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What currency went to ancient Russia. Old Russian monetary terminology and cash account Monetary unit of Slavs was called Kuna

Old Russian monetary terminology and cash account

In Russian written sources, primarily in the "Russian truth" and in the "Tale of Bygone Years", contain the following names of monetary units: Cattle, Kuna, Rezan, Nogat, Vevey, Vixture, Bela and Hryvnia.

The ancient weight unit is hryvnia. This name is associated with the neck decoration in the form of a hoop, widespread from the Slavs, Finno-Thieves and other peoples. The origin of the weight of the hryvnia is still not fully established. Attempts were made to remove her weight from the Byzantine liter (Roman Liber - 327.456) on the basis of a parallel analysis of the agreement of 911. Rus with Byzantium and "Russian Truth". The contract records the norm of the fine in 5 liter for the intentional strike "according to the Russian law", and the "Russian TRADE" for a similar insult is appointed a fine of 12 hryvnia. From here, the weight of hryvnia in 136.44 was determined by the test argument against the Byzantine origin of the hryvnia - the absence among the material monuments of the ancient Russian monetary circulation of silver ingots, at least remotely approaching 136.44 g, and smaller monetary units (coins) in proportional Relationships with this weight.

For a long time, the theory of eastern origin of Russian hryvnia was very popular. Its essence comes down to the next. The later Russian pound (409,512 g) is close by weight Iraqi Ratul. Among the monuments of the ancient Russian circulation, the cash bars of the Novgorod type are well known, the theoretical weight of which is approximately 204 g, which is exactly half of the Iraqi Rathal. From here was the conclusion about borrowing the weight of the hryvnia from the east.

Currently, the most argued hypothesis of the origin of the Russian monetary system is proposed by V.L. Janine. Its main difference from the previously existing theories is that it is based on a thorough analysis of extensive numismatic material. The main provisions of this concept can be reduced to the following. The first acquaintance of the eastern Slavs with monetary units belongs to the first centuries of the new era. At this time, significant masses of Roman silver coins are treated in Eastern Europe - Denaris. The average weight of the Roman deniarity - 3.41 g was the basis of the Slavic hryvnia in 68.22 g in accordance with the traditional Slavic score at 20, 40 and 80. Hryvnia weighing 68.22 g, existing in the IX - 1st half x c., was an over ancient element of the system than hryvnia silver. V.L. Yanin admits another opportunity: Initially, the term hryvnia denotes a unit equal to 20, and 40 denoplecies, that is, about 136.44

At the end of the VIII century. A massive influx of Eastern Silver is beginning in the form of dirhems, which in the IX century. Web 2.73 g, that is, treated hryvnia in 68.22 g, like 25: 1. Such a dirham in written sources is called KUNU. At the beginning of the city. Along with Dirhemami in 2.73 g, heavier coins are beginning to flow into 3.41 g. There were 20 such dirhems in the hryvnia, and this coin in Russia began to be called a leg.

In the late 30s. X in. The crisis of oriental silver begins, which caused the emergency multicast of the weight of coins, which begin to chop and cut to get smaller payment units. Coins in Russia are not at the expense, but by weight, as convincingly indicate the scales and scales and scanning weights in the archaeological excavations. A new monetary unit appears, equal to half of the kuna, - resented in 1.36 g. The monetary system of Russia takes the following form fixed by the brief editors of the Russian truth: hryvnia (68.22 g) \u003d 22 Hams (3.41 g) \u003d 25 Kunamum (2.73 g) \u003d 50 Rezans (1.36 g).

As for the smallest unit of this system, veversives (eyelids), then it is presumably equal to 1/3 of the rezana, that is, the hryvnia contains 150 veversives.

Until the middle of the city. This system of monetary units exists as a communional, and then divided into two local systems - North and South. The northern system is based on hryvnia in 51.19 g, which is 1/4 of the later pound. The hryvnia of the southern system is most likely with the Byzantine liter.

The structure of the monetary account, recorded by the extensive version of the "Russian Truth" (XIII century), is already somewhat different. It disappears from it, the place of which occupies a koon, which is twice as much. Now 1 hryvnia \u003d 20 Hams \u003d 50 kuns \u003d 150 or 100 Vevers.

The most vulnerable concept of V.L. Janina at its own source point. The acquaintance of the East Slavic tribes with Roman dennaire has not yet been proven archaeologically. There is not a single fact indicating the extension of the hryvnia in 68.22 g for almost 500 years - from the end of the IV century. until the end of the VIII century.

The main units of the Old Russian monetary systems do not disappear with the onset of the mammary period. The largest of them exist in the form of silver ingots of the Northern (Novgorod) and South (Kiev) weight.

With the onset of feudal fragmentation, local monetary systems are developing, the market sphere of life is limited to the territorial framework of individual lands.

Renewed at the end of the XIV - early XV century. Russian monetary chasing pounded several different local monetary systems, genetically related to the weight norms of the milestone period.

Milletone.In the history of Russian monetary circulation, the period of time covering the XII, XIII and almost all of the XIV century, got the name of the messenger. There were no internal reasons for refusal of coins as a means of money circulation. Craft and Trade Up to Mongol-Tatar invasions developed in Russia along the ascending line. The causes of the emergence of the mammary period and the nature of the monetary circulation at this time remain the least studied problems of Russian numismatics. The basis of this phenomenon was the cessation of admission to Russia, which did not have its own silver developments, silver from abroad. However, total silver reserves in Russia in the XII century. were quite sufficient to introduce and maintain their own mint chasing. They were probably even more significant than by the time of the renewal of the chasing in Russia at the end of the XIV century, as the huge amount of silver in the XIII-XIV centuries. Gone to the Golden Horde as a result of payments of the Orda "exit". Consequently, the main cause of the mammary period is the beginning of the feudal fragmentation of Russia, eliminating the unified economic and political basis of the organization of the coin production and money circulation.

The study of written sources allows you to state that the monetary terminology of the previous period not only does not disappear in the mowless period, but, on the contrary, it indicates the further development of the hrying and humid monetary system. New monetary concepts and terms appear, for example, "Mortka". It probably occurs, the gradual separation of local features of the monetary account, reflected in the future, when resuming the mint chasing at the end of the XIV-XV century, in the differences in the weight norms of the coins of individual Russian principalities.

