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"My city. The capital of Chukotka is the city of Anadyr: population, square, climate, history. Chukotka Autonomous District

Today we will tell about Chukotka, about one of the most expensive and cold regions of Russia. Let the myths that only Chukchi live on Chukotka that the red caviar here eat spoons and support the version that there are few trees, eternal bad weather with in winter more than six months.

"The Chukotka Autonomous District (Chukotka) - the subject of the Russian Federation is located in the Far Eastern Federal District.

Borders with Yakutia, Magadan region and Kamchatka Territory.

In the East has a naval border with the United States.
The whole territory of Chukotsky autonomous District Refers to the districts of the Far North.

The administrative center is the city of Anadyr.

In the Chukotka Autonomous District, according to 2017, employees earn more than 100 thousand rubles per month. Chukotka ranks second in the rating of the salaries in the regions of Russia. "

About everything in order.

Alaska, bordering Russia through Chukotka, previously also was the territory of Russia, but already as 150 years old she is not, the Chukchi Sea connects or, more precisely, disconnects Russian Chukotka and now American Alaska. Russian Chukchi envy American, and American in something Russian. Despite the proximity of the regions and similar natural conditions - Externally, they are completely different.

In Chukotka, or more correctly - in the Chukchi Autonomous District, almost 50 thousand people live on an area of \u200b\u200b721.5 thousand square kilometers. Total 50 thousand people, that is, this suburban village is even on the scale of the Million City.

Naturally, everyone knows each other. According to the evidence of living there - half of the Russian population, half of Chukchi, according to official data - half of the Russians, a quarter of Chukchi, 5% Ukrainians, 3% of Eskimos, in a smaller percentage of Events, Tatars, Belarusians. Of course, many marchs.

But 50 thousand people live not even in one "village", but in several small towns.
In Anadyr ("Capital" of Chukotka), 15.5 thousand people live, this is the most big City Chukotka, in bilibino 5.3 thousand, in the singer 4.3 thousand, in coal cops - 3.6 thousand, in Evgekinot almost 3 thousand people.

The basis of the economy of Chukotka is the mining industry, gold mining, silver, coal. Breeding deer, preparation of medicinal raw materials - deer pans. Hunting fishery and fishing are also developed on Chukotka.

Climate in Chukotka

"The average temperature of January - from -15 ° C to -39 ° C, July - from +5 ° C to +10 ° C. The absolute minimum is registered - -61 ° C, the absolute maximum is +34 ° C. Precipitation 200-500 mm per year. " Winter 10 months a year.
Due to the fact that winter on Chukotka is harsh (the climate is written above) and the long (up to 10 months per year), as well as with the difficulty of access of the region (low transport security, low population density, deability of road construction at the perspective of construction) - Chukotka In essence, there is an edge of the earth, which is difficult to get, isolated, autonomous.

There is a peculiar culture, mentality, morals, often all this is mixed with Russian old-handedness and ethnic shamanism of Chukchi. Winter, frequent frosts, polar nights, snow storms also form certain features of national characters in the form of restraint, patient, performance, endurance, but at the same time there are and negative sides - Emotional coldness, malice, insult, depression from rare contact with the sun and cold, pessimism, someone on the contrary characterizes Northerners as open, good and naive.

Officially there are no addicts here! But enough alcoholics and suicides.

"In the Chukchi Autonomous District, the highest rates of completed suicides in the Russian Federation, whose victims in the absolute majority were representatives of the indigenous population, which is directly connected with both widespread alcoholism among local residents and with folk custom "Voluntary death" fixed in late XIX. century by ethnographer V. G. Bogoraz.
In all national villages of the region, there are serious restrictions on the sale of alcohol, in some it is prohibited completely. At the same time, by 2016, the absence of drug addicts was officially registered in Chukotka. "

Middle salary on Chukotka

The average salary in Chukotka is 71 thousand rubles. In 2018, according to forecasts, the average salary in Chukotka will be about 100 thousand rubles. But in 2012, people received 20 thousand rubles on Chukotka, and the prices were a little less than today. And now there are salaries low.

