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Is it possible on January 19th. Baptism of the Lord - traditions, customs, rites, signs, congratulations. Folk signs for baptism

January 19 there is baptism, one of the most important Orthodox holidays. Catholics, he passes before, January 6th. This event has a few more names and one of them is the Epiphany.

The appearance of the holiday is associated with the baptism of Jesus Christ in the River Jordan. It was on this day that the Son of God appeared before people and took the baptism on earth, and from that moment he began to preach the people of God's Word.

Since that time, it is believed that water is a symbol of purification. In churches and in various reservoirs will holy water. And it is believed that a person who plunged three times into the water in the corner, cleared, and the whole year of the disease will be bypassed.

What can be done on baptism?

On January 18, the service begins in the church, the water is being consecrated after it. Morning should start with sacred prayer, asking the Lord about the health. The house must be sprinkled with holy water. In this particular day, create good, help sick and begging and it will definitely return. It is symbolic January 19 to baptize the kids and get married, they say that it brings happiness. Believers on the eve of the holiday hold the post. Holy Water, scored on this day, is stored throughout the year and is considered healing. It sprinkles the dwelling, drink an empty stomach in diseases and adversity. They gain it into a bottle of small volume, and then diluted and distribute to relatives and relatives. When you gain water, you need to think about something good, everything is stored in it healing properties. Do not take a lot, because it is considered spiritual food, greed here is nothing.

On the day of the Epiphany, many people plunge into the hole, which the father will pre-housing, this ritual is considered the key to excellent health for the entire coming year. It is impossible to use alcohol before and after the ritual, the sacred rite is broken by this action. Before plunging, you should come and confess.

What can not be done on baptism?

In this solemn day, it is impossible to work and do household responsibilities that cannot be postponed for later. For example, it is not worth the wash, ironing underwear, remove the dwelling, as well as do the needlework. Despite the fact that in the period of the density, many love to guess, the church does not welcome this. Naturally, the baptism is forbidden to guess. Do not gossip and slander even on your enemies.

history of the holiday

Before you know what it is possible, and what can not be done on the Baptism of the Lord on January 19, it is necessary to remember what the holiday is. He enters the top three most significant in Christianity. Baptism has another name - the Epiphany. This means that on that day, by legend, Jesus Christ was the world and John the Baptist. At the age of 30, he came to be baptized, because it was then that time it was time to start his teaching and appear to the world in the image of the prophet and the demigod, which will take the sins of people, having relived them from evil.

Jesus was still baptized by John, despite the fact that John was originally in confusion, because God himself stood before him. He set as a completely obvious question of what it is necessary to take baptism to God. In Christ, he replied that his fate was such - he is the same person, like all people of the world, despite his divine essence. The baptism rite was carried out in the Holy Jordan River. This is a special moment in the history of Christianity: after baptism, Jesus opened people, showing his true face and appointment.

In fact, Jesus dubbed the water of the Jordan River, and not the opposite. Therefore, we teach holy water every year, able to cure our diseases and protect the house. So, our Lord left the part of his great strength on Earth.

What can not be done on baptism on January 19

Everyone orthodox Christian He knows the rules and traditions of the baptism, which remain unchanged for many centuries.

You can recruit holy water, but it is impossible show greed And gaining a huge amount. The church condemns such behavior, and besides, it is not respectful towards other believers. Ugly use the source of holiness so selfishly and only for itself is a sin.

Holy water is also a special drink, which is something clean and immaterial. In no case can not dilute holy water. She just loses its strength. The same applies to thoughts - when you drink holy water or wash it, it is advisable to think about something light and holy. It is forbidden at such moments to swear and indulge in any negative emotions.

Baptism itself (directly January 19, and not on Christmas Eve) not allowed to guessSince enough time was allocated for this action. The church does not approve of predictions, so it is better not to be angry with the Most High.

Any thing associated with the bright start of God requires a special relationship. This applies to the holy water. Only the mind pure from the worldly bustle is able to harmonize with the source of happiness and spiritual heat. Perceive the holiday and what he gives us, with maximum respect - and drink holy water, thinking about God. We wish you happiness and strong faith, and if you have helped to learn something important to our article, do not forget to press the buttons and

Baptism, like any religious holiday, not only not only by believers. Many on this day just so "for the company" go to swim in the hole, cover festive table And soard holy water.

