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Butirate for pregnant women. Butirate reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Terms of sale and legality of storage

What is Butirate? Many have heard this word, but not everyone understands exactly what its meaning is. It is so called on a street jargon. It is a product of mass chemical production. In dry form resembles the usual salt. Unfortunately, now too many in the teenage environment know what butirate is. It is called "boutique", "Oksana", "oxyc" and so on. Over the past decade, many attempts to promote butirate were noticed in Russia. And, by the way, in our country it is prohibited since 1997. Narcodylers sell it under the type of "chemically changed", "purified" product. They distribute false information That new forms of butyrate are legal.

The effect of butyrate on the child's body, which is still developing, is not fixed, simply destructive. The consequences that this substance exerts on the mind is unpredictable and terrible. It is also dangerous, as well as legal gasoline or gas for lighters, which is sold at every corner. Nevertheless, the above-mentioned substances, and allowed, and prohibited are extremely harmful to the body, because they refer to the category of poisoning. Simply they are poisons.

What is butirate and what is his impact? With the first use, it causes a slight relaxation, a man feels Euphoria, his mood is improving. This condition is something like but after the first time, the teenager with a probability of almost a hundred percent will want to continue experiments over his health. Butirate are taken with covers from plastic bottlesThey measure doses. The rush of pleasure and energy is so stunning that a person wants to try again and yet. After the second or third tube in the liver, the critical concentration of poison is installed. The body simply stops fighting so much toxins and includes braking mode. Externally, this is manifested in drowsiness, desire to lie down, loss of interest in the surrounding and occurring events.

Recently, in medical instructions on anesthesia, it was recommended to introduce 3 ml of butirate to the patient to reassure it about three hours. And if you enter it intravenously about 6 ml in solution, then it would plunge into a deep narcotic dream. In the conditions of the street, where almost everyone knows what butirate is, no one does not expect concentration. The result may be two options for the development of events: the first when the body will try to get rid of poison; second if the brain turns off and the person will plunge into deep dream. In the latter case, he may simply choke from the vomit masses in a dream.

But there is a big difference - take butirate for medical purposes as anesthesia or consumed it to behave relaxed, overcome the complexes, acquire confidence. This medium concentration substance can only erase the decency barriers, but not to contribute to human communication. Under Butirate, it is also nude along the street, considering that everything is fine.

What is butirate in medicine? This fine-crystalline powder, which has a snow-white color with a slight yellowish tint, is used in the treatment of insomnia, neurotic state, intoxication, in cases of traumatic damage to the central nervous system. Synthesized him for the first time in 1874. But the synthesis method was published almost 50 years later. Then it became known what butirate is. It is taken to make an antidepressant and so on. It is believed that this substance has an antihypoxic effect, acts as a swelling agent. But the overdose they can cause and in most cases - death. Such butirate. What it is now you know, just like the fact that it should never be used as a means that can entertain those present at the party.

In microscopic doses such a substance as butyrate is used as a medicine. This agent is used in medicine for anesthesia and in the treatment of certain types of mental disorders. Also, this drug is one of the types of synthetic drugs. Especially dangerous butirate action on the body of a woman.

Action on the body
Drug Butirate is most often used in water diluted or other drink. It is consumed as an alternative to alcohol, he relaxes a person, raises the mood and fun. There comes a period of relaxation and euphoria about 10 minutes after its reception, the drug operates about 3-4 hours. Negatively affects the action of butyrate on the body of a woman, since, using it, the girl becomes quite accessible in sexy, it wakes up sexual activity. This phenomenon Often leads to inadvertent sexual relations, the consequences of which are HIV infection, pregnancy, venereal diseases and even injuries. It is also dangerous to the action of butyrate on the body of a woman during pregnancy, the drug provokes the development of pathologies from the unborn child, the children of drug addicts are born with deviations.

Drug Butirate causes three degrees of intoxication:

  1. A person relaxes, feels a weak dizziness, his mood rises.
  2. A person becomes inadequate, cannot control himself, wants to dance and experiencing severe sexual desire. It can be sick and tear.
  3. Behavior becomes uncontrolled, too much dose drug can cause reverse effectInstead of having a person can fall asleep for several hours.

Determine the dosage that will provide a slight fun is rather difficult, since each person's body perceives the substance individually, therefore an overdose often happens. Signs of overdose of drugs Butirate are often used in exceeded doses, the symptoms of overdose they appear in the fact that a person can cripple his body, as it does not feel pain, to the deep sleep, accompanied often with a vomit that a drug addict may occur, coma develops, which Provocates brain swelling and death. The following signs may indicate overdose:

  • Linking a speech that is difficult to disassemble.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Pale skin.
  • Fixed pupils.
  • Weak pulse.
  • No coordination of movements.

