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Humorous scenario for the day of the medical worker. Medical Party: Tablet from boredom

On this page of our site presents cool scenes on the medical subject, which will revive any concert for workers of therapeutic and preventive institutions. Such miniatures can be put on student holidays, to include in the campaign program, as well as corporate events for the Medic Day, which in 2019 is celebrated on June 16, the third Sunday of the month.

Merry Scenes for Medica Day

Many comic scenes on doctors are devoted to relations of doctors and patients.

There is a reception with a psychiatrist. The doctor asks the patient:
- What worries you?
A patient:
- Doctor, I have a crocodile at night in the apartment behind the wall!
- Well, my friend, it's not for me to me, but to the veterinarian. Following!

A psychiatrist and patient also participate in another scene.
A patient:
- Doctor, I come to me every night!
- And you send it somewhere.
Psychiatrist returns home, in the evening goes to bed. At night, from behind his bed, the soup gets out:
- Sorry, doctor, but sent me to you.

The patient complains a psychiatrist:
- I have a split personality. It seems to me that I am not me, and we are two.
- Hich I do not understand. Repeat one more time. Only, make mercy, do not say both immediately and do not interrupt each other.

In another funny scene about physicians, the doctor discharged the patient a medicine, he asks:
- Remove me, please reference that I am an idiot.
- What else why?
- It seems to me that droplets from a cold for 8 thousand without such a certificate in pharmacies should not be issued.

The action of another miniature occurs in the cabin of the aircraft. The passenger becomes bad, he loses consciousness.
- Is there a doctor in the plane? Urgently need help!
No one responds. Finally, one of the passengers is suitable for a flight attendant and says confused:
- I am a doctor, but I am a dentist.
- still inspect the patient.
He looks at the body for a long time without signs of life.
Stewardess asks:
- Doctor, what's wrong with him?
- Well, what can I say definitely? Two caries and one pulpit.

Another cheerful scene on a medical topic is going on in the doctor's office.
A man with a nail in the head comes to the doctor (the artist puts on a hat, from which a nail sticks out).
- What, nail needs to be pulled out?
- Well yes…
- With you 10 thousand rubles.
- But I have a policy!
- In the Police, we can only bend it to you, so as not to interfere.

The doctor indignantly says to the patient:
- You look pretty bad! I told you: only 10 cigarettes per day!
A patient:
- I remember your words well, doctor. But agree, for a person who never smoked, it's not so little!

At the reception at the Laura, the doctor says to the patient:
- It seems to me that today you cough easier.
- Yes, doctor, I practiced all night.

The patient informs a doctor.
"Doctor I snatch at night that I wake up from my own snoring." What will you advice me?
- sleep in another room.

Another scene, which can be put on a medical day takes place in the office of an allergist's doctor.
The doctor pulls the sick box of screws:
- So, the patient, swallowing the screws!
A patient:
- Oh ... ah ...
- What, hurt?
- Agaaaaa ...
- All clear! You are allergic to screws!

There is a reception in the surgeon office. The doctor asks the patient:
- What worries you?
- You know, Doctor, I have the curvature of the partition in the nose.
- Everything is clear, the usual thing.
It is suitable for the closet, opens the doors. There is a set of various shoes from slippers to kizzy boots. The doctor chooses a suitable pair and starts to wear it.
Patient (frightened):
- Doctor, are you sure that it will help?
- I am sure. Although let's watch your partition. (Carefully examines the patient's nose). It turns out that you have been twisted in your right side. Then you have to wait for Ivan Ivanovich. He is left-hand. And then I can miss my left and get into your ear.

In the next comic scene about the doctors, a bald man comes to the doctor and asks:
- Can you write me a means to restore hair?
- Take this bottle is the most effective means!
A patient:
- Are you sure?
- Absolutely! See that a person with a mustache in line?
- Yes…
- So, this is my wife! She has grown her mustache after she tried to open this bottle with his teeth.

Dentist refers to the patient:
- As soon as I start drilling to the tooth, shout, please riot.
A patient:
- What for?!
- You saw that a whole crowd of patients is sitting in the reception. And in twenty
Football championship begins minutes.

The old woman comes to the doctor.
- What are you complaining about? What is bothering? What hurts?
- Oh, Milok, legs do not go, the hands of the lomit, the back is not inflicted, the head splits.
- Well, we write down: "The bruise of the whole grandmother."

Comes patient to the doctor:
- Hello, free doctor.
- Hello, incurable patient patient.

Participants of the following funny scenes on the medical theme - a doctor and blonde.
Blonde at the reception at the doctor asks:
- Doctor, help! I was bitten bumblebee!
- Do not worry, now I do not pay ointment.
- But how do you catch it? Bumblebee already flew far away!
- There is no da, I will smear the place where he bit you.
- A-A-A, understandable. So it was in the park on the bench, under the tree.
Doctor, rolling his eyes:
- Yes, there is no, I will smell you that part of the body where the bumblebee was bitten, and everything will pass.
- So would say, doctor! Bumblebee bit my finger.
- Which one?
- How do I know? For me, so all the bumblebees are the same.

Blonde asks Professor:
- Tell me, what exercises are good for weight loss?
"I recommend that you turn your head to right to left and left to right."
- Yes? And how often?
- Every time you treat you something!

Another cool scene for a physician day occurs in the clinic.
A huge queue was lined up to the doctor. In the office enters the disabled couch.
- Once God decided to bring order in Russian medicine. He went down to the ground under the guise of a doctor in the clinic.
God puts his hand on the shoulder of the disabled person and says:
- Get up and go!
He gets up and leaves.
In the corridor, the queue is interested in:
- Well, how is a new doctor?
- Yes, like everyone else. Even the pressure did not remember.

And in this scene about the doctors there is a conversation on the phone.
The patient wants to make an appointment with the doctor.
- Hello, Polyclinic? Can I take a coupon to the doctor?
Registry worker:
- You can, but we have a day to this specialist ahead.
- Fiction! And where do all these people know how they will hurt in a month?

Banquet Scenario Medica Day.

I feast.

Invitation to the table.
Dear friends!
I hope from the soul -
We will have fun!
We start our feast honest -
We ask everyone to sit down!

Hello! Who else knows my name ________________! And today, in the 5th time I was entrusted to keep your festive banquet. I am glad to welcome the representatives of the most humane profession to this holiday table - medical workers.
Why start?
With boring phrases and congratulations?
Oh no! .. And there is no doubt about it
Called enemies, fate
I want to say - pour!
Therefore, I ask the gentlemen to care for charming ladies, fill it with myself glasses and thereby prepare for the first toast!
All you know on our own experience that people in white coats have to work very and very much. But remember one wise saying, known since ancient times: "One who rests well works well."
Therefore, I urge you, dear friends, it is more convenient to sit at the festive table and forget about all your everyday worries and difficulties. Let's rest!

1. Congratulations to ch. Doctor
Dear friends! The word for the first toast, according to tradition (F.O.O. Ch. Doctor).

Toast 1.

And I gladly congratulate you on the long-awaited minutes codenamed "Joy of the stomach"
2. A little about the evening
Ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, syntoras and syntorites, pleasant your appetite and good mood! And while you are biting, I want to briefly introduce you to how our evening will go.
The next 30 -40 minutes we will be congratulations to listen
Drink and eat.
Then I will announce a small chicken-winning intermission for 30 minutes. The music will play during which music will play. Who wants, can dance, smoke, talk in the fresh air. Later we will sit back at the table again at the table. We will congratulate you again, participate in contests, play advanced games, surprise surprises, eat and drink. Next will again be a smoking-dance intermission for thirty minutes. So the feast will constantly alternate with dancing, and at the very end, after a lot of hours, when you already get tired of food, toast, games and me, you are waiting for a long dance marathon until you fall.

Who wants to eat - notes!
Who wants to smoke - cries!
Who wants to say - speak! Who wants to dance - rushing!
Who wants to play games - play yourself!
Who wants to get drunk - get out!
Who wants to relax - relax!
Who wants what he wants!

