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How to get rid of food addiction and eliminate the psychological problem. Eating disorders and nutritional addiction. Simple testing to identify symptoms

Food addiction - This is a subconscious violation of the essence of food when the food is considered not as the possibility of thickening hunger, but as a kind of drug, giving psychological satisfaction. Two extremes of violation of food behavior - anorexia (full refusal of food) and its opposite - Bulimia (overeating).

"Food addiction can be a step to serious health violations both mental and physical, if you do not work on the solution on time."

How can food dependence be caused?

The erroneous opinion that it is cycling on food can calm down, relieve stress caused by work, personal life, sooner or later leads to food addiction. The reasons are familiar to everyone, but the person himself does not admit to herself for a long time that he became the hostage of an inseparable chain "Problem-Food".

The reasons

  • Care from solving problems, their "jamming".
  • On the contrary, the lack of obvious problems. From boredom, when an even course of life is not disturbed by anything significant, more and more interest begins to cause food.
  • Divided metabolism. Often a violation of metabolism is already a consequence, and not the cause of food addiction.

Symptoms that should alert

  • Constant concentration on food - what to eat, buy, cook yes more.
  • The absence of self-control is the inability to stay and eat one or two candy at a complete box.
  • The spontaneous desire of something defined (for example, after lunch, suddenly wait for the cakes).
  • Food perception, as compensation for the resulting stress.
  • Food as a method of encouragement.
  • The emergence of negative emotions, if it is not possible to get the desired food.
  • Behavior indicating nutritional dependence, signs that will help to understand what is required to revise food habits.
  • Prefer to eat alone.
  • You notice the "sins" of the unlimited consumption of all sorts of delicious, but do not want to change anything in the situation.
  • Have irritation if someone commented on your food habits.
  • After unlimited absorption, food is accompanied by a sharp sense of guilt for the deed.
  • You can not refuse to yourself in a late dinner, wake up at night to eat.

If you recognize yourself in every read page, then, most likely you have a nutritional dependence. The symptoms described above helps to detect the problem in time and push the changes in their lives without reaching extremes.

How to get rid of food addiction?

When relationships with food go the boundaries of reasonable and acquires painful symptoms Food dependency - treatment is inevitable. Sometimes you can do the help of psychologists or with the help of their advice to try to solve the problem arisen on their own.

Ways out of the situation

Detailed analysis of your life, objective assessment of your desires and needs.

Attempt reorient yourself to other valuesIn addition to food - a new hobby, travel, cultures, friendly communication can become an effective "medicine" from food addiction.

Make to the current monotony of your life notch adrenaline - Parachute jump, karting, tire - everything that can cause sharp sensations.

Present your problems on paper And in the same way, try to clearly issue ways to solve them. Get diary.

Do not try to hide the problem - please contact your loved ones and specialists.

Sport - an effective remedy that reduces the dependence on food. The main thing is to determine your niche. Yellow opponent of physical exertion? Get the dog - hiking will be needed.

Get yourself a rule go to the store with a list And do not let yourself have any "lyrical" retreats from him.

Do not go along the path of tough restrictions - let yourself sometimes be able to relax.

Eat according to regime And follow the principles of fractional nutrition.

Among the therapeutic treatment methods for food dependence (with the connection of psychotherapists), art therapy (presentation of the problem through art), gestalt therapy (awareness and progress of their stress, phobias and other problems), classes in groups of people with similar problems are distinguished.

Food Behavior Disorders and Food Dependence

Disorders with disorders of food behavior

First of all, it is necessary to distinguish between two concepts: "Food dependence (addiction)" and "disorder of edible behavior." The latter includes nervous anorexia and bulimia, which have an excellent etiology from food dependence. For these other psychopathological phenomena rather than addiction to food.

At the heart of the nervous anorexia

most often there are dysmorphophobic experiences, which are characterized by dissatisfaction with their own figure and appearance in general, and overweight in particular. According to a man who suffers from a nervous anorexia, his external imperfection is so obvious that the "look" the surrounding, which is trying to unequivocally indicate him for uglyness and disgust. Consequently, from excess weight, it is necessary to get rid of and most often by the method of voluntary starvation.

In one case, the ultimate goal of starvation is to lose weight by any way, including the most bizarre options. One of the dominant psychological motives in this case is the desire for physical changes. The indomitable desire to look as much as possible so that everyone is getting excited from delight and envy at the same time. And the definition of this very "better", the standard to which you need to strive, lives exclusively in the head of the person himself.

