Repairs Design Furniture

How to cover the floors on the open balcony. We make a wooden floor on the balcony with your own hands how to paint the wooden floor on the balcony

Wooden material for finishing the loggia is the most popular. He albeit is not cheap, but still favorable, since the processing area is not too large and the assembly is quite simple. Most often for walls and ceiling, we use cladding boards made of wood. But before covering the floor on the balcony, you need to apply to protect against fire, moisture, fungus and mold, and then lacquer or paint.

This wooden material is sensitive to the influence of moisture, temperature differences and exposure to tree bugs. And everyone knows well that if you make erroneous care for such a finish, the wood will make and lose its attractive appearance. Therefore, the owners of the loggia arises the question: how to treat the lining on the balcony to preserve its beautiful appearance and make the material remain strong for a large period of time? ".

This is extremely necessary if the cover is bought, which was not treated in the factory, and for milking with "Europrophile" (thickness - twelve integers and five tenths of millimeters, a working width (without spikes) - eighty-eight millimeters, total width (spike ) - ninety-sixteters) already in their creation provides impregnation with an antiseptic.

If this type of walls of the walls are badly processed, then the covering will become darker over time, it will be deached, and may be contrary. Increase its stability to poor influence and leave this substance durable is obtained using good processing and subsequent coating.

How to carry out boards

The processing of these associates is carried out in several stages:

Covering products

In order to cover the loggia finish, the following types of varnish are used:

  1. In a room with a glazing, it is better to use a substance based on water that dries quickly does not have a solvent in its composition, does not smell. It may consist only from the base or from it and a hardener (longer). It is not resistant to sharp fluctuations in temperatures. It should not be used in premises with very wet air.
  2. The alkyd product has a sharp smell and dries very long. Suitable for any type of loggia. Resistant to mechanical and external influences, can push water.
  3. The acrylic product protects against the effect of the straight rays of the sun, it must be breed alcohol or water. Apply follows two layers. The first layer is varnish itself, the second is a layer to create a shade.
  4. A product containing polyurethane preserves the natural color of the material for finishing, while toxic.

The most appropriate protection option when solving such a question - than to cover the floor on the balcony, is a high-quality varnish, created on the basis of water, preserving the texture of the trim, because this product is elastic, resistant to abrasion and cold, does not crack and does not peel.

When coating the material for finishing, the following actions must be carried out:

  • cover the plane of the primer;
  • apply the first lacquer layer and wait for it drying;
  • apply the final layer of varnish.

In addition to varnish, it is permissible to use paint on the basis of water or verses. Alkyd paints are resistant to cold. You should not use paints based on oil due to the fact that these compositions turn out to be very deep in the structure of the sheat and make it difficult to re-process.

The main difference of varnish from paint is that the lacquer does not distort the natural look of skids, and the paint gives them another color. If the wood structure needs to be hidden, read the procedure.

Thus, it is possible to conclude that questions about the questions: how to cover the floor on the balcony and how to cover the lining on the balcony, there are suitable answers. Wood boards will become an excellent option for covering the entire loggia.

And for the rolls themselves, the impregnation should be impregnated with an antiseptic substance, and then a varnish water-based coating.

The required painting inside the balcony premises is a very responsible stage of the finishing finish. Consider all the advice and recommendations for its successful conduct.

General requirements for paints

For different types of surfaces of the walls and painted building materials, various paints are suitable. But when selecting paints of a certain brand to work on the balcony, the following general requirements for it take into account:

  • Bought paint should be intended for external work, have an acceptable shelf life. The goods must be certified and have a proven bona fide manufacturer. With the first visual inspection after opening the tank, there should be no clots or lumps in the paint.
  • The paint should not be released toxic harmful substances during operation and after drying. For residential or frequently visited balcony premises, this condition is very important and obligatory.
  • The material is desirable to choose a steady humidity. This concerns cool and fully insulated balconies, where humidity indicators depend on weather conditions and the likelihood of condensate formation during temperature drops is large.
  • The stability of paint to ultraviolet will allow longer to preserve the surfaces attractive appearance and not to fade with the periodic exposure to direct sunlight.
  • For the glazing of the balcony and the window openings overlooking it, frame structures from PVC are commonly used. Selecting the composition for painting, take into account the possibility of its easy removal when accidentally hitting the frame without damage. Facilities to remove paint should also not be aggressive to the surface of PVC profiles.
  • For painting of house walls overlooking the balcony, it is desirable to use vapor-permeable "breathable" materials. As a result, the walls will stop drinking moisture and dance.

