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Borov surname. Borovaya, the meaning of the name Borovo, the origin of the Borovo name, about the surname, analysis of the surname Borovo. Characteristic features of the surname Borov

Borovik - a man living in Bor, that is, a thick coniferous forest, and dealing with in any forest fishery. The way of life spawned and figuratively: a strong, healthy person. He said about strong old man: 'Won still he is what Borovik: will survive the two' (f). In the 'onomasticone' of the Veselovsky Borovy Vasily Mikulich, 1597, Arzamas.

Version 2. The history of the origin of the surname Borovaya

Surname Borovo dates back to the nuclecial "Bor" - "coniferous forest". The surname is based on the nickname, formed from Toponym Borovoy, Borovskoye, Borovsk (city in the Kaluga region). Such names were widespread, because In the old days, a considerable part of the territory of central Russia was covered with thick firing and pine forests.

One of the first mentiones of the nickname refers to the end of the XVI century: in "Onomastorone" S.B. Vesselovsky recorded Borovil Vasily Mikulich, 1597, Arzamas. Since toponymic surnames contained an indication not only to belong to a specific family, but also on the attitude to a specific geographical object, then initially they were an adjective with various formants: the names of the Sky / -tsky and -aninov /-Yaninov belong mostly known and nobility; Surnames on -Yit /-Oshev, -Inov, - Tsev, - Yakov / -Akov, - Nikov, -in, -Y /-th. As a result, the descendant of a person who has a nickname borovy, over time, received the surname of Borovoy.

Version 3.

The surname "Ratish", "the remedy", if we assume that she went from those craftsmen that they refused pigs and for the proceeding, and for sale. But in Kursk, Borov called the greenhouse, in Orlovshchina - Tues, Berevyanaya Kubyushka. For the Kostroma peasants of Borov - this is a long shock of the hay or sheafs, as well as an unpashed, looked around the stir. Siberians and Vyatichi Borovchak called a one-year-old calf, and Boroyatina called pork. This is how again the history of the surname is intertwined with geography. You know your pedigree - easily determine the semantic meaning of the name. Borovsky, Borovkin, Borovkin, Boroneytin, Borovchakov should be attributed to the "nest".

How is the surname of Borovov in English (Latin)


Filling the document in English, you should write the name first, then the middle name of Latin letters and then last name. Writing the surname Borovo in English you may need when applying for a passport passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store and so on

Your version of the name Borovaya

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Surname Borovo goes back to a nucleany boron - coniferous forest. The surname is based on the nickname, formed from Toponym Borovoy, Borovskoye, Borovsk (city in the Kaluga region). Such names were widespread, because In the old days, a considerable part of the territory of central Russia was covered with thick firing and pine forests.

One of the first mention of the nickname refers to the end of the XVI century: in Onomastorone S.B. Vesselovsky recorded Borovil Vasily Mikulich, 1597, Arzamas. Since toponymic names contained an indication not only to belong to a specific family, but also on the attitude to a certain geographical object, then initially they were adjectives with various formants: the surnames on sky / -tski and Aninov /--Yaninov belong to the most nobility Surnames on Its /-Oich, -Inov, - Tsev, - Jacob / Okov, - Nikov, -In, -Y /-th. As a result, the descendant of a person who has a nickname borovy, over time, received the surname of Borovoy.

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The owner of the Borovo name is undoubtedly be proud of its ancestors, information about which is contained in various documents confirming the trail left in the history of Russia.

The surname of Borovo is formed from personal nickname and refers to a common type of Russian names.

The Slavs since ancient times existed a tradition to give a person a nickname in addition to the name obtained by him during baptism. The fact is that church names were relatively few, and they often repeated. As sources could be used: indication of the profession, features of the nature or appearance of a person, the name of nationality or terrain, the led from which was a person. In most cases, the nicknames, initially attached to the baptizing names, fully displaced the names not only in everyday life, but also in official documents.

Surname Borovo comes from the nickname of Borov. According to one hypothesis, a person who occupied the dilution and sale of pigs could be called Borov in the past. However, Borov is a very rich, always full and in anything who does not refuse Mr., a powerful, serious and business man.

It should be noted that Siberians and Vyatichi very often the word "borov" was used in relation to a one-year-old calf. Thus, the nickname of Borov found the founder of the surname and because of his youth, inconsistencies and inexperience. In the peasant medium "Borov" - this is not a disappeared by the SHOho band. That is, Borov in this case could be called untouched by troubles and adversity of man.

According to another version, Borov is a man living in Bor, that is, a thick coniferous forest, and dealing with any forest fishery. Such a lifestyle could produce and figurative meaning - "strong, healthy person." So, for example, about a strong old man said: "There is another Borovik: it will survive two."