And as it usually happens, people contribute to every religious holiday folk traditions. There are various signs that people trust, and which they perform exactly as church rites. All these traditions are rooted over time and become inseparable from each other. What are the signs for baptism on January 19, what can be done and what can not, let's look at.

It is possible to fulfill all the religious rites of this holiday in the baptism: to go to the church, to defend the service, to plunge into the hole three times, to score holy water and cover the festive table.

In addition, you can pray all day and ask for something good. If a cinema is knocking into the baptism in the window, then it is also necessary to pray for those who have already left lives.

Each hostess on the eve of baptism has the right chalk to draw in the house above the windows and the door of small cross. It is believed that such a ritual is able to protect the housing from the troubles.

And even on baptism you can sprinkle the house just brought by holy water. It will be able to drive unclean power.

Baptism, a holiday that should help people spiritually get rich, forget everything is bad, wash off sins and soak themselves for the whole year. Everyone must remember how important it is for believers, and respect their feelings.

Therefore, on January 19, in no case should you think about the bad, and even more so quarrel and wish to anyone evil. In addition, it is believed that if during the conflict in the hands of Human water, she immediately loses its magic properties.

Also on this holiday can not be greedy. Need to share food and of course, holy water. It is impossible to recruit it too much, it is impossible to push, standing in the queue for water, it is believed that it will suffocate the person.

In addition, the baptism is forbidden to guess - the time for conducting such rituals before it was abundantly, the shinties lasted from January 6 to 18, so on the eve of 19 it is necessary to hide all items with which magic rituals were carried out. After baptism, it is also impossible to guess.

It is impossible to get drunk in the baptism. Since this is a great holiday, you can drink a glass of wine, but you should not abuse alcohol.

Is it possible to do physical labor in baptism

Many owners, for sure, are interested, whether it is possible to be removed on January 19th. No, it is impossible, since the religious holidays are strictly forbidden to work and do physical labor.

And is it possible to clean on January 18 before baptism - it is possible if the hostess did not have time to prepare an apartment for the holiday, but only in the first half of the day it is necessary to pray, go to church and fast.

It is also worth remembering that it is possible to do washing only until January 18. And then in baptism and two days after the holiday, it is impossible to erase things. Previously, women who wanted to wash things in the river, where the hole was cut down, they should have been waiting until after the holiday it would take two weeks.

Signs of baptism

There are some more interesting Epiphany. So, for example, residents of the villages and villages argue that chickens cannot be fed into the baptism. Folk sign says that if you feed the poultry on this day, then in the summer they will ruin the beds and destroy the seedlings.

Also, people who have a garden believe another one to accept that if a poorly growing tree is poured with holy water, it will begin to bring fruits next fall.

Another good sign is to baptize the child in this holiday. It is believed that because of this he will be happy and grows up healthy.

People also believe that the baptism needs to be followed by the weather, because it depends on what will be all year: warm or cold, rainy or arid.

To find out what the weather will prevail in the summer, it is necessary to get out of the house in the morning and look at the sky. If the sky is clear, and the frost has twisted cheeks, then in the summer it will be arid. And if the weather is cloudy, then there will be many precipitation in the summer, which means that in the fall you can wait for a good crop.

On whether the harvest will be rich will also be found in the number of stars on the sky. If there are many of them, it means that this year it will be possible to eat fruit, berries and legumes.

Here is a list of basic things that can be done on baptism, and what is impossible. It is believed that if you spend this holiday peacefully, observing all the traditions, then you can be sure that the whole year will pass well.

Baptism, like any religious holiday, not only not only by believers. Many on this day simply "for the company" go to swim in the hole, cover the festive table and are hosted by holy water.

And as it usually happens, people contribute to each religious holiday. Folk traditions. There are various signs that people trust, and which they fulfill exactly as church rites. All these traditions are rooted over time and become inseparable from each other. What are the signs for baptism on January 19, what can be done and what can not, let's look at.

On baptism you can in and you need to perform all the religious rites of this holiday: to go to the church, to defend the service, to plunge into the hole three times, and cover the festive table.

In addition, you can pray all day and ask for something good. If a cinema is knocking into the baptism in the window, then it is also necessary to pray for those who have already left lives.

Each hostess on the eve of baptism has the right chalk to draw in the house above the windows and the door of small cross. It is believed that such a ritual is able to protect the housing from the troubles.

