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Sergius Radonezh brief biography of exploits. Value of Sergius Radonezh in a brief biographical encyclopedia

Sergius Radonezh's parents were boyars Cyril and Maria, who lived in the territory of Rostovsky Principality. The family was distinguished by piety. Cyril and Mary had three children - Stefan, Bartholomew, Peter. Soon, Rostov was ruined, and the family moved to Radonezh, who was under the rule of the Moscow Prince.

Bartholomew was poorly given science, he worried a lot. But the boy tried, and prayed diligently. Once he was ink. Ink blessed the boy, and since then he has left without difficulty science. When the parents of Bartholomews are, they went in. Soon, Cyril and Maria died. Then Bartholomew, left all the visiting parenther inheritance by Peter, and together with Stefan decided to take the monastic stop.

Bartholomew and Stefan were preparing for a long time. The brothers were shot down in the Radonezh Forest Kiel, where they prayed hotly. After a while, living in work, the brothers erected a small wooden cathedral of the Holy Trinity. Stefan was in a strong life. He said goodbye to the Bartholoma and went to the Epiphany Monastery.

Bartholomew decided to continue a secluded lifestyle. He overcame the fear of wild animals, lived in labor. Soon, glory was separated into all corners. Metropolitan Moscow Feoganut arrived in the forest to consecrate the temple built by the brothers. Here, the Bartholomew was tonsured by Metropolitan to the monks. In the ancestry, Bartholomew was Sergius. Various miracles were attributed to Sergia. They say that he learned the monk with the bear. People said that a big wild beast lay in his feet and Sergius and listened to him, took food from the saint's hands.

The stunned fame about Sergia Radonezh, led many most different people. Who came here for a while, seek privacy and peace, someone like Sergius Radonezh. I wanted to spend your whole life in the works and prayers. It will take a little time and around the Trinity Cathedral, many houses will appear in which the monks lived.

Sergius Radonezh is nothing difference from his brothers. Also wore water, colop of firewood, cultivated the earth, prayed. Different years were issued several times, lacked food. Then to the Radonezh Forest, the large Moscow monasteries sent, who could: Moite, rye ...

Resident built by Sergius Radonezh grew. Soon he was offered San Igumen. The monk refused, considering himself unworthy. As a result, the circumstances still forced Sergius Radonezh, after some time to become an igumen of his own monastery.

Years passed. Began to return to the former power. In these people for the state, the example of Sergius Radonezh became an example for all. Rev. played a big role in the moral and moral formation of society, thanks to him, patriotic sentiment reigned. It was Sergiy Radonezh blessing who came to him in front of the Kulikovsky battle of Prince. In addition to blessings, he sent two of his monks in the ranks of the Russian troops, the Russians of the robbery and let's sleep. Dmitry's army broke the Tatars on the Kulik field. Probably, the blessing and God's help, played in this great routine victory, not the last role.

Sergius Radonezh, after, lived for another 20 years. The contribution of it to the further development of the Russian state is huge. He managed to smooth out the misunderstandings of the princes, to reduce the fratricide gravestones practically on "no". Sergey Radonezh was developed by the charter for monks. The charter was adopted with the blessing of Metropolitan Alexia. According to this charter, almost all Russian monasteries lived in the future. He blessed his student of Nikon before his death. In place of the monastery built by Sergius Radonezh and his brethren, today is the Trinity-Sergiyev Lava - one of the most grateful places in Russian land. Sergius Radonezh is rightfully considered one of the greatest, canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church. Moscow Princes and Tsari, who ruled after Dmitry Donsky, considered Sergius Radonezh as his heavenly patron.

This is a real historical figure. True, the name of Sergius on this moment It serves as a source of roast disputes of believers and atheists, lovers of the national spirit and skeptics-historians. Not everyone believe that he really blessed Dmitry Donskoy on the Kulikov battle - say, there is an opinion that this warlord was Sergia Radonezh is extremely unpleasant, and the holy fathers even ordered him anathema ... In our article we will talk about the lives of this Russian saint, as it is Talk to the church. We will try to state the facts briefly, but do not miss anything important.

Each people need their heroes. But also, it is also incredibly important for any nation and their own saints - pious ancestors that can sincerely respect and which can be even twisted. And especially - the wonderworkers, even after their earthly demise helping the pious people who pray their icons. When the church in Russia returned to their rights and the faith finally spoke openly, without criticism, it turned out that many righteous and martyrs were born here for many hundreds of years, and their names are that future generations remember them. One of these righteous is the Rev. Sergius. This holy is so popular that at this time it is preparing for renting a cartoon about his life, so that even children are familiar with his name, feats and miracles.

Family Sergius and his childhood

The future holy was born on May 3 in the family of Rostov Boyar Kirill and Mary (later they were also counted to the face of Saints Rev.). Although his father served as local princes, historians are confident: he lived to be unhealthy, modestly. Little Bartholomew (just such a name of Sergius received at birth, it was chosen in the sacnesses) cared for horses, that is, from childhood was not a squirrel.

At seven years, the boy was given to school. His elder brother understood the science well, and she did not let the Bartholomew. He tried very hard, but learning remained alien to him and incomprehensible.

First miracle

Once, looking for lost foals, the little warfolomes came across the inhibit elder. The boy was sad, and an old man asked if he could help him. To which Bartholomew said, he would like the Lord to help him in their studies.

The old man prayed, after which the boy blessed and treated him to the scoring.

Good boy led the old man in his house, where parents put him at the table (they were hospitable to strangers). After the meal, the guest led the child to the chapel and asked to read the psalm from the book. Bartholomew refused, explaining that he could not ... But then he picked up a book in his hands, and everyone was angry: so smoothly his speech was.

