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Analysis of the balance sheet indicators of labor resources. Balance of labor resources. Balance of labor resources is a comprehensive method of studying the composition and

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Balance of labor resources

Balance of labor resources is a system of indicators reflecting the number and composition of labor resources and their distribution in employment employment and forms of property, unemployed and economically inactive population.

Balance of labor resources is an integral part of the balance sheet of the national economy, which characterizes the reproduction of labor. Reflects the number of labor resources and their qualitative composition (by sex, age, social Groups, types of employment, sectors of national economy and profession). Balance of labor resources makes it possible to determine the need and excess in employees.

The balance of labor resources consists of two parts: the number and composition of labor resources is fixed, in the second - their distribution.

The distribution of labor resources is carried out by type of employment, on the areas of labor application (material and intangible production), sectors of the economy, social groups. There is also determined by the placement of labor resources through the state.

Balance of labor resources

The balance sheet of labor resources (BTR) is a system of indicators reflecting the number and composition of labor resources, and their distribution in employment employment and property forms, unemployed and economically inactive population.

Balance of labor resources can be drawn up:

in the country as a whole;

on individual subjects of the Russian Federation;

edges and regions with distribution to urban and countryside.

Labor resources include faces of both gender, potentially capable of participating in the production of goods and services.

When determining the number of labor resources, the number of permanent population is of great importance.

In order to comply with the resource and distribution part of the balance sheet of labor resources in the population of the working age, the number of foreign workers employed in the economy in the country is included.

The borders of working age are regulated by labor legislation. In Russia, women aged 16 to 54 years old and men aged 16 to 54 years old are to the population in working age. But since the composition of labor resources includes only a able-bodied population, from the population in working age, the number of non-working persons with disabilities I and II groups in working age and the number of non-working retirees in working age, which receive a retirement by age on preferential terms. But the work of labor resources includes the persons of the retirement age that continue to work.

Balance of labor resources consists of two sections. The first section shows resources, in the second - their distribution.

Balance scheme of labor resources.

1. Sources of formation of labor resources.

In total labor resources, including:

a) able-bodied people-bodied population; b) the faces of older ages and adolescents engaged in the economy, of which: c) teenagers; d) Faces older than working age occupied in the economy or recognized as unemployed.

2. Distribution of labor resources

a) everything is occupied in the economy (without persons in a personal subsidiary farm), including:

in the sectors of the economy;

on hiring a private household;

ministers of religious cults, etc.;

b) students in working age, studying with a separation from production;

c) able-bodied people-born population not occupied economic activities or study.

With the help of the balance of labor resources, the following tasks are resolved in statistics:

the structure of the distribution of labor resources is analyzed;

traced the dynamics of the redistribution of labor resources between various sectors and spheres of activity;

information on the number and structure of the unemployed population is mined;

the level of employment of the population is determined;

characterized by the current proportions in the distribution of labor resources.

If you compare the balance of labor resources for several years, then the above tasks can be studied in the dynamics.

Balance of labor resources is an international statistical standard. This standard was recommended for countries with a planned economy, however, the balance sheets of labor resources did not lose their importance for countries with a market economy. In this case, the balance sheet of labor resources should be adapted to the categories of employment statistics used by countries with a market economy.

The analytical possibilities of the balance of labor resources can be expanded by distributing working at the enterprises of various forms of ownership and busy in the field of private entrepreneurship by industry.


Formation of labor resources

The source base for determining the quantitative characteristics of the country's labor resources, regions, any settlement It is the actual population of the respective territories, this number is determined on the basis of the population census, and in the intervals - by calculating the number and composition of the population according to the census and registration of births, deaths, arrivals and disposal. Changes in the number are associated with the demographic situation in the country and in separate regions, with the dynamics of various age-age changes, birth levels and mortality, the number of marriages and divorces, family composition, the average number of children in the family, other indicators. In Russia, recently there is a deterioration in the demographic situation, therefore the state policy should be aimed at overcoming negative trends in the process of reproduction of the population, to stimulate the birth rate, reducing morbidity, mortality, family strengthening. In addition, the population is influenced by the migration processes.

Changes in the population cause changes in the quantitative and qualitative composition of labor resources. Quantitative indicators include data on the number and composition of labor resources on the floor, age, place of residence (in cities or rural areas). Quality - educational level, vocational qualification structure and other characteristics of labor resources.

The number of labor resources are determined as of a specific point in time for a certain administrative-territorial unit (district, region, edge, republic) and in the form of medium-sized (average quarterly, average annual).

The calculation of the number of labor resources is based on the definition (based on age-age data census) of the population of the working age. Of which the number of people of the same age, considered disabled (people with disabilities of the first and second groups), and non-working persons of preferential retirement ages are submitted. The number of the working population of the age above and below the border established by the state is added to the resulting indicator.

The average population is determined by the formulas:

CSR \u003d (CHN + CC) \\ 2 or CSR \u003d ((h1 + h n) \\ 2 + h2 + ... + h n -1) \\ (n -1),

CN, CC - population population and end of the period,

H1 ... h n - middle numbers The population in a certain year from a number of years included in the period under which the average value is calculated.

The population growth is determined by the number of born (P), dead (y), as well as mechanical movement (migration) of the population - the number of arrivals (P) and retired (B). The overall increase is equal

H \u003d (p - y) + (n - c), where

(P - y) - Natural increase (decrease) of the population,

(P - B) - mechanical increase.

Labor resources are characterized by half-aging indicators. When studying labor resources, it is customary to allocate four main age groups:

youth of 16 -29 years;

faces of 30-49 years

citizens of pre-age (men - 50 -59 years, women - 50-54 years old);

personal ages engaged in national economy.

Different groups are characterized by varying degrees of labor activity, so in the first age group most of the youth are engaged in learning, receiving a profession, military service. The highest labor activity in the second group. In people over 50 years old, labor activity is gradually decreasing; The labor activity of persons of the retirement age remains relatively active only within 5-7 years after receiving the pension.