One of the most controversial is the question of specific forms of money circulation in the mammon. The appeal of silver ingots serving only very large trading operations was limited. Small payment units are kuna, risen, etc., having ceased to designate silver coins, received some other value content. Very popular in past, fur and leather money theory still do not exhaust the problem as a whole. The appeal of the fur as a means of payment was limited, probably, areas rich in the fishery animal, where hunting fishery was well developed. As for the appeal of leather money, which did not have almost no one's own value and presented at the fact of credit money, then their existence in antiquity for a long time was generally denied by numizates. In the middle of the XX century In Spain, a manuscript was discovered, which contained the description of the travel of Abu Hamid Al-Garnati to Central and Eastern Europe, which he committed in the middle of the XII century. The message of this Arab traveler belonging to the Russian territory is of particular interest to study the monetary circulation, that he observed trading calculations with the help of old squirrel skins devoid of wool. This message is so unusual, interesting and significantly, which seems to be justified to bring it completely: "among themselves they produce operations on the old skins of the protein, on which there are no wool, in which there is no (other) benefits and which are no longer suitable for anything. And when these skin skins are proteins and its two paws, then (these skins) are correct. And every 18 skuffs in the account they are followed by one dirham. They strengthen them in a bundle and call Jukn (?). For each skirt of these skins give the source of excellent bread, which is sufficient for a strong person. It is also bought on them, like that: slaves, rasters, gold, silver, beavers, kundiz (cunits?) And other goods. And if these skins were in what (other) country, then for a thousand of their blizzards would not buy one grain and they would not be decisive for anything. And when (skins) will be ruined in their homes, they are carrying them in half spirits, in a cut, heading towards a certain famous market, where there are people, and before them artisans. They give them skins, and artisans put them in order on strong ropes, every 18 spacing in one pack. The side of the rope is attached to a piece of black lead with the image of the king (kingdom, state). For each seal, they take on the skin of these skins until they make everyone. And no one can reject them. They sell and buy them. "

This story seemingly not any doubt about the existence of leather money in Russia, it still should not be hurried to give absolute importance. First, the al-Garnati message may refer to a very limited area. In addition, it is unknown by the route of his journey through Russia.

Secondly, in Novgorod, for example, according to Hilbera de Lannua (the beginning of the XV century), the heads of the protein were used as small money. However, as a result of the leading in Novgorod, hundreds of thousands of well-preserved leather products have been found for more than half a century of systematic archaeological excavations, but there is no one that can be somehow tied with leather money among these finds. At the same time, wallets, similar to wallets, from more ancient and more "young" layers, often find in well-dated layers of the messenger period.

V.L. Yanin put forward an interesting hypothesis about the payment role in the mowless period of some products of the ancient Russian craft. To perform the functions of the payment tools, these products were to satisfy first of all two conditions - to have a permanent and certain cost, as well as to be as standardized as possible. These requirements are quite satisfied by Ovruchki Slafts, widespread in Russia and frequently found in urban centers in quantities that are clearly superior to the economic needs of them. Some types of stone and glass beads and glass bracelets could play a similar role. Beads and fibers are found in mintlands. Moreover, the range of slate spicy practically coincides with the territory of the monetary circulation of Russia IX - the beginning of the XII century.

IG Spassky suggested that the role of a means of means of means of means of means of means of means of means of means of means of means of means of means of means of means of means of means of means of payment. These small and beautiful shells mined at the Maldives of the Indian Ocean were widespread as money in Africa, Asia and Europe. They meet when excavations in Novgorod and Pskov, especially a lot of them found in the Baltic States, they are known in the upper and middle Volga region.

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Although the tribes of the Slavs and Angles, Saksov, Normanov, Varyagov were formed about at the same time, after the great resettlement of peoples (II century AD), for a number of reasons, the formation of a strong government in Russia began with the X century, but the origin of the coins has happened Many before.

At a certain stage of economic development, the role of money was behind livestock. In the oldest lists of "Russian truth" there are mentions of the fines of the cattle. There was even the position - "cots", i.e. Personal

At another time, the role of money was performed by the fur curtain, also mentioned in the "Russian truth".

Meeting in the Russian truth "Kuna", "Rezans", "Vira," "Bali" mean, apparently, already metallic money, to which the names of some fur 12 were transferred. Judging by the Russian truth, Hryvnaya and Kuna served as the main metal monetary units not only in trade, but also in the process of charging Dani.

Another old Russian coin was Zlatnotie (spool) - The first gold coin in Russia, equal to the weight Byzantine solid (4.2 g). This ancient Russian coin with Slavic inscription, the portrait of Prince (Vladimir Svyatoslavich) and the generic coat of arms of Rurikovich, did not play a special role in trade, but rather served as a symbol of the state of state. Minted like srebrenik, In the X-XI centuries.

Srebrenik (Silverman) The first silver coin of ancient Russia. For chasing, silver Arab coins were used. The coin was minted in Kiev - Vladimir Svyatoslavovich, in Novgorod - Yaroslav wise. A separate group of coins are coins of Tmutarakan Prince Oleg-Mikhail, who minted OK.1070. Even before the formation of the Kiev state, and then during its existence, foreign trade and war contributed to the receipt of metal money from the countries of the East, Byzantium, later from Western countries. According to some data, the Slavs still in the IV-V centuries had gold money.

In the monetary circulation of the ancient Russia ingots played a more significant role than in the West, where the conversion of the ingots met opposition from the feudalists, which had the right of chasing the coins and considered every ingot as a material for the chasing. In Russia, on the contrary, contributed to the appeal of ingots, which are called hryvnami . As in other countries, the names of the monetary units first coincided with the weights. The hryvnia was monetary, and the weight unit. As the public labor grows, the role of money is more transferring to noble metals. This became possible when the craft as a form of activity separated from agriculture.

The basis of the monetary system of ancient Russia has become hryvnia, Weight unit, ancient Slavic cash, serving for measuring gold and silver. Golden, Silver, Bronze hryvnia Those who used by women as an ornament in the form of a hoop, wearable on the neck (on the "Pilot" - from here and the name) subsequently became the main monetary unit of Russia. Here is a vivid example of the enormous influence of women on the life of society, its development.

With a question about weight hryvnia Usually the question of its origin is also associated. If you see in it "Russian lb."Or his half, then hryvnia goes back to the ancient Mesopotama Pound, borrowed Russia and those who have been preserved before the introduction of the metric system. But in the treasures there are ingots of different weights. Some researchers concluded that the weight of hryvnia varies depending on which country had the greatest trading relations with this area. Changing the influence of the East, Byzantium and West consistently influenced the weight of hryvnia (Arab Once, Byzantine liter, Western brand). The first Russian hrying is considered to consider Kiev hexagonal hryvnia, the weight of which hesitates from 34 to 39 spools. Initially, the separation of the hryvnia was not, but then the names appeared in the ancient literature

"Grivna Silver"and "Grivna Kun". The first mention of O. hryvnia kun. Meets in the Ipatiev Chronicle in 1287. The question of what is grivna Kun.What consisted of her difference from hryvnia silver Is one of the controversial issues of the history of money in Russia.

