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Types of roses with photos and names. Description of the most miniature roses miniature red roses

Not the first decade, small roses are very popular with flowers lovers. This type is universal: you can grow such crumbs both in pots and in flower beds in the garden. For those who have not come across miniature roses, it will be useful to learn their most popular varieties and peculiarities of care.

Dwarf roses

Motherland miniature roses is China. Now the breeders withdrew more than 100 varieties. All of them are distinguished by beautiful small flowers of various shades that exude a thin fragrance or do not smell at all.

The advantages of dwarf roses to decorate gardens and loggias:

  • The bushes are compact, up to 40 centimeters in height, stalks do not fall on the ground.
  • Most of the sorts of frost resistant, so suitable for decorating flower beds as a perennial.
  • Blossom continues from May to frosts, old buds are constantly replaced by new ones.
  • Flowers miniature are diverse in shape and color.
  • Among the dwarf roses there are varieties of both with one flower on the stem, and with a lot, which allows them to fit perfectly into the landscape design.
  • Pleet and sharpening views of mini roses are of long (up to 5 meters) shoots, small flowers, up to 4 centimeters in diameter, but they are saturated almost the entire bush. The flowering period depends on the selected variety. This is an excellent option to create an elevation and arches.

Small roses

Popular varieties of small roses

Small roses are diverse in height of the bush, the length of shoots, the amount of inflorescence. Therefore, the most popular varieties among flower flows can be divided into 3 groups: swabs, roses mix and soil.

Swimming roses

These roses have long swinging thin stems, which are all covered with flowers. They are distinguished by unpretentious care, fit perfectly into the garden design when creating flowering hedges, walls, arches, and so on. Most popular varieties:

  • Pomponella. This rose with small flowers collected in the brush, has received its name due to the unusual shape of flowers. By themselves, they are small in diameter, round and closed, reminiscent Pompon. Possess a subtle aroma, the color scheme ranges from pink to red. Escapes grow up to 1.5 meters in diameter. Plants are frost resistant, they will fit well in the middle lane of Russia as a perennial. Have a good immunity to diseases.
  • New Down. The most unpretentious grade, which is not terrible wind, rain and even severe frosts. It blooms abundantly and magnificent, the bush itself is very powerful. Rose fine-cexual, terry flowers, up to 3 centimeters in diameter, with wonderful thin aroma, coloring - gentle pink. Plants are resistant to diseases, perfectly suitable for the middle strip of Russia.
  • Iceberg is another unpretentious variety is iceberg. Small snow-white flowers of standard shape, shoots powerful, up to 1.5 meters high. Sitting almost in any climate.

Rosa Iceberg

Roses mix

This is a separate group of low-roses whose bushes are compacts, look like a bouquet, do not exceed 50 centimeters in height. They are the most capricious in care, most often grown at home, larger varieties are used by designers in landscape compositions.

Most Popular:

  • Rose mini mix. Many are interested in the variety of the smallest roses, as these tiny roses are called in flower pots, adorning balconies and loggias. The most miniature among rose colored is a mini mix. This Asian beauty grows with a small bush, 10-15 centimeters in height. On the stems a lot of leaves 10-25 millimeters in length, small flowers, cover the plant with a beautiful hat. The color scheme is diverse, but most often there are pink inflorescences. A very capricious plant, suitable only for growing in rooms or closed balconies. Does not like drafts, direct sunlight, dry air. Demanding in watering, the root system does not tolerate the stress of water in the soil immediately begins to rot, so the care of the rose mini mix even at home is very complicated. Breaks like all dwarf roses, stalling. Once every two years, the plant necessarily needs a transplant in a more spacious capacity.

Note! In the southern regions of Russia (Astrakhan, Volgograd), where on average the air temperature in winter is 15 degrees, the roses mix mini can be grown in the open soil, covering them on the winter with a sweetheave or other affordable shelter.

  • Hummingbird. It has accuracy, a bush of about 30 centimeters height does not grow up, it is very compact located on the flower bed. Flowers in diameter do not exceed 3 centimeters, terry, orange or yellow shade, but the petals will very quickly burn out in the sun. The roses of this variety love the southern areas, are hardly tolerated freezing, so they are best to dig up for the winter and placing in the period of rest in the room with a minimum air temperature of 5 degrees.
  • Los Angeles. This multi-year grade of the Extra class is famous due to its abundant flowering. Flowers up to 4 centimeters in diameter are collected in beautiful inflorescences. On one shoot can be up to 80 pieces of roses forming large blooming flasks. Height of cooks on average is 35 centimeters. Leaves - dark green, egg-shaped. They are pretty abundantly gaining growth due to rustling shoots. Perfectly get along in the southern regions, although with proper shelter they are able to survive any cold. Do not differ resistance to diseases, require protection in the form of special preparations.

Los Angeles

Soil grades

These dwarf roses are distinguished by their ability to grow into width, forming large splashing bushes, similar to the flowering carpet. Main advantages: frost resistance, unpretentiousness and strong fragrance.

The most common varieties:

  • Rose Flirt. The shoots of this rose are thin, sharpening on the ground. The height of the cookistic is up to 50 centimeters, it grows in width no more than 1.25 m. Blossoms of lush, up to 5 centimeters in diameter, visible the middle of the flower. Rose Flirt refers to unpretentious floral plants, resistant to many diseases. Suitable for growing in the open soil. The most appropriate areas - the average and southern strip of Russia, puts out frost to -23 degrees.
  • Degenhart Rosa. The flower is a gentle pink along the edges, white inside, a yellow middle is visible, has a delicate thin aroma. In inflorescences, up to 10 colors grow, in diameter not exceeding 4 centimeters. The plant is more miniature than rose flirt. The bushes grow up to 40 centimeters in height and 1 meter in width. Stems thin, decorated with a thick glossy greens. Winter hardy is not subject to illness, perfectly feels like in loamy weakness soils. Plant blossoms start at the end of May.
  • Rose White Cove. Snow-white, like paper, a miniature rose is perfectly arrived at the flower bed next door to other colors. A small (about 40 centimeters) refers to the soil. The leaves are small, the flower diameter - up to 5 centimeters, has a light aroma. A resistant to frost and diseases, perfectly carries out in thin soils with moderate humidity, does not like wetlafting. Gives shoots that it is possible to transplant in the form of a separate bush.

