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Ficus Microcharp - Original epiphyte. Feeding and fertilizer. Video: Important Nuances of Bonsai Bonsai from Ficus Ginseng

Ficus MicrocharpThis is a miniature tree, in other words of Bonsai.

Bonsai - device and ability to grow small copies of large trees at home. A feature of this species is the fruits, which at home is almost impossible to achieve, as Ficus is simply refuses to bloom.

Natural habitats of Tropical forests of Asia, China, Australia with good sun lighting. Care at home Microcharp ficus does not represent any particular difficulties, although some conditions must be adhered to, otherwise the small village will simply not survive. The peculiarity is to bind the root system into certain forms (figures), which is located on the surface, as well as a beautiful lush crown.

The name of the microcharp, due to its miniature fruits, which translated from the Greek Mikros Karpos is a small fruit.

Description: In the tropics, the height reaches 20-25 m, at home, does not exceed 2-3 m. In nature, it is often epiphet, that is, constantly grows on another tree.

Oval wide lanceal leaves on the end are curved, smooth with a monophonic color located on short stiffs. It seems with grazing wax. Bark trunk brown, green leaves, dark green. Fruit in natural conditions with small yellow fruits, which, when ripening, become burgundy. Especially afraid of the dry climate and the scorching sun.

Ficus microcharp (bonsai) care at home

This species Ficus, represents a small decorative tree, which prefers a wet room and does not tolerate temperature drops and drafts.

When buying, or moving to a new place, do not worry if your favorite fall began to drop the leaves. In another month, everything is normalized. So the ficus is trying to adapt to a new place and climate, dropping unnecessary (extra) leaves, thereby making a reserve of resistance at the habitability. Keep it at constant humidity, every day spraying and for a month new leaves will appear.

Lighting: Prefers Moderate Light, avoiding direct sun ray. It feels quite well away from the window in a constant half. It does not like frequent permutations from place to place, otherwise the leaves will begin. For partial prevention, there is a purchased Bostimulator "Epin", which need to spray the plant.

Temperature: The main feature in the depicure of the microcharp is not the temperature indicators, but the absence of drafts and sharp drops of 5-7 degrees. Comfortable habitat 16-23 degrees. The temperature of over 25 degrees can lead to drying the soil and reduce humidity in the room. In such cases, Ius is constantly needed to spray. It is also better to put an air humidifier in the house. Water is used stretched at least 10-12 hours, slightly above room temperature, otherwise the ficus will reset the leaves. Reset can happen and through too low constant temperature regime.

The soil: The kidney uses or purchased for ficuses (palm), or prepare independently. Recipe: Sand, Picking Earth, Clay. Everyone is stirred and added in equal proportions.

Humidity: As already mentioned earlier, the ficus is necessary for the wet climate. Regularly, in the hot period daily, spray it 1-2 times a day. Also during heating, if it is not possible to reduce the temperature on heating radiators. Leaves in addition to spraying, you can wipe with a damp cloth. Spray not the trunk, but the leaves.

Watering: It should be watered moderately, an excessive amount of water causes the roting of the root system and the tree dies. The interval between irrigation is determined by the presence of a dry ground. Try if the soil is 2-3 cm deep into dry, it is possible to carry out watering. Water uses soft, or rain room temperature, or a little higher. Cold water leads to falling leaves. Excess water located in the pallet must be pulled out, the stress also negatively affects growth. There is no definite irrigation interval, everything is individually for each tree.

Transfer: Transfer is carried out 1 time in 3 years. Ficus microcharp does not like a transplant and damage the roots can throw off the leaves. In addition, the growth of the trunk is quite slow. When transplanting is partially, or completely replaced with the soil on fresh. The pot is chosen by 2-3 cm in diameter more than the previous one. First, they make good drainage from crumbs and charcoal. The soil should be loose, to skip water and air.

Feeding: It is necessary to regularly feed from spring to autumn. In winter, during the rest, the ficus does not need fertilizers. Use purchased fertilizers on mineral and organic substances for ficker or palm plants. There are also special fertilizers for bonseev (decorative trees). Add 2 times a month before irrigated. It is possible to add fertilizers to water for watering, and add fertilizers to the water to spray.

Condition: for the formation of a lush crown, Ficus Microcharp Bonsai needs regular trimming several times a year. The trunk in young plants also trimmed to increase thickness and power.

Reproduction: like any other of such species, the microcharp multiplies with stalling. Topshki sharp knife Cropped and placed in a vessel with water until the cutlets are rooted. Escapes must be taken strong with fully developed fibers. After 2-3 weeks, the roots will appear. Further, the young escape is transplanted into the ground, where there is a further growth with regular transfers every year, until the ficus is fulfilled 3-4 years. Further the transplant is reduced once every 3 years.

Diseases and pests: The ficus is sufficiently resistant at home to pests and diseases, but when non-compliance with the above rules and rules, the tree is attacked by a torture, mild cherberry, shield. Also, leaves can lose color, black, dark spots appear, or fall out at all.

Basic care problems:

  • The leaves darken and gray spots appear - most likely there is an excess of moisture and roots begin to rot. Watch for watering and humidity in the room. Perhaps the pallet remains water.
  • Often drops the leaves - too dry com and insufficiently moisture. Leaves are sluggish and weak. It also happens with drafts, frequent moves (permutations) to new places, or sharp temperature differences. Another feature of dropping leaves - watering cold water or lack of light.
  • Dark twisted leaves - the ficus is possible received burns from direct sunlight.
  • Weather tick - low humidity indoors.

Pests or wash off with water with a wet sponge, or with a soap solution with the addition of 1 tbsp. Spoons of alcohol per 1 liter. Water is also replaced by an earthen com.

Perhaps this is all necessary that you need to know about the bonsai microcarpe ficus for proper care at home.

Have long become familiar. Already no one will surprise any variety of species, but more than 280, or the form and color of the leaves. Nevertheless, interest in these wonderful plants continues to grow from year to year, as practiced by art is not very common in our country. Perhaps interest in fakes is explained by their attractive species and simplicity. Indeed, in nature, these plants grow in tropical, and in subtropical, and even in moderate climatic belts. One of the most attractive and easy-to-caring can be called Ficus Microcharp.

Ficus Microchar: Description

Ficus Microcharp, like all representatives of the genus (lat. Ficus) belongs to the family. In the composition of the family, the monotypural knee of ficus (FICEAE) is formed. Representatives of these species are almost always. Like many, microcharp - epiphyte, i.e. it can grow on other plants. He has many air roots. The trunk is a riser-gray. In room conditions, its height reaches one and a half meters. Dense, dark green leaves have a glossy shine, dense the crown thick. To the branches of the leaves are attached with short cutters. In the form - oval, elongated. In length up to 10 cm, in width - up to 5 cm. The root system is developed very much. Actually, protruding from the ground and acquiring the bizarre form of the roots are a distinctive feature of this species. The name given a variety received from the appearance of the fetus. He is very small. Greek in Greek will be "Mikros Karpos".

Did you know? There is a volatil form of a microcarp ficus. It is called Variegata.

The homeland of this amazing village is the forests of the eastern and southern part of China, Taiwan, Indonesia and the North of Australia.

Care in the first days after purchase

First of all, you need to decide on the place where you can put a tree. It is necessary to take into account the properties of the microchar and its whims.

Notice right away, the plant does not like permutations from place to place.

Poor reacts to very bright light, dry air and drafts. So it is best to arrange a new way away from the batteries. More suitable, the windows of which go to the north, western and south-west side. Variegata form is better to place in rooms with windows to the east, southeast, as it needs more bright lighting.
Spray the microcarpus is necessary from the first day of purchase. Do it two or three times a day. Do not allow soil cutting. Check the humidity at a depth of one centimeter.

Two weeks, the plant can be transplanted into a new, permanent container. Take care of drainage. Its layer should be at least one third of the height of the pot. Ceramzite, foam can be used as a drainage. The soil should be nutritious and loose. You can use the finished earth for ficuses. It is sold in specialized stores. After a transplant, as behind the usual ficus of the microcharp.

If the plant still dropped the foliage, do not worry. This is his reaction to a place shift.

Did you know? In the wild, the ficus of the microcharp reaches a height of twenty-five meters. Some leaves can be in length until fifteen, and in width - up to eight centimeters.

Optimal conditions for growing in the house

Ficus Microcharp is quite simple to care at home. He is not very whimpically, despite. Nevertheless, has its own specifics that must be taken into account. First of all, it is lighting and temperature.


Microcharp prefers shading or scattered sunlight. It should be protected from direct sunlight. It is better to stay away from the windows. You can provide artificial lighting or backlight. For this, luminescent lamps with a capacity of 15 W and a color temperature of 2800-3800 Kelvin (dawn / sunset) are suitable.


Another feature of the microcharp ficus is that roots need heat, as well as the above-ground part. Optimal temperature For vital activity and development - from 17 to 24 degrees Celsius. It should be noted that a decrease in temperature is permissible. Lower temperature may result in a disease. With an increase in temperature above 23 degrees Celsius, it is necessary to provide additional spraying of the plant.

Important! Ficus fine-grade does not like temperature differences.

How to care for ficus microcharp

It should be noted that the plant still requires a certain attention. Only the right arrangement in the house with the backlight, this type of plant will not limit. In order for the tree to begin to delight the eye, it will have to work a little. Care is pretty simple. Like all plants, the microcharp needs the right watering, and its wonderful roots and twigs are in proper forming and trimming. By way of uncomplicated manipulations, the village will turn into an incredible piece of decoration, pleasing eye.


Watering need plentiful and often. Especially in the period of active growth (spring-summer season). It should be noted that the regularity and abundance of watering depend on dryness of air, room temperature and illumination. It is necessary to navigate on the plant and dryness. The earthen comes in the pot should not displace, however, the excessive humidity can lead to the reinforcement of the roots and the death of the plant. The Earth should have time to die at a depth of 2-3 centimeters.

