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Margarita in Greek. Characteristics and meaning of Margarita

The female name of Margarita occurred from the word "Margaritos", meaning the "pearl". In ancient mythology, this word was one of the epithets of Goddess Aphrodite, forming a name that sounds like Margaritis subsequently. It spread to many countries of the world and is found in the sound of Margaret (Maggie), Margit, Margaret, Margo. In Russia, the name of Margarita is quite widespread, although it does not boast of great popularity among young parents.

Characteristic named Margarita

The character of Margarita is largely the same sharp as the sound of her name. This woman shows extraordinary independence, rigor, straightness. She will never take offense herself, owns the gift of the entrepreneur, boldly opposes injustice, does not tolerate morals and advice, as she live. It is always quite difficult to communicate with Margarita, but it is even worse to work under it. In childhood, the owner of this name is very independent and conflict. She constantly quarrels with his friends, trying to impose their own opinion, likes to talk to people with the commander's tone, but at the same time shows great progress in study. Adult Margarita has an untrustful mind, cunning, fighting qualities. Understanding that excessive straightness and emotionality is not good to her, she tries to hold their aggressiveness and demands, producing an impression of a strict, business woman. But with close friends, Margarita is able to be cheerful, mischievous, cheerful and friendly.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

This name will suit the girl born under the zodiacal sign of Scorpio, that is, from October 24 to November 22. Scorpio is very similar to Margarita with a strong character, straightness, love for extreme state and rich life, so under his influence it will still be brave, more decisive, critical.

Pros and Cons name Margarita

What positive and negative sides can be noted in the name of Margarita? The advantages of it - in beauty, strong energy, moderate popularity, is that it is familiar and well, in conjunction with Russian surnames and patronymic, as well as in the ability to choose a lot of congestive cuts and diminutive variants, such as Rita, ritus , Ritochka, Daisy, Margaritushka, Margitch, Margush. But a large disadvantage of this name is a rather complicated character of its owners.


Margarita's health is strong, even though she does not pay much attention to him. In a more mature age, it may have problems with arterial pressure and circulatory disruption.

Love and family relationships

In family relations, Margarita shows unconditional leadership. She needs a husband calm, even phlegmatic, otherwise marriage with demanding and capricious margarita simply will not work out. Doing the household the owner of this name does not like, but trying to keep the house in order. With children, she is stronger, however, is ready to sacrifice many for their good.

Professional sphere

In the professional sphere, Margarita is an interesting work in which she could show mind and activity. It may turn out a good teacher, entrepreneur, lawyer, businesswoman, public figure, engineer, restaurant, manager.

Name day

Name Day in the Orthodox calendar Margarita celebrates July 30, and on the Catholic calendar - February 22, March 7, March 26, July 20, August 30, August 30, September 16, and 17, November 16, January 18.

Margarita is a name that exists in Latin and in Greek, and means "Pearl", "Pearlmut".

Origin of name

In ancient times, the adjective "Margaritos" often empowered an incomparable goddess Aphrodite - the patronage of the wanderers and sailors. Indeed, on the altar of this Greek beauty, seeking favor travelers presented gifts in the form of pearls and unusual pearl shells.

Among the Orthodox Slavs, the name has not become frequently used, especially in the periphery. The peak of its popularity is a feminine appeal after the release of the Bulgakov mystical novel "Master and Margarita", who has acquired worldwide glory.

general characteristics

Margosha - straightness itself and principle. What he thinks, speaks to the forehead, not embarrassed, but also his own misconceptions does not give, self-criticism of the girl is too high.

Little ritel - an independent and inquisitive child, absolutely not selfish, and capricious only when very tired. The main thing is not to put pressure on the girl with your authority and hyperopica, otherwise Margo closes in itself, and saves offense to the whole world. Give baby freedom - it will find the use of time, and will not bother you.

It is not necessary to worry about the rideways of little friends - her inner world is so multifaceted that peers feel like fools and a gray mass. However, the matured young feature will find its circle of communication and will conquer the recognition of others with its sincerity, responsiveness and honesty.

In an interesting job, the girl will succeed, perhaps even become a good leader. But the personal life initially teach a bitter lesson, although disappointment will quickly rush and only give wisdom to the possessor of the pearl name.

Positive traits character

Margarita is very disciplined and responsible. In her diary every minute is busy.

