations.

Duscate roof reduces the useful area

If you make a roof of a broken, then you can increase the useful space. At the same time, it is necessary to think well, since the complex roof is much more expensive, and the useful area will add quite a bit.

Increase space due to the broken roof

Increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe attic floor is possible by another way, which comes down to the fact that the walls are elevated above the second floor. This method is called to build the wall in the "one and a half of the floor". This is also a good option, especially since it is suitable for houses with year-round accommodation. In this case, the roof design can be any, but the complex roof "broken" gives a greater effect.

Example of one hundredth floor

Choosing a house project with an attic, when it is not planned frequent, and the more year-round visitor, it is better to give preference to cold attic, making the overlapping insulated. It is desirable that the second floor for the winter closed tightly, otherwise all the heat will leave from the first floor, as in the pipe, and warm up two floors in the winter simply, especially since there will be a lot of fuel, which means the means. As a rule, during the winter period, the cottage is rarely visited, and and fewer people.

Two-storey cottages: project options

Naturally, the construction of a two-story house or giving will cost more, somewhere percent of 60. This is due to the fact that the foundation is needed anyway, like the roof, regardless of the number of floors. The only problem is the technical side, since it is much more dangerous to carry out work at the height of the second floor, and even more so on the roof that will be at the level of the third floor.

Despite some problems, many give preference to two-storey buildings. Bribes the fact that with a lack of a useful area on the site, you can take 2 times less space, building a house in 2 floors, while retaining its functionality.

Two-storey house with a attached garage

The project, which is presented above, is designed to use aerated concrete or ceramic blocks. If the site is pulled in length, then this project is most practical. Especially conveniently located auxiliary garage, from which you can immediately go to the house. As already noted above, this project saves the useful space of the site, which is always missing.

This optional layout involves the placement of the spacious terrace on the back side. Her area is not included in the house area. This house is not similar to other houses that managed to achieve at the expense of interesting design. Especially attractive is a huge window that occupies a century and a half, a garage in the form of a cube, as well as a canopy in front of the house. These elements do not decide on the cost of the construction, making it unique in its kind.

Here the garage is attached with a side of the house

Above, another project is presented, which may be interested in owners of country sites, having a square shape or more widely, rather than narrow. The basis of the project is a house, an area of \u200b\u200babout 100 square meters. Here the garage is located on the side of the two-storey house. The unique view is obtained due to the high windows of the second floor, as well as the selection of finishing material, in light beige and brown tones. This project can be considered no less interesting.

This house has a balcony around the perimeter of the second floor

Another choice of a two-story house for the cottage presented above may be interesting. A non-standard solution is associated with a balcony that is located around the perimeter of the entire building. An open extensive terrace is located on the back of the construction. The roof is complex, four-tie, which makes the project more expensive, but the project is generally unique.

Projects with Bay

Many dacifics dream of having their bathrooms on the plot, although a little to bathe in it solely with her family. Some dackets do it, remove a small bath separately on the site. Strike another construction in the country area is not economical. It's much easier to stay under the bath a place in the country house, making the entrance from the side of the bathroom in the steam room. Although it is necessary to remember that the bath is a flammable room and its finish requires a serious approach. It will not hurt the exit to the street (extra) to get to the street to get on the street and cool in the river, in the snow or in the pool.

Draft House with Bay

For the steam room, 4-meters square, but it is better to stay 2 times more. Naturally, having reducing the place under the steam room, will have to abandon common comfort, because the number of living space will decrease. The best option is a house with a shroud floor. The photo below shows one of the options.

House with Bath and Mansandra

Unfortunately, the layout is not entirely successful because the stove is installed in such a way that it will be trapped from another room. In this case, this is a living room. We'll have to wear fuel far, and this is an additional rubbish, which is not quite pleasant as for rest.

The layout of the house does not provide for kitchens, which is not at all clear, although the kitchen can be formed in a large room, and move the bedrooms to the attic floor. The kitchen is also permissible to place in the same room. In the big room, rest is always nice.

