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Rosyanka care at home watering feeding reproduction. The use of Rosyanka in therapeutic and economic purposes

Rosyanka is one of the most common among insectivorous plants. They grow around the world and there are about 100 species, most of which live in Australia and New Zealand. A typical representative of Rosyanka Rostundifolia (Drosra Rotundifolia), often growing on the swamps of the moderate zone of the northern hemisphere. The British gave this Rosyanka the poetic name Sun-Dew, that is, "Solar Rosa".

Indeed, the curb leaves of this plant are unusual - they resemble a small plate, the upper part of which is covered with numerous hairs, and on the tip of each of them - sparkling in the sun droplets of adhesive liquid, attracting the attention of a potential victim. The male drop of "dew" is on the calibration of sticky mucus, which deprives the insect of the ability to escape. The Rosyanka sheet is unusually sensitive - the easier touch of the lighter touch, and all of his hairs come into motion, turning to the center in the desire as can be "generously" tolerate the victim of the adhesive substance and move it to the middle of the sheet - where digestive villins are located. Gradually, the Rosyanka sheet is closed over insect, turning into a kind of tiny stomach.

As you know, most plants get the necessary nutrients from the soil. Some of them elected another path and during their evolution acquired amazing devices for catching and subsequent insect digestion. Immediately make a reservation, such an exotic way of food was not chosen from whim, but if necessary, because the marsh soils on which most plant predators live are very scarce and can provide them with only a "subsistence minimum".

Experiments show that plants living only at the expense of root food, in contrast to their fellows receiving animal food, markedly behind the growth and are in an extremely oppressed state. Plants living on marshy soils suffer from lack of various substances: phosphorus, potassium and especially nitrogen. In a natural pursuit, at least somehow replenish this "hungry packs" of the plants and developed various clarity organs, which are nothing more than the modified leaves, equipped with glands excreted by digestive enzymes and organic acids that allow the plant to absorb caimal mining. It is easy to assume that insectivorous plants - as a kind of botanical curiosity - quite rare in nature. However, it is not. This group of plants includes almost 500 species of 6 families, the various representatives of which are found in all parts of the world. Although the greatest species diversity of such predators, of course, inherent in the tropics.

One of the most beautiful Rosyanok - Capenesis (Drosra Capensis). Her stem, typically reaching several centimeters height, carries thin elongated leaves. On the plant, numerous, very attractive flowers are gradually revealed. However, Kapskaya Rosyanka - albeit a charming, but convinced predator, patiently waiting prey. The digestion process usually takes a few days.

Rosyanki glands allocate a liquid containing organic acids (mainly benzoic and formic) and digestive enzymes of a pepsin type, splitting insect proteins to simpler compounds that the plant can assimilate. Charles Darwin, who conducted numerous observations and experiments with Rosyanka large-scale, found the amazing ability of this plant to digest even pieces of bones and cartilage. From the insects caught by Rosyanka, only enzyme-insoluble enzymes are left, which soon wash off from the surface of the leaf of the rain or carry the wind.

All Rosyanka are insectivorous plants. The adhesive substance produced by leaves contains alkaloid conee, which has a paralytic effect on insects, and digestive enzymes. After the insect is caught, the edges of the sheet closes, covering it entirely. The speed of the leaf of the sheet in some species of Rosyanka is quite significant, especially by Drosera Burmannii.

Such a method of nutrition of the plant allows in conditions of depleted soils to absorb from insect when digesting such useful substances for a plant, such as sodium salts, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and nitrogen. After the insect digested (usually it takes several days), the sheet is revealed again.

The mechanism of passing the sheet is elected and reacts only to organic food, while random effects in the form of a drop of water or a fallen sheet do not cause the digestive process.

In the European part of Russia, Siberia, there are three types in the Far East: Rosyanka round-hearted, tsareva eyes, solar dew, spray gun (DROSERA Rotundifolia L.); Rosyanka English or long-dollar (Drosra Anglica Huds.); ROSEAN INTERMEDIA HAYNE. These Rosyanka growing in a temperate climate withstand cold winter, forming special tightly folded winter kidneys. Such kidneys can be stored in an airtight package in a small amount of sphagnum for four to five months.