The dynamics of labor resources are reflected by coefficients:

1) the load of the working age

K \u003d 1000 * CN \\ Thu \u003d 1000 * (CSER - Thu) \\ Thu,

CN - population over the borders of working age,

Thu - the population in working age,

CSR is the average population;

disability of the entire population

Kt \u003d 1000 * chtt \\ ЧЧС, where

CTTTU - the number of working-age population in working age;

working capacity of working age

Ktt \u003d 1000 * thther \\ th;

employment of the entire population

Kz \u003d 1000 * CHK \\ ЧЧС,

CHnce - the number of employed population;

workers-bred employment

labor resource population increase

KZT \u003d 1000 * CHZT \\ Thu,

FTP - the number of employed population in working age;

employment of able-bodied population in working age

KZTT \u003d 1000 * CHZT \\ CTI.

Absolute and relative indicators of population and labor resources are used in the analysis of the labor market, drawing up balances and balance sheet calculations various spheres production. Qualitative characteristic Labor resources are the structure in terms of education and professional qualification composition. Grouping of labor resources in education, professions, qualifications and calculated on its basis, absolute and relative indicators are used to promote economic development planning, determine the need for workplaces, distributing labor resources on the areas of activity, improvement of methods and forms of training in accordance with the requirements of NTP And for other purposes.

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Balance of labor resources and its structure

The most comprehensive method of studying the composition and use of labor resources and labor is balance of labor resources (BTR) and labor (BRS).

Table 13.2 - Balance Scheme of Labor Resources

Row number Name of the indicator Thousand human
A. Formation of labor resources
The number of labor resources is total, incl.
- able-bodied population, in working age
- Foreign Labor Migrants
- Persons, older working age engaged in the economy
- Teenagers employed in the economy
B. Distribution of labor resources
1. The average annual number of people employed in the economy on the main work -
Including in the forms of ownership and types of economic activity:
- State
- Municipal
- Public property and religious organizations
- Mixed Russian
- Foreign, joint Russian and foreign
- Private, from it:
peasant (farmer) farms
Private organizations
individuals employed by individual labor and employ individual citizens (including persons employed in the production of goods and services for implementation)
Population not engaged in the economy
2. Students in working age, studying with a separation from work
3. The working-age population in working age, not occupied in economics and learning with a separation from work, and others (military personnel, unemployed, housewives, Russian citizens working abroad, etc.)

Information to draw up balance are the current data of demographic statistics on the population in working age; information of the pension fund authorities and social protection of the population about the number of non-working persons with disabilities and persons receiving pensions on preferential terms; These material surveys of the population on employment issues, data are general educational institutions And other sources.

Balance of labor resources consists of two sections: resource and distribution parts. The BTR is calculated by the Rosstat methodology. The first part of the balance characterizes the number of labor and sources of their formation. In the second part of the balance, labor resources are distributed into the following categories: persons employed in the economy; Students in working age, studying with a separation from work; The able-bodied population in working age not occupied in the economy.

Sources of information for the compilation of the second part are: information of enterprises and organizations about the number of employed; These materials of the population surveys on employment issues are about employed.

A separate position is allocated information about students in working age, students with a separation from the production, which are formed according to the data of educational institutions about the number of students in the daily form of training.

Calculation of indicators of labor resources, i.e. The able-bodied population in working age, people of older ages and adolescents employed in the economy are produced annually.

To determine the population in working age from the permanent population at a given age (on average per year), the number of non-working persons with disabilities I and II groups in working age should be subtracted. As well as persons receiving pensions in government social security bodies. The number of non-working men aged 50-59 years and women aged 45-54 years receiving pensions on preferential grounds are distinguished.

When calculating the population in the working age living in the territory of the city (district), the size of the pendulum migration of the number of operational internal, inter-district, interregional migration is taken into account. When determining the number of senior ages and adolescents employed in the economy, the materials of the selection survey of the population on employment issues are used.

The calculation of the economically active population and the level of unemployment is carried out on the basis of the methodology adopted by international conferences of labor statistics and the recommendations of the International Labor Organization.

The number of people employed in the economy is determined on the basis of these reporting, sample surveys of peasant (farmer) farms, selective surveys of the population on employment issues, tax inspectorate.

One of component parts The distribution unit of the balance of labor resources is the calculation of the number of students in working age, students with a separation from production. Calculation of the average annual number of students is carried out for each type of training.

The final result of the balance sheet of labor resources is to determine the number of working-age population in a working age, which did not have an income work, was looking for work and was ready to proceed to it. That is, the calculation of the total number of unemployed is the part of the population that constitutes the labor market.

The balance of labor resources allows to analyze the reproduction and distribution of labor resources, trace the dynamics of the redistributive processes of the economically active population, the scope and composition of the unemployed.


Chapter I. Statistical Building Balance of Labor Resources

1 general characteristics

2 population surveys on employment issues

3 State statistical reporting developed by employment authorities

4 Labor Migration Statistics Population

5 generalizing statistical calculations

Chapter II. Analysis of labor balance indicators



The relevance of the topic of work is that the development of market relations and the labor market in our country puts on the agenda the need to improve labor movements. In such difficult economic conditions, in the labor market of our country, there is a difficult situation characterized by a high and tendency to a constant growth rate of unemployment, high personnel fluidity, large volumes of hidden unemployment. Thus, there is an urgent need to improve the movement of workers in the labor market across the economy, as well as on the scale of the enterprise.

The implementation of measures in this direction is a factor to optimize the use of labor resources, effective labor activity and reduce yields.

The purpose of writing work is the statistical study of the balance of labor resources in the new conditions.

Based on the purpose of work, the following tasks are formulated:

Characteristics of techniques used in statistical analysis and building balance of labor resources;

Identification of the basic characteristics of the labor market, which established in Russia in modern conditions;

Consideration of the established labor market of the Russian Federation;

Identifying the essence of movement of labor resources;

Chapter I. Statistical Building Balance of Labor Resources

.1 General characteristics

Labor statistics in Russia at the present stage in the main areas comply with the provisions of the 1985 Convention on Labor Statistics (No. 16) and recommendations 1985. On labor statistics (№170). When developing or revising the concepts, definitions and methodologies used in the collection, processing and publication of the statistical data provided for by the Convention, the most recent standards and guidelines established under the auspices of the International Labor Organization are taken into account.

1985 Convention on Labor Statistics (№160) was ratified former USSR In May 1990

Ratified articles 7,8,9 and 10this convention relating to the following sections of labor statistics:

· current statistics of economically active population, employment, unemployment and visible incomplete employment;

· statistics structure and distribution of economically active population;

· current statistics of medium earnings and average working hours (actually spent or paid time), time-based salary rates and normal working hours;

· statistics structure and wage distribution.

