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What day is it better to plant geraniums. How to plant geraniums in a pot and outdoors. Reproduction of perennial street geranium

If you know how to plant geraniums with a shoot, then you can easily breed the most exquisite varieties and hybrids that are not grown from seeds. Rooting geraniums is not difficult, you just need to know how to properly graft and root.

Pelargonium can be grown at home for up to 10 years, but most often its trunk is bare, the leaves grow only on the tops of the branches. This is why growers prefer to rejuvenate plants after a few years. With shoots and cuttings, you can grow from 5 to 10 new plants from one mother plant, knowing how to cut and how to root them.

Can you do this all year round? Yes, but the percentage of rooted cuttings is much higher in spring and summer. If the mother plant is in a dormant state, then rooting will occur very slowly, the geranium process may rot. The process occurs much faster at the beginning of the growing season, that is, the best time is from March to May and from July to early September, when the geranium is already t.

The apical shoot can most easily give roots. You need to cut off a twig with 4-5 leaves using a sharp disinfected tool. Each stalk 5-7 cm long must necessarily have several leaves or internodes. Before planting, the lower leaves must be removed, the formed buds must also be removed.

The cuttings are left to lie in the open air for several hours, so that a thin film forms on the cut. Then the cut with the film is treated with charcoal or any rooting agent ("Kornevin", for example).

Rooting of the appendix

Roots can form in water or soil, the choice of method depends on the type of plant, the season and the wishes of the grower. If we let the scion sit too long in the water, it can rot. For example, royal geraniums form roots in 35-40 days, which means that this method does not suit them.

In water

The cuttings are placed with a dried cut in water (at the level of 4 cm). It is better to take an opaque container, disinfect it before use. The water should be soft, clean, settled, at room temperature (+ 22 ... + 24 ° C), it should be changed after 1–2 days. Some growers argue that it is impossible to change the water when rooting cuttings - they say, it is better to just top up. To reduce the risk of stem rotting, crushed activated carbon can be added.

The dishes with the appendix are placed in a lighted place, avoiding direct sunlight. Daylight hours should last at least 16 hours, and at night the temperature should not drop sharply. With this method, it is convenient to observe the growing roots, it is easy to determine the moment of planting in the ground.

In the ground

The fact that plants have given roots is signaled by the appearance of new leaves. This can happen in a week or even 3 weeks. From that moment on, they can be transplanted to a permanent place of growth.

Further care

Knowing how to plant geraniums without roots, flower growers often propagate varietal plants purchased at a high price. Plants rooted in water or soil are planted in pots or boxes with an obligatory drainage layer and nutritious loose soil. Caring for them includes creating a comfortable environment with the necessary amount of light, suitable air temperature, with sufficient watering and regular feeding.

So, at home, young plants are most often placed on window sills. They can also decorate balconies, galleries, and planted in a flower bed in summer. The main thing is to provide the plants with at least 16 hours of daylight, to protect them from direct sunlight, even when planted outside.

Geranium does not like moisture getting on the leaves, it must be protected from this by spraying neighboring plants, and it must be watered so that the stream of water is directed to the walls of the pot. Young, newly rooted plants are often watered with the bottom method - placing them in a tray of water for 0.5 hours.

It is important to monitor the looseness of the soil, because the roots of pelargonium like to receive fresh air all the time. Top dressing is carried out with special complexes of mineral fertilizers (for example, "Pelargovit") no more often than after 2-3 weeks, simultaneously with watering.

In order for the plants to form lush bushes, they must be carefully pinched with clean hands or disinfected scissors, treating the cut points with activated carbon.

Video "Reproduction of pelargonium by cuttings"

From this video you will learn how to propagate pelargonium by cuttings on your own.

Due to the ability of geraniums to survive and continue to grow even in unfavorable conditions for this, it can be propagated without using roots. But in general There are three ways to propagate this culture:

  • seeds;
  • dividing the roots;
  • by cuttings.

The first method takes too much time and patience, because in order to germinate seeds, you need to provide strictly defined conditions, the second is rather risky, since delicate roots in the process of dividing them are very easy to damage, but the third, by cuttings, is preferred by most people involved in the cultivation and breeding of geraniums.