Requirements also presented to water. It should be soft and estimated at least twelve hours. Its temperature when watering should be room.


Ficus microcharp loves moist air. Therefore, spray the tree is needed daily one - twice depending on the dryness of the air. Otherwise, the plant will look sluggish and becomes sensitive to, will not be able to resist. In addition to spraying, the plant will benefit, if it is regularly wiped with a soft damp cloth his leaves.

Soil and her fertilizer

Microcharp loves light fertile soil with a pH level of 5.5 - 7.5. Soil can be prepared independently. To do this, mix in equal proportions of the turf, earth, deciduous humus and sand.

Additional fertilizers are needed in (high spring - late autumn). You can use universal complex fertilizers for decorative and deciduous plants. They are added to water for watering soil. Put fertilizers better every two weeks.

If the ficus of the microcharp is grown in the bonsai style, specialized fertilizers are applied.

Also, the tree reacts very well to making fertilizers through the spraying of foliage.

Important! To facilitate the process of assimilating nutrients with a plant, fertilizers should be made only in wet soil.

Crown Pruning and Forming

In order for the tree to retain the attractiveness of the form, it is also necessary to stop periodically. The formation of the crown is better to start practicing as early as possible. Ficus makes fun in terms of appearance, makes it possible to raise fantasies. What is not an object for lovers of art bonsai?

To obtain a powerful trunk, a young plant is recommended to trim it. The direction of the branches is formed by wire. Thick shoots of up to twenty centimeters can also be trimmed. Crown branches at the microcharp ficus achieve strong branches at the shoots up to five centimeters.

Microcarp ficus transplant rules

Take the way and when it is better to transplant the ficus of the microcharp.
This view is best every two years. The tree grows very slowly, and in an adult condition the trunk almost ceases to develop. The transplant microcharp ficus is more needed to update the soil or substitute substrate. This procedure also allows you to inspect the state of the roots underground. Replancing better in spring.

Important! An adult plant is better not to replant at all, but only to update the upper layer of the Earth.

The pot for the microcharp ficus does not play a special role. It is even better to use the same that was. Just thoroughly clean and wash. If you take a new one, make sure that there is a sufficient layer of the "old" land on the roots. Make sure that the new pot contains drain holes. Lay drainage (ceramzite or foam) layer 2-3 centimeters. Set the village from the ground on the roots and sleep the new soil. Be careful with fragile plants roots.

Important! After transplantficus Microcharpsometimes resets leaves. This is a consequence of the adaptation process. Upon completion of the "illness" period, the deciduous cover will be restored.

Methods of breeding at home

Ficus microcharp has several ways: and. Most often use the sealing of a ficus and a trees.
On the cuttings are taken cropped, not widespread branches, placed on a day in an opaque container with a warm (room temperature) with water. It is important to know how to properly cut the fiber for breeding. The branches cut off the oblique, at an angle, retreating from the node near the centimeter. A day later, water is drained, because there is a lot of juice. Microcharp ficus juice is a very strong allergen. Fuck it on the skin. The cuttings are placed again in fresh warm water with the addition. When the roots appear, the sprouts are transplanted into the tank with the earth and are covered with a transparent capacity. As soon as the young plant leaves new leaves, the container is cleaned. Also, the cuttings can be planted immediately into the ground, immersing the stalk stalk for 3-5 centimeters to the ground. covered with a capacity. It is necessary to monitor the humidity and spray the water stalks. Fikuses are rouded in this way within a month.
Ficus can be multiplied with seeds. They are in specialized flower shops. Seeds are pre-soaked for a day in a growth stimulator solution. Sit down to the depth of half a hundredth, at a distance of each other at least one and a half - two centimeters. The soil for disembarking seeds should be light and air. The basis of the soils should be peat and leaf land. Also need a lot of sand. The mixture must be thoroughly mixed up to uniformity. After planting seeds, the soil is thoroughly sprayed from the sprayer and covered with a film or glass. Having soil to be wet, you need to follow every day. It is advisable to remove the minutes for fifteen protective film for a fifteen minutes, giving a sprout and soil to "breathe", evaporate the excess moisture. When the seedlings appear first sheet, the sprouts will be stopped each into a separate container.

Ficus Microcharp received its name due to miniature fruits, translated from the Greek "Mikros Karpos" - a small fruit. The plant itself is capable of achieving quite impressive sizes. Although, it is often grown in Bonsai technique. This type of ficus is interesting in that at the bottom of its barrel there is a thickening of the roots that takes the most bizarre forms in the process.

In Nature, Ficus Microcharp can be found in some provinces of China, in Taiwan, in Indonesia and Australia. By its growth form, this plant relates to epiphytic species, forms many air roots. In vivo, the tree grows up to 25 meters in height, at home you can count on a half-one-meter copy.

The leaves in this variety are up to 10 cm long and up to 5 cm wide, their size becomes the maximum in an adult plant, and before that - the leaflets are smaller. The surface of each leaf is shiny, glossy, the top is pointed. On the branches, the leaves are sitting on short stiffs, their location is alternate.

As the top of the root system increases, it is raised over the soil and may look very decorative, forming interlacing and bends. This is precisely this allows you to grow this type of ficus in the form of a bonce. Often this plant is sold grown precisely in such a technique.

Ficus Macrolo Capricien in some aspects and should be known about it. For example, he does not like permutation, so he immediately needs to choose a permanent place and try less to disturb the plant in the future. Another flower does not like drafts, bright sunlight and dry air, it needs the right care.

  • Put the purchased plant away from the heating devices. It is best for him to be windows with Western, North-Western and Northern location. If the acquired plant has a variegated, that is, a voyage shape - the light of the ficus is needed more. Such varieties are better to put on the eastern and southeastern windows.
  • In the first days in a new place, it is necessary to especially follow the humidity of the air near the plant. The pot can be put on the pallet with wet pebbles, and the leaves themselves spray 2-3 times a day. It is also necessary to ensure that the ground does not swing, moisturize the ground with small portions of water every few days.
  • After 2 weeks, when the ficus passes adaptation, it is recommended to transplant it in a new container. At the same time, you can check the state of the root system, because it is not known how much time went to the transportation of the plant, and how many days it spent in the store.

Useful advice: to increase the moisture in the room will help the household humidifier - this is an affordable device, which does not require special services, but very easily facilitates the life of indoor plants.

Each apartment has its own microclimate and many plants adapt to it, nevertheless, you can not forget about their needs, so that the flowers can live normally and develop.

Ficus microcharp is considered to be a shadowed culture. It can feel good in both bright scattered light and in a half. As the village grows it no longer places on the windowsill and it can be kept on the floor near the window.

If the light of the plant is missing (it can be noted on a more faded color of the leaves), it will be necessary to organize the backlight. It is best for these purposes a special phytolampa, the spectrum of its radiation is ideal for all plants. You can do and conventional fluorescent lamp.

This ficus of the roots also need warmth, as well as the above-ground part. It is best to maintain the temperature in the range of 17-24 ° C. In the apartment it is easily achieved with the help of an air conditioner.

IN winter months Temperature can be slightly smaller, but not long. From supercooling the plant is capable of sick. If the temperature rises to 25 ° C and above, the ficus must be sprayed, at least twice a day, then it will be easier for it to carry the heat.

Of course, in the east, bonsai do not grow from ficuses, choosing for this form of art coniferous breeds And various shrubs. Strictly speaking, bonsai from the ficus is called pseudo-bonsai, since when creating accelerated technologies are used, and the real bonsai grows for decades and it is very expensive, since this is a "piece" product.

But, is it worth going into such subtleties to the usual flower, if the bonsai grown from the ficus looks no worse? Alone to grow such a tree from scratch in just two years. For this you do not need to invent anything, everyone has already invented many centuries ago in the east.

For the bonsai there are various styles. The tree can be formed in the form of a curved vertical, with a slope for a split barrel using other options. The advantage of the type of maccarpa is the rapid growth of the ficus and its endurance. In my homeland, this plant sprouts from randomly fallen seeds even in the crevices of rocks or appears from cracks in the asphalt.

If the ficus of the microcharp you purchased is grown in the Bonsai technique, it needs special care. Bonsai culture does not tolerate hurry, bustle and excessiveness. After all, this is a tree in miniature, and therefore all actions should be carefully recovered.

Since bonsai is planted in a wide but shallow dishes, such a plant requires a special irrigation scheme. A large soil surface area will evaporate water faster. At the same time, with abundant watering, it simply has nowhere to go, since the layer of land in the container is not very large.

Important! You need to water the tree often, but gradually. Before watering, check the soil. It should dry by 2-3 cm deep.

Excess water accumulated after irrigation in the pallet, it is necessary to merge. Water is recommended to pre-arrange, you can use rain or melting water - it is softer. The water water temperature should be indoor or a little warmer, from cold plant May lose all leaves.

The soil for the microcarp ficus should be light and nutritious, have good moisture and breathability, with neutral or moderate acidity. You can buy a special soil for ficuses, or make a soil mixture yourself.

Use to compile substrate:

  • 2 pieces of turf land;
  • 2 pieces of deciduous land;
  • 1 part of the peat;
  • 1 part of the sand;
  • some charcoal.

The first 2 months after the transplantation plant can not fertilize. The feeders are carried out during the actively vegetation of the ficus - from March to October. If your plant is grown in the Bonsai technique, it should be purchased special fertilizers.

Fertilizer is bred in water and produce feeding after irrigation, so as not to burn the roots. The microcharp responds very responsive to extractive feeding. For them, fertilizer twice as lowest concentrations and spray foliage.

Care and watering at home: video

In order for the bonsai to grow a powerful trunk, the ficus is subjected to regular trimming. With its help, the crown is given the desired appearance. The direction of growth in skeletal branches is set using a wire. To get as much as possible lush cronThe main shoots shorten up to 5 cm, forcing the branch.