The word "kun" gives a reason to rank hryvnia kun. to fur money.

Historian V.O. Kunchevsky saw in the hryvnia kun silver ingot, but smaller weight.

According to A.I. Cepenin, under hrying kun. It is necessary to understand the number of foreign coins corresponding to the hryvnia of silver.

It seems to us that grivna Kun. It was still a coin, since she remained the main monetary unit in the trading capital of ancient Russia - Mr. Veliky Novgorod - until the XV century. Then they began to minted their coin here, and until then there was a lot of foreign coins - ganza. Also, probably was in Pskov, Smolensk, Polotsk and Vitebsk. A fairly rapid fall of the hryvnia course is explained by the intense affair in the West, by the way, forcing the Novgorod residents to start mining their coin. The cost of money issued, i.e. The weight of pure silver in them was in proportion in Western European coins.

Chacking of coins in Kievan Rus began earlier than in many European states. There are irrefutable evidence of coin chasing in the X-XI centuries in Russia - silverniki Vladimir Monomakh (1078-1125), kiev hryvnia (weighing 140-160g) and others 13 . Coins in ancient Russia were much larger than in Western Europe of those times. The enlarged coin weighing up to 3 grams above was minted for hundreds years earlier than in Europe. The coin of the Kiev period, especially gold, is technically better made than the Western European medieval coin. Moreover, it should be noted that the gold chasing began even earlier than in France (if not to take into account early, the merindation period). However, the coin was minted in limited quantities and the share of hryvnia and foreign coin in circulation was more. Own mass coin in Russia appeared later. And the foreign coins of the Russians were called in their own way: " nogata "," Rezana "," Shelyag "," Vevey " etc.

The period from the XII to the XIV century has entered the history of Russia as "messenger". Tatar coins appear in the north-east of Russia.

From the XIII century, after entering Russian lands under Mongolian Igo, the development of coins went in two ways. From the XIV century in the southwestern lands appear: Prague Grosch, Denarium, Quarter, Semi Migros, Shelyag and other Western coins. At the same time, the Quancing of Russian coins began in the northeast of Russia.

Money or Denga It appeared as a coin at the end of the XIV century in Moscow, then in other Russian principalities. Silver hryvnia (204g) minted 200 money Comprehensive moscow Accounts ruble. Besides dengi. minted haldongy (half), in Novgorod and Pskov - quaterna, those. 1/4 Money.

Unified Russian coins made Elena Glinskaya, regens with young Ivan IV in 1534. Since then, one nationwide silver coin was minted, twice as much money - novgorodwhich subsequently called kopeika on the image of the rider with a spear on it; denga Moscowor Moscow, or simply moneywhose also called " sabelnaya" or " meshechee"According to the horseman with a saber depicted on it; half (half), equal half money and quarter novgorodski.300 silver hryvnounces minted novgorodokweight 0.68g, or 600 money, weighing 0.34 in this way, from 1534 100 novgorodokequals 1. ruble 14 . History rublealso interesting. The name was received novgorod hryvnia(Long silver wand weighing 204 g).

One of the first references to the monetary units of ancient Russia refers to the times of the Novgorod Principality. The main payment units were fur skins - kuns (fur cunits), hogates (skins with inchive legs), cut - cropped skin (halves, etc.). Subsequently, these name were transferred to the first coins that had a walk in the territory of Slavic states.

Very long, in modern generally accepted history, it was considered that the first monetary units of Russia were the so-called leather money. Slices of selected thick skin with embossed princely signs, with colored seals on the back side, according to historians of the XVIII-XIX centuries, an analogue of assigning or paper money. However, modern studies show the inconsistency of this theory.

Cuffic coins

Much more favorable in terms of studying the monetary circulation of the period of Kiev Rus. In addition to the various archaeological finds of this period, historians have no less numerous written sources indicating the development of the Russian state economy.

The period of the VIII-XI centuries was unique to the Financial System of Kiev Rus - the whole economy was built on the turnover of foreign money. In broad walking, the coins of the eastern states were adopted, in particular, the Arab Caliphate, and then the others who arose in its territory, states.

Unlike the majority of the coins that met the Slavs, the Arabic Dirhemians did not have any images on their surface. However, each coin was generously written by special inscriptions - Kufi; Hence the name "Cuffic". This is significantly difficult to identify them, and therefore in Russia the value of such a coin was determined by silver content in it.

The highest quantitative value of silver coffe coins reached the X century, however, by the middle of the XI century, their inflows on the territory of Slavic tribes practically dried. The reason for this was not political or economic changes, as it would be possible to think, and something more prosaic: in the east, explored deposits of precious metal, the time of the so-called silver crisis has come. In the internal calculations, the Arab states switched to copper and gold coins, the monetary influx of silver dirhemov to the territory of Slavs ceased.

In the main mass, cufic silver in the Eastern Slavs was called kuuna. This word was designated by the average for the quality of coins, uncircumcised, but already fragmented and did not have a "full" weight. Better-quality coins - exemplary, selected - called gentle. Cropped silver got the name of the rezana, and the pieces of the kuna - a particle of a full-fledged coin - were called Vevey (so in the northern lands was called the smallest and least valuable skin - Belichya).

Mixless time

Starting from the end of the XI century, until the end of the XIII, and in some lands - until the middle of the XIV centuries, the walking of coins in the territory of Slavs almost ceased. The volume of cufic coins is dried, occasionally entering the Slavic lands European dinarities and Eastern gold dirhams in the mass of their own as a proceeding coin the people were not perceived. For this period, the main monetary equivalent was the silver ingot - hryvnia.

Each principality was adopted by hryvnia or hryvnia - from a long silver wire to a faceted hexagon; They differed and weighing. The field of hryvnia largely predetermined the modern Russian and Russian tenary monetary system. So, one hryvnia was often called a ruble, as it was cut into pieces to obtain monetary units of a smaller "nominal" - a dengue or, as it was named afterwards, a penny.

First Russian coins

The rubbing of the hryvnia on equal shares could not not give rise to the need for the subsequent identification of the garbage from the silver - Dengi. On each such plump silver circle began to put off the prince of prince, and then various other characters. So in the XIV century the first Russian coins appeared.

It is believed that the chasing of his own coins first began in the Moscow Principality. Then with their own money, the Suzdal-Novgorod Principality, Ryazan, Tver and Others acquired. However, this temporary gradation is sufficiently conditional and is based on fragmentary data from the chronicles and found in the territories of the former princes of treasures.

