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Who announced the good news to the Mother of God. Conspiracies for salt in the Annunciation. The meaning and essence of the holiday of the Annunciation

On Orthodox icons it is customary to depict the Archangel Gabriel holding a flower - a symbol of the good news. It was he who was granted by God to bring people joyful, or in other words - good news. Therefore, the archangel Gabriel is always a welcome guest. But he brought the best news for all people in the world two thousand years ago, to the still very young Virgin Mary. The Messenger of God announced that the Savior of the world would be incarnate from Her womb. It is with these words of his that the history of the holiday of the Annunciation begins.

The betrothal of the Blessed Virgin Mary

In ancient Judea, people grew up early. Adults were considered to have already reached the age of fourteen. Here is the Blessed Virgin Mary, barely leaving her childhood, and brought up with early years in the temple, according to the law, she had to either return to her parents or get married. But the vow of eternal virginity, once given, closed the way for Her to simple family happiness. From now on, Her life belonged only to God.

Her mentors, the priests of the temple where Her childhood and youth passed, found a simple and wise decision: the Virgin Mary was betrothed to a distant relative, an eighty-year old man named Joseph. Thus, the life of the young is financially secure, and the vow given to Her to the Lord has not been broken. After the marriage ceremony, Mary settled in the city of Nazareth in the house of her betrothed. It was under this title that Saint Joseph entered the Holy Scriptures - the guardian of the purity and virginity of the future Mother of God.

The Archangel Gabriel Appears to the Virgin of Nazareth

The Blessed Virgin lived in a new house for four months, devoting all Her time to prayer and reading. Holy Scripture... It was at this pious occupation that the messenger of God, the archangel Gabriel, caught her. Under the rustle of his wings, he announced to the amazed Virgin about the greatest mission entrusted to her by the Creator of the universe.

This event was named - the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos. The history of the holiday cannot be complete if you do not pay attention to why the Lord stopped His choice on Her. The answer is simple - her exceptional purity, integrity and devotion to God set Her apart from a great many other girls. For such a great mission, a righteous woman was required, who was not equal from the creation of the world.

Readiness to fulfill the will of the Creator

To understand the full meaning of the event described in the Gospel, it is important to take into account another side of what happened. In this case, as always, the Lord gives his creation - a man full of actions. Pay attention to how important it is for the Archangel Gabriel to answer the Virgin Mary and her voluntary consent. There is not even a hint of any compulsion here.

The Messenger of God speaks of conception, which must take place contrary to human nature, which cannot but cause a skeptical reaction, but the power of Mary's faith is so great that She unconditionally believes everything she heard. The question of how She can conceive, who has not known her husband, is reduced only to the desire to know the particulars of the future. Her readiness to fulfill her destined is evident from every line describing the great Biblical event - the Annunciation.

Holiday history, briefly about the most important

This event has become the subject of study by many scientists. As is evident from their writings, which are centered on the history of the Annunciation, simple logical reasoning was used to establish the date of the celebration.

If we consider the moment of the Immaculate Conception precisely the day when the Virgin Mary, in response to the words of the Archangel Gabriel, answered: "Let it be done according to your verb," ​​then it is quite natural that this day should be separated from the day when Jesus Christ was born, that is, from the holiday Christmas, nine months. It is easy to calculate that such a day for Orthodox Christians is March 25 for Westerners.

Discoveries of Saint Helena Equal to the Apostles

The Feast of the Annunciation, whose history goes back to antiquity, according to historians, began to be celebrated in the 4th century, although images of the scene of this event were discovered during excavations of the catacombs dating back to the 3rd and even 2nd centuries. In the IV century, the most important event in the life of the entire Christian world took place - Equal-to-the-Apostles Helen discovered the places of earthly life of Jesus Christ and began the construction of churches in the Holy Land.

Naturally, this was the reason for an increased interest in everything related to Christmas, Resurrection and all other events of the Savior's earthly life. It is not surprising that it was during this period that the emergence of the holiday was celebrated. Thus, the history of the holiday of the Annunciation has a direct connection with the discoveries of this great ascetic.

Celebration of the Annunciation in Byzantium and the West

Following further in chronological order, it should be noted that the history of the Orthodox holiday of the Annunciation has its origins in Byzantium. In the 7th century, he firmly entered the number of the most celebrated days. church calendar... However, it must be admitted that in historical documents two previous centuries there are separate mentions of him, but, apparently, we are talking only about isolated cases.

In the Western tradition, the history of the Feast of the Annunciation begins at about the same period as in the Eastern Church. Sergius I (687-701) included it among the three main holidays dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. It was celebrated quite solemnly and was accompanied by a festive procession through the streets of Rome.

Historical names of this holiday and its status

It is curious that this holiday was not always called the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos. The history of the holiday also remembers other names. For example, in the writings of some ancient authors, it is referred to as "Greeting Day" or "Annunciation". The name that is used today comes from the Greek word "evangelismos". It is first found in historical documents of the 7th century.

During that period, the holiday was considered equally as the Lord's and the Mother of God, but the time has made its own changes. If in Orthodox tradition In the East, it still remains one of the most important events of the year, while in the West, its role has somewhat narrowed, leaving him only a place of a secondary holiday.

Celebration of the Annunciation in the Orthodox world

In the tradition of the Russian Orthodox Church, he is one of the twelve, great, non-passing holidays. As during the services of other feasts of the Mother of God, the clergy on this day is supposed to be dressed blue... Can be called whole line circumstances indicating that the feast of the Annunciation has a very special meaning in the Orthodox Church.

History in particular indicates how much attention was paid to him by the Church Fathers. At the 6th Ecumenical Council, held in 680 in Constantinople, a document was adopted according to which on the day of this holiday, despite the fact that it falls on the calendar during the period of Great Lent, the liturgy of John Chrysostom is served, and not the Presanctified gifts, which is an indication of its exceptional value.