The main advantage of this method is the ability to propagate the plant without touching its roots, which guarantees the complete safety of the mother plant.

Propagation by cuttings almost 100% gives a positive result in a relatively short period of time.

What is a stalk, how to choose and prepare it correctly?

A shoot, or stalk, is a cut off part of a plant with one or more nodes. This cut off part is just the same used for vegetative propagation (cuttings). In order to get a new geranium, completely identical to the previous one, you first need to choose this stalk.

When should you take a stalk from a mother flower in order to plant and grow a young plant? The mother plant should be well developed and completely healthy, ideally 2 to 3 years old. It is necessary to select the apical cuttings of the mother geranium. In length, this process should be 7 - 8 cm, have one or more nodes (buds, growth points) and 3 - 5 leaflets. If leaves remain at the base of the cutting, they must be carefully removed.

If the branches of the appendix are the same length as itself, then it is imperative to cut them off, and then you can use them as independent cuttings. And the finished shoots are left in the air so that the cut sites dry out. If after a few hours they are tightened with a thin film, it means that everything went well and the cuttings are ready for the next stage.

How to carry out the procedure?

The cut off shoots do not yet have roots, which are necessary for the development of a full-fledged geranium, therefore, after their preparation, the cuttings must be rooted. This can be done in water or directly in the finished substrate.

Rooting cuttings in water

How to propagate a plant by placing the cuttings in water? The main advantage of this method is the ability to observe the process from start to finish and not miss the moment when the shoot will have roots and it can already be put into the substrate.

Rooting in water also has its own significant disadvantage: sometimes rotting of the cutting can occur even before it takes root, and in order to prevent this, flower growers strongly recommend adding crushed activated carbon to it every time you change water for disinfection.

Using this method, you can get beautiful and healthy geraniums.

Rooting in the ground

Is it possible to plant a stalk without roots directly into the ground? Thanks to rooting in the ground, you can not be afraid of rotting of the processes, as this happens extremely rarely, but you will not be able to see when the roots appear, which sometimes spoils the planting material by the fact that it is transplanted ahead of time. How to plant correctly can be read in the instructions:

Pot transfer: when and how?

Rooting of a cuttings of geraniums in water on average takes no more than a week, therefore, after 7 days, as soon as the roots appear, it is necessary that it begins to grow fully.

A stalk that is placed in the ground gives roots only after a month, but unlike the method with water, root decay will not occur, so the probability of getting a new plant is very high.

  1. Remove the rooted stalk from water or soil.
  2. Prepare the substrate: 2 part of sod land, 1 - sand, 1 - humus, 1 - leaf.
  3. Choose a container of the right size: shallow and rather wide, because geraniums have a shallow root system.
  4. Place good drainage on the bottom of the pot.
  5. Place soil in a container and moisten it.
  6. Plant the sprout in the substrate and compact the soil around it a little.
  7. Place the plant pot on a well-lit windowsill.

The stalk rooted in water is transplanted in a week, and the one in the ground in a month.

The timing given above is approximate, therefore, first of all, you need to look at how the process develops.

When can a flower be propagated in this way?

It is possible to propagate geranium by cuttings at least all year round, but flower growers are of the opinion that it is better not to touch the plant during the dormant period (mid-autumn - late winter), because at this time it is very vulnerable, and therefore the mother geranium may die. Therefore, the most optimal period is spring, when the growing season of geranium begins and it is still full of the previously accumulated strength.

Reproduction of a plant such as geranium is a fairly simple process that anyone who takes it up can do it. And correct and timely care for a rooted plant will help it delight the eye with its attractive and aesthetic appearance.

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Pelargonium (which is commonly called geranium) is one of the most unpretentious and common plants for growing at home, on the balcony and in the garden. In recent years, its popularity has been growing due to active selection. New varieties of this plant are constantly appearing in different sizes, with different leaf shapes and an incredible variety of flower colors. Geranium is easily propagated by seeds and cuttings, but this process has its own subtleties.

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    Geranium planting methods

    Pelargonium reproduces in the following ways:

    • dividing the bush;
    • seeds;
    • by cuttings.