Rose Weat Cove

Care for miniature roses in the garden

Dwarf roses in the garden are considered an unpretentious culture. The main thing is to choose the right place for the flower and provide it with the necessary care.

To properly put a mini rose on the household plot, you need to take into account a few moments:

  • It is necessary to plant in a place protected from the northern winds, where it was not growing rose.
  • Roses love driving weakly acidic soil, although they are able to get along in any soil, which is not too dense and wetlable. Therefore, in places of accumulation of moisture, add drainage in the soil.
  • The best time for landing is the end of April, when the soil has already warmed a little. If planted a plant in such an early term, it will have time to develop well and prepare for overgrown. After landing, roses should be stolen overnight so that they do not make it.
  • When landing a fossa for the roots of a seedling should exceed their diameter. The root is best to straighten, after which it is to cover the soil and a little tamper with your hand, then ridiculously pour.
  • The optimal distance between the bushes is 30 centimeters.

Watering a rose is needed in the evening under the root, not allowing droplets on the leaves, and even more so the flowers. The procedure should be carried out regularly with a small amount of water, not allowing the drying and overwhelming the soil.

Important! Watering mini roses should be warm water.

When growing miniature roses in the open soil, without feeding it is not necessary. From production fertilizers, it is best to use special compositions for a family of rose colored, which are bred according to the instructions on the package. The main feeder is carried out 2 times - in spring and autumn.

If the bush overwhelmed the winter, then it is cut, removing spoiled over the winter shoots. The cut should be done at an angle, leaving 3 kidneys on the shoot. After a rose is immediately fed. If you choose from organic fertilizers, the horse manure is best suited. It is placed under the bush in a slightly loosened soil.

During the flowering period, the rose can be filled with calcium spit. Only do it should be carefully, otherwise the plant can be easily burned. To avoid this, in the early morning, you should first pour a flower, then feed the fertilizer (1 tbsp. L. On the water bucket).

Fertilizer Calcium Selievera

In order to avoid disease during the flowering period, the rose is sprayed with insecticide. The most suitable is an anti-trip and prestige, which are bred with water in a ratio of 2 drops of funds on a floor-liter water. So you can get rid of the attack of Tly, caterpillars, ants.

For the winter, the rose should be covered with a spruce vegetable, a special shelter or just land. At the same time, all the remaining flowers and flowers should be deleted.

Burgundy roses spawn. Selected shoots are cut from above straight, bottom - at an angle. Next, they are kept in the epin solution (100 grams per 1 liter of water). Drainage, soil and last layer of sand are laid in the container. The cuttings are placed, they are very moistened, covered with polyethylene. A month later, roots should appear, which can already be searched.

Important! For shilling, it is necessary to choose strong shoots with 3-4 kidneys. Scroll produce at least 2 centimeters from extreme kidneys.

Care for mini roses in the pot

Most often, miniature roses for breeding at home are purchased in the store. After 7-10 days, the plant should be rehanced in another pot. Do it best step by step:

  1. Drainage is covered with a clean capacity with a hole at the bottom.
  2. Place the soil bought in the store, or the soil from the country area in the pastime.
  3. Reliest the plant by the method of transshipment along with the land of land.
  4. We compact the soil in the roots, watered with extreme water.

Important! If you use soil prepared by yourself, it should be necessary to disinfect. It is best to do it with the help of a couple, that is, to disappear land.

The pot with a rose should be placed in the room with a temperature of 18 degrees. This indicator can fluctuate for 5 degrees in each direction. The main thing is that the air is wet and absent drafts. Dwarf roses love sunlight, but not straight sun rays. The flower feels perfectly on the northern windows. Light day should be at least 6 hours. For year-round flowering in winter, roses are highlighted with special lamps.

Near the pot should not be heating devices that dried the surrounding air. The miniature rose will feel great on the glazed balcony, where there is no draft.

Good to know! Once every two years, the rose is necessarily transplanted by transshipment into a larger pot with a new nutritious soil.

Watering the plant needs moderately, not allowing soil drying. The land in the pot must be wet, but not wet. You can pour water on a saucer under the pot. Be sure to spray the plant from a pulleysist with small spraying, to do it as often as possible. Periodically, the soil should be loose, so that the roots are saturated with air. For irrigation, only the remaining or melting water is used, since the rosette is very sensitive to chemicals contained in tap water.

Water moderately

In the period of growth 1 time per week, the plant should be picked up by nitrogen fertilizers, for example, nitroammophos. If the plant is covered with rotting or pulse dew, then it is necessary to remove damaged shoots, and the remaining leaves and stems to be treated with soda solution, avoiding it in the soil.

In summer hot days, rosette will feel great on the balcony or in flower bed. For the winter, the plant can be removed in the coolness, providing resting period. For this, the bush is cut, leaving 5 kidneys on the escape and transfer 5-8 degrees into the room with an air temperature.

Rose at all times amazed with its beauty. Thanks to the centuries-old work of breeders, now every amateur of small flowers will find a rose in the soul, decorating her garden or home.

Roses are able to give a beautiful appearance to any garden. Among the variety of species and varieties, small roses are especially distinguished, which are not inferior to ordinary. In this article we will talk about the peculiarities of miniature roses, and we describe the 10 most popular varieties.

At the beginning of the XIX century, mini-roses brought to Europe from China, and they produced a real extension. At that time they were very fashionable and popular, and the demand for them was unusually large. Then they were replaced by new flowers, and interest gradually UGAS. Only in the middle of the twentieth century, the breeders of Holland and Spain took the selection of new varieties, crossing the already known varieties of small roses with short varieties of roses.

Thus, today landing and growing small roses - the phenomenon is quite common. And it is not surprising, because by the diversity of the colors and the beauty of the colors themselves, they are not inferior to ordinary varieties.

Video "Instructions for landing mini-roses"

From this video you will learn how to properly plant a miniature rose.

Pluses and disadvantages of small roses

Like any plants, mini roses have their advantages and disadvantages. Consider them in more detail.