The Annunciation writes about the importance of the holiday in his writings and He calls it "the first holiday" and even "the root of the holidays." Today, on this day, the weakening of fasting is prescribed. In particular, eating fish and oil (oil) is allowed. Among the people, he is one of the most beloved, carrying peace and joy, because it is based on the good news, that is, the message filled with the Grace of God.

Revival of Orthodox culture in Russia

Nowadays, when after many decades of state atheism Orthodox Church took its rightful place again, many of our compatriots were filled with the desire to return to the spiritual origins of their people and learn as much as possible from what until recently was closed to them. In particular, the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos is of great interest among them. The history of the holiday, traditions and rituals - everything becomes the subject of inquisitive study.

Another important aspect modern life is the study of the foundations of Orthodox culture among children. This is important in order not to repeat the tragic mistake of the past, when whole generations in our country grew up and entered life in isolation from the faith of their ancestors. And in this regard, work is underway today. Many Bible events and holidays are presented in a version that is understandable for children.

Teaching the basics of Orthodox culture to children

This also applies to the holiday of the Annunciation. The history of the holiday for children is presented in such a way that, despite the adapted nature of the text, the meaning of the event itself remains unchanged and understandable to the child. This is, of course, the difficulty of the task. The history of the feast of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos, briefly but meaningfully set forth, should be most graciously deposited in the child's mind.

An invaluable role in the revival of Orthodox culture is played by Sunday schools organized today at many churches. By the way, their program also includes familiarizing students with the feast of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos. The history of the holiday for children and adults attending these classes is of great interest, since many have heard about it, but have a very vague idea of ​​its content.

Folk traditions on the day of the Annunciation

For a long time, the people have established traditions associated with this holiday. Since it falls in the spring month, then, naturally, many of them are associated with the beginning of field work. There was a tradition according to which, on the day of the holiday, the grain prepared for sowing was poured into a tub, and, having placed the “Annunciation” icon on top, they recited a special prayer for the granting of a bountiful harvest. In it, the peasants turned to the Most Holy Theotokos and Her Eternal Son with a request to bless the grain, "imbued in the mother - the earth."

There were also traditions that were clear echoes of paganism. Among them was, for example, this. In the evening on the eve of the holiday, cabbage heads of the last year's harvest were taken from cellars or storerooms. They, secretly from everyone, were laid on the ground near the road along which they were going to go to church the next day. And the next day, returning after mass, it was necessary to pick up the heads of cabbage, find seeds in them and plant them in the garden along with fresh seedlings. It was believed that in this case a rich harvest of cabbage, which is not afraid of any frosts, would be born.

The ancient worship of our pagan ancestors to fire and its purifying power found expression in one of the popular Annunciation traditions. This refers to the custom according to which old clothes, shoes, bedding and the like were burned on this day. The living quarters and outbuildings were fumigated with smoke. Particular attention was paid to domestic animals, which were also carefully fumigated, hoping thereby to protect them from all evil spirits.

One of the Twelve Feasts in the Orthodox calendar. Annunciation is "good" or "good" news. On this day, the Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary and announced to her the impending birth of Jesus Christ - the Son of God and the Savior of the world. The Feast of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos is celebrated on April 7 (New Style or March 25 according to Old Style). The Annunciation is exactly 9 months from the date of the celebration of the Nativity of Christ, it has one day of the forefeast and one day of the afterfeast, on which the Cathedral of the Archangel Gabriel is celebrated. Forefeast and afterfeast are postponed if the Annunciation occurs during Holy Week Great Lent or Bright Week.

Video of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary from the cycle "Summer of the Lord"

History of the feast of the Annunciation

The Blessed Virgin Mary was brought up at the Jerusalem temple until the age of 14, and then, according to the law, she had to leave the temple as she came of age, and either return to her parents or get married. The priests wanted to marry Her, but Mary announced to them her promise to God - to remain a Virgin forever. Then the priests betrothed Her distant relative, 80 Elder Joseph the Betrothed, to take care of Her and protect Her virginity. Living in the Galilee city of Nazareth, in the house of Joseph, the Blessed Virgin Mary led the same modest and secluded life as at the temple.

After the betrothal, 4 months later, the Archangel Gabriel appeared to Mary and, entering her, said: “Gracious Hail !. The Lord is with You! Blessed are You among wives. " Archangel Gabriel announced to Her that She had found the greatest grace from God - to be the Matter of the Son of God. Mary, in bewilderment, asked the Angel how a son could be born to a woman who does not know her husband. And then the Archangel revealed to Her the truth that he brought from Almighty God: “The Holy Spirit will come upon You, and the power of the Most High will overshadow You; therefore, the Holy One being born will be called the Son of God. " Comprehending the will of God and completely surrendering Herself to it, the Most Holy Virgin answered: “Behold, the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word. "

For the first time, the Annunciation appears in the writings of Western authors of the 3rd century Tertullian and the holy martyr Hippolytus of Rome as the day of the Crucifixion of the Savior according to the Roman calendar (as early as the 6th century St. Martin of Braga wrote that many Gallic bishops considered Easter as a fixed holiday). In this case, sshmch. Hippolytus, on the basis of a comparison of a number of biblical verses and their literal interpretation, argued that the Nativity of Christ took place 5500 years after the creation of the world. The belief about the 5500-year-old age of creation by the time of the coming of the Savior into the world and about the coincidence of the dates of the creation of the world and the coming of Christ in the flesh passed into the Alexandrian tradition, but here the decisive date was not the Nativity of Christ, but the Annunciation: St. Athanasius the Great wrote that Christ incarnated in the womb of the Virgin on the 25th day of March (Old Style), because on this day God originally created man.

