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Aria, Irga, sea buckthorn, Uanabi, Dogwood, unusual plants in the garden plot. IRGA and Chernoponeal Rowan

And figs and palm trees. In general, who is so far. We will try to understand this manifold of rare crops. So briefly about some rare cultures.

Aria - blackfold rowan. This is a long-term shrub height of 2-3 meters. Aria is very rich in vitamins P, C, A, B1, B2 and PP. In addition, the fruits of the arony contain a record number of iodine! It comes early, already for the second year after landing. Proper mainly by seeds and green cuttings.

Irga is not the most common of shrubs. Reaches up to 3 meters in height. Extremely useful for vessels heart shrub. It contains unique compounds, strengthening the walls of the vessels: anthocyans, catechins, flonal, vitamin B12.

Fruit starts on the fourth - fifth year, gives abundant. In addition, Irga is very resistant to pests, unpretentious to the soil and temperature drops. Irgi is used both fresh and dried for cooking compotes, jams and jams.

- A unique plant that gives magnificent fruits with a pleasant aroma and a unique taste. In addition, the fuel purple is obtained valuable oil - sea buckthorn, which is used for various diseases. The shrub is high enough - up to 5 meters in height. Breaks up with cuttings and seeds. In addition, sea buckthorn is very resistant to temperature drops, it makes harsh frosts up to 55 degrees. Perfectly feels like light sandy soils and chernozem.

Unabi is a Chinese china. This exotic tree reaches 6 meters in height. The fruits are very tasty and sweet, contain a large number of Sugar and ascorbic acid. Uanabi. unpretentious plantEasy tolerate both drought and severe frosts. Interest also the fact that begins in the first year of planting. Breeds seeds and roots. Unbi fruits are used to prepare jam, jams and drying.

Kizil - shrub up to 5 meters in height. The pulp of fruit is sweet, fragrant. Fruits contain a large number of ascorbic acid, pectin, carotene, iron and manganese. Kizil loves well-lit places with light soil. Regarding frost resistant. Plugged with cuttings and. From the fruits of Kizyl prepare compotes, jams, jams, as well as dried.

The significance of black-rowed rowan - therapeutic property of fruitswhich in the content of antioxidants occupy a leading position.

Culture has a special genetics that promotes high and stable yield even with minimal care.

Culture Requirements for Growing Conditions

Blackfold Rowan. - The result of crossing the arony of black and rowan ordinary.

The range of natural type of arony - swamps, sandy plains and mountain slopes of North America. This is an unsightly low shrub, which is fundamentally different from the well-known black rowan rowan.

The shrub owes the Russian breeder I. V. Michurina and popular in Russia in Russia. As a result of numerous experiences and practical tests was obtained perfect new culture - Mokenodnaya Rowan.

Due to the high winter hardiness, disease resistance, unpretentiousness to climatic and soil conditionsThe shrub quickly spread in extensive territories.

Nizina fit wellwhere groundwater occurs is not more than 2 m. This is separate with a relatively shameless occurrence of the roots of the plant, the main mass of which is accommodated up to 60 cm, and the rod roots rarely reach a depth of 2 meters.

With a lack of moisture in the root layer, the winter hardiness and the productivity of the shrub decreases.

Black-tree rowan is well evolving on different types of soil: chernozem, gray-forest, dried peatlands, dend-podzolic. Absolutely unsuitable for its cultivation stony, wetlands and saline soils.

The black rowan can be planted in the combined albid or as a soliter plant, to decorate a spacious area.

it a good option to strengthen ravines or perimeters of the household siteLocated along the cliff or mouth of the river.

For the cultivation of black-flow rowan, you need to choose well-lit sections with sufficient moisture in the soil

Came of seedling and varieties of black rowan

Scheduled scientists have introduced many varieties and hybrids of black rowan. Popular varieties:

Their signs are practically similar, there are minor differences in the taste qualities and the timing of fruiting.

therefore the main criterion when choosing a sapling should be Acquisition of landing material adapted to the conditions of the region.

For landing, you need to purchase one or two-year seedlingIt is important to pay attention to quality indicators.

This is a height of up to 1.3 m, a healthy bark without traces of damage, developed rod roots at least 25 cm with a mass of converting roots.

For landing you need to purchase a single or two-year seedling in the nursery

Productive period of black rowan rowan in conditions middle strip 25-30 years old. All this time it is distinguished by a stable and high yield.

Therefore, to provide one family fruits enough to plant 1-2 shrubs, which will come into fruction in 2-3 years.

When to plant: in autumn or spring?

Mine-flow rowan can be planted in spring or autumn. Most preferred for the development of a seedling and gardener - autumn fit. At this time, you can buy a seating material with fresh roots at a bargain price.

In the middle lane, black rowan sit from mid-September to the third decade of October. During this period, the shrub gradually enters the state of relative rest, but its roots will develop until the temperature of the soil does not fall to -4 ° C.

Therefore, the spring plant will immediately begin to build up the vegetative mass. This gives a great advantage of autumn planting seedlings that are ahead of the development of the plant, planted in spring for more than 20 days.

Benefit from autumn planting for gardener - Saving time, the plant will not need additional departure, except for the shelter by winter.

For spring landing It will be necessary to control the likelihood of return freezers, the effects of dried winds and temperature drops.

Independence on general recommendations for planting a seedliness, it is necessary to focus on the average temperature indicators of the region. You can plant at least 20 days before the first frosts.. If the deadlines are missed, the sapling must be peaked in the ridge until spring.

In the spring plant plant to the blown of the kidneysWhen the air temperature warms up to + 15 ° C.

You can plant at least 20 days before the first frost. If the deadlines are missed, the sapling must be peaked in the ridge until spring.

How to plant: Stages of work

The landing jam and the substrate for a seedling is prepared in advance, preferably for 1-2 months. During this time, the soil is structured, and the nutrient elements will take effect on the roots of the plant form. Optimal size Pits 60x60x50 (cm), landing scheme - 2.5x4 (m).

To prepare the substrate, you will need the top layer of the soil, taken out during the holes of the pit. It is complemented by components:

  • 40 buckets with humid or compost;
  • superphosphate 120 g;
  • sulfate potassium 60 g
  • At the bottom of the pit lay the drainage layer of broken brick or rubble no more than 15-20% of the total volume.

    Before boarding a seedling, you need to inspect again. When damaged roots are detected, the problem areas are cut to healthy skin, and the dried placed in water for 10 hours.

    For better survival, the roots are fooled in a bolt cooked from oily clay, cowboy and water.

    In the light soils, the seedling is plugged by 6 cm, in heavy soils by 2-3 cm. Thus, the root of the shrub after the soil shrinkage should remain 1-3 cm below the soil level.

    In the light soils, the seedling is plugged by 6 cm, in heavy soils by 2-3 cm, the root cerv should remain 1-3 cm below the soil level

    The roots fall asleep soil, periodically shook the stem to avoid the formation of emptiness. After sealing the priority circle and watering the seedlings, need to form a layer of mulch. For this, it is good: peat, sawdust, beveled grass or wood chips.

    After planting, the above-ground part of the seedling is cut, leaving only 20 cm length. With autumn landing, the procedure is delayed until spring and carried out before the kidney dissolve.

