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How and where is the dates grow? Growing bone dotnals at home. Other types of phenomena, their distribution in the wild and in culture. Palm palm tree - the most important fruit culture of tropical deserts and semi-desert

Date - Juicy sweet berries of brown or dark red. We eat them when you want to please yourself with something unusual and tasty. In stores and in the markets they are sold for weight, or packaged in beautiful bags. And how did they get on the counter, from where they take and how dates are growing, few people can tell.

Are the dates helpable?

Dates, like all dried fruits, rather calories. Them energy value exceeds 279 kcal per 100 grams. Their composition is difficult to compare with other exotic delicacies in their diversity and benefits:

  • Number of different minerals In the dates can reach up to 90%. Namely: phosphorus, calcium, iron, sodium, magnesium, manganese, aluminum, sulfur, boron, cobalt.
  • More than 25 different amino acids, including: tryptophan and glutamine amino acid that affect the work of the brain, suspend the processes of cell aging.
  • Vitamins: B, C, A, Pantothenic acid.
  • Alimentary fiber.
  • Beta carotene.
  • Sugar: glucose and fructose.

Due to this composition, the dates possess numerous useful properties:

  1. Improve vision.
  2. When eating an empty stomach kill an unfavorable flora of the stomach and intestines.
  3. Improve appetite.
  4. Useful to pregnant women.
  5. Increase male strength.
  6. Useful for diseases of the heart muscle and to strengthen the vessels.

We usually do not use so often this product, but it turns out that fearing only by dates and water can be abandoned from all the rest.Read more about the benefit of dates.

Damage for the body

Yes, dates are extremely helpful. But still, not for everyone. What is the harm for these fruits for the human body:

  • Those who have problems with digestion, it is not desirable to eat dates in large quantities, since their sticky structure is pretty heavy to digest and can disrupt the normal secretion of the stomach. Therefore, if you suffer with gastritis or enteritis, it is better to give up this product.
  • People, patients with diabetes mellitus, are contraindicated.
  • Date is not necessary to eat before bedtime, insomnia can be stupid. This happens for the reason that the fruits are pretty for a long time They will be in the stomach, and the body will simply not be able to calmly fall asleep with such active processes.
  • After you have enjoyed dates, it is better to put them with water or tea, because they can adhere to the teeth and cause caries. After all, they contain a lot of sugar.
  • In order for dried dongings to be stored longer, they are treated with sulfur dioxide, which can lead to inflammation of the gastric mucosa or even cause an ulcer.

As we saw, minuses in eating dates are less than the pros, but they are and should not be released from the species.

How to keep dotics at home

Fikes are harvested by B. different types: fresh, dried, pressed. Each date requires careful relationship and storage.

  • Fresh Date in our territories are a great rarity, but if you have relatives who sent you them from hot countries, such as Egypt or Tunisia, then storing them in the refrigerator. There they will lay up to two months. So that the fruits do not absorb smells, wrap them in paper - this old fashion Product storage is the most reliable.
  • Dried The dates also do not like light and heat, so they can be stored in the refrigerator, and better - in the freezer. Frozen fruits are stored for a long time and do not lose their useful qualities. Deliver a few pieces a day to eat.
  • Pressed Date can be kept anywhere and as if they are termic processing.

Fiscal recipes

Of course, the dates are a treat, which is tasty there is just so, but if you eat them all the time, you can diversify your dates menu slightly:

  • Cake with baking dates .
  1. Hazelnut (0.5 glasses) and dates (1 cup) crush on the combine.
  2. Purchase into the form for baking, pre-lay foil.
  3. Bananas (3 pieces), vanilla pod (1 piece), almond milk (300 ml), cocoa (1 tbsp. Spoon) and sorghum syrup (100 ml) beat in a blender.
  4. Add to agar-agar (3 teaspoons) and warm up on fire for 5-10 minutes.
  5. Pour this mixture of nuts laid out in the mold.
  6. Leave in a refrigerator for cooling for an hour.

Cake ready. Before serving with melted chocolate.

