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Argentina. A lot of useful and interesting information about the country. Buenos Aires - the capital of Argentina

brief information

Tourists will be very surprised by a variety of Argentina. In this South American country, there are huge steppes - pampas, also lunar landscapes and tropical forests, stunning glaciers and subnutrctic nature, famous Waterfalls Iguazu, historical monuments, rich history, a variety of tradition and original culture, ski resorts and excellent beaches, some of which are considered the best in the whole South America. You should not also forget about the megapolis Buenos Aires, Argentine Football and about the Argentine Tango - all this is very much in Argentina!

Geography of Argentina

Argentina is located in the southern part of South America. In the West and the south of Argentina bordered by Chile, in the north - with Paraguay and Bolivia, and in the northeast - with Uruguay and Brazil. In the east, the country is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. total area of this state, including islands, - 2,766,890 square meters. km, and the total length of the state border is 9,665 km.

In the center and in the east of Argentina are fertile lowlands, which are called Pampas, in the West - the Mountain chain of the Andes, in the north-west Volcanic Plateau Pune, in the north - plain Gran Choo. The highest local vertex - Akonkagua Mountain, whose height reaches 6,962 meters.

The main Argentine Rivers - Parana (4,880 km), Pilkomoyo (1 100 km), Paraguay (2 621), Colorado (1,000 km) and Rio-Negro (550 km).


Buenos Aires is the capital of Argentina. The population of this city is now more than 3 million people. The Spaniards founded Buenos Aires in 1536.

Official language of Argentina

Official language - Spanish.


More than 92% of the inhabitants of Christians (of which 70-90% consider themselves Catholics).

State Argentina

According to the Constitution, Argentina is this constitutional republic led by the president, who is elected for 4 years. The executive authority belongs to the President, the Vice-President and the Cabinet of Ministers as part of 15 ministers with the Chairman.

The two-bearet Argentine Parliament is called the National Congress, it consists of a Senate (72 senator) and the Chamber of Deputies (257 deputies).

The main political parties are "Front for the victory", "Civil Coalition", "Socillary" and "Civil Radical Union".

Administratively, the country is divided into 23 provinces and one federal district with a center in Buenos Aires.

Climate and weather

The climate is moderate, in the south-east - arid, and in the south-west (Patagonia) - subanctic. The climate in pampas, despite their irritability, evenly. The precipitation is most falling in the West, and the least - in the east of the country. In Buenos Aires, the average annual air temperature is + 16c, and the average annual precipitation is 94 cm.

The warmer month in Argentina is January, and the coldest - June and July. In Buenos Aires, you can relax round yearbecause There is a soft winter (May-September) and hot summer (November-March).

Waterfalls Iguazu can also be attended year-round, although in the summer months (November-March) there can be especially hot and humid.

The best time to visit the lakes in the mountains is from November to March, when the weather is similar to the climate in Northern Europe. In Central Argentina, you can travel all year round - there is a good continental climate.

Ocean off the coast of Argentina

In the east, the country is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. The total length of the coastline is 4,989 km. Winds from the Atlantic Ocean have a very noticeable impact on the Argentine climate.

Rivers and lakes

River Parana, Paraguay and Uruguay form the main river system in this country. Not far from Buenos Aires of the River Parana and Uruguay join each other, forming the Liman Rio de la Plata. On the Iguazu River, which is the influx of Parana, are the famous Waterfalls Iguazu.

Other great Argentine Rivers - Pilkomoyo (1 100 km), Colorado (1,000 km) and Rio Negro (550 km).

In National Park, Navel Huapi, in North Patagonia, is the most beautiful Argentine Lake - Navel Huapi.

Culture Argentina

The culture of Argentina had a huge influence of immigrants from Europe. Not only Spaniards, Portuguese, the British, Scandinavians, Italians, but also Ukrainians were driving into this South American country in bulk. Therefore, you can only represent the diverse nature of the Argentine culture.