  • decorative;
  • unpretentious care;
  • frost resistance (even if the rose is slightly frozen, it will still give a lot of new shoots in the spring);
  • resistance to many diseases;
  • long blossom;
  • the variety of colors for every taste.

The shortcomings of these beauties can be said, no. If you do not count their small sizes (which may come to taste far from all flows), they are ideal for landing on any site.

Features of cultivation

It's quite simple to grow a little rose, just observe the basic rules. On the flower, these flowers, as a rule, plant in the spring, so that they are entrenched and overwhelmed without any special problems. The place for them need to choose the sunny, securely covered by drafts.

The soil for dwarf roses needs to choose a light and water permeable. The ideal option will be disembarking. When landing, you need to observe the desired distance (about 25 cm) so that the bushes do not interfere with each other to grow.

Pour the miniature flower is infrequent, so that the roots do not start. For irrigation, only dilated water is used. Also, after each irrigation, the land must be loosened so that the crust is not formed.

It is necessary to cut the bush in time to provide all the flowers access to the sunlight. Watch that it does not get too thick, and all shoots grew normally.

Also do not forget about timely feeding and preventive treatment of diseases and pests. For this, the burglar liquid is perfect or herbal infusion.

Best varieties

To date, there are many variety of varieties of these miniature flowers, so here we will look at the most popular of them.


It was created in the middle of the twentieth century. The bush is very thick, stretched, with small emerald leaves with characteristic glossy glitter. Small terry flowers are collected in small (3-5 stuff) inflorescences, in diameter reach only 4 cm. The color is very bright - the apricot yellow, the bloom itself continues for quite a long time.


It has a good immunity against most diseases. Bucket is completely small (up to 20 cm high), terry flowers, snow-white (although before the start of bloom I have a pale pink color). This rose can be grown not only on the plot, but also in the pot. For the winter, the flower must be hidden.


Created recently variety, but has already received wide fame. Small terry flowers grow on quite high (for dwarf roses) bush - about 35 cm in height. It has good frost resistance and resistance to the most common diseases. It has an unusual color of roses - at the base of the petal is almost white, and closer to the edges they acquire a dark red color. There are quite a few colors on one bush, and each of them has a different color.


A small pink bush, which is covered by a variety of cups of white or pale pink roses. Flowers have delicate terry petals and gather in small inflorescences (2-3 flower), although single roses are found. It blooms for a very long time. In addition, Pixi is easy to grow even on the windowsill.

Los Angeles

A classic mold bush is distinguished by an unusual color of the leaves. Although most of them are emerald, there are also bushes with bronze leaves, which looks incredibly beautiful. On one shoot, many bright roses can grow, which will bloom.


Large (up to 60 cm) Compact bushes that have good resistance to fungal diseases. It is very fond of heat, so with warm and sunny weather, the flowers will reveal much faster. Flowers themselves have up to 5 cm in diameter, painted in beautiful colors (from pink to apricot).


It is characterized by very non-standard for roses with color - lavender. Flowers themselves small, up to 5 cm in diameter. On one stem blooms from 1 to 3 buds. The variety is popular precisely at the expense of such a fabulous color, and perfectly suitable for decorating the site.

Baby Bakcara

Another variety with an unusual color is small flowers painted in dark red, almost black color. Roses are not going to inflorescences, but grow one, but it looks no less effectively.


A variety that perfectly transfers low temperatures, the bush grows up to half a meter. Roses are collected in small inflorescences and are distinguished by an unusual color: from the inside they are dark red, and with external - snow-white.

Green AIS Min.

Buckets are not too high, spread. The leaves are abandoned in light green, and terry roses have a white, with a greenish tint color. The variety is well tolerate low temperatures and resistant to most diseases.

Miniature roses are an extensive group of garden roses, skillfully combining the beautiful shape of a bush and a lush flowering that continues until late autumn. Dwarf roses are universal in their application: they can be in the mountaineering, on the front row of flower beds and flower beds, place along the tracks and reservoirs.

What are miniature roses

The birthplace of dwarf roses is China, because it was there that the first attempts have been taken to create a mini-version of the flower, which would bloom all year round and was more hardy (we all know that the rose - a rattle flower is quite capricious). In the late 1890s, Europeans were also experiments to create highly productive dwarf versions of roses.

The founder of the first modern advanced miniature roses varieties are the famous variety of Rouletii.

Since the gardeners became interested in breeding mini-roses, breeders became annually to carry out several hundred different varieties and hybrids of dwarf colors. All of them are similar to the compact Habius of the bush, but differ in color of the petals and the structure of flowers: they are simple and terry, large and small, cupid and beddown. Most varieties of miniature roses are suitable for garden, and for indoor cultivation.

Value of dwarf roses:

  • dwarf roses in the height of Gabitus are similar to the soil. However, their features of the structure of shoots are distinguished by the mini version, they do not fall and do not steal on the ground, but they grow only upwards, creating a beautiful magnificent bush;
  • short shoots are still very durable and strong. They are well withstanding a thick layer of dense foliage and the severity of dozens of volumetric inflorescences;
  • small buds have a diverse single and two-color petals color;
  • for many varieties, the color gamut of flowers is changing as the budding and aging of the bud;
  • flowers in miniature versions are most often assembled into large brushes consisting of 5-20 buds;
  • flower dwarf roses from spring to late autumn waving. With proper care at home, buds are formed all year round.

Miniature roses are the same garden roses, only in a reduced copy.

Dwarf roses - self-sufficient and full-fledged garden element. And although they are not as smaller with a single landing, and in large floral compositions are lost, they look great in curb design (miniature flowers are also called "curb"), on the front plans of the rocarium and rosary. The lowest grades whose bushes are barely reach the 20-centimeter heights are excellent for container growing. Lush flowering caps look spectacular in suspended porridges, as well as in vases and pots placed on the terrace, porch or at the entrance to the house. Miraculously delated these wonderful flowers and home premises. In addition, border roses look gorgeous in a cut-off bouquet.