    Care after landing

    Requirements of shrub to care are minimal. Besides he is rarely amazed by pests and diseases. This makes it particularly attractive to growing in the country where the presence of a gardener is impermanent.

    Shelter for winter

    Planted in autumn sapling need to prepare for the first winter season. For this it is flexing to the ground and pressed by boards. It is important to do so far the air temperature does not drop to -1 ° C-2 ° C.

    Otherwise, the shrub stem will lose elasticity and can break. During beland bent it is important to ensure that the height of the arc does not exceed 20 -30 cm.

    Additionally saplings are covered with bars, and the mulch layer makes higher. In the minor winter shrubs glue the snow.

    In the spring, with the establishment of a stable temperature, the plant must be repaid. If you hold it for a long time, the top shoots can smoke.

    Black-rowed rowan saplings are flexing to the ground and pressed, shelted with a sweetheart

    Do I need to trim shoots?

    For the correct ratio of stability and quantity an adult shrub should have 30-50 strong trunks.

    Sanitary trim is concluding in the removal of old, rotten and bare branches. Shrub laying fruit kidneys on annual escapes, so they should not shorten them.

    To increase the productivity and life expectancy of shrub, every 3-4 years need to be rejuvenating. During the procedure, the chain rowan shoots shorten on half growth.

    The black rowan is good responding to feeders that need to be done twice a year. To do this, in the rolling circle at the rate of 1 m2 you need to close:

    • ammonium nitrate 20 g (spring);
    • potash salt 20 g, superphosphate 30 g (autumn).
    • Good results gives extra cornering subcortex Shrub after floweringWhen the fruits begin to tie. To do this, it is sprayed with an aqueous solution of urea (20g / 10l).

      The black rowan is well responding to the feeders to be spent twice a year

      With the accumulation of excessive amounts of nitrogen, the gains and the duration of the formation of roasting shoots increases. Young shoots bark do not have time to wait, but the top kidneys to form.

      This leads to severe freezing even with the most favorable winter. therefore in the second half of the growing season, nitrogen feeds should not do.

      Watering and loosening soil

      Chernoponeal Rowan - Moofable Culture. Especially important for her watering at the beginning of the growing season and during fruit formation.

      With sustainable hot weather, the shrub is watered every week. Water rate for adult shrubs 30 liters.

      To do this, we can make watering grooves at a distance of 30-40 cm from the shrub stems. With this method, water will penetrate all the roots of the plant.

      Excessive soil seal contributes to severe soil freezing In the corrunt layers, which significantly reduces the winter hardiness of the shrub.

      Prevention of diseases and pests

      After harvesting and spring to dissolve the kidneys, the shrub must be treated with fungicides. For this it is sprayed with 1% burgundy fluid.

      Shrub Sustainable Pest. The reason for the spread of insects on the black rowan rowan can be the mass lesion of the pest site.

      In these cases, it is necessary to apply a cardinal measure - spraying with chemicals.

      Mine-flow rowan is resistant to pests, it sprayed with 1% burglar liquid to prophylaxis

      The fruits of black rowan rowers are good for culinary blanks And especially valuable by their healing properties. Attractive shrub and its decorativeness.

      Livestore from the plant It will transform the background of the household plot three times a year, ranging from white color during flowering and ending with purple leaves late autumn.

      Landing and care for the Black-Food Arone:

      Aria, or rowan black and billet from her

      Apples of blackcloth

      The aronium is typical commonly called blacklodes, and often in black rowan rowan, although the aronym and rowan represent the various birth of the family of rustic. But this is not the only inaccuracy concerning Arone. Usually, the fruits of the marchs are considered berries, but this is an apple. Ripen rounded, almost black, with a sipped apple peel in August. But they can hang on the bush right up to frosts.

      But it is better to remove the fruits of Arone in early September, as the birds willingly eat them, especially in October, before deleting. In addition, the fruits of the Flats of the Markotodki are preserved from the bush for more than a month due to the presence of phytoncides; destructively acting on putrefactive bacteria.

      In the 70s, Aria was blackfolded was an extremely popular culture - it could be seen in many areas. This tree is a pioneer on bad soils. Aria is unpretentious - growing on inconvenience (except for wetlands and salted soils), can grow when groundwater occurred at a depth of 1.5-2 m. But if you want to get large fruits, pick up a lighted place with loose, moistened and fertile soil. Note that in the shade of trees and on dry soils, Aria is growing badly.

      Due to the high winter hardiness, it can even be grown in Siberia, withstanding frosts up to minus 30-35 ° C. But it is guaranteed there still can be grown only with the bending of shoots for the winter to the ground and the shelter by their snow. However, I want to dwell on one reason for the possible damage to Aronym, which is not connected with its biological nature, but with the introduction of redundant doses of nitrogen fertilizers. With an excess of nitrogen, roast shoots and siblings are distinguished by a strong increase and prolonged phase of reinforced growth. Reaching a height of 60-80 cm, they often leave in winter with unwanted and with inconsected top kidney. The tops of such shoots are frozen even in favorable winters. Aria is multiplied by easy - root offspring, weapons, weathered and green cuttings, dividing the bush, pre-stratified seeds. If you have acquired aronyous seedlings, then you will note that they will fit better if it is better to suck them into a bolt, cooked from oily clay, cowboy and water. In the absence of these components, you can use peat, humid or just an earthen bolt.

      On light soils, it is recommended to plant seedlings by 6-8 cm deeper than they grew up to the digging, and on heavy - by 2-3 cm. This is due to the need to plunge all the root shoots (sewers) at the root neck, and creating favorable conditions For the speedy increase in the base of the bush.

      Fruit Aria begins on the 3-4th year of life.

      Arone bushes perfectly tolerate transplant and division. And this can be successfully done not only with five-six-year-old bushes, but also average age (from 8 to 15 years). When divided, all old, patients and broken branches are cut out. The root system is dipping into the same chatter as seedlings. Reassened rowan bushes quickly and well take root and fruit, as a rule, have already been a year of transplant.

      Given the biological peculiarity of the black-fledged Arone to give a large number of offspring root and stems, with proper agrotechnology, you can significantly extend the age of bushes. Saving renewed, having its own root system and, thus, becoming independent in the bushes, hold the arony bushes in the state of "eternal" youth, at a significant total of bushes. Thanks to this circumstance, the life expectancy of the bush is more dependent on the biological characteristics of this culture, but from the selection of the site and the departure corresponding to its requirements.

      Aria blooms late, in the second half of May, and therefore the spring frosts are not terrible. Fruit every year, harvest is very generous.

      In the garden, there are enough 2-3 of its bushes with a power supply of 3x2.5 or 3x2 m to provide seven fruits of this culture.

      Interestingly, in Europe, Aria, the birthplace of which North America, first cultivated as decorative shrub. Indeed, early in the spring of our eyes pleases in this beauty its white, like the bride, a colors, in summer - dark green, brilliant, like a polished sheet. In late autumn, it is unlikely to be bright contrasting paints - large, black, also brilliant berries, heavy bunches hanging from the branches, against the background of purple leaves.

