Repairs Design Furniture

Beautiful and helpful: how to grow greens at home all year round. Greens that can be grown on the windowsill Green garden on the windowsill in winter

Now it is not uncommon to meet on the windowsill besides the usual indoor plants, some types of greenery. This is especially true in the winter when snow is on the street, and the apartment grows fresh fragrant dill, parsley, onions, salad, basil or other types of spicy herbs in the apartment.

But if in the summer when landing in beds, plants do not require increased attention, then in the apartment it is recommended to follow certain rules for the care and adhere to the conditions of content. Therefore, the proposed recommendations for novice gardens to grow greenery on the windowsill will help create a garden of home with their own hands.

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    General landing rules

    Special grained greenery for cultivation at home does not exist, but it is better to give preference to early and medium-wired determinant species, as they are less demanding on the conditions of content, and the first crop can be cut up much earlier compared to late.

    Regardless of the chosen culture, there are certain general landing rules for which attention should be paid.

    Capacities for growing

    For growing greenery on the windowsill, it is necessary to pick up quite roomy containers or pots of at least 18-20 cm. This is necessary so that the plants have the opportunity to increase the strong root system, which guarantees the full development of the above-ground part in the future.

    The planting tanks should have drainage holes for the output of excess moisture, which will help reduce the risk of root rot, with improper leaving for plants.

    In the case of the use of containers in which other cultures were grown earlier, they must be thoroughly washed out and disinfected in a strong payroll solution.

    Substrate for landing

    In order for the plants to fully grow and develop, it is necessary to prepare a nutritional soil. It should consist of the following components in such a proportion:

    • 30% - nervous soil;
    • 20% - peat or leaf land;
    • 20% - river sand;
    • 20% - coconut fiber;
    • 10% - perlite.

    But if it is not possible to cook soil or not all components are available, you can purchase the necessary substrate in the store, choosing a universal destination or for seedlings.

    3 days before landing, the soil should be shedding "Preview" (10 ml on 6 liters of water) or Maxim (2 ml per 1 liter of water), which will protect shooters from pathogens of fungal diseases.

    Preparation of planting material

    Before sowing, it is recommended to conduct seed preparation. It can be made to stimulate growth processes and to disinfect the planting material. This procedure will help to activate biological forces and improve the percentage of germination.

    Often, gardeners are used by manganese for disinfection, but many newcomers ignore the rate of consumption and the rules of the conduct, which make more harm to seeds than the benefits. The procedure should be carried out in such a sequence:

    • dissolve the crystals of mangartage in water at the rate of 1 mg per 1 liter of water, that is, the solution should have a bright pink shade;
    • wrap the seeds in several layers of gauze and omit to the resulting mixture;
    • withstand them 15 minutes;
    • rinse under cold water and dried to the appearance of bulk.

    Another option disinfection involves the use of the preparation "Phytosporin". For the preparation of the solution, 1.5 g of means to dissolve 1 liters of water 2 hours before the procedure is needed to activate the active substance. Soak sowing for 2 hours, then dry.

    To increase the germination and growth stimulation, it is recommended to apply the following drugs:

    • Zirkon is to dissolve 0.025 mg of means in 100 ml of water, which is enough to process 100 g of seeds, soak for 2-4 hours.
    • "Epin" is to dissolve 3 drops of the drug in 1 liters of water, to withstand within 3 hours.
    • Amber Acid - 1.5 g to dissolve in 1.5 liters of water, soak for 12-24 hours.

    After processing the sowing material, it is necessary to immediately fall into the soil, as growth processes have already stepped in it.

    Algorithm for holding landing

    To create a green bed on the windowsill, you need to properly land, which includes several main stages:

    1. 1. Pour in the container a layer of drainage 1.5-2 cm, preferably a large fraction.
    2. 2. Fill the remaining volume by the prepared substrate, is not sleeping to the top 2 cm.
    3. 3. Loose the surface of the soil and seal it a bit.
    4. 4. To richly moisten and give the opportunity to completely absorb.
    5. 5. Place seeds at a distance of 1.5-3 cm apart and press to the surface.
    6. 6. Putting out the ground with a layer of 0.5-1 cm and compact.
    7. 7. Moisten from above the water, spraying it from the sprayer.
    8. 8. Cover containers with crops with glass or transparent lid, as high humidity is needed for successful germination.
    9. 9. Rearrange the capacity to the windowsill and ensure the temperature of the content of +25 degrees before the appearance of friendly shoots.
    10. 10. To regularly check the crops, remove the condensate from the cover with a paper napkin and spray the soil in case of drying up the upper layer.

