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Security rules in the bathroom: Medical blog of ambulance. Security rules in bathroom danger in the bathroom Obzh

The general cleaning of the bathroom, maintaining the purity and the external shine of the tile and faience, and whether we all accounted for, and whether it was not hidden behind the gloss that hid the danger? Let's look at all objects in detail and eliminate possible misses that can cost all the home.

  1. Toilet
    Toilet bowl is probably the most dangerous bacteria in the house. Under his rim, a multi-billion dollar army of microbes hides, ready at any time to get to our skin and clothes, and for this they are not necessary to wait there until you look there, because at the time of flush, bacteria are flying out two meters in a radius of the toilet and fall on you without direct contact . In cases of combined bathroom, these bacteria fall on your hygiene, soap, towels and a toothbrush. What we advise you, except for regular treatment of the toilet with detergents, it is before washed, cover the lid and not to give opportunities to leave the bacteria. Also, do not forget to change the toilet enshik for the toilet, in his bristle, which is not only not, put it on it periodically boiling water and leave for the night in a soap solution.
  2. Toothbrushes.
    We are not waiting for any misfortune from our toothbrushes, because we regularly change them and keep clean. True, this purity is deceptive, already after the first cleaning of the teeth on the brush, bacteria are settled and breeded in a wet bristle, the brushes are near, in one cup and generously shared with each other bacteria, touching each other. It is absolutely clear, to buy a new brush every time, we cannot clean and throw away, but we can isolate them one from the other, it is not in a glass, but in separate nests, we can scream with a bristle with boiling water before use, and we can also put your brush with VILLINS Down in the rinse for the oral cavity.
  3. Shower cabin.
    Very comfortable and economical structure, glass windows and pallet are shining, it seems that everything is fine and danger is not tatt, while we do not look at wet joints, where the cabin comes into contact with the wall, especially the corner with the pipes. That is where they find out for the formation of black mold and fungus, all the conditions, and moisture, and heat, and not in front of the eyes. We advise you to pay special attention to this place, even if you do not see the fungus, do not forget to process the joints with antifungal and antibacterial agents. Keep away from this place soap and shampoos, all that you will then rub into your skin, do not give disputes fungus to get into your cosmetics.
  4. Tile and seams.
    Bathrooms and toilets are characterized by high humidity and poor ventilation, therefore, to preserve the walls and ease of processing, they are often designed in a smooth charter. There are no harmful bacteria on clean with evaporation, there are no harmful bacteria, we do not see them, but they can provoke a bronchial asthma with us, especially if there is no sufficient duct. Output one, all the same disinfection, but most importantly, do not forget to process the seams between the tiles, pass to them with a solution with a solution, because for a loose, porous structure of the mixture for tiles, is not enough just to walk with a cloth, and more thorough care is required.
  5. Excessive processing of detergent.
    As not paradoxically, but our love for cleanliness and use of cleaning agents, can also damage us, for example, we elementally inhale the pairs of chemistry when cleaning, even using gloves, we do not guarantee any strong means on the skin and, which is especially dangerous, not high quality Rinsing baths, sinks, tiles and toilet. If you are not cleaned with all the detergent, and it remains on the walls, then taking a bath, you will get a kick in the back of the "friends of Moidodyrov", because it is that the bacteria that you are equally, they act for destruction and the allergic reaction is provided to you.

You serenely touch your favorite song in the soul, and all these items are just waiting for you to kill, permit or infect infection.

We joke, of course, but still be careful with them. Especially when you bathe a child.

1. Pol

Want to walk without slippers in the shower fitness club? Your own floor in the bathroom is not much cleaner: Australian scientists calculated that on it on average 200 times more than a sanitary rate.

How to escape?Wash the floor with disinfectants and beds on it a rug that can be washed.

2. Spilled water

Every year about 450 people dying, slipping on the wet floor. In the risk area - children and the elderly.

