Repairs Design Furniture

The device for indoor air refreshment. What is the air humidifier cleaner for home best to purchase? Who is what is much: additional functions in air purifiers

Automatic air fresheners
Automatic air fresheners are devices for spreading odors. They are of different shapes, apply different principles for aromatization, can be embedded in furniture or air conditioners and be invisible. In our hardware directory you will find automatic air fresheners of any type (liquid, aerosol, steam).

This category provides equipment for aromatization of premises. You should choose a dispenser depending on the area of \u200b\u200byour room. For example, for small rooms (from 20kv.m. up to 300kv.m.), Automatic aerosol dispenser "Maxi" is suitable.

If you need to flavor the large premises, you should pay attention to the cold-diffusion dispensers of the ATMOSPHERIC line. This is more professional equipment that is ideal for large rooms from 150 to 1000 sq.m.

More details

For the flavoring of small rooms, such as rooms in the apartment, small offices and other small rooms (up to 15kv.m.), we recommend using an automatic air freshener dispenser "FUN".

If you want to aromatize the room manually, without the use of special equipment for automatic aromatization of premises, you can simply choose an air freshener from the category - aerosol flavors. All of our air fresheners are easily used in manual.

If you have any problems when choosing equipment for aromatization, then simply call us (contacts) or order a callback, and we will contact you. Our consultants will gladly help you choose equipment for aromatization and select the most suitable flavors for your type of room.

More and more people living in metropolis or even in the cities of the average size, are increasingly thinking about how to clean the air in the apartment from the substances harmful to humans that can cause various diseases or allergic reactions. This problem can be solved by applying one of the types of air purifiers, which today in specialized stores is abused, for every taste and wallet.

Air purifier for an apartment that choose - this question arises from all consumers who decided to purchase this useful, and sometimes just a vital device. Air purifiers are usually sold in specialized stores engaged in the implementation of climate techniques, and there is such a wide range, which is easy to confuse when choosing the desired model. Therefore, before going for the purchase, it is worth understanding all the advantages and disadvantages of devices that perform air purification in different ways.

The main types of cleaners and their purpose

The sale presents a variety of types of cleaners using various principles of work, and each of them is able to solve certain problems of air pollution better than others. The most important component of the element in the design of air cleaners is a filter - it is precisely the quality of cleaning the surrounding human respiratory environment depends on it. Having an idea of \u200b\u200bthe characteristics of filters and their capabilities, it will be easier to determine which one is suitable for a specific case.

Plasma (electrostatic) filters

Instruments carrying out air purification using a plasma filter, which creates an electrostatic field that attracts dust to itself, has proven itself well from consumers. Metal plates performing the role of a filter of this type are easily washed, so they do not require replacements - this factor is also quite attractive for users.

The principle of work "Cold Plasma" - electrostatic air filtration

However, electrostatic devices are designed to remove a certain amount of dust from the air, which is 85 ÷ 90%, and if it is too much, they can simply be completely coping with it. Therefore, if a better cleaning of the air masses of the apartment is required, for example, if allergic or people who ill-suffering asthma live in it, the device comprising several degrees of cleaning.

Instruments - air ionizers

The ionizers are a complex consisting of several elements conducting cleaning with different methods, so it is able to free air masses from various harmful impurities.

Air purification by this device is carried out in several stages:

  • Installed inside the device Powerful fan pulls up contaminated air masses.
  • Next, there is a pre-purification of air with a foam filter of coarse cleaning, which delays large dust particles.
  • Then, in the air that falls into the photocatalyst filter, chemical and toxic substances are destroyed, and unpleasant odors are eliminated.

  • Bactericidal ultraviolet lamp produces air disinfection.
  • Further, the plates in which the electrostatic field is created is kept smaller dust particles that remain in the air.
  • Then, negative ions generated in the Special Device are submitted to the air flow.
  • The last stage of the process, which has passed disinfection and purified air is supplied to the room through the device's output grille.

The advantage of the air cleaners of a similar class can be called what they do not collect dust inside, therefore its filter does not have to change, which will help to avoid significant service maintenance costs. It will be enough to carry out periodic flushing of metal plates, and vacuuming the pre-cleaning filter. However, using this type of air purifier, it is necessary to carry out a wet or dry cleaning as much as possible in the apartment, removing dust from the surfaces.

Devices with non-filters

If high, high-quality air purification from dust, then devices with non-filters are the best option. By itself, the filtering module of the Nehra (from the English "NIGH EFFICIENCY RARTICULATE ARRESTANCE", that is, literally "highly efficient particle detention") is a special configuration of a fiber material folded into the "harmonic", with lumens between fibers not exceeding several microns.

The fan installed inside the instrument pulls the air masses, which, passing through the neh-filter, are completely purified even from microscopic dust particles that are bacteria in it, as well as pollen of various plants almost 100%. Therefore, this type of air cleaners is perfect for apartments where people with predisposition to allergic reactions live.

The device is released from accumulated dust with a vacuum cleaner once a month, and the replacement of the filtering module is usually produced once or twice a year, depending on its clogs and air purification.

Photocatalyst cleaners

Photocatalytic air purifiers in the same way as a non-filter includes several phases of purification, therefore, they are able to cope not only with dust particles of different types in the air, but also with dust mold and mold and fungi spores. But these factors are one of the main reasons for the manifestation of allergies in various forms.

A similar type of air cleaners necessarily has a catalyst in its design and a ultraviolet radiation lamp, but, in addition, the device can be complemented by a ion generator, plates that create an electrostatic field or coal filter.

Polluted air enters the body of the device through a dust filter of pre-cleaning, installed at the inlet, and it delayed most of the large particles of dust, as well as animal wool.