    Once friendly shoots appear, it is necessary to reduce the temperature to 18-20 degrees, which will prevent excessive stretching of sprouts. When the plants are growing and fixed, it is necessary to adapt them to the external environment. Therefore, initially, they should be opened and ventilated, but every day to increase this gap for another 30 minutes. A week after the start of adaptation, the plants can be completely discovered.

    In the case of a solid sowing, it is necessary to break the shoots so that the plants are located at a distance of 1.5-3 cm, leaving the strongest and promising sprouts. When you ignore this procedure, the stalks will eventually be pulled out and acquire an unsightly kind

    Rules for further care

    From how further care will be conducted correctly, it depends, how fast it will grow and how often it is possible to cut the harvest. Place containers are recommended on the eastern or western window, but slightly priestly from direct sunlight, otherwise it will lead to burns on the leaves.

    For full growth and plant development, it is necessary that the light day amounted to at least 10 hours all year round. Therefore, in the fall and in winter it is necessary to turn on the backlight in the evening, placing the lamps by 50-60 cm above the seedlings. The lack of light leads to stretching and deformation of the stems.

    Many types of greenery calmly carry the gradual decrease in the temperature regime, but at the same time they slow down their growth. For full-fledged development, a temperature is required in the range of 18-20 degrees, which guarantees uniform formation of the above-ground part and the root system, but in case of increasing this level, it is necessary to lengthen the day. In the summer, containers with greens can be put up on a glazed balcony or loggia, but at the same time the night temperature should not fall below 10 degrees.

    Watering plants must be carried out regularly when dried up the top layer of the soil, not allowing the drying of the roots. Humidity should be increased, so it is recommended to perform additionally spraying foliage every 2-3 days. In particularly hot periods, it is necessary to place water tanks, which will increase evaporation. With a disadvantage of moisture, the lower leaves will begin shirt and snatch, and crops will have an unsightly weak look. Water for watering should be accumulated room temperature.

    Once a week, soil looser should be carried out in a pot to a depth of 0.5-1 cm, which will improve air access to the root system. This procedure helps to normalize metabolic processes in plant tissues and reduce the likelihood of the development of fungal diseases.

    Regularly should be made of fantastic beds. To do this, you can use the body (rewriting Korovyak 1:10) or Mineral Fertilizers (Kemira Lux) 1 time in 2 weeks.

    Features of growing different crops

    Some plants have a number of features that should be considered when their cultivation. Therefore, before proceeding with the landing, you should first familiarize yourself with them.

    Sometimes the basic conditions of content are not enough when growing certain cultures, while others can be raised simply in water without resorting to landing into the ground.

    Green Luc

    This kind of greenery is easiest to grow on the windowsill. As a landing material, it is necessary to use not seeds, but of the north. The larger the bulbs, the more you can cut the harvest. You can plant the onions in both water tanks and a nutrient substrate.

    In the first case, the greens will germinate without land before, but at the same time the bulb is depleted much faster. In the second case, the harvest will have to wait longer, but it can be cut it 3-4 times.


    To grow dill on the windowsill, it is recommended to give preference:

    • early varieties - Grenader, Mushroom, but when lacking light, plants will be pulled out and deformed;
    • late varieties - Kibray, Richelieu, harvesting comes 10 days later than previous species, but it is formed thick compact bushes that can be perfectly withstanding all the conditions of home content.

    Seeds of this culture are distinguished by a high content of oil, which slows down the process of germination. Therefore, it is recommended to conduct presexing preparation for this principle:

    • prepare a solution of mangalling a weakly pink color;
    • wet the seeds for 20 hours;
    • every 6 hours the solution should be replaced with a new one;
    • after the time expires to merge the seeds that surfaced to the surface;
    • copies that sank to the bottom, dry and plant in the ground.

