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Psaltry canonical translation read in Russian. Psaltiri translations into Russian. We understand the examples. Prayer for the Blessed Trinity

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  • Interpretation on Psalms EP.
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  • Sacra. A. Mashkov
  • Psaltir (Psaltirion) - String Musical Instrument) - a book consisting of 150 psalms, which is part of the connection between the name of the book, as a collection of psalms (song), and the name of the musical instrument is explained by the fact that during the Old Testament Singing Psalms were accompanied by playing musical instruments).

    The name of the Psaltiri is taken from the musical string tool, with the igro at which the singing of psalms with the Old Testament worship was connected. Psalmov writers, judging by the inscriptions, were Moses, David, Solomon, and many others; But since 73 Psalms are inscribed by the name David and many of the unprofitable psalms are probably written by him, then the whole book is called the Psaltire of King David.

    The content of psalms is very diverse with the same prayer (in the sense of human circulation to God) the form of most of them: there are Psalms repeated (for example :), thankful (), laudatory (), leaking; There are also psalms and in his own sense of teacher, for example. Along with this teacher-prayer content of psalms, many of them are also prophecies about future events, especially about Jesus Christ and His Church, are more than twenty () such psalms.

    In the Orthodox Church, following the example of the Old Testament, the psalm of more than all of the sacred books is used, and for each worship, special psalms are applied, which come on or read either as a whole (for example, on and), or in parts in the so-called priene. In addition, an ordinary reading of the Psaltiri is constantly performed for the divine service of the Orthodox Church.

    According to the charter of the church, the entire psalter should be read in order during the week, and during the Great Post - twice after the saddemitsa.

    In church use, the psalm is divided into 20 parts - or sealrooms, i.e. Such departments, after which in the ancient church was allowed to sit down (during the explanation of their explanations that were followed after the reading of Psalms).

    Why is a psalter, being a work of the Old Testament era, is so often used in Orthodox worship?

    The psalter, like all the books that are included in the Holy Canon (in the composition of the Holy Scriptures), is written in inspiration.

    The main subject of the content of the book of Psalms is God himself in itself and in its attitude to the world.

    Despite the fact that the psalms were drawn up in the Doharistian era, they say a lot about Christ (prophetically or through the sketches) ().

    A significant part of the content of psaltiri is an exemplary forms of cardiac, elevated, reverent.

    Some psalm poems are a laudatory prayer. In these verses, God is praised and glorified as a committed creator, the Unified Heavenly Vladyka Vladyk ().

    Others reflect the gratitude attitude of the believer to God for his benefits exiled to the world for his grace ().

    Many poems, if they generalize them, express the scream of the suffering, who dwells in sins of a person with a request for help ().

    Despite the fact that Psalms were drawn up in the pre-Christian era, they cannot be called outdated. The depth of the content of these majestic works is not yet exhausted.

    All of them are associated and each separately serve to the edification of believers and can be used as teaching benefits ().

    By virtue of these reasons, the reading and singing of Psalms was assimilated by life-worker.

    As a private reasons for the assimilation by the New Testament Word of the Old Testament Psalms, it is also the fact that the first time Christ has multiplied by the Jews, who were raised on the psalms and which they were especially close.

    The form of the developed Orthodox service, known today appeared in the church, not suddenly. Purely Christian chants, hymns, prayers, even the Scriptures were formed slowly, gradually. In this regard, the sober borrowing of that is the best, which was part of the Old Testament God-in-law, was also appropriate.

    About psalm

    During an active Mobility of Isihast, as one Greek manuscript of the XIV century says, stored on Athos in the Iversky Monastery, has three main things: the first thing (for beginners) - relax passions; second (for prosperous) - to engage in the psalm; Third (for successful) - Tolerate in prayer.

    Weaken passion - it means, first of all, do not feed them with sinful affairs and thoughts, confront them, following church settings and communicating holy sacraments, displacing the passion for the acquisition of Christian virtues.

    In the case of purification from passions and education of the soul for the kingdom of God, the psalm is of particular importance. On this I want to stop more.

    The Book of the Psalter enters into itself a collection of spiritual songs and enters the Canon of the Holy Scripture of the Old Testament. This book received its name from the musical instrument, the game on which the prophet David accompanied the singing of Psalms.

    In the mantle and canonation of this book never nobody doubted. Psalms have nothing but the verbs of the Holy Spirit, addressed to all times and peoples, "says the saint. Therefore, all the psalms are imbued with holiness. The psalter reveals to people the divine house building of our salvation, teaches the rules of faith. She, as the saint wrote, "is a book, first, showing the teachings of revelation in life, and secondly, helps to implement it ... The book of Psalms is a volume of everything that all other sacred books represent. It prophesies about the future, and leads to the memory of the former, and gives a law for life and rules for activity. "

    The spirit of the Psaltiri, who, like the spirit of the entire Holy Scripture, is the undoubted impact on the soul of a person, has a certain spirit of the human spirit. The book of Psalms, containing in reducing all the books of the Holy Scriptures, is a complete totality of the truths of the science and gloominess. It is not by chance that it is sometimes called the "small Bible".

    "In all sacred Scriptures, the grace of God breathes, but in the sweet book of Psalms it breathes mainly," the saint says. The action and strength of this divine grace applies to all reading, singing and listening to the Psalms and cleans their souls. "It is necessary to know," indicates the ancient Christian thinker, "that the Word of God has all the power and such a fortress that can purify the vices and contaminated to return the former chromaticity. For Vivid the Word of God, and effectively, and the sharper of every sword of double-edged (). " The Lord Jesus Christ said to the cleansing force of his word, when he spoke to the disciples: " You are already cleared through the word I preached to you"(). "Even at least you did not know the forces of the Divine Words, to take away, at least, setting them," the saint teaches, "the language is being consecrated by these words if they are pronounced with zeal."

    How and when is this sanctification? Following the patristic teaching, the answer to this question can be as follows.

    Words or thoughts perceived by a person or arising in himself, conclude a certain image. This image carries mental strength and has a certain impact on humans. What impact is a person positive or negative, depends on where these images come from? God for condescension and destroyed his own behalf of himself in images available to man. And if a person perceives these divine images, they faded passion in it and sanctify it. Then they confront the images, creative by the man and inspired by the demons. The latter, in case of their soul, will be distorted by the spiritual image of a person created in the image and likeness of God.

    Consequently, if, when reading the Divine Scripture, the soul is cleared of perversions and defects, it is very important for a certain period of spiritual life to feed the word with words and thoughts, hoped from the Holy Scriptures. Therefore, the ancient inhang charters and are prescribed, especially beginners, learn the psalter by heart and have psalms always on their mouths. "Every Scripture is violently and useful (), in order to be written in the Holy Spirit," explained the meaning of Psaltiri Saint, "so that in it, both in the general doctor of the Spirit, we, people, found their medicine - everyone from his own illness."

    "As some saving medicine and tool for cleansing the sins of the Fathers," says the saint, "to read Psalms every evening (in particular," Lord, the crowds "), so that everyone, whatever we define in the continuation of the day ... We cleaned the evening when the evening occur Through these spiritual songs. They are healing, "which exterminates all things. The singing of psalms is curling the strength of voluptuary, heats the mind and elevates the soul. The saint calls and during prosperity, enjoying the gifts of God, "to bring the gloomy songs to God, so that, if you feel something unclean, the psalm will go into our soul to our soul, to drive all unclean and vicious wishes."

    The psalter became the main school book in ancient Russia. From the preface to the "Slavic grammar" of the Mochpieces of the portrait, published in Moscow in 1721, see that "since ancient times the Russian children's customs are used and there are children small at the beginning of the Azbuta, then Charles and Psaltiri." The psalter, as the book is sacred and constantly used in worship, perceived not only as a reading textbook. It was considered necessary to know her as the book the most necessary, the most vital.

    Having learned to read on Psaltiri and, moreover, having learned her by heart, the Russian man has never parted with her. She was the desktop book of our ancestors, a companion in all journeys, sometimes she was called a "road book."

    The Russian man on the basis of his deep religious feeling turned to the Psaltiri to resolve all bewilders, finding answers to difficult living questions in it and even using it for healing patients and obsessed with an unclean spirit.

    The psalm and today remains in frequent use both in worship and everyday life. This is due to the fact that the words of Psaltiri not only "purify the soul - as the saint testifies, - but even one verse can inspire a great lovery, to encourage the decision and bring great benefits in life."