Ficus Microcharp is well tolerating trimming, it does not harm him. Since the plant does not have a pronounced rest period and continues to grow even in the winter months, it is cut and at that time. If you yourself grown a young ficus seedling, from which you want to form a bonsai, then it needs to trim the main trunk at low altitude, this will lead to the fact that the remaining part of the stem will strengthen and become much thicker.

The trim starts from the lower layers of the crown, then move upwards, according to the plan, allowing you to create the desired form. Crop not leaves, but the branches themselves. If the escape was thick, the cut must be smeared with a garden boiler. The plant is drastically cutting the spring before the start of active growth. At another time, the contour is only slightly corrected, shortening separate branches.

Ficus microcharp badly tolerates transplant and is very sensitive to damage to the roots, so it is necessary to transplant it as less as possible. Specialists are recommended to do it once every 2-3 years. To curb the growth of the bonsai plants specifically plant in shallow tanks. The purpose of the transplant is to replace the depleted soil and reducing the number of root roots.

In effect as follows:

  • It is necessary to prepare a new pot, which must be 2-3 cm wide and slightly higher than the previous one.
  • The drainage hole is closed plastic mesh and poured large sand.
  • 1/3 of the prepared soil is poured over the drain layer on top of the drainage layer.
  • Bonsai get out of the old container, gently shake with the roots of the ground, washed them in warm water and shorten the sharp scissors.
  • Ranks on the roots need to be treated with charcoal. Thin filamental roots are completely removed.
  • Prepare a plant, it is installed on the ground and fall asleep from above the earth so that the top third of the roots remained above the surface. If necessary, the rhizomes will pre-bind among themselves if it requires a conceived style.
  • The final stage is the soil seal, watering and laying on top of the soil of the sfagnum moss.

Microchar Fikus Transplant: Video

The reproduction of the microcarp ficus occurs in three ways: cuttings, brass and seeds.

For a cutlets are cut off from the tree the top semi-restless escape, the day is soaked it to remove protruding Milky juice. After that, the cuttings put in a glass with water, where they add woodwood or coal to prevent posting. When the roots appear, the seedling is rooted in a light nutritional soil, covering the glass jar, so that it makes it easier. When new leaves appear, the jar is removed.

If you decide to try to multiply the ficus with a tap, on a growing copy, retreat from the top of 55-60 cm and cut off the bark on a stretch of 10 cm long. The bare area is wetted with a wet sphagnum and film. A month later, the roots will appear in this place. The top is cut along with young roots and plant in a separate container.

You can only get bonsai from a plant grown from seed. Landing traditionally spend in spring. Quality planting material It is very important as its storage conditions. If the rules have not been observed, the seeds will simply lose their germination. Seeds before planting are stratified and moisturized. Drainage is laid on the bottom of the landing capacity, then the soil layer.

Seeds are laid out on the surface of the Earth, sprinkle with sand, moisturized and covered with a film. For the successful germination of seedlings, heat and dissipated light are necessary. Young plants are gluable in 2-4 weeks. As soon as several leaves appear, shoots dive. After another 2 months they are seated by separate pots.

Ficus disease, as in the case of other plants, can be triggered by improper care or poor content conditions. Pests are often moved from neighboring colors, especially in the conditions of crowding, dry air and elevated temperature.

As an emergency measure, it is necessary to process the above-ground part of the ficus with soap solution, you can simply try to wash off pests from the crown under the shower. After that, the plant is advisable to transplant to fresh land, pre-conducting disinfection pot. If this does not help, be sure to spray insecticide trees, they act quickly and efficiently.

Dark or whiten spots may appear from excessive watering on air roots. This indicates the spread of fungal diseases that cause rot. In this case, all damaged places are cut out, the ficus is treated with fungicides and cease to actively water.

An unexpected leaf fall when the leaves leave the village of green, may be a consequence of staying on draft or in too cold room. Create a ficus comfortable conditions and leaves again. If the foliage was covered with spots, it says about rooting roots. The plant will have to be removed from the pot, inspect the roots, remove all suspicious areas and put in fresh land.

When the leaves are falling out of suddenly, and after pre-yellowing - the reason in the scarce watering. Some flowerflowers are afraid to pour the plant and fall into another extremes, allowing the peak. We must not forget that the plant is harmful to any extremes. Watering should be regular, but neat.

Macrop ficus varieties

You can find a variety of microcarp ficus species. We will introduce you to your most popular varieties:

Ginseng grade

Its intricate shape of the roots is a consequence of a long selection work. Now anyone can grow from the seeds of this plant a beautiful miniature tree, the trunk of which resembles animals or a person's figurines. In care, this variety is considered unpretentious, but requires attention to feeding - without them he will not be able to grow so decorative.

Moklame variety

Moklama is considered a dwarf epiphetic fiber. It is his miniature and made it attractive to growing in home culture. This sun-binding variety of microcarp ficus and requires more illuminated places. In winter, moclama must be superimposed for normal growth. Soothes have an elegant shape and form a solid green crown.

Variety variety

Pedolunt form with high decorative qualities. Like all varigatious plants need elevated lighting. You can grow a lush bush, or form bonsai.


This is another mellite and fine-grade ficus, related to the type of Macrolo. The branches are covered with dark green elongated leaflets 11 cm long. Does not require special care. Good grows in a bush form.

Try creating your own unique bonsai, for sure this process will be incredibly hobble and will give a lot of positive emotions.

Ficus Microcharp - a plant that came to our apartments from rainforest. If you decipher and translate its name, the phrase is "small fruit", although the fruits are far from the first thing that the ficus conquers. The peculiarity of this plant is bare roots, which are forming in bizarre figures, which allows the filing of the microcharp in the original bonsai. Form of the leaves of the plant oval, elongated, pointed. In nature, this species can grow, reaching 25 meters, the growth in apartments usually does not exceed one and a half.

Microchar Ficus Care

Ficus Microcharp does not claim painstaking care, it is necessary to place it where enough light light, but does not fall straight solar rays and avoid sharp air temperature drops. It is optimal that in the summer time the thermometer does not rise above 28 ° C, and in the winter it did not fall below 16 ° C. In the question, how to care for the ficus of the microcruis, it is important to pay attention to the watering. Watering the plant needs to be regularly settled, it is not advisable to allow soil drying, but also excessive humidity can be destructive. The leaves should be sprayed daily, you can wipe off a rag and once every 2-3 weeks to organize a plant of the shower, and it is impossible to make a lot of water to fall on the barrel from the roots. The transplant is required to adult ficus every 2-3 years. Since it is not difficult to transplant the ficus of the microcharp, it's not worth it for this concern. In the beginning of the spring it is removed from the pot, to a new pot, which in diameter is more than 4-5 cm, fall asleep the drainage layer and plant a plant.

Adaptation of the ficus in the house

Prepare a special place in the house for the microcarpa ficus so that it can immediately adapt to certain conditions. There should not be drafts and too bright light. On the first day, spray the leaves of the ficus, do not rush to water. The next day, check the soil moisture at a depth of 1.5-2 cm, if it is dry, moderately. Continue sprayed. About three weeks after buying a microcarp ficus, a transplantation will be required plastic container in your pot. To do this, you can purchase a specialized soil for ficus, and you can use universal.

Reproduction of microcarp ficus

Most often for the microcharp ficus, the reproduction of cuttings is used. Cut up the top of 10-12 cm long, so that there are three pairs of leaves and put in a ground in a greenhouse. When the roots are formed about a month, the cuttings from the leaves are delivered, leaving a couple of the upper only. After three months later, the plant transplant in a small vase. It is important to say that in reproduction with cuttings, the plant will not have its own unique intricate roots, the appearance of roasting thickens is possible only when growing from seeds.

Formation of microcharp ficus

How to form a ficus of a microcharp in the form of an exquisite bonsai is a very interesting topic and a long process. First land seeds, plants transplanted several times, growing big plant With big roots. Then the ficus is digging, and the entire barrel is cut. The resulting root with hemp is planting a pot, leaving most of the root on the surface. Gradually, the outer part of the root darkens and is covered with the bark, and the crown is formed on top. The cropping of the microcarp ficus is carried out as needed when it is necessary to remove extra branches and outgrowing leaves.

Ficus Microcharp - Diseases

Most often, the disease is manifested as a result of illiterate plant care. Running roots and dark spots on the leaves are a consequence of excessive irrigation. If the microcarp ficus falls out of the leaves, without losing its appearance, then the case in draft or changing living conditions, for example, it happens immediately after the purchase. If the leaves are first withering, then fall apart - the reason may be lack of moisture.

Ficus Microcharp

The homeland of this ficus - the forests of the South-Eastern part of Asia, the south of China and the northern part of Australia. The plant name is based on the external characteristics of its fetus. It is very small: barely reaches a centimeter. On the greek Little fruit sounds like "Mikros" and Karpos ", from here and Russian" Microcharp ".

The plant itself in the wild state has an impressive size, reaching a height of 25 meters, having a thick and very wide crown. Indoor specimens do not exceed one and a half meters in height. Many of the representatives of the species are grown in the bonsai style and have miniature sizes.

Plant Description

A bright feature of the appearance of the microcharp ficus is the debris part of its root system, rising above the surface of the soil and receiving the most bizarre forms.

The leaves at the microcharp ficus oval-elongated, approximately 5-10 cm in length and 3-5 cm wide, with a pointed vertex. The surface of the leaves is smooth, thin-leather, shiny. On the branches they are located alternately, attaching a short camp.

Microcarp Ficus Care at Home

Location and lighting

Ficus microcharp prefers shadow and half, and categorically does not tolerate the straight rays of the sun. IN winter time Plant can not be kept on the windowsill near the batteries.