Rosyanka Rotundifolia (DROSERA ROTUNDIFOLIA L.), or ordinary Rosyanka - a frost-resistant rosette plant, the most widespread type of growing in our country. Forms in summer and autumn of inflorescences consisting of small white or pink flowers. Despite the fact that this species is still widespread on sphagnum swamps in cold areas of North America, Europe and Asia, in some parts of the range of its population, due to the drainage of marshes and peat blanks. In the Red List of 1997, it is placed among the danger of species.

Rossera English (DROSERA ANGLICA HUDS.) It grows on sphagnous swamps often together with Rosyanka round. This species is widespread in areas with temperate climate in North America (Canada, USA), Europe, in the European part of Russia, Siberia, in the Far East (Kamchatka, Primorye, Sakhalin), Japan. In some parts of the area, it is threatened by the disappearance due to a violation of natural habitats, brought into red books and lists of rare plants of some regions of Russia (including Chelyabinsk).

Rosyanka Filiformis (DROSERA FILIFORMIS) - A beautiful plant that achieves 50 cm in height, it develops a reprehension of linear leaves that shine and flicker. This species distinguishes two varieties - Rosyanka's filamentary variety (Drosra Filiformis Var. Filiformis) growing from the Northeast and mid-Atlantic parts of the United States to a small territory on the Florida Peninsula; And Rosyanka Filiformis Var. Tracei - from the northern part of the Gulf Coast. Rosyanka Nitaevoid is in the greatest danger in the southern part of its North American range, where the development of acidic swamps in lowland cereal savannas occurs.

Other sockets Rosyanka make up a group of nearby tropical species endemic for a small area of \u200b\u200btropical forests in Queensland, Australia.

Rosyanka Adelae (DROSERA ADELAE) Pretty large sizes and very unpretentious. It is characterized by elongated lancetony leaves, it grows along the streams on sandy soils near the oceanic coast. Resistant to brighter lighting and cool habitat, than related species, but it does not tolerate frosts.

Rosyanka Sneaks (DROSERA PROLIFERA) It grows on wet rocks and stony shores. Unlike nearby species, this tropical plant quickly grows in the territories. New plants are formed on a flower view in the place of contact with the ground.

Rosyanka Lemongnikova (Drosra Schizandra) Also known from one point, where it prefers strongly shaded sandy areas along the streams. For this Rosyanka, the development of the removal on the top of the old flat oval leaves is characteristic.

Rosyanka Royal (DROSERA REGIA) - A rare kind of kind, reaching 30 cm in height and having dark pink flowers. This species is represented by just a few natural populations in South Africa. She has the largest leaves - their length in nature can reach from 60 cm to 2 m. The red list attributed to rare species.

Peat swamps are formed for millions of years. Live swamps are strongly moistened, characterized by an acidic medium and very poor nutrients, and therefore very specialized plants can survive in such conditions, for example, species of Rosyanok and Sfagna Moss. For centuries, European farmers cut out the peat blocks that used as fuel. The peat began to cut down for agricultural needs, the sphagnum moss is used to linake the wire baskets, and the riding (sphagnum) peat is used as a soil reducing agent; And moss and peat are valued for their high water-retaining properties. After the harvesting of the peat, the swamp dries, the living flora begins to die.

In folk medicine, Rosanka finds some application: Outside, the juice of its gleeves is used to exterminate warts; Inside, it is used as a pithy and diuretic, with fever, from eye disease. In Italy, Rosyanka goes to prepare the Liqueur "Rosolio", and used to be part of the so-called "Aqua Auri".

Some enthusiasts maintain whole collections of original insectivore plants in the culture. Almost all kinds are easy to meet on sale. Most Rosyanka are evergreen plants, some of them goes on peace in the winter or summer. The best Rosyanka feel in glass or plastic terrariums.

There are from nonoraous resistant to the maintenance of long-term strong winter frosts. All of them, with the exception of several species, prefer a bright sun. Temperature should be low, in the warm room Rosyanka winter will not survive, so cold wintering is necessary. Watering is recommended for rainwater through a wide tray, which put a pot with a plant. Humidity is high, but the plant is better not sprayed. The soil is acidic, moss sphagnum or peat with the addition of sand. Preferred is the seed reproduction and reproduction of leaf cuttings.

