Repairs Design Furniture

How to fasten the grid on the plastic window. Installing mosquito nets: step-by-step instructions. Instruction prescribes such actions

September 21, 2016
Specialization: Professional in the field of construction and repair (full cycle of finishing works, both internal and external, from sewage to electrician and finishing), installation of window structures. Hobbies: Watch Column "Specialization and Skills"

Fastening the mosquito net on plastic windows is usually performed at the final installation phase: this item has a very simple design and is installed without special difficulties. And yet, if you do your own work, you understand the nuances of choosing the type of fastening and the method of fixing the product on the window is definitely worth it.

Design and purpose of mosquito nets

The anti-mosquito net, which is attached to the PVC window, most often is a skeleton product:

  1. The mesh frame is made of light polymer (PVC) or aluminum. Plastic structures are characterized by less durability, therefore more and more manufacturers are moving to an aluminum profile. In this case, a special coating protects aluminum elements from external influences.
  2. On the corners, the frame elements are connected by special corners. Due to this, the rectangle of the frame is preserved, since plastic inserts give the product the necessary rigidity.

  1. A grid is tensioned on the frame, which is made from the synthetic canvas (the fiberglass is most often used). The grid is most often fixed in the profile groove due to the elasticity of the special cord, because if necessary, the damaged canvas can be removed and replaced by the new one.

Typically, the canvas is painted in gray. Neutral coloring makes sense: It is in this case that the mesh interlacing is least noticeable at any level of lighting.

  1. From the inside, two knobs intended for installing the product and extract it from the opening are recorded on the mosquito net. Plastic handles in 90% of cases disappear after about two years of operation, and the designs made from the polymer strip, rolled into the ring, serve as a little longer.

As follows from the name, the mosquito net ensures protection against penetration into the placement of flying insects - flies, mosquitoes, etc. The cross sections of the holes in most grids are selected with such a calculation so that their size is less than the wings of the most common insects.

In addition, installed in the window opening sash or on the frame of the construction window with stretch canvas ensure the shading of an apartment or a balcony. Despite the high transparency, the mesh material effectively absorbs the sun's rays, because the grid heat up to the grid, especially in the absence of curtains and blinds.

There are many options for fixing "Music" on the window

Installation techniques

Method 1. On the loop

An unambiguous answer to the question of how to fix the mosquito net on the plastic window, probably does not exist. There are several fastening systems, and each can find both dignity and disadvantages.

The first, and the obvious installation method - the installation of the mesh on the loop:

  1. For such a technique, it is necessary to make a design from a special profile. On one side of the frame placed loop groups (two or three, depending on the height), and on the opposite - the latch retainer.

  1. When installing the stack we apply to the frame outside and noting where the loops will be located.
  2. Then we install the retractable pieces of loops on the frame.
  3. Design we put on a loop and fix the rod.
  4. We wear a latch on the response element and close the grid, noting where the latch will be.

  1. We set the latch on the frame, fixing it from the outdoor side by self-draws.

It is very convenient to use this product: if necessary, the mesh simply swallows on the rotating hinges and the opening opens. But there are some restrictions:

  1. First, the dismantling of the product for the winter is characterized by consideration - you need to discontend the loops, which is not so simple.
  2. Secondly, it is impossible to use such designs on windows with installed outer lattices - it simply has nowhere to open the grid.
  3. According to personal experience, I will add one more nuance: with lateral wind, directed along the wall, the latch can open, and then the grid swallows. As a result, a couple of canvas sometimes breaks with loops.

Method 2. On Pockets

More simple, more reliable, but at the same time a little less functional attachments for mosquito nets on plastic windows are the so-called "pockets". They are plastic structures that are fixed on the corners of the mosquito net frame.

Installation of pockets is extremely simple, but there is a small trick in it:

  1. Fastening is best done until the frame is mounted in the opening. So we can perfectly set all the details, and otherwise we will have to fix the design "to the eye", which often leads to errors.

  1. We start mounting from the bottom pair. To do this, take two pockets with low facial sidelights and fix them with self-draws with such a calculation so that the top edge of the mosquito frame profile coincides with the top edge of the frame itself.
  2. After that, insert the grid into the lower guides, and then we neatly lift up - so that the bottom edge of the frame is over the front wall of the pockets. Now we note the position of the upper edge of the frame on the top transverse part of the window frame.

  1. A couple of pockets, equipped with larger sides, install so that the raised mesh freely log in to the resulting groove (we make a reserve at a large side by about 3-4 mm). This on the one hand provides reliable fixation of the design in the established position (i.e., when it relies on the bottom pocket), but it makes it possible to extract the grid from the grooves.

After installing the window in the opening, the grid is put in the pockets very simple:

  • first we get the frame into the upper pockets until the stop;
  • then press the bottom edge of the frame to the window;
  • and put on the supports of the lower pockets.

Of course, it turns out longer than on the hinges, but to remove the grid is easier.

Method 3. On the "Flags"

Another fastener for mosquito nets on plastic windows is the so-called check boxes. They are not very convenient to use, but it takes the least place:

  1. The checkbox is a miniature detail: either a Z-shaped plate of thin metal, or a M-shaped rotary element from dense PVC.
  2. Metal flags are most often put directly on the profile frame (it should be aluminum, since the self-sore makes up from PVC immediately). Plastic products are attached to the frame close to the edge of the mesh installed in the opening.
  3. For mounting one frame you need 4 -6 flags.
  4. The checkbox works very simply: we turn each element using self-sufficiency as an axis, and press the frame flag. Due to this, the grid is fixed in the opening at several points.

