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Form 1 export sample fill. Rosstat explained the completion of the new report for suppliers

Order of Rosstat dated 06.07.2016 No. 327 Statistical form No. 1-removal "Information about the sale (shipment) of products (goods) at the location of buyers (consignees) was introduced. This form applies, starting from the report for January-March 2017. On how to fill this form, we will tell in our consultation.

1-export (statistics): who gives

In its territorial authority, Rosstat form No. 1-removal represents organizations (except microenterprises) selling products (goods). About whether you need to take this form of statitiousness if you can learn, using the Rosstat electronic service at:

1-export (statistics): Blank 2017

Let us give a form form 1-drive for 2017, download which can be in Excel format:

Dates of submission of the report

In 2017, 1-export statistics in 2017 is surrendered by a growing result quarterly no later than the 5th day of the month following the expired quarter, and for the year - no later than March 1 of the next year. At the same time, with the coincidence of the term of delivery, with a non-working holiday, we can pass a report in the next day.

When filling out the form No. 1-removal "Information about the export of products (goods)" for 2016, it is necessary to be guided by the instructions on filling the forms of the Federal statistical observation No. 1-removal "Information on the export of products (goods)" and No. 3-SB (export) "Information about the removal of consumer (goods)" approved by order of Rosstat
from17.08.2012 № 452 and changes in directions from11.10.2013 № 404.

In form No. 1-removal Each type of product (goods) is taken into account in two units of measurement: in kind and value terms. If the products (goods) are taken into account only in value terms, then in all input documents, the graphs accounted for in physical terms are filled with zeros.

Data in value terms are reflected with VAT.

Data expressed in thousand rubles, tons, thousand tons, thousand DPK, kilometers, thousand cubic meters. m., thousand square meters. m., thousand square meters. DM, thousand SL. cous
thousand sleep Plate, mln. PC. Sl. Kirp., thousand pieces, thousand sleeps. Bank., thousand m,
thousand pose m., thousand couples, are given with one decimal.

Data expressed in pieces, cube. m. dense, sets, cube. m.,
sq. meters, kW, sections, dcl., are given in integers.

Be sure to be filled with a row with the code of the territory.
1000 - "total".

Source of receipt of goods:

For enterprises (organizations) - manufacturers, organizations of petroleum product support - "one",

For organizations wholesale trade and procurement organizations on goods received from manufacturers of their territory - "2"imported by import - "3".

Section "Help on the production, sale and balances of products (goods) - in kind" is filled only organizationsexercising production of the products of the following species given in Appendix No. 1 of the number in order from 1 to 10, from 13 to 15, from 102 to 165 of the changes to the instructions to fill out the form No. 1-export (approved by order Rosstat from 11.10.2013 No. 404).
Draw your attention to:

If the data on the territory code is 71000000000 (Tyumen region) more sum part of the autonomous districts 71100000000 (Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous District - Ugra) and 71140000000 (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District), then you must fill out the data on the territory code 71001000000 (Tyumen region (except Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous District - Ugra and the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug);

In the absence of shipment to the territory of autonomous districts 71100000000 (Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra) and 71140000000 (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District) Data on the territory code 710000000 (Tyumen region) must be equal data on the territory of the territory of 71001000000 (Tyumen region (except for the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra and the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug));

If the data on the territory code 11000000000 (Arkhangelsk region) is larger than the data of the autonomous district of 11100000000 (Nenets Autonomous District), then you must fill the data On the territory of the territory of 11001000000 (Arkhangelsk region (except for the Nenets Autonomous Okrug)).

In the absence of shipment to the territory of the Autonomous Okrug 11100000000 (Nenets Autonomous District), data on the territory of the territory of 11000000000 (Arkhangelsk region) must be equal Information on the territory of the territory of 11001000000 (Arkhangelsk region (except for the Nenets Autonomous Okrug)).
The procedure for filling out the section "Help on the production, sale and remnants of products (goods)" in the template to._1 vivoz._1. xml.
When filling out reference in column 4. (Recipient code code) Select the desired value:

1 - "The remainder at the beginning of the year",

2 - "Produced for the year",

3 - "Sold",

4 - "Consulted on your own needs and losses",

5 - "Balance at the end of the year."

The value of the reference indicators is filled in column 5. "Sold in physical terms."
Sample Filling Template:


Row number


Code change

Source of receiving goods

Code of the recipient

Sold in physical expression

Sold in value terms









Row 1.








Row 1.








Row 1.








Row 1.







Row 1.







Row 1.







Row 1.