The foundation of the Holy Resident

When the boy's brother Stefan was widowed, he decided to become ink. Soon the parents of the young men were pressed. Bartholomew decided to go to his brother, in the Khotkovo-Pokrovsky monastery. But for a long time he did not stay there.

In 1335, they built a small wooden church with his brother. Here, on the Makoves Hill, on the shore of the Kochera river, in the eve of the deaf Radonezh Bor, there is still a sanctuary - the truth is, today it is already the Cathedral Church of the Holy Trinity.

Life in Bor was too ascetic. Stefan eventually realized that such a ministry was not his lot, so he left the abode, moved to Moscow, where he soon became the igumen of the Epiphany Monastery.

23-year-old warfolomes did not change his mind to the monk, and without frightened the full deprivation of the service of the Lord, he turned to Igumen Mitrofan and accepted the post. His church name Sergius became.

A young monk stayed in her church one. He prayed a lot and constantly fasted. In his cell, there were sometimes demons and even Satan-tempter, but Sergius did not retreat from the intended path.

Once, the most terrible forest beast came out to his cell. But the monk was not frightened, he began to feed the beast with his hands, and soon the bear became manual.

Despite the desire to abandon all worldly, reports of Sergia Radonezh flew around the country. People stretched to Bor. Some just thought, and others asked to escape together. So the church began to grow into the community.

  • Communicate, future monks built 12 keys, took the territory of a high fence.
  • Brathy robbed a garden, began to grow vegetables for food.
  • Sergius was first and in service, and in work. And, at least in winter and in the summer we wore the same clothes, completely did not sick.
  • The monastery grew up, and it's time to choose Hegumen. Brachia wanted to become Sergius. This decision was approved in Moscow.
  • Celi has already been built in two rows. The igumen of the monastery turned out to be strict: novices were forbidden to chat and ask for challenge. Everyone had to work or pray, and private property was proceeded. He himself was very modest, without chasing themselves for the benefits of worldly nor for power.
  • When the monastery rummaged to Laurea, I had to choose the kelary - the Holy Father, who was headed by the economy and the treasury. Also chose the confessor (he was confused) and Ecclesiarch (followed the order in the church).

  • During his life, Sergius became famous for its wonders. For example, one person came to him so that the elder prayed about his son's health. But while Sergius was able to see the boy, he died. Father went after the coffin, and the Holy began to pray over the body. And the tags rose!
  • But it was not the only miracle of healing. Sergius treated blindness, insomnia. It is also known that he expelled demons from one Velmazby.
  • In addition to Trinity Sergiev, the Monk founded more than five temples.

Sergius and Dmitry Donskoy

Meanwhile, the era of the horde, devastating Russian lands was nearing an end. A section of power began in Horde - several candidates for the role of Khan killed each other, and the Russian princes began to unite, collecting forces.

And on August 18, the Moscow Prince, which will soon be called Don, with Serpukhov Prince Vladimir arrived in Lavra. There, Sergius invited the princes on the meal, after which blessed them on the battle.

It is known that two Skimnik monks left the holy monastery with the prince: Osh and Peresvet (the latter at the very beginning of the battle with Tatars came up with the Tatar boghedral lubeje, won it, but also fell after himself). Are these people were monks, because the story (or rather, legends) coming to us at all monastic names? Some historians do not even believe in the existence of such heroes - however, the Church believes in their existence, and that they sent them myself.

The fight was terrible, since in addition to the Hana Khan Mamia, Lithuanians came out at Dmitry, as well as Ryazan Prince and his people. But September 8, 1380 The battle was won.

Interestingly, having praying on this day together with the brother in his laurel, according to God's nate Sergius, called the names of the fallen colleagues Dmitry, and at the end he said that he won the battle.

The end of the saint

He did not leave behind the Scriptures. However, an example of his hardworking, righteous life still inspires many: some - on a modest, quiet, walled life, others - for monasticism.

However, Sergius had a student - Epiphany. He became a shame that he had almost no memory about the elder, and 50 years after his death, the Epiphanas began to write the life of this bright person.

In which Russian temples can I pray Serge Radonezh?

About 700 temples are devoted to this saint, not only in our country, but also all over the world. Still: Sergius Radonezh's rank for the Saints faces occurred in 1452. Moreover, it is honored both Orthodox and Catholics.

  • Icons Sergius can be found in any temple. But best of all, of course, come to the pilgrimage in the Lavra itself. His cell has been preserved here. Also, from under the ground beats the source that came to life thanks to the prayer of this Ihuman (he regretted the brothers going on the water far, and asked the Lord to make the water be closer to the church). VERYANS argue that water in it is healing: cleans both diseases and sins.

Where is the relics of the saint? At the moment where they are there to be - in Trinity Sergius Lavra. Although before that they went through a long way. Sergius's grave was first revealed 40 years after his death. Eyewitnesses wrote that the body of the saint remained uncovered. Later, the relics were transported to protect from the fire, as well as saving from enemy soldiers during the war with Napoleon. Touch to the coffin and Soviet scientists, placing the power of Sergius in the museum. And during the Second World Body, Sergius was evacuated, but then returned to the laurel.

What are he praying about?

  • About helping children in school. And besides, students who fear bad marks at the session are praying for saint.
  • It is also easy to guess that they are assessed by requests for children to eat.
  • More than Sergia people who have many debts pray. It is believed that in life this man helped poor debtors.
  • Finally, he is a good assistant in reconciliation.
  • And since Sergius Radonezh provided considerable support in the formation of the Moscow state, the officials of higher gravis are often praying.

But what words it is customary to contact this holy wonderworker? All prayers for Sergia Radonezh collected in this video:

All in the world have a heart. Even with Koshiya. Although it lay somewhere in a chest under the castle for the thirty lands in the chest. If the heart is not, then so about the person they say - heartless. It is almost like dead, only worse. The dead lie and do not make any particular harm. And the heartless walks on the ground and offend others, it is worried and blurred. And at the same time also justify yourself: there are no hearts, how do they know what they do other?

