Repairs Design Furniture

How to restore the old chair with your own hands. How to repair wheeled wooden chairs Restoration of chairs at home

Hello, friends! Today, for a while, forget about the universal problems, turmoil in the economy, about and other global topics.

I want to offer you if you have a little extra money, free time and the desire to do something with your own hands, a little bit to change the interior in your home.

Actually, I do not like to keep old things in my apartment. But somehow it happened that, with a total update of the interior after another protracted repair, four old stools remained standing in the kitchen.

At first I gave myself a promise in a short time to replace them with new and stylish. But they stuck in our family, they became almost "relatives" and I did not somehow decide to throw them into a landfill.

Then, looking attentively to them, I thought: "And they are not so bad - wooden, strong, well, except that the upholstery has already been blocked and not quite suitable in color to our new kitchen."

And if so, I decided to act and repair the old chairs with my own hands. In truth, not my husband, but my husband's hands.

He is a big craftsman and everything he does, makes only a sign of quality (let's drink a little bit). Therefore, I tried this work without hesitation.

Since we needed to replace only the upholstery of the chair, and the rest of his wooden parts did not need to repair (except something to update the lacquer coating), we bought:

  • Fabric for furniture upholstery - 1x1.40 m. This tissue was just enough for 4 stools and still remained a little (subsequently for the battery of the Purph). When choosing, focused on quality, texture and suitable color. Buying fabrics cost us 360 rubles.
  • Porolon. We decided not to use the old foam, and buy a new one and make chairs a little softer. Foam rubber sold only by sheets. 1 Such a sheet of 1x2 m size, thickness - 20 mm. His purchase cost us 240 rubles.
  • A piece of plywood with a thickness of 6 mm, approximately the size of 1x1 m. Plywood remained from repair.
  • Stapler furniture and for him special brackets. We didn't buy it either, so it was all already.
  • There was still a small wooden paler. From it were peaked small pieces, approximately 2 cm wide and 10 cm long. And several screws to fasten them.
  • Water-based wood varnish (we also had).

Sequence of work:

  • Removed old sitting

  • In the size of the old seating, new billets were drunk (if the old plywood in good condition can be left)

  • On the same sizes, pieces of foam rubber were carved. In order for our chairs to be soft, foam rubbed in 2 layers

  • We started cutting fabric. The fabric was also cut on the size of the seating, but at the same time 5 cm for bending was added from all sides.

Everything. We have prepared all the workpieces.

Start assembly

We make such a kind of layer pie from our billets: first - the fabric, then the foam and the base of the stool chair.

In order for the seat did not move on the chair and was well fixed, on the paneur from the bottom side, adhesive wooden shears were screwed.

Fixed with a furniture stapler fabric on the back of the base.

All - our beautiful and soft seating is ready.

And so, admire that we did:

Chairs are almost like new. Beautiful upholstery is very well combined with wallpaper and facades on kitchen cabinets. In addition, they turned into mild.

And all this cost us just 600 rubles. Well, in which store you buy four wooden stools for the money?

How do you like this savings? I really liked it. Needless to repair.

Ah, yes, I completely forgot that there was a little cloth left, and I wanted to use it for a blunt cover. But about this next time.

And what secrets of the interior update do it yourself do you have? Bye Bye…

If you discovered that an old chair was completely strained, do not hurry to throw it away. Often old furniture items carry pleasant memories of people and events in your family's life. And what kind of sin to hide? Previously, the furniture was done on the century ...

Do not rush to throw away the old chair. If you update it upholstery, you can get a stylish, beautiful and durable piece of interior. A renovated chair may well listen not only to you, but also to your children. And we will tell you how it can be done!

How to update the old chair? Preliminary cleaning

To begin with, the surface of the chair must be cleaned of the old coating, whatever it is. If there is a soft upholstery of the seating, it must be previously removed. To do this, it will not necessarily need "Male Strength". Try turning the chair with legs up, and you will see that the seat is fastened with screws from which you need to get rid of. To do this, it is necessary to arm a hammer (to knock out the seating) and scolding (straight or cruciform).

Now you can proceed to remove the old coating. To do this, you can take advantage of the usual "sandpaper" of different grain or grinding sponge. It is important to span the surface of the tree. This will help you easily apply the selected coverage in the future. It is worth saying that this work is not from the lungs. But there is a possibility to a little simplify the process, periodically moistened to the treated surface. So, you can get rid of dust.

