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Dates: countries and conditions of growth. What is a date? Description of the palm tree

Trying sweet, incredibly delicious fruits - dates, you probably have repeatedly thought about whether a domestic palm tree will grow at home? The answer is positive - yes, maybe it will not be fruit, because for this tree should achieve a height of 15 meters (at least). That is, the palm palm tree with fruits will not grow up, it is not possible. But get a magnificent tree that will delight the eye, decorating your interior, quite possible. Palm palm trees is a beautiful, spreader tree with camp branches.

Trading network offers small seedlings miniature varieties Palm palm trees adapted for home dilution. But we are interested in the process itself self-cultivation Tree from bone? How to grow a palm tree from the bone of the china? I want to tell you about it more.

This looks like a domestic tree at home

At home, such a palm can be peeling to 2 meters, for harmonious development, she needs a space and good lighting.

Palma from the date, seed preparation, landing

For the landing, those whishens, extracted from the fruits that were purchased to enjoy. It is best to use the "fresh" bones, just removed from healthy dates. Make sure that there is no mold and traces of insects on the bone - the planting material must be perfect. Then put seeds in wet conditions (S. Capacity clean water) For about a day, thus, the remains of fruit pulp will swell, they can be easily removed. During the so-called soaking water, it is advisable to change the water several times.

Picnic seeds, photo:

After 24 hours, remove the seeds, we succify, lay out on dry clean fabric. To speed up the process of germination, bones can be slightly handled emery paper Or just scratch a bit with a sharp knife.

Good results give preliminary germination of green.

So sprout root from the date

To do this, they are placed in wet vermiculite, sprinkle with a thin layer on top, put the capacity next to the warm battery, pre-stuck polyethylene film. Here you need to follow the agroverting all the time remained wet. From time to time it should be sprayed.

Copy condensate should be deleted on time. For crossing sprouts, sometimes two weeks. After that, the planting material is seated by pots. These temporary tanks will be home to young palm trees, before the period when the plant has one long skelter. At the bottom of the pots, as usual, we smell drainage (small ceramzit).

Young palm trees from bone, photo:

What will grow out of the bone of the date, photo

For sprouted bones, a special palm substrate (preferably) or peat-sandy mixture is best suitable. You can simultaneously plant 3-5 bones, while the soil must be constantly moistened. Watering future palm trees should be very neat and carefully, regular ventilation is also necessary. If you do everything right, but sprouts do not appear, do not despair - this plant can "sit" underground for a long time, not to show activity. Continue to water and provide access to fresh air to the pot, there are cases that the sprouts appeared even 4-5 months after landing.

Transplant date palm tree

We ask how to grow a dotted palm tree at home from a bone, you need to know that this plant-exotion grows very slowly. Do not be surprised if two, and three years and three years will pass before the appearance of the first full leaves.

Whatever it was, the transplant should be done very carefully, fearing damage the gentle roots. As mentioned above, replanting the palm trees are produced at the stage of the first stem. At this stage, the roots still do not have time to lag drainage, which makes it possible to transfer the plant along with the earthen room (by pulling).

There is an opinion that young palm trees need an annual transplantation. Yes it is. And then when the plant is about five years old, can be replanting as needed. If you see that your plant shows better after resettlement, then take care so that each subsequent pot is 3 cm more (in diameter) compared with the previous one. Remember drainage, use special substrates for indoor palm crops.

Palm palm trees at home, photo:

Sometimes it is enough to simply replace the top layer of the soil: the old land is neatly cleaned, a new nutritious earth mixture is poured into her place. This process is best spent in the spring.

Palm palm tree care at home

Despite the fact that this representative is characterized by slow growth, he extremely quickly responds to the lack of proper care. Young palm trees instantly lose a cheerful look at the slightest discomfort. In order for palm trees at home well, she needs to provide appropriate lighting. If large trees growing in nature, perfectly carry the heat, scorching sunbeams, then home palm needs to be protected from these factors. Nevertheless, the room palm is a light-affiliated plant. The optimal place for her will be the room coming to south or window sills, which are located on the Western or East side.

By the end of the spring, when the air temperature reaches + 12..14 ° C, it will be safe to carry your palm to open balcony. If you do not have the opportunity to move the tree to the open air - nothing terrible, it feels comfortable at home, just do not forget to ventilate the room more often. With the onset of heat, do not be lazy to irrigate the plant from the pulverizer, as well as wipe it with a wet cloth. The palm tree grown out of the bone loves so that the soil does not swing, but also excessive overvailing is extremely harmful to its roots. In the summer, the tree must be more often watering, but at the same time to ensure that the pallet is dry, without water stagnation.