Heart is not only in humans. Health has both cities and peoples, and even in whole states. The heart of the city is his temple. Wherever the city appeared, the temple was made in it. And for all holidays, people went there. And all the most important events: both the birth of a child, and the creation of a family, and victory, and the harvest was celebrated in the temple. Yes, do not know how to rejoice with the heart?

The heart of our country is the Trinity-Sergiyev Lava. From here, the Great Orthodox Country of Russia came out of Radonezh Forests. Moscow is a head. There is our president and our government. They are sitting for all day and think how to live better. Miscellaneous thoughts come to mind - and bad, and kind. And only the heart can recognize what to listen, and which is not. And then sometimes it will be thought of something good, but in fact it turns out - complete nonsense.

For example, a thought took mind instead of three kilograms of potatoes to buy three kilograms of candies and treat all friends in the yard. It seems good idea. And friends will definitely like it. But the heart says to you: no, brother, candy for friends - this is, of course, good, but the potato dad for dinner is still better.

Russia's heart where Rev. Sergius Radonezhsky. If it were not for him, no Russia would never have happened. And there would be many small weak principalities with which no one is ever considered. And who wants to reckon with weaklings, who cannot really stand up for themselves? With them you want, do - you want, take a bike, and you want the ball.

In those ancient troubled times, the weak principles immediately captured the enemies and installed their orders there. Forced local residents to work on themselves and they were all selected. And they themselves lived in selected houses, and only on the floor they flew. What about this? It's still not to clean.

So with Russia, the enemies wanted to do - the Russian princes lived every itself, and they were easy to capture. But there was one prince of Moscow Dimitri among them, who did not want Russia to capture. On the contrary, he wanted everyone in our side to live free. But the neighboring princes did not listen to him, but only they swore and argued. And there was no one who could enjoy them. They are princes.

By this, the Mongols took advantage and captured the Russian principalities. Unlike Russians, they lived together and if that, immediately united. And when they were going together, they were not against them that the principality, no kingdom could resist - they were organized and cruel. Mongols captured Russian principalitys and many kingdoms in the East and West. Polmyr captured.

Almost three hundred years have enjoyed cruel Mongols in Russian Earth. And so these disgrace continued to continue if it were not born in the Russian land of Saint Sergius Radonezh.

Well, now everything is read about everything in this story.

Saint Rev. Sergius Radonezh lived in the 14th century, in times tatar-Mongolian yoke and intercible wars. According to an ancient legend, Barfolomeu (so called the saint to the post in the monks) did not have any student, although he was a diligent student.

Once, Rostov Boyharina Kirill was worn to foals. We scattered from the meadow in the surrounding birchings, searching for them ... Horses In general, animals are smart, they hold onto the pasture together, they do not go far from familiar places. And the children are that human, that horsepower, a well-known business, everyone strives for adventures to find themselves. Fuck the foals from the meadow, did not return home along with the rest of herd. So what's now? An uneven hour, the wolves will attack them, or in the swamp bog foals will be lit. And I must say that Boyarin Kirill, although he was a notable person, but the temper had a simple and peasant labor did not protect his children. Another would send a servant to look for a lost cattle and the case end. Kirill also sent in search of the foals of his middle son Bartholomew. He knew that the horses boy loves. Here let and gather touched the skates. More goes than wasted at home sitting. Moreover, he did not fit at all with his studies. Although we are crying, and the guinea is not given. Yes, Bartholomew and cried more than once from the resentment: well, for the trouble like this - the brothers are already reading for a long time, and the score is trained, and write try. Only he has one stupns in the psalti do not want to develop in words. How he tried, how many sleepless nights spent over the book, all the tips of the teacher performed the Word into the Word. And the gramist does not go to mind. Only and it remains that sheave secretly behind the stove, so that his father did not see. But the father is not blind, too, ... It was a sorry for his son, he saw that she was trying to the warfolomes, but nothing comes from him with a diploma. So sent it after another lesson on the meadow, behind the foals. I suppose, at the spacious, sadness will quickly dispel. Long wandered warfolomes in the surrounding hopes and armor.

I called my horses, looking for their traces on wet land at the stream. Finally in the grove on the edge of the field heard a familiar rye. Here they are, Father's foals, all four. Raised the muzzles, taught young escapes of Birch. "Nothing," thought warfolomes, "I have a delicacy for you." I got out of the Kotomka the edge of the rye loaf, gave everyone to pieces. That's all. Now they will run behind him at home as tied, wait for still treats. And went warfolomes with skates home.

Suddenly looks at the hillock, under the oak, - the old man in the monastic robe. It costs one-one and god praying. "Not otherwise, this is a holy man, the ward of God," thought Bartholomew. "I will ask him and pray it for me, so that I finally have a book grade." He stood up and began to wait. The elder finished his prayer, he saw the boy, called him to him and asked what he needed. Here the Bartholomew suddenly cried and began to talk about all his sorrows. The monk listened to him, smiled and said Briefly: "Let's pray together, so that the Lord gives you a book understanding." And when they prayed, pulled the box because of her sinuses, and from her took a piece of prosphora - church loaf - and gave the boy: - Eat it, as a sign of the grace of God to you.

Bartholomews obediently ate the prosfora. The monk said goodbye and wanted to go beyond his expensive, but Bartholomew more kept him to go to visit that he agreed. Came home. Bartholomew's parents were delighted when they saw on the threshold of a holy wander. Immediately they took the blessing and told the servants to cover on the table. But the guest was not in a hurry to dinner.

- Previously, we will withdraw food the spiritual, - he said to Bartholomew and headed with him to the chapel room. Such rooms at that time were in the house of every boyar and prince. There, the old man gave the boy in his hands a book and ordered to read prayers.

