Repair Design Furniture

Plants for the children's room - carefully with the choice. Methodological development around the world on the topic: “Indoor plants Flower for children with different faces

The children's room is special place in any home. Home hygienists and parents themselves usually place high demands on everything that has anything to do with the child. Exceptions are not made for indoor plants for the nursery. What flowers are best suited for a children's room and are they needed there at all?

There can be only one answer: of course we do! After all, indoor flowers not only decorate and enliven the space, but also have a positive effect on the microclimate of the premises. What are the useful properties of indoor flowers are especially important for a child's room? They reduce the noise level, increase air humidity (which is especially important during the heating period), absorb toxic substances emitted from furniture, floor coverings and other finishing materials, as well as combustion products of household gas and nicotine. These are a kind of "living filters" of our house.

Plants also have the ability to absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. Many types of indoor plants are known as medicinal (aloe, kalanchoe), and some have phytoncidal properties and have a detrimental effect on bacteria and fungal spores, i.e. disinfect the air in the room coniferous species, pelargonium or geranium). It has been proven that in rooms with volatile plants, the number of pathogenic microorganisms in the air is reduced by 50% or more. If the plants are properly selected, it is enough to be in their "society" for 30 minutes to restore the body's defenses.

Houseplants in the children's room favorably affect the psycho-emotional state of the child. Volatile compounds of indoor flowers have an effect on the body healing action, restore strength, improve mood, and some, on the contrary, have a calming effect, normalize sleep. In addition, plants properly selected for the children's room create a pleasant atmosphere, bring a piece of wildlife and contribute to the aesthetic development of the child.

Plants that are suitable for a child's room:

To such indoor plants include, for example, pelargonium(better known as). This plant ionizes the air in the room, and the aroma of this flower soothes nervous system your baby (unless, of course, your child is prone to allergies). Chlorophytum also worth placing in the nursery, as this houseplant cleans the air that your child breathes daily from harmful impurities. Peperomia kills pathogenic air microflora, thus protecting your child from colds. Hibiscus or Chinese rose stimulates thinking, relieves fatigue. Rosemary able to protect against diseases of the respiratory system.

And here decorate the children's room you can gloxinia, Uzumbar violet, hibiscus (Chinese rose), abutilone ( indoor maple), winged thunbergia, all types of balsam, spathiphyllum ...
In some of the corners of the children's room, arrange a "jungle" of hanging and climbing indoor plants, such as tradescantia, passionflower, fuchsia ...


This indoor plant cleans the air that your child breathes daily from harmful impurities. It ranks first among indoor flowers in terms of its ability to purify the air and improve the microclimate of the premises. Chlorophytum leaves absorb sulfur, nitrogen and formaldehyde compounds harmful to human health, combustion products of domestic gas, and nicotine. It also has a significant bactericidal effect, purifying the air from harmful microorganisms. Very unpretentious in care.


IN traditional medicine leaves are used as a wound healing agent and for burns


Purifies the air in the room, is actively used in folk medicine for the treatment of wounds, colds and stomach ulcers.


Compact plant, often blooms, does not require special care, grows well in the shade. Well suited for a child's room, especially if the child is often sick with colds, as it kills pathogenic bacteria in the air.


A very popular plant, appreciated for the beauty of the leaves and for the beauty of the flower, not too demanding to care for. It cleans the air well, increases humidity. Spathiphyllum- a flower, which is popularly called the "flower of happiness", can also be put in the nursery. Its name speaks for itself. The energy of the flower will create an atmosphere of comfort, happiness, tranquility and spiritual warmth in the room where the child grows.


It is valued for its unpretentiousness and endurance: it tolerates drafts, temperature fluctuations and lack of light well, and is resistant to dust. Improves the microclimate of the room, moisturizes the air well. Destroys microbes in the air, has a sound-absorbing effect.

-Hibiscus or Chinese rose

It's light-loving unpretentious plant well cleans and heals the air in the room, stimulates thinking, relieves fatigue, and also has a very beneficial effect on the plants growing next to it - sick plants come to life, strengthen and grow.


juice from stems fresh leaves has an anti-inflammatory effect, with cracked nipples in nursing mothers it is used after feeding for 5-6 days. Its juice is also used for healing wounds, ulcers, bedsores, burns, frostbite, as well as for sore throats, coughs, diseases of the stomach, liver, flu, for the treatment of acne, boils and warts.


It has antiseptic properties, kills microbes, increases the body's defenses.

- Thuja room

coniferous plant that excretes a large number of phytoncides that destroy spores of various fungi and bacteria. It acts as a kind of vacuum cleaner, attracting the smallest dust particles and motes and collecting them on needles and twigs. Therefore, she needs to arrange a water shower more often than other plants.

-Rosemary officinalis

Rosemary able to protect against diseases of the respiratory system. Its phytoncides facilitate the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, relieve inflammation on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

-Pelargonium or

This plant ionizes the air in the room, and the aroma of this flower calms the nervous system of your baby, but it can cause allergies in some children. Geranium is able to kill streptococci and staphylococci, and the substances released by the plant into the environment have calming and anti-stress properties.

- sansevier, popularly called "Teschin language"

Purifies the air from harmful substances emitted by modern floor coverings and furniture. Very unpretentious to light and watering, grows rapidly, does not require special care, except for wiping the leaves from dust.

- Lemon Tree

Disinfects the air, preventing germs from multiplying, decorates the interior, but rather capricious in care.

Also in the children's room will find their place and all possible citrus fruits, because essential oils produced by their leaves have a bactericidal property. In addition, the aroma exuded by citrus fruits during flowering and ripening of fruits has a calming effect, which helps to put the child to sleep, relieves fatigue and irritability. It should be noted that not only the fruits and flowers, but also the leaves of the plant themselves have this effect.

- Tradescantia various kinds

Contains a complex of nutrients and medicinal substances, cleans and moisturizes the air in the room, neutralizes electromagnetic radiation. Unpretentious to the conditions of detention, watering and lighting.

- Laurel

This is an evergreen shrub that can be called a dwarf. It is able to kill harmful bacteria and viruses. Laurel grows well in well-lit places, and can be cut like a regular shrub, giving the plant a rounded shape.


A very useful plant for the home, it purifies the air and acts as an air filter and ionizer, killing fungal spores and bacteria in the room. Red-leaved begonias have a good effect on the respiratory system, cleanse the respiratory tract, they are recommended to be kept in a house where there are smokers suffering from bronchitis. Begonia loves the light high humidity and regular watering, but does not tolerate spraying.


Fern perfectly moisturizes the air, neutralizes odors, tones, relieves stress, and promotes concentration. This houseplant will be very useful in a student's room. The fern needs a bright or shaded place, regular watering and frequent spraying.

- pomegranate tree

Very beautiful and unusual plant. . Purifies the air in the room, stimulates an increase in efficiency and concentration, gives vigor, helps strengthen bone and muscle tissue. In addition, the fruits have a medicinal effect in anemia, digestive disorders and reduced immunity.

- Chrysanthemum

This flower is not only beautiful, but also useful, it well absorbs harmful gaseous impurities from the air, including chemical compounds that can cause harm. From the point of view of psychology, chrysanthemum contributes to the intellectual development of the child, the development of attention and perseverance.

- Cyclamen

The development of industriousness and creative abilities of the baby will help handsome cyclamen. During flowering, he will decorate the room and assist parents in raising a responsible person, as this flower requires attention and good care. Cyclamen will help calm the capricious, give a good mood.

For today's immunocompromised urban kids, plants in their room are a must. But it should be remembered that a large number of plants at night will "take away" oxygen from the child, so one is enough in the children's room. big plant or two or three small ones.

When thinking about what plants to decorate a nursery with, remember a few obvious rules:

  • For newborn children, home plants are also an object for study, but they study it only with their eyes. Therefore, until the child has begun to crawl and walk, almost any flowers can be in his environment. Take care only that the leaves of the plants are always clean. To do this, shower the plants once or twice a week or wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.
  • 9-12 months - 2.5 years. The baby starts to crawl and then learns to walk. Everything that comes to hand serves as a support in this, whether it is a stand for flowers or a tablecloth. Do not dispose flower pots on high, unstable surfaces, inadvertently knocking over which the child may injure himself.
  • 2.5-5 years - the age of "why", many things are well explained to the child visually. By sowing the seeds, you will give the baby the opportunity to observe the development of the plant.

But in the children's room, as you know, the most important rule is safety. It should also be remembered that the child can not only observe the plant, but also touch it with his hands, and possibly taste it. And among indoor flowers there are dangerous and even poisonous species that are strictly forbidden to be used to decorate a children's room.

Plants that are not suitable for a child's room:

Cacti (thorns can injure a child)

Dieffenbachia (has a burning and poisonous juice)

Oleander (all parts of the plant are poisonous, and the smell can cause fainting)

Alocasia (Juice causes allergies, if it gets into the eyes - blindness)

Primula (may cause allergies)

  • nightshade (poisonous fruit),
  • dieffenbachia, aglaonema (very hot juice),
  • cacti (thorns can hurt),
  • large-root alocasia (the juice contains toxic substances - alkaloids and hydrocyanic acid),
  • pepper (hot fruit)
  • oleander (all parts of the plant are very poisonous, the smell of flowers can cause fainting),
  • synadenium or spurge (the milky juice is very toxic, a strong skin irritant and carcinogen, causes redness and severe swelling of the skin, if the juice gets into the eyes, you can go blind).

Pelargonium (geranium) adjoins the list of plants that are better not to keep in the nursery. On the one hand, it is believed that it has phytoncidal properties, on the other hand, it is credited with a pronounced allergenic effect. It is up to you to decide whether to place this elegant, willingly flowering plant with a strong smell in the children's room.

And remember, when placing plants in children's rooms, take care of them: water regularly and add fertilizers in time, wipe or wash the leaves at least twice a week.

As soon as a new person is born, he gradually gets acquainted with the world around him. Caring parents contribute to this by growing luxurious plants for the children's room. As they grow older, the baby will begin to notice how the greenery forms new shoots when it begins to bloom, and sometimes, lose leaves. The moment will come and he will want to take care of them, and this will teach the child to work.

Properly selected plants for a children's room help create an exotic microclimate in the room. They soothe the baby, absorb harmful substances from the air, and some of them exude a pleasant aroma. In such a room it is pleasant to spend time, play, do homework, relax and dream of a wonderful future.

Since children love to touch everything with their hands, and often taste it, parents should give up certain types of plants. Poisonous, prickly or too smelling options that cause allergies are not suitable.

Rules for placing flowerpots and the age of children

When parents equip a residential abode for their child, they try to use only useful and safe things. This approach should also be applied to the choice of indoor flowers with which the baby will have to live for a long time. In addition, there are several basic rules for placing such plants when landscaping a children's room:

  • flowers should not block light from entering the room;
  • they can not be placed in the zone of active games of the baby in order to exclude possible injuries;
  • too large plants can scare a child at night;
  • a large number of flowerpots can adversely affect the emotional state of the baby.

Because flowers release carbon dioxide at night, too many of them can cause oxygen deprivation. And cluttering up space complicates air circulation.

For every 5 sq. m of living space, it is desirable to have 1 or 2 flowerpots. Instead of 4 small flowers, one large plant will do.

When choosing what flowers should be in the children's room, it is important to consider the age of the child. Some feel that babies under 6 months of age should be kept away from extra items in their area. When they begin to consciously take an interest in the world around them, it is reasonable to put a small flowerpot in their field of vision. Over time, more plants can be added to the room. The main thing is to place them so that the baby does not taste the greens, does not turn the flowerpot on itself and does not “suffocate” from its aroma. Indoor flowers should only benefit the younger generation of the planet.

Suitable plants for a child's room

If parents decide to place indoor flowers in a room with a baby, they should be wise in choosing suitable plants. After all, they must meet the following requirements:

  • decorate the interior;
  • promote a favorable environment;
  • actively produce oxygen;
  • absorb harmful substances from the air;
  • call positive emotions The child has.

Let's take a closer look at what flowers can be placed in the children's room in order to achieve your goals.


This cute flower is often called. Its fleshy, pubescent leaves will not harm young children, who will carefully examine them. And the amazingly beautiful buds will give a lot of pleasant emotions. There are a huge number of varieties and types of this unique plant for the nursery. A variety of shapes and colors of inflorescences, of course, will appeal to kids who are ready to explore the world without leaving home.


To create a favorable environment for children's games in the room, it is important to keep the air clean in it. is the most suitable option. The flower secretes a special substance that can destroy various microbes floating in space. In addition, its juice is used to heal small wounds and treat the common cold.


The plant fits perfectly into the interior, because it has large multi-colored buds. It actively releases oxygen into the space, purifying the air from gases that have entered the apartment from the street. Such flowers for a children's room can be placed on window sills, stands or in large pots on the floor.

There is an opinion that chrysanthemums absorb harmful fumes of various solvents and paints. Therefore, doing redecorating in the house, it is advisable to remember these colors.


To improve indoor air quality, this plant is best suited. With the help of large dark green leaf plates, the flower absorbs carbon dioxide, releasing large portions of oxygen. By placing a spathiphyllum in a children's room, you can achieve the following goals:

  • air purity;
  • moderate humidity;
  • positive emotions during the flowering period.

Since the flower does not require special care, this business can be entrusted to the baby. Thus, he will gradually become accustomed to work, love nature and develop a sense of aesthetics in his heart.


Choosing best flowers for a children's room, many prefer begonia, which wonderfully copes with the role of an air cleaner in the house. There is a whole arsenal of species and varieties of this cute beauty. At first glance, it seems that it is prickly and can harm the baby. In fact, these "thorns" are very soft and are not capable of causing pain.

Due to the fact that the leaves release essential oils into the space, the baby feels much better. After all, they have a beneficial effect on the respiratory system of the child.

The plant is placed in lit places and watered abundantly. Even small children are able to care for such an unpretentious plant.

Flowers of concern

Unfortunately, there are many bright indoor flowerpots that are not advisable to be placed in a room for children. Despite their attractiveness, they can adversely affect the well-being of the baby. Therefore, sensible parents choose only useful plants for the nursery in order to contribute to the successful development of the baby. Consider several options for indoor flowers that can lead to unforeseen health problems in a child.


