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Interpretation of the 8th chapters of the Gospel of Matthew. New literal translation from IMBF. About healing lepers

When he came down from the mountain, a lot of people followed him.And now it came up and putting it, said: Lord! If you want, you can clean me.

Jesus, shit, touched him and said: I want to cleanse it. And he immediately cleared of leprosy.And he says Jesus: look, do not affect anyone, but go, show yourself a priest and bring the gift which Moses commanded, to testimony.

When Jesus entered Capernaum, Sotnik came to him and asked him:Lord! My servant lies at home in relaxation and cruelly suffers.

Jesus tells him: I will come and healed it.

Sotnik, answering, said: Lord! I am not enough for you to go under my shelter, but tell me only the word, and my servant will recover;for I and the suspended person, but, having in my supervision of warriors, says one: "Go", and goes; and another: "Come", and comes; And my servant is my: "Make it," and does.

Hearing this, Jesus was surprised and said to Him: i truly tell you, and I did not find such faith in Israel.I say to you that many will come from the East and the West and will be removed with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven;and the sons of the kingdom are erupted in the darkness external: there will be crying and grinding the teeth.And said Jesus to the Century: go, and how you believed, let you.

And he recovered his servant at that time.

Having come to the house of Petrov, Jesus saw her mother-in-law, lying in a fever,and he touched her hands, and the calm left her; And she got up and served them.

When evening came, they led to him many undesirable, and he expelled the spirits to the word and healed all the patients,yes, it will come true through the Prophet Isaiah, who says: "He took on our genthes and suffered a disease."

Seeing Jesus around himself many people, ordered [students] to sail on the other side.Then one scribe, come, told him: Teacher! I will go for you, wherever you go.

And he says Jesus: foxes have holes and birds of heaven - nests, and the Son of man does not have, where to browse his head.

Another one from the disciples he told him: Lord! Let me first go and bury my father.

But Jesus told him: go for me, and give the dead to burden our dead.

And when he entered the boat, his students followed him.And so, there was a great excitement at the sea, so the boat was covered with waves; And he slept.Then the students, approaching him, woke him up and said: Lord! Save us, perish.

And he says to them: what do you so Fearless, insufficient? Then, ending, banned winds and sea, and a great silence was made.People, wondering, said: who is that and the winds and the sea obey him?

And when he arrived at the other bank to the country of Gergeneskaya, he was met by two undersigned, released from coffins, very ferocious, so no one was bold to pass through.And so, they shouted: what do you do before us, Jesus, the Son of God? You came here former to torment us.

Almost the big flock of pigs passed away from them.And the demons asked him: if you encourage us, then we went to the flock of pigs.

And he told them: go. And they, coming out, went to the flock of pork. And so, the whole flock of pigs rushed from the steepness into the sea and died in the water.

Shepherds ran down and, having come to the city, told about everything, and what was with the randomy.And so, the whole city came to meet Jesus; And, having seen him, asked him to move away from their limits.

About healing lepers.

MF.8: 1 When he descended from the mountain, a lot of people followed him.

MF.8: 2 And here came the leagged, bowed in front of him, saying: "Lord, if you want, you can clean me."

MF.8: 3 and stretching his hand, he touched him and said: "I want to clean!" And immediate is he Cleared from leprosy.

MF.8: 4 And Jesus says to him: "Look, do not tell anyone, but go, show a priest and bring the gift that Moses prescribed, in testimony to them."

About the faith of the centurion.

MF.8: 5 When he entered the capernaum, the secondary approached him and asked him, saying:

MF.8: 6 "Lord, my servant lies paralyzed houses, and terribly suffer."

MF.8: 7 And he says to him: "I will come and healed it."

MF.8: 8 And answering, Sotnik said: "Lord, I am not worthy that you entered the roof of my house, but tell me only the word, and my servant will be healed.

MF.8: 9 After all, I am a person under the rule, having in submission of warriors. I speak one: "Go" - and goes; Another: "Come", - and comes. And to my slave: "Make it, - and does."

MF.8: 10 Hearing this is Jesus was surprised and said to I think: "I tell you the truth," I haven't found such a big faith in Israel!

MF.8: 11 I tell you that many will come from the East and West and will be removed with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven.

MF.8: 12 sons of the kingdom will be thrown into the darkness external, where there will be crying and crushing teeth. "

MF.8: 13 and said Jesus to the Century: "Go! According to your faith, let them be. " And he was healed by servant him at that time.

On the healing of many patients.

MF.8: 14 When Jesus came to Peter's house, that had seen, what His mother-in-law lies in a fever.

