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Mosaic made of small pebbles. How to make the floor of pebbles in the bathroom - laying options. Pebble in the bathroom

Natural pebblesAs, probably, any natural stone create comfort and calm in the shower room. After all, for this, you need a bathroom, in addition to, of course, traditional use.

But if in the shower do floors of natural, River PebblesYou will have a double effect.
First, it will be origine and beautiful, but
Secondly, pebbles on the floor will create massage effectAs when visiting the spa.

Thus, a visit to the bathroom will bring much more positive emotions and sensations.

If you have been reading my "blog about stone" for a long time, you probably know the article "" in it, I told all the stages of the installation of pebbles on the street, and the floor facing in the bathroom differs significantly.

And today you will learn that it is not so difficult and under the power of any houseful.

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How to make the floors from pebbles

Step 1: lay out the pebbles "on dry"

In each standard leaf, 30 x 30 cm is placed around 60 selected by one to each other. river pebbles. All of them are securely glued to the reinforcement grid, which does not give pebbles to crumble and greatly simplifies work during installation.
At the same time, the edges of the grid with pebbles are uneven, in contrast to standard tiles. Thus, when laying on the floor and docking the seams is almost not visible.

Our project has a set of polished multicolored pebbles .

Before proceeding with the lining of the bathroom flooring with river pebbles, make sure that the base (floor) is in proper condition. Those. It is smooth if not, then it is necessary to prepare it for installation.

Because, if the pebble is put on a thick layer of glue, then individual sites can simply "drown" and do something with this will be very problematic.

If everything is fine with the sexes and they are ready for them to be tested by pebbles, then go to the next stage. Dry layout.

Before glued to the solution with river pebbles, it is best to decompose "on dry".
Thus, you will understand - how to put grids with pebbles, which grids will need to trim, whether the material will have enough, and just see the final version to which you will seek.

Dry layout of the tile will help to avoid ridiculous errors in the future.

Step 2: Put the pebbles on the floor

If all the preparatory stages are passed and you are fully satisfied with the preparation of the base of the bathroom and you already understand how and where you can glue the pebbles, then if the installation process is not frightened, then it's time to proceed to it.

With the help of a conventional spatula, the combs apply a solution to the floor. It is best to use a ridge with a height of no more than 1 cm. Such a layer will be quite enough for pebbles to securely fixed, and the excess adhesive was not squeezed between the pebbles outward.

Step 3: Fill the galling gaps
It is impossible to immediately put the tile so that it fill in all the space.

In any case, there will be empty places, usually around the opposite wall from the start of laying.
To fill these seats, you can cut the reinforcement grid each, so that it filled the spaces as tight as possible.

If there are empty places in the corners, where large stones do not fit, and you do not want to prick, you should choose the pebbles in bed and insert them into empty places.
Ideally, the floors should be uniformly filled with river polished pebbles without spaces.

We have done great and difficult work on facing the floors of pebbles. And the time is the day - another rest. During this time, the glue should be captured and fully solid.
It is necessary to wait for the solution completely "stood" before applying the grout and fill the seams.

Step 4: Waterproofing

We are dealing with the floors in the bathroom, which means that it is necessary to make waterproofing.
I hope before putting the pebbles on the floor all works on waterproofing were performed and you can not be afraid of leaks.
But the pebbles themselves, after the solution hardened, can be covered with a gifroofobizer. After such a procedure, they will absorb water less in themselves, and it will be much easier to wash off the grout.

Step 5: Paste the floors from pebbles

According to the instructions, replace the grout to the desired consistency and apply to the surface of the floors from pebbles.
It is best to start from the corners to the middle and from the middle to the edge, so excess grouts can be carefully removed from the floor.
Make sure that all empties between the stones are filled with grout.

Step 6: clean the floors after the grout

Wait 20 minutes, and then, using a clean wet sponge, remove excess grouts from pebbles. Rinse the sponge in clean water and repeat the procedure several times until all the pebbles are clean.
After that, it is possible to wait when the grout will completely dry and re-cover the pebble with a hydrophobizer. Thus, your pebbles floors will be protected from pollution and will remain clean for quite a long time.