Just do not be afraid that the old varnish is becoming viscous. This is normal. After the chair is completely dry, it is necessary to completely polish the entire surface with small "sandpaper".

How to update the old chair? The process of stages

Now it all depends on your imagination. If you decide to cover the surface of the chair with varnish, then you need to use the colorless primer so that the texture of the tree is clearly visible through the protective layer. The layer of primer will have to use anyway, even if you decide to paint the chair in the future.

The fact is that the paint is better and serves longer if the surface is pre-primed. Varnish must cover the surface in two layers. It is important that the first layer is good to dry before applying the second. Varnish can be brought with a tassel or spraying it on the surface.

Cancel chair can be in any color. Now very fashionable is the white furniture. And the upholstery of the seating can be chosen contrast. To date, there are many ways to show originality, for example, to use stencils. Let it be flowers or any other ornament.

Another way to cover the surface of the chair is a beeswax balm. The surface is also pre-sketched and ground with olifa, then covered with a thin layer of balm with a cloth. Twelve hours later, the surface is polished with a brush.

Now you can proceed to the restoration of the upholstery. Old it is necessary to delete. Previously, she was attached to the seat with the help of ordinary nails. From the foam rubber will also have to get rid of. It is necessary to carve out a new one by old standards. The fabric needs to be cut with a bent margin. Material for upholstery can be the most different: both special fabric for upholstered furniture and ordinary flax or tight cotton. Bashed cloth better than a furniture stapler. But if you do not have this, do not be discouraged. You can use conventional nails, having a hammer. It is important to remember that the material must be well stretched from all sides.

Now the seat can be inserted into the former place and fasten with screws.

How to update the old chair with a cover

There is another way to update the old chair to use a case. It can be made of any fabric, the fracture of defects and disadvantages without major intervention. The case can be with a variety of ruffles, ruffles, bows, tassels ... You can make several options: a festive option and everyday. Show fantasy! Do not rush to throw out old furniture, try to become a designer, we are sure that you will succeed!

How to update the old chair. Decoupage paper

Is there a dream to decorate a chair or disguise the flaws of the type of scratches and cracks? It is easy to do, taking advantage of decoupage. For this, any paper with print (journal and newspaper pages, napkins, posters, cards, etc.). Figure the drawing is needed by PVA glue, and to cover with a transparent varnish.

Decoupage cloth

Another way to update the old chair will decoupage with the material. "New" chair will last for a long time. If suddenly, threads will be eased along the edges, they can be handled the PVA or trim.

Other ideas

Multicolored straps will be able to save the old chair. Just need to be overwhelmed like on a basket. Make a vintage chair will help pastel paints and drawing in silver or golden color. From above, cover all varnish crews.

Give the freedom of fantasy to the child. Let him draw a chairs, and you simply cover his creativity with varnish.

How to update the old chair? Photo

If you discovered that an old chair was completely strained, do not hurry to throw it away. Often old furniture items carry pleasant memories of people and events in your family's life. Yes, and that sin to hide, earlier the furniture was done on the century ...

Therefore, a renovated chair may well listen not only to you, but also to your children. Just changing its appearance, you can return to the furniture former attractiveness and novelty. Good now there are many options. Everything will depend only on your imagination.

How to update the old chair? Preliminary cleaning

To begin with, the surface of the chair must be cleaned of the old coating, whatever it is. If there is a soft upholstery of the seating, it must be previously removed. To do this, it will not necessarily need "Male Strength". Try turning the chair with legs up, and you will see that the seat is fastened with screws from which you need to get rid of. To do this, it is necessary to arm a hammer (to knock out the seating) and scolding (straight or cruciform).

Now you can proceed to remove the old coating. To do this, you can take advantage of the usual "sandpaper" of different grain or grinding sponge. It is important to span the surface of the tree. This will help you easily apply the selected coverage in the future. It is worth saying that this work is not from the lungs.

But there is a possibility to a little simplify the process, periodically moistened to the treated surface. So you can get rid of dust. Just do not be afraid that the old varnish is becoming viscous. This is normal. After the chair is completely dry, it is necessary to completely polish the entire surface with small "sandpaper".

