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Professionalism artist examples of words. Examples of professionalism in literature and colloquial speech. Words - Professionalism in various branches of activity

Professionalism - These are special words used in the conversational use of professionals. Professionalism are the "unofficial" names of special phenomena and the concepts of the profession, make up a professional jargon.

An important distincomingism from the terms is that professionalism is relevant mainly in spoken Speech People of this or that profession, being sometimes a kind of informal synonyms of special items. Often they reflect the dictionaries, but necessarily with the "professional" litter. Unlike the terms - official scientific items of special concepts, professionalism function mainly in oral speech as "semi-deform" words that do not have a strictly scientific nature. These words constitute a lexical reservoir, which is also sometimes called professional slang or professional jargon.

For example, in the editors of newspapers and magazines, a specialist engaged in the selection of illustrations, is called bild editor. Bild editor - This is the term. However, in the real production process, it is most often called for brevity. bilda - This is professionalism, professional jargon. Bild Utopal All pictures on the layout "Undoubtedly, professionalism is used in this sentence, but not the terms (with terms the same phrase would have sounded more cumbersome. In addition, the terms often have a foreign-language origin, it is difficult to pronounce that also does not contribute to their use in business conversational use. By the way, that is why Professionalism often become reduced terms: bild editorbild, calipers (Special measuring ruler) - stangel etc.).

Professionalism simplifies speech, make it more suitable for the rapid source of production processes.

Professionalism, as well as terms, can be grouped by the sphere of their use: in speech economists, financiers, athletes, miners, doctors, hunters, fishermen, etc. The technicalism is allocated to the special names used in the field of technology.

Professionalism most often serve to designate various production processes, productions of production, raw materials, manufactured products, etc. In other words, they denote such phenomena to be recognized which the use of terms, although it is possible, but cumbersome and non-coming. In addition, professionalism is often the result of creative rethinking, "development" of a narrow specialized phenomenon. Such words spare (Spare wheel in the auto show and chauffeurs), zagon (spare cordant texts from editors of newspapers), paws and christmas tree (types of quotes from correctors and polygraphists). Such professionalism, easily and in-properties the terms, make a special speech more lively, simple and mastered, easier to quickly use and understand.

For example, in the speech of polygraphists, the following professionals are used: ending - graphic decoration at the end of the book, scored font - erased, produced font with outdated linotype printing, etc. Journalists workpiece of the future text, Chernovik called fish or dog. Engineers jokingly call a self-examining device yabrange. In the speech of pilots there are words nedoze, Panzer, Meaning the ear and flight of the landing sign, as well as: bubble, sausage - Shar-probe, give a goat - Hard to plant an aircraft, as a result of which he jershits after touching the Earth, etc. Many of these professionals have an estimated or underestimated tonality.

IN professional speech Actors use comprehensive name glavrezh; In the colloquial speech of builders and repairmen, the professional issue of major overhaul is used capital; Experts, building and supporting computer systems in firms - sisadmin. On fishing ships, workers who will crack the fish (usually manually) are called shpherers. Bankers in conversation among themselves instead of term car loans Use the word autocredits, officials call housing and communal services communaland the social sphere - social etc.

Many professional words entered a wide business and colloquial use: note on-mountain, storming, teaching etc.

Professional vocabulary is indispensable for a laconic and accurate expression of thought in special texts intended for a prepared reader or listener. However, the informativeness of narrow-profesional items is reduced if a non-specialist faces with them. Therefore, professionalism is appropriate, say, in multi-degenerate sectoral (departmental) newspapers and are not justified in publications focused on wide reading circles.

Professionalism, being predominantly words for colloquial use, often have a reduced stylistic color, being, in fact, the hotstocks. It is also necessary to take into account when using professionalism in the official situation or in official publications. They may not only be incomprehensible outside the professional audience, but also will be risky for the reputation of a person who consumes them.