Every year in January, February and March, festivals and holidays are held almost without a break - the Tango festival in Buenos Aires, the Luis-Palau festival in Mendos, Feriagro-Argentina Festival, a passion week in Salta. Therefore, we recommend tourists to choose these months if they want to visit Argentina.

Argentina is the homeland dance "Tango". Despite the fact that the Tango now belongs to the "ballroom" dance, for the Argentines he is still a folk dance.

Kitchen Argentina

Argentine cuisine was formed under the influence of culinary traditions of local Indians, Spaniards, Italians, and even the French. Italians, for example, brought various pastes and pizza to Argentine cuisine, and the French are baking. Be prepared for the fact that in Argentine Pizza there will be a lot of filling (such is local specifics). In some areas, Argentina has even German and Welsh dishes, because There are compactly set out the people from Germany and Wales. Most of all, this country is famous for its fried beef dishes (Patagonia is dominated, however, meat dishes are goat and lamb).

Argentine steaks made of beef are very tasty by themselves, but local residents add olive oil and spices to them, which makes such a dish just fantastic.

In addition to steaks, in Argentina, tourists we recommend trying "Asados" or "Parillas" (grilled beef), "Locro" (pork stewed with white beans and corn), "Carbonado" (beef with fresh vegetables, apples and peaches), "Cazuela Gaucho" (chicken with pumpkin), "Humitas" (corn pie), pancakes with meat, "Tamales" (cornpings with meat).

The most popular local dessert is "Dulce De Lech", which can be attributed to a kind of condensed milk.

Traditional soft drinks - fruit juices, milkshakes, coffee, and, of course, "Paraguayan tea" Mate (toning drink from Holly leaves), which drink hot or cold.

Traditional alcoholic beverages - Wine (Argentina enters the top five largest wine producers in the world), whiskey, gin and beer.

Attractions Argentina

Argentina offers tourists a huge number of attractions that need to be visited. True, for one trip, even a small part of them cannot be seen - just not enough for all time.

On the River Iguazu, near the border with Brazil and Paraguay, are the famous Waterfalls Iguazu. In the area there are 275 waterfalls, the most ambitious of them - Waterfall Iguazu, whose width reaches 4 kilometers. Every year, these waterfalls attend more than 1 million tourists.

Many tourists visit the Southern Patagonia in order to see the Perito-Moreno Glacier, whose area reaches 250 sq. M. km. Scientists argue that this glacier has one of the largest reserves in the world of drinking water. The Perito Moreno glacier is located within a short drive from El Calafate, and about three hours of flight from Buenos Aires.

We also recommend paying attention to Argentinean reserves, parks and botanical gardens. This is, above all, National Parks Iguazu, Los Menhuras, Los Cadons and Botanical Garden near the city of Puerto Iguazu.

Cities and resorts

Self big cities - Cordoba, Rosario, Mendoza, La Plata, Tukuman, Mar del Plata, Santa Fe, as well as Buenos Aires.

About 400 kilometers from Buenos Aires is beach resort Mar del Plata, which many consider the best sea resort throughout South America.

Other popular Beach Argentine resorts - Tigre, Pinamar (thick pine forests grow in its surroundings), Miramar. We also recommend paying attention to resort town Las Gottas in Rio-Negro Province in Patagonia. This resort is very popular with Argentinese.

Family couples for beach holidays Entre Rios is often chosen, which does not apply to noisy resorts, but in its surroundings there are hot springs, forest and lakes.

In the south in Patagonia at an altitude of 1,000 meters above sea level, there is the most famous Argentine Ski Resort Bariloche. There are 70 kilometers of trails for skiers of different qualifications (these tracks serve 20 lifts). Other popular Argentine ski resorts - Chapelko, Kavuha, Castor, La Hoya, Penitenthes and Bayo.

In general, the Skiing Season in Argentina continues from May to September.

Souvenirs / Shopping

Most often from the trip along Argentina, tourists bring leather products (belts, purses, wallets, bags), summer clutches "Espadrili", various football souvenirs, Latin American condensed milk "Dulce De Leche", Calebas with a bombillary (pitcher with a tube for cooking mate), wine.

