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When dig carrots: in the middle lane, in Siberia, in the Urals, in the suburbs. When to dig carrots over the lunar calendar. How to store carrots in winter. When to clean the beet and carrots from the bed. Folk calendar reads ...

The question is, more precisely, the whole two questions that are tormented by many dacnis - when to start the dining beds and when to start removing carrots from the bed? No one wants to hurry with this, but it's also no desire to be late.

The thing is that from the right and most appropriate terms of cleaning these, in fact, the simplest root crops, it depends a lot: and the taste of rootepodes, and their quality in the processing and consumption of fresh form and the content of vitamins. If it is too early to dig, they will not have time to accumulate in them, and of course, the duration of storage of roots will decrease. After all, I breathe or too early, or too late, you can get rotting root roots in the midst of winter, that is, tritely lose the crop.

Very much depends on the simple inscription on the packing with seeds. There, black in white is indicated how many days should pass from the appearance of the first germs to the dig of root. Of course, nature is invaded here: after all, summer can be hot and with moisture wealth, and then the timing on the packaging can quite exactly match. And maybe it is cool and deprived of additional moisture in the form of rain, and then the rootproofs mature later and, accordingly, digging them will need to be later.

Let's notice anything in everyone, and then, I'm just sure about that, to the completion of the material, you will already be exactly accurately to know when digging and carrots, and a dining room cooler.

When digging carrots and cooler?

Cultivation of carrots and swear passes approximately the same and here you will not do any special conclusions. But at the very end, the overwhelming majority of gardeners still converge to a common opinion - to dig carrots after the very first frosts, and the cooler - I will definitely exclude even the smallest, otherwise it will not lie definitely.

In general, in this Tolika truth, of course, is. As for carrots, it can transfer freezing, it is possible to dig it even after the first autumn snow, it will not freeze. However, so that the freezing of carrots does not happen certainly, you need to go for a small trick: you should be like a garden and threatening the carrot tops to the soil. This method is definitely impossible to be new, but it allows carrots to go through all stages of preparation for storage. It has long been noticed, and it has not been checked more than once that if you carry out carrots to frost, it will be stored by 30% less than when digging after.

As for the dining room, the way we have already mentioned, everything is unanimously convinced that the first frosts of the coarse are already at least the minimum should be pulled out of the soil. Although, on the other hand, if there is a normal autumn and dry weather without rain, then the dining room in the soil feels quite beautiful: in the soil it will continue much better than dug in advance in the cellar or basement. Yes, and the efforts of the winds further, at least 50% rises.

It is completely different when autumn is rainy. There is extremely high, the likelihood that root crops will gain such a number of moisture unnecessary to them, which will begin to deteriorate when stored. It is clear that if you tighten the cutlets into the wet season, it will be completely unsuitable for storage. Here, in part and the right of gardeners, who do not risk water-free and do not wait for the gram pair gain, and dig a coat, as soon as the threat of the first frost is coming, or when cold autumn rains begin to pour.

The deadline of the carrots and the swaps can be entirely dependent on the cultivation region. So, if you are a resident of the southern region, then the digging will be held later, the central - in the average time, and the North - in the earliest. It is necessary to focus on the forecasts of the cultivation of the coarse: so if meteorologists are foreshadowed by strong frosts, then what to wait? And about the timing of ripening variety also need to think.


The signal to the digging of carrots may be the yellowed of the lower and medium-sized leaves. You should not waste time in vain, you can simply remove the root corner from the ground and inspect it more closely. If it has the finest snow-white raw risers, then the rootpill is quite ready for cleaning. In the event that there were cracks on the root at the root, then you need to dig up the whole lot and as soon as possible - carrots begin to grow out. As for the deadlines, it is optimal - this is the second half of September, closer to October.

