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Asparagus herb useful properties and contraindications. Asparagus medicinal - useful properties, cultivation and use. Botanical characteristics of asparagus

Alena stands under a green veil,
I picked up the beads from red coral.

Asparagus officinalis L.

- a perennial herb of the lily family (Liliaceae). It is found throughout the European part of Russia, in the Caucasus, in Western Siberia. Grows on grassy slopes, flooded meadows, among bushes. Cultivated in orchards and vegetable gardens.

In the spring, when the bird cherry blossoms, on the sunny sandy slopes, on the edges of the forests, juicy sprouts of asparagus sticking out in columns, covered with filmy scales, appear - these are modified leaves, in the axils of which there are shoots in the form of needle-shaped leaves. The height of its stems is more than a meter, especially if it is grown in the garden. Its flowers are small, bell-shaped, greenish-yellow, and the fruit is a spherical red berry.

Medicinal raw materials are roots and young shoots, fruits. Rhizomes and roots contain asparagine and saponin, shoots - asparagine, carotene and vitamins B, C, fatty oil and sugars are found in fruits.

The plant possesses diuretic, laxative, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, blood-purifying and sedative effect.

Infusion and decoction of roots and shoots used for rheumatism, joint pain, skin diseases (acne, rash), dropsy, inflammation of the bladder and urinary tract, difficulty urinating, kidney disease, as a sedative - for epilepsy palpitations.

In Georgia, it is used for heart disease, liver disease, kidney stones, and scrofula. Fruits and an aqueous infusion of fruits are taken with sexual impotence.

To prepare the infusion, 3 teaspoons of roots, young shoots or herbs are insisted for 2 hours in a glass of boiling water. Strain and take 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day (Makhlayuk, 1992).

Asparagus preparations have a vasodilating effect. It is used for high blood pressure and as a means of increasing the contraction of the heart (Florea, 1975).

Aerial green parts are used as a hemostatic agent for gynecological bleeding, neurasthenia and pulmonary tuberculosis (Kuznetsova, 1941).

Asparagus preparations used for dropsy, kidney stones, cystitis, prostatitis, for stomach diseases, stones in the bladder (Solodukhin, 1989).

Asparagus preparations have an anti-atherosclerotic effect, have a positive effect on metabolism, and promote the elimination of chlorides, phosphates, uric acid and urea from the body (Pastushenkov, 1990).

Asparagus has long been used in dietary nutrition for diabetes mellitus (Nikolaychuk, 1992).

In Bulgaria, asparagus is used in the treatment of liver cirrhosis, prostate adenoma and as a lactogenic agent (Petkov, 1988).

Asparagus fruit used for dysentery (Sviridonov, 1992).

Infusion made from berries and asparagus roots, used to increase vitality, with gout, diabetes, impotence, externally with eczema. Taking asparagus lowers blood pressure, enhances the contraction of the heart muscle, slows down the heart rate, expands peripheral vessels, and the extract gives a more prolonged decrease in blood pressure, with no side effects observed. Broths of asparagus are recommended for use in diseases of the kidneys and bladder, in addition, they have an anticonvulsant effect.

The plant was used as an ornamental, food (vegetable) and medicinal product. The root and young shoots excite (enhance) the excretory function of the kidneys, have a calming effect on the work of the heart. Decoctions from asparagus roots are used in folk medicine for dropsy, inflammation of the bladder, difficulty urinating, as a sedative for palpitations, as well as for rheumatism, epilepsy and impotence, externally - various rashes on the skin. Asparagus extract, in comparison with asparagine, causes a longer and deeper decrease in blood pressure. Without changing the filtration capacity of the renal glomeruli, asparagine and asparagus extract significantly reduce the reabsorption function of the convoluted tubules of the kidneys. In an experiment on animals, it was found that when administered intravenously, they cause expansion of peripheral vessels and lower blood pressure, increase the strength of heart contractions, slow down the heart rate, and increase diuresis.

The aerial part of medicinal asparagus (without thick stems), according to the observations of G. N. Kovaleva (1971), has a vasodilator, reduces the excitability of the central nervous system and diuretic properties. She recommends it for neuroses of the heart and kidney diseases.

In the past, syrups were prepared from the rhizomes and roots of asparagus, which, presumably, have medicinal value, taking into account the pharmacological properties of asparagus.

As G. N. Kovaleva notes, her rhizomes are official in France, Mexico, Portugal and Venezuela (Klan, 1948).

The main active ingredient of asparagus is asparagine, which is found in the rhizomes and roots of various types of it. Asparagine is a natural amino acid that plays an important role in nitrogen metabolism, widely distributed in proteins and in a free state.

In the body, asparagine is synthesized from aspartic acid and ammonia with the participation of ATP and under the influence of the enzyme asparagine synthetase. Aspartic acid is involved in the most important metabolic reactions. It is found not only in medicinal asparagus, but also in other plants of this genus:

  • Daurian asparagus, used for gynecological bleeding and neurasthenia (M. N. Varlakov, 1931; G. E. Kurentsova, 1941);
  • asparagus schobery, known in folk medicine as a hemostatic and diuretic (I.I.Brekhman, 1969; G.E. Kurentsova, 1941).