Popular varieties

A group of miniature roses currently includes more than 5000 varieties and hybrids. This includes classic bushes, soil, strambly and other garden hybrids that bloom abundantly for many months. Most miniature roses are unpretentious in leaving, have enviable health, the ability to adapt to poor climatic conditions.

Los Angeles

The classic view of a miniature rose, on the basis of which a lot of modern hybrids was created. Los Angeles is a lush low shrub, which rarely reaches a height of 40 centimeters. The plant goes well, his shoots quickly hang out. Stems flexible and thin, grow primarily up. In the spring, they are thickly thrown a dark green slightly rough matte egg-shaped greens. Sheet plate is collected from 5-7 sheets with carved needle edges.

Some subspecies of the Los Angeles variety have an unusual color to foliage: there are copies with brown leaves or painted in light green, with dark streaks.

Gardeners prefer to grow Los Angeles hybrids because of rich bright flowering, which can last 3-4 months. Small 4-5 centimeter flowers have salmon color. They are collected in loose inflorescences consisting of 8-10 buds. Each shoot can be formed simultaneously up to 80 terry flowers of bright orange colors. The color of the petals changes at different stages of the ripening of the flower: at first closed buds have a lemon yellow color, and as the colors are turned into a coral or purple tone.

Jewel (Jewel)

Roses Zaverii Jewel have characteristic leaves - they are rounded shape, dark green glossy (at an early stage of development of cherry), the bodies are practically not allocated. But there are varieties with matte carved leaves (for example, Baby Jewel and Flamingo Jewel). Stems have rare not sharp spikes.

The jeell roses bloom for a very long time - from June to early October. Boots of glassoid, pointed at the edge. The center of the flower is brighter, painted in yellow. The rest of the petals has a bright red color. The lower petals at the dissipated bud greatly bent outward, while the inner rows remain tight pressed to each other. This makes a flower more voluminous and loose. The color on the patio holds for a long time, however, due to the inhomogeneous structure, the flower quickly crepts during rains and wind. But cut flowers are very long, for 12-14 days.

Sortoeria Jewel unites a dozen varieties that differ in the color of flower petals. For example, Amazing Jewel varieties has a biccologist of buds - orange-yellow; Icy Jewel flowers are painted white; Lipstick Jewel hybrids, Sparkling Jewel, Purple Jewel belong to the pink species of Jewel.

All varieties of Jewel Group are well tolerated in room conditions. They are rarely amazed by diseases, and even a spider tick, settled on the lower leaves, will not stop the violent blossom.

Clementine (Clementine)

Soil roses were obtained using interspecific crossing in 1997. Small dense thickens are collected in huge inflorescences. The color of the petals as the flower aging changes with a gentle pink to orange. The color of mature booth resembles the color of the mandarin, and the roses are smelling with citrus. More than all among many types of Clementin stands out grade apricot Clementin. This hybrid is completely simple to care, racks for many infectious diseases and color to the first snow.

Clementine bushes are quite tall for dwarf - they can reach 60 centimeters of height. Escapes The plant forms a lot, due to which 2-3 summer bushes greatly grow up, forming a volumetric high-branching shrub. Elegants grow up. They are durable and straight, thickly hurt with dark green foliage.

The first buds begin to bloom closer towards mid-June. However, in unfavorable periods (cold, rain), flowers are not in a hurry to open. Because of this feature, the bush retains decorativeness for a very long time. In comfortable weather conditions, buds open the core rather quickly - five days after the flower formation. Patio is formed wave-like, and reveal. Cut flowers retain the trade form more than a week.


Clementine roses have high immunity to the most dangerous diseases of culture: black spottedness and mildew.

Cinderella (Cinderella)

The variety created in the best traditions of vintage tea-hybrid varieties. Flowers have a virgin white color, which over time becomes gentle pink with a pleasant apple fragrance. Buds are large, spherical (cupid). Small 3-4 - centimeter buds are assembled into dense volumetric case-shaped inflorescences of 10-20 pieces.

Cinderella bushes are low (20 centimeters) and compact. Stems are thin, but durable, do not have spikes. Roses begin to form on branches by the end of May, but to bloom begin already in the first days of summer. With competent caring, flowering can be repeated 2-3 times per season. And the blooming flowers are not withering for several weeks in a row. Cinderella foliage is large, dense with dark green gloss.

Roses Cinderella are universal in their intended purpose. They look spectacularly in solitary landings, at the same time can be harmonized with other plants in common compositions. They can be raised in the open ground, in pots and porridge.

Hummingbird (Colibri)

Ancient grade, led in 1958. Not inferior to their leadership positions to this day. A miniature compact shrub will grow no higher than 25 centimeters. Short strong twigs are thickly thoroughly leather shiny foliage of dark green. Flowers are very small and there are many of them on the bush. 3 centimeter podium buds in structure. Their color has various shades of yellow and orange. On the bright sun, the color of the petals quickly fade. Buds are formed by a box of 3-4 pieces in inflorescences. The blurred roses have a strong fragrance inherent in this culture.

Flower patio from June to late September. In the open soil, the roses of the hummingbird do not require shelter for the winter (in the south of the country). Basically, the varietal plants are used to create live curbs along the tracks. Many gardeners prefer to raise hummingbirds at home, growing in porridge or pots.

Bigoudi (Bigoudi)

Biguchi is less than everyone like a rose, as in the opening form, buds have elongated dense petals, swirling up and thick core - the view of the far from roses in the usual understanding. The variety is young enough - he was taken out in France in 2001.

A dwarf plant grows up to 30 centimeters. This is a compact, consisting of 15-25 thin semi-restless stalks of a bush, which already at the beginning of the summer is covered with dozens of dahlia flowers painted in a motley red-yellow strip. The patio diameter is 4-5 centimeters. The foliage in a mature form is dark green with redness, has a streak of a yellowish shade.

At the peak of flowering, buds consisting of 20-25 petals are collected at 10-15 pieces in bright, terry and very lush inflorescences. Rose Biguchi blooms several times during the season, keeping its decorativeness until late autumn. This grade has a good winter hardiness, but often suffers from fungal diseases. Biguchi is usually placed in group landings, however, due to excessive inflorescence, designers use them to dilute one-photon flower compositions, in particular roses are planted among grassy plants.

