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Meditation as an effective way to establish night sleep. Meditation before bed for deep sleep, relaxation and cleansing

Rhythmic rhythm of modern life, accompanied by stress, nervous overvoltage due to endless problems and workload often becomes the main reason for the lack of sleep. Located in the bed, a person cannot focus on the flow rate, because it is a plan of events for tomorrow, analyzes his actions. The brain also works in a tense pace, processing the information received per day. And if you do not provide a high-quality rest organism, it will not receive the necessary energy. Solve the problem will help meditation and relaxation for productive sleep. Special Practices developed by such craftsmen as Vallak Elena, Suzanna Semenova, Oleg Gadetsky, allow and feel the tide of the new forces on the outflow after awakening.

What is meditation, and how does it help people in everyday life? The state of relaxation arising in the process of concentration of the mind has a powerful impact on the body, gradually restoring the energy potential.

The essence of the concept

The word "meditation" has many associated with monks whipped by fragrance of incense, Buddhist temples located high in the mountains. In fact, it implies immersion in his own consciousness, concentration on achieving a special mental state.

It's important to know! The mysterious term in Latin denotes "thinking about", "mentally contemplated." In a modern understanding, this is a number of exercises that allow not only to control emotions in any situation, but also to gain peace of mind, to fill the energy supply, learn how to organize your day.

Use of meditation before bed

Meditation involves cleansing chakras and aura before bedtime, it makes it possible not only to fall asleep quickly and firmly, but also feel cheerfulness, tide of strength, good mood. Regular meditative practices allow solving a number of tasks:

  • restrain avalanche-like stream of thoughts, invariably arising before bedtime;
  • get rid of unrest, anxiety and unreasonable fears;
  • tune into a positive way;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • normalize the work of the CNS and the endocrine system;
  • restore physical strength and mental balance;
  • fill the organism with new energy.

With daily classes in just 15-20 minutes, the brain produces a habit of quickly disconnecting and dive into a positive dream.

Methods species

Among the variety of methods, specialists allocate several most effective, beneficially affecting human health and human health.

Forgiveness. The technique allows you to get rid of offensive and misunderstandings that interfere with normal life, as well as forgive yourself and people who make up a close and distant environment.

Attracting good luck and finance. Meditation is aimed at fulfilling desire with the help of attention concentration. It should be started to position yourself as a successful person, whenever mentally presenting wealth and money.

Relaxation. Allows you to cleanse aura, strengthen biopol. Having accepted a convenient posture, you need to focus on my condition, cleaning the brain from unnecessary information and negative emotions. Gradually soothing, mentally moved to some beautiful paradise and survive the whole range of sensations of unity with nature.

Healing. It is used to treat from various bodily illness and mental wounds, restoration of vital energy. It is recommended to introduce yourself to an active and absolutely healthy person who is available hiking, traveling to distant countries. Simultaneously with the thoughts, let it into the body positive energy, and feel how it fills the whole body.

Cleansing. Important technique that allows you to get rid of problems with sleep, restore health, cleanse from negative emotions and bad thoughts. Conveniently setting around in bed, it is necessary to fully relax, normalize breathing and start meditating. To do this, imagine yourself to the strolling barefoot in the forest. Finding a path, go to the shore of a small stream and listen to the sound of his murmur. Seeing the smooth sandy shore to approach him and, put in the center, outline around the circle. Being inside it, sense how the stream of energy fills the whole body, penetrating into each cell. In the peaceful state, return to reality and feel joy and rest.


The path to a full sleep always begins with a healthy setting. It is necessary to prepare not only the body and spirit, but also the surrounding space.

Promotes rapid falling asleep and full-fledged rest:

  • aromatherapy;
  • relaxing music;
  • spontaneous dance;
  • prophoving special mantras.


Those who appeal to meditative practices for the first time can be engaged at home, since the exercises do not require special training. Meditation before bedtime for beginners involves the observation of what is happening inside itself: thoughts, emotions, movement. The immersion process, considered as a hypnotic state, should be started with the adoption of a convenient posture.

To do this, do the following:

  • sit in the chair or on the chair;
  • learn to the back to eliminate muscle tension;
  • feet to put on the floor or pick up for yourself (taking the lotus position);
  • hands folded on your knees or in close in the brushes;
  • relax the body and cover your eyes.

The newcomer can listen to the meditating of Sinelnikov, the lesisses, but during the exercise, it is recommended to pay attention to the following points:


Relaxation techniques before bed, selected specifically for children in accordance with their age and temperament, allow you to make their rest calm, deep, and most importantly - productive. With regular classes, parents will quickly notice positive changes in psycho-emotional state, behavior, physical health of their child.

