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Prayer to the Lord in front of the icon of the Resurrection of Christ (Descent into hell)

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father Oleg Molynko

Current experience (2010)

Sunday Song
"Resurrection of Christ Hosurev"

Oh, my wondered Lord,
And my God - bless!

This wondrous Sunday Song is the anthem of the Resurrection of Christ - he comes across the all-sleeping discount for the Sunday after reading the Sunday Gospel for the uterus. We have a good custom of singing it in the church and after graduating from Sunday Liturgy, after the day and before the kissing of the Cross of the Lord.

My Lord awakens me at night. I am lying in bed and clear, clean mind, pronounce a blessed prayer with the sweet and divine name of Jesus Christ: "Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, have mercy on us" . I have no other goal as soon as I repeat his almighty and kinderful name. I am reverently and quietly repeating his thought, I look at him and Zray him. There are no extraneous thoughts and no extra sensations. I do not need to make any effort so that my mind stood in the words of this inburden and mysterious in its influence of prayer. Nothing dispels my mind and no one hesitated him. Quiet and benevolent. In the simplicity of the heart, I repeat the words of this wonderful prayer for me, the whole point of which is called Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus Christ! So I, attentive words of prayer, invisibly drinking her fertile strength, not looking for anything and does not tend anywhere. I confused with my mind in front of my God with one awareness that he is and I, and my spiritual children, whom I remember before Him in the words "Pom". I quietly, calm, peacefully, good! What else does? But, an unexpectedly comes one who is Mr. My and all of them created! He is powerful, but very gently takes my mind and opens another understanding. There is no opportunity to oppose this and no desire! My mind, as a obedient servant, is fond of following his master and syrrites what he favors him to show. This time he would like to show me what was hidden on the Sunday song "Resurrection of Christ Hosvevsh".

I sang this beautiful and very beloved songly to me and on the services of church, and for myself. Unusual force poured into the soul with her singing or salting! But I could not imagine that in this hymn resurrection to Christ, where, it would seem, everything is so straight and unequivocally written, there is a place for the work of the mind and mystery. I will try to convey what I saw and felt under the influence of the grace of God in the words of this wondrous and great song, chasing the secret of Christ's Sunday.

Here is the text of this wonderful song, which I will deal on items, respectively, how they will be interpreted by me:

  1. Let's bow to the Holy Lord Jesus
  2. unified sinless

  3. You boy our God
  4. don't you know otherwise
  5. your name is name
  6. Get the DSI VERIAY
  7. Singing the resurrection of it
  8. Crucifixion Bo Pretrapev
  9. Massion death of destroying.
  1. Resurrection of Christ Hosvevsh

Pronounced or reading this line, we realize that none of us witnessed the greatest and saving event in the history of mankind, when the Lord is our Jesus Christ, who died on the cross and buried in a stone cave, rustled by his deity. We will learn about this event from reading the Gospel, and we accept faith. Why do we sing "Vidovevsh" regarding this resurrection, and not "hearing" or "beloved"? What the resurrection of Christ could we personally see? After all, it is not by chance that the church used in this song It is the word "Vidovevsh".

The speech here is about the resurrection, which each of us can see in itself, in his internal person! Sunday this manifests us in two ways. On the one hand, it is like getting rid of the power of Satan and his demons, from the strength of the captive and died to the sin. After all, in the font of the baptism, we died for sin and renounced Satan and all that was associated with him. On the other hand - as a feeling of a qualitatively new, unknown earlier and true Life, life with God, his life is grace! After all, for this we are rebuilding (co-s) with Christ in the font of the baptism, so that the post is only with him and for him! This is our resurrection, at the same time, there is our birth over, from God. Thus, leaving the font, we become children of God and human nature with small Christ. However, this is our resurrection, which we see in yourself and feel, delivered to us by the merits of our Savior Jesus Christ, who apparently, are brighter and fully manifested themselves in his resurrection from the dead.

  1. Let's bow to the Holy Lord Jesus

Seeing these wonderful changes that we are watching on our Resurrection for life with God, we are fulfilled by good thoughts and feelings to our spell., Savior and benefactor, Jesus Christ, who express to him as Lord God, worship in spirit and truth . But in this worship, we not only give him a high-quality honor and thanks to getting rid of death, but we are confirmed with anything not comparable holiness, from which every other holiness in the church and people of God are originated.

  1. unified sinless

The unfriendly holiness of the saint and unattainable for us of God through the achievable faith of Christ passes by its immeasurable merit through the Holy Spirit and for each faithful, whistling prevailing him. Getting a gift from this holiness, watching and feeling it in themselves, we amazed her actions, and above all to taste life and enjoy the heart peace. Holiness makes us blond, clean and luminous! After all, God is light! And in this light, which is manifested in us as our spiritual light, we clearly see all our insufficiency, weakness and imperfection. Moreover, we zirm incomprehensible to us the combination of holiness and sin. Alas, sin still remains in us, but already as hated and unwanted dirt, illness and weave. The more we are sanctified, the more and more clearly visible in yourself and sin, which in every possible way clinging for us and fiercely resists gradually by winning his holiness. And in this struggle, we again look again on our firstborn and the sinless winner of our sin of the Lord Jesus Christ. That is why in this contrast we confess from the whole of our heart, that he is in his human nature the only sinless! Surprise not as an inhabited sin or fantastic with him in himself and won, but as not at all uncomplicated! Absolutely sinless in all parts and manifestations of human nature! And for us who are in themselves another, it is a miracle and together incentive to combat the remnants of the sin living in us. So in the words "Unified sinless" we confess his unique sinlessness, and our hatred for sin, and our jealousy to fight him to get rid of him, so that by grace, to like our primary and sample Jesus Christ!

  1. You worship your cross, Christ

The habit of sin and deciding to fight him, we need a support for this struggle and help for victory. And here we, addressing our gaze to the winner of sin, we see that he made this victory with his cross and in his cross. We will open the cross of Christ as a great consecrated weapon on the devil, his demons and sin in all its manifestations. At the same time, the cross of Christ opens to us as the Great God's altar, in which our sake of salvation learned to suffer and die the embodied son of God. For all of us, people, and for each of us individually, God, the Father sacrificed his only son and took this sacrifice himself, reconcile by her with people! With the awareness of this Outdoor God of the sacrament of the Cross, we turn to him as a cross of Christ!

  1. and holy resurrection are yours and samp

But the victim brought on the Cross of Christ was not the destruction of Christ, and his death was not loss of him! He returned to us with his Divine Resurrection! The joy of this return and the sake of all of our hope of finding Christ, we express our singing and the sall of his joyful for us. Hooray! We are saved, redeemed, but we are not alone! Christ returned to us by the resurrection of her! And therefore this is his resurrection for us Great Shrine! It is for us holy resurrection! And we will gladly sing it and sang every seventh day of every week! This is the day of our holiday, rest from the work, rest from Bourge. This is the most joyful day for us!

  1. You boy our God

By glorifying Christ's resurrection and rejoicing like children to us return, we do it for yourself. But rightly rejoicing and the triumph of his glorious victory over death and sin, we cannot satisfy one of this joy. We want to rush to the source and the perpetrator of this incomparable joy, for the resurrect Christ! Turning to Him, we divide the greatest miracle of His Resurrection to us, of course that he himself raised his mankind himself! At the same time, we realize what he did it for us and that he is now forever! So we confess his ours God!

  1. don't you know otherwise

In the joy of this awareness and confession, we do not know how to pay him for everything that he did for us. His gifts are so great, so wonderful, so inaccessible that we are perplexed in choosing the expression of the feelings that admiss us. Here we find in ourselves only one thing that we can confess to him in the sign of great gratitude for all his grace and good deeds - this is loyalty and devotion to him forever! That is why we tirelessly raise the song "Don't you know a different God, the king and the lord and do not want to know"! "

  1. your name is name

But the confessions of loyalty are not enough for us, for we want to express not only a feeling of gratitude, but love for the resurrection Christ. To express his love for him, we do not find anything better than repeating the name of your loved one: "Jesus Christ ... Jesus Christ ... Jesus Christ."

  1. Get the DSI VERIAY
  1. Let's bow for the Holy Resurrection

Attaching all the faithful to rejoice with us to our conquered on His Resurrection by God, we again wish to express our feelings by our common worship of the Holy Resurrection of Christ, what we call on all the faithful.

But this is a repeated and filled with our worship is supplemented with us with a new awareness! Holy Our God of Christ returned to us in our human nature in still the best and most perfect quality - risen! But this resurrection was not the simple return of the left body of life, as it was, for example, with his friend Lazar. The resurrection of Christ brought human nature to the highest possible perfection for her! This perfection has reached that in-place state that the resurrected Christ returned to his resurrected flesh on the sky and sat down right hand Father's heaven! Oh, the miracle is unhappy! Oh, glory amazing! That's where we are raised by the Risen Christ!

  1. be a cross with a cross joy to the whole world

With this heavenly height, we again go down to the ground, look at the whole world created by God and confess the basis of the joy brought by the Resurrection to Christ the world - the Cross of Christ! Oh, Divo wondering! Oh, the mystery is great! The weapon of death and sadness became an instrument of life and joy!