Preparation and use methods

1. Crushed raw materials (60 g) of roots and rhizomes are poured into 1 liter of boiling water, brought to a boil in a water bath for 15 minutes, cooled for 45 minutes at room temperature and filtered. Assign inside 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

2. Three teaspoons of crushed young shoots are poured into a glass of boiling water, left to cool for 2 hours, filtered. Assign inside 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day for 3-4 weeks.

Asparagus grows everywhere in Western Siberia. More than four millennia ago, it has already begun to be cultivated in Egypt, Greece, Rome, and in Europe it has been cultivated since the 11th century.

Unfortunately, in our country this first-class vegetable is underestimated and rarely used. Meanwhile young shoots of asparagus very tasty and healthy food. They can be used to prepare salads, soups, canned, pickled, fried. Fresh shoots should be stored in the refrigerator, where they retain their taste for up to three months.

Asparagus casserole: chop 20 - 30 young asparagus shoots, wash, boil for 3 - 5 minutes in salted water and cut, then roll in breadcrumbs and put in a pan, add onion and vegetable oil, pour over beaten egg, sprinkle with finely chopped dill and serve.

Asparagus soup: Fry finely chopped asparagus in butter and season with any vegetable soup.

Asparagus with mayonnaise: Boil the required amount of asparagus, put it in a colander, season with mayonnaise with finely chopped garlic and serve with half a boiled egg per serving, sprinkling with fresh parsley or crushed caraway seeds.

it is a perennial plant belonging to the Asparagus family. The plant produces long, juicy, dense shoots with small needle-shaped leaves of different shades - whitish, light pink, green, slightly purple. The root system consists of thick, long roots. Due to the composition and qualities of the plant, it is used in traditional medicine recipes.

There are several varieties of this vegetable. What is asparagus, consider below:

Did you know? Soy asparagus is also known as Korean asparagus. This is not a plant of this type, but the foam that is removed from boiling soy milk when cooking crushed soybeans, processed in a special way.

Calorie content and chemical composition of asparagus

In cooking, asparagus is a popular delicacy. The shoots of the plant are eaten. Asparagus brings both benefits and harm to the human body.

Calorie content of asparagus per 100 g of product is only 21 kcal. The product is rich in vitamins and minerals.

Asparagus contains the following vitamins: A - 82.8 μg, thiamine B1 - 0.1 mg, riboflavin B2 - 0.1 mg, C - 20.2 mg, E - 1.9 mg, beta-carotene - 0.6 mg, PP - 1, 1 mg.

Macro and microelements asparagus are as follows: potassium - 195.8 mg, phosphorus - 62.1 mg, calcium - 21 mg, magnesium - 20.2 mg, sodium - 2 mg, iron - 1 mg.

Chemical composition This healthy vegetable contains the following elements:

  • Water - 93 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 3 g;
  • Disaccharides and monosaccharides - 2.2 g;
  • Proteins - 2 g;
  • Dietary fiber - 1.5 g;
  • Starch - 1 g;
  • Ash - 0.5 g;
  • Organic acids - 0.1 g;
  • Fat - 0.1 g.
The composition of the elements is slightly different for different types of asparagus.

In soy asparagus contains vitamins B, D, E, among the macronutrients there is also lecithin, which is involved in cell regeneration and normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and the brain, and choline, which increases the resistance of cells against harmful factors.

contains vitamins A, B1, B2, C, E. Micro- and macroelements included in its composition - calcium, potassium, phosphorus.

Has a richer composition of elements. The vitamins it contains are A, B1, B2, B4, B9, E, C, K. Among the micro- and macroelements there are, in addition to the general list, manganese, copper, selenium and niacin.

Useful properties of asparagus for the human body

The benefits of asparagus for the human body are manifested in the following properties:

  • Diuretic effect;
  • Lowering blood pressure;
  • Slowing down of heart rate;
  • Improving liver function;
  • Strengthening of heart contractions;
  • Laxative effect;
  • Pain relieving properties;
  • Calming effect;
  • Anti-inflammatory properties;
  • Blood-purifying properties;
  • Immunostimulating action
  • Improving kidney function.
Eating asparagus promotes the elimination of urea, phosphates and chlorides from the body.

Scientists have investigated how asparagus is beneficial for men. The plant contains proteins, minerals, carbohydrates, which are important for male potency.

Certain properties are inherent in soy asparagus. They use it for the prevention of cancer, cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis.

How to prepare and store medicinal raw materials from asparagus

For consumption, young shoots are harvested in the spring. Shoots of white asparagus harvested while they are in the ground so that they retain their tenderness and softness.

Green asparagus harvested when the sprouts reach 20 cm in growth. Under the influence of sunlight, a reaction occurs, due to which the shoots turn green, at the same time acquiring a coarser structure.