How to escape?Choose a shower room with a door, and not with a curtain. Install the tile with an uneven surface. There are also special mats that do not slide on the floor.

3. Toothbrush

London Professor John Oxford said that the bathroom is a difficult place in the plan. Every day, dirt from our own bodies will fly around the room and settles on the items that seem clean.

The study of British scientists is that it can live up to 100 million in a toothbrush. Some of them may be almost fatally dangerous: intestinal wand, fungi, streptococci, etc. Hygiene is particularly strongly suffering from the united bathrooms: microbes from toilet bowl differ within a radius of 180 cm.

How to escape?Store the brushes in a case or put on them special caps. Alternatively, you can remove the glass with brushes on the closed shelf.

4. Shower curtain

All the time is wet and warm - ideal for the growth of bacteria and fungi. The curtain can cause intestinal diseases and inflammation of the urogenital system.

How to escape?Wash (and better change) every three months. After you have taken a shower, straighten the curtain and open the door. So it will dry faster.

5. Shower nozzle

American researchers found out, almost a third of the shower gears contain pathogenic microorganisms. The fact is that they always remain warm water, which is very like bacteria.

How to escape?Before taking a shower, skip the flow of hot water through the nozzle.

The dampness arising from non-compliance with certain rules in the bath is inevitable, no matter how you try to prevent it. Due to the high level of air humidity, the likelihood of mold and dampness is very large. And they are an excellent environment for the appearance and reproduction of various microorganisms.

Why and where does the dampness come from?

Basically, due to problems with the ventilation system, if the ventilation is clogged or overlap, then moisture just go to leave and it begins to accumulate, and then penetrate all the cracks and cracks.

The second reason for the occurrence of dampness is poor heating, when contacting hot wet air with ice walls, the condensation process arises - the transition of a substance from gaseous to a liquid state.

Another reason can be pipes with cold water, condensate constantly settles on them. High humidity can also due to long-term storage of capacities with water and large quantities of wet clothing in the room.

In the launched situations in the bathroom from dampness may appear beetles and other insects that feel at home in wet and raw places.

They are few, you can meet such insects as: scales, butterflys, mosquitoes, cockroaches. As well as mocities and multi-ninexes - carriers and mukholovka (which do not relate to insects at all).

How to understand that your bath is "infected"?

Spots, black and green plaque on the walls, sent and dug wallpaper, unpleasant odor, insects - all this is an alarming bell for the use of measures for the treatment of dampness in the bathroom.

How to get rid of damp in the bathroom?

First of all, to prevent the appearance of a new fungus and mold, you will need to remove all sources of humidity: if there is a passing plumbing (broken cranes, toilet bowls, broken hoses, etc.) - fix, clean and adjust the sewer pipes.

To remove an already formed plaque in the form of a fungus, you can use soap water, bleach, copper vigor, any detergent and chlorine. Applying chemicals to remove the mold needed in rubber gloves, in order not to damage your hands.

To purify all the "sent off" seats, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse them with a sponge with a detergent several times, then with water, then wipe the dry cloth and treat with an antiseptic or waterproofing agent.

After that, the elimination of the reasons for dampness from the inside room the bathroom is needed to dry at the maximum using a portable electrical heater, a construction dryer or a thermal gun.

If despite all the efforts of the smell of damp in the bathroom remained, perhaps you did not find the true source of "Mushrooms", which is hidden deep in the walls, floor, ceiling or sewage, and the problem has a cardinal character.

Then you will have to fully completely destroy the bathroom, destroy and clean everything that was deeply hidden, fully handle the whole room and repaid repairs, already doing everything in advance so that it does not happen again.

Preventing the appearance of dampness


In the absence of any ventilation in a closed room, the appearance of dampness is predetermined. If it is, but the vent hole is clogged or closed - you need to clean it and install an additional fan inside the hood for extrusion of moisture.

