Repair Design Furniture

Proper care of strawberries in the fall. Processing strawberries in the fall from pests and diseases When and how to process strawberries in the fall

Experienced gardeners are well aware that the success of strawberry cultivation depends largely on how much proper care provided with this berry. It is necessary not only to water and feed the plants in a timely manner, but also to process it with various agricultural chemicals in spring and autumn. It is about how strawberries are processed in the fall from pests that we will tell you in this article.

What is the autumn processing of strawberries for?

The main purpose of the autumn processing of strawberries from diseases is correct preparation planting for winter, improving subsequent fruiting. The use of the right agrochemicals is an excellent prophylaxis against various fungal and infectious diseases. Therefore, processing should not be neglected, and with proper planning, its implementation will not be difficult.

Autumn strawberry processing

Immediately after the last harvest, it is recommended to process strawberries from pests and diseases in the fall. Including from the transparent strawberry mite, which damages the leaves and causes a lot of trouble for gardeners. You can prepare a solution for processing based on laundry soap. Dissolve two tablespoons in a bucket of warm water liquid soap... Also, two tablespoons of ash, three tablespoons of vegetable oil and two tablespoons of vinegar are added here. Stir the prepared mixture, and then process the soil around the bushes and the leaves themselves.

Folk recipes for processing strawberries

To treat strawberries from various insects - pests and diseases, a decoction based on tomato tops can be used. It is necessary to take about one kilogram of tomato tops, fill it with a bucket hot water... Soak for 5 hours, then boil for two hours, drain and cool. Add half a piece of laundry soap to the resulting solution, dilute half with water and pour over the strawberries, slightly moistening the leaves. A decoction on tomato tops will allow you to cope with spider mite and will protect against powdery mildew... And the bushes themselves will be able to overwinter, and next season they will bear fruit perfectly.

Processing strawberries after autumn pruning

Proper care of strawberries means pruning the bushes after fruiting is complete. Carrying out such processing allows you to significantly improve the indicators of fruiting. In this case, the gardener can avoid the danger of thickening plantings for the next year. If old strong mother bushes can be cut almost at the root, then with young bushes, gentle pruning is performed with the removal of part of the leaves. Immediately after such trimming, it is necessary to carry out the appropriate processing.

We will tell you more about how to process strawberries in the fall. We can recommend you the drug Aktelekom, which has a complex action, combines efficiency, complete safety for plants. To prepare a solution for processing, dissolve 20 milliliters of an agrochemical in a bucket of water.

Efficiency is shown by processing strawberries after pruning and fruiting with compositions based on Ammofoska and the agrochemical Nutriflex S. Such complex growth and feeding stimulants are widespread today, so they can be found in any agricultural profile store. To prepare a nutrient solution, dissolve 10 grams of the substance in ten liters of water.

Treatment of plantings to improve yields

Appropriate spraying of strawberries in the fall, after fruiting, will improve yields. In this case, we can recommend that you use the drug Fitosporin. For such treatment, it will be necessary to dissolve one tablespoon of a liquid solution in ten liters of water. This volume will be enough for watering two square meters beds. Nutrient solutions based on the phytop agrochemical are prepared in a similar way.

Autumn processing of strawberries

Autumn care for strawberries is not particularly difficult. After the last harvest, most of the green mass must be cut off, which can be done by hand or used for this job. electric lawn mower... After complete pruning, the bushes are fed with organic matter. We can recommend using a solution based on chicken manure, which is prepared with a consistency of 1 to 15. It will also not be superfluous to use complex mineral fertilizers, which subsequently improves fruiting indicators.

To combat fungal diseases, pests and the subsequent improvement of yield, it is recommended to use the drug Fitosporin. Prepare it exactly with the instructions and carry out the soil treatment. After such work, the growing bushes, in September, are mulched with a layer of 2-3 centimeters, covered with spruce branches, which will allow them to withstand the winter cold. Strawberries will not require any more processing in the fall and will bear fruit perfectly in the future.