      The black-fledged arony, grafted in the crown of ordinary rowan, is a spectacular combination of direct, as a candle, ordinary rowan, and an empty molding of the crown of the blackfold arony. You can create such beauty yourself. To do this, you need to bring from the forest or buy in the nursery of the ordinary rowan village with a height of 1-1.2 m. To put them in the form of an alley or group. In a year or two, when the dive is taken for and will give an increase, in the spring to the main trunk to instill the draft of the black-like arony.

      Aria, which we grow on panstonesFor a number of signs, it does not look like a natural American look - is a hybrid with larger fruits, derived by I. V. Michurin. By the way, the rowan liqueur result obtained by them is the result of crossing arony with rowan ordinary. The zoned arony varieties are lard (promising grade black eyes while testing).

      Now the "blackboard boom" somewhat dust. Probably because of the tart, binding taste of a coarse consistency. But, if you do a blank from the blackcloth with berries, apples, quince, then her tart taste will give piquancy, not to mention the color. Add blackcloth into faded strawberry juice, and he will play ruby \u200b\u200bchoppers, will acquire a completely new taste. Apple jumped, jam will also benefit in taste and color, if you do them with aronia. With some recipes for cooking blackcloth with other berries, we will introduce you to fruit.

      The convenient and affordable way of harvesting Around is different - drying. It contributes to improving the taste of fruits: they lose excessive tartness, while medical properties persist. Dry it is better to quickly so that the fruits are not spoiled. Well-ridden fruits are separated from the brushes, wash, lay out onto sheets and placed in an open oven or a weakly fired oven with a temperature of 50-60 °. Dried fruits are used for cooking jelly, compotes, fruit tea.

      Perfectly preserved the properties of the arony and freezing. When thawing, the form and taste of fruits is preserved. Choose recipes for yourself, the benefits of such blanks will be undoubted. After all, therapeutic properties of the arony are very multifaceted: it has a choleretic effect (therefore suitable as a supplement in the use of hardly digestible products), moderately lowers blood pressure. Organic iodine compounds that are in the arony in sufficient quantities are removed from the body an excess cholesterol, a beneficial effect on the function of the thyroid gland. By the way, in the number of iodine in the fruits, Aria ranks second after Feichoa - the leading plant of the Yodosobirator. In addition, there are a lot of p-vitamin and other biologically active substances in Arony. Sugar, located in it, is easily absorbed by diabetics.

      The healing properties of the Arion of Mainfod were known to the Indians of North America long before the appearance of a white man. Dakota Indians and Delawaras juice of Arone fruit treasured many diseases, including burns, colds, the overall weakening of the body. They dried fruit, prepared sweet flour about them about the reserve. Europeans quickly appreciated high quality This aboriginal plant of America and began to actively cultivate it.

      Blanks made of black rowan

      Blackfold Arony and Apple Jam

      Aria cooked with apples, has a pleasant sour-sweet taste. Fruits (500 g) and apple slices (500 g) Blanch 2-3 minutes, cool with cold water, add sugar (1.2 kg per 1 kg of a mixture). Jam should be repaired repeatedly, and at the end of the cooking add 2-3 g of citric acid.

      500 g of blackfold arony, 500 g of black currant, 0.8-1 kg of sugar.

      Wash fruit, dry and put in glass jars, stirring with sugar. When they cover with juice, stand a few more days so that sugar penetrate inside, then boil until readiness.

      1 kg of blackcloth, 400 g of quince, 1-1.5 kg of sugar, 0.2 liters of water.

      Aronia thoroughly wash and completely sort with a small amount of water (0.2 liters). Add sugar and boil another 5-10 minutes, then add the sliced \u200b\u200bquince of quince and boil until ready. Boil into sterile jars and close the lids.

      Aria, Mokeal Rowan - Black Gold

      Aria is a plant with a rich history that originates from North American marshes, sand plains and steep rocks. It is in these places that an unsightly, low-spirited shrub is growing radically different from the famous and beloved black rowan.

      Rod Aria belongs to the subfamily of apple bodies. The species of this kind in large quantities grow in the east of North America. There you can also meet the aronium of black-free with black, early ripening fruits of mediocre taste, as well as. Arbutusoliste with red, much later ripening fruits.

      The name of the genus comes from the ancient Greek naming of Ryabina Aria, in turn, originating from the Greek word, meaning "benefit, help." One of the earliest names of Arone alone and to this day and is familiar to everyone - the black-like rowan.

      The Russian Aria (Markoklodka) is obliged to be his advent of the great breeder - Ivan Vladimirovich Michurina, who, through numerous experiments, received a new culture - black rowan rowan. The main difference between the arony of the black-fledged, originating from North America, from Arony, Echultured I. V. Michurin, is incomparable more attractive form (decorative leaves - rounded shape, large beautiful flowers), increased yields and taste qualities, winter hardiness (withstands up to - 35 ° C).

      Ivan Vladimirovich did not put great hopes for culture and recommended to use it only for landing as forest strips, and fruit - for processing. Aria Michurina very soon spread and became popular almost throughout Russia, without damage to transfer the harsh winter of the Gorno-Altaisk and the unstable climate of the Forn of the Caucasus.

      However, after years, the hobby of the gardeners of this curious culture gradually began to fade, despite the prevals of the breeders. In recent decades, several dozen Danish, Finnish and Polish varieties have been created, did not bypass this culture and breeders of Russia. The most well proven to Altai large-scale, black, blackfold other.

      Meanwhile, the fruits of Arony were and remains storeroom vitamins and mineralsThat is necessary for a person, especially during the acute shortage of vitamins, and are much easier to be absorbed by the body, rather than artificial biodendage.

      These fruits contain a large amount of vitamin P necessary for normal operation of the cardiovascular system. Aria is the leader among berry cultures on the content of anthocyanins of coloring substances that give to juices and wines is a steady color. In addition, the fruits of arony contain vitamins A, E, B, PP, C, trace elements, among which fluorine, iodine, copper, iron. The characteristic of the arony is a taper-sweet taste attach to the fruits in them sugar, pectin and tanning substances, and the content of acids does not exceed 1%.

      The fruits of arony due to the presence in their composition of the vitamins of the group P and C can be used as a vasodilator, for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis and hypertension. Fresh fruits strengthen the cardiovascular system, improve brain activity, is positively affected by immune system and the activity of gastric enzymes helps with allergic reactions and diabetes. Not only fresh fruits have a positive effect, but also frozen, dried and even processing products: jam, jelly, jam, compote.

      In addition to therapeutic qualities, Michurin Aronia plant is also characterized by high decorative qualities. Its light-pink flowers in lush inflorescences are beginning to delight the eyes already in May, and the fruits in elegant tight brushes ripen in September and can be stored in the conditions of domestic refrigerator to several months, without losing taste and therapeutic properties. The plant and in the autumn period is no less decorative, purple-red color of foliage looks beautifully against the background of the sweat landscape.

      Aria is one of the easily breeded crops, good results are obtained with the autumn seeds in the ground, but there are more time-consuming and not less effective methods The reproduction is green shoe and graft with a cutlets, in the latter case, the rowan can be used as a dull. The grafting of the cutter significantly accelerates the preparation of high-quality planting material, and, consequently, the harvest. The first fruits can be obtained already in the year of vaccinations (up to 300-400 g from the plant), and if you remove the primroses and allow the plant to "relax", it will benefit on the crop of next year, which can be 2.5 and even 3 kg from the plant.