Lavender (Lavender)

The hybrid with fabulous painted roses painted in a purple color was created in 1999 by Maian. The bushes of the middle rosy, reach a height of 40 centimeters. The shoots are well limp, the spikes are rare. The foliage is dense, durable, leathery, with a dark green gloss. Flowers in diameter 6-7 centimeters, dense. In the dismissed form, they have a shape of a socket. They are formed on shoots single or collected in creeps-shaped inflorescences of 2-5 pieces.

Blossom comes in the end of spring and lasts half a year. In the south of the country can winter without shelter. The grade is resistant to fungal diseases, tolerately transfers bad weather.

Thanks to the lilac color of the buds, this rose looks advantageously in the composition with small-ceiling cultures of such a color (cornflowers, bells).

Daniela (Daniela)

Named variety, selected in 1987 by the German company Kordes' Söhne.

Dwarf bushes grow on 25 centimeters, no more. They are compact, reprehension. Foliage matte, juicy green. A distinctive feature of this variety are petals of cupid buds - they have a star-tiled shape and pointed ends. The color of the dense tight pink boutons, over time burning almost to the white. Daniel roses bloom for a long time (almost all year round), sourcing barely catchy delicate floral fragrance. The buds are revealed by rows - the extreme leaves are slightly thrown down, exposing the signed with dozens of petals. 10, 15 And sometimes 20 buds add up to a bulk compartment basket.

For Daniel characteristic high winter hardiness. At the same time, the grade is subject to fungal diseases.

Roses Daniela found their use as domestic flowers. They are glad to grow in pots and pots, cut into bouquets, use for boutonnieres. And practitioners of gardeners often instill this rose on the strab to other varieties, getting gorgeous bushy plants that bloom without ceasing.

Gold Symphony (Gold Symphonie)

This miniature rose was created in France, the selection firm Maian in the early 2000s. Gold Symphony - these are low (up to 40 centimeters) a bush, in the summer thick, crouching dark green glossy, leather foliage, in the wilds of which tens of tongues begin to form tight gust matomas. In the opening form, roses are rather large for dwarf species dimensions - almost 6 centimeters in diameter. They practically do not smell, but from this, their charming beauty does not fade away. At one branch, up to 5 flowers are formed. The color of the petals is golden yellow, sometimes yellow-orange. Color long keeps on the sun, not thorough. The denstomahper bud consists of 50-60 petals. Flowers rose abundantly and long until the middle of the autumn.


Gold symphony variety is ideal for curb decorating.

Garnet Bracelet (Garnet Bracelet)

The variety of domestic selection, with Zinaida Klimenko in Crimea in 2007. Miniature bushes grow up 35 centimeters high. Sobs are destroyed. The leaves are painted into a dark rich-green color, wavy in structure, gear around the edges. The flowers are dense, very large, in diameter reach 6-7 centimeters. Bicolor color - raspberry-white (main color of petals dark pink, raspberry; The outer side is slightly lowered, with silver shades; the core is white). The bud has the shape of a glass, completely not disclosed until the end of flowering. The flowering of the pomegranate bracelet goes continuously for 4-5 months and ends only with the arrival of the first frosts.

The grade of winter films has unreasonable immunity to many infectious diseases. Rarely amazed by pests. Thanks to versatility, roses pomegranate bracelet can be used in any kind of compositions, as well as raise the house in a seedlings.

Named a variety in honor of the story of A.I.Kuprina.

C-finger boy (Malchik-S-Palchik)

The variety is derived in Ukraine with the spouses Klimenko in 2008. A rather tall rose, a bush in height reaches 40-45 centimeters. The plant is straightforward, narrow, shoots grow advantageously up. Greens turn little. Matte leaves are small, dark green, egg-shaped. The generated buds are clearly visible on almost naked shoots. Flowers are small (diameter of 3.5-4 centimeters), collected in inflorescences of several dozen pieces. The aroma is thin, barely catchy, gentle. Flowers bloom all at the same time, hold on a bush for a long time. Color petals saturated pink, coral.

The grade of winter comfort, has enviable health. In good weather conditions can please bloom until mid-October. Sort Self-cleaning. Roseworks recommend landing a rose-and-finger boy along the tracks or use in group landings, placing on the first bottom row.

Amulet (Amulett)

Roses went out by the Germans in the nursery Rosen Tantau. The bushes for the miniature version of roses are rather tall, often grow up to 60 centimeters, and in the south of the country height can reach the meter. The bush is thick, shoots grow straight, firmly adjacent to each other. In the blossomed form, the bud more reminds Chrysanthma (or sometimes Georgina), rather than rose - petals are not spiral, but in a circle. Flowers are large, dense, consist of hundreds of leaves, painted in a saturated pink-red color. At first, the color gamut of buds is all the dark shades of the cherry, and then in the sun color quickly burns out, acquiring the usual color. 4-5-centimeter flowers are collected by 15-20 pieces in fairly large grinding inflorescences.

Rose varieties Amulet still can not give a classification. It is also ranked with Floribunde, and to dwarf roses, and scrasiles.

Roses have long been considered one of the most important decorations of any garden. In addition, what kind of girl will be able to abandon the bouquet of these fragrant flowers. Before the gardener wishing to plant this wonderful plant for the first time, it is a huge selection of various varieties and subspecies. What to do preference? Below will be presented the most popular and new roses among several categories.

Plants are distinguished by the presence of long and flexible shoots, whose length can reach 5 meters. Such roses can be used to create spectacular arches, walls or floral cascades.. This is due to the fact that they feel well on various horizontal or vertical supports.

Usually, the flowers are small, and they mowed almost the entire shrub. Time start, and flowering duration directly depends on the selected variety.

Pomponella ( Pomponella)

Smaller shrub, its shoots grow up for a length of 1.5 meters. Flowers of very unusual shape, closed and rounded, similar to Pompon. The color of such bright pink buds, also many gardeners note the presence of a bright aroma. The variety acquired its popularity not only due to appearance, but also because of unpretentiousness and immunity to many diseases.

Flementation ( Flammentanz.)

