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Extra cornering strawberry shabby. What you need to know about strawberry feeding during flowering and fruiting. Baby feeding strawberry

Strawberry care begins with spring as soon as warm weather allows you to visit the garden regularly. Snow will come down, the earth will dry and you can schedule a plan of work.

First of all, it is necessary to remove the shelter that defended the strawberries in winter from frosts. Harvesting a straw or remove the huskien. Old sick leaves cut or cut. Then to brag outwardly to a depth of 5-8 cm, if necessary, dip the bushes, we rine, if the first weeds made it.

Before the strawberries begin to bloom, it is necessary to decide whether to treat leaves and soil from diseases. This is important, since in the process of flowering processing with chemicals is unacceptable - it is possible to poison bees (pollinkers).

Therefore, if the spots were found on the leaves, last season there were a lot of gray rot, you need not only to remove old leaves, but also throwing a mulch (to change the leaves or straw).

What and how to treat strawberries depends on what stage of development of bushes:

  • While the kidney does not swollen on the strawberry, it is possible to peel the bed or 2% nitrafen (200 g per 10 liters of water). After swelling, the kidney can not use these means.
  • In the period when the kidneys are already revealed, and the bloom has not yet come, it is possible to make a strawberry and the soil around the chest of copper chlorokis (30 g or 1 tbsp. Spoon on 10 liters of water + 1 h. Spoon of liquid soap).
  • During flowering, it is impossible to handle anything but phytosporin, phytolavin, etc. drugs.
  • After collecting the last berries, if there were a lot of sulfur rot, or other diseases showed themselves, you need to once again treat the bushes with a solution of copper chlorocycy (20 g or 2 tbsp. Spoons on 10 liters of water + 1 h. Spoon of liquid soap) or 1% solution Bordeaux fluid.

Strawberry care during flowering

Different varieties of strawberries bloom and fruit in different times, the earliest strawberry begins to bloom in mid-May. During this period, it is important to quit the berries in a timely manner, prepare the soil around to preserve maturing berries, and if there was no spraying from diseases before flowering, to treat leaves with biopreparations.

Growing strawberries for the sake of berries, we would like to increase the number of floweros. To do this, we apply feeding, however, too much fertilizers, especially nitrogen, can limit flowering. Excess nitrogen (in mineral fertilizers and organic) causes excessive growth of tops, but not berries. Therefore, if your strawberry bushes are quite large, developed, but give little blooming, reduce nitrogen fertilizer. But phosphorus and potassium need to add.

If everything is in order with the amount of inflorescences, it is possible to feed the strawberries with a complex mineral fertilizer, in which the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in equal parts (NPK formula, for example, 10-10-10).

The last time the strawberry must be picked up no later than mid-July - during this period there is a second wave of root growth, they need food for the fruit kidney laying. But excessive fertilization will lead to an increase in vegetative mass, root rot and reduce frost resistance.

During flowering, you need to remove extra mustache. Young annual bushes can be offset the earliest flowers so that small plants develop better, berries with them will still be small.

Bor is a very important trace element in the development of the blooming plant, so to significantly increase the harvest and improve the taste of berries, you need to spray the leaves of strawberries by boring acid, to do 5 g of powder on 10 liters of water:

  • the first time at the opening of the first buds
  • the second time all the colors will completely reveal

Do not spray with boric acid by fruits - boric acid is toxic for a person when entering inside.

To increase the yield of strawberries, additionally can be filled with a spraying of the zinc sulfate solution (at the rate of 1-2 g per 10 liters of water). For the first time spray at the beginning of mass flowering, the second - during the growth of the barriers.

When berries begin to ripen on the strawberry, note that they do not lie on the ground, if the soil is not mounted with straw or film, then under the cluster of the berries of the cardboard.

Regularly conduct the audit of the strawberry plantation, select the patients of the plants, carry out the prevention of the slugs until the maturation of the first berries.