Video - Installation of floors from pebbles

Unfortunately, without translation, but I think that everything will be understood.

Ecology of knowledge. Manor: Paul made from pebbles in the bathroom with their own hands, is an excellent solution in both aesthetic and functional plan.

The beneficial effect of wildlife has long been known to a person: everyone likes to admire her with expanses and touch her daras. An intricate wood, shell polished by river pebbles - each in the house there is a similar "jewel". In addition, natural fragments can be used as a finishing material - they fit perfectly into the interior. For example, the floor made of pebbles in the bathroom with their own hands, is an excellent solution in both aesthetic and functional plan.


Pebble is a stone that the exposure to water has attached a streamlined form. Laying this material on the floor indoors and on the street has long been popular, and modern designers include it in their projects for decorating, because any natural material has always been valued much more than the surrogate of plastic.

In addition, it has a massage effect, and complete comfort can be achieved by conducting a warm floor.

Options for laying

There are several ways to make pebbles into a decorative coating.

Peal Mosaic

Acquisition of the finished pebble mosaic. This option looks like a grid placed by pebbles. All that is required is to stick it and sweep like an ordinary mosaic. The cost of such a finishing material is quite high, approximately 3,000 rubles per square meter - not everyone can afford.

Epoxy floor with pebbles

Use pebbles under glass. This method creates all the conditions for adding a spectacular LED backlight.

Pebble rug

Registration of any section of the bathroom with individual pebbles. Thus, an open niche in the wall, decorated with pebbles, will bring the highlight to any designer project, however, the use of this option is permissible only if there is a large bathroom.

Advantages of using pebbles

Walking on pebbles is useful

Coastal naked has a smooth surface and a streamlined form. And the possibility of selection of different sizes and colors contributes to the manifestation of creative abilities.

Pebble floor is an excellent foundation of the interior in an environmental style. Such a design decision will delight not only the attractiveness and uniqueness of the pattern, but also a number of healing properties, because walking on such a surface has a positive effect on the work of the internal organs. Massage Stop and vital points will be especially effective if there are no pebbles, and the edge. Of course, in this case, much more material will be required, but also the positive effect will not wait long.

Laying of the floor of pebbles

Analyzing the cost of such a coating, it is difficult to name specific numbers, as the inhabitants of the coastal district will easily acquire the necessary number of naked for free, and those who are less fortunate will be forced to contact specialized outlets and pay the required amount.

An independent layout of an interesting pattern is quite painstaking work requiring at least a small construction experience and accuracy.

The procedure for making sex from pebbles

Pebble floor in the bathroom

Creating sex from pebbles implies the following simple actions:

  1. It is necessary to prepare a concrete base, namely, align and primed (the sequence is the same as for laying ceramic tiles). How to make a cement-sand tie for a long time known, besides, it is easy. All difficulty is that building standards require pre-conducting waterproofing work. Consequently, the screed has to be laid over the waterproofing layer, last on the wall, at least 10 cm from the first floor covering. Before starting glue work, it is necessary to primed the base, otherwise the glue will dry before the desired strength is typed.
  2. Now you should go through and sort the stones according to the size and color.
  3. The next stage is a laying of pebbles on the selected space and selection of a suitable ornament. To simplify work, you can move the display to the side, and then gradually transfer it and glued into place.
  4. The glue should be special - for natural stone. Also suitable one who glued a porcelain stoneware and a weakly sprinkling ceramic tile.
  5. Starting work follows from the very far from the corner. To apply glue, you will need a toothed spatula with a teeth height of 10-12 mm. Calculate stones in glue should be so that their dive levels range from 30 to 50% of their own thickness. Excess glue you need to immediately clean the wet sponge.
  6. After the glue hardened, but not earlier than 1 day, you can begin to apply grouts for interputric seams. Dark shades are preferred - they are not only imitating the bottom, but not "fear" dirt. Grouts will need much more than when laying tiles. The material must be purchased high-quality and from one batch, otherwise the shades may not coincide. For the application of the grout, a small rubber spatula is needed, while the stone will be recessed slightly more than half.
  7. At the end, it is necessary to wash off the raid out of pebbles after it is completely dry. Now you can proceed to the application of the water-repellent composition, which is necessary in order for pebbles not to be covered with salt after drying. In order to emphasize the naturalness of the color, you can cover the surface with varnish or wax.

