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What day the eggs are sanctified on Easter. What to wear to church? Folk Signals, Traditions and Rituals

Dyeing eggs and Easter cakes are important symbols of the great Easter holiday. The hostesses begin to cook cakes and paint eggs in pure Thursday. It is believed that this day is suitable for this activity. If the hostess did not have time to cook something, that is, the morning of the Great Saturday. But, on Saturday, it is also necessary to go to the temple to consecrate the cakes and another food in a basket.

April 7 or the Great Saturday is the time when the cakes and eggs are illuminated in 2018. It happened, on the most popular, but not the only version, from Mary Magdalene. When it became known that Christ was resurrected, she went with this good news in Rome to Emperor Tiberius. While and now, to great people, it was necessary to walk with gifts. Maria Magdalene decided to present Tiberius the usual eggwhich was considered a symbol of life. She gave the emperor an egg, saying: "Christ is risen." Tiberius for this application only laughed and said that the dead would not be resurrected. He said it was also obvious like the fact that the egg in his hand is white. The story claims that the egg in his hand immediately became red. Then Tiberius was surprised and said Maria Magdaline: "Truly Rissed!"

Is it a story about, but when they illuminate the cakes and eggs? This is done on the Great Saturday. Despite the fact that on this day, which in 2018 fell on April 7, in churches there is a solemn lighting of food from 10.00 am until the evening and starting the evening service, best time To illuminate the Easter basket - this period immediately after the festive service. After the priest informs the joyful news that Christ is resurrected. The holiday begins and this is the most ideal time when cakes are sanctified in 2018. Although it is possible to do this throughout Saturday from 10.00 am to 20.00 pm, if for some reason a person is not going to attend the temple at night.

So, easter eggAs it is clear from the legend - this is a symbol of the victory of life over death. How, from under an inanimate shell, the eggs are born, so from the coffin in eternal life Resty the dead. But it is also interesting why the second main product is sanctified at Easter in the basket - cake.

Why is the Easter to sanctify cakes

Christians for Easter should be communized. But, most are carried out various church rituals even during the Great Post. In the bright day of Easter, few are commuated, but by the commission of liturgia you can get a blessing in the temple. And this is done just with the help of a festive koulich and Easter. To bounce such a consecrated meal resembled the believer communion of the truth of Easter Christ, and also united people faith in Jesus Christ.

Therefore, each orthodox man Must know when the cakes are illuminated for Easter. This is done on a festive night from Saturday on Sunday, after the end of the service. But, if a person is not going to go to the service, then it is possible, eggs and all that lies in the Easter basket throughout the Great Saturday. From 10.00 am to 20.00 in the evening on April 7, this is the time when Easter cakes will illuminate.

It is necessary to remember that, despite the day, when the cakes and eggs are illuminated in 2018, you can eat this food only with the onset of Easter. This or at night immediately after the service, or Sunday morning. With illuminated food, you need to start every meal. Such food can not be thrown into any way, everything must be eased to the end. Therefore, collecting an Easter basket, should not put too many products and large pieces.

On Sunday, April 16, all Orthodox Christians are preparing to meet a big religious holiday - Easter.

On Sunday, on April 16, all Orthodox Christians are preparing to meet a big church holiday - Easter. Preparation for Easter goes all passionate week.

Starting from Mondays by a passion week, all hostesses in the old days began to restore order in their homes. The cleaning has ended traditionally in pure Thursday - on the fourth day of the passionate week. After this hostess began to prepare a festive easter table..

From the most pressing times, such dishes are traditionally put on Easter, like cottage cheese Easter, cake, painted eggs and Easter lamb. These dishes were put on the festive table and were deeply symbolic.

For example, Easter cake symbolizes the presence of God in the world and in human life, and his sweetness and beauty show the care of the Lord about every human being. Curd Easter by tradition has the shape of a truncated pyramid, which symbolizes the coffin of the Lord. Easter lambs (Lamb) is a reminder of the sacrificial death of Christ in the atonement of sins of all mankind. The painted eggs had to be red and symbolized the blood of Christ and his resurrection.

Easter 2017: What should be on the festive table. In ancient times, a rich table was always covered at Easter, and 48 dishes were put on the table at the table - the number of days of the Great Post. So, on the table there were always mainly meat dishes - these are baked ham, lamb or ham, stuffed geese, ducks, turkey, dairy piglets and homemade sausage. At the same time, all festive dishes were placed on the table with cold.