Watering strawberries

Moisturizing soil for strawberries giving juicy fruits is very important. In dry hot weather without watering berries, small with rigid seeds are formed, and not sweet. Therefore, watering strawberries is a mandatory agrotechnical reception.

Watering the bushes of strawberries is needed when the Earth warmed up, approximately from the beginning of May. Before the start of fruiting (mid-June), daily temperature fluctuations (at night are quite cold) and watering in dry weather can be once a week, and if the beds with strawberries are well supersed and are climbed, then you can do without watering literally before hot sunny days .

The need for irrigation increases with the beginning of fruiting, it is necessary to water 2-4 times a week. You need to water so that it is good to moisten the upper 20-30 cm of soil. When the heat falls, flowering ends, it seems that the plant no longer needs watering - this is not the case, during this period, the peripheral root system is increasing, and watering, and watering, although more rare, 1-2 times a week, Depending on the weather.

Strawberry does not like dryness, nor excessive dampness, therefore, after abundant irrigation, it is important to braid outwards, especially if the structure of the soil is sufficiently heavy.

You need to water strawberries only with warm water - watering with cold water leads to the development of serious diseases and loss not only harvest, but also the entire strawberry plantation.

In the spring, it is necessary to water in the morning hours, in the evening - the earth cools, so it is undesirable to water. In the summer, when at night, it is already warm enough to water at any time and in the morning and in the evening.

How to water strawberries under the film

If your beds with strawberries are mounted with a film, watering depends on the type of material.

Nonwoven material - Spunbond, Agrospan, Loutrasil, Agrofibra (the same under different names) Immediately after buying in the first season, absolutely does not absorb water, you need to water in the wells done for plants. All non-woven materials pass water only when it is enhancing the minimum of six months (keep in mind that the material does not fall apart in the very first year, you need to choose a material with UV stabilizers).

Black plastic film, does not absorb water absolutely and if we pour just on top of the watering can, water strokes into aisle, so the film is poured only into the holes.

If you just plan the young strawberry bushes on the bed, then you do this way:

  • prepared beds thoroughly shed,
  • clamping mulched material
  • to do the wells in it in the right places section of the cross-crosswise, then the cutting corner to round (for convenience of watering), leaving the holes no longer the diameter of the bush (in the future it can be expanded),
  • put in the wells seedlings,
  • water to these cruciform wells.

The frequency of irrigation of strawberry beds under the black film and under the agrospan (nonissanny materials) is different - under the film, the Earth holds moisture and watering less often.

Such a technology is complex only at the stage of laying the material when planting strawberries (the arrangement of high beds is required), but in the future it is not required for a weeding and loosening. The berries in maturation remain clean, during the rain moisture affects between. By the way, white agriched weeds are not a hindrance - they get enough light for photosynthesis, so it is better to immediately refuse this option.

Care after harvest

With the end of fruiting, we continue to water the strawberry as needed and while it remains the last berries.

As soon as the berries are over, it is necessary to trim the leaves so that young people have to grow to a cold autumn.

To do this, use the sharp and cut or squeeze all the leaves, leaving the cutter 6-7 cm long, do not cut the bushes to the base.

Simultaneously with the trimming of the leaves, it is necessary to rinse the beds if weeds make their way through the mulch, and remove extra mustache. Between the rows, you can peel the soil with forks.

If there are stains characteristic of strawberries characteristic of a certain disease, trimming is simply necessary, the entire cut-off folia should be burned, and not throw into a compost bunch.

If you want to leave some young bushes for breeding, select the nearest to the maternity plant - they are the strongest, prohibit them, and leaves, if they are without stains, leave. Spend feeding with a complex fertilizer using, for example, nitroammofosku (2 tbsp. Spoons on 10 liters of water).

In the fall, in the second half of September it is necessary to carry out the preventive treatment of strawberries from diseases and pests. If obvious pests are not noticed, use folk recipes, for example, on the water bucket, we split 2 tbsp. Spoons of wood ash and 2 tbsp. Spoons of vinegar, 2 tbsp. spoons of green soap and 2 tbsp. Spoons of vegetable oil. A cooked solution to spray the thrust young leaves and beds (land around).