  1. Always blessing Lord

From the awareness and experience of all this, that we still do, how not to always bless our Lord Jesus Christ!

  1. Singing the resurrection of it

And singing his glorious and most needed Sunday, with whom he took us away from Death and Hell, opened us the kingdom of heaven and gave our resurrection, making us capable for eternal and blissful life with him and the Most Holy Trinity!

  1. Crucifixion Bo Pretrapev

For for the sake of this, he was ever recruited for us before he underwent death through the disgraced people with a crucifix, which became the highest glorious of his house-building!

  1. Massion death of destroying.

But it also accepted the defeat of death voluntarily and only for us, for the sake of the final and complete destruction of our chief enemy - death!
Getting rid of death and dating eternal life with God - here is the greatest matter of Christ and the greatest thing for us for us!

The end, and God, in Christ, the resurrect glory, honor and worship, father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and are also confident and forever. Amen!

This article contains: the prayer of the Resurrection of Christ - information is taken from the side of the world, electronic network and spiritual people.

The king of the Heavenly, comforter, the soul of truth, and everywhere and all of the executive, the treasure of good and life to the submitter, come and messed in us, and clean it from everyone is bad, and save, our souls.

Most Holy Trinity, hind us; Lord, to clean our sins; Vladyko, forgive our lawlessness; Holy, visit and healed our gentlemen, the name of yours for the sake.

Our father, izh, at Heaven! Yes holy your nameYes, your kingdom will receive, and your will will be, IKo in the sky and on the earth. Bread our urgent grandfather to us; And we leave us our debts, and we leave our debtor to our; And do not enter us in temptation, but you save us from Lucavago.

I believe in the One God's Father, the Almighty, the Creator of the Sky and the Earth, visible to all and invisible. And in the one-piece of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only beefish, and from the Father Born himself before all century; Light from the light, the god is true of God is true, born, is irrelevant, the father is unique, right away. We are for the sake of a person and our sake of salvation of Szedshago from heaven and embodied from the Spirit of Holy and Mary of the Virgin, and in the smallest. Crucifago the same as Pilate, and the suffering, and buried. And resistant on the third day by Scripture. And it is worthwhile to heaven, and the stern father's father. And Paki Supilo with Glevai Sudiuti Alive and Dead, the Eagle Centers will not end. And in the Spirit of the Saints, the Lord, the life-gate, and from the father outgoing, and the Father and the Son of Spoklans and Svalivim, Glagolavsha, the prophets. In one, the Holy, Cathedral and Apostolic Church. Confessing a single baptism in leaving sins. The resurrection of the dead, and the life of the future century. Amen.

Virgin Devo, Having rejoice, the fertile mariye, the Lord with you; You are blessed in the wives and blessed the fruit of your womb, Yako Sava gave birth to our souls.

It is worthy to eat Yako Valitinna Bunitia, the Virgin, the courtesy and the presets and the mother of our God. Honestly cherub and a nornyless seraphim, without comparing Seraphim, without the evolution of God, the words rising, sowing the Virgin Major.

Resurrection of Christ Hosurev, we will bow to the Holy Lord Jesus, a single sinless. Your cross is paying yours, Christ, and the Holy Resurrection, we sing yours and Slavim: You bless our God, don't you know, if you do not know your name. Get, VSI Renius, bow to the Sunday of Christ. Resurrection: Be Coe to the cross with the joy of all over the world. Always blessing the Lord, sing the resurrection of him: the crucifixion of Bo Pretrapev, the death of the death of destroying.

Majses my gentlemen's soul, and the spirit of my breath about the bose sacket is mine.

Chorus: A honestly cherub and a sorry without comparing Seraphim, without the evillation of God, the words rising, sowing the Virgin, the Major.

Yako the prize to humble the slaves, Beholde, be pleased with the MDSI.

Yako coat the greatness of the greatness, and his name is His, and His mercy in childbirth fearing him.

Schatvory Muscle Muscle, the rods are proud of their thoughts.

Nicely lowered with the throne, and ascended humble; Achuccia is of the goods, and bending the seizure.

The perception of Israel of his father-in-law, to remember the grace, the verb of the verb to our father, Abraham and his seed even before the century.

Now let your slave, Vladyko, on the verb of yours with the world; Yako Viosa's eyes My salvation, Yezhu, prepared before the face of all people, the light in the revelation of languages, and the glory of the people of your Israel.

Miscellaneous, God, in the greatness of your grace, and the many generaries of your cleanse of my lawlessness. Napa Oph Moon from my lawlessness, and from my sin of cleaning me; Yako lawlessness my Az know, and my sin one is for me there. You have a single sorry and deer before you coat; Jaco and justified your wonderch, and won the fraud is fraud. Beha Bo, in lawlessness they are conceived, and my mother is mine in Gresh. Che Bo, the truth loved the ESI; Listening and the secret wisdom of Tween Yalvi. Okropyishi, Issop, and clean; Omrochemisms, and smelling snow. Hearing my dasy joy and merry; The bones of the humble will rejoice. Write your face from my sin and my whole cleaning is clear. The heart is purely creating in me, God, and the Spirit of Rights upgrade in my womb. Do not reject me from your face and the Spirit of your saint, not by me. The joy of the joy of salvation of your and the spirit of the rule of law. We will teach the scientific way, and your dishusting will turn to you. Get rid of my blood, God, God's save my truth will rejoice in your truth. Lord, the mouth of my openings, and my mouth will praise your praise. I would like the victims, it would have raised the victims, would gave birth to unfortunately: all the offensions do not favor. The sacrifice of God is crushed; The heart is crushing and humbly God will not humiliate. Declauses, Lord, in favor of your Zion, and the Walls of Jerusalemsk will create. Then favor the victim of the truth, the permission and the discovered; Then your Tales will be laid on Olody.

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Prayer to the Lord in front of the icon of the Resurrection of Christ (Descent into hell)

& NBSP Icon of the Lord Resurrection of Christ (Descent to hell)

Sunday song reading the Gospel.

[Script Execution: 0.034 seconds]

prayer - Resurrection of Christ

Composition: Resurrection of Christ

Playing time: 01:41

Resurrection of Christ Hosurev, we will bow to the Holy Lord Jesus, a single sinless. Your cross is paying yours, Christ, and the Holy Resurrection, we sing yours and Slavim: You bless our God, don't you know, if you do not know your name. Get the DSI Renius, bow to the Saint Christ. Resurrection: Be Bo's priece the joy of all over the world, always blessing the Lord, sing the resurrection of it: the crucifixion of Bo Pretrapev, the death of destroying.

Prayer of the Resurrection of Christ

Open, for the Lord is coming to judge

father Oleg Molynko

Current experience (2010)

Sunday Song

"Resurrection of Christ Hosurev"

Oh, my wondered Lord,

and my God - bless!

This wondrous Sunday Song is the anthem of the Resurrection of Christ - he comes across the all-sleeping discount for the Sunday after reading the Sunday Gospel for the uterus. We have a good custom of singing it in the church and after graduating from Sunday Liturgy, after the day and before the kissing of the Cross of the Lord.

My Lord awakens me at night. I am lying in bed and clear, clean mind, pronounce a blessed prayer with the sweet and divine name of Jesus Christ: "Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, have mercy on us" . I have no other goal as soon as I repeat his almighty and kinderful name. I am reverently and quietly repeating his thought, I look at him and Zray him. There are no extraneous thoughts and no extra sensations. I do not need to make any effort so that my mind stood in the words of this inburden and mysterious in its influence of prayer. Nothing dispels my mind and no one hesitated him. Quiet and benevolent. In the simplicity of the heart, I repeat the words of this wonderful prayer for me, the whole point of which is called Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus Christ! So I, attentive words of prayer, invisibly drinking her fertile strength, not looking for anything and does not tend anywhere. I confused with my mind in front of my God with one awareness that he is and I, and my spiritual children, whom I remember before Him in the words "Pom". I quietly, calm, peacefully, good! What else does? But, an unexpectedly comes one who is Mr. My and all of them created! He is powerful, but very gently takes my mind and opens another understanding. There is no opportunity to oppose this and no desire! My mind, as a obedient servant, is fond of following his master and syrrites what he favors him to show. This time he would like to show me what was hidden on the Sunday song "Resurrection of Christ Hosvevsh".

I sang this beautiful and very beloved songly to me and on the services of church, and for myself. Unusual force poured into the soul with her singing or salting! But I could not imagine that in this hymn resurrection to Christ, where, it would seem, everything is so straight and unequivocally written, there is a place for the work of the mind and mystery. I will try to convey what I saw and felt under the influence of the grace of God in the words of this wondrous and great song, chasing the secret of Christ's Sunday.

Here is the text of this wonderful song, which I will deal on items, respectively, how they will be interpreted by me:

  1. Resurrection of Christ Hosvevsh
  2. Let's bow to the Holy Lord Jesus
  3. unified sinless

Pronounced or reading this line, we realize that none of us witnessed the greatest and saving event in the history of mankind, when the Lord is our Jesus Christ, who died on the cross and buried in a stone cave, rustled by his deity. We will learn about this event from reading the Gospel, and we accept faith. Why do we sing "Vidovevsh" regarding this resurrection, and not "hearing" or "beloved"? What the resurrection of Christ could we personally see? After all, it is not by chance that the church used in this song It is the word "Vidovevsh".

