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Pantothenic acid What vitamin. Vitamin B5, or pantothenic acid: instructions for use. Contraindications and side effects

Vitamins in human life are of great importance. They regulate many processes occurring in the body. The lack of these components leads to the development of systemic diseases and heavy pathologies. Vitamin B5, known as pantothenic acid or calcium pantothenate, is also necessary for the full activity of the human body.

What is myself

Pantothenic acid is a representative of the Vitamins of Group B. This water-soluble substance that has sensitivity to thermal exposure (when cooking 50% of pantothenic acid is lost), to ultraviolet radiation and conservation.

Vitamin B5 was discovered at the beginning of the last century, when a group of scientists studied the increase in the growth of yeast crops. In 1933, Williams and Trodwell allocated a substance that clearly stimulated the growth of yeast. It was pantothenic acid. Its biochemical properties and the impact on human health began to be actively studied since 1947.

Vitamin B5 in significant quantities is produced by the intestine microflora, and also enters the body along with food.

Therefore, the lack of pantothenic acid is extremely rare.

Vitamin B5 is located in many products of plant and animal origin

Forms and types of vitamin B5

In the products of vegetable or animal origin, vitamin B5 is in the form of an acid (pantothenic acid), and in synthetic analogues, vitamin is represented as a calcium salt (calcium pantothenate). However, in one and in the other form, Vitamin B5 retains its effectiveness.

The pharmaceutical industry vitamin is available in the following sections:

  • pills and capsules;
  • ampoules with solution for intramuscular and intravenous injections.
  • Pantothenic acid benefits for human body

    When Vitamin B5 enters the body, it is converted into a panthenet substance, which is then combined with other components, becomes part of the enzyme called "Coenzyme A". This compound participates in all metabolic processes of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

    Vitamin B5 contributes to the release of fats from fat cells (the process of lipolyase) and their splitting, which leads to the production of additional energy.

    In addition, pantothenic acid participates in the metabolism proceeding in the adrenal cortex, as a result of which glucocorticoids are synthesized. These hormones suppress the phases of sharp and chronic inflammation.

    Vitamin B5 is a party to the most important processes of anabolism (the formation of complex substances from ordinary molecules) and catabolism (the decay of complex compounds to simple components).

    As a result, pantothenic acid brings the whole benefit of the body:

  • raises life tone;
  • helps to eliminate any inflammation;
  • stimulates the health of the brain, eliminates the diffusion of attention, improves memory, fights with depressive states;
  • improves the process of absorption glucose;
  • produces important substances for the body;
  • helps in blood formation (the formation of red blood cells, hemoglobin);
  • takes part in the removal of excess fluid from the body;
  • promotes the immune system in the production of antibodies;
  • improves the absorption of vitamin B1, B9 and enhances the impact of other vitamins;
  • indirectly helps to cope with overweight;
  • contributes to healing wounds, burns;
  • improves the protective functions of the mucous membranes, which are a barrier on the way of various infections;
  • makes hair healthy and shiny, warns early gray;
  • strengthens nails;
  • he finds the skin.
  • It should be noted that Vitamin B5 during pregnancy contributes to the normal formation of the nervous, cardiovascular, digestive and immune systems of the future kid. The participation of pantothenic acid in the production of hemoglobin avoids the development of anemia, which is often diagnosed with pregnant women.

    Pantothenic acid is necessary for the normal development of the future kid

    The composition of breast milk directly depends on the diet of a nursing woman. Therefore, for the healthy and full development of all organs and systems of the baby, as well as for normal growth of the child, vitamin B5 is necessary. Pantothenic acid helps mother keep strength, get additional energy and avoid postpartum depression.

    Teenage age is characterized by the fact that in the body there is a "hormonal revolution", against the background of which some organs and systems may suffer. Vitamin B5 is able to prevent possible complications, since it participates in many vital processes. In addition, pantothenic acid normalizes psycho-emotional state of adolescents.

    To the elderly, Vitamin B5 helps keep memory and improve brain activity. It is important that pantothenic acid takes part in therapy of arthritis, cardiovascular ailments, and also prevents the processes of aging and the formation of wrinkles.

    It is known that one of the reasons for a set of extension is a violation of metabolism, in particular, its slowdown. Vitamin B5 is actively involved in the metabolic process and normalizes it. In addition, pantothenic acid contributes to the production of hormones of adrenal cortex, which split fat deposits. Therefore, Vitamin B5 helps to lose weight.

    The gout develops due to elevated uric acid level in the body. The crystals of this acid are deposited in the joints of the elbows, knees, fingers of brushes, feet and cause inflammatory processes in them. Pantothenic acid stimulates the production of glucocorticoids, which are successfully used to eliminate inflammation and treatment of arthritis, gout and other diseases.

    During the period of the climax, the level of estrogen is reduced. These are genital hormones that are responsible for the normal operation of the reproductive system. In addition, estrogens affect the function of the cardiovascular system, normalize blood pressure and cholesterol levels are responsible for the exchange of calcium and the absorption of bone tissues, improve the activity of the brain. The level of estrogen is maintained by adrenal glands, the normal operation of which provides vitamin B5, i.e., the admission of pantothenic acid allows to preserve health and youth during the period of Klimaks.

    Vitamin B5 is widely used in cosmetology. It can often be found in the composition of finished creams for the face and body. Such popularity is explained by the fact that with its positive effects on the skin, pantothenic acid is also well absorbed.