Palma Palma Pethelen

As for the departure in winter, it is necessary to provide palm air temperature at least + 16..18 ° C. The rate of mercury pillar + 12 ° C is considered critical for home palm - it stops growing, begins to root.

In winter, the plant is watered less often. When upper layer The soils will dry by about 3 cm, then watering should be produced.

Does drainage need for palm tree? Be sure to need! Provide a good drainage tree. Remember, the more palm tree and its pot, the thicker the drain layer.

Punny, multiple lighting, air temperature + 15..18 ° C, moderate watering water room temperature - Ideal conditions for the content of this culture. By straight sunny rays Palm should not be, dried leaves, the tree cares.

It should also be mentioned about feeding - this plant loves them very much. Standard additives for palm crops give very good results, but if you decide to filter a chicken chicken chicken (proportions - 1: 3). After that, 0.5 l infusion of 10 liters of water. Make 1 time in 12-14 days. Palma thanks you with a richness, saturated color of foliage. With the onset of winter, this monthly feeding will be very relevant.

By big account Palm house is unpretentious plantBut the diseases and pests can get to her and at home. Cobed tick, torment Cherver, shield - all of them are very not indifferent to palm cultures, if you notice the first signs of infection, at an early stage, hurry to treat the tree with soap solution. If the state is more serious, then without chimperats do not do - here you will help insectoacaricides, such as Aktellik, Dursban, Agrovertin, Vestimen.

Excessive watering (revengence) can provoke the appearance of pink rot, a variety of spots on the leaves. These manifestations are fighting fungicides, the drug "Mankoeb", "Phytosporin-M". The room where palm is located must have minimal air humidity not lower than 60%. Practice aquatic irrigation, especially in summer. And with the onset of winter, put a small container filled with water with a palm pot. As for the slow growth of the tree, then it should be paid to the level of soil acidity. If the degree of acidity is raised, the growth of palm trees may stop. Neutral pH indicator is optimal for this plant.

Observe temperature mode, protect the plant from the direct rays of the Sun and drafts. For a bone palm palm tree at home has become a magnificently growing tree and a real decoration of your interior, it is necessary to comply with the simple rules described above.

Date is known to humanity for 6 thousand years. For ancient times, people consume palm trees with pleasure, and the time of time only helps in this. Today, you can find dates covered with sugar icing or chocolate, evaporated, dried, dried, canned. Such a variety promotes many people to look for information that will help you choose the chick of dates.

Where are the dates come from

The best fruit quality can be obtained only from the growing area. On the shelves of shops and markets are visiting dates from countries importers. Among them are most popular Algeria, Iran, Tunisia, Israel, Egypt, South African Republic.

The benefits of dicks

  1. Dates have the ability to bring the sputum from the respiratory tract, so they are often used during colds. A treat has been published for children to fight a cough, the kids have such an option to soul.
  2. Fruits raise immune system, fill the lack of useful substances during the spread of viral infections. In this case, it is enough to prepare a decoction from dates and use it 100 ml. Three times a day.
  3. Date is used to increase tone and vitality. They are useful to eat people who are relatively recently transferred to a heavy operation or illness. Date helping to recover faster.
  4. Fruits of palm trees have a sufficiently high calorie content. But this aspect does not prevent people from entering diet in diet. Natural saccharides support mood and help not break from weight loss techniques.
  5. Date is often used to combat inflammatory processes in the body. Thanks to the bactericidal and antipyretic properties, you can quickly overcome colds, angina, flu and other infections.
  6. The product is endowed with a laxative property, so it is often introduced into the diet of people suffering from constipation. Damnation when entering the body begin massive purification from the wheel masses and toxic substances.
  7. The decoction based on fruit perfectly derives excess water and has a choleretic effect. Against this background, the work of the liver is improved, humanity disappears, blood pressure decreases.
  8. The main valuable qualities are due to the accumulation of potassium and iron. The first element supports the heart muscle and cleans the vessels from cholesterol. The second - prevents the anemia in adults and children.
  9. Date controls blood pressure, more precisely, reduce it. They are useful to eat with sharp jumps. Also fruits improve mental activity, so they need to eat people working heads.
  10. Interestingly, dates are allowed for reception to people with diabetes. The composition has natural saccharides that do not affect insulin performance. But naturally, the reception should be strictly limited to small portions.