  • Useful candy from dates .
  1. Grinding almonds (50 g) divided into two handhes.
  2. To one of them add walnuts (25 g) and rejected once again in a blender. Add dates (5 pieces) and bananas (0.5 banana), mix.
  3. That bunch of almond, which remained untouched mixed with cocoa.
  4. Take a teaspoon dough dough and cut into a mixture with cocoa, give the shape.
  5. Remove the resulting sweets in the fridge for 3 to 4 hours.

Such recipes are good and to the arrival of guests, and for a quiet family tea party. They will be useful due to the content large number Nuts and dates, which are prepared in this way, in which are not subjected to severe heat treatment, but remain in the raw form.

How to grow a bone

After all above the listed, after that we understood how dates are useful, and that their benefits are preserved in fresh products, You can try to grow these delicious fruits yourself and get high-quality, useful dessert.

  1. Let's get a bone from china and soaked in water. To facilitate the yield of the sprout outside, you can lose the bone emery paper.
  2. When the sprout made his way out, transplant it in a pot with peat and sand in half. We abundantly water water.
  3. When sprout is growing. We have to transplant it again, in a pot of more. The bottom can be lowered drainage. Avoid hitting direct sunlight, the tree does not like this.
  4. In the summer, the plant is better to rearrange on the balcony, but not in the sun.
  5. Follow the moisture content of the soil especially in the summer, at least 1 time per week water the plant with water, pre-stunned a couple of days.

Take care, as the tree grows not in natural conditions, its development can slow down several times. For example, a bone can only come up in 4-6 months.

We learned about the benefits and dangers of dates, how to store them and how to grow from the bone themselves. But forgot to tell about how the dates are growing in nature.

In the photo it can be seen that they grow on the phenomena. Trees start fruit only after 4-5 years of planting. These palm trees grow mainly in the countries of the Middle East and North Africa: Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, UAE, Tunisia.

Video about growing dates

In this video, Biologist Irina Voitenko will tell and show how the dates of herd palm trees grow on the streets of Israel, as they look and under what conditions grow:

Plant lovers often wonder how dates grow. IN wildlife These sweet fruits appear on the palm trees. Homeland dates - South America. The plant develops rapidly in a tropical climate. Fruit trees grow in desert terrain. They are also found in Arabia and Africa. In Russia and European countries, the palm palm tree carries decorative function. She decorates offices, cinemas, parks, lobby of various institutions and residential premises. Room tree It grows slowly and does not be fruit. Correct care will help the plant to become a bright addition to a cozy and stylish interior.

How to choose and prepare planting material?

The cultivation of the palm tree is a long and labor-intensive process. First you need to take care of high-quality planting material. Pisch exotic plant Forms of fruit bone. There are 17 species of palm trees. Each type is characterized by a height, shape and dense of foliage, the absence or presence of fruits. Only 3 types of trees are grown at home:

  1. Robel. The plant reaches 2 m in height. Distinctive feature - the presence of thick foliage.
  2. Canary Pinic. The trunk of this plant has a peristry structure. The foliage of the Canary dinner is narrow and tough. Maximum tree height - 2 m.
  3. Fully chick. Distinctive features Plants - rare crown and sleek trunk. Filiar dotnik is not so chic as previous species, but less so is so hot and grow rapidly.

Palm seeds can be bought in the store for gardeners gardeners. A bone of the date bought in the grocery store is also suitable as a landing material. From the dried fruit will grow a fined dog. At home, the tree will not be fruit. His task is to please the eye and bring aesthetic pleasure. The advantages of palm trees are unpretentiousness and simplicity in care.

In order for the exotic plant to take root, it is important to correctly prepare a bone before boarding. This will allow sprout to quickly climb, and seeds - firmly entry in the soil. Prepaiming training Includes 3 stages:

  1. Cleaning. The bone is thoroughly washed under water. On the surface of the seed should not be fruit pulp. Then planting material dries and lies throughout the day.
  2. Heat treatment. To speed up germination, the bone is hampered by boiling water.
  3. Impregnation of water. The bone turns around with cotton waters. "Cocoon" is placed in a small dishes and sent to a warm place to full swelling. The recommended temperature is + 35 ° C. If necessary, water is periodically added to the container.