How to update the old chair? All in order

Now it all depends on your imagination. If you decide to cover the surface of the chair with varnish, then you need to use the colorless primer so that the texture of the tree is clearly visible through the protective layer. The primer layer will have to take advantage of anyway. Even if you decide to paint the chair in the future.
The fact is that the paint is better and serves longer if the surface is pre-primed.
Varnish must cover the surface in two layers. It is important that the first layer is good to dry before applying the second. Varnish can be brought with a tassel or spraying it on the surface.

Cancel chair can be in any color. Now very fashionable is the white furniture. And the upholstery of the seating can be chosen contrast. Now there are many ways to show originality. For example, use stencil. Let it be flowers or any other ornament.
Another way to cover the surface of the chair is a beeswax balm. The surface is also pre-extended and ground with oil. Then covered with a thin layer of balm with a rag. Twelve hours later, the surface is polished with a brush.

Now you can proceed to the restoration of the upholstery. Old it is necessary to delete. Previously, she was attached to the seat with the help of ordinary nails. From the foam rubber will also have to get rid of. It is necessary to cut a new one by old standards. The fabric needs to be cut with a bent margin. Material for upholstery can be the most different: both special fabric for upholstered furniture and ordinary flax or tight cotton. Bashed cloth better than a furniture stapler. But if you do not have this, do not be discouraged. You can use conventional nails, having a hammer. It is important to remember that the material must be well stretched from all sides.
Now the seat can be inserted into the former place and fasten with screws.

Update the old chair with a cover

There is another way to update the old chair to use a case. It can be made of any fabric, the fracture of defects and disadvantages without major intervention. The case can be with a variety of lean, ruffles, bows, tassels ... you can make several options. Festive option and everyday. Show fantasy! Do not rush to throw out old furniture, try to become a designer, we are sure that you will succeed!

Almost all furniture objects are deposited. Even with careful circulation, the time takes its own, and the material from which one or another thing is made is exposed to aging and loses its own kind, and in some cases it is already ceased to perform its basic function. In the case of chairs, the seat of the chair is primarily wearing, that is, its upholstery. And also often the legs suffer due to the fact that they constantly accounted for a load. They may break, fall out and eventually completely fall off, as a result of which the chair will come into disrepair.

There is a need for its restoration, because this process will not take much time and you will not spend so many tools as if you bought a new chair. In particular, the furniture restoration process is relevant if it is expensive, old, rare item or someone's gift that you do not want to throw away.

Restoration of chairs

It is necessary to know that old chairs are repaired for a number of reasons that are characterized by certain damage. This may be an insignificant defect in the form of erasing the paintwork. Such a defect usually have Viennese chairs. In this case, it is only necessary to clean the wooden surface and make painting. There are more substantial damage:

  • breakdown of wooden elements (legs, backs);
  • upholstery wear.

When wearing upholstery fabric, it is required to produce such a restoration process as a hauling. It is impossible to say that this is a very labor-intensive work, rather, simple, unlike the one when you need to restore the "backbone" of the chair when it is loosened.

Old wooden chairs, chairs, stools and stools can be repaired, having a certain set of tools and the required material.


  • coarse sandpaper;
  • small-grained sandpaper;
  • different types of screwdrivers;
  • stapler;
  • kiyanka and hammer;
  • scissors;
  • brush;
  • screwdriver;
  • clamps.


From materials, for repairing chairs from wood with their own hands, you will need the following items:

Operating procedure

Repair of chairs do it yourself is not a complex process. Many people have already passed through this and know all the nuances of how to renovate the old chair with their own hands. All you need is to thoroughly explore the master class on the decoupage of the chair and other restoration techniques.


To start, repaired chair needs as follows Clear from dust and dirt, applying to it also wet cleaning with a sponge. Having waited for a complete drying of the surface, you can move to the next step.

Before proceeding directly to restoring the chair, it needs to be disassembled. There are two types of disassembly: complete and incomplete. The complete disassembly includes the dismantling of the entire design of the chair. Of course, this option is more complex and time-consuming and if you chose it, you can give advice how to do it. If the whole design of the chair is bonded with screws, then do it will not be difficult. In the event that the legs, the back and all the parts of the chair are kept thanks to the glue, filled into the grooves, have to make small efforts to disassemble it.