Features of painting different surfaces

Preparing for painting, the choice of paintwork and the performance of the main work has its own rules and nuances for various types of surfaces (internal and outer) balcony. Consider the procedure for the most common surfaces.

  1. Profiled sheet

Such material is facing the outer side of the parapet and sidewalls of the balcony. Professional property is sold already painted. Repeated painting required formerly in the exploitation of the material on which traces of corrosion appeared, scratches, or in the case of a solution to change the color. For convenience and high-quality work, sheets are pre-dismantled. Preparation includes: stripping rust sandpaper; surface cleaning with solvent from dirt and oil spots; Spipelification of visible dents and scratches; Primer after drying putty. Now we paint the surface with a spray gun. A brush will help in uncomfortable places. Recommended material for metal surfaces - varnish with polyurethane, epoxy, alkyd or acrylic basis.

  1. Panel-PVC

Preliminary preparation of plastic panels to painting is very simple. All surfaces are washed from dirt and degreased with alcohol or solvent (the chemical composition is selected, which is harmless to plastic). For painting most appropriate acrylic paints and aqualak. Not afraid in the sun, they are distinguished by resistance and ease of care. On the balconies of the sunny side should not use dark paints. Heating, painted panels can be deformed and partially lose their operational properties.

  1. Plates-chipboard

For a previously colored product, with cracks and peeling, it will take the removal of an old paint layer. Special bow, construction hairdryer, grinding machine or sandpaper will help. A high-quality old coating is sufficient to stall with fine-grained emery paper. The next step is cleaning from dirt, dust and degreasing by a solvent that does not leave the slide of the residual film (acetone, White spirit). Now the queue of application of two layers of deep-perky primer. After its final drying, proceed to painting.

Recommended paints - acrylic, oil. Acrylic is not toxic, quickly dry, have excellent adhesion to various materials, can be with a decorative effect (fluorescent, pearl, metallic colors and others) are available in aerosol cans. Oil coatings are good protection of chipboard from humidity. Their disadvantages are lack of vapor permeability, when drying, have a strong unpleasant smell (before drying, the balcony room needs to be tired, and to keep the entrance to the apartment and keep closed).

After drying, the paint is recommended to be applied to the surface of the chipboard of the lacquer layer (you can 2 layers). The stove covered with varnish will now have a rich and deeper color. Varnish coating is also an additional protection against wear.

  1. Wall of bricks

We begin the preparation of the surface from stripping from pollution and the influx of the masonry solution. It is convenient to make a metal brush with a spatula connection. For accuracy, masonry seams can be additionally covered. If the old paint remained on the walls - it is completely removed by a grinding machine, a large sandpaper or a metal brush. You also need to check the brick wall for the damage to the fungus or mold. If the inspection result is positive - it will take a stripping of the affected places and processing the whole wall with a special impregnation.

Breasting a brick wall - then apply paint
  1. Concrete wall

Preparation of the surface to work includes all the preparatory stages, as in front of the painting brick wall. The difference only in recommended paints for the main coating. For concrete surfaces of walls and parapets, the most suitable paints are made on silicate and plastic based. Outdoor painting should be made in suitable weather (dry, not very sunny).

  1. Wooden lining

This surface requires very thorough preparation. The tree needs to be protected from fungus and insects, make less fire-hazardous material. For this, special impregnations with antiseptics and anti-epires are used. All noticeable defects are aligned with a special putty on the tree, and roughness is cleaned and polished by sandpaper.