  1. If necessary, the design is extracted according to the same scheme: the flags turn so that they become parallel to the parts of the frame, and then remove the product.

When you turn the flags, the bridge must be kept behind the handles, otherwise it just falls out.

However, this attachment has a significant disadvantage: turning the flags are inconvenient due to their small size, in addition and plastic, and the thin metal serve not long. Yes, and self-tapping screws fixing the fastener of the mesh frame, too, sometimes burst "with meat". In general, the option for those who take the mesh from the mounts to the maximum time per year.

Method 4. on Velc

Frameless insect grids also exist, moreover, it is completely easy to use them. As a rule, a pair of lipuchki is used for attaching such a design:

  • one is fixed on the window;
  • and the second is sewn or welded around the perimeter of the mesh canvas.

There is a simpler option when the mesh cloth is attached directly to the sticky tape on the window, but it seems to me less reliable.

Installation instructions will be like this:

  1. A window designed to set the grid thoroughly wash, removing pollution and fat stains (they are formed where we touch the plastic with our bare hands).
  2. Before attaching the grid, wipe the window dry.
  3. With Velcro, remove the protective tape, exposing the adhesive layer.
  4. We apply the product to the window and fit well, trying the tape from the first time correctly, without folds and "waves".
  5. After the tape with the velcro is pasted, we attach the mosquito mesh cloth to it. Such a product is well, and it is removed literally in a few seconds.

The disadvantage of this method of fixation is not the highest reliability: no matter how high-quality velcro, according to the strength of the fixation, it is still inferior to mechanical fasteners.

Rollets, plungers and other options

There are several other options for fastening the mesh dense in the window opening:

Type of fastening Design features
Plunger The grids on the plunger mount have a practically standard design: a canvas of fiberglass or PVC is located in a plastic or aluminum frame:
  1. Plungers are embedded in the frame itself - spring-loaded rods, which in normal condition go beyond the edges of the frame by about 15-20 mm.
  2. When the mesh is installed, the frame starts inside the window, the handles of the plungers are delayed and the rods are cut into the profile.
  3. After we release the handle, the plunger comes out and fixes in the hole pre-drilled in the frame.

Such a fastening is distinguished by reliability, but minus is the need to install the structure inside the frame. There is an option to attach plungers into the holes done in the nod, but in this case the relatively thin layer of plastic will experience serious loads.

Rollet Probably the most convenient, but at the same time - the most expensive option:
  1. Outside, a rollt with mosquito canvas is installed, side guides, as well as lower hook.
  2. If necessary, we just take over the cord and stretch the grid from the rolling part, with its base goes downwards down the guides.
  3. At the bottom of the base, the base is fixed with a latch, which holds it in the desired position.
  4. If necessary, the mesh is easily removed - it is enough to remove the base from the latch and slightly tighten the grid up.

The obvious minus is the high price of the product, in the rest, it is extremely convenient and very reliable.

Plisse The protective grid-pls on the principle of action is somewhat similar to the rolling, but it is not moving in the vertical, but in the horizontal direction:
  1. On the one hand, a guide is installed with a fixed web, on the other - the guide with the latch.
  2. The folded grid (hence the name is Plears) is attached to two horizontal polings - top and bottom.
  3. When closing, we simply drag for the handle, and the grid is gradually unfolded. Then in the extreme position we fix a stretched cloth with a latch.
  4. Remove the grid from the opening as simple: we remove her edge from the latch and gradually fold the material "accordion".

The minuses include not the most dense overlap of the opening due to a small provision of material, as well as the high cost of the product. But for a balcony door or a wide window - really very convenient option.

Caring for grids

Anti-mosquito structures can be installed on a variety of attachments, but still, when they were operating, it is necessary to adhere to quite defined recommendations:

  1. The mesh canvas over time loses elasticity, because even with minor mechanical loads. The perforated canvas is much worse coping with its functions, therefore it is periodically (every five or six years) change.
  2. To extend the life of the canvas, the grid should be dismantled for the winter period. I usually remove the designs in October and return to the place in March. Thanks to this, neither profile nor the canvas are processed, therefore it is an order of magnitude longer.

  1. After removing the design, it is worthwheeling - for the warm season it collects an incredible amount of dust. If your windows go to the road, then I would advise rinse the grids more often - every two or three months.
  2. Finally, you should not forget that this design is not intended to protect against falling. No mount can withstand a significant weight load, because if your house has children or active pets, then the sash with a mosquito glass installed only in a folding position.

I do not get tired to repeat: to protect children from falling, the window opening should be blocked. To do this, it is installed either a special handle with a key or a lock on the bottom of the frame. It does not interfere with the ventilation, but from the turning opening of the sash with overly curious hands will save!

"Antikushka" is not a panacea, but can help

  1. The exceptions are only the grids "Antikushka", which differ in reinforced web and more reliable fasteners. But they can not withstand the weight of the fastened Maine Coon or a small child, therefore it is better to be restrained, without bringing to trouble!


Of course, it is not necessary to apply absolutely all methods for fastening mosquito webs, you will not become - it is not necessary. But to understand the assortment of products and study the method of their installation is definitely worth it.