Deciding with deadlines, you can proceed to the carrot sway. To do this, it is better to choose a sunny day, naturally, a couple of days not to water, on the day of the soil digs should also be dry. It is easy to carry out carrots to the carrots: it is not only easier, but carrots can be applied minimal amount injuries. You can dig together: one comes to forks and slightly pulls out carrots to the surface, and the other for the tips has finally pulls it out of the ground. Further with your hands, not a knife or something else, you can try to consider dirt from carrots and put on the soil equal to the length of the roots or postpone the ones to those that will go for the next year for the production of seeds for storage for eating. After the drains, carefully inspect the roots: those that have signs of damage, you need to immediately put into recycling or to be energized in a fresh form, and flattened and fully developed to be stored or in a separate landing box (as seeds).

About the council to leave the carrots on the garden to dry straight with the Boton, I would argue. In my opinion, you need to immediately cut off most of the tops, leaving the maximum long as long as a couple of centimeters, and it is better to remove them at all, leaving the roots for a couple of hours to succeed (otherwise the tops will pull the moisture from the root). Next, send carrots in a dark place of hours for five or six, it will cool and finally prepare for storage.

After the drains, proceed to the description of the order of storage of carrots. Options here, in fact, mass. Naturally, the most optimal carrot storage room is a cellar either basement, the temperature is just about +4 degrees, and the humidity is 80%. On the balcony, let's say, in packages, a long period of carrots cannot be stored, she simply starts to rot there. And if the balcony is not glazed and do not heat, then she simply freezes and die.

An excellent option is a cellar, shelves are built in it, 2% copper vitriors are being processed, drawers are installed on them and the carrots are reinforced with dry and clean sawdust. Instead of sawdust you can use dry and also clean river sand, quite suitable option (Only the gaps of the boxes should then be minimal so that the sand does not wake up).

In the hotel cases, carrots roots are still stored in glazed balconies, but without heating. At first they dip in the mixture of clay, give her to dry, and such a carrot can calmly go all winter if it is not critical.

In the premises with a small humidity, simply speaking, the carrots can be stored in conventional packages, but ventilated, with the holes in them in advance, moving roots with sawdust.

In the basements, carrots are stored, pulling the plot under it, usually fenced fresh clean blacks. On the floor you also need to lay dry and fresh boards, and to place them, for example, a layer of 3-4 cm. The wormwood is greatly scareds mice, and they do not touch it all winter.

If there is no turn, then carrots can also be stored in the basement, but in fresh wooden boxes, cropped with sawdust and sheltered polyethylene filmIn order for it to do not evaporate excess moisture, because in the basement is usually warm.


It is desirable to dig it up to a decrease in temperature to negative values \u200b\u200band until the season of heavy precipitation. As for the calendar period, it is usually falling in mid-September and lasts until mid-October. Digging the dining room is needed in a calm sunny day, when the soil is dry and deprived of excess moisture.

In no case do not dig a swamp earlier specified period. The whole thing is that around the end of August and at the beginning of September, the maximum amount of sugar and other essential useful elements accumulates in the pulp.

The signal to the spray swallow is usually small tubercles, if you look at, they are clearly visible. The tubercles are on the surface of the roots of the root plates (this is a sign that it's time to dig up).

In addition, of course, you need to follow the weather forecast, pay attention to the sheet plates: on them, like on root plans, alkalis appear - this is explicit sign The fact that the coarse ripened. One of the vegetable should also be added and consider it from all sides, it is also easy to understand, cooler ripened or not.

The optimal period (we briefly pointed to it above) - the autumn day with the plus temperature and dry soil - here is the weather, designed specifically for the swaths.

Digging the dining room, in my opinion, more convenient for pods: so less damage to roots. Unrepired after the digging, remove the tops from the root from the root, so that it does not shove, leaving only the pasteen in a centimeter long (do not break down with your hands, so you can damage the root roof), then decompose the root roots in the sun for drying for a few hours.

Important! Korneflodes of dining beds, which are subject to storage, was impossible to wash in no case. Instead, carefully examine each, as in the case of carrots, and leave only those roots that have no damage and at least look completely healthy.