    How does the shortage and overabundance of vitamin B5 manifest

    The deficiency of pantothenic acid in the body is diagnosed quite rarely. Its shortage can happen only with general exhaustion (anorexia) or with rigid mondetes. With a lack of vitamin B5 will be observed:

  • fatigue and fast fatigue;
  • insomnia;
  • depressive condition;
  • muscle and headaches;
  • violations in the gastrointestinal tract: constipation, diarrhea, loss of appetite;
  • the emergence of the delicate intestinal diseases;
  • skin diseases;
  • burning painful sensations in muscle tissue in the field of ICR and foot (especially at night);
  • numbness of the toes;
  • braking in the development of children;
  • the emergence of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • reduced immunity as a whole.
  • It is quite difficult to notice the symptoms of overdose of vitamin B5, since the overdose of pantothenic acid itself is almost impossible. Its excess is quickly excreted with urine. But in extremely rare cases, the excess substances may be expressed in such manifestations:

  • diarrhea;
  • fluid delay in the body;
  • pallor skin;
  • nausea and vomiting.
  • Video: Vitamins - True and myths

    Indications for use

    Despite the fact that Vitamin B5 is sufficiently produced by the organism itself and is in many products, sometimes it is still necessary to additionally take pantothenic acid. The basis for the beginning of the reception is:

  • anemia and toxicosis in pregnant women;
  • violations in the work of the nervous system;
  • skin diseases;
  • wounds and burns;
  • allergies;
  • soreness of the joints;
  • metabolic disease;
  • problems with thyroid gland;
  • diseases of the kidneys and liver;
  • pancreatitis;
  • malfunctions in the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • lag in development in children;
  • weak immunity;
  • scattering and bad memory (especially in people of old age);
  • prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • alopecia and damaged hair.
  • Video: Important hair vitamins

    Daily rate of vitamin B5 for different categories of people

    The rate of consumption of pantothenic acid per day is presented in the table. The data is taken from MR recommendations of MR of December 18, 2008, approved by the Head State Physician of the Russian Federation G. Onishchenko.

    Table: Vitamin B5 daily rate

    It should be noted that the maximum permissible amount of vitamin B5 is not established, since its excess is immediately removed from the body with urine.

    How to determine the content of pantothenic acid in the body

    Above it was noted that the deficiency or oversupply of vitamin B5 in the body is noted in extremely rare cases. If still not enough pantothenic acid or, on the contrary, its quantity will be too large, then externally, it is manifested by certain symptoms. Then it is necessary to refer to a qualified doctor, which will assign the tests necessary in this case and will write proper treatment.

    Contraindications to use

    The main contraindication to the use of vitamin B5 is:

  • hypervitaminosis;
  • hemophilia, t. Pantothenic acid increases blood consumption time.
  • Allergies on vitamin B5 can not be, since this substance is produced in the right amount by the body itself.

    What products is pantothenic acid

    Vitamin B5 is contained in many food products, among which can be noted:

  • liver (6.8 mg);
  • egg yolk (4 mg);
  • mushrooms (most in a white mushroom - 2.7 mg; champignons - 2.1 mg);
  • beans (peas - 2.2 mg; beans - 1.2 mg);
  • sea fish (trout - 1.94 mg; herring, mackerel - 1.9 mg);
  • nuts (peanuts - 1.767 mg; Hazelnut - 1.1 mg);
  • soy (1.75 mg);
  • cheese (1.2 mg);
  • color cabbage (0.9 mg);
  • milk (0.38 mg).
  • Pantothenic acid is part of almost all products, but the percentage of its content in them is slightly lower than in those that are listed.

    Gallery: Products containing pantothenic acid

    The daily use of cow milk in the morning strengthens the psyche and supplies the body with energy, providing man by cheerfulness

    Cauliflower can give women beauty and glow hair, make the skin smooth and elastic

    The liver is the leader in the content of pantothenic acid

    Mushrooms are useful in diabetes, atherosclerosis, onco-scab, arterial pressure

    As part of egg yolk, a large amount of vitamin B5

    Fish satures the body with high-quality protein, which is reflected on the skin, bone system, hair, teeth

    Soya relaxes the effect of a climax on a woman's body. Namely allows you to fight osteoporosis and tides

    Due to the large number of proteins in the cheese, it is useful for body fabrics

    In all kinds of nuts there is pantothenic acid

    Drugs containing calcium Pantothenate

    Vitamin B5 is contained in many drugs in the form of calcium pantothenate. On pharmacy shelves you can meet the following medicines:

  • calcium Pantothenate. The drug is produced in the form of tablets. They are prescribed pregnant women during toxicosis;
  • beer yeast. Release form - capsules. The tool is used to treat skin diseases and for a weight gain;
  • Pantothenic Acid (Pantothenic acid). The drug is presented in the form of gelatin capsules. The medicine is used to eliminate muscle pain, for the treatment of nervous disorders and the fight against depression;
  • vitamin complexes:
    • Perfectyl - prescribed when skin dryness, dermatitis, psoriasis;
    • Vitruum Super Strass - used to eliminate depression, headed fatigue headacles;
    • Doppelgers Active from A to Zinc - helps to improve mental performance;
    • Supradin (dragee) is accepted for general strengthening the body and improvement of metabolism;
    • Elevit Pronatol. Famous Vitamin Complex known for everyone. It is prescribed by future and nursing mothers.
  • Gallery: Preparations with vitamin B5

    Elevit is appointed pregnant women and nursing mothers

    Pantothenic acid is accepted to eliminate pain in muscles

    Beer yeast show good results in acne

    Effective vitamin complex for leather, nails and hair

    Features of the use of different categories of people

    If a person does not suffer from exhaustion, the special use of vitamin B5 is not required, since it is always enough in the body. An additional admission of pantothenic acid can be assigned only by a doctor.

