Repairs Design Furniture

IRGA and black-free rowan is the same. Beauty and benefit: IRGA, felt cherry, aria

Salad, as the earliest and unpretentious green culture, has always been in honor of gardeners gardeners. Spring landing Most dachensons usually start with sowing lettuce, parsley and radish. IN lately The desire for healthy eating and big choice Greens in supermarkets force gardeners to think, and which of these plants can be grown on their beds? In this article, we will tell about the nine most interesting, in our opinion, the varieties of salad.

Despite the fact that the calendar spring begins in March, you truly feel the awakening of nature only with the advent flowering plants in the garden. Nothing testifies to the arrival of spring so eloquently as the clearing of blooming primroses. Their appearance is always a small holiday, because winter has retreated, and a new garden season awaits us ahead. But, except for spring primroses, in the garden there is still something to see and admire in April.

Carrots are of different colors: orange, white, yellow, purple. In orange carrots, beta-carotene and licopene prevail, yellow due to the presence of Xantofilles (Lutein); White carrot has a lot of fiber, and purple contains anthocyanin, beta and alpha carotes. But, as a rule, gardeners choose a carrot variety for sowing not in color of fruits, but in terms of their maturation. We will tell about the best early, middle and late grades in this article.

We recommend a fairly easy cake recipe with a delicate chicken and potato filling. An open cake with chicken and potatoes is an excellent diet dish that is suitable for tight snack, it is very convenient to take a couple of pieces of this baking on the road. Pie bakes in the oven one hour at 180 degrees. After that, lay it on a wooden surface, pre-released it from the form. Sufficiently cool the baking and you can start tasting.

The long-awaited spring for many indoor plants is a start period of active vegetation, and for most - and the return of their decorativeness. Adopting on young leaves and outlined shoots, it is worth not to forget that spring is also a lot of stress for all indoor plants. Densitive conditions and universal, all indoor cultures are faced with much more bright lighting, changes in air humidity and temperature modes.

Homemade cake on Easter with cottage cheese and candied you are easy to prepare, even without having any pastry experience over your shoulders. Bake the cake can not only in a special form or in a paper mold. For the first culinary experiments (and not only) I advise you to take a small cast iron frying pan. The cake in a frying pan will not be so high as in a narrow form, but it never burns and always protects well inside! Curd dough on yeast is obtained by air and fragrant.

He is also interested in the fact that his fruits (Thaivin) are used in food with young, not matured (radiant). So, it is not necessary to wait for the crop ripening, and from the end of spring to autumn you can have fresh vegetables in the menu. On her beds, it is better to grow grade and hybrids of zucchini, resistant to diseases and to changes in weather conditions. It eliminates unwanted treatments and allows you to get a harvest with any weather. It is about such zashchka varieties and will be discussed in this article.

IN middle lane April is a time when the first bloom of plants in gardens and parks begins. Unchanging solts that have entered into their human rights - bulbous primroses. But among decorative shrubs, you can meet such that will delight with fragrant colors, animating the still inconspicuous garden. The main rue of beautiful decorative decorative shrubs is per month May, most of them, as a rule blooms in mid-May.

Salad "Uzbekistan" with green radish, boiled meat and eggs - a classic dish of Uzbek cuisine, known to many since the times of the USSR. In any Uzbek restaurant, it was possible to order this simple, but very tasty salad with meat and radish. If you have never prepared this dish before, I advise you to try - like it and gets to the category of loved ones! You can diversify a little taste and add finely chopped cilantro, parsley and a pod of red chilli peppers.

We offer such a huge number of different drugs that, sometimes, even an experienced dachnik can get confused on the choice of one or another fertilizer. In this article, we offer the reader to get acquainted with OMA - a complex granular organinery fertilizer of prolonged action, which is beneficial from other modern complex fertilizers. Why wow is best foodwhich you can offer your plants and how does it work?

The group of medicinal plants that provide a common soothing (sedative) action includes a large number of fragrant herbs and shrubs. With the proper use of teas and infusions from these plants help to cope with stressful situations, improve mood, eliminate or reduce nervous overexcitation. In this article, we will tell about the nine most interesting, in our opinion, medicinal plants that can be grown in a plot without much difficulty.

Aroma is not the most important and not associated with the orchids of the trait. But in some species and individual varieties, the smell is a significant addition to their main image. Favorite sweets, confectionery and spicy flavors among orchids are not uncommon. Vanilla flavors or more original spices in the smell notes give delightfully bright flowers Even greater exotic. And choose spicy fragrant orchids from both popular and rare species.

Simple muffins with pears and nuts - sweet, juicy and tasty! Motherland Madfins are considered to be Great Britain and America. In England, such cupcakes are prepared from yeast dough, in America from oil-free-free dough, which is loosened with food Soda or the bakery powder, or that and the other at the same time. The basic recipe for Madfins looks like this: 200 g of flour, 200 ml of milk or kefir, 100 g of eggs, 100 g of oil, dough dough and soda.

What do you need to get a good potato harvest? Many gardeners will say - a good seed material, fertile soil, timely watering and feeding. But there is one negative factor that can significantly reduce the crop of potatoes, despite the fulfillment of the above conditions - weeds. For overgrown with weeds, plantations are not possible to obtain a rich crop of potatoes, and the reusable weeding is one of the most time-consuming culture procedures.

Someone from Dachnikov was lucky, and they acquire a manor with several adult splashing trees that create a shadow and cozy corners. But ours new Dacha There were practically no such plantations. And the semi-empty section behind the grid Rabita was completely open for strangers. Therefore, this interesting designwhich meets the specific requirements of our family. I think our experience in the construction of a multifunctional support for plants will be interesting to you.

W. berry cultures, in particular, Irgi and rowan blackfold, distinguish two periods of absorption of nutrients during the growing season. The first from the beginning of the vegetation until the end of the growth of shoots and harvesting. There is a rapid growth of shoots, flowering, zagging, formation of berries, as well as a laying of fruit kidney. During this period, the main need for them in nitrogen fertilizers. The second from harvesting to deep autumn. The bookmark of the kidneys continues, the growth of plants in the thickness, the deposition of spares that play a large role in the overlooking is. At this stage, the greatest need for phosphorus and potassium.

Before the bookmark, the organic applies under deep plowing (25 - 30 cm). The dose of organic fertilizers depends on the content of humus in the soil and range from 60 to 150 t / ha.

The growth, development and productivity of shrubs, as well as the quality of the crop, directly depends on the sufficient and harmonic ratio in the plant of nutrition elements - phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and nitrogen. When determining the need for fertilizers, take into account the presence of moving forms of batteries in the soil, which are determined in the soil layer 0 - 40 cm. With a very high content of movable nutrients, the minimum dose of potassium is limited. The solid indulgence is carried out 3-4 years across the entire area, which will be occupied by landing.

Approximate nutrient rates for booking a berry, kg D.V. / ha

When making organic components, the doses of mineral fertilizers are adjusted.