    Compared to other books of the Holy Scriptures, "The Book of Psalms presents for all sample of the life of the soul," says Saint. - Who reads other books, he says not as his own words written in them, but as the words of holy husbands or those whom they speak. But, an amazing thing, who reads Psalms, that all written in them, with the exception of the prophecy of the Savior and Gentiles, says as it were from his own name, sings them, as if they were written about him or even themselves. According to his mental position, anyone who wants to heal and correction for each of their movements in Psalms. " "I think, it is reflected in the saint, - that in the words of this book, the whole life of the human, all the state of the soul is measured, all the movements of thought, so that there should be no more anything in a person."

    Overlooking the patristic teaching, we see what kind of importance is the psalter in our life. Therefore, when studying the Orthodox culture and in an educational process, based on Orthodox culture, it is necessary to use the experience of Orthodox Russia and first of all use the psalm, as, however, and all the Holy Scriptures, as the basis for the arrangement of the right life, since " not the bread one will live a person, but every word emanating from the mouth of God» ().

    "What a nice satellite for people at all points of their life Prophet David. How well he adapts to any spiritual age and shares all sorts of classes! With the babies of God, he is having fun, with her husbands will hurt, young people instructs, the elders supports, and everything happens to everyone: for warriors weapons, for the devotees by the instruction, for students of the struggle to the palm, for winners, the crown, on feasts, fun. No minute in our life, which would be devoid of all kinds of pleasant blessings. Is there any prayer that would not support David? Whether there is a festival whom he would not make bright this prophet. "

    "The book of Psalms explains everything useful of all books. She prophesies about the future, leads to the memory of the event, gives laws for life, offers rules for activity. In short, she is the overall treasury of good teachings and carefully finds out that everyone benefits. What do not learn from Psalms? Do not know from here the greatness of courage, the severity of justice, honesty chastity, the perfection of prudence, the image of repentance, the measure of patience and any of the benefits, which neither it is. There is a perfect theology, the prevention of the coming of Christ in the flesh, the hope of resurrection, promise of the glory, the revelation of the sacraments. Everything, as it were, in the Great and Common Treasury, is collected in the book of Psalms. "

    "In my opinion, in the book of Psalms, the human and mental arrangements and the movements of thoughts are measured and described in Word, and the excess of the depicted in it is nothing more recovered in man. Whether repentance and confession were needed, whether the sorrow and temptation were sorrowing, whether there was someone or got rid of maliciousness, whether he was sad and confused and tolerate something like said above, or he sees herself to succeed, and his enemy was in idle, or intend to praise, Thank you and bless the Lord - for all this it has to write in Divine Psalms ... Therefore, everyone, uttering Psalms, let him be sure that God will hear asking the Psalm word. "

    At the end, the servants of the Lord David, who samped the Lord the words of this song on the day, when delivered His Lord from the hands of his enemies and from the hand of Saul, and said 17. At the end, Psalm David, 18. At the end, Psalm David, 19. Psalm David, 20. At the end, about the intercession of Morning, Psalm David, 21. Psalm David, 22. Psalm David, on the first day of the week, 23. Cafesma fourth. Psalm David, 24. Psalm David, 25. Psalm David, before anointing, 26. Psalm David, 27. Psalm David, on the transfer of the tabernacle, 28. Psalm, a song on the update of the house Davidova, 29. In the end, Psalm David, in the frenzy, 30 Psalm David, in instruction, 31. Cafe Fifth. Psalm David, not inscribed in Jews, 32. Psalm David, sneezing by him when he pretended to be insane before airlae; And he let him go, and he left, 33. Psalm David, 34. To the end, the servants of the Lord David, 35. Psalm David, 36. Cafe sixth. Psalm David, in the memory of Saturday, 37. At the end, idifuism. David's Song, 38. At the end, Psalm David, 39. At the end, Psalm David, 40. In the end, in the teaching, the sons of Korean, Psalm David, was not inscribed in the Jews, 41. Psalm David, not inscribed in Jews, 42. At the end, the sons of Korea, in the teaching, Psalm, 43. At the end, about having to change, the sons of Koreev, in the teaching, a song about the beloved, 44. At the end, the sons of Korea, about the mystery, Psalm, 45. Cammy seventh. At the end, the sons of Korea, Psalm, 46. Psalm, Songs of the sons of Koreev, on the second day of the week, 47. At the end, the sons of Korea, Psalm, 48. Psalm Asaph, 49. At the end, Psalm David, sneezing after the arrival of Nathan prophet; 2 After David entered Wirzavia, Uriya's wife, 50. To the end, in the teaching, David; In the end, on maesef, in teaching, David, 52. At the end, the song of David, in learning; At the end, the song, in the teaching, Assaph, 54. Kafizova eighth. At the end, about people remote from shrines, David, for writing on a pillar, when his integms in Gefhe held, 55. In the end, do not destroy, David, for writing on a pillar, when he flew from Saul to the cave, 56. In the end, do not destroy, David, for writing on the pillar, 57. At the end, do not destroy, David, for writing on a pillar, when Saoul Warriors sent a wait at his house, in order to kill him, 58. At the end, about having to change, for writing on a pillar, David, in teaching; At the end, the song, David, 60. To the end, through the idifuma, Psalm David, 61. Psalm David, when he was in the desert of the Jewish, 62. At the end, Psalm David, 63. Kafiz ninth. At the end, Psalm, the song David, the song of Jeremiah and Ezekiel, people resettled when they were prepared to the outcome of captivity, 64. At the end, the song, the Psalm of the Resurrection, 65. At the end, Psalm, David's Song, 66. At the end, Psalm, David's Song, 67. At the end, about having to change, Psalm David, 68. In the end, David, in the memory that the Lord saved, 69. Kafizma tenth. Psalm David, the sons of the Ionadaw and the first prisoners, was not inspected by the Jews, 70. About Solomon, Psalm David, 71. Throughout the songs of David, Son Jessev. Psalm Asaph, 72. In the teaching, Assaph, 73. To the end, do not destroy, Psalm, Song Asaph, 74 At the end, Psalm Asaph, Song about Assyrian, 75. To the end, through the idifums, Psalm Asaph, 76. Kafizma eleventh. In instruction, asphay, 77. Psalm Asaph, 78. At the end, about having to change, the revelation of Assaph, 79. At the end, about sharpening, Psalm Asaph, 80. Psalm Asaph, 81. Song, Psalm Asaph, 82. At the end, about sharpeners, the sons of Korea, Psalm, 83. At the end, the sons of Korea, Psalm, 84. Cafesma twelfth. Prayer David, 85. Sons of Korea, Psalm, Song, 86. Song, Psalm, Sons of Korea, about the end, on Maelaf, for the answer, in the teaching, Eman Israelin, 87. In the teaching, Epham Israeli, Psalm, 88. Moses prayer, man of God, 89. The laudatory song, not inscribed in the Jews, 90. Kafizma thirteenth. Psalm, Song, on Sabbath Day, 91. A day before Saturday, when the land was inhabited, David's laudatory song, 92. Psalm David, on the fourth day of the week, 93. David's pawn song, not inscribed in the Jews, 94. David's pawn song, when the house was built after the captivity, not inscribed in the Jews, 95. Psalm David, when the land was arranged, not inscribed in Jews, 96. Psalm David, 97. Psalm David, 98. Psalm David, laudatory, 99. Psalm David, 100. Cafe fourteenth. The prayer of the wretched, when he dies and before the Lord is poured his praying, 101. Psalm David, 102. Psalm David, about being of the world, 103. Aliluia, 104. Fifteenth cafe. Alilia, 105. Allilia, 106. Song, Psalm David, 107. At the end, Psalm David, 108. Kafizma sixteenth. Psalm David, 109. Allilia, 110. Allilia, Aggeyevo and Zakhario, 111. Allilia, 112. Allilia, 113. Allilia, 114. Allilia, 115. Allilia, 116. Alilius, 117. The caulmam is seventeenth. Kafizma eighteenth. Song ascent, 119. Song ascent, 120. Song climbing, 121. Song climb, 122. Song climb, 123. Song ascent, 124. Song ascent, 125. Song ascent, 126. Song climb, 127. Song climbing, 128. Song climbing, 129. Song ascent, 130. Song ascent, 131. Song ascent, 132. Song ascent, 133. Kafiza nineteenth. Allilia, 135. David, through Jeremiah, 136. Psalm David, Aggey and Zechariah, 137. At the end, David, Psalm Zechariah, in scattering, 138. At the end, Psalm David, 139. Psalm David, 140. In learning, David, when he prayed in the cave, 141. Psalm David, when he pursued by Absalom, his son, 142. Kafizma twentieth. Psalm David, about Goliath, 143. Pobednaya song David, 144. Allilia, Aggeya and Zechariah, 145. Allilia, 146. Allilia, Aggeya and Zechariah, 147. Alilia, Aggeya and Zechariah, 148. Allilia, 149. Allilia, 150. This psalm is written especially, David, outside the number of 150 psalms, about martial arts with Goliath. Comments References used in the preparation of comments List of adopted abbreviations of books of the Old and New Testament
    To the reader

    The psalm of the Holy Prophet and King David is one of the sacred books of the Old Testament, in Greek and Slavic tradition consisting of a hundred and fifty-alone Psalm. The Greek Word itself ("Psalm") means a musical instrument with 10-12 strings, and the word "Psalm" (letters: "Brying") - a song that was performed accompanied by a game of Psaltiri.