Experienced flowers advise to harvest the planting material in mid-February. Best time For landing - the beginning of March. If the seed is well swollen, it will definitely germinate. It is important to pull the bone from wet wool in time so that it does not start. Additionally, you can rush the seed with sandpaper or make several cuts with a knife. This will help water to absorb and speed up the process of germination.

Palm tree landing secrets

The swollen bone is ready for immersion in the ground. For the landing of the seed will need a small plastic container or a pot of 6 cm high. It is important to know how to grow a bone palm tree correctly. The container is filled with peat and sawdust or peat, sand and ground. It is important to comply with the proportions 1: 1 or 1: 1: 1. Components are mixed or piled in layers. Soil before landing is necessarily moistened.

The bone in the vertical position must be placed in a pot of depth 1.5 times longer than its own size. Then the container is covered with a transparent film. If it is possible, it is better to cover the surface of the substrate with moss sphagnum. After planting the seed, the pot is in a warm place before sprout. It is important to maintain optimum humidity Soil. The bone of the palm tree sprouts after 3-6 months. This is a long process, so you need to be patient.

When the first green shoots appear on the surface of the soil, the plant is transplanted into a capacity of 10 cm high. Before this pot is filled with a mixture of peat, turf, wood coal, humus and sand. It is recommended to adhere to the proportion 2: 2: 1: 2: 4. During the transplant, it is important not to tear off the seed from the sprout, as the bone also feeds the escape. Optimal option - shift the sprout along with the soil in another pot with a finished mixture. The transplanted little palm tree is placed on the windowsill.

The chip tree grows slowly. 2 months after the appearance of a sprout, Palma reaches 15 cm. This is the time to transplant the plant in a pot of larger. The recommended height is 15 cm. At the bottom of the tank, it is advisable to make drainage from stones. This will provide excess water surplus and constant oxygen access to the soil.

Palm tree care

The plant is a living being. It is necessary to care for him. An elegant palm tree grows from the bone at home, if you provide proper conditions for its full development. First, the tree is low and there is little foliage on it. Only after 5 years, an exotic plant reaches 1.5-2 m in height and acquires a lush thick crown. Despite the fact that the palm tree is unpretentious, it still requires special care. Flowers must be patient and caring to grow the dovetail in room climate.

Create comfortable conditions for the growth of exotic "beauties" simply. It is necessary to follow the basic rules of care, namely:

  1. Every 15 days turn the pot with a plant by 180 °. When the palm tree stands on the windowsill or near the window, it is illuminated by the Sun only on the one hand. This leads to uneven development of the plant. So that the crown from all sides was green and thick, palm must be regularly rotated.
  2. Confront water procedures. The plant needs moisturizing not only roots, but also leaves. With the help of the sprayer 2 times a week you need to spray the palm tree. Dust erased with a wet sponge from the leaves. Once a week, the plant is watering warm shower, the soil is covered with polyethylene.
  3. Wrap from draft. Wind streams are detaching for the palm tree.
  4. Regularly water the soil. In the summer, the plant is moisturized 4 times a week. In winter, it is enough to 1 times in 10 days. For irrigation, warm distilled water is used, preferably nechlorized.
  5. Monitor air temperature indoors. The optimal indicator for the summer period is + 35 ° C. In winter, the temperature is not higher than + 18 ° C.

People who germinate the chicken bones need to know all the subtleties of palm trees. To the exotic plant reached maximum height, in no case cannot trim the leaves on the top of the tree. Palma grows up, so its size increases precisely due to the top foliage. Not enough just to know how to germinate fruit seed. Luxurious palm palm tree is the result of love for a plant and proper care Behind him.

How the dates grow, not rarely interested in lovers of dried fruits, which see them only in the cooked form. The dates grow on the palm collected in the borders. If you wish, you can independently plant a bone from the dried fruit and grow a small palm tree. It's fruitless, of course, it will not be, but an exotic attractive look will preserve and will delight the owner for a long time.