    During the period of pregnancy, during the nipping of the child and, with subsequent breastfeeding, special vitamin complexes are prescribed, which contains vitamin B5. But the drug itself, its dose, the scheme and the duration of reception determines the qualified specialist.

    Breast-age children The required amount of pantothenic acid is obtained with mother's milk or milk mixtures.

    Elderly and women in the menopausal period, the additional use of vitamin B5 can recommend only the observing doctor.

    Application in cosmetology

    Pantothenic acid in cosmetology is used to rejuvenate the skin, pulling up the contour of the face and smoothing wrinkles. In addition, Vitamin B5 effectively affects fat and problem skin, inclined to various rashes. Pantothenic acid normalizes the activity of sebaceous glands.Therefore, many women use vitamin ampulosity in domestic masks against acne.

    Mask with kefir and honey


  • vitamin B5 - 1 ampoule;
  • kefir - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon juice - 0.5 h.
  • Heat kefir up to 35-40 ° C, add honey to it and lemon juice. Mix everything thoroughly and pour the vitamin B5 solution. The resulting mixture is applied to the skin and leave for 20 minutes. Then wash the mask with warm water and apply a moisturizing cream on the face. The procedure can be repeated 1-2 times a week.

    Instead of a pantothenic acid solution, beer yeast can be used. They will be needed in this recipe 1 tsp.

    Vitamin mask with kefir and honey helps to get rid of acne

    Composition with clay


  • white or green clay - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 2 h.;
  • vitamin B5 - 1 ampoule.
  • Clay should be dissolved with water to a creamy state and add vitamin B5 to it. The resulting composition is applied to the skin and washed off with warm water after 30 minutes. You can repeat the mask 1-2 times a week.

    Side effects

    The side effects of using vitamin B5 can manifest only with a strong overdose of any drug containing calcium pantothenate. At the same time, it is possible to observe the same symptoms as with an excess of vitamin B5 in the body. Allergic reactions to the components of the drug may also appear.

    Interaction with other substances

    Vitamin B5 makes cardiac medicines that stimulate the reduction of the heart muscle.

    In the treatment of tuberculosis, drugs are used that have a strong toxic effect. Pantothenic acid helps significantly reduce the negative effects from such an impact.

    Vitamin B5 improves the digestibility of Vitamins B9 and B1.

    In the abuse of alcohol, and at the reception of contraceptive drugs deteriorates to dispose of pantothenic acid.

    Hello! Interested in topic? So you will be my interlocutor today, and I, in turn, will share knowledge on this issue. I myself have been engaged in bodybuilding for considerable time and I don't know about the benefits of vitamins. Together we will try to figure out the functions of the acid (vitamin B5, pantothenate calcium or sodium salt), on the consequences of its deficiency in the body, its sources, interaction with other substances.

    We decided to play sports or already in it, an article on the topic of pantothenic acid Instructions for use will help to deal with the benefits of vitamins. The Greek word "Pantos", translates "everywhere" gave the name of the substance. Indeed, he has a very large range of use, and it is in virtually all food and plays a leading role in the formation of our health and a clear work of the body.

    This substance in 1933 was allocated by Roger Williams from the liver of animals, in 1935 he was able to get a more humane way from rice bran. Pantothenate is still called an anti-stress drug. In cells, it creates a large number of enzymes, and in the nervous system and in the brain is converted to acetylcholine. Through it, all mental signals and impulses are held (auditory, visual, touch and smell).

    During the day, the enzyme is able to reduce the abutation, a sense of unreasonable anxiety, forgetfulness and small depressive disorders, to have a beneficial effect on the whole body. Vitamin B5 refers to the water-soluble group and is not preserved "about the supply", so it is constantly necessary to replenish it. Does not tolerate thermal exposure (high temperature), when heated loses part of its useful functions.

    Pantothenic acid contributes to the splitting of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which leads to the production of the energy necessary for the life support of the body. Have you felt apathy, fast fatigue? This is a stock of pantothen in adrenal cortex, its lack inhibits hormone production, which stimulates synthesis.

    Pros and cons

    Consequences of pantothenic acid deficiency:

    • leads to a worsening of memory;
    • insomnia is rapidly;
    • increases fatigue or felt general weakness;
    • the skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema) are exacerbated;
    • allergic reactions are manifested;
    • the hair structure deteriorates, up to their loss;
    • lake immunity (frequent viral diseases);
    • arthrosis possible;
    • due to the metabolic disorders, as a result of obesity.

    It is believed that vitamin increases the life expectancy, therefore, its role is large and obvious, also stimulates adrenal glands for the production of hormones. This is an effective remedy for the treatment of allergies, heart disease, colitis. People susceptible to stress or great physical exertion, it increases consumption.