    The first method is rarely used, mainly for transplanting crowded plants growing in one pot. Adult geraniums are recommended to be periodically renewed so that they do not lose their decorative effect. So dividing a bush is more of a hassle and makes less sense than cutting and rooting cuttings.

    The advantage of seed propagation is that the plant is stronger and more viable. However, the cultivation process takes longer, and besides, not all geranium varieties are suitable for collecting and growing seeds. All varieties of pelargonium are well cuttings, so this method is optimal for reproduction.

    Growing pelargonium from seeds

    The largest assortment of geranium seeds can be found in gardening stores or ordered online. But not all varieties give seeds suitable for growing. This is due to the peculiarities of selection. Pelargonium hybrids are obtained by cross-pollination, as a result, the new plant acquires interesting features: the shape and color of the leaves, various colors of flowers. But these signs are not passed on to subsequent generations, a different plant grows from the seeds from which it was collected. These types include royal, tulip, rosaceous geraniums, angels, all varieties with double flowers.

    On the open sale there are seeds of pelargonium zonal and ampelous (ivy). The latter has long hanging stems and can be grown in hanging containers or in boxes on the balcony. The packages of industrial production contain short instructions for planting and care, but this information is not always enough for a successful cultivation - it is too short and generalized.

    Geranium seeds are rather large, 3-4 mm long, covered with a hard shell.

    If the flower grows at home, you can sow seeds at any time of the year. But the best time to land - early spring, then by summer the geranium will have time to grow and gain strength for flowering. Pelargonium is one of those plants that grow quickly and bloom profusely in the warm season, and need a dormant period in winter. Violation of this rhythm will not kill the plant, but it will grow and bloom worse. Pelargoniums, which will be planted in the garden or on the balcony, are sown from January to early March.

    Seed planting rules

    Geranium seeds are distinguished by high germination capacity (up to 90%), they germinate without additional preparation. But for a guarantee, they can be pre-processed.

    Preparation consists in scarification, disinfection and soaking in a stimulator. Scarification - damage to the outer hard shell of the seed. It is filed with a nail file, sandpaper, or cut. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the cotyledons. The meaning of this action is that moisture and air will penetrate inside faster, this shortens the germination time. And the seedling unfolds more easily, without spending energy on the destruction of the hard shell. So that the planted seeds do not rot in the soil, they are treated with a fungicide, for example, a weak solution of potassium permanganate or Fitosporin-M. The seeds are soaked in a stimulant solution (in Epin, Energene or Zircon) for a day in order to accelerate germination and nourish the seeds.

    There are three ways to germinate pelargonium seeds:

    1. 1. On a damp cloth or cotton pad. In this case, you must ensure that they do not dry out - the lack of moisture can kill the swollen embryo. Therefore, the container is covered from above with a film or a lid and periodically ventilated. After the seeds hatch, they are planted in a container with soil, lightly sprinkled with earth.
    2. 2. In peat tablets. They are selected medium in size, pre-soaked in warm water and sealed with seeds, one in each. Then the tablets are placed in a common container, covered with a film on top and waited for shoots. This method is convenient because the pill can be transplanted into the pot together with the seedling, the risk of root damage will be minimal.
    3. 3. In the ground. Most ready-made potting soil is suitable for geraniums. The mixture can be prepared independently; for this, garden soil, peat and sand are mixed in equal proportions, drainage is added. The main rule is that the earth should be loose, it is easy to let water and air pass through. Seeds are buried to a depth of 1 cm or sprinkled with a thin layer of earth. The soil should be slightly damp. The container is covered with a film, a lid, or placed in a special greenhouse. It is periodically ventilated to avoid decay, and the soil is sprayed.

    One way to germinate geranium seeds is with a damp cloth.

    Seedling care

    During seed germination, light does not play a big role, it is important that they receive enough moisture and maintain a temperature of + 21-23 ° C. The first shoots appear in the interval from several days to 3 weeks. This will depend on the variety of geraniums and external conditions. Once this has happened, the film is removed, the temperature is lowered to room temperature, and the container is placed in the light.

