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The impact of poisonous houseplants per person. Room poisonous flower: list, titles and features of care room flowers with white juice

There is a great many extraordinarily beautiful plants that are of great interest for lovers of the beautiful. Many of them can grow in room conditions, which cannot but please the flowerflowers. However, few of them know that these green friends are dangerous to health, and sometimes for human life and his pets. There is a very large number of poisonous plants, which need to be very careful.

Family Mokea

Its representatives are popular poisonous houseflowers Mokhokha (component of the order of two hundred species), yatrophiff, crotone and acalifa.

Saluanum has excellent decorative properties, it is very compact, forms bright orange berries that are very decorated with a bush.

Duttle, other name Duram, is a bright plant with large fragrant inflorescences of calm tones.

The fact is that in the stems of these plants there is a poisonous substance of a Solanin, which, when a person's digestive tract, can lead to severe intoxication, the main signs of which are:

  • Headache, dizziness, nausea.
  • Bind in the mouth and increased salivation, burning in the mouth.
  • Beating heartbeat and breathing difficulty.
  • Strong poisoning can cause fainting and muscular paralysis.

Knowing what house plants are poisonous, you can save ourselves and your loved ones from danger. It is also worth observed all the necessary precautions when careing.

All plants have their own unique beauty, as well as certain advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, before you have a green pet home, you should carefully familiarize yourself with all its characteristics and properties. After all, not all types of homemade plants are safe. You should compare all risks and benefits to make a rational solution.

Incredible facts

Plants are rightfully considered to be a lot of our planet.

Indoor plants play several useful roles in human life. They decorate our dwelling, and also purify the air, filling it with oxygen. In addition, some plants can be edible or medicinal. Aloe Vera beloved to the mind comes to mind.

However, there are a number of plants that live in our rooms, the dangers and toxicity of which we did not even suspect.

But they represent a real danger to children and pets, as well as for older people with weak health.

So, if your house has the following 10 plants, we advise you to get rid of them immediately.

How can I get poisoning from home plants

Poisoning may occur after:

-Enging leaves or touch to leaves;

-Prooting of berries, flowers or roots of the plant;

- Skin Contact Plants Juice;

- Using the soil, land from under plants;

- water from pallets.

Most flower shops do not contain warning inscriptions on potted plants, which indicate possible toxicity and poisonousness.

Therefore, before purchasing one or another beautiful flower, find out everything about this plant, in particular, which potential threat is in himself for members of your family and pets.

Harmful home plants

1. Filodendron

Philodendrons - Favorite Indoor Plants of many people

Perhaps this is one of the most popular home plants. The advantages of the flower are obvious: it has an attractive appearance, rapidly growing and not particularly whimsical.

But, despite the fact that this plant is an ideal addition to any room, it contains calcium oxalate crystals that are toxic for people and animals.

Philodendrons can be curly and not curly. It is very important to keep curly plants suspended out of reach from children or pets, as well as in time to cut the leaflets and mustaches.

Unselling plants should be stored on high window sills or shelves, so that children or animals cannot reach them.

Side effects in people:

In humans, especially in young children, the following reaction to the plant can be observed: dermatitis, skin irritation, swelling of mucous membranes and disorder of the digestive system when eating a plant leaves.

There are several cases when after eating leaves by children, the incident ended with a fatal outcome.

Philodendron has a much more serious effect on pets. It can be about spasms, cramps, pains and edema.

By the way, the plant is the greatest threat to cats.

2. Golden epiprons

The epiprons are golden or in common rushing of the devil is considered one of the most sought-after room plants. It perfectly copes with indoor air purification.

In addition, an attractive appearance of the plant will leave little indifferent. Beautiful motley leaves is a real decoration for the room.

Devil ivy, in fact, is considered one of the most useful indoor plants to remove harmful impurities from the air.

The advantage of the flower is also the fact that it is easily and quickly multiplied by his own cuttings. Therefore, rather soon you get a whole mini-plantation of the devil ivy in my home.

However, is it safe for households?

It is believed that in small quantities this plant almost does not cause any harm. But in rare cases, it can also have serious side effects in animals and people.

Side effects in people:

Burning in the oral cavity, skin irritation, tumor of lips, tongue and throat, vomiting, spasms and diarrhea.