Rosyanka English - Drosra Anglica Hudson

Rosyanka family - DROSERACEAE

Biology. Insecto-corner grassy perennial. Hygrofit. It grows on peat sphagnum and hypinous-sphagnum swamps. Breeds seeds.

Rosyanka English (long-dollar) - A small (up to 15 - 25 cm in height) a perennial grassy insectivorous plant with a subtle threaded rhizome and upright of light-free slim stems. The leaves are assembled into the root rosette, osos are directed up. Sheet plate has an elongated linear shape and seated from above moving hairs with a glast head. The head of the hairs surrounds the droplet with a thick sticky mucus. It used to be believed that insects simply stick to this mucus, but recently, scientists managed to allocate two substances from the juice of Rosyanka (one of them - the alkaloid coneen) relating to the class of amines, which have a paralyzing effect on insects. The edge of the sheet is slowly bent and covers its prey, which soon begins to digest.
Inflorescences - curls consisting of small white flowers are located on thin reddish flowers up to 25 cm long. The fruit is a one-skinned extended-oval smooth five-liter box up to 7 mm long, somewhat larger than that of Rosyanka is short-circuit.

Seeds small, black or black and brown, with oily endosperm. Flowers in June - August, fruits ripen in September.

In the aboveground parts Plants are contained by naphthoquinone derivatives - Plumybagin (Drozerone), 8-chlorofluumbagin, 7-methilyuglow, cyanidine and pelargonidine glycosides, tanning substances, organic acids.

Infusion of grass apply As an anticonvulsant, antipyretic, antispasmodic, antitussive, expectorant, diuretic and antiseptic agent, as well as in conjunctivitis, diseases of the digestive tract, cancer tumors, scabies and pumping. The juice of grass was used externally during warts and corns.

Spread. Europe, Western and Eastern Siberia, Far East, Mongolia, North America. In the Southern Urals, the species is located on the southern border of the range.

In the Chelyabinsk region noted in the Ilmensky Reserve, on Oz. Zyuratkul, in the Trinity Reserve, on Oz. Cookies and near Pos. Nizhny Atlyan (territory subordinate to Miassu), with. Alabuga (Krasnoarmeysky district).

Limit factors. Drain of marshes, moss harvesting, peatpool.

Protection measures. It is guarded in the Ilmensky Reserve, the Trinity Reserve, Zyuratkul National Park. The creation of a specially protected natural area near the village. The Nizhny Atlyan, where Russia is found in the complex of rare marsh plant species, control over the state of populations.

According to materials from open sources of the Internet

Rosyanka is a carnivorous plant. This means that Rosyanka can capture and digest insects to produce additional nutrients such as nitrogen. This allows them to live there, where other plants cannot - in the soil or peat swamps depleted with nutrients. Some Rosyanka can receive a sufficient amount of nutrients from the soil, which allows them to survive over a long period of time, even if they do not catch any food.

However, others (such as Drosra Glanduligera. ) Not very effective in the absorption of nutrients through their roots, so they should rely more on extraction. This means that if they do not catch prey after germination, they will live a very short time.

The leaves of this plant are covered with "tentacles". The tip of each tentacle contains a necrotic gland that produces a globe of sticky digestive enzyme. When the insect sits onto the sheet, it is stuck. Since it is struggling to get out of the trap, the tentacles / leaves begin to rotate around the insect (a complex biological process, which includes several potentials of action).

Rosyanka, in the end, fools insect, and it stops moving. Digestive enzymes absorb the nutrients needed by Rosyanka. If the plant, it is usually growing faster than plants that do not eat.

Views of Rosyanka

Rosyanka can be found worldwide. Because of their adaptability to many regions, there is a wide variety of Drozer. Rosyanka is divided into several categories by type and location. Here are some examples: tropical, deciduous, moderate, cheeky, pygmy (very tiny), annuals, South African, South American, Petulary (Australian Tropical Rosyanka) and Queensland Rosyanka.

A specific example of a variety in the way of the Drozer can be seen in comparison of the Rosyanka of moderate climate and Petiolaris. Moderates prefer to cooled to moderate temperatures and grow well with low and medium humidity. Petiolaris sprouts flourish only under the condition of high temperatures and very high humidity.