Optimal for development is the temperature slightly above room: from 25 to 30 degrees. And in warmth, not only the above-ground part of the ficus, but also its roots, so do not put it in winter on the windowsill or cold floor.

The plant needs year-round watering. In the summer, the ficus is watered often, trying to exclude the drying of the earthen coma. The moisture deficit is diagnosed by the lethargy of the plant and the discharge of leaves. In winter, it is necessary to water moderately. Excess moisture is fraught with reinforcement roots and the appearance of leaves.

The microcharp is sensitive to the composition of water, so watering is carried out well accumulated (at least 12 hours) water temperature.

Air humidity

Increased air humidity - a prerequisite for the development of this plant. With low humidity, the ficus looks sluggish, sensitive to disease and damage to pests. In order to prevent these unpleasant moments, the fiber is sprayed daily with water and periodically wipe the leaves with a damp soft cloth.

Feeding and fertilizer

Ficus microcharp gratefully responds to extra-corner subordinate and making fertilizers in the soil. It is periodically sprayed with a weakly concentrated solution. mineral fertilizer. Universal fertilizers are introduced into the soil for decorative-deciduous plants. If the plant is grown in the bonsai style, then it is better to use specialized fertilizers.

Important! To improve the absorption of nutrients and the careful attitude to the roots, it is important to make fertilizers only into wet soil.

In transplant Ficus Microcharp needs every two years. Since the trunk of the plant is practically no increase in its sizes, the main goal of the transplant is an update or partial substrate replacement. Replanting the ficus better in the spring.

Important! Do not forget to take care of a good drainage layer.

Crown Pruning and Forming

One of the conditions for making a special decorative plant is a regular spring or autumn plant trimming in order to form a crown.

Reproduction of microcarp ficus

As a rule, the ficus of the microcharp multiplies with cuttings and grooves. You can use cut the tops as a cutlets, not until the end of weighing shoots. They are put in water. After a day, water is drained: there is a lot of milky juice highlighted by a plant from a cut.

Important! Microcharp juice is a strong allergen, so avoid it from entering the skin.

The cuttings put in a container with warm water and the addition of a small amount of ash: to avoid posting. After the appearance of its roots in the container, and hold under transparent shelter until leaves appear.

Care in the first days after buying a plant

Try to decide in advance with the place to place the flower. Recall that it is worth avoiding the permutations, too bright places, put the plant near the heating battery, on draft.

  • From the first day spend spraying. Do not allow soil cuts. To do this, try the substrate daily to the depth of one phalanx of the finger.
  • After two weeks, change the plastic container on a permanent pot, filling it with any universal or special soil for ficuses.
  • If you decide to grow a ficus of a microchar in the style of bonsai, then observe the conditions listed above. Follow with greater pedantry.
  • If in the first days of your stay at your home Ficus dropped the foliage - do not be afraid. So the plant reacts to a change of accommodation.
  • Difficulties in care, disease and pest

  • Due to excessive irrigation, the roots are often raised and the appearance of dark spots on the leaves of the ficus.
  • Due to insufficient watering, the plant looks sick and sluggish, often falling leaves.
  • The leaves may be imposed also due to watering with cold water, sharp drops of temperature and drafts.
  • With low air humidity in the indoor, the ficus of the microcharp may be attacked by a pawite tick.
  • Ficus microcharp - care and watering at home (video)

    Ficus microcharp: care, transplant, reproduction, trimming

    Ficus microcharp belongs to the genus Ficus, a family of mourning. The birthplace of this evergreen tree is Southeast Asia, where it can be found in the tropical and subtropical forests of India, Malaysia, Philippines, Japan, South China and Northern Australia.

    In nature, the Ficus Microcharp reaches a height of about 25 meters, while forming a wide thick crown. The trunk at the plant is smooth, thin. Damage is distinguished thick white juice. Cora - gray brown. Dark-green leaves, glossy, leathery, cuff, oval-elliptical with a pointed vertex, are alternately located on shoots. The length of the sheet is 12 - 15 cm, the width is 2 - 7 cm. Flowers are small, formed inside the inflorescence - spherical siconium, the diameter of which is 0.5 - 1 cm. Initially, the seiconia is green-yellow, as it becomes purple. Parpristina verticillata is pollinated only.

    Pests and diseases

    With low humidity and high temperatures, the likelihood of lesion by a bypass tower is large. If the plant is small, it can be thoroughly rinsed under the hot shower with a water temperature of 40 - 45 ° C. Large plants are recommended to make an insecticidal preparation of the appropriate action.

    Molds of microcarp ficus

    In addition to plants with conventional dark-green foliage, there is a voyage form of microcharp ficus - Variegata.. This form needs more vivid lighting than the parent plant, since with a lack of light, the spelliness disappears.

    Bonsai of fikuses: What do you need to know about the cultivation of miniature plants?

    Ficus is an evergreen plant with a developed root system, it is rather rapidly increasing in size, it has neat one-dimensional leaves and a specific shape barrel. Thanks to these qualities from the ficus, you can very quickly form a bonsai, which is easy to form. At home, the most common creation of bonsai with their own hands from Benjamin ficus, microcharp, karika, panda, rubber and others.

    Bonsai from Benjamin ficus at home with their own hands

    Bonsai - the ancient art of "miniaturization" of trees, in natural conditions growing up to several tens of meters in height, and the formation of the appearance. Now it is associated with Japan, but in fact his homeland is China. The Japanese became popularizers and "importers" of this original and sophisticated "hobby" of Chinese aristocrats engaged in the cultivation of mini-trees over 2,000 years ago. In the homeland of the classic bonsai ficuses as "raw materials" are not used, but for a novice is a good option.

    Pot and sad

    Translated from the Chinese "Bonsai" means "grown in a tray." The pot for bonsai is little similar to the usual color tank, reminding the almost flat bath on the legs. The legs, by the way, are quite high - 10-15 cm. Prerequisite - the presence of several drainage holes (At least one diameter of about 1 cm for every 10 cm? Square bottom) and pallet. The optimal depth is no more than 4-5 cm at a tank height of 25-30 cm.

    Maximum nutritious fertile soil for bonsai is not the best choice. They need a lightweight substrate that is well transmitting moisture and air. At home, a special "granular" red clay of Akadama is used to grow miniature trees. In specialized stores, you can find a special mixture for palm trees or tute. Alternative - Soil, cooked personnel:

  • Peat crumb or fertile loam, large river sand, Powder clay (1: 1: 1).
  • Sheet land, fine pebbles or clay (no more than 3 mm in diameter), perlite or vermiculite, leaf humus (6: 4: 2: 1).
  • Powder clay, sand, leaf humus (6: 3: 1). You can add a bit crushed into a pine bark powder (10-15% of general volume finished mixture).
  • Soil for palm trees or ficuses and any "baking powder" - perlite, vermiculite, sand (3: 1).
  • Important nuances

    To bonsai watched organically, you need to know about some of the characteristics of the ficus features:

  • In nature, ficuses often grow in rocky soil and even on the rocks, launching the roots into the smallest gap between them. You can try to recreate an authentic habitat - air roots manufactured by a plant look very original.
  • If stones are used in the composition, of the mixture of the soil and powder clay, be sure to be deceived in a thin layer before placing under the roots. The correct mass has a creamy consistency. This will help fix the roots without the use of rope or wire. It is desirable that the stone is not smooth, rolling with water. For small cracks and irregularities, the plant is easier to cling. The size of the stone is selected depending on the dimensions of the plant and the length of its roots (they must be placed in the soil).
  • Posted by the desired form of a ficus of Benjamin, wrapped it with a wire, can only be given to real virtuosos, as the shoots of the plant are quite easy to break. But pruning gives good results.
  • The top of the ficus roots is not to cover moss, pebbles, soil, and so on.
  • Suitable style

    • Tökkan. The easiest option, the eternal classic. It is recommended to start with it that there is even minimal knowledge and experience in this area. The village has a straight trunk, gradually narrowing the pyramid-shaped krona. The bottom of the barrel is naked. Mandatory the presence of visible thick roots.
    • MOYS. The trunk smoothly bends in 2-3 places. In order to generate bending, quite thin rods. The leaves and trunk should be located strictly within the projection of the pot, in the air cylinder or parallelepiped.
    • Syan. It seems that the tree is turned out of the earth of the storm. The trunk is strongly tilted in one direction, hangs over the edge of the container or even breathes for it. On the other hand, a root twisted from the Earth is visible.
    • Sokan. The trunk splits on unequal parts, ranging from the ground level. For beginners, it is quite difficult to achieve this configuration. The main problem is to catch the balance between the height and the thickness of the "Parent" barrel and the "child". But since the ficuses are fucked well among themselves, you can go for a trick, disembarking two plants into one container.
    • Hokidati. The plant resembles a broom. Ideally, branches should be almost symmetrical, disagree from the trunk to the sides. It sounds quite simple, but it is not so.
    • ESEUE. In one container, disembarking up to five ficuses of different ages, forming a small "grove". It is desirable that they differ in the thickness of the trunks. You can use plants of the same type or different.
    • Photo Gallery: Bonsai styles suitable for Benjamin ficus

      Video: What does bonsai look like from a ficus

      Falling a tree

      With the transfer of Benjamin ficus purchased in the store, you need to wait 12-15 days, giving the plant to adapt to new conditions. Preductantly rooted cuttings are planted in 2-2.5 months after the landing material gives the first roots.