In another embodiment, the decisive and most significant trigger is the desire to independently put a challenge task and experience the feeling of deep satisfaction and pride from its implementation. In the process of such starvation, gradually, signs of physical exhaustion begin to manifest everything more noticeable, and it becomes more complicated to control what is happening. Any attempts by relatives and loved ones affect the situation are doomed to failure. People suffering from anorexia live in their own, only by their understandable reality. Disgust for food becomes so strong that even chewing gum or toothpastewho fell into the mouth is perceived by them as quite sufficient number Food.

Nervous Bulimia

- Another extremely dangerous to health disorder of food behavior. The main feature Bulimia is systematically repeated attacks of uncontrolled use of excessively large amounts in a short period of time (about two hours), followed by purification of the body different ways, on the background of a seriously experienced sense of shame and repentance in the deed.

Most often, the cleaning of the body is performed using self-caused vomiting, or the reception of a large number of laxative and diuretic products, use with enema. Another embodiment of calorie is excess of intense physical exertion, often leading to injuries or exhausting diets. This behavior intersects with the behavior of persons suffering from anorexia, often both disorders coexist together.

The reasons

Until today, the reasons that can cause bulimia are definitely not established, but the study shows that there are certain factors contributing to its development. They include certain features (tendency to depression and low self-esteem). As well as an unfavorable family history, (suffering Bulimia often originate from disadvantaged families, in which the rules are chaotic or do not exist, cases of alcohol or psychoactive substances are common, and too much attention is paid to appearance).

Many patients suffering from Bulimia say that in childhood they were deprived of parental caress. And one of the psychological causes of attacks of gluttony can be physical attempts to satisfy emotional hunger. Get rid of the feeling of loneliness and sensation of inferiority. Often the inability to control the food behavior is a manifestation of the lack of control and in other life spheres. What is expressed in alcohol abuse, spending money or compulsive steam.

Mortality from disorders of food behavior, including anorexia, can reach 20 percent, taking into account the dead from heart and intestinal damage, as well as as a result of suicide.

The effects of bulimia are extremely heavy. In addition to the overall decrease in the vital tone, these are diseases of the esophagus and damage to the enamel of the teeth (from vomiting). Disruption of water and electrolyte balance due to the use of potent diuretics leads to diseases of the heart and kidney. In rare cases, as a result of an attack of overeating, a gastric or esophagus can occur. What in turn can provoke internal bleeding. Abuse of laxative means can cause problems in the digestive system and in the intestine.

In addition, bulimia can manifest itself as a psychopathological symptom with various mental disorders. Organic diseases of the brain, mental retardation, schizophrenia, etc.

Plooking for dependence, definition:

The key difference between the food addiction from eating disorders is that it is based on it, as is the basis of the formation of any addiction in general, it is the principle of positive emotional reinforcement (determination), when as a result of its activities (in this case of overeating or starvation) is experiencing Physical pleasure and tide of positive emotions.

Addict, suffering from nutritional dependence, can not independently stop systematically to overeat even despite the obvious and surrounding negative consequences This behavior.

You can argue for a long time, whether the food addicts are true dependencies or not, but the mechanism of formation and symptoms in that and in another case is almost the same, and it is difficult to deny it difficult. A number of studies have shown that products with high sugar, salt, fat, refined carbohydrates and sweeteners can be addictive, on the same principle, as alcohol - providing stimulating effect on the centers of pleasure in the brain and provoking the allocation of "joy hormones" (Dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, etc.), causing a strong feeling of pleasure and satisfaction.

Food addicts, as a rule, eat quickly and feverishly, coming to the state of physical discomfort. In some cases, instead of one-time overeating, a systematic "snacking" takes place during the day, but the total number of food consumed also significantly exceeds the body necessary for the normal functioning. day norm. The nutritional dependence can lead to obesity, but not everyone who is overweight or is obesity, simultaneously suffer from food dependence.

Just like any other addiction, the dietary dependence can provoke cravings, form tolerance and cause cancellation syndrome. For example, research using high-tech brain scanning methods during which the reactions were compared healthy man and the food addict on a seen milk cocktail showed that the reaction of the dependent was an absolutely similar alcoholic reaction, which was shown the vodka stamped.