This royal flower will not leave anyone indifferent. Its delicate buds of various tones can be looked at endlessly. Therefore, they are often bought for decoration. home interior. And how amazing the orchid looks in the children's room! A child can admire its beauty every day and develop a craving for beautiful things. But is this plant so harmless?

According to experts, it can adversely affect the general condition of a person. This is reflected in the following factors:

  • insomnia;
  • dull headache;
  • feeling tired;
  • allergic reactions to a strong aroma;
  • sadness or depression.

Given these points, it is wise to think: is it worth putting these flowers in the nursery? Many parents have come to the conclusion that “God saves the safe”, so they place the orchid in the hallways, in the kitchen or in winter garden on the balcony.


Lovers of lush indoor greenery often grow large flowerpots:

  • palm;
  • yucca;
  • Chinese rose.

Each of them has its own characteristics, therefore, taking care of the kids, you should consider the pros and cons. For example, placing a ficus in a children's room, it is important to remember its size and toxicity.

Of course, with the help of this luxurious plant, it is easy to create a unique design for a child's room. Wide fleshy leaves, located on a powerful trunk, cause unprecedented admiration. The kid can even feel like the master of the jungle without leaving home. But if he breaks at least one leaf, trouble can happen.

With any damage, the ficus secretes milk, which sometimes causes skin irritation. What if it gets in the eyes of a child? Perhaps no one would like to check this information for themselves. Wise parents will think twice before placing a ficus in their child's room.


These cute thorns are said to bloom once every 100 years. However, their chic buds are much more pleasing to the eye. In addition, the plant miraculously purifies the air, absorbing harmful substances.

Despite these benefits, cactus is best grown away from children. Since their curiosity knows no bounds, thorns can come as a big surprise to them.
Well, if it's just light prick. Unfortunately, they can get deep into the skin and cause unbearable pain.

When choosing plants for a nursery, one should remember an important truth - almost all plants absorb oxygen at night, like people. Therefore, you should not put flowers with huge leaf plates in the bedroom.

Choosing indoor plants for the children's room - video

In the conditions of urban life, a person needs at least a piece of nature, so he tries to surround himself with plants and flowers. Green shrubs and trees are planted in the yards, and decorative houseplants are bought for the apartments.

Flowers and plants can be kept in all corners of the apartment: there are plants suitable for the bathroom, for the kitchen, for the office and for the bedroom. It would seem that it is difficult: to buy a pot with a plant you like in a store and put it in a suitable place for it. It turns out that plants may not be suitable for a particular space. Very carefully you need to consider the choice of colors for the children's room. It is necessary to choose those plants that have good energy and the necessary features and properties.

First of all, the plant must fulfill its main natural function - to purify the air in the child's room and produce oxygen. It will ideally cope with this, it will save the room from bad chemical impurities, various viruses and pathogenic bacteria, and also has excellent energy.

Suitable for any child citrus, whose essential oils are a good bactericidal agent. Moreover, it is not at all necessary that the tree bears fruit, it is quite possible to grow it yourself. Useful properties in these plants have not only inflorescences and fruits, but also the leaves themselves. citrus plants can save a child from bad sleep and childhood nightmares, relieve fatigue, irritability and have a calming effect on hyperactive children. Well, if such a houseplant also bears fruit, then the benefits of it are priceless, moreover, in a small amount. bright colors look great in any interior.

Another excellent example of a houseplant that cleans the air well from impurities that enter it with exhaust gases is. And it is also believed that it is able to protect from the evil eye.

The right choice for schoolchildren's rooms will be. Its energy will help you concentrate on what you need while doing your homework, relieve stress and allow you to cope with a large amount of information that has fallen on the child during the school day.

If the child is naughty a lot, parents will help in calming him, in addition, this incomparable plant can awaken creativity in the baby.

Sometimes indoor plants, having wonderful properties, are also insanely beautiful and fit perfectly into any interior. These types can be attributed. It is useful in that it is able to release substances that can fight harmful bacteria and viruses.

Another plant that should be in every apartment, and suitable, including for a children's room, is a money tree -. The energy of this miniature tree allows you to gain relaxedness and calmness, and also contributes to the development of diligence in a child.

It has healing properties and, thanks to it, all the senses of others are aggravated, especially hearing, and it is also able to protect the child's body from various diseases. Well, the appearance of this plant is impeccable.

The list of indoor plants useful for children does not end there. It is quite large and includes gardenia, asparagus, rosemary and many others. All of them are excellent natural air filters, have various healing properties and pure favorable energy. If there is strength and opportunity to grow coniferous plant in the apartment, it will be of great benefit and will have a beneficial effect on the child. But you have to keep in mind that it's not easy.

But there are also plants that should never be in a child's room. Among them, ehmeya, any cacti and ficuses. They cannot "live" in the nursery because of the heavy energy that they possess. Some of them are poisonous. And, for example, some types of ficuses themselves absorb oxygen, which is so necessary for children.

Summing up all of the above, we can conclude that in addition to the beauty and tenderness that houseplants bring to the decor of the apartment, they can have a mass useful properties and functions, from cleansing to healing. It is recommended to decorate all rooms of the apartment with plants and not ignore the children's room.

It is not difficult to choose flowers and plants for a nursery; the list of houseplants useful for children is much longer than the list of harmful ones. It is also very important not to forget to ask the children what kind of flowers they like outwardly, let it be a joint decision and a conscious choice of the child.

It is difficult to imagine in our time a house, school, kindergarten, any institution without flowers. This is how we, city dwellers, try to make up for the lack of communication with nature, which invariably arises among the monotony of standard houses, annoying noise of cars, and the TV screen that does not go out for hours. And without much difficulty, you can gather representatives from all over the world. America will be represented by cacti, fuchsia, begonia, tradescantia; Africa - date palm, pelargonium, aloe, balsam; Asia - ficus, primrose, rose, citrus; Australia - cissus; Europe - ivy, oleander.

But not every child pays attention to green plants, not everyone seeks to take part in caring for them. And not everyone succeeds in such activities. But you can still try and you should. How?

We offer one of the methods. We need to improve the knowledge of children. Indeed, it often turns out that a child sees indoor plants, but does not even know their names. If you yourself are not very knowledgeable in these matters, refer to the book of N.M. Verzilin "Journey with Houseplants" and tell or read to the child what is written there.

Here, for example, tradescantia. There is not very beautiful name her - "women's gossip". This plant comes from tropical (hot and humid) forests. South America. And this means that in nature it exists in low light on very wet soil. IN room version the plant may have smooth green leaves, leaves with white, brown, mauve edges and stripes, with silvery stripes and even covered with tiny silvery hairs.

The plant does not tolerate direct sunlight in a bunch: green leaves turn pale, tradescantia fades. It is easy to cure a thawed plant - remove it away from the light, but not into the dark. Green plants cannot exist in the dark. Variegated tradescantia in low light lose their original color and become just green. Unfortunately, such a plant cannot be "cured".

Each, the smallest branch of tradescantia has its own supply of water. Sometimes the green stalk dries up, and a fresh twig flaunts for a month as if nothing had happened. Why is this happening? You can find out the reason for this, see with your own eyes.

Using a magnifying glass (an extremely important thing for a small researcher!) On the underside of the leaves, you can see tiny holes - stomata. Water evaporates through them, and excess heat escapes. It's hot - the stomata are wide open. Cold - closed. At night, in any weather, they are always tightly closed. So it turns out that a tiny branch of moisture is enough for a long time.

From a small branch, you can easily get several plants. This is called reproduction. On clean glass, with a clean blade, we divide the twig into cuttings - pieces of 3-4 leaves on each. Cuttings can be immediately planted in wet sand (then you will have to transplant after a while!) Or directly into the soil. So after 2-3 weeks you can get several plants: if you want, you will decorate your house, if you want, you will give it to your friends.

Experiments with other indoor plants are interesting. You can propagate them with leaves. So, Saintpaulia (violet) propagates by leaves: in water, the leaf gives roots, and then easily and reliably takes root in the soil. Many decorative begonias (rex, metallica, evergreen) can produce 5-15 plants from one leaf. Put the sheet on the glass and cut with a blade those places where the three veins converge into one, place the sheet on clean, damp sand in some tray and cover with glass. Do not forget to water and ventilate the greenhouse daily - move the glass. The first shoots appear after 20 days. After another month, each plant can be transplanted into a separate pot.

The list of studies can be continued. Or you can make it up with your kids.

Assimilated as a result of observations raises new questions: what? How? Why? Do not rush to answer, it is better to help the child find the answer on his own. And be sure to praise for ingenuity. Good luck to you and all new and new discoveries!

Luiza Vasilievna Kovinko,
cand. ped. Sciences, primary school teacher

Riddles about indoor plants

To the sun through the glass
It didn’t scorch in our window,
I will hang a curtain
in a white frill,
Not crocheted wicker -
Live and green. (Tradescantia)

Leaf with a hump-groove,
Has thorns, but can't hurt,
But heals us at any hour. (Aloe)

The ballerina came out
Blouse like rowan.
Purple skirt, cornflower blue ribbon.
Legs like chiseled
The shoes are gilded. (Fuchsia)

Worth a wet Vanek
There is a red light in the curls. (Balsam)

pike tail
Rooted into the ground. (Sansevera)

Not a pillow for needles
Not a hedgehog, not a tree,
But don't let yourself be offended
Because all in needles. (Cactus)

Svetlana Yurievna Prokhorova, Ph.D. ped. Sciences,
Associate Professor, Department of Primary Education
Ulyanovsk Institute for Advanced Studies
and retraining of educators.

Comment on the article "Child and indoor plants"

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Allergy "to indoor flowers" is not due to the fact that they collect dust, but due to the fact that the earth in pots "swirls", no matter how diligently we may Yes and no, we are allergic to plants - children and husband clearly show signs of allergy seasonally, and in winter - everything is calm and with a lot ...

Frog. For many years now I have been looking for a poem. And then the thought dawned on me to connect you to the search. Good people, who will tell you the words or a link, or at least the author. In the cartoon magazine "Carousel" a cartoon was made based on this rhyme. The lyrics of the song are: "...the frog is so good! better...

MBDOU No. 44 Ussuriysk 2015 Completed by the educator: Arkhipova Svetlana Yurievna Type of project: group. Project type: information - creative. Project duration: short term (two weeks). Project participants: children of the younger group, parents, educator, music director. Venue: group room, kindergarten flower garden. Form of conduct: game.

Motto: “Caring for flowers is an interesting business, we take it together and boldly!”

Today, the issues of conservation of plant species diversity are relevant for many inhabitants of the planet Earth, as well as the ecological situation, which is deteriorating as a result of human activity: deforestation, fires, the use of chemical fertilizers in agricultural technology, sudden accidents and disasters at radiation facilities, chemical plants, oil and gas pipelines, sea and railway transport. Emissions of toxic substances by motor vehicles. These factors have a detrimental effect on the plant world. Atmospheric and soil pollution occurs, forests dry out. On our planet, 25-30 thousand plant species are under the threat of extinction.


The problem is that children have difficulty in knowing indoor plants, in developing skills proper care after them. Lack of visual material. Lack of environmental literacy and culture in children in relation to the plant world, native nature.


to form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bchildren about indoor plants, plants of a corner of nature in our group. To instill the rules of ecological culture in cognition and interaction with flora.



to acquaint children with indoor plants, their appearance, structure, conditions of growth, development, reproduction, ways of caring for them. To form the ability to establish similarities and differences between natural objects.


develop children's active cognitive interest, coherent speech, memory, visual - effective thinking, attention, imagination, aesthetic perception, observation. Creative skills (the ability to convey your impressions of communication with the plant world using innovative techniques) in productive activities; communication skills, houseplant care skills.


to cultivate a humane, caring attitude towards plants, a desire to do work in caring for "green friends" , protect the flora in natural conditions.

Expected result:

to expand the understanding of indoor plants, knowledge of care techniques, the relationship of plants with the outside world (the importance of indoor plants in human life). To develop cognitive interest, positive emotions, observation of the growth and development of indoor plants. To form practical skills in the proper care of indoor plants. To instill a desire to care for and protect plant objects of wildlife, an ecological culture of behavior. Enrich lexicon children on this topic. To intensify the participation of children, parents in productive activities, in the life of the younger group "Kids are strong" .

Stages of project implementation

1. Preparatory:

  • Discussing goals and objectives with children and parents.
  • Creation necessary conditions for project implementation.
  • Creation of interaction between parents, children and teachers.
  • Development and accumulation of methodological materials to solve the problem.
  • Compilation methodical literature on ecology. Development of a series of didactic, verbal, finger, plot-role-playing games, physical education minutes.
  • Making a passport for indoor plants.
  • Exhibition of indoor plants.
  • Exhibition of children's creativity.
  • Selection fiction (stories, poems, riddles, proverbs) about indoor plants.
  • selection of illustrations.
  • Entertainment "My friends are houseplants"
  • Interaction with parents:
  • Making a passport for indoor plants.
  • Collection of information about indoor plants.
  • Help in the selection of: poems, proverbs, sayings, pictures, photographs, illustrations, riddles about indoor plants, garden plants, herbs, trees.
  • Joint creativity of mother, child and educator in the exhibition of crafts "Wonderful flower" .
  • Participation of parents in the design of the photo album "In the world of plants" .
  • In replenishment with game material: didactic board games (Lotto, Split, Paired pictures).
  • Learning songs, poems.
  • "Flowers"

Advice for parents.

  • "Dangerous Plants" .
  • "Medicinal green plants" .
  • How to teach a child to care for houseplants .


"The influence of musical works on the growth and development of plants" .

At all times of the existence of mankind, people loved plants, decorated their homes, streets, cities with them. used them healing properties for the treatment of diseases. They learned to cross plants and develop new varieties that struck with amazing beauty, with their unique properties. Nowadays, plants are also loved, cherished, admired, aesthetically enjoyed. They give care and attention. They write wonderful poems about them, compose wonderful songs.