Organizations that ship goods to buyers will have to send a new report from January to March 2017 to statistical authorities. Rosstat issued instructions for filling the reporting form and brought lists of products by groups that need to be included in it.

Rosstat introduced for the report for January - March 2017 new form Federal statistical observation N 1-removal "Information about the sale (shipment) of products (goods) at the location of buyers (consignees)." It will have to fill out and send all legal entities to the sales (shipment) of products (goods) to organizations and individual entrepreneurs, including small business subjects. Moreover, order of Rosstat from 10/28/2016 N 690 Approved guidelines for filling the new reporting form N 1-export.

Report for suppliers and the order of its fill

According to experts of statistical bodies, a new form of federal statistical observation of N 1-removal "Information about the sale (shipment) of products (goods) at the location of buyers (consignees)" will have to be sent to the territorial divisions of Rosstat all legal entities, including small enterprises carrying out Sale (shipment) products (goods) legal entities and IP. Organizations that resale previously acquired on the product, goods will also have to fill out and pass this report. The exception is made only for microenterprises, individual entrepreneurs are also not needed.

The form of the report is quite simple, but its filling requires the observance of a number of nuances, which and pointed out Rosstat. The report can be downloaded on the official website of the department, as well as at the St. Petersburg legal portal in.xlsx format.

As for the instructions for filling out the report, they are to be specified on the obligation to provide this report for each separate division of the organization separately. Such divisions, in accordance with the norms articles 11 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation All the territorially separated from the organization of the unit are recognized, at the location of which are equipped with stationary jobs. The recognition of a separate division of the organization is made independently of whether it reflects or not reflects its creation in the constituent or other organizational and administrative documents of the Organization, and on the authority that the specified division is given. In addition, all branches and representative offices of foreign organizations in Russia must report, if they are engaged in relevant activities.

Also, in the instructions to fill out the report, officials led the product lists in accordance with which it is necessary to fill out a report. Thus, information about the products from Appendix No. 1 should indicate a growing outcome three times a year, and information about the product from the list No. 2 - in general for the whole year. Download lists in format.pdf can be on

Since the approval of new forms, Rosstat orders from 17.08.2012 N 452 "On approval of indications of filling the forms of federal statistical observation N 1-removal" Information about the export of products (goods) "and N 3-SB (export)" Information about Export of consumer (goods) ", from 11.10.2013 N 404" On Amendments to Instructions for Filling Forms of Federal Statistical Observation N 1-removal "Information about the export of products (goods)" and N 3-SO (export) "Delivery information consumer (goods), approved by order of Rosstat on August 17, 2012 N 452 ".

canceled / lost strength Editorial 25.09.2001

Name DocumentResolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation of September 25, 2001 N 72 "On approval of the instructions for filling the forms of federal state statistical observation N 1-removal" Information about the export of products (goods) "and N 3-SB (export)" Information about the removal of consumer goods "
Accepted bystate Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation
Document Number72
Date of adoption01.01.1970
Date of editorial25.09.2001
Date of registration in the Ministry of Justice01.01.1970
Statuscanceled / lost strength
  • At the time of inclusion in the database, the document was not published

Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation of September 25, 2001 N 72 "On approval of the instructions for filling the forms of federal state statistical observation N 1-removal" Information about the export of products (goods) "and N 3-SB (export)" Information about the removal of consumer goods "

II. Filling in indicators of forms N 1-export and N 3-SB (export)

2.1. Each form of forms N n 1-export and 3-SB (export) is intended to fill information in one type of product (goods).

2.2. Filling the code zone intended to specify the source of production of products (goods) is carried out as follows: In column 1, the product code (product) is indicated by an OKP (for example, an animal oil - 9221000000), in column 2 - a unit of measurement in physical terms (tons ), in column 3 - code All-Russian Classifier Units of measurement (okay) - 168, in graphs 4 - 6 sign "X" marks the source of production of products (goods).

If there are two (three) sources of production (goods), two (three) report are compiled.

Procurement organizations selling grain and leguminous crops, and the organization of petroleum product support indicate the source of production (goods) - "own production".

Enterprises (organizations) engaged in the improvement of finished products of imported production (for example, wine bottling, packaging tea, etc.), indicate the source of production (goods) - "Received by import".

2.3. On the line "total" in graphs 3 and 4 forms N 1-export and in column 3 forms N 3-SB (export) reflects the volume of products sold (goods) as own productionand the resale acquired on the side for the purposes. The volume of goods sold is the value of those products that are actually shipped in the reporting period to consumers (including goods delivered by the Customer in place), regardless of whether money was received to the seller's account or not.