If a strawberry transparent tick was found on the strawberry, then after the end of flowering and trimming, it is worth spraying the beds and a bushes with a solution of carboofos, an inta-virus and other drugs. You can prepare a tank mix of 1 tbsp. Spoon chlorokysi copper + 1 tbsp. A spoon of liquid soap of a neutral reaction + 20 g of carbofos for 10 liters of water - this solution destroys pathogens (fungi and bacteria), as well as pests.

Dear friends, blooming our strawberry and it is time to feed it to be fruitful and large.

In this article we will not tell about chemical feeding, and so around us are full of chemistry.

Let's talk about folk and environmental methods, the safest, proven and new, interesting.

Than to feed the blooming strawberry

Before we go to all grave folk feeding, we want to draw your attention to biological feeders that can be purchased in the store. They are convenient for use and safe.

It is the guise (liquid), which contains the organic of rainworms, all the necessary nutrient elements for plants and at the same time not "chemistry".

The Gumi contains nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, it is ideal for plants that are preparing to bloom. Because it is a fertilizer is very mild and eliminating the overdose of nutrients or burn root system.

It will nourish the strawberry and give a good start when used before the start of flowering. Working solution: 2 h per 10 liters of water.

Dosages are not big there, but it is not necessary to constantly use it, because the nitrogen at this stage is no longer needed. With an excess of nitrogen, strawberries will grow by a gorgeous topper and mustache to the detriment of the berries.

Therefore, the difference was filled and waiting for the crop.

Do not forget about another good tool, which in general, fertilizer is not in the usual understanding of this word.

This is Baikal M 1, a substance that does not contain power for the plant, but contains nutrition for useful bacteria in the soil, which significantly improves its characteristics and fertility.

This means can also be pouring strawberries at the beginning of flowering to provide it with protection from pathogenic microflora and improve the soil. Working solution: 10 ml of the preparation on 10 liters of water.

And go to folk feeders who have long been popular with gardeners.

Standard Strawberry Slaboy

First we prepare the concentrate: 1 cup of ashes pour a liter of boiling water, insist for a day.

We feed the strawberry under the root.

Standard strawberry litter

Recipe for feeding fresh chicken litter:

500 ml of litter dissolve in 10-12 liters of water outlook. Insist 1 to 3 days.

Water strawberry with this fertilizer you need to wet soil.

Recipe for granulated chicken litter:

Take 1 kg of granular chicken litter + big beam of nettle, place 10 liters of bucket.

Fill the contents of hot water. Insist 3 days.

This infusion watered strawberries to wet beds. You can strengthen the nutritional properties of this "compote" ashes.

Add 1 liter of ash and strawberry solutions will definitely thank you with large delicious berries.

Standard strawberry yeast

What to do if there is no fresh yeast at hand. Then the recipe is:

Strawberry feeder boric acid

Such feeding is relevant in the phase of the bootonization of strawberries and at the beginning of flowering. To increase the number of barriers and their fortress.

Strawberry feeding byamy alcohol

This feeder is used in three stages. 2 of them are carried out before flowering and one after flowering and fruiting.

For the first time we feed the spring as soon as young leaves appeared (40 ml of ammonia on 10 liters of water)

The second time before flowering with a reduced dosage (2-3 tbsp. L ammonia on 10 liters of water)

For the third time already after the strawberry brings down in the dosage as the first time (40 ml of ammonia on 10 liters of water)

Standard strawberry iodom

Undercotter Iodine helps a strawberry to protect against diseases, will strengthen its immunity. No bacterial infection will be terrible.

Strawberry dressing video

Good video and interesting complex feeding for strawberries.

That's it seems to be all. We went over all the most popular and well-proven feeders for strawberries.

We hope that our mega-useful article will become your desktop and helps to grow a stunning harvest. By the way, we have an article like a vintage strawberry.

If you have your miraculous feeding, about which no one knows, share them in the comments.

Thank you for your attention to new meetings!