So, the dining room, which you sorted and cleaned the soil gently, glove, not a scraper, spread in any dry room where there is good ventilation and no direct sun raythat would fall on the bed. In such a room, the coarse should be left for days 6-7, so the roots are completely dried and will be ready for storage. After that, the roots can be safely transferred to any storage for wintering.

It is also possible to store the coat, like carrots, in the basement or cellar, ideally, the temperature should be from 0 to +2 degrees of heat and humidity at 90%. If it is warmer, the rootes can begin to be launched quite quickly, the roting and other diseases will develop, in general, the harvest can be lost. Particularly sensitive dining room cooler to high temperature at the very beginning of storage, then even with +4 degrees of heat, it will begin to grow tops and approximately the month should be kept at a temperature of about one degree above zero and no more.

Be sure to pay attention and circulation of air in the repository, it applies to the storage of carrots, and storing the coarse. Ideally, the ventilation should be natural, and the crust where the swallows are stored, should be raised above the floor at least 5-10 cm so that the air goes out and there. Such a simple reception will allow constantly cooling root roots, will not let them come off and will not contribute to the formation of rotors and other troubles.

Carrot is rightly considered one of the most good vegetables. It is simply a huge amount of vitamins. Grow carrots easy.

Any gardener or dacket, even the most novice, will easily rub with the task. But when to remove carrots from the bed to provide her long successful storage? This is the question with this and will deal with this article.

Why root roots do not worry winter

Many hostesses, as well as the hosts faced with the fact that the root roots are not worried about winter. But it happens that half the harvest is not able to even reach frost. What is the matter? There may be several reasons here. First - different times of ripening different varieties. Secondly - ignorance when you need to remove carrots from the bed. Thirdly, the technological side of the root crust can be broken by itself. Finally, the last, the fourth reason is unsuitable weather conditions.

When to clean the beet and carrot with beds

At least carrots, as well as beets are considered roof-resistant roots, still collect them better before regular frosts come. It is impossible to allow the plants to be covered with snow still on the beds.

And do not see that the tops are still green and beautiful. So when to clean the beet and carrots from the bed? Best time For this - the end of September or October month. Usually cleaning starts right away, as the potatoes are removed. But too early to dig root roots too. After all, you deprive them in this way large number Useful substances.

Early harvesting time

That carrot, whose varieties ripen very early, is not suitable for long-term storage. It is planted, as a rule, in order to obtain beam carrots. A young sweet root is ready to eat in the middle of summer and is used for salads or baby food.

If you do not know when you need to remove carrots from the bed, you can skip this moment, and then it cracks right in the ground and lose its juiciness. If you have noticed that the diameter of carrots reached a centimeter, it means it's time to start digging it. This is the most delicious and useful carrot for consumption in raw form. Do not forget to burst after digging individual carrots formed pits. This will help prevent the lesion of the remaining root carrot flies.

When to remove carrots from bed breeding, if the maturation time is average

Growing on its plot of varieties having the average maturation time, it is necessary to remember that it is necessary to raise such vegetables from eighty to one hundred and ten days. Watch your site. If you notice that the bottom leaves are yellow, then it has come when you can remove carrots from bed. If you do not remove the roots on time, then their flesh will acquire looseness, and taste qualities will be much worse.

The view is that all the leaves should get yellow and fade, extremely mistaken. It rather says that the plant hurts than about his maturity.

When to remove carrots if it is late

Talk about late varieties. Their ripening lasts more than one hundred and ten days. These varieties are called autumn and gather in the first half of September. Exactly at autumn period There is a carrot accumulation in large quantities Vitamins I. nutrients.

The most important thing is that the day to which is not rainy. Before Morozov, contrary to emerging opinion, no root root in the ground is not worth it. If you do this, it is very often defeated by their gray rot. In this case, the entire harvest may be lost during the storage. But early digging root roots is not recommended. The large temperature difference will not bring anything good. If the harvest is already assembled, and the air temperature is still above twenty degrees, then you should not put it immediately into the cellar, where, of course, the temperature is much lower. So all the same when you remove carrots from the bed? Based on all the above described in this section, it can be concluded that as soon as the air temperature becomes lower (about four degrees of heat), but the weather will still remain good, you can safely be taken for digging carrots.