When choosing special attention to the appearance. The shell must be a whole and matte. Do not abuse the product so as not to meet with a number of trouble. IN obligatory Expand the fruits to heat processing before eating.

Video: Choose dates

Where and how do dates grow?
Date - these are the fruits of high wood with large long (up to 6 m) leaves called the dates palm. These huge exotic trees First of all, tourists are striking during a visit to the green oases of Israel, Egypt and other countries of Southwestern Asia and North Africa. Often they rise above the whole district. Their straight and thick trunk, growing at a height of 15-20 meters, has no branches, and on its top there are about fifty centers of the leaf. From their foundation and grow thin shoots, in which dense inflorescences appear first, and later the bunches of fruits. Juicy fruits are painted amber-red and have an oval or spherical shape.
Humanity grows herd palm trees from ancient times due to their high decorativeness and because of healing properties fruit. Fikes in many countries are honored for the ability to strengthen health and extend life. For example, in China and today you can meet long-livers, the main food of which are exclusively dates. Whatever it was, it is extremely useful productAnd most of the nutritionists agree that the dates are an ideal alternative to any sweets. In addition, they since ancient times were famous for many healing properties.
Top Beneficial features Phenic
These fruits make a person hardly, increase the duration of his life, strengthen the heart, kidney and liver, create favorable conditions For development in the intestine, useful microflora, the acid balance is maintained, blood feeds. The substances contained in the dates also stimulate the development of the root endings of the brain, make the body resistant to various infections, including viral. These fruits are recommended for hypertension and anemia, with breast cancer and lungs, they calm the cough and accelerate the process of the withdrawal of the wet. Date is shown by people engaged in mental labor, as they activate brain activity, and dietary fibers that are in large quantities It is contained in the fruits, reduce the risk of cancer.

Video: How do dates grow in Tunisia

Due to the high content of potassium, they are recommended for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. In the case of heart failure, the dates improve the activities of the heart, act as a tonic and strengthening agents and restore the forces after a long disease. They help in the treatment of paralysis of the facial nerve, with diabetes, with ordinary overwork and dystrophy.
Compared to other fruits, the dates are very nutritious, quickly quench the hunger, saturating the body by a variety of beneficial substances. In total, ten fruits contain a daily rate for human copper, magnesium and sulfur, half of the necessary iron and a quarter of the daily rate of calcium. In addition, the dates contain a little more than 60% sugar, and this is much more than in other fruits. The most important thing is that most sugars are glucose and fructose, which do not represent any danger to the body. In the dates there are absolutely no cholesterol, they are very useful for the digestive system, due to the fact that they have a cleansing effect on it.
On therapeutic, nutritious and dietary properties, the dates can be equated to cereals. They are useful for people of all ages. In the fresh form they are used in the preparation of various salads. They also found widespread use in the preparation of muesli, compotes, jelly and all kinds of confectionery products.
Upstand contraindications
Contraindication to the use of dates can be individual intolerance to their organism. People who doubted whether they are allergic to these fruits, should consult a doctor to do a test.
Harm can be applied to the teeth. Since the dates are very sweet, it can cause caries. Therefore, it is necessary to listen to dentists who advise to drink them either with warm tea without sugar, or just warm water in the event that there is no possibility to clean your teeth.
With extreme caution, you need to eat them diabetics. The reason for this is in the large content of sugar. Here the average daily rate of dates should be installed at the attending physician.