Small houses: budget options

Small sizes of houses for giving are designed using framework construction technology. The same amount will cost the houses built from foam block and aerated concrete, but this technology is not in demand.

Little country house

Frame technology: Dacha house projects

Frame technology is the rapid construction of a house in the country. Moreover, such a technology is available for self-construction, although you can buy a ready-made factory house. This approach allows for a short time and for small means to have a house in the country.

Small house frame

Naturally, the cheapest projects represent the houses in the form of a square or rectangle. If there are at least some protrusions, it greatly appreciates the project, since the cost of building the foundation, on the walls, as well as on the roof, since it is already complex.

House with kitchen San by a nodel and summer veranda

For those who visit the cottage in the winter, you will need a vestibule, because without it heat will be distant from the house if you walk there. It can be attached or embedded in the house, if it allows its area. This solution will save a lot of fuel.

Construction Materials

As a rule, wood is considered the most common building material, or rather a bar and logs. The advantage of this building material is the ability to quickly build a small house. Its disadvantage is a long shrinkage, which is associated with the initial humidity of the building material. This process may continue up to the year, which is delayed by the process of finishing work. Such a shortage is devoid of surrounding logs and glued timber, but the construction of a country house from these building materials will cost 2 times more expensive.

Little Brous House

As a rule, the smallest houses for giving have an area of \u200b\u200b16 square meters (size somewhere 4x4 meters). The planning is the simplest, because only one room is obtained. At the same time, the houses may have some differences associated with the location and number of windows, which is associated with orientation on the sides of the light. Therefore, the number of options is limited.

Houses, about 24 meters square meters (4x6 meters) are more comfortable, since it is possible to arrange a kitchen, although they also do not differ in the variety of planning.

Not a big house 6 on 4

Such dimensions do not differ in economy, if we build them from a bar or logs, the standard length of which is 6 meters, so the decision suggests itself: it is necessary to build a house, with dimensions of 6x6 meters, otherwise there will be many expensive waste. Smaller domic sizes require a non-standard approach, as well as non-standard building materials whose quality is more than doubtful. There is another option that will select a lot of time, but less means. It comes down to the fact that over the course of several years it is necessary to make the workpiece of all the necessary building materials and at one fine moment "pops up" the house. After many years of expectations from the appearance of a house in the country of joy, there will simply be a limit. As a rule, they did it before, because units could afford in a short time to build a house at the cottage.


What a cottage without a house, although there are such options, but extremely rarely, since at least some kind of shelter, both from the heat and rain, are needed. Few dackets live in the country throughout the season, but on the weekend almost all owners of country sites spend time at the cottage. Therefore, the house is necessary necessary, and not so much in order to hide against bad weather, but also in order to spend the night of the family. Naturally, on the weekend you need to eat something, so at least a primitive kitchen corner, but necessary. Once needed a kitchen and there is a need to somehow live a couple of days at the cottage, then you need furniture and sleeping facilities that need to be hidden somewhere during the lack of owners in the country, as well as other utensils, such as gardening and garden Tools, etc. Based on similar conditions, the owner solves what size the house is needed. Even in the case when the family appears in the country only on the weekend, it is hardly possible to get rid of minimal dimensions. Therefore, everyone tries to build a house at the cottage with a look at the perspective: what if the guests complain about the weekend, etc., and if they want to spend the night, etc. In this case, a small house is an idea unprotected, especially if there are means.

It is not surprising that recently the two-storey houses like mushrooms after the rain. If there are extra money, why not invest in real estate, which has always been relevant. Not only cannot be returned to the invested funds, you can always rest in the country, you can always relax and gain strength in two weekends. And if for the summer in general to move to the cottage, then it is generally charm, especially if there is something to get to the place of work. Of course, not everyone can afford a similar luxury, although the country, like the car can not be considered a luxury. Still, at the cottage, you can relax and at least for a while you forget about the problems that surrounded by a person from all sides in the conditions of megacities.