      As for the green shilling, here is an indispensable condition for obtaining high-quality planting material is the presence of a greenhouse equipped with a fog-forming installation, although it is possible to slightly simplify the design, building it on its garden plot and shocking bags. In this case, 5-7 irrigations are sufficient from the ordinary watering can, and in rainy weather - 1-2.

      The resulting planting material should be planted at a permanent place, taking into account the fact that the aronym is a rather unpretentious and undemanding plant and is growing great on any types of soil. An indispensable condition for obtaining high stable yields is the density of plantations. The distance between the plants should not be less than 2 m. Plant landing is carried out in the holes 50x60 or 60x60 cm and a depth of half a meter. 100-150 g of superphosphate are added to the fossa, up to 70 g of potassium sulfate. The root neck is plugged by 1-1.5 cm. Saplings immediately after planting are sometimes cut, leaving heights with a height of 15-20 cm with 4-5 kidneys. Thus, young landings thus obtained during the first years of growth should be picked up with ammonium nitrate, and since the five-year-old age in the attractive circles, under the bucket of humus or compost, up to 70 g of superphosphate and up to 30 g of potassium sulfate.

      Aria care does not require, with the exception of trimming, which should be carried out, starting from the seventh-eighth year of the year, when Krone needs thinning.

      As for the time of landing, the most suitable period, as for most cultures, is autumn, which allows plants to root and prevent the premature dissolution of the kidneys in the spring.

      In conclusion, it should be mentioned about the medical properties of this wonderful plant, which is one of the favorite bees, which also contributes to the phytoncidal properties that destructively affect most of the bee diseases and pests, among which the bee tick.

      N. Chromov , Researcher VNIIS them. I. V. Michurina

      Blackfold Rowan.

      Blackfold Rowan., she is also called blackfold arias, does not often occur dumart sites. And sorry, this plant is decorative and spring and autumn. It blooms with white flowers late, which saves it from frosts.

      This shrub, leaf fossal perennial, reaches a height of 2.5 m, its productive age is 20 years. The soil must be plowed to the depth of the arable layer with the preliminary introduction of organic and mineral fertilizers.

      It is possible to plant inventory rowan in spring and autumn. In the spring it is necessary to do this in April before the start of the blown of the kidneys, and in the fall at the end of September. After landing, the ground is well compacted and abundantly watered, then mulched. The vegetation of the black-flow rowan begins early when the average daily temperature reaches 5-6 degrees, and it blooms at the end of May, when spring frosts will be afraid.

      Gardeners spread in black rowan rowan horizontal glasses. In the spring after the soil popling near the uterine bushes, there are grooves with a depth of 4-7 cm, flexions are flex and pinned with wooden hooks on the bottom of the grooves and water. On the upper side of the shoots laid in the grooves, shoots grow, and on the lower roots. When young shoots grow, plot the earth or plunge, to preserve moisture, the soil is 2-3 times mulch.

      By the way, the black currant can be multiplied in the same way. In September, when the growth is stopped, these branches are separated from the uterine bush and plant on the crevice.
      With this method of reproduction, the black-fledged aronia is fruitful for the third year. The landing site should be sunny. In the black rowan rowan, common pests with a cherry: a mucous sawder and a wave, so it is impossible to plant them.

      The skin of fruits is dense, they do not imagine, they can be transported to long distances. To preserve all vitamins and not to reduce therapeutic properties, fruits can be frozen. After freezing, they lose their tartness, and after thawing, retain the form. Berries contain a large number of iodine, vital trace elements, such as magnesium, copper, manganese, molybdenum, iron is a whole first aid kit.

      Especially recommended in black rowan rowan to improve the work of the thyroid gland. Berries are used in avitinosis, for the treatment of hypertension (100 g per day), atherosclerosis. When using berries and billets, you need to know the measure in treatment, as they have contraindications. The fruits of black-flowed arony are contraindicated under reduced pressure, ulcerative ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

      Black-rowed rowan bushes are well tolerated winter. It fertures every year. The fruits are well held on the branches and it is better to cut out clusters to get good harvest next year. From the berries of the black rowan rowan can be prepared jam, make juice and wipe with sugar (1.5 kg of sugar per 1 kg of berries).
      Unpretentious and useful blackfold Rowan. Decorate any garden plot.

      Black-tree rowan pressure won

      Motherland Plants - North America. At first, this plant and in Europe, and in Russia used only as decorative. Only in the 19th century, Michurin drew attention to the black-flow rowan, realizing that it brings juicy fruits, suitably for breeding and very unpretentious. And now Aria is blackfold (the scientific name of the black rowan rowan) is growing almost everywhere.

      © Pauk.

      Rowan blackfoldLatin- ARONICA MELANOCARPA L.

      Rowan is black-free, or aronym, is a shrub tall up to 3 m, with a compact, and then spread (up to 2 m in diameter) the crown. In the bush can be up to 50 suts of different ages. The rowan is a black-free winter-hardy, soils are unloaded, light-headed, resistant to pests and diseases, tolerates a transplant. One of the most ampful cultures, as 1-2 years after planting the plants begin to be fron.

      The rowan is blackfold gained wide fame and grown in the gardens as a fruit and drug culture.

      The fruits are rounded, diameter up to 1.3 cm, black, shiny, juicy, sour-sweet with a binding taper taste. The fruits contain many beneficial substances - sugar, pectin substances, apple, ascorbic, folic acid, carotene, citrine (vitamin P). As well as trace elements - iron, iodine, manganese, etc. Fruits of rowan rowers are useful in hypertension, diabetes mellitus, gastritis with reduced acidity, with kidney disease, rheumatism, to reduce cholesterol in blood, etc.

      The fruit is boiled jam, compote; Jam, jelly, juice, while keeping all therapeutic properties.

      © Botbln.

      On the swamps, on the shores of the lakes and streams in the vast territories of the East of North America, a low shrub is found, forming a lot of frightened, with small, almost black fruits - aronymaging blackfold.

      Probably, only a specialist would have managed to find the similarity between this shrub and the popular plant, which is already grown in our gardens in our gardens and is called "black blind" in everyday life. In total, the United States and Canada meets up to 20 species of arony. With some, leading yourself too "actively", they turn as weed. But when the culture fell into Europe (and it was three hundred years ago), then Aria is blackfold, aronymous creamy and aronymous Arbutusoliste, the first to be settled in the old world, became the pride of botanical gardens. There was also a century - and Aria reached Russia.

      We also perceived it for a very long time as a decorative culture. But the ability of Arone to experience severe winters, its stability and unpretentiousness interested in Ivan Michurin.

      Having received the Arnic Seeds in the blackfold from Germany, he began crossing seedlings with remotely related plants (presumably rowanins). As a result, a new culture was created, which Michurin called Ryabina in the Blackfoot - for the similarity of fruits with rowan fruits. (In fact, rowan she is not, although for a number of signs is close to rowabins, and to pears. Here are already fifty years, as Aria has been highlighted in an independent genus - Aronia.)