The speech here is about the resurrection, which each of us can see in itself, in his internal person! Sunday this manifests us in two ways. On the one hand, it is like getting rid of the power of Satan and his demons, from the strength of the captive and died to the sin. After all, in the font of the baptism, we died for sin and renounced Satan and all that was associated with him. On the other hand, as a feeling of a qualitatively new, unexplored and true life, life with God, his life grace! After all, for this we are rebuilding (co-s) with Christ in the font of the baptism, so that the post is only with him and for him! This is our resurrection, at the same time, there is our birth over, from God. Thus, leaving the font, we become children of God and human nature with small Christ. However, this is our resurrection, which we see in yourself and feel, delivered to us by the merits of our Savior Jesus Christ, who apparently, are brighter and fully manifested themselves in his resurrection from the dead.

Seeing these wonderful changes that we are watching on our Resurrection for life with God, we are fulfilled by good thoughts and feelings to our spell. . But in this worship, we not only give him a high-quality honor and thanks to getting rid of death, but we are confirmed with anything not comparable holiness, from which every other holiness in the church and people of God are originated.

The unfriendly holiness of the saint and unattainable for us of God through the achievable faith of Christ passes by its immeasurable merit through the Holy Spirit and for each faithful, whistling prevailing him. Getting a gift from this holiness, watching and feeling it in themselves, we amazed her actions, and above all to taste life and enjoy the heart peace. Holiness makes us blond, clean and luminous! After all, God is light! And in this light, which is manifested in us as our spiritual light, we clearly see all our insufficiency, weakness and imperfection. Moreover, we zirm incomprehensible to us the combination of holiness and sin. Alas, sin still remains in us, but already as hated and unwanted dirt, illness and weave. The more we are sanctified, the more and more clearly visible in yourself and sin, which in every possible way clinging for us and fiercely resists gradually by winning his holiness. And in this struggle, we again look again on our firstborn and the sinless winner of our sin of the Lord Jesus Christ. That is why in this contrast we confess from the whole of our heart, that he is in his human nature the only sinless! Surprise not as an inhabited sin or fantastic with him in himself and won, but as not at all uncomplicated! Absolutely sinless in all parts and manifestations of human nature! And for us who are in themselves another, it is a miracle and together incentive to combat the remnants of the sin living in us. So in the words "Unified sinless" we confess his unique sinlessness, and our hatred for sin, and our jealousy to fight him to get rid of him, so that by grace, to like our primary and sample Jesus Christ!

The habit of sin and deciding to fight him, we need a support for this struggle and help for victory. And here we, addressing our gaze to the winner of sin, we see that he made this victory with his cross and in his cross. We will open the cross of Christ as a great consecrated weapon on the devil, his demons and sin in all its manifestations. At the same time, the cross of Christ opens to us as the Great God's altar, in which our sake of salvation learned to suffer and die the embodied son of God. For all of us, people, and for each of us individually, God, the Father sacrificed his only son and took this sacrifice himself, reconcile by her with people! With the awareness of this Outdoor God of the sacrament of the Cross, we turn to him as a cross of Christ!

  1. and holy resurrection are yours and samp

But the victim brought on the Cross of Christ was not the destruction of Christ, and his death was not loss of him! He returned to us with his Divine Resurrection! The joy of this return and the sake of all of our hope of finding Christ, we express our singing and the sall of his joyful for us. Hooray! We are saved, redeemed, but we are not alone! Christ returned to us by the resurrection of her! And therefore this is his resurrection for us Great Shrine! It is for us holy resurrection! And we will gladly sing it and sang every seventh day of every week! This is the day of our holiday, rest from the work, rest from Bourge. This is the most joyful day for us!

By glorifying Christ's resurrection and rejoicing like children to us return, we do it for yourself. But rightly rejoicing and the triumph of his glorious victory over death and sin, we cannot satisfy one of this joy. We want to rush to the source and the perpetrator of this incomparable joy, for the resurrect Christ! Turning to Him, we divide the greatest miracle of His Resurrection to us, of course that he himself raised his mankind himself! At the same time, we realize what he did it for us and that he is now forever! So we confess his ours God!

In the joy of this awareness and confession, we do not know how to pay him for everything that he did for us. His gifts are so great, so wonderful, so inaccessible that we are perplexed in choosing the expression of the feelings that admiss us. Here we find in ourselves only one thing that we can confess to him in the sign of great gratitude for all his grace and good deeds - this is loyalty and devotion to him forever! That is why we tirelessly raise the song "Don't you know a different God, the king and the lord and do not want to know"! "

But the confessions of loyalty are not enough for us, for we want to express not only a feeling of gratitude, but love for the resurrection Christ. To express his love for him, we do not find anything better than repeating the name of your favorite: "Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ. "

Attaching all the faithful to rejoice with us to our conquered on His Resurrection by God, we again wish to express our feelings by our common worship of the Holy Resurrection of Christ, what we call on all the faithful.

But this is a repeated and filled with our worship is supplemented with us with a new awareness! Holy Our God of Christ returned to us in our human nature in still the best and most perfect quality - risen! But this resurrection was not the simple return of the left body of life, as it was, for example, with his friend Lazar. The resurrection of Christ brought human nature to the highest possible perfection for her! This perfection has reached that inburden state that the Risen Christ returned to his resurrected flesh on the sky and sat down on the right hand of his heavenly father! Oh, the miracle is unhappy! Oh, glory amazing! That's where we are raised by the Risen Christ!

With this heavenly height, we again go down to the ground, look at the whole world created by God and confess the basis of the joy brought by the Resurrection to Christ the world - the Cross of Christ! Oh, Divo wondering! Oh, the mystery is great! The weapon of death and sadness became an instrument of life and joy!

From the awareness and experience of all this, that we still do, how not to always bless our Lord Jesus Christ!

And singing his glorious and most needed Sunday, with whom he took us away from Death and Hell, opened us the kingdom of heaven and gave our resurrection, making us capable for eternal and blissful life with him and the Most Holy Trinity!

For for the sake of this, he was ever recruited for us before he underwent death through the disgraced people with a crucifix, which became the highest glorious of his house-building!

But it also accepted the defeat of death voluntarily and only for us, for the sake of the final and complete destruction of our chief enemy - death!

Getting rid of death and dating eternal life with God - here is the greatest matter of Christ and the greatest thing for us for us!

The end, and God, in Christ, the resurrect glory, honor and worship, father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and are also confident and forever. Amen!

Prayer of the Resurrection of Christ

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(Celebrated at the end of the Great Post

This greatest holiday is a mansion in a number of Orthodox holidays. He has a very accurate popular name - "holiday holidays."

On the third day after the burial of Christ, in the early morning on Sunday, several women (Maria, Salomia, John) went to the coffin to bring incense intended for the body of Jesus. Approaching, they saw that a big stone, a staggering entrance to the coffin, was recovered, the coffin was empty, and the angel of the Lord sits on the stone. His appearance was like lightning, and his clothing is white as snow. Running angel, women came to the thrill. Angel said: "Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for: Jesus crucified. He is not here. He rose as he said. " With fear and joy, they hurried women to announce the apostles about what he saw. "And this, Jesus met them and said: Rejoice! And they, starting, grabbed his feet and bowed to him. Then says Jesus: do not be afraid; Go, let's heal my brothers to go to Galilean, and they will see me there. " And as once, his students saw the risen.

In the bright holiday of Easter, the church encourages believers "Clean the feelings and see Christ, shining with the unpaulous light of the Resurrection, and, having a victorious song, hear clear from him:" Rejoice! "

"Let no one grieves about sins, because forgiveness from the coffin. Let no one fear death, because we were liberated by the death of the Savior: her fled down who she kept in his power. He trembled over hell that came across hell. Gorky had hell when he tasted his flesh. . Took the body and suddenly got on God; Accepted the Earth, and met the sky. He accepted what he saw, and caught on what was not seen.

Death, where is your sting? Hell where your victory? . Christ is risen - and not a single dead in the coffin. For Christ, Sunday from the dead, laid the beginning of the resurrection of the dead "(from the word St. John Zlatoust).

Explaining the sacrament of the death of Christ, the church teaches that in his position in the coffin and to the bright Resurrection Christ the Son of God, God and man, "was in the coffin of the flesh and in the hell, in paradise with a robber and the throne with the Father and the Holy Spirit, all Filling like omnipresent. " "Today, Vladyka captivated hell, freed the prisoners, from the century there are", "he led the church, sorry in the spirit of the Resurrection of Christ.

And as the blood of the crowning lands was once a sign of the promise of God, the Jews, in order for them to escape the punishment of the Egyptians, to get out of Egypt and enter the promised land (the word "Easter" means - the transition), so Christ - "New Easter, Live Sacrifice, Live God, who assumed the sin of the world, "his blood concluded the new covenant, putting the beginning of the transition of the people of God to the Sunday and Eternal Life.