Next, it enters the chamber, where two factors interact are a catalyst and ultraviolet light emanating from the lamp, as a result of which the process of photocatalysis occurs, in which toxic contaminants in the air are decomposed, to safe substances, such as oxygen, water and carbon dioxide . Thus, dust precipitate almost does not accumulate inside the device, so it does not require frequent filter replacement.

The air cleaner, whose work is based on photocatalysis, is able to cope with the following negative factors:

  • Evaporation of phenol and formaldehyde, isolated from building materials, from which furniture is made, for example, chipboard or fiberboard.
  • Exhaust gas, entering the apartment through the gaps in window openings, if the house is located nearby car tracks.
  • Curmarket gas and soot that may appear in the air in the firebox of the fireplace or oven.
  • Tobacco smoke and resistant smell of tobacco.
  • Dust containing various malicious microorganisms - viruses and bacteria.
  • Allergens of vegetable, household or animal origin.
  • Toxic organic compounds that may proceed from solutions and household chemical powders.

Thus, photocatalysis can be called one of the most effective ways of cleaning air from pollution. In addition, a device of a similar class usually consumes a small amount of electricity, is an environmentally friendly and safe requiring minimal care - cleaning with a vacuum cleaner once every six months.

The disadvantage of this air cleaner can be called excessive cleaning of air masses, that is, not only from malicious microorganisms, but also from neutral, since it is not able to distinguish them with each other. This factor may adversely affect the child's immunity, so it is not necessary to get involved in unnecessary cleaning rooms where children live.

Air cleaner - ozonizer

The ozonator is a device that cleans the air by selecting a small amount of ozone. Ozone is a gas, a derivative of ordinary oxygen, which is devastable for all living concentrations for all living things, so it is used to destroy the microbes and disinfection of the premises. Gas arises as a result of the effects of an electric discharge on oxygen, splitting it into atoms - this process is familiar to everyone, as it arises in natural conditions during a thunderstorm, and after her, a characteristic ozone smell appears on the street.

The principle of operation of the device is basically based on the natural phenomenon of the collision of oxygen air with an electric current, which in the ozonitor occurs artificially, resulting in ozone.

air purifier

There are different schemes of ozonizers who may differ from each other with some details, but in each of the devices there are essential elements for them - these are ozone generators (they can also differ in design), a network voltage converter to a high-voltage and fan.

This device is quite popular for applying at home, as it is able to create a number of positive effects:

  • Disinfection of air masses in a house or apartment from pathogens of microorganisms, including mold.
  • Getting rid of rooms from rotten smells.
  • Cleansing drinking water from chlorine and harmful metals.
  • Cleansing products such as fruits, vegetables and meat from antibiotics, chemicals.
  • Disinfection and disposal of refrigeration chambers.
  • Processing with ozone bedding, as well as underwear, shoes and even furniture.
  • Cleaning from the appearance of mold in air conditioners filters.

However, with all the positive qualities of the ozonator, doctors warn from overdose of its environmental impact on the environment. It is recommended to carefully use it in everyday life, strictly adhering to the instructions attached to it. Some experts advise generally use this device only at a time when there are no people in the house.

Coal filters air cleaners

The air cleaners equipped with coal filters belong to the class of devices of fine cleaning, and are able to clean the air masses from various impurities, including gases. Typically, such cleaners are additionally equipped with a preliminary cleaning element, as well as as nera or a photocatalytic filter, as coal filters are not able to qualitatively clean the air masses from eco-pollutants, which are provided in the conditions of urban apartments. In addition to additional filters, in this type of cleaners add ultraviolet radiation lamps, which are a good barrier for biological contaminants in the air.

Coal filters can be filled with fine-dispersed activated carbon coal powder, which creates high airflow resistance. It follows from this that it is better to choose air purifiers with a filter that have large granules in their composition. In addition, the corrugated coal filter is more efficient for air purification than the mesh universal, since it has a large area of \u200b\u200babsorption of dust small and large particles. Therefore, choosing the device, you need to pay special attention to this fact.

Coal filters change in cleaners twice a year, otherwise they themselves begin to pollute the air - these are their characteristic deficiencies of the instruments of this class.

It is not necessary to install appliances with coal filters in rooms with high humidity, as coal absorbs moisture well, "sins" and quickly loses ramp and, accordingly, its cleansing qualities.

Hydrophiltration or car wash

Purifiers in which hydrophiltration or air washing is used as follows:

  • Air masses from the room are drawn into the device using a fan.
  • Further, they enter the zone, where, due to special rotary impellers with the blades of a special configuration, mixed with water to the formation of a practically dispersed mixture, and are purified from various impurities that settled in the pallet of the device. Next, the purified air is separated and sent towards the outlet holes.

  • Usually air washers have functions of ultraviolet and photocatalytic cleaning, which are included if necessary. With their interaction, the most effective result is achieved - the device removes viruses from the air, disputes of mold and various odors.
  • In addition, the air ionization module can be built into overall cleaning - precisely negative ions make air cleaner and fresh air
  • Purified and moistened air is supplied to the room.

Thus, a similar device performs several functions - it moisturizes the air in the room and removes small and large dust particles from it along with allergens, and also cleans it from foreign odors. The effectiveness of air purification using such a sink is estimated at 85 ÷ 95%.

Humidifiers air purifiers

The air humidifier is called the apparatus, creating an atmosphere in the room with the most comfortable level of humidity by serving the purified steam. The instrument setting is made by the owner by the spray intensity regulator.

Humidifiers are divided into three types - these are ultrasound, steam and traditional mechanical instruments, but they all carry the air purifier. The principle of operation of these devices is based on evaporation of moisture or the formation of steams E as a result of ultrasound. Most of the household settings of this class are capable not only to moisturize, but also to flavor the air.