List of salaries for 2017:

"So, average wage Doctors amounted to 151.5 thousand (an increase of 30% compared with last year), the average medical staff - 77.4 thousand (by 12%), the younger medical staff - 63.4 thousand (by 41%), teachers preschool institutions - 71.5 thousand (by 9%), teachers of general education institutions - 89.6 thousand (by 4%), Pedagogues of the supply - 86 thousand (by 15%), teachers and workshops of production training - 91.1 thousand. (by 2%), social workers - 68.1 thousand (by 31%), cultural workers - 73.9 (by 33%). "

About the roads on Chukotka

ABOUT bad roads (Koi not only in Chukotka) we have already said, more precisely, the absence of those. This is one of the reasons for "high costs" of products, the high cost of goods and housing (after all, building materials are needed to find building materials in the conditions of permafrost and unavailability). Health care Sometimes, in the literality, it arrives on a helicopter, an airplane, and so affected, a bad feeling of the patient is delivered to the hospital.

About prices on Chukotka

This is perhaps the most sophisticated topic for the northerners. However, many have already become accustomed and even adjusted: for example, immediately after delivery of goods to stores to store prices below by 20-30%, at this time it is best to stock up, and speculation is developed in the regions distant from the center, it is better not to live there. Anadyri and Bilibino, still relatives will be brought (even by aircraft, at least 23 kg) products. On the "big land" prices are ridiculous at all ... Remember about Chukotka when you complain about the crisis and expensive products. Even the salary of the teacher at 60-80 thousand will not justify bananas for 600 rubles kg. Add to malicious prices for winter at 10 months.

Given the level of salaries, the prices of products are tolerant - you can tell you. However, the teacher's salary is above only two or three times by country, but bananas are more expensive 5 times. So not everything is so simple.
Perishable products are brought by helicopter, during the navigation period (usually in the summer-invent, when the seas are not frozen) come trips with products, in winter it is possible to deliver products in ice. In connection with such difficulties, respectively, the cost is rather big, but the inhabitants of Chukotka do not plan to massively migrate, which means they see their advantages in such a lifetime.

But prices, of course, the beast! Which side do not justify them. Fruit minimum 500 rubles per kg. It is okay, here are zailed zucchini for 500 rubles per kg, tomatoes for 660, cucumbers of 500, persimmon - 900 rubles, - it makes the picture more colorful. For 2 kg of vegetable fruit thousand rubles ... one trip to the store - thousands of 5 approximately ....
But potatoes, onions, beetted within 70-100 rubles per kg, which is completely tolerant. This is comparable to the rest of the regions. Perhaps, vegetables are grown by local.
What is here relatively inexpensive? Caviar Red, but this is also relative, for example, in 2016, it cost 2-2.5 thousand rubles per kg, but in the regions of the caviar costs from 5-6 thousand per kg, at least in Siberia. Despite the fact that the Chukotka Fish Territory is the dried koryushka for 1 kg - 1.7 thousand rubles. These are space prices for Koryushku.

According to the stories of the local - in Anadyr, not everything is so scary (the prices above I took just from the shops of the Chukotka capital), less delay and do not overestimately be defended, but in smaller cities - lay out delay in smaller cities. Such is she harsh chuck.

But despite the prices - according to the testimony of living in the northern region - here the sea of \u200b\u200bfish and caviar, Tundra is quenched by cloudberry, pikes, blueberries and white mushrooms. So hungry left the whole salary in the store where bananas for 600 rubles will not remain: there is a cloudberry, blueberry in the tundra, fish in the river.

About expensive accommodation in Chukotka

According to the site of the newsstate, the most expensive housing in Russia in the Chukotka Autonomous District, the price for 1 square meter - 120 thousand rubles. For comparison in Moscow, according to the same site - about 60 thousand rubles. It is not clear from where such a figure, because it is obvious that in Moscow the cost of a square meter even in the killed apartment is far from 60 thousand per square meter. Data contradictory
According to another resource - "Regulatory average cost of one square meter common Square Residential premises for Chukotka on the III quarter of 2017, in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia established in the amount of 34,119 rubles. " But: "The actual estimate cost of construction in the territory of Chukotka district reaches 142 thousand rubles per one square meter housing ".
So everything is confusing ...