Influence of plants on cats and dogs:

Sluting, choking, swelling of the mouth and language, difficulty breathing and stomach disorder. In some cases, the plant can also lead to renal failure and / or death.

3. Singonium snagged

Many confuse this plant with phylogendron. Indeed, they are similar, and behind him is also very easy to care for.

It is usually mixed in gardens with other plants that require similar care. This is undoubtedly a beautiful plant has the leaves in the shape of a heart, and is often presented as a gift for expensive people.

Young plants are very thick. Older plants produce stems and sweat-shaped leaves.

The flower regularly resets the leaves and gives new sprouts, therefore, it is recommended to regularly check the plant and clean it from fallen leaves.

Side Effects in people and animals:

Irritated skin, stomach disorder, vomiting.

Dangerous home plants

4. Lilies (and all plants that we call lily)

Most species of lilies, including the so-called Asian lily, are very toxic. Of particular danger, they represent for cats.

Everyone knows this beautiful flower. Few colors boast such beauty, grace and elegance, like Lily.

These gentle plants often decorate the premises, and many flower fans with pleasure hold them in bedrooms and children. It is categorically impossible to do this!

Of course, not all lilies are toxic, and some can harm exclusively animals. However, if you are not sure what kind of lily grows in your pot, it will be better to be reinsured.

Be careful with lilies!

Do not keep them indoors. But if you love this flower so much, and not ready to refuse it completely, then the best decision will fall off the lilies in the garden, the palication. In other words, this flower will become absolutely safe outdoors.

More toxic varieties of lilies include the following plants:

-Calla lily (which can be fatal for children);

-Pasy lily;

-Liliya Rubrum;

-Tigro lily;

-Lilanik or day lily;

-Aasian lily.

Depending on the species, lilies can cause poisoning, which will manifest itself in various symptoms. As mentioned above, it is the cats more susceptible to the poison of this flower.

Side effects in people:

Stomach disorder, vomiting, headache, impairment of vision and skin irritation.

Plant influence on cats:

All parts of lily are considered toxic. The symptoms of poisoning include vomiting, drowsiness and no appetite. Renal and liver failure, if not treated on time, can lead to the death of an animal.

5. Spatifylum

Although it is not a real lilies, they are often counted to this kind. They are the same toxic as lilies and represent some danger to people and pets.

Remember, peaceful lily, or sphaphifylum, does not belong to the family of lily plants.

There are many varieties of peaceful lily, for example, a popular Maun Loa flower flower. This type of plant is one of the most common plants for home decor and room decoration.

This is an evergreen perennial plant from South America with glossy leaves and a unique white flower, which is magnificently blossoming among the leaves, it looks very and very impressive.

In addition, these plants love shadow, which makes them ideal for apartments and rooms with a small amount of sunlight.

They are also excellent air purifiers. However, as well as previous plants in this list, they can cause painful symptoms, and sometimes in contact with people or animals to become the cause of their death.

Side effects in people:

Lips, mouth and tongue are lit and swell, swallowing reflexes, vomiting, nausea and diarrhea are hampered by speech.

Information about the toxicity of peaceful lilies is rather contradictory. However, some sources provide information about the dangers for dogs and cats.

In case of poisoning, the following symptoms are observed: the burning of skin, excessive salivation, diarrhea, dehydration, no appetite and vomiting. If on time does not start treatment poisoning can lead to renal failure, which will eventually lead to the death of the animal.

6. Diffenbahia

Diffenbachy is also called a dumb cane.

This plant is similar to the phyloodendron and contains the same oxalate crystals. Silent cane thick stems and fleshy leaves, which usually have bright green color, with random yellow or green veins.

Due to the fact that the plant has very impressive heavy leaves, it is usually placed on the floor or a low pedestal.

Symptoms of poisoning in people and animals:

Diffenbachy in the body usually leads to a light or moderate form of poisoning, both in people and pets.

Symptoms of poisoning include the following: severe pain in the mouth, saliva, burning, swelling and numbness of the throat, the strongest swelling of the tongue.

Dangerous home flowers

7. oleander

Oleander is one of the most deadly and poisonous ornamental plants.

This unusually beautiful flower looks like so gentle and innocent. But this is exactly the case when the appearance of deceptive: the plant is so toxic that even honey received from its nectar can cause symptoms of poisoning and even lead to death.

A few cases of deadly poisoning in adults are known when the pollen of this flower gets into the body.