Video: Special Correspondent. Give up - do not give birth ... Arkady Mamontov

Top calorie dates
These fruits are quite calories - one thing is contained about 24 kcal, and 100 g - 250 or more. But these calories are not "empty," a large number of necessary substances come to the human body. In order to satisfy the need of liver in sugar after receiving fatty foods, it is enough to eat several dates - thanks to the high sugar, they even eat sweet tooths. Therefore, they can be supplied for dessert both in fresh and dried. And if we consider that even a small piece of cake or a couple of cookies contains much more calories, then the high caloric content of the dates can be considered relative.
Top lose weight with dates!
Like any other monodette, the diet diet is quite simple. It is prescribed for several days to eat only dates and nothing more (of course, with the exception of fluid - you can drink water or unsweetened tea). At first glance, the chicken diet may seem ideal for sweet lover, but in fact she is as difficult as other monodins, as sweet dates have a property faster than fresh food. The duration of such a diet should be several days, and those who want to continue can be advised to be able to somewhat diversify the diet, including fruits and vegetables with minimal starch content.
Top dates for pregnancy
Pregnant women with extreme caution relate to the use of various exotic fruits, afraid to harm their baby. According to doctors, in relation to dates in future mothers there should be no doubt. They can be consumed during pregnancy, and immediately before childbirth. Due to this, the child will receive a lot of useful substances necessary for development, including phosphorus and calcium - construction material For bones.
During pregnancy, a lot of women experience nausea caused by physiological changes in the body. As a result, the need for the body in potassium, which in large numbers is contained in the dates increases. In addition, this element helps to preserve the water balance in the body of a pregnant woman.
As for the use of dates before childbirth, they are assigned the following role here - they contain many fructose, capable of giveing \u200b\u200ba woman the necessary forces for childbirth. In addition, fructose accelerates the process of producing milk in lactic glands of a woman.
Another important moment is a female organism, regardless of the course of childbirth, loses a lot of blood, which leads to a decrease in the level of valuable substances in the blood. Date helps to restore the composition of the blood, and therefore, and normalize the pressure on the feminine. And the dates eaten before childbirth can increase the generic activity by enhancing the contractile ability of the uterus, which will significantly reduce the duration of labor.
Up Is it possible to eat dates in breastfeeding?
And scientists and doctors on this issue adhere to one opinion - not only possible, but also need. After all, no other fruit can enrich the maternal milk with vitamins, amino acids and microelements. When breastfeeding, the dates help to maintain not only the quality, but also the amount of milk - they stimulate the work of the mammary glands. Also, they will contribute to the restoration of the immunity of a woman, which in turn will positively affect the health of the kid.
In our time, postpartum depression has become a fairly common phenomenon. Women are becoming sluggish, and the concern for the baby does not give them joy. The feeling of fatigue becomes usual. In the fight against such a state, dates will be helped - they, like bananas, are considered the best antidepressants.
But the "newly-made" mothers should not forget that they should not be abused by these fruit. The norm established by doctors for nursing women is no more than 5-6 fruits per day. The substances contained in it will be enough for mom, and for the baby.

Fikes are one of the most important basic food products for the population of hot deserts and semi-deserts in the tropical and subtropical regions of North Africa and Western Asia. Their fruits are on dried form are sold in stores around the world. Some species of doves are also popular as decorative indoor plants.

Palm palm tree - the most important fruit culture of tropical deserts and semi-desert

Date is the fruit of the palm tree. All numerous varieties presented in the global market belong to one botanical form - Picture Picture (real palm palm tree).

The fruits of some other types of date palm trees are also edible and used in food by the local population in the regions of their growing, but these fruits do not come to the world market.

Date - Fruits of the Palm

The real palm palm tree is widely grown in the countries of North Africa, West Asia, in Pakistan and in the arid areas of India. Small palpal china plantations are also found on the Mediterranean coast of Southern Europe, in the hot arid areas of the United States, in Australia and South Africa. This is one of the few plants, ideally adapted to the hot dry climate of southern deserts and semi-deserts.

Pinics are widely grown throughout the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, including in Southern Europe

For dates plantations, solar places are chosen with the presence of underground aquifers or with the possibility of artificial irrigation. When landing, seedlings are placed according to the scheme 8 x 8 or 10 x 10 meters depending on the varietal features and soil conditions. Siblings from adult fruiting plants use as a planting material. The seedlings of the palm trees are obtained very inhomogeneous on their economic signs and are not used to bookmark industrial plantations.

When and how the dates bloom

Palm palm tree - a bombing plant. Male and female inflorescences are located on different copies. Fallen palm trees are pollinated. When booking, commodity plantations for every few dozen female trees are sure to plant a male copy for cross-pollination. Flower palm trees from February to November, depending on the variety and the region. It is possible to determine the floor of plants only during flowering. The ripening of fruits leaves for about a year of time.

Male inflorescences of Fennic Palms do not bring fruits, but necessary for pollination

Male specimens of palm trees bloom with large brush inflorescences consisting of small three-point flowers with numerous stamens. For better pollination, blossomed men's inflorescences are often cut and hang in crowns of flowering female trees.

In the old days, cut male inflorescences were often dried and stored about the reserve for several years in linen bags from linen fabric to ensure the vintage of the dates even in the case of the death of a male frail-pollinator.

Men's palm trees flowers have three petals and several stamens

On the female trees, the phenomena of the palm of inflorescences are also located large brushes, but they look a little different.