Currently, the information base of labor statistics is formed using the following types of statistical observations:

.state statistical observations carried out by state statistics authorities:

· selective surveys of the population on employment issues;

· surveys of organizations - legal entitiesconducted with different periodicity with the use of a solid method or on a selective basis;

· population census and microprecy population;

· generalizing statistical calculations;

.state statistical observations carried out by other ministries and departments.

Further improvement of labor statistics is aimed at developing each of the listed sources of information based on the needs and areas of their use.

1.2 Population surveys on employment issues

statistical Balance Labor Employment

The leading role in organizing current statistics of the economically active population, employment, unemployment belongs population surveys on employment issues(labor survey) conducted by surveying the population.

The survey of the population on employment issues in Russia has been held since 1992 in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation (except for the Chechen Republic) on the basis of the sample method of observation, followed by the dissemination of results for the entire population of the age of the surveyed age (the surveyed age -15-72).

In 1992-1998. The survey of the population on employment issues was carried out once a year, from 1999. The survey is carried out with quarterly periodicity. With the translation of the population survey on employment issues, quarterly monitoring of the labor market, both in the country and subjects of the Russian Federation, was provided with quarterly monitoring of the labor market.

During the period of the survey of the population on employment issues (since 1992), the form of the questionnaire was revised fivetime. In this case, the continuity of the principles of the formation of the main indicators of employment and unemployment was ensured.

When developing a methodology for building a population survey questionnaire on employment issues, data collection and processing, international standards have been used regarding the following directions:

· statistics of economically active population, employment, unemployment and incomplete employment (13th MKST October 1982);

· statistics of working time (10th MCT October 1962);

· International classification of the status of employed (15th MCST January 1993);

· International Standard Classification of Classification (14th MCT October - November 1987);

· employment statistics in the informal sector (15th MKST January 1993);

· measurements of incomplete employment and inadequate employment in the labor market (16th MCT October 1998).

· The survey sheet project (questionnaire) was sent to the expertise at the Bureau of the Statistics of the International Labor Bureau and received a positive conclusion (February 2002).

The survey of the population on employment issues is the only source of information that simultaneously perform measurement of employed economic activities, unemployed and economically inactive persons in accordance with the criteria of the International Labor Organization and to estimate the real dimensions of unemployment both in the whole country and for each subject of the Russian Federation.

According to the results of the survey of the population on employment issues, users on a regular basis seem information on the number and composition of the employed population, the unemployed and economically inactive population by the floor, age groups, level of education, professional groups, about detailed characteristics The main and additional work of the employed population, including the industry, the exercise, the normal and actual duration of the working week, the structure and duration of unemployment, the reasons for economic non-activity.

Since 1999, an additional block of issues has been introduced into the population survey program on employment issues, which provided on a regular basis very important information on employment in the production of goods or services. A successful solution was to post these questions with a separate module at the end of the questionnaire.

It should be noted that the issue of employment in the household production of agricultural products, hunting, fisheries for the purpose of selling was present in the questionnaires of the sample survey on employment issues in 1992-1996. And he was asked among the questions provided for to identify the respondent in the respondent surveyed a week or profitable lesson. However, the location of this issue at the beginning of the questionnaire on the first filter did not allow to provide full phenomena.

So, in 1992-1996. A positive answer to this question allowed only about 200 thousand busy. Allocation of a group of questions on this topic to a separate module provided additional coverage of about 2 million people on the main employment and the same amount of additional work.

In addition, information about the employment of the population by the production of agricultural products for its own use was obtained.

Applied classifications

Economic Activity Classification

When developing outcomes of the public survey on employment issues, the classification of respondents in economic activity in accordance with international standards for three categories - busy, unemployed, economically inactive.

Population aged 15-72 years \u003d occupied + unemployed+ economically inactive.

In the classification of the population on economic activity, criteria are used, concepts and definitions, relevant resolutions related to statistics of the economically active population, employment, unemployment and incomplete employment adopted by the 13th International Conference of Labor Statistics (October 1982), recommendations of the International Labor Organization ( ILO).

Economically active population- part of the population aged, established for measuring the economic activity of the population, providing in the period under review the supply of labor for the production of goods and services.

The cost of economically active population includes persons engaged in economic activities and unemployed.

Economically active population \u003d busy + unemployed.

To persons engaged in economic activitiesinclude persons who are surveyed:

· performed work (at least one hour per week) for hiring for remuneration for money or nature, as well as not by employment for profit or family income, regardless of the timing of reward or income for its activities;

· temporarily absent at work for various reasons;

· worked as helping the enterprise belonging to a member of the household or a relative.

Activated economic activities are also considered persons employed in the household implementation of works on the production of goods or services, including products of rural, forestry, hunting, fisheries and its processing, if manufactured products, goods and services are designed to implement on the market.

Not considered paid work or profitable occupation:

· study at the Military Academy, graduate school, doctoral studies of day form of training;

· work on the production of products intended for its own final use;

· work in its own household cleaning at home, cooking for members of household, tailoring, repair and maintenance in cleanliness of clothing for members of household, education of children, care for older or sick members of the household;

· services made voluntarily without payment for various persons or charitable organizations, parental committees, veterans committees, hospitals, orphanages or nursing homes, etc.;

· ownership of any enterprise or society shares without the direct participation of this person in the economic activity of this organization;

· begging (even if it brings income).

To unemployedin accordance with the CTR criteria include persons under the age of age established for measuring the economic activity of the population, which in the period under review satisfied simultaneously the following criteria:

· did not have work (income class);

· they were engaged in searching work - they applied to state or commercial employment services, used or placed ads in the press, directly appealed to the enterprise or employer, used personal connections, etc. Or took steps to the organization of their own business;

· were ready to start work during the surveyed week.

In Russia, a softened job search criterion is applied, and therefore, the unemployed also includes persons who in the period under review:

· did not have work, but agreed on the period of starting work (within 2 weeks after the period under review), and did not continue its search;

· we had no work, they were ready to start, but did not look for work, as they expected an answer from the administration or an employer to the appeal earlier. At the same time, the period waiting for the answer should not exceed one month.

Students, students, pensioners and people with disabilities are taken into account as unemployed if they have been looking for work and were ready to start it.