Easter, Easter Lord! From the death of Bo to life and from the Earth to the Union of Christ, the God of us will give us the victory going! Christ was risen from the dead, death death, and I guess in the tomb of the belly! (Tropear, Glas 5th).

Antiochian Cathedral of 333 commanded to overcome from the church

"Making Easter with Jews" (1 rule).

Weavor, Lord Heaven and Earth, who are victorious thank you, we bring to you, Rabi Your, to hell, and with all the most resurrected, and our deliverance is celebrating, light shine:

The Angel of the Lord, in the evening of the Sabbath in the coward of Great Coshed with Heaven, dug a stone from the door of the coffin of Jesus and gray on it. From the fear of his shocked struts and blesses are dead. We are a resurrect living God with the Mironas who are paying and Easter with the Mystery of Honache, cryingly:

Christ is resurrected, and the prince of Adstia Padosha;

Christ is risen, and enjoyed by Adov's fans.

Christ is risen, and crushing the copper gates;

Christ is resurrected, and the hardness of the hell is rented in the launch.

Christ is risen, and death shoes;

Christ is risen, and hell, wall, shines:

Christ is resurrected from the dead, death Death, and the belly of the belly, approving.

Mary Magdaline, and Maria Jaclis, and Salomiya young man in the coffin of Jesus, robes in the clothes of Belo and gray in the gum, terrible. He is the verb to them: "Jesus is crucified? Take the provider, wow, is rummer. Get, see the place, the earliest Lord, and soon I will have a student with a student: Christ is resurrected from the dead, death Death Death and Job in the Globhech under the belly. "

The mind is an urgent intelligence, Peter and other student Teksta to a coffin and, who has been in Ot, the video of the rhyme is one of the lying and sir, and Be on the head of Jesus, not with the riza lying, but the person is in a single place, believing, rope with merry:

Christ is risen, and the whole creature is rejoicing;

Christ is risen, heaven is having fun;

Christ is risen, and hugs the Angeli us;

Christ is risen, and enlighten the hell

Christ is resurrected, weave the righteous soul, from hell freedom;

Christ is resurrected from the dead, death Death, and the belly of the belly, approving.

For more than a tender, Lord's own students on the Sunday. I walked in Galilee, in the mountain, the car belieled to them, and the verb came to them. Jesus: "Due to all the power in the sky and on the earth. Smentica, teach all the languages, pursulating them in the name of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, their obstacles are all, Elika Podoveedi. " In the same way, I wonder, calling: Christ is resurrected from the dead, death, death, and the belly of the gobech, approving.

The power of the Divine Sunday Lazarus, Sunday and Mene, Expocrous Passions and Multi-Little Lying in the coffin of unreold, yes, after watching yours, I will, rescue: Christ is resurrected from the dead, death Death, and I have been given to the belly.

Imuschi in the heart of his love for the teacher, Maria Magdaline standing at the coffin out, crying, and in the wicked of the dead vidii, Yako Vertogradar, the question: "Those who have taken it, Cubs, where they put it, and Az will take him." Obache, the wrath of the aspirations, hearing: "Marie, an email to my father and my father and God and God and God," Pride to the student, verbal:

Christ is risen, and sinful sinful stuff;

Christ is resurrected, and the world from the Flood of the Sinwago saved.

Christ is resurrected, and we are from the work of the enemy freedom;

Christ is resurrected, and the devil is presented to abolish.

Christ is risen, and the applied handwriting on us to the title;

Christ is resurrected from the dead, death Death, and the belly of the belly, approving.

Storm of the prevenches of the supporting inside having, Thomas with a student, a verbal, Yako with the video of the Lord, spectacle to them: "It's not to see his nipple ulcers on the hand and put the fingers of my cloves, and I will put my hand in his rib, not I am faithful , I have fun with fun: Christ is resurrected from the dead, death Death Death and I have been giving a belly to the tombech.

Having hearing the Stude, the student who saw the Lord, and the purification of the Nets of Although Zrety, Retch: "Not Iim Faith." At the bottom of the same axes, Jesus the navigated door, a hundred, by the student and the verb of the Fome: "Bring your finger your seed, and I will have my hand, and your hand will bring your hand, and mine in the ribs: and do not be wrong, but faithful." And reaches Thomas, and spectable:

Christ is risen, you are my Lord;

Christ is risen, you are my God.

Christ is risen, and VSI is notching and life with perceive;

Christ is risen, and the dead chostas.

Christ is risen, and delighting condemnation and flour;

Christ is resurrected, and life from the coffin of Mirrov's waiting:

Christ is resurrected from the dead, death Death, and the belly of the belly, approving.

Divine Fire did not fall out of Foma, the rib Saczo is daring tangible. We enlighten the same, God, to save our embodied and Paks with the flesh is resistant, navain. The unimburst of his blissful twin church faith claims, the southerly confessional in claim: Christ is risen from the dead, death, death, and the belly of the belly, and in the tomb of the belly.

Weevshche Jesus Sunday, student female, mocking spirit of video. Jesus, although you believe them, showing them the root and a nose and the edges of their own, the same fish liver part of the reception and from bees hundred before them is poison. The time the fear of their and sadness is postponed, in the joy,:

Christ is resurrected, enthusiastically, and giving us the best;

Christ is risen, and darkness to destroy, and the darkness of the demoni will be thrown out;

Christ is risen, and the lawlessness of our tung is cleaned;

Christ is risen, and we are VSI, in the volatile, the song is brought to him:

Christ is resurrected from the dead, death Death, and the belly of the belly, approving.

Preachers on the resurrection of yours in the world sending, the godpost of the apostles of yours, Christ, the Reller of them, DuNUV: "Tick the Spirit holy. Ever release sins, they will be released: And you should be kept, keeping. " Even even up to the day all over the world of Chad Church, from sins are permitted, it is known for those who are pure that the souls are pure in joy: Christ is risen from the dead, death, death, and I have been given to the tomb of the belly.

Ascended by Esi, Christ, and in the gloomy Udoliah, the light of your resurrection, forgiveness, and the oslab, and the deliverance of the gospel, a multi-facing, souls from century Tamo content. Skinny from Zmia, man bikes, yeger, playing, to the light of yours rushes, angry:

Christ is risen, and our bonds are confused;

Christ is risen, and the dressed dead eternal life Putting.

Christ is risen, and the powers of death can no longer hold a person;

Christ is risen, and tormented by the audacity.

Christ is resurrected, and paradise instead of hell is given to us;

Christ is risen, and the world chants dream:

Christ is resurrected from the dead, death Death, and the belly of the belly, approving.

At least the False Adam serve, our spas, the Earth appeared to the earth, and he would not do anything on the earth, even to hell lowered the ESI, yes, having attracts a share, in the underworld, with all the rescued sings: Christ is resurrected from the dead, death death And the belly is being in the tombech.

Novyy Life Beginning put Esi Mirov, Lord, your glorious resurrection. Old Bo All Mimoidosha: and hell, and death, and the solescence of the devil. Free climb, the whole creature is familiar, and before dullness, now the Son of God, now, is angry:

Christ is resurrected, the abyss of mercy and the generous to our genus;

Christ is resurrected, and we are from the networks of the demonstrations to get rid of;

Christ is risen, and the bitterness of sin in the sweetness of the greek life is alleged.

Christ is resurrected, and a tree of killing with noise;

Christ is resurrected, and we are erected in the oldest handicuit yes call:

Christ is resurrected from the dead, death Death, and the belly of the belly, approving.

Walkthrough with Cleeulo and Luko in the entire settlement of sixty from Jerusalem, and not Posnan Ima, disappeared, spas, infidency them and clarity, verb: "Doesn't it suffer from the victim of Christ and take your glory?" And, nachared from Moses and from all the Prophet, taught them their petition: Christ is resurrected from the dead, death death deficiently and the belly of the belly.

In all myself, the godness and man is perfect, he taught the Esi, Savior, the Two Student of Your Pupil in Emmasus, proby the bread, blessed Esi and, Premoviv, Del Esi Ima. Onem and casual eyes, and he knows you, you invisible to be imma, and repassing:

Christ is risen, and life rearrange;

Christ is risen and deray to flatterness.

Christ is resurrected, and the presence of the Idolskaya victim;

Christ is risen, and the whole earth brings him a victim of praise.

Christ is risen, and we, bidding the arms of Mustraliannago Brashna, now we eat food eternal;

Christ is risen, and we are the joy of appropriate partakes we are singing:

Christ is resurrected from the dead, death Death, and the belly of the belly, approving.

Wsi Angeli, Christ SPAC, your resurrection sing in the sky. Specifies and us on the ground with a clean heart in the merry of champion: Christ is resurrected from the dead, death Death, and the belly of the belly, and undergoing the belly.

Vetia World and Teacher of Languages \u200b\u200bPaul Boogogolitiny, Yako Pipe, scines: "Christ is risen from the dead, the rear of the heaven of deceased. Jacques in Adam VSI die, Trojddeh and the WSI will come to know about Christ. " The resurrection of Christ's Sunday, in joy of yelling:

Christ is risen, and the prince of the world nominated;

Christ is resurrected, and trembling underwerld.