Approximate fertilizer standards for deep plowing for bookmark the berry

Security of soil

in p 2 o 5 and to 2

Manure, compost, t / ha

Mineral, kg D.V. / ha

on light soils

on heavy soils


In addition to the oilyurization, the following number of fertilizers contributes to each landing point (in kg): 6 - 10 of the reworked manure, compost or humidiation, 0.02 ammonium nitrate, 0.2 superphosphate, 0.04 potassium chloride, 0.2 wood ash and 0, 1 - 0.15 lime.

For the fruiting garden it is necessary to conduct feeding. The first - during the formation of fruit kidneys - nitrogen-potassium at the rate of 30 kg / ha N and 40 - 50 kg / ha K2O; The second - in a month - phosphorus-potash fertilizers at 45 - 60 kg / ha of each element.

Fertilizer berry Sustainers in country areas

Since in the country areas, the soil is usually not required, the shrubs fertilizer system involves their introduction to the landing pit: 6 - 10 kg of overworked manure (compost), 20 g of ammonia nitrate, 200 g of superphosphate, 40 g of potassium chloride, 200 g of wood ash and 100 - 150 g of lime.

Conducting feeding is planned during the formation of fruit kidney and a month after the first. As the first feeding, nitrogen and potash fertilizers in doses are used: 9 g / m2 ammonium nitrate (or 7 g of carbamide, or 13 - 14 g of ammonium sulfate) and 10 - 13 g / m2 of potassium fertilizer of the Calimag type. For the second feeding, the superphosphate is dual in a dose of 10 - 14 g / m2 and 11 - 15 g / m2 of the fertilizer of the Calimag type.

Mudrykh N.M., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, FGOU VPO "Perm GSHA"

List of used literature
1. Food and fertilizer of vegetable and fruit crops. I.P. Derryugin, A.N. Kulyukin. - M.: MSC Publisher, 1998.
2. Fertilizer system. V.N. Efimov, I.N. Donskoy, V.P. Tsarenko. - M.: Colossus, 2002.
3. Handbook Agrochemistry of the Non-Earth Strip. P.I. Anshpok, Yu.A. Shankans, R.R. Visor. - L.: Kolos, 1981.

Both figs and dates palm trees. In general, who is so far. We will try to understand this manifold of rare crops. So briefly about some rare cultures.

Aria - blackfold rowan. This is a long-term shrub height of 2-3 meters. Aria is very rich in vitamins P, C, A, B1, B2 and PR. In addition, the fruits of the arony contain a record number of iodine! It comes early, already for the second year after landing. Proper mainly by seeds and green cuttings.

Irga is not the most common of shrubs. Reaches up to 3 meters in height. Extremely useful for vessels heart shrub. It contains unique compounds, strengthening the walls of the vessels: anthocyans, catechins, flonal, vitamin B12.

Fruit starts on the fourth - fifth year, gives abundant. In addition, Irga is very resistant to pests, unpretentious to the soil and temperature drops. Irgi is used both fresh and dried for cooking compotes, jams and jams.

- A unique plant that gives magnificent fruits with a pleasant aroma and a unique taste. In addition, the fuel purple is obtained valuable oil - sea buckthorn, which is used for various diseases. The shrub is high enough - up to 5 meters in height. Breaks up with cuttings and seeds. In addition, sea buckthorn is very resistant to temperature drops, it makes harsh frosts up to 55 degrees. Perfectly feels like light sandy soils and chernozem.

Unabi is a Chinese china. This exotic tree reaches 6 meters in height. The fruits are very tasty and sweet, contain a large amount of sugar and ascorbic acid. Uanabi. unpretentious plantEasy tolerate both drought and severe frosts. Interest also the fact that begins in the first year of landing. Breeds seeds and roots. Unbi fruits are used to prepare jam, jams and drying.

Kizil - shrub up to 5 meters in height. The pulp of fruit is sweet, fragrant. Fruits contain a large number of ascorbic acid, pectin, carotene, iron and manganese. Kizil loves well-lit places with light soil. Regarding frost resistant. Plugged with cuttings and. From the fruits of Kizyl prepare compotes, jams, jams, as well as dried.

IRGA Canadian

Almost round, cherry leaflets. White flowers, with colors. Plugged with stiffs, root siblings, dividing the bush and seeds. Berries are better to collect overwhelmed. True, they are difficult to maintain intact birds that are very hoops to them.
Yes, tasty, sweets Yedi berries! Although you eat, even though the compotes of them do, even though Varia jam. And rich in vitamins C, B1 and B2, provitamin A. in them to 10 percent of sugar. There are carotene, malic acid, other trace elements,
Irga is applicable for Malokrovia, it is treated with a gastrointestinal tract. But in this case, it is better to use dried berries: more tanning substances. Two - three tablespoons of dry fruits poured half liters of boiling water (preferably in thermos), they insist about an hour. Drink a quarter cup 3-4 times a day.
Irgy's juice is good for rinsing the throat with an angina or tonsillitis, it also reduces heightened blood pressure, used in hypertension. But for treatment is suitable N: only he, but also bark, leaves, color. Alcohol tincture of Irgy flowers (1:10) Heals hypertension and heart. When the stomach and intestines are disordered a tablespoon of chopped grass, half liters of boiling water are poured, 20-30 minutes boil on weak heat. After the drug will cool, its proceeds live. Drink 3-4 times a day. Or more: a spoon of from the melted leaves is poured with the same amount of boiling water, boiled 10-15 minutes. It is waiting for it until it cools, projection through a sieve or gauze and is used in the same concentration and the same number of times. The decoction of the leaves process wounds and diseases of the skin.

Mint Rowan (Aria)

Aria (black-free rowan) - a shrub tall up to two and a half meters, not so rare on the homesteads and summer cottages. Many gardeners loved this plant, having a "normal" - green color and red with the advent of autumn. Leaves are regular. Flowers are not large, but noticeable: white or pinkish, five-membered, densely assembled in dense palate inflorescences. Berries - centimeter and more in diameter, rounded, juicy, black, shiny, with a squeezed raid. There are also in the fresh, and in dried, and in recycled (jam, marmalade). About the valuable medicinal value and it is not necessary to say: "parade" of vitamins - P, A. B1, B2, E, C, plus sugar, organic acids, tanning substances, iodine.
The juice made of black rowan is suitable for rheumatism, as well as for the prevention and treatment of radiation sickness (now it is more than relevant!). Berries increase the acidity of gastric juice, so useful to suffering anacid gastritis, having increased blood pressure, blood flow, burns. They also contribute to the right growth of OR-Ganism, the early healing of the Russian Academy of Sciences, protect the muscles from zing, the muscles, are treated, depression, mental disorders, skin diseases. Moreover, they protect against inflows, improve vision (count the cherished "unit" is provided to you!), Treat myopia. Everything? Where there! Also from the peeling of the skin, the bone marrow is restored, refreshing blood. In addition, Aria is neutralized by the side effects of drugs. Salicylate, for example.
True, one "but": It is not recommended to use the berries of black-flow rowan in ulcers and diseases of the duodenum, with increased acidity of the gastric juice.

