Repairs Design Furniture

Chandeliers for home: and their varieties (26 photos). Lusters for living room - Tips and criteria for selecting high-quality lighting Multicolored chandelier in the interior

Chandeliers in the interior occupy a very important place. This seemingly simple item is capable of converting space through the arrangement of the right accents and the use of directional lighting streams. Now there are a lot of variants of lamps, among which it is hard to find suitable. From this article you will learn how to choose the right sources of lighting.

Features lighting

The chandeliers began to be used to illuminate the premises back in the distant IV century. For the first time, suspended lamps made of bronze or wood were used for it. Over time, the forms and versions have become more and more. To illuminate the room began to use candle lamps made of crystal, enamel or silver. Interesting multi-tiered candelabras are still used to decorate the room.

To create proper lighting, designers choose lamps different sizes. In apartments, where spaces are quite small, preference has to be given to small products.

Also in trend minimalism and naturalness, so many pay attention to wooden chandeliers and metal products.


There are many varieties of chandeliers that you can choose to design your apartment.


This type of chandelier looks very unusual in modern conditions. Such a product is a spectacular plafof attached to the ceiling with a metal cord or long chain. It can vary it depending on your wishes, as well as on the characteristics of the space. A good option for which many designers recommend paying attention to - suspended lamps in which the chain is adjusted at any time.

Suspended chandeliers on the long chain will organically fit into the interior of the bedroom or living room, stylized under the fashion. For example, to a baroque or rococo room.


If the hanging chandeliers do not like you, you can pay attention to simple ceiling. They are attached to the chains. The ceiling, as a rule, is made in minimalist style. Usually, preference is given to such materials as glass or metal. Such chandeliers are best suited for interior in style. modern.


This option is largely similar to the first. They also look pretty unusual and seem to be an antique product. They can be safely used even without ceiling. The most luxurious option is, of course, the handmade product. Such products can be massive, and more refined, consisting of soft smooth lines. Such a chandelier fits perfectly into the interior, where there is a lot of wood and natural stone. Often they are used to decorate a living room or office.


Several decades ago, it was the crystal chandeliers that were most sought after. Now designers, creating such lamps, try to move away from stereotypes, experimenting with flowers and combinations of materials. For example, a black chandelier consisting of many crystal pendants will look luxuriously.

Crystal chandeliers Designers advise only in rooms with sufficiently high ceilings. As for the crystal himself, Italian is considered the highest quality, but you can find a more accessible option.

Popular styles

Chandeliers differ not only by the features of fastening and shape, but also in what style is made:

  • Vintage. Suspended chandeliers in Vintage style are the same luxurious lamps on long chains. Vintage chandeliers like not everyone likes, but if you want to recreate the atmosphere of past centuries in the room, then such an antique chandelier will definitely like. Especially interesting is the devices stylized under the candelabr. In modern models, candles for safety are replaced by light bulbs. But it still looks interesting and unusual.
  • Nautical. Another interesting course-creation in the living room or bedroom of the maritime style. It is air, light and peaceful. In this interior, the lamp of seashells or chandelier looks good, reminiscent of the steering wheel attached to the ceiling.
  • Minimalism. About this style is worth talking at least because it is one of the most common now. Interior chandeliers in this style are simple, monophonic and discreet. It can be just a round ceiling or long suspension on the chain.

Color solutions

Color solutions There are also quite a lot. This makes it possible to choose the perfect hue of the chandelier even for the most unusual room. The most interesting variations:

  • Shades of blue. Blue, blue and purple chandeliers are often used when decoring the bedroom. Especially in the interior in sea or minimalistic style.
  • Solar tone. Because in the conditions of the apartment, the chandelier serves as a small sun, then often designers choose the lamps of different shades of yellow and gold. Such a chandelier gives a soft muted light, which also adds the coziness room.

  • Dark colors. Dark chandelier of chocolate color, wenge or indigo, for example, is not the most popular option. Although it is stylish, but too extravagant. Therefore, this option is suitable for the lamp not everyone. However, in the Gothic or modern interter, the original black chandelier looks very good.
  • White. The universal option for the design of almost any room is a white chandelier. This is the most calm and neutral color, so it is perfectly combined with bright shades, and with something calmer.

