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Rose cuttings using the burrito method. Burrito is a simple and effective method of propagating roses. How to save roses in winter

The cutting propagation method is the most reliable way to propagate roses. This is facilitated by the simplicity of the procedure and the ability to do it at any time. However, not many flower growers are successful.

Reproduction of roses at home

Bouquet cuttings are possible only from roses grown in the homeland, since imported specimens are processed with preservatives that do not allow the reproduction of roses.

Before you grow roses at home, you should make sure that the bouquet is fresh enough. For a quality cutting, the stem should be slightly lignified, of medium thickness, have buds at the bottom and at the top.

Note! Imported roses with a long stem do not take root well in the flower garden.

The highest quality stalk will come from the freshest bouquet and they will have to be sacrificed. Remove flowers, thorns, buds. All lower leaves are cut off, and the upper ones are shortened by 2/3 parts. The cuttings are placed in distilled water and changed daily until the roots appear.

The finished seedling is transplanted into the ground, covered with a jar, or in a pot.

summer breeding

Summer breeding is the most natural way. Cutting the stems is carried out in the early morning or evening. Mature stems are selected, in which the thorns are easy to break; before flowering or immediately after it.

For cutting use a sharp sterile knife. A pair of leaves and buds are left on the handle. Planting material is kept in Kornevin, Heteroauxin.

A couple of leaves and buds

Many flower growers use their own reliable method instead of stimulants: several leaves of the same variety are cut into a glass of water and a spoonful of honey is added.

Such reproduction can be carried out all summer.

Cuttings in the open field

Before propagating roses directly in the garden, you should prepare the right substrate. Its composition should include river coarse-grained washed sand and fertile soil.

Prepared wells are poured with a steep solution of potassium permanganate and added dropwise at an angle, deepening the lower kidney. Seedlings, previously watered, are covered with banks.

Important! Park and remontant flowers are more difficult to cut.

The most suitable month for this operation is July, since it has an optimal temperature indicator. Planting material takes root for a month. During this time, the seedlings are hardened, and when August comes, the banks are completely removed. The emerging buds are pinched so that the root system develops better.

How to make a seedling from a rose

The time when you manage to get a unique rose is usually in the fall. And the question immediately arises of how to breed such roses, how to grow seedlings from the resulting specimen.

After waiting for the almost complete withering of the bouquet, stems are selected with three or more buds in the middle part. After cutting the cuttings, they are placed in a stimulant solution for the whole night.

rose cuttings

Twigs are planted in a container at an angle, the ground is lightly tamped, watered well. 2 twigs are stuck on the sides of the pot, and a plastic bag is put on top. Supported by rods, it does not fall off, and a microclimate favorable for the plant is created inside.

Soon the rose will take root and a good seedling will turn out by spring.

Growing seedlings on potatoes

Not many have heard about how roses can be propagated on potatoes, but only a few have tried this method.

Such cultivation allows you to plant the crop directly in open ground, without the preliminary formation of roots.

In the spring, a trench is made, a third is filled with river sand. Each selected branch is cleaned of thorns and leaves. A medium-sized potato is selected, the eyes are removed from it. A cutting is stuck into each tuber and dug in 2/3 of the length. From above, the seedlings are covered with bottles.

Growing seedlings on potatoes

Potatoes will provide constant moisture, starch, carbohydrates. It will be necessary to feed the seedlings with sweet water every 5 days. After a couple of weeks, hardening begins, and then the bottles are removed altogether.

How to root a rose shoot

The procedure for rooting a rose is not complicated, especially if you apply a step-by-step method:

  1. The material is suitable only fresh, it is desirable to plant on the day of the purchase of the bouquet.
  2. Flowers are selected without the slightest sign of wilting.
  3. Of these, attention is paid to specimens with the thickest stem, and that there are more than three buds.
  4. Under the lowest stem, cut at an angle.
  5. A couple of centimeters recede from the top and also cut off.
  6. The lower cut is cut with a cross and split a little.
  7. The cuttings are kept in a honey solution for 10 hours.
  8. Planted in a pot under a slight slope, leaving one upper bud above the ground.
  9. Next, watering is carried out and the seedling is covered with a bottle.

Important! You should not work with a lignified shoot - it has a long survival time, the roots form slowly.

Florists with great experience often share their experience on how to root a rose shoot, even if it is stunted. Their secret lies in the use of a special life-giving solution, which is an excellent stimulant for the roots. After its application, the percentage of rooting cuttings increases significantly.