Attention! The child needs meditation most. A huge flow of information with which his brain cannot cope, leads to disorders of the nervous system, the emergence of anxiety, fears, the development of protracted depressions. Meditative practice is able to eliminate the status data, stabilizing the activities of the CNS, and normalizing sleep.


As the head of the family and, therefore, the breadthrough, the representative of the strong sex is experiencing regular nervous overloads that are negatively reflected in all spheres of life. To maintain physical and sexual health, getting rid of stresses and to feel what healing sleep is, simple meditation should be carried out daily.

Tip! Having learned to relax correctly, a man will be able to return a healthy vacation, to increase the total tone, increase the productivity of the upcoming day and customize the body for restoring vitality and energy.

Meditation spent lying before bedtime will teach heal physical ailments and mental wounds.


The body of women is characterized by increased susceptibility and acutely responds to the slightest changes in its surrounding world. This is especially manifested in the evening in the form of obsessive thoughts, experiences for their relatives and loved ones, analysis of actions and actions.

The constant voltage forms persistent sleep disorders, leads to the development of stressful situations, depressed, which affects relations at work and in the family. The implementation of meditative exercises allows us to achieve the following results:

  • suspend the internal dialogue or rid of obsessive thoughts;
  • freeing the brain from the flow of unnecessary information, giving him the opportunity to relax;
  • intensify the control processes of the body at the cellular level;
  • restore the inner harmony by filling your consciousness with love and loved ones;
  • combine confidence in tomorrow.

It's important to know! The benefits of meditation for women lies in the fact that it helps to remove internal clamps, reduce the frequency of neurosis, adjust the body for gradual recovery in case of severe diseases.

The best meditation techniques

Teaching Teta Hiling

To restore the health and improvement of the material situation, an increase in creative potential is ideally suited by a technique based on changing the frequency of brain activity, which is determined during the transition from the state of wakefulness to sleep. Practice consists of several stages:

  • removal of muscle tension, full and absolute relaxation;
  • dissolving its "I" and immersion in the surrounding space;
  • achieve the level of "molecular synchronization";
  • positioning itself as the smallest part of the universe;
  • focusing on the desired.

Full relaxation, which is possible only in a convenient position, sets the subconscious to achieve a positive result in overcoming complex life situations.

Breathing exercises

Practice is aimed at maximum relaxation after graduation. As the basis of all techniques, it allows you to control the process of inhalation-exhalation and change its frequency. The complexity of practice is that the desired effect can be achieved only after stubborn workouts with the help of a coach. The description of the technique can be submitted by the following points.

  1. Take a lotus position or horizontal position.
  2. Concentrate on their feelings for 2-4 minutes.
  3. To achieve proper breath. It must be a diaphragmal, the chest remains alone. Hands are located on the stomach.
  4. Inhale to do the nose, exhale - through the mouth. Breathe with a constant frequency at least 10 minutes.

After a quarter of an hour, drowsiness comes, the brain is saturated with oxygen. When the dive state appears, it is necessary to lie down in bed and fall asleep.

Practice Susanna Semenova

A well-known energy psychologist is engaged in creating meditative exercises aimed at resolving difficult life situations. The most popular is the technique "Room of Desires". It allows you to fully relax, find faith in yourself, to succeed, well-being and fulfilling a cherished dream. Having received a convenient posture, you should listen to the meditation record, then try to fall asleep.

Principles and rules of healthy sleep

To fall asleep quickly and easily, and at the same time feel rested and complete energy, you must follow the rules of healthy sleep. They suggest a whole set of recommendations, among which the main are the following.

Mode. Fly and awaken follows at the same time, even on weekends. Due to this, the conditional reflex is formed, and the body wakes up without the help of external influences.

Sleep duration. Identifying the time interval that is necessary for a full rest, you need to try to keep it without reducing it to fulfill any affairs.

Food. The mode should be made in such a way that the evening meal ended 2-3 hours before falling asleep. Dishes should be lightweight and quickly digestible. If necessary, before bedtime, you can drink a glass of kefir, warm milk or eat a banana or an apple.

Bad habits. Smoking, alcohol is considered substances that activate mental excitement. It has been proven that their absence in a person's life helps to sleep well at night. The same applies to sturdy drinks - tea, coffee. Use them is recommended for 5-6 hours before sleep.

Mental activity. Work at a computer, viewing gears, communication in social. Networks excite the nervous system and cause insomnia. In 2-3 hours, you should switch your attention to more relaxed classes and preparation to sleep.