As for children,, of course, they are all the more susceptible to poison the meal flower poison. Therefore, be sure to ensure that the oleander is not in your home. Stay from this flower away.

If still, there is a desire to grow with you, try to be an open area in the fresh air.

Side effects in people:

Poor well-being, arrhythmia, dizziness, trembling in the body.

Influence of plants on cats and dogs:

Arrhythmia, vomiting and cooling limbs.

8. Caladium

Beautiful, decorative flower Calladium is toxic for both human and animals.

Caladium is another South American guest who came to our dwellings. For this plant is characterized by thick foliage. That is why it is so popular as for external landscape design, and for the internal decoration of housing.

This plant is widely known as elephant ears or angel wings.

Caladium is rich in its color palette. Red, pink and white - the most common colors for this plant. Such a variety makes them attractive to decorate the premises.

They grow well with weak lighting, and sometimes produce very unusual flowers, similar to calla or lily flowers.

The plant is considered toxic for people and animals. It is dangerous as leaves and stalks of the plant and its flowers.

Side effects in people:

After entering parts of the plant into the human body, the following symptoms may be observed: burning in the oral cavity, swelling of the mouth, language, lips and throats, difficulty breathing, slowed down, slowing down swallowing reflexes.

All this in some cases can lead to blocking of the respiratory tract, which, in turn, can lead to a fatal outcome.

Influence of plants on cats and dogs:

Nausea, vomiting, spasms, shaking heads, salivation and difficult breathing.

9. Sansevieriya TRUE-VINE (Dyshkin Language)

Sansevieria Three-band is a decorative plant is more famous in common as chunks.

For him are characterized by pointed leaves.

Because of its very impressive sizes, this room plant is usually placed on the floor or small elevations.

Smooth, vertically elongated leaves, indeed, remind the form of the language. The plant may be more dense or more rare.

For foliage, the painting is typical, in particular, green with shades of white, yellow and silver.

It is believed that Techin language also protects the house from evil spirits and negative energy, and that the plant will definitely bring good luck to its owner. It is for this reason that many try to acquire a plant or give it to their loved ones.

But pets are unlikely to take this flower with the same joy. After all, the plant is recognized by experts as highly toxic and poisonous when entering the body.

Side effects in people:

The level of toxicity for people is rather low. Poisoning causes short-term symptoms, such as pain in the oral cavity, salivation and nausea. In rare cases, the plant can cause a dermatological response, but mostly toxicly plant only when the leaves get inside.

Influence of plants on cats and dogs:

Poisoning this plant can provoke excessive salivation, pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

10. Ivy

Ivy (often called English ivy) is one of the most curly and original plants in the world.

Agree, a very charming spectacle, when this flower, sprawling on the stones or brick walls, creates a cool, lush canopy in the form of a deciduous carpet.

In the room Ivy, hanging from the baskets, creates a romantic cascade exhibit.

Thanks to its pomp, ivy is widely used in the festive decor. However, few people know about other properties of this plant: it perfectly removes particles of feces falling into the air, which makes this plant an indispensable assistant if there are pets in the house.

However, be careful. Do not allow that the ivy particles fall into the body. Its leaves or stems when entering the body can cause poisoning.

Side effects of plants in people:

Ivy can cause severe skin irritation. Ingestion of leaves can cause burning in the mouth and throat, stupor, cramps, fever and rash. The consequences can be quite serious when eating a large number of leaves of the plant.

Effect of plants on animals:

In cats and dogs, the plant can cause diarrhea, hyperactivity, difficulty breathing, weakness, trembling in body or vomiting.

Just because these plants are considered potentially dangerous, it does not mean that you cannot enjoy them in your home. Just accept additional security measures so that your children and pets have not suffered from them.

Here are some ways to reduce the effects of plant toxins on people and animals:

Store the plants out of reach from children or animals, in rooms where neither those nor others can penetrate.

Regularly maintain the vital activity of the plant, watch it and clean the garbage and dust on time.

Be sure to find out whether the flower is toxic when it is purchased.

Be sure to wear gloves while working with flowers and be sure to wash your hands after any manipulations with plants.

When contacting with a plant, in no case can you damage your eyes or comb skin cover.

Cut off the plants so that children and pets could not gain access to hanging vines and branches. Well-groomed and on time, cropped plants will reward you with complete foliage, which cleans the air.