    You can take a drug form, a preparation is produced as a powder or ampoule. The daily rate necessary for the child is from 2 to 5 gr., And in an adult from 4 to 7 gr., These figures are conditional, the individual norm can determine only a specialist. B5 is synthesized by the intestine of an intestine of about 3.4 mg / day, a violation of its work, leads to diarrhea or constipation, a meteorism may occur.

    The composition of medicines appointed with this problem must necessarily contain calcium pantothenate. Proper nutrition is a source of admission to the body together with the products of such a vitamin you need.

    Sources of plant production:

    Sources of animal production:

    • mastean bee milk;
    • products from a dwelled milk, raw egg yolk;
    • fish, poultry meat, liver, kidneys.

    As I said, you need to remember, the vitamin molecules destroys the high temperature (when preparing products, beneficial properties are lost), acetic acid or lemon it also splits.

    In interaction with other substances

    Pantothenate in pure form does not enter, it forms a number of coenzymes. One of the most important for vital activity can be called coenzyme A. It contributes to the oxidation processes in the body, so any reaction is impossible without it, it gives an impetus to those biochemical reactions that are currently necessary for the body.

    Fatty acids allocate much more energy, but their problem is that they do not penetrate into the cage, synthesizing with the coenfaliment and this process is quite normal. In the liver, it oxidizes amino acids, it turns out glucose. What is extremely important for me, I hope after our communication and for you, it synthesizes steroid cells, and they actively increase and adding strength to it. Converting fats into energy, do not give them to turn into overweight.

    In sports

    B5 For me, the most significant vitamin, it is multifunctional, it helps to contain muscle mass in good shape, is a medicine, used in the cosmetic industry (it is also used to treat acne rashes). Serves as a psychotropic drug (contributes to improving the work of the nervous system). He has no contraindications, no overdose, it is not toxic, but it displays toxins well.

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    in the contour bale-free package 10 pcs.; In a pack of cardboard 1 or 2 packs.

    Description of the dosage form

    White tablets.

    pharmachologic effect

    pharmachologic effect - regulating calcium-phosphoric exchange.


    Calcium Pantothenate is easily absorbed in the intestines and split, freeing pantothenic acid. Pantothenic acid participates in carbohydrate and fat metabolism, stimulates the formation of corticosteroids, speeds up the processes of regeneration. About 60% is excreted with urine, partly - with the feces.

    Indications Calcium Pantothenate

    In the complex therapy of the following diseases and states:

    polyneurite and neuralgia;

    bronchitis, bronchial asthma;

    intestine atony;

    trophic ulcers;

    allergic reactions;

    pregnant toxicosis;

    blood circulation failure;

    abstineent syndrome.


    Increased sensitivity to the drug.

    Side effects

    Pains are possible in the top of the abdomen, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.


    Increases the effectiveness of cardiac glycosides, reduces the toxic effect of aminoglycosides and arsenic preparations, sulfonamides and streptomycin antibiotics.

    Method of application and dose

    Inside Before meals, children from 14 years old and adults - 0.1-0.2 g (1-2 Table) 2-4 times a day. Children: from 1 year to 3 years - 1 / 2-1 table. (0.05-0.1 g) per day; From 3 to 14 years old - 1-2 table. (0.1-0.2 g) 2 times a day. With postoperative intestinal atony - 0.25 g every 6 hours. Maximum daily dose for adults - 0.4-0.8 G. The course of reception of the drug depends on the patient's condition and is recommended by a doctor.

    Calcium Storage Conditions Pantothenate

    In a dry, protected from light place.

    Keep out of the reach of children.

    The shelf life of calcium pantothenate

    1 year.

    Do not apply after the expiration date indicated on the package.