September 21, 2016.

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Installation of a mosquito net on a plastic window design will avoid various problems with insects, which in large numbers appear in summer.

Only high-quality and correctly installed grids will ensure the necessary comfort and safety.

To the question of how to install a mosquito net on a plastic window with your own hands, you can answer that the procedure for assembling such a design and attachment of the accessory is quite simple, and even the person who has no experience in doing such work can cope with it. In this article, readers will be able to find the necessary advice on how to mount the mosquito net correctly and what nuances should necessarily keep in mind.

Constructive features of mosquito net

Before starting the installation of the product, it is important to get a complete picture of the mosquito mesh design. As the main elements, the following can be distinguished:

  • profiles: frame, angular and improvised;
  • connecting corners;
  • fastening cord;
  • plastic and metal holders - 4 pieces.

In addition, it will additionally need special accessories for fastening mosquito nets and the necessary tools.

Using such a product, you can forever forget about harmful and annoying insects, as well as, on the use of fumigators and repellents that are not entirely useful for the human body.

In order for the mosquito net to be an effective insect protection tool, it is important that the product is installed correctly, without any deformations.

Advantages of using such designs

As the main advantages of the mosquito net, some parameters of such a design can be distinguished:

  1. Mosquito nets are very convenient to use. The products are very simply installed and also quickly and easily removed.
  2. The grid can be washed using conventional soap and sponge.
  3. The design looks elegant and neatly, thanks to which the interior will not be spoiled.
  4. The grid perfectly protects the room from the penetration of various insects and even from the rain droplets. In this case, the product does not obscure the view from the window and does not prevent the flow of fresh air.
  5. The design is strong enough, because metal elements and fiberglass are included in the frame.
  6. The material is not deformed and does not fade in the sun.
  7. The grid is very compact and in case of inappropriate, it can be stored in any convenient location.

Varieties of mosquito nets

Disassemble how to put a mosquito net on plastic windows will help the type of product design. Only in the presence of an idea of \u200b\u200bwhich kind of grid has been purchased, it will be possible to properly assemble and install the design.

The main types of design are as follows:

  1. Frame - most simple and affordable. The grid can be removable and sliding. This option is perfect for installing a grid in a room where it does not arise to constantly open the window. If the grid is large, then an additional reinforcing plank is mounted in the middle of the design.
  2. Plunger grid refers to framework structures. The product is not attached to special corners, and immediately mounted in the window opening.
  3. Design with fasteners in the form of velcro or scotch. This option is also the easiest and mounted on the inside of the window sash, which allows it to be easily removed in the future.
  4. Type of fastening for a balcony that has a size of a standard door and fixed on the loop. During the opening of the door, the grid opens with it. In the closed state, the design is fixed using special magnets.
  5. Rolled mosquito net, which refers to new products in this area. The design includes a special guide profile and a grid fixed in a roll. Al across the plank is located on the principle of flights. In the open state, the grid is in the box under the door. This type of construction is suitable for large-sized window openings and for balconies with glazing.
  6. Mesh-Plears, externally similar to a roll construction, but differs in that it moves horizontally, while going to the harmonica. The grid can be additionally decorated with various drawings and decorative parts.

Mosquito net fastening nuances

Installation of a mosquito net on the doors and windows of plastic does not differ in particular complexity, however, when performing this work, you will need to take into account several important points at once. For fastening the structure, you can use one of the four existing options for fasteners:

  1. Plunger - the most expensive mount, however, and the most reliable. This option is perfectly opposed by the influence of external factors. Externally, the plunger is a long item from a metal that can be adjusted in length. Additionally, special springs are used. With such fixtures, the grid is easily and quickly removed, and then, it is put on again. This installation option is suitable for any type of window.
  2. The least reliable type of fasteners is the option "Checkbox". For fixing in this case, special plastic hooks use. Unfortunately, with a strong wind, such a mesh can easily break.
  3. Metal corners are also a reliable fastening that is densely adjusted to the frame. Products have additional fixation from the inside of the room.
  4. Plastic corners are considered the most popular type of fastening. They are placed on the outside, while keeping the window design. The grid, if necessary, is easily removed, and the whole design prevents the normal closure of the window.

Main Mounting Order on Plastic Window

Installing a design can be done with your own hands. To properly perform all the necessary work, it is worth using the attached instructions and the first thing that will need to be done is to assemble a protective product.

Even before the assembly and purchase of the grid, it will take measurements of the window opening, so that the acquired product corresponds to these parameters, and it could be fixed.

Most often, the size must correspond to the overall dimensions of the window opening. This can be checked by opening the sash and measuring the opening.

First, we prepare the framework for which, cut off the frame profile strictly in the size of the window opening. Additionally, the crossbar can be installed to impart stiffness. It is extremely important here to take into account the ratio of the height of the opening to its width. The lower and upper parts are amplified by a special profile - an adhesive, made of aluminum. This increases the strength of the product and guarantees the long-term preservation of their qualities. After the profile is ready, you can apply corners to assemble the frame. As a rule, the corners are performed from durable PVC, which protects the design from the deformation and makes it more stable.

At the next stage, the mesh is tensioned on a special fixing cord, which from the inside is fixed in the opening of the frame. As a result, the cloth is reliably stretched and it can be fixed finally. After that, special metal elements are installed on the frame in the form of a corner profile, which is necessary for fixing the canvas in the window opening. At the final stage, two special handles are joined to mosquito protection, which will allow secure the grid in the window.