Female inflorescence of the palm tree - the basis of the future harvest of dates

Female dot flower looks like a small ball without petals. In the case of successful pollination of each such flower, the ball will grow fruit.

Women's Flowers Fike Palmies Looks like tiny balls without petals

How fructicks are fruit

Field palm trees early come into fruiting. The first fruits on female copies appear already in a four-year-old. Young palm trees for this time still do not have time to grow high trunk, and clusters of dates often turn out to be lying on Earth. On some plantations, such fruit brushes are tied to supports to avoid contact with soil, but it is not always done and not everywhere. That is why the dike acquired at the bazaar or in the store is strongly recommended to wash before use, especially in countries with an unfavorable sanitary and epidemiological situation.

Young datesal palm trees Fruits often come into contact with earth

Feed harvesting is carried out manually. This is a very dangerous and hard work. The collectors are climbing on trees and special curved knives are cut into the bunches of ripe fruits, then gently descend them to the ground.

Manual Crop Crop Crops - Heavy and Dangerous Work

In the northern hemisphere, the season of ripening dates lasts from May to December. In May begin to collect fruits early grades In the south of the Arabian Peninsula. The main harvest in most countries of North Africa and Western Asia has been held from August to October.

Collecting dates in Tunisia (video)

Adult palm palm trees at the same time can have from 3 to 20 large fruit brushes. The weight of each brush is usually ranging from 7 to 18 kilograms. The crop with young trees is small, only 10-20 kilograms of fruits from one tree, but every year it increases and in 15 years old trees have already been given 60-100 kilograms of dates per year. The yield of adult palm trees in good conditions can reach 150-250 kilograms of dates from each tree annually. Palm trees are fruit to 80-100 or more years, there are cases of regular fruiting of 200-year-old trees.

At the adult palm in the period of fruiting, several large tricks are ripening at once.

A separate filin fruit is a juicy meaty berry with one major seed. Coloring of dates, depending on the variety, is yellow, orange, red or brownish. The size of the fruit reaches 8 centimeters in length and 4 centimeters in diameter. Each fruit contains one major oblong bone with a longitudinal groove.

One large oblong bone hides in each finister

Different varieties of dates are used in fresh or dried. Fresh dates can be tried only in the regions of their growing. The dried fruits come to the global market, which can be kept for many months. Depending on the variety, they turn out soft, semi-dry or dry.

The benefits and harm of dates

Date - very popular sweet delicacy, capable of replacing candy and sugar. They contain a small amount of group B, carotene (provitamin A) and vitamin K. from minerals Date is especially rich in potassium, also contain calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and small amounts of iron, sodium, zinc, copper and manganese. High potassium content makes dates useful when cardiovascular diseases. The caloric content of the dates is very high and reaches 280-340 kcal per 100 grams of the product depending on the variety.

Sweet high-calorie dates are categorically contraindicated in diabetes and obesity. Do not abuse this delicacy and healthy people.

Sweet and delicious dates - just a popular delicacy, but not a panacea from all diseases

The flooded Internet articles about the mythical super pleasure of dates do not have absolutely no scientific basis.

Yes, the dates are indeed one of the main foods of the poor population of the tropical desert zone, but this happens only by the banal reason that other agricultural plants in a hot and dry desert climate simply do not survive.

What is royal dates and where they grow

The royal dates are a commercial trade name for the fruits of the Fiton Palm of Medjoul grade in many countries of North Africa and West Asia, as well as in South Africa and in the United States. From other grades, the royal dates differ only to larger size and more than them chemical composition Fully identical to other varieties.

Royal Dates - Fruits Fittings Palms of Large Variety Medjoul

Plantation of royal dates on video

Other types of palm trees, their distribution in the wild and in culture

In addition to the most widely known palpal finger, there are some more related types of chipsticks. All of them have large pasty leaves reaching several meters long, and are dwarm plants (men's and women's flowers develop on different instances).

Types of phenic palm trees and regions of their growing in the wild (Table)

Picture Picture

Picture Picture (real palm palm tree, ordinary palm tree palm) usually grows with a height of 10-15 meters, sometimes up to 25-30 meters. At the base of the trunks of adult palm trees, numerous siblings used for reproduction are formed. It is believed that in the wild, the real palm palm tree is preserved, and all its numerous copies, in abundance of North Africa and the Middle East, which are found in the deserts and semi-derangements of North Africa and the Middle East are cultural plants And they grow on the site of abandoned ancient oases.

Numerous siblings are formed at the base of the trunks of ordinary dick palm trees.