  • Ultrasound instruments relate to more modern variants of humidifiers. They are equipped with a special ultrasonic membrane, when the water splitting on the smallest particles occurs, thus it turns into a cold or heated couple. Spraying the formed pair is carried out using the fan installed inside the apparatus.

The device is absolutely safe in all respects, so it can be installed in the nursery, especially since it works almost silently. In addition, the humidifier is economical in electricity consumption and easy to use.

air purifier

  • Mechanical humidifiers are considered traditional and simplest in design. In a small water tank, located inside the instrument housing, a certain amount of water is poured, from there it falls on special moisturizing cartridges through which air is run by using the fan embedded in the middle. When the air is humidified at the same time and purified from dust particles. Important for many consumers the disadvantage of such devices is a rather high level of noise when it is functioning.

  • Steam appliances moisturize the rooms with hot steam, which is formed when the water is heated to the boiling stage in a special insulated chamber equipped with an antitrigar coating heating element. The disadvantages of such devices can be called very hot couples, outwardly, which can be easily burning, the noise of the humidifier during its work, as well as the great consumption of electricity.

The following points include the positive qualities of the steam humidifier:

- the ability to use it as a inhaler - special nozzles for conducting physiotherapeutic procedures are applied to some instruments;

- the device is not offended to the purity and hardness of water, so when carrying out inhalation, aromatic oils can be added to it;

- Humidifier, with its high performance, does not require the acquisition of consumables - quite ordinary water.

  • Instruments having a combined design combine the humidifier and the air mass purifier. The fan pulls the dirty air that enters the rotating plastic discs in the apparatus in the water container. In this department, the air is cleaned and moistened, and the dust falls into the sediment. Therefore, such devices require periodic cleaning and washing. The quality of air purification when using this apparatus is 85 ÷ 90%.

Additional functions of air cleaners

Most air purifier models and humidifiers are equipped with additional features that simplify and make the most comfortable operation of the instruments. These include the following functions:

  • The intensity regulator of the device.
  • Remote control.
  • Display to display information about functioning modes.
  • Detectors defining the level of air pollution by which you can choose the correct operation mode.
  • Fragrance and inhalation function.
  • The timer that allows you to set the time of work and even conduct a certain programming of modes.

Criteria for selecting air purifier

So, having understood what air purifiers are, now it is necessary to determine what to pay attention to when purchasing the device.

  • Any model of the air cleaner is designed for its capabilities for a specific area of \u200b\u200bthe room, therefore, and above all, it is required to clarify this parameter.

In addition, it is necessary to immediately decide whether one or more air cleaners will be bought, that is, the device will be transferred from the room into the room or fix it stationary:

- If a separate cleaner will be provided for each of the rooms, it is chosen precisely according to its area.

- subject to the use of one cleaner in different rooms, its power is selected along the area of \u200b\u200bthe largest room.

- If it is planned to clean a very small room, you can use an air cleaner intended for the interior of the car, as it has a sufficiently high power.

  • The second question that is to be answered when choosing an air purification device is that air masses should be released from which contamination.
  • Further, it is desirable to immediately determine the comfort of the air cleaner service, that is, clarify which filter should be installed in it - a replaceable or one that can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner or washing under the water stream (the last option will help to avoid excessive operating costs).

- If it is decided to choose a fry filter, you should acquire photocatalytic, plasma (electrostatic) air purifiers or ozonizers, ionizers, as well as instruments with air washing function.

- In the case when preference is given to the cleaner with interchangeable filters, you need to trace it to be equipped with the ionization function. This factor is extremely important, as the air, passing the process of any filtration, loses not only malicious components, but also useful qualities, that is, it becomes even dangerous for the residents of the apartment, so it should be enriched with ions.

  • The air cleaner will work effectively if it is possible to clean it or change filters in time. Therefore, you need to decide on the amount of time that may be allocated to its maintenance.

- If control over the device can be carried out daily, you can choose a cleaner with the "Air washing" function or its moisturizing. In such models, water changes or rushes once every two to three days, and checking its quantity is carried out every day.

- The electrostatic air cleaner must be serviced once a week - washing of electrostatic plates, which perform the role of the filter, attracting dust particles.

- If there is an opportunity to maintain the device only once a month, then you should choose a photocatalytic cleaner, ozonizer, ionizer or instruments with interchangeable filters, for example, with a non-filter - they will sufficiently clean from dust with a vacuum cleaner once a month.

air purifier ecology

  • The next question to which you want to answer is how often the device itself is used? It is advisable to use it constantly so that the air in the apartment is always clean.

- provided that the air cleaner and the desire to save on electricity, should be selected by the device that consumes low power. This parameter can be found on the packaging of the device or in his passport.

- If the cleaner is used periodically, then it is not necessary to disconnect for a long time, then you should not choose a moisturizer or "car wash", since if water remains in such a device, and it will not be cleaned in time, then the content can "score", and this The smell will remain in the container for a long time.

- If the user is ready to clearly follow all the instructions applied to the product - to clean and dry the instrument on time, then you can select any option with the desired parameters.

  • Next, you should decide on the functions that the air cleaner must perform is the most important criterion when it is selected.

Table of features of various air purification filters in neutralizing the factors of its pollution.