A characteristic feature of the appeal of the first Russian coins was the lack of a point courtyard in his classical understanding. And although the prince nominally possessed the sole power to his own "currency", the actual coinage coins became another sector of the craft. Craftsman-Silvernik redeemed the right of the right to chasing and made coins to all needy, that is, those who ordered it - merchants, boyars or the same prince. It is impossible to talk about the calculated and balanced financial system, of course, with this approach.

Kosinov L.V.

Money in Russia is known from ancient times. This is evidenced by the findings of numerous treasures of coins from Karpat to the Urals and from the Black Sea region to the Northern Seas. There are several periods of the formation of money circulation in Russia.

I-V century - in circulation silver coins of the Roman Empire - denaria .

From the end of the IV century - the penetration of coins of the Byzantine Empire.

VI-VII century - in circulation silver coins of Byzantium - milarisia .

VIII century - the beginning of the penetration of high-quality silver coins of Arab Calipaths - cufic dirhemov .

IX-century - a full-scale monetary treatment with the predominance of Arab Dirhemov over Byzantine Miliaria. The beginning of the penetration of Western European (Bavarian, Saxon) silver coins - dinariev .

After the baptism of Russia, the first coins are minted in small quantities - Zlatniki and Silverniki Vladimir. Their limited chasing is not an economic, but a political factor - "Jubilee coins" in honor of the adoption of Christianity.

The XI-XIII century is the so-called mammon. The admission of Arab Dirhemov ceases. The coins of previous periods remain in circulation.

From the XI century appear hryvnia - silver ingots of a certain form.

Below on the maps of the distribution zone found treasures of Roman, Byzantine and Arab coins.

On the map on the left - the places of chasing of the Arab, Byzantine, European coins IX, X centuries - from the treasure found in 1926 in the village of Old Dougain, Mogilev Region, Belarus.

A large number of coins found in the treasures testifies that in Russia, at the turn of the first millennium, there was a full-scale monetary circulation of foreign silver coins with the predominance of Arab Dirhemov.

And yet in the history of money in Russia there are many white spots. And they are not connected so much with the above chronology, but with the names of the coin money.

In the chronicles of the VIII - XII centuries, there are practically no mention of the use of original names of money in Russia: "Dirhemov, Miliarisiyev, Dinarians", although they determined the money circulation to Russia at that time.

At the same time, the chronicles are replete with such definitions as: hryvnia , kuna , Nogata, Rezana, Bela. (belya ), Vency, Vevey, Fork (mork ).

What kind of money are? After all, in addition to the foreign coins mentioned above, there were no others in Russia. The versions of the origin of these money names are many. They are based on animal names with valuable fur (curtain, protein) and allegedly existing in ancient times, the so-called "fur money". And the names of these animals were allegedly moved subsequently on real money. Kuna - from the cunnich. Bela, Vse., Vevey - from the protein. Harm - from the skin skins or proteins with legs. Fork - from the skin of the curtain with a muzzle.

Logic, and common sense, in such interpretations - little. Although the fur in Russia, they were valued at all times and the exchange equivalent of their cost can not be denied. Barter always existed. Recall at least the recent past when the vodka was changed to the pan. But it does not mean that there were "vodka money."

Let's try to understand this issue, using the well-known actual material - images of coins from numerous treasures found in Russia.

Silver Roman denunity.

What were the Romans in their coins? On the obverse - the corresponding emperor (earthly God). On the reverse - the heavenly gods who worshiped: Apollo, Junon, Isida, Venus, Mars, Mercury, Saturn, Volcano, Neptune, ...

Silver Byzantine Milarisia.

What were the Byzantines in their coins? Also that and their predecessors-Romans. On one side of the emperor, to another Christ or the Virgin with a baby.

Western European silver dynamia.

After the adoption of Europe of Christianity, religion was necessary to strengthen power. The Christian symbols began to focus on coins. In the picture of the coin of Karl the Great, as we see the same subject: the image of the emperor and Christian attributes.

Consider attentively one of the Monsantine Emperor Konstantin IX monomakh (1000-1055) (1000-1055). AVERS is an image of the Virgin. Reverse - Emperor, in one hand cross, in another sword.

But it is not noteworthy - a hole is visible a hole, pierced about the legs of the Virgin. It is likely that the coin was used as a nasty icon. When the icon hung on the chest, she was turned off, but when her man wearing her brings her to face for a prayer or a kiss, then the image of the Virgin took the sake-up. Such coins icons were found in the Crimea and in the Northern Black Sea region in the Christian settlements. All of them were made from the Byzantine coins of X -Xi centuries. After baptism, in Russia, it was often used as a coin as a ready-made icon.

How could our ancestors call such coins - Kuna, Nogat, ...?

Check Kuhn. Here is how this term dictionaries treat this term:

Kuna: The monetary unit of ancient Russia, which was in circulation until the end of the 14th century. The term occurred from the name of the Cunic's fur, having a walking of both exchange value in 10-11 centners. ( BSE). Vintage money sign, when linen, kuni, sable fur replaced money ( Explanatory dictionary of Daly). The collective name of the money to Mongolian Russia, among which there were furs of valuable breeds of animals - a unit of ancient Russian kuny monetary system. Educated from the word "cuckit" or from lat. Cuneus "Worn, Metal Metal"(Economic Dictionary). M.otel (Silver) Monetary Unit of Ancient Rus. The name comes from the skins of the curtain, which, before the start of the coherence, the Eastern Slavs played an important role in trade with the Arab East.(Numismatic dictionary).

As you can see, all the vocabulary sources take the origin of the coin of the coin Kun to the fur of the Cubage. In order not to wander in meaningless searches, we will apply the RA method. In the Baranova X.K. Find the word قونة ( kuna) - "Icon, image." Further comments, as they say - unnecessary.

· Kuna - The ancient Russian name of foreign silver coins, having inherent in Russia in antiquity, with images of the images of the deities of that region and the time when they minted (for example, Byzantine Miliarisiyev and Western European Denaris).

The name from the AP is formed. قونة ( to union ) – "icon , form ".

To the cunita, except for consonance, the coin of Kun had only the attitude that it was probably possible to buy - the fur of this innocently killed animal. The valuable fur of the Kurtnica could really be used in barter transactions as a certain commodity equivalent of silver coins of Kuna.

We will now understand with the Arab silver coins - dirhemami .

The cufic dirham was significantly different from previous coins.

Made by Dirham Flow frequency silver , Small thickness , on the mint yards of the Arab Caliphate from Central Asia to Spain. According to the canons of Muslim religion, there should be no images on the coins. The inscriptions (legends) on the obverse and reverse coins contain spokeshots from the Quran, place and year of release (by hijra). These coins were called cufic - in the style of Arab letter on a coin.