Who can be dependent on food

People systematically overeat and suffer from obesity for many reasons. Those who sometimes use alcohol because they like his taste and impact, are still not alcoholics, like people, episodically smoke marijuana, are not addicts yet. Recent studies tried to determine what distinguishes the food addict from who overeating. These differences are important, because it is directly related to the approaches to the treatment of food addiction.

For example, when the dependence is the main cause of obesity, traditional treatment consisting of a diet, where the power of the will and personal responsibility of man is of great importance, will be completely ineffective. Since food stimulates the center of pleasures in the brain, many experts quite rightly believe that in this case the same approaches and methods should be applied as in the treatment of any other dependence. Simple change in lifestyle and food form, or even the shunting of the stomach will have a minimum effect, for the cause of obesity is the food addiction.

Food dependence: Signs and symptoms

First of all, these are symptoms characteristic of any kind of addiction, and it is their presence that distinguishes the true food dependence on episodic overeating, conventional input in nutrition. Most food addicts respond to confident "yes" for all the points below.

  1. Tolerance. A person needs a constant increase in the number of food consumed to achieve the desired psychological effect or sensation.
  2. Cancel. When the required food is either its amount is not available, then physiological and / or psychological symptoms of abstinence are occurring (stress, cornpiece, depression). Man in any way trying to get the desired, not paying attention to the consequences to remove the symptoms of the abstinence or alleviate them.
  3. Unplanned, spontaneous abuse. A person consumes more food, or takes it for a longer period of time than was originally assumed.
  4. Persistent attempts to solve the problem independently do not succeed, despite the understanding of the severity of the situation.
  5. Food loop. Much time is spent on cooking, rituals associated with its use.
  6. Reduction or complete rejection of social, professional or entertainment events, and the dedication of the time-free occupation, one way or another associated with food.
  7. The abuse of food continues, despite the constant or periodic physical and / or psychological problems with this related and constantly aggravated.
  8. After the occasion of overeating, a sense of guilt or repentance in the deed, and loved ones are given promises to not repeat this in the future.
  9. Eating food even with the complete absence of hunger, or use it to raise mood, eliminate the symptoms of depression, irritability, depression.

Most people suffering from food addiction do not realize this, and the general profile doctors sometimes do not have sufficiently special knowledge to recognize this problem in a patient. As a result, a person can long years It is unsuccessful to fight obesity under the leadership of nutritionists, trying to get rid of the symptoms, instead of eliminating their cause - food addiction. In the process of such treatment, many continue to overeat to avoid psychological discomfort caused by various diet, which lead to the abolition syndrome. Often, a person is trying to eat "quite a little bit of what is impossible", but the problem is that even a small amount can provoke uncontrollable overeating.

Causes of food dependence

As with any dependence, the food addict has a lot of causes, and it is impossible to allocate some one one, the main one.

Emotions and stress

People who become addicted to food may have to strengthen positive and reduce negative emotions. For example, you can eat pizza to "reward yourself" for achievements. But you can also eat pizza and because something bad happened to you and you were morally injured, which means you need to regret yourself. it classic schemes Dependency formation.

Chemistry of the brain

Products rich in fat and sugar can have a stimulating effect on brain pleasure centers completely similar to drugs and alcohol. Experiments conducted on rats showed that animals trained in the self-injection of heroin and cocaine injections through the appropriate lever, ceased to use it if they were offered natural sugar. Thus, it was found that rats prefer the pleasure of the consumption of "natural" sugar kaif from drugs. This study shows that sugar can really affect the brain remuneration system even stronger than these drugs.


Another reason for the development of a human dietary dependence can be a genetic predisposition to this. A study conducted in 2002 showed that women who grew in families where some of the adults abused alcohol, have a probability of obesity by 49% higher than others. Although not all suffering from obesity, also suffer from food addiction. Nevertheless, this fact suggests that there may be a positive correlation between alcohol addiction Parents or relatives in childhood and formation of food dependence in adulthood.

Psychological trauma

Studies have shown that among women with the greatest number Symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) The prevalence of food dependence more than twice the average indicators. Than more early age An injury was transferred, the greater the likelihood of addiction. This suggests that women who have experienced a serious psychotracting situation in childhood have a much greater tendency to develop food dependence compared to others.

Consequences of food addiction

Over time, nutritional addiction can cause serious physical and psychological problems. People suffering from food dependence for a long time, gradually learn to hide your problem from loved ones. They begin to hide food, there are at night, at the same time suffering from depression and reduce self-esteem. It is aggravated by the fact that the majority do not even understandthat they are dependent on food, but simply consider themselves weakly accuracy and undisciplined.