    Lighting is important for seedlings, the duration of daylight hours should be about 12 hours. If it is not enough, the sprouts stretch out, turn pale and may even die. To prevent this from happening, additional lighting is done, for this they use a fluorescent lamp or a special phytolamp for seedlings. It is important to protect the seedlings from direct sunlight - they can leave burns on delicate leaves, in a small container in the sun, the soil dries out too quickly, and this can destroy the sprouts.

    Seedlings are regularly watered with warm water, preventing both the complete drying out of the earthen coma and stagnation of water in the soil. In conditions of high humidity, the roots begin to rot, and it is very difficult to save a flooded plant. The seedlings are fed with an interval of 1-2 weeks with a universal fertilizer or a special composition for seedlings. The mixture must contain a large amount of nitrogen.

    After the appearance of 2-3 true leaves, the plants are seated in separate containers. They should not be too large, for the first time a pot with a diameter of 5 cm is enough. It is better to periodically transfer the growing flower into a large container. If the geranium is immediately planted in a spacious pot, the plant will spend more energy on the development of the root system, and the growth of the aerial part will slow down, and the flowers will appear later.

    As soon as the seedlings grow up to 8-10 cm, 5-6 leaves will appear, pinch the top. After that, the plant will start to sprout new branches. If this is not done, the trunk will grow in height, the lower leaves will eventually fall off and bare it. Pelargoniums rarely branch on their own.

    A seed-planted geranium will develop into an adult plant 7–8 weeks after germination. Under favorable conditions, after another 2 weeks, it begins to bloom.

    How to grow geranium from a scion?

    To grow geraniums from a shoot, geranium cuttings can be cut from a home plant, purchased from hands or at a specialized exhibition. The exchange of cuttings or the search for collectors on the Internet is gaining great popularity among florists.

    You can cut and root the stalk in any geranium variety, and hybrid varieties are propagated only in this way. However, the rooting time will vary. The outgrowth of zonal pelargonium will take root the fastest - in 2 weeks. Royal varieties will give roots in a month. And for fragrant geraniums, this process will take up to 1.5 months.

    Cuttings of geraniums are used not only for reproduction. From time to time, the plant is recommended to be rejuvenated. Several cuttings are cut from it and planted in one or more containers, and the old bush is thrown away. Young geraniums are more decorative, they bloom more abundantly and retain all the characteristics of the plant from which they were cut. The plant is completely replaced usually after 3-4 years.

    Harvesting cuttings

    The younger the mother plant, the better the chances of rooting its cuttings. Plants over 7 years old may not produce viable shoots at all.

    Cuttings can be harvested at any time of the year. Shoots planted in spring, when daylight hours increase, are most likely to take root. During this period, the plants wake up from winter dormancy, they are ready for growth, and active sap flow begins in the tissues. A stalk cut in winter or late fall will take longer to root, and there will be less chance of success.

    The stalk is cut with a sharp disinfected knife at right angles to the trunk, 1 cm below the node. The shoot should be 5-7 cm long, with 2-3 leaves. If the branch you like already has flowers or buds, they need to be cut, otherwise the plant will spend energy on flowering, and not on the formation of roots.

    The resulting shoot is dried before planting for several hours at room temperature in the shade, the cut should be covered with a film. If it is immediately planted in the ground or lowered into water, infection can get on its unprotected surface and there will be a risk of decay. Leaves that are too close to the cut are removed.


    Geranium cuttings are often rooted not in water, but immediately in the ground. The fact is that its trunk tends to accumulate water, and this often leads to rotting. However, in water, the shoot will grow roots faster, and the process itself can be observed.

    When rooting geraniums in water, it is important not to lower the cutting too deep: 1–2 cm under water will be enough. The container is taken opaque, preferably dark, the roots will appear in it faster. The water should settle well and be at room temperature. It is changed once a week, and topped up as it evaporates. Once the roots have reached 2.5 cm, the cutting can be planted in the ground. It makes no sense to wait longer, since there is always a risk of decay. A stalk with roots will develop more actively in the ground, where there is free access to air.

    A cut of geraniums can be planted in the ground as soon as the first roots appear.