Such butirate action on the body is very dangerous and can lead to a fatal outcome, you can not try to give a addict in feeling yourself, you need to call ambulance And during her expectation, not to give drug addiction to fall asleep. Treatment
Treatment of butirate actions on the body of a woman or man is carried out only in the conditions of the hospital. The addict is not able to handle it independently, and taking it constantly you can live not more than five years. Home treatment will not lead to anything, as the thrust for drugs is strong and will definitely happen. Treatment of dependence on this drug is carried out in several stages. In the first stage, blood is cleared of harmful substances, in the second stage, work is carried out on deliverance from psychological dependence from this substance. The drug is able to cause a strong dependence, which is observed most often in adolescents and young people, therefore it is worth being attentive to their children, since at the initial stage the disease will overcome much easier.

One of these substances is a butyrate, also called liquid ecstasy or unburned alcohol due to the lack of visible consequences.

At the end of the 20th century, Butirate was not banned and freely sold in pharmacies as a drug for a relatively small price. This has become one of the main reasons for the propagation of dependence on butyrate, especially among young people.

What is Butirate?

Butirate - Sodium Oxibutirate Jargon Name, this synthetic substance - White powder, almost odorless and easily soluble in water or alcohol. It is included in the GOMK group (gamma-hydroxyma-acid acids). Common in two variations: like potassium oxybutyrate and y-oxyma saline sodium salt. Of all the substances of the Gomk-family is the strongest, combining the functions of nootropic drugs and tranquilizers.

Opened in 1874, oxybutirate was used as a drug for the treatment of neurological diseases, alcoholism, as well as for anesthesia. In the 1980s were actively used by athletes to build up muscular mass. It was proved that the drug enhances the allocation of growth hormone in men. Oxybutirate sodium was free access in all stores food additives For bodybuilders.

Since 1990, Boutirate has been included in the list of psychotropic substances prohibited in many countries.

Pharmacological action Butirate

Before the ban, Oxybutirate sodium was widely used in medicine.

It was used:

  • For the treatment of alcoholism. The effect of the use of oxybutirate for sensations is similar to alcoholic intoxication. Wherein negative consequences Alcohol application is not observed. Due to the lack of butirate began to be used outside medical institutions. What served as the basis for his ban.
  • For timely treatment of neuroses, diseases and injuries of the central nervous system. Butirate action increases the efficiency of the analgesics, but it is not painful. It has anti-shock effect.
  • As a nootropic substance. In contrast to gamma-amine-oil acid, oxybutyrate passes better through the hematostephalicic protection of the nervous system.
  • As anesthetic without the need to use inhalation. Sodium oxybutirate has a soft sleeping pills, sedative effect. With a high dosage leads to anesthesia. In addition to strengthening the work of analgesics, also aggravates the effect of the use of narcotic substances.
  • To increase the stability of the organism to hypoxia - oxygen starvation, due to activation of metabolic processes in the tissues of the heart and brain. With blood loss, it stabilizes the excretory ability of the kidneys, improves the contractile function of the heart. Also used for recreational purposes - to restore the body's performance.

Use Butirate as a drug

Effects from the use of butirates are similar to the effects when drinking alcohol or psychoactive. Because of what the non-medical use of Butirate before the ban has become a big problem.

Under Butirate, a man first reaches a feeling of euphoria, full of relaxation. For this state, elevated emotional sensitivity, blurred consciousness and inexplendant speech, as well as increased sexual attraction. Depending on a particular person, his personal parameters (weight, age, character), the effect of the drug may vary.

For example, in some people after butyrata, the stage of sudden efficiency begins. Or in the opposite case - complete apathy. In large doses, butirate causes a long sleep, similar to lethargic.

Among other implications are possible:

  1. nausea;
  2. dizziness;
  3. problems with vision and breathing;
  4. unconscious actions;
  5. memory losses.

When using butirate, the action on the body can achieve a critical state. Up to death. This is especially the likelihood of this can be increased while simultaneously use oxybutirate along with alcohol or other depressants. Over time, when using butirate, the effect from the drug is dulled and the dependent begin to interfere with the substance to achieve the effect.

Long use of butirate causes dependent strong changes Not only physical, but also psychological nature:

  • dependence on the drug;
  • negative behavior, aggressive behavior at the mention of the problem, rejection of its adoption;
  • refusal to any help, including medical intervention;
  • secretive behavior, leaning to lies, theft;
  • apathy, reduced sexual attraction;
  • uncontrolled behavior, unconscious actions if it comes to the search and use of a new dose, new asocial acquaintances;
  • nervousness, psychopathic states, changes in the social environment, the disappearance of moral boundaries;

Drug Butirate affects the body from 1 to 3 hours.