Picture is very highly light, perfectly tolerates high temperatures, strong winds and dust storms, often happening in the deserts. Comparely easily tolerating soil salinization. This palm tree can grow on clean sand and is very drought-resistant, but only provided that its roots take up to deeply located groundwater, otherwise there needs regular irrigation. Under the dry climate conditions, the deserts and semi-deserts, the picnifier is easily withstanding short-term frosts up to -15 ° C, but in a more humid climate, it dies at -9 ° C.

True palm palm - one of the very few plants capable of growing in the conditions of the desert

The phi of the theofora (Cretan Palm tree) grows up to 15 meters in height. In nature, this palm is found in southern Greece, in Crete and several neighboring islands, at the nearby coast of Turkey. This is the only appearance of a palm tree growing in the wild on the territory of Europe. The size of the fruits of the Cretan dinner does not exceed 1.5 centimeters in length and 1 centimeter in diameter, they have a fibrous pulp with a mediocre taste, but sometimes they are still used in food by the local population. This palm tree forms a lot of roasting rigs. Cretan dinner withstands short-term decrease in temperature to -11 ° C.

The phi of the theofora - the only wildlying palm tree palm tree

Chanarianian dive (Canary palm tree) is usually growing 10-20 meters high, but in exceptional cases can reach 40 meters of height. This palm tree is an endemic of the Canary Islands and in the wild anywhere else is not found. Widely grown as a decorative plant of open soil in Southern Europe, West Asia, on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, in North and South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, in the subtropics of North and South America. In the countries of the moderate climate, it is very popular as a room and orangene plant. Compared to the finger, the Canary dick is more resistant to high humidity Air, which ensured its widespread worldwide. Canary palm palm trees withstands short-term cooling to -9 ° C.

Did Canary is often grown as decorative tree In countries with subtropical climatic

On the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, the Canarianian color is usually in late autumn, but in some years the flowering can start much earlier, already in the middle of summer. If in the winter after flowering there were no frosts below -5 ° C, then in December next year, fruits mature. The ripe fruits of the Canary dinner are yellowish-brown, ovoid shape, reach 2.5 centimeters of length and 1.5 centimeters of width. In principle, they are edible, but in practice in food are not used due to coarse-fiberglass pulp.

The fruits of the Canary dike look attractive, but the low-fiber pulp meat

Devalted dive (Curved, wild palm palm tree, Senegalese palm tree) comes from tropical Africa, where it is grown almost everywhere. This is a multi-torn palm tree from 7 to 15 meters. His minor fruits are edible and widely used in food by the local population of African countries in the zone of its natural gross. This palm tree is resistant to salty sea splashes and moderate drought, so it is widely cultivated as a decorative plant in dry tropical regions of many countries of the world. Limit frost resistance -5 ° C. The denial dilution is easily crossped with other types of phenomena. Such hybrid seedlings on their economic qualities are often much worse than the initial parental forms were.

Devalted Pin - Wild African Palf Palm with Edible Frighteners

Forest dike (Wild palm palm tree, Indian palm palm tree palm palm tree palm tree) come from India and adjacent countries (Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka). It grows from 4 to 15 meters in height. The fruits are edible and widely used in food by the local population. In the quality of the fruit, this palm tree ranks second after the finicing date and is actively grown as fruit culture In the countries of South Asia.

Forest Pillan - Indian Palm Palm, often grown on plantations in India and adjacent countries

From the stems of this palm tree also produce sweet juice used for cooking sugar and palm wine. Forest pali from drought and moderately resistant to soil salinity. Limit frost resistance -5 ° C.

The fruits of Indian palm palm trees are almost not inferior in quality to real dates

Rock's finik (cane) grows up to 6, sometimes up to 8 meters of height. In nature is found in the mountain forests of India and Bhutan. In the culture is grown very rarely. His minor fruits with large bones do not exceed 2 centimeters of length. They are edible, but do not have economic importance. Limit frost resistance -3 ° C.

Picky Rock Rod from Himalaya Mountain Forests

Pellena's china (dwarf palm trees) grows not above 3 meters of height. In nature, it is found in the forests of Vietnam, Laos and South China. This beautiful miniature palm tree is very popular as a decorative plant in the tropical zone and in room culture. Dies in frosts below -3 ° C. Fruits small, do not have economic value.