In this article we will talk about feeding strawberries. If you want to get a decent harvest, you need to properly and timely feed the plants. There are several different ways to feed strawberries and each of them is intended for a certain period of development of bushes. During flowering, fruiting and after it, the feeding should be different.

Root and extractive strainer feeding

Strawberry feeder is two types.

  • root feeding strawberries
  • extra-corner feeding of strawberries

Root subordinate It is carried out by making nutrients directly into the root area, that is, in the soil. The solution is divorced with fertilizers and earths around the bushes. The root type of feeding is the main for strawberry.

In order not to burn the roots of the plants with fertilizer, spend the root feeder on wet ground. If the soil is dry, pour it before the feeding.

Extra cornering subcortex aims to strengthen and grow leaves and strawberry stems. In other words, this is the usual spraying fertilizer from the spray gun. Leaves and stems, as well as roots, are able to absorb their substance surface. This method serves as an addition to the root feeder.

Extra-corner feeders need to be carried out on a cloudy day or in the evening, so as not to cause burns in plants.

Spray strawberry leaves can be both with external and inner side.

Strawberry feeding periods

How many times do you need to feed strawberries per season? In total, you can highlight four strawberry feeders.

  • undercaming in spring
  • denunciation during flowering
  • feeding during fruiting
  • feeding after harvest
  • undercotting in autumn

During the period of fruiting, the feeding can be carried out several times, during the remaining periods - once. Specific dates of feeding for different varieties are individual, since the time of flowering and ripening in various varieties may differ here, it is necessary to decide on the time and type of feeding, depending on the phase of plant development.

Strawberry Strawberry Spring

The last snow came out, dashed the birds, the kidneys appeared on the trees. Spring came. This means that it is time to think about the first feeding of strawberries.

The first feeding of strawberries spend in mid-April at a temperature not lower than 15 degrees.

Russia is a big country and in different regions of spring comes at different times. Focus on the daily ambient temperature of 15 degrees Celsius. If feeding is done at a smaller temperature, the fertilizers will not be able to fulfill in full and the effectiveness of such feeding will be lower.

First you need to prepare strawberries to the new season. At this time, she just woke up after winter, flowers and buds had not yet had time to appear.

  • Cut old leaves - large, dry, brown and patients. Leave only healthy and completely green leaves.
  • Remove last year's sawdust with beds and other trash.
  • Raise the soil under each bush.
  • Enchant the land in the roots so that the base of the leaves is 5mm above the soil level. This will prevent rotting in the root zone.

On this, the care of plants is over. Immediately after that you need to spend the first spring feeder. You can select several basic ways.

  • Fucking chicken litter
  • Urea feeding
  • Undercotting cow pets
  • Up shrouds

Chicken and cow litters are organic fertilizers, and urea - mineral. The yeast by itself fertilizer is not, but actively recycled the organics in the soil itself. Choose one of the listed methods that is most convenient for you.

Spring feeding of strawberries is carried out on wet soil, after watering plants.

Strawberry feeding during flowering

The next important stage in the nutrition of plants is feeding the flowering strawberries. During flowering, plants require a lot of potassium, so the feeding is carried out by potash society. The potassium agriculture is mixed with water in proportions 1 teaspoon nitrate for 10 liters of water. In the soil, make a small amount of about 0.5 liters.

Also, if there is no Potash Selitra, as an alternative, you can use fertilizers for first feeding, that is, a chicken litter solution or a cowber and a urea solution with ash.

Strawberry feeding during flowering is made once during the next watering of plants.

Stubber feeder during fruiting

Since the beginning of the appearance of green berries, the third period comes - fruiting. It lasts this period until the harvest is harvested. The basis for feeding strawberries in summer is all the same chicken litter or a korovyan. The proportions are the same as at the first spring feeder.

In this period, the ripening of berries is important that the amount of organic substances in the soil is in sufficient quantity. Stubber feeding during fruiting will help the berries correctly develop and will not give them to deform. During fruiting, fertilizers are recommended once twice with a break in 10 days, this amount will be enough for good nutrition of berries.