      Planting and further care procedure - step-by-step master class

    1. Cut from a healthy ficus a few top cuttings with a length of 8-12 cm, process the sections of the sections, sprinkling them with a gripped chalk or activated carbon. Drink 2-3 hours. Usually there are 3-4 sheets on a cutlery and 1-2 growth points, of which the plant will further release air roots.
    2. Put the cuttings into the water or a solution of the stimulator of the root formation (epin, corneser, topaz, heteroacexin, humate potassium). If necessary, cut down the bottom leaves.
    3. Provide a permanent temperature of 25-27? C, bright light. If possible, the lower heating.
    4. The bottom of the selected container for bonsai is shown with a special cloth similar to a grid with small cells (2-3 mm). Put the large river sand on it (the layer thickness is about 0.5 cm) and the substrate (no more than 2.5-3 cm).
    5. Install the plant in the right place by laying under the roots small stone, carefully disappear and suck them with soil, forming a low slide. The soil layer does not reach top edge Pot 1-1.5 cm. Slightly sink the soil. The root neck should be located at the ground level. Stone take the most resembling a natural rock. It is strictly not suitable for a fragment of bricks or a piece of decorative facing panel.
    6. Fucking the ficus, after 25-30 minutes, drain out of the pallet of the excess moisture.
    7. If you land in a pot of several cuttings, you can be twisted, until the trunks were derefeated. No harm to plants will not cause. To secure the result, bind ficuses in the right place, laying a thick soft tissue under the rope or twine. To speed up the process of steel, remove the cortex layer with a thickness of about 0.5 mm and use a special spray.
    8. When the ficuses are well rooted (after about 4 months), start gradually scolding the land from the roots, gradually bargaining them. Harm plant will not cause. The older ficus, the more accurate for it the procedure passes.
    9. When the tree turns to the desired height (about six months), pinch the top and begin to form the crown.
    10. Optionally, you can decorate a pot of moss, colored pebbles, decorative figures from a stone, oriental symbols, without covering the revealed roots. But it is not necessary to get involved. The abundance of jewelry inevitably distracts attention from the tree itself and is not welcomed by the Japanese tradition.

    Proper trimming and other nuances of the departure

    How to trim and form a crown?

    Pruning - a procedure without which the bonsai of Benjamin ficus does not work. We are usually beginning with air roots, giving them the necessary shape, regularly cutting the main barrel of the plant. Because of this, it begins to increase in diameter, the crown grows in breadth, the roots are thickened and partially discovered from under the ground.

    It is possible to proceed to the formation of the crown only when the trunk reaches the necessary thickness. Since the ficus of Benjamin intensively generates a green mass, it is necessary to cut at least once every six months. Each branch on which 8-10 new leaves appeared is shortened so that 2-4 sheets remain. Trimming is carried out upwards. Washing the juice is not needed to wash.

    To minimize stress for the plant, use only sharply sharpened disinfected scissors with not too long blades, cutting off the branches perpendicularly, not leaving "hemp". When the separated juice thickens, lubricate the "wounds" of the Garden Warr.

    In no case should not cut some leaves. "Bald" bonsai with sticking branches sticking in different directions, without exaggeration, terrible. In addition, the remaining leaves can be fun.

    Do not overdo it when trimming leaves - "bald" bonsai looks not very attractive

    The best time to remove a significant volume of green mass is an early spring, before the start of the active vegetation period. Next to the autumn, you can carry out a small "current repair", removing individual unsuccessfully spaced twigs or adjusting the direction of their growth. From mid-October to the end of winter, Ficus Benjamin is not cut - it is too much stress for a plant in need of peace.

    The shape of the trunk must be attached as neat as possible. The optimal version is the use of a thin rope or twine, which tying the necessary branches to the base of the tree or another support.

    If you still decide to use the wire, take the most thin of the available, with isolation and be sure to put a soft tissue under it. Do not wrap the ficus of Benjamin wire immediately after the transplant, wait 3-4 weeks. Move strictly bottom up from the base of the barrel. When the plant is able to maintain a specified form (after 1.5-2 months), gently cut the wire and remove it. Do not even try to unwind - almost certainly broke the branches.

    Those who are confident in their forces can try to "correct" nature, transplanting one or more shoots of other species to the ficus of Benjamin. Some craftsmen manage to replant even air roots.

    Video: Formation of the trunk and cropping bonsai from Benjamin ficus

    Important nuances of care

    Behind the ficus bonsai takes care the same as behind the plant of normal sizes. It also needs watering, increasing air humidity, regular fertilization. Creating a plant of optimal conditions is no less important than care for it.

    For harmonious development, it is advisable to provide a light day for a duration of at least 12 hours. During the active vegetation period, if the natural sun is not enough, use special phytolamba. For autumn and winter, refuse the backlight.

    Place for bonsai Choose immediately and forever. Ficus reacts poorly to move, sharply dropping leaves. Check the pot not standing on draft. Provide a permanent temperature of 18-25? C, try to avoid sharp drops. 15? C - the threshold of the survival of Benjamin ficus.

    Any bonsai watered pretty moderately so as not to provoke the roots. Ficus Benjamin is no exception. Use raindrop, thawa or well-standing water. The latter is desirable to skip through the filter or soften with several citric acid crystals. So that the soil is saturated with moisture evenly, the water on the bonsai is sprayed with quite high heights using a spray gun. Thus, at the same time you moisturize the crown of the tree. The miniature ficus is watered daily or every 2 days (depending on the temperature and humidity of air on the street and indoors), as soon as the upper layer of the soil is completely dry.

    Tight fleshy leaves of ficus help him bring dry air modern apartmentsBut for rapid growth and harmonious development, it is recommended to increase the humidity of the indoor air humidity. This is a necessary condition for the appearance of air roots that give bonsai of originality.

    In the absence of a good place for a mini-ficus in the house of a winter garden or a greenhouse. There, air humidity is higher than in the rest of the premises.

    Bonsai fertilizers are feeding only during the period of active vegetation, since the beginning of the spring until the middle of the autumn. Ideally, you need to find special blends for this type of houseplants, but comprehensive fertilizers for palm trees or mulberry are suitable. The feeder is dissolved in water, strictly following the manufacturer's recommendations. The preferred option of its introduction is extraxorno. Just once every 15-20 days.

    In general, the plant reacts negatively, inevitably "bald", so without extreme need to disturb the ficus of Benjamin is not recommended. The procedure may well be replaced with the removal of the upper layer of the Earth in the pot (about 1 cm) and the plugness of the portion of the freshly prepared substrate.

    How to care for bonsai from the microcarp ficus (Ginseng)?

    Ficus of Benjamin as a material for growing bonsai is the most popular, but not the only option. No less aesthetically, the ficus of the fine-grade (microcharp), he is ginseng (more familiar pronunciation - "ginseng") or dull. Also, the plant is found under the nicknames "Chinese Banyan", "Taiwan" or "Indian laurel ficus", "Green Island".

    He is also known as the "scenario". This name indicates characteristic feature - Aerial roots of Fikus Ginseng in search of supports are deployed by trunks nearby trees and oppress their growth, simply speaking, stalk.

    The last nickname describes what Muffens Ginseng in demand from Bonsai fans. Its main value for lovers of this decorative and applied art is the thick trunk, covered with a reddish-gray folded bark, as if woven of several trollers. In fact, what seems separate trunks are thickened air roots. The whole design resembles ginseng root or mythical mandragora. Narrow dark-green leaves with pointed tips also look very attractive.

    Grant bonsai from Ficus Ginseng is even easier than from Benjamin ficus. In order to stimulate the growth of air roots, the plant has just landed with roots or the plant purchased in the store can be temporarily placed in a flurarium or homemade "greenhouse", knitting the ficus into a package or by placing in a suitable capacity, covered with glass or polyethylene film. Pereparing bonsai from Fikus Ginseng in July, shortening the roots of about a quarter.

    Ficus Ginseng loves light, but not burning straight sun rays. The desired light day duration of 14-16 hours for most of the territory of Russia naturally will not be able to ensure, so fluorescent lamps are used to read. In winter, they should work on average for 4-6 hours a day more than in summer.

    In addition to bright light, Ficus Ginseng does not like hot dry air streams very much. Place a plant away from heating batteries and other heating devices. Another argument against the windowsill is strong drafts from dismayed windows.

    Pour bonsai from the watering can with a narrow nose, the pot on the perimeter, trying so that the water does not hit the trunk and air roots. Water is pouring until it starts to drain through drainage holes. Wait 15-20 minutes and drain the excess surplus from the pallet. It is advisable to spray the plant daily or wipe the leaves with a damp soft cloth.

    Picking up a place for bonsai, remember that the leaves of Fikus Ginseng moderately poisonous. Esthered their pets may well choose. Take care to remove the pot from the population zone.

    The optimal height of the bonsai bonsai from Ficus Ginseng is about 0.5 m. Accordingly, it is possible to start the crown in 3-4 years, when the tree will grow to the specified parameters and air roots will become quite thick. But during this time, a regular trimming is needed so that the tree is excessively pulled out.

    Mass leaf fall to ficus ginseng is a phenomenon that is completely stacked. Life life of the leaves is a maximum of 3 years. Pretty soon a tree will acquire a new crown. But the yellowing leaves, starting from the lowest - the reason to urgently make feeding. The plant signals that the soil is too poor.