And even on baptism you can sprinkle the house just brought by holy water. It will be able to drive unclean power.

Baptism, a holiday that should help people spiritually get rich, forget everything is bad, wash off sins and soak themselves for the whole year. Everyone must remember how important it is for believers, and respect their feelings.

Therefore, on January 19, in no case should you think about the bad, and even more so quarrel and wish to anyone evil. In addition, it is believed that if during the conflict in the hands of Human water, she immediately loses its magic properties.

Also on this holiday can not be greedy. Need to share food and of course, holy water. It is impossible to recruit it too much, it is impossible to push, standing in the queue for water, it is believed that it will suffocate the person.

In addition, the baptism is forbidden to guess - the time for conducting such rituals before it was abundantly, the shinties lasted from January 6 to 18, so on the eve of 19 it is necessary to hide all items with which magic rituals were carried out. After baptism, it is also impossible to guess.

It is impossible to get drunk in the baptism. Since this is a great holiday, you can drink a glass of wine, but you should not abuse alcohol.

Is it possible to do physical labor in baptism

Many owners, for sure, are interested, whether it is possible to be removed on January 19th. No, it is impossible, since the religious holidays are strictly forbidden to work and do physical labor.

And is it possible to clean on January 18 before baptism - it is possible if the hostess did not have time to prepare an apartment for the holiday, but only in the first half of the day it is necessary to pray, go to church and fast.

It is also worth remembering that it is possible to do washing only until January 18. And then in baptism and two days after the holiday, it is impossible to erase things. Previously, women who wanted to wash things in the river, where the hole was cut down, they should have been waiting until after the holiday it would take two weeks.

Signs of baptism

There are some more interesting Epiphany. So, for example, residents of the villages and villages argue that chickens cannot be fed into the baptism. Folk sign says that if you feed the poultry on this day, then in the summer they will ruin the beds and destroy the seedlings.

Also, people who have a garden believe another one to accept that if a poorly growing tree is poured with holy water, it will begin to bring fruits next fall.

Another good sign is to baptize the child in this holiday. It is believed that because of this he will be happy and grows up healthy.

People also believe that the baptism needs to be followed by the weather, because it depends on what will be all year: warm or cold, rainy or arid.

To find out what the weather will prevail in the summer, it is necessary to get out of the house in the morning and look at the sky. If the sky is clear, and the frost has twisted cheeks, then in the summer it will be arid. And if the weather is cloudy, then there will be many precipitation in the summer, which means that in the fall you can wait for a good crop.

On whether the harvest will be rich will also be found in the number of stars on the sky. If there are many of them, it means that this year it will be possible to eat fruit, berries and legumes.

Here is a list of basic things that can be done on baptism, and what is impossible. It is believed that if you spend this holiday peacefully, observing all the traditions, then you can be sure that the whole year will pass well.

Baptism The Lord occurred on January 19 for a new calendar. On this day, the people came Most Holy Trinity. This event has become very significant for people, that time and readable in our time. Christians were always superstitious, so the baptism time could not pass without a different predictions.

Epiphany superstition

Of folk belts Many know how much mysticism is in the evening from 18 to January 19th. It is believed that this period is to rule unclean powerthat wants to get into the house to people. As protection from it, Christians put crosses with chalk on the windows and doors. If someone did not have time to protect his dwelling on Christmas Eve, it was necessary to fix it. For what was found on the floor of the bitch, the triangle was drowned by a ring finger right hand, left the left foot and uttered: "Christ is risen, and not you demon. Amen".

There are many superstitions related to consecrated water, for example, that it needs to be scored as early as possible, and then it loses its strength, or that it is necessary to drink it only by making the odd number of sips. Still that the water does not put on the ground, otherwise the dev will take off her grace.

Usually consecrated water is stored in glassware, near the icons. You do not need to make a lot of water from the temple, it is enough to dilute its flow, and it will also have to have healing power. They drink it with a prayer, it is interesting that she can stand for several years and will not deteriorate.

What can be done on baptism on January 19?

The fortune telling in itself sin, however, Christian girls did this on Christmas Eve, on January 19, it was impossible to do this. Since during this period, water is illuminated, many believers plunge into the hole and gain it into the house and sprinkle it, it is believed that such water eliminates sins, it is used in treatment for many rites.