    The friendly shoots of dill appear within 10-14 days after landing. And the first harvest can be obtained in 1.5 months after that, but the sealer should be carried out at a height of 3 cm above the soil surface. With each subsequent harvest, the foliage of dope will become tougher, so it is recommended to carry out additional felling into the container, removing gradually old bushes.


    This kind of greenery can be raised both from seeds and from the rooteplood that you can buy in the store. For the landing, copies of medium length and weighing 30-60 g without explicit signs of damage are suitable. The top of the root is also not cut. When landing, the material should be deepened by 2/3, not sprinkting the growth point.

    Petrushki seeds are distinguished by long germination, so they especially need pre-sowing treatment with the help of drugs "Zircon" and "Epin". This will help significantly speed up this process. Plant varieties that are most suitable for growing on the windowsill:

    • Fragrant alley;
    • Russian feast;
    • Beads;
    • Morning freshness.


    When growing salad at home, it is best to stop the choice precisely on the leafy of its kinds, since the jams are more demanding on the go and therefore require some specific skills. The best varieties are Lollo Ross and Lollo Biona, who are more enduring to the lack of light, are a little inferior to them - New Year's, emerald lace, vitamin.

    Salad does not endure drought and lack of light, resulting in launching flowers, and the leaves are griste and acquired the characteristic bitterness. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly water and watch it, so that the substrate is always slightly wet, and the spraying is carried out daily.

    Salad sews are important to cut forward. At the initial stage, the distance between the plants should be 2-3 cm, and in phase 2-3 of these sheets - at least 5 cm. The yield can be cut 1 time, after which the sowing should be repeated.


    This culture on the windowsill can be raised with cuttings or seeds. In the first case, the parent plant will be required from which you can take the top shoots for landing. The rooting takes place in water and does not require any professional skills. To do this, it is enough to cut the cutlets with two interstices. Escape should be lowered to the bottom pair of leaves in the water and wait until the roots appear, then planted in the ground. Greens is quickly adapted and goes into growth, but with this method, it will be possible to cut the harvest of no more than 2-3 times, after which the procedure should be repeated.

    In the second case, it is necessary to tinker a little, but it is possible to cut the harvest with a green bed for 1 year. For the cultivation of basil at home, it is necessary to choose mellite green varieties, as purple views are more demanding towards care. In winter, the basil may not climb at all, so it is recommended to take sowing in spring or summer.

    The optimal temperature for the growth and development of spinach is +15 degrees, but at +4 seeds are already beginning to germinate. The crop can already be obtained 40 days after the appearance of germs, while plants must have a height of 7-10 cm and 5-7 of the present leaves in the outlet. You can use the green garden of the spinach for 2-3 months, after that sowing should be repeated. Spinach does not tolerate drought and therefore needs regular watering and spraying foliage. The best varieties for growing on the windowsill are: Golyansky, Melody and Stoic.


    It is not even difficult to grow this kind of greenery that has never been engaged before. But it is necessary to ensure full light and high humidity of the substrate and air. With their lack of sprouts are very pulled out. The first harvest can be obtained 30 days after the appearance of sprouts.

    The cut must be carried out at no lower than 3 centimeters above the surface of the soil. In this case, you can count on fresh greens to 2-3 times. Then you need to re-sow.

    Observing uncomplicated landing and cultivation rules, you can create your green bed on the windowsill.

Few of the maternity owners did not try to grow onions on the windowsill, because to get a green pen of unpretentious vegetable can even the most inexperienced gardener.

Method 1. It is enough to fill a small glass or plastic water container, cover it with a cardboard with a hole for onion roots - and get fresh greens is real without soil.

Telect bulbs that are not subject to rotting, scold with boiling water and remove the upper part. Lower every root into the water so that it is well fixed on the cardboard. Cut the greens and grow new. As they shrink the heads, replace them with new ones.

