Repairs Design Furniture

Park Charger Rental of Trade Spaces. Natural landscape park "Charger. Hill "Northern Landscapes"

Dmitry Varskaya, 05/22/2019

Opening hours Park "Charity"

Mon:14:00 – 21:00
W-sun: 10:00 – 22:00

Official phone Park "Charity"

+7 (495) 402-01-11

The cost of the entrance ticket:


How to get to the Park "Charity"? (map, input)

Here is a scheme from the official website of the Government of Moscow and the Park charge. To be comfortable to watch right-click, and then "save the picture as ...".
On the computer it is more convenient to increase the map in the image viewing program. From a mobile phone or tablet, you can simply bring the map to your fingers.

In the scheme: Official map "How to get to the Park charge" (on the subway, by public transport, by car)

Address of the Park "Charity"

Moscow, ul. Barbage, possession 6
The park is located between the street by Barvaque and Moskvoretskaya Street, the Kurtgorod passage and Moskvoretsky Embankment.

How to get to Park "Charhat" (on the subway, transport, by car)?


In land transport

  • From metro
    « Okhotny Ryad" (output № 7 - To the Museum of the Patriotic War of 1812), it is necessary to go straight all the time: past the historical museum, along the entire Red Square and past the Cathedral of Basil Blessed
  • From metro
    « Theatrical" (output № 10 - To the Museum of the Patriotic War of 1812), you need to go through the Epiphany Lane, then on the fish alley (past the countryside) to the street of the barvaque
  • From metro
    « Revolution square " (output № 11 - To the Epiphany Lane) you need to go through the Epiphany Lane, then on the fish alley (past the living room) to the barvaque street
  • From metro
    « China town" (output № 8 - To the Slavic Square) you need to go through the Kingway pass towards Moskvoretsky Embankment or Barweck Street
  • On buses №m5 №158 You can reach Barvarka Street (Krasnaya Square stop) and go to the entrance to the park with Moskvoretskaya Street.
  • By bus №255 You can get to Moskvoretskaya Embankment (stop "Charger") and go to the entrance to the park with Moskvoretskaya Street.
  • On Slavic Square (subway " China town") There is a large transport and transplant node on which buses stop №5, M7, M8, M9, M10, M27, 144, 904, 38, 101, 158, K, H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, H7. From Slavic Square to the park you can walk in fifteen minutes (entrance to the park with Moskvoretskaya Street).

How to get there by car and where to put it? (Parking "Charger")

The car can be left on urban parking, which are located on Barbarka Street and in the People's Republic of China.
In the "charge" also built underground parking for 430 cars and excursion buses.

Scheme of the Park "Charger" (list of objects)

On the picture: Charcoard Park Scheme

On the picture: Internal Navigation Scheme Park Charger (Studio Artemy Lebedev)

Where else can you go in Moscow?

Moscow rinks (list, addresses, prices)

Chief Architect of Moscow about the Park "Charity"

Blogger Varlamov Park "Charity"

Cost of building a park charge

  • 25 000 000 000 - 30 000 000 000 rubles

    The chief architect of Moscow Sergey Kuznetsov said that the cost of the capital Park "Charity" is estimated at about 25 billion rubles, while the amount can reach $ 30 billion

    « Let's just say, I do not know exactly numbers. What I know is this figure of 25 billion rubles, close to truth»

    Chief Architect in Moscow Sergey Kuznetsov in an interview with TV channel Rain

  • 14 000 000 000 rubles

    At the same time, on September 11, Marat Husnullin called the sum of costs almost 2 times less: 14 billion rubles.

  • 22 000 000 000 - 27 000 000 000 rubles

    However, in the business media (Vedomosti and Kommersant) in 2015, completely different numbers appeared: from 22 to 27 billion rubles.

Video from Park Charger

Date of shooting: 22.09.2017

On video: Cleaner in the park charge sweeps crushed

On video: Park Charier will establish new professions and provided the work of thousands of people

On video: Workers wash the glass dome in the Park Charger

On video: Workers finish tracks from rubble under a glass dome in charge

On video: Glass dome in the park charge did not split

On video: queue for "steaming bridge" in the Park charge

On video: Crowd of People Storms "Parenting Bridge" in the Park Charger - Main Selfie Place in Moscow

On video: Crowd of people on a "soaring bridge" in the Park charge

Photo Park Charger

Date of shooting: 22.09.2017

On the picture: Entrance to the Park Charger and the queue (as of 09/22/2017)

On the picture: Tile in Park Charger and Potted Lawn

On the picture: pointer in the Park Charger

On the picture: Tile in Park Charger

On the picture: Information rack in the Park Charger

On the picture: Tile and gravel in the park Hack

On the picture: Potted lawn in Park Charger

On the picture: Urban beauty

On the picture: urbanism in all its glory

In the photo: Tile and stones

On the picture: tile

On the picture: Stones and tile

On the picture: Tracks in the Park Charger

On the picture: Relating system in the park Park

On the picture: Dirty dome

On the picture: Integration of urban fabric in nature and nature in urban fabric

On the picture: Information booth of the authorship of Studios Artemia Lebedeva

On the picture: Scene and dancing girl

On the picture: Amphitheater and dome

On the picture: View from amphitheater

On the picture: workers

On the picture: CAUTION!

On the picture: Artist

On the picture: Moscow 24 or Russia 1 (or 2) - no matter

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe Park Charger is Russia in a miniature, this is a kind of open-air museum, in which the landscape zones of four climatic zones are created - the northern landscape (tundra) and forests, steppe zone and fuel meadows. Moreover, its microclimate is supported in each zone.

The idea is unconditionally decent, but embodiment is lame. For autumn 2017, by numerous reviews, the village in the park is very harpki. It turned out well only to Tundra, because there should be no trees there.