"But I don't know how," the warfolomes objected.

"Don't talk back," the old man smiled, "read."

And blessed by his congestion. Bartholomews obediently opened the book, and ... the words of the prayer poured from him without the slightest knocker. Letters on paper finally began to develop in words, and words - in the sentences. The boy read exactly and intelligible, not worse than the rural deacon. Parents standing in the doorway, could not believe their eyes - did they really have their warfolomes

So, with God's help, the future Igumen of the Russian land learned to read. From that day, the Bartholomew opened amazing abilities to study. The gram, which was not given to him, was finally mastered. After such a miracle, a boy had a desire to serve God. He wanted to retire in the example of ancient devotees and become a monk. But the love of his father and mother kept him in his native family.

Bartholomew was a modest, quiet and silent boy, with all the tears and everything was obedient to parents. Those also loved the Bartholomew, and he, having received their permission, from the twelve age began to teach himself to the life of the devotee - so strictly fastened that, on Wednesdays and Fridays, did not take food at all (as they did particularly pious adults), and the rest of the days was eaten by bread and water. Mom was first disturbed, but then she saw that Bartholomew and with such poor nutrition grows strong and healthy. He often visited the temple, and at home he spent all nights in prayer and diligently read the books of the Holy Fathers.

So would live a warfolome in its Rostov estate, as long as he grows and becomes a real monk. But ... when the Bartholomew was fifteen years old, the Rostov Principality joined Moscow. Now Rostov began to manage the Moscow governor named Ivan Kochyev. He set his new cruel orders and selected property from the boyars and noble people of Rostov.

The father of Bartholomew also lost all means and became poor, so his family was forced to flee from their native land. They found her sore in a small settlement Radonezh, sixty kilometers from Moscow. There they lived, while all three sons of impoverished boyar were matured. It's time to come, and their father died. And after him, Mother was departed to God. After the death of parents, the brothers did not share a poor inheritance. It all got the youngest brother Peter. And Bartholomew and his older brother Stefan settled in ten versts (vests - this is a little more than a kilometer) from Radonja, in a deep forest near the river konchura.

Long walked brothers in the surrounding area, choosing a deserted place - that is, deserted, quiet, unnecessary people. Finally, they loved one forest corner, remote and from settlements, and from roads. This place was the god itself intended for the monastery, because the people have seen the heavenly light, then the fire, and some felt here. It looked like a place as a small hill, which was towering over the surroundings in the form of a poppy, so it was called Macovz, or Makovice. A dense forest, which has never concerned a man's hand, put it on all sides with a solid tackling, highly raising her sickly peaks to the sky.

In these forest devils, it was possible to find a little water, although it was not close for her. The brothers cut down the huge century-old ate, shed them with axes and their own hands built a celle with a small church. The church was consecrated in the name of the Holy Trinity. This was the beginning of the future abode of St. Sergius.

But not long happened to the brothers to live together. Although Stephen was an elder brother, and did not stand heavy Life Hermits away from people. No matter how he caught his warfolomes to stay, but Stephen left Forestry and went to Moscow. There he entered the Epiphany Monastery, and after a while he became his abbot and confessor of the Moscow Prince.

Bartholomews kneaded into the monks named Sergius and lived one in the forest for more than two years. It is difficult to even imagine how many difficulties had to overcome the young monk during this time. After all, it was then a little more than twenty years. In winter, flocks of hungry wolves digged near the Celi and throwing the night to move, sinister flame burned in dark Forest their terrible eyes. And in the warm season sometimes came here and others, even more terrible inhabitants of these places - bears. It was terribly reverend Sergia, like anyone, what to hide. But the other in his place would convince of such wild forests without regardless. And at the sight of wild animals only prayed very much, hoping for the help of God. And wolves with bears went deep into the depths of Forest Debreys, not harming him.

Once in the spring, Rev. Sergius saw a big bear before his hut, overlooking the hibernation. True, the view of the Bear was not at all fierce: I washed, fur hangs by Cloaks. I got up before the kili and growls plaintively, as if it was asked to eat. A monk was clenched over the Beast: I took a piece of bread, I went out and gave my bear my dinner. After all, besides bread, which sometimes brought him younger brother, Rev. Sergius had no other meal. The bear ate bread and gone into the forest. And then it was from time to time to come to the holy to visit - to taste the monastic bread. And he only thanked God for such an unusual neighbor sent him to consolation.

Three years later, the fame of the spiritual exploits of St. Sergius reached the surrounding villages. People who threw themselves to the saint, who had been instructed from him. The monks asked permission to stay next to him to lead the same righteous life. Rev. Sergius refused to them: after all, life here was very difficult. But in the end - allowed. And twelve people gathered around him, who decided how he, to serve God. Each of them built himself a celle-hut, and the reverend embaning them high fence From spruce login to protect against animals. The dense forest surrounded the abode from all sides. Century trees leaning over the cashes, noise with their peaks. Even near the church, there were stumps and brices everywhere, between which the monks arranged small grill, where vegetables were grown: potatoes, carrot, onions. This is how Jergiev Laurel looked at her first years!

Becoming igumen (that is, the abbot of the monastery), the reverend took care of the brethren, and he did not think about himself at all, hoping only for God's help. And therefore it often happened that he was hungry for a long time. But Sergius fasted from childhood since childhood and got used to tolerate deprivation, so with his patience I filed an example of all my brethren. One day he had no bread, nor salt, and in the entire monastery there were very few supplies. Three days, Igumen lived without food, and at the dawn, the fourth day took an ax and went to one of the monks, named Daniel.

- I heard, Starch, - said Rev. Sergius, - What do you want to attach Seni to your cell; Let me build them for you, so that my hands were not without business. "True," Daniel replied him, "I would very much wanted to build them; I have already been prepared for work for a long time, and just wait for a carpenter from the village. How do you charge this case? Perhaps you will ask me expensive.