The recipe includes aloe, gray, ash and melt water. In the solution, the seedling is from 10 hours, depending on the state: the weaker, the more time.

How to plant rose cuttings correctly, you can find out from flower growers.

Burrito method

Almost every Canadian florist knows how to propagate roses using a very unusual way for Europeans.

Using the burrito method in rose propagation, you can get a lot of seedlings. High-quality material is selected after autumn pruning, and it is taken in sufficient quantities from neighbors in the country, in parks. You need to choose any garden or park bush variety, with a powerful thick stem.

Burrito method

From the pruning of rose bushes, the strongest stems are sorted, they are cleaned of petioles and leaves. For cuttings, branches with the largest number of buds are selected and a cut is made under the lowest one. Having measured the length of about 20 cm, cut off the top.

Each specimen is carefully examined for infection and disease. In case of any suspicious damage, the branch is rejected.

Making a burrito

Before you breed roses using the burrito method, you should stock up on newspapers.

One newspaper is required for each prepared cutting. The stem is wrapped in a tube and moistened in water. The newspaper should get wet, but not spread; excess water should drain.

All moistened burritos are placed in plastic bags in an amount of about 20-25 pieces and placed in a place with the most constant temperature, approaching +18ºС.

The burrito method, what is the newspaper for?

Weekly, the burrito is inspected, moldy or rotting cuttings are removed, and newspapers are replaced or moistened if necessary. Soon, healthy branches will be covered with an influx of callus at the cut points and the formation of roots will begin.

Rooting roses using the burrito method can be done year-round. Seedlings provided with heat and light grow well in winter.

Dropping roses

Everyone knows how roses are propagated by layering, since this method is often practiced for berry growers.

It should be noted right away that breeding roses by this method does not give a lot of seedlings, just a couple of seedlings. The procedure is carried out in June and works with flexible stems.

To properly dig roses, you need to get wooden studs. They hold flexible branches inclined to the ground. They look for a suitable bud on the stem, tilting it, and determine where to prepare the soil. A small incision is made near the kidney and moistened with a stimulant solution.

Dropping roses

Having pinned the branch to the ground, sprinkle the place with the incision with soil. All the time you need to keep the rooting site loose and moist, and nature itself will take care that the formation of roots is successful.

Important! The vaccination site should be dug in well. This will enable the seedling to take root and not feed on the rootstock juices.

This way of reproduction for a rose is considered the most natural.

Reproduction by air

The air method of forming layering is good for shoots that cannot be bent.

The breeding sequence looks like this:

  • On the shoot, where lignification has not yet occurred, the bark is removed with a ring a couple of centimeters wide;
  • Below the ring, the edge of the plastic bag is tied;
  • Filling it with earth so that the cut closes, the other edge is tied at the top;
  • Since the earth will have to be watered, the knot should be easily untied;
  • For air to enter, neat punctures are made in several places;
  • By the end of the growing season of the bush, roots will appear in the ground.

The finished seedling can be separated and transplanted. This street propagation method allows you to plant shoots immediately into the ground, but you will need to cover them for the winter.

Features of reproduction of some roses

Each type of rose has its own characteristics in reproduction. A method suitable for climbing roses is not suitable for indoor roses, and elite varieties of tea roses require much more attention than unpretentious park shrubs.

home rose

The indoor variety of roses is not very capricious and develops easily in enclosed spaces. The bottom of the main conditions necessary for them is the presence of fresh cool air and diffused bright light.

Before propagating a homemade rose, you need to prepare jars of water. You can cut the cuttings all summer, but immediately you need to lower it into the water - any delay reduces the percentage of rooting.

home rose

The main feature in the reproduction of indoor specimens is that the water does not change under any circumstances. You can only add. When the roots appear, the seedling is transplanted into a prepared pot with a substrate.

Important! The lack of oxygen in the water greatly slows down rooting.

A home rose can be propagated by dividing the bush, layering or grafting.

park rose

Reproduction of park roses is carried out in simple and easy ways: dividing the bush, offspring, cuttings, layering.

To propagate a flower in your garden, you can acquire a shoot when replanting bushes by park workers or cut a twig for a cutting in the spring and summer.

park rose

Also, a lignified shoot can be cut off after the first autumn frost, cleaned and the rooting procedure started at home. Also, the shoots are well preserved in the film at + 1-3 ºС. In the spring they are cut and planted in fertile land.

An unpretentious park view of roses will bloom in the second year.

Tea rose

This variety of roses is very whimsical and needs increased attention and strong patience.