The main factors of air pollutionVarieties of air cleaners and their ability to neutralize pollution
El. And he. Nera FC. Oz. UG. MV
Dust particles+ + + + - + +
Disinfection from harmful microorganisms.+ ++ ++ ++ + + -
Tobacco smoke- + + ++ - ++ +
Toxic evaporation+ - ++ ++ - - -
Different smells of household origin+ + ++ ++ + + +
Gaza- - + + - + -
Soot+ - - + - - +
Allergens of household, vegetable or animal origin+ ++ ++ ++ + - +
Moisturizing air- - - - - - +
El. - edultrostatic; And he. - ionizers; FC. - photocatalysts; Oz. - Ozonizers; UG. - coal; MV - Air washing
  • Another important factor is the noise of the air cleaner. In order not to cause discomfort to all residents of the apartment, you should purchase a device having a night mode function or even completely silent model. Such air cleaners include photocatalytic, ionizers, as well as not having a fan or with a function of its disconnection.
  • When solving, purchase an instrument for cleaning the air, it is necessary to immediately decide on the place of its installation. On sale you can find outdoor, wall and desktop options. The latter is better not to choose if there is a small child in the house, or in the extreme case, to determine in advance for it a place at a certain height, unattainable for the kid. In addition, it is required to consider the size of the device, since many floor devices must be installed at 150 ÷ \u200b\u200b500 mm from the wall, and only this location will make it efficient.
  • It is recommended to compile a list of all the necessary functions and features that the air cleaner must have, and already with the finished list of requirements go to the store or on Internet trading sites.

Overview of air cleaner models

Several popular models of air cleaning devices used in residential areas are given in this table:

Illustration, appliance name, manufacturerShort description modelApproximate price level for April 2016

"Armed YS300"
Bactericidal air cleaner is a closed-type recirculator, which has a system of filters of various purposes and is additionally equipped with an ultraviolet lamp.
The device includes:
- coal and non-filter, photocatalytic, disinfectant, contributing to the decomposition of gases and odors;
- Air quality sensor with automatic cleaning mode, i.e. The device is designed for an independent choice of operation mode, which will depend on the degree of air pollution;
- Filter shift indicators located on the control panel, which will be given a signal if you need to change one of the filters;
- a timer designed for installation by 1.2 and 3 hours of operation;
- Power regulator - three modes of operation of the fan (fast, medium and slow). The more power, the faster the air is being purified, but the work process becomes more noisy.
- size (in × sh × g) 650 × 400 × 225 mm;
- mass - 12 kg; - 220 V nutrition;
- frequency - 50 Hz;
- ultraviolet lamp with a capacity of 15 W, with a service life of 8000 hours;
- stream capacity - 275 m³ / h;
- noise level 60 decibel;
- Air purification level: from gasoline vapor 91.8%, from formaldehyde 86.9%, from volatile organic substances 90.7%, heavy substances 99.9%;
- the hull is made of dielectric plastic;
- working conditions - from +10 to + 35˚, humidity no more than 80%;
- has 2 class of electrical safety;
- It is designed for 100 m² of area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises.
21100 rub.

Maxion LTK-288
South Korea
Maxion LTK-288 is a ionizer equipped with an ultraviolet lamp (there are also models without UV irradiation). In addition, the device is equipped with an electrostatic filter features - stainless steel plates that do not require replacement are installed.
The device is able to clean the air from the following contaminants: viruses, mold, aerobacteria, tobacco smoke, carbon monoxide and sulfur gas, unpleasant odors, dust, flower pollen, reduces the effect on the person's electromagnetic radiation, emanating from the electrical appliances.
The device is equipped with a night light, indicator of the purification of metal plates, is economical at electricity consumption, consumes 28 W / h.
The recommended period of operation of the air purifier is 10 ÷ 12 hours per day.
Specifications of the device:
- size - 835 × 260 × 197 mm (in × sh × g);
- voltage 220V;
- frequency 50 ÷ 60 Hz;
- weight - 5.5 kg;
- The air cleaner is designed for 82.5 m² of area.
13400 rub.

"AIC XJ-2100"
"AIC XJ-2100" is a ionizer and ozonator equipped with an ultraviolet lamp and an electrostatic filter.
This air purifier is able to partially or completely clean the air from the following contaminants: harmful viruses and bacteria, smells, smoke, spores of mold mushrooms, pollen, dust, almost all allergens, weighted and solid particles, carbon monoxide and exhaust gas, and other malicious human respiratory bodies Substances.
Specifications of the device:
- size - 390 × 170 × 250 mm (d × in × w);
- Vmassa - 1 kg;
- Power UV lamp - 2 W;
- the power of the device is 8 W;
- Nutrition -220V.
- device Beshum; Designed for an area of \u200b\u200b25 m².
This air cleaner can also be used as a car, and its kit includes a special adapter to connect to the cigarette lighter in the cabin, as well as the fixing "Velcro".
4500 rub.

"Daikin MC70LVM"
"Daikin MC70LVM" is a plasma ionizer, equipped with a coarse filter, a photocatalytic system and an electrostatic filter.
Thanks to such protection, the air cleaner is able to release air masses from the following pollution: dust, flower pollen, bacteria and viruses, mold spores, tobacco smoke and animal wool.
In addition to cleansing elements, the air cleaner is equipped with convenient control functions - this is a shutdown timer, which can be configured to 1, 2 and 4 hours of operation, automatic operation, sleep mode, air purity indicator, air pollution sensor, remote control and five power modes.
Specifications of the device:
- size - 403 × 576 × 241 mm (sh × in × g);
- weight - 8.5 kg;
- air exchange - 420 m³ / h;
- the power of the device is 65 W;
- noise level - 15 ÷ 48 dB;
- Low electricity consumption.
37500 rub.

"Shivaki Shap-3010R"
SHIVAKI SHAP-3010R is a combined air cleaner, including the following air purification elements in its design: non-filter, photocatalyst, ultraviolet lamp, ionizer, coarse filter.
Due to the large number of barrels for pollution, the device is able to clean the air from viruses and microbes, pollen, smoke, dust, toxins and makes the air fresh.
A touchscreen display with a timer and a temperature sensor is installed on the air purifier. Due to the monitor, the cleaner can be controlled by remote control.
The device can be installed on the horizontal surface or fixed on the wall.
- dimensions 300 × 430 × 140 mm (in × sh × g);
- the mass of the device is 4.5 kg;
- air exchange - 200 m³ / h;
- maximum electricity consumption - 38 W;
- noise level when fan operation - 46 dB;
- Three modes of operation.
14900 rub.