Already in the XV-XVI centuries, in the environment of rich people, it is started to be fixed and transmitted from generation to generation of the names, indicating the personality of a person to a particular family. These were attracted adjectives with suffixes -On / -Ev, -in, initially pointing to the nickname of the Father.

After the cancellation of the serfdom, the government had a serious task: to give the last name former serfs. In 1888, the Senate published a special decree in which it was recorded: "referred to as a certain surname is not only the right, but also the obligation of any full-fledged person."

Thus, the descendants of a person who had a nickname borov, over time, received the name Borovy.

It is not possible to talk about the exact location and time of the origin of the surname, since the process of forming the surnames was sufficiently long. Nevertheless, the surname Borovo is a wonderful monument of Slavic writing and culture.

Sources: Dictionary of Modern Russian Fames (Ganghina IM), Encyclopedia of Russian Family. Secrets of origin and meanings (Vidina T.F.), Russian surnames: Popular Etymological Dictionary (Fedosyuk Yu.A.), Encyclopedia of Russian Family (Higir B.Yu.), Russian names (Unbegun B.O.)

Opens the forgotten pages of the life and culture of our ancestors and can tell a lot of curious about the distant past.

The surname of Borovyov belongs to the common type of generic naming, formed from worldly names, nickname.

At the time of early Christianity in Russia, there was a custom to hide the true name given during baptism. There was a belief that the sorcerer, the Witcher, having the ability to cause a person to be harm through a burner, cooperation with dark forces, must pronounce the true name of the person. Therefore, along with the name of the christening, the second - worldly name, nickname, was also given. According to popular beliefs, it is not related to the spiritual world of man, so the use of this name will not be able to hide his carrier in any way. Later, about this belief forgot, but the nicknames are used to this day.

According to one of the versions, the studied surname dates back to the worldly name of the Borov's attorney. Usually, Borov is called the male pig or boar, but the Siberians and Vntychi the word "hooks" are used in relation to a one-year-old calf or a little pig. It must be said that the names of the animal or plants were widely distributed in Russia, for example, a bear, a goat, wolf, falcon, oak, and a fish. This corresponded to the pagan ideas of ancient Russian people about the universe and the laws of nature. Giving a baby such a name, parents wanted nature to perceive the child as her.

However, such a naming could be used in a figurative sense. Borov often called a relaxed, balanced or nervous person. In addition, in the peasant medium "Borov" - this is an unpashed, by the SHOho band. That is, Borov, with this meaning of the word, could be called untouched by troubles and adversities of man.

According to another version, the name of the surname could lie down the nickname borovy. Borovaya is a man living in Bor, that is, a thick coniferous forest, and dealing with any forest fishery.

In "ONOMASTICON" S.B. Veselovsky (directory on the names, nicknames and surnames of the North-Eastern Russia of the XV-XVII centuries) is mentioned: Ivan Timofeevich Borov-Schelepin, the Deca of the Grand Prince Vasily III, 1510; Borovy Vasily Mikulich, 1597, Arzamas.

At the end of the 18th century, a peculiar variety of surnames with the end of the "and", "-" The head of the family was a generic name of Borov or Borov, family members - Borovy, and each of them - Borovy, which literally meant "from the Borov family." Such surnames very quickly got spread in the north, and then in the Urals and in Trans-Urals.

Since the process of forming the names has been sufficiently long, at the moment about the exact location and time of the occurrence of the generic naming of Borov, it is difficult to speak. However, it can be argued that this family name is a wonderful monument of Slavic writing and culture.

Sources: Dictionary of Modern Russian Fames (Ganghina I.M.), Russian surnames (Unbaegon B.-o.), dictionary of Russian surnames (Nikonov V.A.), Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language (Dal V.I.), Onomastics (Veselovsky S.B.).

Open the mystery of the name Borovaya (in Latin broadcast Borovoy.) Looking at the calculation results in numerological magic numbers. You will learn hidden talents and unknown desires. Perhaps you do not understand them, but you feel that something you do not know about yourself and your loved ones.

The first letter B names Borovo will tell about the character

Undemanding in love, but find it with great difficulty. This category for love needs considerable time, prudence and caution. Understanding partner (Sha) fully recognizes how you are infinitely affectionate and gentle. However, beware of the desires of your partner inherent in relation to your partner.

Characteristic features of the surname Borov

  • constability
  • punch abilities
  • big feelings ability
  • unity with nature
  • inconstancy
  • lack of systematic
  • large emotionality
  • mysterious unrest
  • dogmatic
  • constant pressure
  • self-confidence

Borovaya: The number of interaction with the world "1"

People under the influence of the unit, the fate itself is intended to go ahead - where surprises, dangers, troubles, strangeness can be tied up ... Word, anything. Looks back such people only to make sure that no one has fallen behind the way. But if he was lagging behind - not trouble; "The unit" is almost always confident that few people follow him, but even among them there may be those who are not on the shoulder. True, those who are discontinued to him, the person of the unit often customizes - there are very few such people and their fate is not easy.