    If the method of soil rooting is chosen, the prepared shoot is stuck into the ground to a depth of 2-3 cm. You can sprinkle the tip with a root growth stimulator. No special rooting substrate is required; any universal soil for home flowers will do. The main thing is that the land is loose and well-drained. It is better if it contains a large percentage of sand at the surface. The biggest risk when rooting geraniums is decay. Therefore, the soil is disinfected: calcined in an oven or microwave, treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

    When waiting for the roots to appear, abundant watering is not needed, it is enough to make sure that the earthy clod does not dry out completely. It is not scary if in the first days on the cuttings the leaves begin to wither and turn yellow - geraniums without roots need to go through a period of stress. But if the wilting is delayed, you can help the plant adapt to the new conditions: cover the stalk with a plastic bag or place it in a greenhouse.

    When the geranium takes root, it will be noticeable from the aboveground part. After a few days, new leaves will begin to appear, the existing ones will grow, and the trunk will stretch upward. 2 months after rooting, the plant can be transplanted to a permanent place. It is advisable to plant geraniums not in a too spacious pot - so it will bloom more abundantly, and the risk of root decay will be reduced.

    Zonal or ampelous pelargonium will be ready to bloom in 2-3 months after the rooting of the cuttings. And the royal and angels bloom only the next year.

    Geranium in the open field

    Pelargonium is known not only as a houseplant, it is often grown in the garden as well. Geranium is suitable for a garden plot, and blooms profusely in a well-lit place. Experienced flower growers say that geranium feels much better on the street than on the windowsill of a city apartment. However, not all varieties are able to withstand winter frosts. Therefore, in the open field, geraniums are kept as an annual plant.

    Geraniums grown from seeds or cuttings are planted in open ground only after the threat of frost has passed, and the temperature at night will not drop below + 10 ° C. Peat and sand are additionally added to the landing site. The soil under the roots should be loose. In autumn, the whole plant is dug up, and more often cuttings are cut from it in order to plant them again the next year.

    Autumn is not the best time for cuttings, but it is quite acceptable for geraniums. The optimal time for cutting off the shoots is during or immediately after leaf fall. After that, the plants begin a dormant period, the survival rate is significantly reduced. In winter, grown geraniums are kept in the light at a temperature of + 13-15 ° C, then by spring they will resume active growth, and in summer they will bloom magnificently.

Many people mistakenly believe that geranium does not need a transplant, it only needs regular pruning. This is not true. The plant needs to be replanted, especially if there are specific reasons for this. A transplant is required when:

  • geranium (despite regular watering and feeding) grows slowly;
  • the soil in the pot dries out very quickly;
  • the stems are very bare from below;
  • there was a waterlogging of the root system, as a result of which the flower began to hurt;
  • the bush has grown and requires an expansion of the area for active life.

How do you know that the roots have become cramped in the former "house"? To do this, it is enough to carefully take out an earthen lump and examine it. If the roots have intertwined into a tight ball, having absorbed most of the soil, then it is time to replant the geranium!


The right time

When can you transplant an indoor flower? It is believed that the best time to transplant geraniums is spring. But if for some reason it was not possible to transplant the plant in the spring, you can do it in summer, autumn or even winter.

Yes, in winter the flower will take longer to take root, since all active processes slow down at this time, but if an immediate transplant is required, for example, in order to preserve the viability of the geranium, then it is better not to wait for an opportune moment, but to provide assistance as soon as possible.

Step-by-step instructions for moving into open ground

Can and how to plant on the street? More often geranium is used as a decoration for garden and summer cottages, because she is great for this. Below will be a description of the order of plant transplantation.

The optimal time for transplanting is mid-May. If the temperature is kept at low levels, then it is better to wait until the soil is completely warmed up. The ground should be soft and light. The size of the hole should be larger than the diameter of the old "dwelling". How to plant with roots?

  1. Before planting, geraniums are watered abundantly.
  2. Then they take it out of the pot and gently shake off the roots from the ground.
  3. Then the plant is planted in pits, which can be acidified on the day of planting (1 tsp of citric acid per 3 l of water).
  4. After planting, geraniums are well watered and shaded.

Due to the fact that the bushes are formed, they quickly take root and grow.