Among the most quickly manifest negative physical consequences of food dependence are: stomach disorder, heartburn, strong nausea, vomiting. All this is familiar to those who at least once in life seriously mentioned. But there are also psychological consequences that many food addicts celebrate. People call these sensations with a strong emotional shock, using such words as "shameful", "guilty" and "disgusting." Attempts to get rid of these negative experiences can force people even more.

The most important and severe long-term consequence of food addiction is obesity. With constant overeating and eating products rich in sugar, weight gain inevitably. For many people (especially for women who are most susceptible to food dependence on a variety of reasons), the awareness of their own unattractiveness and physical imperfection becomes a real tragedy and mental suffering.

Depression and Food Dependence

Studies show that there is a solid connection between food dependence and negative emotional state, including depression and anxiety. Among adults with food addiction, a higher prevalence of cases of large depression, bipolar disorder, alarming disorders and drug addiction are recorded than those without food addiction. Higher depression indicators have and persistence persons. But the most disturbing factor is the relationship between suicidal thoughts and gluttony. More than half of the patients with food dependence and suffering from the attacks of the increasing time at least once thought about suicide. This suggests that episodes of uncontrolled overeating lead to a strong emotional shock.

In addition to psychological consequences, very frequent satellites of obesity and food dependence are diabetes second type high level cholesterol, ischemic heart disease, high blood pressure, apnea during sleep, depression, arthrosis, reproductive problems, stones in bile bubble, stroke. If the edible dependence is not treated, then over time it will inevitably be progressing.

Treatment of food addiction

Unfortunately, the relief from dependence is there is no simple solution. There are no healing agents, magic spells and magic wand. If for some it is enough to just learn to control the consumption of certain products, then for others it will be necessary to completely refuse them, forever, for life. In a different way it will not work. If you assume your food addiction, then better decision will be

There is an opinion that it is even more complicated to get rid of food dependencies than, for example, from alcohol. After all, an alcoholic can exclude alcoholic beverages from the diet. Thus, it is not able to secure themselves to protect yourself from a possible relapse, and the food addict is not able to completely refrain from feeding food. This means that they will always have a risk of recurrence.

Complex treatment of food dependence, as a rule, combines behavioral therapy, consulting nutritional nutrition, changing food habits and social support. If the nutritional dependence is the result of an emotional disorder, such as anxiety or depression, then in this case it is necessary to get rid of the reasons where psychological help May at least mitigate negative addiction to food.

If you suffer from food dependency and want to break the vicious circle of compulsive overeating, I will gladly help you!

But permanent struggle with weight does not give any results. How to cope with this problem? Just to solve it is necessary to approach comprehensively. Permanent expert of the program "Family Size" Psychotherapist Evgenia Panchenko It tells about how to help yourself emotionally tune in to a difficult process of weight loss.

Get rid of food addiction. Photo: Thinkstockphotos.

Most full people, suffering from fat mass, a significant part of life spends in exhaustive and unsuccessful attempts to get rid of excess weight. And the methods of this cruel struggle There are a great set: pills and all sorts of fat burners, laxative and diuretic teas, running and simulators, starvation and exhausting diets.

Fighting kilograms

People enter the next battle with their own weight with big enthusiasmAnd how does this usually end? Most often, the next failure, feelings of resentment towards themselves and anger to an inefficient method. It happens that by collecting the will in a fist, a person finally resets a certain number of kilograms, but very soon fat returns to the owner.

And as a rule, after a long year of the struggle, slimming capitulates. There is a similar to scientific, but nothing explains the excuse: the wrong metabolism, constitution, heredity, etc. A person surrenders and continues to live, under the moral and physiological press of excess weight, with a feeling of insult and dissatisfaction, secretly dreaming of a magic tablet, revealing, once wakes up light and slim.

Why do we eat more?

Let's try to figure out the reasons for this phenomenon. It is known that obesity - This is a consequence of an imbalance between the intake and consumption of energy into the body, that is, overeating against the background of a low-lifting lifestyle, from which, alas, now most of the urban population suffers.

Everyone knows: to lose weight it is necessary less. But it is so hard! Here and occur main question: "Why does a person feel the need to eat more than necessary?" The fact is that overeating is a consequence of some psychological factors in a person's life. And only sobering and worrying them, you can count on an efficient and comfortable process of weight loss.