Laying of pebble tile mosaic

Laying pebbles on the grid

The easiest way to create a pebble floor is the laying of a special tile. Externally, it looks like a square mesh (approximately 30 × 30 cm), on top of which pebbles are pasted. Each such tile can accommodate about 60 pebbles. The essential advantage of this finishing material is the imperiency of the joints, because the basis is a transparent grid, and the stones are located. Thanks to this, the work of the self-taught master movement is much easier.

Before getting to work, you need to make sure that all the necessary materials are available, namely:

  • pebble tile;
  • tile glue;
  • grout;
  • primers;
  • hydropobizator;
  • varnish;
  • impregnations to create a "wet" effect (depends on the designer solution);
  • wide brushes or roller;
  • toothed spatula;
  • rubber spatula;
  • sponges;
  • the knife required to cut the tile mesh.

Pebble mosaic floor

So, proceed:

  1. First you need to prepare the surface. Using a level, you need to evaluate the horizontal of the floor. The elimination of small irregularities is not required, since they are later leveled by a layer of tile glue. But from large pickup, cracks and irregularities will have to get rid of a cement screed or self-leveling solution. Next, the aligned surface should be covered with primer (it will take a short pile roller or brush). This is necessary in order to enhance the adhesion of the tile layer and the surface. In this case, the primer should be a deep-perky, which does not contain solvent and moisture-proof. If there is a cladding of the floor of the shower cabin, it will take waterproofing. To do this, you can use waterproofing mastic or rolled waterproofing.
  2. Then you should decompose the tile "on dry". This avoids possible errors.
  3. Now you can go to the installation. Special glue (for porcelain stoneware or natural stone) should be diluted with water and move thoroughly until the thick, creamy mass is obtained. The glue layer should be more than 1.5 cm, otherwise the surplus will perform beyond the limits of pebbles. The grid with pebbles should be put on glue, and then align and press with palms or plywood.
  4. The final stage is putting the seams and applying impregnation. After the glue is completely dry, you need to sweep the seams using a conventional extender mixture for tiles.

Mat from pebble

If there is a suitable moisture resistant base at hand, then you can get a wonderful portable rug - a piece of pebbled beach at home.

We only need to be prestable to fine flat pebbles, rubber rug and transparent waterproof glue.

The manufacturing process is extremely simple:

  1. It is necessary to prepare and sort out pebbles. For the foundation, you can take a rug of any liked form.
  2. Washing and dry stones should be pasted on the rubber base. The created surface can be both monophonic and decorated with an inscription, ornament or pattern (it will take a multi-colored pebble).

To emphasize the personality of the owner of the apartment will help the interior of his housing. In this case, the bathroom is no exception. After all, it is in this room that you can realize the most original and bold ideas. An excellent element of an unusual decor can be a stone floor laid out of marine pebbles.

The advantages of a non-standard solution

Coastal goals have a smooth surface and a streamlined shape. In addition, you can pick up stones of different sizes and coloring, which will become an excellent opportunity to show creative abilities. In addition to its ecology, pebble floor has a lot of other advantages.

First of all, it is necessary to say about the simplicity of installation of such a coating. After all, this simple creative process will be quite satisfied. In addition, the plane from naked always looks especially attractive and effectively. Such a solution allows you to create any unique pattern or panel.

It is necessary to add that pebbles on the floor in the bathroom also has the healing properties, since the barefoot in such a surface stimulates the activities of the internal organs. After all, coming on relief coverage, you massive the feet and vital points located on them. It is possible to strengthen this effect by placing pebbles when laying not plane, but an edge. Of course, this option will require more material, but you will be satisfied result.