Do not forget that plants can be dangerous for pets. Highly hang them on the porch.

Always leave fresh water for pets so that they do not have a temptation to drink water from plant pallets. Water from under plants can be very toxic.

To cats do not receive access to plants, use special suspended cells to protect flower pots. Cells provide additional protection against plants, as well as used as an additional decor, visually decorating the room.

Additional safety tips:

Any manipulations with soil and plants, when there are no children or animals in proximity.

Regularly check the plants for the presence of insects and pests.

Check the pots and the soil regularly on the formation of fungus and mold.

Replace broken or cracked pots. This is especially important when it comes to plastic pots.

Make sure the hanging baskets are strong enough to maintain the weight of the plant.

Do not place curly plants with assholes in the affordable proximity to children and animals. A child or pet can pull the plant from the shelf, just pulling the mustache or vine.

Make sure that the shelves or ceiling hooks on which plants are placed quite strong to withstand its weight.

And last: of course, pay attention to the one in your family allergies. After all, some plants harmless to most people can be a slowdown bomb for those who suffer from asthma or allergies.

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In nature, there is always a chance to stumble upon a poisonous plant. And if adults most likely, they will simply pass by, then curious children who seek to taste everything, may suffer.

website Reminds: Many very dangerous types of plants are grown as decorative and can be seen not only in the forest, but also on the windowsill and flower beds. Therefore, in the city, too, it is worth being vigilant.

Where is found: In the moderate zone of the northern hemisphere; Prefers raw places, swamps.

There are several types of butterms, many of them are poisonous.

Where is found:In Europe, Asia and North America. It grows in very raw places, on the swamps and banks of the rivers.

Deceptively smells of carrots, but it is one of the most poisonous plants on Earth. To distinguish it from dozens of other types of umbrellas can only special specials for nerds. It is better not to rotate the plants similar to the milestone and growing in raw places.

What is dangerous: In case of poisoning, vomiting arises, convulsions, depression of cardiac activity, may occur. Only 100-200 g of the rhizoma of the milestone will easily kill the cow.

Where is found:Moderate zone of the northern hemisphere, Australia.

The most common representatives - Bosne Red and Black. All parts of the plant is poisonous, and if you just touched the elderberry, it is better to wash your hands. Interestingly, the black berries are completely safe in ripe, they make drinks and pies.

Where is found:In tropical and subtropical regions. Used in landscape design, around the world it is grown as a room flower.

Truly cunning plant, which attracts its pleasant aroma and beautiful pink or white flowers.

Where is found:In Europe, Asia and North America. Because of the beautiful purple, blue and yellowish colors, it is grown on the flower beds. This is a high and noticeable plant.

In the ancient world it was used to poison arrivals. Even bees can choose if they are racing honey from aconite. By the way, the dolphinium is his relative, and he also poisonous.

What is dangerous:Very poisonous plant. Causes a heart rate disruption, numbness of the skin of the face, hands and feet, darkness in the eyes and death. Juice penetrates even through the skin.

Where is found:In North and Central America, Europe, the southern regions of Russia.

The dope resembles potatoes or tomato, which is not surprising, because he is their close relative. This is an inconspicuous plant with spiked fruits-boxes with black seeds inside. His white flowers make a blurred smell.

What is dangerous:Contains alkaloids that cause rapid heartbeat, violation of orientation and nonsense. In severe cases, death or coma is possible. Shamans of many nations used this plant in their rituals.

Where is found: In moderate regions of Eurasia, one species exists in the United States.

Just a giant among umbrellas, which looks rather impressive, but it is better not to be photographed next to him.

What is dangerous: Part of the species contains furanocumarines, which under the action of sunlight cause painful burns. Therefore, if Borshevik's juice falls on your hand, wash it out and take care of the sunny rays about two days.

Where is found:Everywhere. Often can be seen on the windowsill, including in children's institutions.

There are a huge number of species to the milk, often they differ very much outwardly: some are similar to cacti, others - on flowers. Teach children not to touch unfamiliar plants, even if they grow in pots.

What is dangerous:Juice leaves burns. Later, attachment, swelling and temperature are joined.

There are quite a lot of dangerous indoor plants, and some at first glance seem completely harmless. Of course, adults will not taste flowers and leaves, and children and animals can pull a bright mouth in her mouth, but a poisonous flower. It is better to know in advance about poisonous plants and bypass them.