Mechanism of formation food dependency The same as with the development of alcoholism, tobacco and other similar forms of self-disseminating behavior. Overeating appears and fixed as a reaction to acute or chronic stressful situations. Often on the background of constant emotional tension, overwork, conflict situations In the family or in production there is a disturbing state and internal discomfort.

So food becomes the only possible method, at least at a time compensating stress. Not in vain they say, "stress is joined." The taste of food and saturation feelings are physiological sources of positive emotions. And against the background of emotional imbalances, the body does not allow so easy to refuse them.

Thus, it is impossible to get rid of weight using one diet alone or thanks to physical exertion. Effective comprehensive methodscomprising work aimed at both psychological and biological components of overweight.

You can argue: it is necessary to lose weight or not, it is important or not very, but one thing is obvious - getting rid of excess weight, a person acquires lost energy, activity, vitality, acquires a new quality of life! And if you decided to start fighting the fat mass, follow two tasks.

Task number 1.
Remember when and why the weight began to gain. Perhaps now you can analyze some psychological reasons of this. What happened then in your life, in the shower at that time? And also watch them now - which moments appetite is especially strong. What is it connected with? Write about it. It is desirable to more.

Task number 2.
Within two days you need to make a gift for yourself for what you started doing your own harmony. Go to this quest creatively and think about a small child, about a little girl who still lives in you. She wants to enjoy and enjoy life. Please her.

Do you eat when you have a bad mood or trouble? Do you eat secret from all? Do you feel a remorse after overeating?

For many people food - drugs. With the help of food, people feel at ease in society of other people, food is the only way Relax after work and enjoy. If you have a whole day about food, if you have an obsessive desire to eat something, your diet consists of harmful products, perhaps you are one of those who have food addiction.

What is food addiction?

Food addiction is a loss of control, a person ceases to eat to live, and eats for pleasure. A person who has a dietary dependence is infinitely thinking about food, about excess weight, about his appearance And in parallel absorbs large portions Food. At the same time, a person understands how strong the bad harm causes its body, it simply cannot stop. People with food addiction prefer and eat products that belong to the category harmful and not healthy.

There was a term denoting people with food addiction - floating. Routers or foodfall eat fat, sweet or salty dishes, prefer and many sweets.

The first symptoms of food dependence

  • Portions increased during the year or two
  • Frequent overeating
  • It is difficult to abandon the additive, even after the decision to start losing weight
  • Dessert after dense dinner
  • Often pulls on sweet and flour
  • There is when no one sees or secretly from all, at night
  • Eat a lot, and then cause vomit
  • Feeling of guilt after overeating

Glinders are becoming different peopleThey do not necessarily look full. Foods can be with normal weight, too thin and too complete. The only thing to unite them is the food. Food addiction is psychological and physical.

Causes of food dependence

Food addiction as drug or alcohol addictioninfluences on nervous system man. Food stimulates the production of dopamine and serotonin in the human brain, which give the body energy, strength and cause a feeling of pleasure and satisfaction. Over time, the body cannot live without hormones of happiness. Unconsciously food becomes the only substance that causes a feeling of happiness, and not a source of maintaining the vital activity of the body. Causes of food dependence:

  • Some people treat physical pain with food.
  • Emotional experiences or injuries sometimes force some people to have problems. Food can stimulate emotions and help to cope with feeling sadness and loneliness.
  • In people with mental illness, nutritional dependence develops more often. For people with mental heart disease becomes the only thing they can control. Food temporarily facilitates their negative feelings associated with the disease and soothes a feeling of panic and anxiety.
  • Sometimes food addiction It arises as a consequence of emotional and physical bullying. People C, often depend on food. Food can block unpleasant feelings and experiences, and be a fraudulent short way fortunately.
  • Food dependence may occur with a bodily dismortion disorder (or discontent with its body). Mental disorder in which people become obsessed with their body and concerned about the type of their own body, they are very disturbed by minor defects on the body.