Since the 5th century, the date of the Resurrection took the place of the date of the Crucifixion, and the time of the earthly ministry of the Savior from the Incarnation to the Resurrection began to be considered a multiple of an integer number of years. In the Byzantine tradition, the date of March 25 is of great importance - this is not only the day of the Annunciation, but also the creation of the world, and the Resurrection of Christ; the dates of other holidays are counted from it: the Nativity of Christ, the Conception and the Nativity of St. John the Baptist.

The Day of the Annunciation was often considered the day of the beginning of the church or even civil year, both in the East and in the West. Conviction of coincidence historical date The Resurrection of Christ on March 25 led to the fact that this day was called "Kiriopashi" (Kiriopasha - Lord's Easter; sometimes an incorrect etymology is found - Lord's Easter). Now Kyriopascha is called the coincidence of the holidays of Easter and the Annunciation that happens every few years. In Russia, in connection with the use of the Church Julian calendar March 25 falls on Apr 7. in Gregorian.

The first images of the Annunciation are already present among the paintings of the catacombs of the 2nd half of the 2nd - 1st half. III century, however, it can be argued with a high degree of probability that the establishment of a special feast of the Annunciation did not occur earlier than the IV century. Discovery of St. Helena Equal to the Apostles at the beginning of the 4th century. the holy places of the earthly life of the Lord Jesus Christ and the construction of temples she began on these places aroused an increase in interest in the event of the Nativity of Christ and the mystery of the Incarnation; Perhaps this is also related to the establishment of the Annunciation as a separate holiday. At the beginning of the VIII century. Armenian author Grigor Asharuni wrote that the feast of the Annunciation was established by St. Cyril of Jerusalem, that is, in the 3rd quarter of the 4th century.

Since the information about the worship of Constantinople from the 5th-6th centuries. are few, nothing definite about the celebration of the Annunciation during this period in Constantinople cannot be asserted, but by the end of the 7th century. this is one of the most revered holidays here. All Byzantine monuments of the 8th and subsequent centuries name the Annunciation among the most important holidays; the service of the Annunciation is invariably celebrated on March 25th.

In pre-revolutionary Russia, there was a custom, especially in Moscow, on the Day of the Annunciation, as on the day of the proclamation of freedom to the whole world, to release birds from their cages into the wild.

Icons of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos

The icon of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos depicts the Virgin Mary and the Archangel Gabriel. The story of the event depicted in the icon is set out in the 1st chapter of the Gospel of Luke.

The Archangel Gabriel was sent from God to the city of Nazareth to the Most Holy Theotokos with the joyful news that the Lord chose Her to be the Mother of the Savior of the world: “You have found grace from God, and, behold, you will conceive in your womb and give birth to a Son, and you will call Him the name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High, and His Kingdom will have no end. " The Annunciation marked the beginning of the salvation of the human race, and in the person of the Most Holy Theotokos, Christians found a merciful Intercessor for them before Her Divine Son. Although the solemn celebration of the Annunciation was introduced in the 4th century, icons depicting these events appeared in the Church much earlier.

Temples of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Kashin

In Kashin, in 1686-1688, the stone Nikolsko-Annunciation Church was built on the Zborovskaya Gora on the site of a wooden church. An octagonal belfry is located nearby.

In 1929 the church was destroyed, in 1932 it lost its bell tower, and in 1935 it was completely destroyed.

Another Church of the Annunciation is located near Kashin in the village of Apraksino. The Church of the Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary in Apraksin was built in 1695, in the 18-19 centuries it was repeatedly reconstructed and transformed in the style of classicism.

Annunciation Church in the village of Apraksino near Kashin

In 1930, the temple was closed and a potato storage was housed in it, for which a basement was dug. As a result of such ill-considered actions, the walls and vault received numerous cracks; in 1990, a fire broke out in the building, after which it was finally abandoned. Only in 2007, the transfer of the church of the Tver diocese took place and renovation work, which, unfortunately, are currently on hold indefinitely.

Poems for the feast of the Annunciation

Annunciation, Archpriest Nikolai Guryanov

Holy Annunciation -

Great day in Russia,

With him you feel young

Resurrect in a callous heart;

Respond with your soul, like youth,

With my chest full

To shining joy

For the smile of spring days.

Observing the holiday strictly,

On this day, the people insist

That the bird praises God

And does not build a nest for itself;

On this holiday, going out to the field

With a handful full of grain

Good-natured birds at will

The old man let out.

Easter days approaching

Clarifies the frown

From the alien sides

Swallows fly to visit.

And inspiring the thought of brotherhood,

About the gifts of good love,

As if arguing about wealth

Heaven with a sinful earth.

Everyone hears with a keen ear

The hymn of the golden dawn,

Downed with gentle fluff

Young willow branches.

And looks at us, beaming

The inaccessibility of miracles

This eternity is blue

Triumphant skies.

Annunciation, Valery Bryusov

You were one from us

In the daytime yarn owned your dream,

But to You, saint, in the evening hour

The angelic guards came.

O queen of all worldly queens,

Virgin, foretold by the prophet.

Gabriel entered and bowed his face

Before You in deep humility.

Heed the incomprehensible mind,

You obediently dropped your eyes.

Wake me according to your word,

Annunciation, Constantine Balmont

Annunciation and light

The willows turned white.

Or maybe there is no grief,

Right, really?

Evangelism and laughter

The kidneys are reddened.

And on the streets everyone has

Blue flowers.

How many blue flowers

Taken from the snow

The world is fresh and new again,

And bliss is everywhere.

I see old Moscow

In a young dress.

I laugh and I live

The sun is in every gaze.