A distinctive feature is resistance to diseases and the ability to carry frost to -30 degrees. Shrub grows up to 3 meters long and 2nd width. Buds are painted in bright, red, possess a terry texture, a large size and pleasant aroma.

New Down ( New Dawn.)

This is the most steady and popular variety of plenty roses. The shrub is very powerful and stronger, can tolerate any, even the most adverse weather conditions. The terry gentle-pink flowers decorate the plant from the end of spring and before the beginning of autumn, besides, they are not afraid of the gusty winds and abundant rains.

Golden Gate ( Golden. Gate.)

It was led in 2006 and is already highly popular among flower water. Shrub grows up to 3.5 meters in height, characterized by a large number of shoots. Buds of bright yellow color, quite large size, texture of the petals of terry. This variety is not whimsical to the conditions of cultivation and care, has immunity to many diseases.

Iceberg ( Iceberg.)

An old grade that continues to be in demand and currently. The shrub is small, only 1.5 meters in height is completely suiced by snow-white flowers.. Middle-sized buds, classic shapes, are distinguished by the presence of a thin fragrance. In addition to the bright appearance, such a flower is good for practically in any climate.

Varieties of tea-hybrid roses

The most popular group of shrubs, is a rose with compact high shoots, on the tops of which are formed large buds of various coloring.

Gloria Day ( Gloria. Dei)

Although it requires sufficient attention to themselves, in the form of additional shelter for the winter and protection against disease, is one of the most beautiful and popular species. The shoots are powerful and straight, grow up to 120 centimeters in height, the flower is very large (diameter 16-18 centimeters) and beautiful. The color of the bud gently yellow, on the edges you can see the pink cut. The structure of the flower is terry, and the form of invigorate;

Superstar ( Super Star)

Very resistant and beautiful, on one shoot, one or more bright coral buds is formed up to 110 centimeters., terry structure and shape, similar to a glass. The flowering period lasts first summer and before the onset of the first frost. Another advantage will be long-term preservation in the bouquet;

Landor ( Landora)

Resistant to cold and some diseases, shrub grows up to 120 centimeters height. Saturated-yellow buds with slightly elongated petals It looks well as the decor of any country area;

Paradise ( Paradise)

It is popular thanks to the unusual color of the flower, which changes as it discloses it. Initially, the bud is painted in light lavender color, then petals become bright pink, crimson And as if framing a brighter middle. Such roses are often used for cut;

Blue Moon ( Blue Moon.)

Such flowers have an unusual, lilac coloring petals and people are called "blue". Shrub low, only 90 centimeters, foliage freak, glossy dark green color. Lilac color buds consist of 35 petals of the terry texture. It also has an exquisite aroma and is not afraid of cold. The disadvantage will be the high risk of infection with malieving dew.

Roses with the largest flowers

This type includes varieties, The diameter of the bud of which exceeds a 12 centimeter frontThe most bright species are considered:

Polka ( Polka.)

The shrub of such a rose reaches 3 meters in height, the foliage is abundant and glossy. Flowers are very bright and beautiful, in the middle they are painted in a peach color, and along the edges in gentle-cream. The diameter of the booton is 14-16 centimeters, the edges of the petals of wavy. Blossom continues throughout the season.

Paul Neron ( Paul. NEYRON)

A missing shrub reaches a height of 100-150 centimeters, the foliage is very large and brilliant. Flowers reach 18 centimeters in diameter and are considered the largest, they are very similar to peonies with their spherical shape and wavy edges of petals. The color of such roses is saturated pink, the structure of the terry. The main minus is bad frost resistance and exposure to some diseases. Under favorable conditions, it can bloom every 1.5 months;

Ravel ( Ravel.)

A tea-hybrid rose grade is a medium-sized shrub with a large number of shoots and thick, close-green foliage. Usually, on one shoot, only 1 bud is formed, they are extremely rarely 2 or 3.. Blossom occurs gentle pink, terry bootons of a glassworm form. On average, the diameter of the rose is 12 centimeters. Grade is resistant to cold and most diseases;

Dame de Ker ( Dame. dE. Coeur.)

The shrub is small and neat, no more than 1 meter grows in height, the leaves are numerous, dark green. The bloom occurs "waves" and rose can be blooming several times in the period from mid-June and until the end of September. Buds of cupid shape, thick, with terry, saturated-red petals that do not burn out in the sun. Boot diameter 12 centimeters. The variety is not afraid of frost and most fungal diseases.

The most beautiful varieties of miniature and dwarf roses

K belongs to the height of shrubs of which does not exceed 35 centimeters. They look good in various compositions and are often grown in the form of a kind of live curb.

Hummingbirds ( Colibri.)

There are two roses called Colibri with golden yellow flowers. The first appeared in 1958, and in 1978 its improved version was displayed. Very bright grade resistant to diseases and unpretentious in cultivation. Shrub grows not higher than 25 centimeters, buds are collected in inflorescences of 3-5 pieces And they are happy with their beauty until the autumn itself. Humbler's flowers are small, terry bright, yellow-orange shade.

Maidi ( Maidy)

Bright red roses with silver bloom from the reverse side. Shrub in turn grows up to length 35 centimeters and has good resistance to diseases and frosts. Buds abundantly bloom throughout the summer.

Rosemary ( Rosmarin.)

A small shrub with thick, dark green foliage is not afraid of frosts and many diseases. Ourselves buds gently pink, slightly silver plated.

Amulet (Amulett)

The height of the shrub on average is 50 centimeters, the foliage is very thick, saturated green, is distinguished by a high rate of increment. Flowers are large, dense-terry, possess bright pink color. The grade is famous for long blossoms and a large number of buds formed, besides, small bushes are not afraid of the appearance of many diseases.

Baby bakara ( Baby. Baccarà.)

Very unusual grade of red shades, the bloom of which occurs by buds of the classic shape of burgundy, saturated color. Shrub low, only 25 centimeters, Croon spread, the leaves are shiny, with a bronze sampling.

Vortices of yellow, orange and red roses with long stem

Roses with long stems are usually grown for subsequent cuttingbecause they look great and unusually beautiful.