The girl is smart and insanely charming, from her sophisticated beauty, the opposite sex loses his head - but she chooses the satellite of life thoroughly, especially once.

The funship and the cheerfulness of Margochi make it a soul of any, especially male, company. Optimism and desire to know the new open the big horizons in the construction of a career.

Negative character traits

Among the large number of people, Rita feels like a fish in water, but remaining alone with his spouse, she often lost and the words can not say.

Domestic affairs are hard to rideways related to homemade arrangement. She does not like to cook, clean, wash - perfectly, if all family troubles take care of a man.

If as a mother, Margot is an ideal, then, like a loving wife, creating a comfortable setting of her husband, it is absolutely not suitable. Marriage can only be held on sex, because such a passionate, frank and damn seductive partner is worth searching.

Zodiac sign

The name is directly related to the sea, so the fate will give a special happiness to the girl who is inflicted by Margarita, which was born under the sign of the fish.
Patronizing the owners of the ideal of beauty - Venus.
Colors of clothing with pearl effect - lilac, blue, silver, purple - the most suitable options for vestments.
The flower of the same name (daisy) will give peace of mind, and the pearl necklace will be the best talisman bringing luck.


Margosha, Rita, Ritul, Ritochka, Ritus, Ritusik, Daisy, margum, brand, Tusya.

Names name

Margo, Margaret, Meg, Margaret, Margita, Mared, Mallgeta.

Historical Persons

1492-1549 - Margarita Navararskaya, French Princess, Writer
1553-1615 - Margarita Valua, Princess and Queen of France
1780-1852 - Margarita Tuchkov, she is an inknee of melania, subsequently Jumenia Maria
1895-1980 - Margarita Vorontsova-Konenkova, a woman who turned his head to Einshun himself.
1925-2013 - Margart Tetcher, Politician, Baroness and Prime Minister (71st) Great Britain.

Everyone knows that the meaning of the name is directly connected with his history. So the name of Margarita here was no exception. And so, a bit of history.

The name of Margarita came to the Russian language along with the adoption of Orthodoxy in Russia. Orthodox faith came to us from Greece and the names of the saints, too, from there. The name occurs from the word μαργαρίτης, which is translated as "pearl", "pearls". It can be argued that the meaning of Margarita - "Pearl" or "Pearl".

It is believed that Margarita is also one of the epithets of Aphrodite, the patroness of the sailors. Taking into account the intensity of the navigation in the Mediterranean in the ancient times, the name was widespread.

Name name Margarita for girls

Margarita grows a moving girl and even a little unnecessary. She has been endowed with leadership from childhood and always in the spotlight. Once it is difficult to call it, it is even a bit of stubborn. Such a character requires a special approach. You will have to teach her to love useful and necessary things. To make her do something most likely will not work.

In school, as in principle in life, Margarita has his own vision that she should do. If she believes that she needs to learn and wants it, she will become a wonderful student. If not, then learns will be weak. Usually it is well given to the exact sciences, which once again emphasizes the "male" warehouse of the mind. It copes perfectly with the tasks requiring analytical work.

Margarita health is strong enough, but there are problems with posture. It is often in adolescence suffers from scoliosis and osteochondrosis. Proper posture and control of unnecessary stresses in the back and the neck will solve this problem.

Abbreviated name Margarita

Reductantly mascara names

Ritochka, Ritushka, Rita, Ritus, Margoy, Margosha, Margush, Marusya.

Name Margarita in English

In English, the name of Margarita is written as Margaret and Maggie, which is read as Margaret and Meggi.

Name Margarita for Passport - Margarita.

Translation of Margarita to other languages

in Arabic - مارجريت
In Belarusian - Margaret
on Hungarian - Margit
On the Greek - μαργαρίτα (margarita)
on Danish - Margrethe
in Italian - Margherita
on chinese - 瑪格麗特
Latin - Margherita
In German - Margarete, Margarethe, Grete
On Norwegian - Margrete
On Polish - Małgorzata
On Romanian - Margareta (Margaret)
in Slovak - Marjeta
in Slovenian - Margaréta
In Ukrainian - Margarita
In French - Marguerite, Margot, Margaux
on Finnish - Marketta, Maarit, Reetta
on Czech - Markéta, Margita
Swedish - Margareta
On Japanese - マーガレット

Name Margarita for Church (in the Orthodox faith) remains unchanged. Church name, although it is allowed as a name for baptism recently.