How to collect harvest

Disassembled when removing carrots from beds, it is important not to miss the moment that right harvest Increases chances to get a quality result in the storage process. Carrot before cleaning should be prepared. Somewhere a month before the designated time, watering is stopped. This will save the future harvest from cracking.

Collect carrots in a warm and clear day. Before the night frosts begin. The fournal carrot will not be stored.

Little to know when to clean the carrot for the winter from the bed. You need to still understand how to do it. Dig roots is best using forks. So less chances for damage. Carrots dug up and get out of the soil, holding for the tops. We clean it from the ground with your hands, but in no case with a scraper. Try not to damage the roots, because they are unlikely to continue for a long time. Also avoid shocks and fesoms during the transportation of roots.

As soon as the carrot is dug, it is necessary to remove the tops, and, as quickly as possible. If this is not done, then moisture through the leaves will evaporate so much that it will lead to fetus fading. After all the tops are removed, the carrots are folded under the canopy, leaving it a little to ventilate.

Methods of removal of tops

You can remove the top of the carrots different ways. One option is to unscrew and breaking it with your hands. You can also cut off the leaves, but it is impossible to touch the root roof. One of the options cut off the tops is the one at which a small tail remains on carrots, which in size should not exceed one and a half centimeters.

And you can also cut the top of the carrot to the depth of no more than two millimeters. In this case, during storage, the tops will not be able to germinate and the root plant will not lose its nutritional properties, but this work is very jewelry. If you do it not as you need, then you risk losing the entire harvest due to rot.

Storage of carrots

IN previous sections We found out how and when to remove carrots from bed beds. Now we will understand how this storage is carried out.

After the carrots dried slightly, smooth the remaining land from it. For storage, use drawers with a small depth. The roots are laid in them with rows and slightly pecks sand, which should be a little wet. For these purposes, you can still use peat. Some gardeners store carrots in plastic bags, making the holes for ventilation in them. Of course, the basement in which you plan to keep your vegetables should also be well ventilated.

Another interesting way The storage of carrots is to fool it into a clay tank. Each root plant before shipping to the basement is cooled into clay and dried on the grid. Thus, protection of mice and other pests is protected and juicy and crispy carrots are preserved. Sometimes glued garlic is added to the clay mixture, which scares various pests from the crop.

If you want to save a small carrot until spring, then prepare a hole with a depth of about thirty centimeters and pour it off the bottom of the sand. Rows laid carrots there, speaking it with sand. When all the carrots are laid, pour the pit and cover it with leaves, spruce branches and slate. In winter, he grind a lot of snow over her. Thus, excavating this pit in the spring, you will get root of such freshness, as if you just dug them.

Saving carrots in the refrigerator, wrap each piece of paper. So she will be able to remain juicy and tasty longer.

If you store carrots for you, do not forget that it can be sued or freeze. In this case, problems with rot, you definitely will not arise.

The sections of this article considered when to remove carrots from the bed, how to do it right and how you can save your harvest until spring. Observing all the uncomplicated rules, you can pamper yourself with fresh carrots for the entire period of cold weather and even longer, almost to the new crop.

Carrots and coats are grown everywhere. They are well stored in the cellar, but only if removed in a timely manner. Unloaded, as well as rooted root storage for serious frosts, are not subject to long-term storage.

When carrots and coat digger

Determine the exact deadlines for harvesting roots are not easy. It is at least this is associated with a variety variety or swarms ( early varieties dig and use in the summer). Basically, the term depends on the climate of the region and the current weather: the root roots are definitely not worth digging the root rain. In any case, the cleaning of carrots and coarse falls on September or October.