The historic Motherland of Culture is the Middle East, North Africa, Canary Islands. Today the plant is cultivated in different countries With a hot climate. The leader in the cultivation of dates is Saudi Arabia.

In Russia, herd palm trees are grown on the Black Sea coast. However, they do not give high-quality fruits, therefore can only be considered as decorative plants, and not fruiting.

Field palm trees under normal conditions of growing fruit up to 80 years. The fruits are collected in large borders. Self production varieties Cultures allow you to get from one tree to 150 kg of dates.

Growing at home

If there is a desire to have a depicient palm tree home, then it is not necessary to buy a plant. It is enough to simply grow a bone dinner obtained from dried fruit. In order for the indoor plant to be healthy and had beautiful view, I must remember the basic rules of agrotechnology. Their violation for the adult plant is undesirable, but not very dangerous, but young dates die with improper care very quickly.

How to germinate a bone of the date?

The bone must be absorbed correctly, and not enough just to put it in the ground and wait for germination. For planting a bone is suitable only if dried fruits did not pass heat treatment.

  • Planting the plant is best in winter - in this period, in vivo, the formal palm trees begin active vegetation, as summer in the southern hemisphere at this time.
  • The bone needs to be soaked in warm water for 2-3 days. For this, the dishes are placed in a warm place (you can around the battery). Water should be changed every day. You can also soak the bone and in a well-wetted cotton, but it is less efficient.

After the end of soaking on the bone, there are 3-4 punctures and again put it in the water for 4 days. It will stimulate germination. As soon as the bone is wake-up - you can plant it.

Requirement for soil

The soil for palm should be prepared independently.

For him, equally mixed:

  • sawdust;
  • peat;
  • sand.

Fertilizers do not need.

Rules landing

The bone is close not deep - no more than 5 cm. Put it is better not soaring, but peat. This will provide the most comfortable conditions for germination. Place a bone in a pre-moistened substrate. After planting, watering is not carried out until the soil drying. Gearing is better, if greenhouse conditions are created, for which the pot should be tightened with a polyethylene transparent package. It is necessary to remove it for ventilation for 5-10 minutes no less than once a day.

Transplantation Plants

The transplant date of the palm tree is carried out as the pottery develops and process. The substrate during transplant is needed the same as for landing. Also to transplant the plant is necessary if initially several stones were grown in one container. In this case, the transplant is carried out at the moment when a strong 4 cm length was formed on the sprout.

  • Since the roots at the palm trees are long, the pot will need deep. The width is not important. At the bottom, the drainage layer of broken brick or clay is done.
  • The transplant is carried out by the method of pulling, which reduces the risk of damage to the root system. If at the time of transplanting will be detected rotting roots, they are cut.

Frequent transplants adversely affect the palm tree, and therefore the container is taken for it with a margin. The maximum frequency of tree transplantation is once a year.

How to care for palm trees at home?

Despite the fact that the palm palm is distinguished by particularly unpretentious, care is needed correct. In nature, plants are much stronger than those that are grown in a pot and can carry adverse conditions without damage. Home specimens such persistence lost.

  • After germination, the plant requires abundant watering for warm water. However, it is important to ensure that the water is not stored, as this will cause damage. Water for watering defend 2-3 days when room temperature. If possible, use rain or melt liquid. Daily spraying is necessary.
  • In winter, a decrease in temperature to 15-18 degrees should be reduced to 15-18 degrees, which will provide it with a period of rest along the biological cycle of the strip of growth, and not natural nature.
  • Plant needs B. quality lighting within 10 hours a day, but it is important that they don't get straight sun rays. They will lead to burns and its possible death.
  • Feeding is carried out during the growing season 1 time per month, alternating mineral and organic fertilizers. In winter, palm does not feed.
  • To maintain a beautiful appearance, the leaves are wiping with a wet cloth.