On the other hand, the skillful consumption of professional jargon may even give official speech juiciness, color, will help demonstrate the knowledge of the subject characteristic of a professional having a regular and direct contact with the working medium. Top manager of one large oil company, Professor and Doctor of Science, told that when you go on a business trip on norththen on the drill in no case can not speak prey - Oilmen simply will not speak with you. Needless to say as they: prey. Then you are a person from the industry, and you recognize your own. Thus, the manager intentionally retreats from accentological (sometimes lexical) rules of the Russian language to speak in one language with specialists.

Professionalism are words that are the affiliation of a certain speaking team, united by any industrial activity, specialty or profession ( medical workers, polygraphists, lawyers, sailors, etc.). Professionalism designate special concepts, tools or works of labor, labor processes. Therefore, they are sometimes called special words or special terms.
Here are some examples: Scalpel is a small surgical knife, usually with a arc-shaped blade, for operations, anatomy (lat.); Veneer (it. Spon "Sliver") - Typnaya metal plate, not reaching the height of the font, inserted between the rows of the set to increase the distance between them; The shocks are part of the upper deck of a warship (Dutch.); Alibi (Lat. Alibi "elsewhere") - the absence of the accused on the scene of the crime at the time of his commitment as proof of his innocence to the crime; Mezder is the exhaust of the selected skin, etc.
Like dialectisms, professionalism make up such a formation in the vocabulary of the nationwide language, the seference of which is limited. However, they are seriously different from dialectisms: 1) the sphere of their use is not limited to geographically, but socially,
  1. they are part of the vocabulary of the literary language.
Among professionalism are also also narrowly words, for example, Glinka - the highest grade of clay (kaolin), used in the citrate (technical term), and the words of wider use, for example, a knife, a knife, cold weapons in the form of a dagger at the commander of the marine and air Fleet.
In some cases, the sector of the use of certain professionalism is expanding so much that they turn into nationwide words. This is explained by either a wide distribution of a special subject and concepts, or a metaphorical use of them to designate previously not called objects and phenomena of reality. For example, the words of the combine, the globe, the screen has become the property of a nationwide dictionary after in our agriculture Cleaning with the help of the combine, the globe became the necessary accessory in teaching geography, and the movie became one of the most popular art species. By virtue of the metaphorical use of steel from professional immoralism, for example, words: Avral (Wed: "Was announced Avral") - the initial maritime team "All Top!"; fermentation (Wed: fermentation of the minds) - originally biological term; Sphere (in the highest spheres) - originally mathematical term; Soft-water - initially special word of gardeners, term to determine the ripeness of fruits; Temp (Wed: growth rates) - initially musical term.
Among the professionalism are allocated as words that are known as a lexical units only in special use, for example: Troets (from the dictionary of carpenters) - a long nail connecting three testers at once; Estamp - print or snapshot from engraving (from Franz. Jaz., Wed: stamp); smelting - a piece of metal; Asbestos - fibrous white Materialfrom which non-aggravated products are produced (this word first came to us from greek In the form of the word lime), etc., so and words that with other values \u200b\u200bare part of the national vocabulary: the bridge is a place on the deck, from where the commander commands the ship; The cap - title a large font, a header of several articles (Type PR.), etc.
Professionalism are usually used in oral speech representatives of any profession, specialty and in scientific and technical literature.
Professionalism and in journalism and fiction, however, they can be justified only as a certain stylistic image tool. labor activity and production landscape, for speech characteristics of characters. Using certain professionally diseases should be remembered that some of them are unfamiliar to representatives of other areas of employment, and in the necessary cases, one way or another to explain their meanings. "

This methodological development For grade 6, you can use as when learning new topicand when fixing, slightly changing some lesson elements. Development contains a systematic repetition of all terms underway in the section "Lexicology"



Deployed Plan of the Lesson of the Russian Language

in grade 6 on the topic:


(on the textbook T A. Ladyzhenskaya)

russian language and literature teachers

MKOU Upnethershanskaya Oosh

Starokoulakinsky district

Ulyanovsk region

Akasyanova Gusel Saitovna

Target installation:

Educational goals.

Knowledge: give knowledge about vocabulary of limited use, in particular - about professionalism.

Skills: forming a practical ability to properly use in everyday speech of professionalism, "not clogging" literary language excessive amounts of professionalism; Improve skill proper fulfillment Linguratsborns: Morphem, elements of phonetic, spelling.