1. Rocha - the most popular and dangerous

It looks like a small palm tree, has dense green leaves and thick stem. This plant has mile juice and seeds, they can cause burns, irritation and skin. If the juice juice falls into the eye, temporary blindness and strong inflammation of the conjunctiva are possible. With strong poisoning, a person can observe dizziness, convulsions, circulatory disruption and even nonsense.

2. Diffenbachia - Beauty

The poison is in all green parts of the plant. Especially often, domestic animals suffer from the juice of Diffenbahia, cats die if even a few drops will fall into the mouth. A person among poisoning symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, heart rate violation and language swelling.

3. Adenium fat - a bright plant with poisonous juice

This is an exotic flower that appeared in our country not so long ago, but quickly gained popularity. Interestingly, the poison of this plant is still used in African tribes. They lubricate the tips of arrows. He is definitely not worth growing in homes where little children live, animals or a person suffering from asthma.

4. Ficus - Powerful Allergen with which not everyone sees

Ficus is one of the pets of the flower water, it can be found in every third house. It cannot be categorically called a poisonous plant, but it is a dangerous allergen. It can be diluted at home, but it is necessary to observe precautions, especially to beware of juice on the skin.

5. Azalea - beautiful, but capricious and dangerous plant

It is unlikely to be able to grow in an inexperienced gardener. Azalea, which is also called Roldendron, does not harm the person, if not swallowing her toxic nectar or leaves. Dangerous juice is contained in leaf plates, it causes vomiting, tearing, discharge from the nose and salivation.

6. Cyclamen - a representative of the family of colorful with poisonous tubers

Among the flower water, there are quite a lot of fans of cyclamen, and some of them grow this plant from seeds. The flower is demanding and capricious, he needs special care and special temperature conditions. However, few people know that the cyclameman is poisonous tubers, their poison looks like poison curarm.

7. Primula - a dangerous resident of children's rooms

It can often be found in children's rooms due to bright and different colors. But this is a poisonous plant, and all of its parts are dangerous. During the flowering of primulous alkaloids, which cause nausea and dizziness. The poison is also in the leaf hair, touching them can provoke itching and burning. To avoid this, after contact with the plant you need to thoroughly wash your hands.

8. Clivia - a bright flower, conquering hearts from the first time

Flowers madly love this plant for bright large buds, which are revealed at the same time and create a huge bouquet. But this is a poisonous plant, he is especially dangerous to leaves and rhizome. Clivia juice is so dangerous that paralysis can cause.

About the bio of beautiful and well-kept indoor plants Always considered a plus for the owners: when we enter such a house, we immediately admire, and we cannot hide this admiration - such beauty leaves little indifferent.

Plants, if they are well-groomed and beautiful, please the eye and smelling - we have a strongly developed than other feelings, and very strongly affects our condition and the worldship. In the city through the open window to the room, the fresh air does not always fall, and the room plants purify it, and absorb toxic impurities - for example, all known chlorophytums that grow precisely where there are many such impurities in the air.

However, botany say that "Botanical Gardens" cannot be arranged in residential and work premises: when there are many plants, they begin to bring more harm than good, highlighting hazardous volatile compounds.

Of course, it is not so difficult to cope with this if the premises are often ventilated, but houseplants are different: dangerous not only for health, but also for life, if you treat them wrong.

1. Ficus.
With a leaning to better not to keep it in the house. Ficus juice poisonous - the skin is inflated from it, and irritation arises in the respiratory tract - even an asthma attack can happen.

2. oleander.
Flowers in his fragrant and pleasantly smelling, but can cause a headache if the plant blooms too violently. The oleander will grow strongly if conditions allow, and in height grows up to 5 m; It is used in medicine, like many poisonous plants. Seeds and juice of poisonous especially, so it is necessary to care for him in gloves, and do not close children and animals.

3. Pahipodium Lamera.
Something like a small palm tree: it is called it - Madagascar palm tree, but the name is wrong. Leaves Lamers of poisonous, and can be dangerous for children and animals.

4. Diffenbahia.
The juice of many Diffenbahius is poisonous for the skin - contact with him threatens dermatitis; If you get into the eyes, the cornea is striking and causes conjunctivitis, and when you get into the mouth - pain in the mucous membrane and edema. Although children, and animals usually do not hurt this plant for a long time, everything can end the tragedy, so access to Diffenbahiam must be limited. Cats are especially vulnerable from animals - their juice can kill their mouth, even in small quantities.