As for the cost of such coatings, there are quite wide variations. Residents of coastal districts will not be much difficult to collect the required number of naked on the beach. Those who are less fortunate can acquire material in specialized outlets. At the same time, consider that the cost of finished styling plates is several times higher than the price for ordinary stones of the scatter.

Of course, to lay out an interesting pattern on your own, you will have to spend some time because this work is quite painstaking and requires accuracy. In addition, a small experience of construction skills will also not be superfluous. If you are unsure in your abilities, it is better to trust the laying by qualified specialists. However, it is possible to give a special flavor of the bathroom without assistance.

Installation opportunities

If you are interested in the opportunity to decorate the interior of the bathroom in this way, you are offered to describe how to make the floor of pebbles in the bathroom with your own hands. The development of modern technologies implies several options for laying such coatings. The easiest solution will be the purchase of tiled modules. The design is artistically selected and fixed on a flexible-based pebble. Installation of such elements resembles a mosaic cladding. You only need to lay the plates on the finished glue solution, and after drying it all the slots. This method is the easiest and will not require specific time spending. However, in this case, a serious disadvantage will be quite high cost of such a coating.

If your budget is somewhat limited, it is more expedient to acquire individual goals and put them on the floor as prompting the imagination. Here you can either simply bind the plane by the stone, leaving its natural texture, or pour the coating with a layer of liquid polymers. Thus, you will achieve the visual illusion of a pebble beach and a smooth floor at the same time.

An interesting effect can be achieved by setting the material under the glass surface and equipping the design of the backlight. Of course, a combination of such a coating with a porcelain stoneware or matte cafeter will be especially successful. However, it should be borne in mind that such innovation can cause injury. To avoid this, you need an additional processing with a special impregnation against slip.

Given some differences in the methods of laying, perhaps, it is worth considering each of the options in more detail.

Installation of modular elements

As mentioned above, the tile-pebble for the bathroom enters the sale of square segments, the size of 300x300 millimeters. All stones, and their order of sixty pieces, are carefully chosen and fixed on the basis of the reinforced grid. Given the unique configuration of each of the naked, the module, in contrast to the tile, does not have clearly defined boundaries. It is these unevenness that contribute to the perfect laying when the seams between the plates are almost invisible.

We prepare the basic coating

Facing a stone, as well as a cafeter, requires the lack of pronounced forest relief. Therefore, in advance, eliminate all the unevenness of the floor. Next, you need to ensure the proper level of waterproofing. To do this, secure the material with some stock on the walls. At the end of the finish finish, you can always trim the surplus.

It is known that pebbles, like all the stones, has low heat-conducting properties. In this case, it will be a suitable solution to equip a system of warm floors. So, you get rid of yourself from unpleasant sensations, stepping on the cold surface, and provide the necessary level of comfort in the bathroom. Of course, this condition is rather a recommendation than guidance to action.

Laying segments

Spread the modules on the prepared surface to determine the order of their installation and set where it is necessary to cut the item. Of course, this is not a mandatory stage of the laying process. However, if you have no experience of facing work, you still do not need to neglect this rule.

Next, divert the solution to the necessary consistency and apply it to the floor with a toothed spatula. Do not cover the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe bathroom immediately. Specialists advise you to start mounting from the far corner of the room and apply glue into a small area. Gently press the module with a mesh to a solution. So, gradually laying segments, you need to fill out all the floor space.

Given the features of the geometry of the room, you, one way or another, you will have to trim the items in some areas. This can be done with the help of a grinder.

Decorating jigs

After a complete rejection of the solution, which usually takes about two days, you can proceed to design seams. To do this, prepare the grout of the shade you need and the rubber spatula. Then neatly fill all the gaps between the bare mixes and leave to dry half an hour. Next, wipe the surface of the floor with a damp sponge to get rid of surplus grouts.

In some cases, it is appropriate to apply an impregnation to the surface that can push the liquid. These actions will help you preserve the natural texture of stones. In general, the tile under pebbles is a wonderful and easy way to create an ecological style of the interior of the bathroom.