Ryanka refers to the number of low-value fruit trees due to the characteristic bitter taste of its berries. However, being very common, it is widely used as a decorative plant. Durable and elastic wood is often used in a joinery.

Botanical description

Under the name "Ryabina", the types and varieties of which you will find in the article, in modern nerds it is customary to understand the whole genus of wood low plants from a large family of pink. The number of species exceeds a hundred, and about a third of them freely grows in Russia. Rowan is widespread in North America, Asia and throughout Europe. This deciduous plant in the form of a shrub or tree is especially spectacular in autumn periodWhen the leaves are painted in crimson tones, and the branches are decorated with huge bright bunches.

Use and properties of rowan

Ryabina wood is ambulance and high densityWhat allows you to use it for the manufacture of joinery. Blooming tree or shrub - excellent honey.

Rowan berries are used in food, especially this contributed to the removal of new varieties, the fruits of which lost the bitter taste. You can eat them in a fresh form, in canned (compote, jam, jam), make marmalade or leavel, put it, pick up or wet. Some properties of rowan, or rather its berries, use in folk medicine. Among the useful qualities are as follows: diuretic and choleretic, laxative, hemostatic, coating, anti-cutting. From bitterness in berries help get rid of the first frosts. They lead to the destruction of a specific glycoside.

Ordinary Rowan: varieties and types

The most famous and widespread species is rowan ordinary. His Latin name comes from the phrase "attractive birds." This is probably due to the fact that bright red berries remain on the bush not only in the fall, but also almost the entire winter, serving for feathered food. The view is distributed worldwide in the zone of moderate climate. Most often it is a tree, less often - a shrub with a rounded crown and a height of up to 12 m, but, as a rule, in the range of 5-10 m.

Specialists in the field of breeding divide the derived varieties of rowan ordinary for two zottoratypes: Nevgin and Moravskaya. The first includes hybrids of Eastern European origin, and the second - Central European. Differences have not only rowan berries (to taste, color, form), but also the plants themselves - the form of the crown, leaves, bark, etc.

Rowan Moravskaya

Rowan sweet, or Moravian, is a variety of ordinary. For the first time, it was discovered in the 19th century in Moravia in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Sudeten Mountains. In the culture introduced thanks to beautiful and tasty fruits. A tree with a height of 10-12 m at a young age has a narrow-shameful crown, large leaves up to 25 cm long, the fruits with a diameter of up to 1 cm. The varieties of the Central European Group presented below are the greatest interest.

Not really tall tree (10-15 m) differs not only by sweet fruits, but also decorative species. The crown is narrowopyramidal, the leaves are large, not leathery, unparallers, from the side look like openwork, painted in the autumn period in rich red and yellow shades. The flowering begins at the end of May, the inflorescence of the palate, dense. The fruits of the rounded-oval shape, large with juicy sweet and sour pulp, Charbohovo-red. Ryabina varieties of Eduulis has a high winter hardiness, light-friendly, but withstands the harsh shading, prefers fertile and well-drained soils. It does not endure the wetlastivity and extra moisture, reacts poorly to the rank and smoke air. Used as fruit culture, as well as in group allest landings.

The hybrid with a narrow compact form of crown grows up to 11 m high. Decorative throughout the year due to large beautiful pasta leaves, small sizes and bright berries. Bitter taste in fruit is absent. Like many other rowan varieties are decorative, Bissneri is not afraid of frosts, but sensitive to the tanned urban air, wetlands and heavy soils. Prefers solar, well-lit plots, transfers light shadow.

Another Western European variety with a pyramid form of the crown. The leaves are large, on the bottom side of whims with sawdords. Fruits have an oval-round shape, wide, color - bright orange, are collected in a tight shield of 70-100 pieces, have a good taste without unnecessary tartness and bitterness with a juicy orange flesh. The grade is highly resistant to frost diseases. Prefers loose fertile soils without moisture stagnation, good lighting.

Nevzhehna Ryabina

Nevzhehna Rowan is also a variety of ordinary, and on external signs to distinguish them. As mentioned above, rowan berries have a characteristic bitter taste and become suitable only after the first frosts. However, the Nevhinese variety has a distinctive feature. Its berries are devoid of bitterness even in immature form, and in terms of the saturation of vitamin it is comparable to lemon and black currant. The tree was not obtained by selection, but is a natural view. The history of his discovery is very interesting. The tree was found by the Peasant Nicchannov in St. Andrew's forest, which was located near the village of Miseno. Putting it in his garden, he did not suspect that frost-resistant and unpretentious tree will spread throughout the country. The villagers were divorced mountain saplings and sold them into the neighboring areas. IN this moment A large number of varieties are derived, we draw your attention to the most famous and proven.

Eastern European variety

  • Cube is a medium-grade tree with a scattered form of crown, large thin leaves and elongated bright orange fruits. It is characterized by very high frost resistance, light-sounded, undemanding to the soil, but prefers medium or light loams. The rowan variety cubes does not have a bitter taste, to measure tart, the flesh is bright yellow, juicy. Fruit weighing 0.5 g
  • Sugar Petrova is a low tree (up to 5 m) with decorative large leaves. The variety is valued for the high content of sugars in the fruits in the absence of tartness and bitterness. Frost-resistant, unpretentious.
  • Spark - early grades Universal destination. The medium plant with straight rising branches located compactly. Fruits are large, weighing 1.5-1.7 g with a yellow flesh, in a mature state of a red-orange shade.
  • Michurinsky grades

    The varieties derived by the famous domestic breeder Michurin I.V., meet in modern gardens it is extremely rare. At the present time, some of them are lost, others simply mixed among themselves and are slightly sensible. But there is a preserved hybrid Michurinskaya Ryabina. Titanium variety (photo above), in particular, to this day is sold and bought by gardeners. It is derived by polling the colors of rowan pear pollen and a virtual apple tree. The plant is a low tree (up to 3.5 m) with a rounded crown form. Large berries are collected in powerful bunches, have a characteristic taste without bitterness and rich dark red shade. The tree is highly resistant to even the most severe climatic conditions. Close to Titanium variety in all characteristics of the hybrids liqueur, grenade, bog.

    Do not forget that the ordinary and black-free rowan, whose varieties are also very numerous, is far from the same thing. Even if you compare the appearance of plants, you can see significant differences. Black-tree rowan, or Aria Michurina, belongs to a completely different race - Aria, but also a pink family. The view was in the 19th century in the nursery of Michurin. This is a low shrub (up to 3 m) with large dark green leaves and spherical black (sometimes with a purple tint) fruits with seeds. Popular as a honey, medicinal and fruit and berry culture.