Christ is risen, and death will be fed to the victory;

Christ is resurrected, and hell is captive to be powder.

Christ is resurrected, and freedoming from the hellish unbreakable bonds;

Christ is resurrected from the dead, death Death, and the belly of the belly, approving.

Save, though the human race from the work of the enemy, the crucifixion and death has undergone the Esi, Lord, buried the same, on the third day from the dead Esi. The same angel, beyond in the coffin, gone wives, verb: Christ is resurrected from the dead, death, death, and I have been taking the death of the belly.

The third of the resurrection is Jesus on Mori Tiberiatem Fish by catching Simon Peter, and Fome, and Nathanail, and the son of Zeyadeev with an Inema from his student His Two and, Yako Vladyka All, commands Mince, the sovereign country's country, and the Word of the Word Many, and the evening strange is ready to land. I have now mentally enjoy both of us, Lord, singing:

Christ is resurrected, and the government lasts him in the sky and on the earth;

Christ is resurrected, and his body, Iko Life Bread, WSI acceptable;

Christ is risen, and Adam, freed by us;

Christ is risen, and Eve, from Uz delivered, rejoices, calling:

Christ is resurrected from the dead, death Death, and the belly of the belly, approving.

Singing Almighty Sundayer, Peter, Trynchi Bo Cold you, Trynchy, and confessing: "Lord, you are all the weight, you will be whisie, I like you." Trynchi and hear from you the sweet to the flock of Paki vocation: "Pasi Lamb Miss, My Pasi Sheep". Skeeping and calling: Christ is risen from the dead, death Death, and I guess in the tomb of the belly.

Lights in the subservant, Jacques the Sun, ascended the Esi thirtene from the coffin and all enlightened the light of the truth of the God of God. Sedying in the darkness of disbelief and doubt with the apostle, Yako, the Lord of Esi, and not being toured already: "Who are you?" But the Slavshesty is resistant, in befelling:

Christ is risen, and all of them will enlighten his resurrection;

Christ is risen, and loyal is secretly autonous in greasy shine;

Christ is resurrected, and spiritual journey before the blind was rejected.

Christ is risen, and we are the father of the lights of the lights;

Christ is resurrected, let the VSI will be rejected by the Lord of Glory and we will be happy with us:

Christ is resurrected from the dead, death Death, and the belly of the belly, approving.

By grateful to your every person, the most convenient way of salvation by adding, Christ, the verbal of this Simon Peter: "Faugh to make your own, the destroyer is yours, and in order. Send and leads, do not have a stake, "appointing, the death will glorify God. The lover student commanded the essays, donjezhdi. Toky, oxides and separated by the apostles, Obakha by the Union of Luzvai Svyazyi, according to the mind: Christ is resurrected from the dead, death, death, and I admire the death of the belly.

Surprising your thirteen resurrection, Christ, rejoice in your immutable promise. With us, Bo to the condation of the century, the people promised, from all the evil evaluating us and to the life of the eternal guideline. For the sake of the sake of the Slavs, shine:

Christ is risen, and we harm everyone gets rid of now;

Christ is risen, and we have planted our father with my own father.

Christ is risen, and our partakers eternal glory have sateled;

Christ is resurrected, and with the angels we, first of rejuvenation, weaving;

Christ is resurrected, and with his whole resurrect, calling:

Christ is resurrected from the dead, death Death, and the belly of the belly, approving.

About Easter Velika and Sacred, Christ, Jesus, our Savior, gratefully confess your saving great mercy, Yako and Paki has made us, unworthy, now taste the joy of the Rellage of the Resurrection of yours. Submit us in the wilderness days of your kingdom of your own and perfectly to you, sweethery communion, yes from the angels and all the saints, we sing WSI and all the saints: Christ is resurrected from the dead, death Death, and I felt in the tomb of the belly.

Other Akathist Resurrection of Christ

Hanging Voevodo and Lord, the everlasting death to the winner, Yako got rid of the gratobnago killing, commendable octo, who was being taken to you. You, Yako, have a victory over death, from the death of sinful freedom of calling us:

Angels Resurrection Your, Christ's deasses, incessantly singing on Heaven, and we are on the ground with a pure heart taking you to Sita:

Jesus incomprehensible, all the faithful enlightenment, enlighten and me badly;

Jesus Resurrected, everyone lives, revive, revive my sins.

Jesus, on the sky ascended and incurred on the hoping, complain and decline together;

Jesus, Sedya, Odemonary Father and divide the glory with loving things, do not lish the glory of the Glory.

Jesus, at least come to Sudiuti alive and dead, not condemn my things, but coordinate with me for the grace of yours.

Jesus Risen, Sunday our soul!

Seeing the fallen people, Lord, you are committed to the SoviSoskresil, everyone and resurrected, gave all the need for salvation: Sita and Mene killed sins, calling: Aliluia.

Mind does not comprehend the secrets of Divine, Yako the source of life is resurrected, killing death. For the sake of the sake of the sake of the heart testing the joy of the Resurrection and I will enlocate, with the voice of the merry of the Spiritualagovagony, call Ty Sita:

Jesus, entering the door of prisoners, take the house of the soul of Moyya; Jesus, the adapting disciples on the way, sort and mism on the path of life.

Jesus, the inflammable hearts of their words, ignite and my core heart;

Jesus, giving themselves to know in the refraction of bread, girlfriend to know the trees in the Divine Eucharist.

Jesus, the promised Spirit of the Holy Pupil, lowered and I have this spirit of the comforter from my father.

Jesus Risen, Sunday our soul!

The power of the Divine Sunday Lazarus, Sunday and Mene Extlive Passion and Pressure Little Little School in the coffin of uncooked, but decomposing your reading, I will be rescued: Alliluia.

Having power over death, from hell of the soul caused ESI, Jesus. Disposable and change from the depths of sinful, and Az, clearing the feelings, shine in the light of an impregnable, joyfully I will have a victory song Takos:

Jesus, death to the winner, the win of my evil passion;

Jesus, life of the submitter, Life Saving life.

Jesus, source of joy, sang my heart in the truth of yours;

Jesus, the hope of fallen, I am angry from Rova's angry.

Jesus Risen, Sunday our soul!

The storm of passions confuses and blows me, but I pray, Jesus: Jaco Peter, sending help hand, and, by the power of the resurrection of yours, erecting me, teach me to chant: Aliluia.

Hearing the joyful news of the resurrection of yours, Jesus, heaven is having fun, the earth is rejoicing: and we, celebrating eternal merry, dare to appeal to you by Sita:

Jesus, Sedya in the light of impregnable, booby is available to everyone in your mercy;

Jesus, love your creature, not forget and me.

Jesus, earthy heart, softening and my pile heart;

Jesus, any drone tear acceptance, do not revine my prayer.

Jesus Risen, Sunday our soul!

A favorable life is surrounded from you, oh, Jesus, the son of God Zhivago! Now I pray for a prayer, so I will not destroy my man bike and does not catch my mouth, screaming you: Alliluia.

We see the spirit of the durability of the Lord, get, beer with a new one, not from the stone that has expired, but from the source of non-Nagnago and the lenternaznago of the Savior's coffin, guessing the souls of our shower, to teach everyone to Pet Sita:

Jesus, attacking us with his own blood, give me some kind of perturbed with a pretty blood of this;

Jesus, no pleasure rain on the righteous and sinful, etosi and me to the fruiting spiritual.

Jesus, not a rude sinner repenting, Lady and I Nosi Your washing tears of thanksgiving;

Jesus, the rustling Fome: Blizheni not seeing, but beloved, Lady Mi faith is non-estate.

Jesus, the rivis: "Look for and unite," give a donom to the needs of the needs.

Jesus Risen, Sunday our soul!

Preaching in Doss of the inappropriferous joggy Your lively resurrection, Jesus my God, I will and I will be a sinful concern of this resurrection, singing you incessantly in Mount Jerusalem: Allilouia.

As soon as the world's resurrection, the Lord Jesus Christ, now all performs the lights: the sky and the earth and the hell, and the whole creature is celebrated, the uprising, Christ, in him, approve screaming Sita:

Jesus, all of your best way, enlighten and my oversized eyes;

Jesus, the sky and the Earth are combining, erect me from the earth on the sky.

Jesus, increasing the Light of the Divine in the Underworld, to decline in the underwent of the soul of Moyya;

Jesus, erected from the dungeon of the adversal expectant to the souls, Look, Lying and the sinning of the gloom of disgusting, Jaco's stomach my hell approach.

Jesus, all extend to the prechures of your Ruta, the volume and Mal Okayannago.

Jesus Risen, Sunday our soul!

Although the power of the deity of his deity, the Lord is covered by the seal of Kaiafa, and without violating ones before the strings, the victorious will rise and teach Petit: Aliluia.

It is wild and incomprehensibly, how yesterday I foggy to you, Christ, you will match the spirit, the resurrection, and sing Tako:

Jesus Risen, all the tuna, the life of feeding, was covered by my mind, yes, you will follow you;

Jesus, sanctifying the land of your footsteps, consecrate my thought to you asking you.