Strawberry feeding after harvest

The next important stage in the nutrition of plants is to feed strawberries after fruiting. After all, collecting the harvest, care for strawberries does not end. After harvesting, it is necessary to take care that the strawberry can be used by the nutrients before the winter. Strawberry feeding in the fall allows you to stimulate the bookmark of flower kidney for the next year, which will increase the harvest, and also more confidently fall.

For a good dressing of strawberries after harvesting, a chicken litter is used or a korlard, as well as urea with wood ash, only, in contrast to the first period, several other proportions. Chicken litter and korovyan are also stirred 1:15 and 1:10, respectively, but the amount of ash and urea increases. It is necessary to stir 1 cup of ashes and 2 tablespoons of urea by 10 liters of water. A solution of overcoming litter and urea with ashes to make 0.5 liters in the soil for each bush. After feeding the plants you need to pour.

Furuska repairing strawberries

Remote strawberry varieties differ from ordinary in that the crop can be collected several times per season. Therefore, the feeding of removable strawberries involves repetition of feeding during flowering. It is necessary to do, as the removable varieties of strawberries are more demanding to moisture and nutrients in the soil.

Strawberry berry feeder

Some gardeners are interested, is it necessary to feed some of themselves the berries of strawberries during their development and maturation? It will be superfluous because the berry gets all the nutrients from the stems and, if you correctly spend the root and extractive feeding of strawberries, then the berry itself will grow excellent, juicy and tasty!

You just have to take care that the berries grow clean. To do this, it is necessary to hide a bed with strawberry with a stubborn material of black. This will prevent the contact of the ground berries, and will also eliminate the growth of the weed, which will allow the strawberry to receive maximum nutrients and lights.

Strawberry feeder boric acid

During the flowering of strawberries, it will be very useful to feed the bushes by boric acid. Bor is important and useful for the development of plants an element. It contributes to the formation of the barriers, strengthens the flowers - they are less crumbled. All this eventually affects the future crop. According to the observations of gardeners, the boring acid is capable of increasing the vintage of strawberries by 30%. Agree, an impressive increase.

Strawing strawberries by boric acid can be spent 2-3 times per season. Once definitely do it during flowering. With removable varieties, feeding is repeated during each flowering.

For the preparation of a boric acid solution, you will need the following components.

  • 2 grams of boric acid (half of the teaspoon).
  • 10 liters of water.

Boric acid is produced in the form of a powder, it can be purchased at the pharmacy or in gardening stores, refused to pack 10 grams.

In cold water, boric acid dissolves badly, dilute it first in a glass with hot water, water temperature is not lower than 55 degrees, stir well. After complete dissolution, pour the solution into the prepared 10 liters of water. Boric acid solution is ready.

For feeding strawberries by boring acid you will need a sprayer. You can use any - manual or pumping.

The inner surface of the leaves of strawberries absorbs significantly more fertilizers than the external one.

This is an extraordinary feeder, therefore it does not make sense to water the soil solution. Spray the solution on leaves, stems and especially flowers. Leaves spray both outside and from the inside.

Standard strawberry yeast

Strawberry feeder yeast is an effective way to increase the harvest. This method refers to root feeding.

First you need to prepare a recipe solution, and after fertilize them the ground around the bushes. You can study the recipe in more detail in the article. For the season you can do three such feeders.

  1. Before blossom
  2. During flowering
  3. After harvest

During the period of fruiting, feeding the yeast is not applied.

Yeast for making a solution can be used both alive and dry. For feeding strawberry yeast it is worth choosing a warm day. The solution and the soil must be well proper, because it is in a warm environment, yeast bring maximum benefits to plants.

Strawberry feeding byamy alcohol

The main goal of the fertilizer of strawberries by the ammonia alcohol is to give the ammonia plants necessary for the growth of green mass and the development of the root system. That is why the feeding is carried out at the very first period of growth - before flowering.