Skills: improve the skill of competent letters:orphograms (the spelling of unstressed vowels in the root of the word, the spelling of unrepringly consonants in the root of the word),preamograms (end of the sentence sign).

Speech development: perfection different species Speech activities: reading educational texts, expressive reading, listening to the teacher and each other, the development of oral monologic and dialogical speech, letter(The number of words recorded at the lesson - 115), the development of communicative skills (drafting the phrases, proposals, the ability to entitle the text, determine its topic).

  1. High records of the didactic material.
  2. Stylistic aspect: Used at the lesson art style and teaching the scientific line of scientific style.
  1. Developing goals:
  1. development of thinking, memory, attention, imagination;
  2. creating a psychologically comfortable environment in the lesson.

III. Educational goals:

  1. educate attention to the environment;
  2. develop interest in the Russian language, oral and written speech;
  3. educate serious attitude To teacher and student work, to the subject.
  4. provide through proverbs and sayings to the cultural heritage of the Russian people.

Equipment lesson:decorated board, textbook

(T. A. Ladyzhenskaya), cards with text, dictionaries (spelling, sensible).

Methods: teacher's word with interview elements, training exercisesWorking with illustrations, elements of linguistic analysis, observation of language phenomenon.

During the classes.

  1. Organizing time
  1. Greeting
  2. Report of the duty officer about readiness for the lesson.
  3. Creating a positive psychological attitude Pupils

II. Interview

Checking homework

Frontal survey on the topic "Lexicology"

What is lexicology?

What sections of vocabulary we studied last year?

What words are called commonly used?

What sections of the unreasonable vocabulary are we already familiar?

III. Heating new material

  1. Holding the game "Guess the profession." Let's talk about professions today.

A) he showed me his watercolors and still lifes. The impression of still lifes is a bright, motley carpet of paints, iridescent and sparkling with all the colors of the palette.

B) Roman - the Korsakov appeared two topics. One instructed it to the string tools. Four foams play four horses and plates. Surgo and sadness sounds the topic of Santa Claus.

How did you define it?

2. The teacher about professionalism. Writing in notebook theme lesson.

3. Meeting with the objectives of the lesson.

4. Follow the reference books:

Professionalism - words associated with the features of the work of a particular specialty, profession.

5. Work on pairs.

In each of the envelopes - the name of the profession. Select the terms that use people of a particular profession.
Musicians Military doctors Mathematics Historians Chaffins Lawyers;
opera artillery medicine square emperor battery lawyer;
clarinet shell bronchitis equation peasants carburetor prosecutor;
romance Desant Inhalation Multiply Voivod Tinontail Judge;
violin Cartridge Vaccination Equality Feudalism Bumper Witness;
note Battalion fuunkul circle Reform brake appeal.

Check. Each couple reads 1 column. The rest check the accuracy of the work. Who will notice the mistake, let it silently raise his hand.

Correct answer:

musicians doctors shell
military mathematics bronchitis
grafting Inhalation Chaffin
furuncle square opera
equation lawyers multiply
equality of the medicine feudalism
battery Circle Clarinet
romance Violin Reform
emperor battalion carburetor
tire mount peasants Voevoda
historians bumper brake
lawyer Cartridge Prosecutor
judge notot landing
witness appeal artillery

  1. Fixing the material studied
  1. Working with a textbook.

Exercise exercises 67, 68.

  1. Work with text

Aunt Fields - Surgeon, and my mother is the head of the factory ambulatory. It is worth meeting them - and between them the conversation begins, in which ordinary words are replaced by medical. I did not have time to enter how the aunt field asks me:
-Well, Alik, how is your caries?
I only shrugged the shoulders:
- I have no caries.
-How, and your tooth? Have you already put a seal?
Here only I understood what it was: a week ago I got sick to the tooth and he was treated in a clinic.
But, in my opinion, it is much easier instead of the words of caries and impose a seal to ask: "Did you cure the tooth?" But I did not argue! They do not convince them.