The moment of sale is considered:

in the case when the products (product) are shipped by the non-resident buyer in the enterprise producing products, the organization engaged in the wholesale trade, is the date of delivery of the product by the Authority of transport or communication, determined by the date on a document certifying the fact of receiving the cargo to the transportation organization (commodity and transport invoice, railway receipt, track leaf, etc.), or a document of the bodies;

in the case of the sale of products (goods) to the buyer at the location of the organization producing products, the organization, resale products, is the date of the act of delivery of products (goods) in place or signing by the buyer of documents confirming the receipt of the goods.

2.4. Enterprises - manufacturers, organizations engaged in wholesale trade, the cost of sold products (goods) lead at actual selling prices (actual selling prices, including value added tax, excise tax, export duty, customs fees).

2.5. The volume of sales of products (goods) by enterprises producing products and organizations involved in the wholesale trade are also included products released under the contract (barter), transmitted to consumers for free, issued to their employees to pay. The assessment of this product is carried out at the average sales price (taking into account the value-added tax and excise tax - for manufacturers and taking into account the value added tax, excise tax and trade fees - for wholesale trade organizations) of the same or similar products for the corresponding year or at the price of it Last implementation this year.

The implementation of products through the stock exchange is also included in the sales volume. According to the rows "including", this product is taken into account in the territory where the buyer is located, and not the stock exchange.

2.6. Processing enterprises producing products from raw materials and customer materials that are not paid by the manufacturer (Davalic Raw materials), report on the forms of NN 1-export and 3-SB (export) for the implementation of the part of the products they received as payment for the work performed For the rest of the products produced, the enterprise is reported - the owner.

2.6.1. In the case when the products are produced from the Davalic raw materials, the owner of which is a small enterprise, and the processing company is carrying out the manufacturer shipping the finished products on his order, these volumes of the processing company include in the form N n 1-export and 3-SB (export).

2.6.2. If a small enterprise - the owner of the raw material stores finished products At the warehouse of the enterprise - the manufacturer, then the company - the manufacturer must request a small enterprise about the shipment of these products, with a breakdown on the subjects of the Russian Federation and exports to the CIS States and countries outside the CIS.

In the cases listed in subparagraphs 2.6.1 and 2.6.2, the company - the manufacturer of selling information leads in physical and value terms. The cost of these volumes is determined calculated by multiplying data on the number of products sold on mid-price Its implementations by the company for the reporting year.

2.7. Enterprises - Manufacturers are shown according to the forms of N N 1-export, 3-SB (export) The number and cost of shipped products (goods) of their own production. Wholesale organizations for these forms, in order to avoid a double account, include only data on the sale of products (goods) purchased by them from manufacturers located on the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation or imports.

2.8. Enterprises - manufacturers who marked the source of production of "Own Production" products, on the line "Total" show the volume of sales of products (goods) to buyers who are both in the territory of the territory and in other subjects of the Russian Federation, countries outside the CIS, states - CIS participants, including deciphering sales in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, according to the States Parties to the CIS.

Enterprises and organizations that marked the source of production "purchased from manufacturers of their territory", on the line "Total" reflect the sale of products (goods) domestic production Only those buyers who are outside the territory of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, where the organization of wholesale trade is located (i.e., on the territory of other subjects of the Russian Federation, countries outside the CIS, the States Parties to the CIS); with decoding, including sales on the subjects of the Russian Federation and the States Parties to the CIS.

Enterprises and organizations that marked the source of production "came under import", on the "Total" line reflect the sale of products (goods) of imported production to customers who are both in the territory and in the territory of other subjects of the Russian Federation, outside the CIS countries, CIS member states, including deciphering sales in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, according to the CIS States.

2.9. The sale of consumer goods is given in value terms. In accordance with the international methodology, consumer goods include those types of goods, most of which are used for final consumption by the population. If the goods are mainly intended for final consumption by the population, but some of the release is used for further industrial processing, this product Refers to consumer. The list of products relating to consumer goods is established Methodical instructions Understanding industrial and agricultural products to consumer goods approved by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia and the State Statistics Committee of Russia.

2.10. Agricultural enterprises for the forms of NN 1-export and 3-SB (export) show the volumes of agricultural products, past industrial processing (meat and bird, products sausage, canned meat and meat, animal oil, fatty, canned dairy, milk, whole milk products Products, dried fruit). Data on the sale of agricultural raw materials and products that have not passed industrial processing (egg bird, potatoes, vegetables, fruits and berries, including grapes, citrus crops, fruits of melted food crops), in the forms of NN 1-export and 3-SB (export) Reflected.