If you seriously deal with indoor plants, take care of them with love, talk affectionately, praise them for their splendor, strength, then they feel good attitude and react: they grow quickly, develop and luxuriantly, bloom brightly.

"Music and plants... The connection between these words seems incredible at first" .

Since ancient times, people have known that plants "listening to music" . While playing the harp, roses opened up in front of the astonished listeners. The tillers knew that song and musical art improves the life of the plant, promotes good germination of seeds, and a rich harvest.

The pioneer Indian professor of botany T. Ts. Singh conducted experiments in the middle of the 20th century that confirmed the influence of music on plant growth. Singh drew attention to the high sensitivity of plants to sounds, music and dances.

Under the influence of music, the process of photosynthesis is enhanced, the metabolism is accelerated. His students experimented with bulbs onion. The results of the experiment showed that plants developed and grew positively to the music of wind and water noises, on the contrary, plants were oppressed by hard rock, a decrease in the size of leaves and roots, and a decrease in weight were observed.

Botanical agronomist George E. Smith used the music of George Gershwin in his experiments on corn and soybeans. Seedlings in both crops appeared earlier than expected, their stems were thicker, stronger and greener in color, and seed weight was 42% more in corn, 24% more in soybeans.

The results of the experiments showed that music for plants is a powerful stimulus for growth and development.

In the 70s. of the twentieth century, Dan Carlson was registered in the Guinness Book of Records - a farmer who grew the largest in the world "passion flower purple" (180m compared to normal 54cm). The plant was able to reach this size, thanks to the daily listening to the works of A. Vivaldi, I.S. Bach, music similar to the natural singing of birds.

In the twentieth century, evidence of the influence of music on plants was obtained as a result of experiments conducted by independent researchers from different countries.

In 1969, the American musician and singer Dorothy Retolack conducted a series of targeted experiments to study the effect of music on plants. She described them in a book "Sound of Music and Plants" The work on the musical sounding of plants was described in detail and interestingly. Her first studies showed the great biological effectiveness of music and the variability of the reaction of plants to it. As a result, patterns were established related to the duration of the sound effect on plants, as well as to specific types of influencing music.

  • The value of the duration of exposure to music.

Three groups of plants were kept under the same conditions. The first group is not "voiced" music. The second listened to music daily for 3 hours, the third - for 8 hours daily. As a result, the plants from the second group grew significantly more than the plants from the first, control group. The plants, which were forced to listen to music for eight hours a day, died three weeks after the start of the experiment.

  • The value of the style of music when exposed to the plant.

Two weeks after the start of the experiment, plants "hearing" classics, became the same in size, lush, juicy, green and actively bloomed. Hard rock-influenced plants grew very tall and thin, did not bloom, and soon died. Plants that listened to the classics gravitated toward the source of the sound just as naturally they gravitate toward sunlight. Listening classical music contributes to an increase in crop yields in plants, and hard rock music leads to the death of plants.

  • The value of sounding instruments.

The experiment consisted in the fact that the plants included classical music close in sound: for the first group - organ music by Bach, for the second - northern Indian classical music performed by the sitar (stringed instrument) and tabla (shock). In both cases, the plants tilted their stems towards the source of the sound, but there was a stronger tilt towards the north Indian classical music speaker.

Dutch scientists with their research confirmed the findings of Dorothy Retelleck about negative impact rock music on the vital activity of plant objects. Three adjacent fields were sown with the same seeds and played with classical, folk and rock music. After some time, the plants of the third field died.

At present, in many countries of the world, experiments have been carried out confirming the effect of music on the vital activity of plants. On classical works: Beethoven, Haydn, Schubert or Brahms, the plants stretched their shoots towards the speaker. They also liked Indian classical music. The plants leaned towards the source of the sound almost horizontally, wrapping their foliage around it. The sounds of rock had such a devastating effect on the plants that some of them lost weight, they lost leaves and withered. Could not stand the sounds of rock and the roots of plants. They started growing in the opposite direction.

As scientists have determined, plant growth depends on sound frequencies. So, at waves with a frequency of 6 kc, plants listen to music, developing faster, at 7-9 kc - more slowly, and above 10 kc they die altogether. The most beneficial music is harmonic classical. The balsam plants, after a month and a half and twenty-five minutes of listening to the musician play on the ancient instrument of Vin, grew taller. They developed a greater number of leaves than plants not exposed to music. Were also researched ornamental plants: asters, petunias, white lilies, cosmos. The musical sound was reproduced by various instruments - flute, cello, accordion. The plants showed active growth, lush flowering. It should be noted that tropical plants can be recognized "fans" modern rap. Studies have shown that classical sound waves have a beneficial effect on plant physiology: they contribute to its active growth and development, growth, flowering, fruiting and plant productivity. At the same time, a sharp change in physico-chemical properties was found under the influence of music. Laboratory experiments have shown an increase under the influence of music of such vital processes in plants as respiration, transpiration, absorption of carbon dioxide and release of oxygen. Hard rock has the most depressing effect on plants.

The influence of classical music, the calm melody of a bard song on plants:

  • Increases the speed of movement of the cytoplasm.
  • Increases plant growth by boosting metabolism (enzymatic reactions), breathing.
  • Enhances nectar secretion.
  • The plant leans at an angle of 60° towards the source of the sound.

The influence of pop music on plants:

Growth problems occur.

The root system is weakened.

high frequency music (rock music) impairs growth.

The earth is a single organism. All life on Earth is interconnected - man, animals, plants. Studying the influence of music on plants, we compare it with the same influence on animals and humans. Music is created by man. He uses music to influence plants. Music has a biological effect on living plants. People must constantly remember that nature and harmony are one. And we must live without breaking this connection. It is not in vain that plants like to listen to classical works, music of bards, lyrical songs of different times, because life-affirming music sounds in them. This is a melody of kindness, love, tenderness, sincerity, empathy for all living things. It calls for the pursuit of knowledge and perfection, and therefore will be relevant in all eras of the development of human society.

Competition for children and parents "Flowers"

1. Questions:

  • What are flowers for?
  • name the flowers "Red Book"
  • Name medicinal flowers.
  • How can you tell time by colors?
  • What flowers are used in the perfume industry?
  • Why are flowers needed in the food industry?

2. Game "Find Your Place"

There are two leaders. One will pick up wild flowers, the other indoor (garden). Children (flowers) dance to the music in the hall. The leaders raise each of their flowers, and at the end of the music, the children form a circle of their leader.

3. Suit protection

The choice is a poem, a song, a dance.

Questionnaires for parents

1. "Landscaping of the younger group"


improvement of the environmental situation in junior group "Kids are strong" .

Dear parents, we invite you to answer the questions of the questionnaire to obtain information about the importance of replenishing the green corner with indoor plants.

  • Do you grow indoor plants at home?
  • Do you have information about the correct maintenance of rooms? plants that are at home, in kindergarten?
  • Do you know the biological features of indoor plants?
  • How involved are your children in caring for indoor plants at home?
  • Do they enjoy doing it?
  • What indoor plants do you like?
  • Your wishes, advice on landscaping our younger group.

2. "Ecological culture in the family"


Obtaining information about the ecological culture of preschoolers in kindergarten and its implementation in the family.

  • Do you keep indoor plants at home? (Which?)
  • Who takes care of the plants?
  • What kind of care does the child show about indoor plants?
  • Is there environmental literature at home (encyclopedias, books with poems, with stories about the plant world)?
  • Do you introduce your child to the diversity, structure, reproduction of indoor plants, the rules for caring for them?
  • Do you go out in nature with your child? (in the park, forest), for what purpose?
  • Do you visit the arboretum with your child? (Which plants did the child like the most, remember?).
  • Do you take photos when you are in nature with your child?
  • How do you feel about introducing a child to the maintenance of indoor plants in a corner of nature in a kindergarten?
  • Do you think it is necessary to develop environmental knowledge and environmental culture in a child?
  • Do you think environmental education of parents is relevant?
  • Your wishes for the organization of environmental education in children of the younger group.

Historical facts on nature protection.

  • The All-Russian Society for the Protection of Nature was created in the Soviet Union in 1924, and is relevant to this day.
  • The law "On Nature Protection in the Soviet Union" was adopted in 1960.
  • the federal law "On Environmental Protection" dated 10.01.2002 No. 7-FZ (was adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on December 20, 2001).
  • The United Nations Environment Program - UNEP was established in 1972. Its purpose is to provide leadership and encourage partnerships in the field of respect for the environment by creating opportunities to improve the quality of life of states and peoples without compromising future generations.


  • V. Soloukhin: “He who has flowers in his hands cannot do bad things” .
  • Rabindranath Tagore: "And a stalk of grass is worthy of the great world in which it grows" .
  • Hatsui Kato: “Nothing calms a person like the amazing beauty of a living tree” .
  • K.A. Vorobyov: “We must constantly remember that we are not the last people on Earth, that future generations will also need pure water, forest, flowers, birds singing - the joy and happiness of communicating with nature. Nature must be protected not only because it gives a person a lot of what he needs in life, but also because it is beautiful. .
  • Lev Tolstoy: "The purest joy is the joy of nature" .

2. Main.

Implementation in the educational process effective methods and techniques for expanding and enriching knowledge about the diversity, structural features, growth, development, reproduction of indoor plants. The ability to observe, care for, create the necessary conditions for growth and development for indoor plants. development

cognitive interest, aesthetic perception. Education of a kind, careful attitude to wildlife, ecological culture of behavior.

Joint activities of the educator with children:

Speech development

Reading fiction on the topic of the project:

  • E. Serova "Our Flowers" .
  • E. Vovk "Whose flowers are better?" .
  • Hans Christian Andersen "Thumbelina" .
  • E.Blaginina "Balsam" .
  • B. Pasternak "Geranium on the windowsill" .
  • G. Rakova "Violet" , "Aspidistra" , "Ficus" , "Begonia" .
  • B. Ferper "Begonia" .
  • B. Pasternak "Geranium" .

Informative conversations:

  • Why does a plant need a pot?
  • How do indoor plants reproduce?
  • "Why do people grow plants"
  • What indoor plants grow in your home
  • "Gardening Tools"

Artistic word.

Proverbs and sayings.

  • Flowers that children, care love.
  • A good flower, but it will fade soon.
  • A scarlet flower catches the eye.
  • On nice flower a moth flies.
  • Geranium on the window - health in a basket.
  • And beautiful flowers are poisonous.
  • Each flower has its own scent.

Poems about indoor plants

E. Blaginina "Spark"

Creeps behind the window

Frosty day.

Standing on the window


crimson color

petals bloom,

As if really

Fires lit up.

I water it

its shore,

give him

Nobody can!

He's very bright

It's very good

Very much for my mother

Like a fairy tale!

N. Nishcheva

A lily of the valley was born on a May day,

And the forest keeps it.

I think,

his behind -

It will ring softly.

And this ringing will hear the meadow,

and flowers...

Let's listen

Let's hear - me and you?

"GERANIUM" Elena Blaginina

Geranium on the windowsill

opened the petals

And a halo of green needles

He lit up the lights.

When I get sad

spring evening

Then a geranium flower

Let it shine like a beacon.

Lilac bouquet of surprised violets

Looks like a purple sunset

Like a sunset it shines wearily

And a gentle fragrance.


Underground roots - strong men

Above the ground stalks - sabers

Born in a green shirt

He grew up a little and separated from his mother.

Chlorophytum grows, grows stronger

The time will come, the sprouts are releasing.

Saying - aloe, aloe

I wonder what it is?

What is aloe

Aloe blue?

Good or evil?

Small or big?

Good or bad?

And then I saw aloe

On Aunt Zoya's chest of drawers.

On Aunt Zoya's dresser

Aloe growing in a pot

green, small

Prickly and crooked.

But so cute!

In our group on the window

In the green in the country

In painted pots

The flowers have grown.

Here is a rose, geranium, fat woman,

Spiny cactus family.

We will water them early in the morning.

Me and all my friends.

N. Nishcheva

Katya took a watering can

Watered all the flowers.

Let them drink some water

Flowers are small.

Leaves with a soft cloth

Our daughter wiped

Dust makes it hard to breathe

Closes pores.

Sharpened with a sharp stick

The earth is all in pots.

Katya is a big smart girl,

Little daughter.

"Chamomile" M. Poznanskaya.

In the meadow by that path

What runs to us right into the house,

A flower grew on a long stem -

White with a yellow eye.

I wanted to pick a flower

Raised her hand to him

And the bee flew off the flower,

And buzzing, buzzing: "Don't touch!"

I. Surikov

The path runs through the meadow

Dive left, right.

Wherever you look, flowers are all around

Yes, knee-deep grass.

Green meadow, like a wonderful garden,

Smelly and fresh in the hours of dawn.

Beautiful, rainbow colors

A bouquet is scattered over them.

"Carnation" E. Serova

Look, look,

What is the red light?

It's a wild carnation

Hot celebrates the day.

And when the evening comes

The petals will roll the flower,

"Until morning! See you!"

And the flame goes out.

"Flower" Yunna Moritz

I have a flower.

He could drink the sea.

I'll give him some water

He swallows

And it blooms a little.

E. Blaginina

There is a real garden on my window!

Large fuchsia earrings hang.

A narrow date climbs - the leaves are fresh.

And the Russian palm has leaves like knives.

A modest flame flared up.

All under the hair of a cactus stump.

Tits are jumping under my window.

Birds rejoice - it's nice for them

Look at that pretty window

Where in winter - fly,

Where flowers are full.

"Forest Violet" V. Pasnaleeva

winter frosts

The sun has gone.

fragile violet

She stood in the meadow.

Towards the sun a blue corolla

Stretches stubbornly

First violet

I'll pick for mom.

"Bell" E. Serova

Bell blue

He bowed to you and me.

Bluebells - flowers

Very polite...


Only the sun will rise

Poppy will bloom in the garden.

cabbage butterfly

It will fall on the flower.

Look - and at the flower

More than two petals.

(Eugene Feyerabend)

"Dandelion" E. Serova

Wears a dandelion yellow sarafan.