Autumn processing of strawberries (strawberries) against pests and diseases is not particularly difficult. After harvest, old leaves are cut off, organic and mineral fertilizers are applied, spraying with Fitosporin or other similar agrochemicals is done. Such simplest care will allow you to get an excellent harvest in the future

It is not without reason that strawberries are considered the queen among the berries that grow in our climatic conditions. And this is due to its exquisite taste and unique aroma, which most of us like so much. The closest relative of strawberries - garden strawberries, or as it is also called, Victoria, has a special taste. Unfortunately, the ripening season of this beautiful berry is rather short - by the end of the first summer month, it stops bearing fruit. However, at the same time, it also requires considerable labor efforts on the part of the owner, and not only in spring and summer. Care is needed for Victoria and in the fall. And this, in turn, is a guarantee that next summer on your personal plot there will be a wonderful berry harvest. Therefore, we will tell you what to do with Victoria in the fall.

Generally autumn care behind Victoria it assumes, firstly, the obligatory pruning of the bushes, and secondly, feeding it with fertilizers, and, thirdly, preparing the plant for winter.

How to care for Victoria in the fall: pruning bushes

One of the most important milestones in caring for garden strawberries is cropping. As a rule, whiskers and leaves of bushes are pruned. The need for this procedure is explained by providing the plant with rest after active growth and fruiting, which will lead to the rejuvenation of Victoria and a set of strength by the next summer. In addition, such treatment of Victoria in the fall will help improve the condition of each bush. It is known that different kinds pests settle on the leaves. By pruning them, you will naturally heal the strawberries.

Regarding how to prune Victoria in the fall, it is recommended to perform this procedure immediately in the fall in September. Use pruning shears for this, sharp knife or scissors. It is important to cut the leaves 10 cm from the ground so as not to damage the Victoria's growing point.

After circumcision, experienced gardeners are advised to treat the bushes with solutions from pests and diseases. It will also be very useful for the berries to weed the rows, loosen them and add fresh soil for the bare roots.

How to care for the Victoria berry in the fall: top dressing

But the autumn feeding is needed for Victoria's strawberries to accumulate organic, mineral substances and the formation of new fruit and leaf buds. Fertilizing Victoria in the fall should be after trimming the leaves and whiskers, that is, in September.

If we talk about how to feed Victoria in the fall, then humus, chicken droppings, and a barn are excellent for these purposes. Mineral fertilizers (potassium salt) are also used. Excellent growth for the kidneys is provided by top dressing, for the preparation of which it is necessary to mix 2 tablespoons of potassium fertilizers and nitrophoska with a glass wood ash by dissolving the mixture in 10 liters of water. Such a chatterbox must be poured under each bush. After fertilizing, it is recommended to mulch the soil.

Victoria fall care: preparing for winter

In areas where winter is always snowy, Victoria's cold is not terrible. But the lack of snow for plant bushes can be detrimental. That is why strawberries should be covered for the winter.

Ordinary straw is especially suitable for mulching. She needs to carefully and completely cover each bush. But if you don't have straw at your disposal, other materials can be used. Fallen foliage, peat, tree branches or corn stalks are also suitable as a covering cushion - whatever you can find in your garden. In addition, quite often, to prepare Victoria strawberries for winter, they use a purchased covering material - spunbond or lutrasil.

Thanks to this care in the fall for garden Victoria, the plant will accumulate strength and give you a tasty and rich harvest next year.

I spent almost the entire previous summer fighting aphids in the strawberry beds. A neighbor advised to treat the entire garden bed with ash in the fall so that there would be no aphid infestation next season. In addition, I also carried out the rest of the mandatory autumn processing of the strawberry garden. This summer my beloved strawberry has not been attacked by any pest for the first time! And I was able to harvest a double harvest of berries. In this article I will tell you how to properly prepare a berry bed for winter and how to treat it from common diseases and pests.

If, after picking berries, you just throw a strawberry bed until next spring, then pests can start under fallen or diseased leaves, and weak bushes in early spring pick up some kind of disease, which then spreads throughout the garden. Therefore, every autumn it is imperative to prepare the plants for winter.