    Features of growing rowan

  • Rowan is a very large tree, so it makes sense to plant seedlings around the perimeter of the site. The plant prefers well-lit places, tolerates light shading, the shadow develops badly, fertoys weakly.
  • Almost all varieties of rowan are unpretentious and undemanding to the soil, but still develop better in a light substrate, on loam. Does not like excessive moisture and fearing.
  • All rowan (varieties do not matter) prefers autumn landing or wounds (before the start of growth). In order for the crop to be abundant, it is recommended to plant several different hybrids.
  • The main departure for the trees is to the timely removal of root row and shoots, which develop below the vaccination location, watering (if necessary), soil looser and treatment against pests and diseases.
  • Rowan is rushed into growth pretty early, in connection with this, it is advisable to trim and feeding into compressed and early time.
  • From the third year after landing, it is recommended to feed the trees with complex mineral fertilizers In three stages: before the start of flowering in the spring, summer during the formation of fruits and fall after harvest.
  • Growing Rowan and Irgi

    Growing rowan.

    Plant rowan in spring to swelling of the kidneys or in the fall - 2-3 weeks before resistant frosts, if there are no varietal seedlings, bring rowan from the nearest forest, you can often meet it in the undergrowth of mixed and coniferous forest, on cutting, on forest edges and even in the mountains. Rowan has a high winter hardiness, withstanding frost to 50 ° C. It blooms late - in May-June, and this saves flowers from spring frosts. Berries ripen and September-October. If the rowan grows in the open plot, its well-lit crown becomes round and better fruits.

    Gently handle the roller circles - the root rowan system is very close to the surface.

    Spread rowan vaccinations, grooves, root siblings and green cuttings.

    It is best to collect fruits before frosts - so the birds do not flour them, and they will preserve better. Remove the fruits and garbage of the reinforcement fruits in the sun, and then dry at 50-90 ° C.

    Growing Irgi.

    IRGA is known in Europe 400 years, and in Canada, and the USA - more than 100 years. But, unfortunately, we are not much common with us, and many only heard about him. Those who planted the IRGU from the northern side of their plot, knew what they did: now the remaining plants are protected from cold winds, and its owner is provided with tasty fruits with a large content of acids, sugars and vitamins.

    Irga is a very decorative plant during the entire period of life, and she lives 60-70 years old. Especially good Irga blooming and decorated with fruits. Well multiply seeds, root siblings, root cuttings, dividing bush. Irga is a fast-growing shrub, it can be a height of 4 m. Self-free, gives a good harvest, and in fruiting comes from 2-3 years. Oval, Bluetan-black fruits with a SIZY ripen ripen in July-August, very sweet, so for the preparation of the jam does not need a lot of sugar.

    Rarely meet such unpretentiousness - Irga is resistant to pests, makes a strong blackout, undemanding to soils, heat-resistant, and low temperature May come up to - 50 ° C - Irga is not afraid. Flowers withstand freezing.

    Berries can be fresh, dried, boil jam, jelly, floppy, compotes and juices. Berries contain a lot of vitamin C, as well as vitamin B2, tanning and coloring substances.

    Irga berry is a useful relative of the black rowan

    This is wonderful berry plant - Nakhodka for the dacket. Irga is very unpretentious to growing conditions and surprisingly frost-resistant. And she is very prolific. Its berries, unlike arony (black rowan), are very tasty, almost not tart. They have a lot of necessary human substances. This, in particular, carotene, vitamins B1, B2, C, K, P, Minerals and other biologically active components. Therefore, it is true pantry health.

    What is so helpful Irga?

    Irga helps good cardiovascular diseases, Malokrovia, normalizes the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, treats the liver. It is used in diabetes mellitus and obesity.

    Recommend it to consume both people affected by radioactive exposure. It is an effective grinding agent. Who consumes Irga, he feels a good influx of strength and energy. It is well reflected in the appearance of a person.

    Eating IRGU is fresh when it matures (in July). Sophisticated juice is boiled from it, wine and other products are manufactured. Wonderful taste and also healing are the dried berries of Irgi.

    Despite the utility, this berry still remains quite rare for us. You can fill this gap to the IRGU in the household site or dacha. And then you are in practice make sure its amazing properties.

    Sing Irgi seeds in the second decade of October (from the 10th to the 14th). To do this, make a small garden in the polysman, divide it on the squares of 20 by 20 cm and in the center of each square are planted with a seed of Irgi. It is necessary to plant to a depth of 3 cm, after which the land is falling asleep. In the spring, Irgi plants, which can be transplanted in a permanent place in the spring of this garden.

    On the 2-3rd year, the younger of Irgi will begin to be fron. If there is a desire, from buds of berries you can make a wonderful alive fence.

    How to crop Irga, quince, hawthorn and rowan?

    In our gardens these beauties, rather, random guests leading a half-day existence. However, these trees need trimming so that they become not "Belm", but decorating your garden. Therefore, we suggest briefly talk about trimming quince, hawthorn, Irgi and Ryabin.

    Pruning quince

    Quince fruits on annual growths. For this tree, the frequency of fruiting is uncharacter. The main drawback, and at the same time - dignity, quince - it forms extremely many shoots. Thus, it is overly thorn, but also easily restores the crown.

    For successful cultivation of quince, the trimming should be carried out every year: branches are removed, growing inwards, dry and sick processes, and shoots. Ivais most often fruit kidneys are laid on the top of long shoots (more than half a meter), and the lower eyes are practically wakeful. Because of this, the lower part of the quone quench. To avoid it, the stripped shoots are cut off by 30-50%, which causes them to grow short productive shoots. The most fruitful are the young twigs of 15-40 centimeters long.

    For young quince trees, which entered into fruiting, weak trimming is required. This is mainly thinning and removal of wen.

    In order to stimulate fruits in old trees, about half of the crop shoots are shortened by 70% of their length. The rest of the branches will perform as insurance. And the next year is cutting off and "safety" branches.

    With a strong attenuation of the growth of quenching of quince, it is carried out every three or four years. Rejuvenating pruning quince It consists in cutting branches with a thickness of at least 1 centimeter in diameter on three or four-year-old wood. At the same time, do not forget about the right feeding and irrigation.

    It is very important to monitor the piglets of the core quince, because the pigs can absorb the parent plant. To do this, it is cut to the ring, excavating low part Escape to the place of death from the root.

    Trimming hawthorn

    The hawthorn is known for its powerful growth, not in vain it has long been used to form a living hedge. However, if you grow a hawthorn not as a fence, but as a garden culture, you will have to work well with the trimming of a hawthorn, otherwise your church is very quick to turn into a space ball.

    When trimming a hawthorn, a key role is paid to thinning trimming, removing branches that grow inside the crowns, twin shoots, dry branches. This culture is fruit, mainly on last year's gains, but can bloom on two or three-year-old twigs. The strong branches of the hawthorn are cut by 30% to stimulate the growth of lateral shoots.

    When using a hawthorn as a living hedge, it is covered strongly, leaving about 30% of length from each escape. In the late spring and summer trimming repeat. Hawthorn, in addition to the hedge, it is easy to "acquire" the shape of a ball, cube or pyramid.

    Rowan trimming

    Before, how to cut rowan.Decide what kind of rowan is blackfold (aronym) or Scandinavian.

    Pruning Scandinavian Ryabina

    This tree almost does not need a formation. However, due to the fact that Crohn Ryabina Scandinavian is characterized by a sharply disheve of skeletal branches, they often break. therefore scandinavian rowan trimming It is carried out in such a way as to bring the shoots growing to the trunk at an angle of 90 degrees.