Is the hero's right of this story, which do not need to use professional words at all?

V. The result of the lesson

What words got acquainted today in the lesson?

Vi. Reflection.

Continue the proposal using Professionalism:

I consider this lesson ...

VII. Homework

P. 15, UPR. 69.

VIII. Evaluation

In addition to common words in Russian, there are words used much less frequently. These include various jargonis and turnover used in professional speech. Professionalism are words that use people of a profession, or simply related to a certain specialization. But, unlike terms, they are not adopted as official concepts and are not applicable in scientific activities.

Features of the term

It is worth a detailed on what professionalism is in Russian. Often, such words include ferrous expressions. The informal nature of the lexeme says that they are not used everywhere. Their use may be limited to a narrow circle of people: owned by one specialty, qualifications working in one organization. Often the circle of concepts with time becomes wider.

Almost people of any profession have their own set of professionalism. This is due to the need to clearly designate all processes and phenomena in working life, many of which often do not have definitions. Associations with household concepts are formed. Often for a person who is not dedicated to the subtlety of a profession, confusion may arise when meeting with words from real life They can designate completely different objects.

For example, the word "peasants" in legal speech denote the witnesses of the crime, not residents of the village.

Characteristics and application

One more characteristic feature Professionalism is an emotional painting and expression. Many are used to designate negative phenomena, production errors. It is noticeable to their similarity with the spaticrous expressions: in some cases, it is almost impossible to distinguish between these concepts. They are always formed in oral speech. In some cases, the word has a terminological analog that is not used due to the complexity of pronunciation, the bulkness of the word.

Many examples can be brought from railway professions. Each type of transport here has its own designation, sometimes consisting of abbreviations and numbers. It is quite difficult to use them in speech, so replacement concepts appear in communication of railway workers.

For example, a tank with 8 axes is called "cigar", and the diesel locomotive of the road employees are called "carcass". There are similar examples in aviation: An-14 aircraft called "bee".

No designations have not only technical devices, but also separate professions and posts. Dresinlera call drivers of travel machines. Some of the words-professionalism are distorted foreign designations: Latin's reading without complying with the rules of pronunciation (for example, "Designer" is a designer).

Examples from different professions

In some works fiction Writers also use professionalism. This is necessary for the image of a certain category of people, transferring emotions and for characters' dialogs. Many professionals do not even notice how they use the words of this vocabulary in their speech. They have teachers, sports coaches, economists and designers. In the legal and law practice, the phrase "sew case" means "investigation with a bias on charge." Musicians and music teachers have a "major mood" expression, carrying, rather, a positive shade. It is rich in professionalism and language of health workers, where complex names of diagnoses are replaced by ironic, simplified words.

"Bareshnik" is called a patient infected with hepatitis B and C, "Meretsuha" is called flickering arrhythmia. The main purpose of such words in this case is to make it a shorter and tank, and speed up the process of assisting patients.

Consumption in speech

Professionalism in Russian has little studied, language researchers are trying to avoid this phenomenon. The emergence of such words is spontaneously, and it is difficult to find certain boundaries for them and give a clear designation. There are some editions of the training character in which experts try to give a list of professionalism. Such dictionaries will help the student and students in their future working activities: to quickly enter the course of the case and understand colleagues, do not experience difficulties in oral communication with narrow specialists.

Problems of professionalism

One of the problems is a misunderstanding of professionalism by people who do not belong to a specific many of these expressions are absent in the dictionaries. And those that are found in vocabulary and terminological publications, with difficulty delimited from the terms themselves and the spacious. Inability to find precise definition Professionalism can cause confusion even among the representatives of professions. And because of this, errors in work, failures. Informational barriers arise when communicating workers and qualified specialists with their leadership. For employees, special expressions are more familiar in their speech, but many managers are the meaning of their unfamiliar. As a result, some extraction of employees groups appear different levelsConflicts may occur.

\u003e\u003e Russian language: Professionalism and Terms. Speech development lesson. Support with support for adapted monologue text

Professionalism and terms. Speech development lesson. Support with support for adapted monologue text
Professionalism and terms

A. Theory

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