From the old Kremlin

The ringing floats in a wave.

And the earth lives in the ditches

Young grass.

In the barely broken grass

A dream of spring and summer.

Annunciation in Moscow,

This is a celebration of light!

Troparion to the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos

This day of our salvation is the chief thing and a hedgehog from the age of the sacrament: the Son God's Son There are virgins, and Gabriel preaches the gospel. The same, we will cry out to the Theotokos with him: Rejoice, Blessed One, the Lord is with You.

Kontakion of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos

To the chosen Voevoda, victorious, as if we will get rid of the evil, we will grateful to Ty, Thy servant, to the Mother of God, but, as the one who has an invincible power, free us from all troubles, let us call Ty: Rejoice, Unmarried Bride.

Magnification of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos

Archangel's voice crying Ty, Pure: Rejoice, Gracious One, the Lord is with You.


1. Archpriest Seraphim Slobodskoy, the Law of God.

"Kashin Orthodox", since 2010 A.D.

Annunciation to the Most Holy Theotokos is an Orthodox holiday that is celebrated annually 7 april(March 25, old style) and is exactly 9 months from the date of the celebration. The holiday is established in remembrance of the proclamation of the Virgin Mary by the Archangel Gabriel of the good news about the conception and the birth of Her Infant Jesus Christ. The Annunciation has one day of the forefeast and one day of the afterfeast, on which the Cathedral of St. Archangel Gabriel.

Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos. Divine service

Holiday Annunciation in the Orthodox tradition is consonant with the Gospel (from the Greek. " good news"). The icon of this holiday is usually placed on the Royal Doors, the Mother of God is depicted on top of the right half, and the Archangel Gabriel on the left. The Annunciation sometimes coincides with Easter. This holiday is so great that even the Easter service does not cancel it. According to the special Charter, the hymns of the Annunciation and Easter can be combined.

The festive service tells those praying about the event of the holiday, explains the meaning of the fulfilled Old Testament prophecies. Over and over we hear explanations great Mystery Incarnations. In the stichera, in addition to describing the event of the Annunciation, the same thoughts are set forth as in general on the Mother of God. It is said that, thanks to the birth of the Lord from the Mother of God, heaven is reunited with earth, Adam is renewed, Eve is liberated, and we become partakers of the Divine, become a church, that is, a temple of God. The stichera are very beautiful and full of deep meaning great vespers constructed as a dialogue between the Archangel and the Mother of God:

From the overarching, opening to you ntrokovi1ce, gavrii1l predstA, you lobyzaz and 3 veschaz, raduisz land is not plentiful. raduisz kupino2 did not њpali1maz. radiusz depth2 inconceivable viewz, radiusz m0ste k8 nb7sє1m transfer. and 3 ladder high, yu4zhe їya1kovві1de. Radius of Manna's blessing. radwisz authorization klstve. raduisz ґdamovo return, with8 to you.

K vlseshimisz ћkw chlkъ, speech is incorruptible z ntrokovi1etsa to the archstrati1gu. and 3 as you are in another part. with me rekl є3si2 bGu bhti, and3 v8 sat1tisz in my womb2. and3 as bu1du gli mi, in8mest1 is a spacious place, and3 is a place with7eniz, and4 is on a cherubimeh ascending. Yes, do not fetch less wood, the sky 2 minds mu1ja. brand є4 is not appropriate, as w ybw nline is born u2.

Б Gъ and 3 even h0brush, winsz є3study of chi1n, speech free. and 3 they make the same as a man, my1m believe in a true verb, all © тaz and3 are blameless. nazhe2, be me nhne according to your u2, and3 born2 free, pl0 t me not borrowed, ћkw yes erect a chl, ћkw є3di1n s1len, let us make it

On the polyeleos, the glorification of a holiday or a saint is always sung, beginning with the words: "We magnify thee ...". Glorification of the Annunciation is special:

Ґ pkhagGlskii voice crying out ti chctz. radiusz њbradovannaz, where Dg c8 you.

The canon for the holiday was compiled in the 8th century. It was written by the famous Orthodox hymnographers John Damascene and Theophanes, Metropolitan of Nicea. The canon is built in the form of a dialogue between the Mother of God and the Archangel Gabriel. The canon speaks of the Divine condescension to people of the incarnating Savior and indicates the extraordinary greatness of the Most Holy Virgin, who took God into herself.


Library of the Russian Faith

The Apostle (Heb. II, 11-18) expresses the idea that for the salvation of people it was necessary for the Son of God to accept human flesh. The Gospel (Luke I, 24-38) contains a story about the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Troparion to the holiday. Church Slavonic text

I will save our beginnings, and 3 eve-nay taine kvlenie, sn7' b9ii, sn7' dv7yz happens, and 3 gavrii1l joy of blissfulness. dark i3 we2 c8 ni1m btsde vozopin1m, raduisz њbradovannaz rDg s8 to0yu.

Russian text

Today is the beginning of our salvation and the manifestation of the mystery that was from the ages: the Son of God becomes the Son of the Virgin and Gabriel proclaims the good news of grace. Therefore, we too will exclaim to the Mother of God: Rejoice, rejoiced, the Lord is with You.

Kontakion to the holiday. Church Slavonic text

In the chosen warrior, we will be victorious, ko and3zbavlšesz t ѕлhхъ, thankfully, we will write ti rabbies2 your 2 btsde. but ћkw and3mu1schi the power is not conquered, t all freedom for us2, but call you, radiaz unknown unknown.

Russian text

To You, the Supreme Warlord, having got rid of troubles, we, Your unworthy servants, Mother of God, sing a victory and thanksgiving song. But you, who have invincible power, free us from all troubles, so that we cry to You: Rejoice, Bride who has not entered into marriage.