MF.8: 15 He touched her hand, and left her marriage, and she got up and began to serve him.

MF.8: 16 When evening came, led to him many obsessed demons. AND It expelled the spirits to the word and healed all patients,

MF.8: 17 In order to be executed said through the Prophet Isaiah, who says: "He took our genthes and suffered a disease."

About those who want to follow Jesus.

MF.8: 18 Jesus Seeing that many people gathered around him, commanded to cross the other side.

MF.8: 19 And one scribe approached and told him: "Teacher, i Follow you, wherever you go. "

MF.8: 20 And Jesus says to him: "The foxes have holes and in the birds of heaven - nests, the son of the human one has nowhere to abandon."

MF.8: 21 Other of the disciples, he told him: "Lord, let me go first and bury my father."

MF.8: 22 Jesus says to him: "Follow me, and leave the dead to bury our dead."

On the gracious of the storm.

MF.8: 23 And he entered the boat, and his disciples with him.

MF.8: 24 And now, the Great Storm began in the sea, so the boat covered the waves. He slept.

MF.8: 25 students approached and woke him up, saying: "Lord, save, die!"

MF.8: 26 and tells them: "What have you been scared, Malovers?" Then he got up, banned winds and sea, and a complete silence came.

MF.8: 27 People said in surprise: "Who is this HumanWhat winds and the sea obey him!?

On the expulsion of demons in the flock of pigs.

MF.8: 28 And when he arrived on the other side, in the country of Hadarinskaya, towards him from the tombs came two obsessed demons, very angry that no one could pass by that expensive.

MF.8: 29 And here they shouted, saying: "What do you do before us, the Son of God? Did you come here until time to torment us !? "

MF.8: 30 passed away from them a large flock of pigs.

MF.8: 31 Demons crushed him, saying: "If you are driven us, that Let us go to the flock of pigs. "

MF.8: 32 and It Told them: "Go!" They coming out, they entered pigs, and the whole herd rushed from the cliff to the sea and died in the waters.

MF.8: 33 grazing pigs They ran away and, arriving in the city, told about everything about obsessed with demons.

Mf.8: 34 And so, the whole city came to meet Jesus and, having seen him, asked him to leave them from the limits.

8:1 - 9,38 Events and miracles follow here not in order, in which they give them Mark and Luka. Perhaps Matthew has them on topics, not chronologically.

8: 2 levers. "Ramazoy" could call different skin diseases. The one who concerned the leased, became ritually unclean, but Jesus did not become unclean, and the leisure was cleared.

8: 4 do not affect anyone. Jesus ordered a lepers to be silent, so that those who are looking for miracles did not prevent him in the fulfillment of his main mission (Wed. MK. 1.45). Finding the priest, the lepers would testify that the Old Testament announces Jesus.

8: 5 Sotnik. Officer, under whose beginning was a hundred people (centurion). This centurion: 1) I realized that the authorities of Jesus are no equal in Israel; 2) acknowledged how unnecessary he himself and 3) believed in Jesus. The faith is truly amazing, because there is no evidence that before that Jesus healed by anyone alone alone (Wed Lk. 7.1-10).

8:10 Sotnik was a pagan, and therefore, taking the opportunity, Jesus speaks of the fierce of Israel and that the gospel of the kingdom will reaches both the pagans.

8:11 Light with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Here Jesus refers to the meal with an anointed anointed, which Isaiah says (25.6-9). Now pagans appear instead of native sons. This topic arises again in the parables of evil grapes (21,33-44, PR. Art. 43) and the marriage Pira (22.1-14). Here, first sounds the principle set forth in the message to the Romans (9.30-32): Israel is dragging to achieve righteousness of affairs - and does not reach it, and pagans who know that only condemnation is looking for mercy from God and get it.

8:12 In darkness ... crying ... grinds teeth. The boundless and hopeless flour of those who are completely erupted from the kingdom are depicted.

8:17 He took over our weakness. Isaiah (53.4) ailments and illness - punishment for sins (53.5). Jesus came to take over the appointment as a kara for sinfulness. Demonstrating its power over the phenomena of nature, he did not promise to save peace and church from diseases and suffering to its second coming (8.20-23; 1 Cor. 15.26; Rev. 21.4).