Silver Arabic Cuffic Direchema.

The cufic dirham was the most popular and common type of Muslim silver coin in Russia from VIII to the XI century. The huge treasures of these coins were found in all regions of Eastern Europe, sometimes five, seven thousand copies.

How could Arab Dirham be called in Russia - Nogat, Belya ...?

Let's not guess, we will do the same as in the previous case - check your hog. But first refer to the dictionaries:

Nogata: Ancient coin ( Explanatory dictionary of Daly). Small monetary unit in Russia IX-XIII centuries. ( Explanatory dictionary Efremova). One of the ancient Russian titles of the Arab coin - Silver Dirham 10-12 centuries (e condomic Encyclopedia). One of the units of the monetary system of ancient Russia. There was 10 V. Due to the need to distinguish more benign Arabic dirhemes from the worst raised next to them. Educated from Arabic nip - "Full, selected coin", ( BSE). Monetary unit, together with kuuno and cutting that constituted the kunno-monetary system of ancient Russia. Harm is a real silver high test coin - cufic dirham. The name of the Arab is formed. n. akada "Sort money, select good specimens," AR. mEDD "A full-fledged selected coin as opposed to a minority coin." (Numismatic Dictionary, Lviv, 1980).

With the exception of small inaccuracies, this is the right interpretation of the origin of the name of the coin - Halt. A small addition. Arabic نقد ( mEDD ) It is still used in such a value - "Cash (Money), Calling Coin". Goes back to ar. - نقد ( n. agada ) "Select, to give cash (money), pay cash (money)." Cf. Also derived from this root AR. نقاوة ( naga : in A. ) - "All the best, selected", AR. نقى ( nagiy. ) - "Clean, without impurities."

Such definitions, as it is impossible to suit the Arabic dirhem, made from high Silver Silver . For a long time, in Russia there is an expression "pay a coin call". It was used to emphasize the quality of payment - in cash.

· Nogata - the ancient Russian name of the Arab silver coin, cufic dirham, the main monetary unit in Russia in the VIII-XI centuries. Dirham-Nogates were minted in Arabic calipheat from selected highly denial silver. The name from the AP is formed. نقد ( n. agada ) "take away , Cash (money) , pay in cash (money) ", ar. نقد ( mEDD ) – "cash (money ), specie ".

On the queue rezana . In the ancient treasies find many "cut" coins. For example, two large treasures were found on the non-discharge (Novgorod). The first contained 60 entire dirhems and 811 of their debris. Second131 Whole Dirham and 604 debris. The youngest coin dated 972 year.

There are no other "cutting" coins, except for Dirhemov, in the ancient trends there. It is believed that Dirham was not suitable for buying any little things because of its high cost, so they cut the coin on 2, 4, 8 and even more parts. And such cut parts of Dirham were cordored. Here they are in the picture.

Let's see what the dictionaries are talking about Risen.

Rezana:ABOUT the bottom of the units of the car's monetary system of ancient Russia. Educated from the verb "cut". Initially, chubs and trimming widely treated in the ancient Russia of Arab silver dirhems were called. In the 12th century it was equated to Kun and borrowed its name ( BSE). And ancient value. Actually it was a koon, renamed to the risen in the "Russian truth", and then in Tver acts. The name of the rezan occurs, maybe from the word " cut \u003d what " (E. ntsicopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron). ABOUTthe bottom of the monetary units of Kiev Rus. When the name "Kuna" received Dirham, which was equivalent to the skins of the curtain, the equivalent of the part (trimming) of the kuna called "cut". In the Old Russian treasures, fragments of dirhemes often find (1/2, 1/4, etc.). Fragmented Dirhemov testifies that the whole coin was too large for small trade transactions. Kuna and Rezana existed in parallel, but gradually the account on the kunas became more common (Numismatic dictionary, Lviv, 1980 ). FROMthe Tarine Russian monetary unit, first presumably \u003d 1/2 of the cut Dirham, later a monetary unit in 1/2 kuns or 1/50 countable hryvnia. The formation of the verb "cut". By 15 centies came out of use (Dictionary of Numismat, 1993 ).

Versions, as you can see, a lot, mixed in a bunch and dirham-nogat and kuhn and risen and skirt of the unfortunate animal. At the same time, the origin of the name from Rus."the p is "seems logical, however, the question arises, why did not cut, for the same goals of the Dinarium, Miliary, but only Dirham?

Above, we found that the Old Russian title of Dirham - Halt. In ar. He is consonant with قطقط ( gataia ) - "deny, separate" either قد ( gadda ) - "cut", cf. Also AR. نحاتة ( nukha : T A. ) - "Trimming, fragments."

Therefore, dirham-nogatu and cut, but more broke, the benefit of the coin was fine. And the thinner did it because her name is consonant (in reverse reading) ar. دق ( d. agga ) - "Be thin." As we see in the name of the coin - a hole, it is written and what it is (fine) and, how to act with it then (to deny, separate).

So from Dirham-Nogates received a risen. But the name of the coin of rezan is formed not from the word to cut - they cut and broke after all it is not cut, but nogatu. Name rezana Educated from ar. رزن ( r azana ) – "take the weight on the hand "When there was a lot with a small purchase of a whole, it was cut off or simply chopped a piece, approximately evaluated its weight costs (" prevented on hand ") and made a calculation for the goods, according to mutual consent of the parties. Although it was no longer Coin, and her piece, but he had value, as it was a high sample silver.

· Rezana - Part of the coin of Arabic cufic silver dirham, called in Russia - a hole, obtained by cutting or bleaming from the coin a piece of a certain size, followed by an approximate estimate of its weight value. The word is formed from ar. رزن ( r azana ) – "take the weight on the hand ".

B.ela: Dr.-Russian. Monetary unit identical protein(dictionary of Fasmere). ... I paid the virus belya Vevey or Po belya Vast ( Explanatory dictionary of Daly).

Let's figure it out for such a protein.

If kuns and fellows can be clearly identified and compared with specific coins, and is renowned, as it turned out - derived from the feet, what is Bela? Which of the coins of that time corresponds to white?

We have established above that the basis of the money circulation of Russia at the turn of the X century was (descending amount of quantity): Arabic Dirham-Nogat (with its derivative of cutting), Byzantine Miliards-Kuna, Western European Denarium-Kun. There were no other silver coins that seriously affect the money circulation. At the same time, in the chronicles, the mention of white mass, and judging by the meaning, it is about the coin.

The thing is what.