Of course, these are only the main colors, there are still many others. Hold the color of the lamp, which is either suitable for the main colors of the room, or becomes a bright accent in it.

To make your creations more interesting and original, designers use different options for an additional decor or change the shape of the lamp.

If your room has no jet of decor, you can choose the original chandelier that will become the center of the composition. To do this, you can use a product in the form of a cell, a metal bowl or flashlight.

The painted chandeliers look interesting. Here it is not about simple patterns or prints, but about unusual graffiti. Long rectangular lamps or stylish round lamps can decorate print-style prints, bright paintings or even mosaic.


As for materials, natural, and artificial and artificial ones are now equally popular. Everyone has their own advantages:

  • The most luxurious, of course, are precious and semi-precious metals. Vintage chandelier from antique silver, copper or gold-plated metal will cost expensive, but it will look really unique.
  • An easier option is a metal chandelier. But here you can find something spectacular. For example, a chandelier with forged inserts or metal curls.
  • Also good and wooden chandeliers. They can fit into the modern interior, and in classic. In general, this is one of the most popular options now.

How to choose?

Knowing what a variety of chandeliers exists, it can be understood that it will be difficult to choose a suitable product. Specialists advise guided a number of simple rules that will make the search for the lamp easier:

  1. take into account the size of the room. The smaller your room, the less, respectively, there must be a chandelier. But for the studio you can buy more lamp.
  2. it is necessary to take into account that, the only one is the light source or there will be any additional sconce, flooring or sophistication. If so, they must be combined in style.
  3. by definitely pay attention to the quality and appearance of the product. Here everything is simple and can be understood from the preceding points.

Well, finally, it is necessary to clarify that there are different lighting options. It also needs to look at it. The working area needs a maximum of light, so it is worth covering this space with a good chandelier with a high-quality light bulb. But in the recreation area, you can arrange a small lamp with a plateon of a matte glass or simply with a lamp with a yellow muted light.

Beautiful examples in the interior

In practice, everything is much easier to understand, and understanding the features of their interior, you can easily find a suitable lamp for yourself.

The chandeliers in the interior play a key role in its design. If you choose the lighting correctly, you can make the space cozy and visually will expand the room. You can also fill the lack of natural light, which is necessary for dark premises. There are nuances of choosing a type of chandelier, which depend on the purpose of the room, its dimensions and the style decision.

Before choosing chandeliers for the interior room, you need to take into account simple but important advice:

  • the smaller the room, the easier there should be lighting;
  • it is necessary to take into account the area zones and their functionality (whether there will be a place for reading, desktop, dining room);
  • what additional ways of lighting will be used (flooring, sconce, sofita), how they will be combined with the main light source;
  • the style and color palette of the interior must elaborate with the decor of the lamp.

In the photo, the classic chandelier looks extravagant and perfectly combined with a mirror wall and a white high ceiling.

As a rule, the chandelier is fastened to the center of the room, but if 2 zones are concentrated in one room, then you need to use two sources of central lighting, if necessary. Either in the same zone to use chandelier, and another to supplement the score and sofits (this solution depends on the purpose of the zones and the necessary light intensity).

Cold lighting should be chosen for the working area, for recreation and relaxation is warm, but not too dark light. You can choose lighting with adjustable light intensity, the best option for bedrooms and children's.

Interior chandelier


Options in the classic are most presented in the lighting market and have many decor options. The classics are characterized by smooth lines, versatility, glass and crystal, often mimic the candelabra and candle holders in their forms, reminding about their origins. They are appropriate in any style and do not come out of fashion, so they are a win-win choices and a good investment.

The photo suspension chandelier and brake in the classic style make up a single composition in a luxury living room of a beige shade. Golden color, glass, velveteen, stucco and gloss are appropriate only in spacious rooms.

Modern style

Chandeliers in the modern interior are prone to minimalism and practicality. A simple ornament or geometry, without suspension, in the neutral scheme creates a laconic image of the room.

High tech

High-tech in the interior is distinguished by chrome surfaces, simplicity of geometry and minimalism. Brilliant surfaces of steel, nickel, cubism and clarity are suitable for lighting in the kitchen, corridor.