So that the wet air leaves faster, you need to play the bath as much as possible: not to close the door, at least to leave it open to the open one, in the presence of a window or submits - sometimes open, inlet fresh air.


To protect the surface from unnecessary moisture, Krave the ceiling and walls with waterproof paints, and be coated with waterproofing coating before facing.


If it is possible, install the heating system of walls and floor, then you don't have to make a bunch of different manipulations to eliminate excess moisture, but simply turn on heating. Or you can use a converter battery and a panel radiator. Try to maintain the temperature in the room not lower than twenty degrees, then the moisture will disappear even before its appearance.

  • Dry wet things on the balcony, street, and not in the room
  • Check the ventilation systems with regularity, when troubleshooting is detected, better contact a specialist and only in the extreme case. Exercise yourself.
  • Purchase heated towel rails, they not only can serve for drying towels, but also to warm the bathroom with walls
  • After taking the soul, do not close the doors until the room will be held
  • Do not store large water tanks for a long time in a closed space

Stock Foto Bathroom with damp

Do you believe that if you do not go away anywhere, then nothing happens to you? If you believe, then in vain. Our apartments are rude by the sources of danger. Calculating their number in different premises of the usual urban apartment, we will define the most dangerous place. At the same time, we use the experience of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations to "blacklist".

We will not talk about knives, hammers, needles, firearms and other items that you can harm yourself. Take those objects that are dangerous to a person regardless of its kopeuries and awkwardness.


Household chemicals - At the same time assistant and enemy. An adult man, we hope will not sniff it or drink. But the children may well be seduced by bright packaging and pleasant aroma. Keep household chemicals in unavailable places for children.

By the way, did anyone read the instructions for the storage of this or that household chemicals? Some means (especially for sprays) are indicated by tough temperature frames. Do not neglect this information!

An ordinary balloon with air freshener may explode when heated (for example, if you store it near the slab). At the same time, the shock wave is so strong, which can take the door or window.

Do I need to remind you that you can not store in the kitchen petrol And other flammable substances?

In the kitchen room, the most obvious source of danger is gas or electric stove.A lot of fires occur due to the carelessness of the owners: they forgot about the preparing food, brought the towel too close to the fire and so on.

The trouble can happen not only from the fire, but also from the very gas.

Everything electrical appliances The kitchen is also potentially dangerous. The most common cause of fire involving home appliances is a short circuit. Therefore, I go, be sure to turn off all electrical appliances from the outlets. And this applies not only to mixers or teapots - turn off the microwaves. With the refrigerator, this number will not pass, so a small risk still remains.

Residents of old high-rise buildings or private homes of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Belarus strongly recommends replace the post : when half a century was built at home, the designers did not assume that in our apartments people will use so many techniques.

Living room

Electrical appliances In the room (TV, lamp, fan) are also dangerous as in the kitchen. Leaving the house, do not leave the electrical appliances in standby mode, eliminate any contact of the electrical appliances with the network. Even charger From a mobile phone that remains stitching in the outlet after use, has a chance to light up (although this chance is very small).

If using heaters That's right, they are completely harmless. But our citizens love to dry on them, they have them close to the furniture and mercilessly exploit to ten hours in a row. This is categorically impossible to do this. Especially it is impossible to use homemade devices.

By the way, if we are talking about a fire in the room, then no electrical appliances are becoming more often, but disposher cigarette.


Doctors call the bathroom in the most dangerous place in the house, as it is from here to them often bring twisted patients. Slip on wet semi - Case is simple.

Bathroom MES is the most secure room. It has no open sources of fire. Razors and hair dryerspeople are not allowed to be included in the outlet. Electrical appliances are dangerous only with direct contact with water. From the paired and high humidity of the trouble will not happen.

Calculate the sources of danger:

kitchen - open fire, gas, electrical appliances, household chemicals;

room - electrical appliances;

bathroom - electrical appliances, household chemicals, slippery floor.

The most dangerous place in the house - kitchen.