"AIRINCOM XJ-3800A1" - an integrated air cleaner. It includes several levels of air purification using different technologies - this is a coarse cleaning filter, photocatalytic, electrostatic, coal and non-filter, ionizer, as well as ultraviolet lamp.
This device purifies air from large and fine dust particles, perfectly absorbs gas connections, decomposes the safe elements of harmful, toxic impurities, making the air fresh and clean.
The air cleaner is equipped with additional features that facilitate its operation include:
- five modes of operation of the apparatus - night, medium, high, low and auto;
- Filter replacement sensors, air pollution, as well as dust and allergens in the air;
- a timer defining the time of work;
- remote control.
Specifications of air purifier:
- size - 343 × 255 × 610 mm;
- weight - 6.8 kg;
- the power of the device is 80 W;
- air exchange - 360 m³ / h;
- noise level of fan operation - 20 dB;
- The air cleaner is designed for air purification on an area of \u200b\u200bup to 50 m².
16500 rub.

"Ballu AP-430F7"
Ballu AP-430F7 has a seven-step air purification system composed of filters and technological modules of different types, to which a coarse filter relates, delaying large contamination particles, coal, photocatalytic and non-filter, ionizer, and ultraviolet lamp.
Thanks to such a design, air passing through the device is cleaned from the following contaminants - it is dust, animal wool, allergy elements, mold disputes, viruses, dust pliers, smoke, formaldehyde and unpleasant odors.
Additional features for comfortable operation of the device:
- automatic determination of air pollution and filters;
- Timer setting time.
Specifications of the device:
- Cleaner size - 366 × 308 × 188 mm (in × sh × g);
- the mass of the cleaner - 3.96 kg;
- Power - 56 W;
- power supply voltage - 220 V;
- The device is designed for air purification on an area of \u200b\u200bup to 20 m².
4000 rubles.

As can be seen from this table, the air purifiers equipped with several air purification steps are mainly produced, since only in this way it is possible to achieve a maximum effect of the purity of the homely atmosphere. Therefore, it is necessary to understand well for cleaning from which contaminants each of the filters is intended, and choose the option of the device that has all the necessary protective properties.

This information will help make the right choice and will not be lost in a large assortment diversity on sale of air cleaners.

At the end of the publication - a small video review of a modern multifunctional air purifier:

Video: Air purifier with SHARP KC-850E humidification function

The problem of cleaning and humidifying air in modern housing, especially in the city, is sharp. Dust falls into the room and was able to from the street, a cigarette smoke and bacteria is added to the apartment.

Air humidifier Qualitatively refreshes air, which has a positive effect on the health of the residents of the house

But from the atmosphere in the house depends the well-being and health of its inhabitants, so the air cleaner and humidifier will help to cope with the problem. What kind of device can hardly refresh the room, how to choose the most suitable model?

For what you need purifiers air humidifiers

In winter, when heating the heating devices, the air is overwhelmed, in summer, the bright rays of the sun and heat continue to exacerbate the position. Inhalation of dry air negatively affects human condition:

  • the lack of moisture dries the skin, the mucous membranes and larynx irritate;
  • it is difficult to make a complete breath, fill the lungs with oxygen, because of which the headache develops, breaking sleep, is worried about the feeling of breakdown, absentness;
  • the nasal mucosa and the larynx is annoyed, in the throat, he is tricky, constantly want to drink;
  • especially adapting to dryness is difficult to small children, the loss of kids fluid is most acute.

For comfortable breathing, the indoor humidity should be at the level of 50%, this problem is solved simply by means of the airwater. But there are more functional models that not only make air wet, but also purify it from contamination.

The device allows removed from the atmosphere of dust particles, cigarette smoke, smells, pollen of plants, even clean the room from bacteria. Therefore, if there are small children or a family member suffers from allergies such a device must be in a dwelling or in the office, since technical progress in cities does not give a person a chance even in the room to breathe clean air.

How the device works

The device is called air washing, two functions are connected in it - purification with moisture due to the presence of an additional node producing the cleaning of the external environment.

The air purifier of this type is qualitatively different from simple humidifiers: eliminating dryness in a natural way, not allowing strong convergence, the device exempts the atmosphere of the room from dust.

How functions the design:

  • inside the device there is a fan that rotates, sucks dry air with suspended dust particles through the top hole;
  • in it, it passes through hydrophilic flat filters of complex designs, which are also rotating;
  • dust settles on the disks and washed off into the pallet, and the moist and clean air leaves the side openings of the device.

From work, the discs are clogged, so they must be rinsed in flow water a couple of times a week.

The volume of air masses passing through the device depends on how power is the fan. On average, the air in the room has time for 60 minutes twice, and sometimes three times, go through the sink. What are the advantages of the design:

  • the device does not make up a lot of noise;
  • controls the level of humidity;
  • economically uses electricity;
  • spray and condensate on the surrounding items does not form;
  • does not require replacement of filters;
  • it is inexpensive.

If there is a desire to relax, it is enough to purchase a device with the aromatization option. Then it will be possible to rest after work, inhaling clean air, enjoying your favorite aroma.

The disadvantages include incomplete cleaning from dust, large particles are tightened into the unit. Therefore, if better cleansing is required, you will have to buy another type of construction. When you need to increase moisturizing, the device does not provide on the device.

What model is preferred

Selecting the air humidifier with the cleaning function, first of all pay attention to the basic parameters, the manufacturer of this data indicates the product passport.