      The resulting culture has grown up to 2-2.5 m and turned out to be very attractive outwardly: flexible shoots, leather dark green rounded leaves taking a variety of shades - from bright orange to purple and ruby; Tender, white, lush inflorescences, by September turning into large clusters of brilliant black berries. And most importantly, Aria Michurina is even more winter-hardy than her ancestry. In the 1930s, she passed the "Total test" in Altai and, having started the conquest of Siberia, gradually spread throughout Russia. As predicted by her creator, the aronia is successfully cultivated where it is difficult to grow others fruit berry culture: In the north of the European part, in the harsh conditions of the Urals and Siberia, even in the plague: it is withstanding frost to minus 35 ° C.

      Not many inhabitants of the garden can compete with the "blacklod" by yield. From a 6-9-year-old bush, you can get 9-10 kg of berries. It gives a harvest annually and with any weather. Arone flowers very rarely frozen - later flowering protects them from spring frosts. It is pollinated with the help of insects and wind, while it is tied up to 90% of fruits. In early fruction, it comes early: the seedlings please the first berries in a year or two after the landing, when grafting a cutlets - in the same year. Under the appropriate conditions, the productive period can last up to 20-25 years.

      Fruits are large, up to 1.5 cm, shiny, juicy, sour-sweet, tart, do not cry for frosts. With the collection no need to hurry - in September, the berries become tastier.

      Over time, it turned out that the berries of the black rowan rowan are not just useful - they are healing, and this is recognized as official medicine. The composition of her fruit is unique. A special value is a combination of vitamins P and C. And, according to the content of the first arony, it does not know equal among all the fruit, berry and vegetable cultures of the middle band (1 g of fresh berries fully satisfies the daily need), and the content of vitamin C is approaching the line and cranberries .

      Berries are rich in vitamins A, E, B, RR, contain trace elements, including fluorine, iodine, copper, iron, zinc, boron. They are used for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis and hypertension. They improve brain activity, positively affect the immune system and the activity of gastric enzymes, help with diabetes, impaired sleep, overwork, treatment of radiation disease, remove allergic reactions. Most of the biologically active substances are concentrated in the skin. Not only fresh fruits are useful, but also frozen, dried, juice and even processing products such as jam, jelly, jam, compote. But the fermentation process greatly destroys the complex of useful compounds, although it is necessary to recognize that a very tasty wine is obtained from the "Mokeal".

      The contraindication to the use of Arone is the increased blood coagulation, hypotension, ulcerative disease of the stomach and duodenum, gastritis with increased acidity.

      Aria is not only a wonderful honey, but also a bee keeper - its phytoncidal properties are devastable for many pests and diseases that suffer from bees, including those dangerous as a bee tick.

      Aronia can be used in group landings, in alive hedges and as a soliter. Especially impressive plants, grafted at an altitude of 1.5 m on a rowan rowan or hawthorn. You can form them in the shape of a ball.

      © Tie Guy II

      Aria is unpretentious and winter-hardy plant.

      Aronia is better to plant in the fall. Place for landing to choose is not difficult, because it is suitable for any soils except saline. The bulk of the roots is within the projection of the crown at a depth of up to 50 cm, so it is enough tolerant to the nearby standing of groundwater.

      The distance between the plants should be at least 2 m so that the bushes do not shadow each other. The size of the planting holes is 60 x 60 cm, the depth is 40-45 cm.

      The planting mixture is prepared by mixing the upper layer of the Earth with 1-2 buckets of humus, compost or peat, add 150 g of superphosphate and 60-70 g of potassium sulfate. The root neck is plugged by 1-1.5 cm. Immediately after landing, the seedlings are recommended to cut, leaving height height 15-20 cm with 4-5 kidneys.

      In the first two years, landings are fed by ammonia Selitra (50 g per pit). From the five-year-old age, 1-1.5 buckets of humidiation or compost are made to 7-1.5 buckets of superphosphate and up to 30 g of potassium sulfate. The soil is maintained in a fairly wet state - this is a necessary condition for abundant harvest..

      Starting from the seventh-eighth year of fruiting the crown need to cut forward. In old, launched plantings make a rejuvenating trimming, spill all shoots to the soil level. It stimulates the growth of stroke shoots, of which are left no more than ten most developed.

      © tappinen.

      The black rowan is an exceptionally light-lubricular culture. It is demanding of soil moisture. It can be planted in those areas where apple tree or pear will not grow - where closely fit groundwater. It puts up with the small acidity of the soil, but it is better fruits on neutral. Therefore, when landing, it is necessary to make lime or wood ash.

      Black-tree rowan - plowful culture. For the third year after landing for a permanent place already gives the first harvest. Differs great engineering ability. The most productive of it are the branches of age from 4 to 7 years. Feedback of flowers occurs with insects and winds. Root system The chokeberry is strongly branched, urine and penetrates the depth of 2-3 m. However, their main mass lies in the soil layer to 60 cm.

      It is easy to propagate the root siblings, portions of a bush, grooves, cuttings. From seeds you can grow seedlings. Landing Pits are rotated with a depth of 40 cm, a diameter - 50 cm. The soil preparation is no different from the preparation for other berry cultures. Employing and 60-80 g of superphosphate are added to each yam. It is planted with black-flow rowan at a distance of 2 x 2.5 m from each other.

      Care behind the black rowan row is in the processing of soil, weeding, fertilizer, trimming and formation of bushes, the fight against pests and diseases.


      The black rowan rowan reproduces seeds, root siblings, grooves, dividing the bush, withdrawn and green cuttings and grafting into the crown or on a sighter of ordinary rowan. The greatest distribution received a seed method of breedingbased on the properties of chokeberry giving relatively same plants for growth, yields and quality of fruits. Since this culture still has no varieties, reproduction seeds remains the main way..

      Semyon reproduction is easy, but requires greater attention and compliance with a certain order of stratification. Dry seeds are stored in the bags of dense tissue at a temperature not higher than 5 ° C. Before stratification, the bags with seeds per day are placed in water at a temperature of 18 ° C. Then 10 days they are stored on racks at room temperature, periodically moisturizing, or placed in a box filled with moss or sawdust.

      After that, the seeds in the box put on the ice layer 15-20 cm. The bottom is done with a groove for the flow of water. Sacks with seeds also move the pieces of ice. The filled box for 3-4 months is burying in a snowy bourge height of 2 m and shelted polyethylene film, and on top of sawdust or straw. Three to four days before sowing, seeds contribute to warm room and ventilate.

      You can strateg seeds within 90 days in basement with a constant temperature of 4 ... 5 ° C. To do this, they are mixed with coarser-grained sand in a 1: 4 ratio or peat-1: 2. During stratification, the substrate is maintained in a wet state.

      For sowing seeds, they choose the lungs, fertile soils, peeled from wearing plants. The seeds are mixed with sawdust, they are evenly sown in the grooves with a depth of 6-8 cm, close by 0.5 cm soil and mulched with a layer of sawdust or humus. To obtain a good landing material, the first time the seedlings are thinned in the formation of two real leaves, leaving a distance of 3 cm between them, the second time - in the phase of four-five leaves for a distance of 6 cm. Last thinning is made in the spring of next year with a distance of 10 cm.

      For the cultivation of the seedlings of the biennium without transplantation, the distance between the rows makes 70-90 cm. In the conditions of the Leningrad region, with a protracted and cold spring, seedlings are more profitable to grow in a protected ground (in a greenhouse or in room conditions) and in the three-five-five real leaves phase, to dive to the ridges with an accommodation in three or four lines at a distance of 25 cm, in the row - 5-7 cm.