2. Congratulations VIP Guest
Dear friends! You all know that a good mood and good appetite are directly dependent.
"A cheerful look makes the food festival." I here from the place of caring already whispering: "Between the 1st and 2nd gap, small!"
With a sense of deep respect,
I am by tradition I give the second word of our evening a honorable, important guest chapter of administration (FULL NAME.).

Congratulations to the mayor of the city.
Toast 2.

3. For health.
So that the fun lived in the world, we will drink on the 3rd. Well, what we sit, we miss, inactive pour.

The great philosopher Arthur Shopenhauer argued that "happiness is primarily in health." I suggest drinking a glass for you on guarding human health, and therefore human happiness! For your health!

3rd toast "For Health".

4. For women.

"People's proverb says:
"Without gravy and cabbage dries", so now is the time for the next toast and the tissue. In this regard, I again want to ask for gentlemen until I am pronounced the next toast, care for the ladies and fill it with glasses.
Luminous medicine most often becomes men. Honor and praise! But ask them, would they have been able to achieve such heights if not active assistance to assistant colleagues, if not skillful and gentle hands of sisters, senibock? And if you pay attention to the whole medical staff, it becomes apparent that "we can not be in the world without women, no" ... It is worth giveing \u200b\u200bto them due and thank all women who workers and practically living in the kingdom of hippocratic. I propose a toast for their health!

4th toast "For Women".

Game dating. (Music - mounted clams).
And now, attention guests!
Before you continue our evening, let's get acquainted with each other.
At the table big beautiful
Gathered and at this hour
I suggest everyone friendly
Get to know now.

I'm without flattery and passions
I'll introduce all guests here
Well, and you need support and applause.
1. We are waiting for ovations for urban administration led by (Full name of the heads of administration).

2. What holiday without friends,
Important expensive guests -
Learn together together
And to visit everyone.
Do not miss the moment
Give them friendly applause.
3. I'll tell you just, without a job:
We meet the sponsors of the speed!
Please stand up, do not be lazy and show up!
4. Where do we have a doctor
It's time to welcome!
Wonderful doctors of the city ... - High Gu ... Hurray!

5. Please get all nurses - experienced and young. We applaud in honor of them!

6. Welcome to people on which your material well-being - economists and accountants depends!

7. Salute applause representatives of the host. Services.

8. Let's beat your hands
For all guests! For you, good!

What is our friendly company with you today.
I suggest a drink for it.
Let's raise the glasses for our friendly honest company.

Toast 5 "For a friendly company."

6. Best greeting.
Your professional holiday is a holiday of the smartest, kind and wonderful people in the world.
I am sure that a person who can treat, is able, like no other, to understand, compassion and support other people.
We continue the relay of festive congratulations and I suggest you to participate in the competition for the best congratulation and wishes to your colleagues.

Congratulations 2 - 3 people.
And now I suggest all those present to evaluate the eloquence of each of the applause speakers.
(The winner recognizes the one who will get more loud ovations, and he is awarded a prize.)
I propose to take a congratulation and wishes of the winner as a toast.

6th toast.
For this that said came true and elevated to the degree.

7. Speed \u200b\u200bcheck.
The holiday of medical workers is celebrated in the summer, when heat and sunny, and the most peak of work - in winter, when it is cold, slippery and influenza. These two years of year are very important for us. And not only for us. There is not a single poet who did not write poems about winter or about the summer. And poems with a melody are a song already.
And now, dear doctors, I propose a professional check for "Safety".
We ask the theme "Summer", "Winter".
You need to remember and disappear in turns of the verse or at least a few lines of songs, where it is mentioned about these years or about their signs.
For example: "Winter":
Along the street Metelitsa
Somehow in the summer at dawn
"Winter": Oh, frost, frost
And the dawn is already more noticeable
So please, be good,
Do not forget and you are these summer
Moscow Nights! Etc.

A team will win, which can escape anything, corresponding to a given topic, when rivals will already exhale.
Wonderful rushing, friends! Neither the winners nor the losers in this competition, it seems to me. After all, despite the fact that you were focused on certain times of the year, all the songs sounded mostly about love, which lives at all times. Let's raise glasses for love singers, that is, for you, and for love!

6th toast "For Love".

So that guests did not sit
to infinity,
We offer all
Weigh your limbs.
Everybody dance!
Hey, DJ, ignite!

1. Dance break.
Competitions, games:
1. Find a couple
And now you are invited to find your partner for dancing, taking advantage of the prompt of fate (Myto we know what an important thing in our life is the role of this lady).
In 2 hats there are half cards: in one - those on which the beginning of famous proverbs are written, in the other - their continuation. Participants of the game pull one half (Men are from one hat, women from another) And they are looking for someone who has a card with the beginning or end of this proverb. So they find partners for the next slow dance (But you should not insist in order to dance unwillingly). The number of players should be even.

List of proverbs:

1. Who is warned, he is armed.
2. Not all that is gold, which shines.
4. On the thief, the hat is burning.
5. Who knows only little, he does not know anything.
6. In someone else's monastery, they do not go to his charter.
7. In the still waters, devils are found.
8. The tit in his hands is better than a crane in the sky.
9. Under the lying stone water does not flow.
10. In seven nannies, the child is without an eye.
11. Where is fine, there and breaks.
12. Briefness - sister of talent.
13. Do not judge by words, but on affairs.
14. At night, all sulfur cats.
15. What is written in pen, you do not cut down the ax.
16. It is better to see once than hear a hundred times.
17. Surround pays twice.
18. In love and in war, all means are good.
19. What we will lay, then you will get enough.
20. Not knowing the broth, do not fall into the water.

Vedas So, halves of proverbs finally connected and is the time to declare a slow dance.
A slow dance
2. My friends!
I want to delight you. Everyone who came to our holiday, literally everyone, bought a ticket on a journey. Imagine how cool! Applause. Listen, I did not even expect everyone to love Halyava. Well, let's go to ride a freebie? Halyava love everything.
Steam beep (effect)
1. A steam room built!
And after the (name), we go on the journey. Music
Hands put on a neighbor's shoulders. Now hands on the ears of a neighbor, neck, hips. That Halewa arrived. Men, hips are a little lower. Masha's right hand. We decided to make the first stop and brought you all to the Caucasus!
Dance "Lezginka"
Where are our hot jigs?
We ask for two wonderful doctors in the center of the circle - ___________________! Here they are Caucasian hot guys! And go! Music.
Here are almost Caucasian hot women. Now the jigs get up on one knee, the ladies take him for one finger and bypass. And now in the other direction. Ah, yes, well done! How many hot people among you!
2. followed by (name) We cling to car carriages. This time we put the hands on the waist, (knees, heels).
Look at your colleagues! So they will go home today.
Hands on the chest! This is a little lower chin, higher waist!
(Yes you, men, I joked).
We make another stop.
And we came to the country with you, about which they say that there is absolutely everything in it!
Of course, this is Greece. And we dance your favorite dance of the Greeks "Sirtaki".
Get up in a circle, put your hands on a neighbor's shoulders. The last time cling to the car carriage.
Our guests are awaiting a pleasant surprise - we go to the carnival!
(Caps and others. Props prepare)
Ladies and gentlemen, you were brought to Sunny Brazil, just at this time of the year we fell there for a carnival. But where to take costumes? How can it be useful to use the bag from Zaitsev, and maybe from Medvedev D.A. Now I am alive all!
Having gathered in one big circle, everything is in Brazilian on a merry music. Who does not know how to dance in Brazilian, raises his hands above and vigorously wisers the ass ... th.
Hands above. Only girls scream on the expense. Men answer them on account 3 (who has won?). And the loudest applause everyone who was active and cheerful!
Many thanks to all those who swept along with us.
To remember later
This moment in the biography,
I propose to urgently make a photo to all of you.


The game "Magic Hands".

Fight attention! Now I suggest you to spend the game to the agility of the hands, because it is known that the skillful hands of doctors are creating wonders.
In the game 4-5 people (Double newspaper sheets). Players in the line are kept in an extended hand-held hand with an unfolded newspaper for the very corner. At the team, players are trying, not by lowering hands and not resorting to the help of another, fully squeeze the newspaper, collecting it into a fist. At the end, raise your hand with a newspaper over your head. While the game participants manipulate with newspapers, the audience choir counts seconds. The winner awaits the award - the diploma of "Masters Magic Hands" and a prize.