  • Cutting off leaves - Any sick or old leaves must be cut off and thrown away. In parallel, it is advisable to cut off unnecessary antennae. The less excess is, the easier it will be for the strawberries to endure the winter. But if seedlings are required for the next season, then the antennae are not touched until spring.
  • Pruning bushes - Gardeners are divided about this procedure. Some advocate pruning the bushes so that the strawberries have a rest, while others believe that they do not need to be touched. Therefore, in this case, you can conduct an experiment by cutting off one half and leaving the other as it is. In the summer you can see which half of the crop has increased.
  • Weeding - It is imperative to weed all the land from weeds, so that next year their number will be reduced significantly. You need to pull out together with the roots, and then carefully loosen the ground.
  • Repotting - The bushes need to be renewed every three years. For this, the first rosette is transplanted with full leaves and roots. This procedure can be done not only in the fall, but also in the spring.
  • Top dressing - Of course, the most important feeding- this is spring. But in the fall, you also need to feed, but this should be done carefully, as there are substances that will prevent strawberries from hibernating normally. For example, nitrogen, which stimulates the growth of greenery on plants. It's enough to give weak solution chicken droppings by dissolving one part in ten liters of water. It can be replaced with manure or humus. As a last resort, sprinkle the entire soil with wood ash, which will not only fertilize the soil, but also protect it from insect pests.
  • Shelter - In regions where winters are very changeable or frosty, the entire bed must be covered in any way: dry raspberry sprigs, tops, spandbond, agrotex, spruce or pine needles. The main thing is that the material allows air to pass through. Plastic wrap it is undesirable to cover, otherwise pathogenic bacteria may develop under it. For the same reason, experienced gardeners do not recommend using sawdust as mulching. Mulching with straw is fine, but you should take into account that mice can start in it, so you should install an ultrasonic rodent repeller or poison for them nearby.

The more thoroughly the processing is carried out in the fall, the easier it will be for the plant to bear fruit in the next season, and the gardener will be able to take a break from the fight against pests and diseases.


The most common diseases in strawberries are: black and gray rot, brown and white spot, powdery mildew. Their occurrence is easier to prevent than to cure. Therefore, every autumn it is imperative to spray the plants against a disease that is more common in this area or with which the greens are already infected.

Powdery mildew

To protect the planting or get rid of this fungus, it is enough to treat everything with one of any drugs:

  • Colloidal sulfur - Dissolve 100 grams of sulfur in a ten-liter bucket of warm water, mix well and water the entire soil.
  • Copper sulfate - In a ten-liter bucket of liquid, 5 grams of copper sulfate are diluted, then a piece of grated laundry soap is poured. Mix everything well and spray the bushes in early autumn.
  • Potassium permanganate solution - So many grains of potassium permanganate are dissolved in a bucket so that the water is light pink, after which the bushes are thoroughly sprayed. If you overdo it with the number of grains, the leaves can get burned.
  • Sulfaride - With its help, you can prevent the appearance of powdery mildew, for this, dissolve 2 tablespoons of this drug in a bucket of water. Then, using a spray gun, process all the leaves and stems of the strawberries.
  • Topaz - This drug is very effective and fast. To do this, pour one ampoule of this drug into a ten-liter bucket of warm liquid, after which all parts of the plant are sprayed. This procedure is carried out in calm and cloudy weather.

Rot and speck

You can get rid of these devastating diseases using recipes:

  • Nitrofen - With its help, you can not only protect plants from diseases, but also get rid of ticks and aphids. Processing is carried out in October, shortly before the onset of winter. To do this, dilute about 150 grams of dark brown paste in a bucket of water. This tool is used to treat not only plants, but also the ground around them. Then rot and spotting will not be able to take root here.
  • Universal remedy - Dissolve two tablespoons of ash, vinegar, three tablespoons in a ten-liter bucket of warm water sunflower oil, pour in half a liter of liquid soap. Stir well, spray not only the plants, but also the ground around them.
  • Copper oxychloride - It is sprayed with it after harvest. To do this, dissolve one tablespoon of copper oxychloride in a bucket of warm water.

Insect pests

Many insects want to feast on sweet berries, delicious leaves and nectar from flowers. In large quantities, they are able to completely destroy the strawberry bush. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out autumn processing from them so that wintering insects or their larvae cannot survive the winter.