For the installation process of the grid with a plastic fastening, it is necessary that the design is already assembled. It is important here to take into account that the width of the finished protection should be wider than the window for 2 cm, and above - by 3 cm. Included with the stack itself, there is a special set of fasteners - two upper and two lower ones. Fasteners are fixed on the frame and fastened. It is important to comply with the installation sequence, because you first need to fix the lower parts, and then determine the placement of fasteners at the top. In this case, the grid is inserted into special grooves, and then simply attracts to the frame without using additional means of fixing the canvas.


In the course of the simplest procedures, the Contractor can get qualitatively established reliable protection against harmful insects and even from the smallest particles of dust and garbage. Due to this, the air indoor will become cleaner and safer to the health of people living in the apartment.

With the arrival of heat are reborn to the life of the hordes of insects and without mosquito nets do not live. Only they are able to protect the premises from the ubiquitous insects. And then some copies manage to leak somewhere. But since for some reason the grids are very short-lived, they have to replace them, then repair. You will not call a representative of the company every time and pay fairly decent money for the work that takes a couple of dozens of minutes. So they are trying to do / repair / install a mosquito net with your own hands.

Types of mosquito nets

A mosquito net is three types:

As you can see, there are many species. Nevertheless, in 90% of cases, framework structures. At a low price, they create a completely normal level of comfort.

Types of fixing frame grids

Most often put the framework mosquito nets. There are two ways to fasten them: Z-shaped brackets and rods (plungers).

Different methods for installing mosquito stacks

When mounting on the brackets, they are mounted on the side of the street. In most cases, it is convenient and, if circumstances allow, choose this method of installation. The dimensions of the grid should be greater luminous lumen of the window sash: the frame is inserted outside.

When using plungers, the grid is also attached behind the glass, but the clamps themselves (stocks) are from the side of the room. This device is convenient on the first floors: it is impossible to remove the grid outside. When installing a mosquito on the rods of its frames should be equal to the size of the light opening. With an accuracy of a millimeter, you will not do it, and to ensure the absence of a gap, the brush is attached around the perimeter. She does not give a leaning insect.

View of the mosquito net installed on the streets from the street

How to measure the order window

Quite often, the frame with the grid is ordered by the company, and install it on the windows yourself. When ordering, you will be asked to inform the dimensions of the light opening. The required measurements are carried out with an open sash. You measure the distance from one sealing gum to another: width and height. Measure in several places, write up with an accuracy of a millimeter. The accuracy depends on how many grids will approach your window.

How to measure the window when ordering a mosquito net

Look at how to measure windows to order mosquito stacks in video.

What you need to know

When ordering or buying a grid on the window, you must pay attention to its characteristics. First, it is produced with different cells of the cell: from 0.6 mm to 1.2 mm. The smaller the lumen, the less likelihood that the insect "lens" is less and the fluff. But at high density, air also passes well, which in the southern regions can be critical. Therefore, the optimal version is somewhere in the middle of 0.8-1, mm.

The grid is also available from different materials:

  • Cotton. Cotton thread has high durability to ultraviolet. Its darling structure increases the "delaying" ability: insects will not spin through such a mesh. But since the fiber is natural, it reacts poorly to humidity, often affected mold and rot, and therefore it is rarely used.
  • Polyester. The most common material. Strong enough and durable, with everything has a low price, but no special properties have it.
  • Nylon. The nylon make a special anti-allergenic grid. It is produced by special technologies with a complex weaving. Due to which it delays even dust and pollen. Such meshs often go beyond the name "Antipl" or "Anti-Allergy".
  • Fiberglass. It is considered optimal, as it has high transparency: when using such grids, the degree of illumination is almost not changed. At the same time, its strength is very high - comparable even with metal strength. From the fiberglass make a mosquito net "Antikushka", which withstands the weight of the animal and does not rhat under claws.

If no special properties need, choose the usual - from polyester. Sometimes they can ask what color the grid is needed. The most imperceptible to the eye is gray, here it is possible to order it.

How to install a frame mesh on a plastic window

You came the finished grid. It includes 4 small z-brackets in the kit (brackets). Please note that they have a shelves of different sizes: two 4 cm and two 2.5 cm. Brackets with large shelves are installed at the top of the frame, with smaller - down.

Z-shaped brackets have a different length of the shelves

For mounting to the frame, each bracket stop will be needed by 2 screws with a screw, which are still called "seeds". We need a marker with a thin pylon or a soft pencil. It will take a drill with a 2 mm drill and a screwdriver or a screwdriver.

Outside the window frame, we carry out the strip below the edge of 3 cm. We become a small stepladder or on a chair, the frame with the grid is displayed outside the window, they themselves alone alone on half. Having applied to the drawn line the lower edge of the frame, we note it up.

You can do without manipulations by the frame: it is necessary to accurately measure its height, and postpone this value from the bottom line. From the resulting point, lay another 1.8 cm and here we spend the second line. According to it, we will align the shelves of fasteners.

Take brackets with long walls. Apply so that the protrusion is on the line. Regarding the light lumen from the edges, it is necessary to retreat about 10 cm. We note the points where the holes will be done. A similar operation is carried out with "short" brackets from below. To control, measure the distance between tops from above and below. It must be 1.8 cm more than your frame. If everything is correct, drill holes in the profile (2 mm drill), install brackets on "seeds". Actually everything, we can assume that the mosquito net is installed with your own hands.