5. Monster (Monstera)
In nature, this is a liana with large leaves, and we have it grows in pots; Popular just because of the leaves, brilliant and very beautifully cut - because of them, it is also called the phyloodendron jerking. In these large - up to 0.5 m - the leaves are contained toxins that cause burning in mucous membranes, inflammation, strong selection of saliva, vomiting and disorder of digestion.

6. Spatifylum.
Also we love housewives: it is very original blooming, kicking a scenery on a flower tree, resembling the pillage, from the base of which there is a bedspread - a perianth, similar to a sheet, but brighter, from green to white. This plant is even recommended to keep indoors with contaminated air - it quickly absorbs toxins, but also itself is toxic: if the juice falls on the skin, it may appear, which will not be woined for a long time. In nature, there is its varieties, also toxic, although they are used in folk medicine.

7. Poinsettia.
Known by their poisonousness of almost all thenespends - among them among domestic flowers can often be found puansettia, so original that it is called "Bethlehem Star": Poinsettia flowers seem double - due to framing each flower of bright red bracts. It is only slightly damaged to the leaf or the stalk of the plant, and the Milky Juice, which came to the skin, will cause irritation; If it happens so that he will fall into the eye, a person or animal can temporarily blind.

8. Azalea.
Or Rhododendron (rhododendron) is an amazing indoor plant with beautiful flowers similar to the colors of lilies. These plants bloom lush, and their flowers are elegant, and differ in bright colors - terry or simple, they are red, pink, white, lilac, etc., and look very beautiful in living rooms and offices. Often azaleas are given, and lovers are bred in large quantities; Azalea bloom about 2-2.5 months, and their saturated fragrance causes dizziness, and in a poorly ventilated room can cause loss of consciousness - this plant contains narcotic substances.

The plant can harm the person if you swallow the leaves of the plant or nectar. Poisonous juice contained in the leaf plates, and nectar is able to cause tearing, abundant vomiting, salivation, discharge from the nose.

9. Adenium.
Adenium fat, or adenium thick, or desert rose (adenium obesum), is a "bottle" plant with a thick stem at the base. This is a poisonous plant. Its juice is able to penetrate the skin or mucous membranes into the blood and cause intoxication. Some African tribes use adenium poison in the hunt, soaking the arrow tips. Also create medicines against arrhythmia.

10. Mokhai (Euphorbia) - Milky juice of this plant, protruding from damaged parts, is sufficiently dangerous. It causes strong burning, redness of the skin, possibly the formation of blisters. Finding into the eyes, the juice of dairy provokes serious inflammation of the conjunctiva and temporary blindness. The poison that penetrates the body through the oral cavity causes vomiting, a strong diarrhea, abdominal pain. With strong poisoning, dizziness, cramps, nonsense, circulatory disorder is possible.

11. Hortensia (Hydrangea) - a beautiful indoor plant that requires special care. In all parts of this plant contains poison. Touching the hydrangea is completely safe, the danger occurs when penetrating the parts of the hydrangea or its juice inside the human body, for example, when swallowing. In this case, the sweating increases, the blood circulation is hampered, the victim feels pain in the stomach, itching, nausea, weakness in the muscles.

12. Gloriosis luxury (Gloriosa Superba) - a dangerous plant only if its poison contained in all its parts falls in large quantities in the human body. The chloriose poison causes severe nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, in difficult cases. Hair loss, blood clotting disruption, and there is also a high probability of kidney damage.

13. Brovalia is beautiful (Browallia Speciosa) is so unfortunate, but in its elegant stems, interesting leaves, beautiful modest colors and other parts contain a dangerous substance. Brovali juice, hitting the unprotected human skin, causes intoxication.

14. Clivia (Clivia) is beautiful when it blooms. Its bright luxury buds are revealed almost simultaneously, creating a bright "bouquet". But with careless handling of leaves or rhizome, this beautiful plant can harm. Poison of Clivia causes vomiting, diarrhea, abundant salivation, and sometimes paralysis.