The main physical quantities of the sink is:

  1. Power. It provides the number of fans or the rotational speed of one device. Values \u200b\u200brange from 3 to 60 W.
  2. Performance. Determined by the volume of fluid in grams moving into the atmosphere of the room, its indicators from 200 to 800 ml / hour. It is important to pay attention to the volume of the reservoir, with minor sizes, water will have to pour more often.

Do not choose too powerful model if the room is small, it is not economically. But the modest sizes will not be able to create the desired microclimate in the large room.

Square of the room

When buying a sink air, it is necessary to take into account the area of \u200b\u200bthe room

In the passport it is indicated which area of \u200b\u200bthe room the device is capable of cleaning and moisturize. Therefore, when buying should determine where the washing will be. It is not necessary to count that the installation of the unit in the hallway will help to clean the entire air in the apartment, the magnitude of the doorways is insufficient to provide air exchange in the desired volume.

Noise level

The noise in the device creates a fan, because its power is low, then the strong sound will not work. There are structures that can be safely put in the nursery, they will not hurt to sleep. The power of the sound depends on the operation of the device:

  • in designs with discs, where the air evaporates with the help of a fan, does not make up severe noise;
  • when hydrophiltration, where water rises by means of a rotating cone, the sound is slightly louder, and in the room with such a device will fall asleep.

It is best to choose models where noise indicators do not exceed 40 degree.

Additional options

How to choose a device to meet all the requirements of comfort and convenience of use? Before buying a car wash for an apartment, it is important to determine if additional functions are needed in the device or sufficiently basic parameters. It should be considered, the more simpler design, the longer the warranty period that producers give their products.

The famous brand Venta claims that its simple devices can work without repair 10-12 years. And up to 5 years reduces the warranty period of electronics, but on the other hand, it allows you to use additional advantages.

Ionization of air

Air washing with ionizer - device, refreshing air and improving mood

For an apartment ionization - a good way to fill the room with charged particles, the air will acquire a fresh flavor, the mood improves. In addition, such devices better remove dust, but ionization occurs before passing through wet filters, so part of the ions collapses.

Aroma and disinfection

Some devices are equipped with an ionizing rod. It is made of antiseptic with a fraction of silver. The manufacturer claims that metal ions are able to eliminate up to 600 types of harmful microorganisms. But the effectiveness of this theory has not yet been proven. Therefore, it is necessary to think well, is it worth spending funds on an expensive addition.

Devices are produced, in which there is another compartment in the water tank, a cotton tampon is put into it, soaked oil.

Operating mode

There is a model range equipped with one mode, so when working it consumes the maximum amount of energy. In expensive options, the mode may vary on the basis of the need: intensive or economical.

It is fully automated, controlled mechanically or remotely. Simple sinks are cheaper and more reliable, the second, give more opportunities. The display shows the level of moisture, the main parameters. Each buyer is focused on its needs and the amount of funds.

What is the best device

Buying a humidifier and cleaner, you should choose models of well-known manufacturers who have proven themselves in the market with reliable and high-quality goods.

What trademarks produce the best designs? And also should decide what a problem is worried about the buyer first:

  1. Difficulties with dry air is capable of solving devices of firms, Venta, Boneco, Air-O-Swiss, Electrolux. The fan in these models is quite powerful, the maximum volume of distilled fluid per hour to 500 ml. These types of foods for productivity are equal to ultrasound humidifiers, and discs allow you to cover a significant area of \u200b\u200bthe room.
  2. If the dust is worried, the wool is allergic, the devices are indispensable to the Neera brand. Filters models are only 0.03%, dust particles.
  3. With an unpleasant smell, the design is best helped having a function of photocatalysis.

What models received the largest number of positive feedback:

Swiss cleaner Boneco W2055 DR is able to serve a room at 50 m / kV

  1. Swiss Cleaner Boneco W2055 DR, the device can serve a room at 50 m / sq., per hour, fluid flow is 300 ml, the device is equipped with an option for aromatization and ionization. Method of control of humidity - display. Noise rates - 25 DC. Cost 20-25 thousand rubles.
  2. The Boneco H680 model is designed for a large room - up to 98 square meters / m, the climatic complex is equipped with a disinfection system, the display informs about the condition of air, high-speed fan mode, will warn when the liquid ends and the time for cleaning the filter disks.
  3. The Venta LV 15 complex is a wonderful choice for the children's room, it works silently, compact, economical, the capacity is designed for 5 liters. The ionization function is missing.
  4. For a room in 19 squares, a compact mini device Electrolux is perfect. EHAW-9015D, the electronic device is functioning in three modes, the ionization option is present. Automatically turns off in the absence of water, in stock Block button from children. But at night, the display is not highlighted.
  5. Panasonic F-VXH50 is capable of cleaning air at the floor itself, plasma filters are supplied in the model, 42 sq. M. / m. There is ionization, blocking button, sensor, if necessary, increases turnover, filter cleaning control.
  6. Bork A802 Rain refers to the premium class, serves 32 kV / m, economical, has a shutdown timer and a preliminary cleaning, blocking, moisture regulator. But it is expensive - 60,000 rubles.

The choice of models is significant, before you go to the store, it should be clarified that it is a complex for cleaning air, as the design works, determine the device parameters. To find out what functions are needed in a particular case, without which you can do without overpay.

The development of technology and industry does not add the purity of the environment, those who have already experienced the effects of instruments that clean and moisturizing air does not doubt that the choice is made correctly. After all the device makes it possible to breathe clean and healthy air without dust. And this means that the house will be comfortable, the health of family members is normal, the allergies will stop disturb.