  • Whitefly - The preparations "Aktara" and "Intavir" will help to quickly get rid of this small pest. Before use, they are dissolved in liquid in accordance with the instructions on the package.
  • Weevils - Gardeners most often get rid of them with the help of a decoction of wormwood. To do this, collect a kilogram of wormwood, boil it in a four-liter pot of water for about ten minutes. Then it is diluted with five liters of liquid, a little soap is added and all parts of the greens are sprayed. From drugs work well: Fitoverm, Iskra-Bio, Aktellik.
  • Strawberry mite - Spraying with a solution of potassium permanganate will help get rid of such insects that are almost invisible to the eye. Only this solution should be light pink and hot. Potassium permanganate can be replaced with copper sulfate; for this, 300 grams of this substance are diluted in a bucket of water. From folk remedies, one very effective tincture of garlic and onion peels helps. Only this husk is recommended to be infused in water for about five days. Then it is filtered and sprayed. Chopped garlic can be used in place of the husk.
  • Nematoda - This is the most dangerous pest in the form of millimeter worms of light brown color, from which the plant can no longer be saved, it remains only to pull out the bushes and burn it. In parallel with the infected, two neighboring healthy ones are pulled out and also burned. And the rest of the plants and the whole land are cultivated with the following means: "Vitaros", "Urea", "Skor". Nothing has been planted on this land for about three years.
  • Slugs and snails - They are first collected by hand so that not a single one remains on the leaves, then the soil around the plants is covered with ash or spruce needles. Of the drugs used "Metaldehyde", whose granules in small quantities are laid out next to the bushes.
  • Aphids - The best way to get rid of them is a decoction of wood ash. To do this, boil 300 grams of ash in a two-liter saucepan for about half an hour, then filter, dilute with a bucket of water. For the best effect, add grated soap, then pour over all the strawberries. Of the drugs, you can use "Nitrofen".
  • Thrips - First, the diseased greens are pulled out and burned away from the site, then all upper layer land in which larvae can accumulate. Then everything is thoroughly watered with a decoction of chopped garlic or yarrow. Then the bed is covered with new earth.

Processing time

Before starting the autumn processing, you must first take into account the variety of strawberries, since they bear fruit in different ways. Someone earlier, some later, and some even twice a season. If fruiting lasts until the end of August, then processing is carried out somewhere in October. If the harvest is over in July, then it is processed at the end of August, without waiting for the air temperature to drop to zero. Experienced gardeners recommend mulching for the winter. berry culture so that it does not weaken from severe frosts or from lack of snow.


The health and fruiting of strawberries during the next season depends on the correct autumn processing. Therefore, every autumn it is necessary to carry out the following mandatory procedures:

  • Weed control.
  • Cutting off diseased leaves and bushes.
  • Top dressing with useful substances.
  • Treatment for insect pests and diseases.
  • Shelter for the winter.

Transplanting bushes can be done in the spring. If possible, in the fight against pests and diseases, first of all use folk remedies... If they do not work, then they are treated with drugs.

How to process strawberries in the fall so as to protect them in winter can be found in this article.

First of all, properly prepare the plantation for processing with the advice of experienced summer residents.

You need to know how to properly approve strawberries so that they grow disease-free. It is important to protect it from pests and various insects.

We will protect strawberries for the winter with the help of special covering coatings.

Processing strawberries in the fall from pests and diseases is successful harvest in the future and ensuring the health of strawberries for a long time.

After harvesting a good harvest, it is necessary to ensure good harvest and in the future tense. To do this, you need to process the strawberry bushes and properly prepare them for winter.

The advice of experienced summer residents will serve as a help.

Preparation for processing

Before proceeding with loosening, pruning and fertilizing, first prepare the plantation. What needs to be done? Read on.

Get rid of all dried leaves

Powdery mildew damages a lot of greenery, which must be removed first. It can be simply plucked and trimmed. Collect everything collected in one heap and burn, otherwise the infection will adversely affect the strawberries.

Some summer residents believe that it is not worth disrupting natural processes and removing leaves, but there are many opinions, and based on the experience of many people, it is worth removing excess leaves.

You can carry out such an experiment: cut off half of the plantation and remove the leaves, leave on the other half. What will come of this experience can be learned at the next harvest.

You need to be very careful when trimming the leaves. Use scissors to cut only the necessary plates, without touching the stems. Get rid of all antennae.

Transplant bushes

This is done very rarely, about once every 6 years, depending on the care. When the time has come, then the outlet should be planted away so that you will be delighted with the aroma of strawberries the next time you harvest.