Lamps Modern in the interior are made of different materials and their weave. It can be a traditional classic chandelier placed in a cube of wire, a regular lamp in a ball of threads or vines.

On the photo, the chandelier with white ceiling, is a classic choice, combined with all the shades and will suit any interior.


Loft chandeliers in the interior may look very diverse, because it is free to manifest style. Most often it is a geometric design with lamps inside, ordinary rectangular plaffones, simple lamps on the wires.


Chandelier Provence in the interior can combine the basis of a classic lamp with a frame without lush decor and glass accessories. Wooden and metal elements, the effect of scuffs will bring the interior to the desired style decision.

In the photo, a classic chandelier with white plates and brass base, a suitable option for the design of the Living room in the style of Provence.

Living room

Chandeliers in the interior of the living room are selected with special attention, because the needs of each family member should be taken into account. In addition, the design of lamps in the interior can become a key element of the decor that will attract the attention of guests.

In each house, the living room performs many features: this is a place of recreation, children's games, watching TV, conversations and negotiations, there may be a workplace, a home banquet is also held here.

If it is a studio apartment, then the key zone will be the living room. It is important to determine the design of the room, the number of lighting devices, their intensity and the location of the central chandelier.

In the photo, the original pendant chandelier looks restrained and concisely, performs the main function and is suitable for the design of the living room in a modern style.


Chandeliers in the kitchen interior add comfort and create a family atmosphere. It is best to choose small lamps with a fastening of a ceiling with a simple design, it will make care and emphasize its practicality.

In the photo, a crystal chandelier and a glass table create a single dining area. The unusual placement of the lamp attracts attention and makes the kitchen original.

The lamp can complement the interior or stand out with the help of unusual design. It can be placed in the center, and it is possible above the dining table. Do not forget about additional lighting over the working surface, additional lamps should not conflict with the chandelier.

In the photo a simple pendant globe looks simple and functionally. It is easy to care for him and maintain it in order. It is rather decor, since the lighting function is performed by point lamps and backlight over the working surface.


The chandeliers in the interior of the bedroom play a special role to create comfort especially in a modern interior with simple and functional furniture. When choosing a fixture, you need to take into account the height of the ceiling and the size of the bed, the color of furniture and walls. For the bedroom, the chandelier is best suited with the control of light intensity.

In the photo, a gorgeous glass chandelier adds luxury into the bedroom and dilutes the interior in brown colors.

In the photo, a modern chandelier is made in a floral subject, repeating in their designs details of flowers, leaves and branches.


The chandelier in the nursery can be performed in the most unusual form, but it is necessary to pay attention to the environmental friendliness of materials, they must be non-toxic and do not exhibit the smell when heated. If the interior design is made in the neutral range, then the lamp may be brighter. It can also support sea, pirate, cosmic and other topics.

In the photo classic chandelier. Children's themed classic style room creates comfort for a small princess.


The chandelier in the interior of the hallway emphasizes the comfort of home and with a competent choice of light intensity draws attention to the decoration, and also expands the space. It should be small and ceiling, repeat the geometry of the room and be from simple transparent materials. If the ceilings are high, you can choose a suspended lamp in a classic style with several lamps.

If in the corridor, a stone or plaster finish of the walls, then you can select a lamp in the form of a lantern, if there is a wooden panel in the corridor, then the option with a wooden decor is perfectly suitable.

In the photo, white walls, glass panels and a small light flaf fill the hallway and make it visually more.


Lighting in the bathroom interior performs a practical and decorative function. With the help of it, you can create a stylish and original bathroom decor.

Types of chandeliers

  • Suspended. Present plafoons on a chain or cord. Between the ceiling and space, the distance to the half-meter and can be adjusted depending on the height of the ceiling. Most often choose glass beams, but they can be made of plastic or fabric. Depending on the length of the cord, either a romantic or solemn interior is created. This species suits the living room and bedrooms. The suspension lamp is inappropriate in the apartment with low ceilings.

  • Ceiling. Mixed to the ceiling without suspension, a more modest version of the central lighting. Plafones look most often as a single design or individual elements. Materials also give preference glass. The perfect solution for the interior of small rooms and low ceiling rooms. Suitable for any styles.