8:20 Son of man. In the New Testament only in three cases, this title is not found in the Gospels (Acts 7.56; Rev. 1.13; 14,14). Its use in the gospels can be divided into three semantic groups. The Son of Man is a man in general. It is in this sense that God, referring to Ezekiel, calls his "Son of Man" (Iz. 2,1). In a similar meaning, this expression uses Paul (Eph. 3.5). Jesus called himself as if it implied his suffering, death and their resurrection for humanity (17,22.23). Finally, this is referred to as the apocalyptic son of man, who will come at the end of times for the court (24.30; 26.64). In the last sentence, this title occurs in Daniel (7,13.14), where "as if the Son of Man" appears before the "Old Days". Jesus could call himself the Son of Human, since the word "Messiah" was associated with the Jews with a political and military leader.

8:21-22 See com. to lk. 9.59 and 9.60.

8:27 Winds and the sea will obey him. The fact that Jesus was packed by a storm, shows that he is God, for only God is tamed by the sea and commands the elements (Ps. 28.3.4; 64.8; 88.10; 106.23-30). Hence the audited question of students: "Who is it?"

8:28 Gergeneskaya country. The place, the identical "country of the Gadarinskaya" of Mark and Luke, although Gerges (or Geraza - the big city of predominantly pagan tenge) was fifty kilometers to the southeast of the Galilee Sea, while Hadara was kilometers in ten from him. It is believed that, most likely, we are talking about Cerse's village on the eastern seafront. The question remains open, but we note that all three evangelists speak in general ("country ..."), and the places mentioned are not far from each other.

two undersigned. Perhaps, only one was very fierce, because Mark and Luke are talking about one. Matthew is important that there were two witnesses. Demons know that Jesus is the Son of God. It would seem that their complaint is legal: all this happened "before time", i.e. to the vessel day. But Jesus came, and hence the world reached the kingdom of God and the forces of darkness broke (see 12.28).

8:29 Son of God. See com. to 16,16.

8:31 Demons. The Greek word "demon" generally denotes the "deity" (see Dean 17,18). These were "unclean perfumes" (10.1), opposed to God and tormented people, sometimes - instilling in them. Thus, they are identified with Satan, Prince Besysky (9.34; 12.24-28). Exile by Jesus Satan servants means that the kingdom of God (12.28) came.

8:32 Jesus allowed the demon to enter pigs likely because the day did not come the day.

1 Healing lepers; 5 Healing of the Sotnik's servant; 14 Healing Petra and others. 18 "No means to cover the head." "Let them grab the dead." 23 Taming storms; 28 Healing of two undesirable in the Gegenese country.

1 When he came down from the mountain, a lot of people followed him.

2 And now came the lee and, bowing to him, said: Lord! If you want, you can clean me.

3 Jesus, shit, touched him and said: I want to be cleaned. And he immediately cleared of leprosy.

4 and tells him Jesus: look, do not affect anyone, but go, show yourself a priest and bring the gift, which commanded Moses, in testimony to them.

5 When Jesus entered the Capernaum, the Sotnik came to him and asked him:

6 Lord! My servant lies at home in relaxation and cruelly suffers.

7 Jesus tells him: I will come and heale.

8 Sotnik, answering, said: Lord! I am not enough for you to enter my shelter, but tell me only the word, and my servant will recover;

9 For I and the subject person, but, having in my supervision of warriors, I say to one: "Go", and goes; and another: "Come", and comes; And my servant is my: "Make it," and does.

10 Hearing this, Jesus was surprised and said to Him: truly I tell you, and I did not find such faith in Israel.

11 I say to you that many will come from the east and west and will be launched with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven;

12 and the sons of the kingdom are erupted in darkness external: there will be a crying and crushing teeth.

13 And said Jesus to the Century: go and how you believed you will be. And he recovered his servant at that time.

14 Come to the house of Petrov, Jesus saw the mother-in-law, lying in a fever,

15 and touched her hands, and the harsh left her; And she got up and served them.

16 When evening came, they led to him many undesirable, and he expelled the spirits to the word and healed all the patients,

17 May I will come true through the Prophet Isaiah, who says: "He took over our genthes and suffered disease."

18 Seeing Jesus around himself many people, ordered [students] to sail on the other side.

19 Then one scribe, come, told him: Teacher! I will go for you, wherever you go.

20 and tells him Jesus: foxes have holes and birds of heaven - nests, and the Son of man does not have, where to brow.

21 The other from the disciples he told him: Lord! Let me first go and bury my father.

22 But Jesus told him: go for me, and give the dead to merge our dead.

23 And when he entered the boat, his students followed him.

24 And so, there was a great excitement on the sea, so the boat was covered with waves; And he slept.

25 Then the disciples, approaching him, woke him up and said: Lord! Save us, perish.

26 and tells them: what do you so Fearless, insufficient? Then, ending, banned winds and sea, and a great silence was made.