    Video: Important Nuances of Bonsai Bonsai from Ficus Ginseng

    Ficus Panda, Rubber, Bengali and other species suitable for bonsai formation

    In addition to the ficus of Benjamin and Fikus Ginseng, it is possible to grow bonsai from other species:

    • Ficus Bengal (Benghalensis). Basically appreciated for the specificity of the life form (the so-called banyan) - one tree looks like a whole forest of trees smaller. In natural conditions, it can be brought into several hectares. Banyan can form other ficuses, but the Bengalsky is obtained by the most powerful. Bonsai decorativity adds fiber leaves with a pattern of light residences.
    • Ficus ficker or carica (carica), he is a fig, a fig tree and a wine berry. Not the most successful (as the winter is getting rid of the leaves), but quite suitable for bonsai. The branches are very thick, the leaves are large, so trimming is problematic. The trunk remains smooth regardless of the age of the plant. The more intensely branches the tree, the less the leaf plate becomes, therefore, at a height of 0.5-0.7 m, the bonsai looks harmoniously. In the summer it is useful to endure a pot on open air.
    • Ficus Timnoliste (Neriifolia). Thanks to the color of the leaf plate, the plant is more shadowfully than its relatives, survives even with a completely artificial light.
    • Ficus rzavo-red or rust (Rubiginosa). Young specimens of this unusual Plants There are like epiphytes, then form a banyan, although not so pronounced as in the Bengalsky Ficus. The smooth bark on young shoots cast reddish, adult leaves are covered with a red-brown "pile". It grows pretty slowly, which allows us to trim the bonsai not so often. Very hardy, including tolerate care errors.
    • Ficus Panda. This species has very dense leaves. The plant is well tolerating dry air of modern apartments.
    • Ficus rubbing (elastica). Most often for bonsai use selection hybrids with a pattern on the leaves of stains and bellic, olive or linomes. Even compared to the rest of the ficuses is growing rapidly (on the sheet a week). Glossy leaves are located on the helix. Poor reacts to a sharp change of type of lighting or change in admission sunlight. The juice of milk-white juice is released on the spot.

    Bonsai from different types of ficus in the photo

    Possible problems when growing bonsai

    Any errors made by flowerflower growing bonsai negatively affect the appearance of a tree, which dramatically loses in decorativeness. "Miniature", in contrast to the trees of a normal size, can die almost instantly. Therefore, measures must be taken promptly, immediately and correctly reacting to the signals sent by the plant.

    Table: Communicated difficulties in cropping bonsai from ficus

    Growing bonsai is an occupation requiring patience, constant control over the country's condition, the presence of artistic taste and fantasy. Ficus is a good material for those who want to practice before proceeding to the cultivation of traditional miniature pines and maples. The plant is neciprisno, with gratitude responds to care, well gives to the formation and has the necessary decorativeness. Bonsai - "long-playing" hobby, the cultivation of a tree in all canons takes more than 10 years, the result will not see far from immediately, but to observe changes in the form and direct them in the right direction very exciting.

    Ficus Microcharp - Ficus MicroCarpa

    Tree in miniature

    Ficus Microcharp is a completely ordinary representative of the kind of ficus, resembling everyone known and very common Ficus Benjamin. However, most likely, you bought it in the store in the form of a small tree. Indeed, the ficus of the microcharp is very easy and quickly forms powerful rhizomes, so the most well suited for beginners of bonsai culture lovers.

    Ficus microcharp has small neat leaves. They differ from the leaves of Benjamin ficus the absence of an elongated asset at the end. And, in general, the form of the leaf of the microcarp ficus can be very different: from more oblong to the round. The bark of this ficus is quite thin and smooth. Therefore, it should be attentive: it is quite easily injured.

    Translated from the Latin name of this ficus, it sounds like "Ficus the Smallopling". In foreign literature you can meet a huge number of items of this plant - Indian Lavr, Green Island, Chinese Banyan, etc. We have the most common name that can be directly found on a potted label with a plant - Ficus MicroCarpa Ginseng, i.e. "ginseng". This is called the plants of the microcharp ficus, which are sold in the store, they are grown in a special way and resemble the bonsai culture style. The fact is that thick "trunks" of these ficuses are actually roots and externally resemble the roots of ginseng.

    Exists special technology Growing the "Ginseng" ficus, aimed at the formation of such bizarre roots. Although Ficus microcharp is one of the most simple and fast bonsai-style plants, however, its characteristic form is not immediately achieved. Typically, the cultivation of the ficus is carried out on special farms (most often in South China or in the USA) and begins to disemboditate seeds or germinating cuttings. Ficus microcharp as it grows forms a very powerful root underground. In addition, the plant is fed by special hormonal substances and insecticidal means to accelerate the growth of the roots and prevent the occurrence of diseases. It is very important to comply with everything the necessary conditions: maintain the desired temperature, air humidity.

    When the root of the ficus reaches significant sizes, the plant is neatly digging. At this stage, unfortunately, you have to cut off the formed troller of the ficus, leaving only a small pennies, and the roots are then cleaned from the soil, washed and sorted. At this stage, the roots with hemp are massively bought by floral farms. There the roots are planted into individual pots, but they are shuffled only slightly, and most of the soil are left over the surface. Over time, thin skin roots fracture and turns into a bark. Next use various chemicals to speed up the formation of new twigs with leaves of these roots. Sometimes even use branches from other plants. Special chemicals are used to preserve the compact form of ficus. However, at this stage, the plant is already practically formed in the form of a small tree and can be on sale.

    Such bonsai can be called "accelerated". However, the ficus of the microcharp can be formal in the "Bonsai" style, when the trunk is really a trunk, and not a thickened root outside. Of course, the formation of such trees requires much greater art, and most importantly - significantly more time.

    Motherland Microcharp - South-East Asia, India, Mysterious Island Borneo. IN lately, Ficus Microcharp was widely extended far beyond its original territory of origin. It can be found already on the Bermuda, and on the West Coast of Florida, where you can see the trees of ficus. However, in tropical forests, we, of course, do not meet the miniature trees, resembling those selling in our stores. Ficus microcharp in nature reaches a height of 15 m and forms huge air roots hanging down. The spectacle is quite impressive.

    Ficus microcharp in natural conditions is distinguished by very rapid growth and extraordinary endurance. It can germinate in the drainters, cream and cracks of the sidewalk, on the rocks. This plant was found even on the roofs of high-rise buildings in Singapore.

    The natural cycle of the development of the microcarp ficus is quite complicated, in the sense that it is pollinated only by special tiny axes, the fruits are eaten by birds and vertebrals, and the seeds are distributed later with the participation of ants.

    However, despite this, the ficus of the microcharp is very widely used for landscaping streets and squares in countries with a warm climate, for example, in southern California. The ficus of the microcharp in Taiwan is very common, where there are special clubs on its cultivation, numerous exhibitions are arranged, on which plants of extraordinary bizarre forms are demonstrated.

    My story Microcarp Fikus

    So far I do not know the opinion of other flowerflowers, but I have, to my shame, among the large number of plants there are always "pets" who like me at the moment most. I think that such a biased attitude to a certain extent affects our care for one or another homemade pet: We are more attentive to one, others cause less interest. Unfortunately, sometimes those plants that for some reason "broke out", as if they feel the inattention and began to root more, and sometimes die ...

    So I want to say about the microcarp ficus that at the moment he is my absolute favorite. I do not know that I was so fascinated in this small tree. I bought it completely spontaneously in the supermarket, well, I just could not pass by. There is something inexpressible touching and even partly comical in thick powerful protruding roots from the miniature tiny trees with small gentle leaves. If you consider my constant interest in Japanese culture and Japanese style in the interior, it can be understood that this plant was just necessary for me.

    Naturally, I expected that at home the newly acquired village would immediately discharge the leaves or some other way will respond to experienced stress. However, I simply penetrated my minifikus with a special tenderness after he literally began to grow a new sheet and all his appearance demonstrated satiety and well-being.

    I am not very afraid that the shoots of my plant will strongly stretch, because I do not expect in conditions of permanent twilight in my apartment from it strong growth. However, if the shoots start growing, they will have to cut them as well as the roots. Most of all I was delighted when a month later, my plants began to grow from a thick "corstery" of my plant. I think that this is the most successful trees, because It grows into width, but does not lose its miniature form.

    Caring for the "ginsevian" ficus is reduced to regular watering, spraying and soul. Although overflowing for him is much more dangerous to insufficient moistening, while I notice that it makes it quite quickly, because grows in a small pot.

    Ficus microcharp flowers just like the other ficuses. It forms round siconies that resemble more than a flower. Later, they turn into real berries, which, although not poisonous, but absolutely not tasty. However, we hardly have to observe an interesting flowering process, because At home, Ficus microcharp, though it blooms, but quite rare.

    Although the ficus of the microcharp is considered a sufficiently shadowed look, nevertheless, it needs a bright abdomen. It is best to put it on the eastern or western window. This ficus can also be grown in artificial lighting, the lamp must be at an altitude of about 30 cm above the plant. On the southern window, the leaves of the microcharp ficus will quickly decide, so the plant should be pulled off a slightly from the glass, it will also need a slight shading. In winter, growing a microchar ficus on the southern window, on the contrary, quite favorable.

    This species does not need frequent watering. In summer, the frequency of soil moisture somewhere 2 times a week. Watering water should be soft and room temperature. The most important thing is not to fry the ficus, because It does not make an excess of water at which there is a sharp leave of the leaves and rotting the root system.

    Ficus microcarpa feed only in the summer, about once every two weeks. Use comprehensive fertilizer.

    The regular shower and rubbing the leaves are necessary to fie the microcharp.

    Ficus Microcharp prefers elevated humidity level and frequent spraying. Also useful (especially in winter) to put a water dish near the plant. It is even better to grow the plant in the pallet with a wet clay. However, the ficus may well adapt to growing in relatively dry air of the premises.

    Ficus microcharp does not make sudden temperature drops, drafts. The result of such an impact will be the appeal of leaves. In the summer, it is best to maintain a temperature of about + 20-23 ° C, in winter it takes a cooler content (+ 16-18 ° C). In the summer it is very useful to make a fiber on the street, because In the open air, it will get more light, will acquire considerable stability to survive the winter. In addition, constant ventilation reduces the likelihood of plants in pests.

    The most important for the microcarp ficus is the presence of a good drainage. The soil must be well permeable so that there is no stagnation of moisture. In general, the ficus of the microcharp is not at all demanding to the substrate. However, it is best to use in the soil of no more than 40% of the organic components and up to 60% of inorganic components.

    Young plant transplant annually, adults less often.

    When transplanting when you got a plant from a pot, it is necessary to shorten its roots by about 1/3 to maintain a compact form of the plant. Next, we place the plant in the pot of the same size or slightly increase the size of the pot so that the upper part of the root is the same as before, there was a pot on the edge. After transplanting, it is impossible to put a plant on a bright light and unscrew.