Celebration of the Annunciation in Russia. Folk customs and traditions

In terms of the strength of popular veneration and the size of the celebration of Christian holidays in rural life since ancient times, the day of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos is in third place after the Nativity of Christ and Holy Easter. In the everyday life of working village life, this holiday was considered a day of complete rest. In many villages, whole families in the evening, at sunset, went to the mills and here settled themselves on the straw for a peaceful conversation about what the coming spring would be like, what the sowing would be, what the plowing would be, what the harvest would be. The Annunciation was considered a day of blessing for every good deed, especially for agricultural work. According to popular legend, on this day, as on Easter, the sun “plays” at dawn and sinners are not tortured in hell. Before the revolution, there was also a custom to release birds trapped in cages free on this day, as a symbol of the proclamation of freedom to all people.

On this day, the smallest physical work, even leaving or leaving on the road to earn money, was considered the greatest sin. Not idle fun with a seasoning of festive revelry, but concentrated, silent meditation befitting this holiday of perfect peace, freedom from business, based on the immutable belief and widespread conviction that “ on Annunciation day, the bird does not curl its nest, the maiden does not braid her braids". Not on a single day of the year there are so many signs and fortune-telling as on the day of the Annunciation: it was dependent on it the largest number those beliefs that have been reinforced on practical economic foundations.

Icons of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos

The most ancient images of the Annunciation are frescoes in the ancient Roman catacombs (II century) and images on early Christian sarcophagi. Already by the 5th century, icon painting canons developed from the early Christian ones, which remain almost unchanged in Byzantine and Russian icon painting.

The main principles of the iconography of the holiday are a two-figure composition representing the Archangel and the Mother of God.

The most common misconception is "Annunciation with Yarn". The Mother of God is shown sitting at the spinning, an Angel with a staff in his left hand blesses her with an impulsive gesture, communicating the message sent by the Lord. According to the Tradition, it fell to the Virgin Mary to spin the red curtain for the Jerusalem temple, the same one that was torn in two at the time of the death of Her Son.

In the icons "Annunciation with the Child in the Womb" ("Ustyug Annunciation"), an attempt is made to present the idea of ​​the Immaculate Conception.

Images of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos are found not only in icon painting and monumental painting, but also in miniatures of manuscripts, sculpture, and sewing.

Annunciation churches and monasteries in Russia

In the XI century, Yaroslav I, who fenced the city of Kiev with a stone wall with a golden gate entrance to it, built over them Annunciation Church and said through the mouth of the chronicler: “ Yes, these gates of good news come to me in this city with the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos and St. Archangel Gabriel - the joys of the evangelist". The same temple was built over the gates of the Novgorod Kremlin, and then it became a custom to erect the Annunciation churches over the gate in all large old monasteries.

In Russia, many churches and monasteries were built, named in the name of the Annunciation, in every Russian city. First of all, I remember the Cathedral of the Annunciation in the Moscow Kremlin. In 1397, Grand Duke Vasily I, the son of Dmitry Donskoy, built the first wooden cathedral. It was painted by Andrei Rublev, Theophan the Greek and the master Prokhor of their Gorodets. Later the cathedral was rebuilt, in 1475 it burned down, and on the basement the Pskov masters built a new white-stone cathedral (1484-89).

There was another Church of the Annunciation in the Kremlin. One of the Kremlin towers, now bearing the name of the Annunciation, served as a prison under Ivan the Terrible. The Mother of God appeared to one prisoner, an innocent prisoner, and told him to ask for royal favor. Then on outside wall the tower, facing the royal chambers, the image of the Annunciation appeared. Subsequently, a temple was added to the tower, destroyed in the 1930s.

One of the oldest churches of the Annunciation was located in Vitebsk (Belarus). According to legend, it was built by Princess Olga when the city was founded in 974. The church was rebuilt many times, and in 1961 it was demolished to make way for trams to turn around. Restored in 1993–98. in the guise of the XII century.

Many monasteries were dedicated to the Annunciation of the Virgin. Perhaps the most ancient are in Nizhny Novgorod (1221), Kirzhach of the Vladimir region (founded in 1358 Reverend Sergius Radonezhsky), Murom.

It should be said that there is even a city named after the holiday - Blagoveshchensk on Far East , on the border with China. It was founded in 1856 and was called the Ust-Zeya military post (at the confluence of the Zeya and Amur). The first temple, which was built there, was consecrated in the name of the Annunciation, from where the city got its name. Surprisingly, under Soviet rule, the city retained its "Orthodox" name!

Old Believer churches of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos

Old Believers continued the tradition of building the Annunciation churches. The church under construction of the Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church in and in (Romania) is dedicated to this holiday.

Communities of the Russian Ancient Orthodox Church in the Saratov region, the village (Kazakhstan) and the Nizhegorosk region also celebrate the patronal holiday today.

The churches of the Pomor communities of Arkhangelsk, (Estonia), (Latvia), (Latvia) and the chapel of the Riga Epiphany community (Latvia) are dedicated to the Annunciation.

Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary- the great twelveth holiday, celebrated, dedicated to the remembrance of the announcement by the Archangel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary of the upcoming birth of Jesus Christ by her. Total value the words "Annunciation" are good, joyful, good news.