In the conditions of small cities, there are no less problems, so it's good if there is where to retire with your family for the weekend. In addition, the change in the situation is positive effect on the moral and psychological state of the person. In most citizens, work is mainly sitting, which quickly tires a person, so in the country there is an opportunity to load yourself physically, having worked on a summer cottage, causing flowers behind the strawberries, behind cucumbers, for tomatoes, etc. The summer cottage is a great place to relax and restore forces and energy. Therefore, it is not surprising that many people never save on their rest, since there is nothing more expensive for health and money, even saved, you will not buy it.

Projects of houses and cottages with terrace - the best solution for those who like to spend free time in the fresh air. In each of them there is a special recreation area that connects the inner premises of the structure and the local territory.

Nuances Construction of houses with a terrace

The terrace is an additional extension to the cottage performed in the form of a platform or flooring. It provides not only practicality, but also visual aesthetics of the structure. Depending on the project, the terrace can be open or closed (glazed).

We draw your attention to several nuances:

  • The terrace can be located on either side of the world, but the best choice will be the southern windless direction.
  • To protect against scorching sunlight, high temperatures and summer heat in the open area, a folding canopy can be installed.
  • Closed terraces are equipped with windows or initially performed from tempered glass of high strength.

Open terraces are an opportunity to spend hours in the fresh air, but closed areas are more functional, because they can be used even in the cold season.

Choosing a project

The construction company "Country season" offers construction of houses with a terrace in Moscow and the Moscow region. Our catalog presents ready-made typical projects for land plots of various shapes and areas. During construction, exclusively qualitative materials that are distinguished by reliability and durability are applied.

Can't choose a suitable project of the future at home? Contact our experts in any convenient way and get professional advice on questions of interest!

Projects of country houses From the construction company the world of cottages. Noisy urban life with time begins to tire its dynamism and speed. But not everyone has the opportunity to go to rest abroad or at least to the native sea coast. Yes, and, which sin to hone, modern citizens rarely find a minute even to leaving kebabs to the nearest forest or on the lake with children. Therefore, for many, a small country garden house becomes real panacea from the bustle and Gary Megapolis.

Many of us more than once with longing watched dacha at home photos of which can be found on the pages of fashion magazines or on the Internet and dreamed of getting this small piece of country happiness. But there will be an opinion that whatever attractive houses of whose photos of which you watched, but the reality beats the pocket, not allowing the opportunity to carry out the desired one. Although, these are only excuses, in fact, modern construction companies have long been offering fairly budget projects of country houses, intended for people of medium wealth.

Free drawings and photos of projects of country houses You can look at the company's website. It would seem why to apply to a construction company to build country houses for projects, which, you can easily find on the Internet, and even pay for this fabulous amounts. You can also download the desired project or program for its development, plan the construction and hire a brigade of cheap low-skilled builders. Of course, in the end, you will get your country house for permanent residence. But the question is how much the quality will be this construction and how much money you have to spend on materials purchased on the advice from the Internet or from the closer prolage. Therefore, it is better, all the same, do not feel fate and build a country house turnkey.

What advantages have country houses of which are designed by specialized firms with a full-fledged staff of qualified employees.

  1. During the project development, the future owner of the house, and the technical recommendations of the specialist are taken into account. Thus, you can be sure that in the end result you will have not only a beautiful country house. The project of which you have approved, but also correctly subordinated communications, reliable foundation, etc.
  2. The speed of construction. Firms that have long been in the construction services market, try to fulfill all the tasks set by the client as soon as possible. After all, they do not need to look for a store with cheap construction materials, transport for their delivery, workers.
  3. Warranty. Big firms are worried about their market reputation and ready to confirm the quality of their work giving legal guarantees. Having such paper in the arms will be much easier for you to prove that errors were made during the construction and demand compensation in the event of their presence.

After you have purchased a small plot of six acres, it is extremely important to develop a house project and its location. At the same time, it is necessary to plan everything in the complex, since various types of landscape design require certain conditions for the choice of material to build a building.