Characteristic named Margarita

Describing margarita as strict, independent and straightforward. It shows independence since childhood, but we have already written about it. Its straightness sometimes leads to a stupor of others. Often she says sufficient things, although not deprived of the truth. With age, she begins to be a little more restrained, although it is given to her with difficulty.

In the work of Margarita prone to "male" specialties. She is a good engineer and a wonderful leader. Taking guidance positions, Margarita is inclined to authoritarian management style. She will be guaranteed at work strict order. Do not count on the home atmosphere.

Family relations Margarita are difficult to build. Her straight is often offended by men and even pushes them. She hardly goes to compromises that are so necessary in living together. At the same time, Margarita is a wonderful mistress, although he does not like homework at all. She loves children and even pamper. She needs to be careful to not break their kids.

Mystery named Margarita

Secret Margarita can be called a tendency to flirt. Especially it manifests itself after marriage, which makes situations especially unpleasant. She finally relaxed that it was not necessary to look for a husband, can be in a male society without a goal. It often becomes a discovery for her. At the subconscious level, it always estimated men as an option on marriage, which is also characteristic not only for her.

Another secret Margarita can be called love for windowless luxury. If he is to celebrate the wedding, then 200 people. In the interior will all hint of prospect and financial opportunities. Very often it makes it not by means and then long pays.

Planet - Venus.

Zodiac sign - Fish.

Totem animal - Margaritifer (shell in which pearls is formed).

Color name - Lilac.

Wood - Pine.

Plant - Daisy.

A rock - Pearls.

The meaning of Margarita: This name for the girl means "pearl". Another meaning of Margarita is "Patron Sailors".

The origin of the name of Margarita: Greek.

Reduce form name: Rita, Ritul, Ritena, Rita, Tusya, Margo, Margosha, Margush, Mara, Marusya.

What does the name of Margarita mean: The girl often conflicts with people because of its straightness. The main criteria for choosing a profession are of interest and good earnings. Margo's friends are not much - but they appreciate her sincerity. She has a lot of fans, it is often mistaken in choosing and marries repeatedly.

Angel Day and Saint Patrons named: The name of Margarita twice a year notes named after:

  • March 13 (February 28) - the reverend wife of Margarita (Marina) for more than fifty years (Marina) launched in the Syrian cave; Died around 450
  • 30 (17) of July - St. Martyr Marina - the daughter of a pagan priest, taught the faith of Christ with his cormalia; At a fifteenth year, aged was beheaded after the torment for faith in Christ (III century).


  • Zodiac - Fish
  • Planet - Venus
  • Color - Lilovy
  • Favorable tree - pine
  • Covenant Plant - Daisy
  • Patron - Margaritan Margaritifera (pearly shell)
  • Stone Talisman - Pearls

Characteristic named Margarita

Positive features: The meaning of Margarita in terms of psychology. Margarita name gives a different character, courage, the ability to overcome obstacles, a developed sense of self-esteem. The girl since childhood is distinguished by independence, has its judgment on any question. Prefers the society of boys who appreciate her for courage, honesty, the ability to stand for themselves. She is smart, smart, loves and knows how to learn. Since the years, Margot becomes softer, tactful, patient.

Negative features: The name brings margarita sharpness, straightness. The girl with this name will not ceremony with those who do not like her. She can tell everything he thinks. Her behavior is not always suitable for parents and teachers, as Margarita - started in the boyish companies. Loves to wear men's clothing, drive on a motorcycle. She is not devoid of tricks, can hide its true intentions.

The nature of Margarita: What traits of character determines the meaning of Margarita? Main trait Margo - curiosity. As a child, Margitochka lifters and peeps, literally rushing to other people's secrets, but never pays them to anyone in evil. Monotonous work, even well paid and prestigious, is not for margot. She is ready to become even a long-distance train conductor, just to quench his passion for traveling. The girl named Margarita is hopelessly romantic. That is why her husband can be a pilot, geologist, driver, sailor - his stories will disturb the imagination of the spouse.