While most Rosyanok are very small, there are plants that reach lengths up to 3 m. It shows an incredible variety of the kind of throster. There are many hybrids of this plant, they are easily found in nature, and many producers of Rosyanka created their own unique hybrids.

Cape Rosyanka is a bright example of carnivorous plants for beginners, but there are many tropical and moderate Rosyanka, which are also easy to care for. Here are brief lists of some other types of this plant:


Spoodoids (Drosra Spatulata) .

Sheet tree (DROSERA BINATA) .

Landela Plant (Dosera Adelae) .


Fitovoid Roshacka (DROSERA FILIFORMIS) .

Long-legged Russia (DROSERA INTERMEDIA) .

Kruglisutaya Rosyanka (Drosra Rotundifolia)

Rosyanka is the only genus of carnivorous plants found on all continents, with the exception of Antarctica, so it is not surprising that they are extremely adapted to all sections of the environment!

The best Rosyanka for beginners

Many publicly available Rosyanka are excellent for beginners, but some of them are noticeably easier in care. There are several Rosyanoks that can carry lower lighting and easily adapt to atypical conditions. These species include: Drosera Natalensis (D. Dielsiana), Drosera Capensis (most forms), Drosera Tokaiensis, Drosra Sprice, Drosera Adelae.


Living in a low humidity area, most of the time is worth keeping Rosyanka in a greenhouse. It is necessary to make sure that the soil remains wet (dark brown) at any time. In dry rooms, the plant can be kept for a few hours for feeding, but at the same time you need to spray distilled water on it, in order to save moisture. The greenhouse door can be convened, but you need to make sure that moss remains wet, the door is better to close the door. It is better to use a long sphagnum moss, whose fibers can reliably hold moisture.

Maintain moisture by using a tray method. One of the easiest ways to keep moisture in the soil (indoors and on the street) is the use of a tray. To do this, take a pot in which a carnivorous plant is located, and put it on a tray filled with water. As soon as the tray dries in a few days, it should be filled with water again. With this method, you can moisten a large number of plants at the same time. Using this method, do not forget about watering the plants, you need to make sure that the salt and minerals will not accumulate and destroy the plants. Using very clean water, you can not worry about it.

Watering Rosyanka

The plant needs to be splashing water and watered on average once or twice a week, depending on the habitat and conditions of growing Rosyanka. In a closed greenhouse, the plant should be watered only once a week. Spraying of leaves and the surrounding soil with a spray cylinder - a great way to keep the soil in the raw form. It is important to make sure that the soil remains dark brown and damp to the touch all the time.

If the leaves dry out, you need to try to spray the water on them daily and keep the plant in a closed greenhouse until it will delay "dew" on the leaves. It is necessary to be very careful in order not to overdo the water or do not drown a plant. Roots of the plant can start rot from excessive irrigation. It often testifies to its water on the surface of the soil, sometimes soil seems oversaturated water. If this happens, you need to keep the plant upside down and gently press the soil in order to squeeze excess water.

Rosyanka plants can grow only in poor mineral water with acidic soil. In order to achieve this condition, it is necessary to use only natural rainwater or distilled water. Tap water contains too many minerals that will accumulate in the soil and kill the plant. It is necessary to collect rainwater, or water from the stream. Stagnation, for example, from the lake may contain substances that can infect the plant.

Rainwater is a cheaper alternative to RO, but may often be dirtier than water RO. Growing plants outdoors, this is, of course, the best option. This water is usually safe for use. Insects, such as mosquitoes, love to multiply in barrels with rain, so you can use even such water, it is safe for carnivorous plants. In extreme cases, using tap water, you need to leave it for 24-48 hours, in order to donkey chlorine.

Lighting Rosyanka

Rosyanka are small plants that often grow among herbs, weeds and trees. Thus, they prefer to receive direct sunlight only over part of the day. It is necessary to place the plant on a nice window sill, where it can get strong natural light for at least half of the day, preferably in the morning when it is less hot and intense.