This holiday gives us one more time to remember the announcement by the Archangel Gabriel Blessed mary about future worldwide joy. About it significant event it is told only in the Gospel of Luke: “In the sixth month the Angel Gabriel was sent from God to the city of Galilee, called Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a husband named Joseph from the house of David; the name of the Virgin: Mary. The Angel, having entered to Her, said: Rejoice, Blessed One! The Lord is with You; blessed you are between wives. She, seeing Him, was embarrassed by His words and wondered what kind of greeting it would be. And the angel said to her: Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found grace with God; and behold, you will conceive in your womb, and you will bear a Son, and you will call His name Jesus; He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High; and the Lord God will give him the throne of his father David; and he will reign over the house of Jacob for ever, and his kingdom will have no end. Mary said to the Angel: How will it be when I do not know my husband? The Angel answered Her: The Holy Spirit will come upon You, and the power of the Most High will overshadow You; therefore, the Holy One being born will be called the Son of God; behold, also Elisabeth, thy relative, who is called barren, and she conceived a son in her old age, and she is already six months old; for with God no word will remain powerless. Then Mary said: behold, the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word. And the Angel departed from Her ”(1, 26 - 38). When Joseph learned that Mary was expecting a child, he was embarrassed and wanted to let her go. But the Angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said: “Joseph, son of David! Do not be afraid to accept Mary, your wife, for what is born in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you will call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins ”(Luke 1). Joseph obeyed the Angel and, together with Mary, began to wait for the miraculous birth of the Son of God, the Savior of the world.

Annunciation is considered by the church to be the third most important holiday after Easter and Christmas. Church celebration of it has a different duration and depends on whether it falls before Lazarus Saturday or after. If it precedes it, the festive service in the church is held for three days, if it coincides, then within two, and if March 25 falls on Passionate or Easter week, it is celebrated one day. When Easter falls on this date, the Annunciation Liturgy is first served and only then the Easter Liturgy is celebrated. The day on which this coincidence occurs is called "kiriopasha", that is, "dominant", "real" Easter. On the holiday itself, the liturgy of St. John Chrysostom is celebrated in the church, which differs from other services of Great Lent in its special solemnity. The troparion of this canon church service represent the conversation of the Archangel Gabriel and the Virgin Mary, and in the course of it it is proclaimed: "This day of our salvation is the chief thing and a hedgehog from the light of the sacrament," because in the Annunciation and the conception of Christ, the church lays the foundation for the salvation of the human race.

The bright feast of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos is celebrated by the church, presumably from the 4th century. Perhaps it originally originated in Asia Minor or Constantinople, and then spread throughout the Christian world. Among the ancient Christians, this holiday had a different name: the Conception of Christ, the Annunciation of Christ, the Beginning of Redemption, the Annunciation of the Angel to Mary; and only in the 7th century it was given the name "ANNUNCIATION OF THE MOTHER OF GOD" in the East and West. Feast of the Annunciation in Orthodox world solemnly celebrated since the middle of the 7th century, and in Russia this holiday began to be celebrated only in the 10th century, that is, together with the adoption of Christianity. And it is believed that on this day, in addition to the great message of the Angel, Mary's conception of Jesus Christ took place.

V folk calendar The Annunciation was one of the most revered holidays. At the Annunciation of the Virgin, the people in Russia developed various customs, beliefs, traditions. Also, the people accepted the Annunciation as the beginning and holiday of spring, the beginning of a new agricultural year, they say that nature wakes up on the Annunciation. The people, who considered the Annunciation to be the beginning of spring, said: "The pike breaks the ice with its tail", "Spring overcame the winter." It is considered a great sin for the Annunciation to be engaged in any business, to work. The well-known proverb: "A bird does not build a nest at the Annunciation, and the maiden does not weave braids," was reinforced by a strict prohibition on braiding and combing hair, otherwise the chickens could spoil the crops by "combing" the beds. Even according to old observations in nature, any creature feels a great holiday and tries to do nothing.
With the Annunciation holiday, various signs and proverbs appeared among the people: "If on the day of the Annunciation there is wind, frost and fog - by a fruitful year", "On the Annunciation, rain - rye will be born", "On the Annunciation, frost - harvest on milk mushrooms", - to the harvest of nuts, to the warm summer "," What is the Annunciation you will spend, the same is the whole year "," A cuckoo without a nest for cursing him for the Annunciation. "

Today is an Orthodox church holiday:

Tomorrow is a holiday:

Holidays Expected:
15.03.2019 -
16.03.2019 -
17.03.2019 -

Orthodox holidays:
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Among the considerable number of church holidays, the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos is considered special. In terms of importance, it is second, perhaps, only to Christmas, which is celebrated by all Christians, regardless of denomination. Even before the day of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos, the schedule of services in churches is posted on the websites and entrance doors so that every believer can find time in his busy schedule to enjoy attending church. Moreover, it is impossible to miss a visit to the temple on this holiday. Such an act is considered an unforgivable mistake that will bring troubles and troubles into the house. The Annunciation has a number of rules and restrictions, but many believers are not familiar with them. Therefore, in preparation for the holiday, they admit annoying miscalculations, which in the old days in Russia even children could not make. We will tell readers in as much detail as possible about this joyful day for the heart of every Christian: when the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos is celebrated, where did the tradition of celebrating the holiday come from, what is the history of its origin and many other interesting things. But let's talk about everything in order.

Brief historical background

The Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos has a clearly defined celebration date. He and Christmas are nine months apart, despite the fact that the Annunciation took root in church traditions much later than Christmas. It is known that Catholics and Orthodox Christians use different kinds calendars. It is not surprising that the dates of the holidays are different for them. The Catholic Church in honor of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary begins services in the temple on the morning of March 25th. And at Orthodox holiday celebrated on April 7th.

Among the twelve main holidays of the Christian church, many believers consider this literally the beginning of the formation of religion. After all, its essence lies in the good news that Mary received from the angels. Some theologians in ancient times argued that it was during this conversation that the immaculate conception of a young girl took place. That's why long time the holiday bore a lot of names that characterize this particular side of it.