When using Butirate, a person becomes scattered and inhibited. The substance is addictive, and at the same time each new dose weakens the level of narcotic "euphoria". Dependent begin to increase the dosage or mix it with other drugs to enhance the latter.

People near Butirate can be in narcotic feeds for many days, which, when the use is stopped immediately replaced (breaking). Thirst for false pleasure, the erroneous judgment on the absence of side effects and breaking leads to constant deposit to the drug - addiction is formed.

It is believed that butirate does not cause physical dependence. Only psychological attraction towards the use of the drug. But at the same time, sodium oxybutirate still has its effect on the body. With long-term use of the substance in the body begins to refuse the reproductive system.

The liver ceases to perform their function. The drug affects the lungs, causes arrhythmia, vomit. In extreme cases, during a protracted drug use, the features of a manic depressive psychosis can begin to manifest. Brain activity is reduced, the level of intelligence is the features of dementia typical of older age.

It is not difficult to imagine how serious the consequences of the long-term use of butyrate can be. But it is difficult to correct these consequences, restore the life of the dependent. Restore both its organism and his psychological state.

Treatment of butirate addiction

Butirate addiction - A serious problem, the eradication of which takes a lot of time. For treatment, a long-term impact is required, a set of measures covering all the destroyed parties to human life.

Complex measures include several stages:

  1. Detoxification of the body. Hemoorbation is carried out - the method of abandoned or plasmferres - the method of blood intake, its subsequent purification and return to the body;
  2. Body saturation by all the necessary vitamins, increasing the total tone;
  3. Psychological impact. It can be separated into two stages. Work personally with a psychotherapist, specialists in narcotic drug addiction. And psychological trainings in the team, together with other people fighting the dependence on butirates. Accommodation with dependent ones different stages Rehabilitation helps to realize that addiction can be defeated. Drug treatment is made only in the key recreation of the body, getting rid of the consequences of drug use;
  4. Return to the social environment. Because of the long reception of Butirate, relationships with loved ones are broken, to build that a new labor-intensive process. At this stage, the psychologist should help restore the former dependent skills of communication, to prepare relatives, return to normal life.


The earlier begin treatment of butirate addiction, the more chances will be overcome. It is believed that the dependence is not independently represented. A person who came to butyrates must necessarily help outside.

Start treatment, put the dependent in the rehabilitation center or a drug clinic, where he will be extremely important for the supervision of specialists and psychologists. But it is even more important to do it on time. In time to realize the problem and start acting.

Video: What is butirate. Film about butirate and butirates


If you, you use Butirat - Stop doing it!

This information is not and drug consumption

Butirate is a synthetic depressant, which has nootropic effect. In the people, it is also called oxybutirate sodium. This substance does not have a soothing, psychostimulating it and painkillers, but enhances the reaction of other drugs and painkillers.

Butirate is used in anesthesiology as a drug for anesthesia for small-acting operations. And in neurological and psychiatric practice, it is used in the treatment of neurosis, sleep disorders. Bodybuilders and athletes consider Butirate the perfect anabolic due to the ability to stimulate the formation of muscle fibers. IN lately In the teenage medium, butirate are accepted to increase sexual arousal and raising the mood. However, is it harmless?

In the Russian Federation, Butirate is listed on the "three" list, which limits the turnover of this psychotropic substance. Butirate is very dangerous for a growing organism, as it refers to the category of poisons. Like any other poison, which is adopted in a small dose, first butirate causes relaxation, improved mood, euphoria. The condition after eating is similar to alcoholic intoxication. Therefore, in most cases, the adoption of the first dose follows the second, third, and then - addictive. The concentration of poison formed in the liver after several use becomes critical. As a result, the body does not cope with excess toxins and launches the braking reaction. Sleepiness, the desire to sleep, loss of interest in the surrounding events - all this negative braking reaction.

Between the adoption of Butirate and the drug-like sleeping, there are intermediate states when a person begins to behave unpredictably, stupid. Butirate is very dangerous and gives dead results. There are many cases when people fall asleep at the wheel and crash to death. Also loss of control over their consciousness can lead to serious injury, whether it fall from the stairs or windows.

But the most terrible danger that Boutirate is in itself - this is a change in mental condition. There is not a single potent substance that would have been so strong on human psyche.

Oxybutirate sodium is a very dangerous poison that causes persistent psychological and physical dependence, and also reduces life by half. The consequences of its consumption are very crying and coming quickly. Throw this substance is easy, the main thing is not to start using again.