Planting conditions and time depend on the type of planting material. The plant can be propagated by seeds, cuttings and cuttings. Seed planting is carried out at the end of May. It is better to plant immediately after rain. After the emergence of friendly shoots, they are thinned out so that the interval between the bushes is 5 cm.When the stems grow a little, the interval between them is increased to 30 cm.

If you plant geraniums by means of seeds, then you do not need to immediately wait for flowering in the first year after planting. The bushes will bloom only next year.

Many gardeners prefer to plant seeds in small plastic cups, and then into open ground. Usually planted in mid-April. It is better to plant the seeds first in one container, and after the appearance of the stalks, plant them in cups. You can transplant geraniums into the garden after the completion of the formation of the roots. The best time for this is mid-May.

If it is decided to plant with cuttings, then it is better to do this at the end of May. Cuttings are cut from a bush, dipped in a solution to stimulate growth, then sprinkled with ash or coal and planted in holes. You can first germinate the cuttings, and then plant. To do this, cut off the cuttings in early May, put them in water for 14 days and then plant them in the ground.

Reference! When planted with cuttings, geranium begins to bloom after 1.5 months. It is noteworthy that the bushes take root well and winter well under cover.

Planting in cuttings is the easiest way, perfect for beginners. The plant is divided into bushes, planted in holes, watered and shaded. It is better to plant in the middle or at the end of May. It is best to do this immediately after the warm rains have passed.

Is it possible to plant without roots in the ground?

When and how can you plant it correctly? , but in order for the work to be crowned with success, it is necessary to adhere to important rules. The soil should be nutritious, loose and sour. The ideal option is a mixture of peat, sand and drainage soil (in equal proportions). Planting depth - no more than 2 cm.

You can transplant the plant to a permanent place of residence 3 weeks after planting.

Features of the procedure

How to properly plant at home? As already noted, geraniums are unpretentious. does not present any particular difficulties. The main thing is to remember a few important points:

  • at the bottom of the pot should be equipped with a drainage "pillow", consisting of fine gravel, broken brick, foam crumbs;
  • before planting in a new place, geraniums are watered abundantly;
  • decayed roots are removed with scissors;
  • blooming geraniums cannot be transplanted;
  • the soil must be nutritious and uniform;
  • the most favorable time for planting is April-May;
  • in the first days after transplanting, geraniums should be protected from direct sunlight;
  • start feeding 2-3 months after planting.

Large rhizome variety

The rules for planting large-rhizome geraniums practically do not differ from the characteristics of the reproduction of other species. However, there are still small nuances. So, it is recommended to add peat and compost to the ground. It is necessary to feed for the first time a month after planting. Large-rhizome geranium responds positively to the introduction of ash.

Leaving is not difficult. The main thing is to water in a timely manner, fertilize with complex fertilizers, remove weeds and cut off withered leaves.

Meadow variety

This plant attracts attention with its original leaves and spectacular flowers of a blue or lilac shade. Planting and care rules do not differ from those described above. The plant is undemanding to the composition of the soil, but it will be necessary to monitor its moisture with special care. Meadow geranium does not tolerate stagnant water.

Regular watering is required only in the first days after transplanting and during severe drought.

In early spring, it is necessary to cut off wilted leaves, mulch the soil with a thick layer of bark or garden compost. This type of geranium does not need feeding.

How to take care after the procedure?

After the plants are transplanted, it is important to provide them with proper care:

  • You need to put the pots on a windowsill or on a balcony, lit by the sun. Daylight hours should be at least 16 hours.

    Despite the fact that geraniums love warmth and light, it should be protected from direct sunlight!

  • Watering must be done carefully so that no water gets on the leaves. Instead of watering, you can lower the container with a flower for half an hour into a deep pan filled with water.
  • Another important condition for quick survival is regular loosening of the soil. To eliminate the lack of nutrients, you need to feed the plantings with mineral fertilizers.

If you adhere to the simple tips mentioned above, then there will never be problems with a geranium transplant. Geranium will delight you and your guests with the unsurpassed beauty of bright inflorescences and enchanting aroma.