Interestingly, all events related to this topic were described by only one apostle. Luke, in his Gospel, spoke in great detail about what happened on that great day. To this day, all Christians refer precisely to this written source, telling the story of the Virgin Mary and the conception of Christ.

history of the holiday

The story about the feast of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos must begin with a brief description of the life of the Virgin Mary.

Not everyone knows that from birth the girl who became the Mother of God was promised to the temple. Serving the Lord was to become her life, for which the baby was being prepared. She spent her childhood in the Jerusalem temple and was brought up by its abbots. But by the age of fourteen, young Mary, according to Jewish laws, had to get married. This very much embarrassed the holy fathers, who prayed day and night for finding himself better solution to determine the fate of the girl. After vain prayers, illumination descended on one of the elders, and he began to search for a husband for Mary who could protect her throughout her life, but nevertheless not lay claim to her, as a husband does to his wife. The search was short-lived, and soon Mary became the wife of Joseph, who by the time of the wedding was already eighty years old. The named husband was known as a real righteous man and spent his entire life in work and prayer. Before meeting with Mary, Joseph was never married.

One day the archangel Gabriel appeared in front of the embarrassed girl. According to the Gospel of Luke, he announced to Mary the good news that she was chosen as a mother to the Son of God. However, it was important not only to tell the girl about what awaited her, but also to get her consent. Without him, the Lord would not have been able to fulfill his will.

Hearing such news, Mary doubted the possibilities of an immaculate conception. However, Gabriel shamed her by recalling how her relative conceived, carried and gave birth to a baby, who considered herself barren to old age. By this, the angel wanted to prove the limitless possibilities of the Lord and to calm Mary. Obedient and righteous, the girl agreed with God's will and conceived a child.

Interestingly, upon learning about his wife's pregnancy, Joseph thought about her infidelity. He decided that the girl had broken her vow of innocence, and invited her to leave him secretly, under cover of night. However, in a dream, an angel appeared to him, telling the whole truth about the conception of the Son of God, and ordered the man to protect his wife and take care of her.

The importance of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos lies in the fact that until that moment mankind had not received good news from the Lord. Adam and Eve were the last to hear the will of the Creator, but subsequent generations were deprived of this goodness.

Becoming a holiday

Christians began to celebrate the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos in churches in the fifth-sixth centuries, but even earlier there were references to this day in different sources.

Historians and archaeologists have found images of the events of the Annunciation in caves where the early Christians hid from their pursuers. Similar paintings were painted not only in individual caves, but also in the catacombs, in which the exiles were for weeks and months, conducting services and preaching. Such murals date back to the second or third centuries.

In the fourth century, Saint Helena made her invaluable contribution to the development of the holiday. She walked through the places of Christ's life and everywhere tried to leave a mark in the form of a basilica, temple, church or cathedral. She was also one of the first to speak about the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos as a significant event. The saint found the place where the apparition of the archangel to the Virgin took place, and erected a basilica there.

By the fifth century, icon painters began to devote this biblical story great attention. They began to depict the events of the Immaculate Conception of Jesus on icons and murals in temples. About a hundred years later, services for the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos were held in most churches. It is believed that St. Cyril of Jerusalem finally established its canons and traditions. Literally a century later, the holiday received the status of the main one in Byzantium and spread to the West.

By the way, the Mother of God was very revered in Russia. Therefore, the Annunciation was celebrated very solemnly and necessarily with the whole family. From this, according to our ancestors, the well-being of all its members and abundance in the house depended.

In the eighth century, festive canons were compiled, which are sung during the service in honor of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos in churches. Their authors are considered to be the Metropolitan of Nicea and two holy elders - Theophanes and John Damascene.

Let's talk about traditions

Each holiday has its own traditions, the more this statement is relevant when we are talking about church holidays. The rules for celebrating the Annunciation were formed in ancient times and today are strictly observed by all Christians.

The day before the holiday, women started baking prosvir. This word was used for unleavened bread in the form of small rolls. Its number has always been equal to the number of household members. On the morning of the feast of the prosvira, it was required to take it to the service and consecrate it. Only after this could the family members begin the festive meal, at which bread was eaten. This was done with great care so as not to drop a single crumb past the mouth. If this happened, then all the remnants of the bread was collected and given to the cattle. It was believed that this helps to maintain her health and fertility. However, it was necessary to eat the consecrated bread on an empty stomach. This was a prerequisite for a rich harvest and family well-being.

Since the Annunciation is a very important holiday, it is strictly forbidden to work on this day. Our ancestors would never have slaughtered livestock, sewed, cleaned the house, or engaged in any other business. However, it was also forbidden to start too noisy fun. People had to realize the sacredness of this day and be imbued with it.

I would like to note that in Russia this church holiday was considered at the same time the day when it was customary to call spring. It was believed that after the Annunciation, winter finally recedes and a new round of life begins in nature. In order to get rid of ailments, our ancestors made fires. Round dances were performed around them, songs and "barkers" sang. The most courageous even jumped over the fire, thereby clearing themselves of all diseases and impure thoughts.

A particularly beautiful tradition in the Annunciation was the release of birds. Before the holiday, feathered songwriters were caught in the streets and in the forests, and they were put in cages. After attending church services, young people gathered in the courtyards of temples and opened their cells. Birds soaring into the sky were a symbol of the good news, once brought to humanity.

On the Annunciation, cattle were often driven out into the streets. He had to go to the sound of beaters and bells. This, as our ancestors thought, protected the cattle from ailments and predators.

The tradition of the Annunciation does not limit the range of festive dishes. It all depends on what day it falls on given date... For example, this year it was Good Friday. Therefore, believers could not afford to eat even fish. Although usually, if the holiday coincides with fasting, the Orthodox have some indulgences. These include seafood.