    Synonyms of nosological groups

    Rubric ICB-10Synonyms for diseases of the ICD-10
    F10.3 abstineent statusAbstineent alcoholic syndrome
    Abstineent syndrome
    Abstineent syndrome with alcoholism
    Alcoholic abstinence
    Alcohol abstinence
    Alcohol abstinence
    Alcohol abstineent syndrome
    Podbastinent disorder
    Thumping syndrome.
    Abstinence syndrome
    Syndrome of alcoholic abstinence
    Alcohol abolition syndrome
    State of abstinence
    G62.9 polyneeropathy uncomfortableNeuropathic pain
    Neuropathic pain
    Peripheral neuropathy
    Polynevropathy chronic recurrent
    Defeat of peripheral nerves
    Radiation neuropathy
    I99 Other and unspecified circulatory disordersAngiopathy
    Arterial angiopathy
    Atherosclerotic angiopathy
    Age diseases of vessels
    Hemodynamic defects of the right half of the heart
    Hemodynamic defect with the right half of the heart
    Ischemic angiopathy
    Violation of arterial blood circulation
    Circulatory disorder
    Disorder of microcirculation in organs and tissues
    Disorders of peripheral blood circulation
    Disorders of peripheral blood circulation in the limbs
    Insufficiency of blood circulation
    Occlusal impaired hemodynamics of arteriovenomous origin
    Acute insufficiency of blood circulation
    Pseudo-sundonocardic states
    Pseudo-sundonocardical disorder
    Circulatory Disorder
    Risk of thrombosis
    Cardiovascular diseases
    Vascular insufficiency
    Thrombosis of arteriovenomous shunt
    Thrombosis during heart valve prosthetics
    Worsening blood circulation in the organs of a small pelvis
    Functional insufficiency of the cardiovascular system
    Cardiovascular functional disorders
    Chronic arterial failure
    Chronic blood circulation failure
    J40 Bronchitis, not specified as acute or chronicAllergic bronchitis
    Asthmatic bronchitis
    Astmoid bronchitis
    Bacterial bronchitis
    Bronchitis allergic
    Bronchitis asthmatic
    Bronchitis smokers
    Bronchitis smokers
    Inflammation of the lower respiratory tract
    Bronchi disease
    Qatar smokers
    Cough smokers
    Cough with inflammatory lung and bronchial diseases
    Violation of bronchial secretion
    Violation of the functions of Bronchi
    Acute tracheobronchite
    Subighteous bronchitis
    Chronic lung diseases
    J45 AsthmaAsthma physical effort
    Astmatic states
    Bronchial asthma
    Bronchial asthma easy course
    Bronchial asthma with difficulty wetting wet
    Bronchial asthma of severe flow
    Bronchial asthma of physical effort
    Hyperscecretory asthma
    Hormone-dependent bronchial asthma
    Cough with bronchial asthma
    Saving attacks choking with bronchial asthma
    Neallergic bronchial asthma
    Night asthma
    Night attacks asthma
    The aggravation of bronchial asthma
    Bronchial asthma attack
    Endogenous forms of asthma
    K59.8.0 * intestinal atonyAthony of duodenal estate
    Athony Zht.
    Athonian intestine
    Intestinal atony after operations
    Intestinal atony after childbirth
    Athony Musculature Zhkt.
    Sloped peristalistic of the large intestine
    Slugged pasta peristalistic
    Hypotension of duodenal estate
    Intestine hypotension
    Tolstoy intestinal hypotension
    Hypotension colon
    Constipation of various etiology due to the hypotension of the gastrointestinal tract and sluggish peristality of the large intestine
    Violation of intestinal content
    Postoperative stomach atony
    Postoperative intestine atony
    L30.9 Dermatitis UncleanAllergratomathose complicated by secondary bacterial infection
    Anal eczema
    Bacterial Toughness
    Varicose eczema
    Venous dermatitis
    Skin inflammation
    Skin inflammation at contact with plants
    Inflammatory skin disease
    Inflammatory skin diseases
    Inflammatory diseases of the skin
    Inflammatory skin reactions
    Inflammatory skin processes
    Hypostatic dermatitis
    Mushroom eczema
    Fungal dermatoses
    Dermatitis stagnant
    Dermatitis and eczema in the field of anal hole
    Dermatitis sharp contact
    Dermatitis of the perianal area
    Dermatosis of the scalp
    Dermatosis psoriazoformous
    Dermatosis with a stubborn itch
    Dermatosis itching
    Other sodes dermatoses
    Significant eczematous manifestations
    Itching with dermatosis
    Itchy eczema
    Itchy dermatoses
    Itching dermatitis
    Itching dermatosis
    True eczema
    Skin itch during dermatosis
    Constitutional eczema
    Weeping eczema
    Skinless inflammatory skin disease
    Milking infectious-inflammatory skin disease
    Nonallergic dermatitis
    Nummular eczema
    Limited itching dermatitis
    Acute contact eczema
    Acute inflammatory skin disease
    Acute dermatosis
    Acute heavy dermatosis
    Perianal dermatitis
    Surface dermatosis
    Prostulating contact eczema
    Simple dermatitis
    Professional dermatitis
    Psycho dermatosis
    Bubble dermatitis of newborns
    Pustulate rash
    Skin irritation and redness
    Candy eczema
    Dry atrophic eczema
    Dry eczema
    Toxic dermatitis
    Own eczema dermatitis
    Chronic eczema
    Chronic dermatoses
    Chronic dermatosis
    Chronic common dermatosis
    Scale Papulse Dermatozes
    Eczema Anal Area
    Eczema brushes hands
    Eczema contact
    Eczema Lichenized
    Eczema Nummular
    Eczema Ostray
    Eczema is an acute contact
    Eczema subacute
    Eccerto dermatitis
    Eczema-like rash
    Exogee Exogenic
    Endogenous eczema
    Jagged dermatitis
    L98.4.2 * Skin trophic ulcerVaricose ulcer
    Varicose ulcers
    Skin ulcer
    Unknown ulcers
    Trophic ulcer
    Trophy ulcer heading
    Trophic skin lesions
    Trophic ulcers
    Trophic skin ulcers
    Hardly healing ulcers
    Yazz of the heads
    Skin ulcer
    Troopic skin ulcer
    Ulcer on feet
    Ulcerative-necrotic skin lesions
    Ulcers of the heads
    Blood ulcers
    Lower limb ulcers
    M79.2 Neuralgia and Neuritis UncomfortablePainful syndrome with neuralgia
    Growing and intercostal neuralgia
    Neuralgic pain
    Neuralgia intercostal nerves
    Neuralgia Rear Target Nerva
    Neuritis traumatic
    Neurological pain syndromes
    Neurological contractures with spasms
    Acute neuritis
    Peripheral neurrit
    Post traumatic neuralgia
    Strong pain of neurogenic character
    Chronic neurrit
    Essential neuralgia
    O26.8 Other refined states related to pregnancyAnomalous course of pregnancy
    Appetite perverted in pregnant women
    Astations of pregnant women
    Vaginal discharge during pregnancy
    Constipation during and after pregnancy
    Packages in pregnant women
    Heartburn during pregnancy
    Fever during pregnancy
    Nephropathy pregnant women
    Early toxicosis of pregnancy
    Toxicosis of pregnancy
    Toxicosis of pregnant women
    Toxicosis of pregnant women
    T30 Thermal and Chemical Burns of Unclean LocalizationPainful syndrome with burns
    Pain in burns
    Pain with burns
    Sluggishly healing overhead wounds
    Deep burns with wet lap
    Deep burns with abundant branches
    Deep burn
    Laser Burn
    Burning rectum and crotch
    Burn with weak exudation
    Burn disease
    Burn injury
    Superficial burn
    Surface Burn I and II
    Surface leather burns
    Overjoy trophic ulcer and wound
    Overhead complication
    Loss of liquid in burns
    Sepsis burns
    Thermal burns
    Thermal skin lesions
    Thermal burn
    Trophic post-aggress
    Chemical burn
    Surgical burn
    T78.4 Allergy UncomfortableAllergic reaction to insulin
    Allergic reaction to insect bites
    Allergic reaction similar to systemic red lupus
    Allergic diseases
    Allergic diseases and conditions due to high release of histamine
    Allergic mucous membranes
    Allergic manifestations
    Allergic manifestations on mucous membranes
    Allergic reactions
    Allergic reactions due to insect bites
    Allergic reactions
    Allergic states
    Allergic swelling of Lanya
    Allergic disease
    Allergic condition
    Allergy to home dust
    Skin reaction to medication
    Skin reaction to insect bites
    Cosmetic allergy
    Dosage Allergy
    Medical allergy
    Acute allergic reaction
    Highland edema allergic genesis and on the background of irradiation
    Food and Drug Allergy