How to fertilize correctly

Many summer residents forget that in addition to summer and spring, it is extremely important to fertilize the soil in the fall.

Pure organic approvals will not work as the leaves can burn.

Here, common chicken droppings, humus or manure will be an excellent fertilizer.

Wood ash will also be an excellent soil fertilizer. It will also help as an insect control. Arrange a handful under a bush.

In order to make a live feeding from wood ash, it is necessary to pour a glass of ash with ten liters of water and insist. Then divide and water each bush.

Mineral fertilizers such as superphosphates or potassium salt are suitable.

It is important to know: no chlorine-containing substances. Strawberries don't like chlorine.

It is also important not to forget to mulch the grass with straw or sawdust to keep it safe from a large number weeds.

Nitrogen fertilizers will not work in the fall. They are used only in the spring. Because of them, in the fall, plants can begin to grow strongly upward, which is undesirable.

We fight pests and diseases

For whitefly and ticks

In the open spaces of the plantation with strawberries, you can find such pests as whiteflies, strawberry mites or weevils.

Experienced summer residents are advised to deal with them with folk remedies.

This method is perfect:

For 10 liters of water at a temperature of 30 degrees, use 3 tablespoons of liquid soap, vegetable oil, 2 tablespoons of vinegar and ash.

Apply this solution to all soil, foliage, bushes.

From weevil

How to get rid of a weevil on a strawberry using folk remedies

Who likes chemicals, and who likes folk. It is up to the summer resident to decide, but folk remedies have long been considered effective. Consider the methods of struggle.

Onion peel

We use a three-liter jar. We put onion skins there and celandine 2 to 1 for 1/3 of the can. Fill with boiling water and filter. When the solution has cooled, spray the leaves. We repeat the process in 2 weeks.

Laundry soap

200 grams of soap per 10 liters of water. Strawberries are sprayed with this solution during the budding period.


Dissolve mustard powder in warm water in about 3 liters. Carry out processing at the same time as with laundry soap- during the budding period.

Potassium permanganate

For 10 liters of water - 5 grams.


Insist a week in 10 liters of water - 100 grams of garlic, add coniferous extract - 400 ml. and boric acid about 2 tablespoons.

Covering strawberries for the winter

It all depends on the harsh winter temperatures, that is, on the terrain.

Shelter under the spruce branches

If large frosts are expected, then cover the strawberries with spruce branches. A little later, in winter, cover it with snow.


Another method is mulching.

There are many options - straw, sawdust, hay, reeds, peat and others. All of them will create warmth for the strawberries and will keep you warm in cold winters. The main thing is not to forget to remove the mulch in the spring so that the strawberries are not fried.

But mulching in this way has its drawbacks:

  • The mulch needs to be renewed every year;
  • Attracting all kinds of pests;
  • Soil oxidation.

Polyethylene film

A good method on how to deal with frost and lasting, but it also has a number of disadvantages:

  • Overheating of the roots;
  • Disruption of the work of earthworms, which favorably promote growth;
  • Restricting soil in the air;
  • Limiting the soil to abundant water.

You can help relieve the stress of winter strawberries by spraying them with a special stimulant Zirconium.

Black covering material

It is considered the most common and convenient material for sheltering strawberries for the winter.

There are many myths that it does not leak water, but this only happens when it is new. Its suitability can be tested immediately and ensure that water gets in easily and without problems.

With the help of black covering material, strawberries will live from 3 to 4 years without any problems.

Some covering materials are sold immediately with special holes for strawberries.

Other materials for sheltering strawberries

There are also white-black, yellow-black, white-red materials. What is their feature?

For example, the yellow-black material differs in that to yellow all kinds of pests and insects are attracted, thereby protecting the plant. And the black color helps to reduce the growth of weeds.

To get a good harvest of selected strawberries in the future, they need to be properly processed after harvest in the present. Namely: cut off the mustache and extra leaves, or even mow them down altogether; spray against diseases; fill with fertilizers, carry out water-charging irrigation.

Harvested, what's next?

When the bushes have borne fruit, they need restoration. But the plants continue to deplete at the expense of the whiskers and old, somewhere withered and beaten by rain or hail of leaves. Therefore, on the plantation of the second or third year, they must be removed with pruning shears. If this is done immediately after picking the berries, then the young bushes will have enough time to:

  1. have time to build up the green mass;
  2. accumulate nutrients;
  3. go into winter with a reserve of energy for the future harvest.