      It is possible to grow seedlings by rooting annual weird and summer green cuttings. Methods of breeding are the same as other berry shrubs.

      Black-tree rowan gives rhizable offspring, which can be used for landing. After landing, the upper part of the escape is cut off, leaving 3-5 kidneys. It can be vaccinated on adult tree Ryabines ordinary behind the bark or in splitting. The first way is more accessible.

      © Sanja.

      Ryabinovaya Mol

      This pest is widespread quite wide. Per year damages more than 20% of rowan fruits. Sometimes it is found on an apple tree. Dolls winter in the soil and fallen leaves, so it should be destroyed vegetable residues. Butterfly with brown wings often appears at the beginning of summer. Approximately a week after the departure begins to postpone the eggs for several pieces on the top of the fetus. One female is able to postpone up to 45 eggs. Pale red caterpillars or gray coloring. They come out of the eggs in two weeks and penetrate the fetus, paving narrow moves, caterpillars get to seeds and squander them.

      Cherry mucous sawlist

      It usually appears in about the beginning of July, and by autumn, the saw film is already seriously damaging the leaves of the tree, much less often destroys them completely. The medium-sized insect has a brilliant black color, his wings are transparent. The larva has a length of up to 9 mm, greenish yellowcovered with black mucus. White doll in a dense cocoon oval shape. The female puts the egg onto the wood leaf, thereby making an incision inside the sheet. One female is able to postpone up to 70 eggs. Eggs have an oval shape of a pale-greenish color. On one sheet you can detect about 10 eggs. The feedback of the larvae occurs in about a week. The larvae feed on the leaves of 1 month, then go into the soil, there and winter. To destroy the pest, plant plants with lime or spray with a solution of soda calcined.

      The berries of the black-rowed rowan have a pleasant source-sweet, tallying taste. Aria is a real storehouse of useful substances! It contains a rich natural complex of vitamins (P, C, E, K, B1, B2, B6, Beta-carotene), macro and trace elements (boron, iron, manganese, copper, molybdenum, fluorine), sugars (glucose, sucrose, fructose), pectin and tanning substances. For example, in the fruits of Arone vitamin P 2 times more than in black currant, and 20 times more than in oranges and apples. And the content of iodine in the blackboard berries is 4 times higher than in the strawberry, gooseberry and raspberry.

      Pectin substances contained in black-flow rowan are removed from the body heavy metals and radioactive substances, hold and remove various types of pathogenic microorganisms. Pectins normalize the functioning of the intestine, eliminate spasms and have a giller effect. Therapeutic properties of black rowan rowers contribute to strengthening the walls of blood vessels, improving their elasticity and elasticity.

      Also among the most beneficial properties of this berry are the normalization of blood pressure and a decrease in blood cholesterol. Fruits of blackcloth are prescribed with various disorders in the coagulation system of blood, bleeding, rheumatism, atherosclerosis, diabetes and allergic diseases. Research recent years It was shown that the black-like rowan improves the functioning of the liver, and the regular use of this berry increases immunity and has a positive effect on the work of the endocrine system.

      But, unfortunately, in some diseases, the black-like rowan can be contraindicated. So, it is not recommended for ulcerative ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, with gastritis, frequent constipation, hypotension, increased blood coagulation and thrombophlebitis.

      © tappinen.

      Mint Rowan (Aria)

      Aria, or black-like rowan, is a shrub tall up to 3 m, compact, with an emission (up to 2 m in diameter) the crown. In the bush can be up to 50 suts of different ages.

      The fruits are rounded, apple-like, black or black - purple with a sizem, shiny, pretty juicy, sour - sweet, with a binding taper taste. They contain many useful substances - sugar, apple, ascorbic, folic acid, pectin substances, carotene, citrine (vitamin P), as well as trace elements - iron, iodine, manganese, etc.

      Aria is winter-hardy, soils are unloaded, lighthead, resistant to pests and diseases, tolerates a transplant. This is one of the most ampful crops - begins to be froning 1-2 years after landing.

      Useful properties of Arony

      Aria has gained wide fame and grown in the gardens as a fruit and drug culture. Its berries are useful for hypertension, diabetes mellitus, gastritis with reduced acidity, with kidney diseases, rheumatism, reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood and so on.

      The best articles in the opinion of readers:

      The use of black rowan juice helps to establish the optimal ratio of the processes of excitation and braking in the cerebral cortex and a decrease in emotional impassableness. From fruits make jam, compote, jam, jelly, juice, while all therapeutic properties are saved.

      Aria is blackfold, rubbed with sugar, has a capillary repairing and anticerotic effect. Prepared it as follows: well washed fruit blanched in boiling water for 5-6 minutes, after which wipes through a sieve from of stainless steel; The rubbish mass is thoroughly mixed with sugar sand (1: 1), heated to a temperature of 80 ° C (while sugar does not stop crunching into teeth) and lay out in hot sterilized banks. Sterilize in boiling water: floor - liter banks - 20 minutes, liter - 25-30 minutes.

      The fruits of black-rowed rowan can also be dried, scattering by a thin layer on the contrary, in the oven or oven at a temperature of 60-70 ° C. During drying, open the door to ensure the influx fresh air. Finished fruits have a dense consistency and are well scattered.

      How to plant Aronia

      Plant aronia in the spring (at the end of April) and in the fall (in mid-September). So that the bushes have not shaded each other, the distance between them should be 2-2.5 m.

      The pits are digging with a diameter of 60 and a depth of 50 cm. On 1 pit from organic fertilizers take 1 bucket of the dung or vegetable humoring and peat, 500 g of the worship mixture of universal "exo", from mineral - 2 tablespoons of nitroposki, 2 tablespoons of superphosphate and 1 dining room A spoon of potassium sulfate. Everyone is thoroughly mixed with the ground, taken out of the pit, fall asleep back into the pit, watered with water and seed seedings in a week. Before boarding, they have 20-25 cm shocked roots.

      Care and feeding of black rowan

      Care lies in watering and feeding arony, especially during the ripening of fruits, as well as in constant loosening surgeless circles Mulching by humus, compost, peat, fertile land.

      For the season spend up to 3 feeding.

      The first drawing of the black rowan rowan make the spring when the leaves begin to bloom: in 10 liters of water, 2 tablespoons of the fertilizer "Ideal" are bred, the young bushes are consumed at 5-6 liters of the solution, to fruiting - up to 20 liters.

      The second feeder is carried out at the beginning of flowering: 10 liters of water take 1 tablespoon of potassium sulfate and 2 tablespoons organic fertilizer "Effectton - berry", water from the calculation of 8 liters per young bush, 20-25 liters to fruiting.

      The third feeder is made after the final collection of berries (in the fall): in 10 liters of water, 2 tablespoons of superphosphate and potassium sulfate are divorced, on young bushes, 10 liters are spent on young bushes - 20 liters.

      How to crop black rowan

      Arias well forms the pigstream, which it is necessary to delete on time, otherwise the bush is very overgrown, which adversely affects the crop.

      Root shoots dig and cut off the parent plant.

      Old bushes are cut off spinning shoots that are already given small berries, and replace them with new, strong. Usually leave 20-25 shoots of different ages.