2 feast.

For a festive table
We invite you again!
We are a holiday all together
Must continue.
1. For obedient patients
Once in the restaurant, the doctor saw his patient who carried the alcohol glass over the glass enthusiastically. The doctor could not stand and approached him: "Listen, I allowed you to drink no more than two glasses a day!" To which the patient kindly answered: "Of course, Dr.. But I'm treating ... not only you! "
Friends! I offer a toast for ensuring that all doctors come across obedient patients with whom it would be nice to work and for the successful seraction of which can be raised by glasses!

1st toast "For obedient patients".

2. For the calling.

Doctors can be full of right to call pioneers, freed sailing captains. After all, no matter how much the same diagnoses, people who have to be treated, unique. And with each patient, the doctor makes a new journey to the uncharted.
Let's in connection with this right
"Song about the Eskulap"
On the motive "Song about the captain"
1. Lived courageous eskulp,
He healed all in a row,
And from death saved people more than once.
Prases fifteen picked up
Did not regret the last strength
But never even
Vacation did not ask.
And in trouble and in labor
Sang such a song everywhere:

After all, a smile heals the heart.

2. But one day Eskulp
The virgin saved from the death of the paw.
And fell in love with a patient crazy.
Just fifteen he shone
Stuttered and pale
But I never dreamed smile.
He gloomily, he was humid,
But nobody sang in a friendly:
"Eskulap, Eskulap, smile
After all, a smile heals the heart.
Eskulap, Eskulap, tighten,
Just cheerful smiling fate! "
Doctors, Doctors, smile
After all, a smile heals the heart.
Doctors, doctor, tighten,
Just cheerful smiling fate!
I suggest raise glasses for your life choice, for the call! (Music sounds.)

2nd toast "For the vocation".

3. Skeleton.

The familiar doctor told me such a bike: "The doctor knocked in the apartment. He opens the door - no one. Then he goes to the platform and sees a lean to the door of the skeleton! "That's always! - The doctor grows.
- pull to the last, and then crawl to the doctor! "
Let's raise the glasses for ensuring that people remembered physicians on time and appreciated their selfless work. With your professional holiday!

The 3rd toast "To appreciate the work of a doctor."

4. For a friendly team.

It's no secret that a good doctor needs not only their own talent, knowledge and sensitivity. For success on this complex field, support and understanding from colleagues are very important. That is what is called work in a team. Friends, let's remember what words you can call such work and constituent success. So who remembered the 1st? (cooperation, friendship, union, unity, unanimity, uniformity, consent, partnership, generality, interaction, mutual assistance, mutual understanding, mutual assistance, cohesion, coherence, teamwork, supry)
Let's drink everything now
For a friendly team, for you!

Toast 4 "For friendly team."

5. The game "Fishermen".

Dear friends! To introduce you to the course of what will be further, I will tell you one joke.
Fishermen are resting and talking. The first: "I somehow have a 103 kilogram sieve!" The second: "And I - for one hook stretched three at once!" The third: "And I was sitting, nothing pecks. How suddenly the float goes sharply under the water, I pull, and there the candelabre is silver in three candles and all the candles are burning ... "Here the first again takes the floor and says:" I, perhaps, will reduce your cattle, but you will reduce the candles. "
But in our next game called "Fishermen" will be better prizes than the silver candelabr. Prizes will be special, fishing. Therefore, for participation in the next game, I need two gentlemen who love fishing. I ask you, fishermen, feel free to! "
Dear fishermen! Introduce youreself. You can call your name, and you can also a fishing nickname, for example, an unsurpassed slapper and a teller of whales and sharks, sharp harpoon. "
So, there are two ASA fishing in all reservoirs of the world, including fountains and baths, just Sergey and Vovka strong hand! Your applause! Dear participants, I do not tell you that when fishing fish from the fisherman requires a good reaction, and hand dexterity. And now we will check on the ancient and simple adaptation your taste and agility of hands.
2 coils (Each 5-8 m), in the middle of which the hook is tied (clip).
Your task to unwind the fishing line for the entire length and stretch slightly.
(Hang on the hook in the middle of the fishing lineup of an opaque package).
Exactly between you, I hung a chic prize, winning which you will get a few more additional prizes. But there is one condition: the prize that hangs must be sure to try. According to my team, you will start quickly, each for its part, wink the fishing line on the coil. Who is the first to sweat their part of the fishing line and comes to the prize hanging between you on the hook, he gets this prize. Then the winner is experiencing it and receives extra gifts. Rules are understandable?
(Merry music)
"Covery and faster turned out to be ..."
Your applause participants of the competition and especially the winner! " The winner pulls away large family panties from the package.
The experienced people say that there are better panties in polka dots than polka dots in shorts! And I remind you that these fishing panties need to be tested, put on health!
Dear friends! While the winner is trying on secret fishing uniforms, I want to give you a riddle. She sounds like this: "One hundred clothes and everything without fasteners." What is it?"
And what to guess here is 50 panties and 50 socks.
Promotional prize (Wobble) Loserem
To the winner: And here is this wound and the coil of the fishing line is additionally for you! " Ladies and Gentlemen! And now, with your permission, I declare the dance of the fisherman! "
I remind you, the winner cannot refuse dance.
Fisherman dance. MUZ. Rock'n'roll

Thank you, you have fun greatly. The best rock-n-roll fisherman dancer your applause!
And the last - anecdot. "Somehow some kind of fishing man has gathered. I came, begins to beat the ice, suddenly some voice says: "There are no fish here!" The man did not understand, went to another place, begins to beat, again the voice: "There is no fish here !!" The man goes, and he again: "There is no fish here !!!" The man offended and angrily asks: "Who are you?" The voice answers: "Skating director!"

Toast. Let's drink more fun people who know how to support the company.

Dance break 2.

Now I suggest you check in practice your ability to act together, the team and to start, I propose to choose captains and give them a task to gain commands.
All of you, dear friends invite you to participate in team games. So, the captains are in place, and where are the teams?
(Exit from the table is performed under the brixura music.)

Command games.
2 teams are organized.

Vedas Teams, opposite each other we get up.
The attention of the team! Whose is the best of you? (Screaming).
And who is louder?
Team (Familia or Captain Name) - Try to shout!
We will have to arrange a competition that will be held in several stages. Whose wins, that will be the best.
So whose team ...
1. It will be the highest, we will see right now, because you have to build a pyramid without using chairs.
2. And whose team will make a wider circle in the free part of the hall - (Wide - Circle).
3. And whose team is the most close? - (small circle).
4. Well, in this case, whose team is the lowest?
5. What team will be the longest holding hands with a chain and stretched from the wall to the wall?
6. And who is louder to your legs?
7. In this case, who slaps louder into your hands?
8. The most jumped
9. In this case, the last one whose team ...

MUZ. "Everything will be fine" (Serdyuchka) - everyone is dancing.
It is time to summarize.

Just as we will choose the best team, if we are all merged, and we no longer have teams, it turned out one big friendly team.
And this means that friendship won! Here on this optimistic note we declare dance for everyone who considers themselves young and successful.

A slow dance.
3rd feast.

So that the fun to continue
We need to pour again.
1. Blitz wishes.
Dear friends, I bow before your noble work.
All you deserve the warmest words and good wishes not only from patients, but also from each other. Improve yourself without getting a word. Remember, as they say: "Good word and a cat is nice."
So blitzing!
Briefly, on the word, started!

Toast 1. "For people in white coats"
Let's drink people
Dressed in white bathrobes.
For nurses and for doctors
Who is not as a salary.
Let's wish them
Health, happiness and good luck.
Let it be blue
And all tasks are solved.

And also raise glasses,
For the rest of the people,
So that more healthy has become
And you had less adversity!