    Rowan trimming is carried out in early spring. At the same time, the branches of a young rowan on an external kidney are weakly shortened, extra, sick, broken shoots are cleaned. Caring for adult trees is also in stripping a strain from "wolfes" and cutting the root row.

    There are varieties of Ryabina Scandinavian, fruitful on year-old growths, others fruit on different types fruit formations. In the first case, the branches thin, in parallel shorting the longest by 25-30%. The rejuvenating rowabine trim is carried out for trees with a fading growth force by trimming on 2-5-year-old wood. In the second case, semi-honeymake branches should be shorted, cut forward and rejuvenate the rinks.

    Pruning arony (black rowan rowan)

    Most often, the aronym is grown as a bush. Arony trim is to choose some of the most powerful one-point shoots growing from the base of the bush. The rest of the young is ruthlessly cut out. Left shoots cut the tops on one height, equalizing them in growth. The most prolific are the branches of the black rowan rowan, not older than six-eight years, so part of the 5-7-year-old shoots must be removed, not leaving hemp. When trimming rowan blacks, do not forget to get rid of thickening, weak, sick branches. Arony's arony bush should consist of a dozen-one and a half of the midstakes.

    Rejuvenating trimming of arony It consists in pruning all the branches under the root, not leaving the hemp. From young shoots choose three or five most powerful, getting rid of weak throughout the summer. Thus, in a couple of years, the bush will be updated.

    Pruning Irgi.

    IRGU is made to form in the form of a bush consisting of 10-15 multi-aging shoots. Weak, broken shoots cut off, not leaving hemp.

    Young IRGU does not cut off. The first two years leave all the strong roasting gains. The trimming of Irgi adult is to leave two or three strong escapes, the rest - remove (while weak, dry, broken branches, branches, competitors are removed). Rejuvenating trim IRGI It is carried out when attenuation of growth, once every three or four years, on two or four-year-old wood. Annually pruning all the tips of strong shoots by 30%.

    Tatyana Kuzmenko, a member of the editorial board of the companion of the Internet edition "Atmagro. Agro-industrial Bulletin "

    Rowan is a shrub or tree, a description of rowan

    Rowan is possible, one of the most common trees in Russia. With confidence, you can find out that every resident of our country knows exactly what a rowan looks like. More older generations with pleasure remember the taste of acidic berries, which in the cold become sweeter - a small particle of childhood, which remains with a person for life.

    This plant can grow almost everywhere. It is explained by her unpretentiousness and endurance. That is why it is most often chosen to decorate the household plot. Rowan may become really important element of landscape design Country house. Its advantages are not only in its endurance, as mentioned above. The appearance of the rowan tree is pleasant to the eye and attracts attention that it can be profitably looked against the background of monotonous decorative and complex decorations.

    This article, as it was possible to understand the previous paragraphs, will be fully dedicated to Ryabin. This well-known plant is of a certain interest not only for specialists in the field of botany, but also for the ordinary reader pulling towards interesting information About everything immediately.

    Rowan - description. Characteristic Ryabina

    To begin with, it is easy to describe Ryabin, as well as to answer a very common question that belongs to this plant. Many users in the network ask the question "Rowan is a shrub or tree?". If you think about it, then this question is very logical, if you look at Ryabina - you really can't immediately understand, the shrub is or still a tree.

    Find the answer to this question is very easy. It is enough to simply enter the "Wikipedia Ryabina" search engine, and all information will be posted in the first paragraph of the article on this comprehensive resource. The fact is that this plant itself is a tree, but at the same time sustained varieties meet. Rowan looks like not a very high tree, which has a direct barrel, as well as a crown, the shape of which can be described as ovoid.

    Rowan trees are characterized by smoothness of the bark, as well as grayish color . Leaves can be of different shapes : Effigly-labeled or just oblong, regular, unparallers. This plant is indeed quite beautiful treethat determines its popularity of use as a decorative plant. Old leaflets of this shrub are not published in contrast to young.

    Especially beautiful rowan during his flowering period, when it starts to bloom, and also very pretties in the fall. Flowers are going to a peculiar meetler, there may be white or have a pinkish shade. The smell, however, the rowan flowers are not particularly pleasant. This is a plant fruit annuallybut should not be naive to believe that you can collect "harvest" in specified deadlines. About once every three years, the plant gives a full "harvest".

    A rowan tree usually blooms in the late spring or early summer. Wherein fruit development begins in the fall in September. Gradually, they turn into red or black fruits from white berries. Of course, the berries of the rowan trees can not stand in one row with cherry or grape berries, if you compare their taste, but it may well argue with them.

    Some peculiarities of growing

  • In the case of rowan, you can not worry when landing it. As already mentioned above in this article, this plant is very and very hard and unpretentious, and quite comfortably feels almost in any soil. Also do not forget about another important quality of this plant - frost resistance. This ability allows rowan in a fairly calmly tolerate even the most severe winters. In addition, the plant can boast of stability even to high temperature indicators.
  • This plant is ideal for lovers of beautiful landscape, which prefer to make a lot of effort to care for plants, as practically does not require constant, regular irrigation. True, in the summer it is recommended to periodically moisten the soil under the rowan tree. Also, due to its strong and developed root system, the plant does not fall in front of the strong streams of the wind. There should also be noted the stability of the plant to the air of the city's heavily contaminated gases.
  • Rowan value as a decorative plant

    It is also worth noting the beauty of rowan leaves, which are distinguished by their unusual shape. In addition, the leaves acquire orange-reddish tint. In addition, bright rowan berries that are able to maintain their beautiful colour Even until late winter.

    Views of Ryabin

    Serious work on the selection of Ryabinov species spent at one time the famous Russian scientist Michurin. The scientist brought several new hybrids of this plant. It was thanks to his research was removed blackfold Rowan.which has already been mentioned in this article. It, in principle, is very similar to an ordinary rowan look, but this does not apply to this. In fact, this is a separate hybrid plant, which has its own name - Aria.

    Medicinal properties

    Ryabina ordinary fruits have long been used by people as a folk medicine. In rowan berries, different vitamins, as well as glucose, fructose and sorbic acid are contained. All these components very useful organism, especially weakened disease.

  • Some ailments should be designated, at which ragners are sometimes used from useful ripper berries. It is recommended to drink such brazers hypertensive and people suffering from atherosclerosis. Also this folk remedy can help with impaired heart, kidney and liver. Rowan juice can be used in cases of hastite, hemorrhoids or reduced acidity. One of the beneficial components of the fruits of this plant is sorbic acid - may become a serious assistant in the fight against the dysenteric stick and staphylococcus.
  • Plant berries are sometimes used as a preservative for food, as well as to purify water. Our ancestors even had a certain way to purify water - the branch of this plant was simpsed for the night in the water bucket of water. This method not only allowed water to remain fresh for a long time, but also gave a pleasant taste.
  • The value of rowan in ancient rites

    The significance of the rowan was noted in antiquity. Above already indicated cases of the application of the plant as a decorative decoration and drug, but in some regions, people used Ryabin for certain rites. For example, existed wedding rituals, which assumed the probe with rowan leaves of shoes with newlyweds, as well as Ryabina berries put on his pockets.