When feeding the ammonia alcohol, ammonia does not accumulate in plants.

The second important property of the ammonic alcohol is to protect against pests. The ammonia alcohol will scare away from the bushes of various insects, slugs, fungus.

Summer alcohol is an aqueous solution of ammonium hydroxide. Ammonium hydroxide is formed when the interaction of ammonia with water. Thus, the ammonia alcohol is a substance that is the main component of which ammonia is.

You can buy ammonia alcohol in any pharmacy, fusing 40ml bubbles. It is worthwhile penny and feeding plants on its basis will cost much cheaper than specialized nitrogenous fertilizers from the store.

Prepare a solution of ammonic alcohol for feeding is very simple. You will need 2 ingredients for this.

  • 3 tablespoons of ammonia alcohol
  • 10 liters of water

Mix 3 tablespoons of pharmaceutical ammonic alcohol with 10 liters of water.

The ammonia alcohol is a flying matter, so it is not recommended to store the finished solution, you need to apply immediately after dilution.

Fucking the ammonia alcohol is always carried out on wet land and, or in cloudy weather, or in the evening day. If the earth is not wet enough around the bushes, make a preliminary watering with ordinary water, and then when the water is well absorbed into the ground, hold the fade by the ammonia alcohol. Water all the plant and around it can be from ordinary watering can.

Strawberry can be fertilized by ammonic alcohol to a maximum of 3 times per season.

The first time - in the spring, when the plant wakes up after winter. At this time, the bushes are actively gaining green mass and need nitrogen.

The second feeding is allowed immediately after the end of flowering. The solution for it needs to be done less concentrated.

Strawberry cannot be fertilized by ammonia during fruiting.

For the third time, it is possible to feed strawberries in this way after harvest. All the forces of the plant gave berries, and ahead of the harsh time - winter. Autumn feeding by ammonia will better prepare plants for future winter.

Standard strawberry iodom

The processing of strawberry bushes with iodine cannot be called feeding or fertilizer. The iodine is used as an antiseptic and helps in the earliest period of plant growth to fight diseases and pests.

Strawberry treatment with iodine is carried out in the spring, as soon as new leaves began to appear. Before processing, the garden must be cleaned from old leaves and garbage, and after cleaning it is good to braid.

If the land on the garden is not wet enough, it is pre-pouring it in conventional water. Give water to soak into the soil. Now you can handle the garden with a solution of iodine.

Water with iodine solution all the beds - and the bushes themselves, and the earth around.

The iodine solution for strawberries is prepared in the following proportions.

  • 10 drops iodine
  • 10 liters of water

Iodine is a flying matter, therefore the resulting solution is not subject to long storage. Stir iodine with water and immediately apply. Water comfortable with the help of a conventional garden watering can with a spray.

Do not exceed the dosage of iodine, it can harm plants.

Such antiseptic processing of strawberry iodine can be carried out up to three times per season with an interval of 10 days. All of them must be performed before the formation of berries.

Standard Strawberry Slaboy

Wood ash contains a lot of potassium and phosphorus. These substances are as in demand as much as possible during the period of fruit formation, so such a feeding is relevant in this period.

It is possible to fertilize the strawberries as an independently and in the complex with other feeders, for example, yeast. With independent feeding, there are two options for making ash in the soil.

  • Dry. Lower the caustic of ash around each strawberry bush, then pour or wait for the rain.
  • Wet. Prepare a solution of 1 cup of ash and 10 liters of water. Water the bushes and the soil around strawberries.

The recipe for the ash solution for strawberries.

  1. 1 cup of ashes pour 1 liter of hot water, can be boiled
  2. insist the day
  3. add another 9litters of water
  4. stir

Water as a solution of ash and the soil around the bushes and the plants themselves.

Standard strawberry ash gives good results.

  • Larger berries
  • Protection against diseases and pests
  • More bloomonos

Strawberry feeding chicken

The first feeding of strawberries with chicken litter is carried out in the spring, during the intensification of the growth of the leaves before mass flowering. Second - after harvest.