Finik Robel - a very popular decorative plant

Bolotnaya dot (mangall palm palm trees, marine dates) - a small palm tree that reaches no more than 5 meters of height. Grows in coastal mangroves on the sea coasts of India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia and Indonesia. The only form of a date capable of growing on wetlands. This is very heat-loving plant Wet tropics, almost uncontrolled in culture due to their specific requirements for growth conditions. The fruits are very small.

Bolotnaya dot - Plant of wedlotropic mangroves

The fruits of all types of phenic palm trees are edible, there are no poisonous among them, but many of them have no economic importance due to too small sizes or coarse fibrous pulp.

Fruits of different types of phenomena palm (photo gallery)

Did Canarianian is often grown as a decorative plant on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus

More resistant to high humidity and soil dihin Canary is widely cultivated as decorative plant Throughout the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus in Russia (Krasnodar Territory), Abkhazia and Georgia. Separate copies of the Canary dike are also found on the southern coast of Crimea and in Azerbaijan (Baku, Lankaran).

In the collection of botanical gardens of the subtropical zone of the Krasnodar Territory of Russia, there are also single specimens of the Forest and Finnished Pinch, but these species did not receive these types.

Planting datesal palm trees should be on the sun lightly illuminated areas with protection from cold winds. The soil should be well drained, without water stagnation. The Canary Pin is growing better on soils with high lime content.

Young plant palm trees are less resistant to frosts than adults

Young plant palm trees often freeze even with short-term frosts up to -8 ..- 9 ° C, so they usually have to warm up for winter using reed mats or breathable agrofiber. With winter shelter, it is especially important to protect against frost the top growth point at the base of young leaves. With significant damage to the point of growth, palm almost inevitably dies. Adult palm trees are usually more enduring, but at -10 ..- 12 ° C are badly damaged and may die.

In Ukraine, any species of phenomena in open soil Very short-lived even with winter shelter.

Growing domestic palm trees at home

In room and greenhouse culture often grown different kinds Palm trees. The most popular is the financouling, Canary and Robel. The last two are more decorative, but novice flower products are most often experimenting with a finger due to the easier of reach of its seeds (you can sow bones from foodstocks sold in grocery stores). Picture is often grown in the rooms due to the easily accessibility of his seeds. Perefinet's finishes better than other species suitable for indoor culture and very decorative

Of course, no fruiting and harvest of dates in room conditions It is not necessary to expect. Room palm palm tree - a purely decorative plant.

At home, the chipstick palm is easy to grow from seeds from purchased dates:

How to sow dick bones (video)

The first cigarette leaves appear in the seedlings of the subnodent palm trees 1-3 years after sowing. If at this age leaves still remain solid, then plants lack light. Fatherland palm trees are very light-headed. In the summer you can put them on the balcony or in the garden, it is very useful to be in the fresh air. In winter, the room temperature should be about + 15 ° C. Watering is required moderate, the soil in the pot must be constantly slightly humid in depth. Earth coma is equally dangerous and harsh, and overvoltage. Potted palms are preferred high, with mandatory drainage holes In the bottom and drain layer of pebbles or clay on the bottom of the pot. The young plants transplant every year in the spring, adults can less often, 1 time in 2-3 years. In very large old plants growing in large and heavy capacits, sometimes recommended instead of the time-consuming transplant limited to a partial replacement of the upper layer of the Earth on fresh. Palm leaves are not necessary to spray with water, but it is necessary to regularly wipe them from dust with a rigine rag or sponge.

Pellena's china - one of the most beautiful indoor palm trees with cigarette leaves

At the time of my childhood, there were several large and beautiful phenomena in the spacious and light lobby of our school among other plants in wooden footballs Volume of about twenty or thirty liters each. I do not remember that at least ever transplanted, but wipe the leaves during duty they were sent regularly.
My own attempts to grow dates from the stones were not particularly successful: for the first time it just did not go (probably, the fruits were too old or overheated during drying, they were very suspiciously dry). And the second time, though it was possible to wait for germs, but my dirty omnivorous cat decided that it was such a new cat grass, and quickly dealt with the palm seedlings.

To date, it has become popular to decorate at home, offices and administrative institutions with exotic plants. Most often give preference to palm trees, as the plant is quite decorative and without flowering. In this article, let's talk about the dates Palma, is it possible to grow palm trees from the dietary bone and how to do it.

Soil for landing

For the extension of the bone, experienced crops advise to use a mixture of peat and sand. After the transplantation of a sprouted plant, the substrate must be replaced more appropriate. There are soils for palm plants, but it is better to prepare the soil by adding all the substances necessary for the development of the plant.