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We offer you to watch a video about planting geraniums:

If you want to decorate a room or lawn in front of your house with a beautiful plant, plant a geranium. This flower is also called pelargonium, and it has many types. On the windowsills, you can often see geraniums, delighting people with bright flowering. Its leaves have a specific smell that can repel insects and purify the air. Whoever does not like the exotic aroma is planted with a fragrant geranium that smells of lemon. The variety of geraniums is amazing, and everyone can handle reproduction and care, which is why it is so popular.

Planting room pelargonium

Geranium is an unpretentious plant. Its cultivation does not require special care at home. For planting, pick up a container with several drainage holes at the bottom. The roots of the plant are sensitive to moisture and can rot from constant contact with water, so good drainage is indispensable. Get a pot about 25 cm deep. This is enough for growth and flowering.

  1. Planting should be done in a clean container. Be sure to wash the pot and rinse with a mild manganese solution. It will kill bacteria and pest larvae.
  2. It is better to use purchased soil and try to choose a soil that passes water well and dries quickly. This will protect the roots from rotting. Ideal for growing at home, a versatile earthy mix.

For a successful planting, put a small layer of expanded clay in the pot. Pour some sand on top and fill most of the container with earth. Make a small indentation in it. If you want to plant geraniums with a shoot, put a stalk with a root there and cover it with soil. Pour well with settled water and place the flower pot on the windowsill.

How to plant geraniums outdoors

Types of garden pelargonium look great in the garden in front of the house and bloom continuously until the onset of cold weather. These are perennial flowers, but if not properly cared for, they die in winter.

Pelargonium should be planted in the spring, when the last frosts are over.

  1. First of all, thoroughly loosen the earth by digging it up with a shovel to a depth of 35 cm.
  2. Then scatter 5-10 cm of compost over the surface of the bed and mix it with the top layer of soil. This will enrich the soil with the nutrients needed for the geranium to grow.
  3. Dig holes 25 cm deep. Small species should be planted at a distance of 15-20 cm, large ones - 60 cm.
  4. Gently remove the rooted process from the pot and place it in the hole. Sprinkle with earth and cover well with water.

To plant geraniums, select a place in the garden in the sun. The flower loves light and warmth.

Plant care

Garden and indoor types of pelargonium need proper lighting. Growing with a lack of light leads to the fact that the plant loses its splendor, begins to stretch upward and withers. In spring, flower pots can be taken out to the balcony, where geraniums grow rapidly. Sometimes a red tint appears on the leaves from bright light. This is not a sign of illness and is considered completely normal.

Do not spray geranium leaves with water. Care includes moderate watering. It is produced systematically, preventing the soil from drying out. At the same time, care must be taken that the soil is not too wet and moisture does not stagnate in it.

In winter, watering at home must be reduced. Plants store water well, so water them 2-3 times a month, but at least. Overdried soil leads to the fact that the leaves on the pelargonium turn yellow and fall off.

For the plant to have a beautiful crown, cut off the branches that stretch in height. New shoots will begin to grow from them.

Top dressing geranium

In addition to comfortable conditions for existence, the cultivation of pelargonium requires regular feeding. In spring and summer, garden and indoor geraniums need to be fertilized once every 2 weeks. In winter, the amount of dressing should be reduced. It is enough to feed the plant once in January using half the usual dose.

It is best to use purchased mineral fertilizers at home. For flowering to be abundant, geraniums are necessary:

  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • nitrogen.

These elements are found in the Dutch fertilizer Kristalon. It is excellent for root processing of pelargoniums. Dissolve 2 tbsp. l. top dressing in 10 liters of water and water the plant according to the instructions. Such care is necessary for geraniums after winter rest to accelerate growth.

Remember not to feed the plant with liquid fertilizer when the ground is dry. This care can burn the roots. First, pour a little water over the pelargonium, and after an hour add top dressing.

Iodine water increases growth and flowering well. Put a couple of drops of iodine in the liquid and water the potted flowers. Most importantly, do not make the solution too concentrated so as not to burn the root system. At home, geraniums are often fed by stirring 100 ml of milk in a liter of pure water.

How to care for autumn and winter

All geranium species love cool, sunny autumn weather. Then they take a break from the violent flowering and gain new strength. At this time, caring for pelargoniums consists in feeding, forming a crown. If the flower pots are outdoors, bring them indoors when the temperature drops to 12 degrees Celsius.