    If you bought a ficus microcharp in the form of a small tree, then in the future you will have to maintain its compact form. The fact is that in flower households, retardants were used, the action of which is directed against the stretching of plants. After their effect is over, the branches of your ficus will undoubtedly begin to lengthen. The leaves of larger size will begin to form. And if the plant does not have enough nutrients for the formation of the crown, it will start using reserves accumulated in powerful roots. Roots will begin to shrink and decrease in size. Therefore, an important condition for the normal type of your "bonsai" village is the constant trimming and roots, and shoots. Ficus microcharp should be cut exclusively in the summer. In winter, the plant is not shortening.

    Throughout the growing season, the discrepancies of the plant must constantly cut, leaving no more than two pairs of leaves. The biggest enthusiasts also cut the V-shaped tips of the largest leaves. In general, to the process of trimming the microcarp ficus should be approached creatively, it is necessary to generally estimate the appearance of the plant and cut those shoots that are knocked out of the desired form. It should not be too diligently and crushing the branches are very strong. It is also better to carry out a pruning not a very sharp tool to prevent the abundant allocation of the Milky Juice.

    It must be said that the ficus-ginseng with a thick root is not bonsai in the full sense of the word. Flower, seriously engaged in the culture of bonsai, even pump up the top of the plant from the thickened root, rooted it again and grow the ficus with a real thickened barrel. In the picture above, you see what the real bonsai-bonsai microcarp ficus looks like. However, it seems to me that the entire originality of the plant is reduced to its special structure of a powerful root. If the formation of the bonsai trees for you is not so important, you can still allow the branches of the ficus to grow up to those sizes that you like. In the picture on the right, you can see how attractively the ficus-ginseng, whose branches are quite lengthened, however, nevertheless, he remains overall a completely harmonious appearance.

    The most common problem with the cultivation of the microcarp ficus is a sharp leaf of leaves, the reasons for which can be diverse. First, the leaves fall in response to transferred stress when changing the conditions of growth, from draft, sharp temperature differences. Another reason for the appeal of leaves is redundant watering and rotting the root system. In all these cases, green leaves fall. If the leaves are in front of the appeal, the reason in this case will be, on the contrary, insufficient moistening of the soil.

    Unfortunately, the cause of the appeal of yellow leaves can be dry air, and an insufficient amount of sunlight, especially in winter. If we cannot provide our ficus additional lighting, you will have to accept this phenomenon and wait for spring when the plant necessarily turns the leaves again. If the leaves are yellowing gradually, the reason may be the insufficient amount of nutrients.

    Among the pests of the microcarp ficus should be especially highlighted by a shield that is noticeable on the leaves and shoots of the plant in the form of brown crusts. The sign of her presence also serve sticky leaves.

    Sometimes, the ficus of the microcharp is amazed by tryps, but they rarely settle on the plant indoors. Another possible pest is a torment Cherver.

    When buying, the main thing to choose the most cute tree with the most powerful barrel, the bark should not be damaged. It is necessary to examine the leaves if doubt arises regarding the presence of pests, it is better not to buy such a plant.

    Ficus microcharp can be multiplied by seeds, but these seeds meet quite rarely. If they still get to you, they must be soaked in a mixture of sphagnum and peat. The seeds are fairly small and germinate in the conditions of a constantly moisturized substrate.

    Most easy way The reproduction of the microcharp ficus is semi-restless cuttings with no less than four-five leaves. Best of all, if the basis of such a cutting will be slightly apparent, in this case there is less likelihood of posting. However, soft cuttings are rooted faster. The cuttings are planted in a mixture of peat and sand, covered with polyethylene and exposed to an unireded light. The rooting lasts 1-2 months. It is possible to roam the cuttings and in water, although in this case the probability of rotting is higher, and the survival rate of the plant is worse.

    Ficus microcharp can be multiplied with a part of the root. The root cuttings are planted into the ground, leaving over the substrate surface only about 2.5 cm. The cuttings are covered on top with polyethylene. It is rare enough to water it, not more often than 1 time per week, when the soil dry and the condensate will disappear from the inner surface of polyethylene. The stalks also need to be able to ventilate, i.e. Leave for several minutes without polyethylene. The appearance of new twigs will have to wait for quite a long time - 2-4 months. After 3-5 leaves appear or small roots penetrated through the hole in the pot, it will be possible to remove polyethylene, put the plant in the conditions of bright scattered light and start watering it in normal mode.

    The main problems that may occur with the vegetative reproduction of the microcarp ficus is to rotten the cuttings during excess moisture. The rooting may be difficult if the cuttings are taken from a weak or patient plant.

    It is also possible to roighten large plants with the help of air chains, while the bark on the trunk is ringing. The thickness of the strip must be wide enough. Wrap a sphagnum strip. In this case, the use of hormones is very useful. Wrap a moss with polyethylene and fix it. When the roots are visible through polyethylene, rooting occurred. The top can be cut off, remove polyethylene and disembark without removing the moss. It is necessary to transplant in approximately six months.

    Using all these breeding methods you will get a regular ficus. As already written above, for the development of powerful outer roots or form in the form of bonsai requires a special technology of cultivation.

    You can experiment and try to grow such a fiber at home yourself. True, it will not take at least 5 years. When the rooted cuttings takes place and will grow enough, during the transplantation in the spring it will be necessary to remove the 1-2 upper centimeters of the soil, thus bare the upper part of the roots. Such a procedure is repeated every year. Gradually, the upper part of the roots will be taken off and turn into a caudax. At the same time, it is necessary to pinch the tops of the shoots, leaving 2-3 interstices. Of course, at home is unlikely to get the same powerful plant as in the store. However, you can try.

    It does not poison, on the contrary cleans the air from harmful substances.

    Before leaving, the ficus needs to pour well. Your absence for two weeks it will endure without problems.

    Ficus Microcharp, Ficus Ginseng, Ficus Ginseng is located 24th place In the rating of recommendations and has the following qualities:

    If you have already grown this plant and you like it and you recommend it to other flowers, you too can

    Now you can meet the ficus in apartments, offices, winter Gardens. The tree ficuses are good in the interior, Liana looks spectacular in the suspended pots. It is believed that the ficus possesses the "magical" properties, can neutralize negative emotions, protect the house from negative energy and bring happiness in it. Moreover, Ficus Benjamin is able to attract wealth to the house.

    Ficus refers to the family of the mulberry. The plant is quite common, there are almost 900 varieties, among which trees, shrubs and lianas. Fikuses are not only evergreen, but also flatfall. The homeland ficus is countries with a predominance of subtropical or tropical climate (Southeast Asia, Borneo, Ceylon, Java), the height of the ficus there reaches 30 m, and the length of the leaves is 1m.

    Ficus leaves can be:

    • regular;
    • solid;
    • blade;
    • glossy;
    • suggested.

    The inflorescences of the ficuses have an unusual structure: the crushed axis of the pear-like or head-shaped shape inside the hollow, upstairs - a hole. Flowers are inside the scenery wall, they are pollinated by insects. After pollination of the colors, small fruits forming the nozzle begin to develop. At home, ficuses bloom extremely rarely.

    Main types of ficus and photos

    In Asia, in tropical wet forests there is a ficus of Benjamin, more often it is located at the foot of the mountains. Represents evergreen tree up to 30 m high, with thin branched hanging branches. The leaves of the oval-ovoid shape, at the base rounded, the length of them is 5-12 cm, width 2-5 cm wide, rounded at the base. The leaves are dense, glossy, the edges are slightly wavy. This type of ficus is best suited for a bonce.

    There are several varieties (more than twenty) Benjamin ficus, the difference is in the color of the leaves.

    • Natasha;
    • Mint;
    • Green Cinema;
    • Viandi;
    • Daniel;
    • others.

    When that ficus was grown to obtain rubber

    And Ficus rubbing - Pretty popular culture for growing at home. It is believed that this tree can save family well-being. In Motherland, in Northeast India, Ficus Rubbone Local Buddhists consider the Sacred Plant. At a young age, this tree is one-barreled unbranched, but over time it begins to branch, air roots appear on the branches and trunks. When the Earth reaches, new trunks begin to form from the roots and Banyan is formed.

    Rubbone ficus leaves Large leathery, dark green, have an elliptical shape, the tips are pointed. Young leaves have a red-brown shade, as well as a row of the same color, which falls out to form a characteristic circular scar on the branch.

    Some time ago, this ficus was grown with the purpose of industrial rubber. Milky juice of the ficus has an irritant action, when driving a dermatitis or allergic reactionSince its composition is contained:

    • latex;
    • alkaloids;
    • enzymes.

    These varieties of this type of ficus are most common:

    • Abidjan;
    • Elasta
    • robusta
    • Belize;
    • Ficus melanie;
    • Black Prince;
    • Tineke.

    Ficus Benedict In natural conditions, it grows in Southeast Asia, the difference from other representatives of the genus is in the leaves: they are long pointed and very thick, so if you do not bind the trunk to the support, then under the weight of the leaves it will break. Not so long ago brought varieties:

    • Queen Amstel;

    These varieties are excellent for planting premises.

    Ficus Bengalsky - Evergreen tree, in nature grows in wet monsoon forests of India, Thailand, Malaysia, Burma. A distinctive feature - Banyan: just one tree creates the visibility of the forest of tight trees. Banyan is formed after thick air roots formed on horizontal branches are formed. Some of these roots dry out, others are lowered to the ground and are rooted there, taking the type of supporting trunks with time. In turn, they also give side shoots, wrench growing. In the square in several hectares, groves from the ficus are formed.