Rest zone. The cozy atmosphere, a comfortable atmosphere, a comfortable bed has a quick calmness and a normal sleep. Moderate temperature and humidity, as well as a constant influx of fresh air will help to make a sleep lasting and strong.

Evening ritual. Daily familiar actions - warm bath, massage, light music, relaxation, autotraining, a cup of herbal tea - will help to fully relax and quickly immerse yourself in the Kingdom of Morpheus.

Meditation before bed - this is the maximum relaxation of the body and exemption from negative thoughts and emotions. Regular classes every evening for a quarter of an hour allow you to fully relax all night, feeling energetic and rested the next morning after waking up.

Meditation before bedtime do not just help not fall asleep. They provide good quality night rest. And this is more than sleep.

Since a person may seem to be to sleep, but his sleep, as they say, is unproductive, - he does not provide a full rest of the soul, mind and body.

Sleep, coming after properly performed meditation, such a rest guarantees.

In this article, you will find 7 practices of meditation for the night, which are under power to any modern person, and not just to those who practice yoga or other oriental practices.

No video meditations!

Today, on the Internet, you can find a huge number of videos, in which relaxing pictures of nature can be replaced on calm music on the screen.

These videos are positioned by their creators as meditation tools, including meditation to sleep coming.

But be very careful! All of them are only harmful to health, cause insomnia and, of course, have nothing to do with proper meditation overnight.

This is due to the fact that before bedtime, and even more so at the moment of meditation, it is strictly forbidden to use smartphones, tablets, laptops and other electronic benefits of civilization.

All these devices have an extremely strong electromagnetic study that causes stress in humans. And, in addition, a blue color comes from the screens of these gadgets, the wavelength of which is such that the brain awakens and blocks the production of melatonin hormone, without which it will not be able to fall asleep.

Therefore, if you meditate with a tablet in your hands, seeing peaceful videos, you do not prepare to the right healthy sleep, but, on the contrary, this dream is blocked. About any meditations, awakens of the subconscious and other psychothechnics speech in this case can also go.

Preparation for meditation before bed

Massage of Temples Essential Oils

Meditating in aromas of soothing essential oils is always easier. However, in cases where it comes to meditation overnight, healing the candles and advertising something, not quite convenient and even useful.

The optimal solution is to apply several droplets of essential oil on whiskey and pillowcase pillows. Whiskey at the same time can be easily massaged.

The best oil for evening meditation is oil lavender. But if it is not suitable for you for any reason, you can replace it with oil ylang-ylang or chamomile.

Stimulation of sowing

Zevota soothes, eliminates excessive tension in the head, helps to drive away the hyperventilation.

Of course, the best dawn is best that comes itself. However, scientists noted that even if they force themselves to yawning forcibly, it is possible to achieve a positive effect in terms of relaxation.

As soon as you calmed down somewhat with the help of sowing, go directly to the meditation itself.

7 types of meditation for sleep

Tempting music

This is the most obvious and simple type of meditation.

Lie into bed. Turn off the light and turn on calm, as it is sometimes called "cooling", music. On this site you can find hundreds of the right melodies for meditation.
Also, you may have to do this music.

Try to focus only on music and no longer think about anything. In any case, do not think about problems and concerns. The time of musical meditation is approximately half an hour.

At the time of listening to music, you can also perform many other meditative techniques.

The most correct thing is to listen to music not in headphones, but from external, so to speak, source. But if it is impossible, you can use a smartphone with headphones. The main thing - do not look at his screen so that it does not excite you with its blue emission.

Managed imagination

This method of meditation before bed lies in the fact that a person imagines her paintings in himself. There are no strict recommendations regarding what to imagine.

Most meditating stop their choice on the clouds, mountains and the ocean. However, if the quiet state of the ocean quickly turns into a storm, the mountains in volcanoes, and the clouds are in thunderstorm clouds, do not raise themselves with the contemplation of these scenes. Choose what is nice to you personally.

The main thing is to move in your imagination in which you feel in complete safety. The brain slightly catches the difference between the actually seen and submitted, in the poet if you imagine something that your brain and body along with him are actually moved there.

Abdominal type of breathing

Lie into bed. You can head on high pillows.

Put your hands on the stomach. Make sure that at the moment of inhalation and exhalation your hands moved, and not stay still. If they do not move, it means that you breathe wrong - not the stomach, but a breast.

After you made sure that breathe the belly, not the breast, focus on my breath - mainly on the movement of the hands along with the belly. Watch only for this. Try not to evaluate your breathing. Just watch him. And, of course, try to drive out all thoughts from my head. In general, everything.