Possible problems in growing

The main problems that may arise when growing at home by the domestic palm trees are attacks with its pests: shields, traps. Special preparations for protection help in such a situation. indoor plants.

Another problem with which the flower water may encounter is to overvolt the soil and planting the plant. Palma in such a situation exudes the intense smell of rot. If the plants have live roots, you can save it, stopping it until the moment of complete drying of the soil.

The fact that Palma is lacking moisture, they say the darkeing ends of the leaves. Correct this problem is the easiest way.

If there is a place and desire in the apartment and you can easily grow in yourself exotic beauty From the bone. The palm palm looks in the pot in the pot is smart and can become an interesting green decoration of the house. Knowing what the dates are growing on, you can immediately decide - you need a palm tree home or not.

Date is one of the popular oriental sweets, because these dried fruits and tasty, and useful. In the Muslim world they are used instead of candy. The dates themselves perfectly quench their hunger, enriching the body with vitamins (A, C, B, K, E) and microelements (calcium, phosphorus, copper, manganese, selenium, potassium, sodium, etc.). There are many recipes for dishes, which contains this ingredient: these are pies and, cupcakes and cakes, as well as various second dishes.

Used not only in cooking, but also in folk medicine, for the treatment of problems of the digestive system, insomnia and nervous disorders, lactation increases in nursing mothers.

These fruits are not uncommon on our counters, but no one is usually thinking, where, in which countries the dates are growing. Let's find out it.

In which countries are the dates grow?

North Africa and Middle East are considered to be homeland. It is here, on the territory of the current Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Morocco and Egypt, 6 thousand years ago cultivated this culture. At the same time, the Indians challenges this statement, considering their ancestors to pioneers in the cultivation of dates.

Today, dates are growing in many countries: it is Iraq, Bahrain, Algeria, Egypt, Iran, Arab Emirates, Tunisia and Syria. These trees are found even in the USA, in California, Mexico and Australia. But the recognized leader in the export of dates grown in the country is now Saudi Arabia.

Many are curious: And whether the dates grow in Russia, and where exactly? Note that the dates are grown on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasian mountains, in particular in Sochi, but such abundant fruiting, as in their native tropics, cannot be achieved here.

What tree grow dates?

Date, as you know, grow on palm. However, their fruiting is possible Only when they are in the usual roasting desert. In the natural medium, the dates grow and abundantly fruit within 60-80 years. The chipstick is not difficult to grow from the bone, but the fruit you will not wait: the fact is that this plant is two-one, and therefore, for successful pollination, he needs "neighbors" of both sexes. Therefore B. room conditions palm trees grow as decorative plant With rolling, beautifully curved leaves.

Plant the bone from the usual date, and shoots will appear in 2-3 months. Caring for the room palm is as follows: it should provide bright lighting, moderate temperature in summer and coolness during peace, in winter. The plant must be abundantly watered during the period of active growth, and the leaves are sprayed.

Looking at oblong bones inside the beloved by the kids and adults of the dates, many fans of indoor plants wondered: "How does a real pallma palm tree grow out of such crumbs, and what will happen if you put the seed at home?"

Sweet dates sold in stores, these are the fruits of PHOENIX DACTYLIFERA Palms. In nature, a powerful tree grows to gigantic sizes, giving huge brushes to those famous around the world of fruits.

For room growing More miniature, adapted views of the premises in the room. Such palm trees can be seen and purchased in flower shops. If you wish to independently go on the cultivation of the dates from the bone, the likelihood of success is great.

Of course, wait when the tree reaches its true height of 30 meters and gives the first harvest of the dates, it will not work. But watch growth and development unusual Plants I will enjoy both parents and children.

How to grow a chopping palm tree?

For landing, seeds will be required, just extracted from ripe fruits. It is quite suitable bones from shopping dates. The main thing is that they be healthy, not damaged insect or mold and did not have time to dry, otherwise the probability of getting germs is sharply reduced:

Before the bones are shipped into the ground, sometimes they are advised to gently scratch to alleviate germination. It is much more useful and safer to germinate them in a wet vermiculite. The container with seeds put in heat and observe the substrate to be completely dry. In this case, after 10-14 days, as soon as the flower deems notice the first roots, the bones are transferred to the soil and the pots are exhibited in heat to a well-lit place.