During the flowering period and fruiting, feeding chicken is not made.

Chicken litter can be taken as in your farm, if you contain in the household of birds, or buy a dried concentrate in the store. With concentrate it is much more convenient to work.

Choose a warm day, pre-prepare replaceable clothes, rubber gloves and can begin the fertilizer of strawberry chicken litter.

If you are preparing a fertilizer from fresh chicken litter, then it is necessary to breed it special. First prepare the concentrate, insist it, and after the resulting concentrate is diveged by water. The breeding of a chicken pressure solution is carried out in proportion of 1:20. That is, on a 10 liter water bucket, it will take 0.5 liters of previously prepared concentrate.

If you acquired a packed chicken litter in the store, then for its dilution, follow the instructions on the package.

Chicken litter is very rich in nitrogen, which is needed by plants during the rapid growth of green mass and the development of the root system. But his excess can destroy plants, so adhere to the specified proportions in the preparation of the solution.

In no case do not bring chicken in the soil in an understed form, it will destroy the plants!

It is not necessary to water the leaves or roots in such a solution, fertilize the beds only around the edges at a distance of 10-15 cm around strawberry bushes. Consumption of finished feeding approximately 10 liters per 5-6 bushes or 1.5-2 liters on the bush.

Leite a solution of chicken litter is not under the root, but around strawberry bushes at a distance of 10-15 cm from the leaves.

Like all the feeding, the fertilizer of strawberry chicken can be carried out in wet ground. If the earth is dry, pour pre-beds. So the effect of feeding will be the maximum. Fertilize strawberries or in cloudy weather or in the morning and evening when the sun is not so active.

Strawberries were removed in the XVIII century. As a result of crossing the Chilean and Virginian wild strawberries.
Strawberry fruits, multi-verses, have a bright taste and amazing aroma. How to get a good harvest? What to feed this culture during flowering period? What proportions should apply fertilizers? The article provides recommendations on this topic.

About strawberries

  • Strawberry - unpretentious culture. It is best for its cultivation. Light supernediest or medium lung soil types.
  • Roots in strawberries are low, therefore the culture needs a sufficient amount of moisture, but the overvailing for it is unacceptable.
  • To land the bushes of strawberries, choose solar places (the exception is the removable variety "yellow miracle", "Ali-Baba").
  • Rejuvenate bushes every 3-4. Further, the amount and size of the fruit decreases.
  • Flowers strawberries in the second half of May - June. During this period, future fruits are developing intensively, so the plant requires additional nutrition.


The period of flowering - the time of the planned feeding of strawberries. For this purpose, we use various solutions, infusions, spray bushes.


During the flowering of strawberries in need of a lot of potassium. If the plant has a deficit of this element - the tips of the leaves brown. Bustards are fed by chicken litter, wood ash or potash society. For this make infusions.

  • 10 liters of water take the C.L. Potash Selitra, stirring and watering plants.
  • Under each bush pour 0.5 liters of solution.
  • This composition can also spray strawberries.

Boric acid

  • At the initial stage of blossoming, strawberries spray with a solution of boric acid containing a large number of useful trace elements for good growth.
  • After such spraying, the plants become stronger, and the berries are large.
  • The solution is prepared at the rate of 1 pinch of boric acid per 1 bucket of water.
  • At the beginning of bloom, you can also apply a manure solution.

Finished fertilizers

Also, excellent results provide feeding of strawberries with industrial preparations. The crop of juicy and healthy fruits increases by 30%.
We are preparing a mixture of the following fertilizers:

  • calicary sulfate and permanganate potassium - 2 g
  • born Acid - 1 g
  • complete fertilizer

We mix all the ingredients and dissolve in water (volume - 10 liters). We carry out plant processing. Especially carefully water the leaves on the reverse side. Thus, plants will be able to absorb maximum nutrients.

Sulphate zinc

In the height of flowering, the bushes of strawberries are sprayed with a solution of zinc sulfate. For such feeding, a 0.2% solution of the substance is prepared.