    In the treatment of infectious and gastrointestinal diseases, as well as in stress and high physical exertion, doctors recommend taking pantothenic acid. What it is? The substance is different called vitamin B5. An adult is required to use 11-15 mg of this element per day. Pantothenic acid is necessary for the body for the proper metabolism and operation of the immune system, to restore the structure and function of cells. The deficit of this substance affects the health and well-being of a person.

    What is needed vitamin B5?

    Vitamin B5 in free form is a yellowish liquid viscous consistency. Pantothenic acid enters the body with food. A large amount of this element is contained in meat, liver, fish, eggs and vegetables. It is absorbed in the digestion organs, and then enters the blood. In addition, vitamin can be synthesized in the human body. Pantothenic acid is formed in intestinal cells. For this reason, Avitaminosis B5 is rare.

    Pantothenic acid plays a large role in the body. It performs the following functions:

    1. It helps the adrenal glands to produce hormones that strengthen the immune system and reduce inflammatory processes.
    2. Promotes the formation of fatty acids and antibodies. This allows you to protect the central nervous system from harmful substances.
    3. Restores the structure and function of cells, which reduces the unwanted effects of drugs.
    4. Medicas revealed that pantothenic acid participates in the formation of neurotransmitters. What it is? Neurotransmitters are substances that help the transfer of pulses from neurons in the brain. Therefore, with a lack of vitamin B5, the central nervous system suffers, which is manifested in the worsening of memory and smell.
    5. Vitamin leads to the norm of fatty and water metabolism. It can be said that this substance prevents excess weight.
    6. Acid improves the condition of hair, nails and skin, prevents the formation of wrinkles and early decoration. For this reason, the substance is used in cosmetology.
    7. Vitamin helps to increase the level of hemoglobin and protects against anemia.
    8. Improves the work of digestive and cardiovascular systems.

    In addition, pantothenic acid helps sucking other vitamins and nutrients entering the body with food.

    Signs of lack and excess vitamin B5

    Avitaminosis B5 is very rare, since the body can independently produce this substance. Most often, the deficiency of pantothenic acid appears due to diseases of the digestive organs or due to a long admission of antibiotics and sulfonamide drugs. The intestinal pathology violate the formation of vitamin in the body, and the constant technique of antibacterial drugs worsens the suction of this substance. Pantothenic acid deficiency also occurs due to improper nutrition, when a person is not enough proteins and fats. Proteins and lipids contribute to the absorption of vitamins.

    Some people need a heightened amount of pantothenic acid. These include those who are actively engaged in sports or severe physical work, pregnant women and nursing mothers. They require additional reception of drugs with this substance, otherwise avitaminosis may come.

    With a deficiency of pantothenic acid, the following symptoms are observed:

    • insomnia;
    • depressive condition, apathy;
    • pain in muscles and head;
    • fatigue;
    • rashes and spots on the skin, peeling;
    • hair fragility, seborrhea;
    • nausea;
    • bad appetite;
    • sharp weight loss due to hormonal imbalance;
    • disorders of smell and vision;
    • frequent colds due to decrease in immunity;
    • progression of heart disease and vessels due to impaired adrenal function.

    Very rarely occurs hypervitaminosis of pantothenic acid. What it is? Such a condition is characterized by an excess of vitamin B5. With a large consumption of this substance with food hypervitaminosis, it cannot be. Pantothenic acid does not accumulate. The excess content of this element is usually observed in the overdose of drugs with vitamin. Patients complain of rapid heartbeat, nausea and insomnia.