So, the ground for the palm tree is prepare from the following components:

  • A mixture of clay and turf land - two parts;
  • A mixture of humus with sheet ground - two parts;
  • Sand, peat - one part;
  • Good chinful charcoal.

Important! Mandatory condition For cultivation is a good drainage layer. You can use clamzite or pebbles, any other material.

How to prepare chopping bones for landing

Let's figure out which bones are suitable for landing and how to prepare to successfully germinate a chipstone. The bone for planting is best to take from fresh fruit, but you can ask from dry - in this case, you will ask if the density of the heat treatment passed. If not, bones are suitable; If yes - such a bone does not take up.

Prepare about eight bones, flesh towards, rinse bones and dry. Plant a bone palm tree at home better in winter - At this time, the plant does not require so much sunlight as in the further period of development.

Bones for a few days should be soaked in warm water and put in a warm place (can be attached to or near heating device), Water change daily. Option Second: Clean the bone into several layers of waters or gauze.

Then, in one-two seed surfaces, make punctures (on some recommendations on the bone make cutters) so that water gets inside and stimulated the germination. Leave in the water for another three or four days. Seeds are ready for landing, when a little scatter.

Landing a chip bone in the ground

Let us consider in detail how to plant a chipstone. For the germination of the bones, we take a common container, in the prepared soil we plant at some distance from each other six to eight bones. The substrate described above is prepared for the already sprouted plant, the bone can be germinated in a mixture of land with sawdust.

The landing depth should be equal to the length of the seed plus half.Landing is carried out in wet soil, irrigated from above is not conducted. The container with crops must be put in a warm place.

How to plant a chicken palm tree from the bones - we figured out, now it is necessary to create all the conditions for the plant.

Did you know? Fiscal palm trees are male and female. "Men" are distinguished by views and form of colors. Ancient people knew: for big harvest One male copy is needed for a couple of dozen female, while one palm gives up to 250 kg of dates.

Conditions for germination and sowing

When providing humidity of the substrate, the first shoots will appear in one or three months.The substrate should be precisted precisely, so it is better to moisten it spraying it, and not watered as an adult plant.

Sprouts that have grown a strong sheet in four centimeters, it's time to transplant in separate pots. The pots must be high, calculated on the long roots of the plant, the role width does not play. Drainage must be put on the bottom: small pebbles, pebbles, ceramzit.

It is easy to grow a phenomenon in an adult magnificent plant: provide it with the right departure from small, from germination. Picking is lightweight, the lighting should be bright and permanent. Choose a room with windows overlooking the west, south, east.

Sharp temperature change, excessive moisture in the soil are detachious for shootouts of the palm tree.

Did you know? In countries with a arid hot climate, the dates were published "Desert Bread. Going on long journeys, you have sure to take a few bags of these fruits. Feeding among the dates alone, you can saturate the body and moisture, and all the necessary nutritional elements and vitamins.

How to care for shoots

In nature, herd palm trees grow in the conditions of tropical heat and often drought, but how do dotics grow at home? Palma is needed light, all her leaves stretch to the light, so the pot with shoots should be regularly rotated to the sun with each of it, otherwise the foliage will become unevenly eliminated.

Dry air plants are contraindicated, it means that in the winter we remove the plant away from batteries and other heating devices. In the summer, the plant needs to be taken on fresh air, gradually tempering.

When the weather allows, check the room where palm trees grow. In a severe heat spray the foliage and airspace around the palm tree. Warm shower procedures once a week are not prohibited, the only condition is a well-covered soil.

Important! When watering, observe the measure - it is necessary to water when drying the upper layer of soil. In the case of overflow, the plant will hurt, its roots do not tolerate excess moisture. Water for watering should be defeated from chlorine and other harsh impurities.

Fan palm for successful cultivation at home twice a month in warm seasons need to be fed, in winter season - once a month. Mineral fertilizers and the organic are used for this.

In gardening stores, you can purchase ready-made comprehensive feeders, balanced for palm plants. For the date it is desirable to use water soluble drugs.

Adult plants for proper growth and giving them decorative type It will be necessary to cut regularly. There are several uncomplicated rules here: remove the number of leaves equal to what has grown over the year, no more; Remove damaged and lower drooping leaves.

At the beginning of the formation of palm trees, all the side shoots are removed - the plant should have one strong central stem. It is impossible to cut the top of the palm trees - it will lead to death.

Seating for individual pots

As they grow and develop, the finique becomes closely in the pot. How to transplant the chipstick and when to do it?