Work hours of institutions

Mon-Fri: 09: 00/10: 00 -15: 00

The shops:
Mon-Sat: 09: 00/10: 00 - 18: 00/21: 00


Ukrainians to visit Argentina should be issued a visa.

Argentina currency

Argentine Peso is an official monetary unit in Argentina. His international designation - ARS. One peso \u003d 100 centavo. Most hotels, restaurants, shops and bars accept credit cards. As for the traveler checks, very few Argentine stores take them to pay.

Customs restrictions

Who ever was in Argentina (the country's area is quite large) will definitely want to go there again. This is reflected in one of the most famous and beautiful statements About her: "There is a wonderful country in which there is no Mondays. This is Argentina. " Where is Argentina, not all children know. It is difficult for them to imagine what a country is what she is known who lives in it. In addition to the above, many many mistaken is called Argentina Antarctida.

Argentina location on world map

But this is a country with a magnificent nature rich in distinctive culture and an interesting story. It is one of the largest states located in South America. The official name of this state is the Argentine Republic.

On the whole continent, the country described in its area won second place after Brazil. Argentina borders with several states. Neighbors Argentina are represented by the following countries:

  • Chile - in the West and South;
  • Bolivia and Paraguay - in the north;
  • Brazil and Uruguay - in the East.

The location of Argentina is such that from the east and the southern coast, the country is washes the beautiful and mysterious Atlantic Ocean. His coastline in length is about 5000 km. Argentina's area is a little more that schoolchildren are accustomed to see on the world map. This is due to the fact that Argentina, in addition to the mainland territory, also belongs to the following lands:

  • Falkland Islands;

  • Archipelago Fire Earth (Eastern part).

As for the island of South George and the South Sandwich Islands, they are controversial territories that are not only claiming Argentina, but also the United Kingdom. The capital of the state is the city of Buenos Aires. Argentina is located in 3 climatic bees of the hemisphere:

  1. moderate;
  2. tropical;
  3. subtropical.

The Argentine Climate is explained not only by this state's position, but also the presence in the West of the High Barrier of Andes, and in the East - the Atlantic Ocean. In tropical and subtropical belts, the humidity acts mostly in the direction of the Atlantic Ocean. This effect is much stronger than precipitation falling in the northern and middle parts of Argentina.

Argentina's shores are not strong enough, only the mouth of a la dress is crashed into a land of almost 320 km. The entire territory of Argentina is stretched toward from north to south. The maximum length is 3,700 km. The considerable length of nautical borders turned out to be an important component in the development of Argentina, because this particular indicator played an important role in the formation of trade relations of this country with other states.

The nature of Argentina is diverse. This is also associated with the high length of the state square from the south to the north. Essential differences in the relief also have a special effect on climate and other natural features. According to the structure of the earth's surface, the state can be divided into 2 parts:

  1. plain - in the north and east;
  2. highlights - in the West and South.

Along the western border of Argentina (the border of Chile and Argentina) are located (cordillers) - the largest collateral in the western hemisphere. Mainly they were formed during the period of Nagorno-region. Mountains differ in complexity and variety of geological structure.

Cordillers on the border of Chile and Argentina

South Cordillera is rapidly narrowed. Maximum embroidery they reach in approximately between 32 ° and 37 ° Yu.Sh. It is here, on the border, the highland pointed tops of the relief dominate. Mountains are distinguished by decorated snow caps. A special relief with a different color palette of the skates and snow-covered outfits forms a special beauty of high Andes. Meshduchye Paras and Uruguay is the territory of Argentina, which is mainly plain, folded by red sandstones and markers, overlapped with a thick clay layer, which consists of Alluvius and Less. In the north of this area there is a lava exaltation, which is one of the components of the Lavova's elevation of Brazilian plateau. In the central part of this interfluve, the territory is represented by a marshy plain. And in the south you can detect the coated lowland, on which sandstone ridges intersect.