On holidays, it is customary to combine, walking on guests, singing songs to have fun. When everyone sit down at the table, the dish of a man plunged into the hole later triggers the dish later. Christians must fast, it will help clean their thoughts and approaches God.

What can not be done on the baptism of the Lord?

Not all human superstitions succumb to a logical explanation, but Christians believed and managed to convey their faith to children, grandchildren, she reached us:

  • on Christmas Eve and January 19, the owners do not give bread, salt, matches and money from the dwelling, it is believed that with these things happiness goes away;
  • the mention of the deceased relatives will bring death to the house;
  • human, personal These holidays will get angry or other diseases oral cavity;
  • if on January 18 and 19, the spouses will sleep, it is to the discount in the family or their parting;
  • if you cut your hair into the baptized holidays, then you can "comprehend fate," you can also do anything with nails;
  • you can not knit and sew, otherwise the person's life is confused.

There are many such prohibitions modern man It will not be easy to remember all this.

Signs of baptism

It did not cost Christians and without accept, believe in them or not, everyone decides himself, in any case, you can remember some of them, and then verify.

  1. If on January 19 there is snow, then the harvest in this year should be good.
  2. The starry sky on the night of the Christmas Eve on the baptism is promulit that there will be many berries, peas and nuts.
  3. The bird knocked out the window is considered a familiar from the departed, they want prayers about their forgiveness.
  4. Long and Multiple Dog Lai speaks about the abundance of animals and game in the forests and about financial welfare Hearing.
  5. It is believed if the baptism is warm, then health problems are possible, the frost speaks about the opposite.
  6. If on the night from 18 to 19 there will be a full moon, then in the spring will come late and it is worth expecting floods, and the summer will be cold.
  7. If a girl comes out in the evening in baptism on the street, and a young guy will come to meet, it will promise a wedding this year, an elderly man testifies to a non-searched event.

Is it possible to do physical labor into baptism?

According to the old believe in baptism, it is impossible to engage in physical labor and clean. On this day, Christians must devote to God, go to the temple and prays. After the church or before dinner on January 18, the hostess is allowed to finish some of the houses.

It is possible to wash it only to a Christmas tree, the laundry can not be washed and 2 days after baptism. In the old days, in the river whose river bathed, the clothes did not rinse 14 days, it was believed that "evil" falls through the dirty things in consecrated water. At present, the lingerie has long been erased in cars, so the father allows you to wash and rinse, but after prayer.

Is it possible to make a cleaning at home for baptism?

Baptism symbolizes the cleansing of a person, its dwelling is also kept in order. There is no specific answer to the question: is it possible to remove the baptism in the apartment? The priests say that there is no ban on cleaning on holidays, at home can be removed on baptism. However, once a person dedicates the day of prayer and celebration, it is better to clean the cleanliness in the house in advance and preferably to Christmas Eve.

There are other signs why it is impossible in different time.

  1. It is believed if you caress in the house after sunset, wealth and health will go away.
  2. You can not wash the floors at night, otherwise you can survive someone from the house.
  3. If you simultaneously prepare lunch and wash the floors, money and food will come from the house.
  4. After lunch, the crumbs are not erased by hand, it's to poverty.
  5. Cut the order by opening the windows to a quarrel with households.

Deacon Vladimir:

For such a holiday, all relatives must be collected and preparing for the holiday, so the order in the house is better to visit the celebration. These days, Christians should pray, so it will be the same wrong occupation as idleness to baptism in the dwelling.

Priest Father Nicodemus:

Before orthodox holiday Cleaning in the dwelling should be completed. As Christ said: "Not a man for Saturday, but Saturday for a person." The meaning of the above is that the weekends were not invented for affairs, the same applies to festive days. Of course, there are different situations, Sometimes you can get to the baptism to be removed at home, but I think that many people are able to lead to holidays, well, or on the eve of the first half of the day.

Ieromona Ignatius:

Parishioners often ask questions about whether it is possible to remove the baptism on the day? If it is not possible to transfer the occupation for another day, then of course you can. The Lord will forgive if you ask him about it, and after service, and then sprinkle the house brought from the temple with water.

As a rule, people are preparing in advance for these days, in such cases there will be no questions when you remove the holiday. Starin, people considered it a bad promise, on this day from the house you can "wash" good, grace or take it together with the garbage. Those who doubted whether it was possible to get out at home, on the last day before the sacred event and during it, began to persecute misfortunes and appear diseases.