Usually, since childhood, a child with this name is characterized by a crowning character. It is mobile, sociable, in games seeks to be the leader, likes to provide patronage weaker. The girl is quite sharp, she is afraid not only girls, but also boys. Margo is very curious, loves other people's secrets, she never pays her knowledge to someone in evil, but loves to specifly about other people's secrets, has its judgment on any issue. Maybe even express its opinion than the confusion of parents and guests.

This girl is smart and tricky, has a logical thinking, it is necessary to send it to the right direction - play chess, engage in mathematics. But the study of Margarita refers pretty cool. Only in high schools, she begins to understand that it is necessary for her education, seriously takes about the case, in which she perfectly helps hardness character.

Margo is smart, ambition and a little evil on the world, because I am sure that its abilities do not find decent use here. The girl is straightforward and categoric, prone to scandals, but the older, the more she tries to restrain their emotions. It causes admiration to understand it that happens around, but on the other hand - surprise how landingly, rationally can interpret situations that, as everyone seemed, had righteous halo.

Margo - most often an engineer, may be a teacher of mathematics, biology, chemistry, meticulous, a scrupulous lawyer, an accountant, a referent. It may turn out a wonderful public figure, forever looking for justice.

Margarita and her personal life

Compatible with male names: The name of the name with Alexey, Arkady, Veniamin, Gennady, Ignat, Kirill, Maxim, Miroslav, Svyatoslav is successful. Margarita's name is also combined with Edward. Heavy relationships can work out with Bogolyum, Boris, Vasily, George, Klimom, Leonid, Roman, Stanislav.

Love and marriage: Does the happiness promise in love the meaning of Margarita? Woman wearing the name of Margarita, in love and passionate. In a relationship with men, she is impatient, she wants to get everything immediately. Early begins to adult life, it can "rush into the pool with head." It is often mistaken in choosing a husband, married again. Margo is able to give her husband a reason for jealousy.

Freedom-loving girl and independent. Personal life is building as it considers it necessary, does not pay attention to their opinions. In sex is frank, it is characterized by strong emotions, stormy hobbies. Her dreams about the operational passion and love, in which you drown, forgetting all the unrest of this vague life.

Getting married, she repeatedly gives her husband a reason for jealousy. She cares about children. It does not have much importance for her household. It brings to her boredom, but sometimes, inspired, she can shake an unusually covered table with delicious and sophisticated dishes. In the family life of Margo, you should learn patience and tranquility. Too often, an eccentric girl brings the case to hysterics and mutual insults. However, it is absolutely not selfish, looking for justice and, calming down, begins to understand that justice does not mean the priority of all its desires. The name of Margarita is needed by a person's pointless, without special ambitions, witty, who knows how to treat the emotions of his wife with a kind irony.

Talents, Business, Career

Choice of profession: This is a born leader, can lead a large company, enterprise, branch of the bank. The girl with the name Margo seeks to succeed in social activities. It may be a brilliant lawyer, legal adviser, having implemented its desire to establish and protect justice. The meaning of Margarita implies the rapid and easy development of a new business, a male profession. Even if she cannot get an education, it can have a wide range by curiosity and self-development.

Business and Career: The owner of this name attaches great importance to a good material level of life. She knows how to make money and benefit them. Margo is economical, but not a scoop, is able to provide financial assistance to close and familiar.

Health and energy

Margarita Health and Talents: The meaning of Margarita in terms of medicine. At the eye of Margot is very troubled. It develops in general well. From early childhood, a girl named Margarita shows his character. It is located to diathesis, dermatitis, which is associated with poor liver operation. She can't give chocolate products and citrus fruits. For three years I have a windmill.

The "May" girl is sick of follicular angina, pharyngitis. She has a weak immune system, even a low temperature, it transfers very painfully. If she is sick of angina, it is necessary to treat it with folk remedies: apply compresses, giving warm milk with honey and soda, garlic. The "May" Margot tries to surround himself by people, does not tolerate loneliness, it is easy to depression.

"Martovskaya" - grows by a closed girl, often complains of headaches at school age. "December" easier tolerates the temperature, its health is stronger, is not afraid of drafts. It loves animals very much, but you have to be careful - margot often have worms. Influenza and Farriage pursue their name all life. The old age develops vascular dystonia, inflammation of the appendages, the gastrointestinal tract.