Asparagus sprouts should be elastic, smooth, with a slight sheen. The cut points should not look dry. It is impossible to store a fresh product for a long time, as it loses its properties and qualities. In the refrigerator, asparagus sprouts are stored for 5-7 days, provided that the slices are renewed and immersed in water.

Did you know? The longer the asparagus is stored, the worse its taste becomes.

For medicinal purposes rhizomes, grass, fruits and young leaves of asparagus are used.

Harvesting roots produced in autumn, after the withering of the aerial part. They are dug up, cleaned of the earth, washed in running water and cut into pieces. In this form, the rhizomes are dried in the open air under a canopy, spreading in a thin layer on a cloth or paper.

Drying is practiced in the oven at temperatures up to 45 °. You can store the roots harvested in this way for 2 years.

Asparagus herb harvested during flowering. The young tops of the plant are cut to a length of about 30 cm. The grass is dried outdoors in the shade or in a room with good ventilation, spreading a thin layer on a cloth or paper.

Asparagus fruit harvested when they are fully ripe.

Important! It is necessary to store the blanks in paper or canvas bags, in a wooden container.

The use of asparagus in traditional medicine

In folk medicine, asparagus has found use as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and diuretic.

Medicines containing asparagus help lower blood pressure, slow down the heart rate, increase urine output and expand peripheral vessels.

Such drugs are used for cardiovascular diseases associated with dropsy of the abdomen and swelling of the lower extremities.

Important! Asparagus helps to cope with various diseases, but it has no effect on a healthy body.

Asparagus will be beneficial for diseases such as nephritis, pyelonephritis, pyelitis and other diseases of the genitourinary system. Tachycardia, diabetes mellitus, arthritis, rheumatism are also treated with infusions and decoctions of asparagus rhizomes. Infusion of asparagus rhizomes is used for joint pain.

It is customary to use asparagus as a laxative. It is used as a means of destroying kidney and liver stones, as well as for the treatment of skin diseases, eczema.

How is it used in dermatology and cosmetology

The properties of asparagus have found application in dermatology and cosmetology.

Rhizomes and young shoots asparagus is used to treat allergic dermatoses, pyoderma, vitiligo, lichen planus, psoriasis. Also in dermatology, asparagus is used in a complex for the treatment of blistering dermatitis as an anti-inflammatory agent.

Asparagus rhizomes are used as a blood purifier for skin diseases, namely eczema and exudative diathesis.

In cosmetology, medicinal asparagus is used to influence aging skin cells. With its help, youth is maintained. Spa salons prepare face and neck masks from young asparagus shoots.

The benefits and harms of asparagus during pregnancy

The question of whether asparagus is useful and not harmful during pregnancy is important to find out before using this product. As for the benefits, it is definitely there.

- a nutritious vegetable containing many trace elements that have a positive effect on the woman's body and on the formation of the fetal skeletal system and its strengthening, on the process of blood formation, the formation of connective tissues.

Also, asparagus is a good remedy for edema, as it has diuretic properties. For pregnant women, doctors prescribe folic acid, and asparagus has a fairly high content.

Harm from asparagus during pregnancy may be in case of an allergic reaction.

Therefore, it is worth finding out in advance before use whether there is an allergy to the product.

Asparagus and dietetics

Asparagus is a dietary productwhich is included in the diet of a large number of diets. It is an excellent source of vitamins, carotenoids, lysine and asparagine amino acids. Asparagus is considered an indispensable staple in the diet of people with kidney and heart disease.

Asparagus is eaten fresh, boiled, canned. Green asparagus is cooked instantly, so it is important to do all the actions quickly during the cooking process - in order to preserve the vitamins and taste of the dish. The best ways to cook asparagus are by grilling, steaming, or in the oven. White asparagus takes a little longer to cook.

Before cooking, you need to trim the tough asparagus bases, rinse the shoots in cold water. Serve asparagus with cheeses, poached egg, in combination with other types of vegetables.

Side effects of asparagus

Like any plant, asparagus has health benefits and harms in one product on different occasions. There are some controversial judgments about the properties of asparagus.

For example, experts say that asparagus prevents the development of urolithiasis. But some believe that this plant can cause urolithiasis when consumed in the case of a genetic predisposition to the disease.

For some people, the use of asparagus is contraindicated due to an allergy to the product. Also, the harm of asparagus in the form of an allergic reaction can manifest itself not only when ingested, but also when touching the sprouts.

Important! Studies have shown that eating large amounts of asparagus can cause diabetes.

Asparagus does not often cause side effects, but its benefits are clearly proven. The judicious use of this product will bring health benefits and gastronomic pleasure.

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Asparagus is a cross-pollinated dioecious plant, a genus of the asparagus family. There are many types of asparagus, some of which are just herbs, others are shrubs. The most common types of asparagus are common asparagus or medicinal asparagus. Scientific name - Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis).