For painting, you can choose:

  • Acrylate paints. The resulting coating is elastic, waterproof, not cracking, resistant to precipitation and temperature jumps, does not fade away from bright sunlight, long retains the shine and the initial color.
  • Oil colors - durable, cheaper, water-repellent material. Over time, they flexible, the process of painting and drying accompanies a strong poisonous smell.
  • Acrylic aqualaks - safe, non-toxic, vapor-permeable, non-combustible materials.
  • Alkyd varnishes are resistant to mechanical effects, deeply penetrate and emphasize the natural structure of the tree. Disadvantages - long dry with the release of strong odor, have low wear resistance.
  1. Plasterboard

The shelves of plasterboard sheets and fasteners are sealed with polymer putty. Ground water-soluble compositions. Paint plasterboard with water-emulsion paint at least 2 layers.

  • If the walls of the balcony premises are not monophonic, try to simultaneously combine up to three different color shades. Black and white colors are not taken into account.
  • Paints of dark shades and tones are not suitable for balconies and loggias of the sunny side. Dark walls absorbing solar energy will quickly heat up. If the air temperature at this time is significantly lower than heated wall, then the probability of condensate appearance is large.
  • For the outer painting of the balcony, pick up colors into the tone with the facade of the building.
  • The weather also affects the quality of painting work. With the rain or high humidity, the paint dries very long and not evenly. Rounding droplets on fresh paint of the outer side of the balcony can spoil the appearance and mood of the owners of the balcony. With the heat, the paint is very quickly grasped and does not have time to spread evenly over the surface.
  • Primer under the main paint is preferably tinted in the color of the finish coating. After such training, there will be no places with a thinner layer of applied paint.
  • In the process of painting, various surface sections are conveniently painted with different tools. Therefore, it does not hurt to have rollers, sprayer and brushes of different sizes.
  • Before work, you need to make sure that the color or tone of the paint corresponds to the presentation of the final result. For this, the paint is applied to a small section of the surface. When it snacks, you can make the final conclusion about compliance.
  • The quality of painting speaks homogeneity of the color on the painted surface. It's not difficult to achieve this. In order for the consistency of the working material, the homogeneous and particles of the dye have not seen at the bottom of the tank, the paint must be mixed thoroughly not only before applying, but also periodically during operation.
  • The necessary paint, primer and varnish is recommended to buy from one manufacturer. Such materials are fully compatible, which will have a positive effect on the quality of painting work.
  • Do not forget to use the passionate film and painting tape for the protection of adjacent surfaces that will not be painted.
  • For painting walls of brick and concrete, it is better not to use oily paints. Not being a vaporonic material, they become the cause of unwanted moisture accumulation. The result of increased humidity is the defeat of the material of the wall by microorganisms and its premature destruction.
  • The ends of the wooden lining require very careful treatment with preparatory compositions and paint.

The right choice of paint, high-quality surface preparation for operation and neat painting will allow for a long time to forget about updating the walls of the balcony. It remains to switch to other cases. On the balcony now you can relax, and not work.

September 16, 2016
Specialization: Master in the construction of plasterboard structures, finishing work and laying flooring. Installation of door and window blocks, finishing of facades, installation of electricians, plumbing and heating - for all types of work I can give detailed consultation.

Painting the balcony is the cheapest version of its transformation, so if you want to refresh this part of your home, then this article will help you spend your work qualitatively. I will tell you what formulations need to be used for different surfaces. We will also deal with how to properly prepare the surface so that the compositions lay as much as possible and kept as long as possible.

What nuances you need to figure out before the start of work

Balconies and loggias - structures that can be very different from each other, even if they are located nearby, their interior decoration can be completely different. Accordingly, the technology of work has been changing.

Therefore, before starting any actions, you need to identify several important aspects:

Type of construction If you have an open balcony or loggia, you will have to use only weather-resistant paints. If the design is insulated, then work will not differ from those produced in the apartment
Purpose of repair In order to simply refresh the appearance of the surfaces, you must minimally prepare them and paint them. But if you want to get a more attractive result, you may need additional work: sealing irregularities, plastering surfaces, etc.
Types of base On the balcony you can find a wide variety of types of materials: from bricks and concrete to wood, plastic, drywall and metal. Naturally, each of the options is painted in its own way, and below I will tell you in detail about this aspect.
Types of work performed There are two main options - external and internal work, and they are very different from each other. When staining the outer surfaces, it is important to comply with safety techniques, and also remember that the color of the facade should be the same on all balconies. Inside everything is easier, because you can choose any color gamut, the main thing is that she liked you
Surface condition This factor does not affect the painting work directly, but it determines the preparatory activities. If you want to do everything in the best way, it may be necessary to complete shuttering or trim with facing material, as well as the pouring of the screed or self-sample. These operations are carried out in advance so that the compositions are completely dried.