Natural resources

Despite the fact that the territory of Argentina is represented by such impressive sizes and magnificent views that open every time in a new way, but there are practically no deposits in its depths. At the same time, relief features still make up a strong and reliable base for the formation and further development of industry. Considering the natural deposits of minerals, geologists celebrate significant ore fields in the western part of the state. In some areas there are also deposits brown coal. All these resources can be found most often in the deflection of high mountain surfaces.

In general, it is impossible to talk about scarce or, on the contrary, the wealth of the described territory, since the development of these areas has never been fully produced. With the right approach and interest from the relevant organizations, research and study of the territory of Argentina will be more active. It can even be assumed that far in its depths can be the most important resources.

Water resources

At the borders of Argentina with other states there is an extremely beautiful waterfall complex. So, at the junction of Argentina and Brazil is the Waterfall Iguazu. Name This comes from the names of the national parks of both states that are located in the part of the continent. A few years ago, this natural complex was awarded the title of one 7 contemporary miracles of the world. The exact age of the waterfalls cannot be determined, however, according to the results of the study of basalt sediments in this part of the country, it can be concluded that they are at least 130 million years. According to approximate calculations, this waterfall was formed after a powerful volcanic eruption. Scientists believe that after that the surface of this territory was formed by Vpadina. Gradually increasing, it grew up to those sizes that can be observed today.

Deciphering the name that the waterfall received, one can judge that these thresholds had the same impressive sizes as at present. The name of the waterfall from the Guarani language is translated as "big water". For travelers and residents of other states, including European, this fascinating natural phenomenon affecting its beauty was hidden over a long period. The first time this miracle of nature was discovered by Europeans in 1541. It was then that Conquistador from Spain, traveling through the jungle in this part of the world (along the border of Brazil-Argentina) and trying to find the Eldorado Island of Eldorado for many of his contemporaries, came to this amazing waterfall.

Why exactly in the place where on is Argentina on the world map, there are so many waterfalls? On this question, local residents have their own answers. So, according to one of the legends, when God decided to choose a life companion, he met a beautiful girl in these places. Unfortunately, the girl was already in love and swore to keep loyalty to his beloved forever. Not wanting to part, Lovers once left their tribe and walked down the river on the canoe. Having learned about this, God became angry that I cut the river into many thresholds, forming this well-known waterfall all over the world. All this was done so that the pair of fugitives was doomed to death.

Argentina is a country located on the territory of one of the six mainland - South America. Here you can admire wildlife And to reveal many of her secrets. The beauty of the country is so unusual and majestic that, being close to Argentina, can not be in it.

Argentina (Argentina) - Federal Republic in South America, in the southeastern part of it. The country stretches from north to south by 3,700 km, and from west to east - 1400 km. It also belongs to the eastern part of the island of the fiery ground and several small islands. Argentina It borders in the north and northeast with Bolivia, Paraguay and Brazil, in the East - with Uruguay, in the south and west - with Chile. In the territory Argentina There are almost everything you need for rest, and for every taste. it sand beaches, picturesque waterfalls, mountain peaks and snow-covered volcanoes, unthinkable glacier sizes and a diverse natural world.

Argentina - "Silver Country"

1. Capital

Argentine capital Buenos Aires - One of the largest and most beautiful cities of South America, whose population is, without a small, 3 million people. Capital Located at a distance of 275 km from the Atlantic Ocean in a perfectly protected bay of the La Bay, on the right bank of the Riachuelo River.
Buenos Airesmeans " backway wind", or in literal translation from Spanish " good air " Buenos Aires is famous for a huge number of cultural attractions, and also serves as a starting point for traveling throughout the country.

2. Flag

- a rectangular cloth consisting of three horizontal stripes The same width: blue color from above and below, and white color in the middle. In the center of the White Strip depicted the Sun of Gold Color, called " may Sun.", From which sixteen long wavy rays depicting sunlight.

Yellow May Sun is a symbol of the Incan Sun God and named so in honor of the May Revolution. One of the versions of blue color, white and sun personify the sky, clouds and sun. By the second version of the blue color symbolizes the river La Plata, and white - silver. And finally, according to the third version, the flag coloring is based on traditional colors of the Bourbon surname.