If accommodation in the house in the cold season is not assumed, it makes sense to consider options with a small house of the house. This will significantly save the territory of the landing site or create a unique landscape design.

Before construction, it is important to explore all the main requirements for the construction of objects on the land plot:

  1. Buildings should be located no closer than five meters from the border of the site and three meters from the neighbors territory.
  2. Between your house and neighboring buildings, the distance should not exceed six meters.
  3. The sections of the site should be raised to the height of no more than one and a half meters.
  4. Toilet, cesspools can be located at a distance of not closer to fifteen meters from residential buildings or water sources (well, well).

What kind of house project to choose?

Before starting construction work, you need to decide on the size of the house. The most relevant size can be considered if the building will be located:

  1. Living room (or several rooms).
  2. Kitchen.
  3. Terrace (open or closed veranda).

Conditionally all projects of houses can be divided into three types:

Country house with a bath under one roof

Projects of houses with a bath mainly make in two versions. Each, of which must meet the Main Requirement - combining two buildings with different functions.

In the first version, the room for the steam room and the washing office are placed on the first floor, and the rest is located on the second.

When applying the second method, a bath is attached to the residential building. It can be placed directly next to the house or connect with it a small tambour.

Common between these methods is the presence of one roof.

It is important to understand that in the construction of such a structure, additional heat and waterproofing materials must be applied.

The undoubted advantage of such buildings should include the possibility of creating a unified communication system. This will allow the bathhouse all year round without having to carry water and firewood.

Dimensions of residential buildings

The smallest residential country buildings are 4 per 4 m, the houses are smaller than doing no sense. The layout in this version is very simple - one room.

From each other, such houses may differ only in the number of windows and the location in relation to the parties of light. Doors are preferably placed in the middle or from the end of the building. The area is about 16 square meters.

Built up the size of 6 x 3 m. It will be a little more, about 18 square meters. The layout can already include a place for cooking.

The above options are unlikely to be optimal. Bruce or log houses in size 6 x 3 m are much more in demand. It is explained simply - the length of the bar (logs) is six meters.

In addition, a small kitchen can already be designed in the house. In the summer house of 6 x 4 m. You can build a small tambour (or bathroom).

If we talk about residential buildings 6 x 4 m., It is quite realistic to place another room or living room.

Materials used for the construction of country houses and their durability

  1. Frame houses.

The most common way to build. According to statistics more than seventy percent of country houses frame or panel. Early quickly, for the country season. The minimum construction time, without finishing and installing the foundation, can be a month and a half.

The frame is squeezed from the inner and outer side inexpensive material (plywood, OSP or lining).

The insulation is stacked between the trimmed material. Advantages - the ability to hold and rebuild the design. Not bad option for price / quality ratio. Under the compliance with the construction and regular processing, special antiseptic compositions are rather durable.

  1. Houses from the cut.

The second prevalence method of construction. When buying a ready-made log (taking into account the time required to build the foundation), it is realistic to build a house for 3-4 months.

Important! The building will take about six months on the shrinkage.

Build a house can be independently, the design of the construction is not complicated. Like any construction of a tree, a house can be easily complete or re-posted. Durable, subject to processing by bioprotective materials. Environmentally, with proper operation, it may be a single decade.

Not bad option. True will require close attention to the assembly process. When fulfilling all the recommendations of professionals, the owner has the right to count on warm and reliable housing.

  1. Country houses from timber.

Very popular way. In construction, a solid, profiled timber is applied.

The assembly is carried out from the finished bars, so the period of construction will be 2-3 months. Taking into account the bookmark of the foundation. As in the case of the houses from the church, the time for shrinkage will be about six months. As a rule, houses are manufactured and collected by professionals.

If you ourselves decided to build such a house, the manufacturer's guarantee is not provided. Advantages - warm; reliable; do not require finish; the possibility of upgrading; durability; environmental friendliness; Beautiful appearance. Disadvantage - high cost.