    Dwarf ficus is quite difficult to grow at home, it is not recommended to take it if you have little experience

    Fikus Karlikova - Special place, this evergreen plant is characterized by beauty: the leaves are small (1.5-3 cm long), dark green, oval slightly pointed shape. From the stalk of the ficus, thin shoots are departed, forming air roots with time, which are capable of clinging not only for a special support, but also for the wall.

    In nature, often grows directly on the trunks of the trees. Grow the dwarf ficus is difficult - the plant is demanding and picky, it is undesirable to acquire it to people who do not have greater experience in growing plants. Features of the dwarf ficus are such that it can be used as an ampel plant and as a growing support. Ficus look perfect in both cases.

    Being an evergreen decorative church of large sizes, well suited for rooms and offices, greenhouses. It is distinguished from other species, except for a large sized village, large wavy leaves. He loves loneliness, so it is better to place him away from other plants. Such a title This type of ficus was for the fact that his leaves having a relief pattern of light green veins on a dark background, remind the silhouette of the lyra.

    Homeland microcharp ficus It is Southeast Asia, he is found in Northern Australia; In nature grows up to 25 m, his crown is thick, and the trunk is thin and smooth. Leaves 12-15 cm long, dark green, leathery, glossy, oval-elliptical shape with a pointed vertex. Flowers are small, formed inside the inflorescence with a diameter of 0.5-1 cm.

    Ficus microcarpa belonged to the group of ficusers. He begins his life in nature, like epiphyte, is gradually rooted next to the Tree-owner, over time, excretes him with roots and crushes. His air roots, although numerous, but very weak, for this reason he is not able to go into the form of Banyan. In most cases, this type of ficus is bred at home due to the unusual shape of its roots or due to the crown, thick and beautiful.

    Features of growing ficus

    Ficus reacts sharply to change the temperature, so it is necessary to monitor that there would be no temperature drops otherwise the ficus can reset the leaves

    Before purchasing a ficus, it is desirable to choose a place where the plant will be placed: the ficuses are conservative, do not like when they are rearranged from one place to another. It is better if the room is sunny and with a sufficient amount of fresh air. In the summer, it is possible to carry a fiber to the balcony, but should be protected from direct sunlight. In case of insufficient lighting, the growth of the plant slows down, and the leaves are falling. With sudden lighting drops, the color of the leaves changes.

    In summer, the optimal for the content will be the temperature of 25-30 degrees, in the winter of 16-20 degrees. For ficus, it is preferable to winter warm and dry room with additional backlit and regular spraying. The ficus is required, the greater the light, the higher the room temperature. The plant reacts sharply to the soil supercooling: can reset the leaves, so it is unacceptable to put it on the cold floor. It is undesirable that sharp temperature differences occur. The need for ficus in watering depends on external conditions:

    • lighting;
    • temperatures;
    • humidity
    • ambient air.

    Considering that the conditions are often changed, it is important to observe the state of an earth's coma, watering a plant if necessary. In summer, abundant irrigated, but it is important to give the earth to dry between irrigation. Check if it is necessary to purify the ficus, you can simply: lowering the finger by 2-3 cm into the ground. If the earth does not remain on the finger and crumbles, it is necessary to water. If it sticks to the finger - so far watered early.

    Moving Ficus after purchase only on the fifth day

    Warm water is recommended for irrigation in such quantities until it starts flowing from the drainage hole. After 30 minutes. It is necessary to drain the water from the pallet. In winter, it is necessary to water carefully, especially if the ficus is contained in a cool room, then an excess of moisture is possible.

    How to make fertilizers and in what quantity will depend on the substrate, as well as the time of year. If the ficus is grown in an inert substrate, then you need to make fertilizers round year. If traditional land mixes are used, then you need to make fertilizers (organic or mineral) every 2 weeks in spring and summer. In winter, fertilizer does not apply, because there is little light, moisture and heat, and therefore the vegetation is undesirable. When stimulating the plant to the growth of shoots, weak are formed and quickly stretched.

    The relative humidity of 70% is considered optimal for ficus. In the summer, and in some cases in winter (when the ficus is contained in a heated room, where the air is dry), the plant is required to spray leaves and shower. We need warm soft water (after rigid water on the leaves there are white divorces).

    After purchasing a ficus in the store, if the substrate is in a normal state (there are no insects, mold), then you need to give the plant at least 5 days to adapt and then turn the ficus into a new pot without destroying the earthen com. If there is pests or mold, the substrate looks doubtful, then it will have to better remove it 5 days after adaptation.

    See also the video about how it is necessary to transplant the ficus.

    In the future, when the pot becomes cramped for a ficus (an earthen comes fully braided roots, soil after irrigation quickly slips the roots are visible from drainage holes), a transplant is required. It is better to spend it in spring or summer - at this time of the year the plant is easier adapted. For young plants, specific soil consisting of a mixture is required:

    • leaves of plants;
    • sand;
    • peat.

    Adult plants need more dense soil, therefore adding turfs or humus. You can buy a ready-made soil in specialized stores: the composition of the Earth in it is correctly selected and depends on the specific age groups. At the young age, replant the ficus is needed annually into the pot, the diameter of which is more than the previous one by 2-3 cm. Previously the plant is watered (so that it is easier to remove from the pot), remove the top layer, the rooted roots shake down slightly earthen comes and put the plant into a new pot. You need to add the required amount of fresh earth from all sides. Plants at an older age (after 4 years) it is recommended to transplant every 2-3 years in a pot, with a diameter of 3-4 cm more than the previous one.

    Ficus to multiply in the following ways: cuttings, air vessels, sheet

    You can use the following ways:

    • reproduction of top cuttings;
    • air chains;
    • sheet.

    Regardless of the type of ficus the reproduction at home, transfers well, although there are some differences. Ampel plants are easier to multiply, as they are rooted faster. Shrub and tree-like individuals (ficus of bendjamine, rubbing) requires more time to rooting and care for them is needed more thorough. There are several recommendations, which need to be performed regardless of the type of ficus:

    • the best season for breeding spring or the beginning of summer;
    • after the cuttings cut off, the location of the cut is required to rinse with water and dry the escape;
    • for having fun, young shoots are not suitable, because they are not capable of letting the roots, we need the defeated shoots;
    • cut the cuttings of tree ficuses (flick rubbing, bendjamine) is better from the top of the trunk or take a segment of the stem, not less than with one node.

    When using cuttings for planting material, the length of them should be 15-17 cm. Recovering the specified distance from the tops need to make a sharp knife at an angle, removing the leaves. When breeding a ficus with large leaves, you can shorten the leaves on the resulting cuttings. The resulting cuttings are placed in water, better building the guy for rapid germination of the roots (usually 2-5 weeks are required). As soon as small leaflets appear on the cuttings, they can be resettled in pots.

    Difficulties in the cultivation of ficus

    If the leaves began to yellow on the ficus, this may mean excessive watering of the plant

    Some do not know how to properly care for the fountain and faced with problems:

    • flooded leaves, yellowed, sometimes falling, darkening of the stem, the loss of the turgora, the appearance unpleasant odor From soil - such manifestations are observed in excess water when the soil becomes overwhelmed. In the launched cases, the replacement of the Earth, the reinforced roots will have to trim and point the cuts with a powder of charcoal, and a plant to transplant into a pottle of smaller diameter;
    • patched leaves - with insufficient feeding;
    • tips of leaves dry brown - at low humidity, so you need to spray the plant, every week bathe it under the shower, use air humidifiers, do not place plants next to the radiators of central heating;
    • if the ficus yelloweette, the cause can be dry air, it is necessary to increase the humidity of the air;
    • appearance on the leaves of red spots The size of 1-3 mm is observed under the action of factors (the scorching sun, insufficient irrigation, low humidity), so protection against direct rays of the sun is required, the correct irrigation, an increase in air humidity.

    With the help of trimming, Benjamin ficus can be given a variety of crown form:

    • ball-shaped;
    • corrupt;
    • single or multi-tier strain;
    • bonsai;
    • in the form of sculptures.

    Conducting a ficus is better in spring, you can at the beginning of summer, the formation of the crown depends on the age of the plant.

    • kind of plant should be natural;
    • before trimming twigs, imagine how the plant will look without them;
    • use when trimming sterile tools;
    • cut down at an angle to the edge.

    The figure shows the ficus affected by the shield. What to cope with this misfortune must wipe the leaves with soap solution

    Pests that are most often affected by Ficus:

    • shield - Convex specks appear on the inner surface of the sheet brown color. The shields suck juice, leave the raid from which a sage fungus appears. Requires a soap solution to clean the leaves and three-time for two or three weeks to treat the fismus of the accomplish;
    • mealybug - Reminds pieces of wool, pest brown, sucks juice, plant growth slows down. It is necessary to clean the leaves, process three times with soapy water or tobacco solution in a week. Can be treated with a plant confident;
    • if the air is dry and warmThe ficus can be amazed by a spider tick that sues juice. The pest multiplies quickly, a web is formed on the plant, the leaves fade and fall out. To combat: you need to often spray the leaves, process with soap solution, can be used phytodener;
    • tRIPS - Mounts on the inside along the leaf residents, leaves the spots of a dark brown spot, spreads viruses. It is required to repeatedly handle a solution of pyrethrum or Aktilik, Aktar, Aktilik, Taper., The procedure must be repeated;
    • aphid Quickly infect other plants, located on the leaves, the bottom side. The leaves are yellow and twisted. For the struggle, the leaves are washed with soap solution;
    • with the defeat of nematodami On the roots there are novel thighs of the sizing, the selection of these nich-grade worms fall through the root system in the barrel, then in the leaves, they are discolored and the ficus dies.

    With constant oveurgement of the soil, the fungus may occur. Ficus acquires a grayish look, fades, the foci of posting occurs on the stem, roots. There are no means of combating this disease, the plant will have to be thrown out straight with the pot. This infection can be in the soil for a long time.

    For real fake lovers, care at home will not be burdensome, because it is important for this only to perform strictly somewhat conditions.