Status classification

The system of accounting signs of public survey on employment issues provides the classification of respondents engaged in economic activities in status. When classifying those employed by status, the concepts and definitions are used, relevant resolutions relating to the international classification of the status of employed, adopted by the 15th International Conference of Labor Statistics (January 1993);

The object when classifying the status of employed is the work performed by persons during the period under review. Work is classified taking into account the explicit or implied employment contract with other persons or organizations.

The main criteria in determining the groups are the nature of economic risk, the element of which is the strength of the relationship of the person with its work, the nature of power over the enterprise and other employees who have or will have.

It is envisaged by the following grouping of status engaged in: Hiring; do not employ; Of these: employers; self-employed; Members of production cooperatives; Helping family members.

Classification for occupations. It should be noted that the survey of the population on employment issues is the only source of information to organize current statistics of the professional structure of the employed population. Basic information about the composition of classes once every 10 years is developed by the results of the census.

When examining the population on employment issues, information about the occupations of respondents at the place of main and additional work, as well as the occupation of the unemployed at the place of the last work.

When conducting surveys of the population on employment issues to classify classes applied:

in 1992-1996.- Specially prepared for the purpose of examination of the population on employment issues of professions and posts;

in 1997-2002.- All-Russian classifier of classes (OKS), whose groupings are comparable to the International Standard Classification of Classification (MSCZ-88).

Beginning since 2003,classification of classes in the development of survey results for employment issues are made using studies developed for the 2002 All-Russian Census.

To develop the results of the All-Russian Census of 2002, the following package of documents was developed:

· Classification of classes (KZ-2002) and classification of classes (alphabetic and systematic).

· Classification of classes is a structured list of types and labor activities, which makes it possible to ensure the possibility of accounting for all existing classes (not only included in the OKDPR and the OKS, but also the items used in everyday life).

· The systematization of classes adopted in KZ-2002 mainly corresponds to the MSCZ-88 and the OKS. It has a hierarchical four-level structure and includes 10 enlarged classification groups with a unique code, 35 subgroups with a two-digit code, 134 composite groups with three-digit code and 462 basic classification groups with the main four-digit code.

· Compared to the OKS in the structure of KZ-2002, 47 additional classes were introduced, of which 5 groups are composite (with three-digit code) and 42 - a base (with four-digit code).

The encoding of the audit issues in the primary processing of the questionnaire of the selection survey of the population on employment issues at the regional level is made using the alphabetic dictionary of classes developed for the All-Russian Census of 2002.

Publications of information on the composition of the employed population and unemployed in classrooms are made by groupings of different levels aggregation:

· the composition of unemployed classes - at the level of enlarged groups;

· the composition of classes and semi-employed population is at the level of subgroups;

· the composition in classes, age and education is at the level of enlarged groups.

In order to obtain data on the composition of employed and unemployed training in subgroups and enlarged groups in the system of indicators of the information array, derivative variables are provided, which are formed when processing the results of the survey of employment issues at the federal level on the basis of primary codes applied during the encoding stage of the questionnaire at the regional level. Derivatives are assigned to each respondent and provide the possibility of obtaining aggregated data based on the massif microdata.

Education classification. When completing the questionnaire, the level of education of the respondent is determined at the highest level of educational institution from the number ended with the respondent. In order to ensure that the names of the level of education are respondents, the names of the formations used earlier are given in brackets.

Information is provided for the following levels of education:

· higher professional

· incomplete higher professional

· secondary vocational

· primary professional

· average (full) general

· main general

· the initial general or does not have an initial total.

The survey program since 2003 provides for obtaining information about the profession, specialty for education.

If the respondent graduated from several educational institutions, then a profession or specialty obtained at the end of the high-level educational institution.

The coding of specialties, professions obtained at the end of educational institutions is made using the list of specialties, the professions of higher, secondary and initial vocational educationDesigned on the basis of:

· List of professions of primary vocational education approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 08.12.1999 №1362;

· Classifier specialties of secondary vocational education approved by the Resolution State Committee Of the Russian Federation on the Higher Education of 05/25/1994 No. 4;

· The classifier of specialties of higher vocational education approved by the Resolution of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Higher Education of 05.03.1994 No. 180.

Classification by type of economic activity, sectors of the economy. When conducting surveys of the population on employment issues in 1992-2002. The classification of the place of work of respondents by type of economic activity, sectors of the economy was carried out as follows:

· in 1992-1996.- with the use of an integrated list of sectors of the economy, compiled on the basis of a public-union classifier of the sectors of the national economy (windows);

· in 1997-2000.- With the use of the All-Russian Classifier for the types of economic activity, products and services (OCDP), whose groupings allow for international comparisons.

The formation of the results of the survey was carried out by both types of activities in accordance with OKDP and by industry of the economy in accordance with the windows (based on transition keys from the windows to OKDP);

in 2001-2002. Primary classification industry belonging The place of employment of respondents was carried out with the application of both the all-Russian classifier of the types of economic activity, products and services (OKDP) and the classifier of the sectors of the economy (windows).

Since 2003, the primary classification of sectoral affiliation of the work of the respondents is carried out using the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities (OKVED) and the classifier of the sectors of the economy (windows).

1.3 State Statistical Reporting Developed by Employment Authorities

An important channel for obtaining information about the number andcomposition unemployed, registered employment authorities, isstate statistical reporting, developed on the system of the Ministry of Social Development and Labor of Russia.

This reporting, collected with monthly, quarterly and annual periodicity, was formed during 1991-1992. After the introduction of the Law of the Russian Federation on employment. Every year it is revised. These forms provide operational information on the number of persons who applied to the public employment bodies in search of work officially recognized by the unemployed, the number of unemployed, which is scheduled for unemployment benefits, the needs of enterprises and organizations in the employees declared in the employment service. With quarterly periodicity, data on the structure of unemployed population, the duration of unemployment, the vocational training of unemployed population are being developed.

There are methodological differences in determining the total number of unemployed in accordance with the ILO and unemployed criteria, officially recognized in the employment service bodies.

Unemployed registered in the employment service bodies- these are able-bodied citizens who do not have work and earnings (labor income) living in the Russian Federation registered at the employment center at the place of residence for the search suitable workseeking work and ready to start it.