Facing with independent selection of elements

A little more complicated method of buying individual pebbles in bulk and artistic selection of painting styling on their own. Here you can show your creative ability to fully.

In addition, the method is notable for the fact that so pebbles in the interior of the bathroom looks particularly natural. In this case, it is better to choose naked sizes and shapes. These actions will help post stones denser.

Preliminary stage

As for the basic coating, it should be prepared in the same way as in the first case. You need to align the floor and lay an insulating layer on it. On the finished base, they begin to lay off the pebbles. By choosing the required number of items, it will be useful to clean them from dust and dirt. To do this, rinse the stones first in a soap solution with a rigid brush, and then under the running water jet. Remember that it is necessary to do it in advance, only dry and clean goals are suitable for laying.

Work on laying

On a small space with a spatula with teeth, apply a layer of adhesive substance with a thickness of one to one and a half centimeters. Then start laying the prepared stones, combining each into a solution to a third of its height.

If you decide to put my goats vertically, then, respectively, the layer of glue should be about 3-5 cm, and it is necessary to immerse the elements approximately half.

Try to keep styling, leaving as few gaps between pebbles. Remember that the uniform and dense distribution of stones will be the key to the durability of the coating. A few days later you can apply grout to the docking seams. In the future, actions are carried out in the same way as in the case of tiled modules.

In addition, you can cover a similar surface with varnish or liquid polymers. It all depends on the initial idea of \u200b\u200bthe bathroom design.

Pebbles under glass

To implement such a project, you will need to build a carcass from a tree or metal with an anti-corrosion coating. It should be borne in mind that the height of the strapping should ideally comply with the level of the finish finish of the floor. Immediately need to say, for premises with low ceilings this option will be inappropriate. However, in spacious bathrooms, it will be the original highlight of the interior.

The frame is fill in the material acquired and equipped with backlight from LED lamps. From above, the design is covered with a rotten glass with a thickness of at least 15 mm. At the same time, think about it in advance how to seal the gaps between the glass and the rest surrounding it with its planes. The possibility of moisture from the inside of the system can lead to the fogging of glass and the failure of the lighting elements. However, tightly embellished joints, you will not be able to freely access the backlight for repair or replacement.

Of course, you need to consider and safe stay in the bathroom. It is not necessary to build a design in the places of possible fluid on it, and it is also advisable to use a special impregnation against slipping.

As you can see, create a unique interior design of the bathroom itself is absolutely not difficult. The main thing is to consider the option of the ornament on the floor and follow the recommendations on the laying.

As for the daily exploitation of such a coating, it does not require special care. It is enough to wash it with warm water and soft cleaning agents. In case you lacquered the surface from time to time, rub it with wax - it contributes to the coating hydrophobicity and gives it a gloss.

And for very tiny bathrooms, you can restrict ourselves to the usual rug. How to do it yourself, you will see on the video.

Stone floor complements East Interior Design Style

The stone floor in the bathroom will make a special flavor to it.

To mount the floor, choose pebbles of different sizes and shapes to achieve a more dense styling.

Before stacking, lay out stones to the floor to determine the pattern.

Pebbles are placed on a solution that is applied by a toothed spatula

Installation of modular pebble elements

Stop stones follows a well-aligned surface

Pebble floor under glass looks very effectively

The purchase of ready-made modular plates will be the fastest way of laying a stone floor.

Even in a small bathroom area, you can implement an interesting idea.

The stone floor of pebbles - the beautiful foundation of the interior in the environmental style

Using stones of different colors and shapes, you can create original panels

Try to lay stones as close as possible

Before covering pebbles with glass, consider the quality of sealing of seams

Pebble floor from separate stones

Some consider pebbles with a certain breed, while this is the result of exposure to water, river or maritime, for a long time. In contact with each other and with a bottom, once sharp fragments of different rocks gradually pelt, the faces are smoothed and the pebbles are so beloved by us, according to which it is pleasant to walk with bare feet along the edge of the water. Usually pebbles of an interesting form or color are brought from resorts as souvenirs, but pebbles are excellent finishing material, if you have patience and fantasy.