Grow up - dressed up in a little white dress,

Light, airy, breeze obedient.


Purify the air

They create comfort

Green on the windows

Bloom all year round. (Houseplants)

On the window in winter and summer

Forever green and beautiful.

bright red color

Burning gently... (Balsam)

On the window, on the shelf

The needles have grown

Yes, satin flowers

Scarlet and red. (Cactus)

Not a pillow for needles

And not a hedgehog, and not a tree,

But don't let yourself be offended

Because all in needles. (Cactus)

Grass in a jar

In one right:

Green in the shade

Fading in the sun. (Aspidistra)

The leaf grows oblique

Not washed with dew;

On his back

white patches,

And flowers - handfuls,

Red brushes. (Begonia)

flat, long,

not a bar, Striped,

not watermelon. (Sansevera)

With its narrow sheets

I will green your house

And all separate bushes

I will reward later.

I love my children very much

I will keep them with me. (Chlorophytum).

I clean the air in the room,

Isolating essential oils.

My seed is like a crane's beak

Guess who am I? (Geranium)

A bush grew in a tub -

And wide and thick:

Leaf like leather

tightly folded,

elderberry trunk,

Like rubber. (Ficus)

From a flower pot

I hung my braids down.

I'm not blooming yet

It's cold outside.

But only the snow will melt

I flourish right now. (Tradescantia).

Up the steep wall

Cast on concrete

centipede crawling,

Carry leaves with you. (Ivy)

IN "green corner" , on a spacious window

beautiful hat all year round blooms

Everyone knows - this is a crane nose to us

He brought us a healing smell. (Geranium)

Indoor plant,

popularly called "nettle". (Coleus)

Leaf with a hump, groove,

Has thorns, but can't hurt,

But heals us at any hour. (Aloe)

Blossomed so early

There are geraniums on my window... (Geranium)

Although we are small in stature,

Guys love us very much.

We almost bloom all year round

And we decorate the house.

All shades of our eyes,

We do not spare paint for them. (Violets)

My flower is different:

White, pink and red

Caps of large inflorescences

Loved by adults and children.

And I'm all here

Crane nose is called. (Geranium)

She came to us from China

Got accustomed, tired not knowing

Blooms all year round for joy, from the heart!

And the flowers are colorful and very pretty! (Chinese rose-hibiscus)

At the gardener - the first fashionista

Did the dress fade?

Whether the paint has changed:

Everything was purple

It became cornflower blue. (Hydrangea)

Bush window and balcony

The leaf is fluffy and fragrant

Ah, the flowers on the window

Like a hat on fire. (Geranium)


reproductions of paintings by great artists: Claude Monet "Chrysanthemums" , Vladimir Bogachev "Chrysanthemums" , John Sargent "Still life with daffodils" , Jan Brueghel the Elder "Bouquet" , Eugene Delacroix "Vase with Flowers" , Felix Vallotton "Still life with gladioli" , Alexander Morozov "Cornflowers" , Ivan Khrutsky "Flowers and fruits" , Eugene Delacroix "Vase with Flowers" .


  • illustrations
  • postcards
  • photos of indoor and flowering plants.

Purpose: to show the diversity and amazing beauty of plants in the work of artists. Develop coherent speech, logical thinking, figurative memory, perception. To cultivate aesthetic feelings, love, respect for wildlife.

Listening and learning

  • poems
  • riddles about indoor plants.

Purpose: to introduce indoor plants, to cultivate a sense of love for wildlife.

Watching cartoons:

  • "Thumbelina"
  • "Night Flower"
  • "The Life of Flowers" .

Purpose: to develop a cognitive interest in plants. Cultivate love for them, a humane attitude.

Musical activities:

Listening to music: P. I. Tchaikovsky "Waltz of the Flowers" , musical excerpt from "Romeo and Juliet" S.S. Prokofiev, F. Chopin "Polonaise" , L. Beethovina "Moonlight Sonata" .


to acquaint with musical works, to develop an ear for music, a cognitive interest in plants.

Dance "Blossoming Flower"


develop flexibility, dexterity, beauty of movements; the ability to transform. Cultivate love, respect for plants.

Participants sit on the floor and hold hands. It is necessary to stand up smoothly, at the same time, without lowering your hands. Then "flower" starts to bloom (leaning back, holding each other's hands tightly) and swing in the wind.

Game activity

Role-playing games:

  • "I am a florist"
  • "Flower shop"
  • "Gardening Tool Shop"


to form knowledge about indoor plants, about the work of a flower seller,

florist, to form in children the ability to independently develop the plot

games. Contribute to the implementation of the game plan.

Strengthen the ability to independently select and use correctly

game attributes (flower seeds, flower pots, watering cans, rakes, stones,

artificial flowers).

Cultivate goodwill, willingness to help.

To cultivate interest and respect for the work of a flower seller, a florist.

Didactic games


fix the name of the plants, develop cognitive interest, enriching with information: about the knowledge of indoor plants, diversity, appearance (shape, size, color of flower leaves), structure, conditions of growth and maintenance.

  • "Who has what flower"
  • "What and how grows"
  • "Collect a houseplant"
  • "Paired Pictures"
  • "Flower shop"


fixing the name of the plant, the number of flowers (for a plant with one flower, choose a plant that has many flowers).

  • "Where Flowers Grow"
  • "The Fourth Extra"
  • "What's gone?"
  • "Learn by description"


fixing the name of the plant, the size of the leaves - to the plant with big leaves pick up with small leaves.

  • "Find a plant by name"
  • "Find a Pair"
  • "Big and small"
  • "One and Many"

Board didactic games:

  • Split pictures "Collect a Flower"
  • "Puzzles" , "Mosaic"
  • "Flower Lotto"
  • "Paired Pictures" .

Purpose: to develop cognitive interest, fine motor skills, logical thinking, imagination. Cultivate love for indoor plants, the plant world.

Word games:

  • "Guess the flower from the description"
  • "One and Many Flowers"
  • "Who has what flower" .


Introduce indoor plants, highlighting the signs, find the same plants. Develop logical thinking (ability to analyze and compare), connected speech (use nouns) plural) , figurative memory, color perception. Cultivate love, respect for indoor plants.

"Say sweet words about the flower"


enrich vocabulary: beautiful, gentle, affectionate, bright, cute, beloved, fragile, cheerful, kind, desirable.

Outdoor games:

  • "Run to the flower"
  • "Who will pick the flower faster?"
  • "Let's collect a bouquet of flowers"
  • "To the named houseplant, run!" .

Target; develop the ability to act on a signal, to coordinate their movements with the movements of other children; develop imagination, knowledge of color, active cognitive interest. Cultivate a love for the world of plants.

"Find Your Flower" .

Children receive different flowers of 3-4 colors: some - blue bells, others - red poppies, third - yellow tulips, fourth - pink roses and are grouped by 4-6 people in different corners of the room. In each corner, the teacher puts a flower on a stand .

At the signal of the educator: "Go for a walk" "Find Your Flower"

"walks" "home"

round dance game "We went to the meadow" .

Target. To develop a cognitive interest in musical ear, a sense of rhythm, the ability to combine movements with words, expressiveness, singing skills. Cultivate love for wildlife.

mobile game "In the flower field"


To develop the ability to run in all directions, without bumping into each other, to navigate in space, coordination of movements, speed of reaction; color perception, attention, memory, coherent speech.

Conducting the game.

Flowers are placed in different corners of the hall (yellow, red, pink, blue) on "clearing" .

Each child receives a petal, and sits around a flower of the corresponding color, squatting down.


"Flowers grew in the field, (Children get up slowly),

Dropped the petals. (raise their petals up),

Suddenly a breeze blew ,

The petal swirled. (circled in place),

The wind will blow them away. (Scattered scattered)

And will return to earth again. (Back to your flower).


mobile game "Flowerbed" .


to develop the ability to run in all directions, without bumping into each other, to navigate in space, coordination of movements; color perception, attention, memory.

Cultivate love for plants, friendly relations in the game.

Rules of the game.

"flower beds" . In each "flower bed" child sits down "flower" "flower bed" .

Mini fun. "Flowers"

To consolidate knowledge about the appearance of indoor and garden flowers. To develop speed, dexterity, beauty of movements, aesthetic feelings, holistic perception, the ability to assemble a bouquet from the number of artificial flowers. Keep the children in a joyful mood in the process of joint activities. Cultivate love for wildlife.

  • Contest "The best bouquet of artificial flowers" .
  • Reading poems about indoor plants.
  • Riddles about indoor plants
  • Folding houseplants from elements.
  • improvisation under "Waltz of the Flowers" P. Tchaikovsky from the ballet "Nutcracker" .
  • Performing a song about flowers.

Physical education minutes



The flower says to the flower:

"Pick up your paper,

Get out on the track

Yes, stomp your feet

Shake your head -

Meet the sun in the morning

Tilt the stem slightly

Here is the charge for the flower

Now wash your face with water

Dust off and calm down.

Finally all ready

Welcome the day in all its glory.

"On the window in pots"


develop coordination of movement, the ability to coordinate their movements with speech; fine motor skills of the fingers, a sense of rhythm.

Flowers rose.

Reached for the sun

The sun smiled.

Leaves to the sun

Leaves turned,

buds unfolded,

Drown in the sun.

Our delicate flowers


develop coordination of movement, the ability to coordinate their movements with speech.

Our delicate flowers open their petals

(Standing on toes, arms up, connected by the backs of the hands; 1 arms to the sides, 2 to the starting position).

The wind breathes a little, the petals sway

(Standing feet shoulder-width apart, arms up, 1-4 rocking from side to side).

Quietly fall asleep, the stem is tilted

(Legs on the width of the foot, arms up, 1 - lean forward, touch the legs with your hands, 2 - to the starting position).

finger games


develop fine motor skills of the fingers, a sense of rhythm.

"Our Scarlet Flowers"

The palms are joined in the shape of a tulip.

Our scarlet flowers open their petals

(Fingers from the cams slowly unbend. Smooth swaying of the hands is made).

The wind breathes a little

The petals sway.

(Swinging hands left and right).

Our scarlet flowers cover the petals.

They shake their heads and fall asleep quietly.

(Slowly squeezing fingers into fists, acquiring the shape of a bud again, and shaking the flower head).


Take a look at the window: (Show both hands.)

We have geraniums here. (Bend fingers into a fist, starting with the little finger.)

And here is the handsome balsam,

Amaryllis next to him.

Fuchsia, begonia -

We remember all the names! (Opening palm.)

We will loosen the flowers, water them,

(Both palms connect "bud" "flower" .)

Etude "Flower"


Develop the plasticity of movement, coordination, motor skills of the fingers. Cognitive interest, imagination, the ability to express a sense of joy. Enrich the active dictionary with the names of colors.

The transformation of a seed into a sprout. mature plant with closed bud. Flower opening.

Psycho-gymnastics "I am a plant"

Performed to slow beautiful music.

Close your eyes and sit down. Imagine that you are a small plant that has been planted in warm soil. It is still very weak, fragile, defenseless. But good hands water the plant, wipe the dust off it. The plant starts to grow (children rise slowly) (hands up) (hands drop)

cognitive development

Experimental-practical activity



Introduce indoor plants, expand knowledge about them biological features (appearance, structure, reproduction), develop active cognitive interest, perception, figurative memory, logical thinking, coherent speech. Develop skills in caring for plants. To cultivate the desire to grow plants with their own hands, to see the beauty of wildlife.

  • “What grows in our corner of nature?”
  • "Parts of a Plant"
  • "How to Water Plants"
  • "How to Wipe Plants"
  • "When to water the plant"
  • Observation Why do plants need roots?
  • Observation “Who is cramped in a pot?”

Observation "Flowering Plants Corner of Nature"

Purpose: to acquaint with the flowering houseplants of the Corner of Nature.



introduce the names of indoor plants: geranium (pelargonium fragrant, zonal), begonia (ever-flowering, variegated), balsam (sultanic), fuchsia (hybrid). Expand knowledge about the appearance, structure of the plant.

To form the concept of indoor plants - these are plants that grow in the ground, pots on the window. They purify the air, create comfort. Fix plant care practices.


Develop active cognitive interest, thinking, perception, aesthetic feelings, speech, memory.


to cultivate industriousness, the desire to carefully care for indoor plants. Treat plants with love and tenderness.

Vocabulary activation: indoor plant, care, watering can, warm water, water.

Vocabulary enrichment: flowering plants, geranium, aspidistra, fuchsia, bud.

Preliminary work:

observation, caring for houseplants in a corner of nature, reading poems, looking at illustrations; conducting didactic, outdoor games.

Resource support: indoor plants, watering cans, aprons.

GCD progress:

Organizing time:


invites children to pay attention to a corner of nature, brings children to it, where indoor plants grow in pots.

Questions for children:

  • What grows in our pots?
  • Houseplants.
  • How many, many or few?
  • A lot of.
  • What are indoor plants?
  • Beautiful!
  • They bloom well and smell good.

Examining plants. The teacher draws the attention of children to flowering plants - geranium, balsam, fuchsia. Children find leaves, stems, flowers and unblown flowers - buds. Determine the color, size, shape. The guys admire them, sniff, touch, stroke, admire.

Physical education minute "Flowers"

Joint practical activities of the teacher and children.

Plants need to be looked after: watered, sprayed, loosened the earth in a pot, fed with fertilizers, transplanted. Plants need plenty of sunlight and warmth. Then they will grow well, develop, purify the air and delight us.

  • What do we need for watering? Points to the watering can.
  • Watering can with warm water.

Ask the children to water the plants. Reminds me of watering rules.

Outcome (Reflection)


What houseplants have we met? Where do our plants grow? How should they be looked after? What plant do you like the most?

Observation "Indoor plant everblooming begonia" .

Purpose: to acquaint with a flowering houseplant begonia.



introduce the name of a houseplant (begonia - evergreen). Expand the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bappearance, structure (Stems - hanging, thin; leaves Green colour, smooth to the touch; leaf outline

rounded. Flowers Pink colour, collected in an inflorescence), distinctive features (blooms all year round). Develop skills in caring for indoor plants.


to develop in children observation, active cognitive interest, speech, memory, sensory perception, aesthetic feelings.


cultivate love for plants, the desire to notice their beauty, call them affectionate words; to care about them.