It is unlikely that you get to achieve this from the first time. But do not despair. Train yourself every night. As well as every opportunity during the day. And soon you will start to stop stopping your thoughts and fall into a meditative healing condition.

"Descending" breathing

  1. Lie into bed. Turn off the light.
  2. Take a breath of stomach. Slightly delay exhale, and then exhale, relaxing.
  3. Repeat 2-3 times.
  4. Then imagine that you are standing on the top of the hill or stairs. With every exhale you make a step down the hill or fall on one step down the stairs.
  5. Switch in this way by 10-20 steps.

Combine this type of meditation with the previous - abdominal breathing type.

Color breathing

Focus on your breath. Imagine that the air breathing has a certain color.

Inhale the red air flow and exhale red. Then breathe blue and exhale blue. Continue on with other colors.

You can choose any colors that give rise to your imagination.


  1. Turn off the light and sit in bed with eyes closed.
  2. Next, begin to pronounce some monotonous sound, something like "La Um-La", etc.

You can pronounce any sounds that give birth to your brain. The main thing is that these sounds do not have any meaning for you.

  1. Increase the variety of pronounced sounds. Speak with yourself on "Alien" language within 15 minutes.

Language can be similar to some hearing in life, but not studied. For example, in French, if you understand how French sounds, but do not know a single word in this language.

But if you know French, then the conversation on it will not suit you, since the indispensable condition for this meditation for the night is what you should not understand the pronounced. Only then your consciousness will turn off, and the conversation will enter into the conversation.

This method of meditation may seem like some kind of children and even stupid. But it is not. The method of liberation of the unconscious is very ancient, its roots leave at the time of the Old Testament. So its effectiveness is checked by millennia.

For the first time you may find it difficult to give birth to the words "someone else's" language, then on the second-third night the affairs will go more fun. And you can calm your consciousness and free the subconscious. This will allow you to sleep more deeply and relax overnight more efficiently.

Conscious meditation

This is the most difficult of the proposed, but at the same time the most effective method of meditation before bedtime.

  1. Lie into bed, turn off the light.
  2. Make five deep breaths. Inhale through the nose, exhale through your mouth. At the time of these deep breaths, focus on how the air goes through your lungs and in respiratory tract. Imagine how at the time of the exhalation, your brain leave all daytime feelings and care, as tension leaves your body.
  3. It is likely that five breathing-exhalations will be few to achieve the primary relaxation. Continue deep breathing so much time as it is necessary for relaxation. Do not fit yourself and do not rush. If you are born in your brain annoying ideas and feelings, do not block them arrival. Just try to exhale everything unpleasant, disturbing.
  4. When you felt that all our excitements exhaled, return to fixing attention on their bodily sensations. Realize your body lying on the bed. Feel its pressure on the surface.
  5. If you hear some extraneous sounds that you annoy (music behind the wall, snoring a spouse), do not resist these sounds. On the contrary, focus on them, let them go to you, and then return to fixing attention to your body.
  6. Now try to clearly describe yourself mentally, how does your body feel: it is heavy or light, it is restless or relaxed? Thus, analyze the sensations in all parts of your body - from the top of the fingertips. Go through your body several times.
  7. Return in thoughts to your breath again. Track it for some time, but do not try to change. That is, if you breathe breasts, and you are nice, breathe. Do not try to switch to the type of abdomen.
  8. Stay focused on your breath for 2 minutes. The first time it can be difficult, as thoughts will return you from the world's inner into the world. Do not worry about this. Just gently return your focus of attention to air movement by body. Gradually, you will learn "not to emerge" ahead of time.
  9. Now it is time to return to your thoughts to the lived day and his concerns. Try to remember the very beginning of the day. What did you feel when woken up? Play your day further - event for the event. Do not try to remember every little thing. Just scroll through the movie of your day on fast speed. The approximate time "viewing" is 3 minutes.
  10. It is very likely that at some point "watching the film" your brain is overly focused on a certain event. Make it move on, and not to bother in an annoying meditation about something concrete.
  11. Now come back to your thoughts to your body and let it "turn off" overnight. To do this, focus your attention on the mother's mother's left and give it a "disconnect" permission. Move gradually from the finger to the finger of the left foot, "turning off" them overnight. Further go to the left ankle, knee, thigh, etc. "Disconnect" the entire left half of the body, then the right one.
  12. That's all. Once you completely "turned off" your body, enjoy freedom and relaxation. And you can now allow your mind to wander there, where he likes it.

Diary management as a training for those who do not work conscious meditation

As mentioned above, this meditation technique is very effective, but difficult. The main snag in its implementation for most people is that they are all the time "emerge" from the meditative state, returning to their concerns and problems.