Decorating the interior of Galka

Pebbles are sea and river, flat or bulk, the form depends on the properties of the source rock. But in any form, it is not afraid of moisture, which makes it an attractive finishing material. It is not a problem to deal with pebbles today, it can be sewn on the river or the sea, if the region of living allows, or buy, good, suggestions for every taste and wallet are enough. You can use pebbles in different ways.

On the floor

Pebbles can be made the basis for pouring finish mixtures for sex on the basis of epoxy resins and their derivatives. In this case, it will be almost imitation of the sea shore in a single room. Dear fields with the effect of 3D imitate such a coating, and if it is real, it will be no less spectacular and much cheaper.

In the bathrooms make a "massage" pebble floor, which not only looks interesting, but also go on it nice - pebbles are laid out onto a cement solution, the layer should be such that pebbles are recessed by about two thirds. The stone is selected similar toes and size, the purchase is usually already soaked, but if necessary, you can rinse it re-dry it.

Technology Standard - The solution is applied to a solid, smooth, clean and projected base. Stones are laid out chaotic or patterns who like it more, and pressed. If the stone is not enough, it will be difficult to care for the floor. If desired, later, the "marine" floor can be covered with a protective impregnation for stone.

If stylistics allows, the floor of pebbles can be not only in the bathrooms, but also in other rooms, it is perfectly combined with tiles.

On the walls

Fully pebble walls are rare, preferably this, again, bathroom, shower or covered pool area. Partly pebbles are facing kitchen aprons, panels and accent zones are laid out. There are two ways - as in the floor, gradually create a pattern on the fresh layer of plaster or first to make a tile from pebbles. In the second embodiment, the pebbles are glued to the mesh base, and after gluing the tiles on the wall, the seams are additionally lined with special compositions. Like the floor covering, the wall can be protected by impregnation.

It is for sale and ready tile from pebbles, but, like any exclusive, it is not possible, then how to glue the stone on the basis and the basis for the walls with your own hands, it's quite possible to even unprofessionals. If there are arches, columns or niches in an apartment or house, they can also be made by pebbles in the tone of the overall range or play contrasts.

Decorating furniture

The most popular - countertops with pebbles, versions weight, it may be cast, concrete slab with a top layer of pebbles, and a robust base on which a stone layer is fixed on liquid nails or tile glue. The second way of execution involves thorough sealing of seams.

Another approach is a hollow tabletop / box, which is covered with pebbles, you can play with contrasting colors, lay out the pattern or backlit. The protective glass or plexiglass is stacked on top. So decorate dining tables and small coffee tables, if the stones are collected in the resort, it will be a reminder of a pleasantly spent time.

The usual chair can be turned into a massage, if you stick a pebble on the seat and the back with a glue gun, only you need to pick up the same stones in the thickness so that it turns out a flat plane. Otherwise, it will be simply impossible to sit on the stool, but it can always be used as an element of decor.

Stands under hot

The tile type is performed, the small flat stones are pasted on the base of the desired shape with one layer, the seams can not be posed, sufficiently fit segments. Such supports will be especially in the subject, if such a finish is already present in the kitchen, but they themselves look great.


Like the supports, you can make rugs for shoes into the hallway or in the bathroom, only the base must be used to pick up stronger, as it will be decent to a larger and weight. If there is no desire to bother with glue, the pebble layer can be poured into a flat box and use as a mat for wet shoes.


Pebbles not only is not afraid of moisture, it is also stable to heat, which makes it an attractive facing for fireplace portals and adjacent areas that are heated directly or indirectly. If even a decorative fireplace, it will be organically looked at the lined wall.


Pebbles lay out the frames for photographs and frames for the mirrors or the mirrors themselves around the perimeter, small pebbles fall asleep into decorative glasses, as the base under the candle, or laid on the bottom of the transparent VAZ. They are seized with glass vases or any containers that, after the transformation, can be used in this capacity.