Automatic air freshener - your most effective assistant in the fight against unpleasant odors. In just 5-7 minutes, it will fill your home with a pleasant aroma of citrus, colors or vanilla. We have prepared the ranking of the best air fresheners that can be installed in the toilet, bedroom or desktop.

The best air fresheners: budget up to 1 500 rubles

We offer a selection of automatic fresheners whose cost does not exceed 1,500 rubles. Excellent choice if your financial capabilities are limited. The rating involves models with several modes of operation, simple design and resource almost 3,000 spraying.

5 Ksitex PD-6D

Universal freshener, the easiest model
Country: China
Average price: 1 184 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

KSITEX PD-6D is one of the easiests, as weighs only 380 g. Unlike other models in the ranking, this can work in 4 modes: with an interval of 5, 10, 15 and 30 minutes. As the reviews show, the location of the device must be at an altitude of at least 2 m. This is the main disadvantage of the device, which is complemented by the need to open a dispenser to replace the cylinder with a special key that is often lost. The device is ideal for home and does not require any attention for 3-6 months, because it is for such a time for one cylinder. According to this indicator, this air freshener is undoubtedly leading, withsting up to 3000 spraying.


  • economical consumption of funds
  • works in 4 time ranges,
  • batteries need to be changed more than once every 4-6 months,
  • simple reset of the actuation counter.


  • special requirements for mounting,
  • the response counter is sometimes knocked down,
  • when installing batteries, the press mechanism is often required to push up.

4 Discover.

Very easy to use, built-in light sensor
Country: Turkey
The average price: 786 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Discover automatic air freshener can be used on an area of \u200b\u200bup to 120 kV. m. Being calculated on 3,200 sputtering, the balloon inserted inside serves without replacing up to 3 months. In order for the device to work, you will need 2 batteries. Unfortunately, they are not included. This option is practical, as it is not only suitable for the house, but also for restaurants, hills of public institutions, etc. Easy of operation provides a built-in light sensor and the ability to select spray interval between 5, 7, 15 and 30 minutes.


  • sealed case,
  • high resistance to moisture,
  • nice design,
  • convenient form.


  • requires expensive batteries D,
  • high noise level
  • chinese assembly.

3 Glade Automati

Best price, a large amount of spraying
Country Russia
The average price: 420 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Glade Automathes is the best representative of universal fresheners, which can be used both in small and spacious rooms. It accommodates up to 269 ml of spray, which is enough for more than 2000 sputtering for an area of \u200b\u200bup to 28 m³. It can be fired on the wall, and leave on the rack. Positive feedbacks talk about the good availability of cylinders with aromatic liquid. In hand, users have the opportunity to change the intensity of spraying. No less important advantage - the presence of an additional button on the case, allowing you to instantly fill the room with fresh aroma.


  • low weight
  • compactness
  • attached to the wall is simple enough
  • low price
  • popular,
  • available.


  • loud spraying
  • the fragrance of the spray from the brand is not particularly resistant,
  • included no cylinder.


The most popular choice, almost silent work
Country: China
The average price: 580 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The device from a reliable company is very easy to use. Thanks to him, the freshener is consumed economically, one packing in 250 ml during sputtering every 32 minutes is enough for about 70 days. Reviews indicate practically silent work, ease of installation and device functionality. You will always know in advance about the end of it in it due to the presence of the light indicator on the case. A product of white plastic is performed in oval form, so conveniently lies in hand.


  • quiet job
  • small dimensions,
  • simple operation,
  • for a long time fresheet air,
  • you do not need to press anything yourself.


  • we are weak for large rooms,
  • not suitable for installation on the rack
  • installation is not always simple.

Fill the house with a pleasant aroma - the task is not easy. If constant wet cleaning, special means and aromatic candles do not help, we recommend using air fresheners. They are presented in various formats, and so that you can make the right choice, we have prepared their comparison:

Air freshener

Balloon aerosol

Huge selection of flavors: from coniferous to the sweetest,

Available cost

Ering quickly,

Too sharp aroma

Gel (aromatic crystals)

Do not muffle, but neutralize unpleasant odors,

Unobtrusive aroma

Very short-term action

High price


The ability to select the intensity and time spraying,

Continuous maintenance of a pleasant aroma,

The ability to replace cartridges

Due to a variety of characteristics, difficulties may occur with the choice.

1 Brait Ivory Freesia

Best quality, universal design
Country: Poland.
The average price: 645 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

"Fishka" Automatic freshener Brait Ivory Freesia in its staffing with a spray, which is a gift. Thus, it will be possible to save at least 150 rubles. Reviews talk about the universality of the black dispenser, which makes it easier to fit into the interior and does not require much care. Naturally, the device will need two standard AA batteries. The device boasts the economical flow rate of the spare unit, which, with a minimum work time, is enough for two months. The manufacturer suggested the choice of three spraying intensities - 9, 18 and 36 minutes.


  • availability in a set of cylinder
  • simplicity
  • suitable not only for the house,
  • operation is not complicated,
  • does not require special attention
  • universal body color,
  • it works only when the light is turned on.


  • you can use only the "native" company cylinders,
  • the fragrance means is too rich,
  • must be highlighted at an altitude of at least 2 meters.

The best air fresheners: budget up to 2 500 rubles.

Those who highly appreciate efficiency, practicality and stylish design, we offer top-5 automatic air fresheners up to 2,500 rubles. A pleasant purchase bonus will be advanced functionality, the official warranty and LED backlight.

5 NRG Smart Air

Easy installation and setup, wide selection of flavors
Country: China
Average price: 1 581 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The NRG Smart Air Air Freshener easily removes unpleasant odors not only in residential rooms, but also indoors designed for smoking. This is a standard spraying device that is functioning from two batteries D. The freshener only works with replaceable NRG aerosol cylinders. Their main advantage is an impressive selection of flavors: lavender, lemon, jasmine, vanilla, etc.