Installing mosquito stacks in the window

Now take the grid for the handle, turning a little sideways, take it out into the street. The top edge insert into the upper brackets, align the vertically, raise until you stop the edge behind the lower brackets and lower. The grid is standing by the brackets.

It is removed in the reverse order. Take a handle, lift up until the stop is removed, output the bottom edge from the brackets, feeding the grid a little from yourself (for a couple of centimeters, no more). Then the behavior of it is slightly down, pull out from the top brackets.

Installation in corner

There is another type of fastener, similar on the principle of "work" with brackets - corners. When installing this type of fixators for the mosquito net, you must also measure the width to accurately. To do this, you will have to find the center of the light opening, from which to postpone half the width of the grid. The inner part of the corner must match the width of the frame with a grid with a small gap - 2-3 mm for freedom of fixation.

Corners for setting the grid

That is, if there is this type of fasteners, they fix the corners and should stand exactly in the width. In the height of the installation, we leave the same clearance of 1.5-1.8 cm. It provides the ability to install the frame in the mount, and is kept due to the fact that the upper shelves are more.

Mosquito net with your own hands: We collect themselves

As you understand, assemble the frame and pull the grid on your own. All components can be bought in firms that sell spare parts for plastic windows. Need the following components:

This looks like a frame for mosquito net in a half-headed state.

  • profile for MFP2 mesh frame;
  • improve profile (transverse septum with a grid height more than 1 m) MFPI and two mounts for it;
  • mesh cloth;
  • corners for assembly;
  • sealing cord (rubber or even woven);
  • handles - 2 pcs;
  • self-tapping screw with a drill, sizes 3.9 * 16 mm;

Assembling Rama

The frame consists of two long profile segments and two short. They are connected to each other with the help of the corners. They can be plastic (cheap, but short-lived material) and metal, painted white or brown paint (in the tone profile).

Even often put an impost - a jumper, which is set to approximately in the middle of the long side. It increases the stiffness of the structure and does not give long profiles to "play".

Profile lengths need to be cut into view of what they are going to corners. Therefore, from the width and length of the light opening (how to measure is described above), 20 mm are taken away - it is this length that is replaced by the corners.

Sculpt from profiles for two segments of the required length. Cut better than a manual saw for metal - it turns out a more smooth speaker with almost no burrs. It is adjusted to the smoothness with a wrist or sandpaper. Then on a flat surface - more convenient on the table, putting the profile with grooves up, we put a rectangle, insert the corner holders - the grooves too up. In the photo, the grooves are directed down, but it is inconvenient - then we have to turn the frame.

Collect profile cuts and corners

With the normal coincidence of the corners and profiles, they must be inserted tight. Very tight. Put in place in place, it will not work. We will have to be tightened, but not to damage plastic, use the lining - wooden bar or a piece of chipboard, as in the photo.

How to assemble a frame for mosquito net on the windows

When assembling, check also the angles. They must be strictly 90 °, or the frame will be oblique, and there will be cracks in which flies of mosquitoes. After the rectangle is assembled, set the impost. It is scolding with 2-3 mm shorter than the resulting frame width, insert holders from two sides, fix on the frame in the groove.

Impripa and holder

We stretch the grid

On the collected frame we spread the grid. It should be more frame for 3-5 cm on each side: it will be easier to stretch. We take the cord, it is pressed into the groove through the grid. You can start from one of the corners, and you can from the middle of the short side, alternately moving to the right, then to the left.

The cord comes quite rigidly, in workshops it rolled with a roller, with its absence, you can use any item with a rounded surface. The knife handle is suitable - a stationery or kitchen, a screwdriver holder, handles of scissors, etc. Running the grid, insert the cord.

Types of handles: plastic and metal base

Installing handles

Having reached the place of installation of the impost, put the handles. Usually they are thin, plastic, inserted into the groove under the grid, then pressed the cord. There is a second type of pens - they are more dense, sometimes - with a metal base, are screwed onto the screws to the profile, but after the grid is stretched. If you have a choice - take metal or although there would be plastic but thick. Plastic is very harp, often robes.

If the grid was crooked during the process, the cord can be pulled out, pushing the screwdriver or something similar, fix, and roll again. Having finished the stretch, check the width and height of the frame at several points. If somewhere there are deviations, then in this place the grid is stretched too much to weaken it, pressing a little palm near the frame. If so it does not work out the width, the cord is upgraded and pulled out at some interval. Aligning the width, holding the grid, refuel again.

Purify the sealing cord can be screwed down

If all sizes coincide, you can cut the cord, to fill the tail, then go through the profile again, checking the uniform of the "seal entry. Now and sticking edges can be trimmed. It is usually done by the stationery knife. All, the mosquito net is collected with your own hands, you can start it on the window.

An example of assembly can be viewed in the following video. This is a commercial: the company sells ready-made sets under an independent assembly. The process is not detailed enough, but you can consider in general terms.

Homemade mosquito nets: save on full

If you consider the cost of all parts, take into account the loss of time on their purchase and assembly, then the benefit is doubtful. All the same you sell components more expensive than firms. It may be useful only in the sense that after self-assembly you can easily repair it yourself.