To many people, the diary is helped by a kind of conscious meditation as a kind of training.

For 15 minutes before going to bed, it is necessary to record all the thoughts that they roam in the head and do not give to relax. Then another 15 minutes write the solution of those questions that these thoughts are devoted.

Thought: I need to make the cost of writing three more letters. Lord, I do not have time!

Solution: tomorrow, as I come to the office, I will make a letter A, then I will drink coffee and take it for a letter V. In fact, I still have a lot of time - a whole working day!

As soon as you have written the problem and its decision, throw it out of my head. You will be surprised at how much it will do it easier.

Attention! So that the technique worked, write thoughts only by hand on a sheet of paper. No electronic devices, no sentences about yourself or loud. Only handle in a notebook by hand. Otherwise, it will be zero.

It is very difficult to present a healthy lifestyle without a full-fledged night rest, which is an important component of human mental and physical health. But modern stress, workload, accumulated problems, fears, nervous tension often cause insomnia. But this can be avoided by an effective and proven method - meditation before bedtime.

Not everyone knows how to relax and remove the negative at the end of the day, and this is a very important practice. After all, in addition to insomnia, many of us suffer from restless and intermittent sleep, and waking up, feel fatigue and driers. All this leads to a violation of working capacity, deterioration of relationships with relatives and close people and is reflected in mental and physical health.

What is the meditation?

The term itself came to the Russian language from Latin, and he means "mentally contemporary", "thinking about."

Meditation practices are very widespread and do not require special training. They are suitable for everyone without exception.

Meditation is a very effective exercise that frees consciousness from anxiety and thoughts, soothes, relaxes.

Regular classes raise mood and performance, strengthen health, body and soul, willpower, character, improve concentration, memory, critical thinking, form a positive attitude to life.

Meditation and relaxation before bed helps to relax psyche, feel a peace, peace, properly tune in to rest. They are very important for those who do not know how to cope with negative emotions and exempted from unnecessary experiences. This is, essentially, the healing of the body, psyche and soul before bedtime.

This technique works better than sessions with a psychotherapist or sedatives. It has no side effects. Many believe that it is very difficult to master the meditation methodology. This is a big misconception. It is available to everyone at any age.

Meditation before bed - complete relaxation of both the body and the mind, without which a full-fledged rest is impossible. The state that occurs during the procedure has a huge impact on the entire human body.

Pros of meditation before bed for women

Women are sensitive and emotionally perceive any situation. In the evening, this is expressed in fatigue, psychological exhaustion, breaking, plus obsessive thoughts, experiences for loved ones. Such a condition is negatively reflected on the night rest. In order to normalize it, to put the thoughts and the nervous system, to recover after a busy working day, it is necessary to relax. A technician designed for women, a huge amount, you should only pick up optimal for yourself.


For children before bedtime, it is invaluable help to parents in raising a child. She will help make rest deep, calm and, most importantly, full.

This will benefit on behavior and teaching a child, will increase his curiosity, strengthens immunity and psyche. It is necessary to pick up for a child the best meditation before bedtime in accordance with its age and temperament.

Types of meditations that are beneficial affecting a person

Experts allocate techniques who have particularly beneficially affecting a person, for example:

  • Meditation "Forgiveness" - advise to use the technique primarily for forgiveness. It allows you to get rid of the offense that interfere with life.
  • Equipment to attract finance is the essence of it in full concentration of attention to solving the problem, wealth should be visualized or to present yourself to a successful and secured person.
  • Meditation is relaxing - before bedtime should be completely calmed down, freeing the thoughts from the negative and information that has accumulated per day. Think about something pleasant, positive, good.

  • Healing technique - used before bedtime, aimed at restoring the body's forces and getting rid of various ailments, will make it possible to feel complete energy and a healthy person. An absolutely healthy person, cheerful, active, traveling by different amazing and interesting places of our planet, should be regularly presented. At the end of the technology, it is necessary to imagine how the energy flow in the form of a golden beam. This exercise helps run rehabilitation processes in the body.
  • Meditation cleansing - before bedtime, this technique will allow you to overcome insomnia, get rid of health problems, remove tensions, clean the thoughts from the negative. Starting to meditate with complete relaxation when the breath becomes smooth and calm. It is necessary to submit a staircase that leads to water. It should be descended to the shore of the reservoir, stroll through the sand, listen to the sound of the surf. To present that somewhere there is a cave, enter it, on the floor it is presented to the drawn circle, from which the energy flow rises. It is necessary to get up in a circle and feel how the energy fills the body. Then get out of the circle and plunge into the bath with water, which is located nearby. To lie there until the feeling of joy and peace will appear. After that, it is necessary to get out of the water, return to the stairs and climb up.