Removing whiskers and old strawberry leaves

Unnecessary, but rooted sockets should also be removed. If you liked some, especially fruitful bush, then its sockets can be transplanted to a new ridge.

On five-year-old, especially infected plantations, continuous mowing is allowed. This does not mean that you need to take a scythe and go to the berry field. It is just that all the ground parts of the plants are removed with a sharp pruner, leaving the stalks of 5 cm and without affecting the dense and green "heart" at the base of the roots.

If the plantation was infected with fungal infections, then experienced gardeners, after mowing, "walk" over the plants and on the ground around them, and blowtorch... This should be done quickly, without lingering on each bush for more than 1 second.

It is better for beginners not to resort to such extreme methods, but to lay new beds on time.
The new whiskers that grow in the future continue to be regularly removed, and the new growing leaves are no longer touched.

Processing strawberries after fruiting

When all unnecessary things are removed from the ridges - leaves, mustaches, weeds, the earth must be disinfected with copper sulfate or diluted potassium permanganate. The color of the solution should be crimson. This should be done, trying not to get on the plants, but for fidelity - after processing it is better to lightly water clean water from a watering can with a spray.

After a day or two, strawberries need to be fed with one of the mineral complexes:

  • Nitrofoskoy;
  • Ammophos;
  • Azofoskoy.

These fertilizers are suitable if time is not lost - no later than the end of July. If it happens in August, then
nitrogen fertilizers are excluded and then they are mixed for feeding:

  • superphosphate;
  • potassium sulfate;
  • ash.

Fertilizers can be applied both dry during the next loosening of the soil, and in dissolved form.

Until the end of summer, you need to continue to remove the new whiskers, leaving healthy leaves; weed, loosen and water. You can cover the soil between the bushes and the aisles with a layer of mulch. Then there will be no need for loosening, watering will be reduced, and the growth of weeds will weaken.

Post-harvest pest and disease treatment

For the treatment and prevention of fungal diseases, biological products are used:

  • Fitosporin-M... The microbiological agent, which quickly spreads through the vessels of plants, instantly affects the pathogens of many bacterial and fungal diseases.
  • Alirin-B... It is used for the treatment and prevention of gray rot, rust, scab, powdery mildew, root rot, etc. In addition, it is able to reduce soil toxicity.
  • Verticillin... Biological insecticide is most effective against aphid, whitefly and thrips complex.

After processing with microbiological substances, the fruits can be removed without waiting for a certain time.

From chemicals the most effective against pests:

It should be remembered that after treatment with insecticides, you need to wait two weeks and only then remove the fruits. Therefore, it is better to apply them before setting the berries and after harvesting.

Folk remedies

Available, inexpensive, environmentally friendly, safe for plants and humans, components have always been used by gardeners for processing strawberries during the entire growing season for a long time.

Powdery mildew

The fungus manifests itself as a white bloom on all ground parts of the plant, oppressing the bush and reducing winter hardiness. It spreads quickly over the entire area of ​​plantations. Disease appears with increased rates nitrogen fertilizers, high humidity and soil temperature.

You can deal with it with the help of:

  • Soap and saline solution. They take 40-50 g of both for a bucket of water. Processing is carried out weekly.
  • Whey (curdled milk or kefir). For 9 liters of water 1 liter of fermented milk product. Processing - once every 5-7 days.
  • Mustard. Water or spray with a solution of mustard (2 tbsp. L.) In water (10 l.).
  • Horsetail. For a liter of water, take 100 g of grass, let it brew for a day, then bring it to a temperature of 60 degrees over low heat, cool. Dilute with water 4 times and spray the strawberries once a week for a month.

Mustard solution for strawberry processing

Gray rot

Towards the end of summer, when the temperature decreases, and the humidity, on the contrary, is increased, gray rot is activated.

The first to get sick are berries that come into contact with the soil. They are covered with a gray fluffy coating and smell like mold. The disease spreads very quickly and can kill most of the crop.

Iodine is popularly considered the most effective remedy in the fight against gray rot. It (1 ml) is diluted in water (5 l) and sprayed over the green berry and after harvest.