Method 2.. To grow onions at home in a container with the ground, take the selection of approximately one size. A day to dump the bulbs in hot water, then remove the top husks and delete damage. Cut the top of each head at 1-1.5 cm and shallowly plant in the ground, leaving a distance between the planting material 2-2.5 cm.

Pour the Earth and 6-7 days Keep the container in a warm place, and when strong green feathers appear, put on a light window sill. Water the soil in a day with warm water. 3 weeks after you planted onions, you can cut the first greens to the table.

Garlic on the windowsill at home is also not difficult, as the vegetable is easy to care. The first home landing can be carried out in October, the second - in April, so that all winter and demi-season to have a piquant, rich in vitamins additive to the menu.

For landing garlic to the container, select the sludge soil, the easiest way to take ready in the flower shop. Divide healthy, solid teeth and lay out in wet cotton rags for germination.

Slide into crude land at a distance of 7-8 cm, at a depth of 2 cm, set the container in a warm sunny place. If you chose a flower pot for growing vegetable, it is enough to plant 4-5 heads into it.

To grow greenery of garlic at home, no special care is required, it is enough to heat the soil 2 times a week. Planting should not be rehabilted or standing in moisture, as well as to be outside the sunlight, then garlic feathers will delight with juice.

Parsley, Kinza

To grow a lush green parsley, you will need to germinate healthy seeds and correctly pick up the soil. You can buy a finished peat soil in the store, or pre-prepare your earthy mixture. Two parts of the garden soil mix with a part of the peat and part of the humor, pour a pink solution of manganese.

In a deep container with holes and with a 1.5-centimeter drainage layer, place the prepared soil. Seeds of parsley, preferably early varieties, soak on a day in warm water, do not forget to regularly change it. Having wrapped the crumpled seeds in the cotton fabric, lower for several minutes into the solution of manganese.

Moisten the soil and put a parsley into the holes, leaving a distance of 4-5 cm between the grooves. Cover the 1.5-centimeter layer of land, carefully, and cover the film. Keep in a light warm place about a dozen days until sprouts do not seem. After that, the film coating must be removed.

To grow green parsley on the windowsill, do not forget to water landing 2-3 times a week. Similarly, you can get a cilantro harvest at home. The fragrant greens will give piquancy to the daily and festive menu. For the home it is recommended to choose the varieties of Kinza "Amber", "Light".

Crichers of dill on the windowsill can climb on the tenth and twelfth day and will be happy to please the fresh greens, which can be regularly subsided. Seeds need to choose large, healthy, withstand in warm water for 5 hours, merge moisture and move the sowing material for a couple of hours to the pink solution of targeting room temperature.

In containers with holes at the bottom, put drainage from the ceramzit, then a special soil from the store or prepared by yourself. Land mixture with biohumus and coconut fibers are recommended (1: 2). Plant the seeds shallow into the ground row, pour and arrange a greenhouse effect, covered with a film container.

Already after 10 days, the first dill sprouts may appear and the film can be removed. First week, hold germs at night in a cooler place, for example, on a glazed loggia. Then still keep a small green garden on the windowsill and regularly water. Hardening Holds dill to grow more thick beams, without pulling out.

If you learned how to grow greens on the windowsill and entered the taste, you can surprise something domestic and guests. For example, to supply them among the winter fragrant tea with fresh Melissa. Commier about it in advance - dig up the plant in the fall, without damaging the earthen com, and transope in the flower pot. Keep Melissa in roommates.

You can grow a plant and from seeds, although it's a rather troublesome. To begin, it is necessary to process the seed material with a solution of mangartee, then caring to a depth of 1 cm into a container with a fertile earth mixture. Pour the landing and secure a greenhouse effect before the appearance of two perhapmeter sprouts. Soil should not rehabilitate, as well as mold.

When the plants are strengthened, they must be transplanted into separate pots and at the same time to dive. Pour the soil regularly and spray leaves from the spray gun. Showing a little patience, you can have a fresh greens at home at any time. Experienced crops are successfully grown by spinach, leaf salad, mint, other delicious and healthy vegetables and seasonings. Do not be afraid to experiment, and you will always have a slice of summer in the cold.