This girl is subject to lightweight handra, depression, is often a bad mood. The bronchi should be protected, the nervous system. There are sediments of salts, their fingers hurt very much. To the old age, the name of Margarita overcomes polyarthritis, bronchitis, colitis. Stones appear in the kidneys. Doctors do not like to walk.

Fate Margarita in history

What does Margarita name for women's fate mean?

  1. Margarita Margarita Tuchkov, nee Naryshkin, subsequently - Inokine Melania (1781-1852). Alexander Tuchkov was a big love and happiness of her life (he was a second marriage behind him). Tuchkov was killed under Borodin; The spouse for several days and nights tried to find his corpse among hundreds of thousands of killed, whose bodies were abandoned by the battlefield. After fruitless search, she turned to Alexander I permissions to build a church on the site of the battle. In 1820, the temple was consecrated. In 1838, after the sudden death of the only son, Tuchkova accepted the lead in the Savior Borodino monastery based on her, attracted many people to worship the dust of the defenders of the Fatherland.
  2. This name was glorified by Mikhail Bulgakov in one of the best works of Russian literature - the Master and Margarita novel, where in the image of Beauty, Charov, a lawlessly loving masters, Bulgakov portrayed the last love in his life - Elena Shilovka-Bulgakov.
  3. Margarita de Valua - (1553 - 1615) is known as the "Queen of Margo"; Heinrich II's daughter and Ekaterina Medici, in 1572-1599 she was his wife Henry de Burbon King Navarre, who under the name Henry IV took the French throne.
  4. Margarita Navararskaya - (1492-1549) Also known as Margarita de Valua, Margarita Anguleve and Margarita French; French princess, sister of King Francis I, one of the first women writers in France, the patron of Humanists.
  5. Margarita Tuddor - (1489 - 1541) Queen of Scotland, the wife of King Yakov IV.
  6. Margarita Terekhova - (Ry.1942) Soviet and Russian actress and director of theater and cinema, People's Artist of the Russian Federation.
  7. Margaret Thatcher - (Row.1925) British Prime Minister (United Kingdom Conservative Party) in 1979-1990, Baroness (1992); Known as a "iron lady", the first and while the only woman visiting this post.
  8. Margarita Provenskaya - (1221 - 1295) Queen of France in 1234 - 1270.
  9. Rita Hayworth - (1918 - 1987) Real Name - Margarita Carmen Kansino; American film actress and dancer, one of the most famous Stars of Hollywood in the 1940s, which has become a legend and sex symbol of their era.
  10. Margaret Mitchell - (1900 - 1949) American writer, author of Roman-Bestseller "Gone by Wind". The novel, who released in 1936 received the Pulitzer Prize, asked more than 70 publications in the United States, was translated into 37 languages \u200b\u200bof the world, was shielded in 1939 by Viktor Fleagomargarita, the film "Gone by the Wind" received eight Prizes "Oscar".
  11. Margarita Vtytes - (Ry.1936) Soviet Estonian singer (lyriko-coloratura soprano), People's Artist of the Estonian SSR, People's Artist of the USSR (1979).
  12. Margarita Aliychuk is a Russian gymnast, a member of the Russian national team (since 2005), the Olympic champion (2008), a multiple world champion (2007), champion in Europe (2008).
  13. Margherit Stentel - (1869 - 1954) French Kurtisanka and Adventurer, known, among other things, with the President of France Felix Form.
  14. Margarita Pushkin - Russian poetess, journalist, translator, author of texts to popular songs; The most famous for cooperation with heavy rock bands, including the "Aria", "Master", "Kipelov", "Mavrin".
  15. Margarita Cheidze - Pianist, Honored Artist of Russia (2006).
  16. Margarita Levieva - American film actress of Jewish-Russian origin.

Margarita in different languages \u200b\u200bof the world

The name of the name in different languages \u200b\u200bhas a little different value and sounds a little differently. In English, it is translated as Margaret, in French: Marguerite, in Italian: Margherita, Polish: Margorzata, Swedish: Margareta, in Belarusian: Margaret, in Slovenian: Marjeta.

Margarita or Pearl, as a name from Greek is translated - a rare and amazing woman who knows how to shine in the most incredible situations. Dangerous by its beauty, brightness and unpredictability, she herself often falls into their own traps. The fate of Margarita is usually associated with men who could not resist her femininity and passion. Margot itself rarely enters the dependent relationship. She prefers to inspire, inspire, take gifts, keeping their independence and independence.