A newly acquired tea rose needs a period of adaptation to the new environment. It is strictly forbidden to transplant a plant earlier than 10 days after purchase.

Tea rose

Propagate flowers in summer. Immediately after flowering, cuttings are cut above the kidney and placed in water. When white strong roots appear, the cutting can be transplanted into a pot.

Reproduction of any kind of roses requires care, accuracy and patience. Before each operation, the work should be analyzed in detail in order to get a beautiful and healthy rose bush.

Most varieties of roses are easy to grow from cuttings, as well as grafting. In order to get a beautiful strong plant, you need to know that it is easier to nurture a domestic rose accustomed to the climate from a cutting than foreign varieties. In open ground, cuttings are best done in the summer, from May to August. For the successful completion of this operation, it is necessary to prepare cuttings of the required length and thickness. They can be obtained by cutting off the long branches of the current year. For this method of breeding roses, you can use both last year's lignified cuttings and semi-lignified branches.

Growing roses using jars

It is correct to start harvesting lignified cuttings in late autumn. Then they are placed in moss or peat and kept in the refrigerator during the winter period. During this period, a callus appears on them, and then roots. This is where the preparation ends. In early spring, the cuttings are planted in the ground at an angle.

It is good to breed roses from semi-woody cuttings, which are harvested from the shoots of the current year. The best time to cut them is when the rose starts to bloom.

  • When the bud petals wither, it is necessary to remove it together with the upper part of the stem. Make a 45-degree cut above the first five-leaf sheet.
  • Make the second beveled cut 10-12 cm lower along the stem, where the upcoming rooting of the cutting is expected.
  • Carefully, so as not to damage the leaf buds, cut off the leaves on the handle, leaving only the top two leaves, thanks to them, synthesis will take place in the stem when the roots develop at the place where the lower leaves are cut.
  • In this case, all spikes must be removed.
  • After cutting, the cutting must be immersed in a solution and a special substance designed to activate the development of the root system (epin, phyton, or zircon).
  • Cut branches are placed in the solution for 1/3 of the length, and kept in it for 8 to 12 hours. This action helps the cuttings to germinate quickly and, accordingly, to root.
  • We plant the prepared planting material in a pot with a diameter of 12 cm, filled with a mixture of half of coarse sand, half of humus.
  • You can plant cuttings in a pot no more than 6 pieces, 2-4 cm deep, after planting they should be well watered - at least 2 glasses of water.
  • The pot where the material was planted must be covered with a transparent plastic bag and its ends tucked up so that they are pressed against the flower pot.
  • So you get, in which cuttings without roots will be able to receive moisture through the leaves.
  • The pot should be placed in a well-lit place, but not in direct sunlight.

After 40-55 days, the first roots will appear on the cuttings, at this time it is necessary to remove the bag and transplant each cutting into a separate peat pot, cover with a jar and water. After 21 days, the plants must be transferred to the ground in a chosen place.

How to cut roses (video)

Rose cuttings on potatoes

The stalk must be treated with potassium permanganate, then placed in a solution of aloe for half a day, then placed with the lower end in potatoes, from which the eyes were previously removed.

Potatoes with a cutting inserted are placed in a dark-colored pot. Watering is carried out with a strong mixture of potassium permanganate.

The presented method is considered one of the most popular. In the process of breeding a rose like this, the potato provides a moist atmosphere for the roots of the cutting. These conditions give them the opportunity to grow well.

To breed cuttings using the presented method, you will also need jars to create a greenhouse effect.

Planting material will have to be watered every 5 days with a sugar solution. After some time, it will be necessary to start slowly accustoming the cuttings to environmental conditions, removing the banks, first for a short time, and then for a long time. Then they are completely removed.

Rose cuttings using the Burrito method

Roses can be propagated using the Burrito method. In this case, you should take a long and thick planting material, and remove all leaves from it.

You can propagate roses using the Burrito method like this:

  • Cuttings are taken and tied into bundles.
  • Then they are wrapped in newspaper.
  • The newspaper is moistened and placed in a bag.
  • The cuttings are left for 2 weeks, during which time some of them will form roots and callus.

You can propagate roses in a similar way, but using moistened cotton wool instead of a newspaper. In this case, the planting material begins to come to life after it is in an environment where the air temperature is 24 degrees.

How roses reproduce in the Burrito way (video)

Reproduction by cuttings from a bouquet

Dutch and some varieties of garden roses can be propagated from cuttings from a bouquet. This method can be used in 2 ways.