In search engines if you search for ads for the sale of housing on Chukotka, you can see 80 squares for 4 million (even 2), which is quite consistent with the numbers of 34 thousand per square meter.
Studio 30-40 square meters can be up to a million. And 120 thousand here do not seem next.
In terms of the pace of construction in Chukotka: Take one year from the latter - built in total (!!!) 300 square meters per year, total!

If the number is 120 thousand rubles per square meter, not from the ceiling, then it is quite possible to justify this price: they build only 300 meters per year, even taking into account the fact that the population decreases slowly, people, according to a universal greedy trend, want to live better and spably .

In the cities of Anadyr, Bilibino (population of 15.5 and 5,5 thousand people) many 3-5-7-storey houses stand on stilts due to eternal permafrost. Houses die brightness. Photo at the beginning of the article and below. Blue-red-yellow-green neat cozy houses, from afar, near unbeated annifail items with dying ads on the doors, but it's all nonsense, like abandoned rusty barges near the ports and on the seabed. This is a kind of chukotka gloss.

But what is really not enough, in the photo, so it is vegetation in cities. Beautiful, as if fabulous, pretty multicolored houses with neat streets and roads on the background of dry flower, pale green lawn, pairs of edging under the window.

Seagulls on Chukotka

Seagulls are a separate topic, seagulls - this ... Rats annoying those who are solved to move to the northern region, roar of chaps, and not a knock of the hammers of the builders. Seagulls everywhere: in ports, near stores, in trash, they are still compared with rats.

But all this is philosophy. Real life, More precisely, the struggle for life, in comparison with which both evil prices and seagulls seem to flowers - this is a lobbery blizzard and frost in winter, which lasts more than six months.

In the entrances, special handles, no intercoms. Do you know why? Because when in the launch of the winter evening, Purga - the entrance to the house can be found only to the touch or reached at least to the nearest and wait for the weather.

About the weather on Chukotka

And the inhabitants of Chukotka themselves speak about the bad weather: "Here one month the weather is bad, two months are very bad and nine months terrible." But the blizzards and Purga for minus 50 is the most peak of terrible weather.

In Anadyr, according to tourists' reviews (although tourists inappropriate, there are no tourism as such in Chukotka), there is everything: and at least expensive products, but in abundance in stores, supermarkets, there are entertainment centers, cafes, etc.

Another "landmark" of Chukotka: Polar Night. They say it is difficult to fall asleep even if I really want ... sometimes you have to cover with a blanket with your head. Photo of the polar night below.

Far Eastern Federal District. Chukotka JSC. The area is 721.5 thousand .. formed on December 10, 1930.
Administrative Center of the Federal District - city of Anadyr.

Bilibino, svek.

Chukotky autonomous District - The subject of the Russian Federation is part of the Far Eastern Federal District, located at the Far North-East of Russia, is washed by the waters of the Northern Icetic (East Siberian and Chukotka Sea) and the quiet (Bering Sea) oceans. Half of the district is located behind the polar circle. Large rivers - Anadyr (with the tributaries of Mine, White, Tanyaran), Great, Amguem, Ovolon, Big and Small Anyuj. Many lakes, the largest - red, elgygetgyn. The entire territory of the Chukchi Autonomous District belongs to the districts of the Far North.

Chukotka Autonomous District It is part of the Far Eastern Economic Area. Main industries: mining (gold mining, tin, tungsten, mercury, stone and brown coal), Fish industry, production of building materials. Despite the harsh climate, the agro-industrial complex was developed on Chukotka. However, the district could never fully satisfy their food needs. In agriculture there is greenhouse-greenhouse vegetable growing. Reindeer herding, animalism, fur fishing, hunting for the marine beast (seal, walrus). The subsoil of the Chukotka Autonomous District is rich in various minerals, and rivers and washing seas - fish. There are significant reserves of minerals: oil, natural Gas, coal, gold, tin, tungsten, mercury, copper, uranium. The indigenous population is occupied by traditional fishery types (bone carving).