Jesus, the inappropriate to design the prechistan image of yours, guess I have to go out into the soul of my image of your resurrection;

Jesus, adopted two louds of the widow, and from me a song Song.

Jesus, not a condemnant harlot, on the path of truth by setting Yu, not the contemporary and my unclean mouth, in the chanting of the ladies.

Jesus Risen, Sunday our soul!

It is strange to God and Sunday mentally seeing, all the life will postpone the care, IKo yes king everyone climb and let him: Aliluia.

All was the love of the fallen man, Oh, Jesus, and put an Evvakum's Divine Guardian Divine, May the Angel, Jaco verly, will show about your resurrection. The same we call you Sita:

Jesus, Stright Warships, Agela's angel of My Guardian on the guard of the soul of Muya, His Az I drive my sins;

Jesus, blinded by the eyes of the brilliance of the Divine, turn away my eyes from the fuss and enlighten the knowledge of the truth.

Jesus, an inappropriate Apostle Peter: Do you like me? Love I have the image of his love;

Jesus, a rustling of the apostle, forgive me, forgive me, hourly renunciation from your commands.

Jesus, giving the authority to knit and decide allowing me from my wrong.

Jesus Risen, Sunday our soul!

All the nature of the human, who has a perceived, glorified by the resurrection of yours, Jesus, and this for the sake of the daréyushi televishes. The same we, seeing this sign in the remains of the saints, screenshots with asylum: allylujia.

The Vities of Godogolitivily Matten with the Spirit, the Cretage of the Coffin, and instead of the world bring them a song, Yako Sunstroy Tooth and Vladyza, with them our prayer will take a scene:

Jesus, a worldly miro, an exemplary and elder of Slavovia;

Jesus, the Sun of Truth, enlighten my soul.

Jesus, Rybari The promotional catchers of men, soda and my evil will in your obedience;

Jesus, from Sawa, the preserving of the Apostle, Incentius, and Broadcasting.

Jesus, the prayers of the apostle of this and all the saints of your spare sinning.

Jesus Risen, Sunday our soul!

Save the thoughts of the human, Jesus, descended to the land, and the God of my perceived the essence of our essentials, and your strength of your betraying petition will appear in them: Allilouia.

King Resurrected Jesus Christ, our Savior! You, which deprecated in the underworld and crushing Believe eternal, containing the tied souls, freedom and me from ultrasound sin, calling you to Sita:

Jesus, handing the beloved of your mother's mother, handing out and saving to it;

Jesus, Mother's suffering, Tweese, Joy, Lady, and I patiently suffer my cross the cross.

Jesus, giving the world to the intercession of Mother, Lady and I feel sinful under the root;

Jesus, babies not to be touched to you, give me the wrongbies to me.

Jesus, Riversa Bludnice: "Go and not sin", Lady Mi to this is not to warm up.

Jesus Risen, Sunday our soul!

Singing Dyed about the resurrection of your gave me to bring you, oh, my Savior! And in it, yes, there is a soul of my ends of healing from abstract dreams, and yes sings will be out of you: Alliluia.

Height racing from the resurrection of your perceive rays of grace, and through them Yako in the grazing, the spiritual leisure believing is wicked, we turn your honestly and the holy resurrection. We sing yours and Slavim Sita:

Jesus, preclosed heaven, accept and worship our fragile;

Jesus, the inappropriate flesh of Jaco is dead, our debris is dropping.

Jesus, all the granted to the salvation of people, giving me all the very proud to you;

Jesus, eased to heaven catering a place to those who love to be, vs. And your inhabitant.

Jesus, Sedya Odessa Father, the gums of the sheep sir.

Jesus Risen, Sunday our soul!

Grace Lady and me, all the love of Jesus, and we accept my prayer to Yako tribute to you, and the outlook from the soul of Muya all shook thinking, but I don't care about you: Alliluia.

Surrender Your Allworn Resurrection Major Tu, Oh, Jesus Christ, God! And believe the eternal abdomen of all the eternal belly. For the sake of the sake of this named and the Holy Day of Britia of each other, we hate each other who hate us to forgive all the resurrection, and the united ufs and a single heart will bring you Tacos:

Jesus, bless the blessing task, bless and now my feasible work;

Jesus, sanctifying on the draw, consecrate the desire and my intentions.

Jesus, the obsessed to life, rather to the condation of the century, preractually stood with a sinney me;

Jesus, the Word of the Ipostasi Beach, Clean the unworthy of my word to your chanting.

Jesus, Easter Saving, from death to life Perfecting, Vedi in my mistake your own, translucent the robe of the soul of Moyya.

Jesus Risen, Sunday our soul!

Oh, Jesus Christ, death is corrected! And the belly of the stomach is visible to the sulk of the fragrance of Spiritnago Siemy's small prayer, and the eternal abundance of the abundance of the abundance of the abdomen of the abundance of the abundance of the abundance of the abundance of the abundance.

(This Kondak is read three times. Then Ikos 1 and Kondak 1)

Lord Jesus Christ, my God, attend my creature, Jesh, the purses of the Muya and the disrefect of the nature of our human human and the fortress of our sacrifice: You yourself are very easy from the malice, it's a strong strength, our nature is passionately and our power is weak. You are a work, about good, I see the disigma of our and wearing the inconvenience of the Unsurance of ours, save me from embarrassment of thoughts and passion passion and worthy of the coordinator of the service of the Holy Svytya, but it's not how in the passages of my Sweetness of the SHO, and having rolled it, Lord, Fasting my Jesus, a lot of me and save me.

Vladyko Lord Jesus Christ God, izh, inextentiard for your humanity, finally centuries in the flesh, fucking from Salves Mary, Slavs about us Your saving industry, Rabbi Your, Vladyko: Pesnovym Ty, Yako for you for my father's sake: bless you, the sake of the sake of sake In the world of Priide: We give up your flesh of the Mother's Motor, such a terrible secret served: I praise your angelic booking of Yako Hemmers and servants of your Majesty: We please the forerunner of John Kruvschago, Lord: We read and lightening the Prophets: We glorify the apostles of your holy: the triumphs and martyrs , the priests are yours, and we are paying yours, and your all your righteous are votable: Tolikago and Tolikago Mogagago and inevitable Lika-Zhinga in prayer we bring to you to our challenge to God for the sake of forgiveness, herself give us all your sacred The fairings of the saints of your generotes, Yako blessed by Esi forever. Amen.

Christ is resurrected from the dead, death death, and the belly of the belly under

Canon Resurrection of Christ

X Ristos Risen from the dead, death Death Death and Johnning in the tomb of the belly.

Verse 1: God will resurrect, and the gazes are harmful, and yes, they fight his hate him.

(After each verse there is a troparman one time)

Verse 2: Jaco disappears smoke, yes will disappear, the wax is melting from the face of fire.

Verse 3: Tako, the sinners will die from the face of God, and the righteous will be divided.

Verse 4. : This day, the Yejor Shatov, the Lord, rejoice and extend in Oy.


And now: Christ is resurrected from the dead, death Death Death and Globhech under

(Easter canon, Creation of John Damaskina)

Resurrection day, enlighten people: Easter, Easter Lord! From the death of Bo to life and from the Earth to the Sky, Christ of God for us, the victorious walking.

Chorus: Christ is risen from the dead

Clean the feelings, and the usurifs of the impregnable light of the Resurrection of Christ shine, and the Raduzey, the recovery clearly and he heard the victory singing.

Chorus: Christ is risen from the dead

The skies of the Woof is worthy and having fun, the earth is rejoicing: yes the world celebrates, the visible all and invisible, Christ is Eternal, Eternal Havor.


Glory: The deadline of the limit broke the ether, the eternal life of Christ, from the coffin, is attacked, the Devo is Vnsky, and the world of Translucecago.

And now: Riseline seeing your son and God, rejoice from the apostle of God Baggala Value: And hedgehogs are rejoice in the first, I will be too much of the joy of wine, I have perceived the Esi, the Gods are wasty.

IRSMOS: Get beer with a new one, not from the stone not a wonderful, but the source source, from the coffin of Christ, is in the less, they are alleged.

Chorus: Christ is risen from the dead

Nowadays the world, the sky and the Earth and the Underworld: Yes, the whole creature is celebrated by the whole creature, he is allegedly argued.

Chorus: Christ is risen from the dead

Yesterday, it is suddenly suited to you, Christ, I will save you again, I fought for you yesterday, myself asking, Savior, in your kingdom.

Chorus: The Mary Morning, save us

Glory: At the unprecedented life, you will fit the goodness of the botanity of you, clean, and the whole world is molded.

And now: God, Eagle gave birth to the flesh, from the dead, is rummer, chosenoshi, clean, likui, and this soda of God is a prechiestoye.

First of Morning Like about Mary, and having gotten up the stone from the coffin, hearing from the angel: in the light of the descendant, with the dead, what are you looking for a man's man? See sobnya pellets. Tortste and the world are predupping, IKo of the Lord of the Major Death, Yako there is a son of God, Saunyukovo genus human.

IRSMOS: At the Divine Guardians, Godogogolitoy Avvakum, will be with us and will show the light-base angel, clearly verching: the life of the world, Yako Risen Christ, Yako Mespsin.