Forged chandeliers in the interior today look unexpectedly and represent the subject of art handmade. Depending on the softness of the lines and bends, they can be openwork or light, strict and majestic. They will greatly decorate a solid cabinet and a luxurious living room. Combined with wood and stone in the interior, suitable for the modern room for creating eclecticism.


The crystal chandelier in the interior is suitable for a cozy situation, causes pleasant feelings of classics and its admission to her. Crystal refracts light and creates a game, it can be of any color thanks to modern technologies. The chandelier can be crystal with the addition of colored stones, suitable for living room and bedrooms with high ceilings. The most appreciated Czech and Italian Crystal. In turn, it requires the right care for the permanent game rays.

In the photo, the crystal chandelier fits into the decor of the classic bedroom. Gold plated parts, painted on the walls and a two-level ceiling with white stucco create a refined image.

Black and white chandeliers

The color solution depends on the room design, where the lamp can be a bright accent, or fit into total color tones.

  • The black chandelier in the interior looks extravagant and suitable for light walls and white high ceiling. Can decorate the interior in the style of minimalism, high-tech, classics, gothic, it depends on the design.

In the photo, a black chandelier in the form of a spider decorates an eclectic interior of a country house.

  • White chandelier in the interior is a classic choice when a combination of colors, since white is combined with all the shades and will suit any interior. It is also important to choose the material and the fastening method.

Photo gallery

With the help of lighting, you can experiment with the room design and the original interior originally. On the photo presented below - examples of using chandeliers in rooms of various functional purposes.

Lighting in the interior of any room plays an important role. And the chandeliers are a kind of additional decoration of the situation. It is necessary to approach the choice of this subject of the interior, it is extremely careful, because the wrong design is able to spoil the entire idea of \u200b\u200bthe designer and to reduce the pre-applied efforts.

Now there is a huge sorting chandelier, therefore, in such a variety will not get confused, you need to get acquainted with the most stylish and beautiful designs, which will be presented in this article.

Chandelier selection criteria

In order to purchase such a chandelier who will delight owners and amazeing guests, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules of her choice. There are many more them, so we will discover attention only as much as possible:

The listed factors are not the only one, but if they are taken into account, the choice is much simplified. Many people choose light sources depending on whether they like or not, but they completely forget to think about how they fit into the interior. When choosing it is necessary to take into account all the indicators that may be important for its correctness.

Types of chandom

Modern chandeliers are different, so a certain classification has been created that helps to divide them. So, the designs can be ceiling, classic and in the form of suspension.

The first type is used very often and supports almost every interior. Stylish ceiling chandeliers are distinguished by compact sizes, which allows you to mount such structures in those rooms where low ceilings. They look quite stylish and modern, so do not fit for classical design.

Classic or chandeliers are suitable for the interior in the classic style. They are not a place in those rooms where luxury and grace are not valued. The popularity of such designs is growing every year.

The size is necessarily correlated with the size of the room itself. So, the chandeliers for a kitchen or a low ceiling room can be spread, but only if they do not have extra decorative elements and are ceiling. If only the classic version is suitable for style, then it is worth choosing a smaller design so that at low ceilings it does not look at the cumbersome. In large areas, it is necessary to install one large or several small structures.

Varieties of registration

At the moment, modern stores offer a lot of options that are drawn up for a wide variety of interiors and can fit into any design. Each interior style is characterized by some kind of features and has certain features. They were reflected in the designs of trendy chandeliers. They do not have a separate classification, as it is very difficult to allocate certain groups, but there are some grounds for which chandeliers can be divided:

There are still a lot of separation options for chandeliers into groups, but everyone is just not listed here, so you can stay on the named.

Lighting modes

Artificial lighting is a very important component of any interior. It is planned at the design stage, so that there is an opportunity to establish capital wiring that will withstand intended loads. In order for chandelcing as high quality as possible, it is necessary to take care of the lighting modes.

Under this concept is the possibility of changing the intensity of lighting, depending on the needs.

Important! The adjustment of the light intensity is very important on the bedroom chandeliers.