    The basis of the Book of the Psalter is psalms created by the king David in the XI-X centuries before the Nativity of Christ. They can hear the echoes of many events of his life. The rest of the psalms were written later, at different times, the successors of King David, the "chiefs", who had a poetic and prophetic gift. The Prophet and Tsar David, the Grand Mogood Poet, in the books of the Holy Scripture is called a "faithful husband" (), "from the bottom of my heart" challenged the creator of his own (). His psalms seek the tone to all follow, therefore, and the entire psalm is called David.

    The psalter was the basis of the Old Testament Worship: she was read and sang in the tabernacle, and then in the Jerusalem Temple. In the V century before the Nativity of Christ, the priest of the ezr in the preparation of the Old Testament Canon combined the Psalms into one book, retaining their liturgical division. According to continuity with the Old Testament, the psalter from the very first centuries became the most important liturgical book of the Christian Church.

    In the Orthodox Church, the Psalter sounds at every morning and evening worship; For the week, it reads completely, and twice a week - during the Great Post. The psalter is the source of most of the morning and evening prayers, the poems of Psalms have formed the basis of all the sequences of public and private worship. Already from the first centuries of Christianity, there is also the practice of celthy reading Psalti.

    The heart of ancient times attracted a completely special, exceptional attention to the teachers of the Church. This book saw a compressed repetition of everything that is contained in the Bible is a historical story, edification, prophecy. One of the main advantages of Psalms revered the complete absence of a distance between the reader and the text: the words of Psalms each praying pronounces as its own, the movements of the soul of each person are reflected in the psalms, they can find spiritual advice on all occasions: "All that is useful in all The books of the Holy Scriptures, "said Saint," concludes the book of Psalms. She prophesies about the future, leads to the memory of the event, gives laws for life, offers rules for activity. In a word, the psalter is a common spiritual treasury of good instructions, and everyone will find in it with an excess of what is useful for him. She doctors and the solar wounds of spiritual, and recently visible to give a quick healing; She supports the gentleness, protects common and destroys passion, which in human life dominates the souls. Psalm delivers tranquility to the soul, produces peace, tammes stormy and rebellious thoughts. He softens the soul is angry and surviving anyone. Psalm concludes friendship, connects the scattered, reconciles the warring. What will not teach you a psalter? From here you know the greatness of courage, the rigor of justice, the honesty chastity, the perfection of prudence, the image of repentance, the measure of patience and any of the benefits, which is nearest. There is a perfect theology, there is a prophecy of the coming of Christ in the flesh, there is a threatening by the court of God. The hope of resurrection and fear of torment is inspired here. Glory promised here, secrets open. Everything is in the book of Psalms, as in the Great and Universal Treasury "( SVT. Vasily Great.Conversation to the first psalm).

    "The book of Psalms is worthy of special attention and classes are relatively with other books of Scripture, - writes St. Athanasius Alexandria. - Everyone can find in it, as it were, in paradise, all that is needed and useful for him. This book clearly depicts the human life in detail, all the state of the spirit, all the movements of the mind, and there is nothing in a person, whatever it contains in itself. Do you want to repent, confess, whether you will be afraid of sorrow and temptation, whether you drive you or build cubes against you; Lie deepened to you, or anxiety, or something like that; Whether you seek to succeed in virtues and see that the enemy prevents you; Do you want to praise, thank and sorry the Lord? - In Divine Psalms, you will find an instruction regarding all this "( SVT. Athanasius Alexandria.Message to Marcellin about the interpretation of Psalms).

    "... You will find countless benefits in Psaltiri," says Saint John Zlatoust. - You fell in temptation? - You will find the best consolation in it. Put in sins? - You will find countless medical practices. Passed poverty or misfortune? - You will see there many marins. If you are a righteous, you will acquire from there the most reliable reinforcement, if the sinner is the most real consolation. If you have good deeds of yours, - they learn to humility there. If your sins turn you into despair, "there will be a great encouragement for yourself. If you have on the head of the royal crown or distinguish high wisdom, the psalms will teach you to be modest. If you are rich and sound, the psalmist convince you that there is nothing great on earth. If you are struggling to sore, hear the consolation. Do you see that some here are unworthy of happiness, "you will learn not to envy them. You see that the righteous suffer disasters on a par with sinners, "you will explain this. Each word contains the irrelevant sea of \u200b\u200bthoughts "( SVT. John Zlatoust.Interpretation to the Message to Romans. Conversation 28).

    But not only in the ability to walk to the depths of each heart the value of David songs. They carry in themselves and something even more, they see the secret of the divine plan of man, the secret of the sufferings of Christ. Whole psalms were considered by the Holy Fathers of the Church as Messianic, as prophecies about the coming Messiah. In Psalms, we are revealed to us the complete teaching about the Lord of our Jesus Christ and the Holy Church.

    * * *

    According to the testimony of St. Nestor's Chronicler, to the Slavic language of the psalter, as the book necessary for the Worship service, was translated into the IX century saints equivalent to Cyril and Methodius from the Greek Church Text of Seventy Tolnovnikov - the translation of the Bible, implemented from the Hebrew list at the end of the III century to the Nativity of Christ. Thanks to the Holy Brothers, the Sacred Scriptures became available to the Slavic peoples, converts of Christians began to make worship in their native language.

    The psalm, the prayers of which come to each liturgical submission, immediately became the favorite reading of the Russian people, the main school book in ancient Russia. A man who studied the psalter was considered "book" - competent, able to read other books and understand the Divine service, which was the spiritual basis of the whole building of life.

    Having learned to read on Psaltiri, the Russian man no longer parted with her. Each family had this sacred book that was transmitted from the Father to the Children. The psalter was accompanied by a person throughout his life: she was read not only at home, but they took with them both in travel, for prayer and edification; Psalms read over severe patients; Dynama maintains its origin from the first time of Christianity, the custom of reading a psalter on the dead. The charters of many monasteries are still prescribed to read the "non-satiable psaltiri".

    In conjunction with a character, the collection of the sequence in relation to a certain service time - and elected trapar and candidates, the psalter took the form of the following scheduled for worship in the temple. The psalm with the addition of stenovation interpretations is called well. It is designed for a celon reading and gives benefit to the right understanding and understanding of historically unclear and prophetic places of the sacred text.

    * * *

    Church Slavonic language is a precious heritage, perceived by us by tradition from our ancestors together with the gracious gifts of the Holy Orthodox Church. Created by Sainry Cyril and Methodius precisely in order to become verbal flesh of the bog and prayer, this powerful, shaped, the greatest language is a sacred, never-used for us, to express everyday needs. It makes the mysterious communication of every Orthodox Christian with God.

    Unfortunately, the current generation turned out to be rejected by the age-old traditions of Russian culture. The Russian literary language, one of the essential factors of the Russian self-consciousness, survived the brutal reform, and who fed it for many centuries, the living Church Slavonic was derived beyond the scope of school education and was taught only in small spiritual educational institutions. As a result, the hierarchy of language values \u200b\u200bhas changed, the integrity of the worldview, which distinguished the Orthodox consciousness, was broken, in the minds of many people a blood connection between the Russian literary language with Church Slavonic, and we are difficult to learn the language of sacred books.

    Our ancestors understood learning to read as the first step towards the headband. For centuries, many generations of the Russian people mastered their native language on the Church Slavonic diploma. The soul of a child who has begun to the native speech on the church hosting or Psaltiri, from an early age, spent tightened verbs, was configured to the perception of Divine Teaching. In one of the ancient editions of Character in the instruction, the reader says: "They are trained as a sensible childhood, there is no luck who drags old age leaves: for the participation of the case is a custom perceived and many times of the temper we approve, of course. In the same, the obviously observed persons with Orthodox, yes, not foul language, sinklagology and funects are learned from infant, the very essence of the sorry ... But Yako, in the spring of life, the Niva of the hearts of his teachings and seeds of the Words of God, from the exercise, hesitate , Yezhu Would Klasa Skhodi Skhodi, and those fruits in abundance and zea winter old-age priests honestly, and in the heavenly preslagin the residents, an endless evening, those for the sake of saturated life ... Prayer is the verbity to God, reading God to you : Also, you talk to you, God talks to you, and even pray, you are talking with God, and there is your victim's pleasant victim, you are a strong allowance in labor and in trouble with the demon, for that she wands unbearable and the bearer was angry Chistago Mountain is made of hearts, heaven permeats and from there he does not return the back, but gent the gifts of grace, giving the mind and the sowing souls. "

    Created by the Spirit of the Holy Church Slavonic language, inscribed having a challenge destination, designed to express theological truths, the prayer movements of the soul and the finest shades of thought, teaches us to understand the spiritual meaning of things and events; With all its buildings and spirit, our church is elevated by a person, helping him to take away from the ordinary in the sphere of the highest, religious feeling.