There was no renewable monetary production in Russia. In the process of long-term conversion, foreign coins were erased, gradually lost images and legends (inscriptions on a coin), decreased in weight and turned into smooth silver mugs. Every year, the mass of coins increased in circulation, which has lost their commodity and cost.

Here, for example, a selection of such worn coins - Arab Dirhemov.

Such silver coins, having lost their nominal (coin) cost, still remained valuable as silver, especially high-profile dirham-nogat. And therefore they continued to use for calculations. They called such silver circles (worn coins) - Bela (Belya). The name from the AP is formed. بلى ( b. eutle) "Wash, wind". To protein, coin-white, has the same attitude as a coin-koon to a cunita, i.e. No!

· Bela. (belya ) - the ancient Russian name of worn foreign silver coins, having a walk in ancient Russia (for example, Arab Dirhemov, Byzantine Miliarciev, Western European dinaris).

The name from the AP is formed. بلى ( b. eutle ) "wear , Sand ".

The expression in the Dalya dictionary: "I paid the virus on white Vevey or white eyelids," you should read: "I paid the virus to worn vevernits or extended eyewurs."

With one protein figured out, the queue of her relatives - vency .

What do narrum dictionaries say? And the same as in previous cases - again about any beast.

Vency: Old Russian name proteins. The smallest monetary unit of ancient Russia in the 9-13 centuries (eyelids , Squirrel, Vevey). First mentioned in the "Tale of Bygone Years", the name is found in the "Russian truth" ( BSE). Forest animal, Bela, protein. Century - Fur or skins ( Explanatory dictionary of Daly). The smallest monetary unit of ancient Russia. Squirrel ( Explanatory dictionary Efremova).Small Old Russian monetary unit in the form of skirts proteins(Economic Encyclopedia).

What a coin, from having a walk in Russia, could be called the eyeline? The whole limit of foreign silver coins we have already exhausted. Or maybe this is not a foreign one, but a Russian coin? After all, it is established thatthe first Russian coins are minted in Kievan Rus -Vladimir Svyatoslavich (978 - 1015), Svyatopolk (1015) and Yaroslav Wise, (1015). They were called - withribs, but this name is not their original, but later. Maybe this is a virgin? However, it was found thatthey were produced in small quantities and not long, therefore did not have much influence on the money circulation of Kievan Rus . And the chronicles are replete with the term ornament, it means that there were many such coins, and they were used everywhere. Although information about the fact that the eyeda was presented with a coin is practically no. Maybe this is not a coin at all, but really, as dictionaries say, is a small old Russian monetary unit in the form of skirts proteins.

In general, there is not enough context for research! Fill it.

In the monetary lexicon there is such a term - "damage coins. Indicates itreducing weight and (or) samples of coins while maintaining their former nominal value in order to obtain due to this income. The method was widely used for a long time in different countries. Copper ligature was added in silver, which deprived the money of their fullness ( Modern Economic Dictionary).

Explorer of ancient monetary systemsYanin V.L. (Monetary Systems of the Domongolian Rus ) It believes that the damage to the Roman Denaris should be a damage, by adding copper ligators to silver, is one of the main reasons for reducing its importation to Eastern Europe in the II-III centuries. The same happened with the Byzantine Miliarias in the 11th century. His damage began after the defeat of the Byzantines in the war in 1071. Silver sample lowered to 700 and lower, due to the addition of copper ligature.Plowing the coins of Western European dinaris, with the addition of up to 50% of copper, at the beginning of the XII century led to the fact that they stopped being suitable for export outside the country, its coins.

Penetration of such impaired coins could not be unnoticed. And this is confirmed by the chronicle sources. Mentioned above Janin V.L. In their researchcash ratios in the Kyrgyz Republic a TKA hosprand editors of Russian truth it comes to the conclusion that At the turn of the XII century, the ratio of the kuna to hryvnia changed. Besides kuna, other monetary units have not changed to a kih Changes, as well as SAMA HRIVNA.

During this period, in chronicle sources, the emergence of a "new" monetary unit. In the mouth a MNU Gramot of Svyatoslava Olgovicha Novgorod Sofia Cathedral (1137): "... za tenth from Vir and Production 100 hryvnia new Kun. ". In the contract GR a Mote Novgorod with the Gothic Beach (1189): "... And the husband is tie to the husband without guilt, then 12 hryvnos forty stained Kun. ". Old kuns are opposed to new all over the XII century - in the 1: 2 ratio.

Thus, at the turn of the XII century, a variety of coins appeared in Russia kuna which is from his predecessor Kuna ( cm . above) differed with a reduced silver content. Such coins are called - immundable . Maybe this imbued "new koon" is - eyewash? Check it.

In the Baranova X.K. We find ar. وكس ( in akasa ) – "devalue , To endure losses ". In Cyrillic, the letter C stands on the position of the AR. B Pochbles ش tire, and ar. س syn According to the design corresponds to the handwritten Rus. sh (when C \u003d w \u003d Vakasha ).

Comments, as they say - unnecessarily.

· Vency - the ancient Russian name of foreign silver coins with amended, compared with the standard weighing or content of precious metal due to the addition of copper ligature in silver (for example, Byzantine Miliary, Western European dynamic). The name from the AP is formed. وكس ( in akasa ) – "devalue ".

With the second protein sorted out, in turn of her third rhodas - vevey .

Here are vocabulary with this word.

Vevey: The smallest, indivisible monetary unit in ancient Russia, equal to 1/2 or 1/3 of Rezana ( B. olsha Encyclopedic Dictionary ). The smallest, indivisible monetary unit in ancient Russia (eyewash, squirrel, protein skin). First mentioned in the 9th century chronicles, it is found in the "Russian truth" ( FROM oveta historical encyclopedia ). Powed animals who were paid tribute to probably lascap, ermine or protein. The virus was paid on white Vevey or on white eyeline. But this does not prove the one and the same, but just that they were in one price ( Explanatory dictionary of Daly).

Again a lot of versions, and the answer to the question is what is Vevey? - not.

All in circulation, at that time in Russia, the silver coins we looked. And even switched to copper-silver eyelids. Maybe Vevey, it is some copper coin. After all, they find in the treasures, although in small quantities, copper Byzantine coins - follises (Nummi).

It is believed that copper foreign coins did not have any significant impact on the money circulation of Russia in the 8-12 centuries. They say, they came to Russia by chance, so they are found in small quantities. This cannot be agreed, since copper coins are found in the treasures in Russia everywhere since the time of the Roman and later Byzantine Empire.