The teacher offers to consider what beautiful flowers the begonia has, what color they are, count how many there are, do the flowers smell, what leaves (large, small).

Observation "Introduction to indoor plants (coleus, balsam, geranium)» .

Form a concept "houseplants" . Expand knowledge: grow at home in pots, vital conditions have been created for them (light, heat, water regime, soil nutrition). Indoor plants purify the air, create comfort, decorate the room, delight, delight. These plants cannot live outside - they will die. Clarify names: coleus, balsam, geranium. Get to know common names "nettle" (coleus looks like herbaceous plant nettle); "light" (the red flower resembles a light) or "Vanka is wet" (likes abundant watering), "Handy" (ripe seeds, when touched, crack and scatter to the sides); "Crane nose" (the seed looks like a crane's beak).

Observation "How to water the plants?"

Purpose: to introduce watering - a way to care for indoor plants.



To form an idea about the method of caring for indoor plants - watering, its importance in improving growth. Create conditions for familiarization with proper watering plants. Introduce the techniques: hold the watering can correctly, do not raise the watering can’s nose high, pour water carefully, under the plant, all the earth in the pot should be wet. excess water drain from the pan. At the end of the work, put the watering can in place.



to cultivate a desire to carefully care for indoor plants, treat them with love, call them affectionate words.

Observation When should a houseplant be watered?


to acquaint with the methods of determining the dryness of the soil in a pot of a houseplant by touch, by color.



to form an idea of ​​the importance of moisture as one of the conditions for plant growth. Introduce a selective approach to watering plants by touch (damp earth - sticky, dark color; dry earth - dry, light color).


develop active cognitive interest, logical thinking, memory, sensory experience, speech.


to cultivate a desire to carefully care for indoor plants, treat them with love, kindness.

observation. Spraying houseplants (ficus, begonias, fuchsia).


Learn how to take care of indoor plants.



expand ideas about the life of plant objects, the need to keep them clean and maintain water regime. To form the ability to remove dust from plants, moisten them by spraying from a spray bottle.


to develop in children observation, active cognitive interest, speech, memory.


Vocabulary activation: indoor plant, ficus, begonia, fuchsia, care, drying out.

Enrich vocabulary: spray, spray.

observation. "Loosening the soil"

Purpose: to introduce a new method of care - loosening the soil - "dry watering" .



to form ideas about the need of the plant for loosening the soil. When loosening the soil, it becomes soft, and oxygen freely flows to the roots of the plant. You need to loosen the soil shallowly, near the walls of the pot, so as not to damage the roots of the plant. The plant is saturated with oxygen and grows well, develops, blooms magnificently, acquires a beautiful appearance. To acquaint with the tool for loosening - a ripper.


to develop in children observation, active cognitive interest, thinking, speech, memory.


To cultivate industriousness, the desire to carefully care for indoor plants, to be treated with love.

Observation "A plant has leaves, a stem, a flower, a root"

Purpose: to acquaint with the structure of a houseplant.



to form ideas about a plant - a living organism, its structure, appearance. Has: leaves, stems, flowers, root. The stems are thick, thin; straight, hanging, creeping. With the help of leaves, it breathes and drinks water when the plant is sprayed. The roots are in the ground, with which the plant absorbs moisture and nutrients.


develop in children observation, cognitive interest, speech, memory. Educational:

to cultivate a desire to carefully care for indoor plants, treat them with love.

observation. "Consideration of primrose and ficus plants"


introduce children to houseplants primrose and ficus.



expand the idea of ​​​​the distinctive features of the appearance. To consolidate the concept - a living plant: it grows and develops, becomes large, beautiful. He needs the necessary conditions - water, soil, heat, a lot of light.

To form skills in caring for indoor plants with primrose, ficus.


develop active cognitive interest, observation, thinking, speech, memory.


cultivate love, attentive and careful attitude to indoor plants, diligence.

Methods: visual, verbal, practical.

Vocabulary activation: indoor plant, care, water.

Dictionary enrichment: ficus, primrose, dense, leathery, pubescent.

Preliminary work:

Resource support: indoor plants, oilcloths, watering cans, aprons.

GCD progress:

Organizing time:


Draws the attention of the children to the new indoor plants located on the table - primrose and ficus. Offers them to consider, touch. Guys describe characteristics appearance of each plant. Primrose.

Questions for children:

  • What does a primrose look like?
  • On the grass
  • Does primrose have a stem?
  • How do leaves grow?
  • They grow from the ground.
  • They grow on petioles. What leaves?
  • Long.
  • Narrow.
  • What color are primrose leaves?
  • leaflets dark green colors.
  • What do they feel like?

Examining a plant. Children touch the leaves, gently stroke.

  • They are soft and fluffy.
  • What color are the flowers?
  • Flowers are pink.
  • Big or small?
  • Small.
  • What does primrose grow in?
  • In a pot.

Physical education minute "Our Scarlet Flowers"

Questions for children:

  • What does a ficus look like? On a tree or grass?
  • To the tree.
  • How did you find out?
  • He has a large and tall trunk.
  • The trunk is tight. What kind of leaves does it have?

Children come up, carefully touch the trunk, stroke the leaves.

  • Big and small.
  • What colour?
  • Green.
  • Smooth.
  • Brilliant.
  • Leathery.
  • Where does ficus grow?
  • In a big pot.


Plants that grow in a pot in a room are called indoor plants.

Questions for children:

  • Houseplants primrose distinguish from each other?
  • Primrose is small, like grass.
  • Ficus is large, like a tree.


In order for our indoor plants to be in good condition, grow, develop, bloom, they need conditions - water, soil, heat, a lot of light.

Invite children to water houseplants. Reminds the rules of irrigation Joint activities of the teacher and the children.

Outcome (Reflection)


What houseplants have we met? How should they be looked after? What indoor plants do you like?

Joint practice

"Washing indoor plants"

Purpose: to expand knowledge about indoor plants.


Educational: introduce the houseplant aspidistra (friendly family), appearance (green, large, wide, dense, leathery leaves on long petioles, there are many of them. Leaves grow together from a pot).


to develop in children observation, cognitive interest, speech. To form the ability to wipe the plants with a damp cloth, water it from a watering can.


cultivate a caring attitude, a desire to care for plants.

Methods: visual, verbal, practical.

Vocabulary activation: aspidistra, leaves are wide, dense, leathery,

care, water, wipe.

Dictionary enrichment: friendly family, petioles.

Preliminary work:

Observation, care for houseplants in a corner of nature, reading poems, looking at illustrations.

Resource support: rags, basins of water, plants, oilcloths, watering cans, aprons.

GCD progress:

Organizing time:


Offers to carefully consider a houseplant, asks children to name it (aspidistra).

Questions for children:

  • What are the leaves of the plant:
  • Big and small
  • oval shape
  • Dark green.
  • Does the plant look like a tree or grass?
  • On the grass


This plant has leaves on long petioles, there are a lot of them and they all grow from the ground very amicably, therefore it has the name friendly family.

Examining a plant. The teacher asks the children to touch and stroke the leaves. Answer the question:

  • What do they feel like?
  • Leathery, smooth, shiny.

Physical education minute "On the window in pots"


Look, guys, what a sad aspidistra. It has dust on its leaves.

Question for the kids.

  • How to help the plant friendly family?
  • We need to wash the leaves.

Today we will wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. After all, dust collects on each leaf and its petiole, and therefore it is difficult for the plant to breathe. Let's rub the leaves to make them clean.

We take a cloth, soak it in a bowl of warm water, wring it out. Then, straightening the damp cloth, take it in your right hand. We substitute the palm of the left hand under the leaf of the plant and carefully wipe the leaf from above, without damaging it, in one direction from the petiole to the end from above. Next, turn the sheet and carefully wipe it from below.

The children, under the guidance of a teacher, wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. Water the plant with water from a watering can. The teacher reminds the rules of watering.

  • Take the watering can with both hands: right hand by the handle, left - by the spout.
  • We pour water between the stems of plants and the edge of the pot.

Outcome (Reflection)


What is the name of our houseplant? Here's what we have become clean, well-groomed! Now the friendly family is very beautiful and cheerful.

Experimental activities

  • What kind of water do plants like?
  • Why does a plant need light?
  • Spraying plants.

Observation - Experience Plants need water


to form the concept of the need for water in the life of a houseplant (in growth, development). The plant drinks water through the roots and leaves.



To consolidate the idea of ​​​​creating the necessary conditions for observing the water regime of the plant - regular watering and spraying with warm water. What can happen to a plant due to lack of water - the branches wither, the leaves turn yellow, fall off, the flowers dry up, as a result, the plant dies.


to develop in children observation, thinking, active cognitive interest, speech, memory.


cultivate an attentive and careful attitude to indoor plants, diligence (Pour water into watering cans, put away inventory in place).

Vocabulary activation: balsam, fuchsia, coleus, water, spray, drink water.

Dictionary enrichment: spray bottle, pallet.

Methods: visual, verbal, practical.

Preliminary work:

observation, caring for houseplants in a corner of nature, reading poems, looking at illustrations; making riddles, conducting didactic games.

Resource support: houseplants in pots with pallets, oilcloths, watering cans room temperature, spray gun, aprons.

Organizing time:


Draws attention to the plants of a corner of nature. Look at what wonderful indoor plants we have grown: clean, beautiful, juicy. What a lovely scent they have! This is because we take good care of them. Ask the children to name the plants. Children admire plants, call them affectionate words: “Vanechek is a little light, wet; fuchsia - ballerina; coleus - beautiful nettle, etc. d " .

Questions for children:

  • How should we take care of our plants?
  • water.
  • Wash.
  • Spray.
  • Loosen the earth in a pot.
  • Remove dry leaves.
  • Guys, can plants get sick if they are not watered?
  • What will happen to them?
  • They will dry up and die.
  • What kind of water should the plants be watered with?
  • Warm water.

Plants get sick - wither and dry if they are not watered in time. This also happens in the summer, when the sun is very hot and the weather is hot. Or during the heating season, when the radiators are very hot and the temperature rises in the room, the air becomes dry.

Physical education minute "Flowers"

Joint practical activities of the teacher and children.


Offers to water the plants, spray, pour water into the pan. Reminds me of the rules. Joint activities of children and teacher.

Outcome (Reflection)


What plants are in our corner of nature. What happens to plants when they are not watered? How should you take care of indoor plants?

Observation "Seating a houseplant" .


introduce the method of plant propagation - dividing the bush (One plant produces two).



Expand the idea of ​​​​a plant as a living natural object. It grows, becomes large, and it is cramped in a pot. One plant needs to be divided into two and transplanted. Clarify knowledge about the parts: stem, leaves, root (underground part of the plant).


to develop in children observation, imagination, active cognitive interest, thinking, speech, memory.


cultivate an attentive and careful attitude to indoor plants, diligence.

Methods: visual, verbal, practical.

Vocabulary activation: geranium, large, fragrant, smells good, the pot is small.

Dictionary enrichment: closely, division of the bush, transplant, pruner.

Preliminary work:

observation, caring for houseplants in a corner of nature, reading poems, looking at illustrations, guessing riddles.

Resource support:

houseplant geranium in a pot, pot, bucket of soil, shovels, secateurs, watering cans, aprons.

GCD progress:

Organizing time:


Shows houseplant geranium. Examining geraniums.

Questions for children:

  • What kind of houseplant is this?
  • Geranium.
  • What kind of geranium did we grow?
  • Beautiful.
  • Fragrant.
  • Big.
  • She has long stems, many leaves, red flowers. She smells good.
  • And the geranium pot, what size?
  • Small.
  • How is a plant doing in a pot?
  • Badly.
  • He's tight.

Joint practical activities of the teacher and children.


Offers to transplant geraniums. So that our geranium plant does not get sick, but grows and develops well, let's transplant it. Encourages children to participate in activities.

Work sequence:

  • Abundant watering of a houseplant geranium.
  • Gently pulling a houseplant out of the pot.
  • Dividing it into two bushes.
  • Trim long, extra roots with a pruner.
  • Fresh earth is collected in a pot (slightly more than half a pot).
  • Watering is in progress.
  • One plant bush is placed in a pot. The root is carefully straightened and sprinkled with earth.
  • The soil near the plant is pressed (For the plant to take root faster).
  • Re-watering the transplanted plant.


Now our geranium is spacious in a pot, it is in good condition, it will grow beautifully.

Outcome (Reflection)


What did we do today? Why did we transplant the plant? How did geraniums live in a pot?

Experimental research activities

Experience number 1. "Where is it better for a houseplant to grow in soil or sand?"


to form the concept of the need of a houseplant in nutrient-rich soil for its normal life.

The course of experience.

For the experiment, we use black soil with humus, rich in nutrients. In the first pot with fertilized soil, we will plant a houseplant balsam. In the second pot filled with sand, we will plant another houseplant balsam. Watching their growth and development. In the first pot, the plant actively grows and develops (shoots, leaves grow, buds open), in the second pot, the plant slowed down growth and development.


Plants need good, nutrient-rich soil to thrive. The sand does not contain the necessary nutrients for the plant, the plant will die without them.

Experience #2 "How does a houseplant grow in the light and in the dark"


to form the concept of the need of a houseplant in sunlight.

The course of experience.

For the experiment, they put one houseplant geranium on the window, where there is a lot of sunlight. Another geranium plant was placed in a dark closet. Watching their growth and development. On a bright window, a geranium plant bloomed magnificently and smelled sweet. In the shade, the geranium plant slowed down its growth. The leaves began to turn yellow.


A houseplant needs light for active growth and development. Without light, the plant will die.

Experience number 3. "What kind of water can be watered a houseplant"


To consolidate knowledge about the rules for watering a houseplant.

The course of experience.

For the experiment, water was drawn from the tap. Guys, feel the water to the touch - it is cold. Teacher:

Can this cold water water our plant?


No! It will get sick.