Chorus: Christ is risen from the dead

Magazin Floor, Yako Overall Virgin Warrow, Waving Christ: Yako Man, the Lamb Narechya: Impact, Yako Rader is a bad, our Easter, and Yako God is true, despicable.

Chorus: Christ is risen from the dead

Yako Single Lamb, blessed by the crown of Christ Christ, will be enough for everyone to sneak, Easter cleaner, and Paks from the coffin of the Red Pravda to us Aids Sun.

Chorus: Christ is risen from the dead

David's Bogoten David Predoyed Ark Bakhasha Playing, People of God's Selfish, Sale of Sale, Fun Divine, Yako Risen Christ, Yako Messer.

Chorus: The Mary Morning, save us

Glory: Created by Adam, your forefather, clean, is based on you, and the mortal dwelling is reversible, and the Ozari all the Divine Blights of the Resurrection.

And now: The Esgent gave birth to Esi Christ, beautifully from the dead Handing, pure sores, kind and immentable in the wives and red, go to the salvation of all, with the apostles relying, that glorify.

IRSMOS: Morning Morning deep, and instead of the world, the song will bring Vladyza, and Christ as the truth of the Sun, the life of all the life.

Chorus: Christ is risen from the dead

The immeasurable prudentobia of the contents of the contents are in vain, to the light of the goy of Christ, cheerful legs, Easter coughing eternal.

Chorus: Christ is risen from the dead

We begin the gifted by Christ from the coffin of Jaco Bridegroom, and at mostly civilian Chinimi Easter of God Saving.

Chorus: The Mary Morning, save us

Glory: He enlightened by the Divine rays and the lively resurrection of your son, the molded, and the joy is fulfilled by pious meeting.

And now: I did not express the gates of Nature in the embodiment, the coffin did not destroy the seals, the king of the creation: the sinking of Mati is resistant to the worst.

Even in the underworld and crushed the Elevie eternal, containing Christ, and Thididneven, Sno from China Ion, was resurrected from the coffin.

Chorus: Christ is risen from the dead

Having retained the values \u200b\u200bof the sign, Christ, resurrected from the coffin, the keys of the Virgin is not in Christmas, and the paradise doors rejected us.

Chorus: Christ is risen from the dead

My Savior, the living and Szard, Yako, God of Himself will be the Father, SoviSoskresil Esi Vsissenge of Adam, risen from the coffin.

Chorus: The Mary Morning, save us

Glory: Having built the ancillary to death and the drainage, which embodied from your prechistan of the womb, to the net and suggestive life, the Virgin Devo.

And now: Snow in the underworld, in the famine of yours, clean, collapsed, and the extraordinary and incarnate wise of the mind, and an exclusion of Adam, risen from the coffin.

In addition and in the coffin, there was an effortlessly in the coffin, but the hell destroyed the power, and I resurrected the Esi Yako winner, Christ's wives, broadcasting wives: Raduyuya, and your apostle the world gave the Fallen Sunday.

Herpure of the sun, the sun sached in the coffin sometimes to the coffin, finishing the morning, looking for a Miron Sawn, and a friend to the friends of Yakria: about the other! Provide, we melted the body of the alternate and buried, the flesh of the awkwardness of Padshago Adam, lying in the coffin. We go, flowing in a lot of Volsvi, and bow, and bring the world of Yako Gifts, not in the pellets, but in the ship by accusing, and cry and reopen: about Vladyko, Losstavi, the fallen Sunday.

The Resurrection of Christ's Surprise, we will bow to the Holy Lord Jesus, a single sinless, crosses are paying yours, Christ, and the Holy Resurrection We sing yours and Slavm: You bless our God, don't you know that you know your name. Get, VSI Renius, bow to the Sunday of Christ. Resurrection: Be Coe to the cross with the joy of all over the world. Always blessing the Lord, sing the resurrection of him: the crucifixion of Bo Pretrapev, the death of the death of destroying. (Three times)

Survised Jesus from the coffin, I am a rustling, give us the abdomen of Eternal and Grace. (Three times)

IRSMOS: Returns from Peshchi Ridden, the Former Man will suffer Yako Mestena, and the passion for the mortal ingenuity, we have a disfigure, one blessed Fathers God and is declared.

Chorus: Christ is risen from the dead

Wives from the worlds of the Bogomriva Following You Tachah: Jaco is dead with a loan, bowing to the rejoicing of the living God, and Easter the secret, Christ, the student of the Annuncian.

Chorus: Christ is risen from the dead

Deaths celebrate the killing, Adovo destruction, other life eternally began, and we sing Vinovnago, the unagnigago blessed Fathers of God and declared.

Chorus: Christ is risen from the dead

Yako is a sacred sacred, and the expressive Saving Nosti, and a light, light-source day of healing the landmarks: in Nejah, the mild light from the tomb of the carnation to everyone.

Chorus: The Mary Morning, save us

Glory: Majoring son Your death, the wonderful, which is all the mortal stomachs in the eyelids of the centuries of Darova, the same blessed fathers God and the welcome.

And now: All reducing the creation, the former person, noted in yours, Bogalagladnaya, the womb, and the crucifixion of Prederpev and Death, Risen Bogglybel, complaining us to Yako Mespsile.

IRSMOS: This nasky and holy day, one Saturday, the king and the Lord, holiday holidays, and the celebration there are celebrations: Sonygetfully bless Christ forever.

Chorus: Christ is risen from the dead

Take a novago grapes of birth, Divine Vessel, in deliberate the days of the resurrection, the kingdom of Christ those who are surrounded by his soda of God.

Chorus: Christ is risen from the dead

It is built by the vicio of your eyes, Zeeon, and Way: Cee Caido to you, Yako, the Women's light shine, from the West, and the North, and the Sea, and the East of Chad, in you the blessing of Christ in the eyelids.

Chorus: The Most Holy Trinity, God, glory to you

Trooked: Father Almighty, and the Word, and the Soul, three of the Trem, which is unimpressed in the hatch, is pretty and stayed, in the bass and you bless everything.

Chorus: The Mary Morning, save us

Glory: Pride to you into the world of the Lord, the Devot of the Virgin, and the womb of Adovo Romorg, the Resurrection of Darov's mortal to us: Bless him in eyelids.

And now: All the lowest death of the son of your son, Devo, by his resurrection, Yako, God strong comprehensive us and there: they infect him in the eyelids.

IRSMOS: Glowing, the new Jerusalem is glowing, the fame of Bo Lord on you. Likui now and have fun, Zion. You are clean, sneak. The Mother of God, about his christmas christmas.

Chorus: Christ is risen from the dead

About Divine, about kind of kind, about sweets! With us bole, it was not necessary to visit the Esiti to the fraction of the century of Christ, the Jeejo Verenia, the approval of the hope of Imusche, rejoice.

Chorus: Christ is risen from the dead

About Easter Grand and Sacred, Christ! About wisdom, and the Word of God, and Silo! Make us anterorable to you, in the wild days of your kingdoms.

According to the Devo, you Belnu: Having rejoice the door of the Lord: Rejoice in County Animate: Rejoice, Iyuja Forwards, for us, there is a light, from you born out of the dead resurrection.

Chorus: The Mary Morning, save us

Having fun and rejoice Divine Door of Light: Behind Bo Jesus in the coffin, ascension, seeking the sun lighter, and the exactly of the Ozarius, Boguradnaya Vladych.

The flesh is asleep, Jaco is dead, the king and Lord, Tyidneven was resurrected by Esi, Adama erected from Tly, and abolishing death: Easter ingenuity, the world is salvation. (Three times)

Easter poems, voice 5

Verse: God will resurrect, and the gate of his

Easter is sacred to us showing: Easter Nova Holy, Easter Mysterious, Easter all-way, Easter Christ delight, Easter Immaculate, Easter, Easter, Easter, Easter, Easter Delicia Risk to us, Easter all sanctifying faithful.

Verse: Jaco disappears smoke, yes will disappear

Purchase from the vision of the wisest of the Annunciation, and Zion Ritch: We accept the joy of the consension of the Resurrection of Christ; Wheel, likui and rejoice, Jerusalem, Tsar Christ, Nurst from the coffin of Jaco Groom, originating.

Verse: Tako, the sinners will die from the face of God, and the righteous will be divided

Myrimosi wives, the morning deep, representing the coffin of the abnormality, the acquisition of an angel, on Kameni sewn, and that having spent it to the Sita vercolash: what is looking for Zhivago with the dead? What is crying nonentago in Tly? Sedha prevent his student.

Verse: This day, the Yejor Shatov, the Lord, rejoice and extend in ON

Easter Red, Easter, Easter Lord! Easter all the wonderful assumption! Easter! We rob to each other. About Easter! Getting rid of the sorrow, because from the coffin of Yako from the packer, having trained Christ, the wife of joy will perform the verb: preach the apostle.

Glory, and now: Resurrection day, and enlighten the celebration, and we will take each other. Retz, brethren, and hate us, forgive all the resurrection, and taco reopen: Christ is resurrected from the dead, death, death, and the belly of the belly, and undergoing the belly.