Those who are accustomed to shift their problems on others, trust someone else's opinion and take into account any advice and recommendations, in the society "unit" will enjoy calmness and predictability of the situation, however, it is worth exploring that the person of the unit will come exactly as He considers it necessary. In most cases, he is confident that it knows better what should be done, and will not even be doubtful even if his error becomes apparent to others.

The "unit" rarely changes its judgments under the influence of others, but it does not differ in constancy, therefore his life is diverse and full of surprises. Clearly designating its goal, he strives for it only until overcoming obstacles gives him pleasure. Then the priorities are changing, and to return the "man of units" to the former rails is almost impossible, so it will be a big mistake to count on its constancy.

The bright individuality of people units is largely due to the fact that they love to be in the center of attention and catch admiring views. Such a person willingly tells not only about his victories, but also about defeats - because even the latter can be painted very and very colorfully.

"Uniforms" goes to the benefit of study, but they, with a rare exception, prefer to instruct others to the path, and not to extract lessons. It should be noted here that people usually have enough strength and stock of energy in order to carry the blows of fate even if they are again and the same rakes are applied again. Trying to keep such a person from making mistakes not worth: He always defends his freedom, including freedom to be mistaken, feeling fate, to go difficult and dangerous. If for some reason "unit" is still under a stranger influence, it is usually unhappy and does not bring the surrounding the benefit that could be brought.

Borovaya: The number of spiritual aspirations "3"

Troika has an ambiguous effect on its wards: they can be friendly and arrogant, compliant and uncompromising, sociable and closed. They like to be in sight, they love comfort, but they definitely cannot be called stable, so their behavior always remains extremely unpredictable.

The troika born under the sign is equally listened to the voice of the heart and mind, and in adulthood the luggage of invaluable experience and everyday wisdom. Accustomed to all be guided by the arguments of the reason, the triens are absolutely not capable of sympathy, however, among their acquaintances there are many vulnerable, impressionable and even unbalanced people.

Under the influence of the troika can succeed in any profession, but still prefer spheres that are able to give stability. They are perfectly dealt with people, can draw a psychological portrait of each and easily find a way out of the most difficult situations. The troeses very comfortably feel in a secular society, know how to support the conversation, possess not only oratorical skills, but also to listen to others. They adore friendly gatherings, and if they are taken for organizing a holiday, then they cope with this better than any professional.

In the sphere of personal relationship, as it will seem strange, the people of the troika regularly face problems. They seem to be worn and indifferent, do not tend to demonstrate the positive features of their character and rarely come by themselves. Such a person may well be asked by a tricky liar and hypocriser, since his desire to teach the truth sometimes does not know the borders. He is not used to sharing with his second half with his thoughts and desires, but at the same time he lives in his own built air lock.

Born under the influence of the troika always finds its place under the sun. He likes to tell people about his successes, often much exaggerating reality. Many consider this person to be ordinary bouncer, but at the same time they do not judge him too strictly, because it is not deprived of charm. In addition, the triple with pleasure makes gifts, attentive to those in need and often participates in charity.

Borovaya: The number of true features "7"

People who are under the influence of figures 7 perceive the surrounding reality calmly and more. They always obey the vote of the mind and have an enviable composure. When they are losing self-control - the seven people remain completely calm, and take the situation in their hands.

In case of fire, the "seven" first will be the first to remember the evacuation plan, and during shipwreck, there is a life jacket and boats. He is not afraid to experiment, making sure at first that he won't hurt himself and his surround.

In the peak situations "Seven Man" needed, but also in everyday life, his intelligence does not exceed it. "Semerchnoye" is satisfied with his life. He does not possess impracticable tasks and does not regret what happened, always comes fumaous, but not alien to rational risk. He misses the little things that sometimes he brings him down. However, putting a goal, a man of seven, usually reaches it, thanks to the support of reliable comrades.

"Semerchnoye" is able to defend his interests, but also does not forget about others. He makes a maximum effort to improve the lives of loved ones, but global problems are worried, in the decision of which he participates as his strength. The person seven will not pass by other people's suffering, due to the aggravated sense of justice and the ability to empathize undeservedly offended.

Usually these people choose independent activities. When working in the team, they spend too much forces to establish a comfortable, calm, friendly situation among colleagues. "Semerchnoye" prefers not to use the ones.

It is interesting for him to succeed on the path where others have been confused. Thus, he shows himself and everything else that for him, as for a person, strongly enthusiastic, any idea, everything in this world is possible.