First way

you can, if you wait until green shoots appear from it. It will be necessary to root them.

To do this, cut a flower on a short stem from a donated rose and put it separately in water. The remaining stalk is to be washed with laundry soap and cut obliquely on it. Then it is placed in a glass, you can use bottles. After that, a polyethylene bag is put on it. A small hole is made in it for air access, and the glass with the plant itself is placed under the lamp.

After a while, you will see that the leaves from the branch began to crumble - there is nothing to worry about, the main thing is to remove them in time. When red new leaves appear, it is worth waiting until they turn green. After that, you can cut the workpiece from the stem and put it in a medicine container.

Then a polyethylene bag is put on it, but it is not tied. The stalk is again placed under the lamp. After 1.5 months, callus and roots will appear. After they reach 1 cm, you can move the rose into a pot. It is placed under polyethylene, which will be removed after 14 days. Once every 7 days, the seedling is watered with Krezatsin.

Second way

In this case, part of the flower stem is cut into 13 cm cuttings with 2 buds. The lower cut is performed 1 cm lower than the kidney, at an angle of 45 degrees. The top one should be 0.5 cm above the level of the kidney.

Thorns from the branch should be removed. Shorten the upper leaves by 1/3, cut off the lower ones. Treat the upper cut with brilliant green, put the stalk in a growth stimulator. After that, it is necessary to dip its lower part in powder for rooting.

After you can plant the cuttings. Planting material is deepened by 2 cm. After that, it is covered with a bottle with a cut off bottom. In this case, watering is performed through the neck of the bottle.

Both presented methods cannot be called simple, but with their help you can grow a rose. For weaving varieties, the method is not suitable.

How to save roses in winter

Wintering cuttings can be done in different ways. Roses cut and planted in the ground can be covered with bottles and lutrasil or foliage on top.

Another option is to bury the cuttings in small holes.. In this case, small depressions are made in the ground, and a cotton cloth is placed on their bottom. After that, the leaves are torn from the shoots, and the cuttings are laid at some distance from each other. Then they are covered with a cloth and covered with soil.

To make it easier to find buried planting material in the spring, it is worth driving pegs into the storage place. Dig up the plant after the thaw has come. You will see that a growth has appeared on each cutting. This is very good, and suggests that you can start landing.

How to root a rose in a potato (video)

There are various ways to propagate roses from cuttings. The process itself is quite complicated, but there is still a chance that the planting material will take root. The main thing is to follow the rules, and everything will definitely work out.

What it is

In fact, you all know very well what it is, even if you hear such a term for the first time. The burrito method is the vegetative propagation of a bush, that is, cuttings. True, this does not make it much easier for a novice gardener, especially if you managed to get a rare variety or hybrid. At the same time, the amount of starting material is very limited, and the samples themselves are extremely sensitive to environmental conditions and growing technology.

It is very good if at this moment an experienced florist comes to the rescue, who has already performed a similar procedure more than once and knows how roses are propagated. The burrito method originated in the USA and proved to be extremely effective, quickly spreading around the world. Russia and the CIS also did not stand aside, however, we still have very little professional literature on this issue. Therefore, the sacrament of grafting is passed from gardener to gardener, and not everyone wants to share the secret they have received. Let us today lift the veil of secrecy and penetrate into its essence.

The essence of the method

Here, too, everything is not easy, so first we will explain to you where this definition came from. Moreover, this applies to any cuttings, whether it is an apple tree or a gooseberry, but today we are talking specifically about the propagation of roses. The burrito method was named in this way by analogy with the Mexican "shawarma", that is, a traditional flatbread in which beans, cheese and vegetables are wrapped. What is the similarity between breeding bushes and a culinary product, you ask? But it is, and quite direct. Instead of filling, in our case, a fresh stalk is taken, cut in a special way, and moistened newspaper plays the role of a cake. It is in this way that optimal conditions are provided under which the cutting quite easily forms a white outgrowth, the so-called callus, in the place of which roots then appear.

If you recall a little the school course of botany, it will become even clearer what this reproduction of roses is based on. The burrito method allows you to control temperature and humidity, as well as observe how the cuttings behave. This is not possible if you put them in a pot with soil in the traditional way. So, the callus mentioned above is a plant tissue that is formed during cell division. It is she who is the basis for the formation of roots during vegetative propagation.