3. Coat of arms

It is an oval area, divided into two equal parts: white and blue. On its background, two hands are depicted, connected by the handshake- symbol of the unity of the provinces that are part of Argentina. The image of the hands is located a red Frigian cap, which personifies freedom and revolution. Around the oval depicted the branches of the laurel - symbolize the victory of the Argentine people in the struggle for independence, tied upside down the colors of the national flag. At the top coat of argentina Located ascending sun.

4. Hymn.

listen to Anthem Argentina

5. Currency

Official monetary unit Argentina is an Argentine Peso., international ARS code, digital code 032. New argentine Peso.equal to 100 centavo. Have a walking banknote with a nominal value of 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 pesos, coins 1, 2 and 5 pesos, as well as 1, 5, 10, 25 and 50 centavo. Course of Argentine Peso to the ruble Or another any currency can be viewed on the currency converter:

Coins Argentina

Banknotes Argentina

Argentina Located in South America, in the south-eastern part of it. The country area is 2766 thousand square meters. km. The country started from north to south by 3,700 km, and from the west to the east - 1400 km. She also belongs to the eastern part of the island of fiery ground and several small islands. Argentina borders in the north and northeast with Bolivia, Paraguay and Brazil, in the East - with Uruguay, in the south and west - from Chile.

Eastern shores are washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. In the West Argentina Ranged stretched. In the western part of the Andes there is a chain of volcanoes - the highest acting volcano of the Earth - Okhos del Salado (6887 m). In this district " silver country»Often there is an earthquake. In the southwestern part of the mountains there is a lake edge. Almost the whole northern part Argentina It takes the plates of the Grand Character, the steppe region - Pampa is south. In the south of the country, the stony plateau of semi-deserted Patagonia extends. Main water artery country - Paranta River.

7. How to get to Argentina?

8. What to see what

Attractions Argentina. Argentina is the fourth on attendance by the country in the American continent. The country is very rich in archaeological monuments. There are almost all - multi-kilometer beaches and one of the highest mountain peaks of the world, endless steppe and amazing waterfalls, ski resorts, dense forests and huge megalopolises, wild and uninhabited gave South Patagonia and much more.

But small list of attractionson which attention should be paid when drawing up an excursion plan for Argentina:

  • Large metal flower
  • Waterfall Adam and Eve
  • Gargantua del Deblo
  • Congress building
  • Historic Square Plaza De Mayo
  • Glacier piloto
  • Glacier Perito Moreran
  • Iguazu National Park
  • Los Gosyares National Park
  • Fire Land National Park
  • Obelisk
  • Color Opera House
  • Planetarium Galileo Galilee in Buenos Aires
  • Port Madero.
  • Salinas Grandes salinas
  • Street Kamminito
  • Amphitheater Gorge

9. 10 largest cities of Argentina

  • Buenos Aires (Capital)
  • Cordoba
  • Rosario
  • La Plata
  • Mar del Plata
  • San Miguel de Tucumanum
  • Salta.
  • Santa Fe.
  • Corrientes.
  • Baia Blanca

10. And what is the weather here?

Climate Argentina. Argentina is immediately located in 3 climatic belts: moderate in the south, subtropical in the north and tropical in the central part. Summer here lasts from December to February, and winter, respectively, from June to August. In the north of the country, the average temperature of January +28 ° C, July +18 ° C. In the center - in summer to +24 ° C, in winter - up to +15 ° C. Castly everything in the south of the country - in summer + 10 ° C, and in winter + 1 ° C.

The greatest amount of precipitation falls on mountain areas and north-east - up to 1600 mm per year. In the West Argentina, in the plain areas, precipitation is significantly less - up to 300 mm per year. Very frequent hot dry winds "Pampperos" and "Probe". Very strong storms are often held over Patagonia and Pamppa.