This is shutdown or turning on some light bulbs or installation of LED backlight. Emitted light also happens differently in color. It is very important for the right perception of the interior. Some designs won from cold light, and some, on the contrary, play new paints from warm glow.

Chandeliers depending on style

In the house, each room is usually performed in a certain style, so the chandelier is selected for it. We will look at the most famous styles and voice the features of lighting devices that are suitable for each of them.


If the room is decorated on the canons of classical style and does not differ in some special details, then the conservative designs of the chandelier, as in the photo, will be complemented. For such sources of light, forged elements and decor under the antiquity are characteristic. In addition, they are decorated with metal curls and suspensions, as well as inlay.

Classic chandeliers will look great in spacious canteens and living rooms. Ideally, they emphasize all the luxury and sophistication of the interior. Such bedroom chandeliers will make it a truly royal. If the interior is designed in a strictly classic style, then for this option there will be solutions in the form of simply decorated lighting devices. Crystal products can be attributed here.

Modern style

High-tech style is completely different from the classics and requires other lighting. The correct lines are very important here, the lack of pomp and the odds, minimal design. The main materials for this type of luminaires are plastic, metal and glass. With respect to color, the use of blue, black or metallic color is common.


It is quite interesting to styling residential premises for production. Usually, thus make up cottages or apartments with high ceilings. Loft design chandeliers are manufactured as massively and can be performed by individual projects.

Such chandeliers look extraordinary, usually produced from metal. Here is a photo of several of them.

Extraordinary light sources

If the design of the room is designed in the original style, and it is difficult for it to choose a chandelier that will become an ideal addition, you can perform it yourself. For this, a wide variety of materials are used at hand.

It can be wood, porcelain, fabric, clothespins, paper or cardboard, kitchen utensils. What to choose the master decides itself. But in any case, the designer solution is obtained, which can be a business card of the entire apartment. The main thing is to withstand the style and do the thing neatly, then it will last for many years.


Even the most fashionable chandelier is not able to decorate the interior if it exists separately from its style. Therefore, in order to emphasize all the advantages of the room, it is necessary to choose such a source of light that is suitable in all parameters to the selected design.

The final focus repairs are correctly selected chandeliers and lamps. Classic ceiling chandeliers in the interior together with elegant wall bras, lamps and floor lamps - any lighting devices will be able to emphasize the unique design and creative approach to the design of the rooms.

In the modern interior, the chandelier, in addition to the lighting function, often acts as the main decorative instrument

The most responsible task of repair of an apartment is repairs in the living room. The guest room is the most visited place, both for apartment tenants and guests. It is here that you need to try to achieve maximum harmony in order to benefitly present the style moments, surprise with an impeccable taste.

The traditional option is the crystal chandelier, located in the center of the ceiling of the room. From a transparent crystal sparkling in the rays of the Sun (or in the reflections of candles at the festive table), it will perfectly fit into any interior style: from the classic modest to modernist, especially expensive.

The classic crystal chandelier is associated with luxury, elegance and well-being

The chandelier is relevant for almost any style - from neo-classics to avant-garde

Thanks to the correctly selected form and size of a crystal chandelier, it is easy to correct the visual idea of \u200b\u200bthe room.

Luminaires with imitation of hot candles look great in various stylistics of classical orientation, Shebbi-Chic and Contludern

  • A wide form of crystal under the most ceiling will make the room outwardly more spacious.
  • If the design of the lamp is selected with elongated crystal icicles, it will easily "lower" the ceiling closer to the floor, which is often used, if desired, fill the apartment with high ceilings.
  • Round chandelier from crystal, on the contrary, the ceiling will make it higher, and the room itself is more elongated up.
  • Strict geometry of the central crystal lamp will add solidity to the interior, i.e. it will be the right choice for arrangement not only living room, but also a cabinet.

Chandelier with hard mount to the ceiling visually lifts the height of the room

Compact chandelier in the living room of minimalist style

The ceiling lamp shade in the living room may have additions in the form of gilded chains, candlesticks, decorative elements made of metal, bronze, glass or expensive natural stones. It is worth considering that the chandelier for the interior of the living room is not so often bought as often, and even if after major repairs you still decided to change the form of the central electrical extent, the next such replacement wishes not soon. That is why it is worth paying special attention to the selection of chandeliers and it is advisable to buy the most practical option.