2. "Eskulp".
Joke - awards ceremony
Today we are present at the award ceremony of the Awards "Eskulap", awarded the Medical Academy and a dedicated hedgehog in the All-Russian Holiday - the Day of the Medical Worker.
For a whole year, the members of the Medical Academy discussed the advantages of nominees, washed their bones, laid out on the shelves, seen through and endowed with all sorts of epithets. And here is the result of this painstaking work today we present to your attention. We thought for a long time and solved who of you in which nomination should be nominated and came to the conclusion that everything in all. But from an organizational point of view, it is quite difficult ... Therefore, we resort to the proven method.
I think it's time to get acquainted with the applicants for winning various nominations.
These are talented, successful, educated doctors. All of course different, but unites them one - the ability to achieve results in their favorite business.
So, in the 1st nomination "Acute Picker" are presented:

Nominees will now ask questions to which they must answer and demonstrate their wit, the resourcefulness and nonstandarity of thinking.
Once again I draw your attention that in the struggle for the title of sharp blows all the answers are good, but the brighter the answer, the more your chances of winning this nomination. The winner will choose the auditorium.
1. What professional qualities are needed to you in work?
2. Describe your life with a line from the song.
3. Decipher the word doctor spelled.
4. What do patients love you for?
5. Your motto in relationships with patients.
6. What do you value most in colleagues?

2. The nomination "Love in the profession".

(Fullmen of 3-Neominants-Doctors)

What distinguishes a real physician in love from a simple medical professional? (a question for men).
Of course Serenada !!! So, in the struggle for the title of in love with the profession of the physician, our nominees will perform for the ladies Serenad. (Props: Guitar)
It is a very serious and responsible nomination, so impromptu is inappropriate here. We will give nominees time and place to prepare.
And while our nominees are preparing for the execution of Serenada, dear health workers, and especially men, we will check how you know your female colleagues!
Cute Doctors-Men At your address received congratulatory telegrams from your female colleagues. But they all hurried that they forgot to subscribe. Your task to define the sender.
Arrows on pants and fashionable clothes carefully you wish you (name) +
Latitude in shoulders and slender waist wishes you (name) +
Three-storey houses, friends without flaw and holidays wishes (name) +
Healthy liver, Iron Will Stay Will not bend, signed (name) +

3. Nomination "Faster ambulance".

Competition "Rally".

You have a driver's license, i.e. rights? And familiar nurses? Call or do you cope?
For those who did not finish in childhood. We must assist with the help of a bandage, which is attached to the car, so you first you wind up the rope on the pencil, who wounds faster and does not confuse, he won in
I Tour, and then Biment, my dear, yes quickly.

4. Nomination exclusively for surgery and traumatology. "I was blinded from what was."

(Fullmen of the 3rd doctors' nominees).

Competition "Statue of Love".

You are sculptors. Now your task is to invite a pair of m and w - from which you will sculpt the statue of the goodness of your imagination. You like sculptors put the participants in the pose personifying love and take the 3rd place in the statue.
Discussion, medal and prizes.

Vedas Ladies in fainting, the curtain closes.
Holding awards begins.
And once again applause all the winners and participants.
Glorious medical workers High Hoore ... Hurray !!!
Have a good time to drink!

Toast 2.

3. Draw Super Prize.

game for code. name "THREE"
(raise the super prize above the head)
Dear friends! Now we will spend the game for wonderful ladies!
And this one (Prize name) - This is the main prize! I ask you, beautiful ladies, feel free to, the prize can be yours, the number of participants is not limited. "
Stunning ladies! To participate in the final of this competition, I need only four participants.
These four finalists will play a completely different game and everyone will receive prizes, the first of which is this wonderful prize! Now I will spend the selection through the qualifying game.
I swear once in the whistle and raise simultaneously once the right hand (Skid and raise)And you raise. If I fed twice and raise my hand (Schiday two times and raise my hand once), then you do not need to lift your hand, "so I will deceive. Who will not raise his hand on a single whistle and will raise on double, it drops out. If at the same time two or more participants are mistaken, then I reserve the right to choose one of them for disposal. And my choice will be impartial.
We spend a few workouts before the qualifying round. I am several times in a row, through an interval 4-5 seconds, a fisher and raise the hand with each whistle. Participants, like me, raise your hand up. Then I fierce twice and raise my hand (Error will be the basis for disposal from the qualifying game). Applause losers! Four finalists remain. The qualifying game is accompanied by statements "Recon acts! (When picked up hands.)
Vi-I-Ira! Who votes for? (Instead of whistle.) Whether if two times, or two, - deceived Tamada!
Hand raised in time, -
Furious in the final! "
Each departing participant is encouraged, for example:
She fought, but did not work, support her applause!
It is not important to victory, but participation, - your applause!
Applause her persistence, she leaves this game to relax and win in the next - contest!
She did not win, but did not give up, which means, deserves your applause! "
Final: "Dear friends! Now, in the final, these beautiful and stubborn ladies will all receive prizes, and also play the superpperprise.
Let's find the finalists! " I ask four finalists to get up two pairs of each other. Moreover, one pair is located along the right hand, the other on the left hand from me so that each of the participants freely deliver the stretched arm to the bears, which I keep in front of my hand. Now we will check the level of sharpness of the reactions of our finalist. We learn how they drank for the health of their colleagues and choose "Miss Coordination of Movements"! "
Game rules are simple:
How to hear the figure 3, immediately put the palm on the head of this ... just do not make it a concussion of the brain and do not confound each other with sharp curls. Whose hand will be the bottom after saying with me the cherished figure, she will receive a prize, taking first place. Let's start:
Once pike we caught.
Planted, and inside
(meaningful pause)
In the word "inside" there is a desired figure,
But it is not in pure form.

Once pike we caught,
Planted, and inside
Fish saw a lot.
Yes, not alone, but as much as ...

Reflexes are good, but unfortunately, I have not had time to say the cherished figure. With your permission, I continue:
Dreams the guy hardened. Become an Olympic champion. At the start, it is better not to fuck.
Team Listen: Once! Two! .. Marsh!
When you want to teach poems, do not teach them until late night,
And better in the morning, repeat,
Sitten, the other, and maybe ... Seven!
Be careful, the cherished figure can sound in any second. "
Once at night at the station
I have three hours
I had to wait!
Hand winner finals, raise up. (Giving her a prize, ask the name). Let's take apart (name) In applause! And now let's
We climb all the wonderful participants of the final! (all prizes)

4. The game "Perevils".

Dear friends! Now I want to spend one ancient aristocratic game. Perhaps some of you have already played in it, but my version of this game is cheerful and unusual. It is due to the use of unusual and original words in the game. To introduce you to the case, prepare for the game and create a special attitude, I want to spend a small workout using similar unusual words. I will ask you questions, and you need to answer from the place. Let's start? " Guests are nodding, and I start the workout: "Who is the barbarian?" - This is a cook at two bets! "
What is Copcushka?
- untidy cauldron! "
Barbos - Director of the Bar;
attack - lipstick;
arsenic - miracle of selection;
Cotton - killer;
Countryman - dead man;
Mordorot - Goalkeeper from Mordovia;
Glucose - Goat - Drug Address;
Tomahawk - The wife of Tamara meets a drunken husband;
Wekger - Fisher Soup

5. Fabric songs.

6. Final toast.

"From Moses to Eneshtein"
Prophet Moses
King Solomon
Jesus Christ
Philosopher Karl Marx
Psychoanalyst Freud.
Physicist Albert Einstein

Prizes; super prize;
Cardboard medals, ribbons to them:
A sharp pen, in love with a profession, faster soon;
Diploma: Master Magic Hands;
Bandages 3 pcs.;
Machines on the ropes, 3 pencil;
Foreck on 2 coils, hook, cool panties for fisherman, mosquito hat, fishing boots.
Newspaper sheets Double 5 pcs.

Body check.
Scenes for KVN.

At the neuropathologist.