This is an early and expensive vegetable. The first crop begins to be harvested in April-May, when the lack of vitamins is especially acute. This vegetable is very popular in Europe. Asparagus is prized for its taste and health benefits. Young stems are used for food. They can be eaten raw or steamed briefly, in the oven or on the grill.

Asparagus properties

Asparagus is prized for its many health benefits. It contains macro and microelements such as zinc, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron. And also vitamins of group B1, B2, B9, C, E, A, PP. Asparagus is also famous for its nutritious plant protein. Asparagine, which is part of it, causes vasodilation and lowers blood pressure, therefore it is useful for patients with hypertension and for people who have suffered a heart attack, as it stimulates the heart. Also, asparagine helps to remove ammonia from the body.

Magnesium, which is part of asparagus, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, and potassium removes excess fluid from the body.

Useful properties of asparagus due to the presence of a large amount of folic acid, which is known to promote hematopoiesis. Asparagus is useful for liver diseases and for the treatment of atherosclerosis and vitamin deficiency.

Vitamin A is good for maintaining vision. Zinc is essential for strengthening bone tissue. And calcium and phosphorus are good for the human skeletal system. Coumarins, which are part of asparagus, are real helpers for the heart. They cleanse the blood well, prevent blood clots and improve clotting.

Asparagus- an excellent source of fiber. Due to the high content of coarse dietary fiber, it promotes digestion and reduces blood cholesterol. Broths of asparagus are used for cystitis, pyelonephritis and urolithiasis. Traditional medicine recommends taking decoctions of rhizomes for cholelithiasis and gout.

In the East, asparagus is said to reduce the onset of symptoms after a hangover, thereby protecting the liver from toxins. For women, this vegetable is useful if you want to lose weight.

Asparagus is also used for cosmetic purposes. Its juice has emollient and exfoliating properties that can be added to many beauty masks.

Asparagus - contraindications and harm

Asparagus is contraindicated with gastritis and ulcers of the stomach and duodenum. Individual intolerance to this product may also serve as a contraindication.

There is one more special property of asparagus, which brings not so much harm as unpleasant sensations. This property gives the body a specific smell. In ancient times, this feature was used specifically when it was necessary to mask the natural odor of the body. Today it brings discomfort. Although in Europe the popularity of asparagus continues unabated, and European gourmets continue to use it. It is believed that this "aroma" is caused by the processes of absorption into the blood and the excretion of sulfur compounds through the sweat glands.

For the rest, asparagus continues to be an exquisite delicacy and dietary product.

Cooking applications

In cooking, two varieties of asparagus are used - white and green. Purple and pink varieties are more rare.

For a long time, white asparagus was considered the food of aristocrats. However, later it turned out that the white stems are the result of a special cultivation technology, and not any special properties of the variety. To achieve a white color of the stems, the shoots must be sprinkled with earth. At the same time, the process of photosynthesis is inhibited, and the stems remain white. This process is more time consuming, so white asparagus is more expensive.

This may be why people have started to consume green asparagus more often. In addition, there was an opinion that green stems are rich in chlorophyll, which means they better enrich our body with oxygen.

In any case, dishes with any asparagus have a spicy and unique taste. The taste of asparagus is almost color-independent.
Due to the presence of highly nutritious vegetable protein, asparagus is added to salads and soups. It is fried, baked, salted and pickled, used as a side dish. Many restaurants prepare in advance for the season of young asparagus, and try to include it on the menu.

How to cook asparagus

First you need to peel the asparagus. This can be done with an ordinary potato peeler. White asparagus is peeled just under the top. In green, the entire stem is cleaned. The lower part of the stem must be cut off - about 2 cm. And then prepare shoots of approximately the same length.

Asparagus is boiled by placing its lower part in salted water, as this part is the toughest. You can add a little butter to the water. Shoots are collected in a bunch of 6-8 pieces. The top of the stem is cooked with steam. During cooking, you need to make sure that the vegetable is not overcooked. For these purposes, special dishes are produced today. If you do not have such dishes yet, you can boil asparagus in a simple way - by placing it in salted water, remembering to check it for readiness.

Time cooking green asparagus is usually 3 to 8 minutes. White asparagus takes a little longer to cook - up to 15 minutes. If you've cooked the asparagus properly, it should pierce easily with a fork and remain tender. In order to preserve the bright color of green asparagus, immediately after boiling it must be doused with cold water.

A product that can be found in almost any market and is called " Korean asparagus”, In fact, has nothing to do with this vegetable. It is obtained from soy milk through special processing. Its correct name fuju, which is actually a froth on boiled soy milk.

Real asparagus has a rich flavor. Although of course it all depends on how to cook it.

The easiest way is to boil it in salted water and then fry it in breadcrumbs like cauliflower.
It is also good baked in the oven or on the barbecue. This asparagus is served along with the sauce.
A light dietary mashed soup paired with potatoes and nutmeg is a great idea for a summer lunch.
Many restaurants serve asparagus baked with parmesan cheese. Various spices and seasonings that make up the sauces perfectly complement the exquisite taste of this delicate vegetable.