Variety of forms and types of chandeliers

The modern industry offers a huge selection of chandeliers of a wide variety of forms and species. Such an assortment provides elegant opportunities to successfully hide the unwanted moments of the interior or planning of the apartment.

By type, ceiling lamps are two options:

  1. On the hard wide mounting to the ceiling (the plane of the chandelier to the ceiling plane).
  2. Suspended models.

The lamp on a wide ceiling attachment has the "lift" the ceiling and make the room visually higher. This form transforms a room into a modern style.

Suspended chandeliers are suitable for high ceilings, for small rooms it is better to use flat models for small rooms.

Suspended chandeliers are a set of plafones (or one ceiling) on \u200b\u200ba long suspension. The suspension is fastened to the ceiling with a special hook hidden under the decorative figure element. The suspension length can often be adjusted.

The design of the external form of lampshar is presented quite widely:

  1. The classic shape is traditional semicircular, cylindrical, curly plaffones open, closed or inverted up. The configuration (location) of ceiling allows you to play with the direction of the light flux, i.e. to strengthen it (open beams, addressed down) or make the light with scattered soft (the closed form of the ceiling or light is directed up, but reflected from the ceiling around the room).

    Crystal chandeliers look rich and used mainly for large premises with high ceilings.

  2. The antipode of the classics will be vintage: vintage chandeliers "under ancient" are wrought, embossed patterns with elements of colored glass, wood or fabric.

    Forged chandelier is perfect for an interior performed using a tree or natural stone.

  3. Eco-style in the design of lampshades is represented as natural natural materials that are used for the manufacture of a ceiling and general decoration. Tree, cones, fir branches, feathers, horns, seashells - from these gifts of nature create unique and grace forms.

    Features chandeliers in eco-style - Plafones from natural materials

  4. A straight variety of eco-chandeliers is considered to be a chandelier in Japanese style. In essence, the same natural composition of the ceiling of the ceiling, but from the materials of the country of the East: bamboo, rice paper and other. Another Japanese style characteristic is a clear geometry of the pattern and the absence of any pompousness, smartness (everything is most reserved and laconic).

    Japanese chandelier in wood with rice paper plates

  5. Modern style offers enough variants of models: from proper geometry (multi-tiered rings made of metal with an additional entourage in the form of candlesticks, neon lights, beads) and to an absolute avant-garde, both in form and materials of manufacture (star paint, waterfall and other).

    Designer chandelier unconventional form

Chandelier color

According to the color principle, the entire variety of ceiling lamps in the modern interior can be conditionally divided into two categories:

  • monophonic;
  • colored.

The second option (colored lamps) is appropriate in children's rooms or even in the kitchen (in the style of country, pop art). This approach will fill the room with the immediacy, ease, playfulness.

But the chandelier can act as the main color accent

But one-photon chandeliers are a universal choice for any room, which will give the interior phlegmology, thoroughness and emotional imperture. Actually, the chandeliers in one caliber are almost invisible (they are not striking, like bright multicolor). Unless the absolute contrast in the color of the lampsier and the total background of the room is not selected. But at the same time, thanks to such a chandelier, repairs in the room will be harmonious and completed.

The color balance of the chandelier can be confidently reinforced by the selected light source. For example, the yellow light of conventional incandescent bulbs will fill the room with warmth and comfort, and the chandelier will remove the genust and epic calm. The light from ordinary incandescent bulbs is most beneficial effect on the person's eyes, does not cause cut and excessive tension.

Black chandelier looks extravagant and fits a bright interior and high white ceiling

White chandelier is combined with all shades and comes to any interior

Energy-saving lamps will become an economically advantageous alternative to incandescent lamps. On the light stream there are cold white and warm yellowish, therefore, the general background of the perception of light can be the same as from the incandescent lamp.

Halogen, luminescent, reflex and LED lamps are the result of technical innovation. This option of light instruments will fill the room with clean invigorating white (or color) light. They are quite different on external form and color content (a complete palette of colors and shades is presented). Similar modern motifs and the manufacturability of these light sources are perfect for the office, hallway, bathroom.