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Resurrection of Christ Hosurev, we will bow to the Holy Lord Jesus, a single sinless. Your cross is paying yours, Christ, and the Holy Resurrection, we sing yours and Slavim: You bless our God, don't you know, if you do not know your name. Get the VSI Renius, bow to the Sunday of the Holy Resurrection: Be Bo to the cross the joy of all over the world. Always blessing the Lord, sing the resurrection of him: the crucifixion of Bo Pretrapev, the death of the death of destroying.

In Russian, Sunday has received its name thanks to the Great for all people an event - the Resurrection of Christ, crucified on the cross. It is difficult for a person to perceive the wisdom of God, announcing a terrible death of the victory. In honor of the wonderful uprising from the Dead Sons of the Human Orthodox Church, the "Resurrection of Christ Smeevshi" happily sings for worship:

  • in the pre-holiday Easter night (three times);
  • All 40 days from Easter to Ascension (first week it is three times);
  • in the morning before the resurrection during the year (except for the Palm Resurrection);
  • On the eve of the Lazareva Saturday;
  • On the day of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord.

If a man's fizz, who deceased to Easter, the anthem is included in the quinuse. There is a legend that these days the doors of Paradise are open, however, they cannot insist on it. The death of a Christian is not as dark as people who do not have hope for the Lord. What happened why we are having fun in this holiday?

Death Death Remember

How to understand a joyful exclamation at Easter service: "Christ is resurrected from the dead, Death Death Death, and in the coffin of the belly (life) underwent". Those who read the Bible know that Jesus Christ raised three people, including his friend of Lazari, who had already begun to decompose. But their resurrection does not cause joyful licking, although they also came to life wonderfully. The difference between these Sundays is huge.

Those came to life and die again, and the Lord found the body of the immortal. Moreover, all of humanity has been transformed from this moment. All people will be resurrected, and will live forever. Death over us is no longer power. We are left freedom to choose a posthumous eternal fate. Believers in Christ will be with him in paradise. Believing on God, have a bright hope of the Savior, who:

  • eliminates hellish torment for sins;
  • For forgives;
  • cleans;
  • Lights man.

Note:The anthem "Resurrection of Christ Wieview" is dedicated to this event. As a dogmatic teaching of the Orthodox Church, the Dogmatic Teaching of the Orthodox Church is concluded in the Symbol, so in this song, the circumstances that worship our immortality, which we worship, the sorry.

Baptism - a ticket to eternal life

The Lord said that in the kingdom of God only the one who faith has and is baptized from the water and the Holy Spirit. At this moment, the person is completely cleaned from the original sin of Adam (carrying death), and a new one is born - the Sconcelator of Christ and His Resurrection. As the process of the transformation of the dead body of the Lord nobody saw. But we sing "Vidovevshi", for we can:

  • Communicate with him in prayer.
  • Feel and see his help.
  • Connect with him in the communion, starting to the Eucharistic bowl.
  • Cleans from the sinful component in the sacraments submitted by the church.
  • Perceive grace, strip the Holy Spirit.
  • Seeing his strength that is inherent in holy.

Witnessed the Ascension of Christ were about 150 people, including 11 apostles, who life was put on to carry good news On the resurrection of all nations. Will a person (and not one) die for the truth, preaching her if I have not seen that with my own eyes? Not. Therefore, we believe them, in the truth of their words, many are convinced by experienced and irrevocably.

PS Maxim Confessor:"He who knows the secret of the cross and a coffin, also knows a significant meaning of all things ... He who will penetrate even deeper than the cross and a coffin, and will be devoted to the secret of the resurrection, knows the ultimate goal, for whom God created all the things meant."

Why are Christians honored the cross?

In the hymn there are words "Cross worship, Christ". It would seem why so tow the shameful instrument of execution? That was it until the resurrection of Christ. Then he was pretended to the victory symbol over death. Christians wear a cross like:

  • sign belonging to faith in the Son of God;
  • symbol and instrument of protection against devilish beans;
  • Certificate of sermon.

In the times of persecution of Christians, in Rome there was a peculiar appearance of the execution: prisoners, in the circus arena, gave rise to the hungry lions. Being on the threshold of death, they daily preached faith in Christ, Sunday and eternal life. Walking on the torment, testified that they die for the truth, without being afraid of death, because they would still revive. Seeing this determination, many pagans followed their example, becoming Christians.

Then the doomed on the terrible execution began to cut off the languages. Confessors of Christ, so that they were not confused with the killers who were subjected to the same punishment, not having to speak, showed signs, for which they go to death. They portrayed the symbol of the cross: crossing hands on the chest or over his head; Pictured it from sticks that were found under their feet. Thus, the preaching still "sounded".

Note:Miracle with the acquisition of the life-giving Cross of the Lord's mother of the Roman emperor Konstantin Sv. Elena, when he risen died, no doubt that Christians worship not the tool of death, but the triumph of victory over her.

Sunday song reading the Gospel.

Resurrection of Christ Hosurev, we will bow to the Holy Lord Jesus, a single sinless. Your cross is paying yours, Christ, and the Holy Resurrection, we sing yours and Slavim: You bless our God, don't you know, if you do not know your name. Get the VSI Renius, bow to the Sunday of the Holy Resurrection: Be Bo to the cross the joy of all over the world. Always blessing the Lord, sing the resurrection of him: the crucifixion of Bo Pretrapev, the death of the death of destroying.

Prayer Saint Easter

Oh, the sacred and greatest light of Christ, the all over the world in the resurrection of yours! In this leafy and the copper and saving laziness of Easter, holy by VSI Angeli in the sky and every creature is having fun and rejoices on the ground and all his breathing glorifies you, the creator of his own. The tricky gate was rejected, and I freedom deceased, I will still be your descent. Nowadays the whole world, the sky is the Earth and the Underworld. Yes, it will take your light and in our gloomy souls and hearts and will enlighten our Tamo of the essence of sin, and we are shyaty, we will be the light of the truth and cleanliness in the lightweight days of the resurrection of yours, Jaco, the new creature about you. And Taco of Enlightening to you in the scenario in the penitution of yours, emanating to you from the coffin, Jaco Groom. And Yako units in a lens day of this day with his saints of the virgin soutra from the worlds to the coffin of those who came, so and now enlighten a deep passion of our passions and take the morning of snowlessness and purity, yes eager to the hearts of his wife and let him hear Paks Woven voice: Raduzey! And Taco tasted the divine joy of Holie Easter still on the earth, let's be the kingdom of Eternal and the Great Easter on the Heaven in the Universe Days of Your Kingdom, the earnest will be fun inexplicit and celebrating the voice incessant and inener sweetness of your kindness of your kindness. You boat the true light of enlightenment and cover all sorts, Christ is our God, and the glory for you in the eyelids. Amen.

Ανάστασιν Χριστού θεασάμενοι, προσκυνήσωμεν Άγιον, Κύριον, Ιησούν τόν μόνον αναμάρτητον. Τόν Σταυρόν σου, Χριστέ, προσκυνούμεν, καί τήν αγίαν σου Ανάστασιν υμνούμεν καί δοξάζομεν, Σύ γάρ εί Θεός ημών, εκτός σού άλλον ουκ οίδαμεν, τό όνομά σου ονομάζομεν, Δεύτε πάντες οι πιστοί, προσκυνήσωμεν τήν τού Χριστού αγίαν Ανάστασιν, ιδού γάρ ήλθε διά τού Σταυρού, χαρά εν όλω τώ κόσμω, Διά παντός ευλογούντες τόν Κύριον, υμνούμεν τήν Ανάστασιν αυτού, Σταυρόν γάρ υπομείνας δι" ημάς, θανάτω θάνατον ώλεσεν.


The chant has an ancient origin and has analogue in the text of Western Liturgy Great Friday: " Your crossed your crosses, Christ, and St. The resurrection is your pupil and Slavim, Be-Cross Pride the Joy of West World" Initially, the song belonged to Easter service, but already in the Easter Jerusalem "Following" of the IX century this chant is given as a Sunday song after reading the Gospel. The chant is clearly of Jerusalem origin ("Let's bow to the Holy Resurrection" - an indication of the church of the Mernel of the Lord, frequent mention of the cross stored in the temple).

The liturgical monuments of the studios period mention about the song "Resurrection of Christ". However, in the oldest handwritten studiosal charters, she is present as a chanting of Sunday morning, but not after the gospel reading (immediately after reading in the studiosky charter is a prokimen).

The copyright works on the text of the song "Resurrection of Christ Hosveche ..." are known: the diverse version of A. A. Arkhangelsky, entanglement of P. G. garlicov, the original compositions A. L. Vella, A. T. Grechaninova, S. V. Rakhmaninova, P. I. Tchaikovsky and others.

Liturgical use

The song "Resurrection of Christ Werevche" is used for the divine service:

  • easter morning for the 6th Canon Song;
  • daily for a period from Easter to Ascension (inclusive);
  • sunday morning (except the uterine of the week of Wai (Palm Sunday));
  • Lazareva Saturday morning;
  • holiday Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord.

In the modern liturgical practice of the Russian Orthodox Church, the song "Resurrection of Christ Hosveche ..." is usually fulfilled by all believers on the 6th voice.


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