27 People, wondering, said: Who is this, what and winds and the sea will obey him?

28 And when he arrived at the other side of Gregeneskaya, he was met by two undersigned, who came out of the coffins, very ferocious, so no one dared to pass through.

29 And so, they shouted: what do you do before us, Jesus, the Son of God? You came here former to torment us.

30 A lot of pigs passed away from them.

31 and demons asked him: if you encourage us, then we went to the flock of pigs.

32 And he told them: go. And they, coming out, went to the flock of pork. And so, the whole flock of pigs rushed from the steepness into the sea and died in the water.

33 The shepherds ran down and, having come to the city, told about everything, and what was with the randomy.

34 And now, the whole city came to meet Jesus; And when he saw him, they asked him to depart from their limits.

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Matthew Gospel, 8 Chapter

When he came down from the mountain, a lot of people followed him. And so, the lepers came up to him, said: Lord! If you want, you can clean me. Lesse, being judgment, did not rise to the mountain so as not to interrupt the doctrine. But when Christ went down from the mountain, he bowed to him and, showing his a lot of faith, did not say: "If you pray to God, you rub me", but "if you want." Therefore, Christ and did this way.

Jesus, shit, touched him and said: I want to cleanse it. And he immediately cleared of leprosy. And he says Jesus: see, do not tell anyone; But go, show yourself a priest, and bring the gift, which commanded Moses, to testimony. The Lord touched the lepers, showing that he is not subject to the law that commands do not touch the lepers, but that he is the lord of him that for clean there is nothing unclean and that his holy flesh reported sanctification. However, avoiding glory, the Lord tells anyone to say anyone, but seem to the priest, for if the priest did not say that the lease was cleared, he would stay outside the city. Christ commands to bring a gift, at the testimony of the Jews, that is, as if by saying: "If I am accused of a violator of the law," if you witnessed you, to whom I ordered to bring, which is applied by law. "

When Jesus entered the Capernaum, Sotnik approached him and asked him. And this one did not fit on the mountain so as not to interrupt the teachings. This is the same centurion as the evangelist Luke. Although Evangelist Luka says that he has sent others to Jesus, but this does not contradict Matthew, who says that Sotnik himself came. Obviously, at first the Sotnik sent others, and then, when the danger increased, went himself and said:

Lord! My servant lies at home in relaxation and cruelly suffers. Jesus tells him: I will come and heale. The Sotnik did not bring a year for bed, believing that the Lord could make him all over and in the case when he was absent. And therefore:

Sotnik, answering, said: Lord! I am not enough for you to go under my shelter; But tell me only the word, and my servant will recover; For I and the suspended person, but, having in my supervision of warriors, says one: go, and goes; and other: come, and comes; And my servant is mine: do it, and does. Hearing Sie, Jesus was surprised and said to Him: True I tell you: and I didn't find such faith in Israel. If I, says, being a slave of the king, we command the subordinates to me the soldiers, then you can order death and diseases so that they have been removed from one, for the other, because bodily diseases are the essence of war and punishers from God. Therefore, Christ is surprised, saying: "I and among Israel did not find such faith, which I found in this pagan."

I say this to you that many will come from the east and west and will be removed with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven; And the sons of the kingdom are erupted in the darkness external: there will be crying and grinding the teeth. Did not say that many pagans will be launched not to upset the Jews, but he stuck it: "from the East and the West." Regarding Abraham mentioned in order to show that he is not an opponent of the Old Testament. Speaking about the external darkness, showed that there is an internal darkness, lighter than the first, for varying degrees and flour. Jews calls the sons of the kingdom, as they were given promises: "Israel is my son, my firstborn".

And Jesus said: Go, how did you believe, let you. And he recovered his servant at that time.Healing the Word, the Lord showed that he told the truth about the expulsion of Jews.

Sent to the house of Peter, Jesus saw the mother-in-law, lying in a fever, touched her his hands, and the calm left her; She got up and served them. Entered the house of Peter to taste food; Touching the hand, not only I sat down a fever, but also returned a woman with full health, so her strength returned, and she was able to serve. And we really know that you need a lot of time so that the patients are again strengthened. While other evangelicals say that the Lord asked and therefore he ruled the sore, Matthew, taking care of brevity, did not say about it. For I told you and first that one of them lowers what the other is talking about. But learn and the fact that the marriage does not hinder virtue, because the supreme from the apostles had a mother-in-law.