    The specified plant in this case used as a symbol of protection Against possible tracks of witches and sorcerers. Also, the rowan trees have been frozen next to the house. The rowan was used to expulse spirits that brought various diseases and ailments to people.

    In addition, the value and significance of rowan in the people emphasizes the existence different legendswhich from the mouth of the mouth was transferred not to one generation. For example, you can specify an interesting and original legend, which is trying to explain the presence of bitterness in the taste of rowan fruits. According to this legend, Rowan was created by the Devil himself from the tears of Eve, when it was expelled from Paradise.

    It was believed that this was a certain symbol of Victory Satan over humanity. But after the Creator discovered the similarity of the rowan tree leaves with a cross, he took it from the Devil Garden. It could not like the Devil, who subsequently removed to destroy his creation so that it would not get the Creator and People. But it did not work it, only as a result of attempts rowan tree berries became bitter.

    The decorative and therapeutic properties of Ryabina, which have already been said in this article, are not the only advantages of this. beautiful plant. Qualities and properties of wood of this tree allow you to produce different carpentry products from it. Here it is necessary to mention the main advantages of rowan wood - Goodness and elasticity.

    As already mentioned, there are quite a few different varieties of this plant, but one of them can boast a rather large fruit. Berries of large-scale rowan really great compared to the fruits of other species of this plant. Weigh one berry can twenty grams, and have three and a half centimeters in diameter. The fruits of large-scale rowan is very tasty. At the same time, this type is not as unpretentious as other types of rowan. She does not love winter, so there is a special care behind it. An interesting fact about the large-scale rowan is that it was bred in the Crimea with the Crimean Tatars.

    Rowan with sweet fruits Instead of bitter, first was found in the village of the Nephelyno Vladimir region. From there she spread throughout Russia. It is this variety with sweet fruits, called ignorant, at the beginning of the twentieth century was used for mass production of tincture, which was called "Nezhinskaya".

    Aria, or rowan black and billet from her

    Apples of blackcloth

    The aronium is usually called the Mokeal, and somewhat black rowan rowan, although aronym and rowan represent different kinds Collector family. But this is not the only inaccuracy concerning Arone. Usually, the fruits of the marchs are considered berries, but this is an apple. Ripen rounded, almost black, with a sipped apple peel in August. But they can hang on the bush right up to frosts.

    But it is better to remove the fruits of Arone in early September, as the birds willingly eat them, especially in October, before deleting. In addition, the fruits of the Flats of the Markotodki are preserved from the bush for more than a month due to the presence of phytoncids; destructively acting on putrefactive bacteria.

    In the 70s, Aria was blackfolded was an extremely popular culture - it could be seen in many areas. This tree is a pioneer on bad soils. Aria is unpretentious - grows on inconvenience (except for wetlands and salted soils), can grow when bombing groundwater At a depth of 1.5-2 m. But if you want to get large fruits, pick up a lit place with loose, moistened and fertile soil. Note that in the shade of trees and on dry soils, Aria is growing badly.

    Due to the high winter hardiness, it can even be grown in Siberia, withstanding frosts up to minus 30-35 ° C. But it is guaranteed there still can be grown only with the bending of shoots for the winter to the ground and the shelter by their snow. However, I want to stop at one reason for possible damage to Aronym, which is not related to its biological nature, but with excess doses nitrogen fertilizers. With an excess of nitrogen, roast shoots and siblings are distinguished by a strong increase and prolonged phase of reinforced growth. Reaching a height of 60-80 cm, they often leave in winter with unwanted and with inconsected top kidney. The tops of such shoots are frozen even in favorable winters. Aria is multiplied by easy - root offspring, weapons, weathered and green cuttings, dividing the bush, pre-stratified seeds. If you have acquired aronyous seedlings, then you will note that they will fit better if it is better to suck them into a bolt, cooked from oily clay, cowboy and water. In the absence of these components, you can use peat, humid or just an earthen bolt.

    On light soils, it is recommended to plant seedlings by 6-8 cm deeper than they grew up to the digging, and on heavy - by 2-3 cm. This is due to the need to plunge all the root shoots (sewers) at the root neck, and creating favorable conditions For the speedy increase in the base of the bush.

    Fruit Aria begins on the 3-4th year of life.

    Arone bushes perfectly tolerate transplant and division. And this can be successfully done not only with five-six-year-old bushes, but also average age (from 8 to 15 years). When divided, all old, patients and broken branches are cut out. The root system is dipping into the same chatter as seedlings. Reassened rowan bushes quickly and well take root and fruit, as a rule, have already been a year of transplant.

    Given the biological peculiarity of the black-fledged Arone to give a large number of offspring root and stems, with proper agrotechnology, you can significantly extend the age of bushes. Saving renewed, having its own root system and, thus, becoming independent in the bushes, hold the arony bushes in the state of "eternal" youth, at a significant total of bushes. Thanks to this circumstance, the life expectancy of the bush is more dependent on the biological characteristics of this culture, but from the selection of the site and the departure corresponding to its requirements.

    Aria blooms late, in the second half of May, and therefore the spring frosts are not terrible. Fruit every year, harvest is very generous.

    In the garden, there are enough 2-3 of its bushes with a power supply of 3x2.5 or 3x2 m to provide seven fruits of this culture.

    Interestingly, in Europe, Aria, the birthplace of which North America, first cultivated as decorative shrub. Indeed, early in the spring of our eyes pleases in this beauty its white, like the bride, a colors, in summer - dark green, brilliant, like a polished sheet. In late autumn, it is unlikely to be bright contrasting paints - large, black, also brilliant berries, heavy bunches hanging from the branches, against the background of purple leaves.

    The black-fledged arony, grafted in the crown of ordinary rowan, is a spectacular combination of direct, as a candle, ordinary rowan, and an empty molding of the crown of the blackfold arony. You can create such beauty yourself. To do this, you need to bring from the forest or buy in the nursery of the ordinary rowan village with a height of 1-1.2 m. To put them in the form of an alley or group. In a year or two, when the dive is taken for and will give an increase, in the spring to the main trunk to instill the draft of the black-like arony.

    Aria, which we grow on panstonesFor a number of signs, it does not look like a natural American look - is a hybrid with larger fruits, derived by I. V. Michurin. By the way, the rowan liqueur result obtained by them is the result of crossing arony with rowan ordinary. The zoned arony varieties are lard (promising grade black eyes while testing).

    Now the "blackboard boom" somewhat dust. Probably because of the tart, binding taste of a coarse consistency. But, if you do a blank from the blackcloth with berries, apples, quince, then her tart taste will give piquancy, not to mention the color. Add blackcloth into faded strawberry juice, and he will play ruby \u200b\u200bchoppers, will acquire a completely new taste. Apple jumped, jam will also benefit in taste and color, if you do them with aronia. With some recipes for cooking blackcloth with other berries, we will introduce you to fruit.