"This work will cost you inexpensive," said Igumen. - Here I want a moldless bread, and you have it; I do not need it anymore. Don't you know that I can work not worse than a carpenter? Why do you, older, call another employee?

Then Daniel ruled him with slices of moldless bread, which he himself could not, and said:

- That's if you want, take everything that is there, and no more letters.

"Good," said Rev. Sergius, "this is pretty enough for me with an excess; Sign up to the ninth hour: I do not take the work fee before.

The abbot tightened the belt firmly and began to work hard. From early morning to late evening, despite the hunger, he sawed, the board was died, he grazed poles - and he graduated from the construction. The sun had already disappeared behind the dormant forest, when the old man of Daniel again made him molded slices of bread - an agreed fee for a whole day of labor. Putting them in front of them, Igumen prayed and began to eat, even without salt, only with one water. It was a lunch, and dinner for the whole four days! Seeing this, other monks were surprised by the patience of their igumeman, who even such a taste could take only as a fee for his work. After all, he strictly followed the commandments of the apostle Paul: who does not work, he does not eat (2 Salt. 3: 10). And the brethren tried to imitate their mentor.

In those years, the Russian land for a hundred fifty years has been under the rule of Tatar-Mongols. Russian princes each year paid them tribute. To fight with them it was simply unthinkable: Mongols collected too much and strong army. Yes, and then the princes in Russia to unite. Everyone has their own squad, and together to get together - in no way. Where there is an agreement there, if the princes then they quarreled with each other and tried to go hiking on their own neighbor.

But here is one of the Tatar khans, named Mamai, decided that one given to the Russian princes was already a little. And she was going to go on Russia with a huge army to seize all cities, kill the princes and himself rule Russian Earth. In vain, the Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich tried to die with his gifts and humility: Mamay and I did not want to hear about mercy. No matter how hard it was a great prince after recent wars with Lithuanians again prepare for war, and there was nothing to do: the Tatar hordes came out as a thunderstorm cloud to go to Russia. And then Dmitry Ivanovich was able to convince the rest of the princes to leave the discord, to unite all the squads in one army and meet the Terrible enemy Maama still on the way. While he did not get to our cities and did not handle the terrible trouble there.

There were a lot of Russian warriors, such a strong army so far no one has yet collected. But all the same, there were much less than the fighters at Mamaia. Everyone was clear that without God's help In this battle, not to win.

The Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich decided to go to the monastery to Sergia to worship there and get a blessing. He invited with his other Orthodox princes and the governor and along with a squad arrived at the Trinity Abode. Prying, the Grand Duke said to Saint Igumen:

"You already know, a lot that great grief hangs over us: the Ordinsky Prince Mamai goes to Russian land to ruin the holy churches and destroy the Christian people ... Crane the same, in order for God to deliver us from this trouble!

Reverend advised the prince Dmitry Ivanovich to bring Mama Gifts and show his humility. "You, Mr.," he said, "you should take care and tightly stand for your subjects, and put your soul for them, and shed your blood. But first go to Mama with the truth and humility, as follows in your position to submit to the Orda king. After all, Scripture teaches us that if such enemies want to honor and glory from us, we will give them; If they want Zlata and Silver, we will give it; But for the name of Christ, the Orthodox faith is likely to put their soul and shedding his soul. And you, Mr., Give them the honor, and Zlatto, and Silver, and God will not care for them to defeat us: He will raise you, seeing your humility, and lowered their adamant pride.

"I have already done all this," the Grand Duke replied him, "but my enemy crashes even more." "If so," said Sergius, "then his faithful death awaits him, and you, great princess, help, mercy and glory from the Lord. We hope for the Lord and at the most the Mother of God that they will not leave you.

And, the autumn of the Grand Duke Cross, pronounced:

- Go without fear! The Lord will help you!

- Won your enemies.

But not only with a breakdown and prayer blessed the Rev. Prince. At that time, the monastery were two ink: Alexander Peresvet and Andrei Ocksham. Everyone was heard about their courage, courage and military art, because before the adoption of monastics, they both were famous for the valiant soldiers, experienced in military business. Here are these inochetian heroes and gave the Rev. Sergius to help the Great Prince.

And when the Russian army agreed with Mama in the Kulikov field, one of them - Alexander Peresvet - began the battle, going to a fight with the famous Tatar Salucham. Horror inspired by one of his kind: Huge, powerful, with a ferocious face, he shook a spear and shouted: "Well, who dares to fight me?! Who does not go any life?! " And here the rivers left the Russian rows. In a simple monastic robe, without a lat and a helmet, armed with a heavy spear, as if Zipper rushed on a terrible Tatar for his fast horse. There were loud cries. Rivals collided right in the middle of the fields. The blow of the spears was such a force that the shields were cracked, and they struck each other to death. The huge Mongolian warrior fell into the grass, and Russian Vityaz remained in the saddle. The faithful horse brought him to the Russian army. Inok Peresvet died for his homeland, and his angels soul took the sky. There is no face of God's higher the feat than where his soul will put his own person.

Seeing how terrible Mongol turned out to be defeated, the Russians realized that the Lord for us began to beat to death. The battle continued all day until the night, and, in the end, the Mongols retreated. After all, if God is with you, you will not win you. And soon the whole of our country was released from the invaders.

Then the battle was boiling, the swords were swords, like a zipper, shook the spears, the blood was poured under the sidella, rolled the greenery helmets under the legs of the horse, and the helmets and heads are hedgehogs ...

At this time, in Trinity, the abode of Holy Igumen Sergius gathered all her brotherhood and prayed to God for the success of Russian troops. Although Sergius was in the monastery, but his spirit was on the sticker field. Igumen saw everything that happened there, and spoke about the monks. He called the names of the fallen warriors and prayed for them. Finally, Sergius announced that the enemy was defeated, and glorified God for the victory of Russian troops.