Copper in contrast to silver does not apply to noble metals. Copper coins themselves are not very valuable, but served as a barbed coin - "trifle". In crisis times in the treasures, the most valuable is usually hidden - gold, silver. And there was no meaning to hide copper coins. Yes, and it was necessary to live on something. So they left them to live in troubled times, and not hid in the treasures, so they are few and found them there.

The famous archaeologist Dmitry Ivanovich Prozorovsky (1820-1894), in his works related to Russian metrology and numismatics, says that in the "Pandeks" Nikon Chernogorz (on the lists of 1291, 1381) Byzantine copper coins of follises and nummey are translated by the words: Veveritsa , Medniza and Vsera.

What was the Vizantine Fallises and Nummiya?Copper Monetafollys introduced by the emperor Anastasia In 498, there was a legend on the turnover side in the form of letters: A, B, Δ, E, N, I, K and M. The letter denoted it in nominal in nummes (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10 , 20 and 40). A coin with a nominal value of 40 nummes is considered a full-fledged folis, and the coins of smaller denominations are like our pennies of various denominations in relation to the ruble.

The names are formed: Follis from the AR. فلس. (f. yelS. ) "small coin , money ", nummy from ar. نمى ( nummium ) "copper coins ".

Numi follys These are small copper Byzantine money used in circulation as a barrier coin. Check how veversive with these concepts correlates. According to the structure, it seems that the word composite will carry out its membership so: veve-ritsa. Taking advantage of the dictionary, we find the appropriate Arab roots. Ancient Russian word denoting the name of the coin of Vevey, is formed from the addition of Arabic root(بـوأ ) بَاءَ ba. :but "Return" and root (روج) رَاجَ rA: Ts "To be in circulation (about money)." Considering that in oriental languages B. and in the options of one phoneme ( Vashkevich N.N., Dictionary of the Republic) We get - Vevey.

Thus, the Byzantine copper coins and their ancient Russian title functionally reflect the same meaning. This is money that provides small trading operations - a trifle, which gives out, exchangeless coins.

Cf. AR . صرف from arafa " spend, spend, pay, change (money). reverse reading (with F \u003d B and Garden \u003d C) Varatza is consonant Vevey. Cf. Also formed from this rootصَرْفٌ sARF "exchange" and صَرَّفَ sarrafa " change (money), let go in appeal. "

· Vevey - the ancient Russian name of small (copper) coins, such as the Byzantine Folis (Numi). The name of the addition of the AP is formed. باء ( ba. :but ) "return "With ar. راج ( rA: Ts ) "be in circulation (about money)".

So, with white, virus and veversives, we figured out, and they are not at all any proteins, but the real money used in ancient Russia. And the names of this money are not formed from kuni-Belichechy families, and on the terms used in the monetary lexicon.

We have left not considered to the end - a cunnant, or rather her "Fork".

Turn to the dictionaries.

Fork (mork ): D. journal Russian coin, kuna, kunya Fork ( Dictionary Daly). Ancient Russian coin, originally "facepie (cunits)" ( Dictionary of Fasmere). Ancient unity of Russian kunny values \u200b\u200b( FROM lovar Brockhaus and Efron ).

Note that the name of this monetary unit is expressed by two terms Forks and Mortka. If more D.ku at least somehow can be correlated with the muzzle of the curtain, then how to be with mor T.coy.

Words Fork and Mortka treats monetary terms, and not to the animal. Both these words are composite - mor-DCA and Maja. The first part of the sea is formed from the reverse reading of the AR. روم ( r oh.) "Byzantine", and the second parts from the reverse reading of the AP. قطقط ( kT. ) (kD ) "coin" (ط read as t. And How d.).

· Fork ( mork ) - The ancient Russian word, which was called the money of the Byzantine Empire. Educated from addition aR . روم ( r oh. ) "byzantine "and ar. قطقط ( kT. ) (kD ) "coin ", literally - byzantine coin .

We have left unexplored the most important monetary unit of ancient Russia - hryvnia . Re-turn to the dictionaries.

Hryvnia: FROM silver focus, monetary and weight units of ancient Russia ( BSE).

Silver coin is probably closed on the neck ( explanatory dictionary of Daly). Monetary and weight unit in ancient Russia - silver ingot Weight of about half-infant, In ancient times, silver or golden cervical decoration (explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov). Monetary unit and a unit of weight, representing silver ingot, originally in 1/2 pound ( explanatory dictionary Efremova). D. enezhny and weight unit in ancient Russia - silver ingot Weight of about half-infant ( dictionary of Ozhegov).

All the above definitions more or less correspond to the facts of reality, but they do not have a response about the origin of the name - hryvnia. I find the answer to this question in the works of Vashkevich N.N.

· Old Russian monetary name - hryvnia Educated from reverse reading AR.ورق in iRG " silver, chased coins " (Vashkevich NN, Dictionary of the Republic).

Such a definition corresponds to the very essence of this monetary unit.What, as not silver money, was hryvnia in Kievan Rus. Cf. The older meaning of this ar. To Orel ورق. varag. "Silver, silver coins, money." These are these ancient Russian money - these are the so-called mint hryvnia .

The assertion that, they say, the name of the hryvnia comes from the decoration of gold or silver, which was worn on the neck (patch) - they do not stand any criticism. Here are the neck decorations "hryvnia", cf. With monetary hrying.

Hryvnia (cervical): Metal hoop (made of bronze, iron, silver, gold), carried on the neck. Appeared in the bronze age. She was worn by noble men and women. Galov has a female decoration, the sign of the dignity of the leaders' male. Romans - award for combat differences. He entered the outfit of noble men and women from Scythians and Sarmatov. In the Middle Ages, it retained the same value among the Slavs, Scandinavians and many Volga, Kamsky, Osksk, Baltic tribes. In 12-14 centuries. Was in Russia a female decoration. In Moscow Rus, in the 16th century, he entered the wedding dress of the grooms and brides ( BSE).

· Name cervical hryvnia educated not from the word Maneva, and from the AR. غارب. ha: Riba. "neck, Zatil "(Ply B. \u003d B.). Therefore, they wore a decoration hryvnia on the neck, and gold crest On the back of the head, such as these Scythian hryvnia and the comb.

A Word Mane: Long, distinctive look, hair on the neck in some animals. Horse mane. Lion mane. Long hair in humans (colloquial-contempt) ( darius Dalya, Ushakov) Educated from the AP.قروان girva : N. , MN. Number OTقرا gara. : (kara : ) "back " orقروة garva "edge of the head " (Vashkevich N.N. Dictionary of the Republic of Armenia). Below in the photo are grivasty beauties.

Something we moved away from the main topic - money, back to the hryvnia.