What material can be taken for planting

Propagation of roses using the burrito method in winter is just as justified as at other times of the year. The biggest problem is getting the right planting material. Most often, in the cold season, only rooted plants in pots intended for spring planting can be found in stores. In addition, in every flower shop you can find luxurious roses on a long stem, which you want to immediately cut into cuttings and try to grow a new plant. We hasten to disappoint you. Cuttings obtained from such peduncles almost never take root. Therefore, do not rush to cut the presented flowers, let them better please you with their magnificent view. In addition, Dutch varieties practically do not survive in especially Russian climatic conditions.


Fall is coming and it's time to put your bushes to rest. High luxurious shoots will have to be bent to the ground, and if this is not possible, then cut off. Then the bush will winter better, and in the spring it will delight you with excellent flowering. Cuttings of roses in the fall at home are performed, even when it is warm outside, and the flowering has not ended. Why is it important? Because plants take root best when the wood is still soft. That is, you must catch the transitional state of the plant - from herbaceous to lignified. In the first case, the cutting is not yet ready to release the root system, and in the second case, time has been lost. Cutting roses in autumn at home threatens just because most of the shoots are vigorous, with a large core. In this case, they not only take root worse, but also rot when planted.

When to expect results

Propagating garden roses can be simple and enjoyable. Pots and soil, covering material and watering are not needed. And also all experiences associated with the fact that the earth will be too wet or dry are canceled. In just a few weeks, your "roll" stuffed with cuttings will give quite viable shoots. This is the whole method. It would seem that everything is very simple, everyone can plant a whole rose garden on their site. Of course, in practice, we are faced with a huge number of nuances that we will try to discuss with you now.

Choosing the right stem

It’s good if a neighbor shared with you the results of autumn or spring pruning. Then you have plenty to choose from. And of course, for planting, you will take only the strongest, thickest and most beautiful cuttings. It is much more difficult if all the available material is one branch, from which at least two fragments suitable for planting must be selected.

The length of the cuttings is usually up to 20 cm, with 3-4 buds. Equally important is the thickness and appearance. A diameter thinner than 0.5 cm is not suitable, the branch simply does not have enough strength and supply of nutrients to form roots. A thin cutting can germinate, but this happens much less often, and it’s not a fact that the plant will have enough strength to survive the first landing in the ground.


Carefully inspect the material to be germinated. All stems should be green, smooth and shiny. There should be no black spots, damage or rot on the bark. In this case, everyone else who is in the immediate vicinity will also suffer. After you have discarded all unsuitable cuttings, you can proceed directly to the preparation. For this:

  • Directly under the kidney, stepping back from it 1.5 mm, make a cut of the future cutting. It is performed a little obliquely.
  • Remove all lower leaves and shorten the upper ones by a third. This is important to prevent rotting and drying of the cutting.
  • All thorns must be cut off, they often cause rotting.
  • Cut and bundled cuttings must be placed in a pre-prepared newspaper and carefully packaged. It remains only to put a bag on top and moisten them regularly.

Wouldn't it be better to put it in water?

There are different ways to propagate roses. Some flower growers suggest using a different scheme, which allows you to observe the condition of the cuttings without unfolding. The cuttings are placed in cold boiled water and changed every two days. After 15 days, a root embryo should form in the form of a white ball. In this state, it is already possible to plant in a pot with soil. Some prefer to wait another week for true roots to appear. The disadvantage of this method of rooting is that the roots lack oxygen and may begin to rot. So they come up with an alternative. On the one hand, this can be an aeration system, and on the other hand, the placement of planting material in suitable soil. Rose cuttings in water readily give roots, but excessive or insufficient temperature, abundance or lack of light can affect this process. The cutting may begin to produce leaves. In this case, he will lose strength and will not be able to grow the root system.


Since it is not difficult to plant a rose with a cutting in the fall, many summer residents take trimmed material from each other. Unfortunately, most landings are lost. The cuttings rot due to an excess of moisture, dry out without proper moisture. In addition, the future rosette sometimes lacks an additional incentive to give roots. Today in specialized departments and stores there is a large selection of growth regulators. By dipping the bottom of the cutting in this powder, you increase its chances of germination.

If such preparations are not available today, then a similar growth stimulator can be prepared by yourself. To do this, you will need to take annual willow shoots (yellow or green). They can be prepared in advance. As necessary, the raw materials are taken out and finely chopped and poured with boiling water. In just a few hours, a solution that activates the development and growth of cuttings will be ready.