The unemployed in accordance with the legislation on employment cannot be recognized by citizens:

under the age of 16, as well as citizens who, in accordance with pension legislation, were appointed a pension by age (in old age), for long service;

obtained within 10 days from the day of appeal to the employment service from two options for suitable work, including a temporary work, and for the first time job seekers who do not have profession (specialty) - in the case of two failures professional training or from the proposed paid work, including a temporary work; (a citizen can not be offered the same job or the same place of study twice);

not appearing without good reason within 10 days from the date of registration in order to search for suitable work in the employment service authorities for the proposal of the appropriate work, as well as not appeared on the time set by them for registration as unemployed.

In November 2009, the total number of unemployed defined by the ILO methodology was 5.7 million people, or 7.9% to the number of economically active population. Among them were 11,2% citizens who, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, cannot be assigned the status of the unemployed in the authorities to promote the employment of the population. Among them 247 thousand (4.2%) students and students of day educational institutions, and 395 thousands (6.9%) pensioners by age and length of years engaged in job search and ready to start it, i.e. corresponding to the criteria to attribute them to the unemployed by the ILO methodology.

According to organs public service Employment, at the end of November 2009, 1.8 million unoccupied citizens seeking to seek work, of which 1.6 million people had the status of the unemployed.

In November 2009, the total number of unemployed exceeded the number of registered unemployed in a comparable circle of persons (i.e., in a working age without students, students and pensioners, assigned to the unemployed) in 3.2 times.

As the results of the survey of the population on employment issues, the category of unemployed, registered in employment services, intersects with the category of unemployed by the ILO methodology only by 60%. In November 2006, from among the respondents who reported in the survey, which had the status of unemployed in the employment service, 20.2% were classified as busy and 19.6% as economically inactive.

1.4 Labor Migration Statistics Population

INcurrently, the only source of information about internal (interregional) labor migrationis the survey of the population on employment issues. The block of questions about the location of the main work (work in the territory of this region, work on the territory of another region of the Russian Federation and the name of this region, work on the territory of another state) was introduced into the survey program since 1999. This information cannot be considered representative, since the sample dimensions and its territorial placement do not provide for the study of this phenomenon. Despite this, for the purpose of drawing up the balance of labor resources, estimates of the size of interregional labor migration based on the analysis of public survey information on employment issues in dynamics.

Information on interregional labor migration was gathered during the 2002 All-Russian Census Census. After receiving the results of developing and analyzing data, a decision will be made to use this data when performing generalizing statistical calculations. It can be assumed that the data of the VDP-2012 will not fully reflect the dimensions of the interregional labor migration, since during the period of census the departure of the population to work into other regions of the country could be minimal.

On issues foreign labor migrationsystem introduced statistical observationcarried out by the federal migration service. Organized collection of information on labor migration issues russian citizens Outside the country and attracting foreign labor for work in Russia. As new tasks appear, this reporting is revised in accordance with the current procedure.

The reporting of the federal migration service shows only the size of the official labor migration of foreign citizens. Outside the field of statistical observation remains an army of illegal labor migrants. Currently, state statistics authorities in the implementation of statistical calculations in the framework of the preparation of the balance sheet of labor resources produce an assessment of illegal labor migrants, but the size of these estimates is quite modest.

1.5 generalizing statistical calculations

Within the framework of the system of generalizing statistical calculations, Russia's statistical authorities to date produce the balance of labor resources, the calculation of the availability and use of labor resources on average for the year, both in Russia and in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The experience of the application of the national accounts in Russia demanded the revision of the composition of employment statistics, additions to its indicators reflecting the total labor costs, including additional employment, so that the connection of this indicator with the production indicators was closer.

A promising direction in the work on improving generalizing calculations is to build an integrated system of statistical indicators, which makes it possible to calculate the total labor costs using information, surveys of the population on employment problems, information of enterprises and organizations, administrative sources data.

Calculation of total labor costs and accounting for labor accounts is a new direction in the statistical practice of Russia. Development of this area in 1998-2009 It was carried out at the federal level with the involvement of a number of territorial statistical bodies for experimental calculations, during which the developed methodology was tested.

At the first stage, methodological work and experimental calculations on the assessment of total labor costs were carried out on the basis of the survey of the population on employment issues, the corresponding additions were made to the program. The results of experimental calculations conducted with the participation of territorial state statistical bodies revealed the need to develop a comprehensive approach to calculating indicators of total labor costs based on the integration of data from various sources providing for, developing data mapping methods, analyzing and adjusting.

With this in mind, at the second stage, methodological recommendations were developed to evaluate the total labor costs for the production of goods and services on all types of work, providing for the use of all available sources of information in order to more complete and accurate accounting for the performance of the labor costs necessary for comparison with production indicators.

Evaluation labor coststhe production of goods and services on all types of work will be carried out in three indicators:

· number of workplaces;

· the amount of time spent per year;

· equivalent of complete employment.

The calculation of labor cost indicators is interconnected and based on the assessment of the number of jobs (works) and the average work on one workplace For each type of work.

Labor cost indicators will be developed on the main and additional work and total. Indicator the number of workplaces of the main work,characterizes an indicator the average annual number is occupiedin economyused in the system of calculating the balance of labor resources.

Estimation of labor costs will be carried out by industry and subproductions of the economy and industry or activities based on the integration of employment data and spent time derived from various sources. Calculations are made on average per year.

Most commonly, users of statistical information on labor compare data on the average annual number of employed in the economy, which is formed in the preparation of the balance of labor resources, with the number of employed population according to the population surveys on employment issues. This is two different systems statistical assessment, which directly methodologically incomprehensible and have different areas of use. Methodological differences relate to the covered period, the methodology for determining the indicator, the composition covered by the category of the occupied population, the procedure for accounting for the population in the formation of a territorial cut (i.e. at the place of work or at the place of residence).

The data of the population surveys on employment issues about the number of employed populations characterize the availability of work for the permanent population of Russia, the average annual number of employed inthe economy is characterized by actual participation in the production of goods and services in the Russian economy, including the participation of foreign citizens. At the subject of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the data of the population surveys on employment problems characterize the employment of the population in relation to the place of residence, data on the average annual number of employed on the basis of the BTR - as applied to the place of work.

The average annual number of employed in the economy- This is an indicator that is formed within the framework of generalizing statistical calculations using various sources of information: surveys of organizations, surveys of the population on employment issues, data of administrative statistics. At the same time, the basic source is the annual developments according to the surveys of organizations, which are complemented by data on employment and employed in the field of entrepreneurial activities without the formation of a legal entity, in farms of foreign citizens working in the Russian economy.