This time I suggest discussing the best cultures for home "beds" - those that do not require special concerns, but at the same time they invariably make harvest in the shortest possible time. I present my list and count on your comments.

1. Green Luc

He heads my "hit parade", of course. Probably, at least once in his life he grown on the windowsill each, even if only in childhood, from curiosity. This is the perfect plant for homely garden: fast growing, unpretentious, useful.

As planting material You can use and (large fraction - samples), and ordinary-stock. I tried both options; From Sevka (or petty repka), the harvest, of course, is less - the bulb is faster thanks. But the feather - for my taste - softer and tender. In addition, small-leaf takes less space when landing. A large bulb gives more than greens, her feather is usually larger, and it is possible to get a harvest with her longer.

Small bulbs can be used as a planting material. Photo

If your onions-repka is not so much to use it for the surveillance, you can specifically buy by the autumn samples - in supermarkets and specialized summer house stores at the end of the season are selling with good discounts. I would not advise such a landing material on the repkah, but for pastures - just right.

Since I usually already sprouted onions, harvest for a long time to wait. Some specific procedures (trimming, wigging and the like), which are often recommended to be performed when an armor for a feather is distured, I do not see any particular need, and there is always enough time. But if you, friends, there is such an experience, and you see the benefits of such processing, will certainly share your opinion in the comments - the recommendations of the practitioners are always priceless!

I will say right away: this plant herself grown only once - did not impress its gastronomic properties. Personally, I also had a leaf mustard to taste more to taste - also a very undemanding plant of a family of cruciferous. But the taste, as you know, is a purely individual thing, and I still take courage to recommend as one of the best cultures for home gardens. Why?
  • Firstly, it is like onions - exclusively unpretentious. Those who have no opportunity or desire to spend time on labor-intensive care for "beds" on the windowsill, it will certainly appreciate, I believe.
  • Secondly, He is very rapid: already in 2-3 weeks after the appearance of shoots (and they will not wait to wait too)) you will please you with a young vitamin greenery.
  • ThirdlyNature has endowed the Cress Salad with a lot of useful properties: regular use of this culture helps to normalize blood pressure, improve digestion and sleep. It was used as a remedy for cingi, and the juice was treated by anemia and avitaminosis.

Cress Salad - Vintage in two weeks

If you have children, try to sow the Cress Salad along with them - at least the experiment for the sake. This is a plant from those with which it is worth the introduction to gloomily, because failure is almost excluded!

Cress Salad successfully grows on the window sills even in winter - it is very coolly (the temperature is ideal for it from +15 to +18 degrees) and is not demanding to light. The only thing he needs is regular moistening of soil and air, since droughts this plant does not like. So that the greens on the table was constantly, the next portion of the Cress Salad is preferably soaked every 7-10 days.

From growing cochanic forms of salad At home, it is better to refuse until there is enough experience: they are more demanding and need more thorough care than their leafy counterparts, and they are usually longer. Listed salad, too, honestly, did not even try to grow at home to the standard sizes, which he reaches in the garden - it is quite enough for gentle young leaves. But, if the place allows, and there are suitable conditions for salad, it is quite realistic to receive large outlets.

If we grow parsley from, you must take into account two nuances: the plant is lightless, and its seeds germinate quite slowly. When sowing a parsley with parsley, it was not very successful about the source of light, and the seedlings immediately began to stretch. And accelerate germination succeeded due to the preliminary soaking of seeds in a solution of the Gumi (I somehow tell about this remarkable drug more).

Read more about the cultivation of fragrant greenery at home, read in the article, and selected seeds in our catalog, where offers from various garden online stores. :

The landing material for the surveillance is advisable to take from the landings that you intend to cut forward or completely removed - the plants used to be reversed are no longer restored, and after final harvesting is removed.

An important nuance: Schitt-bow is very sensitive to moisture - with her lack of feather, it grures and begins to be noticeably damaging, flowerons are quickly formed. I put an experiment: in the same tanks planted the same decene; One thing in the usual soil, the second - in the mixture of soil with hydrogel. Visible, what is called, the unarmed eye, the differences in the growth and development of plants confirmed the assumption of the benefits of using the hydrogel and in this case.
- The theme of one of the lessons in ours. Recommendations of agrofirm specialists Search, together with which we organized this project, will help newcomers to quickly master the garden wilts, and experienced gardens - to systematize and deepen their knowledge.