    The history of comprehension by the Russian church-religious consciousness of the depth of the meaning of the Old and New Testament invariably combined two trends in itself: the desire to fully and accurately reproduce the original of the Holy Books and the desire to make them clear to the Russian man.

    Translation work on the text of the Bible has always been an integral part of the developing church life. Already at the end of the 15th century, the Russian society was at its disposal not only the Slavic translation of the Greek manuscripts, reproducing the text of seventy-tolnikov, but also the translation of some books from Latin Vulgate with non-canonical books (the so-called Gennadiev Izov), and printed in 1581 in Ostrog Slavic Bible synthesized the Latin tradition of Gennady Bible with corrections produced by the Greek text. In the XVIII century, the Slavic Bible was returned to its origin of the Greek tradition: Peter's decree I on November 14, 1712, prescribed to bring the Slavic Bible in agreement with the transfer of seventy-tolnikov, and this task was practically implemented in the Elizabethan era.

    Later, when the Church Slavonic Bible ceased due to the natural development of the Russian language, one of the ways of the required explanation of the Church Slavonic text began to serve its printing in parallel with the Russian translation. In this form, the Gospel has already been published, the Great Canon of the Reverend Andrei Cretan and some prayers. It is clear that the Psalter also needs this kind of edition.

    The full translation of the Bible into Russian was taken back at the beginning of the XIX century. This work was launched by the Russian biblical society from the books of the New Testament (1818) and Psaltiri (1822) and completed in 1876, when the full Russian text of the Bible was published in the Synodal edition. With all the tremendous and indisputable importance of this translation, which we use so far, he was unable to relieve the reader to the reader an understanding of the biblical texts included in the circle of church-official consistency: first, the compilers of the publication focused mainly on the Hebrew text, in some places are not coinciting with Greek, from which the translators of the Bible to Slavica proceeded; Secondly, the conversion syllable does not recreate the solemn-confidence sound of the Slavic Izov.

    The most acute inadequacy of the Russian translation by the liturgical text is felt in Psalti. Attempts to translate into Russian, the Greek psaltir was taken already after entering the light of the Synodal Publication with the Holy Porphyria (Assumption) and Professor P. Junger. In its style, more emotional than the synodal text, but not sufficiently elevated, recesing spaticrous expressions, the translation of the historic porphyria (1893), made from the Greek source, could not serve as an analogue of the Church Slavonic Psaltiri. P. Junger, who released a new Russian translation of Psaltir in 1915, set as a goal to bring the translation of the Greek Psaltiri to the Slavic tradition. Jungherova's translation is interesting and valuable primarily as the work of the Textologist: the scientist revealed the Greek church handwritten tradition, which the Church Slavonic Psalter is based on, and at the same time noted some small discrepancies between them. The translation is semantically accurate and well commented, but the style is reminded by a substitute for scientific use: his tongue is heavy, sluggish, blood-based and does not correspond to the sublime lyric intonation of the original.

    Meanwhile, for thoughtful celon reading, especially a person who makes the first steps in the study of the Church Slavonic language, a Russian literary translation is needed, in its ranks and stylistic means of expression close to the Slavic Psaltiri, giving the first guide and help to read the tuning book on Church Slavonic language.

    In the proposed attention of the reader of the publication, the "traditional" Slavic Psalm is represented. The Church Slavonic Text of Psaltiri, including prayers for cafisms and prayers for reading several taliism or all the psaltiri, is printed in full accordance with the synodal publications, while preserving the structure and all traditional features of the publication of the liturgical texts of the Church Slavonic press. Psalms are printed with parallel translation, which is made directly from the Church Slavonic language. The translation was carried out by E. N. Birukova († 1987) and I. N. Birukov in 1975-1985. The inspiration of this work at its initial stage was Professor B. A. Vasilyev († 1976), who provided translators invaluable assistance to its textual consultations.

    Translators sought not only to help our contemporaries penetrate the spirit and meaning of Psaltiri, but also to create an equitrimal translation, which would freely read with all intonations inherent in the Slavic text, its images and epitheats. Incomprehensible without interpretation of images and turnover, translators were gently deciphered in the spirit of an ancient monument, highlighting such inserts in italics. When working was taken into account: the translation of P. Jungherov with its valuable substitution notes; Synodal translation; Translation of Bishop Porphyry (Uspensky); "Explanation of the 118th Psalm" of St. Feofan, the Navdaparation of the Otchensky; Austal Psalm Eviefmy Zigaben; The patristic interpretations of St. Athanasius of the Great, Kirill of Jerusalem, Vasily of the Great, John of Zlatoust, Grigoria, Nissky, Theodorite of the Kirry and other church teachers who reveal in their creations as a direct, historical meaning of the text and its symbolic and prophetic meaning.

    Fiting with great reverence to the sacred text, but fearing prosecasters and books, translators in rare cases were forced to retreat from the syntactic structure of the Church Slavonic Psaltiri and, while maintaining the accuracy of the meaning, resorted to small periprases and permutation of words according to the logic of the modern Russian language.

    The translation is drilled with the Greek text of Seventy Tolkovikov T. A. Miller, it is also composed of the solemnative legend of notes, designed to show the historical context and the symbolic meaning of individual poems of Psaltiri, and also explain the impressive images for the modern reader.

    In 1994, this translation of Psaltiri was blessed with the publication of highly intended John, the Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Ladoga, who led the liturgical commission in the sacred synod of the Russian Orthodox Church.

    Pray for each other (Jac.5: 16).

    The psalter is the sacred book of psalms, or divine hymns recorded by the king David on the suggestion of the Spirit of the Holy Spirit. Reading Psaltiri attracts the help of angels, elapses sins, drinks soul breathing saint spirit.

    The way to pray for the psaltiri is much older than Jesus prayer or reading akathists. Before the appearance of Jesus prayer in ancient monasticity, it was taken in mind (to herself) to read the psalter by heart, and some monasteries took only those who knew all the psalm. In Tsarist Russia, the Psalm was the most common book among the population.

    In Orthodox ascetic practice, before now there is a pious custom of reading Psaltiri by agreement, when a group of believers separately removes each other for one day all the entire psalm. At the same time, each reads one cafis-defined to him at home, Celaino and commemorates the names of those who pray with him by agreement. The next day, the psaltir is again read the whole, while each reads the next cafe. If someone in one day did not manage to read the cafium, she reads the next day, plus the next one in order.

    So during the Great Post, the entire psalm is read at least 40 times. One person is not for the feat.

    Tips beginners

    1. To read the psaltiri, you must have a burning lamp (or a candle) at home. Praying "without a light" accepted only on the road, outside the house.

    2. Psalter, on the advice of prep. Seraphim Sarovsky, it is necessary to read out loud - in a low voice or quieter, so that not only the mind, but the hearing listened words of prayer ("I was hearing a dasy joy and fun").

    3. Special attention should be paid to the correct placement of strokes in words, because An error can change the meaning of words and even whole phrases, and this is a sin.

    4. You can read Psalms sitting (the word "cafisma" in translation into Russian "What is read by sitting", unlike the word "akathist" - "not sitting"). It is necessary to get up when reading prison and final prayers, as well as on "glory".

    5. Psalms are read monotonously, without an expression, a little by chance - impassively, because Our sinful feelings are unpleasant to God. Reading psalms and prayers with theatrical expression leads a person to the demonstration state of charms.

    6. Do not be despond and confused if the meaning of Psalms is incomprehensible. A machine gunner does not always understand how the machine gun shoots, but his task is to beat on enemies. Regarding the psaltiri, there is a statement: "You do not understand - demons understand." As the meaning of Psalms will be opened and the meaning of Psalms will be opened.

    Prayers before reading the Cafesma
    In the name of the Father, and Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    Glory to you, God, glory to you! King Heavenly.

    True in our Father.

    Purchase, bow to the prince of our God. Get, we will bow and fit Christ, Tsarevi to our God. Purchase, bow and fall in the most Christ, Tsareva and God to our.

    The next cafisma is read, with the commemoration of the names on each "glory".

    On "glory"

    Where the caphysma is interrupted by the mark "Glory", the following prayers are read:

    Glory to Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit and now, and confessed and forever. Amen.

    Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Alliluya, glory to you, God! (3 times).

    Lord, surviving (3 times).

    Slava Father, and Son, and the Holy Spirit.

    Save, Lord, and Patriarch's Patriarch (the name of the rivers), then it comes to the name of the ruling bishop and names on the list, and forgive them all the sinners free and involuntary, and their holy prayers, unworthy, forgive me, forgive me. (After this prayer, it is possible to put earth bows depending on the diligence of the believer).

    On the first and second "glory" commemorate the names of the health, on the third glory - the names of the rest: "God, Lord, the souls of the deceased slave (on the list) and forgive them all the sins, free and unwitting, and give them the kingdom of your heaven! " (and earthly bows).

    And now, and confessed, and in the eyelids. Amen.

    After the third "glory", the paths and prayers written in the next caphine. Prayer "Lord, Pomemui" is read 40 times - on the fingers or rosets.

    Sometimes, if desired, between the second and third tenth (between 20 and 21, the prayer "Lord, ame!") A personal prayer of the believer is pronounced about the closest people, about the most pressing.

    After reading the caulmamy

    There are also concluding prayers

    Read the Psalm, Apostle, Gospel - everything is here. Who reads the psalter at night two cafisis - for the whole psalter goes. Fascinating the psalter read more valuable, about itself as needed. Raise the night psalter - get sick yourself and those who do not know until the seventh knee. Day is also valuable. Both the leaves fall on the autumn from the tree, and sins per person reading a psalter.

    Read the 17th cafia - otmolit your sins and sins of native to the 7th of the knee. 17th cafesma must be read on Friday evening. The 17th café for the deceased read every day. Stay in the kingdom of heaven.

    Schirchimandrite John

    One ninety-year old woman said that she was on a fortieth after his death in a dream a familiar Psalmaker. During his lifetime, she helped him on the housework: soap floors, dishes, washed. He said with sadness: "Why do you pray so little, and for us there is no better help than reading the psalti."

    Story rural priest
    We lived with her husband together, but there were no peace and silence in the house. I did not give up my husband, and he, in turn, argued his right thing, and so long continued.

    Finally, I'm tired of all, and I decided to behave differently. My husband will tell me an offensive word, I feel that I start to get angry, - I take a psalter and start reading. My husband is a little post, then silent. And so little, we got silence in our house and calm.

    I came to the temple, my father passes by, stopped near me and says: "That's why so!".

    From the book "The life-way of the elder Shiigumen Savva. With love about the Lord, Your D.S.," M., 1998.

    "The seventeenth cafia is the basis of the Psaltiri, it needs to be performed entirely, it is indivisible ... Remember the seventeenth caffery! In order for the seventeenth caffeness to read every day! You can not read the evening, it means, in the afternoon, on the road, anywhere, but the seventeenth caffesma needs to be read daily. . This is your own spiritual savings, this is your capital for your sins. The seventeenth caffesma will already be in defense for you. " Some people think that 17 kafizma is read only when the queue comes to it and can not be different. This is not quite so. It is good to read every day and many pious laity do that. - For the departed - this is great help!

    Staritsa Schimonakhin Anthony

    The old man advised those who are smoking, every day for smoking read 108 psalm. If a relative (spiritually) dies - to read the Psalm and Akathist of the Mother of God "the recovery of the dead." For a man, he struggles hard, he said, seven times stronger than a woman, because the man - the image of God (it was meant that the Lord Jesus Christ came to Earth and the first person was Adam).

    For complaints, Batyushka answered:

    Read the psalter!

    Batyushka, in the family large quarrels.

    Read a psalter.

    Batyushka, at work trouble.

    Read a psalter.

    I wondered how could it help? But you start reading - and everything is arranged.

    Jerome (Sanaksarsky)

    The psalm is distinguished by the evil spirits. PS Wronophius Optina said that for every Orthodox Christian, you need to read at least fame per day. I want to say that the PRP Alexander, the head of the insidency of the insusible, introduced the chin of the unprecedented Psalti in the monasteries. It is very well written about it in the Chenet Mini. Some spiritual gigners read the entire psalm day on a permanent basis. As, for example, Simeon Divnogorets, Parventions of Kiev, and others. Ephraim Sirin speaks about Psalms so that they are incessantly on our lips. It is such sweetness - honey and honey. The benefits of us the law of the Lord of the Page thousands of Zlata and Srebra. Love the commandments of your Page Zlata and Topazia (Psalm 118, 127). Indeed, you read and you can not go. It's fine! When reading, not everything is clear. But Amvrosy Optinsky says that the understanding comes with time. Out of my eyes, and urazumemy wonders from your law (Psalm 118, 18). Let's hope that our spiritual eyes will open.

    How to get rid of demonic forces

    "Many devotees, such as the righteous father Nikolai Ragozin. Or, for example, Blessed Staritsa Pelagia - Ryazan Mobility - advised to protect from the dark forces more often to read 26 psalm. The blissful pitch said:" Who will read this psalm at least three times a day - he will ride Among the sorcerers as on the tank "- this is a figurative expression. Another blissful puff advised that if a person is obsessed with an unclean spirit or engaged in witchcraft, - that is, the demons rape this person, - it is very helpful to take a blessing from a good priest and within 40 days 40 times a day to read 26 psalm. Of course, this is a great feat, but many people through it get healing. This psalm according to the blissful puff - it has a lot of power. This is the strongest psalm in the whole psaltiri "...

    ieria Andrei Angles

    After the prayer "Ours," read the way, Glas 6:
    Mix us. Lord, nice us, all the answer is inappropriate, with the prayer of Yako Vladyza sinning bringing: nice us.
    Glory: Honest Prophet Your, Lord, Celebration, Heaven The Church of the show, with people to eat Angeli. That prayers, Christ, God, in the world of helping our belly, yes, we sing: allylujia.
    And now: a lot of many of my, the Virgin, the Ligrenses, for you, clean, salvation, demanding: to visit our soul and moths of your son and the god of our dation, Lyzha's soda, one blessed. Lord, nice, 40 times. And bow, Elico is powerful.
    The same prayer of Holiness of the Live Trinity: All the Mira, Hurry, Hurry and send my heart, start with the mind and graduate of the Deli Bogue Mogoody Books, Like the Holy Spirit of the Ust Ignorance, falling praying, and herso from you asking you: Lord, I will manage my mind and approve the heart of my heart, not about the verbalia, it is having funny si, but about the mind of the verbal fun, and prepare for the creation of good deeds, I'm learning, and verb: yes Good Deli is enlightened, for tricks of the gums of the country, a concern will be with all your favorites. And now, Vladyko, bless, yes, having rejected from the heart, and I'll give the language, the verb of Sita: take, we will bow to the prince of our God. Get, we will bow and fit Christ, Tsarevi to our God. Purchase, bow and fall in the most Christ, Tsareva and God to our.

    Detail: a psalm in Russian - from all open sources and different parts of the world on the site site for our respected readers.

    The psalm of the Holy Prophet and Tsar David is one of the sacred books of the Old Testament, the Psalter since ancient times attracted a completely special, exceptional attention, because in this book all the content of the Bible is repeated in the compressed form. The Slavic language of the psalter was translated into the IX century saints equivalent to Cyril and Methodius from the Greek text. The psalter, the prayers of which come to each service, immediately became the favorite reading of the Russian people, the main school book in ancient Russia. The man who studied the Psalter was considered competent, able to read other books of the Bible and understand the Divine Service, which is conducted in church Slavonic language.

    Unfortunately, the current generation turned out to be rejected from the age-old traditions of Russian culture, and taking into account the development of the Russian language Church Slavic Psaltir ceased to be generally renovated. Therefore, the Russian translation of Psaltiri must undoubtedly facilitate the understanding of biblical texts and make more accessible to this spiritual treasury of good instructions.

    The translation used in the release of this disk is made directly from the Church Slavonic language E.N.Birukova and I.N.Birukov in 1975-1985. Translators sought not only to help our contemporaries penetrate the Spirit and the meaning of Psaltiri, but also to create a translation as close as possible to the rhythm and intonation of the Slavic text, its images and epitheats. This translation was blessed in 1994 with highly intended John, Metropolitan St. Petersburg and Ladoga, who headed the liturgical commission in the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church.

    The text of the Russian translation of the Psaltiri is read by the Honored Artist of Russia Lvir Georgievich Jezhugunov in memory of his grandfather - the protoier of the father Nikolai Rzhevsky, who became the tragic victim of the repression of the Red Terror in 1919. This disk is a natural addition to the Deonika's previously released by the Psaltiri record at the Church Slavonic language, fully relevant to the Synodal Edition.