Integration of data of two main sources about the number of people who work in organizations - legal entities (surveys of organizations and surveys of the population), their coordination and enabling the comparable form are provided within the framework of the system of calculating the cumulative labor costs.

Bringing into a comparable type of employment data in the organizations -uridic faces obtained on the materials of the population surveys on employment issues for comparison with the data on medium number Employees of organizations on average for the year provides for the following:

· employment data on the results of surveys of the population on employment issues are formed using the information array of the surveyed persons of four consecutive quarterly surveys (i.e., the data are formed on average per year);

· according to the results of answers to questions about the characteristics of the main work, data and the numbers of employees of labor contracts in organizations;

· these data are corrected for the differences in definitions (individuals absent at work in the surveyed week due to maternity leave and child care under 1.5 years old) and the differences in coverage are excluded (individual categories of employees of organizations that are not covered by examination of legal entities, i.e. military personnel and religious figures and staff of cult institutions, not having a spiritual Sana);

· when calculating data for the subject of the Russian Federation, job data on the main work, formed in relation to the place of residence, are adjusted to the indicators of interregional labor migration (entry to the work in this region from other regions of the country; leaving to work from the region to other regions of the country and to other states).

Conducting a comparable type of information about the average number of employees provides for adjustments for the category of employees who have been working in organizations with an incomplete work week under the terms of the contract, since in accordance with the current methodology, this category of workers during the survey of organizations is not taken into account by not entire units, but in proportion to spent time . As a source of information, data surveys on employment issues are used as a source of information for the appropriate adjustment.

Chapter II. Analysis of labor balance indicators

Calculate the number of labor resources in the region in two methods: demographic (by sources of formation); Economic (on actual employment). Configure the results and draw out the data obtained:

The population of the working age - 112 thousand people.

The number of employed population, including those engaged in personal, subsidiary and farmer - 121.3 thousand years. farms

The number of people with disabilities of the first and second groups in working age - 3% of persons working age

The number of working adolescents under the age of 16 - 1560 people.

The number of working retirees is 10 thousand people.

The number of people of working age occupied in the household and child care is 0.81 thousand.

The number of students with a separation from production aged 16 and older - 1.7 thousand people.

The number of other unoccupied persons in working age is 0.2 thousand people.

The number of unemployed is 2.5 thousand people.

According to the sources of formation, we exclude from among the persons of the working age of persons with disabilities

112 thousand people (100% - 3%): 100% \u003d 108.64 thousand people.

With a demographic method, we will consider working retirees and adolescents, eliminating persons employed in the household, unoccupied and unemployed, as well as students with a separation from production.

108.64 + (10+ 1.56) - (1.7 + 0.2 + 2.5 + 0.81) \u003d 114.99 thousand people.

The number of labor resources at the beginning of the year amounted to 3620 thousand people, on April 1 - 3596 thousand people, on October 1 - 3765 thousand people, at the end of the year - 3850 thousand people. During the year, 620 thousand people have entered the able-bodied age, out of the working age of 515 thousand people., At work, 40 thousand people were retired, in other regions loss from labor resources of 220 thousand people. Determine the overall, natural, migration increase in labor resources; The coefficients of the general, natural, migration growth, replenishment and disposal of labor resources.

The average magnitude of labor resources during the year is equal to:

0.5 * 3620 + 3596 + 3765 + 0.5 * 3850 \u003d 3700 thousand people.

Common gain of labor resources:

3620 \u003d 250 thousand people.

Natural increase

- (515 + 40) \u003d 65 thousand people.

Migration growth due to arrival

+ (250-65) \u003d 405 thousand people.

The migration growth itself was 250 - 65 \u003d 195 thousand people.

Total replenishment of labor resources 620 + 195 \u003d 815 thousand people.

Disposal 815 - 250 \u003d 565 thousand people.

Growth coefficients:

Total - 250: 3700 \u003d 0.06

Natural 65: 3700 \u003d 0.017

Migration 195: 3700 \u003d 0.043

Replenishment of labor resources 815: 3700 \u003d 0.22

Disposal of labor resources 565: 3700 \u003d 0.16

There are the following source data distribution of labor resources, people:

Pokazateli2006 g.2007 g.2008 g.2009 g.2010 g.Vsego employed in the economy, including: 3048930861296602807926736- in industries60- hiring by private home hozyaystva33153690421459146109- ministers of religious cults and dr.23873022260821442767Uchaschiesya of working age, training with a separation from production46725932685283568841Cable population in working age, not occupied by economic activities or study16372327250619991929

Based on the analysis of the balance of labor resources, calculate:

a) indicators of series of speakers;

b) Structure indicators in the distribution of labor resources.

Analyze the calculation results and draw conclusions.

The structure is determined by taking the total number of able-bodied population (occupied, students and unemployed) for 100%. Then we can find a structure by defining the percentage of each group:

Ni - the number of each group,

T - able-bodied population

Making each figure of next year to the previous year, we receive the ranks of the speakers.

Indicators2006% 2007% K Ave. year2008% K Ave. year2009% K Ave. Year2010% K Ave. The yearWe is employed in the economy, including: 3048982,853086178,88,7971,298,68,62,2298,68,62,298,66 ekonomiki2478567,352414961,7305798,92292858,7626297,562002151,3122191,91786045,7737588,7- hiring by private domestic servants hozyaystva3315936909,432515111,2421410,80014116,33591415,15711140,4610915,65688113,2- religious kultov23876,530227,724949145 , 63260866666788,8721445,48057393,682767,073,1081226 Or studying16374,4623275,948364147,825064147,825066,4059319995,10,991881,219294,930982919,981003912,9810039120100106,313901810098,53,010097,65.

As of January 1, 2008, the number of labor resources of the region amounted to 50 million people. For the previous year, the coefficient of natural disposal of labor resources is 8.5% of the factor of labor resources, the 3.5% coefficient of natural replenishment of labor resources replenishment of labor resources is 16.3%,. Calculate the overall increase in labor resources and the promising number of labor resources on January 1, 2012.

The overall increase was 16.3% + 3.5% - 8.5% \u003d 11.3%

With an increase in 0.113 at the beginning of 2012, the number of labor resources of the region will be

* (1+0,113)4 \u003d 76.72 million people.