N.e breathe! Laid breathing. Close your eyes! Closed! Touch the tip of the nose. He touched, but since the doctor stood far from me, he did not hit the first time. Poked again, but row. According to her convulsive, I realized that ... got. Unwittingly opened his eyes, although the teams did not receive such a team, and saw that this time still got, but not in the nose, but in the eye ... her eye. She grabbed the hammer. Bend the leg in the knee! Been ... not her ... His - guessed! She swung and, can be seen with anger, with all the sweep ... Dolbanul, having rushed along the knee. Scared and at the very last moment managed to dodge. She smeared ... on mine. I got on my own. Hawk again! And immediately raised the hammer over his head. Look at the hammer ... and started it from side to the side, writing the cross at the same time! Well, I think everything is symbolic! He brought him to the nose itself, they say, what smells? And immediately dramatically took back - Meta! Well, now everything is exactly, I think ... will get! And, suddenly, she is like a bunk: "Heels together - socks apart! Get fingers fingers fingers, not bending the knees! ". And I have them right there ... Tried. I fell, but I got my fingers ... however ... it, but on my leg, and so that I didn't think that bad - I spoiled a couple of times, let it think better that the teams did not hear. "So you, it turns out, just ... deaf, and I thought that ... with deviations ... not physical - she concluded - we dress up! Gone! ". Sorry! And I tried so much! But the teams for permission to breathe never came!

At the oculist.

T.izhelo breathe, I reset to the oculist.
- Do not breathe! Laid breathing.
- Close the left eye. Closed.
- Not mine!
- Why did you decide so? I have, among others, a musical rumor!
- I am not a throat-nose and, in general ... This is not an adjective, with what your little is not here - I'm not my eye, but ... yours! Blank ... I said ... left!
- left ... I said !!! And close your mouth - I will talk! Left, it's when to watch from me, it will be right! Where is I right? On right! But, ate from you to watch, then ... on the left! Yes, close, finally, your left eye! What do you hear me badly - I show you your hand? Oh, yes, I understood ... you see bad! Well, so they said that you have a musical rumor - deceived, or if you hear me well too?
- No, I hear you well - I understand bad!
- What are you, non-Russian?
- Not ... Ah ... yeah !!!
- Who?
"I am an electrician ... I was told ... you didn't work the socket ... you need to fix it.
- And ... and ... and, I understood! Rent! Only eyes open ... both!


- TOthat last?
- Where to?
- Here!
- Where here?
- On Flu ... on Fluo ... on Flo ... on the fluore ... Fiy ... Gra!
- I! But ... for the result.
- And today the result was when it is necessary to take?
- Yesterday!
- And today?
- You must pay!
- For what?
- in the cashier!
- How many?
- You can at a double rate, but then the result is twice as fast!
- And if, on triple?
- Then the result will be guaranteed good!
- Say, if that, what am I for you!?
- And where are you?
- at the cashier !!!
I ran away ... I forgot him to say that there is a queue of living and ... the X-ray camera broke! Okay, pay - then I will say!

Delivery of tests.

- FROMtell me, blood from your finger here ... Suck, ... Sorry, ... rent, sorry, ... take?
- And from Vienna too ... On an empty stomach ... I put in a glass in the glass in the locker ... and do not forget to write the surname.
- And I have already breakfast, and I do not know the surnames!
- His ... Joker!
- And in the jar ... can ... can I? And shello showed his eyes, squinting them unnaturally, on their own dropped pocket.
- Blood?
- Not ... E ... E ..., this ... Well ... (almost in a whisper!) ... urine! The whole of his turn carefully listened, some firmly, some buried.
- Behind the cabinet!
I went for a wardrobe. There was a heartbaking laboratory crew.
- What happened?
- I ... it ... I am inappropriately soaked a laboratory!
- What?!!! How ... I soak?
- There was no urine to stop ... urine! I could not restrain ... right on the shoes ... A glass was small ... grams for a hundred things, and here ... and there will be little half aulitation!
- Well ... you give! Familiar not forgotten on a piece of paper?
- Forgot ... The hands are wet!
- Okay! I'll write it myself! How is she ... you have?
- Kozlov.
- Everything's clear with you! Following!
- Bye!
- Uh ... uh ... u, one minute! And you, Kozlov (loud!), I will ask you to come again tomorrow and, necessarily an empty stomach!
The whole line rose from the chairs and ... silently retired.

The therapist.

- INs to me?
- "Yes! "I replied, thinking about myself - if you are the therapist, of course, then yes!". And for confidence, I once again looked at the tablet from the door of the door.
- "Come in! She said, and I thought about myself - I can read ... it's already good! ".
- What are you complaining about? Understand!
- "On him! - I said, thinking about my superiors - and on it, "I added, when my thoughts in the process of the integrity of the numerous list of complaints, they reached the tender, after which I was embarrassing from shame for my thoughts, and I lowered my eyes.
- "How long have you been? And what, specifically? Do not ... worries? What are you doing? " "She asked indefinitely and looked at me attentively at me below the belt through Pensne."
- Yes, I understand that it is not worth ... Worry - Thanks for the sympathy, but to do what?
- And what exactly ... complaint? Where does it hurt?
- "Salary! - I thought, and said out loud - on the size! ".
- "Sad, sad, and still so young! She thought, but said out loud - what do you think about rearcar exchange? ".
- And what helps? - I asked, and I thought about myself, guessing, ... where she looks - right now! I always have time to reveal, but, suddenly, it is still useful! ".
- "How hard helps! "She said mysteriously, and I thought about myself - what if you would be a rabbit in another life?!".
- By the way, how much do you already ... shucked?
- Sixty nine!
- Well, then you to a psychiatrist. There is a sex patologist with him in the same office. And on my part yes, at your age, I can't have any complaints to you! - "Give! - She said in the conclusion, and thought - I will not say where! ". And having packed, added: "Next!".
- "Thank you bye! - I told out loud, and I thought about myself - I would have walked to our sex patient one! ".

At the dentist.

- INs to me?
- Yes ... on a medical examination.
- Sit down. Open your mouth. ... ??? Close! Why did you come ... you have nothing!?
- I brought with me ... I give a tooth ... not lying! I get jaw from my pocket.
- hide ... it is not necessary!
- What do you need?
- Go home ... Put them on the shelf!
- I keep them in ... safe!
- In the safe? Why?
- They are gold!
- And ... and ... and ... well, then show! And this ... Close your mouth!
- See ... 999 sample!
- Well, then (one tooth fell and rolled under the table) ... good! You can go! Stand ... you ... jaw forgot!
- Sorry ... Always forget them ... tooth sclerosis!

Invitation to the table.
Dear friends!
I hope from the soul -
We will have fun!
We start our feast honest -
We ask everyone to sit down!

Hello! Who else knows my name ________________! And today, in the 5th time I was entrusted to keep your festive banquet. I am glad to welcome the representatives of the most humane profession to this holiday table - medical workers.

Why start?
With boring phrases and congratulations?
Oh no! .. And there is no doubt about it
Called enemies, the fate of the villain
I want to say - pour!

Therefore, I ask the gentlemen to care for charming ladies, fill it with myself glasses and thereby prepare for the first toast!

All you know on our own experience that people in white coats have to work very and very much. But remember one wise saying, known since ancient times: "One who rests well works well."

Therefore, I urge you, dear friends, it is more convenient to sit at the festive table and forget about all your everyday worries and difficulties. Let's rest!

1 part of the day of the doctor. Congratulations to the Chief Doctor

Dear friends! The word for the first toast, according to tradition is provided ( FULL NAME. GL Doctor).

Congratulations on the day of the health worker

Toast 1.

And I gladly congratulate you on the long-awaited minutes codenamed "Joy of the stomach"

2 part of the day of the doctor. A little about the evening

Ladies and gentlemen, lady and gentlemen, syntoras and senorites, pleasant appetite and good mood! And while you are biting, I want to briefly introduce you to how our evening will go.

The next 30-40 minutes we will congratulate listening, drinking and eat.

Then I will announce a small smoking-dance intermission for 30 minutes. During which music will play. Who wants, can dance, smoke, talk in the fresh air. Later we will sit back at the table again at the table. We will congratulate you again, participate in contests, play advanced games, surprise surprises, eat and drink. Next will again be a smoking-dance intermission for thirty minutes. So the feast will constantly alternate with dancing, and at the very end, after a lot of hours, when you already get tired of food, toast, games and me, you are waiting for a long dance marathon until you fall.