Planting material packaging

Let's now move on to practice and consider how to plant a rose with a cutting in the fall. Carefully examined processed samples should be well packed and left to germinate. To do this, you will need a regular newspaper or paper towel. Do not forget that this material dries quickly, so you need to fold the paper in 2-3 layers. It does not make much sense to wrap one by one, because there will be too many bags to keep track of. The best option is to pack 3-4 pieces together. autumn has a huge advantage. During the winter, a rather strong plant will grow on your windowsill, which will calmly survive the transplant into the ground.

Conditions for germination

This is a very important point to keep in mind. Wrapped in a newspaper, well moistened and placed in polyethylene, the cuttings should be removed in a dark place. The optimum temperature is 14-18 degrees. A lower one threatens to slow down the processes of root formation, and at a high one, the roots dry out. At the same time, abundant wetting does not help, because it provokes the appearance of mold. Therefore, in an apartment it is quite difficult to establish a favorable temperature regime. Propagation of roses by cuttings in autumn is justified from the position that at this time the heating season has not yet begun, and the cuttings have a chance to take root in optimal conditions.

Regular inspection

Propagation of roses using the burrito method in winter is very suitable for busy people. It will not take you much time to take care of your blanks, but at the same time, you can immediately lay dozens of future bushes for germination. After about 2.5 weeks, the bags can be taken out and carefully unwrapped. Evaluate how the root formation process is going, if necessary, you can give a few more weeks to complete it. Check the humidity, you may need to moisten additionally.

Planting plants in the ground

As you can see, the method of propagation of burrito roses is not at all difficult. The secrets that we have discovered today can help many gardeners grow their own magnificent rose garden. The final step is to plant the cuttings in a jar or pots one at a time. Make sure that the upper kidney rises above the surface. The pot is covered with a jar and a film, the air temperature at this stage should not be lower than 23-25 ​​degrees. You need to spray often, gradually opening the film as the cutting grows.

For the busiest

If you do not have time to perform this procedure, but there are several cuttings that need to be stored until spring, then you can leave them for the winter right on the site. Propagation of roses in the fall into the ground allows you to completely save yourself from caring for future plants until spring. To do this, a hole is dug, a cotton fabric is lined at the bottom. Cuttings are laid out on it at a distance from each other. After that, the fabric is laid on top and the earth is filled up. When the soil thaws in the spring, cuttings will need to be removed. Each of them will have a thick white growth with which they can be planted. So far - in pots, and closer to autumn it will be possible to transfer to open ground.

Reproduction of a rose at home is possible with cuttings of a bush from a garden or a bouquet. So you prolong the life of donated flowers. After rooting, young seedlings are transplanted to the garden plot, where the plant can manifest itself in all its glory. To make everything go smoothly, we will talk about the selection and preparation of cuttings to obtain a developed root system.

  • Selection of cuttings and pruning - what should I pay attention to?
  • Rooting under a plastic bottle or jar - we create a mini-greenhouse
  • Planting in potatoes - what are the charms of the method?
  • Cuttings in vermiculite and water - two simple and effective ways
  • Burrito method or how to grow a rose in a newspaper?
  • Reproduction of miniature roses - what are the subtleties?
  • 1 Selection of cuttings and pruning - what should I pay attention to?

    If you decide to grow a rose from a bouquet, wait until the shoots begin to darken and crack. Sacrifice fresh flowers that have stood in water for no more than 2 days, then the survival rate of the cuttings increases many times over. First of all, remove the buds, thorns and lower leaves, and shorten the upper ones by a third. We do this so that the extra links of the shoot do not take the right amount of moisture from the cutting to form the root system. For rooting, take the middle part of the shoot with three healthy buds. It is very important that the buds do not sore black, otherwise the whole growing process may be in jeopardy. The average length of one cutting should be about 15 cm.

    rose cuttings

    Large cuttings do not need to be cut. They will take too much moisture and prevent the root system from developing properly. As for cutting cuttings, experts recommend making the upper cut straight, just above the location of the kidney, and the lower one oblique, at about 45 degrees, 1-2 cm below the kidney or under the kidney itself. Further, for better survival of the cuttings, we place them in a solution of a root formation stimulator. Kornevin, Heteroauxin, Epin or folk methods such as aloe juice or honey water are perfect. If possible, cut and soak as many cuttings as possible in the solution, as there is a chance that not all of them will be able to take root.

    2 Rooting under a plastic bottle or jar - create a mini-greenhouse

    For a rose, you need to create certain conditions. Cuttings should be provided with an equal amount of moisture, heat and light, with moderate watering to prevent decay. Also keep the humidity level at 80-90%. To do this, in parallel with watering, spray the cuttings with a spray gun. The greenhouse opens only during spraying, the rest of the time it should be closed, just ventilate it for a couple of hours in the morning and evening.