If the plant is under the right sunny rays all day, it is worth keeping partly in the shade, so that he did not overheat. Wet soil and moss must contain enough water to maintain moisture in Rosyanka cells. Plants can also be grown outdoors in regions with high humidity and temperatures. After the rain, it is necessary to remove excess water from the pot, so that the roots did not drow on and did not hesitate.

Rosyanka can be raised indoors under fluorescent lighting. Making sure that high-temperature light bulbs are used with a full spectrum of light located above the soil. In the summer, the 14-hour light cycle is ideal. In winter, the 8-hour cycle will help them to pass the stage of rest.

Grow Lights - Special fluorescent lamps are strongly recommended for Rosyanka, when there is no well-lit windowsill or there is no possibility to grow plants outdoors. Some use a mixture of cold and warm lamps to use the entire spectrum of light.

Other options - compact fluorescent lamps work well, especially when the lighting is necessary for two or three Rosyanok. Expensive T-5, halogen lamps or other special lamps can also be used. Lamps should be placed so as not to burn the leaflets of the plant. For T-5 lamps, the recommended range may vary depending on the time of the year (further in the hot summer months and very close in winter).

Feeding Rosyanka

Rosyanka should have a plant to receive nitrogen and other connections that will help him grow. The leaves can digest a few small insects per day, but the plant can not be flipped. Without food, the plant can survive, but it will not grow properly.

A good feeding cycle for optimal growth is to allow Rosyanka to capture several small flies every week. Rosyanka enjoys flies and midges that fly into the room. They can also eat ants. It is important to make sure that the leaves of the plant remain sticky. Otherwise, this may mean that the insect managed to get out of the trap. If the leaves do not look wet, they need to spray water. The plant can also grow well when it is fed only once a month.

Plants prefer live food, as they can feel movement on their leaves and will know what to wrap their tentacles around her. Nevertheless, the collected insects will also delight them. Dried meals from pet store are also suitable. You can use fish feed, lyophilized bloodworms or alive insects, such as loony or non-flying fruit flies.

It is impossible to feed the plant insects, which are too big - it can damage the sheet, although, most likely, a large insect can simply break out or fly away. You can not be afraid to concern Rosyanka, but it is impossible to rub a lot of leaves, as it can damage them.

Rosyanka landing and transplantation

Peat moss - (also called chopped sphagnum peat moss) - can be found in local garden centers. He is pretty dry. It is worth rinsed before use. Some peat brands have lower quality than others. Many use the "peach" moss, but it can contribute to the development of mold.

Because of this, you need to make sure that moss is well washed before use, so you can avoid similar problems. We must try not to inhale the dust of the peat - the re-exposure can cause some people the development of a sports farm from the argument of mushrooms found in the peat. It is also worth avoided treatment of peat when there are cuts on hand, for the same reasons, as above (you can use gloves).

Many species can be grown in a pure long-fibrous sphagnum moss, depending on the climate and cultivation area, and this is an excellent alternative to Torf.

Many use orchid moss. It is much faster to plant or transplanted the Rosyanka with a mixture of sand than with peat: the sand mix is \u200b\u200busually quite clean compared to peat. Silicate sand can be found in the shops selling pools (sand filter for pools) or buy sandblasting sand. But it is worth considering that the sand filter for the pool is usually supplied pre-washed.

Slow with silicate is perfect for loosening soil in pots and allows you to drag the soil well. Sand before it is worth riding to avoid accumulation of salt and minerals (even if it is pre-washed). You can not inhale quartz dust when working with sand. This may cause the state of the lungs known as silicosis. This happens with repeated exposure.

Pots are better to use plastic or glass. For plants with long roots, it is better to use deep pots to achieve the best results. 15 Santimeter pots are a good choice for most South African Rosyanka. 7 Santimeter plastic glasses are also very well suited for most lighter in the care of the species of Rosyanka. Some use yogurt cups or other similar containers.

You can use clay pots, but over time they can release minerals that can kill plants over time. Using clay pots, it is necessary to occasionally flushing the carnivorous plants in order to get rid of minerals as much as possible from minerals that fall into the soil.

Rosyanka is a herbaceous perennial belonging to the family of Rosyanka. In the wild, it grows in a swampy and sandy area around the globe.