In honor of this great Victory Prince Dmitry and was named by Don, because Kulikovo field was near the Don River.

Thanks to St. Sergey, the hostile princes were reconciled, gathered a strong army and were driven by Tatars-enslavers. Yes, and after the Kulikov battle, the Rev. Sergius has repeatedly many times among themselves Russian princes, instructing them to live in love, according to God's commandments, and not to go on a good neighbor. For these and other glorious matters, Sergius Radonezh entered the national memory with high title - the igumen of the Russian land.

And the beginning of this was laid on that distant Rostov meadow, where the boy who gathered the fantastic foals, asked God to teach his diploma.

God has everything really - just a lot. Rev. Sergius has shown his whole life that he used the gift from God for the benefit of himself and the whole Russian people! And when such a person will exercise the will of God about himself, the graceful people always keep the memory of his good deeds.

Value of Sergius Radonezh in a brief biographical encyclopedia


Sergius Radonezh (in the world of Bartholomew) - Saint, Reverend, the greatest devotee of the land of the Russian, converter of monasticism in Northern Russia. Originated from a noble kind; His parents, Cyril and Maria, belonged to Rostov Boyars and lived in their estate not far from Rostov, where Sergius was born in 1314 (according to others - in 1319). At first, his literacy learning was completely unsuccessful, but then, thanks to patience and work, he managed to familiarize himself with the Holy Scriptures and was addicted to the Church and inherent in the night. Around 1330, Sergius's parents brought to poverty were to leave Rostov and settled in the city of Radonzhe (54 versts from Moscow). After their death, Sergius went to Khotkovo - the Pokrovsky monastery, where his older brother, Stephen, was inocured. In an effort to "strictest monogram," to desert, he stayed here for a short time and, convincing Stephen, together with him founded the deserts on the banks of the Konchura River, in the midst of the deaf Radonezh Bora, where he built (about 1335) a small wooden church in the name of the Holy Trinity On the site of which now the Cathedral Temple is also in the name of the Holy Trinity. Soon Stephen left him; Left alone, SERGY accepted in the year 1337. In two or three years to it began to fluff The monastery was formed, and Sergius was her second igumen (the first - Mitrofan) and the presbyter (since 1354), who submitted an example with his humility and hard work. Gradually, the glory grew up: everything began to turn from the peasants and ending with princes; Many settled next to her, sacrificed her property. First, in all the necessary extreme need, the desert appealed to a rich monastery. Slava Sergius even reached Tsargrad: Patriarch Konstantinople Philofee sent him with a special embassy, \u200b\u200bParamad, Schima and a diploma, in which he praised him for virtuous lives and gave advice to introduce a strict society in the monastery. Under this advice, and from the blessing of Metropolitan Alexey, Sergius introduced a community charter in the monastery, taken later in many Russian monasteries. High respected by Radonezh Iguman Metropolitan Alexey before his death persuaded him to be a successor to him, but Sergius decisively refused. According to one contemporary, Sergius, "quiet and kinstims" could act on the cooler and fierce hearts; Very often reconciled by the princes warring them, persuading them to obey the Grand Duke of Moscow (for example, Rostov Prince - in 1356, Nizhny Novgorod - in 1365, Ryazan Oleg and others), so that by the time of the Kulikovsky battle, almost all Russian princes recognized Dmitry Johnovich . Going on this battle, the last, accompanied by princes, boyars and the governor, went to Sergia to pray with him and received a blessing from him. Bless him, Sergius predicted him a victory and salvation from death and let go to the campaign of his two sokov, reboot and dock (see). Approaching Don, Dimitri Ioannovich hesitated, whether to cross the river or not, and only upon receipt from Sergius an encouraging letter, who extinguished him as soon as possible to attack the Tatars, began decisive actions. After the Kulikov battle, the Grand Duke began to relate yet with a great reverence of Radonezh Igumen and invited him in 1389 to bore a spiritual testament, precomplying new order The throne against the father to the eldest son. In 1392, September 25, Sergius passed away, and in 30 years they were gained imperious his power and clothing; In 1452, he was ranked sainted. In addition to the Trinity-Sergius of the Monastery, Sergius founded several more abode (Blagoveshchenskaya and others), and his disciples were established up to 40 monasteries, mainly in Northern Rus. See "Rev. Sergius Radonezh. Regarding the 500th anniversary since its blissful death" ("Christian reading", 1892, | 9 - 10); "Life and Proceedings of Rev. Sergius of Radonezh" ("Wanderer", 1892, | 9); A. Mr. "On the meaning of Rev. Sergius of Radonezh in the history of Russian monastics" ("Reading in the society of fans of spiritual education", 1892, | 9); E. Golubinsky "Rev. Sergius Radonezh and the Laurel created by him" (Sergiev Posad, 1892); "Life and Miracles of Rev. Sergius of Radonezh" (Moscow, 1897, 5th edition); V. Eyngorn "On the meaning of St. Sergius of Radonezh and the monastery founded in Russian history" (Moscow, 1899, 2nd edition). V. R-c.