Iodine to save strawberries from gray rot

In addition to iodine, you can use the following recipe:

  • a glass of ash;
  • a glass of chalk;
  • a teaspoon of copper sulfate;
  • a bucket of water.

All are mixed and cultivated before flowering and after harvesting the berries.

When garlic arrows appear (0.5 kg), they are broken out, cut, poured hot water(3 l), insist for two days. Diluting with water, bring the volume to 10 liters and pour over the strawberries.

Brown spot

It manifests itself as light dotted spots with dark edging, progresses with high humidity, starting with old leaves.

If a disease is detected, they should be cut out immediately. Popular methods of struggle are as follows:

Leaves and soil should be sprayed with these solutions.

White spot

The virus of the disease penetrates into the leaf plate and actively develops with excess moisture. If small white blotches appear, you should immediately remove the mulch, if any, whiskers, all old leaves and give potassium dressing. Can be sprayed with ash or iodine solution.

Fusarium wilting

The disease often manifests itself on weakened bushes, with sharp temperature fluctuations, a lack of minerals. First, the root is affected, and only then the leaves - they wither, dry up and die off.

Withering strawberry bush

Since the symptoms can be detected when the root is already sick, then the plant is removed and burned. Nearby sitting bushes and the ground are treated for prevention with iodine, ash or garlic solution.

Observance of crop rotation helps well against fusurium and verticillary wilting, as well as fungal infections and rot.

In addition, you need to remember that strawberries do not like low-lying areas, thickened bushes, excess nitrogen and moisture. It bears fruit best on the southern slopes.

The cycle of strawberries in the garden

If it is easy enough to get rid of pests, then it is much more difficult to get rid of bacterial diseases and all kinds of rot. Crop rotation when planting a plantation significantly increases the chances of getting away from viruses. Since strawberries bear fruit well without anti-aging measures for only three years, four-year-old bushes should be removed and burned after harvest.

Considering that best predecessors strawberries are garlic and onions, the berry is laid as follows:

Do you follow the rules of crop rotation when growing strawberries?


  • 0 ridge - winter garlic;
  • 1 ridge - strawberries of the 1st year of fruiting;
  • 2nd ridge - strawberries of the 2nd year of fruiting;
  • 3rd ridge - strawberries of the 3rd year of fruiting;
  • 4th ridge - strawberries of the 4th year of fruiting.

(The ridges are taken conditionally - it can be a hundred square meters, and a hectare).

In late July - early August, the garlic is harvested, the zero ridge is filled with fertilizers and dug up. Fresh rosettes taken from two-year-old bushes are placed on it.

Sockets for planting take those that are located first to the mother bush. As a last resort, with a lack of material, you can take the latter.

The fourth ridge is freed (the old bushes are burned). Winter garlic is planted on it in the fall.

The next year, the strawberry looks like this:

  • on the zero ridge - bushes for 1 year;
  • on the first - bushes for 2 years;
  • on the second - bushes for 3 years;
  • on the third - bushes for 4 years;
  • on the fourth - garlic.

Now, in August, the third ridge will be released, garlic will "move" to it, and new sockets will be located in its place. Thus, a strawberry can constantly occupy the same part of the plot, but if desired, it can "walk" around the garden.

The main thing is that its predecessors are not tomatoes and potatoes, since they have the same diseases with strawberries.

Correctly planned crop rotation allows you to get stable yields from year to year.

Winter berry shelters

If the bushes of the second, third and fourth years of life can winter without shelter (provided there is sufficient snow cover), then the new plantations need to be insulated. You also need to insure rare varieties and novelties, the endurance of which is still unknown.

So that the plants do not vomit, they need to be covered after the establishment of a daytime sub-zero temperature... Usually, this is the end of October - the beginning of November, plus or minus ten days. You can cover:

  • spruce branches;
  • dry foliage (from the forest);
  • stalks of sunflower, corn, reeds;
  • white non-woven fabric.

Shelter of a young strawberry bush with spruce branches

In addition, shields are installed near the ridges perpendicular to the prevailing winds for snow retention.

If you carry out all the activities for processing strawberries after harvesting: properly cut, fertilize, water and cover them, then it will "thank" the gardener with large fragrant berries in large quantities.