Nevertheless, there are several very low-cost options for self-made mosquito nets. They are made on a cramless principle, mounted directly on the window. There are two ways of such installation:

  • On the velcro - knitted tape, which consists of two parts - ribbons with hooks and a response with a rough surface. The grid is cut out slightly more light opening, the response part is sewn to the grid, and the part with hooks on the sticky layer is fixed on the frame around the window perimeter.
  • On the sealing cord. It is inserted into place of the regular seal. To do this, it is removed (fit and pulled out), stretch the grid on the opening, the cord is pressed into the groove. The principle is the same as when installing the grid into the frame.

The second way of self-making a budget mosquito net, see the video. The idea is wonderful, minimum costs.

Video on the topic

Mesh Plearse

Mosquito net on loop

How to reduce the amount of dust over the grid

Replacing the handles on the mosquito net

With the arrival of heat are reborn to the life of the hordes of insects and without mosquito nets do not live. Only they are able to protect the premises from the ubiquitous insects. And then some copies manage to leak somewhere. But since for some reason the grids are very short-lived, they have to replace them, then repair. You will not call a representative of the company every time and pay fairly decent money for the work that takes a couple of dozens of minutes. So they are trying to do / repair / install a mosquito net with your own hands.

Types of mosquito nets

  • Frame. This is a frame of a metal-plastic profile, which is stretched by a grid. The grid is attached to the frame using a special fastener: Z-shaped brackets or plungers. This design is the most common, since at a low price it protects well from insects. The cost of manufacturing the grid is from 500 rubles per square meter.
  • Rolled. Arranged by type of rolled curtains or blinds. At the top of the window, a roll with a grid is attached. By pulling over the edge, the grid is lowered and fixed. When released from the retainer, it rises up. Excellent device, but the price is from 5.5 thousand rubles per square.

    Rolled grids - good, but expensive

  • Swing grids. The grid is stretched on the frame, but the frame is reinforced, larger cross section than the frame mosquito net. It is installed most often on the door - balcony or input, it can be installed on the windows. The door or window block is attached using conventional loops. So that it does not open under the gusts of the wind, the magnets are embedded in it. The estimated cost of this type of nets is about 2 thousand rubles. per square.

  • Sliding. These are grids specifically for sliding window systems. They also have a frame on which the grid is stretched. But this frame moves along the special guides that are screwed outside. So it is possible to move the grid to the place where the sash is open.

    Sliding - on the same system aluminum windows

  • Pliste. According to the method of action, it looks like a roll, but is not going upwards, and to the side. There are two guides - on top and bottom for which the grid is moving on the "harmonic" and moves.

    Pleated Mosquito Mesh - Original And Nesh -

As you can see, there are many species. Nevertheless, in 90% of cases, framework structures. At a low price, they create a completely normal level of comfort.

Types of fixing frame grids

Most often put the framework mosquito nets. There are two ways to fasten them: Z-shaped brackets and rods (plungers).

When mounting on the brackets, they are mounted on the side of the street. In most cases, it is convenient and, if circumstances allow, choose this method of installation. The dimensions of the grid should be greater luminous lumen of the window sash: the frame is inserted outside.

When using plungers, the grid is also attached behind the glass, but the clamps themselves (stocks) are from the side of the room. This device is convenient on the first floors: it is impossible to remove the grid outside. When installing a mosquito on the rods of its frames should be equal to the size of the light opening. With an accuracy of a millimeter, you will not do it, and to ensure the absence of a gap, the brush is attached around the perimeter. She does not give a leaning insect.

How to measure the order window

Quite often, the frame with the grid is ordered by the company, and install it on the windows yourself. When ordering, you will be asked to inform the dimensions of the light opening. The required measurements are carried out with an open sash. You measure the distance from one sealing gum to another: width and height. Measure in several places, write up with an accuracy of a millimeter. The accuracy depends on how many grids will approach your window.

Look at how to measure windows to order mosquito stacks in video.

What you need to know

When ordering or buying a grid on the window, you must pay attention to its characteristics. First, it is produced with different cells of the cell: from 0.6 mm to 1.2 mm. The smaller the lumen, the less likelihood that the insect "lens" is less and the fluff. But at high density, air also passes well, which in the southern regions can be critical. Therefore, the optimal version is somewhere in the middle of 0.8-1, mm.

The grid is also available from different materials:

  • Cotton. Cotton thread has high durability to ultraviolet. Its darling structure increases the "delaying" ability: insects will not spin through such a mesh. But since the fiber is natural, it reacts poorly to humidity, often affected mold and rot, and therefore it is rarely used.
  • Polyester. The most common material. Strong enough and durable, with everything has a low price, but no special properties have it.
  • Nylon. The nylon make a special anti-allergenic grid. It is produced by special technologies with a complex weaving. Due to which it delays even dust and pollen. Such meshs often go beyond the name "Antipl" or "Anti-Allergy".
  • Fiberglass. It is considered optimal, as it has high transparency: when using such grids, the degree of illumination is almost not changed. At the same time, its strength is very high - comparable even with metal strength. From the fiberglass make a mosquito net "Antikushka", which withstands the weight of the animal and does not rhat under claws.

If no special properties need, choose the usual - from polyester. Sometimes they can ask what color the grid is needed. The most imperceptible to the eye is gray, here it is possible to order it.