It goes well with seafood - shrimp, crabs and scallops. For this, the asparagus is boiled and served with ginger sauce and pineapple.

Growing asparagus

In recent years growing asparagus has become a favorite and exciting hobby for many gardeners. Subject to agricultural technology, asparagus can be grown in almost any climatic zone of our country.

Homeland of asparagus is considered Mesopotamia - the ancient name of the Middle East. In the old days, this plant was especially appreciated and quickly spread throughout the world. He was loved by both French kings and Egyptian pharaohs. Even then, it was used not only for food, but also decorated wedding beds with it. The name has a Greek root and is translated as stem or shoot.

Asparagus Is the earliest perennial vegetable. This is a rather unpretentious plant. She feels great in wild plantings in Europe, in warm Asia and even in our latitudes.

It is recommended to grow asparagus in one place for about 10 years. Although there are also 20-year-old shrubs. Some gardeners advise not to harvest in the first three years, so that the root system of a young plant has time to gain strength.

Asparagus loves light soil and places not blown by cold winds. Heavy clayey earths, which form a dense crust, are completely unacceptable for it. Also, areas with high groundwater levels are unsuitable for this plant. This leads to root rot.

This herbaceous plant is a highly branched stem, which can reach a height of 1.5 m.

Asparagus is a dioecious plant... This means that she has male and female copies. On women - red berries appear, on men - pollen. Male plants produce more plentiful and early harvests. Women's stems differ in that the stems are of better quality.

Landing is most preferable before winter. For this, the landing site is prepared in advance. The land must be dug up, weeded and fertilized.

For this, 1 sq.m. it is enough to make:

  • 30 g potassium sulfate
  • 60 g superphosphate
  • 15 g of ammonium sulfate

To protect against winter cold, a small mound should be formed above the bush. The approximate distance in a row between bushes is 30 cm, between rows - 60 cm. After planting, the planted plants must be watered abundantly. When planting in spring, the rhizomes are carefully laid in dug trenches and covered with a 5 cm layer of earth. Previously, rotted manure or humus is laid in the furrows.

Growing asparagus from seeds

With this method, it is necessary to grow seedlings. This is quite troublesome, which is why this method is not so popular with gardeners.

Seeds, pre-soaked for 2 days, are planted in early April. If you use growth stimulants, it will be more effective. Asparagus seeds can germinate for a long time - up to 2 months. All this time, it is necessary to provide them with a comfortable wet mode. To do this, you can use a proven method - cover with glass, creating a kind of small greenhouse that needs to be regularly ventilated.

Seedlings that have appeared can be transplanted to a permanent place no earlier than mid-June.

Propagation by cuttings

This is best done from March to June. To do this, it is necessary to cut cuttings from last year's shoots and plant them in moistened sand. From above, you can build a kind of cap (for example, from a plastic bottle). With regular airing and spraying, the cuttings should take root in about 1-2 months. After that, they can be planted in separate pots.

You can also propagate asparagus dividing the bush, when a still young plant is transplanted to a new place. When dividing a bush, each division must have at least 1 shoot.

Asparagus care

In the first 2 years asparagus care consists in loosening, weeding and feeding with nitrogen fertilizers (approximately 20-30 g per 1 sq. m.). Watering should be done regularly, but not abundantly. An excess of moisture can negatively affect the root system and the taste of the plant. Loosening of the soil must be carried out after each watering in order to prevent the formation of an earthen crust.

Before wintering, old shoots should be removed from the plant, and then spud. It is recommended to cover the lower part of the stem with a slide of about 5 cm. This way you will protect the bush from freezing.

From the third year, you can harvest. The plant will get stronger and grow with juicy and abundant shoots. Caring for asparagus in all subsequent years is no different from the previous one.


The harvest begins to be harvested from the third year. To obtain white shoots, sprinkle the asparagus with a layer of soil 30-35 cm in spring. As soon as the strong shoots reach the soil surface (they begin to lift the crust), they need to be removed. It is very important not to miss this moment. As a rule, the harvest takes place in April - May. Harvest asparagus daily and even 2 times a day.

Before cutting off a shoot, it must be carefully dug out with your hands so as not to damage the tops of neighboring shoots. After that, the earth should be covered as it was.

Harvesting ends at the end of June, to give the plant to accumulate strength for future wintering.

Growing green asparagus less laborious, since it does not require covering with earth. Harvesting is much the same. As soon as the shoots begin to raise the soil, they must be carefully cut at the base, taking care not to damage the neighboring shoots. Cutting off all the seedlings only promotes the growth of new ones.

After the end of the asparagus harvest, the ground around the bushes should be leveled.

Store the asparagus in a cool, dark place - best on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. In such conditions, shoots can be stored for up to 3 months. Some experienced gardeners advise storing asparagus in a cellar in a wooden box, sprinkled with sand. Smooth, slightly shiny stems are suitable for storage. These stems should squeak slightly to the touch. For longer storage, asparagus can be frozen. However, it should not be frozen fresh, but boiled.