Who wants to eat - notes!
Who wants to smoke - cries!
Who wants to say - speak! Who wants to dance - rushing!
Who wants to play games - play yourself!
Who wants to get drunk - get out!
Who wants to relax - relax!
Who wants what he wants!

3 part of the medical day. Congratulations VIP guest

Dear friends! You all know that a good mood and good appetite are directly dependent.

"A cheerful look makes the food festival." I here from the place of caring already whispering: "Between the 1st and 2nd gap, small!"

With a sense of deep respect, I have been providing the second word of our evening to the honorable, important guest of the administration ( FULL NAME.).

Congratulations to the mayor of the city

Toast 2.

4 part of the day of the doctor. For health.

So that the fun lived in the world, we will drink now on the 3rd.
Well, what we sit, we miss, inactive pour.

The great philosopher Arthur Shopenhauer argued that "happiness is primarily in health." I suggest drinking a glass for you on guarding human health, and therefore human happiness! For your health!

3rd toast "For Health"

5 part of the day of the physician. For women

"People's proverb says:

"Without gravy and cabbage dries," so now it's time for the next toast and gravy-creamy. In this regard, I again want to ask for gentlemen until I am pronounced the next toast, care for the ladies and fill it with glasses.

Luminous medicine most often becomes men. Honor and praise! But ask them, would they have been able to achieve such heights if not active assistance to assistant colleagues, if not skillful and gentle hands of sisters, senibock? And if you pay attention to the whole medical staff, it becomes apparent that "we can not be in the world without women, no" ... It is worth giveing \u200b\u200bto them due and thank all women who workers and practically living in the kingdom of hippocratic. I propose a toast for their health!

4th toast "For Women".

Game dating. (Music - mounted clapping).

And now, attention guests!

Before you continue our evening, let's get acquainted with each other.

At the table big beautiful
Gathered and at this hour
I suggest everyone friendly
Get to know now.
I'm without flattery and passions
I'll introduce all guests here
Well, and you need support and applause.

1. We are waiting for ovations for the city administration led by ( FULL NAME. Chapters administration).

2. What holiday without friends,
Important expensive guests -
Learn together together
And to visit everyone.
Do not miss the moment
Give them friendly applause.

3. I'll tell you just, without a job:
We meet the sponsors of the speed!
Please stand up, do not be lazy and show up!

4. Where do we have a doctor
It's time to welcome!
Wonderful doctors of the city ... - High Gu ... Hurray!

5. Please get all nurses - experienced and young. We applaud in honor of them!

6. Welcome to people on which your material well-being - economists and accountants depends!

7. Salute applause representatives of a household service.

8. Let's beat your hands
For all guests! For you, good!
What is our friendly company with you today.
I suggest a drink for it.

Let's raise the glasses for our friendly honest company.

Toast 5 "For a friendly company."

7 part of the medical day. Competition is the best congratulation.

Your professional holiday is a holiday of the smartest, kind and wonderful people in the world.

I am sure that a person who can treat, is able, like no other, to understand, compassion and support other people.

We continue the relay of festive congratulations and I suggest you to participate in the competition for the best congratulation and wishes to your colleagues.

Congratulations 2-3 people.

And now I suggest all those present to evaluate the eloquence of each of the applause spokes.

(The winner recognizes the one who will get more loud ovations, and he is awarded a prize.)

I propose to take a congratulation and wishes of the winner as a toast.

6th toast. For this that said came true and elevated to the degree.

8 part of the day of the doctor. Check for suggestion

The holiday of medical workers is celebrated in the summer, when heat and sunny, and the most peak of work - in winter, when it is cold, slippery and influenza. These two years of year are very important for us. And not only for us. There is not a single poet who did not write poems about winter or about the summer. And poems with a melody are a song already.

And now, dear doctors, I propose a professional check for "Safety".

We ask the theme "Summer", "Winter".

You need to remember and disappear in turns of the verse or at least a few lines of songs, where it is mentioned about these years or about their signs.

For example:


Along the street Metelitsa


Somehow in the summer at dawn

Winter: Oh, Frost, Frost


And the dawn is already more noticeable
So please, be good,
Do not forget and you are these summer
Moscow Nights! Etc.

A team will win, which can escape anything, corresponding to a given topic, when rivals will already exhale.

Wonderful rushing, friends! Neither the winners nor the losers in this competition, it seems to me. After all, despite the fact that you were focused on certain times of the year, all the songs sounded mostly about love, which lives at all times. Let's raise glasses for love singers, that is, for you, and for love!

6th toast "For Love"

So that guests did not sit
to infinity,
We offer all
Weigh your limbs.
Everybody dance!
Hey, DJ, ignite!

Dance break.

Find a couple game

And now you are invited to find your partner for dances, taking advantage of the prompt of fate (we know the collapse with you which important in our life is the role of this lady).

In 2 hats there are half cards: in one - those on which the beginning of famous proverbs are written, in the other - their continuation. The participants of the game stretch over one half (men - from one hat, women from another) and are looking for someone who has a card with the beginning or end of this proverb. So they find partners for the next slow dance (but do not insist that unwillingly danced). The number of players should be even.

List of proverbs for the game:

1. Who is warned, he is armed.

2. Not all that is gold, which shines.


4. On the thief, the hat is burning.

5. Who knows only little, he does not know anything.

6. In someone else's monastery, they do not go to his charter.

7. In the still waters, devils are found.

8. The tit in his hands is better than a crane in the sky.

9. Under the lying stone water does not flow.

10. In seven nannies, the child is without an eye.

11. Where is fine, there and breaks.

12. Briefness - sister of talent.

13. Do not judge by words, but on affairs.

14. At night, all sulfur cats.

15. What is written in pen, you do not cut down the ax.

16. It is better to see once than hear a hundred times.

17. Surround pays twice.

18. In love and in war, all means are good.

19. What we will lay, then you will get enough.

20. Not knowing the broth, do not fall into the water.

Leading: So, halves of proverbs finally connected and the time to declare a slow dance.

A slow dance

Leading: My friends! I want to delight you. Everyone who came to our holiday, literally everyone, bought a ticket on a journey. Imagine how cool! Applause. Listen, I did not even expect everyone to love Halyava. Well, let's go to ride a freebie? Halyava love everything.

A steam beep ( effect)

1. A steam room built!

And followed for ( name) We go on a trip. Music

Hands put on a neighbor's shoulders. Now hands on the ears of a neighbor, neck, hips. That Halewa arrived. Men, hips are a little lower. Masha's right hand. We decided to make the first stop and brought you all to the Caucasus!

Dance "Lezginka"

Where are our hot jigs?

We ask for two wonderful doctors in the center of the circle - ___________________! Here they are Caucasian hot guys! And go! Music.

Here are almost Caucasian hot women. Now the jigs get up on one knee, the ladies take him for one finger and bypass. And now in the other direction. Ah, yes, well done! How many hot people among you!

Next for the (name) cling to the cargo carriages. This time we put the hands on the waist, (knees, heels).

Look at your colleagues! So they will go home today.

Hands on the chest! This is a little lower chin, higher waist!

(Yes, you, men, I joked).

We make another stop.

And we came to the country with you, about which they say that there is absolutely everything in it!

Of course, this is Greece. And we dance your favorite dance of the Greeks "Sirtaki".

Get up in a circle, put your hands on a neighbor's shoulders. The last time cling to the car carriage.

Our guests are awaiting a pleasant surprise - we go to the carnival!

(Hats and other props cook)

Ladies and gentlemen, you were brought to Sunny Brazil, just at this time of the year we fell there for a carnival. But where to take costumes? How can it be useful to use the bag from Zaitsev, and maybe from Medvedev D.A. Now I am alive all!

Having gathered in one big circle, everything is in Brazilian on a merry music. Who does not know how to dance in Brazilian, raises his hands above and vigorously wisers the ass ... th.

Hands above. Only girls scream on the expense. Men answer them for 3 (who won?). And the loudest applause everyone who was active and cheerful!

Many thanks to all those who swept along with us.

To remember later
This moment in the biography,
I propose to urgently make a photo to all of you.