Work is best carried out in warm times without precipitation, the optimal ambient temperature is from 15 to 25 degrees. If you have a balcony insulated, then inside you can work almost at any time of the year.

Types of foundations and features of their staining

Now we will deal with different options for materials that are used in the construction and finishing of the balconies, and consider how to paint them correctly and what formulations are best used. I will talk about those options, in the reliability and quality of which I am confident, and which do not represent difficulties in use.

Metal constructions

In open balconies, metal railing is most often installed, also often for the outer decoration uses a profiled sheet, which eventually loses the attractiveness and demand staining. To begin with, we will understand which paint need to be applied:

  • In order not to lose a lot of time on thorough surface preparation and do not apply the primer layer, the easiest to use the special compositions "3 in 1", which include soil, anti-corrosion additives and paint itself;
  • The composition will quickly dry, well falls and has a wide range of colors, which will allow you to purchase the most appropriate option for any balcony;
  • Consumption on average is 200-300 grams per square meter. As for the cost, then high-quality paint can be bought at a price of 0.9 kg of 0.9 kg. If you have a railing, then for the convenience of their staining, you can use the composition in aerosol packaging.

Now we'll figure it out with the workflow:

  • The surfaces first need to be cleaned, after which it is bad for corrosion and sites on which the old coating is poorly held;
  • Then you need to remove the old paint where it holds badly, if you wish, you can remove the entire layer, but it will take a lot of time and takes a lot of effort. All corrosion foci must be cleaned as closely as possible, it is perhaps the most important aspect of all preparation, because even the special composition will not save from rust if you do not remove all the layers;

  • If a professional owl is painted, it is also necessary to clean it, if there is such an opportunity, it is better to remove the elements, but most often work right in place. Even if there are no rust on the surface, it needs to be treated with shallow sandpaper so that the new paint is better laying onto the surface;
  • Before painting the railing or a professional owl, be sure to degrease the surface. Wipe it with solvent or gasoline, it will allow you to get rid of fine particles of fat, as well as dust, which inevitably settles on the surface. This operation must be carried out directly before coloring;
  • Often the question arises - how to paint all the surfaces outside? There may be two options: the first suggests work from the inside, you need to insure with the help of a rope and, having frightened through the parapet, paint the surface from the bottom-up, the second way involves the use of forests, it is safer, but it is not always possible to use it in high-rise buildings;

  • The composition is applied either with a brush or roller, it all depends on the type of surface. Staining is best done in two layers, the composition is necessarily mixed before use, if necessary, you can add a little solvent (all information is written on the package).

Coloring of brick, concrete and plastered surfaces

This type of foundations occurs very often, which is not surprising, because high-rise buildings are erected from plates and bricks. The usual gray color is not the best background for a cozy balcony, but even if the surfaces were stained, over time they fastened, and the composition begins to crack, so it periodically needs to be updated.

As for the paint, I advise you to use facade acrylate compositions, they greatly fall on the concrete and plaster, and on a brick and have high resistance to moisture and ultraviolet radiation. Additional plus similar compositions are that they are produced in white, and you can give them any shade with special pigments.

The price of the compositions is about 800 rubles per pack of 4.5 liters, about so much needed to the middle balcony when staining in two layers.

Now we'll figure it out with the workflow, it begins with the preparatory activities, and they differ depending on the type of base. We'll figure it out with the most common options:

  • If you have a brick masonry, then first of all it is necessary to clean the surface from the solution, the particles of which most often remain when laying. Also, to improve the appearance, it is necessary to clear the seams if they are inaccurate, that is, it makes sense to fill them with a solution and align, work is simple, but will require a lot of time, because you will have to treat all seams on the walls. After drying the solution, its remnants are also erased from the surface;

  • Concrete walls need to be cleaned of dust and garbage and carefully inspect the presence of cracks, if any, they must be sealed with cement mortar. I also recommend checking the plane with a level or level rail, it often happens uneven, in this case it is advisable to carry out plastering, since the paint will allocate all flaws;
  • Watching surfaces are prepared as: first the surface carefully examines if there are cracks on it, then all such sections need to catch up. If the sound is ground, it means that the finish penetrated and it must be deleted. If everything holds firmly, you can simply close the cracks using a plaster solution.