    Types of drugs

    The following types of drugs include drugs with pantothenic acid:

    1. "Calcium Pantothenate". This medication is produced in the form of tablets and injection solutions. Its acting component is a calcium salt of pantothenic acid.
    2. "DecoSpentenol". The drug is a derivative of vitamin B5. Produced in ampoules for injections and applying to the skin and hair and in the form of ointments.
    3. "Pantomicin". This is an antibacterial drug containing dihydrostreycin pantothenate. It is used in the treatment of infectious diseases.
    4. "Pantogam". The medicine is a calcium salt of D-homopantotonic acid. Produced in the form of tablets, it is used as a nootropic drug to improve the memory and treat diseases of the central nervous system.

    Pantothenic acid is part of many multivitamine complexes, such as "Vitrum", "Duovit", "Multivit" and others. It is also a valid component of ointments used to treat leather lesions: "Panthenol", "Bepanten", "Pantexol", "Panthestin".

    In medicine, for the treatment of deficiency of pantothenic acid and states requiring increased amount of vitamin B5, the calcium "Pantothenate" is most often used.

    Indications for use

    There are many indications for the use of pantothenic acid. It is used in the treatment of the following diseases:

    • pathology of respiratory organs (bronchitis, tuberculosis, pneumonia, ORVI);
    • diseases of the central nervous system;
    • inflammatory and ulcerative processes in digestion organs (not related to infection);
    • violations of cerebral circulation;
    • bronchial asthma;
    • toxicosis and threats of miscarriage in pregnant women;
    • seborrhea, acne and other hair and skin diseases;
    • intolerance to gluten (celiac disease);
    • allergies;
    • inflammatory processes.

    Vitamin B5 applies in cosmetology purposes. It is part of therapeutic masks from acne, seborrhea, early wrinkles. Pantothenic acid is contained in hair formulations, which prevent the formation of seeds, fading and formation of dandruff.


    Instructions for the use of pantothenic acid prevents contraindications to the use of this fund. Such drugs should not be used in exacerbation of kidney disease and allergies to vitamin. Acid is not prescribed to children under 3 years old. As for pregnant women and nursing mothers, they often need an increased amount of vitamin. But not always the use of these drugs is possible during the period of tooling the fetus and lactation. They can be used only by appointing the attending obstetrician-gynecologist.

    Unwanted effects

    Side effects with vitamin B5 are rarely observed. If the recommended dose is exceeded, nausea and diarrhea is possible. If pantothenic acid is used in ampoules, sometimes soreness and redness occurs in the injection site. Allergic reactions appear in patients with increased sensitivity to vitamin. With a large number of injected drug, hypervitaminosis may develop.

    How to apply drugs?

    Pantothenic acid in tablets adults are prescribed by 0.1-0.2 g. The drug is taken 2-4 times a day. Tablets are used half an hour before meals or after an hour and a half after meals. For children, the dose is prescribed depending on age, from 0.005 to 0.2 g.

    If the drug is used in ampoules, it is introduced in the form of injections, intramuscularly or intravenously. Sometimes they put droppers with vitamin. Usually the medicine is administered twice a day. The injection may be somewhat painful.

    The medicine in the form of ointments is used 4-6 times a day, it is applied by a subtle layer on the affected place.

    Interaction with other drugs and food products

    Perhaps the potentiation of certain medications with pantothenic acid. What it is? Vitamin B5 can enhance the effect of drugs. It increases the effectiveness of medicines intended for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, other vitamin preparations. At the same time, it reduces the effectiveness of drugs from tuberculosis, while eliminating their possible side effects. The use of certain antibacterial drugs can reduce the effect of vitamin B6. It is also not recommended to be taken together with pantothenic acid medication containing copper. These medicines weaken the effect of vitamins.

    During treatment with pantothenic acid, you should avoid receiving diuretics. This will contribute to the removal of vitamin from the body. And also wash the drug coffee, alcoholic and alcoholic beverages.

    special instructions

    Reception of pantothenic acid needs to be coordinated with the attending physician. Preparations with vitamin B5 should not be used independently. Only a specialist can pick up the desired dosage.

    If the patient simultaneously receives cardiac glycosides, then the appointment of vitamin B5 will increase the effectiveness of therapy, since pantothenic acid improves the power supply of the heart muscle and contributes to its contractile function.

    Price of drugs

    The price of pantothenic acid in pharmacies depends on the type of drug and its form of release. Calcium Pantothenate Production of "Akrichin HFK" costs 250-270 rubles. Medication "Pantothenic acid" of foreign pharmaceutical companies can have a price from 800 to 1000 rubles. "Decpaantenol" in ampoules costs 120-150 rubles.

    The price of pantothenic acid in the form of means for local use (ointments, creams) - from 150 to 500 rubles, and vitamin-mineral complexes ("Vitruum", "Duovit") - from 250 to 500 rubles. Nootropic preparation "Pantogam" costs from 560 to 930 rubles.

    If you felt chronic fatigue, they began to sleep badly. With difficulty get up in the morning, because it is leaving the joints. You have suffered frequent colds, weakened immunity. Memory problems began to appear: at work they forgot to pass the report on time, meet the client. You started bothering weight: it lacks it or, on the contrary, is extra. Urgently go to the doctor! Most likely, you have a shortage of pantothenic acid. This substance is so important for our body, that when lacking, the work of many organs may violate. There will be aggravation of diseases, pain will appear.