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Oxybutirate sodium - dangerous deceiver

Oxybutirate sodium and substances similar to it by chemical structure do not cause severely addiction, but their constant use leads to the development of severe psychological dependence.

Oxybutirate sodium was synthesized at the end of the nineteenth century, its chemical formula and synthesis technique were fully investigated in the first half of the last century, but the clinical use of the drug began only in the second half of the 60s. Justification of the use of oxybutirate and similar novelyropic drugs were first made public in the works of the French physiologist and the clinician A. Labori. It was in his writings that the use of sodium oxybutirate properties was described as a drug for a shallow, not requiring relaxation of skeletal muscles of anesthesia. Therefore, in the 70s of the last century, this drug was very popular as a means for anesthesia, which, in fact, being a natural metabolite of the human body, could be used even to anesthety of obstetric operations, including in childbirth.

The on-line effects and toxic effects of the drug were not immediately taken into account. After all, at the time, information on the complexity of the selection of the effective dose of the drug, the nonlinear increase in toxic effects was obtained when the preparation is prescribed, on enhancing the action and increasing the frequency of side effects of sodium oxybutirata while prescribing narcotic analgesics, drugs for anesthesia, tranquilizers, alcohol containing products. At the same time, another unusual effect of this substance was noted - a rapid increase in muscle mass with the use of substances of this class athletes-kulkturists. In the late 70s - early 80s of the last century, the era of uncontrolled application of oxybutirates began.

The danger of using sodium oxybutirate and its analogues with uncontrolled admission, which is produced together with the use of alcohol, drugs, tranquilizers is that these substances have an action similar to alcohol into the body, but without the subsequent hangover effect. But people who use oxybutirate sodium are forgotten that in the overdose of the substance it is possible to develop toxic effects up to the development of a drug coma with the possibility of stopping respiration and heart. In addition, the toxic effects of drugs that are used with nootropic drugs are intensified at the same time. This creates enormous difficulties if necessary, eliminate the consequences of introducing a mixture of these drugs.

The development of physical dependence in long-term use of oxybutirates, but psychological addiction is often more dangerous by-effect drug. After all, a person who gets used to regularly drink these drugs often does not represent his life without them and is looking for an opportunity to get a new dose.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the legal use of oxybutirates is impossible and currently these drugs are practically not used in medical practice. Therefore, the drug obtained by handicrafts is used using toxic substances in the synthesis process. These substances also have a damaging effect on the body, destroying it as a holistic system.

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If you, you use Butirat - Stop doing it!

This information is not Promotion of drugs, manufacturing and drug consumption . The purpose of this material to convey to people who consume drugs, simple principles that will help them to preserve health and avoid different kinds of diseases, one way or another related to drug use, and most importantly immediately begin treatment dependence on them.

Purified the name Butirate. It is a mass production product, but now this substance is addressed to narcotic. Since 1997, it is officially prohibited for use in Russia.

Dangerous medicine

In its usual dry form, butirate is similar to all the familiar salt - sodium chloride. In general, the synthesis of this drug was initially made in exceptionally good purposes, oxybutirate was used for non-campaign anesthesia, moreover, its sedative action saved allergies during the exacerbation of reactions. but by-effect Quickly made himself felt. Man appearing in the form of euphoria, uncontrolled behavior, sharp mental reactions, etc.

Allergies that resorted to the help of the drug regularly experienced a hardest dependence, because Butirate caused addiction almost instantly.
Because of its narcotic action, Butirate was under a tough ban.


Today, drugs with butyrate are found in medical lists with a literary A, i.e. They are discharged strictly according to testimony and release only on the recipe, store them as narcotic substances and lead strict reporting. However, this, unfortunately, does not mean that butirate compositions do not fall on a black wound. Dealers, knowing about his ban on the country, spread the poison under the guise of another product.

For example, a substance called Butandinol, which is used on many adhesive factories, in its external data it is very similar to butirate. Butandinol does not apply to the discharge of prohibited substances, so many drug dealers are not difficult to produce a narcotic powder for butandinol.

The drug dealers explain to its customers that Butandinol is legal and nothing threatens for his use.

Danger of Butirata

Butirate refers to the discharge of strong poisons. Taking it even into insignificantly small quantities, drug addicts first experience a slight feeling of relaxation, the mood improves, a feeling of intoxication appears. This condition likes many people. Therefore, they, trying Butirate once, can no longer refuse him.

Children of adolescence are especially rapidly drawn, which is the most numerous risk group. With frequent use, butirate has the property of accumulating in the liver of the poisons, as a result, the vital body does not cope with the processing, the toxins are accumulated, which are affected by other organs, their grip for 5-7 months.