The date of formation of the Chukchi Autonomous Okrug is considered to be December 10, 1930 as part of the Far Eastern region as the Chukchi National District.
By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 28, 1951, the Chukotka National District was allocated in direct submission to the Khabarovsk Territory.
On December 3, 1953, the Chukotka National District entered the Magadan Region.
The Chukchi National District received autonomous status in 1980.
On July 16, 1992, the Chukotka Autonomous District issued from the Magadan region and became an independent subject of the Russian Federation.

Cities and areas of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.

Cities of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug: Bilibino, svek.

City District of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug: City District "City Anadyr".

Municipal regions: Anadyr district, Bilibinsky district, Iulinsky district, Pridensky district, Chaunsky district, Chukotka district.

Chukotka Autonomous District. Chukotka Autonomous District, subject of the Russian Federation. Located in the extreme North East of Russia. Occupies part of the mainland Chukotsky Peninsula and a number of islands (Wrangel, Iion, Ratmanov, etc.). Washed east ... ... Dictionary "Geography of Russia"

Chukotka Autonomous District - The Chukotka Autonomous District, located on the Farm S. V. Asia, occupies the Chukotka P and the adjacent part of the mainland; As part of the Magadan region RSFSR. Pl. 737.7 t. Km2. Us. 149 t. (On Jan. 1984). Center Anadyr. Chukchi auth. (until 1977 ... ... Demographic Encyclopedic Dictionary

Chukotka Autonomous District Modern encyclopedia

Chukotka Autonomous District - In Russian federation. Educated December 10, 1930. 737.7 thousand km & sup2. Population of 124 thousand people (1993), urban 73%: Russians, Ukrainians, Chukchi, Eskimos, Euren, Koryaki, Yukagira. 8 districts, 2 cities, 18 urban-type settlements (1993). Centre… … Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Chukotka Autonomous District - Chukotka Autonomous District, the subject of the Russian Federation. Located in the extreme North East of Russia. It takes part of the mainland, the Chukotka Peninsula and a number of islands (Wrangel, Iion, Ratmanov, etc.). Washed by East Siberian, Chukotsky and ... ... Russian history

Chukotka Autonomous District - Chukotka Autonomous District, in Russia. Area 737.7 thousand km2. Population of 124 thousand people, urban 72%; Russians (66.1%), Ukrainians (16.8%), Chukchi (7.3%), Eskimos, Euren, Koryaki, Yukagira, etc. Center Anadyr. 8 districts, 2 cities, 18 villages ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

Chukotka Autonomous District - As part of the Magadan region of the RSFSR. Educated on December 10, 1930. Located in the Farm S. V. USSR. It occupies the Chukotka Peninsula, adjacent to it of the mainland and the island: Wrangel, Ayon, Arachechenchen, Ratmanova, etc. is washed east ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Chukotka Autonomous District - the Russian Federation Federal Districts: Far Eastern Volga North West North ... Accounting Encyclopedia.

Chukotka Autonomous District - in the extreme sv. Russia. PL 737.7 thousand km², ADM. Center - Anadyr. Educated in 1930 was washed by Vost. Siberian, Chukotka and the Bering Seas, between which the Chukotka n s is located. The coast is strongly dismembered: the hall. Chaunsk Lip, Laguna Vankarem ... Geographic Encyclopedia

Chukotka Autonomous District - (Chukot) Chukot, a huge territory at S. V. Siberia, occupied by the Chukotka (Anadyr) Range and including Chukotka P. The district crosses the polar circle. GL Port - Anadyr ... Countries of the world. Vocabulary


  • Moscow Autonomous District, or on the edge of Chukotka. Mensk City, Sergey Timnetykkay. Chukotka writer Sergey Ivanovich Tynnettykai lives and works in the city of Washington (USA). He belongs to the authorship of such novels as "Yatyel" (1997) and "Gehnam Geun Inchichevyrkyn?" (2002). ...