In addition, the festive meal at Easter always took place in two stages. The first trapez was made immediately at the parish from the Church. Initially, a spoon was drinking sunflower oil, and after it was necessary to eat milk kissel. Also, it was also necessary to deal with a piece of cottage cheese Easter, a piece of Easter slices and a painted egg.

Already in the morning there was a festive table, which was put on all the dishes prepared earlier. Moreover, the table was covered with a whole day and was not cleaned, because on this day it is customary to visit without invitation and try all the dishes that stand on the table.

How to decorate a festive table at Easter 2017. According to tradition, in the center of the Easter table, a dish with sprouted wheat grains, oats or caress salad is always put. Spring grains of the hostess put in advance - about a week before the Easter holiday. To do this, in a shallow saucer you need to pour a bit of the ground, in which then it is necessary to take a good accurate grain.

Then the dish must be put in a warm place and wait until the grains are sprouting. At the same time, you must not forget from time to water germinating grains. In this grass, then you will need to put painted eggs and put in the center of the table. Also for laying eggs can be baked from yeast dough Special wreath, where then the eggs are placed.

Another tradition that is inherent in our time - there are eggs with mayonnaise. It is wrong, since the eggs need to eat with the European Salt. Thursday Sol. - This is a salt that is preparing only in pure Thursday on Personal week. It is a salt that is overlooked in the stoves with kvasny wort, spicy herbs or cabbage leaves.

It is worth noting that after holding worship for Easter, there are all types of food, so there has always been many meat dishes on the festive table. However, you should not immediately go. Especially in eating for Easter it is necessary to be careful to those people who followed Great postSince after overeating, health problems may arise.

Easter 2017: When to sink cakes and eggs. IN Good Saturdaywhich in 2017 falls on April 15th, in all churches will be held all-in-bed services before the main event - the holiday of Light Christ Sunday. After the all-sleeping father, it begins to sanctify the cakes and eggs in baskets, it happens at about four o'clock in the morning, and it ends when people stop coming.

Easter all-night liturgy lasts all night, and at about four o'clock in the morning there is an Easter procession, then the priests are reproduced from dark robes in bright and proclaim the words: "Christ is risen!", For which believers answer: "Truly Risen!" And after the Easter cross Stroke The priests begin to sanctify the cakes and eggs in baskets. You can also be consecrated by other products that will be at the festive Easter table.

Easter 2017: When will the cakes and eggs in Moscow? Accurate consecration schedule easter basket with herbs and eggs can be clarified in the church in which you intend to consecrate products for Easter festive table..

Solving services in Moscow for Easter in orthodox churches And temples says that the consecration of cakes and eggs will be on Saturday, April 15 after the morning liturgy.

The time when the cakes will hurt in different temples, it is different. In one temple, it is possible to sanctify food for a festive table on Saturday, in another - early in the morning on Sunday. In some churches, the service is carried out in such a way that believers have the opportunity to bring products to consecrate twice.

Therefore, before going to Church of Sitting Culichi, it is better to ask about the time and order of the Easter service in advance. This can be done in the ministers of the church. But before going to church service, it is necessary to prepare.

When is it necessary to shit cakes according to the rules?

The church service is carried out on the installed canons that allow very minor deviations. According to the canon, each service is accompanied by a prayer chant, characteristic of a certain event, time of day, the presence of restrictions on the day of post and the memory of saints and so on. The Easter service lasts all night, and the rite of consecration of products prepared for the morning festive meal is carried out at 4 am. These products are traveled by parishioners then carry home, and breakfast begins with them.

However, consecrate products in Great Saturday Also permissible. The rite is held on Saturday evening, in the evening service.

After a passionate Friday, the Great Saturday is considered a holiday in the afternoon, the priest is already putting white clothes, and the chant of the church choir becomes more joyful. The resurrection of Christ is nearing.

It is more convenient to shit cakes on the Great Saturday, because in order to do it on Sunday, you need to visit the end of the vigil service. Early get up very uncomfortable, and not everyone can stand in the church to afford itself. Therefore, the tradition of sanctifying foods on the eve, on Saturday, appeared quite a long time. Hostess baked cakes on the night from Friday or early in the morning on Saturday, in the evening were in the church. And morning has already passed at home, because after cleaning in Pure Thursday, prayer and bodily fit in Good FridayThe preparations of the Great Saturday for the All-Nest's forces remained not all.