How to competently pick up a chandelier in the room

Given the variety of forms, species, colors of ceiling lamps, and their intended purpose, as an indispensable element of the interior, easy to get confused. We offer brief tips-rules for choosing an electric vehicle in the room.

  1. Compliance with the external dimensions of the chandelier and the common dimensions of the room. Under a high ceiling of a wide living room, a small piece of global chandelier will look illogical. Equally, as in a small room with a slight endier and a low ceiling will inappropriate to hang a gorgeous royal chandelier in several levels. In other words, look for a "golden middle" to achieve the harmony of space.

    Huge Industrial List Chandelier

  2. Color combination. The color of the ceiling is obliged to integrate the general background of the decor of the room. Contrasts are undesirable here, since such an annoying of a man's psyche, which will certainly affect communication with loved ones. As a result, you want to change the chandelier chandelier by anything. The most tolerant and harmless color of the plafoons is white or transparent. For this reason, too often choose options for lamps from crystal, white glass, plastic.

    Luxury chandelier with stained glass

  3. It is very important to guess the suitable diameter of the lamp for the overall size of the ceiling plane. Here you can take advantage of mathematics: the length and width of the ceiling of the room (in cm) is divided by 30, the resulting numbers fold and multiply the amount by 2.5 is the approximate diameter of the chandelier for this ceiling.

    Successfully selected chandelier diameter that performs the role of zoning dining part of the kitchen

  4. Shadow height is another nuance of the right choice. Bang your head about the edge of the crystal or any other chandelier does not want anyone. Consequently: from the floor to the edge of the ceiling should be at least 2 meters of height. As mentioned above in the text, most models of modern suspension chandeliers have a height regulator, and therefore there are no problems with this question.

    Laconic model on a long suspension

  5. It is necessary to seriously treat the appointment of the room, where are planning to buy a lamp. For a cabinet, children's or kitchen, the bright light is very important and needed, i.e. Choose open types of plafones or modern style models with halogen or fluorescent lamps. But for the bedroom or living room is desirable, a soft light stream that does not irritate the eyes, configures on vacation and relax. For these purposes, it is better to choose closed plafones and classic "Ilyich light bulbs".

    Chandelier with textile lampshade in the colorful interior of eclectic stylistics

  6. And the last rule for the choice of chandelier is your own taste. You live in an apartment and see this product of light illumination every day. So, the form, size and color of the electric vehicle is obliged to like you, and then to meet everyone above the described selection criteria.

    Chandelier-cloud on the background of gray living room walls

Of course, a harmonious combination of chandeliers with the interior style plays a lot of role. So, for the vintage style of the interior or for the style of Provence, the flaf in the style of a rustic country can not fit. Choose a classic crystal under these styles, air forms or multi-level suspensions.

Similarly, if the interior is under modern, hai-tech, militaries, futurism and other neo-modern styles will be "decorated with an old-fashioned lamp shape and from a simple material. Kohl design is modern, then the lamp must correspond to the fashion XXI century.

For a spacious living room, the pair of identical hanging lamps is a fairly frequently used technique that allows you to illuminate a large area and create an original interior.

The chandelier may be three, if it harmoniously fits into the design of the room

In modern interiors, the chandelier is sometimes replaced by a lot of light bulbs suspended on cords without plafofes.

If you carefully consider all the above-mentioned tips - it is easy to choose the perfect look, shape and color chandelier who will delight the eye more than one year!

Video on how to choose a chandelier to style interior

Photo: chandeliers for every taste and color

What to choose?

The chandelier in the interior is like decoration on a woman. You can do without it, but with a properly selected product, the image becomes complete. The chandelier is the same bright stroke adding brilliance and luxury interior. Lighting is not the only chandelier function, because even during the day, when the light is turned off, it attracts attention. The chandelier may emphasize the style, work on zoning, to be a focal point or serve as an accent. Therefore, the chandelier needs to be taken seriously.

Today we will talk not about the size and style of the suspension, but on how to choose the color of the chandelier.

In color or in "neutrality"?

What chandelier to choose: neutral transparent white or color? The main rule: a chandelier must be selected for the interior. It is necessary to take into account the style, palette, as well as saturation with details and textures.