Asparagus is good for more than just food. It is amazingly decorative and can decorate any flower arrangement. Here are some of the photos we found for you on the Internet:

Photo of asparagus

Medicinal. Many people plant this ornamental plant in their personal plots. In everyday life, it is called a summer tree or bunny eyes.

Medicinal asparagus. Description

It is such a rather tall plant. Its trunks are covered with soft needles. In August, bright red fruit-boxes also ripen. This perennial herb is also used for decorating bouquets and for decorating the garden. In fact, this plant is called medicinal asparagus. It belongs to the asparagus family, a genus of asparagus. She came to our sites from North America. However, now wild species of this grass can be found in the forests of the foothills of the Caucasus, in the fields of Eastern Europe.

And in Siberia, she feels great. The plant is very decorative, beautiful and not particularly demanding for careful care. Where does asparagus grow? On any soil and under any conditions. Propagated by dividing the rhizome, and also by seeds that ripen at the end of summer, fall out of the seed pod. Then the next spring they begin their life cycle. Asparagus officinalis looks like a fairly tall shrub with a main trunk. A small number of lateral branches depart from it. The main trunk and branches are covered with small needles that are soft to the touch. They are called cladodes. Leaves are small scales that fit tightly to the trunk of the plant. They are dark green in color with a purple tint. In August, after flowering, a large number of bright red berries are formed on the plants; these are fruits in which the seeds of the plant are under the layer of pulp. Asparagus is a plant that needs to be planted in the garden. Where to plant her? For planting and cultivation, it is necessary to select a place slightly shaded from direct sunlight with loose nutrient soil. Plants should be planted 30-40 centimeters apart. The row spacing is 50 centimeters. When collecting young shoots, 1-2 shoots are left to continue the formation of the bush and further reproduction of new shoots.

Healing properties

In addition to decorativeness, medicinal asparagus fully justifies its scientific name. The roots, trunks and seeds contain a large amount of nutrients and vitamins. This is a group of vitamins C, niacin, thiamine and many others. Among other things, it is in the medicinal asparagus that substances such as saponins and chelidonic acid are contained. They help in the fight against kidney and urinary system diseases. Infusions from the green parts of the plant fight hair loss, dandruff. A decoction of rhizomes is an irreplaceable assistant in the treatment of bronchial diseases.

Asparagus can be eaten

If you are interested in edible plants, then know that this asparagus belongs to those. Its young shoots are eaten. To do this, in early spring, when the plant is just starting to break through from the ground, it is necessary to dig 10-15 centimeters from the soil, rinse thoroughly.

And then use it in cooking. However, if the plant has risen high enough above the ground, it becomes unusable. Because the trunks become hard and tasteless. The first and second courses are prepared from asparagus stalks. But for salad, asparagus is slightly boiled. And then they are sliced.


Salad with asparagus and herbs turns out to be delicious, refreshing, original. In addition, it is also useful and vitamin. However, there is a dish that contains meat products.

You just need to add a little boiled chicken fillet and spices to make a salad with asparagus. It can be eaten when hungry. Note that this salad is not inferior to popular vegetable dishes in terms of attractiveness. You can also use other edible plants to create a dish. For example, nettles or dandelions.

For long-term storage, the shoots are washed, slightly dried from excess moisture and then frozen. In this form, medicinal asparagus can be stored all winter and used for cooking. Medicinal asparagus is very tasty and nutritious. But at the same time it does not have harsh aromas and tastes. Many foodies note that asparagus tastes like beans or baked pumpkin. The plant contains a large number of dense fibers. They give a special crunch to the prepared dish.

Use in traditional medicine

What is the use of medicinal asparagus? The properties of this plant are really healing. Therefore, asparagus medicinal is often used by homeopathic doctors and folk healers. For example, folic acid, found in the juice of the green parts of the plant, helps the fruit to form properly. That is, the juice is indicated for consumption during pregnancy. It also helps with diseases of the circulatory system, asparagine, contained in parts of the plant, promotes vasodilation and eliminates the formation of blood clots. The antioxidants found in asparagus are tireless helpers in the fight against aging. Many ancient healers attributed to asparagus the property of curing male diseases, such as impotence, early ejaculation. Therefore, even now, doctors are prescribing a diet with this plant for the treatment of purely male diseases. For many guys, it was the use of asparagus as a medicinal plant that helped them become a father. After all, the substances found in the green part of the plant, potassium salts and useful acids contribute to the maturation of a large number of full-fledged spermatozoa. A decoction of rhizomes also helps women during breastfeeding. Drinking one glass of the healing drink daily will help your milk supply.

Traditional medicine recipes. How is medicinal asparagus used?

Let's look at a few recipes for disease prevention and treatment.

In case of cystitis, it is necessary to brew one spoonful of dry decoction of rhizomes with hot water. Take three times a day after meals.