What food can be consecrated for Easter.

Culichi, cottage cheese Easter, eggs, meat and wine - these are products that can be brought to the church to consecrate. Not necessarily bring a lot of products, as the consecration of meat and wine, frown foodis symbolic. Thus allowed to complete the post. But the conversation begins either by eggs or a piece of slices or Easter. Therefore, you need to be in the church first of all these products.

It is not necessary to bring all the pastries that was prepared on the eve. Suffice one or two cakes. The first eaten during the morning meals, sharing between family members, the second is still stored for another week and even more, maybe until the next Easter. But so now come very rarely. Even very best cake Gradually turns, so he is trying to eat as soon as it is fresh. There are all painted eggs, because they are given, they are allowed to exchange, more often keep in memory of the holiday.

Other products carry in the church if it allows wealth. It should be remembered that not all parishioners can afford to purchase good wine and meat products Even for the holiday. therefore good thing It will treat other parishioners in the church after serving by part of the products brought, or leave for those who remain on specially organized by the church with meals. You should also ask in advance which products could be brought to the church with herbs. Some priests do not allow meat and wine, even if the church tradition has nothing against.

In addition to kulichs and cottage cheese, you can put another baking: pies, buns, cookies, Easter sweet bread, cake. You can consecrate sweets and fruits.

Forbidden products in the list turns out a bit. First of all, you should not try to bring vodka and other alcoholic beverages other than wine. Wine, by the way, it is not necessary to be red. But white wine is not recognized in all churches.

To come to the consecration of kulukhai is better in advance. IN holidays The church is much more parishioners than usual. Put your products on the table, pass to it without it, it is not always possible. In addition, the service can start a little earlier or later laid, and the time of consecration will be shifted. In small arrival, this happens usually more often.

It is more convenient if all products are put in the basket, which is so put on the table. Often this basket is made to decorate with flowers. But the shape and size of it will be compact and convenient. In addition to her, there will be many others on the table, and the places should be enough for everyone. The basket is lined with napkins or embroidered specially for the holiday by a towel. During the transportation of cakes and other products can be covered with cloth.

The time when the cakes will hurt in different temples, it is different. In one temple, it is possible to sanctify food for a festive table on Saturday, in another - early in the morning on Sunday. In some churches, the service is carried out in such a way that believers have the opportunity to bring products to consecrate twice.

Therefore, before going to Church of Sitting Culichi, it is better to ask about the time and order of the Easter service in advance. This can be done in the ministers of the church. But before going to church service, it is necessary to prepare.

When is it necessary to shit cakes according to the rules?

The church service is carried out on the installed canons that allow very minor deviations. According to the canon, each service is accompanied by a prayer chant, characteristic of a certain event, time of day, the presence of restrictions on the day of post and the memory of saints and so on. The Easter service lasts all night, and the rite of consecration of products prepared for the morning festive meal is carried out at 4 am. These products are traveled by parishioners then carry home, and breakfast begins with them.

However, sanctifying products in the Great Saturday is also permissible. The rite is held on Saturday evening, in the evening service.

After a passionate Friday, the Great Saturday is considered a holiday in the afternoon, the priest is already putting white clothes, and the chant of the church choir becomes more joyful. The resurrection of Christ is nearing.

It is more convenient to shit cakes on the Great Saturday, because in order to do it on Sunday, you need to visit the end of the vigil service. Early get up very uncomfortable, and not everyone can stand in the church to afford itself. Therefore, the tradition of sanctifying foods on the eve, on Saturday, appeared quite a long time. Hostess baked cakes on the night from Friday or early in the morning on Saturday, in the evening were in the church. And the morning has already passed at home, because after cleaning in a clean Thursday, a prayer and bodily attachment to a passionate Friday, the preparations of the Great Saturday remained for all of all.

What food can be consecrated for Easter.

Culichi, cottage cheese Easter, eggs, meat and wine - these are products that can be brought to the church to consecrate. It is not necessary to bring a lot of products, as the sanctification of meat and wine, free food, is symbolic. Thus allowed to complete the post. But the conversation begins either by eggs or a piece of slices or Easter. Therefore, you need to be in the church first of all these products.