11. Population

make up 44 136 896 people(As of February 2017). Most of the population are Europeans (about 95%), 4.5% are methuses and only 0.5% - Indians. Average, argentines Live 75 years (the male population lives to 72, and the female - up to 82 years old). Despite the fact that the standard of living in Argentina I am inferior to the level of life of Western Europe, it is still one of the highest in Latin America. The country has one of the most developed economies in Latin America, as well as in the state regarding high level Salary compared to other Latin American countries.

12. Language

State language ArgentinaspanishHowever, the widespread is also the Italian, French, Portuguese, English and German.

13. Religion

In Argentina Proclaimed complete freedom of religion. 92.1% - Catholic Christian, 3.1% - agnostics, 1.9% - Muslims, 1.3% - Jews, 0.9% - atheists and 0.9% - Buddhists and others.

14. And what to take to take?

- a mixture of national traditions of indigenous peoples and all those foreign recipes that were brought here by migrants from Europe. Among dishes Argentina Popular meat and derivatives from it: "Parliad" - fried in the lattice sausage "ASADO"; "Tira de Assado" - fried meat of the ridge carcass; "Milanza" is a thin chop with a garnish of fried potatoes; "Lacro" - stew pork with corn; "Matambre" - a meat roll with an egg and vegetables; Chickens in beer; "Puchon" - meat thick chowder; "Churaco" - fried meat cubes; "Pinchos" - kebab; Pancakes with meat; Stew armored train and much more.

Fruit cakes, ice cream "Helado" and caramel "Dulce de Lee" are served as dessert dishes. Of the drinks, the tea "MEE" is very popular, which is consumed in the country in large quantities. Red Argentine wines are the most consumable alcoholic beverages in the country, local whiskey, gin and rum are also famous.

15. Holidays

National Holidays Argentina:
  • January 1 - New Year
  • march-April - Easter and Easter holidays
  • April 4 - Day of the Malvin Islands
  • May 1 - Labor Day
  • May 25 - the anniversary of the May Revolution
  • June 20 - National Flag Day
  • July 9 - Independence Day
  • August 17 - the anniversary of the death of General Jose de San Martin
  • October 12 - Day America (Columbus Day).
  • December 8 - the feast of the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary
  • December 25 - Christmas

16. Medicine

Medicine in Argentina. Medical insurance of international sample is recommended. The medical system of the country has two types of health - free, according to which the help is only in the event of a threat to life, and paid insurance on which the entire spectrum is carried out medical serviceswho are not in ambulance.

Level medical Services in Argentina high enough. Doctors are respected people and here they really get a decent salary. Be a doctor - honorable. Doctors learn here for a very long time and, as a rule, training is built to get a narrow-profile specialist at the exit.

17. Souvenirs

Here is small list The most common souvenirwhich tourists usually bring from Argentina:

  • herbal drink mate With souvenir set for its preparation
  • argentine wines
  • decorations of semi-precious national stones Argentina
  • leather Products
  • symbols tango
  • wicker mats
  • guitars
  • national Argentine Sweetness - Dulce delera

18. "Nor nailing a rod" or customs regulations

The import and export of national and foreign currencies is not limited, with the amount of more than $ 10,000 must be declared. Gold and gold products should also be made to the Declaration.

Persons over the age of 18 are resolved duty-free importation: cigarettes - up to 400 pieces or cigars - up to 50 pcs; alcoholic beverages - up to 2 l; canned food - up to 5 kg; Souvenirs and gifts worth not exceeding $ 300. Passengers under the age under the age of 18 are allowed to import half of the specified limits. When importing in an amount exceeding the rate of duty-free import, a fee of 50% of their cost is charged.

It is forbidden to import non-confined foods (meat and products from it, cheese, bread, vegetables and fruits). It is forbidden to import and export without a special resolution of items and things representing historical, artistic or archaeological value, as well as firearms and ammunition. The removal of products from wool and skin, jewelry and souvenirs within the limits of personal needs is allowed, while it is necessary to provide the receipt of the store, where these products were purchased. When removal of fur products, a receipt and export brand need a receipt.

And what about sockets?

Voltage B. electrical network Argentina: 220 B.with frequency 50 Hz. Type of sockets: Type C, type I.