These are general types of meditations that have a positive effect on the person, they can be engaged at any time of the day and anywhere. But there are such techniques that best practices in the evening. We'll figure it out that they represent themselves and how to work with them.

Types of evening meditations

So, there are excellent techniques that contribute to good and strong sleep, for example:

  • Music is the easiest and most effective way of relaxation. A soft, soothing melody helps to gain harmony and donate from pressing problems.
  • Imagination - you should get comfortable, to make several breathing exercises and start visualizing, you can represent anything, the main thing is to feel and feel happiness.
  • Aromatherapy is a very effective way to relax. Correctly selected oils or candles will help relieve tension, reassure and configure the right sleep.
  • The relaxing dance is one of the best meditations before bedtime, the essence of her is that it is necessary to devote 15 minutes to devote to spontaneous dance for any music. This technique helps to get rid of stress and raise the mood. Smooth movements in silence free from negative and tensions. It is necessary to completely surrender to the dance, let the movement be and not completely elegant.
  • Mantras are the most revered technique among Tibetan monks. It is believed that if you read mantras in silence or to the music, then the consciousness will continue to do it during sleep.

Susanna Meditation before bed

Suzanna Semenova is a famous energy psychologist, the creator of meditations aimed at solving various vital problems. Using them, you can enhance faith in yourself, your capabilities, change your life for the better. One of them is meditation before bed, which is called "Desire Room." This practice not only helps to relax and tune in to rest, but also capable of attracting good luck, well-being and faith in the best future. You must take a convenient position and listen to the meditation record. She will configure success, fill with love and kindness.

Secrets of effective meditation

In order for meditation to give positive results, some conditions must be followed:

  • You should choose a convenient posture and learn to relax.
  • Pick up the visualization suitable for quick relaxation.
  • Represent how water flows wash off all negative energy, take fatigue and tension with them.
  • As soon as the feeling appears that it is cloning to sleep, all stopping and stacked sleep.
  • It is necessary to try different techniques and track their effectiveness, and then choose the optimal one.


Meditation before bed - this is a complete relaxation and exemption from negative thoughts. It is necessary for a healthy and full-fledged rest, so you should not overdo it and do more than 20 minutes. Regular exercises give the opportunity to wake up in the morning rested, restored and full forces.

The experiences and problems of the day are often not allowed to fall asleep in the evening, deprive a healthy night rest and make insomnia suffer. This, in turn, leads to big health problems, the nervous system is suffering, internal organs. Of course, the lack of sleep affects the appearance.

Any woman must rest fully rest at night, otherwise her skin will be sluggish, glitter will disappear in the eyes. To regain beauty, youth and attractiveness, as well as healthy nerves and stress resistance, you should meditate.

Meditation before bedtime will help to relax well and filled with energy, and in the morning feel cheerful and happy.


According to researchers, any meditation has a positive effect on the body, such practices for women are especially useful. I will give a thinner nature, their psyche is exposed to much greater blows from the outside of the world than men's, and evening meditation will help relieve stress and feel good.
Here are the advantages of this practice:

  • She relaxes and immerses in peace of rest, allows the psyche to relax from worries and obsessive thoughts;
  • Meditation in the evening allows you to quickly fall asleep and in the morning feel rested;
  • It saves from insomnia and nightmares, tuning on a positive wave;
  • This practice sets up a hormonal background and eliminates health problems;
  • Meditation fills women with energy and allows them to look better.

These are not all the advantages of meditation, having tried it on yourself, you will immediately notice how much your life has become. The surrounding will see you differently, and you yourself will feel soul harmony and the joy of life.

But remember that the main rule of meditation is regularity, you should not wait for the effect if you practiced it only or two. Before you begin to meditate, make sure that you are completely relaxed and no thoughts overcome you.

On relaxation

Sleep may not come to you for several reasons - these are bad habits, and small mobility, and stress, and an oversupply of emotions. Meditation will help to cope with all these reasons and restore normal sleep, but it requires preparation and special configuration.

In order to relax, turn on calm music, better if it is the sounds of nature - the noise of the surf, the chirping of birds, the rustling of foliage. This will allow you to deduct from reality and move inside yourself, forgetting about the alarms and problems.

Lie down as convenient as possible, turn off the light or make it muffled. Breathe deeply, free your head from all extra, concentrate on the breath and relaxing all the muscles.

There are several ways to meditate for relaxation before bedtime.