Magic Hands game

Fight attention! Now I suggest you to spend the game to the agility of the hands, because it is known that the skillful hands of doctors are creating wonders.

In the game 4-5 people (double newspaper sheets). Players in the line are kept in an extended hand-held hand with an unfolded newspaper for the very corner. At the team, players are trying, not by lowering hands and not resorting to the help of another, fully squeeze the newspaper, collecting it into a fist. At the end, raise your hand with a newspaper over your head. While the game participants manipulate with newspapers, the audience choir counts seconds. The winner awaits the award - the diploma of "Masters Magic Hands" and a prize.

2nd feast at the bottom of the doctor

For a festive table
We invite you again!
We are a holiday all together
Must continue.

Toast for obedient patients

Once in the restaurant, the doctor saw his patient who carried the alcohol glass over the glass enthusiastically. The doctor could not stand and approached him: "Listen, I allowed you to drink no more than two glasses a day!" To which the patient kindly answered: "Of course, Dr.. But I'm treating ... not only you! "

Friends! I offer a toast for ensuring that all doctors come across obedient patients with whom it would be nice to work and for the successful seraction of which can be raised by glasses!

1st toast "For obedient patients".

2. Toast for the vocation

Doctors can be full of right to call pioneers, freed sailing captains. After all, no matter how much the same diagnoses, people who have to be treated, unique. And with each patient, the doctor makes a new journey to the uncharted.

Let's in connection with this right

"Song about the Eskulap" on the motive "Song about the captain"

1. He lived courageous eskulp,
He healed all in a row,
And from death saved people more than once.
Prases fifteen picked up
Did not regret the last strength
But never even
Vacation did not ask.
And in trouble and in labor
Sang such a song everywhere:


After all, a smile heals the heart.

2. Toast but one day an ECCLAP

The virgin saved from the death of the paw.
And fell in love with a patient crazy.
Just fifteen he shone
Stuttered and pale
But I never dreamed smile.

He gloomily, he was humid,
But nobody sang in a friendly:
"Eskulap, Eskulap, smile
After all, a smile heals the heart.

Eskulap, Eskulap, tighten,
Just cheerful smiling fate! "
Doctors, Doctors, smile
After all, a smile heals the heart.

Doctors, doctor, tighten,
Just cheerful smiling fate!
I suggest raise glasses for your life choice, for the call! ( Music sounds.)

2nd toast "For the vocation".

3. Toast skeleton.

The familiar doctor told me such a bike: "The doctor knocked in the apartment. He opens the door - no one. Then he goes to the platform and sees a lean to the door of the skeleton! "That's always! - The doctor grows. - pull to the last, and then crawl to the doctor! " Let's raise the glasses for ensuring that people remembered physicians on time and appreciated their selfless work. With your professional holiday!

The 3rd toast "To appreciate the work of a doctor."

4. Toast for friendly team.

It's no secret that a good doctor needs not only their own talent, knowledge and sensitivity. For success on this complex field, support and understanding from colleagues are very important. That is what is called work in a team. Friends, let's remember what words you can call such work and constituent success. So who remembered the 1st? (collaboration, friendship, union, unity, unanimity, binding, consent, partnership, community, interaction, mutual assistance, mutual understanding, mutual execution, cohesion, coherence, teamwork, supness)

Let's drink everything now
For a friendly team, for you!

Toast 4 "For friendly team."

5. The game "Fishermen".

Dear friends! To introduce you to the course of what will be further, I will tell you one joke.

Fishermen are resting and talking. First: "I somehow pulled out a cattle by 103 kilograms!" The second: "And I - for one hook stretched three at once!" The third: "And I was sitting, nothing pecks. How suddenly the float goes sharply under the water, I pull, and there the candelabre is silver in three candles and all the candles are burning ... "Here the first again takes the floor and says:" I, perhaps, will reduce your cattle, but you will reduce the candles. "

But in our next game called "Fishermen" will be better prizes than the silver candelabr. Prizes will be special, fishing. Therefore, for participation in the next game, I need two gentlemen who love fishing. I ask you, fishermen, feel free to! "

Dear fishermen! Introduce youreself. You can call your name, and you can also a fishing nickname, for example, an unsurpassed slapper and a teller of whales and sharks, sharp harpoon. "

So, there are two ASA fishing in all reservoirs of the world, including fountains and baths, just Sergey and Vovka strong hand! Your applause! Dear participants, I do not tell you that when fishing fish from the fisherman requires a good reaction, and hand dexterity. And now we will check on the ancient and simple adaptation your taste and agility of hands.

2 coils (each 5-8 m), in the middle of which the hook (clip) is tied.

Your task to unwind the fishing line for the entire length and stretch slightly.

(Hang on the hook in the middle of the fishing lineup opaque package).

Exactly between you, I hung a chic prize, winning which you will get a few more additional prizes. But there is one condition: the prize that hangs must be sure to try. According to my team, you will start quickly, each for its part, wink the fishing line on the coil. Who is the first to sweat their part of the fishing line and comes to the prize hanging between you on the hook, he gets this prize. Then the winner is experiencing it and receives extra gifts. Rules are understandable?

(Merry music)

Competition "Covery and faster turned out to be ..."

Your applause participants of the competition and especially the winner! " The winner pulls away large family panties from the package.

The experienced people say that there are better panties in polka dots than polka dots in shorts! And I remind you that these fishing panties need to be tested, put on health!

Dear friends! While the winner is trying on secret fishing uniforms, I want to give you a riddle. She sounds like this: "One hundred clothes and everything without fasteners." What is it?"

And what to guess here is 50 panties and 50 socks.

Incentive prize ( voblu) Rosper

To the winner: And here is this wound and the coil of the fishing line is additionally for you! " Ladies and Gentlemen! And now, with your permission, I declare the dance of the fisherman! "

I remind you, the winner cannot refuse dance.

Fisherman dance. MUZ. Rock'n'roll

Thank you, you have fun greatly. The best rock-n-roll fisherman dancer your applause!

And the last - anecdot. "Somehow some kind of fishing man has gathered. I came, begins to beat the ice, suddenly some voice says: "There are no fish here!" The man did not understand, went to another place, begins to beat, again the voice: "There is no fish here !!" The man goes, and he again: "There is no fish here !!!" The man offended and angrily asks: "Who are you?" The voice answers: "Skating director!"

Toast. Let's drink more fun people who know how to support the company.

Dance break 2.

Now I suggest you check in practice your ability to act together, the team and to start, I propose to choose captains and give them a task to gain commands.

All of you, dear friends invite you to participate in team games. So, the captains are in place, and where are the teams?

(Exit from the table is performed under the brixura music.)

Command games.

2 teams are organized.

Leading: Teams, opposite each other we get up.

The attention of the team! Whose is the best of you? (Screaming).

And who is louder?

Team ( familia or Captain Name) - Try to shout!

We will have to arrange a competition that will be held in several stages. Whose wins, that will be the best.

So whose team ...

1. It will be the highest, we will see right now, because you have to build a pyramid without using chairs.

2. And whose team will make a wider range in the free part of the hall - (wide - circle).

3. And whose team is the closest? - (small circle).

4. Well, in this case, whose team is the lowest?

5. What team will be the longest holding hands with a chain and stretched from the wall to the wall?

6. And who is louder to your legs?

7. In this case, who slaps louder into your hands?

9. In this case, the last one whose team ... the most dance?

Music "Everything will be fine" (Serduchka) - all dance.

It is time to summarize.

Just as we will choose the best team, if we are all merged, and we no longer have teams, it turned out one big friendly team.

And this means that friendship won! Here on this optimistic note we declare dance for everyone who considers themselves young and successful.

A slow dance.


3rd feast at the bottom of the medic.

So that the fun to continue

We need to pour again.

1. Blitz wishes.

Dear friends, I bow before your noble work.

All you deserve the warmest words and good wishes not only from patients, but also from each other. Improve yourself without getting a word. Remember, as they say: "Good word and a cat is nice."

So, blitz wishes!

Briefly, on the word, started!