If the sprout did not seem in the deadlines, it is not necessary to despair. Perhaps the bone dryed before planting and for "revival" it will need more time. Sometimes the seedlings of the dates of the palm trees were found even six months after seeding seed into the ground.

The palm tree appeared from the bone is afraid of damage to the roots, so all manipulations in transplant is important to spend very carefully and carefully. Otherwise, a small seedlock is extremely acclimatized or may die at all.

How at home to care for a palm tree further? Unlike ordinary indoor plants for the palm tree, even the first pot is needed very impressive sizes. The seedling with the only one, even closed "children's" sheet, is transferred in a capacity of 0.3-0.5 liters. The following transplant is carried out until the moment when the long rod root of the plant penetrates the drain hole.

Saplings need a bright place where the plant will not be in the dark, but it will not be disturbed by the midday sun. For the date palm tree from the bone and after germination should be a bulk. The convergence threatens the development of rot and the death of a rapid plant, but also not worth over to earth.

How to care for palm trees at home?

Date palm, like other wood crops, does not differ by rapid growth. But at discomfort and insufficient palm care at home, the plant reacts immediately. This is especially true of young copies.

What conditions are needed for palm, so that the plant felt "how at home" and well responded to care?

Whether the domestic palm trees grown at home or a plant brought from a flower shop, culture is required to find a place with suitable lighting. In nature, large trees easily carry the scorching sun, but the light-insulated room palm is better not to subjected to such trials. The optimal location is in the depths of the room overlooking the south side, as well as on the eastern or western windows.

Since May, when the average daily temperature overcomes the frontier of 12 ° C, nothing threatens by the dates palm. Therefore, the plants are boldly tolerated on open air Under the protection of larger crops, on the loggia or on the balcony.

If the flower plant does not have the opportunity to remove the palm to the air, the plant develops well at ordinary room temperature. BUT B. winter time The optimal will be the content in the cooler air, he has been heated only to 16-18 ° C. Critical for dates palm is considered to be cooling up to 12 ° C. In this case, growth stops, the palm has stopped feeding and may suffer from root rotting if it does not stop watering on time.

There are no special requirements for humidity in the plant. But in the hot season, as well as in winter, when heating works in the room, the regular care for the palm tree at home includes spraying the crown and rubbing the foliage with a wet cloth.

The plant does not tolerate water stagnation. Therefore, when leaving at home, the phenomena is watered so that the soil does not drive, but it was not constantly wet. In summer, watering is carried out more often, in winter, the intervals between the procedures increase and focus on the burden of 2-3 cm surface layer of the substrate. If the irrigation water penetrates the pot into the pallet, it is immediately removed, and the bottom of the tank is wiping. Do not forget about the powerful drainage layer. The larger the palm palm tree and the pot intended for her, the thicker the layer of clayjit or brick crumbs at the bottom.

Palm palm trees willingly perceives spring-summer feeders for which liquid is used for large decorative-deciduous crops. If the palm has been put in the garden for the summer, with a periodicity of 7-10 days, the plant can be fed bird litter, applying a granular shape or infusion.

The transplant frequency depicted on the photo of the palm tree when careing at home depends on the age and size of the plant. Young seedlings are transferred to a pot of larger volume approximately once a year, and adult copies are trying not to disturb. If you need a transshipment, it is carried out, it is pre-triggering an earthen car and trying not to damage the sensitive roots of the plant. Palm tree transplant is carried out in ready sadoffered by specialized shops.

To improve drainage, you can take a brick crumb or clamzite in size drainage holes. If the roots of the palm trees are still visible at the bottom of the pot, in the spring you can do the replacement of the upper layer of the soil. The old substrate is gently removed, and fresh in its place falls asleep nutritious primer. After that, the palm tree is watered.

Experience in growing date of date - video