    Reads Lev Jezhunov

    Psalm (in Russian)

    Download one file See also the Psalter in Russian in text format (Birukovy)

    Prayers before reading Psaltiri Cafe first (Psalms: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) Cafesma Second (Psalms: 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16) Cafe third (Psalms: 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23) Cafe Four (Psalms: 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31) Kafiza Fifty (Psalms: 32, 33, 34, 35, 36) Kafizma sixth (Psalms: 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 44, 45) Cafe seventh (Psalms: 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54) Kafizma Eighth (Psalms: 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63) Kafiz Ninth (Psalms: 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69) Kafizma tenth (Psalms: 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76) Kafiza eleventh (Psalms: 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84) Kafiza twelve (Psalms: 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90) Tsatizma thirteenth (Psalms: 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100) Cafesma fourteenth (Psalms: 101, 102, 103, 104) Fifteen cafia (Psalms: 105, 106, 107, 108) Sixteenth caffery (Psalms: 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117) Cafesma seventeenth (Psalms: 118) Kafizma eighteenth (Psalms: 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133) Kafiz nineteenth (Psalms: 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142) Kafizm twentieth (Psalms: 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150 and 151) Prayers for reading multiple Tseism or All Psaltiri

    Biblical translation of psalmov

    Psalms Davida in Russian

    Among all the books of the Old Testament, the Psaltry is rightfully occupied by its special niche, at least in Orthodoxy. After all, this book is fully represented in the liturgical charter. This article discloses the question of home reading Psalti, as well as a number of other important issues on this topic.

    Prayer sample

    The special meaning of the psalter is the manifold of human feelings, spiritual aspirations, the praises of the Creator. One of theologians somehow said that there is no such feeling in a person who would not find reflections in Psalms. Reading this sacred book is a gracious occupation for a Christian, since it gives him many examples of true spirituality. In the texts of Psalms, you can find a huge number of samples of repentant prayer.

    Psaltry in Orthodox worship and traditions

    This book is a collection of several hundred psalms - peculiar spiritual hymns, a significant number of which was written by the Old Testament King David.

    These texts were used in church services before the Nativity of Christ. The rules for reading Psalms during Orthodox worship, namely the calendar plan of their singing, is negotiated in a special book that is called "Tipikon".

    In addition to church reading, there is still a long-standing orthodox tradition to read the psaltry outside the church walls, in a family circle or close acquaintances. Such reading is called Canel. How to read the psalter at home? This question has repeatedly been considered by different Orthodox theologians, also about reading the holy book many times mentioned the saints in their written works. There is a sustainable opinion that before you do this reading, you need to get the blessing of the confessor or just a priest who has been confessing to start reading for a long time.

    Psaltry in Russian

    In worship, only the church-Slavic version of this sacred text is used. Despite this, there are translations and modern Russian. To the question: "Is it possible to read the psalter in Russian?" - The priests usually answer as follows: "During the church service, such reading is unacceptable, since, according to Orthodox tradition, church services should be carried out only in church-Slavic. However, with a celon reading, the use of Russian-speaking text is not rebiring. "

    There is no definite charter that would regulate how to correctly read the psalter at home. Nevertheless, for the long-term history of the existence of this tradition, certain sustainable rules have developed, which are purely recommendatory. That is, it is desirable to observe them, but some of them may not be fulfilled due to certain life circumstances.

    Unwritten rules

    For example, it is recommended to read a psalter with a lit lamp. But how to be if a person is in a journey and does not have this lighting device at hand? Then this rule can be safely neglected. Because the only rule in this godly business, which must always be performed, or at least try to stick to it - it is thoughtful, attentive reading, similar to reading prayers.

    Another rule says that it is necessary to try to make mistakes in stress when reading the Church Slavonic words. It can also be interpreted in two ways. Of course, the priest, being a professional, should read the psalter with minimal distortions of pronunciation standards. But for a simple person, the main thing here is, again, not in how you read, but are you reading at all. This means that a lively sincere prayer is the main goal of reading.

    In the liturgical editions, the psalter consists of special parts that are called cafisms. Each of which, in turn, is divided by glory: parts, during which a prayer for the deceased, and prayer for the health of living people.

    Before the start of reading the Psalti and after its end, special prayers are pronounced, which, like the trails, are also mandatory for pronouncing and after completing each cafeterism.

    Another important question on this topic sounds as follows: "How to read the psaltry at home: loud or about yourself?" On this question, the priest Vladimir Sllykov is responsible as follows. He says that reading this sacred text can happen to itself. However, many holy fathers recommended how to try to do this out loud. For example, Saint Ignatius talks about the benefits of pronouncing Psalms.

    He writes that reading out loud tears a person to attentive prayer, increases the understanding of the text.

    Church reading of the Holy Book

    Reading on the deceased and alive, the psalter often sounds in monastic and other temples. Such church reading can be ordered, thereby having to help the soul of a loved one. This concern can be provided both alive and dead people, about the further fate of which the baked person orders this reading. In addition, such prayers may be useful not only for those who pray, but also to those who have committed this benefactor - ordered reading. It is only necessary to firmly remember the words of Christ "Let your left hand do not know what makes the right."

    Reading psalti for the deceased relatives and loved ones

    First of all, you need to remember that reading can not always be done: during the Easter week, reading stops. However, this ban is not hard, since in the "table book of the clergy" it is said that if a person died these days, then reading on it can be produced.

    Reading the psaltry on the deceased, the most convenient to use the litrorsible version of the Holy Book, where the caphysms are indicated. During the glory, with such reading, prayer should be pronounced.

    The priests say that they are often asked for similar questions:

    1. How to read a psalter about resting at home?
    2. Is it possible to read fames in turn: for the deceased and healthy?

    These questions most often from the father can be heard a positive answer.

    How to read the psaltry about health?

    Accordingly, if Psalms are read by healthy people, the fames need to be pronounced prayer.

    Another rule relating to the glory. If a person wants to learn how to correctly read the psalter about living houses, he must teach himself to get up while reading Glory. During the same reading of the remaining text of this sacred book, a sedental position of the reader is allowed. Not only seriously ill people can get up during the glory, as, however, with church services. This rode during the reading of glory is necessary, because during him the praying demonstrates their love and respect, which they show to the Lord God.

    Quite often, this question arises: how to correctly read the psaltry for children? There are no special rules here. For children, the psalter is read as well as adults.

    If we are talking about learning children to read the psalti, then it is important to accustom to children to understand this sacred book from early childhood, explaining them the importance of individual incomprehensible fragments. It is necessary to prevent senseless subtraction by children of sacred texts. This applies to adults. Therefore, many priests and theologians recommend to take over the reading of the salty parts of the Psalti. Do not continue reading when attention has already been scattered. Such reading can only "nice" God. That is, reading in a similar manner leads to the fact that a person begins to relate to this tradition in papanishly, giving meaningless prayer, but only the fact of the execution of the ritual.

    As for various practices of home reading Psalti, there are a huge set of them. You can read both alone with yourself and together with other people. In Orthodox literature, there are also reading techniques in which the psalry caphysms are divided between the group of people to an equal or unequal number of texts.


    Despite the fact that many holy fathers recommend to read psaltry thoughtfully, some of them also suggest that it is not necessary to embarrass if the meaning of reading is still not always available to the reader. There is also such an opinion that even if the reading does not understand the meaning, then his intention itself is already to glorify the Lord in reading Psalms is a blessing. Therefore, you should not fall into despondency, if it is not always possible to read the holy text of immaculately and with deep reflection.

    Skalyrtes are not read in the period from the great Thursday passionate saddimians to a fomine of the week (antipashi). During these ten days, any reading of the psaltiri is canceled both in the temples and celino. In all other cases, the psalter is read by the laity.

    In Kemin reading, a cafium division is made for three glory. Before and after the cafes, special prayers are read.

    Before you start reading a caulmamm or several tism:
    The prayers of the saints of our father, Lord Jesus Christ God, have mercy with us.

    Amen. King Heavenly. True. And on the Father our ...

    Lord Pommey (12 times)

    Purchase, bow to the prince of our God. (bow)

    Get, we will bow and fit Christ, Tsarevi to our God. (bow)

    Purchase, bow and fall in the most Christ, Tsareva and God to our. (bow)

    On fame:
    Glory to Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and now and are confused and forever. Amen

    Allilia, allyluia, allyluia. Glory to you, God. (three times)

    Lord Pommeju (three times)

    Glory to Father and Son and the Holy Spirit,
    (Here you can read prayers with the commemoration of health and restor or special passions)

    and now and confessed and forever. Amen

    After reading the tiles trousers, the path and prayer on the cafe
    And in the end:

    It is worthy to eat this very truly, the Virgin, the Virgin, the courtesy and the presets and the mother of our God.
    Honestly cherub and a nornyless seraphim, without comparing Seraphim, without the evolution of God, the words rising, sowing the Virgin Major.