  1. Brick projects.

Brick structures are not afraid of temperature differences and adverse natural factors (precipitation, strong wind). However, such a way has a number of shortcomings: brick - quite expensive building material; The process of building a house can take a long time. Dignity - the service life of the cottage from the brick can be several decades without special preventive measures.

Important! With the erection of such buildings, special attention should be paid to the optimal temperature regime - the increased humidity is invalid.

In addition, due to the essential mass of the brick, the construction of capital foundation is required. The best option is a monolithic base.

  1. Houses from gas silicate blocks.

The main reason for which such material is chosen is a low price. Cheaper bricks about twice.

Important! The blocks are fragile, so when transporting you need to be especially careful.

Used when erecting outdoor walls. The outer cover will be required, as the look of a naked house is not present. It is best to apply materials with high moisture resistance and deformation resistance. For example: siding or facing clinker brick.

Low price material. The mass of the block directly depends on the quality used in its manufacture of cement mortar. The maximum number of floors is 2-3.

Advantages - frost resistance; safety; Low thermal conductivity; simplicity in processing; acceptable sound insulation; The rapid exhibition.


  • specific choice of funds for finishing, not all materials will be suitable;
  • no possibility to screw the screws, since the blocks have a cellular structure;
  • increased requirements for moisture insulation.
  1. Houses from Sibita.

Sibit is a type of aerated concrete. It is characterized by special strength, separately with its own properties resembles wood. The material is light, perfectly preserving heat. By thermal insulation properties exceeds bricks three times.

  • low material strength;
  • on partitions and walls, heavy cabinets and shelves should not be hung (there will be special fasteners).

Thus, it can be concluded that the most economical option is frame houses.

Approximate prices for country houses

When choosing an option with a frame or frame-paired house, an approximate price will be from 11 thousand rubles per square meter. Building a wooden house box will cost about 13,000 rubles. for one m2. The structure of foam concrete blocks will have to pay from 15 thousand rubles. For 1 m2. Brick house - 18000 / m2. Thus, knowing the total area of \u200b\u200bthe designed house, calculate the final cost of the construction of labor will not be. But these are only the cost of building walls. To this amount, it will be necessary to add funds to the foundation, insulation, the cost of laying the roof, the inner decoration of the premises.

In Moscow and the Moscow region, there are a huge number of proposals for the sale of ready-made country turnkey houses. Example: Domain with dimensions Width / Depth / Height - 6000/6000/3020 From glued timber Sold for 367,000 rubles.

The final value of the house depends on your preferences on the choice of additional options and may increase in two, and even three times.

Choosing foundation

  1. Foundation columnal - One of the most common. Consists of blurred posts in the land. The upper part, protruding, is aligned horizontally.

Poles must be installed at the corners of the building, under the walls and partitions. The distance between them is recommended to withstand 1-2.5 meters. Poles, as a rule, are exhibited from bricks or concrete blocks. It is used when building frame-shield structures, log cabins and timers.

  • economy;
  • speed of construction;
  • applies only for light buildings;
  • cannot be used on moving soils.
  1. Ribbon foundation Fully repeats the outlines of the house, and ensures the stability and reliability of the structure. It is a ribbon of reinforced concrete or brick. One part of such a foundation is in the ground, the other on the surface. This allows you to shut down the garage or cellar under the construction. But only in the case of the use of a bellped type of foundation. Conditionally, such a foundation is divided into finely swallowed (50-80 cm.) And beugoons (over 80 cm.).

Used in the construction of any type of cottage.

  • reliability and durability;
  • high bearing capacity;
  • wide scope.
  • relatively high price:
  • labor consumption.

  • clogged;
  • printed;
  • drill;
  • screw.

They are driven or screwed into the soil until they should be disappeared into the dense layer of the Earth.

  1. Monolithic foundation - Reinforced base laid on a specially equipped cushion from gravel and sand. Suitable absolutely for any soil, will withstand the load from any country house. Lack only one is a high price.