What are you growing on the windowsill you? What in my story agree, and what could argue, based on our own experience? Share in the comments with your opinion, tell about your favorite plants!

Growing food in the conditions of the city is popular all over the world. So, Britt Riley (Britta Riley) lives in a tiny apartment in New York. She came up with a vertical garden on hydroponics. He takes little space and brings a good harvest. About his innovation of Britt.

In the West, if the product is marked with Eco, Bio or Organic, it means two things. First, these products are grown, collected and reworked in accordance with environmental standards, that is, without pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, growth stimulants and other "nasty". They were certified, and serious organizations guaranteed their quality. Secondly, the bioproducts are an order of magnitude more expensive.

In Russia, the "pure food" market is only originated. Not yet formed bioserity and control systems. And the difference in prices between bioproducts and ordinary vegetables and fruit is sometimes reaching up to 1,000%! Therefore, for us the most eco, bio and organic - these are products grown with their own hands.

But dachas and relatives in the village are not all. What to do the children of Urbana, accustomed to see the potatoes of the soot and grids, and greens in vacuum packages? Grow vegetables and fruits right on the balcony or windowsill.

6 reasons to arrange home mini-garden

  1. You can pamper yourself with fresh, full of vitamins with vegetables and greens all year round.
  2. Saving. Vegetables and fruits are expensive, especially in winter. With a homeland garden no longer have to adapt to the season (we can only eat tomatoes in July, and apples in September).
  3. You yourself, with your own hands from a tiny seed can grow a plant, you can collect fruits. This is creative activity, charging positive energy.
  4. You can improve your knowledge about biology, get useful skills and acquire a fascinating hobby.
  5. Your children will see how tomatoes, cucumbers and other vegetables grow, and will understand that they do not materialize a miraculous way in the refrigerator, their cultivation is serious work.
  6. You can surprise friends and acquaintances. Imagine how you will boast harvest, showing the window "Circots". ;)

What you need to grow vegetables and greens at home

  • A place. This is usually a windowsill or balcony. Better if they go to the sunny side. If not, there will be lamps for additional lighting. If necessary, the windowsill can be expanded or to build racks for "beds" (the minimum distance between the shelves is 50 cm).
  • Capacity. Glinic or plastic pots, wooden boxes can serve for homemade garden. The main thing is that in the day there are holes for draining water. Capacity is recommended to put on pallets.
  • Priming. There are many soil mixtures for indoor gardens. As a rule, several layers are made: peat, compost, fuel. You can prepare the soil yourself, and you can buy in a specialized store.
  • Seeds. Some varieties of tomatoes or cucumbers grow well at home, while others do not even spare. Therefore, before you do room garden, you need to sit on the forums, read articles on the Internet and find out what seeds to buy.

In addition, you may need fertilizers, feeding, a thermometer and a vessel for settling water (home plants are watered with water room temperature, estimated from chlorine).

Shelf for plants on the windowsill "Data-img-id \u003d" 363908 "\u003e

Mobile rack for "beds" "Data-img-id \u003d" 363907 "\u003e

Suspended rack for growing herbs "Data-img-id \u003d" 363910 "\u003e

Solution for those who have no windowsill "Data-img-id \u003d" 363913 "\u003e

Vessels for moisture-loving plants "Data-img-id \u003d" 363914 "\u003e

There is an inventory, now you need to decide what exactly is planted. Lifehaker has already written about some vegetables, perfectly growing on the windowsill.

Today we will tell you about ten such plants.


Denisnata /

Variety : "Amsterdam".
Temperature : from 15 to 25 ºС.
Yield : through ≈70 days.

To grow at home you need to take miniature varieties of carrots. You can plant in boxes, pots, or just cropped plastic bottles with holes in the bottom. The soil should take drainage.

Seeds are placed in the ground to a depth of about 7 cm. When carrots go up and germinate for several centimeters, it needs to be switched, leaving the strongest sprouts at a distance of about 2 cm from each other. It is not recommended to keep the beds under the right sunny rays.