1. One way is called "Boat".
Open the window, cover the warm blanket, relax. Imagine that you are lying in a boat that sails on the wide and relaxing stroy of the river. Soon will last, the sky is already gray. You are slightly freezing, but they are heathed, and you get very comfortable.

The boat shakes you, as if the cradle. Around you fog, shine cicades, rustle leaves. The air around you is light and transparent, waves lightly knock on the side, you really want to sleep. You are safe. There is nothing but you, rivers and boats. Sounds gradually go out, you relax and fall asleep.

2. Other meditation lies in mental reincarnation. You need to lie down and relax, say to yourself that you are calm, warm and cozy. Tell me:

"I feel good, comfortable and calm, sleep comes to me."

Imagine that you are selected from the body and look at it from above, now imagine how you reincarnate what you want, for example, in the running stream of the purest water or in a tree on the shore of the pond. If you chose water, then imagine how to learn on the seashore and the waves pour you away, they are becoming more and more warm, relaxing.

Your body gradually becomes transparent as water, salty, like the sea. Now you yourself become water and splashing about the shore. By analogy, you can imagine yourself anything, the main thing is that you soothing it and relax. After a while you light up.


For women, it is important to feel pure, without this feeling it is impossible to enjoy life and be happy. In order to feel moral cleaning, draw the following meditation. She will save the body and soul from the accumulated negative and fill the consciousness with light and love.

Take a comfortable position, relax, close your eyes. Feel how the tension is out of every muscle, from each muscle - from the head and to the heels. Feel like you get easy and good, get rid of extra thoughts. This will help the concentration of breathing.

As soon as you feel that you have become good and calm, enter your own inner world. Imagine the staircase and go down, carefully stepping on every step. Now imagine that you came to an excellent place on the seashore, and it does not matter whether it will be, the evening or night - it all depends on you.

Stroll around the beach, inspire the salty fragrance, feel the splashes on your face, hear the noise of the surf. Imagine that you see a distant mountain with a cave and start moving towards it. When you approach, enter the cave. Imagine that there is a spacious room, and the circle is drawn in the midst.

Sharal and enter the circle to his center. Feel how a powerful energy wave is rising from the center of the Earth, which penetrates your body through the legs, it rises slowly and pushes all the evil, bad and tormenting. Negative comes out of the top, you get easy and good.

Energy comes out with it, and then a light stream appears from the ceiling, which penetrates your macass and fills you with light golden energy. You feel good, easy and want to fly.

After that, exit the circle and imagine that there is a stone bath next to you. It can have any shape, but inside it should be the water of emerald color from which the glow occurs. This is the energy of love. Sit into the bath, plunge and relax, feel like your whole body is filled and drinks with love.

You can be there as much as you want, and then you need to get out of the cave and do the way back to the sea. Now you can open your eyes and try to keep the feeling of cleansing as long as possible.

Healing Son.

This meditation will help you to fall asleep well, and your body is truly relaxing and healing during sleep. You can restore energy and relax both the body and the brain. Fully relax, lying in bed on your back.

The main reason for insomnia is the overexcitation of the nervous system. Before bedtime, a person is not relaxing, but prepares for the next rich day, makes up the work plan, analyzes his mistakes. The brain stresses the information accumulated during the day. Energy for a new day just nothing to take if a person is not resting fully. Meditation before bedtime is a practice that teaches to relax, cook the body and consciousness to sleep.

The word "meditation" scares the unknown and draws in the imagination distant Buddhist temples and fogs of incense. In fact, that such meditation for sleep, the most people learned in deep childhood. Mint the lullaby calmed down, gave calm dreams until the morning.

Meditation is often called the trance. Meditative techniques work at the physical level: breathing becomes deeper, the pulse slows down, so that blood pressure is reduced. There is a recovery of the body, since a good dream will cope with any disease.

Meditation is designed to help a person fall asleep and restore vitality.

For this you need:

  • create conditions for sleep;
  • achieve a special borderline state between sleep and wakefulness;
  • prepare the body and the environment to sleep;
  • relax muscles and reset the nervous tension.

Meditation to sleep eliminates negative and unpleasant sensations, activates that part of the brain, which produces positive emotions. The essence of practice in the liberation of thoughts, concentration on your own body, relaxation. The quality of sleep is improving, therefore a person who meditates the morning feels a tide of energy and strength.

The path to a healthy sleep begins with a healthy environment.

It is important to prepare to sleep not only the place of rest, but also space around:

Auxiliary meditation tools is essential oil. Application options: Add to aromalamp, make a massage of the temporal zone, prepare a special sachet with herbs and fragrance of lavender.