At the position of "grain and leguminous crops", the sale of both food and fodder grain is reflected. Information on this position fill the procurement organizations and other organizations selling grain and leguminous crops, with the exception of agricultural enterprises. At the same time, harvesting or other organizations that have acquired grain directly from agricultural producers of both their own and other territories of the Russian Federation, indicate the source of the acquisition of grain and leguminous crops - "own production", the remaining organizations report only for the sale of grain and leguminous crops purchased from the procurement Organizations located on the territory with them or imports.

2.11. Oil and gas processing enterprises in the sales volume are shown by petroleum products that are sold directly to consumers, bypassing petroleum products. In column 2 certificates about the production, sale and balance of products (goods) in physical terms (hereinafter referred to as a certificate) reflects the entire volume of products produced, in column 3 - the volume of sales of products to consumers, bypassing the organs of petroleum products.

Organizations of petroleum products for the sale of oil products received from refineries, reported in the manner prescribed for enterprises - manufacturers who marked the source of production of "own production" products, and for the sales of petroleum products received by imports, in the manner prescribed for the organization engaged in wholesalers Trade that marked the source of production "was received by import".

2.12. On the line "For export" in the form of N 1-export, the number and cost of production (in the form of N 3-SB (export) is only a number) set in foreign countries, including the CIS member states. At the same time, if the manufacturer carries out the supply of products for exports not independently, but through the organization of wholesale trade, then data on the sale of these products is reflected in the organization that made cash payments with the buyer.

In terms of value, the products delivered to export are shown at contract prices recalculated at the exchange rate of the ruble, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation at the date of sale.

Row data "Total" for each type of products in natural and value expressions should be equal to the amount of data shown in the strings "including".

2.13. The certificate is filled with only enterprises and organizations that marked the source of production (goods) "Own production".

Procurement organizations selling grain and leguminous crops, and the organization of petroleum product support that indicated the source of production (product) "own production", the certificate is not filled.

The order of filling in the certificate in terms of the accounting of the Davalic products is similar to the procedure for filling the data as a whole on the forms of N n 1-export and 3-SB (export) and is shown in paragraphs 2.6, 2.6.1 and 2.7 of this Instruction.

Data on goods in the certificate is filled during the reporting period in physical terms and in units of measurements specified in Appendices N 1 and N 2 to this Instruction.

In graphs 1 and 5, references provide data on the commodity balances of finished products, regardless of their place of storage (in shops, warehouses, refrigerators, etc.), respectively, at the beginning of the year and the end of the reporting period (year).

The remains at the beginning of the reporting year should be equal to the remnants at the end of the year shown in the form for the previous year.

The data on the remnants of products does not include products acquired by the buyer, but not yet exported, or left by agreement of the parties to storage in the warehouses of organizations producing products, wholesale organizations.

In graphs 2, 3 and 4 help, data is shown by a growing result from the beginning of the year.

In column 2 references reflects the volume of products produced during the reporting period. The data of this graph must comply with similar data of the form N P-1 "Information on the production and shipment of goods and services" and N 3-P "Information about the work of the subsidiary industrial production".

In column 3 references, the total amount of products sold (goods) is given. The data provided in the reference graph should be equal to the data of the Count 3 of the report "sold for the reporting year (period) in physical terms" on the line "Total".

The column 4 reflections reflects the volume of products of its own production, aimed at further recycling and consumed to the organization's own needs, including losses.

If the organization did not exercise the sale of products in the reporting period, then only graphs 1, 2, 4 and 5 collections are filled in forms in forms N N N N N N N N.

With the introduction of this Instruction, the previously operating instructions for filling out the form of federal state statistical observation N 1-removal "Information on the export of products (goods), approved by the decision of the State Statistics Committee of Russia from 06.02.2001 N 12.

Statistical Management
internal and foreign trade

Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation of 06-02-2001 12 on the approval of the instructions for filling the form of the federal state ... Actual in 2018

II. Filling out the indicators of 1-export

2.1. On the line "Sold - Total" reflects the amount of products sold (goods) as its own production and the resale acquired on the side for the purposes. The volume of goods sold is the value of those products that are actually shipped in the reporting period to consumers (including goods delivered by the Customer in place), regardless of whether money was received to the seller's account or not.

The moment of sale is considered:

In the case when products (goods) are shipped by the non-resident enterprise to the enterprise producing products, the wholesale trade organization - the date of delivery of the product by the Authority of transport or communication, determined by the date on a document certifying the fact of receiving the cargo to the transportation organization (commodity and transport invoice, railway receipt , travel sheet, etc.) or document bodies;

In the case of the sale of products (goods) to the buyer at the location of the organization producing products, the organization of wholesale trade is the date of the act of delivery (goods) on the site or signing by the Buyer of documents confirming the receipt of the goods.