How to install a frame mesh on a plastic window

You came the finished grid. It includes 4 small z-brackets in the kit (brackets). Please note that they have a shelves of different sizes: two 4 cm and two 2.5 cm. Brackets with large shelves are installed at the top of the frame, with smaller - down.

Z-shaped brackets have a different length of the shelves

For mounting to the frame, each bracket stop will be needed by 2 screws with a screw, which are still called "seeds". We need a marker with a thin pylon or a soft pencil. It will take a drill with a 2 mm drill and a screwdriver or a screwdriver.

Outside the window frame, we carry out the strip below the edge of 3 cm. We become a small stepladder or on a chair, the frame with the grid is displayed outside the window, they themselves alone alone on half. Having applied to the drawn line the lower edge of the frame, we note it up.

You can do without manipulations by the frame: it is necessary to accurately measure its height, and postpone this value from the bottom line. From the resulting point, lay another 1.8 cm and here we spend the second line. According to it, we will align the shelves of fasteners.

Take brackets with long walls. Apply so that the protrusion is on the line. Regarding the light lumen from the edges, it is necessary to retreat about 10 cm. We note the points where the holes will be done. A similar operation is carried out with "short" brackets from below. To control, measure the distance between tops from above and below. It must be 1.8 cm more than your frame.If everything is correct, drill holes in the profile (2 mm drill), install brackets on "seeds". Actually everything, we can assume that the mosquito net is installed with your own hands.

Now take the grid for the handle, turning a little sideways, take it out into the street. The top edge insert into the upper brackets, align the vertically, raise until you stop the edge behind the lower brackets and lower. The grid is standing by the brackets.

It is removed in the reverse order. Take a handle, lift up until the stop is removed, output the bottom edge from the brackets, feeding the grid a little from yourself (for a couple of centimeters, no more). Then the behavior of it is slightly down, pull out from the top brackets.

Installation in corner

There is another type of fastener, similar on the principle of "work" with brackets - corners. When installing this type of fixators for the mosquito net, you must also measure the width to accurately. To do this, you will have to find the center of the light opening, from which to postpone half the width of the grid. The inner part of the corner must match the width of the frame with a grid with a small gap - 2-3 mm for freedom of fixation.

That is, if there is this type of fasteners, they fix the corners and should stand exactly in the width. In the height of the installation, we leave the same clearance of 1.5-1.8 cm. It provides the ability to install the frame in the mount, and is kept due to the fact that the upper shelves are more.

Mosquito net with your own hands: We collect themselves

As you understand, assemble the frame and pull the grid on your own. All components can be bought in firms that sell spare parts for plastic windows. Need the following components:

  • profile for MFP2 mesh frame;
  • improve profile (transverse septum with a grid height more than 1 m) MFPI and two mounts for it;
  • mesh cloth;
  • corners for assembly;
  • sealing cord (rubber or even woven);
  • handles - 2 pcs;
  • self-tapping screw with a drill, sizes 3.9 * 16 mm;

Assembling Rama

The frame consists of two long profile segments and two short. They are connected to each other with the help of the corners. They can be plastic (cheap, but short-lived material) and metal, painted white or brown paint (in the tone profile).

Even often put an impost - a jumper, which is set to approximately in the middle of the long side. It increases the stiffness of the structure and does not give long profiles to "play".

Profile lengths need to be cut into view of what they are going to corners. Therefore, from the width and length of the light opening (how to measure is described above), 20 mm are taken away - it is this length that is replaced by the corners.

Sculpt from profiles for two segments of the required length. Cut better than a manual saw for metal - it turns out a more smooth speaker with almost no burrs. It is adjusted to the smoothness with a wrist or sandpaper. Then on a flat surface - more convenient on the table, putting the profile with grooves up, we put a rectangle, insert the corner holders - the grooves too up. In the photo, the grooves are directed down, but it is inconvenient - then we have to turn the frame.

With the normal coincidence of the corners and profiles, they must be inserted tight. Very tight. Put in place in place, it will not work. We will have to be tightened, but not to damage plastic, use the lining - wooden bar or a piece of chipboard, as in the photo.

When assembling, check also the angles. They must be strictly 90 °, or the frame will be oblique, and there will be cracks in which flies of mosquitoes. After the rectangle is assembled, set the impost. It is scolding with 2-3 mm shorter than the resulting frame width, insert holders from two sides, fix on the frame in the groove.

We stretch the grid

On the collected frame we spread the grid. It should be more frame for 3-5 cm on each side: it will be easier to stretch. We take the cord, it is pressed into the groove through the grid. You can start from one of the corners, and you can from the middle of the short side, alternately moving to the right, then to the left.

The cord comes quite rigidly, in workshops it rolled with a roller, with its absence, you can use any item with a rounded surface. The knife handle is suitable - a stationery or kitchen, a screwdriver holder, handles of scissors, etc. Running the grid, insert the cord.

Installing handles

Having reached the place of installation of the impost, put the handles. Usually they are thin, plastic, inserted into the groove under the grid, then pressed the cord. There is a second type of pens - they are more dense, sometimes - with a metal base, are screwed onto the screws to the profile, but after the grid is stretched. If you have a choice - take metal or although there would be plastic but thick. Plastic is very harp, often robes.