The user independently determines the intensity and duration of spraying: from 5 to 35 minutes. The NRG Smart AIR freshener does not require complex care, easily installed and configured. The universal white hue of the housing allows you to use it in any interiors. Cons: There are no fasteners in the kit, the freshener works only on aerosol cylinders of the same type.

4 Larom Spring Air

Best choice for small rooms, compactness
Country Russia
Average price: 2 425 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The main feature of the Larom Spring Air freshener is compact. This device is designed to be installed in small rooms whose area does not exceed 30 m 2. The electronic control unit allows you to adjust the intervals between sputtering, their intensity and duration. Using the remote control, you can turn on and off the device, even being in another room.

Larom Spring Air is the only automatic freshener, oxygen air. You yourself choose the regulation mode: hourly, daily or weekly. Among the main advantages of the freshener: high efficiency, accuracy of regulating parameters, versatility. You can hang the device on the wall in the toilet, place on the table in the bedroom or put on the rack in the living room. The best solution for small rooms. The freshener works from two batteries D, but they are not included in the package.

3 Connex AFD-488A

Stylish design, Great for large rooms
Country: China
Average price: 2 442 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Connex AFD-488A automatic freshener in a matter of minutes fill your home with a pleasant aroma. The body of impact-resistant plastic increases the period of operation of the device and provides its resistance to mechanical damage: shocks, drops, etc. Laconic design in white allows you to install it in any room, regardless of the interior.

Installation of the Connex AFD-488A freshener does not require special skills. Before use, you must configure the mode of operation. You yourself choose the period and spray interval: from 5 minutes to 4 hours. Additionally, their beginning and ending, as well as quantity: from 1 to 3. A convenient liquid crystal display allows you to control all the specified parameters and quickly change them. The freshener is only two R20 batteries, ideal for large premises and effectively eliminates unpleasant odors.

2 Merida Pulse-II

Electronic control unit, different modes of operation
Country: Taiwan
The average price: 2 500 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The main advantage of the Merida Pulse-II air freshener is high efficiency. It eliminates unpleasant flavors at a distance of 170 m 3 from the installation site! Excellent device for those who appreciate practicality. The LR20 alkaline batteries are enough for the automatic freshener to function continuously during the year. The device works in 3 modes: day, night and around the clock. When buying is issued a warranty for 5 years.

The Merida Pulse-II freshener has a stylish design with an electronic button. Consider that the cylinders for it are sold only in specialized stores. One bottle, the volume of which is 243 ml, grabs for 1-1.5 years of use. Available features: beep, spraying rate (range: from 5 to 25 minutes), offline operation, battery charge level indicator. An excellent choice is not only for residential, but also industrial premises (warehouses, shops, etc.). The only minus is a weak light signal.


Ultrasonic freshener, spectacular LED backlight
Country: Germany
The average price: 2 250 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

The Beura LA20 ultrasonic air freshener is designed for rooms whose area does not exceed 10 m 2. The main advantage of the device is a spectacular LED backlight, changing color. Unlike other devices, this freshener does not work on an aerosol cylinder, but on water-soluble aromatic oils. That is why the tank of the device should always be filled with water, otherwise the lamp will automatically turn off. The kit includes: a device, charging unit, a cable for connecting and a measuring cup.

Another advantage of the BEURER LA20 freshener is universal food. It works not from batteries, but via a USB interface or a network adapter. Ultrasound technology provides the smallest spraying of aromatic oils, the volume of the tank is 80 ml. The duration of continuous operation of the freshener reaches 8 hours. It is almost silent, so it can be installed even in the bedrooms. Benefits: ease of purification, energy saving function, spectacular illumination. The official warranty is 12 months.

Air Reader-ionizer Airtec XJ-201

Air fresheners

Any apartment in a modern city is a scoping of bacteria, dust, a scratch and harmful impurities. For the usual eye, the melon additives in the air are invisible, but they make their effect from the inside, affecting the body, lowering the human well-being and saturacing space with unpleasant odors. How to deal with it?

Modern technological progress makes it easy to get rid of the hated rack and viral infections when using air illuminators with cleansing function. These devices are silent, can be operated in any room and are selected by power and functionality.

Air purification devices and their capabilities

Manufacturers offer cleaning systems of household and industrial significance. Distinctive features of these aggregates in power and noise effect. It is also possible to choose a car apparatus that compact and works from the cigarette lighter, saturating the car's interior with clean air.

Domestic devices have a built-in fan and several replaceable filters in the system.

  • ionizers perfectly cope with the function of cleaning the space from dust, large particles of dirt and soot, as well as some virus bacteria;
  • the devices with water filters additionally moisturize air, which is beneficial for the subtropical climate and during the heating season;
  • ozonizers can convert ordinary oxygen into a natural ozone layer and exterminate all known bacteria;
  • steam models will not only be saturated with heat and moisture, but also used for inhalations in a passive state (during sleep and recreation);
  • air refresal devices allow to add any aromatic oils to the cleaning system, which not only exude a pleasant aroma, but may also be a drug with a number of diseases.

The importance of cleansing systems is obvious:

  • in the apartment and country house. where there are children clean air is simply necessary for healthy infant development;
  • allergies also fall under the category of people. who need ideal incubatory living conditions that only additional equipment in the apartment can guarantee;
  • in that family. where there is a smoker, without a system of ventilation and cleaning, not to do so how otherwise all households will suffer;
  • it should be remembered for older people and disabled people in need of healthy diet and fresh air.

It is impossible even with a reusable ventilation to recreate the perfect atmosphere for life in an urban apartment. Fully clean the air from impurities and pathogenic particles, as well as breathe freshness and aroma in the room only professional cleaners and fresheners in one person will help.