In the chronicles, in addition to the term hryvnia, such concepts are used: hryvnia silver , Grivna Kun. . Versions of the origin of these names are many, as in previous cases.

It would seem that if the word hryvnia itself refers to silver, then why add one more silver. It turns out Bilingua - "silver-silver". Maybe so they wanted to emphasize the quality of silver in the hryvnia. It may have been cast from silver high sample - cufic dirhemov-ogat (their silver has not yet mined). However, the study of the composition of silver hryvnia found in the treasures indicates a difference in samples.

The case is completely different - after all, they received the hryvnia by olive from silver.

· Term " hryvnia silver "Educated from the addition of Dr.- Rus. Words hryvnia (cm.) denoting " silver "and ar. words سرب sarab "pouring , melt ", literally silver ingot . This is a monetary unit of ancient Russia, silver ingot weighing 1 r r. F CNT.

What is the origin of the term " grivna Kun. ". Official sources take this concept to skin skirt, identify the words" kun "and" kuna ". At the same time, the hryvnia kun is considered a monetary unit Ancient Russia. And it is considered correct because:

· Term " grivna Kun. "Educated from the addition of Dr.- Rus. Words hryvnia denoted " silver "and derivative from ar. root نوك kun - كَوَّنَ kavvana "to form, draw up ".

That is, a countable monetary unit of hryvnia kun, unlikemonetary hryvnia silver (ingot of silver uncertain form) It was formed, compiled from a certain number of chased silver coins. Terms " kun. "And" kuna "Do not be confused, because they have different etymology. Hryvnna Kun could be drawn up, for example, like from kun. (Byzantine Miliarisiev, Western European Denaris) and from nogat (Arab cofic dirhems) and from the Russians mint hryvnia .

Through consonance ar. to Avvana and rus. to kot Mounted hryvnia sometimes flattened (kisov) at the edges. These are the so-called Chernigov type hryvnia.

Well, finally, about silverings of Kiev prince Vladimir.

Srebrenik (or Silverman) is the first silver coin that mines in Kievan Rus at the end of the X century, then at the beginning of the XI century. Currently, about 340 ancient Russian silver coins are known conditionally silverniki . This name is borrowed from the Ipatiev chronicles of the early XV century.

Srebrenik Kiev Prince Vladimir. 980-1015.

Name - silverniki Daddy chroniclers are not so much due to the fact that these coins were silver, but through what theythey are not minted on specially carved circles, as they did with foreign silver coins, and were cast on bilateral foundry forms. The word is formed from ar. سرب from arab "pouring , melt ", literally molded . But chronicles, who gave this name, hardly guessed about it.

It is believed that Srebrenika Vladimir did not play a large role in Russian monetary circulation. This is due, firstly, with short-term chasing and insignificance of emissions. Secondly, with their base: about three quarters from among all tested coins have a sample below 500, i.e. are practically not silver. However, in the oriental and west European Coin detected and highly mentioned samples.

Silverniki minted different in quality. therefore low test silverings These are the same version with the modified precious metal content due to the addition of copper ligators in silver. Maybe they were called them in antiquity, along with miliarici-orcamia and denarities-vector.

It was not always his coins in Russia, and it is well known. Calculations were made and services and goods. For a long time, the equivalent served fur. Imperial Denarium (Rome), and East Dirham, and even Solid Kazantia attended. But the era of own money was steadily coming. So....


The first of the coins minted in Russia was called Silver. She appeared during the time of the book. Vladimir, before baptism. The lack of a barrier coin began to be felt especially acutely, the dirhemes lacked. The material was silver from the remelting of the latter.

Silverians minted in two types of design. At first it was a copy of the ideas of the Solides of Byzantium: on the one hand - the throne-class KN. Vladimir, with reverse - Jesus. Later design has changed. The face of the Messiah disappeared. His place was taken by a trident, Generic coat of arms Rüric. The portrait of the prince surrounded the inscription: "Prince Volodir on the throne, and this is money."


Zlatniki was present in the go, like silver. Their chasing also unfolded the KN. Vladimir. Only lily coins, as follows from the name, in gold. The Vizantine Solidity served as the prototype of the Zlatnik. The mass was quite impressive - 4 g.

It was a rather rare and expensive coin of a very limited circulation. However, the People's Solva to this day stores its name in folklore. Modern numismaties can present the public at no more than a dozen of the scenarios. Therefore, the price of them is very high, both on the official and in the black market.


It was hryvnia who became truly an independent official cash unit of Russia. Originated in the 9-10 century. He was a weighty gold or silver ingot. But it was rather a reference to the mass than a monetary unit. With the help of the hryvnia, the weights of precious metals were measured.

The hryvnia Kiev had 160 g of mass and 6-coal shape of the cell. Money Novgorod was a long block mass in 200 g. However, the name from the difference of the appearance of changes did not undergo. Tatars also used the hryvnia in the Volga region. She was called, "Tatar", had the form of a rook.

The name of the money occurred from the completely unrelated to them of the items of the cervical wrap, which performed jewelers in gold. The decoration was worn on the "Grivka". From here - "Grivna".


Perfect analogue of the current penny, ancient Russian eyelid! Other its names are protein, Vevey. Regarding the first version there is an interesting explanation. It states that during the walking of a small silver coin, its "natural" analogue was the isolated her skin of the skin.

The chronicles mention that the ancient tribute from some tribes was "one protein or coin from a single house." By the way, one hryvnia was equivalent to 150 oriencies.


The appeal of the Eastern Dihrema is a historical fact. Denarium was no less popular. Their of both Rusichi was called "Kuns". Why?

There are two explanations. The first: equivalent to both coins served and branded kuni skirts served. By the way, very valuable, even at the time. Second: the English-speaking word "Coin" (sounds: "Coin"), translated - "coin".


Rezans were called "Monetary Units", designed to conduct the calculation as accurately as possible. For example, somehow the skins shared the flap, in order to fit them under the specific price of the goods. It is these flap and called "Rezans" (emphasis on the second "A").

Dirham and Denarac were equivalent, so they were also divided. Today in the ancient treasures, archaeologists often find halves and quantity of these coins. Arab money had rather major dignity to operate as a whole form with small transactions.


Harm, small exchange coin, 1/20 hryvnia. Her name, as philologists and historians suggest, went from the Estonian "Nahat" ("fur"). It is possible that the feet were originally "attached" to the Ferry.

With all the variety of coins in Russia, it is rather notable for the fact that any trading item "tied" to his own money. The testimony of this has in its text "Word about Igor's regiment". It says that be on the throne Vsevolod, the slave would be appreciated into a nogatu, and the slave would be sold according to Risen.