Meditation teaches possession of the body and consciousness. Internal comfort depends directly from the comfort of the situation. It is impossible to get rid of obsessive thoughts when there are external stimuli. Therefore, the underlying condition for proper meditation is the cleansing of the aura of space.

Before meditation, a person takes a convenient position. You can sit down in the lotus position (the lightweight form of "incomplete lotus" is suitable), lying in bed or stay seating. The duration of meditation does not exceed 20 minutes.

  1. Breathing exercises

Breathing takes shape, color, sound, becomes conscious. It proceeds not from the lungs, but from the most distant corner of the abdomen. It seems to push the diaphragm. Women understood that the air wave begins with the place of menstrual pain. Men to make it easier to master the technique of deep breathing, you need to put hands on the stomach: with the right breaths, hands will rise, and not a chest.

Each exhale longer than the previous one. Thoughts only about the process of breathing. The eyes are covered, but the glance is following how the blue wave of air on the breath is poured into the body, fills it, and in exhale it slowly rolls out with a warm reddish haze. The sound of the sea breeze or the rustling of the wind in the crowns of trees is heard.

Rhythmic breathing enriches oxygen cells, slows down heartbeat. A man fully focuses on breathing, presents it to himself, thanks to which the body leaves negative energy. As soon as the feeling of drowsiness appears, you can go to bed.

  1. Visualization and muscle relaxation

Technique built on one of the yoga techniques. It is the gradual tension and relaxation of each muscle group: first the feet, then caviar, knees, hips, stomach, and so on to the muscles of the face and head.

Visualization is used to enhance the relaxation effect. You can represent how the body centimeter behind the centimeter covers the warm wave of the ocean. Water blends fatigue and anxiety, a man falls asleep calm sleep like a child.

If you contact the method of visualization outside the complex, it is sufficient to imagine and consider the geometric shape in detail. With the development of internal vision, the figure is gradually becoming complicated. The highest level of concentration is considered colorful and suitful mandalas.

Sanskrit spells are designed not only to open chakras. They look like a relaxing body massage and thoughts. The order of sounds does not carry meaning for most people, so does not distract attention. It creates a vibration that has a beneficial effect on the body - relieves fatigue, relaxes.

Mantram, how to find peace and healthy sleep to the method, more and more internet users are resorted. They share experiences and different techniques. How to read a mantra, outdoor or to yourself, with rosary or breathing, everyone decides himself. Reading should be comfortable, respond to the rhythm of a person.

Om Agasta Shainach - heals insomnia.

Ri and Hum - for relaxation, accompanied by the presentation of the black point between the eyebrows.

Om Sushupti Oh - for quick immersion in sleep.

Shudge Shudge Mahayogini Mahanidre Svahahaa - gives a man colorful and pleasant dreams.

Option for beginners - audio recordings of hard-acting mantras at a comfortable volume during meditation and sleep. Consciousness in the state of rest is most susceptible to the sacred meaning of texts.

Babies for calm and good sleep include white noise. To adulthood, he will remind the sound of a television channel when the broadcast on it stopped. In the wilderness, such a sound makes a waterfall if located nearby.

The same noise of the waterfall, herbs rustle, birds singing, campfire crackling, cicadic dictum - nature sounds act as a relaxant. Requirement for listening One: Play from an external source. It is enough to enable an entry on a computer, phone, but not listen to headphones. To do this, there are special applications that additionally offer to create a special composition, for example, to connect the ocean noise with rare chokes of chaps.

Universal music for falling asleep does not exist. Only the melody will help to fall asleep, which causes pleasant memories and emotions from a person.

The number and availability of techniques allows you to choose the most convenient meditative technique. And if you figure it out in the very essence of meditation, you can create individual practices. The main principle of meditation is to achieve relaxation by abstraction from the world, that is, all exercises: visualization, deep breath, reading mantras, relaxing music and sounds should help focus on themselves.

Problems with sleep arise when a person loses control over his thoughts and body. It is impossible to get out to fall asleep. You can get up to prepare the body to sleep, relax it. Insomnia is accompanied by irritability, attention scattered. Chronic fatigue leads to a search for lung solutions in the form of systemic reception of sedative and alcohol, with which meditation is incompatible.

A man who is concerned about only material benefits, thirst for money, no technique will help. Meditation will not bring the result if the mind is obsessed with food. The higher the thoughts, the deeper a dream. There will be no sleep where there is anger, hatred, but loving sleeps deep.

The main secret of meditation before bedtime is love that begins from the inside and applies to the whole world. Calm and peace come with a sense of love, relaxation and sleep comes with them.