If when preparing the grounds you noticed the foci fungus or mold, then you need to eliminate them. For this, the black flare is carefully removed (if it is on the plaster, it is better to beat it off and apply a new composition), and then the treatment with special solutions, which will destroy the spore fungus and protect the surface from its re-occurrence.

Now we will understand how to paint these surfaces with your own hands. The work is quite simple, it is important to fulfill all the recommendations:

  • First of all, with the help of a broom, it is necessary to clean the surface from dust, and a vacuum cleaner can be used for these purposes;
  • The surface is covered by the strengthening primer composition, it is desirable that antifungal supplements in place. The composition is applied in one layer, try so that the entire surface is covered completely. Too many primer to apply not worth it, do not leave on the surface of the sublifting;

  • You must decide in advance, in what color to paint the balcony, and purchase either the finished composition, or the basic white paint and a special pigment, with which you yourself will give it the desired shade. When choosing a specific option, you must take into account the color of the remaining elements of the situation and the furniture used;

If you are preparing a certain shade yourself, but you need to interfere with the pigment immediately in the whole paint that will be used. Manually cook the same shade is almost impossible.

  • Painting inside with your own hands is made either by means of a roller if the surface is smooth, or with the help of a brush if you have a brick wall, since it can be applied to all seams. If you have a paintopult, then it makes up the process even more, but it is most often no such equipment, because it is mainly used by professionals. When painting, apply the composition evenly, avoiding the formation of sublishes;

There are more options, how to decorate a balcony: You can paint the brick in different colors, then you will get very cheerful motley. The seams in this case are made dark or light to emphasize each element even more. As for smooth walls, you can make lines or patterns on them using a painting tape and also paint the surface into different colors.

Separately, it is necessary to consider how to paint the concrete floor, because this surface is exposed to high loads. In this case, I advise you to use polyurethane formulations, as they have excellent abrasion resistance and very long retain an attractive look.

The preparation of the floor does not differ from the preparation of other surfaces, the main thing is what should be remembered is that it is necessary to paint from the far corner towards the exit so that you can get out of the balcony, not coming on the painted floor.

Tree painting, plywood, chipboard and fiberboard

These materials are very often used with the internal finishing of warmed loggias, because with their help you can quickly transform space and make it comfortable. First of all, it is necessary to figure out which paint is better to paint a balcony inside if it is decorated with materials based on wood, everything is simple: use compositions on an acrylic basis, they can be both matte and glossy and cost inexpensively - liter will cost 200 rubles.

As for the workflow, it consists of their stages:

  • First of all, it is necessary to clean the surface from pollution, all stains need to be removed. If there are elements that hold unreliable, they must be consolidated, it is important that the surface is durable and clean;
  • The putty is made using acrylic composition, which is characterized by good strength and plasticity, which simplifies work. The process is simple: you need to prepare the required amount of the composition and fill them with all irregularities and damage. If, after drying, the putty squinted a little (this is the norm), then you need to apply another layer;

  • Next, you need to walk along the surface of sandpaper with small grain, if you have smooth materials, then this stage can be skipped;
  • The primer allows you to protect the surface from moisture and strengthen it. For additional reliability, I advise you to use acrylic-based formulations with the addition of antiseptic components. The work is done like this: one layer is applied, after its drying, the surface is checked on the subject of the raised pile, if there are such sites, they need to be cleared, then apply another layer;

  • After drying the soil, staining is performed, the composition is prepared as recommended on the package and applied to the surface. After drying the first layer, you need to apply the second to ensure a more uniform color and even better protect the material from adverse effects.

You need to still figure out what kind of paint is better for the floor of the tree or chipboard, there is no usual acrylic option. Acquire special compositions for these purposes, on the bank there is always an indication that they are intended for the floor and have increased wear resistance.