  1. Garden geraniums must be cut to a length of 5 cm before the onset of the first frost.
  2. Dig out of the ground, cut the roots by a third.
  3. Prepare a wide tray, fill it with soil mixed with a little compost and plant the plants.
  4. Water and place on the windowsill.

In the spring, you can cut the cuttings of young shoots and start breeding geraniums. Or plant overwintered plants back in the ground.

Secrets of growing pelargonium from cuttings

Florists use different methods to grow a new geranium bush. The easiest way to do this is by cuttings. For breeding to be successful, you need to prepare.

  1. Get plastic cups, make small holes on their bottom and pour drainage inside.
  2. Prepare the soil for planting. To do this, add a third of the sand to the universal soil and mix.
  3. Then pour with a weak solution of manganese. If not, moisten the ground with boiling water. Such disinfection will destroy harmful microorganisms that can harm the appendage.
  4. When the soil has cooled, pour it into the cups and start planting.

Reproduction by cuttings is carried out in early March. Choose strong shoots and cut off stems 3-5 cm long from their top. They must have 3 green leaves on them. The cut is sprinkled with coal dust. The shoot is carefully inserted into a glass filled with earth, tamped and watered with a small amount of water. If the flower has released arrows of the buds, cut them off, otherwise they will interfere with good rooting.

Place the cups with cuttings in a wide tray and place in the shade. It is advisable that the temperature in the room does not exceed 15 degrees. Provide watering by pouring a small amount of water into the pan. Do this when the soil in the cups begins to dry out.

If you notice that the leaves have turned yellow, reproduction is not going well. Cover the scions with a 1/2 quart jar for a couple of days. A greenhouse setting will help take root.

After 2-3 weeks, new leaves will appear on the cuttings. Now you need to wait for the roots to harden. This usually takes about a month. Then geraniums can be planted in the garden. It is advisable to leave indoor plants in a temporary container until the first flower buds appear on them, and then transplant them into permanent pots.

Some gardeners root pelargonium cuttings in water. Such reproduction is not successful for everyone, because the stem of the flower often begins to rot from contact with moisture. To try this method, cut off the shoot and place it in a jar with a little water. Wait for the roots to grow back and plant the cutting in the ground.

Seed planting

Seed propagation is a lengthy process. If you want to grow pelargonium by this method at home, choose the seeds carefully. The germination and health of the flower depends on their quality. Purchase planting material only in specialized stores or from trusted suppliers.

  1. Prepare a wide container with small holes at the bottom, fill it with fertile, disinfected, moist soil.
  2. Sow seeds on top and lightly press them into the soil. Cover the container with plastic wrap and place in a warm, shady place.
  3. Watch the crops carefully, and when the first shoots hatch, remove the film. With the appearance of leaves, geraniums can be transplanted into a pot.

Seed propagation is laborious and time-consuming. The difficulty is that crops do not always sprout, so it is easier to buy a ready-made plant or root pelargonium with cuttings.

When the flower becomes cramped in the pot, it must be transplanted. You can also divide the bush into several parts and plant it in separate pots. Fill the geranium with water the day before transplanting. Then carefully remove the plant, divide it, being careful not to damage the roots, and transplant it into a new nutrient soil. This reproduction is considered the fastest.

Disease control methods

The main culprit for geranium disease is improper care. To keep it healthy, regularly loosen the soil, do not overmoisten the soil, remove dry leaves.

Sometimes pelargonium is affected by gray rot. The fungus covers the plant with dark spots, and it begins to disappear quickly.

To combat the disease at home, do the following:

  • remove infected shoots and geranium leaves;
  • moderate watering is carried out before lunch;
  • clean the soil from weeds;
  • process the flower according to the instructions with fungicides.

In summer, geraniums can attack whiteflies. It is easy to get rid of it with Iskra, Actellik or Commander drugs. Dilute them according to the instructions and process the plant.

Growing pelargonium is a fun, effortless and cost-effective activity. Provide her with good feeding, competent watering, and she will decorate your home for a long time.

Geranium bloom looks spectacular. Therefore, gardeners often use the plant in landscaping. It is happily planted near alpine hills and around large tall bushes.