Insist 100 grams of young shoots of medicinal asparagus in one liter of hot water. After drinking it all day long. Take at least three days. So you can remove the swelling of tissues, make the kidneys work.

A decoction of asparagus rhizomes helps to cope with exacerbation of gout, blood pressure decreases, pulse decreases with increased heartbeat.

Infusion of mature parts of the plant also helps from tachycardia. Chopped dry asparagus is brewed like tea. After that they drink in small sips during the day. Take no more than 100 grams of infusion at a time. The course of treatment is 10 days, then a break for 2 weeks.

Even the berries of this plant are used in homeopathy. A decoction of 100 grams of fruit per liter of water can reduce anxiety, improve sleep. When picking the berries of the plant, you must use protective gloves. Since the substances in the soft tissue of the fruit can irritate the skin. The berry must be thoroughly dried before use in treatment. The fruits cannot be eaten raw.

How to prepare vitamin mix with asparagus? Mix in 1: 1 proportions dried asparagus stalks, rose hips and lingonberry leaves. Brew like tea: 1 tablespoon of the collection for 0.5 liters of water. This vitamin drink will help to cope with respiratory diseases, strengthen immunity.

Asparagus medicinal is used safely not only by traditional medicine doctors, but also by traditional ones. The pomace and essences of this plant are used in the production of medicines in the countries of South America and China.

Contraindications to the use and use of asparagus

However, asparagus infusions have contraindications. They can cause allergic reactions, in the form of skin rashes and intolerance to the body. Asparagus should not be consumed by people with asthma or skin problems. The age of the patient is also a contraindication.

Infusions and decoctions of asparagus are not prescribed for children under 15 years of age. Overdose can lead to low blood pressure and slow heart rate. All medicinal asparagus preparations should be used only after consulting a therapist.

How to properly collect asparagus medicinal for the manufacture of medicinal infusions and mixtures?

The collection of the green part and rhizomes is carried out in the spring months. That is, when the plant has not yet blossomed in full force and has not bloomed. The green part must be cut in the morning when the dew has melted.

Then grind it into small pieces. Dry in a cool, dark place with fresh air. Rhizomes for medicinal use are dug up in the fall, when the plant is fully ripe and the first frosts hit. The roots must be dug out, rinsed thoroughly under running hot water, and all damaged parts must be cut off. Then the rhizomes are crushed into pieces, 3-4 centimeters in size, and left to dry. Although you can not dry the roots. Putting them in a plastic bag, send them to the freezer. Then use it fresh at any time or for making infusions.

The frozen roots of medicinal asparagus contain more nutrients than those that have been dried.

Another type of asparagus

However, do not confuse asparagus with common asparagus. The latter grows throughout the territory of our country. Although many medicinal properties are inherent in this plant. But it contains a large number of poisons in its substances, which makes it harmful for ingestion. Common asparagus is a plant that grows no more than 20 centimeters and does not have lateral shoots even at the end of summer. It also does not bear fruit.

A little conclusion

Medicinal asparagus, the use of which is wide enough both in folk and traditional medicine, can be called a storehouse of useful substances and vitamins. Anyone can do the cultivation of this plant, even not quite an experienced amateur gardener.

Asparagus officinalis (Asparagus officinalis).

Other names: common asparagus, pharmacy asparagus, chill, asparagus.

Description. A dioecious perennial herb of the Asparagaceae family. Has a root system consisting of tap rhizomes - thick, flabby-woody, as well as long roots. The stem is cylindrical, glabrous, smooth, branched, straight or slightly drooping in the upper part, 30-130 cm high, with numerous branches directed obliquely upward.
The leaves are spiral, scaly, at the base with a short spur with cladodia. Cladodia are straight, slender, acicular, 1-3 cm long, sitting 3-6 in the axils, going obliquely upward or slightly pressed against the stem.
The flowers are unisexual, whitish-yellowish, located in the axils of the leaves, one or two on long pedicels. The perianth is bell-funnel-shaped, with oblong lobes. Male flowers are 2 times larger than female ones. Asparagus blooms in June - July. Fruit ripening at the end of August - September. The fruit is a spherical red-brick berry.
Asparagus in the wild grows in areas with a temperate climatic zone - throughout Europe (except for the northern regions), in North America, North Africa, Asia Minor and Central Asia, Australia, New Zealand. It grows in light forests, flood meadows, grassy places, among bushes, sometimes in fields.
Asparagus is cultivated as an ornamental plant, also for medicinal and food purposes. She prefers loose, moist soils rich in organic matter. The plant propagates by seeds and and by dividing rhizomes.