Statistical indicators characterizing the distribution in the national economy of an employed working-age population, serve:

· The number of workers in the field of material production and non-productive sphere.

· In determining the population employed in the field of material

· The number of employees employed in the folk economy by industry.

· Indicators of the distribution of the population on persons engaged predominantly physical and persons engaged in predominantly mental labor.

· The number of employees engaged in the national economy in economic areas, regions.

· The number of people engaged in entrepreneurial activities.

2. In the system of employment regulation of the working population, a number of special measures are assumed that require solutions to private tasks. So, along with economic management methods, there are also uneconomic measures. Employment regulation involves the development of special legislation and regulations providing for a different approach to various categories of the working-age population. For example, the employment of persons with disabilities so that it finally moved from the category of wishes and hypothetical developments into a real plane, requires a thorough study of a number of special measures, in particular related to the tax system of quotas on workplaces, etc. The same applies to the Small and Medium Business Development System which also requires the development of the appropriate regulatory base In terms of stimulating the formation of an optimal employment system.

List of used literature

  1. Constitution of the Russian Federation (adopted on December 12, 1993) M.: Prospekt, 2009 - 192 p.
  2. Labor Code Of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2001 N 197-FZ (with change and extra. From 24, July 25, 2002, June 30, 2003, April 27, 2004, June 30, 2006). M.: Infra-M, 2009 - 224 p.
  3. Labor market and revenues are inhabited / ed. N. A. Volgin.- M.: Information and publishing house "Filin", 2009 - 279 p.
  4. Tolkunova V.N., Gusov K. N. Labor law M.: TK Velby, 2006 - 320 s.
  5. Labor economy / ed. N.A. Volgina, Yu.G. Oghegova. - M.: Exam, 2008. - 735 p.
  6. Ehrenburg R. J., Smith R.S. Modern labor economy. Theory and state policy. M.Isd-in Moscow State University, 2006. - 621c.

Calculate the number of labor resources in the region in two methods: demographic (by sources of formation); Economic (on actual employment). Configure the results and draw out the data obtained:

The population of the working age - 112 thousand people.

The number of employed population, including those engaged in personal, subsidiary and farmer - 121.3 thousand years. farms

The number of people with disabilities of the first and second groups in working age - 3% of persons working age

The number of working adolescents under the age of 16 - 1560 people.

The number of working retirees is 10 thousand people.

The number of people of working age occupied in the household and child care is 0.81 thousand.

The number of students with a separation from production aged 16 and older - 1.7 thousand people.

The number of other unoccupied persons in working age is 0.2 thousand people.

The number of unemployed is 2.5 thousand people.

According to the sources of formation, we exclude from among the persons of the working age of persons with disabilities

112 thousand people (100% - 3%): 100% \u003d 108.64 thousand people.

With a demographic method, we will consider working retirees and adolescents, eliminating persons employed in the household, unoccupied and unemployed, as well as students with a separation from production.

108.64 + (10+ 1.56) - (1.7 + 0.2 + 2.5 + 0.81) \u003d 114.99 thousand people.

The number of labor resources at the beginning of the year amounted to 3620 thousand people, on April 1 - 3596 thousand people, on October 1 - 3765 thousand people, at the end of the year - 3850 thousand people. During the year, 620 thousand people have entered the able-bodied age, out of the working age of 515 thousand people., At work, 40 thousand people were retired, in other regions loss from labor resources of 220 thousand people. Determine the overall, natural, migration increase in labor resources; The coefficients of the general, natural, migration growth, replenishment and disposal of labor resources.

The average magnitude of labor resources during the year is equal to:

0.5 * 3620 + 3596 + 3765 + 0.5 * 3850 \u003d 3700 thousand people.

Common gain of labor resources:

3620 \u003d 250 thousand people.

Natural increase

- (515 + 40) \u003d 65 thousand people.

Migration growth due to arrival

+ (250-65) \u003d 405 thousand people.

The migration growth itself was 250 - 65 \u003d 195 thousand people.

Total replenishment of labor resources 620 + 195 \u003d 815 thousand people.

Disposal 815 - 250 \u003d 565 thousand people.

Growth coefficients:

Total - 250: 3700 \u003d 0.06

Natural 65: 3700 \u003d 0.017

Migration 195: 3700 \u003d 0.043

Replenishment of labor resources 815: 3700 \u003d 0.22

Disposal of labor resources 565: 3700 \u003d 0.16

There are the following source data distribution of labor resources, people:


All employed in the economy including:

In sectors of economics

By hiring a private household

Servants of religious cults, etc.

Students in working age, teaching with a separation from production

Able-bodied people-bodied population, not engaged in economic activities or study

Other materials

Enterprise cost management
The market price of the goods is a \u003d 350 rubles, B \u003d 490 rubles. Using Tarket Marking Calculate the full cost of goods, justification technical solutions. Decisions to submit to the table. Table 1 - Source Data No. P / P ...

Pharmacy Management and Economics
Practice time: a) According to the ticket: from "24" March 2008, on May 11, 2008, only 35 working days b) Actual time of practice: from "March 24" in May 11, 2006. ..

To assess the employment potential of Russia and its use information, the balance of labor resources is used.

Balance of labor resources - System of indicators reflecting:

    the number and composition of labor resources that participate either potentially could participate in public production,

    their distribution by type of employment;

    unemployed persons who want to work

    economic inactive population in working age not occupied in the economy

The resource part of the balance provides the total number and composition of the labor resources of the Russian Federation (see Table 2.10).

Table. 2.10 Labor resources of the Russian Federation (on average per year; thousand people)

Number of labor resources

including: able-bodied people-bodied population

persons outside able-bodied age engaged in the economy

foreign labor migrants

The distribution part of the balance indicates the distribution of the number of labor resources by type of employment (Table 2.11)

Table 2.11 Distribution of the number of labor resources by type of employment (on average per year; thousand people) 1

Busy in the economy


Located outside the economy and full-time study

of these are unemployed

Balances of labor resources are compiled annually by all the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and are summed as a whole.

Labor Balance System - A number of interrelated tables characterizing the processes of reproduction and use of the country's labor resources and its individual territories in particular conditions of social development.

The scheme of the balance of labor resources is shown in Fig. 2.8.

Figure 2.8 Labor Balance Scheme

In time Balances are reporting (statistical, at the reporting date, for the reporting period) and planned(for the coming period or the reporting date).