When evening came, they led many undesirable, and he expelled the spirits to the word and healed all the patients; May the prophet will come true through the Prophet Isaiah, who says: he took over our weakness and suffered a disease. In the evening, and not in time led to the missing, but he, as a humus, he filmed everyone. Then, so that you have no doubt how he could quickly overheat so many diseases, the evangelist leads as a witness Isaiah. True, the prophet says it's about sins, but Matthew has put his words to disease, because most of them comes from sins.

Seeing Jesus around himself many people, ordered (disciples) to sail on the other side. He was not ambitious, and at the same time dilated from the envy of Jews.

Then one scribe, approached, told him: Teacher! I will go for you, wherever you go. And he says Jesus: Lisers have holes and birds of heaven nests; And the Son of Man has no, where to bow his head. The scribe calls the knowledgeable book of the law. This, seeing many miracles, thought that Jesus would receive profit from them, so she tries to follow him, so that both to collect wealth. But Christ, going to meet his intention, almost this said: "Following me, you hope to collect wealth; but don't you see that I don't even have at home? That should be my follower." The Lord said this with the goal to convince him to follow him, change his mood: but the scribe is removed. Some under the foxes and birds mean demons. So, the Lord says to the scribe: "Demons have leisure in you, so I do not find your rest for myself."

Another one from the disciples he told him: Lord! Let me first go and bury my father. But Jesus told him: Go for me and give the dead to burn your dead. After anyone betrayed himself to God, he should not return again to everyday. Must read and parents, but God must put above them. Here, the parent was also wrong, which is visible from here: "Give the dead," that is, the wrong, "buried its dead." If this did not receive the permission to bury the Father, then the grief of those who, by taking a monasticism, return to everyday affairs.

And when he entered the boat, his students followed him. And so, there was a great excitement at the sea, so the boat was covered with waves; And he slept. The Lord took the students alone alone in order for them to see a miracle. It allows them to be dangerous to prepare them to temptations and in order to see the miracle, especially the more believed. Speit with the goal so that students, frighteners, conscious of their weakness and turned to him with a prayer. Therefore, it is said:

Then the disciples of him, approached him, woke him up and said: Lord! Save us: perish. And he says to them: What are you so afraid, inspired? The Lord does not call them wrong, and insane, because when they said: "Lord, save us," they showed their faith, but the word "dying" is not from faith. They should not be afraid when the Lord sailed with them. Please note that by turning them as timidly, the Lord shows that childhood attracts danger. Therefore, he reassured first their spiritual storm, and then walked and maritime excitement.

Then, ending, banned winds and sea, and a great silence was made. People, surprised, said: who is this, and the winds, and the sea will obey him? Surprised because by sight he was a man, but in cases - God.

And when he arrived at the other bank to the country of Gergeneskaya, he was met by two undersigned. While those in the ship are perplexed: where does this, and the winds and the sea obey him? - Preachers are demons. Evangelicals Mark and Luka talk about one patient, who had a legion of demons, because one of these patients was wary of the other. The Lord himself approached them, since no one dared to bring them.

Separated from the coffins, very ferocious, so no one was bold to pass through. Demons lived in coffins, wanting to inspire the idea that the souls of the dead are made by demons. But let no one thinks this, because the soul, coming out of the body, does not wander in this world, but the souls of the righteous - in the ruhouse of God; As for the sinful silence, then they will be leaving here, as, for example, the soul is rich.

And so, they shouted: what do you do before us, Jesus, the Son of God? You came here former to torment us. Here, they proclaim his son of God after they had previously discovered enmity to him. Torment they consider what they did not allow to harm people; The words "First of time" understand, in the sense that the demons thought that Christ, without making too strong anger, would not appeal to the punishment, which is in fact there is no, because they are allowed to fight us to the death of the century.

Almost the big flock of pigs passed away from them. And the demons asked him: if you encourage us, then we went to the flock of pigs. And he told them: go. And they, release, went to the flock of pork. Demons strive, destroying pigs, seal the owners of them, so that they do not take Christ. Christ is inferior to demons, showing what anger they have against people, and if they had power and did not meet obstacles, they would have come worse with us than with pigs. He protects the launched, so that they themselves did not kill themselves.

And so, the whole flock of pigs rushed from the steepness into the sea and died in the water. The shepherds ran, and, come to the city, told about everything and what was with a larger. And so, the whole city came to meet Jesus and, see him, asked him to move away from their limits. Heat and thinking that after that would be worse, they ask him about it. Find out what kind of pig life, there is no Christ, but demons.