Brief biographical encyclopedia. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, the meanings of the word and what is Sergius Radonezh in Russian in the dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "Tree". Sergius Radonezh (1314 - 1392), Igumen, Rev. Memory July 5, 25 ...
    reverend (1321-1391) Russian Holy, Maker, founder of monasteries and the converter of Russian monastics, an outstanding public figure. Native Rostov; After the death of parents ...
    Radonezh (before the adoption of monastics - Bartholomew Kirillovich) (about 1321, near Rostov Great, - 25.9.1391, Trinity-Sergiev Monastery, now Zagorsk Moscow region.), ...
    (in the world of warfolomes) - St., Rev., the greatest devotee of the Russian land, the converter of monastic in North. Rus. Originated from a noble kind; Parents of him, ...
    (in the world of warfolomes)? St., Rev., the greatest devotee of the land of Russian, converter of monastic in North. Rus. Originated from a noble kind; Parents ...
    (OK. 1321-91) Founder and igumen Trinity Sergius Monastery. The initiator of the introduction of a hostel charter in Russian monasteries. Actively supported the uniform and national liberation policy ...
    C'ergi ...
  • SERGIUS OF RADONEZH in the spelling dictionary:
    c'ergi ...
    (OK 1321-91), founder and igumen Trinity Sergius Monastery. The initiator of the introduction of a hostel charter in Russian monasteries. Actively supported the uniform and national liberation policy ...
  • Sergiy. in Encyclopedic dictionary Brockhaus and Euphron:
    Sergius Radonezh (in the world of warfolomes) - St., Rev., the greatest luggage of the land of the Russian, converter of monastic in North. Rusi.Prissed from a noble kind; Parents of him, ...
  • Sergiy. in the big encyclopedic dictionary:
    (Shergorodsky Ivan Nikolaevich) (1867-1944) Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia since 1943. Since 1917, Metropolitan, from 1925 deputy and from 1937 ...
  • Sergiy. in the Big Soviet Encyclopedia, BSE:
    (Before taking out the monks in 1890 - Ivan Nikolayevich Sherngorodsky), Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia. ...
  • Sergius Pechorsk. in the encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    teacher Pechora XIII century; called "obedient". His relics in the Anthony cave. Memory 7 ...
  • Sergius Shelonin in the encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    inok Solovetsky Monastery, Wonderful Number and Writer XVII century. It is not known about his life to monastics; The first reduction of ...
  • Radonezh in the encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    Plato Antepodistovich - Singer-bass (1826-1873). Sang in St. Petersburg (1863) and Moscow. In his repertoire, the best roles were Susanin ("Life for ...
  • Sergiy. in the modern encyclopedic dictionary:
  • Sergiy. in the encyclopedic dictionaries:
    (Shergorodsky Ivan Nikolaevich) (1867 - 1944), Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia since 1943. Since 1917 Metropolitan, from 1925 deputy and ...
  • Sergiy.
    Sergius Radonezh (approx. 1321-91), church. and state The figure, founder and igumen Trinity-Sergiyev Mont., In K-Rom, introduced a hostel charter. Sought to spread ...
  • Sergiy. in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Sergius (in the world of Iv. Nick. Stroforovsky) (1867-1944), Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia since 1943. Since 1917 Metropolitan, from 1925 deputy. ...
  • Sergiy. in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Sergius, Patriarch Constantinople in 610-638. It was close to imp. Iraklia, in the absence of a friend managed the Empire. For the purpose of reconciliation with monofixites ...
  • Radonezh in the encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron:
    (Platon Antepodistovich)? Singer-bass (1826? 1873). Sang in St. Petersburg (1863) and Moscow. In his repertoire, the best roles were Susanin ("Life for ...
  • Sergiy. in the dictionary of the synonyms of the Russian language.
  • Radonezh in the dictionary of the Russian language of Lopatina:
    r`adonad (from R'adonad); But: Sodergiy ...
  • Radonezh full by the spelling dictionary Russian language:
    radonezh (from radonezh); But: Sergius ...
  • Radonezh in the spelling dictionary:
    r`adonad (from R'adonad); But: Sodergiy ...
  • Sergiy. in modern explanatory dictionary, BSE:
    (Shergorodsky Ivan Nikolaevich) (1867-1944), Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia since 1943. Since 1917, Metropolitan, from 1925, deputy and ...
  • Sergius I Constantinople in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "Tree". Sergius I (+ 638), Patriarch Constantinople. It took from the Monophizite Syrian family, but it seems, teachers ...
  • Sergius (Tikhomirov) in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "Tree". Sergius (Tikhomirov) (1871 - 1945), Metropolitan Tokyo. In the world of Tikhomirov, Georgy Alekseevich, was born ...
  • Sergius (Shergorodsky) in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree.
  • Sergius (Ozerov) in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "Tree". Sergius (Ozerov) (approx. 1867 - no earlier than 1937), Archimandrite. In the world, Pavel Ozerov, was born ...
  • Sergius (Larin) in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "Tree". Sergius (Larin) (1908 - 1967), Archbishop Yaroslavl and Rostov. In the world Larin Sergey ...
  • Sergius (Guskov) in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "Tree". Sergius (Guskov) (1875 - 1930), Hieromona, Rev. (local one-Saint Kazan Diocese). Memory 14 ...
  • Sergius (Resurrection), Metropolitan in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "Tree". Sergius (Resurrection) (1897 - 1944), Metropolitan Vilensky and Lithuanian, Exach Latvia and Estonia ...
  • Nikon Radonezhsky in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "Tree". Nikon Radonezh (+ 1426), Igumen, Rev.. The nearest student and successor to St. Sergey Radonezh ...
  • Nikita Radonezhsky in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "Tree". See Nikita Kostroma Tree - Open Orthodox Encyclopedia: About the project | Chronology | Calendar | ...
  • Micah Radonezhsky in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "Tree". Micah Radonezhsky (+ 1385), Rev.. Memory on May 6. Was one of the first student ...
  • Dionysius Radonezhsky in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "Tree". Dionysius Radonezhsky (approx. 1570 - 1633), Rev.. Memory on May 12, in the Tver Cathedral ...
  • Sergius (in the world Simon Petrovich Yurshev)
    Sergius (in the world of Simon Petrovich Yurshev) is an outstanding figure for the benefit of the one-owner, the son of the Moscow merchant, a zealous splitter. Leaving orphans, Jurash ...
  • Radonezh Platon Antepodistovich in a brief biographical encyclopedia:
    Radonezh (Plato Antepodistovich) - Singer Bas (1826 - 1873). Sang in St. Petersburg (1763) and Moscow. In his repertoire, the best roles were ...
  • Anthony (in the world Alexander Radonezh) in a brief biographical encyclopedia:
    Anthony (in the world Alexander Radonezhsky, 1808 - 1872) - Bishop Orenburg. Printed: "Jesus Christ on Calvary, or the saddown of words on ...
  • Isicham. in the modern philosophical dictionary:
    (Greek. Hesychia is calm and silence) - the mystical tradition of theology in the Orthodox Church, religious practice, which is a combination of introspection of prayer ...
  • Isicham. in the index index of names and concepts in the Old Russian art:
    (Greek. Silence) Mystico-ascetic flow in Byzantine and Old Russian monasticism; The doctrine of the way of unity with God through the cleansing of a person and focusing ...
  • Trinity-Sergiyev Lavra in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "Tree". Holy Tricky Sergiev Lavra, Stavropigial Male Monastery. Address: Russia, 141300, Moscow region, Sergiev Posad ...
  • Stephen Makhrishchsky in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "Tree". Stefan Makhrishchsky (+ 1406), Igumen, Rev.. Memory July 14th. Right from Kiev ...
  • Cathedral of Tver Saints in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "Tree". Cathedral of Tver Saints - Celebration of Russian Orthodox church In honor of the Saints of the Tver Land. Celebrated in the 1st ...