2.2. Businesses - Manufacturers, Wholesale Organizations The cost of sold products (goods) leads to actual selling prices (actual selling prices, including value added tax, excise tax, fuel sales tax - lubricants (credited to the roadfund), export duty, customs fees).

2.3. The volume of sales of products (goods) by enterprises producing products, and wholesale trade organizations also include products released under the contract (barter), transmitted to consumers for free, issued to their employees on wage. The assessment of this product is carried out at the average sales price (taking into account the value-added tax and excise tax - for manufacturers and taking into account the value added tax, excise tax and trade fees - for wholesale trade organizations) of the same or similar products for the corresponding year or at the price of it Last implementation this year.

The implementation of products through the stock exchange is also included in the sales volume. According to the rows "including", this product is taken into account in the territory where the buyer is located, and not the stock exchange.

2.4. Processing enterprises that produce products from raw materials and customer materials that are not paid by the manufacturer (Davalic raw materials) are reported on the form of N 1-export for the implementation of the part of the products they received as payment for the work performed, for the rest of the products produced, reports Enterprise - owner.

2.4.1. In the case where the products are made from the Davalic raw materials, the owner of which is a small enterprise, and the processing company - the manufacturer carries out shipment of finished products on his order, these volumes of the processing company comprises in the form N 1-export.

2.4.2. If a small enterprise, the owner of the raw material stores finished products in the warehouse of the enterprise - producer, then the company - the manufacturer must request a small enterprise about the shipment of these products with decoding on the subjects of the Russian Federation and the CIS participating States.

In the cases listed in paragraph 2.4.1 and 2.4.2, the company - the manufacturer of selling information leads only in physical terms. The cost of these volumes is determined by the calculation, multiplying data on the number of products sold to the average price of the enterprise for the reporting year.

2.5. Enterprises - Manufacturers in form N 1-removal show the number and cost of shipped products (goods) of only its own production. Wholesale of wholesale trade in this form to avoid a double account include only data on the sale of products (goods) purchased by them from producers located on the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation or imports.

2.6. Enterprises - manufacturers producing products on the line "Sold - Total" show the volume of sales of products (goods) to buyers who are both in the territory of the territory and on the territory of other subjects of the Russian Federation (outside the CIS countries, CIS member states), Including with deciphering sales in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, according to the CIS States.

Wholesale trade in line "Sold - Total" reflects the sale of products (goods) only to those buyers who are outside the territory of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, where the organization of wholesale trade with decoding, including sales on the subjects of the Russian Federation and the CIS participating States.

2.7. The sale of consumer goods is given in value terms. In accordance with the international methodology, consumer goods include those types of goods, most of which are used for final consumption by the population. If the goods are mainly intended for final consumption by the population, but some of the release is used for further industrial processing, this product refers to consumer. The list of products relating to consumer goods is established by the methodological instructions for the classification of industrial and agricultural products to consumer goods approved by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia and the State Statistics Committee of Russia.

2.8. Agricultural enterprises in form N 1-removal show the volumes of products that have passed industrial processing (meat and bird, products sausage, canned meat and meat amphibians, animal oil, fatty cheeses, canned dairy, dairy products, whole milk products, dried fruit), and non-translated agricultural products (eggs, potatoes, vegetables, fruits and berries, including grapes, citrus crops, fruits of mudflows food crops).

2.8.1. At the position of "grain and leguminous crops", which do not belong to consumer goods, reflected both food and fodder grain sold by procuring and wholesale organizations. Agricultural enterprises Data on this position is not fill.

2.9. Oil and gas processing enterprises in the sales volume are shown by petroleum products that are sold directly to consumers, bypassing petroleum products. In the certificate of production, sale and balances of products (goods) in column 6 "produced over the year" they reflect the entire volume of products produced, in column 7 "sold" - the volume of sales to consumers, bypassing the organs of petroleum resources.

Petroleum organs represent data on the sale of petroleum products, in the certificate of graph 6 "produced per year" they are not filled.

2.10. The "Export" line reflects the number and cost of products delivered to foreign countries, including the CIS member states. At the same time, if the manufacturer supplies export products not independently, but through the organization of wholesale trade, then data on the sale of these products is reflected by the organization that made cash payments with the buyer.

In terms of value, the products delivered to export are shown at contract prices recalculated at the exchange rate of the ruble, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation at the date of sale.

Row data "Sold - Total" for each type of products in natural and value terms should be equal to the amount of data shown "including".