Culture has a subtle or thickened herbaceous stem with sheet plates collected into a root rosette. On the surface and edges of the leaves there are ferrous hairs separating the adhesive substance having similarity with dew. It is thanks to this feature a plant and called Rosyanka.

In Botanic, more than a hundred species of this plant predator are known, but at home can only grow Rosyanka Kapskaya. It is found in home collections of flowerflowers, due to its unpretentiousness, ease of care and exotic appearance.

Views and varieties of Rosyanka

- In height, the plant reaches from 10 to 15 centimeters. It has light green leaf plates of a rounded shape with reddish tentacles. The culture of the culture grows up to 20 centimeters. Flowering time falls on the middle of summer. Inflorescences small, white or pink shade.

- This kind of culture is the most beautiful and popular. In height, the plant reaches up to 12 centimeters. Rosyanka has thin, small white shades, with which she catches prey. Flowers culture in mid-summer. Inflorescences have a co-shaped form. They are small white flowers with a light, pleasant aroma.

- The plant grows to 15 centimeters, and the height of the floweros reaches 25 centimeters. Leaf plates of culture are long, aspiring up, lancetons. Flowering time falls on the middle of summer. Inflorescence is cooled with small, white flowers. The plant has therapeutic properties and is used in phytotherapy.

- In the wild, the plant grows in South Africa. Culture has oblong, seating, multi-tiered sheet plates, growing from the rounded outlet. Leaves of yellow-green shade with red villis. Inflorescences small, pink.

Translated into Russian, this kind of Rosyanka sounds like a "spoon". Such a name was given to her due to the shape of bright green leafy plates with reddish hairs in the shape of a spoon. The height of the culture reaches from 10 to 15 centimeters. The diameter of adulthood is 6 centimeters. In the wild, she grows in Africa, Zealand and Australia.

- represents one of the most unpretentious species of Rosyanok. Sheet plates have a lanceal shape and a light green shade with numerous red villi. They are small and slightly curved. The height of the plant is no more than 8 centimeters. Flowers summer culture, white inflorescences.

- In nature, the plant grows mainly in the swampy terrain, as it loves moisture and wetland. The height of the culture reaches 15 centimeters, and the blooming grows up to 20 centimeters. Long leaf plates, lanceal, yellow-green with red villies. Rosyanka flowering time falls on the middle of summer. Inflorescence has a void shape with small, white flower.

- The birthplace of the plant is the Far East. This variety is different, although some specimens of Rosyanka grow up to 25 centimeters in length. Sheet plates have a rounded shape, grow from the root rosette and have an olive touch with red villies. Flowers summer culture, small white colors.

Plant height ranges from 10 to 20 centimeters. Leaf plates are rounded, bright green with long, reddish vile. Flowers culture from June to July White, accommodated inflorescences.

- It is an endemic of South Africa. This type of Rosyanka is low, reaching in diameter up to 8 centimeters. The height of the plant is 10 centimeters. It has narrow leaves with an extended, rounded edge. Red porcelines cover only the top of the sheet and the crust is attached to the rheton. Rosyanka flowering time falls on the middle of summer.

- One of the most unpretentious and exotic species. In height, the culture reaches up to 20 centimeters. It has a short stem with a bunch of thin, linear leaf plates having a thin petiole. Leaf color light green with green vile. When the plant catches an insect, the leaves are folded into the roll.

- The largest representative of his subspecies, reaching the height of 50 centimeters. Culture has linear, reprehensive, flickering light green leaves with white vile. Culture grows in the United States and Canada. Plant flowering time falls on the middle of summer. Flowers small, white shade.

Rosyanka care at home

So that this exotic and predatory culture felt well as a pot plant, the flower model should create such a microclimate in which it grows in a wild natural environment.

For Rosyanka, you need to pick up such a place that will be well covered and constantly ventilated. The best pot with a culture is located next to the southern window. On the window to place Rosyanka cannot be, otherwise, under the influence of direct sunlight there will be burns on it, which will lead to falling off leafy plates.

In the shade, the plant will also feel bad and can die over time. The most optimal option for its cultivation will be the place where the straight sun rays fall only in the evening.

In order to create additional backlight, you can use phytolampu, but you do not need to turn it to the light source, the lamp should be slightly aimed. If flowerflower uses artificial lighting, he must adhere to the same security measures as the sun.