General principles in harvesting root

The bed is cleaned by several before carrot: Even with a weak reproduction, its drainage is significantly reduced, carrots are more cold-resistant. Moreover, hitting a couple of lung morning frosts (no more than before -3 about C), it becomes only sweeter. Therefore, with harvesting, you are not hurry, unless you assume protracted autumn rains. In the risky soil, rooted roots are often cracking, and then the growth of tops continues.

And the coarse, and carrots for 2-3 weeks before the digging at all cease to water.

In addition to the weather, it follows to exterior signs Harvesting. If the magnitude of the root plant (and its part must stick out of the ground) exceeds the reasonable dimensions characteristic of the variety, it is better not to delay with cleaning. Too big coarse becomes coarse, and the central part of the carrot becomes inedible.

In the oversized bed, there are often internal cavities, because of which it becomes tasteless and poorly stored

If gigantic vegetables have become so clearly ahead of time, it is better to dig them and put on the workpiece: most likely they will not be stored for a long time.

But also inexpensive copies are poorly stored, they are less tasty: the main share of sugars and in the coarse, and in carrots is formed in last weeks Life in bed. That is why in dry weather, rootepods try to hold in the garden longer.

One of the signs of readiness of the winds to cleaning is the appearance of small tubercles on the part of the root plant, which protrudes from the ground. For carrots, the readiness signal is the yellowing of the lower leaves. If you pull out a pair of copies, you can see that the smallest threadless roots begin to form during this period. Next to keep carrots in the ground should not.

As carrots are readily ready, yellow and fading leaves appear

Cleaning terms by region

If not talking about selective cleaning, which continues the whole summer as needed, the carrot squeezing and windows for winter storage are performed during the following time.


Even in the north before mid-September, carrots do not remove:

  • in the Leningrad, Murmansk, Vologda regions, the time of cleaning of carrots occurs at the end of the 2nd decade of September;
  • in the Urals and in Siberia, carrots are digging in the middle or late September;
  • in middle lane, in particular, in the suburbs you can hold the carrots in bed to the last numbers of September or the very beginning of October;
  • in the south (Kuban, Stavropol, etc.), autumn is usually warm, and earlier than October, the main harvest of carrots do not dig.


Cleaning the swables spend about 2 weeks earlier than carrots are digging:

  • in the northern regions, in the Urals and Siberia, they begin to do this at the very end of August, trying to complete the work no later than the beginning of the 2nd decade of September;
  • in the middle lane, the cleaning of the coarse falls on the 2nd half of September;
  • in the south, weather conditions do not limit the gardener in the time of cleaning the swirls: it can be done even in October, but should not be crushed to grow root.

The optimal time of cleaning the coarse and carrots will come when the roots are completely ripe, give them to stay on the bed more not worth it. When choosing a term, it is necessary to focus on the weather, so as not to freeze the harvest and leave it under prolonged heavy rains.

Grow a lot of carrots, so that the winter is enough, not a problem. That's when this carrot needs to be removed, just at this time and problems arise. Relieving the problem is one - when to remove carrots from bed beds, so that it is already mature, but not yet translated in the ground. On the one hand, in order to decide on time when the harvest can already be collected, there is nothing difficult, on bags with seeds there are always the timing of aging vegetable. But on the other hand, these deadlines may be irrelevant if force majeure arises in the form of bad weather. When to start digging root roots?

General Carrot Cleaning Rules

Know when digging carrots is good. But first you need to clarify one important detail. Before determining the time of work on the regions, which means for months and days, it is advisable to know general provisions in time and method of cleaning. How, when and what sign of maturity dig roots?

First. If without concrete days, the rapid carrots dig up approximately in June-July. Moreover, since the early vegetable is only on food, everyone is not collected immediately, the whole process lasts for a while. Some carrot grabbed, snatched, left to grow fine. Still grown, again in the basket and so on. The crop of the middle-timed varieties is made to collect all and immediately in August - September, late in September - October. Exact time Depends on the region and weather.