In form Balances of labor resources are divided into three types:

    shape of the camshaftreflecting the disposable part of labor resources and their actual use

    form of intraday turns: Number at the beginning of the year, the increase in the year, the number of labor at the end of the year;

    chess form - Inter-sectoral labor balances

The main indicator of the resource part of the balance is the population at work. In the consumables of reporting balances, it is planned to distribute labor resources by type of employment at the main work in the sectors of the economy and unautability in the field of labor.

The methodology for calculating the balance of labor resources is based on the integration of these different sources of information: the reporting of organizations, the data survey data on employment issues, these executive bodies. An example of the balance sheet of labor resources is shown in Fig.2.9.

Row number

Name of the indicator

Total, thousand people.


Formation of labor resources

Number of labor resources - total


Able-bodied population in working age

From him working citizens of other states

Persons, older working age engaged in the economy

Teens engaged in the economy

Distribution of labor resources

I. The average annual number of people employed in the economy at the main work -

Including in forms of ownership:



Property of public and religious organizations

Mixed Russian

Foreign, joint Russian and foreign

Peasant (farmer) farms

Private organizations

Individuals engaged in individual labor and on the Naiter in individual citizens

Persons employed in the household production of goods and services for implementation

II. Population not engaged in the economy

Students in working age, studying and separating from work

Able-bodied people-bodied population not occupied in economics and learning with a separation from work

Fig. 2.9. Balance Scheme of Labor Resources

Balance Scheme Allows you to install:

    the ratio in the distribution of labor resources by activity;

    participation of the working-age population on studies with a separation from production, employment level in the public economy;

    social employment package, additional sources of ensuring the needs of the economy in working power and their size.

The basis for determining the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of labor resources is such initial data as the total population, the average life expectancy of the person, the established period of working age, the proportion of the working-age population, the average number of hours spent, the main indicators of labor costs and the level of labor skills, etc. d. The population is the most common indicators of human resources and serves as a basis for calculating the number of working-bodies. Of the total working age people, the number of students and disabled are deducted. The number of able-bodied population is usually established according to a periodically conducted census with subsequent adjustment of the results obtained

The change in the population occurs under the influence of factors such as natural growth and migration. Natural population growth is determined by the excess of fertility over mortality. Migration shows mechanical movement or the movement of labor resources in economic regions.

Qualitative performance indicators of labor resource use affect the national income indirectly, through a change in the performance of social labor. An indicator of the level of performance is the production of national income per secondary employee of industries of material production. The smaller the additional amount of living labor is involved in the production of national income and above its share, obtained by the growth of labor productivity, the more effective the labor resources in material production are used.

There are also other indicators of the use of labor resources, which are the quantitative characteristics of the general or private results of the work of employees. These indicators reflect the level of employment of the population in public production, the efficiency of the use of labor resources. For example, the indicators of public, sectoral, local (in individual enterprises) labor productivity characterize the level and growth rate of efficiency of the use of labor resources.

Quantitative characteristic of labor potential on macroevna It is the economically active population, i.e. That part of it that forms the proposal of labor in the labor market.

Quantitative measurement of labor potential on micro levelit is based on an indicator of an effective time fund, calculated for the optimal conditions for the functioning of the organization's staff.

Quantitative aspect Characterized by the following parameters:

    the total number of able-bodied population

    the number of spent working time

Quality aspect Labor potential is determined by the state of health, the physical ability of the working-age population, as well as the level of general education and professional qualification preparation of the working-age population.

It historically developed that over 2/3 of the population of Russia lives in the territory of the European part and in the Urals and only about 1/3 falls on Siberia and the Far East. Such disposal of the population affected the security of regions by labor resources.

Depending on the security of labor resources, according to the classification, the regions are divided into three categories:

    Hard-freecharacterized high levels natural and mechanical growth and disadvantage of availability of free jobs;

    Employees, lack of qualified workforce. These regions are distinguished by complex climatic conditions, insufficiently developed by the social and industrial sphere and infrastructure and weak fixedness of workers.

    Labor-made Regions with balance between availability of jobs and workflow

Movement of labor resources it is a complex socio-economic and demographic process of changing the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the part of the population, which acts as a carrier of labor.

General movement of labor resources determined by objective social conditions and includes:

natural Movement -entry into the working age age of new generations and loss by citizens of labor ability;

social Movement- a change in the social status of citizens (the transition of workers from physical to intellectual work);

territorial movement- Unlike the migration of the population, it is always connected not only with a change in place of residence, but also with the change of employment of employment, while the profession, specialty, etc, is often changing;

industry Movement- movement between different economic spheres or organizations;

professional movement- a change in the labor functions of employees, includes the transition to another specialty or employee retraining;

qualifying traffic- represents the transition of an employee from one level of qualifications (discharge, level) to another and characterizes the qualitative development of labor.

The number of labor labor resources can be determined by the following formula

Tr \u003d Ch T.V. - Ch Inv, Lure + h Rab. + H mall

where h Tr.V. - population in working age;

H Inv, Defr - the number of non-working population of the same age, considered, according to the legal regulations established by the state;

H slave. - working persons of the retirement age;

H Mol - working teenagers up to 16 years.

Quantitative changes in the number of labor resources are characterized by indicators as an absolute increase, growth rates and growth rates.

Absolute increase in labor resources determined to the beginning and end of the period under consideration (usually one year or a longer period of time):

L.\u003d H k - h n

where h K and h n is the number of labor resources at the end and the beginning of the calendar period.

Growth rate it is calculated as the ratio of the absolute number of labor resources at the end of this period to their magnitude at the beginning of the period (most often expressed as a percentage). If the pace over a series of years is considered, then the average annual pace is defined as the average geometric. In essence, the growth rate of labor resources is the ratio of two consecutive levels of a number of dynamics of the number (T) of labor resources and can be represented as follows: ( t. 1 /t. 0) (t. 2 /t. 1) … (t. n. /t. n. -1).

The growth rate of national income per capita and the growth rates of pure products by industry of material production are combined in a generalized form of the efficiency of social production. The change in the amount of live labor spent in the field of material production has a direct impact on the amount of national income. This indicator is one of the components of the general criterion for the efficiency of production, defined as the ratio of the physical amount of national income to the amount of costs for its reproduction. The efficiency of using labor resources is characterized by a set of interrelated quantitative and qualitative indicators.