    Rooting cuttings under the bottle

    We begin the creation of a mini-greenhouse with the preparation of a nutrient substrate. The soil for germination should be light, fertile and breathable. It is best to purchase special pots with a diameter of 9-11 cm for planting with drainage holes, thanks to which you can always regulate a moderate level of watering. If you do not have such a container, then put any drainage material in the bottom of the pot, such as pieces of styrofoam or small pebbles. Next, fill almost the entire area of ​​the pot with soil. You can use both a special soil for planting roses, and a universal substrate. To give the soil lightness and breathability, sprinkle the top layer of the earth with a 3 cm layer of sand. We deepen the already prepared cutting into the soil with sand by about 2 cm, preferably at an angle of 45 degrees, while making sure that the nearest bud does not touch the ground.

    After planting, we moisten the soil abundantly. To create greenhouse conditions, we put on a transparent bottle of a suitable size on top of the cutting, cutting off the bottom and deepening the plastic a few centimeters into the ground. We twist the bottle on top with a cork and open the container for 10-15 minutes a day for fresh air. Instead of a bottle, you can use a glass jar. So you will reach the desired temperature inside (about 23-25 ​​degrees). Do not forget about the long daylight hours that young seedlings need so much. Therefore, it is better to put them on the windowsill of the southern part of the house. After the appearance of roots and young shoots with leaves, we do not immediately remove the jar or plastic bottle, but we do it gradually, allowing the plant to get used to dry air. When the shelter is completely removed, we do not stop spraying, performing it daily. If the first buds appear, remove them.

    3 Planting in potatoes - what are the charms of the method?

    To improve the previous method of rooting cuttings of roses from a bouquet, everyone's favorite potatoes will help. To do this, we cut the cuttings in a familiar way and prepare potato tubers for planting. So that they do not germinate in moist soil, we remove all the eyes from them and make a deep hole in the middle of the potato. Then we dip the end of the cutting into Kornevin powder or aloe juice and deepen the cuttings into prepared potato tubers.

    Planting cuttings in potatoes

    Potatoes for cuttings should be young, peeled, not sprouted, with a maximum nutrient content.

    Thanks to the use of potato cuttings in growing roses, the plant receives the necessary nutrients, starch and carbohydrates. In addition, the tubers help to maintain a constant moist environment necessary for the development of a young seedling. Otherwise, such cultivation of rose cuttings is practically no different from the previous method. We prepare a similar nutrient substrate, deepen potatoes with cuttings into it, sprinkle with earth and cover the sprouts on top with a plastic bottle or jar.

    We water future flowers as the soil dries, and additionally feed the plant with sweet water every five days, at the rate of 2 tsp. sugar in a glass of water. Approximately 14 days after the start of germination, we begin to harden the seedlings by briefly removing the jar or unscrewing the bottle cap. After another two weeks, the shelter from the roses can be completely removed. The signal of successful rooting of the cuttings will be the appearance of new buds and the first young shoots with leaves.

    4 Cuttings in vermiculite and water - two simple and effective ways

    Rooting rose cuttings in vermiculite, which can also be replaced with perlite or coconut fiber, shows high performance and survival rate. This method guarantees almost one hundred percent survival rate, subject to the minimum rules of care. Take an ordinary plastic cup, make drainage holes in it from below and fill the container with one of the proposed materials, then stick the cutting into it to a depth of 2 cm. Cover the cup with a bag and put it on the windowsill. All further care will be reduced to moistening the substrate.

    Vermiculite for growing plants

    However, this will also have to be done quite rarely, since vermiculite and other listed materials are able to retain moisture for a long time. After about 3-4 weeks, the cuttings will take root. At this stage, the seedlings are transplanted into a pot for final rooting. You can do it much easier. To reduce unnecessary manipulations, immediately prepare a pot of nutrient soil, make a recess in the middle of it and add vermiculite or coconut fiber to it. Deepen the stem of the rose into the prepared planting hole and water it well. Due to better moisture absorption, the roots will quickly appear and grow through the vermiculite into the soil.

    However, it is easier to cut a rose in water. To do this, you do not need to prepare any nutrient substrates and additional materials. All you need is a container and water in which you need to immerse the cutting. It is important to emphasize that the rose develops successfully, we do not change the water in the vessel, even if it turns green, but add the necessary amount of liquid to it as it evaporates. To germinate the root system, choose a dark glass container.