Water carrots at home you need often, but you need to follow, so that the moisture does not have too much, otherwise the rooteplood starts. From time to time, you can feed the lowest nitrogen fertilizers (if there is a lot of it, the whole growth will go to the BOTS). It is also very useful sometimes loose soil.


Pepper grown on the balcony

Sort : "Treasure Island", "Dwarf", "Watercolor", "Swallow" and others.
Temperature : from 25 to 27 ºС.
Yield : After 100-130 days.

Seeds first plant in small pots, which are closed with food film and put in a warm place. When the first sprouts appear (in one or two weeks), there are several small punctures in the film. After some time, the peppers will strengthen, then it can be transplanted into large pots or shoulders. It is necessary to do it carefully not to damage the root. The plant is rouded by a third, after which the warm (30 ºС) water is watered.

In the future, pepper can be watered every day. This plant loves light, so in addition to natural lighting, a white spectrum lamps are recommended. It is necessary to take care of home-grown pepper from drafts and direct sunlight.

It is possible to fertilize nitrogen fertilizers, but the potash salt and chloride potassium will destroy the roots of the plant. With proper care, peppers on the windowsill can delight the fruits to two years.

Cherry tomatoes

Levranii /

Sort : "Pigmey", "Bonsai", "Bead" and others.
Temperature : from 23 to 25 ºС.
Yield : 90-100 days (depending on the variety).

Soil, as in the case of pepper, it is more convenient to buy ready. Capacity is recommended to take cylindrical: it is better filled with the root system.

First, the seeds germinate in small pots: buried to a depth of 1.5 cm, covered with food film and leave in warm place to the first sprouts. When tomatoes rose, they are divened to a greater and deep dishes.

It is important that the plant get uniform lighting. To do this, over the "Groces" you can hang daylight lamps or regularly rotate the containers to the window.

Watering should be carefully: Cherry is easy to pour. When the plant creates, the soil is recommended from time to time to loosen and feed mineral fertilizers. If necessary, the trunk of tomato can be tiered to the support (wooden skeletal or pencil). It is also important to ensure that pests do not appear on tomatoes.

By the way, not only Cherry, but also the usual tomatoes, are beautifully growing in home groces.


Cucumbers grown on the window

Sort : "Room Ryttova", "Miracle on the window", "ant" and others.
Temperature : from 21 to 24 ºС.
Yield : After 35-45 days.

For cucumbers, quite large containers are needed, a volume of at least 6 liters. The soil must be loose, with peat or compost.

At home, self-polishing grade of cucumbers grow well. First you need to prepare seeds: they are poured into a weak hydrochloride solution, those that pop up, throw away. Then the suitable seeds of 20 minutes are soaked in a solution of manganese, after which is washed on a wet marla and plant in the ground (under the film). When seedlings go up and grow up, it can be seeded in large containers.

Watering homemade cucumbers for warm water every day, but with caution. Leaves can also spray with a spray gun. Calivial Selith is recommended as feeding.

When the capers of the cucumbers are formed and grow up, the backups should be built for them so that the plant can be placed.


Homegrown radish

Sort : "Carmen", "White Fang", "Selesta F1" and others.
Temperature : from 18 to 20 ºС.
Yield : through ≈40 days.

Radish is recommended to plant in wooden or clay tanks, but conventional plastic cups can be used. We need loose, well-drained ground. Seeds before landing can be checked for the germination like cucumbers. After that, they need to be burned to a depth of 1-3 cm.

After landing, the soil should be pouring and cover with a film. When shoots will appear, the "greenhouse" is cleaned. Radish, as a rule, do not dive. But sometimes it is placed on two to three days in a lower temperature regime - about 15 ° C. This tempts the plant and contributes to the best crop.

Five days after the emergence of the first germs, organic feeding is carried out, and two weeks later - mineral. Radish watered abundantly as dried. It is also important that the air in the room where it grows is not dry.


Home spinach

Sort : "Virofla", "Godri", "Golyansky" and others.
Temperature : 15 ºС.
Yield : through ≈40 days.