Water is purified from harmful substances using chlorine; plants cannot be watered with such water. Water is kept in an open container.


Plants should be watered at room temperature. From cold water the roots of the plant rot, it may die. Water must be settled, without chlorine impurities. Otherwise, plants grow and develop poorly.

Experience No. 4 Do indoor plants need air?


to form the idea that a plant is a living organism and breathes air with the help of leaves.

The course of experience.

To conduct the experiment, we close the plant with a transparent plastic bag. Watching the plant. Water droplets have formed on the inside of the bag.


The plant breathes oxygen in the air with the help of leaves. When you breathe, the air is humidified.

Experience number 2. "Why does a houseplant need a root"


To acquaint with the structure of the plant, its parts: leaves, stems, flowers, root. The value of the root in the life of the plant.

The course of experience.

Observation of a houseplant begonia ever flowering. Defined

What are the parts of a houseplant? (leaves, stems, flowers, roots). A plant was placed in a jar of water dyed red. Watching the plant. Stems, leaves, flowers turned red.


water flows through the root to all parts of the plant (stems, leaves, flowers, buds). Plant roots absorb water and nutrients.

Artistic aesthetic development

Artistic creativity

  • Drawing:

Innovative and artistic

(poke way) "Geranium in a pot" .

  • (palm and fingers)

"Finger painting" with application element. "Blossoming Begonia"

  • Modeling:
  • Technique - plasticineography. Modeling from bean seeds, sequins, cardboard, on a plasticine basis.
  • Innovative artistic technique - plasticineography. "My Favorite Houseplant"
  • Application

Traditional appliqué technique

  • "Beautiful houseplant"
  • Teamwork "Blossoms" light "


2. Main.

Integrated direct educational activities.

"Medicinal indoor plants"

Educational area: "Cognitive Development" .

Integration by educational areas:

  1. "Knowledge" - sensory development (perception, imagination, sensory memory, motor skills), the formation of the perception of wildlife - flora, its diversity features. Expansion of knowledge about subjects visual arts, creativity. Development of creative activity.
  2. "Speech Development" - fluency in speech, enrichment of the active dictionary with words that reflect the names of indoor plants, their uniqueness, appearance, structure, development, reproduction, needs, significance for humans and the world around them, rules for caring for objects of the plant world.
  3. "Social and communicative development" - this is the development of communication and interaction of the child with peers, teachers, parents. The formation of independence, purposefulness in joint activities. Formation of the foundations of the safety of one's own life in various types of productive activities, in nature.
  4. - development of artistic perception, aesthetic taste and understanding of works of art: verbal, musical, pictorial for familiarization with them, nature (To wonderful world indoor plants).
  5. "Physical development" - development of coordination of movement, flexibility

fine motor skills of hands, physical activity.

Age: 3-4 years.

Venue: group №2 "Kids-strong"


to form an ecological understanding of medicinal indoor plants, their benefits for human health.



Introduce the names of medicinal indoor plants. Expand knowledge about appearance, structure, reproduction. To form an ecological understanding of the importance of plants for human health.


to develop in children an active cognitive interest, coherent speech, figurative memory, logical thinking, attention; creativity, aesthetic perception of the world, coordination of movement, flexibility, fine motor skills.


to cultivate love and careful, caring attitude to indoor plants, diligence.

Form of conduct: game

vocabulary work

Dictionary activation:

activate in speech Generalizing words "houseplants" , their names (geranium, aloe, kalanchoe).

Dictionary Enrichment:

folded and rimmed, "agave" , plant - "doctor" .


a corner of nature with well-growing houseplants located in it.

Resource support:

blooming indoor plants corner of nature (geranium, fuchsia, begonia, balsam ( "light" ) , aspidistra, coleus). Medicinal plants: aloe, kalanchoe, common geranium, board, sample.

Preliminary work:

Daily care of plants in a corner of nature. Viewing a presentation "Recommended plants for a corner of nature" . Reading poems on the topic "Plants" (I. Voronko "Don't stop me from working" , E. Blaginina, E. Serova). Learning physical culture minutes, finger gymnastics. Making riddles, listening to songs about plants. Conversations (What are the Benefits of Houseplants? , What do plants need for their growth and development? , How to take care of indoor plants ) . Consideration of visual and didactic material: postcards, photo album on the topic "Amazing Houseplants" . Observation of indoor plants.


surprise moment

An excerpt from Mozart's piece of music "Music of angels" .

A hero from the program came to visit the children « Good night kids" Stepashka.


Guys, what a wonderful music sounds! How cozy, light, easy to breathe in your group! And what wonderful, beautiful indoor plants! All are cheerful, bloom luxuriantly and smell good.


This is because children love indoor plants of our corner of nature, pay attention to them, diligently and carefully care for them. Plants feel the caring attitude of the guys. And they grow well because they listen to wonderful pieces of music. Guys, tell Stepashka how you take care of plants?


  • Water, spray, loosen the ground, wipe the dust, remove dry leaves.


Stepashka, why are you so sad?


Piggy fell ill: sneezes and coughs. And he so wanted to come with me to the guys.


Today, the guys and I will get acquainted with medicinal indoor plants that treat people for many diseases, even for colds.


Guys, can I stay with you, it's so interesting!



Since ancient times, people have noticed that there are plants that can cure various diseases. They fell in love with these plants and planted them in pots, put them on the windows, surrounded them with care and attention. Plants pleased with their amazing charm, delivered aesthetic pleasure. Cleaned the air, filled it with a pleasant aroma; treated a person.

Physical education minute "Flowers" .

Movements are performed in accordance with the text.

The flower says to the flower:

"Pick up your paper,

Get out on the track

Yes, stomp your feet

Shake your head -

Meet the sun in the morning

Tilt the stem slightly

Here is the charge for the flower

Now wash your face with water

Dust off and calm down.

Finally all ready

Meet the day in all its glory.

Those are beautiful flowers.

The teacher removes the screen and shows medicinal plants: geranium, aloe, kalanchoe. Makes riddles about each indoor plant. Children guess the plant, and the teacher puts the indoor plant on the table for examination.

Bush - window and balcony,

The leaf is fluffy and fragrant,

It is folded and bordered,

And the flowers on the window are like a hat on fire. (Geranium)

1. Common geranium (pelargonium).

Questions for children:

  • name houseplant
  • Geranium.
  • What does a geranium look like on a tree or bush?
  • On a bush.
  • What leaves?
  • Green color
  • Round shape.
  • Fragrant
  • What stems?
  • Upright.
  • What flowers?
  • Large.
  • How many are on one flower stalk?
  • A lot of.
  • Of red color?
  • Red.

The teacher invites the children to come closer and smell how pleasant the geranium smells.


Geranium has a pleasant smell, it can smell like lemon, mint.

Its leaves contain essential oils that fill the room and destroy various microbes, repel insects. In a house where geraniums grow, flies do not fly. The smell of geranium relieves headaches, soothes, improves sleep, cardiac activity, and relieves toothache.

I also grow up in a room

And let me without flowers

I will heal your wounds

Without any doctors. (Aloe)

2. Aloe ("Agave" , "Doctor" )

Question for children:

  • name houseplant
  • Aloe.


People call aloe "agave" , because the plant blooms very rarely. It has a name "doctor" because it has miraculous healing properties.

Questions for children:

  • What does aloe look like on a tree or bush?
  • On a bush.
  • What leaves?
  • Big, long, thick.
  • There are teeth along the edges of the leaf.
  • Green color.
  • What stems?
  • Upright, tall.


Aloe leaves are fleshy, they contain a bitter, healing juice rich in vitamins. The plant purifies the air by absorbing harmful gases. Aloe is best kept in the kitchen. This plant can cure many diseases. Heals very well colds (runny nose, cough), accelerates the healing of wounds, burns.

Physical education minute "On the window in pots"

On the window in pots

Flowers rose.

Reached for the sun

Smiled at the sun

Leaves to the sun

Flowers turned,

Expanded buds.

Drown in the sun.


The guys sit on their haunches facing in a circle. They get up slowly. They stretch on their toes, raising their hands up. Turn left and right, hands on the belt. Connect the palms above the head. Open palms - buds.

What is popularly called

"Live-bearer" , "wonder of the world" ,

"Tolstoy" , "room ginseng" ,

"Healer" , "poet's flower" ?

Which is pretty soft

But a little sour taste?

Relieves diseases

What the "crocodile bush" ? What is under the side of aloe?

Growing fast? "Kalanchoe"

3. Kalanchoe

Questions for children:

  • name houseplant
  • Kalanchoe.
  • What does Kalanchoe look like on a tree or bush?
  • On a bush.
  • What leaves?
  • Large.
  • Green color.
  • Triangular shape.
  • There are teeth along the edges of the leaf.
  • What stem?
  • Upright.


Kalanchoe leaves are fleshy, juicy with small teeth. Children grow along the edges of the leaf. They are removed, new plants grow from them. People call him "House doctor" , "plant of life" . Kalanchoe juice is used to treat colds, sore throats, ear diseases, and burns.

  • Guys, how to call it in one word: geranium, aloe, kalanchoe?
  • Houseplants.
  • What are these plants doing?
  • Treat


Thank you guys, today I got acquainted with indoor plants - "doctors" found out what diseases they treat. And Piggy has an aloe plant growing on the window. Piggy will drip aloe juice into his nose and recover. Goodbye! Stepashka says goodbye and leaves.

Physical education is being held.

Physical education minute "Plants"

There are houses

(stand on your toes, pull your hands up)

And there are bridges

(lean forward, arms down, knees straight)

There are trees

(straighten up, put your hands over your head)

(sit down, stretch your arms forward)

And to everyone's surprise -

(stand up, arms to the sides, body turns)

Plants in the room.

(shoulders raised)

We can't do without them

(hands on the belt, turning the head to the right and left)

Because we are friends!

(Spread your arms wide apart, clasp your torso with your hands.)

Repeat 2-3 times.

Artistic creativity

drawing technique - cotton swab (poke way) with applique element "Geranium in a pot"

Educational area: "Artistic and aesthetic development"

  • Integration of educational areas:
  • "Knowledge"
  • "Speech development"
  • "physical development"


to form the ability to convey the image of a geranium - a houseplant in a pot.



, and supplement it with drawing. Introduce children to an innovative artistic drawing technique - cotton buds. Fix drawing method "poke" , silhouette drawing technique. Develop the ability to convey in the drawing the features of the appearance, structure of the geranium plant (round geranium leaves and flower inflorescence). Develop color perception.



cultivate love, respect for indoor plants; accuracy when working with visual materials.

Methods: visual, verbal, practical.

Vocabulary work.

Vocabulary activation: indoor plant, erect, fluffy, inflorescence.

Vocabulary enrichment: geranium.

Preliminary work:

daily care of plants in a corner of nature, observation of geraniums.

Development environment:

gouache (green, red), landscape sheets of white paper with a stencil image of a houseplant geranium, a silhouette of a pot (yellow, orange, blue color) , cotton buds, glue, brushes with a wide pile, cups of water, napkins.

Resource support:

houseplant geranium in a pot, easel, sample.

Organizing time


Reads a poem.


Elena Blaginina

Geranium on the windowsill

opened the petals

And a halo of green needles

He lit up the lights.

When I get sad

spring evening

Then a geranium flower

Let it shine like a beacon.


Invites children to draw a geranium.

Examining the sample.

The teacher draws the attention of children to the structural features of the plant: the stems are erect, leaves grow on them. The shape of the leaves is round. Inflorescence - red, large, round shape, consists of small flowers.

  • Pot sticking.
  • Dipping « magic wand» in green paint and gently stick it to the image of leaves, stems, without going beyond the contours of the silhouette of the plant.
  • omit another "magic wand" , in red gouache and stick to the image of the inflorescence.

finger game "Houseplants"

Take a look at the window: (show both hands)

We have geraniums here. (bend fingers into a fist, starting with the little finger)

And here is the handsome balsam,

Amaryllis next to him.

Fuchsia, begonia -

We remember all the names! (open palm)

We will loosen the flowers, water them, (wiggle fingers down)

Let them grow day by day! (both palms connect "bud" , raise above your head and open "flower" )

Review of children's work.

Exhibition of works.


Guys, what a beautiful geranium we got! It has such juicy leaves and bright flowers.

"Who will pick the flowers faster?" .

In the group room, flowers are laid out on the floor: daisies, poppies, cornflowers - this is a clearing with flowers. Children are built in three teams: "Chamomile" , "Cornflower" , "Poppy" . On a signal, each child runs in turn and collects a certain flower in the basket of his team. (chamomile or poppy, or cornflower). Whose team will collect faster, she won. The game is played to any cheerful music.

The result of the integrated lesson (Reflection).


Guys, who came to us? What plants did we consider? What plants can heal? What houseplant did we draw? What did you like?

Synopsis of Direct educational activities in the younger group

Artistic creativity. Modeling. Technique "Modeling" (From plasticine, natural material(bean seeds), glitter, cardboard, plasticine-based. "Beautiful houseplant"

Educational area: "Artistic and aesthetic development"

  • "Knowledge"
  • "Speech development"
  • "Social and communicative development"
  • "physical development"

"Cognitive Development" , "Speech development" , "Artistic and aesthetic development" , "Physical development" .

Purpose: to form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba houseplant.


Expand knowledge - it is alive, grows, develops, blooms. Pleases us with its beauty, creates comfort, cleans and moisturizes the air. We love him, we take care of him. Attach plant parts (stem, leaves, flower).

To improve the ability to create the image of a flowering houseplant in a pot, using an innovative technique for performing work - the technique of sticking and smearing small pieces of plasticine. Supplement the image with bean seeds, sparkles.


develop observation, logical thinking, fine motor skills, creative design, cognitive interest, aesthetic feelings.


to cultivate a caring, respectful attitude towards indoor plants; accuracy in work.

Methods: visual, verbal, practical.

vocabulary work

Dictionary activation:

indoor plant, stem, leaves, flower, pot.

Vocabulary enrichment: bean seeds, sequins.

Preliminary work:

Observation of plants corner of nature, caring for them. Looking at pictures, books; reading poems, stories; guessing riddles; board - didactic games (Cut pictures, puzzles) on the topic of: "Houseplants" .