Let's hope that these are temporary difficulties associated, in particular, with the fact that the construction was conducted by Stakhanov's pace. On July 29, the park looked like this.

In addition, it turned out that unique plants, shrubs and trees, reflecting the nature of Russia, were grown in Germany (!!!) in the land of Brandenburg. Purchate the planting material in such volumes in Russia is simply not anyone.

The cost of acquiring more than a million plants, 760 trees and more than 7,000 shrubs amounted to 470.5 million rubles (6.72 million euros).

It is necessary to hope that all planted trees will come together, and those plants that for some reason died will be replaced with new ones.

Despite the individual flaws, the park is worth a visit during a visit to Moscow. In particular, it is worth noting the viewing platforms, one of which hangs over Moscow by the river.

How to get to the park charge and the nearest metro

The park is located in the very center of Moscow, the entrance is carried out with Moskvoretskaya Street.

On foot:

The ladies for the visit should choose comfortable shoes without heels, as the tracks are lined with various coatings and often resemble natural relief.

Hours Park Hatch - Summer 2019

  • The park is open around the clock
  • Pavilions
    • From Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 to 21:00
    • Mondays from 14:00 to 21:00

Ticket price in Park Charity - Summer 2019

Entrance to the Park Charier free!

To visit museums you need to purchase a ticket. There are benefits for children and students, pensioners and disabled, large families and disabled people.

Farming bridge

A steaming bridge is a unique structure made in the form of the letter "V". Its console with a length of 70 meters has no support. The bridge literally boil over Moscow-river, for which the builders gave him the name "soaring". The structure withstands the load of 240 tons, that is, it can simultaneously be up to four thousand people.

The bridge offers a beautiful panorama of the Kremlin and Moskva City, to a high-rise building on a boiler's embankment and other attractions of Moscow. The construction of unusual structures cost 860 million rubles.

Of all the facilities of the park, it is a steaming bridge "got" most of all critics. He was painted the heir to the historical objects - the bell, which does not ring and guns, which does not shoot and called the bridge to nowhere (from the left bank back to the left bank).

What to see first?

Among the main attractions of the park can also be noted:

  • Media Center
  • An amphitheater in the open sky, it is the highest point of the park
  • Reserved Embassy - Scientific and Cognitive Center
  • Ice cave
  • Concert hall
  • Underground Museum where you can see the collection of artifacts found during the excavation
  • The garden of thermal-loving plants - the Museum "Glass Bark". The unique structure does not have external walls, but consists of 2618 panels, of which 152 are solar
  • Pavilion with QR codes. The QR-layer of the dome is encrypted the history of the charge, a guide to the park and interesting facts about the history of the district.

Despite criticism, the place was very interesting, convenient for location and affordable both for Muscovites and guests of the capital. Park charge opened on September 9, 2017.

What was on the site of the park charge?

Park Charger was created on the site of the huge hotel "Russia" of Soviet times, which is outdated physically and morally. Hotel is familiar to Russians on the film "Mimino." But few people know that in this place until the middle of the 20th century there was an old district of Moscow, from where and the name of the new park was going. (Literally charged is a district of trading orders from the Kremlin).

In the Middle Ages under the walls of the Kremlin, the prestigious district of Moscow charged, built-up with rich mansions was located behind the barbage and the Kremlin. After the fire of 1812, when most of the building buildings burned out, 2 and 3-storey stone houses are erected here, in which merchants and artisans began to live. Since 1826, during the 30s, the charge was the only place where Jews could have to settle (in 1856, the Tsar reformer Alexander II issued a decree allowing Jews to live throughout Moscow).

The area was a real ghetto, where all Jewish customs were respected. Since 1917, the charge has become the area of \u200b\u200bcommunal apartments. Houses were not repaired and for the ages of 30 they are versal and destroyed. With Khrushchev, at the site of the historic district, a huge Monster Monster "Russia" was erected, stood up to 2006.

Today, there are only a few churches and stone chambers of the Barguard's Stone Chambers of Romanov on the Stone District, which, however, are worthy of attention.

All rides in the park work today for free. On September 9 and 10, schoolchildren, children from large families and pupils of boarding schools were able to get into a new park.

Opened for all visitors. Today, September 11, all amusement parks work for free. The first visitors "Charity" took on September 9 and 10. They became schoolchildren, pupils of boarding schools and children from large families.

You can visit not only multimedia attractions, but also a scientific and educational center and an underground greenhouse. A new observation deck has opened in the park with one of the best views of the historic center of Moscow. This is the so-called soaring bridge. And in the transition to the embankment, a unique museum of archaeological finds opened.

Perhaps the most interesting attractions of the new fleet of steel. Surround sound, mobile platform, 13-meter screen and special effects create a real feeling of flight. And in Multimedialele, visitors will be transferred to the past and become participants in the events of the history of Moscow from ancient times to the present day.

In the northern part of the park you can always plunge in winter: it works here. This is an installation with a labyrinth, arches and columns, the surface of which is covered with ice. The temperature does not fall below the minus of two degrees, and in the evening - below minus five.

Summer amphitheater for 1600 seats and garden on the roof of the building, where the philharmonium will later be located, covered. This, of course, is not an attraction, but the object is unique: the bark creates a special microclimate, hides from the imminidity of the amphitheater and allows you to grow subtropical plants in the garden.

Park "Charity" decided to create in 2012. It became an alternative to a hotel and business building an area of \u200b\u200babout 400 thousand square meters. Also in favor of a new green zone in the very center of Moscow, the construction of the Parliamentary Center buildings in this territory was abandoned.

The entrance to "Charger" will be free, only attractions will be paid.

The park works from 10:00 to 22:00, but you can enter the territory until 21:00. After that, the doors are open only to the exit. Pavilions work until 20:00.