Spinach refers to vegetable greenery and is considered very helpful. To grow it at home, you need containers with a height of 15-20 cm. You can use ready-made soil mixtures. The main thing is that they came into their composition.

Seeds before landing is recommended to soak in water for a day. Sowing is carried out at a depth of 1-2 cm. To accelerate germination, you can cover the capacitance of the film. Spinach is approaching about a week after landing, then you can dive it.

In winter, when the apartment has a heating and when a short light day is recommended to highlight the plant with lamps and spray from the sprayer (in addition to watering).

Vintage can be collected when the spinach will reach 7-10 cm in height.


JamDesign /

Sort : "Marquis", "Lemon", "Baku" and others.
Temperature : from 22 to 24 ° C.
Yield : in 50-55 days.

Basil is one of the most fragrant and beloved hostesses. At the same time, it is rather unpretentious and growing perfectly on the windowsill.

Place basil immediately in large containers (volume at least 1.5 liters). First you need to prepare the ground to land: twice to pour mineral fertilizers at intervals in five days. Seeds deepen at 1-1.5 cm. While the plant does not go out, it must be watered every two days. Next, watering is carried out daily, preferably in the morning.

Green garlic

Fotomod /

Sort : "Kharkov", "Jubilee" and others.
Temperature : from 18 to 25 ° C.
Yield : after 15-20 days.

As a rule, garlic bulbs are used in cooking. But green shoots (arrows) are also suitable for gastronomy: they are suitable for making marinades and sauces.

Garlic varieties are divided into two groups: winter and torn. The latter usually do not give arrows, so they are not suitable for growing at home.

Those who have ever grown onions on the windowsill, it will be easy to cope with garlic. It is desirable to take the cloves of garlic of winter grade, it is desirable that they were with sprouts. Soil you can take any. Each teeth are planting at a depth of 2-3 cm and at a distance of 1-2 cm from each other. Posted, you need to pour.

Capacity with garlic should be kept on the highlighted window in the house. Water with soil drying. From time to time you can feed nitrogen-containing fertilizers.


Martiapunts /

Temperature : from 20 to 25 ° C.
Yield : through ≈60 days.

The mint has a rather branched root system, so it should take a deep and wide container for its landing. The soil is recommended to use peat, varieties - any.

There are two ways to land mint: seeds and cuttings. The latter is shown in the video below.

To grow mint from seeds, you need to put them in the ground to a depth of about 5 mm and pour. To create a greenhouse effect, you can use the film. Before the appearance of germs (about two weeks), the Earth needs to be sprayed with water every day. After germination, mint must be seeded.

Mint is unpretentious. In the summer it needs to be protected from direct sunlight, and in winter from lack of light and excess watering. From time to time, the plant can be facilitated by organic mixtures.

Adult plants can reach a height meter. As a rule, there are many leaves on them - mint for tea or homemade mojito will always be.


S.Bachstroem /

Sort : "Autumn Fun", "Home Delicates", "Garland" and others.
Temperature : from 18 to 20 ° C.
Yield : through ≈30 days.

The homemade heat is suitable ampeline removable strawberry varieties. They fruit all year round and not too demanding to light. Shed strawberries can be in any landweight. But before the bottom it is necessary to pour drainage (clamzit, small pebbles) to protect the strawberries from water stagnation.

Strawberry can be grown from seedlings or seeds. Both are sold in stores for gardeners.

Seeds plant in small tanks (for example, plastic glasses) are rich enough and covered with food film. After the first germs appear, the film is removed and put seedlings in a well-lit place. When three or four leaves are formed, the strawberry is divened to the containers more.

This plant loves light. When the days are shorter than nights, artificial illumination should be used. Watering and spraying are carried out as the soil drying. Strawberries easily pour.

Solutions with an essential iron content are used as feeding. During the active growth of strawberries, it becomes a mustache, they must be tested to supports.

As you can see, grow vegetables, greens and even berries in the urban apartment is not difficult and exciting.

If you have home care experience, tell about it. Write in the comments, what and how you had the opportunity to grow on the windowsill.