It is not necessary to bring all the pastries that was prepared on the eve. Suffice one or two cakes. The first eaten during the morning meals, sharing between family members, the second is still stored for another week and even more, maybe until the next Easter. But so now come very rarely. Even the best cake gradually turns, so they are trying to eat as soon as possible until it is. There are all painted eggs, because they are given, they are allowed to exchange, more often keep in memory of the holiday.

Other products carry in the church if it allows wealth. It should be remembered that not all the parishioners can afford to buy good wine and meat products even for a holiday. Therefore, the good matter will treat other parishioners in the church after serving by part of the products brought, or leave for those who remain on a specially organized to the church to the meal. You should also ask in advance which products could be brought to the church with herbs. Some priests do not allow meat and wine, even if the church tradition has nothing against.

In addition to kulichs and cottage cheese, you can put another baking: pies, buns, cookies, Easter sweet bread, cake. You can consecrate sweets and fruits.

Forbidden products in the list turns out a bit. First of all, you should not try to bring vodka and other alcoholic beverages other than wine. Wine, by the way, it is not necessary to be red. But white wine is not recognized in all churches.

To come to the consecration of kulukhai is better in advance. On holidays, the church is much more parishioners than usual. Put your products on the table, pass to it without it, it is not always possible. In addition, the service can start a little earlier or later laid, and the time of consecration will be shifted. In small arrival, this happens usually more often.

It is more convenient if all products are put in the basket, which is so put on the table. Often this basket is made to decorate with flowers. But the shape and size of it will be compact and convenient. In addition to her, there will be many others on the table, and the places should be enough for everyone. The basket is lined with napkins or embroidered specially for the holiday by a towel. During the transportation of cakes and other products can be covered with cloth.

In this year, Orthodox believers will celebrate Easter on April 28, 2019. One of the wonderful traditions of this celebration is the consecration of cakes and eggs.

And often interested: what day, and how much exactly are the eggs and cakes in Easter? A detailed answer to this question is given in the article.

Curtent day and hour: when there is a sanctification

Almost any holiday begin to prepare in advance, and the case with Easter is not an exception. Believers tend to paint eggs and bake the cakes, cook cottage cheese, or in extreme cases - to buy.

Of course, it will be correct and consecrated food in the church, so the question arises - what time and when should it be done?

Most optimal option "This is an Easter service that takes place on the night from Saturday to Sunday and ends at about three hours of the passion. Of course, for many people it is very late, so there will be nothing terrible to come in Easter day and consecrate the products.

It is necessary to do it before noon - because the celebration begins from an early morning, and in the day it is better to be at home and congratulate each other with a joyful greeting: "Christ is risen! Truly Rissed! "

And it would also be good to keep in mind that although at Easter, many people use wine in honor of the holiday and other alcoholic beverages - it is better to come to the temple in a cheerful condition. Consecration of eggs and slices is preparing for the holiday.

Well, after everything is ready, you can come home and sit down at the table. At the same time, wine, and other strong drinks, it is not necessary to carry in the church: they can be consecrated at home with personal prayer.

Another option, for those who wish to sanctify the products before Easter - come to the temple on Saturday the day before. On this day, they will illuminate food from 11-12 hours and up to 21 hours, that is, before the start of Easter service.

In many churches, you can also come on next week (Monday Tuesday). In any case, it is better to ask the mode of operation of a particular temple in advance.


In many churches, priests themselves determine when it is necessary to sanctify the cakes and eggs for Easter. The corresponding schedule can always be found on the information board or on the Church website, for example.

Whether to illuminate cakes and eggs

Along with the question of when it is better to consecrate the cakes and eggs, often interested in how definitely do it. Although many people do not come to church, but will correctly go to the temple and fulfill an ancient tradition.

After all, every believer can come to Easter to church or at least ask for a close, native person to do it instead to light up for the holiday of eggs and cakes. It is important to understand that these products are not just a meal, but the real symbols of light resurrection. The egg personifies life, revival, and the cakes is the image of the body of Christ.

The priests are confident that to illuminate food - the natural desire of a person, and even more so if we are talking About the most important holiday of Christians - Easter. Here, for example, the opinion of the Archpriest Maxim is Promozvsky.

Thus, believers can come to church for the lighting of cakes and eggs and on Saturday, and on Sunday, and even at the beginning of the next week. Of course, it will not be superfluous on such a day to show his virtue, for which you can leave some of the products in the temple.