If you do not remind Schwarzenegger's dimensions, try not to be between the bus and the crowd of his crowd. This is especially dangerous in the ice when the land on the stop is covered with a slippery crust of ice. You can drop and flipped up slightly, put it up to the side of the approached transport or, which is the most dangerous, when approaching the border of stopping under its wheels.

Do not push the hands, legs and bags in the closing doors in the hope that you can pull out everything else. You just can clamp in the doorway.

Now other, associated with movement in public transport, tips.

Do not enter and do not leave the vehicle before it stops.

Do not learn about the doors, do not supervise your heads and hands into the windows.

Inside the tram, trolley buses and a particularly more mobile bus, try to hold on to handrails in case of emergency braking or stop. The best point of the support - handrail over your head.

Standing better face towards movement to be able to see in advance danger and have time to react to it.

A certain threat is in the case of sudden stops and braking umbrellas, canes, etc. Objects with sharp and protruding edges.

In the event of a collision and the inability to keep in a vertical position, try to group and close your head with your hands, and ideally - see the landing place.

Any public transport, including electrical, fires. For this reason, after a road accident, it is desirable to leave the salon quickly and move away by 10-15 meters away.

When jamming the output doors or the person formed, use the spare outputs, do not expect the situation to be critical. Break the windows for which you use any healthy heavy items.

In the city electric transport during the fire is dangerous overtaking wiring. Therefore, it is better once again not to touch the walls and metal parts of the housing.

When accidental, in the case when the cocked wire is damaged, the safest places in the tram or trolleybus - seating. At the same time, the feet from the floor is better to tear off, and they do not fall on the walls and handrails.

It follows from the electric transport by a jump, at the same time two legs ahead, without touching the handrails and other parts of the body, so as not to block the electrical panel. The specified reception is a jump out - should be used even in cases of lack of visible damage to the trolleybus design or tram and power lines.

Railway transport

From a variety of modes of transport, we feel safer than ourselves in trains. Unlike aircraft, they do not fall and do not go use on iced roads. Meanwhile, this self-deception. According to statistics in the railway accidents of the world, people die are much more than in aviation catastrophes.

Here are some well-known rules that need to be observed when traveling in the train.

The safest places in the car are the shelves of the coupe located towards movement. With emergency braking or collision of trains, you only presses against the wall, while passengers fly from the opposite shelves to the floor. The last after a complete stop falls a person lying on the top along the movement of the shelf.

The first and last trains of the train are the greatest threat to passengers. The first crumpled and resets from the way when a collision in the forehead. With the last, the same thing happens when the occasion is collided, only in an even more catastrophic scale, since it is, unlike the first, do not buffer the locomotive and the luggage car.

Do not overload the upper shelves of things or fix them so that with a sharp braking do not become a victim of your own suitcases and boxes.

Emergency exit from wagons serve quickly opened windows in the third and sixth coupe from the side of the transverse shelves.

The fire on the train is not safer than the fall of the aircraft from a height of 10 thousand meters.

With a real threat, immediately leave the car through the tambourous doors and emergency exits. In the extreme case, embroider the window windows with prudent objects - stairs, stiffeners, rigid briefcases-diplomats.

With a strong smoke of the carriage, close the nose and mouth with a rag with a cloth - a towel, pillowcase, sheets, a piece of broken clothing. In semi-empty wagons you can move on your knees, since the floor has less smoke.

In case of accidents associated with clashes and emergency braking, most injuries people get when falling from the shelves. To avoid them or at least soften the blow, it should be, except for fixing baggage, remove unsafe bottles from the tables, glasses in cup holders with sticking out of them like daggers with spoons, etc.

Do not stick out once again from open windows. The stone abandoned in the train flies at a rate of at least equal to the speed of the composition. Imagine that it can create a stone flying with a speed of 60-100 km / h. Looking to sleep on the bottom against the train stroke, it is better to turn your head to the passage and be sure to shine the window. It is better that, if not the most reliable protection against cobblestones and glass shards than any.