Chukotka Autonomous District is a territorial unit of Russia. It is considered one of the Federation located in the north-east of the Federation. The relief here is represented by a highland and a plate location. Located in the northeast, and Anadyr Plateau - in the central part of the district. Its territories include part of the mainland, several islands (Ayon, Arakchechen, Wrangel, etc.), as well as the Chukotka Peninsula. The capital of this remote region is the most Eastern city in Russia - Anadyr. About 14 thousand people live in it.

County: Description

Who was previously called Novomanine, was laid on the orders of the king in 1889 gradually developing, he agreed to his population.

Before Anadyr can only be reached by plane. Flights are made from Moscow or Khabarovsk. The airport itself is not within the city, but on the other side of Limana. In order for the capital of the Chukotka Autonomous District to not lose traffic, round year Helicopter flights are supported. In the summer, small ships run on the water, and in the winter the road on the ice is laid.

Despite the fact that navigation is possible only from July to November, there is a seaport in Anadyr. Through it is supported by Magadan, Vladivostok and Petropavlovsky-Kamchatsky.

The capital of the Chukotka Autonomous District on this moment does not have a year-round road that binds it to other areas Far East. But since 2012, the road is built from Kolyma to Chukotka, which will allow to get to Anadyr on earth and summer and winter. It was planned to finish her construction by 2030. The road must be a length of 1800 kilometers and have a gravel coating. Moreover, it will be unix, and special expansions are planned for car driving.

Climatic features

Different relief, a big length, several climatic belts - this is what is characterized by Russia. The Chukotka Autonomous District is behind the polar circle. Because of this location, this territory is characterized by a very severe subarctic climate, which is replaced on the sea near the coast and to the continental in the center. In these parts, a very long winter - up to ten months a year, and the temperature can be lowered to -50 ° C and below. Summer is very short, but roast. The maximum temperature was incorporated in July 2010 and reached + 34 ... + 36 ° C.

Wealth of the land of the Chukotka region and their use

In the lands there are many gold deposits, mercury and tungsten. Even diamonds are found in coastal lowlands.

The main direction agriculture In Chukotka is the breeding of deer. In the early 70s, the local herds made up a quarter from the entire world livestock. In addition to reindeer herring, the inhabitants of Chukotka are engaged in hunting and fishing.

Districts of the Chukotka Autonomous District

Chukotka AO has the status of the border zone. By sea, he borders with the United States. In this regard, special documents are required to visit some districts of the district. Self extreme Points The continent is located within the bounds. Eastern - Cape Dezhnev. - Pevek - is also in this region.

In total, on the territory of 3 city and 4 municipal areas. Among the urban is the capital of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug (Anadyr and its area). Then svek with adjacent rural and urban settlements. Also combined settlements Providensky district.


With an area of \u200b\u200b720 thousand square kilometers, Chukotka autonomy can not boast of large volume of the population. There are only about 50 thousand people. This means that 1 square density. KM Earth is only 0.07.

The peak of population fell at the end of the 80s of the XX century. During this period, the number of people reached almost 162 thousand. In the 90s, the population of the district began to decrease. A sharp decline can be observed at present. IN last years This is mainly due to the large outflow of people moving to other cities, because the fertility on Chukotka exceeds mortality rates. But the average life expectancy in this harsh place is not so big, is only about 60 years.

The indigenous population of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug - Eskimos, Chukchi, Chuvants, Euren and others. Now they are resettled throughout the autonomy. Most of the Eskimos dwells in the east, by the sea. Chukchi is scattered throughout the coast and in the center of the district, and the Chuduans occupied the average course of the Anadyr River. Part of the indigenous population in the capital of the district is 15%. The least remained people under the name of Yukagira. They can only be found in the village of Osolon, and their number does not exceed 50 people.

Kopin Roman Valentinovich - Governor of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. He was elected in 2008. Acting governor is appointed after early resignation of the previous policy. Kopin R. V. comes from Kostroma.