Temperature mode

Since Rosyanka is endemic of tropics, the temperature regime for its normal growth should not be reduced below 18 degrees. For the winter period, this rule also extends.

Those cultures that grow in the northern regions can grow at temperatures from 5 degrees of heat. When growing a plant in a pot, it needs to create a temperature of from 13 to 20 degrees. In winter, the temperature should be from 7 to 10 degrees. For each of the varieties of the plant, the temperature will be different, so when it acquisitions, the seller should be asked about it.

Air humidity

Air humidity The necessary plants should not be less than 60%. Rosyanka loves high humidity as it grows in tropics or wetlands. To provide it with the necessary microclimate, you need to put the pallet with water or humidifier. You can also put a flower into a shallow aquarium, expelled wet moss, which, as drying, it will be necessary to moisturize.

If the colorland decided to grow Rosyanka in the aquarium, then the plant should necessarily play his edge. It can not be placed next to the glass, as the refrally sun rays will cause severe burns on the leaves. And one more thing that should be taken into account is that Rosyanka cannot be sprayed.

Watering Rosyanka

The plant is necessary so that the ground is wet all the time, but it should not be allowed to move. Watering should be abundant. Water should be used warm and resistant. Move moisture under the plant is necessary once a week, the rest of the time to spray the upper layer of the pulverizer. It is best to water the plant in the pallet.

It is impossible to spray it, since his decorativeness will disappear. In order to increase the humidity of the air in the summer, it can be sprayed around the plant from the spray, following the drops that the drops do not fall on the foliage. Also on the pallet you can put wet sphagnum. Water in a crop pallet can only be left in the summer.

It should also be considered that the root system should not come into contact with water, so when planting a plant should provide good drainage from the perlite, which is part of the soil. It is impossible to use tap water for watering, as there are many salts in it. Rain, distilled, filtered or residual water room temperature suitable. In the winter season, she can be a little warm.

Soil for Rosyanka

This predatory culture needs a special substrate. This fact color should take into account during its transplant. As mentioned above, in the wild, Rosyanka grows in a swampy terrain and subtropics, which means that for normal growth and development, it should be provided with suitable soil.

The soil should be sour, easy and depleted. The optimal option for it will be peat, mixed with sand or quartz crumb. To prepare this ground mixture, you need to take three parts of the peat, two sand hinders either part of the perlite.

Sand must be quartz, as it does not contain salts that are dangerous to Rosyanka. However, if the flower model cannot find such sand, he can replace him with perlite.

Pot for Rosyanka

Since the plant has a weak surface root system, it does not need to choose a large and deep container for landing. It is enough to acquire a shallow pot, whose diameter will be 10 centimeters.

At the bottom, there must be holes for drainage. Drainage is not needed, its role will carry out perlite, which is part of the soil.

Ceramzite put on the bottom pot can not, as it will give an alkaline reaction, it also has in its composition a lot of salts dangerous for the plant.

The pot should be chosen a light shade so that the soil does not overheat in the sun, especially in the summer.

Transfer Rosyanka

Rosyanka need to transplant in early spring when it comes out of the rest period. The substrate is prepared from peat, sphagnum and perlite in equal parts. All components of the mixture of the mixture should be mixed so that it is light and loose.

When carrying out a change with the soil, it is impossible to uminate much. Acidity The soil should be about 4 pH. A pot should take not deep and necessarily with drainage holes at the bottom of the tank. The plant needs to be pulled out of the pot and smooth the old soil with the roots. Damaged and cleared roots must be deleted.

The transplant is carried out annually, since the earth is glued together and oxygen does not come to the root system as a result of which the roots begin to die. If you do not adhere to these rules and do not transplant Rosyanka, it will die. With good care, Rosanka will delight its owner more than half a century.

After a transplantation in a culture may be the abyss of the dew on vile - it is quite normal. To facilitate the plants adaptation after a transplantation, the pot needs to be covered with a film to save moisture. A week later, the dew on the leaves will appear again.

Fertilizers for Rosyanka

Rosyanka does not need any soil feeders, as its root system cannot get the substance necessary for the growth and development of a soil. For this reason, the flower descender should ensure that the culture receives the necessary meals from the catching of insects.