Cardinal 85 ( Kardinal)

The stem of the roses of this variety can reach a height of 125 centimeters, bright red buds, but after 2 weeks become brightly crimson. A feature of the variety will be curl of the top layer of petals And a beautiful glazing form.

Aalsmer Gold ( Aalsmeer. GOLD.)

Classical rose of bright yellow color, stem grows up to 1 meter long. The shrub is covered with dark foliage, the spikes are practically absent.

Queen Elizabeth (Queen Elizabeth.)

The stems on which pink inflorescences are formed can reach 1.5 meters in length. Buds velvet, terry, consist of 30-35 leaves, bloom in a very gentle, pink tint. Also these flowers have a beautiful aroma. The flowering of this variety lasts from late June and until November. With proper care, the grade is well tolerating the winter in the middle lane of Russia, resistant to a large list of diseases.

Forener Young ( Forever YOUNG.)

The height of the stem from this variety reaches 1 meter. Middle sized shrubs, almost without spikes. Buds terry, velvety, on average their diameter is 10 centimeters. Petals have very rich red and are popular among many gardeners. The variety is resistant to many diseases, not afraid of frosts. Also, such a rose in the cut sufficiently retains its freshness.

All roses are queen of any garden, regardless of the color of bud, leaves and shrubs size. This fragrant flower fits perfectly in any ideas and compositions.

The presence of flowers in the room and bes be relevant and pleasant, especially if these are roses. Often, the dimensions of the room or the garden are insufficient to grow full-fledged bushes, because small varieties of these flowers were displayed. The abundance of varieties makes think about the choice, therefore it is necessary to understand the difference between each of them. To correctly plant and grow such roses, it is important to know how it is done.


Little roses are not inferior to big varieties in beauty and aroma, distinctive will be only such characteristics as:

  • the height of the bush, which averages 15-20 cm, although there are varieties that grow up to 50 cm;
  • features of the crown, it is formed more dense, with small leaves having a matte surface;
  • the size and formation of buds - they are small, from 3 to 6 cm, and grow in inflorescences of 5-6 pieces;
  • the possibility of formation on one flower of buds with different color.

A description of the dwarf variety of roses gives the concept of exactly how the bush looks like, but this plant has a number of differences from higher congor. Little roses bloom almost all year, because they are easily transferred from the street to the room.

So that the cultivation procedure was more convenient, there are several options, exactly how it can be done year-round:

  • landing in a flower pot;
  • landing into an open container, which is located on the street;
  • locking roses in the garden in the warm season.

Due to the wide variety of such colors, you need to learn as much as possible about variety of dwarf roses.

Best varieties and their characteristics

Roses popularity has always been on top, but to grow full-fledged bushes at home, even having a flower garden, not always convenient. The appearance of mini varieties of these colors much simplified the task of care for them. Especially popular is the multi-flower eternal rose sort "Garden Aroma"because of their beauty and unpretentiousness. A distinctive feature is to grow it with the help of seeds, which removes the need to buy a seedling, which is several times more expensive.

Care for the "garden aroma" is rather simple, the flower is not a demanding, it can be left on a garden throughout the year, because it transfers cold weather well. In warm, the bushes bloom abundantly, glading eyes, as well as exuded a pleasant honey fragrance.

From the external features of the variety it is worth noting:

  • height from 20 to 30 cm;
  • listers of a dark green shade, dense;
  • flowers have a seminal structure and a value of about 3 cm;
  • the color scheme can be in the range from light, almost white, to saturated-rose.

The flowering period begins with June and before the onset of cool weather in late September. It is noteworthy that this grade gives flowers already in the first year after disembarking. The most comfortable for roses temperature conditions is roast and dry summer, because in abundant irrigation they do not need. In winter, it can not be stolen to frosts that do not exceed 15-degree temperatures. Another advantage of this flower is resistance to most of the diseases.

Another grade of small roses has a name "Epricot Clementine"What is connected with the flower color gamut. In the flowering process, the shade varies from pink to peach, which looks beautiful and effectively. Flowers in size exceed "garden fragrance", they can reach 5 cm in diameter, but "Epricot Clementina" practically does not smell.

This variety refers to repeatedly, the conditions for their cultivation differ slightly. It is desirable to plant them in an open territory, but so that the shadow falls from time to time, otherwise the bushes fonders quickly and fall. If the rose is in the sun throughout the day, traces of burns may appear on its leaves. Care of the "Epricot Clementine" variety consists of soil looser, watering, weeding, trimming and spraying from pests. In the first year after landing, it is better to completely remove buds, so that the bush is better to root and bloom well for the next season. Roses can withstand frosts up to -7 degrees, because in the warm regions they can not be covered, and in the cold - this procedure is mandatory. It is possible to propagate the culture only with a vegetative option, while retaining all the characteristics of the source plant.

Another variety of mini roses is "Rud Morsdag"which is a small bush with bright red roses. The height of the plant does not exceed 40 cm, the inflorescences are small, but the flowers are quite large.

This variety must be planted in the sun, the soil must be prepared in advance, best suits:

  • good fertilized;
  • sublinous;
  • air-permeable;
  • moisturizer;
  • weakness.

"Rud Morsdag" is considered to be winter-hardy variety, because with weak frosts, the bushes can not be covered. It is this type that is recognized as the most suitable for growing in pots and containers.

Another interesting grade that is worth considering is called "Degenhart". Bushes can grow up to 70 cm in height and spread more than a meter in width. Flowers have a pink shade and are semi-marked, their diameter is 4 cm. The variety refers to repeated, and also has an average winter hardiness. Bushes love the sun, quite resistant to heavy rains and the most common diseases.

"Degenhart" stands for the winter, at least nominally the bush is able to withstand up to -24 degrees. Most often, such roses are planted into containers and are placed in group landings.

Another grade of small roses is a spray rose "Sari"which grows up to 50 cm and has yellow flowers. The plant refers to a continuously blooming variety. Flowers are large, can reach 8 cm, and the amount of them in inflorescence ranges from 8 to 10 pieces. The shape of the boat beads, the petals of terry, fragrance gentle, very thin. The plant is distinguished by resistance to diseases and tolerate frost well.