Coloring of plasterboard

This material is also often used when finishing insulated structures. Naturally, it is better to use a moisture-resistant option, since the temperature and humidity drops are still more than in residential rooms, and the usual can begin to swell.

There will be no question of how to paint the balcony inside - in any store just a huge selection, but I advise you to buy not the cheapest option, but to choose a more kind solution. Personally, in such cases I use formulations on a latex basis, they are resistant to moisture, and the surface can be wiped with a damp cloth, which allows you to maintain perfect purity on the balcony. Liter of good paint costs about 190 rubles.

As for the preparation of surfaces, it makes no sense to describe the process of putty and alignment, there is a lot of materials on this topic and there is no point here. I will tell you about the option when you already have a finished wall, which was previously painted, but the coating has already burned down or began to crack and depart.

The workflow consists of several actions:

  • First of all, it is necessary to clean it from dust and dirt and inspect for damage and cracks. If there are damaged areas, they need to sharpen, often in the process of operation on the surface there are scratches and recesses from blows from different objects;
  • Priming - mandatory part of the workflow, especially if you paint the wall in another color. The soil will close the old layer and improve the adhesion of the paint. Without priming, you may need to paint the wall 3-4 times until it becomes a monophonic, with the soil you will handle both two layers;

If you want to apply a light paint on the wall, which was previously dark, then I advise you to add about a quarter of white paint to the primer to make the surface much lighter.

  • Now we will understand how to paint the balcony, it is best to use a roller to use, since it will be distributed as much as possible along the entire surface. For angles and adjoints, narrow brushes can be used.

I want to talk about how to work on staining in two or more colors. To do this, you first need to apply the basic layer of the required shade, after which it is with the help of painting tape to make stripes or any other figures. Next, the necessary sections are painted, and then the painter is removed, and you get the desired result.

Construction work on the balcony is easy if you adhere to the advice of professionals. Especially if it concerns questions than painting the floor on the balcony or what to cover the wooden floor on the balcony.

Observing technology, the coating will turn out to be beautiful, environmentally friendly and will delight the eyes over long years.

Positive characteristics

Everyone will appreciate the floor of natural origin, which has a low thermal conductivity, especially at the moment when the barefoot is on the terrace or balcony. In addition, the wooden flooring has other advantages to which include:

  1. With precisely completed processes, the surface will be perfectly smooth.
  2. Coatings have a wide variety, which allows you to perform any design. Choosing wood that retains its natural color, as well as the invoice can be obtained a very beautiful surface.
  3. Boards have a long operational period.
  4. It is possible to perform high-quality insulation.
  5. A small load has a slight load on the balcony.
  6. The material is environmentally friendly, which is not reflected negatively on human health.

Surface covering

The reinforced concrete design is attached to the outer wall with one reinforced part, and the other remains on the weight. For this reason, the base of the coating should not be overloaded.

The optimal option for finishing the floor covering on the balcony is wood.

Given the design properties of the plate, you can take the right solution than to paint the wooden floor.

Olife boards are impregnated for resistance to temperature drops

But, first, the lag laying process should be performed. Select a high-quality timber bar, which has a size of 50x50 mm. Alternate to lay it, retreating from the fence about 3 cm. This material must be treated with special biological means of protection against mold.

We will not be impregnated with the composition of the oil, so that the timber is resistant to temperature drops. Cover the surface with a tool in three layers. Be sure to give time for drying, no less than a day.

If the boards are not planed, and the loggia is glazed, you need to think about how else you can cover the tree? For such a room, you can choose several types of flooring:

  • staining;
  • ceramic or Metlach tiles;
  • moisture-proof laminate with a protective film;

Types of coating

If the question arises than to cover the wooden floors on the balcony, it is likely that it is made of wood or concrete. The coating concrete is most often covered with linoleum or laminate. The wooden surface is better covered with paints that are different types:

Pole coloring

The performed surface of the finishing board must be painted. If the tipped wood was laid on the balcony, it must be prepared. Purchase paint designed to external use of a suitable shade.

Boards to handle for degreasing solvent. Places where scalded stains have a sharp stains should be treated with hydrogen peroxide.

After the surface is completely dry, the first layer of the coloring substance can be applied.