    The convenient and affordable way of harvesting Around is different - drying. It contributes to improving the taste of fruits: they lose excessive tartness, while therapeutic properties are saved. Dry it is better to quickly so that the fruits are not spoiled. Well-ridden fruits are separated from the brushes, wash, lay out onto sheets and placed in an open oven or a weakly fired oven with a temperature of 50-60 °. Dried fruits are used for cooking jelly, compotes, fruit tea.

    Perfectly preserved the properties of the arony and freezing. When thawing, the form and taste of fruits is preserved. Choose recipes for yourself, the benefits of such blanks will be undoubted. After all, therapeutic properties of the arony are very multifaceted: it has a choleretic effect (therefore suitable as a supplement in the use of hardly digestible products), moderately lowers blood pressure. Organic iodine compounds that are in the arony in sufficient quantities are removed from the body an excess cholesterol, a beneficial effect on the function of the thyroid gland. By the way, in the number of iodine in the fruits, Aria ranks second after Feichoa - the leading plant of the Yodosobirator. In addition, there are a lot of p-vitamin and other biologically active substances in Arony. Sugar, located in it, is easily absorbed by diabetics.

    The healing properties of the Arion of Mainfod were known to the Indians of North America long before the appearance of a white man. Dakota Indians and Delawaras juice of Arone fruit treasured many diseases, including burns, colds, the overall weakening of the body. They dried fruit, prepared sweet flour about them about the reserve. Europeans quickly appreciated the high qualities of this Aboriginal Plant of America and began to actively cultivate it.

    Blanks made of black rowan

    Blackfold Arony and Apple Jam

    Aria cooked with apples, has a pleasant sour-sweet taste. Fruits (500 g) and slices of apples (500 g) Blanch 2-3 minutes, cool cold water, add sugar (1.2 kg per 1 kg of a mixture). Jam should be repaired repeatedly, and at the end of the cooking add 2-3 g of citric acid.

    500 g of blackfold arony, 500 g of black currant, 0.8-1 kg of sugar.

    Wash the fruits, dry and put in glass cansStirring with sugar. When they cover with juice, stand a few more days so that sugar penetrate inside, then boil until readiness.

    1 kg of blackcloth, 400 g of quince, 1-1.5 kg of sugar, 0.2 liters of water.

    Aronia thoroughly wash and completely sort with a small amount of water (0.2 liters). Add sugar and boil another 5-10 minutes, then add the sliced \u200b\u200bquince of quince and boil until ready. Boil into sterile jars and close the lids.

    Aria, Mokeal Rowan - Black Gold

    Aria is a plant with a rich history that originates from North American marshes, sand plains and steep rocks. It is in these places that an unsightly, low-spirited shrub is growing radically different from the famous and beloved black rowan.

    Rod Aria belongs to the subfamily of apple bodies. The species of this kind in large quantities grow in the east of North America. There you can also meet the aronium of black-free with black, early ripening fruits of mediocre taste, as well as. Arbutusoliste with red, much later ripening fruits.

    The name of the genus comes from the ancient Greek naming of Ryabina Aria, in turn, originating from the Greek word, meaning "benefit, help." One of the earliest names of Arone alone and to this day and is familiar to everyone - the black-like rowan.

    The Russian Aria (Markoklodka) is obliged to be his advent of the great breeder - Ivan Vladimirovich Michurina, who, through numerous experiments, received a new culture - black rowan rowan. The main difference between the arony of the black-fledged, originating from North America, from Arony, the Echultured I. V. Michurin, is incomparable more attractive form (decorative leaves - rounded shape, large beautiful flowers), increased yield and taste, winter hardiness (withstands up to - 35 ° C).

    Ivan Vladimirovich did not put great hopes for culture and recommended to use it only for landing as forest strips, and fruit - for processing. Aria Michurina very soon spread and became popular almost throughout Russia, without damage to transfer the harsh winter of the Gorno-Altaisk and the unstable climate of the Forn of the Caucasus.

    However, after years, the hobby of the gardeners of this curious culture gradually began to fade, despite the prevals of the breeders. In recent decades, several dozen Danish, Finnish and Polish varieties have been created, did not bypass this culture and breeders of Russia. The most well proven to Altai large-scale, black, blackfold other.

    Meanwhile, the fruits of the arony were and remains the storeroom vitamins and minerals that a person needed, especially during the acute shortage of vitamins, and are much easier to be assisted by the body, rather than artificial biodendage.

    These fruits contain a large amount of vitamin P necessary for normal operation of the cardiovascular system. Aria is the leader among berry cultures on the content of anthocyanins of coloring substances that give to juices and wines is a steady color. In addition, the fruits of arony contain vitamins A, E, B, PP, C, trace elements, among which fluorine, iodine, copper, iron. The characteristic of the arony is a taper-sweet taste attach to the fruits in them sugar, pectin and tanning substances, and the content of acids does not exceed 1%.

    The fruits of arony due to the presence in their composition of the vitamins of the group P and C can be used as a vasodilator, for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis and hypertension. Fresh fruits strengthen the cardiovascular system, improve brain activity, is positively affected by immune system and the activity of gastric enzymes helps with allergic reactions and diabetes. Not only fresh fruits have a positive effect, but also frozen, dried and even processing products: jam, jelly, jam, compote.

    In addition to therapeutic qualities, Michurin Aronia plant is also characterized by high decorative qualities. Its light-pink flowers in lush inflorescences are beginning to delight the eyes already in May, and the fruits in elegant tight brushes ripen in September and can be stored in the conditions of domestic refrigerator to several months, without losing taste and therapeutic properties. The plant and in the autumn period is no less decorative, purple-red color of foliage looks beautifully against the background of the sweat landscape.

    Aria is one of the easily breeded crops, good results are obtained with the autumn seeds in the soil, but there are more time-consuming and no less effective methods of reproduction - green shots and grafting of a cutter, in the latter case, rowan rowan can be used as a flow. The grafting of the cutter significantly accelerates the preparation of high-quality planting material, and, consequently, the harvest. The first fruits can be obtained already in the year of vaccinations (up to 300-400 g from the plant), and if you remove the primroses and allow the plant to "relax", it will benefit on the crop of next year, which can be 2.5 and even 3 kg from the plant.

    As for the green shilling, here is an indispensable condition for obtaining high-quality planting material is the presence of a greenhouse equipped with a fog-forming installation, although it is possible to slightly simplify the design, building it on its garden plot and shocking bags. In this case, 5-7 irrigations are sufficient from the ordinary watering can, and in rainy weather - 1-2.

    Obtained planting material It should be planted for a permanent place taking into account the fact that Aria is a rather unpretentious and undemanding plant and is growing remarkably on any types of soil. An indispensable condition for obtaining high stable yields is the density of plantations. The distance between the plants should not be less than 2 m. Plant landing is carried out in the holes 50x60 or 60x60 cm and a depth of half a meter. 100-150 g of superphosphate are added to the fossa, up to 70 g of potassium sulfate. The root neck is plugged by 1-1.5 cm. Saplings immediately after planting are sometimes cut, leaving heights with a height of 15-20 cm with 4-5 kidneys. Thus, young landings thus obtained during the first years of growth should be picked up with ammonium nitrate, and since the five-year-old age in the attractive circles, under the bucket of humus or compost, up to 70 g of superphosphate and up to 30 g of potassium sulfate.