Food. And what have the train? And despite the fact that there are sometimes passengers there for several days, there are no refrigerators in the coupe, and heat, on the contrary, in excess. With such prerequisites, it is poisoned by non-salary products - a pair of trivia. And places for suffering on this occasion, by the way, in the carriage only two, and then one conductors usually close for themselves.

Soap, towel, glasses, etc. Toilet and cutlery is better to use their own. It is advisable to sleep in tribone or pajamas. In general, the smaller you contact the environment, these are subsequently needed.

Tea, more precisely, hot tea, even more precisely, just soapy. If you do not want to deliver troubles and other passengers, take boiling water only in parking lots or on flat sites of paths, when the car does not pump and does not leave the side to the side, and be sure to pour cups and circles no more than two thirds, and better use Special deep banks wrapped in order not to burn fingers, rag.

Loge against train. The only advice is not attempting to compete with the composition of the ride and jump from the place in a moving car. Many many in these competitions lose their legs, arms and life. On the railway there are aid aid for passengers who have retired from the train. You only need to turn to the station at the station or head of the station. You will be helped - and the train will be placed, and the goods will deliver where necessary. So do not rush to jump on platforms. Not life leaves for you - just the train.

And try to look after Perrones for children.


Thunderstorm represents a real danger to a person. In addition, it can be the source of emergency situations.

Thunderstorms often come against the wind. The distance to the approaching thunderstorm can be determined by calculating seconds separating the outbreak of the zipper and the sound of the first roller grommet. A second pause means that the thunderstorm is at a distance of 300-400 m, two-second - 600-800 m, three-second - 1 km, etc.

When the thunderstorm front approaches, you need to stay in advance, find a safe place. Immediately before the start of thunderstorms, we usually comes the windless or the wind changes the direction, sharp squalls flush, and then rain begins. However, the greatest danger represent "dry", i.e. Non-precipitated thunderstorms.

In the forest, during a thunderstorm, it is impossible to stop near single trees and trees protruding with their vertices above the forest level. It follows among low trees with dense crowns. At the same time, it is necessary to remember that most often the lightning is hit in oaks, poplar, chestnuts, less often - in spruce, pine. And very rarely - in birch, maples. It is dangerous to be near the watercourses, because during a thunderstorm even small cracks filled with water, become a conductor for flowing electricity.

In the thunderstorm area it is impossible to run, perfectly performed, fussy movements. It is dangerous to move the dense group.

Increase the danger of the lightning of the wet body and clothing.

A man who is on plausflaw (boat, raft), when approaching thunderstorms must immediately stick to the shore. If this is not possible - to dry the boat, covered with polyethylene in such a way that rainwater flows overboard, and not inside the flooded, but at the same time polyethylene should not touch the mast, screws and water. During thunderstorms, you should stop fishing.

During thunderstorms it is necessary:

in the forest to hide among low trees with dense crowns;

in the open area to hide in a dry pit, ditch, ravine;

on the water - to pull the mast or ground it into the water through a keel or paddle.

During thunderstorms, it is impossible:

lean or touch when moving in a thunderstorm for rocks and sheer walls;

stop on the edges of the forest, large glades;

stop or go in places where water flows or near water bodies;

move the dense group;

stop on the elevation;

help near lonely trees or trees speaking over nearby.


1. V.M. Lapin "Safety of human life". Textbook. - Lviv, 1998. - p.5 - 42.

2. Geliba E.P. "Security. Vital activity." Tutorial - Kiev, 2001. - p. 54-71, 142-151, 204-207, 227-230.

3. N.A. Kasyanov "Safety of vital activity." Abstract lectures. - Lugansk: Inside, 1998.

4. Rusak O.N. "Safety of vital activity." - S. - Petersburg, 2001. - C.150-151, 168-173.