19. Telephone code and domain name Argentina

Country Code: +54
Geographical domain name of the first level: .ar

Dear reader! If you were in this country or you have something to tell interesting about Argentina . Write! After all, your lines can be useful and educational for visitors of our site. "On the planet step by step"and for all lovers travel.

The name of the country comes from Spanish Argento, meaning "silver".

Capital Argentina. Buenos Aires.

Area Argentina. 2766890 km2.

Population of Argentina. 43.42 million people (

GDP Argentina. $540.2 mLR. (

Argentina location. Argentina is a state in. In the West borders with Chile, in the north - with a paragument and, in the east - with and Uruguay. In the southeast is washed by water.

Administrative division of Argentina. The state is divided into 22 provinces, the federal (metropolitan) district and the national territory.

The form of the Board of Argentina. Republic.

Head of State Argentina. President elected for 6 years.

Higher Legislative Argentine. Double Parliament - National Congress (Senate and Chamber of Deputies).

Argentina's highest executive body. Cabinet ministers.

Big cities Argentina. Cordoba, Rosario, Mar del Plata, Salta, Mendoza.

State language Argentina. Spanish.

Religion Argentina. The overwhelming majority of the population are followers of the Roman church - 92%.

Ethnic composition of Argentina. 85% - (mainly their descendants) 15% - metises.

Climate Argentina. The climate on the territory of Argentina is diverse, which is due to the length of the state from north to south by 3,700 km. Traditionally allocate 6. climatic zones: Kuyo and North-West, Mezhdrachye and northeastern region, Chaco, Pampas, Patagonia and Lakes, Islands Fire Earth. In the interfluve (so called the territory between rivers and) - climate, characteristic feature Which is very hot summer. In Patagonia (south of Rio-Colorado) - and arid. The fiery ground is characterized by a soft marine. In winter, the southern (Pampier-F) cause freezing even in the north of the state. In Patagonia, frost reaches - 33 ° C. Sewing from East to the west of 1400-1600 to 100-300 mm per year, on the eastern slopes of the Andes falls 2000-5000 mm.

Flora Argentina. Argentina's territory covers wet, subtropical forests (palm trees, rosewood, tannin). Eucalyptus, Sicomora, Acacia are brought. At the foot of the Andes spread spruce, pine, cedar, cypress.

Fauna Argentina. Representatives of the animal world Argentina - Monkeys, Jaguar, Puma, Ocelot, Lama, Barny, Ants, Tapir, Lisa. Out of Birds inhabit Ostrich Nanda, Flamingo, Parrots, Hummingbirds, Hawk, Falcon, Partridge.

Attractions Argentina. In Buenos Aires - Building Congress, National Museum of Fine Arts, Museum of Contemporary Art, Museum of Cinema, National Historical Museum, Colonial Architecture, Many beautiful parks. The symbols of Argentina are Gaucho (Cowboys), Tango, Drink Mate.

Helpful information for tourists

It is customary to give tips, which make up 5 - 10% of the service account, in expensive institutions often they are already included in the account.

Argentina is immense in its spaces and incomparable in amazingly diverse and fabulous natural beauty. Where is Argentina on the world map? It extends from the Antarctic on the Ice Mountains of Patagonia and extensive open plains before the jungle tropical in the north.

The country has a border with such countries as Paraguay, Chile, Uruguay, Brazil and Bolivia. From the western side, the Great Andiy Cordillers are located.

Where is Argentina, at what kind of mainland? Description, number

Argentina is located in the south-east of America. Also, it also belongs to the territory in the east, the country borders with Brazil, in the south and west - from Chile, and with Paraguay and Bolivia - in the north. There is a way out and to the eastern part of the state.

Argentina is located Serro Akonkagua - the highest point of South America (6900 m).

The capital of Argentina - Buenos Aires. The entire area of \u200b\u200bthe state is 2,766890 square metersThanks to which it takes the 8th place all over the world. The population is more than 40 million people. State language - Spanish.

Climatic conditions

Where is amazingly diverse. In the northern part of the country he is moderate, in the central - tropical, and in the south - subtropical.