Development environment:

Large ovals cut out of cardboard in yellow, orange, pink; a red pot cut out of cardboard,

plasticine different colors, plank - lining, stacks, a simple pencil, napkins.

Resource support:

multimedia projector, indoor plant slides, sample (image of houseplant).

The course of direct educational activities

Surprise moment.

The grandmother comes to the children - Riddle.

  • Hello my dear kids.
  • Hello Grandma - Riddle.
  • Oh, how many plants you have in your natural corner! All of them are beautiful, blooming, clean, cheerful. Do you know indoor plants?
  • Then guess my riddles.

Children solve riddles. The correct answer is accompanied by a slide showing a houseplant.

Purify the air

They create comfort

Green on the windows

Bloom all year round. (Houseplants)

On the window in winter and summer

Forever green and beautiful.

bright red color

Burning gently... (Balsam)

On the window, on the shelf

The needles have grown

Yes, satin flowers

Scarlet and red. (Cactus)

The leaf grows oblique

Not washed with dew;

On his back

white patches,

And flowers - handfuls,

Red brushes. (Begonia)

With its narrow sheets

I will green your house

And all separate bushes

I will reward later.

I love my children very much

I will keep them with me. (Chlorophytum).

A bush grew in a tub -

And wide and thick:

Leaf like leather

tightly folded,

elderberry trunk,

Like rubber. (Ficus)

Grandmother is a riddle.

Well done guys, you know indoor plants. How do you take care of them?

Children's answers:

  • Watering, spraying.
  • We loosen the earth in a pot.
  • We wipe the leaves.
  • We cut off dry leaves and flowers.
  • We say affectionate words to plants.

Grandmother - Riddler praises the guys. Says goodbye and leaves.


Offers to mold a houseplant.

Examining the sample.


Demonstration by the teacher of the sequence and methods of implementation.

  • On a large colored cardboard oval, glue the silhouette of the pot below.
  • Then draw a houseplant from the pot with a simple pencil (stem, leaves, flower).
  • Roll up small green sausages - stem, leaves. We place them on the image of the plant, press them with our fingers and smear them.
  • Roll up a ball (white or yellow color) , slightly flattened between the palms, attach to the image of a flower, spread it.
  • Attach the beans around the middle of the flower - these are the petals. In the middle of the flower between the petals, attach and press the sequin - this is the core.
  • We will decorate the pot with multi-colored sequins, attaching them with the help of sticking small pieces of plasticine.

The children's choice of materials used for modeling: cardboard base, plasticine, bean seeds, sequins.

Before starting to work, the teacher offers the children to train their fingers.

finger game "Flower"

It's closed early in the morning

(The hands are in their original position).

But closer to noon

Opens the petals

(The palms move away from each other, the pads of the thumbs are pressed to the ends of the index fingers, the hands resemble a half-opened bud).

I see their beauty.

(The hands at the wrist are connected, the fingers diverge smoothly in different directions, resembling an opened flower).

By evening the flower again

Closes whisk.

(Fingers closed - unopened flower).

And now he will sleep

Until the morning, like a chick.

(The hands are placed under the cheek - imitation of sleep).

Productive activities of children.

Children do the work on their own. The teacher conducts individual work with those children who do not succeed.

Review of children's work.

Exhibition of works.

Guys, what wonderful houseplants we got! Children admire their work.

Let's play

mobile game "Find Your Flower" .

Children are divided into four groups: bells, poppies, tulip, roses. And grouped by 4-6 people in different corners of the room. In each corner, the teacher puts a flower on a stand (blue bell, yellow tulip, red poppy, pink rose).

At the signal of the educator: "Go for a walk" - the children scattered around the room. By signal: "Find Your Flower" - children run to the flower of the corresponding color.

Complication: the teacher offers children during "walks" stop and close your eyes. At this time, the teacher rearranges the flowers. By word "home" children open their eyes, find flowers and run to them. The teacher notes which group of children will gather faster than others.

Outcome (Reflection)

What did we sculpt today? What games were played? Which plant do you like the most?

Synopsis of Direct educational activities in the younger group

Artistic creativity.

Modeling. Plasticineography. Modeling from plasticine, a natural material (pumpkin seeds), household material . "Flower in a pot"

Educational area: "Artistic and aesthetic development"

Integration of educational areas:

  • "Knowledge"
  • "Speech development"
  • "Social and communicative development"
  • "physical development"

"Cognitive Development" , "Speech development" , "Artistic and aesthetic development" , "Physical development" .


form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba flowering houseplant.


to consolidate the ability to convey the image of a houseplant, structure (stem, leaves, flower with the help of natural and junk materials) . To fix the methods of rolling the ball, plasticine sausages.


develop attention, logical thinking, fine motor skills, creativity, cognitive interest, aesthetic perception.


cultivate love, caring attitude to indoor plants, accuracy in work.

Methods: visual, verbal, practical.

vocabulary work

Vocabulary activation: houseplant, its parts (stem, leaves, flower, core).

Dictionary enrichment: amaryllis, clivia, Amazonian lily, Chinese rose, fuchsia, seeds, pumpkin.

Preliminary work:

Daily care of plants in a corner of nature. Consideration of flowering houseplants of illustrations, pictures, books, postcards. Reading poems, stories; guessing riddles. Watching a cartoon "How Plants Grow" Listening to a piece of music by P. I. Tchaikovsky "Waltz of the Flowers" .

Development environment:

Plasticine, lid plastic bottle, thin twig, pumpkin seeds.

Demo Material: Sample (flower in a pot), pictures with blooming indoor plants.

The course of direct educational activities

Organizing time

The teacher makes a riddle.

They live next to us in pots with a pallet,

They love earth and water, air and sun. (Houseplants)

Carries out a didactic game "Name a houseplant" . Uses pictures of flowering houseplants: amaryllis, clivia, Amazonian lily, Chinese rose, fuchsia.


  • Guys, what does a plant need?
  • Children's answers.
  • Sun, heat, light.
  • Pot with earth.
  • Window, air.
  • Love, care, tenderness.

The teacher invites the children to make a houseplant.


Examining the sample.

  • Fill the cap of a plastic bottle with black plasticine - this will be the earth.
  • Stick a stick in the center of the pot - this is the stem.
  • Roll up a ball (yellow, pink, blue) colors. Flatten the ball a little between the palms - this is the core of the flower.
  • Attach pumpkin seeds around the center of the flower - these are the petals.
  • Attach the flower to the stick - stem.
  • Roll sausages from green plasticine - these are leaves. Attach the leaves to the stem.

Physical education minute "Flowers"

Flowers rose. (Children slowly rise up)

Reached for the sun (stand on tiptoes, arms extended overhead).

The sun smiled. (smiled).

Leaves to the sun (wiggle fingers).

Leaves turned, (turn palms up).

buds unfolded, (closed palms, joined fingers in "bud" , separated fingers - a flower opened).

Drown in the sun. (shake "flower" top-down in front of you).

Productive activities of children.

Children do the work on their own. The teacher conducts individual work with those children who do not succeed.

Review of works.


Guys, you did your best. You have such lovely flowers in pots! Whose flower did you like the most?

Let's play a moving game "Flowers" .

Rules of the game:

Children line up in two teams (in each team one after another). In the hall, on the floor, there are paper flowers: dandelions, primrose, daisies, lilies of the valley. At the signal of the teacher, the players run in turn, collecting one paper flower at a time, until there is not a single flower left. The team with the most flowers wins.

Outcome (Reflection)

What did we sculpt today? What games were played? What do you remember, what do you like?

Synopsis of Direct educational activities in the younger group

Artistic creativity. Application Traditional technique. "Blossoms" light " Teamwork

Educational area: "Artistic and aesthetic development"

Integration of educational areas:

  • "Knowledge"
  • "Speech development"
  • "Social and communicative development"
  • "physical development"


To form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba houseplant balsam.


to consolidate the ability to collectively compose a houseplant balsam from ready-made forms, conveying its appearance, structure (arrangement of leaves, flowers on stems). Focus on a sheet of paper. Compose a flower from prepared parts: a flower and a core. Fix the rules for caring for plants.


develop figurative memory, observation, logical thinking, speech, fine motor skills of fingers, active cognitive interest, aesthetic perception, creativity.


Cultivate love, care, kindness for indoor plants; diligence, accuracy in work; desire to participate in joint collective activities, sociability.

Methods: visual, verbal, practical.

Vocabulary work:

Dictionary activation:

Dictionary Enrichment:

Balsam, a flower - a light, wet - Vanyok.

Preliminary work:

Daily care, observations of indoor plants. Examination of pictures, books, postcards; reading poems, stories, guessing riddles about indoor plants, balsam.

Development environment:

The basis - big leaf drawing paper with a pot application and painted stems of a balsam plant. Colored paper blanks (green large and small leaves,

pink flowers). Glue, brush, tray, dostochka - lining, napkin.

Resource support:

Indoor plant balsam, screen, table, watering can with water at room temperature.

surprise moment

Karkusha from a children's TV show flew to visit the children "GOOG night kids" .

The teacher reads a poem about a houseplant balsam.

There is a wet Vanek,

And in curls - a light.

There are many flowers on the window

Only wet is he alone -

Wet Vanka is called

The well-known balsam.

The teacher removes the screen. On the table "light"

Karkusha addresses the children.

  • Guys, why is balsam called "light" , "Wet Vanyok" ?
  • Its flowers are like little lights.
  • He loves water. To be watered and sprayed frequently.
  • Do you know how to take care of indoor plants?

Teacher, guys, let's water ours now "Wet Vanyok" He must be thirsty. Let's remember the rules of watering (properly hold the watering can, direct the stream of water, pour water in a small stream, the water should be warm). Joint activities of children and teacher.


What good fellows you are! What a balsam has become cheerful, and the flowers - the lights are burning brightly. Wet - Vanya is doing well with you.

The teacher invites the children to make a collective application of a houseplant balsam for Karkusha.


Examining the balsam plant.

Questions for children:

  • Name the parts of the plant
  • Stems, leaves, flowers, roots.
  • What stems?
  • Green, juicy, thin, hanging.
  • What flowers?
  • Small, round, red, like lights.
  • How many flowers?
  • A lot of.

Showing the teacher of the sequence and methods of implementation.

  • Make a flower from the prepared parts: a flower and a core. Glue it. Apply an even layer of adhesive to reverse side flower.
  • Apply an even layer of glue to the back of the leaves.

The teacher draws the attention of the children to ensure that the children correctly position the leaves (alternately) and flowers (in different places) on plant stems.

Psycho-gymnastics "I am a balsam plant"

Performed to classical music "Moonlight Sonata" Ludwig van Beethovin.

Close your eyes and sit down. Imagine that you are a small plant that has been planted in warm soil. It is still very weak, fragile, defenseless. But good hands are watering the plant, spraying it. The plant starts to grow (children rise slowly), the leaves rise to the light (hands up), the plant feels good (hands drop). Open your eyes. Did you enjoy being flowers?


Productive activities of children.

Children do the work on their own. The teacher conducts individual work with those children who do not succeed.

Review of works.


Guys, you are great, they tried, and we got a beautiful houseplant. It is like a real one - alive, with juicy stems, green leaves, bright flowers - lights. Thank you. Children, together with Karkusha, admire the balsam. Karkusha says goodbye to the guys and flies away.

Let's play a moving game "In the flower field"

Conducting the game.

In different corners of the hall, different flowers are placed in a clearing.

Each child receives a petal, and sits around the flower of the corresponding color, squatting down.


"Flowers grew in the field, (children get up slowly),

Dropped the petals. (raise their petals up),

Suddenly a breeze blew (Shake hands left and right),

The petal swirled. (circled in place),

The wind will blow them away. (Scattered scattered)

And will return to earth again. (Back to your flower).


Move flowers to different places, while the children run around the hall. Swap petals for the children and continue the game.

Outcome (Reflection)

Summary of direct educational activities in the younger

Artistic creativity

Innovative drawing technique (palm and fingers)"Finger painting" with application element. "Blossoming Begonia"

Educational area: "Artistic and aesthetic development"

Integration of educational areas:

  • "Knowledge"
  • "Speech development"
  • "Social and communicative development"
  • "physical development"


to form the ability to convey the image of begonia - a houseplant in a pot.



Develop application skills (glue the finished rectangular shape - a pot), and supplement it with drawing. To acquaint children with the innovative artistic technique of drawing - palm and finger. Expand children's knowledge about indoor plants. To develop the ability to convey in the drawing the appearance of an ever-flowering begonia, its structure (stems, leaves, flowers). Achieve greater expressiveness of the image with the help of color. Strengthen knowledge of color (green, red, yellow). To form practical skills in caring for indoor plants.


develop spatial orientation on a sheet of paper, fine motor skills of fingers, figurative memory, logical thinking, speech, aesthetic perception, cognitive interest, creativity.


Cultivate love, respect for indoor plants; diligence, accuracy when working with visual materials.

Methods: visual, verbal, practical.

Vocabulary work.

Vocabulary activation: indoor plant, palm, finger.

Vocabulary Enrichment: Everblooming Begonia (permanently blooming), inflorescence.

Preliminary work:

daily care of plants in a corner of nature, observation of begonias. Examining illustrations, pictures, reading poems, guessing riddles about the begonia plant, conducting didactic games on the topic: "Houseplants" .

Development environment:

gouache (red, yellow), cups with green gouache (diluted with water), landscape sheets of paper, ready-made form - a pot, glue, wet wipes.

Resource support:

houseplant ever flowering begonia in a pot, board, sample.

Organizing time

The teacher reads a poem.

"Begonia" Inguza Sergeev.

The buds opened like

Red roses.

Red, yellow.

Like mimosa.

The branches are blooming. Aroma


Gives happiness flower

For me, begonia.

Examination of a houseplant begonia.


shows a begonia and the children name a houseplant.


Begonia is called ever-flowering or constantly blooming, because flowers bloom and bloom on it all year round. The teacher invites the children to come closer and examine the begonia. Children find stems, leaves, flowers. Admire, smell the pleasant aroma of begonias.