Mayra Kadyrov, nutritionist, endocrinologist: "There is a substance - serotonin, which is called the hormone of joy and pleasure. Often, the reception of sweet food contributes to the development of this substance in the brain, after which there is a feeling of satisfaction and joy. Of course, a dependence on food is formed not to get these sensations in life. If you do not struggle with food addiction in the end, it will return with serious diseases, such as obesity, so at first signs you need to urgently take action. "

Consequences of food addiction

Over time, constant overeating leads to obesity. In turn, obesity causes health complications:

  • High blood cholesterol
  • Diseases of the heart
  • Some types of cancer
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Pain in the joints and muscles
  • Diseases gastrointestinal tract
  • (Temporary stop of breathing during sleep)

How to get rid of food dependence

Unlike other dependencies of the drug food needed to survive and maintain the body, so it is impossible to abandon food at all. It is necessary to develop healthy eating habits, which are based on the nutritional needs of the body, and not on emotional.

Need to learn how to cope with stressful situations With relaxing techniques: breathing exercises, Sport, sensory relaxation.

  1. Watch out for balanced diet . Eat three times a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. In the interruptions between the main meals, 1 snack of healthy products can be made, it is impossible to eat after 18.00.
  2. Avoid stimuli: Remove products for increments from home.
  3. Get out sports. Sport helps news healthy image Life, control the weight and fight with stress.
  4. You need to fight boredom, find an interesting pastime and engage in a hobby that brings pleasure.

The dietary dependence is not inferior to the scale of narcotic, alcoholic or nicotine. Women are mostly food dependencies, although some men also sometimes suffer from this pathology. Such dependence west psychological character And has many species, the most dangerous of which is nervous anorexia and bulimia. Such diseases cure independently impossible impossible, it is necessary to appeal to those skilled in the art.

The concept of food addiction

The dietary dependence is the deviation of the psyche, in which a person does not eat for the thickening of physical hunger, but to calm down in an emotionally difficult situation. Specialists call this process "Singing" negative emotions, such as fear, excitement, disorder, resentment and others. Since food does not destroy the body as drugs, alcohol and tobacco, so the problem is often ignored. From the point of view of psychology, stimulation of the oral apparatus as if he returns a person at the time when he was comfortable and calmly with her mother breast.

To choose effective method Treatment of dependence on food, it is extremely important to know its cause and a variety. The most common:

1. Psychological, originally from childhood:

  • Low self-esteem, leaning to self-vacation. According to research to almost all people with such a problem in childhood, prohibited negative emotions Or reactions: cry, scream, protest. It was uncomfortable to parents, so instead of helping the child in a difficult situation, they preferred authoritarian prohibit "show character". Becoming an adult, a person got used to restrain him, not to trust anyone, but to consider himself a loser.
  • Food perception as a source of pleasure. If parents bought off in food for not paid attention or encouraged it to achieve a child, then she will surely become a substitute for joy from communication and award for efforts in adulthood. According to statistics, most children and adolescents with obesity are subjected to similar koking feelings for food.
  • Psychosomatic syndromes: Children who love and praise for the fact that they eaten everything and even asked additives, they will probably transfer the habit of overeat, even if this does not require the body, and in adulthium. In their head, installation "I am good, if you eat a lot."

2. Psychological, acquired in adulthood:

  • Sincere pain from the loss of loved ones, diseases, treason, disappointment, resentment lead to a depressive state. Mental disorders with anxiety and panic attacks characteristic of them are accompanied by the use of delicious food, which soothes and consotes.
  • No goal in life. Nothing and having no plans, the person does not reach anything. Compensates its failure to eat beloved food.
  • Emotional hunger. The inner emptiness arising from the lack of positive emotions and impressions of the events occurring is filled with the joy of eaten food.
  • The crisis is a turning point when a person does not know what and how to do next, begins to be distracted by the most affordable way.

4. Social - food is perceived as a way of rapprochement of people: in restaurants or cafes go to business negotiations, dates, relax with friends.

5. Progress - Development Jew chemical industry In the second half of the 20th century, it turned out a huge amount of additives literally in all products. The taste of food has become much brighter, after shopping sweets, sauces and snacks. Natural vegetables and fruits seem tasteless.

6. Biological - often the cause of elevated appetite becomes hormonal failures.

How to recognize

Signs of psychological problem with overeating to recognize easily:

  • Permanent thoughts about food.
  • Inability to pass by certain products.
  • There is no sense of measure - if a person is addicted to the sweet or any other taste, it does not calm down until everything comes.
  • After a meal there is a feeling of guilt and annoyance.
  • In the emotionally severe situation, the first thought that occurs is to buy something tasty.
  • The dependent is shorter in conversation and the number of portions of the favorite meal.
  • Feeling hunger causes panic, discomfort.
  • Greed to food, unwillingness to share.