Second. If we talk about exact time, then resolve the question when digging carrots this year will help the lunar calendar. And he "says" what better days For cleaning work, for example, in 2017 it is periods of 2-3, and then on September 21-30.

Third. One more like accurate way Definitions of culture maturity - information on bags with seeds. In science, that is, the breeders say so, for full aging of carrots, you need from 80 to 110 days. Less days For impervious, more for medium and late. But again, it is ideally and force majeure in the form of bad weather is not taken into account.

Fourth. So she is folk wisdom or as they say - trick. If this wisdom follow, all previous ways to determine the maturity of the vegetable attention can be not paid. First, carrots, and beets, too, dig up as soon as the lower leaves will yellow. Secondly, the signal to the beginning of cleaning can be considered the appearance of small process-roots on the root.

Fifth. There is an opinion that carrots of small frosts are not afraid and can be digging after the arrival of the first frosts. It is so, but there is a nuance. When the root root is completely in the ground, which happens always, he is really not afraid of freezing. But if the carrot is at least a little of the ground looks out, a long-rise to store will not work.

it general rulesYou need to know when solving the question when you remove carrots from bed beds, so that you do not have to eat or "greens" before spring, or the "Persis". Further in separate regions.

When to remove carrots in the suburbs

The conversation will go about the suburbs, which means about the entire middle lane in general. Besides listed ways to determine optimal period Vegetable cleaning, for the middle strip there are their additions. If at the end of August and at the very beginning of September the rains are small and the earth is dry, harvesting is recommended at the very beginning of autumn. In the dry ground, the carrot will be dry. In crude land roots can be held before October, if, of course, folk signs Do not suggest what to keep the vegetable in the ground is meaningless.

In 2017, autumn in the suburbs did not rejoice in the near Moscow and in most areas the land if not dry, then with a small amount of moisture. Therefore, even if the carrots, beets, including, not 100% ripe, it is better to dig. But here everyone decides himself. And the last "amendment". In a temperate climate, carrots, or rather her seeds, sit in autumn, and in the spring. In the case of a centenary sowing, the aging of the root of the root crops, which means that the harvest is a bit shifted slightly. That is, if, according to the rules, the "spring" carrot needs to be removed, for example, on September 15, then the "autumn" week 2 earlier.

When to remove carrots in the Urals and in Siberia

In the regions for the "border" of the middle strip, the question of when digging carrots is becoming easier. Autumn sowing seeds in Siberia and in the Urals do not practice. Regarding the weather, more attention is paid to the approaching winter, and not to rain at the end of the season. Therefore, cleaning time in difficult climates is limited to September.

In 2017, the early arrival of winter is predicted, and therefore carrots, and beets recommended to dig up early. At the same time, if the carrot is completely in the ground and has not yet risen, you can wait until the air temperature drops almost to zero. And yet, planting a zoned variety in the regions with a short summer, for the future harvest to worry if they have, then not very.

In conclusion, the taste quality of the vegetable from the harvest time dependes. When making a solution when digging carrots, it is important to understand that in time did not dug rooted roots become bitter and almost inedible. This in turn means that the crop is lost, and all the work was carried out under the promotion of charity.

Together with this article usually read:

Carrots and in the garden, and in places of storage are subject to many diseases. On the one hand, it is sad. But on the other hand, if at least a little oriented in carrot diseases, know how to deal with them, it turns out that there is no point being upset about viruses and fungi.

The destruction of the garden pests of carrots is a matter of paramount importance. And this is right, why allow some harmful liveliction to eat with such a work grown carrot. But the fight against caterpillars, bugs and worms will be effective, if you know exactly how it is done.

Dream of a thick carrot that would please good harvest? Then, for a start, you should decide on the most suitable terms For the sowing of this vegetable, which depends on how soon and for which you intend to collect young roots.

Carrot is the most favorite your vegetable? Then at the cottage there is exactly a place for several beds of this bright and useful plant! You also have only to familiarize yourself with the secrets of growing this culture, which will help grow simply unprecedented harvest.