Recently, such a feeding has become very popular. It is carried out 2 times in the season.
For the preparation of the composition we take:

  • fresh extruded yeast - 1 kg
  • water - 5 l

We dissolve yeast in water, then the fertilizer is insistent.
Before starting feeding, we divorce the composition again: they scratch 0.5 liters of solution and stir in 10 liters of water. The amount of fertilizer for each busta is 0.5 liters. Pour the plant under the root.
You can use dry yeast. For cooking, we take:

  • dry yeast - 1 bag
  • sugar - 2 tbsp.

A mixture of yeast and sugar poured warm water, the solution begins to prepare. Next, we dissolve the sugar-yeast mixture in 10 liters of water and leave for 2 hours, then, proceed to the watering. (1 strawberry chopping / 0.5 l feeding).

Nutritional feeding of strawberries in the flowering phase will fill the plants with important substances, will strengthen them. Future harvest will be more abundant, and berries are large and sweet.

In summer during the flowering and strawberry fruiting It needs proper care, and the final crop of sweet berries depends on it.

Consider detail: How to care for strawberries while flowering when producing watering, what to make fertilizers how to extend strawberry fruiting.

Removal of musty

One of the most important strawberry care events during flowering and fruiting is deleting mustache. A bush should spend power only on berries.

You can remove the mustache with scissors, a secateur or hands. In order not to damage the root system, do not pull out and do not pull the mustache, but simply by closing the mustache between your fingers to break it.

Strawberry bushes Conditionally divided into men's and female, visually they look equally - have sockets and mustache.

Men's bushes are more powerful and give more mustes, not berries. The female bush was swept off by the fruits and there is no large amount of mustache on it.

therefore during flowering and strawberry fruiting Choose the most damned bushes, where large berries are formed - it will be uterine bushes. Such bushes need to be marked, and in the fall, take several mustache for reproduction.

For the whole season, strawberries need to be picked up 3 times - at the beginning of the growing season, during flowering and at the end of fruiting. At the beginning of the summer, strawberries forms the fruits and as feeding will fit liquid organic fertilizers (It can be chicken litter, yeast solution or herbal tincture).

The most essential substance at this stage, when berries are formed - potassium. He is responsible for the development of fruits, their beautiful appearance and taste.

Therefore, the feed must necessarily keep it - you can feel the plants of wood ash Scattered on one handstone under the bush.

Or you can do rolly infusion - For this, a glass of ashes dilute in 10 liters of water, insist within 24 hours. Then heal plants under the root introducing about 1 liter infusion under the bush.

Attention: In the summer, it is necessary to enter any liquid feeder or after the rain, or after watering, in no case by dry ground.

Also during flowering can be made extra-corner boring acidSuch microfertilizers increases the crop, the flowering intensity, improves the power supply and enhances the sugar flow to the fruits. For this, 10 g of boric acid is in 10 liters of water.

I pre-pour the powder into a liter jar and pour hot water into it, which continuously stirring waiting for a complete dissolution. Then I bring the solution to the desired volume - 10 liters.

Spraying to produce be surely freshly prepared solution in the morning or in the evening, you can also be in cloudy, not rainy weather. The flow rate of the working solution is 1 liter by 10 m 2.

Watering strawberries while flowering and fruiting

During the flowering and fruiting strawberries watering spend regularlyIn no case do not allow the soil drying. Without watering berries there will be small, unsweetened, with rigid seeds.

But it is not necessary to fill plants - it will reduce the winter hardiness of the bushes and resistance to diseases. For strawberries is dangerous both drying and overcoating.

After the appearance of the first fruits, water the bushes only under the root. Before flowering, watering could be produced through the watering can. At the time of the ripening of fruits, the increasing moisturizing of the ground part can provoke the appearance of gray rot.

It will be right if I have already matured to collect already ripened berries.

Video is important at the flowering stage and strawberry fruiting!

Carefully take care of strawberries while flowering and fruiting, and you will get the most good harvest of sweet berries.

Large crops!