As a rule, Sidushka and the back are removed without difficulty. Difficult stage in the disassembly is the disassembly of the carcass itself. Here it is necessary to attach a certain force.To knock out the details from the grooves. For these purposes, it is best to use the Cyanka (rubber or wooden), since the metal hammer can easily be the components of the chair or to form dents.

Removal of old glue

In any case, when knocking out parts, you will need to get rid of the old dried glue (in some cases it may be epoxy resin). To do this, use a moistened sponge or some unnecessary rag. It must be applied in the place of attachment of two parts and leave for a while so that glue or epoxy resin splashed. After that, the details will easily go away from each other.

If it is difficult to get to any place to remove the glue, you can apply another method, it, by the way, is more efficient. This method lies the principle of removal of glue by steam under high pressure. Most likely, most people have no special devices creating a targeted effect of hot high-pressure steam . But here there is a way out of the situation. It is enough to find a piece of rubber hose for about about the meter and put it on the spout of the kettle, filled with water, which at this time is put on the stove. At the hose itself, you can pick up some nozzle that narrows its diameter.

Stages of recovery

Below will be considered the restoration of the chair at home with incomplete disassembly. Stages of recovery of the chair will be located in the following order:

  1. Inspection of coating and sealing cracks if necessary.
  2. Strengthening loose legs.
  3. Restoration of the seat.
  4. Creating covers.

The last stage is optional and performed at the request of each. Covers for chairs do it yourself Let protect the chair and make it newer. And also due to the fact that they can be changed, there is a factor of variability in design.

So, firstly, you need to prepare a working surface and take care of the protection of hands and workwear. To protect your hands, use pharmacy rubber gloves and put on clothes that you do not feel sorry to get sorry. If you restore the outdoor chair, then we must be appropriate for this weather conditions (lack of wind and rain). If you do it at home, then you can lay the linsel or large garbage bags on the floor under the chair.

After dismantling the seat, it needs to get rid of the old upholstery coating and cover the new one. Upholstery fabric buy in any furniture store, with a suitable pattern and color. The upholstery can hold onto the glue or naughty. In the second case, you will need pliers. It is desirable to remove the old coating, and not to trim the new one. A filler should also be deleted. Then it needs to be sanded with an average grain and, rubbed dust with a damp cloth and waiting for drying, to cover twice with the primer.

The gap between the coatings of the primer should be ideally 24 hours, but the manufacturer, as a rule, indicates a smaller time. The primer also has bactericidal properties, which is especially relevant for old furniture. When two layers of primer are applied, you can start tightly.

Note:A seats can be seeded at a special master. As a rule, such services are cheap enough, especially if you provide the master your material for tightness.

Synthetic foam rubber or batting is suitable for filler. When using batting, the number of layers is done about 4, but can be more, depending on which softness of the seat you want to achieve . Batting or foam Cuts off strictly in the size of the seat and fixed on its surface with a furniture stapler or small nails.

Fasten the upholstery material, the so-called seat pillow, follows not only around the perimeter, but also in the middle. This will prevent the location of the material during operation. Now, to cover our seat, cut off the cape along the sidewa contour, retreating about five centimeters from the edge. By placing the filler, you can drag, fixing the stapler each of the sides and overlooking the angles, which are also fixed. Reverse (invisible side) can not be covered.

How to make stool

Perhaps, the easiest wayIf there is a chainsaw and Bulgarian, make it using the usual pen of acacia or another tree with a beautiful texture. It is made as follows. A suitable foam size is cut, the diameter of which will range from 25 to 30 cm. The height you pick themselves, focusing on the one that will be comfortable for you. The height can be determined by measuring any home stool. After that, the incision of the chainsaw in the form of a cross, a depth of about half of the hemp.

Then an ax is a small deepening in the middle of the hemp and a small amount of fuel material is poured into it - gasoline or diesel fuel. In the process of burning, the inner part of the toaster will burn out, it is important to monitor this process here and prevent the legs of the legs. The thickness of the legs should be at least five centimeters at the base and it expands towards the seat. The whole burnt tree is scraped by an ax or a knife and grinds with the help of a grinder. It is put on a special nozzle in the form of a brush with rough bristles.

After cleaning the inner surface, the edges of the legs are processed using a grinder and grinding disk throughout the circumference. . Then paint is made Diluted to the desired shade by Bez and, after drying, varnish.