    Glory, and now. Lord, hindle (three times).

    Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the prayer for the sake of the Mother Mothers, the power of honestly and the life-gloomy cross and the saints of the celestial forces of the challenging, and the reverend and the governments of our Father, and the Sainry of the Prophet of David, and all the saints, a lot and save me, sinning, Audio. Amen.

    Prayers for health and rest in fame
    Save, Lord, and surviving my father's spiritualague (name), my parents (names), affinations (names), bosses, mentors, benefactors (names) and all Orthodox Christians.

    God, the Lord, the soul of the deceased slave of yours: my parents, the affinities, benefactors (names) and all Orthodox Christians, and forgive them all the sinners free and unwitting, and give them the kingdom of heaven.

    Reading psalms on the days of the weeks (within the week)

    On Sunday - PS. 23.

    On Monday - PS. 47.

    On Wednesday - PS. 93.

    On Friday - PS. 92.

    On Saturday - PS. 91.

    Reading Psaltiri for all

    Rev. Arseny Cappadocyan used Psalms for blessing, suitable for various cases; Especially in cases where there was no chicnosis for a special need. Greek primary source can be found in the publication "0 Geron Paisios" Hieromonach Christodula, Holy Mount Athos, 1994.

    (The number of the Psalm number is indicated, and then indicated, with what needs it should be read)

    1. When to plant a tree or vine, let the fruit will bring.
    2. May the Lord enlightened to meet meetings and advice.
    3. Yes, leave people anger, and yes they are not trying their neighbors.
    4. Yes, the Lord of the soft-grateful, falling into the despondency at the form of acts of cruel-terrain.
    5. Yes, the Lord's eye will be healed, vulnerable villains.
    6. May the Lord will be released under the spell.
    7. A tormented fear of goose and the threats of villains.
    8. Vulnerable demons or wicked people.
    9. Yes, demonic insurance in a dream or temptation in the afternoon will cease.
    10. Castly spouses that they are repaired and bred (when a cruel husband or wife is tormented by a spouse or spouse).
    11. There is mentally ill, which is tormented by malice and attack the closest.
    12. suffering from liver diseases.
    13. From Dema to read three days a day for three days.
    14. Yes, thieves or robbers will turn out, and return the ravis and yes.
    15. Yes, there is a lost key.
    16. For grave unfair accusations, read three days a day.
    17. With earthquakes, other disasters or a booth with a thunderstorm.
    18. Yeah will give birth.
    19. Fancy spouses so the Lord healed them and they did not divorce.
    20. Yes, the Lord of the Hearts of the Rich will soften and they will be served alms to be poor.
    21. Yes, the Lord will keep the Lord, and there will be no big damage.
    22. Yes, the Lord of Disposher Children will be aspic so that they do not grieve their parents.
    23. Yes, the door will open when the key is lost.
    24. Highly suffering from temptations, which is losing and complaining.
    25. When someone asks that God, so that he suacises a reprehensible without harm to asking.
    26. Yes, protects the Lord of the Peasants from enemy ratties, so that there is no harm to the people and the fields.
    27. Yes, the Lord will heal the soul and nervous diseases.
    28. suffering from maritime disease and the terrible sea.
    29. In dangers in distant lands, among the barbarians and godless, may the Lord protect them and will enlighten the people of the lands of those and ascertain them, in order to recognize God.
    30. Yes, the Lord's Lord is enough enough grains and fruits when the weather is unfavorable for agriculture.
    31. May be lost and confused trampling road.
    32. Yes, the Lord will open the truth about those who are unjust convicted and will let them go free.
    33. Standing on the threshold of death, when their demons is tormented. Or when the enemy invades the sinister intentions.
    34. Yes, the Lord will liberate the goodwill evil from the goose, that the people of God are oppressing.
    35. Yes, hostility will be dispersed after disputes and misunderstandings.
    36. Wounded robber.
    37. When dental pain.
    38. May they will find the work abandoned and in the despondency, so that they do not grieve anymore.
    39. Yes, the owner and the employee after a quarrel.
    40. Yes, the wife will be resolved from the burden, if the childbirth is premature.
    41. Young, when they suffer from unhappy love.
    42. Yes, compatriots from enemy captivity will be liberated.
    43. Yes, the Lord will open the Pravda, if there was a misunderstanding between them to live them in peace and love.
    44. suffering from heart or kidney disease.
    45. Young who are not allowed to marry enemies.
    46. \u200b\u200bIn order to reconcile the employee or the owner, when the employee is offended by the owner, and yes to find his work.
    47. When the piles of robbers rob people and take place a distress, read in a continuation of 40 days.
    48. Those whose work is associated with dangers.
    49. Yes, they will be shown by the god and turn out, in order to be saved to them.
    50. When the god of Kara (more people or animals) is sent to our sins.
    51. Yes, cruel rulers will be shown and they will soften them, and let the people stop tormented.
    52. May God bless the network and they will be filled with fish.
    53. May the Lord enlightened the rich, who bought slaves, and they will let them go free.
    54. Yes, the good name of the family will be restored, which was unjust accused.
    55. For soft-hearted people who are vulnerable near.
    56. suffering from headache taking place from great grief.
    57. Yes, the circumstances of the workers with good intentions and may be forbidden by the Lord Besames and Degaving People.
    58. Some, let the Lord give them a speech.
    59. Yes, the Lord will open the truth, when many people are convicted of unjust.
    60. Those who are difficult to work from laziness or from fear.
    61. Yes, the Lord will save from the weak attack, so that he did not complain.
    62. May the fields and trees will bring fruit during drought.
    63. When will bite someone a mad dog or wolf.
    64. The merchants flourish.
    65. Do not bring the dear in the house, and so will not plunge the family in the sorrow.
    66. Blessing will be on the domestic skot.
    67. Yes, he suffers from miscarriages.
    68. When they are spilled from the rains of the river and wash off people and at home.
    69. Soft-hearted, which are sad in trivia and fall into despair, will strengthen their Lord.
    70. Lonely, which in the goat Besysky bored near and fall into despair, yes, the Lord raises them and heales.
    71. God bless the new harvest that the peasants collect.
    72. Yes Robbers.
    73. Yes, protect the Lord of the peasants who work in the fields when the enemy surrounded the village.
    74. Yes, the evil owner will die and does not torment his neighbors, workers.
    75. Mother suffering during childbirth, will strengthen and protect her Lord.
    76. When there is no mutual understanding between parents and children, and the Lord enlightened, so that the children lived their parents, and their parents loved children.
    77. May the Lord enlightened the Bimodavtsev, so they were compassionate and did not extort the debts in the debtors.
    78. Yes, protect the Lord of the village from the robbery enemy's army.
    79. Yes, the Lord will heal the patient with water.
    80. Does not leave the Lord of the poor in the need and grief who fell into despair from poverty.
    81. So that people bought the goods from the peasants, and they did not fall into the mountain and despair.
    82. May the Lord will forget the villains, intricate the murder.
    83. Yes, the Lord will be guarded by homemade utensils, cattle and fruit of work.
    84. May the Lord healed by the wounded robbers and suffering from fright.
    85. Yes, the Lord will save the world when the plague and people come dying.
    86. Yes, the Lord will extend the lives of those family members, without which others cannot do.
    87. Yes, protects the Lord of the defenseless, suffering from hard-ferrous neighbors.
    88. Yes, the Lord will strengthen the painful and weak, so that they did not exhaust them at work and did not fall into despondency.
    89. Yes, the Lord will rain will be rained into drought, and yes will be filled with dry sources.
    90. Yes, the demon will disappear, which is in front of a person and frightening it.
    91. May the Lord give people prudence to grow spiritually.
    92. Yes, protect the Lord ship in danger in the sea. (Rev. also advised Kropropy with holy water from four sides.)
    93. May the Lord enlightened the Lord of the Mermain, that they sow discords in the people and cause unrest and separation.
    94. Yes, the spouses are affected by the influence of the spell, which make them quarrel and transmit.
    95. May the Lord will heal the deaf.
    96. Yes, spells.
    97. Let the Lord comfortable grief comfortable.
    98. God bless the God of young, what they want to leave everything and follow him, and let them give them grace. (Apparently, we are talking about going to accept the monastic stop - approx. Translator.)
    99. May the Lord bless the will of his will and let them fulfill their desires.
    100. Yes, the Lord gives the Lord and the talents of good and simple people.
    101. May the Lord bless the power of the property, so that they were kind and compassionate and helped people.
    102. May the Lord will help with a woman suffering from female weakness.
    103. May the Lord blesses the estates of people, so that they did not fall into despondency, but glorified God.
    104. Yes People are shown and confess their sins.
    105. May the Lord enlightened people, they did not retreat from the path of salvation.
    106. Yes, the Lord of the Lord is fruitless.
    107. Yes, the Lord of the Enemies and will leave their evil intentions.
    108. Yes, the Lord of the Patient Padoch will heal. Yes, the Lord raises the wrong accusing so that they repent.
    109. In order, the younger respected the elders.
    110. Yes, unrighteous judges and the right are judged by the people of God.
    111. Yes, protect the Lord of Warriors, going to the war.
    112. May the Lord bless the poor widow, so that she paid debts and was saved from prison.
    113. Yes, the Lord of Lordless Children will heal.
    114. May the Lord bless the poor children and comfort them, so that they did not suffer from rich children and did not fall into despondency.
    115. May the Lord heales from the terrible passion of lies.
    116. Yes, love will continue in the family and they will glorify God.
    117. Yes, the Lord of the Varvarov, when they surround the village and suggest fear for residents, and let them take them away from evil intentions.
    118. Yes, the Lord of Barbars will be frightened and forbid them when they kill innocent women and children.
    119. Yes, the Lord gives long-suffering to those who have to live with loopholes and unrighteous.
    120. Yes, protects the Lord slaves from the hands of the enemy, so that they are not crippled before they return to freedom.
    121. Yes, the Lord will heal the superstition.
    122. May the Lord will heal the blind and suffering from eye diseases.
    123. Yes, the Lord will protect the Lord from the snake, so that they did not join.
    124. Yes, protects the Lord of the Field of Righteous of Evil People.
    125. Yes, the Lord will heal the head pains.
    126. May the Lord will bring the world to the family if a quarrel arose.
    127. Does not affect the houses of the evil enemies and will be in the family peace and blessing of God.
    128. May the Lord healed from migraine. Yes, the Lord, the Lord, the grace of His on the cruel and unstilted, which brings the mountain soft-hearted.
    129. Yes Nisposhkle Lord Courage and Hope to those who begin a new job and are not skilled in it, and they will not experience great difficulties.
    130. Yes, the Lord gives people repentance, I destroy them hope to escape them.
    131. Yes, Javit, the Lord grace his in the world, where wars are not stopped by our sins.
    132. May the Lord will enlighten the peoples in order to become peaceful and lived in the world.
    133. Yes, protects the Lord of people from all sorts of attack.
    134. May people will focus during prayer and their souls with God will be connected.
    135. Yes, protects the Lord of Refugees, when they leave their homes and leave, and they will be saved from barbarians.
    136. Yes, Umith the Lord is hot-tempered.
    137. May the Lord enlightened the rulers, so that they understood the needs of the people.
    138. Yes, the Lord will save the weak spirit from temptations by blasphemous thoughts.
    139. Yes, the Lord Umiths the Heavy Chapter of the Family Chapter, in order not to suffer from him.
    140. Yes, the Lord of the cruel ruler, torping the neighbors.
    141. Yes, the Lord of Mermaitan, bringing Mount to People.
    142. Yes, protect the Lord a pregnant woman in order not to lose her fruit.
    143. Yes, the Lord Uritz the fermentation in the people, so there was no rebellion.
    144. God bless God's works of people and will take them.
    145. Yes, the Lord heales is bleeding.
    146. Yes, the Lord of bust and wounded villains will heal.
    147. Yes, the Lord of Wild Beasts is to be aspiring, and they will not cause harm to people and farm.
    148. Yes, the Lord's Lord is more favorable weather, so that people gathered a rich harvest and glorified him. (All of the above interpretations belong to Rev. Arsenia, the following two - Father Paire with the Holy Mountain Athos)
    149. In gratitude to God for his many grace and for the abundance of his love, which does not know the borders and is with us.
    150. Yes Nisposhkle Lord contentment and consolation of brothers and sisters to our long-range lands, and the brothers and sisters to our departed, which is further from us. Amen.