On a week, she must "eat" about two - three flies - it will be enough for her. If there are no insects in the apartment, then the plant needs to be taken out to the street for hunting or to independently bring it to prey.

Insects should not be large, as they will damage the leaf plates. It is forbidden to give the culture of meat and fish, it is suitable for solely flies, bugs or mosquitoes, which, in the extreme case, can be bought in a pet store.

Neventes is also a predatory plant from the non-family family. It is grown when careing at home without much difficulties, if you observe the agrotechnik plant. All necessary recommendations for the cultivation and care of this plant can be found in this article.

Flowering Rosyanka

Rosanka blooms in the middle of summer, white, small flowers. When the plant blooms, the flower is needed to think about pollination to get cultural seeds in the future.

Pollination can be carried out as artificially, moved to the pollen from the flower on the flower, and naturally, by making the Rosyanka on the open air and allowing the bees to pollize the inflorescences. This procedure should be carried out approximately for a week.

If pollination is successful, the fruits will occur. A seed box will appear, which, after ripening, can be opened, and seeds that are inside use for the reproduction of Rosyanka.

Rosyanka trim

In pruning, the plant does not need.

Growing Rosyanka from seeds

For reproduction take fresh seeds, placed them in a container on the wet sphagnum and covered with a lid. The container is cleaned into a warm and bright place. In order for the seeds faster, the temperature should be 25 degrees.

Freshly collected seeds give sprouts in a month, and purchased in the store - for six months. When young plants appear four own sheet plates, they can be seeded in the pot.

It should be noted that the first leaf plates of the plants do not have a carnivorous function, they will be asleep only four months later.

Reproduction of Rosyanka division bush

If a daughter socket departs from the parent plant, then Rosyanka can be multiplied. The socket should be carefully separated from an adult culture and jerk at a permanent place of growth.

She was big, it can be divided into parts so that each of them has their roots. The separation location needs to be treated with crowded coal, after which each piece can be put in its container. The young man is rooted very quickly.

Rosyanka reproduction of leaf cuttings

To propagate the Rosyanka with a cutlets, choose a suitable sheet plate and put it into a glass with water, adding a drug to accelerated formation of roots, and can also be rooted in the ground of a mixture of sphagnum, peat and sand.

A glass with water or a container with Earth mixture should be covered with polyethylene. It is necessary to ensure that the cutlets have enough heat, light and moisture. In this case, the rooting will be successful.

The most popular method of reproduction is the shilling and seed method.

Diseases and pests

If at the plant started adhesive drops on the sheet plates So Rosyanka lack moisture. To fix it, you need to increase either watering or air humidity. To enhance air humidity, it is possible to spray it from the dispenser from time to time either near the pot to install wet clay. You can also place a plant into a wet terrarium and leave it for a while for drinking moisture. After such procedures, the problem should disappear.

Shooting and drying of sheet plates It occurs due to the root rot, developing when pouring plants with water. Watering Rosyanka should be carried out exceptionally soft water without salts. To reanimate Rosyanka, it should be taken out of the pot, smooth the roots from the ground and remove their discouraged parts. After that, to conduct a transplant to a new substrate and a pot.

In disappearing dew on leaf plates and fading of the plant , the flower model should change the soil, which is most likely the plant is not suitable. Rosyanka should be transferred to a more suitable substrate and its condition will come to normal.

From pests for culture are dangerous only cobbled tick and wave , everyone else becomes its prey. If the flower detected on the Rosyanka of these insects, the plant should be treated with an insecticide "AKTELLIK", neatly rubbing the lower parts of the sheet plates.

The procedure should be repeated a few days later to completely destroy pests. If the wave struck the bloomon, it is better to cut it, as a lot of energy and the vitality, which she can spend on the formation of the inflorescences of Rosyanka, which she can spend on recovery.


Rosanka is a fairly exotic room plant. Caring for it is not complicated, but at the same time the flower is needed to monitor not only the maintenance of the microclimate, but also for the diet of its green pet.

It is very interesting not only its appearance, but also a lifestyle. What is only worth watching his hunting and a meal. After replenishing your collection of such a culture, you can be sure that it will become not only the subject of pride, but also the pearl of the green collection.