Pots and vases

The boning pots and boxes under the room plants can be refreed by simply by gluing a different color or monochrome pebb. Street vases transforms a large pebble planted for a solution on the edge.

It is unlikely that it is hardly to list all the methods of applying pebbles in the decor, each can open its version of its application, and the view presented in the review is a start for a fantasy flight.

With your own hands, to perform a beautiful mosaic of pebbles can anyone who does not even speak skill can simply be patient and translate their ideas to life. Before starting work, you should stock the necessary material.

It is worth noting that pebbles are three species - marine, river and lake. Sea pebbles are more durable, that is why it is preferred. Look at the photo several options for designing garden tracks.

Patterns from pebbles will be a beautiful decoration of any interior - they can be put on the wall, on curbdoms and in the fences.

Create a mosaic from pebbles with your own hands from natural pebbles

Mosaic pebbles and stone richest and durable. With cement mortar, it has an advantage over other materials. It also costs much cheaper at cost.

To work, you will need:
  • Natural pebbles.
  • Sand river.
  • Steel grid with 10 x 10 cm cells.
  • Sackcloth.
  • Nails.
  • Boards.
  • Cement.
  • A hammer.
  • Hacksaw.
  • Brush.
  • Brush.
  • Bucket for glue.
Technological process:
  1. Before starting work, you should stock up a good diverse material - natural pebbles. Collected from the shores of water bodies, mountain slopes and from the fields of stones should be well rinsed in warm water with detergents. Remove all dirt from cracks using a brush. Sore them in color.
  2. River sand dry and ask.
  3. Divide car glue in the bucket.
  4. Make a pattern sketch. Then make a formwork from the boards with a height of 8 - 10 cm, to her jog from plywood.
  5. Fall in the formwork of sand - 3 - 4 cm high.
  6. Lay out the stones over the sand according to the sketch. They must lie tightly, up with flat faces.
  7. Apply glue to burlap, not the touch edge, and spread it with the adhesive side on the mosaic. Top of abolment of burlap with a hand.
  8. After the glue dries well, turn up the burlap to the stones. If some pebbles fall off, re-stick them in your place. All use the brush all too much.
  9. Sand Personalize in a bucket, and put the burlap with stones into the formwork.
  10. Prepare a cement solution of 1 x 2, mix it well and lay out half the solution into the formwork.
  11. Place the steel grid for reinforcement on the cement.
  12. Put the remaining second part of the cement on the grid.
  13. 2 - 3 days, regularly wet the solution with water. So that it becomes stronger.
  14. After the mosaic is thoroughly dry, turn it over and flushing with water to remove the burlap.
  15. Cover the mosaic with a transparent varnish.

Making a stone floor in the bathroom from natural natural pebbles

Since the sea pebble is the most durable, then for the bathroom it is an ideal version, natural material is able to withstand increased humidity. It will be unusual to look at such a floor.

To work, you will need:
  • Sea pebbles.
  • Tile glue.
  • Rubber spatula and cloths.
  • Tassel.
  • Thorough sponge.

Pebbles are well rinsed and clean out of contamination. Then choose the same on the form and size of the stones, plan their laying in colors.

The floor should be aligned and primed, after which it will be possible to label on the floor.

Laying pebbles.

Apply the glue to a small segment of the floor, 1.5 cm thick and start laying the pattern on the planned scheme. Pebbles must lie tightly to each other. Punish them slightly, blending in glue by 1/3. Having finished laying to the end, leave a mosaic for a few days until the glue drying. When the glue dry well, make a grout using a rubber spatula. After grout, immediately wipe the entire surface with a wet sponge, leveling the seams and removing excess grouts. After two days, the floor can be washed with water, dry and coat with waterproof varnish. After 10 - 12 hours on the floor, you can walk.

Such a floor will not only be the original decoration of the interior of the bathroom, but also a durable and strong product.

If at home you have accumulated a number of tile bit, then you can lay out the floor from it.

Video on the topic