    What is pantothenic acid

    The vitamin B5 is hidden behind such a complex name. He himself is produced in our intestine, if the microflora is not broken. Due to the fact that vitamin is located in a variety of products, it constantly falls into our body. But in a situation where its lack, problems begin:

    The metabolism is violated;

    Immunity reduced;

    Skin diseases appear;

    Allergies arise;

    Nervous diseases are exacerbated.

    This vitamin is involved in the work of the adrenal glands. It produces a hormone, with which the inflammation is easier tolerance is needed, with heart disease, colitis. It is involved in the synthesis of fatty acids. With its violation and fails to become worse, the long-term memory, nerve diseases are sharpened, sleep is disturbed. It is important to participate in vitamin in the synthesis of substances that are responsible for the transmission of brain pulses. With a deficit - the sensations of the smell and taste decrease, scattered appears.

    The participation of vitamin in the synthesis of antibodies allows you to protect the brain from the action of nicotine and alcohol. New cells are formed, the side effect of drugs is reduced. The presence of vitamin depends the condition of the skin, hair. It is important to participate to normalize the water balance of the body, accelerating the healing of wounds, burns. Vitamin plays a huge role in regulating the exchange of cholesterol, prevents the appearance of atherosclerosis.

    Vitamin B5 is very important for the correct operation of the whole organism. With the use of the drug:

    Inflammion, heart disease, arthritis are moved easier.

    The work of the nervous system is sent. The dream is improved, chronic fatigue passes.

    Adjusts brain functions. Returns long-term memory, scattered, forgetfulness decreases.

    Immunity is supported.

    The processes of aging, the formation of wrinkles, the appearance of seeds are moved.

    Regulated metabolism. Stabilizes weight when weight loss and obesity.

    Improves the condition of the skin, hair.

    What products contain

    Without not noticing, we use products with pantothenic acid every day. At the same time, it is important to make their preparation. Thermal processing is allowed. But in order for vitamin to remain in the products, it is necessary to take into account that there is a destruction:

    Under the influence of high temperature, with frying;

    When preserving vegetables and fruits;

    As a result of freezing;

    After adding vinegar prescription.

    To fill the deficit of vitamin B5, it is necessary to just go to the store or market. What products contain pantothenic acid? It is in beef meat, liver, kidneys. A large amount is contained in products:

    Milk, eggs;

    Legumes, grain;

    Sea fish, calamine;

    Fresh vegetables;

    Greens: salads, cabbage;

    Nuts, mushrooms;

    Whole wheat and rye;

    Oranges and bananas.

    Daily need for human body in vitamin B5

    It is necessary to take into account that the need for this vitamin depends on the situation. Raised during pregnancy, with large physical exertion. The daily need for vitamin B5 is increasing after operations during stress. Greater dosage is prescribed with skin diseases, severe infectious diseases. Under normal conditions, the daily need:

    Adults - 7-10 mg;

    Pregnant women - 15-20 mg;

    Babies - 2 mg;

    Schoolchildren - 4 mg;

    Elderly - 10-15 mg.

    Preparations containing vitamin B5

    Vitamin B5 enters the chemical composition of many medicines. Doctors prescribe tablets "Calcium Pantothenate" pregnant with toxicosis. "Beer yeast" - capsules - with skin diseases and for a weight gain. The drug Pantothenic Acid is perfectly coping with muscle pain, nervous disorders, depression. Huge benefits bring preparations containing vitamin B5, Solgar. The pharmaceutical concern produces multivitamine complexes of "Solk Multi Ai" based on natural components, capsules with pantothenic acid.

    Form release

    The pharmaceutical industry offers preparations containing B5 vitamins in various form of release. Among them are pills and capsules, which are recommended to take according to the instructions, drinking water. Preparations in ampoules are prescribed for intramuscular and intravenous application. Using vitamin B5 is more efficient at injections, but not everyone is well tolerated intramuscular injections, because very painful.

    Indications for use

    Vitamin B5 deficiency causes problems during pregnancy: anemia and toxicosis. Due to the need for normal operation of the whole organism, a drug for treatment is prescribed:

    Disorders of the nervous system;

    Problems with respiratory bodies;

    Skin diseases;

    Burns and wounds;


    Disorders of the thyroid gland;

    Pain in the joints;

    Kidney diseases;


    Heart diseases.

    Excellent results gives the use of vitamin B5 with metabolic disorders. The drug for weight loss and weight gain is used, stops the development of obesity. This vitamin is important for normal brain performance. It prevents the development of atherosclerosis, fighting with scattered and forgetfulness. If you want to push the aging, you can not do without medicines with vitamin B5. Doctors use drugs for treatment:

    Gastrointestinal diseases;

    Complications after operations;

    Circulatory disorders;

    Damaged hair;


    Liver diseases;




    It is important that Vitamin B5 is well excreted from the body, so its excess does not lead to any serious consequences. In order for the use of the drug to have the desired action, it is required to observe the dosage. It requires its significant increase in skin diseases. The dosage can be up to 1.5 grams per day, but it gives excellent results. The amount of substance for the reception is prescribed by the doctor, it depends on the disease and age of the patient. For adults, the dosage is up to 500 mg per day, children - from 100 to 400 mg.