(in the world of warfolomes) - the Saint, Rev., the greatest devotee of the Russian land, the converter of monasticism in Northern Russia. Originated from a noble kind; His parents, Kirill and Maria, belonged to Rostov Boyars and lived in their estate near Rostov, where Sergius was born in 1314 (according to others - in 1319). First, his literacy learning went very unsuccessful, but then, thanks to patience and work, he managed to familiarize himself with Sacred Scripture And addicted to the church and inherent lives. Around 1330, the parents of Sergius brought to poverty were to leave Rostov and settled in the city of Radonjez (54 versts from Moscow). After their death, Sergius went to the Khotkovo-Pokrovsky monastery, where he was atocating his elder brother, Stephen. Seeking to "strictest monasticism", to deserted, he stayed here for a short time and, convincing Stephen, together with him founded the deserts on the banks of the Konchura River, in the midst of the deaf Radonezh Bohr, where he built (approx. 1335) a small wooden church in the name of St. . Trinity, on the site of which is now the Cathedral Temple also in the name of St. Trinity.

Soon Stephen left him; Left alone, Sergius took in 1337. In two or three years to it began to fluff The monastery was formed, and Sergius was her second igumen (first - Mitrofan) and the presbyter (from 1354), who had applied to all the example with his humility and hard work. Gradually glory grew; In the abode began to turn everything from the peasants and ending with princes; Many settled next to her, sacrificed her property. First, in all the necessary extreme need, the desert appealed to a rich monastery. Slava Sergius even reached Tsargrad: Patriarch Konstantinople Philofee sent him with a special embassy, \u200b\u200bParamad, Schima and a diploma, in which he praised him for virtuous lives and gave advice to introduce a strict society in the monastery. Under this advice, and with the blessings of Metropolitan Alexei Sergius introduced community charters into monasteries, taken later in many Russian monasteries. High respected by Radonezh Iguman Metropolitan Alexey before his death persuaded him to be a successor to him, but Sergius decisively refused. According to one contemporary, Sergius, "quiet and kinstims" could act on the cooler and fierce hearts; Very often reconciled by the warring between his princes, persuading them to obey the great prince of Moscow (eg, Rostov Prince - in 1356, Nizhny Novgorod - in 1365, Ryazan Oleg, etc.), so that by the time of the Kulikovsky battle, almost all Russian princes Recognized the primacy of Dmitry Johnovich. Going on this battle, the last, accompanied by princes, boyars and the governor went to Sergia to pray with him and receive a blessing from him.

P. Rugo. Sergius Radonezh bless Dmitry Donskoy on Kulikovsky battle

Bless him, Sergius predicted him a victory and salvation from death and let go to the campaign of his two sokov, reboot and dock (see). Approaching Don, Dmitry Ioannovich hesitated, whether to move to him or not, and only upon receipt from Sergius an encouraging diploma, who extinguished him as soon as possible to attack the Tatars, started decisive actions.

Yu. Pontyukhin. Sergius Radonezh bless Dmitry Donskoy on Kulikovsky battle

After the Kulikov battle, the Grand Duke began to relate yet with a great reverence of Radonezh Igumen and invited him in 1389 to bore a spiritual testament, legalizing the new order of the throne from his father to the eldest son. In 1392, September 25, Sergius died, and in 30 years they were gained with his power and clothing; In 1452, he was counted for the saints. In addition to the Trinity Sergius of the Monastery, Sergius founded a few more abode (Blagoveshchenskaya in Kirzchech, Borisoglebskaya near Rostov, Georgievskaya, height, Galulvinskaya, etc.), and his students were established up to 40 monasteries, mainly in Northern Russia.

See "Pub. Sergius Radonezh. Regarding the 500th anniversary since its blissful death" ("Christian reading", 1892, No. 9 - 10); "Life and works prep. Sergius of Radonezh" ("Wanderer". 1892, No. 9); A. Mr., "On the meaning of the pre. Sergius of Radonezhsky in the history of Russian monastic" ("Reading in the society of fans of spiritual education", 1892, No. 9); E. Golubinsky, "Prep. Sergius Radonezh and Laurezh created by him" (Sergiev Posad, 1892); "Life and miracles prep. Sergius Radonezhsky" (M., 1897, 5th ed.); V. Eyngorn, "On the meaning of prep. Sergius of Radonezh and the monastery founded in Russian history" (M., 1899, 2nd ed.).