If the grid was crooked during the process, the cord can be pulled out, pushing the screwdriver or something similar, fix, and roll again. Having finished the stretch, check the width and height of the frame at several points. If somewhere there are deviations, then in this place the grid is stretched too much to weaken it, pressing a little palm near the frame. If so it does not work out the width, the cord is upgraded and pulled out at some interval. Aligning the width, holding the grid, refuel again.

If all sizes coincide, you can cut the cord, to fill the tail, then go through the profile again, checking the uniform of the "seal entry. Now and sticking edges can be trimmed. It is usually done by the stationery knife. All, the mosquito net is collected with your own hands, you can start it on the window.

An example of assembly can be viewed in the following video. This is a commercial: the company sells ready-made sets under an independent assembly. The process is not detailed enough, but you can consider in general terms.

Homemade mosquito nets: save on full

If you consider the cost of all parts, take into account the loss of time on their purchase and assembly, then the benefit is doubtful. All the same you sell components more expensive than firms. It may be useful only in the sense that after self-assembly you can easily repair it yourself.

Nevertheless, there are several very low-cost options for self-made mosquito nets. They are made on a cramless principle, mounted directly on the window. There are two ways of such installation:

  • On the velcro - knitted tape, which consists of two parts - ribbons with hooks and a response with a rough surface. The grid is cut out slightly more light opening, the response part is sewn to the grid, and the part with hooks on the sticky layer is fixed on the frame around the window perimeter.
  • On the sealing cord. It is inserted into place of the regular seal. To do this, it is removed (fit and pulled out), stretch the grid on the opening, the cord is pressed into the groove. The principle is the same as when installing the grid into the frame.

The second way of self-making a budget mosquito net, see the video. The idea is wonderful, minimum costs.

Video on the topic

Mesh Plearse

Mosquito net on loop

How to reduce the amount of dust over the grid

Replacing the handles on the mosquito net

Sometimes, changing windows in the house, people are trying to save on trifles. The installation of mosquito nets on plastic windows, in general, is considered excess. But, with the onset of hot and wet summer, attacks of mosquitoes, flies and other insects convince the inhabitants of the dwelling in the opposite - protection is needed. To restore comfort in the house, in this case, you will need to install the grid on plastic windows with your own hands.

Before engaged in self-installing anti-mosquito nets on plastic windows, you must order the grid itself at the manufacturer, which today is a great set. Various and models of grids whose price is also varied. Choose at your discretion, the main thing is to make measurements correctly. The grid size should be equal to the inner size of the window plus a 2 cm reserve on each side for fastening.

Required tools

  1. Level (up to 50 cm)
  2. Pencil to apply a level markup
  3. Screwdriver or screwdriver for fixing the grid on the window, brackets, etc.
  4. Small self-tapping screws (up to 2 cm)

Mosquito nets are distinguished by appointment, design, appearance. To begin with, you need to figure out what mosquito nets are and what they differ.

Mosquito nets for plastic windows

Types of grids on plastic windows and methods for their installation

Frame removable grid

Such a model consists of an aluminum frame frame, connected by plastic corners and, in fact, the grid itself from the fiberglass, clamped in the frame using a sealing cord. These removable mosquito nets are placed on plastic windows from the outside, do not prevent the opening-closing of the sash. The grid is divided by half a horizontal strip to give a greater stiffness of the structure. Under the sealing cord, plastic handles are fixed, simplifying the installation and seizure of the structure.

Setting a frame removable mesh on plastic windows

Grid on plastic windows "Antikushka"

The grid created specifically for the protection of pets from random falling mounted on plastic or metal brackets. The "anticilla" frame is made of the same aluminum. The black canvas can be steel, aluminum and polyester with PVC braid (most popular). Grids are equipped with multiple imposses (strengthening spacecraft). The process of installing such special protective webs is identical to the installation of frame grids. Only mounts need to choose steel, as plastic can break if the animal jumps on the window.

Rotary mosquito nets

Such grids usually put on small windows. When they are installed, the main thing to attach the magnet and canopies. The process is sometimes complicated by the imperfect installation of the plastic windows themselves (non-compliance with the level when the windows is installed and the mosquito mesh intercourse).

Installation of rotary mosquito nets

  1. Measure themselves with the help of a roulette on the frame in the place of the alleged mounts of the canopies of their width (2 cm) + the width of the aluminum grid profile (1.6 cm) \u003d 3.6 cm, thoroughly checking these dimensions to avoid breaks. Put the appropriate pencil marks.
  2. Fresh magnet in the center of the window, gluing it or screwing it with screws.
  3. Install the appropriate magnets on mosquito nets.
  4. Check the design to open-closing.

Rolled mosquito net.

The most popular, but the most expensive model. Such meshs are created on the principle of the blinds, twisted and retained in this position using a cord or handle of the winding and roller. The mesh canvas firmly adjacent to the frame, which effectively protects against the penetration of small insects. These grids will be appropriate if you do not have a place to store such things. After all, they can be hidden into an aluminum box installed at the top of the window opening. Roller mosquito nets have a framework on latches and retaining strips.

Installation of rolled mosquito nets

  1. Remove the frame from the grid, exposing the fasteners.
  2. Attach the mosquito net to the window, check the installation locations, screw.
  3. Remove the cover with the holder, closing it up and down, finding inside the mount.
  4. Install the bar exactly around the perimeter of the window.
  5. Get the grid with twisting lever.
  6. Close the plank with a lid.

Now you know everything you need to know to install mosquito nets on plastic windows. Dare! And a comfortable summer!