      Fruit is the blackfold rowan annually and gives a crop to 5-8 kg with a bush.

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    Black-flow rowan is a useful shrub, the fruits of which are used in cooking and traditional medicine. At the same time there are differences between several berry varieties, certain rules Collection of berries, their billets. In order not to confuse this shrub with other berries, which can be dangerous to health, should be glanced in the photo of the black-flow rowan and familiarize themselves with its detailed description.

    Despite the name, the black-like rowan has nothing to do with the usual, red rowan. Correct name This shrub - Aria Michurina, the plant was with great difficulty with the breeder of Michuryin. Thus, the closest relative of the shrub - Arias of the Mokenodnaya, a small one not a noteworthy shrub, growing as weed, mainly in North America.

    At the moment, Aria Michurina spread through the territory of Russia, throughout the neighboring abroad. In addition, now it can be found in Canada and the United States. The shrub is extremely unpretentious, the black-like rowan can grow even on non-fermentation places and on soils with increased acidity. It is often used to create alive hedges, since this shrub is also decorative.


    The shrub varieties differ little in appearance, an unprepared person to distinguish them can be quite difficult. They can only differ slightly to taste, fruiting timing, some peculiarities of growing and care. However, almost all of them are suitable and can be used for cooking. useful funds folk medicine.

    Important! It should be borne in mind that if I want to plant your own black rowan bush, the variety should be purchased, the most common in the region. Otherwise, the plant may not come.

    What does the black-like rowan look like

    Shrub has certain features of the appearance, which it is worth learn before harvesting. Aria is a shrub that reaches up to three meters in height, with a shallow-leaving branched roots. It is worth remembering that it is decorative, a sheet of black-like rowan in the fall acquires a bright red, rich orange shade.

    How does blackfold rowan flowers bloom? Aronia flowers are collected in large inflorescences, "umbrellas", in which more than twenty flowers are usually included. The flowers themselves are small, white, possess a pronounced fragrant aroma. Blossoms begins summer time, the fruits are formed closer to autumn.

    The fruits of the shrub, quite large berries, are collected in small clusters, usually they are covered with a naesy raid. Fruits begin to appear at the end of summer, first they are a reddish shade, then darken. They are completely ripen in the fall, and it is considered that they become the most useful and delicious after the first frosts.

    There is another plant, extremely similar to the aronium appearance and some properties. IRGA is a low bush, also fruitful with large dark berries, saturated with the useful substances. It is sometimes very difficult to distinguish shrubs.

    It is worth noting that the Irish has oval leaves, with joined edges, berries smaller than in the black-like rowan. Inflorescences during flowering and bunches of berries at Irgi are usually not so big, in inflorescences are often found only at 5 - 10 flowers. It should also be paid to the attention that the Irgi berries are more elongated.

    Important! If there are doubts, they advise you to acquire already collected berries and products based on them.

    Landing and care

    Usually, the shrub is prescribed in the first place in decorative purposes, they are included in a living hedge or a separate bush plant, both options are considered acceptable. This plant is undemandingly to the quality of soil, although it prefers more wet. The most important thing for black-like rowan is enough light, without good illumination, the plant will feel bad.

    Plant shrub is advised in the fall, but it can be done until the very beginning of the spring. When landing, the Earth should be easily supported, usually use humid, superphosphate, sulfur potassium. After landing, the plant is advised to trim so that the increase is most pronounced.

    Behind the plant is enough just to care for, the main thing is to water in sufficient quantities during arid summer and during the formation of fruits. Too many fertilizers do not advise, it can lead to a deterioration of yields. Also, we should not forget to trim the plant in a timely manner.

    How to collect chokebroine rowan

    Growing fruits need to be able to properly assemble, while its useful and taste properties are most pronounced. Also often from the correctness of the assembly depends on how much the collected berry will be stored.

    Collect the crop should be in the fall, although black berries are beginning already in August. The berry finally matures by the end of September, however, experts advise to wait for the first frosts, it is after them the fruits are finally ready for the assembly.

    To remove berries from the shrub also follows a certain technology, so that they are kept longer, and the plant itself has not suffered and recovered faster. The borders advise to cut together with the fruits, the whole inflorescence, all the "umbrellas" after the harvest should be cut, it guarantees the rapid restoration of the bustle and serves as a prevention of a number of diseases.

    The collected berries before processing should be stored in a dry cool place, preferably in the dark. Before the preparation of something from the collected fruits, berries should be rinsed and dried.

    Important! If the harvest came too big, the berries should be cleaned and freeze to use in the future.

    Beneficial features

    First of all, the black-like rowan is used to prepare various jams, compotes, it is used for the manufacture of grasses, marmalade. Frozen berries almost do not lose their properties, they are often used for the preparation of warm drinks, rub in mashed potatoes.

    Also common tincture on alcohol based on black rowan. In addition to the tincture of alcoholic beverages based on berries, homemade wine is prepared, the technology is extremely simple, there are almost no special devices, therefore drinks from black-like rowan are so common.

    Medical properties and contraindications

    In addition to taste properties, this plant is extremely pronounced. healing propertiesIt is often used in the recipes of traditional medicine. In the berries of the shrub in huge quantities there are various vitamins and minerals that have a liner effect on the body. Various products and means based on black-rowed rowan advise people with low immunity, various skin diseases, with hypertension.

    However, the black rowan rowan also has contraindications. There are no fruits of arony and products based on people with increased blood coagulation, with a stomach ulcer, increased acidity, duodenal diseases.

    It is also worth considering that the long-term reception of the fruits of Arone in food can provoke the appearance allergic reactions. This berry is useful at moderate use.

    Find therapeutic herbs on the first letter

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    It is no secret that most of the household plots cannot boast a large area, and after the construction of the house and the necessary hospostroops, the place of gardening remains quite a bit. Therefore, novice gardes are quite difficult to make your garden convenient for recreation, beautiful, and at the same time place plants giving a crop of useful, vitamin fruits. But there are quite a lot of such shrubs. We will talk about them.

    In the past years, even in urban landscaping, the cherry felt (Prunus Tomentosa, or Cerasus Tomentosa) received its name because of the external similarity of her fruits with the fruits of the cherries, although this form is closer to the cherries that are incompatible when vaccinated, but to plums, For which it serves as a slaservion. The first large-scale varieties of "Amurka" and "Summer" were created by the breeders of the Far Eastern State Research Institute of Agriculture. Karotnip-free hybrids are known with the cherry sandy: "Coral", "Cascade", "Elger". Cherry felt grows in the form of a high shrub up to 1.5-2.5 m spreading form. In April-May is covered by a plurality of pinkish and white colors up to 2 cm in diameter, simultaneously with the dissolution of the leaves, which later in the fall are painted into light yellow and carminous tones, giving the bustling additional decorativeness.

    Cherry felt in bloom

    In June, the shrub branches are literally covered with spherical, shiny, with easy-to-wear, bright red-orange fruits with a pleasant sour-sweet taste. They can be eaten both fresh and recycling, since fruits contain 6-10% of sugars, about 1% of organic substances and 10-30 mg / 100g vitamin C.

    Here is one of the ways of cooking marmalade from cherry felt:

    Fruits wash out, remove the fruits and bones, suppress the pusher, wipe through the sieve, in three receptions add sugar (1.1 kg per 1.2 kg of cherries), breaking the mass every time. The finished thickened marmalade is cut into slices, shield with sugar powder, give cool, put in boxes and store in a cool place.