Holiday symbols

Few Christians are aware that the Annunciation has its own symbolism. It is a kind of graphic story about the essence of the holiday. The first symbol is depicted as a ray of light. It represents an ephemeral road along which the Holy Spirit descended on the Virgin Mary. This is how the story of the good news in the Gospel began.

The second symbol is the spinning wheel. According to written sources, the Virgin Mary spent a lot of time with this instrument. Archangel Gabriel, descending from heaven, found her spinning and at that moment announced the mission that the girl would need to complete.

The third symbol is the palm branch. Since the earliest times, it has meant spiritual elevation. Some theologians interpreted the symbol as the unity of the subordination of thoughts and feelings to divine providence.

Features of the church service: day and evening on the eve of the holiday

In addition to the general traditions of celebrating the Annunciation, which we have already talked about, there are certain nuances of conducting church services. Believers usually find out about them already at the service, but they can let something out of their attention. We will tell our readers about all the features of celebrating the holiday according to church canons.

On the day before the holiday, believers attend Vespers. During it, the clergy read stichera and excerpts from Holy Scripture dedicated to the sufferings of Christ, the good news brought to the Virgin Mary by the archangel, prophecies about the Son of God, as well as texts about accepting torment for the salvation of human souls. At the final stage of the service, the troparion of the Annunciation and the canon "On the Crucifixion of the Lord and the Lamentation of the Most Holy Theotokos" are sung. After that, the service ends and the believers disperse for a while.

Matins takes place in the evening of the same day. It must be attended by all Orthodox Christians who wish to fully immerse themselves in the holiness of the moment. The service begins with chants, which turn into six psalms and troparia:

  • "Handsome Joseph";
  • “When thou art descended to death”;
  • "To the Myrrh-Bearing Wives."

Then the service continues with the reading of excerpts from the Gospel and the festive canons. It is impossible to imagine this service without the canons of the Annunciation and Great Saturday... They are considered special because they are read only by great holidays and have an unusual structure. The Canon of the Annunciation is written in the form of a conversation between the Virgin Mary and the archangel. But the second canon is actually philosophical reasoning on the topic of the processes occurring from the crucifixion to the resurrection of Christ.

Morning holiday service

From the very morning, the service is not much like a festive one. It is performed at regular hours, but after the end it immediately continues with the evening Liturgy. The priests sing the Sunday stichera and paremias. Usually, after that, a list of those who wish to be baptized on this holiday is announced.

Matins continues with the reading of the Gospel. Much attention is paid to texts about the deeds of Christ and his torment on the cross. The final stage of the service is the Liturgy of St. Basil the Great.

A few words about the meal and the vestments of priests

It is interesting that the services on the Annunciation presuppose a special vestment of the clergy. Usually the color of vestments on all holidays dedicated to Mother of God, is blue. However, in the Annunciation, it turns purple. By the way, this is the only day when the ministers of the church wear clothes of this color.

As for the meal, it is always accompanied by wine. Depending on the coincidence with other holidays, priests set a number of restrictions regarding the dishes on the table of believers. However, in any case, the Orthodox receive a blessing for red wine.

Temples in honor of the Virgin

In Russia, the Mother of God was especially venerated, and the number of churches in her honor is difficult to count. Many of them were forgotten and abandoned in Soviet times, but for last years they became operational again and fully recovered. We will tell the readers about some of them.

The Church of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos on Vasilievsky Island in St. Petersburg has a long history associated with the names of many famous figures of Russian science and culture.

The temple was founded in the middle of the eighteenth century and was built over a period of thirteen years. As a result, the believers were able to see the most beautiful seven-throne temple complex. It was consecrated even before the builders left the territory of the church. The lighting procedure was carried out by Tikhon Zadonsky himself.

In the thirty-sixth year of the last century, the temple was closed and resumed services only twenty-six years ago. Today it is open to everyone in need from nine in the morning until seven in the evening. On weekends, the church awaits believers until eight in the evening.

On the main church holidays, to which the Annunciation belongs, the Liturgy is held twice a day: at seven and ten in the morning. You can confess half an hour before the service.

Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Fedosyne

This temple is located in Moscow and was founded at the beginning of the fifteenth century. In the future, it was rebuilt more than once. The final version dates from the first half of the nineteenth century.

The village of Fedosyevo belonged to the Ascension Monastery, which supported its inhabitants in difficult times. The temple built within the monastery amazes with its beauty and austere forms. It was active until the thirties of the last century, when there was a campaign for the mass closure of churches. It is noteworthy that the villagers did not allow the church to be closed. They tried to defend their faith with a united front, but nevertheless, for many decades, the temple was used by the Soviet government for other purposes.

Today believers can find out a lot of interesting and important information on the website dedicated to the Church of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos. The schedule of services, for example, is updated here once a month. Usually, in the temple, the doors for believers are open until five o'clock in the evening. Services begin at half past eight in the morning.

Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Petrovsky Park

There are at least five temple complexes in honor of the Mother of God in Moscow. All of them, even in the most difficult times for Christianity, were not empty. Believers have always come here hoping to find consolation. And the Church of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos in Petrovsky Park was very important for the Orthodox of this area.

Princess Naryshkina became the initiator and sponsor of the construction of the church. At her request, the architect Richter created a unique project that should not contradict the ensemble of the Petrovsky Palace. And he managed to realize it.

The foundation stone of the temple was laid in the forty-fourth year of the nineteenth century. It was originally supposed to have four thrones. The first was consecrated three years after the start of construction.

The rector of the Church of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos in Petrovsky publishes the schedule of services on the website. The resource is maintained by him and some members of the flock. In the temple complex of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos in Petrovsky Park, the schedule of services of which all believers are interested, morning services usually begin at eight o'clock. Evening services are held from five o'clock. Orthodox Christians have the opportunity to confess almost every day. This is done before the morning Liturgy.