    Subject Psalmov

    Agriculture: 1, 26, 30, 50, 52, 62, 66, 71, 83, 124, 147, 148.

    Animals hostile: 63, 123, 147.

    Children: 22, 76, 109, 113, 114.

    Death and deceased: 33, 150.

    Disasters: 17, 21, 30, 50, 62, 68, 85, 89.

    Physical Health: 5, 12, 28, 36, 37, 44, 56, 58, 63, 79, 86, 88, 95, 102, 108, 122, 125, 128, 145, 122, 125, 128, 145, 146.

    Health spiritual: 4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 24, 27, 41, 55, 56, 60, 61, 69, 70, 80, 81, 84, 97, 100, 103, 128, 136, 138.

    Women's health: 18, 19, 40, 67, 75, 10 142, 145.

    Laws and Government: 14, 16, 32, 36, 47, 51, 59, 72, 82, 84, 93, 101, 108, 110, 137, 140, 141, 143.

    From unclean spirits: 5, 6, 8, 9, 13, 33, 57, 65, 90, 94, 96, 121.

    World and War: 26, 33, 42, 73, 78, 93, 107, 111, 117, 118, 120, 127, 131, 132, 135, 140, 141, 143.

    World in the family and between friends: 10, 19, 22, 35, 41, 43, 45, 54, 65, 76, 86, 94, 109, 116, 126, 127, 139.

    Property: 14, 15, 23, 47, 83, 124.

    Protection: 9, 13, 34, 47, 48, 57, 90, 133.

    Public questions: 20, 32, 35, 38, 51, 53, 59, 77, 80, 81, 87, 93, 101, 110, 112, 113, 114, 119, 124, 137, 140.

    Spiritual questions: 3, 9, 24, 25, 29, 49, 50, 57, 72, 91, 98, 99, 100, 104, 105, 108, 115, 119, 130, 134, 136, 149.

    Travels: 28, 29, 31, 92, 135, 150.

    Work: 2, 38, 39, 46, 48, 51, 52, 57, 60, 64, 74, 81, 83, 100, 101, 103, 129, 137, 140, 144.

    Thanknaya and laudatory: 33, 65, 66, 91, 95, 96, 102, 103, 116, 145, 149, 150.

    Splitting God: 8, 17, 92, 102, 103.

    Customative: 1, 32, 40, 45, 84, 89, 100, 111, 126.

    Pulmonary sorrow: 3, 12, 16, 37, 54, 87, 141, 142.

    Expressing hope for God: 53, 85, 90, 111, 120.

    With a request for protection and help: 3, 4, 24, 40, 54, 69, 142.

    Pointed: 38, 50.

    Expressive joy: 32, 83, 114.

    Psalms for all needs, on the advice and instructions of the Holy Fathers

    To protect yourself from grave sins: 18
    Against demon's attacks: 45, 67
    Under charges and slander, erected at you: 4, 7, 36, 51
    When you see pride and the anger of many, when there are no Holy People: 11
    For humility of the Spirit: 5, 27, 43, 54, 78, 79, 138
    When the enemies continue to look for your death: 34, 25, 42
    In gratitude for the victory over the enemy: 17
    During sorrow and in misfortunes: 3, 12, 21, 68, 76, 82, 142
    With a disintegration and in measureless grief: 90, 26, 101
    In defense of enemies, in attacks, with the goats of human and enemy: 90, 3, 37, 2, 49, 53, 58, 139
    In the circumference, the Lord to hear your prayer: 16, 85, 87, 140
    When you ask for grace and generous of God: 66
    If you want to learn how the ability to thanks to the Lord should be: 28
    In order not to skit and serve alms: 40
    Praising the Lord: 23, 88, 92, 95, 110, 112, 113, 114, 133, 138
    In diseases: 29, 46, 69
    In confusion of mental: 30
    In spiritual tempering: 36, 39, 53, 69
    In consolation inhibitory: 19
    From damage and sorcerer: 49, 53, 58, 63, 139
    When you have the need to be created by the true God: 9, 74, 104, 105, 106, 107, 117, 135, 137
    About the forgiveness of sins and in repentance: 50, 6, 24, 56, 129
    In the joy of spiritual: 102, 103
    When you hear that the Holy Field of God: 13, 52
    In order not to be seduced when you see that the wicked graciousness, and the righteous tolerate the grief: 72
    Gratitude for all God's blessing: 33, 145, 149, 45, 47, 64, 65, 80, 84, 97, 115, 116, 123, 125, 134, 148
    Before leaving home: 31
    On the road: 41, 42, 62, 142
    Before sowing: 64
    From Course: 51
    From Sweating: 68
    From Frost: 147
    In persecution: 53, 55, 56, 141
    On the custody of peaceful death: 38
    About the desire to move to eternal villages: 83
    On the deceased: 118
    If overwhelms crazy: 142, 67