Posted Sun, 09/11/2014 - 08:51 by Cap

walrus rookery on Chukotka

Tourism on Chukotka
There are places in the world, as if specially created for the test of a person "For durability". Chukotka is one of them. The edge of permafrost, winds and bliss, the rocky wedge cutting two oceans, Chukotka reveals his unique beauty only to those who are boldly ready to meet difficulties. The extremality of the climate has formed a completely special vital philosophy of indigenous peoples, whose way of being was initially subordinate to the highest goal - survival.
Because of Chukotka, the upbringing of the spirit of the spirit and the fortress of the body, physical endurance and dexterity was always very important. And today the development of sports in the district is given a significant role. Moreover, popular as Olympic and national sports. Racing on dog and deer sledding, competitions on Baidar - exciting and colorful spectacle, admire which many come from afar. However, the brave traveler is waiting for a lot of vivid impressions and unique sensations in Chukotka.
This ancient landIt seems to breathe the most eternity. All the appearance of Chukotka is permeated with clarity, direct and nude. And in the third millennium, you can see the same landscape here that once appeared by the eyes of Russian pioneers: convincingly simple outlines of coasts and mountains, as if carved straight valleys, painted by the cutter, lakes and the purest rivers filling in the student seas.
The tourist will not leave indifferent and hospitality of the original owners of this land - Chukchi, Eskimos, Evenov, Chuvants, their dances and songs, their original art, carefully stored in centuries ... Chukotka is an amazing land, which has been able to preserve life and the ability to flow in harsh polar conditions. For a short northern summer, in the conditions of permafrost here every year there is a miracle - the real rival of the revival of nature, a conquering person with its unique beauty. Gomon bird bazaars, piercing blue dragging with the sky of Limanov, bright colors Tundra resembling a motley carpet ...
However, and covered with snow chuck is not less attractive for tourists who are ready to experience their courage and durability. After all, white silence only at first glance seems to be monotonous - life among the snow does not freeze for a minute! Do you know how warmly even in the most crowded strumbs in Yange? Have you ever ride on dog and deer sleds? Do you imagine how hunt for a walrus and how deliciously catched with your own hands Koryushka? If you want to take a break from civilization in the pristine world of nature, if you are manitis unknown and entails the thirst for adventures, then the journey to Chukotka will become a real pleasure for you!

(Chukotka), an archaeological complex, which is two rows of covered in the soil of huge bones of Greenland whales.
The complex was opened in 1976 by a group of researchers from the Institute of Ethnography of the USSR Academy of Sciences under the direction of M. A. Member.
It is considered one of the wonders of Russia!

However, until recently, no one knew anything about her. There is a unique archaeological complex to the northeast of the Bay of Providence, in the Bering Strait, on the island of Yttygran. According to scientists, the whale alley is considered a miracle not only with a scientific, but also an archaeological point of view.

The bay, on the shores of which the monument is located, is surrounded from the northeast and south-west with climbing rocky protrusions, but between them the hills are somewhat lowered and form a relatively gentle slope covered with diverse tundra vegetation. At this green background, the groups of the apparent published bright white pillars from whale jaws, and when approaching the beach, the bizarre outlines of whale skulls were visible to the shore over the grassy edge of the beach, covered in pebbles narrow nose.


Source of information and photo:
Social team
S. Bolashenko. Non-collar railways Chukotka Autonomous Okrug (June 23, 2007).
Dolkhov Yu.N. Geography of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. - Moscow: IPT "Design. Information. Cartography, 2003. - 320 p. - ISBN 5-287-00080-4.
Belikovich A.V., Galanin A.V. Chukotka: Natural and Economic Essay. - Moscow: Art-Litex, 1995. - P. 98-99.
Committee for Sport and Tourism of the Chukotka JSC
In 2010, the number of tourists was recorded in 2010 // Portal of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug
Authors photo: A. Kutsky, V.Silatiev, S. Shulga, S. Anisimov,
Tourism in Chukotka - no longer a myth, but reality //
Chukotka Autonomous District - an article from the Big Soviet Encyclopedia
Official site of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug
The legislation of the Chukotka Autonomous District
S. A. Arutyunov, I. I. Krupnik, M. A. Members. "Whale alley". Antiquities of the Islands of the Strait of the sensehin. 1982.
Leontyev V. V., Novikova K. A. Toponymic dictionary of the northeast of the USSR. - Magadan: Magadan Book Publishing House, 1989, page 161.
A. A. Krakov. Red Book of Russia (1981).