15. Ivy - The most famous homemade liana, and it is happy to use it for interior design. This plant can also be called useful - it cleans the air of rooms from harmful chemicals, it does not like bacteria and fungi, but its leaves and stalks are poisonous - if they happen to try, for example, home rodent, the animal will die. Sometimes Ivy flows, although rarely - once a few years, but the flowers smell unpleasantly, and the fruits are even more poisonous than the rest of the plant; Therefore, it is better to remove buds until they have time to reveal.

16. Spleens of Fleeping
For the family of Parenic, it is also known to many - even the fruits of ordinary potatoes can be mortally toxic, and in the clubs also accumulates Solanan, causing severe poisoning. As a room flower is often grown oslane Falnunked - In Australia, this plant is considered a malicious weed, but our flowerflowers loved him for bright fruits that attract him an attractive look. That is why the parallers often take place by children involved in beautiful red-orange berries, causing pain in the stomach, nausea and vomiting; The juice of the leaves of Parenone is also poisonous - it causes skin irritation.

17. Podpick's pepper.
Other representatives of this family are dangerous: brunfercia, Brovalia, Podpovkin Pepper etc.

18. Cyclamen.
Cyclamen flowers resemble graceful butterflies fluttering over the leaves, and it is considered an unusual, elite and capricious flower, but his tuber juice can cause skin inflammation and irritation.

19. Aloe.
About this plant will not come to mind to speak badly - everyone knows about its pronounced therapeutic properties, but for animals this plant is deadly. Rodents die from it, and others develop a strong diarrhea; In humans, aloe juice - in overdose - can cause severe poisoning, and in pregnant women - miscarriages.

Aloe refers to the asphodel family, and its other representatives grown in the rooms also contain toxins: eremurus, Gasteria, Havorti etc.

Most popular home plants have poison, which is not fatal for a person, but which is capable of leading serious diseases.

20. Other plants
. For example, fruits and leaves of plants belonging to the Aralia family are able to cause digestive disorders or allergies. Such plants can be attributed to Ivy, Fatia, Japanese Aucubu, Sheffler, Polystsias, Fansededer.

For example, into the composition of leaves and begonia stalks includes insoluble salts of oxidic acid, so the juice of this plant can, in contact with the skin of a person, cause a burn. If the begonia list falls into the mouth, it may be irritated a pharynx. The most toxic is the tubers of Begonias.

Those plants that relate to the family of the Rochetric, for example, such as Croton, Yatrof, Akalif, Ruhaf in themselves contain euphorbin, that is, a poisonous substance capable of causeing skin burns and mucous membranes. When a person cares for these and other plants of this family, he should take care of his eyes, as the intake of juice can cause corneal irritation, which as a result sometimes leads to loss of vision. If the milk juice of the ficus will be in contact with the skin, a person can develop dermatitis, eczema, or inflammation. In addition, allergies may arise or bronchial asthma.

Also poisonous indoor plants are plants belonging to the family of the Parotnic. Among such plants can be noted by Brovalia, decorative pepper, grained. The Brunefelzia, which contains a toxic substance that is able to cause cough, seizures and stomach disorders to this dangerous family.

Security measures

It is clear to everyone that it is simply impossible to force a small child or a pet with caution to relate to room plants that are poisonous. Therefore, if it is impossible to isolate toxic plant, it is necessary to get rid of it. But it is necessary to understand that only those plants that have poisonous leaves, flowers or stems are dangerous for children and animals.

There are houseplants that possess poisonous tubers, but hardly the baby or the four-legged can be reached by them. If a person at home grows a poisonous plant, during his care, he must behave very carefully. Working with such plants, especially transplanting them, it is necessary to use gloves. It is necessary in order to protect your hands from the juice of poisonous plants. In addition, it is impossible to rub his face, otherwise the juice can get into the eyes or mouth.

Ambulance at contact with a poisonous plant
If the juice of a poisonous plant got on the mucous membrane or skin, a person should urgently take measures:

The damaged portion of the body must be rinsed with water using soap. If the plant's juice fell into the eyes, they need to hold them for about ten minutes under the jet of water.
- If the juice got into the stomach, the victim should be called vomiting. You can also drink a glass of water with a strengthened carbon divorced in it.
- In case of poisoning, it is impossible to drink milk, since it not only can not help anything, but also aggravate the effects of fat-soluble toxins.

In conclusion, I will say: no need to be afraid of poisonous plants, most of them are able to cause only insignificant harm to our health. Just when buying a green plant, it is necessary to collect information about it as much as possible, including about its poisonous properties.