A dependent person cannot adequately perceive his body and its signals: nausea from overeating, skin rashes, extra kilograms are ignored and considered the norm.

Types of food addiction

There are many classifications of eating dependence. With amino common types:

  1. 1. Overeating - usually arise due to depressions as a consequence of nervous shocks, with low self-assessment, psychosomatic syndromes and due to biological reasons. A person is not able to control the amount of food eaten and a sense of saturation.
  2. 2. Nervous anorexia - the symptoms are considered intentional passing of food intakes and pleasure from feeling hunger. It occurs at low self-esteem and confidence in its own unattractiveness due to excess weight.
  3. 3. Nervous boolemen - manifests itself with sharp and long-lasting appetite attacks that cannot be controlled. After comes the feeling of guilt and repentance and from the eaten get rid of, causing vomiting.
  4. 4. Delicious - dependence on a certain taste or product. The most popular of them: fast food, chocolate, confectionery, store sauces, sweet carbonated water, chips, crackers and other snacks. People with such preferences in 99% are overweight.


The most important thing on the way to get rid of food dependence is not to aggravate the feeling of guilt, complexes and not disturbing the inner harmony of the dependent, trying to prove to him the harm applied by overeating.

The treatment method is determined by the cause of deviation, its type and degree of manifestation. When the dependence does not get rid of dependencies, it is recommended to resort to the help of specialists:

  • Complete health care survey, eliminate biological failures as the cause of the problem.
  • work with a psychologist and psychotherapist.
  • Contact a competent nutritionist.


The degree of manifestation of deviation determines the methods of therapy. The following algorithm of action is considered effective:

  1. 1. Self-analysis, awareness of the problem and honest answers to questions - "Do I want to get rid of it? Will I be happier without meals? Will I make efforts to overcome my dependence?" I can buy food anywhere, ways to recognize whether it used her person, practically no. The patient can easily fool the environment and stay in its position. If the patient has no desire and solid desire to get rid of food addiction, any therapy will be ineffective.
  2. 2. If the first stage passed and the person decided to get rid of addiction, it is necessary to comply with the recommendations of the nutritionist. It is important that unhealthy food Excluded gradually, otherwise there is a big risk of breakdown. On the way to the transition to new way Nutrition helps diary. It needs to record a list of allowed products, diet rules and daily meal reports. Maximum honesty will allow a specialist to carry out objective control. Gradually, the transition to conscious nutrition should occur when a person fully controls the choice of products, servings and is aware of the expediency of their use.
  3. 3. Working with a psychologist or psychotherapist is an individual or group. It is usually necessary about 2 months of sessions, the purpose of which is to find a new, more secure source of pleasure for the patient - positive emotions. For this apply:
  • Artherapy - Classes are distracted by creativity, allow you to sublimate the negative, disclose new facets of my own personality. Often they will grow into a hobby that makes a man's life brighter, more interesting and the need to fill in the inner emptiness comes to no.
  • Telecommunication therapy - treatment occurs with bodily contact.
  • Gestalt therapy - allows you to rethink the values.
  • Family therapy - Family dependent members are connected, they are given recommendations, how to behave correctly and maintain close.

4. Improving self-esteem by development:

  • Start playing sports is disciplined, hardened the power of will and character. The tightened beautiful body will make rid of insecurity.
  • Professional achievements - if necessary to get additional education Or master another profession.
  • Find a fascinating hobby.

5. Work independently over motivation, search for inspiration sources.

Nervous anorexia and booley

Pathology data are very serious mental disabilities, medical care is needed. Be sure to control the group of specialists and support for loved ones. The greatest emphasis is on psychotherapy that can continue for a long time - From several months to a decade. Many pass therapy several times throughout life. Sometimes a new passion, in particular, sports, help to overcome this mental disorder and radically change life.

Nervous anorexia


It is possible to get rid of the food dependency in which the traction only is observed for certain products, you can independently, if the deviations are not very pronounced. To do this, it is necessary to use the method of treating from overeating, given 2 nuances:

  1. 1. Refuse "His" product need to sharply and pull out the "Cancellation" syndrome of 1-2 weeks. If this food is loved by the whole family, then close people are also obliged to refuse its use. Otherwise there will be no effect.
  2. 2. Attending psychotherapy sessions optionally, but preferably.