Separately worth saying about the grade "Tantahu Honaymilk"which also relates to small roses. Flowers dense-terry, milky white shade with a yellowish center. On the bush they are formed a lot, due to which the plant looks very effectively and attractive. Roses are resistant to diseases and hardy, well experiencing any weather conditions. Looking out the variety stands in the sun, while taking care of high-quality and rich soil. The optimal soil will be loamy, breathable, moisture and weakness. You can place bushes on the bed or plant in containers. It looks very impressive in the flower bed, where there is a mix of varieties having a different height of the bush, flowering coloring and aroma.

Rules landing

Miniature roses, like their larger varieties, prefer to grow on fertile and loose soil, which is well ventilated and misses moisture. Selecting the place, you should give preference to a bright area, but with any plantings near the future rosary. This is necessary in order to create a small shadow for bushes, without which they will blossom quickly and burn out in the sun.

Small roses can grow both in the open ground and in containers that are entered into the room. Winter-hardy varieties are usually left on a garden for the whole year, and those that poorly carry cold are transferred to a warmer place. There are varieties for which the advantage will grow from seeds, and there are such for which exclusively seedlings are needed. To properly choose the type of cultivation, you need to understand well in the varietal features, and make the right choice.

In the event that roses have long been growing on the garden for a long time, you can simply transplant, pick up the right place. If conditions do not correspond to the norm, then roses will be small, may even die. It is important to notice anomalies in development and flowering and take action. To implement the landing of small roses, it is necessary to follow a simple instruction.

  • Preparation of the pit, where the seedling will be landed. Its dimensions must be more at least 10 cm than an earthen com, in which the roots are located. The bottom of the pit must be well exploded.
  • To properly deepen a rose into the ground, it is important to put it with vaccination by 4-5 cm below the ground level. The land that was dug out of the pit under the flower, it is necessary to mix with the compost in the ratio of 1 to 3 and pour the handful of ash.
  • The sapling must be kept at the right height, gradually falling asleep to the hole of the earth. It is important to plant a bush smoothly.
  • After landing, the soil near the rose is compacted.
  • For convenient irrigation, it is necessary to make borders that will prevent water spreading. It is optimally placed at a distance of 15 cm from the bush. In the spring and autumn you need to dip roses.

If you follow this instruction, you can easily put the bushes of small roses and soon enjoy their unsurpassed blossoms.

How to care?

Caring for small varieties of roses at home is simple, but for each variety there are features. General rules are reduced to the fact that it is necessary to give moisture a flower, ensure the soil with all the necessary useful substances and triggering at the right time. Successful place to landing bushes, compliance with all activities for care as a result will give a lush blooming rosary. In the event of any problems with increasing or blooming, it is necessary to immediately deal with the reason not to lose the entire flower garden.

For good growth and the development of bushes, it is necessary to protect against pests, so do not forget about the procedure of spraying. Preparing for wintering is also an integral part of the bushes, it can have several options. For a cold climate, it is necessary to transplant small-bedroom plants in a pot and remove into the room or to hide very well.

For the middle strip, it will be enough to conduct measures to protect the rosary, which are reduced to:

  • cliff flowers and flowers;
  • coating of the bushes of the sweetheart;
  • the construction of a wire frame that will exceed the size of a bush of centimeters by 10-20;
  • put this frame over the rose;
  • cover the plant with insulation and layer of film.

In addition, there are still no less important procedures, such as pruning, feeding and the struggle against pests.


The fertilizer procedure is important for creating a beautiful and lush rosary, especially in the case of a bad soil with a minimum composition of the beneficial substances. The process of feeding is important to spend according to the scheme:

  • the first fertilizer is made in the spring, after the shelter was removed, it will be optimal to make an ammonia nitrate or carbamide;
  • a month later, it is necessary to repeat the same course;
  • as soon as buds appear, comprehensive fertilizers must be made;
  • at the end of summer, a potassium nithe or superphosphate is added to the ground.

The varietal varieties are often demanding to the soil, which means they will have to be tinted, but the result will cost the spent effort and time.


Water under the bushes is preferably twice a day, before and after the active sun, but only in sunny and dry weather. If on the street is cloudy and nezarko, enough one watering. In case of rain, there is no need to additionally moisturize the Earth, as this will lead to the reinforcement of the roots of the plant. After each watering, it is necessary to loose soil and glow weeds. Such a rich watering involves making a small amount of water. If it is not possible to spend so much time on the garden, you can water roses once a few days, well flooded soil. To properly pick up a day for the procedure, you just need to estimate the state of the soil if it is still wet, then it is worth having to wait and wait at least one day. Young bushes consume more water than mature, as they need more strength and energy on the process of rooting and active growth.

The frequency and amount of irrigation will change and depending on the flowering: when buds appear, it is necessary to increase watering, during the dissolution of the moisture buds must be applied moderately. It is best to use resistant water, which should have a room temperature, since it can get sick from the cold plants. The irrigation procedure is better carried out with watering can, not from the hose.

Fighting disease and pests

A varietal variety of roses is huge, and they differ not only by external signs, but also the degree of sustainability to one or another diseases. If you buy flowers on the market, there is a chance to learn how the seedlove can get sick, and how to treat it. In case of receiving roses of unknown origin, it will be harder to help it. To minimize the chances of damage to the disease and pests, it is necessary to choose the right place for the bush and to prepare with its prophylactic solutions. Most often harm roses:

  • rosal tri;
  • rosal cycards;
  • web tick;
  • rosal leaflights;
  • rosal rotors.

In order to process the flower on time with the corresponding drug, it is necessary at least once a week to carefully inspect the bushes for any signs of lesion. If they are detected, it is necessary to determine the pest and correctly choose the drug to combat it. The affected areas need to be removed from the flower and burn. The most common diseases that can be seen on small roses can be attributed to:

  • black spotlight;
  • rusty dew;
  • rose rust;
  • false tormentous dew;
  • serious rot.

Diseases are detected as well as pest attacks, with a thorough examination of all parts of the flower. The sooner the disease was revealed, the easier it was to get rid of it, without losing a bush and without hurting the neighboring plants. Correctly determining the cause of the problem, you can easily find the right drug that will need to process the affected bushes.