Work should be carried out by a painting brush, thoroughly rubbing in the wood paint. The first layer is correctly applied along the fibers of the board. Give time to dry, which is usually 24 hours. Then apply the second, only already across the fibers. The third layer is applied similarly to the first. All layers before applying the subsequent should dry well. About the main errors when painting wood, see this useful video:

Laying tiles

Choose a frost-resistant tile with non-slip surface

This finishing material has a huge number of different shades and textures. By purchasing tile on the balcony, it is important to choose with its frost resistant. It stacked on a special adhesive substance intended for external work. To work on installing tiles should be:

  • capacity for kneading glue;
  • the pelvis in which the tile will be soared;
  • several types of spatulas: flat, toothed, as well as rubber;
  • rubber hammer;
  • building level;
  • grout for seams;
  • rags.

Such work should be carried out in rubber gloves. Cooked glue with a toothed spatula on the surface. Stop the tile must be rows and each of them check the level.

Staying right from the far edge and gradually move to the doors. After soaring the seam glue to handle the grout, which has an acrylic filler. Fill seams need a rubber spatula.

Laying of laminate

Moisture-resistant material is placed on a special substrate. Installation of lamellae is performed using the locking of the lock with the Schip system - "groove". Despite the fact that the surface of the laminate has a moisture-proof layer, with a large amount of moisture he can spoil. About how to lay laminate on the floor, look at this useful video:

Making such a material is better with a glazed balcony and do not forget to roast the windows during the rain.

Linoleum coating

It is better to choose a wide linoleum so that you do not have to connect several pieces

This material is not afraid of moisture, steadically withstands minus temperatures. To perform linoleum laying, you must have a tool:

  • joiner or stationery knife;
  • saw on wood;
  • drill with nozzles;
  • phaneur;
  • saws.

Choosing a linoleum, it is important to take into account the width of the coating so that the styling is made by a solid piece, without seams. For the material to put the paneur, preferably moisture-resistant, thickness 1 cm. It must be screwed to the floor. Formed seams to treat with a special putty, and after drying, it is thoroughly grinding fine-grained emery paper. For details on how to lay a linoleum on the loggia, see this video:

Linoleum is spread and leave for a few days to give the necessary form. After that, install the decorative plinth, which should be fixed not to the floor, but to the wall, since under the influence of various factors, the floors can "play".

This is a popular material for the inner and external decoration of the premises. Due to the environmentally friendly and ease of installation, loggias and balconies are often separated by clapboard. However, many owners who decided to give their balcony a presentable appearance, interests than and how to paint the lining on the balcony and loggia and can it be done at all.

Painting Lining on the Balcony

In order to extend the life of wooden lining, protect against mold and, before painting it should be covered with an antiseptic. However, first of all, it is necessary to clean the surface of the lining from dust and dirt. Remember that paint and varnish can not be applied to dirty surfaces. Then, if necessary, we clean the possible chips and sinters, which appear in the installation process and cover with any kind of antiseptic in two layers. There are special primer antiseptics that significantly extend the timing of the operation of wooden products covered with paint or varnish.

Now you need to give the coating well dry and you can proceed to the finish painting of the lining. An acrylic varnish or aqualak is best suitable for covering from the lining. The latter dries very quickly, so you need to paint the entire surface from top to bottom. If you do in parts, there may be ugly stains in the locations of the layers. These coatings perfectly protect the tree from ultraviolet and moisture.

If your balcony is glazed, you can use water-based varnish. Such a varnish will prevent the darkening of the wooden lining, will retain its natural hue. It is absolutely safe for people, there is no smell and dries quickly.

So that the loggia or balcony is not knocked out from the overall interior of the apartment, you can paint the walls in any color suitable for general design. For this, oil, alkyd and facade paints are used. Today, it is often used for painting clapboard inside the balcony or loggia of the semiam paints made on a water basis.

There is another type of decorative covering of the lining - impregnation with a verse, which perfectly emphasize the texture of the tree, and the impregnation based on wax can be used on the outside of the balcony.

Toned varnish or paint is applied with a thin layer, watering a brush or roller from top to bottom. After the coating is good, you can apply another layer of paint or varnish.