Collection and procurement of raw materials. For food purposes, young shoots are harvested in early spring. Moreover, shoots of two types (white and green) are used for food. White shoots are harvested while they are still in the ground. At this time, they are white, soft and delicate.
Green shoots are harvested when they grow a few centimeters from the soil surface (up to 20 cm). Such shoots under the influence of sunlight begin to accumulate chlorophyll, which stains them green. The structure of such shoots becomes coarser.
When buying asparagus in a store, you should pay attention to the fact that the shoots are elastic, smooth, tender, with a slight shiny sheen, and the cut points should not be dry.
It is advisable to eat the purchased asparagus quickly, since it cannot be stored for a long time. If there is a need for storage, then it can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5-7 days. To do this, the sections must be updated, the shoots must be placed in a glass or jar of water, the dishes must be placed in a bag and placed on the lower shelf of the refrigerator. The water should cover the base of the shoots by a few centimeters. It should be borne in mind that storage impairs the taste of the asparagus.

For medicinal purposes, rhizomes with roots, grass, fruits, young asparagus leaves are used and harvested. Rhizomes with roots are harvested in the fall, when the aboveground part begins to fade. Dug out rhizomes with roots, shake off the ground, wash in running water, cut into pieces. Then they are dried in the open air under a canopy, spread out in a thin layer on paper or cloth. Can be dried in ovens, ovens or dryers at temperatures up to 45 ° C. Shelf life up to 2 years.
The grass is harvested during flowering, cutting off the young tops of the plants (about 30 cm). Dry in the shade, outdoors or indoors with normal ventilation, spread in a thin layer on paper or cloth.
The fruits are harvested during the period when they are fully ripe.

Useful material. Young shoots of asparagus contain vegetable proteins (about 2 g), fats (0.1 g), carbohydrates (about 4 g), B vitamins - (B1, B2, B9), vitamins C, E, PP, thiamine, beta carotene, asparagine, macro and microelements - potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, iron, dietary fiber.
Asparagus rhizomes and roots contain asparagine, steroid saponins, carbohydrates (up to 3.1%), coumarin, traces of essential oil, carotenoids.
Asparagus herb contains coniferin glycoside, chelidonic and succinic acids, saponins, asparagine, tyrosine.
Ripe fruits contain sugar (up to 36%), organic acids - (malic and citric), fizamine, capsanthin, traces of alkaloids.

Why is asparagus useful? Asparagus shoots are not only a delicacy, but also have certain beneficial properties, as they contain a lot of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances.
So, for example, niacin (vitamin PP) contained in asparagus is involved in brain activity, metabolism, helps to reduce the level of substances that can clog blood vessels - (cholesterol, triglyceride, lipoprotein).
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) is a part of many enzymes, participates in carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism, in the work of the nervous system, has antioxidant properties.
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) supports normal visual function, promotes the production of serotonin, hemoglobin, erythrocytes, corticosteroids, maintains healthy skin, hair, nails, promotes the absorption of other vitamins (B6, B9) and minerals (iron) by the body.
Vitamin B9 (folic acid) maintains new cells in the body in a healthy state, therefore this vitamin is important especially during pregnancy, when the fetus is forming and developing. Normal sperm production is also dependent on this vitamin.
Asparagine dilates blood vessels and increases urine output (diuretic). This helps to prevent hypertension and edema.
Carotenoids support the visual system, have an antioxidant effect (prevent premature aging).
The dietary fiber contained in asparagus cleanses the body of toxins, stimulates the evacuation function of the gastrointestinal tract, thereby helping to prevent constipation.

Medicinal properties of asparagus.
Since ancient times, the benefits of asparagus and its medicinal properties have been known. Asparagus preparations have vasodilating, diuretic, hypotensive, sedative, lactogonic properties. They lower blood pressure, slow down the heart rate, increase the amplitude of heart contractions, increase urine output, and improve liver function.
A decoction of rhizomes with asparagus roots will be indicated for cystitis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, prostate adenoma, liver cirrhosis, cardiovascular diseases, which are accompanied by edema of the lower extremities and ascites.
It is also used for diabetes, gout, rheumatism; as a sedative for tachycardia, epilepsy; as a blood purifier for acne, eczema and other skin rashes.
Instead of a decoction of rhizomes with roots, you can use a decoction of asparagus herb. Especially, it is recommended for heart neuroses and kidney diseases.
A decoction of rhizomes or herbs is used to increase milk production in nursing mothers (lactogonic property). Infusion of fruits is used to treat impotence and hemorrhoids.
Outwardly, a decoction of rhizomes in the form of lotions is used to treat pustular eruptions.

Dosage forms and doses.
Decoction of rhizomes with asparagus roots. 1 tablespoon of dry crushed raw materials per 500 ml of water, after boiling, boil over low heat for 10 minutes, remove from heat, filter after cooling. Take half a glass of 4 p. a day 20 minutes before meals. This broth is also used as an external agent (in the form of lotions).
Decoction of asparagus herb. 2 tablespoons of dry chopped herbs per 500 ml of water, after boiling, boil over low heat for 5 minutes, remove from heat, filter after cooling. Take half a glass of 4 p. a day 20 minutes before meals.
Infusion of asparagus berries. 5 berries are placed in a thermos, poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted for 7-8 hours, filtered. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 p. in a day.