Toast 1. "For people in white coats"

Let's drink people

Dressed in white bathrobes.
For nurses and for doctors
Who is not as a salary.
Let's wish them
Health, happiness and good luck.

Let it be blue
And all tasks are solved.
And also raise glasses,
For the rest of the people,
So that more healthy has become
And you had less adversity!

2. "Eskulp".

Joke - awards ceremony

Today we are present at the award ceremony of the Awards "Eskulap", awarded the Medical Academy and a dedicated hedgehog in the All-Russian Holiday - the Day of the Medical Worker.

For a whole year, the members of the Medical Academy discussed the advantages of nominees, washed their bones, laid out on the shelves, seen through and endowed with all sorts of epithets. And here is the result of this painstaking work today we present to your attention. We thought for a long time and solved who of you in which nomination should be nominated and came to the conclusion that everything in all. But from an organizational point of view, it is quite difficult ... Therefore, we resort to the proven method.

I think it's time to get acquainted with the applicants for winning various nominations.

These are talented, successful, educated doctors. All of course different, but unites them one - the ability to achieve results in their favorite business.

So, in the 1st nomination "Acute Picker" are presented: (FI. 3-Neomineants-doctors)

Nominees will now ask questions to which they must answer and demonstrate their wit, the resourcefulness and nonstandarity of thinking.

Once again I draw your attention that in the struggle for the title of sharp blows all the answers are good, but the brighter the answer, the more your chances of winning this nomination. The winner will choose the auditorium.

1. What professional qualities are needed to you at work?

2. Describe your life with a line from the song.

3. Decipher the word doctor spelled.

4. Why do patients love you?

5. Your motto in relationships with patients.

6. What do you value most in colleagues?

2. The nomination "Love in the profession".


What distinguishes a real physician in love from a simple medical professional? (Question to men).

Of course Serenada !!! So, in the struggle for the title of in love with the profession of the physician, our nominees will perform for the ladies Serenad. ( props: Guitar)

It is a very serious and responsible nomination, so impromptu is inappropriate here. We will give nominees time and place to prepare.

And while our nominees are preparing for the execution of Serenada, dear health workers, and especially men, we will check how you know your female colleagues!

Cute Doctors-Men At your address received congratulatory telegrams from your female colleagues. But they all hurried that they forgot to subscribe. Your task to define the sender.

The arrows on pants and fashionable clothes carefully you wish you ( name) +

Litness in shoulders and slender waist wishes you ( name) +

Three-storey houses, friends without flaw and holidays wishes ( name) +

Healthy liver, Iron Will Stay will not bend, signed ( name) +

3. Nomination "Faster ambulance".

(FULL NAME. 3 nominees-doctors).

Competition "Rally".

You have a driver's license, i.e. rights? And familiar nurses? Call or do you cope?

For those who did not finish in childhood. We must assist with the help of a bandage, which is attached to the car, so you first you wind up the rope on the pencil, who wounds faster and does not confuse, he won in

I Tour, and then Biment, my dear, yes quickly.

4. Nomination exclusively for surgery and traumatology. "I was blinded from what was."

(FULL NAME. 3 nominees-doctors).

Competition "Statue of Love".

You are sculptors. Now your task is to invite a pair of m and w - from which you will sculpt the statue of the goodness of your imagination. You like sculptors put the participants in the pose personifying love and take the 3rd place in the statue.

Discussion, medal and prizes.

Leading: Ladies in fainting, the curtain closes.

Holding awards begins.

And once again applause all the winners and participants.

Glorious medical workers High Hoore ... Hurray !!!

Have a good time to drink!

Toast 2.

3. Draw Super Prize. Game for code. name "Three" (raise the super prize above the head)

Dear friends! Now we will spend the game for wonderful ladies!

And this (prize name) is the main prize! I ask you, beautiful ladies, feel free to, the prize can be yours, the number of participants is not limited. "

Stunning ladies! To participate in the final of this competition, I need only four participants.

These four finalists will play a completely different game and everyone will receive prizes, the first of which is this wonderful prize! Now I will spend the selection through the qualifying game.

I swear once in the whistle and raise at the same time once the right hand (I raise and raise), and you raise. If I swirl twice and raise my hand (I chew two times and raise my hand once), then you don't need to lift your hand, "so I will deceive. Who will not raise his hand on a single whistle and will raise on double, it drops out. If at the same time two or more participants are mistaken, then I reserve the right to choose one of them for disposal. And my choice will be impartial.

We spend a few workouts before the qualifying round. I am several times in a row, through an interval 4-5 seconds, a fisher and raise the hand with each whistle. Participants, like me, raise your hand up. Then I swear twice and raise my hand (the error will be the basis for disposal from the qualifying game). Applause losers! Four finalists remain. The qualifying game is accompanied by statements "Recon acts! (When picked up hands.)

Hand raised in time, -
Furious in the final! "

Each departing participant is encouraged, for example:

  • She fought, but did not work, support her applause!
  • It is not important to victory, but participation, - your applause!
  • Applause her persistence, she leaves this game to relax and win in the next - contest!
  • She did not win, but did not give up, which means, deserves your applause! "

Final: "Dear friends! Now, in the final, these beautiful and stubborn ladies will all receive prizes, and also play the superpperprise.

Let's find the finalists! " I ask four finalists to get up two pairs of each other. Moreover, one pair is located along the right hand, the other on the left hand from me so that each of the participants freely deliver the stretched arm to the bears, which I keep in front of my hand. Now we will check the level of sharpness of the reactions of our finalist. We learn how they drank for the health of their colleagues and choose "Miss Coordination of Movements"! "

Game rules are simple:

How to hear the figure 3, immediately put the palm on the head of this ... just do not make it a concussion of the brain and do not confound each other with sharp curls. Whose hand will be the bottom after saying with me the cherished figure, she will receive a prize, taking first place. Let's start:

Once pike we caught.
Planted, and inside

(significant pause)…

in the word "inside" there is a desired figure,
But it is not in pure form.

Once pike we caught,
Planted, and inside
Fish saw a lot.
Yes, not alone, but as much as ...

Reflexes are good, but unfortunately, I have not had time to say the cherished figure. With your permission, I continue:

Dreams the guy hardened. Become an Olympic champion. At the start, it is better not to fuck.

Team Listen: Once! Two! .. Marsh!

When you want to teach poems,
They do not teach them until late night
And better in the morning, repeat,
Sitten, the other, and maybe ... Seven!

Be careful, the cherished figure can sound in any second. "

Once at night at the station
I had to wait three hours!

Hand winner finals, raise up. (Giving her a prize, ask the name). Let's pay for (name) in applause! And now let's find all the wonderful participants of the final! (all prizes)

4. The game "Perevils".

Dear friends! Now I want to spend one ancient aristocratic game. Perhaps some of you have already played in it, but my version of this game is cheerful and unusual. It is due to the use of unusual and original words in the game. To introduce you to the case, prepare for the game and create a special attitude, I want to spend a small workout using similar unusual words. I will ask you questions, and you need to answer from the place. Let's start? " Guests are nodding, and I start the workout: "Who is the barbarian?" - This is a cook at two bets! "


  • kopchushka - an untidy policeman! "
  • barbos - Director of the Bar;
  • attack - lipstick;
  • arsenic - miracle of selection;
  • cotton - killer;
  • countryman - dead man;
  • mordorot - Goalkeeper from Mordovia;
  • glucose - Goat - Drug Address;
  • tomahawk - The wife of Tamara meets a drunken husband;
  • wekger - Fisher Soup

5. Fabric songs.

6. Final toast. "From Moses to Eneshtein"

  • Prophet Moses
  • King Solomon
  • Jesus Christ
  • Philosopher Karl Marx
  • Psychoanalyst Freud.
  • Physicist Albert Einstein


  • Prizes; super prize;
  • Cardboard medals, ribbons to them:
  • A sharp pen, in love with a profession, faster soon;
  • Diploma: Master Magic Hands;
  • Bandages 3 pcs.;
  • Machines on the ropes, 3 pencil;
  • Foreck on 2 coils, hook, cool panties for fisherman, mosquito hat, fishing boots.
  • Newspaper sheets Double 5 pcs.