Questions for children:

  • What does begonia look like?
  • On the bush
  • What stems?
  • Straight, thin, green.
  • What leaves?
  • Smooth, round.
  • Which flowers?
  • Small, red with a yellow center. There are many of them in the inflorescence.


Invites children to draw a begonia.


Demonstration by the teacher of the sequence and methods of implementation.

  • Glue the pot on lower part album sheet.
  • Dipping "palm" in green paint and gently press it in the upper part of the pot - these are the stems and leaves of the plant. Wipe the palm with a damp cloth.
  • We lower the index finger into the yellow gouache and press it over the image of the stem - the core of the flower. Wipe your finger with a damp cloth.
  • We lower the finger into red gouache and press it around the core - this is a flower.
  • Draw a flower over each stem with your finger.

Physical education minute "On the lawn in the morning"

On the lawn in the morning we started a game. You are a daisy, I am a bindweed.

Become our wreath. (Hold hands, lined up in a circle.)

(Walking in circles.)

And now we are streams, Let's run a race. (Running in circles.)

We hurry straight to the lake, Let's become a big lake. (Walking in circles.)

One, two, three, four, widen the circle!

We are cheerful beams. We are frisky and hot. (Jumping in place.)

One, two, three, four, spread the circle wider!

One, two - bend forward! (Leaning forward.)

Three, four - just a little faster!

Get up, pull up. (Bend over, hands up.)

Then inhale deeply.

One, two - bend back, do not bend your knees at all.

Unbend, pull yourself up, take a deep breath again.

One, two, three, four, wave your arms, legs wider! (Mahi hands).

One two three four five! (Jumping in place.)

They began to run and jump!

Productive activities of children.

Children do the work on their own. The teacher conducts individual work with those children who do not succeed.

Review of children's work.

Exhibition of works.


Guys, what a beautiful begonia you have turned out. Just like the real one! She has such wonderful flowers.

Let's play

mobile game "Flowerbed" .

Rules of the game.

On the floor, on one side of the hall, hoops of different colors are laid out - this "flower beds" . In each "flower bed" child sits down "flower" . To a beautiful classical piece of music, they imitate the growth of flowers, come out of the hoop and dance to the music on the other side of the hall. At the end of the music, he returns to his "flower bed" .

Outcome (Reflection)

What did we do today? What plant do we have? What games were played? What did you like?

Synopsis of Direct educational activities in the younger group

Artistic creativity. Traditional appliqué technique "Beautiful houseplant"

Educational area: "Artistic and aesthetic development"

Integration of educational areas:

  • "Knowledge"
  • "Speech development"
  • "Social and communicative development"
  • "physical development"


Form an idea about a houseplant.


consolidate the ability to make a beautiful houseplant from parts. Conveying its appearance, structure (leaves, stems, flowers). Expand knowledge about the plant - grows at home, in a pot. To form practical skills in caring for plants.


develop aesthetic perception, memory, observation, logical thinking, speech, fine motor skills of fingers, active cognitive interest, creativity.


Cultivate love, care, tenderness for indoor plants; diligence, accuracy in work.

Methods: visual, verbal, practical.

Vocabulary work:

Dictionary activation:

indoor plant, stems, leaves, flowers, water, spray.

Dictionary Enrichment:


Preliminary work:

Daily care, observations of indoor plants. Examination of pictures, books, postcards; reading poems, stories, guessing riddles, didactic, verbal - didactic games about indoor plants.

Development environment:

blue sheet, colored paper blanks - a pot Brown, rectangular shape. Plant blanks - three stems, leaves, three flowers (red corolla and round, yellow center). Glue, brush, tray, dostochka - lining, napkin.

Before starting to work with paper and glue, the teacher invites the children to spend a physical education session.

Resource support:

pictures about indoor plants, sample, board.

Progress directly - educational activities

Organizing time


Grow on the window

They bring joy to people. (Houseplants).

Guys let's play a game "Guess the houseplants" . Shows pictures of indoor plants: balsam, geranium, ficus, primrose, fuchsia, begonia.

Questions for children:

  • How are all plants similar?
  • Children: They have root, stem, leaves and flowers.
  • What do plants need?
  • They need sunlight, warmth, water, earth in a pot, care, love.
  • Why are indoor plants called friends?
  • They create beauty around, comfort, purify the air, treat us.
  • How should plants be cared for?
  • Water, spray, loosen the earth in a pot, feed them.

That's right, if you take good care of indoor plants, they will always have a beautiful, clean and flowering appearance.

Verbal - didactic game "Tell Nice words indoor plants" .

Let's say good words about indoor plants. What they are: beautiful, gentle, affectionate, sweet, beloved, funny, wonderful, kind, necessary. Well done boys!

The teacher offers to make an application of a beautiful houseplant.


Examining the sample.

Questions for children:

  • Name the parts of the plant
  • Stems, leaves, flowers.
  • What stems?
  • Green, straight, thick.
  • What flowers?
  • Large, red, with a small, yellow core.
  • Where do leaves grow?
  • On stems.
  • Where are the flowers?
  • Up on the stems.
  • Where does the plant grow?
  • In a flower pot.
  • Name the color, shape of the pot.
  • Brown, rectangular shape.

Showing the teacher of the sequence and methods of implementation.

  • Make a plant from prepared parts: first put flowers (place the core in the shape of a circle in the center), under the flowers place stems with leaves and a pot.
  • Apply glue in an even layer on the parts (first along the edges, then in the middle).
  • Consistently paste all parts of the application.

Before starting to work with paper and glue, the teacher invites the children to play a finger game.


A beautiful flower grew in a clearing,

(Press the hands, showing the flower).

The wind stirs its petals.

(Wag fingers outstretched).

All petals beauty and breath

(Squeeze your palms with the back side)

Together they give underground roots.

(spread fingers apart and shake).

Productive activities of children.

Children do the work on their own. The teacher conducts individual work with those children who do not succeed.

Review of works.


Guys, you are great, they tried, and we got a wonderful houseplant.

Let's play a moving game "Who will pick the flowers in the flower bed faster?"

Rules of the game.

On one side of the hall, there are three hoops on the floor. Each with one flower (red, blue, yellow)- This "flower bed" . On "clearing" (on the opposite side of the hall) "grow" flowers of different colors. Children, at the signal of the teacher, pick flowers on "clearing" and transfer them to the flower bed. The winners are those guys who quickly pick flowers for their "flower bed" .

Outcome (Reflection)

What did we do today? What plant do we have? What games were played? What did you like?

Questionnaire for parents

  • What was the significance of direct educational activities, conversations, games, learning poems, guessing riddles, viewing slides about indoor plants, entertainment held in kindergarten for a child, relatives and friends?
  • What care for indoor plants? What ecological culture of behavior did your child begin to show while in the park, in the garden, in the forest, relaxing in nature?
  • What interested you the most?
  • In your opinion, is there a need for work on this project topic for preschool children?

3. Final stage

Project products:

  • Presentation "Recommended indoor plants corner of nature" .
  • Joint creativity of the child and mother "Beautiful flower" .
  • Exhibition of creative works of productive activities of children.
  • Story - role-playing game "Florist"
  • Photo album "Houseplants" Photo exhibition "Favorite flowers of our family" .
  • Board and didactic game "Collect a Flower"
  • Consulting material

Project results:

The knowledge and ideas of preschoolers about indoor plants have expanded. Showing cognitive interest, we learned to distinguish indoor plants, to name them. Find their leaves, stems, flowers, roots. Notice the amazing beauty of the color and shape of leaves, flowers, buds.

Concepts were formed: plants are alive, they need good conditions - soil, nutrients, water, heat, sunlight.

Mastered the ability to take care of "Green friends" - water, spray, loosen the soil, wipe the leaves, remove dry, withering leaves. We received information that indoor plants are beneficial: they purify the air, release oxygen, treat diseases, are diverse and unique.

improved ecological environment junior group. Conditions have been created for children to get acquainted with nature: the corner of nature has been expanded with new types of indoor plants. A passport was made for each of them. Replenished equipment for the care of indoor plants.

Preschoolers strive to comply with the environmental rules of behavior in the natural environment, in everyday life. A positive relationship was formed between children, parents and teachers during the joint creative work, landscaping and gardening group.

Work on the project contributed to the formation of the correct ecological worldview in children “Plants are our friends. People, be merciful to nature, take care of every leaf, every blade of grass, every flower, every bush, every tree, because they are part of the future of our planet!”

Products of project activity.

  • Following the results of the project, a presentation was held "Recommended plants corner of nature" at the parent meeting and the pedagogical council.
  • Photo album designed "In the world of plants" .
  • Updated by topic "Plants" desktop - didactic material - puzzles "Flowers" , lotto "World of Nature" , "Mosaic" , "Paired Pictures" , "Cut Pictures" .
  • An exhibition of joint creativity of mother and child was organized "Wonderful flower" .
  • A card index of the artistic word has been designed "Houseplants" - poems, proverbs, sayings, riddles.
  • Pictures, photographs, illustrations about indoor plants, garden plants, herbs, trees are collected and decorated.
  • Exhibitions of children's works of art were organized.

Analysis of the results of project activities

Criteria for evaluating the result of project activities:

High level

  • The child recognizes by their appearance and names the indoor plants of a corner of nature depicted in pictures and illustrations.
  • .
  • Determines the characteristic features of the differences and similarities of indoor plants, comparing them with each other.
  • Able to answer questions in a coherent and coherent manner. Write a simple description of indoor plants.
  • He has an idea about the plant - living, growing and developing. The concept of needs (needs light, warmth, watering, spraying, fertile soil).
  • The importance of indoor plants in people's lives (decorate life, create comfort, heal, purify the air, give positive emotions).
  • Possesses practical skills in caring for indoor plants. She has a strong interest in indoor plants and a desire to take care of them in the future.

Average level

  • The child does not always recognize and name the houseplants of a corner of nature and the plants depicted in the pictures and illustrations by their appearance.
  • Knows the structure of the plant and the functional significance of its parts. Highlights distinctive features appearance (similar to grass, bush, tree).
  • Has insufficient understanding of the needs of the plant (plants love the sun very much, so they are placed closer to the light, they love water - the water regime should be observed).
  • Knows the importance of plants in human life. Sometimes makes mistakes in distinguishing plant groups: tree, grass, bush.
  • Able to answer the questions posed, but very briefly. Make a simple description of some indoor plants. He has an idea about a plant - a living organism, grows and develops.
  • Emotionally responds to familiarization with new indoor plants. Shows a desire to care for indoor plants: watering, spraying, loosening, washing.

Low level

  • The child is often mistaken in the definition and name of indoor plants.
  • Does not always notice changes in the development of familiar indoor plants.
  • Sometimes it is difficult to name groups of indoor plants: grass, bush, tree.
  • Wrong in the building (stem, leaf, flower, root), definition characteristic features differences and similarities of indoor plants.
  • It is difficult to answer the questions posed. Or the answer is wrong.
  • Shows little interest in indoor plants.
  • Proficient in plant care.

Comparative diagram of the result of project activities at the preparatory and final stages

Calculation of results:

At the preparatory stage:

  • With low level-15 children
  • with an average level - 8 children
  • with a high level - 2 children

At the final stage:

  • with a low level - 5 children
  • with an average level - 9 children
  • with a high level - 11 children


  • N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M., A. Vasilyeva Program "Birth to School" .
  • N. E. Veraksy FGT in the preschool educational institution. Complex lessons. Second junior group. Volgograd. publishing house "Teacher" 2012.
  • OV Dybina Classes on familiarization with the outside world. M. Mosaic - Synthesis 2012.
  • D.N. Koldina "Modeling" , "Drawing" , "Application" M. Mosaic - Synthesis 2011.
  • I.A. Lykov "Visual activity in kindergarten" Junior group. OOO "Karapuz" M. 2007.
  • ON THE. Vinogradova, N.V. Pozdnyakova "Role-playing games" M 2008.
  • GS. Shvaiko. "Games and game exercises for the development of speech" M. 2007.
  • Olga Druzhkova "1000 fun riddles for kids" OOO AST 2000.
  • E.Ya. Stepanenkov "Collection of outdoor games" Mosaic - Sintez M. 2011.
  • Internet resources.
  • Photographs copyright, Internet - user.
  • P. G. Samorukova "How to introduce preschoolers to nature" (a guide for kindergarten teachers). Moscow. 1983.
  • S.N. Nikolaev "Young Ecologist" The system of work in the younger group of kindergarten. M. Mosaic - Synthesis. 2010.
  • S. A. Veretennikova "Methods of introducing children to nature" . M. 1995.
  • S. N. Nikolaeva "Methods of ecological education of preschoolers" . M. 2000.
  • N. A. Ryzhova "Our home is nature" . M. "Karapuz" 2005.
  • .IN. A. Dryazgunova "Didactic games to introduce preschoolers to plants" M. 1981.


cognitive development

Observation of a houseplant - Geranium. Plant transplant.

GCD. Watching flowering plants in the kindergarten flower garden.

Game activity

Didactic game "Guess what flower it is"

consideration "Passports of indoor plants"

mobile game "Who will collect the flower faster"

Theatrical activity fairy tale "Flower - Semitsvetik"

Artistic creativity

Drawing "Geranium in a pot" .

Innovative drawing technique - Palm and finger "Flower - Light" (Balsam).

NOD Artistic creativity Drawing

"Beautiful flowers grew in a flower bed" .

NOD Artistic creativity

Modeling from plasticine, capsules kinder - surprise

"Flower in a pot"

Modeling from plasticine, a natural material (pumpkin seeds), household material (caps from a plastic bottle, sticks). "Flower in a pot"

Plasticineography "My favorite flower"

Modeling from bean seeds, sequins, cardboard, on a plasticine basis. "Beautiful houseplant"

Artistic creativity. Joint work of mother and daughter.

craft "A wonderful flower in a pot" .

"Flowers in a pot"

GCD. Artistic creativity. Application.

Teamwork "Houseplant "Spark" (Balsam)

"Corner of nature" our group "Kids are strong"