    Fruits Cherry Felt Prunus Tomentosa

    This kind of unpretentious, frost and drought-resistant, at least to obtain a good harvest (from one bush with good care up to 5-15 kg) better plant water. Pruning is almost no required, in addition to thinning thickening branches. Most often seeds (stratification at 0-5 ° C in the sand, peat 2-3 months or without stratification immediately after collecting, the fruction of seedlings occurs already for 3-4 years), green cuttings, and varietal copies - vaccination to Alychu, Unsession (Sand cherry) or felt cherry.

    Many families and have long loved useful and beautiful shrubs (or small tree) Irga (Amelanchier). More often, the following types are cultivated: Guests from North America Irga Canadian (A. Canadensis), Irga Schladskaya (A. Laevis) Irga Blood-Red (A. Sanguinea) Irga Colosity (A. Spicata), Irga Lamarck (A. Lamarckii), and Also, Irga is round (A. ovalis) from the Crimea and the Caucasus, Europe, Malaya Asia and North Africa. Irga is considered the very decorative (A.Florida), also the North American species, in May-June, covered with a mass of white 2-3 cm flowers in 5-15-flower brushes.

    Irga Smooth Amelanchier Laevis in bloom

    The fruits of Irgi apple-like, rounded, 10-15 mm in diameter, dark purple or almost black, with a wax chain, sweet, pleasant taste, ripen early in the middle of June. The fruits of the IRGI ripen undisigned, so they are collected in several techniques or once with full maturation, as they do not appear. From one bush, you can collect 7-15 kg. The fruits of IRGI contains 8-12% of sugars, 0.4-0.9% of organic acids, 0.002-0.007% carotene, to 0.0040 flavonols, as well as vitamins C and B2, trace elements. The fruits can be eaten both in fresh form and dry, cook jam, grazing, jelly and compotation, freeze. The fruits of IRGI have long been used in folk medicine for the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases.

    Fruits Irgi.

    Several varieties of IRGI are derived: 'AltaHall', 'Forturg', Pepper 'and' Smuki '. All cultivated types of IRGI are very undemanding to the conditions of cultivation, frost and heat-resistant, durable (they are fruit annually for 40-50 years), almost not damaged by pests and diseases. Modifying Irga, you can sow seed seeds
    (Seedlings bloom and fruit for 3 years), green cuttings and vaccination.

    In decorative gardening, the types of IRGI appreciate the high decorativeness at all stages of development - from the dissolution of leaves and flowering, to fruiting and bright autumn painting - and unpretentiousness. Irga is good and single, and in group landings, as well as topiars and hedges. It is used in fruit growing for low-speed apple trees and pears.

    Irga Lamarck in the autumn dress

    Aria is blackfold (Aronia Melanocarpa) - native of the eastern part of North America. Many people call it "black rowan" for the external similarity of berries. His name Aria received from the Greek word "aros", which means "help", "benefits", emphasizing its undoubted health benefit. In nature, this is a spreaded bush with a height of 0.5-2 m of height, with one-piece leaves similar to cherry. Kennels often offer aronium in a strambo form, grafted on rowan ordinary. In May-June, the bush is covered with white, with a weak smell of flowers in palate inflorescences (12-34 flowers), and in August, a small (6-8 mm, up to 1 g) is ripening, with a slight wax fruit. From one bush, you can collect 5-15 kg of berries. The fruits of the arony contain 6-10% of sugars, up to 1% of organic acids and pectin substances, 10-100mg / 100g vitamin C, vitamins A, E and K and 1-3% of P-active substances, which allows them to be used to treat hypertensive disease. . All useful substances are well preserved in berries until spring.

    Flowers of Arony

    Arony berries are tasty, so they are more often dried, frozen, prepare jam, compotes (can also be mixed with other berries, improving the appearance of compotes and jams from pale berries and fruits), jam, marmalade, kissel. For storage, fruits are collected by shields.

    The fruits of arony are blackfod

    Aria is rather frost resistant, unpretentious, but a good crop of fruit can be obtained only when watering and on well-lit places. Upset between the fruiting bushes should be 1.5-2 m, preventing the thickening. For Arony, the formation of apogamous seeds, giving the maternal plant plants, so this shrub is multiplied by the seeds most often, for which they are stated at 0-5 ° C in the sand or peat 3-4 months and spring is sown in the ground. Summer shuttless is also practiced, the division of the bush and a grain. Aria is also beautiful in group landings and free-frequency hedges, in the fall of its leaves weave all shades from magenta to orange.

    Victoria Roy.
    Landscaping designer
    Especially for the Internet portal
    Garden Center "Your Garden"

    Rowan blackfold (aronym).
    Many years of self-aided shrub. Rowan high-yielding, resistant to pests and diseases.
    Rowan is multiplied by the division of the bush, cuttings, grain, seeds.

    Perennial wood shrub. When landing root offspring fruits on the second, third year. The bushes live 60-70 years old. Irga is resistant to pests and diseases, makes a strong shading, to soils unpretentious, withstands frost to minus 50ograduks.

    Unabi, chinese dick.
    A tree with a height of 3-6 meters, the magnitude of the fruit depends on the variety, the pulp pulp is sweet.
    The plant is resistant to frost and drought, loves light and warm. The soils are not demanding, but does not tolerate close soil waters. He is a good honey. Rarely damaged by pests and diseases.
    Propasses seeds, root siblings, stalling. Fruit in a year of planting.

    Shrub, but you can form like a tree.
    Refers to plants with cross-pollination, blooms in March, April, good early honey.
    Kizil belongs to frost-resistant plants, but winter thaw and refund of frosts, damaged blooming flowers.
    Kizil is not demanding to the soil, he loves the light-open areas. Dogwood is resistant to diseases and pests, but in some years rust is amazed. Plugged with cuttings, grain.

    Sea buckthorn.
    Blooming is better to plant in spring. She is a light troubling, grows well on the lungs, fertile soils With sufficient moisture, but water does not carry water.
    For landing it is necessary to choose two- and even three-year seedlings with a well-developed root system. The distance between plants of at least 2 meters. Sea buckthorn divine Plant.Female and men's seedlings are planted. One male plant per 1-4 female plants.
    The roots before planting need to be dipped into the clay tank. After planting, richly pouring a plant (3-4 buckets). The surface of the land around the trunk is useful to climb.

    Blackberry garden. Shrub, grows well on heavy soils. Blackberry large-scale can be grown on a chopler. This is a plating a biennium cycle, in the first year the primary stems grow, in the second year, the primary stems are thrown by side shoots on which flower kidneys are located. Blackberry blooms in mid-June, so freezing is not terrible. Blackberry Good honey, winter-hardy culture, in one place blooms and fruits 10 years or more. Reproduces root siblings and top kidneys.
    The rooted plants plant in spring or autumn. During the growing season, they are slightly fed by nitrogen, phosphorus and potash fertilizers.
    After fruiting, these shoots cut out, patients and dead stems are also cut out, as they are seating clubs for pests and diseases. For the prevention of diseases, at the beginning of the vegetation, the plants spray with 3 percent bordeaux liquid.