To make a simple stool you need quite a bit of time and the minimum set of tools. You will need:

The diagram below shows the dotted line shape of the leg that you need to cut out in the amount of four pieces, as well as the necessary dimensions for the board. The form may be the other, here it is shown as an example.

Important:The base of the leg should be defined to give a stability stool.

After applying marking on the workpiece, drink the jigsaw strictly along the line. In the future, the resulting leg can be used as a layout simply applying to the material, rolling and cutting off. When all four legs are cut off, proceed to their processing. It is possible to clean the edges using a semicircular milling mill, but if there is no such, use the usual emery paper. True, it will take a little longer. For the toaster seat, the board requires the board of the same section in the form of a square with a side of 320 mm. The edges of the seat must be smoothed and make semicircular. The billet is also covered on all sides with the grinding machine.

Then, when all four legs and a toreret seat are ready, provided that they are well processed by sandpaper, you can start connecting all four legs. First we drill two holes in each leg at the top. The drill must be used slightly smaller diameter than the self-tapping screw, otherwise it will not hold on. Then there is a slight deepening of the larger diameter drill, so that when screwing into the screw, his hat was drowned and it could be safely primed in the future.

The approximate connection scheme is shown in the figure below, for this it is required to attach one leg perpendicular to the other and connect using self-samples.

In the same way, connect two other legs and screw them to the rest. Such a connection is very reliable, as four screws hold one leg. When all four legs are connected, we apply the entire fasten design to the stuff and mark its contours, in order to know where to screw the screws while connecting the seat with legs. We make holes on the outside of the seat, not forgetting about a small hole of the larger diameter to hide the hats of self-tapping screws. After twisting all the screws, it remains only to clean the places in which there were compounds and cover the entire surface of the toaster varnish and Beitz (if desired).

Covers and capes

Tools needed to independently sew the case for the chair with their own hands:

  • sewing machine;
  • scissors;
  • fabric and threads.

First of all, remove all tags from the chair: height, width, distance from the back and to the seat, length of the legs. An alternative option for removing the labels can be the mark right on the fabric when you will apply them to the chair.

The case itself will consist of two capeties. One of them will stretch from the bottom of the legs to the back and echo over it. Another cape covers the side of the legs. Two capes are bonded by bandages from the same material as capes. The fabric is flashing from two sides on the sewing machine, and the dressings are sewn manually.

The first article of our cozy blog about restoration of old chair do it yourself. We had 4 old chauliev, without a soft back. We tried them restoreso that they do not walk and approached us in color. We also recommend furniture for the hallway to order or in the ready already version, at a very interesting price and with high quality manufacturing. That's how they did and what happened, step by step:

  1. Since it all walked that it was impossible to sit, the analysis did not take a lot of strength. Fully disassembled a chair.

2. Then each part of the chair must be cleared of the old coating. Under hand there was only a knife and a skin .... 🙁

3. To clean the knife of course tin .. But here's how it happened. It is necessary to clean everything, the grooves where the details are inserted. Then we collect the chair, as well as disassembled. In the groove add glue and insert). (We used instead of glue liquid nails Universal Dvoliti, the village so fucking whether you choose 🙂) To assemble the chair smoothly, the level used.

4. We wanted an orange chair with a soft back. In the size of the back cut out from the chipboard plate. Covered Maple Morilka. Waited for 3 hours and covered in a varnish layer. Varnish used yacht.

6. Then began to trim the Podzhopnik). Porolon lay and tightened the parter. (Of course, it is better to use the fabric to use a gabile or a hazard, but we were lying on parquet 🙂) fucked with a furniture stapler. So that the parter does not grumble at the foremns walked down ...

7. Then put into three layers of foam rubber on the back and began to pull the parter. Soo do downstime, for the entourage you can still undergo decorative nails.

8. This is how the back is turned out. Decorative nails were different but one horseradish is not visible from behind :). Seam goes on the bottom.

9. Well, the chair in front)

The remaining three chairs turned out better. Only the old coating was cleaned with a drill, there are special circles with sandpaper. By the time the remaining three chairs came out faster than this first) costs for 4 stools: 100 rubles. Morilka + 120 rubles. varnish + 250 rubles. Fabric Parter. Total: 490 rubles. on 4 stools.