Due to the fact that in the West there is a mining system of the Andes, and in the eastern part of it - the endless steppes, powerful rains are constantly poured on the slopes of the mountains. This is because the air-wide mass passes through the steppes through the Atlantic Ocean moves to the mighty "walls" of the Andes and the slopes are shed.

The temperature is very different in different parts countries. In the northern zone of Argentina, the summer temperature comes to +28, central to +24, and in the south just +10 degrees Celsius. Winter in Argentina falls in July. Thus, the average winter temperature from the north to south is valid accordingly with +18 s to +1 C.

And in the volume of precipitation, too, there are considerable differences. Their annual number on the plain zones comes to 300 mm, in the mountains is 1600 mm.

Thus, in any time of the year where Argentina is located (in can find a zone with comfortable weather conditions. BEST TIME The year in this country is the segment of time from October to May.

Attractions of the capital of Argentina

Buenos Aires has a rich and very exciting history of its development.

Several times interrupted the attempts of the Spaniards to build here in very in a convenient place For shipping ships, big city. The date of the founding of Buenos Aires is considered to be 1580, however, as a result of the strongest earthquake, the city in the XIX century was almost entirely destroyed, and again he rebuilt only in 1880.

The city is famous for its numerous and unique attractions. For lovers of culture and art, there are many different museums, theaters and galleries, but those who prefer entertainment events, a big and noisy megapolis can provide noisy night entertainment institutions.

Plaza De Mayo, with important state and cultural institutions of the capital located on it - the heart of the city and the whole country. Buenos Aires will surprise beautiful and well-kept parks.

The most famous and majestic monument of the city is a huge obelisk in the center of the Republic Square. Here in Buenos Aires in 1936, the Argentine flag was raised for the first time. Obelisk height reaches 67 meters.

National Park, Salto Town

There is one of the modern miracles of the world on the territory of Argentina - Iguazu National Park. Where is? Argentina bordered by Brazil. There is this amazing nature Park. Its area is approximately 55 thousand sq.m.

On the territory of the park only 275 waterfalls, among them the largest in South America - Iguazu. The width reaches 4 km.

The rarest species of birds, butterflies live in the park, and rare plant species grow.

In the North-West of the country there is a provincial city of Salta at an altitude of almost 2000 meters. Known this little town famous statues of the Virgin Mary and Christ the Wonderworker.

There are still a huge number of amazing historical and natural attractions in Argentina.

Flora and fauna

The vegetable world of Argentina is distinguished by a huge manifold: from forests of tropical to semi-deserts in Pune and Patagonia. Subtropical forests grow in northern interfluve. Trees that have valuable wood are growing here: Araucaria, Lapacho, sedro. South prevailing shrubs: reeds, cane, pita. Also there are sparse forests from Ostrich Tree, Acacia, Mimoz. Palm groves are common along the banks of the rivers.

In the southern direction there are more herbaceous sections.

In total forest arrays occupied by 12% of the lands. Argentina has great value - coniferous forestsStretching in the expanses of interferes and wet Andes.

Fauna is not so rich as many other states Latin AmericaAnd nevertheless has several endemic animals that live only there. These include: Pampas deer, Magellanov dog, almost all of them live in Andes and their foothills, as well as in Patagonia. The relic of spectacular bear is found in Pune, many rodents, widespread and nutria are widespread.

Everywhere: on swamps and lakes - waterfowl inhabitants, most of which are distinguished by bright color. You can find flamingos, herrun, hummingbird. Among the latter there are endemic species (fluttering emerald) in the Andes of Patagonia. And the inhabitants of the liver in Argentina from 1928 - one of the national symbols of the state.

Argentina is one of the most convenient and best places In the world to relax. Surprisingly beautiful the nature of the territory where Argentina is located. The country has a varied nature: from endless steppes to the highest peaks.

Countless monuments of colonial architecture, a mixture of a wide variety of cultures, indescribable beauty unique natural landscapes And one of the best sea beaches attract numerous tourists to themselves.