Margosha, Margaret, Greta, Margo, Margaritka, Megan, Gita, Margon, Monia, Mara, Rita, Ritun, Ritochka,.


  • Zodiac sign - secretive and sensual fish
  • Managing Planet - Venus
  • Tree - Pine, Cedar
  • Happy colors - purple, red, black
  • Flower - Daisy, Lily
  • Stone - Pearls, Emerald, Sapphire

Compatibility of names

Margarita chooses prominent men, with a beautiful name. For her, it is important that the "happy" pair names could be without much difficulty and without a stick to pronounce in a row. , Richard, Theodore.


The main black character should be considered impulsiveness, straightness, sharpness. Margo is capable of not the rampant actions that she herself perceives, like impossible nonsense and mistake. But she does not change his mind. Rather, the sky will fall on Earth than Margarita will change its decision, even 100 times the erroneous, wrong, stupid and even destructive.

In the women's team, it is usually disliked, considered arrogant, arrogant, closed. When women are divided by secrets and with pleasure, we are brightened to each other bones, she desperately misses. She is not too interested in other people's lives, she is angry with her beautiful memory, because all the smallest details of unnecessary discussion of foreign people are forever imprinted in her brain.

With the moment she prefers to work alone. If in order not to listen to the gossip, you will have to become a boss and get a separate office - it will do it.

In her house she often mess. If she lives alone - the cigarettes, crumbs are lying on the floor, can stand the dishes in front of the dresses. She needs to be needed for someone to look after her in everyday life. One it will eat semi-finished products or go to the restaurant. A variant of the incoming service is possible.

The share of nanny, which looks after the children, may fall and care for the economy. Margo can maintain order, even perfect, but strongly in standard women's responsibilities. From a sense of debt, it is able to create even the perfect sparkling purity and grace of the nest, but it will be the same version of purity as in the hotel. The main thing for it is functionality and personal comfort.

Fortunately, Margarita can be grateful. Noticing a change for the better, she immediately seeks to pay for efforts - will raise the salary or give a premium. Itself often deprived of justice, and understanding how it is not enough in the modern world, she strives to be honest and fair if possible.


Fate can be changeable. Activities from early childhood is looking for adventures and answers to millions of different "why". It is interesting for her everything is shipbuilding, art, history, mathematics, natural sciences, space, sport. In all, it seeks good results. She constantly complains about the lack of peace, home comfort, comfort, the possibilities to be saturated - and immediately disappears into another business trip or expedition. For her, it's necessary to sleep on the bump, jump on the flames, reign on the ball, to be in the operator booth on filmmakers. The usual boring life is not for her.

Relationship with men is not easy. As a distant beloved, unattainable ideal and the muse, it is perfection. But if she get married, even with the intention to become an exemplary wife, everything changes. Margo does not tolerate consumer and indifferent relationship, which often accompanies marriage.

With the first hint of cooling, it can make a steep turn left. In order for the marriage to be successful, the husband continuously should remove her attention, give her little, but pleasant surprises, independently solve issues with the household or, at a minimum, to participate in equal and advocate the initiator of cleaning. But it is easier to learn the phone of the cleaning service.

Children Margot loves and gladly smokes in macushi in the breaks between trips, brings souvenirs, gifts, exotic things. When children grow up - takes them with them, providing stunning and unique childhood, full of real adventures. Strong, beautiful, deft, surrounded by delighted fans, she delivers an excellent example of femininity.

In the elderly, Margo usually remains alone, but with pleasure takes guests, friends, children and grandchildren. Mondering her character, children do not seek to shove the grandchildren on her care. It can be said that Margarita is born under a lucky star. Her life is definitely not boring.


  • Terekhova - the famous actress of the theater and cinema, Milady in the "Three Musketeers", in the "Dog in Seine"
  • Tetcher - "Iron Lady", Prime Minister of England
  • Valua, Navaric - the famous "Queen Margo"
  • Tudor - Queen of Scotland
  • Pushkin - Poets, poet Songbook groups of Kipelov,
  • Simonyan - chief editor of the RT television news channel
  • Nazarova - famous, great trainer of Lviv and Tigers, Circus and Cinema Actress
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