A traditional neutral chandelier made of metal, wood, glass, crystal is perfect for the classic interior.

Neutral chandelier can be performed in white, transparent white, cream, bronze, silver, golden, brown and the like colors. Such a suspension is preferable for the interior, filled with a variety of various elements, textures, prints and shades, regardless of its style. After all, one of the most important design principles is the desire for balance.

Colored chandeliers are organic in the interiors decorated in a modern style and in a minimalist vein with a calm, mainly neutral gamut and elegant misfortune for the details. In children's rooms, color suspensions are also appropriate.

Palette chandeliers: Let's walk around in colors

White chandelier in the interior

White chandelier on white ceiling - classic. Such a suspension looks most elegantly and elegant. Suitable absolutely for all interiors. Doubt what color to give preference and can not come to a common opinion? Choose a white chandelier, transparent or matte, and you are definitely not mistaken!

Black chandelier in the interior

Black suspensions are harmonious in the interiors of styles such as Gothic, glamor, baroque and achromatic minimalism.

In the Gothic, glamorous, baroque and ar-deco interiors, a black chandelier creates a dramatic, chamber atmosphere. This element is amazing effect - it does not remain unnoticed.

In modern minimalist interiors, a black chandelier has a different role: it contrasts with light surfaces, sharing them. It emphasizes whiteness, purity, serenity of the interior.

Red and pink chandeliers in the interior

It is a passionate, sensual focus for glamorous, baroque and modern interiors. Such a chandelier can eclipse the rest of the placement. This fact must be considered when choosing a color.

In the photo above: Glamor interior in the Art Deco style from the designers of Elena Protein and Oleg King

Red and pink chandeliers are good for both kitchens, because it is "delicious", "dessert" colors. The chandelier will give his shade and dishes, making them appetizing.

In the bedroom, such an accent is not very desirable. For this room, it is better to prefer a black chandelier.

Pink suspensions are relevant for maiden rooms. Young princess such lighting will have to do.

Purple chandelier in the interior

In principle, the purple chandelier has the same properties as red with pink. She is bright, noticeable, dominant, exciting, dramatic. Ideal for Baroque, Glamor, Ar Deco and Arabic style. Is it not so appetizing in the kitchen as the previous color.

Orange chandelier in the interior

Such suspensions usually decorate the kitchens and. Orange - cheerful and appetizing color, lifting mood and boosting tone.

Blue, blue and turquoise chandeliers in the interior

This is one of the most popular solutions. Heavenly color above head natural. Chandeliers in blue and blue tones are suitable for different interiors: strict and soft, classic and industrial, feminine and brutal.

The spread of blue and turquoise chandeliers from beads. They are located in the kitchen area and above the dining table. However, Syneva does not contribute to appetite, but for those who follow weight, it is quite a positive quality. By itself, the chandelier color makes this area very elegant.

Green chandelier in the interior

Green chandelier looks like a jewelry with precious stones. Such a suspension will decorate the interior, give him noble luxury. Green chandeliers are suitable for exquisite, magnificent interiors, as well as for any other as a fresh accent.

Yellow chandelier in the interior

Chandeliers in yellow color are not common. They are inexpressive. After all, white and translucent chandeliers also seem yellow if light bulbs are used. In general, the yellow chandelier is rather neutral and a little stands out on a general background.

What color chandelier to choose?

You can prefer the chandelier performed in the color that is secondary in the interior. For example, if the walls and upholstered furniture are beige, and curtains, chairs and puff - blue, you can hang a blue chandelier on the ceiling.

How to choose a chandelier color? Maintain secondary interior color

The chandelier may be one of the few color accents. For example, a monochrome interior in gray tones can be diluted with green and chandeliers.

For modern interiors, the introduction of single accents is characteristic. For example, in a black and white room you can hang a red chandelier. In this case, other red elements in this room may be absent.

How to choose a chandelier color for modern minimalism? Buy the brightest!

If the chandelier is flawlessly suitable for you in style, size, decor and execution, but its color is missing in your interior, let it stop you. Color plays a much smaller role than design. In the end, you can always enter a few small details in the chandelier color, so that the picture is complete.