    Aria care does not require, with the exception of trimming, which should be carried out, starting from the seventh-eighth year of the year, when Krone needs thinning.

    As for the time of landing, the most suitable period, as for most cultures, is autumn, which allows plants to root and prevent the premature dissolution of the kidneys in the spring.

    In conclusion, it should be mentioned about the medical properties of this wonderful plant, which is one of the favorite bees, which also contributes to the phytoncidal properties that destructively affect most of the bee diseases and pests, among which the bee tick.

    N. Chromov , Researcher VNIIS them. I. V. Michurina

    Is the black rowan increase or reduces pressure?

    Black-tree rowan, or blackcloth - is a tart useful berry with unique properties. The question of how the black-like rowan is affected, increases or reduces the pressure, incorrect, since its main property is normalization of blood pressure.

    What is useful than a berry?

    Malnodka, black-free rowan or aronym - this is all the names of the same berry. It has many useful properties, but does not use much popular because of the specific tap taste and binding properties that are few of the soul.

    The healing properties of such a medicinal plant as a black-like rowan is very diverse - from the normalization of blood pressure to the relief of inflammatory processes. In traditional medicine, this berry is used to treat a variety of different diseases, including hypertension and hypotension.

    The beneficial properties of berries and its specific taste are caused by the composition. Aria contains:

    • tannins;
    • pectins;
    • group vitamins in;
    • vitamin E, C;
    • iodine and zinc;
    • iron and copper.
    • Black rowan - not the sweetest berry, but beneficial features with more than reimburse specific taste

      Due to the tanning substances in the composition, the black-like rowan has a positive effect on the stomach and intestines. Its use normalizes the digestive process, delicately solves the problem of constipation. Pectines protect the organism from free radicals. Recent studies have proven that pectins reduce the risk of developing malignant neoplasms. Vitamins of group in positively affect the cardiovascular and nervous system.

      The inchlook contains a large number of vitamins and trace elements.

      The black rowan is reduced pressure or increases it, depending on the use method. It is believed that the berry normalizes blood pressure, therefore, it can also be used in hypertension, and under hypotension.

      It has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, strengthens the vessels and increases their elasticity, reduces the risk of atherosclerosis by reducing cholesterol. It is used in a black-flow rowan from pressure diabetes, as it does not increase blood glucose levels, but has a positive effect on the work of the heart.

      A large amount of iodine in the composition normalizes the work of the thyroid gland, thereby eliminating one of the factors of pressure increase - hyperthyroidism. Zinc and selenium as part of this berry are positively affected by male health, preventing the development of prostatitis. Vitamin E protects against premature aging, normalizes the work of the heart and contributes to the extension of youth.

      Aria has a beneficial effect on all organs and systems of the human body

      Mint and pressure

      The black-like rowan in hypertension is natural and safe tool To control blood pressure.

      The black-like rowan helps with hypertension normalize pressure due to antispasmodic properties. This also explains the effectiveness of its use with headache due to vessel spasms.

      As the black-like rowan is affected, increases or reduces pressure - it depends on how to use it. With hypertension, the problem of high pressure is due to the spasm of vessels. The black rowan is capable of reduced pressure due to antispasmodic and diuretic properties.

      In case of hypotension, the lower pressure of the black-flow rowan is due to the influence on the nervous system. It is stress and violations in the work of vegetative nervous system lead to a decrease in blood pressure.

      Recipes from hypertension

      Recipes from pressure from black rowan covers different methods The use of berries and its leaves. Treatment of hypertension in black rowan rowan is carried out in the following ways.

    • The easiest way to treat is juice from rowan. For its preparation, it is necessary to go through and wash the kilogram of berries, and then squeeze the juice with the juicer. You can store it in the refrigerator for the week. Day rate for hypertensive - 200 ml.
    • Another simple way how to use rowan from high pressure is to eat 10 berries daily. According to doctors and herbalists, it is fresh berries that bring more benefits at high pressure.
    • From high pressure often applied decoction of rowan leaves. To do this, two large spoons of dried and crushed leaves are poured with 500 ml of boiling water and boiled on a slow fire of half an hour. After cooling, the decoction takes three times a day of 50 ml.
    • Rowan with sugar rowers effectively reduces pressure, besides stored long enough. It should be used daily on the tablespoon in the morning and in the evening. If desired, a spoonful of rearranged berries can be pouring hot water And drink such a tasty fragrant drink.
    • With hypertensive disease, the black-like rowan can be used as a compote. For its preparation, you should pour two glasses of berries in the thermos, pour boiling water and insist 4 hours. When the remedy is enjoying two spoons of honey add to it. You need to drink this infusion twice a day one glass.
    • Another recipe that is prepared from high pressure is tea leaves and berries. It is drinking three times a day on one cup. Three leafy of rowan and 10 berries are placed in the cup, poured boiling water and insist 10 minutes.
    • High pressure aronium follows during the month, then you need to make a three-week break.

      In the same way, with hypertension, you can use rowan red, which has a pronounced diuretic effect.

      With hypertension, red rowan is also used

      Recipes for hypotension

      Knowing how the rowan pressure affects, it becomes clear that at the hypotension berry can help. To increase the pressure using rowan, you need to use one of the following recipes.

  1. Mine-rowan tincture slightly increases pressure, but effectively strengthens the vessels. For its preparation, 500 g of berries are crushed into a mortar and pour the same amount of vodka. The tool insists in a closed bottle of 10 days, and then take 30 drops daily after each meal. The course of treatment is two months.
  2. Improve well-being at low pressure helps infusion from leaves and honey. For its preparation, you should pour two large spoons of dried leaves with boiling water, cover with a lid and wrapped with a towel. The medicine should appear for three hours. Then 4 spoons of honey add to it and take 100 ml each day.
  3. In hypotension, you can also use rowan juice, adding a teaspoon of lemon juice to it. This will not only increase the tone of the vessels, but also will strengthen the nervous system.
  4. Red rowan helps to improve wellness, slightly increases pressure. To do this, it is recommended to prepare juice, mixing in equal proportions Arone and red berries.
  5. The course of treatment at low pressure takes at least two months. Between courses need a break for 30 days.


    Like any other berry, the rowan is prohibited when aggravating the gastrointestinal diseases, especially gastritis and ulcers. Despite the fact that the rowan is effectively reduced pressure, it cannot be used in hypertensive crisis. Another contraindication is allergic to red or black rowan.

    The black rowan helps to reduce the pressure only when regularly use. Nevertheless, the rowan will not replace the hypotensive drugs used in the therapy of hypertensive disease. Increase the effectiveness of the treatment of pressure jumps, the diet, normalization of the regime and the refusal of bad habits will help.


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