    5 Burrito method or how to grow a rose in a newspaper?

    This rooting method is known among rose lovers, although there are completely different opinions about it. Many recognize the "burrito" as successful and use this method exclusively, while others call it incomprehensible and one of the lowest in terms of survival rate. However, how many people, so many opinions, now more about the essence. We prepare denser cuttings about 20 cm long and remove all the leaves. Next, we take the newspaper and dip it into a bowl of water, then unfold the moistened paper, level it, lay the cuttings on it and wrap them all over. If the newspaper is small, take another one, also dip it into water, squeeze out excess moisture after wetting and wrap the second layer.

    Growing a rose in a newspaper

    After that, we put the resulting bundle in a garbage bag and tightly tie it. We send everything to a dark place and forget about the cuttings for two weeks. After this time, we unfold the newspaper and check the condition of the sprouts. During this short period, calluses (growths) and a small amount of roots should form on the lower sections. This means that the method worked, and the cuttings can be transplanted into a pot for further rooting. Alternatively, try wrapping the bottom of the cuttings in damp cotton wool and placing them in a plastic bag. When creating a humid environment and maintaining a constant temperature of 23-26 degrees, a successful result is guaranteed.

    6 Reproduction of miniature roses - what are the subtleties?

    Miniature roses are much easier to cut, although there are some nuances here. Firstly, the preparation of cuttings and their further propagation is best done in the warm season, from late April to August, to a maximum of September, then the likelihood of survival is doubled. In the remaining months of the year, the probability of rooting sprouts is extremely small. Secondly, young shoots need to create a comfortable microclimate with constant illumination by a lamp. For cutting cuttings, we select the middle part of the shoot with a thickness of 2.5-3 cm. It is these shoots that take root much faster.

    miniature roses

    To stimulate growth, make the bottom cut at an angle and cut off all the leaves, leaving a thin twig at the top with one leaf. Next, we prepare a transparent container and pour water into it (2-2.5 cm), for reliability, add a little Heteroauxin to the liquid. We put rose cuttings in a vessel with water and a root formation stimulator and send them to a warm, lit place. As the water evaporates, add the required amount of liquid to the container. To predict how roses will grow further, look at the intensity of root formation. If they form only at the site of the cut of the lower bud, then the seedling will probably be weak. And if the roots begin to grow above the cut of the kidney, the rose will develop quickly.

    When the roots of the cuttings reach 1.5-2 cm, it's time to transplant them into a pot with soil. We do this as carefully as possible so as not to damage the delicate root system of the plant. After transplanting, the soil is thoroughly moistened and compacted. At the same time, we do not cover the pot with anything, we put it in a warm, bright place, protected from direct sunlight. A few days after transplanting into nutrient soil, side shoots should appear from young shoots. This will mean that the future rose has successfully taken root. After 2-3 months of intensive care, when the root system of the seedling becomes larger and stronger, we transplant the sprouts into a large pot so that the roots are not crowded.

    Propagation of roses using the burrito method

    Propagation of roses using the burrito method - rooting cuttings in the newspaper

    Dear gardeners! Do you want to plant a rose garden, a whole field of roses? For yourself or for sale? I want to present a unique and at the same time simple way to propagate roses from cuttings. You probably know that many gardeners, rose growers prefer the propagation of roses by green cuttings and less often by layering and grafting. But the usual cuttings and rooting directly into the ground does not give the same effect as through the burrito method. A burrito is a Mexican dish in which the filling is wrapped in a dough tortilla. We will have something similar, only with cuttings and newspaper.

    How often have you noticed that after heavy snowfalls at the end of winter, long branches of roses break off? It seems that they did not freeze, because the snow cover did not miss the frost, but this snow cover to some extent damaged. But he hurt those who are passive about pruned branches in the spring. We know what to do with them!

    The burrito method is widely used in the United States, and was the first to be used in Europe by commercial nurseries in Australia for propagating rootstocks. Maybe it was used in our country too, but it was not so widespread until our nurseries started using this method.

    In spring, we prune and remove branches that have been broken by snow cover or to give the rose a compact look. We most often throw away cuttings of roses. Maybe someone is trying to root them, but mostly by laborious methods. Let's take a closer look at the new method of propagating roses. These cuttings should be slightly different from the regular cuttings we tried to root. Rose cuttings should not be thinner than a pencil, it will even be better if they are thicker. And they should also have a length of 15-20 cm. Such cuttings contain plenty of sugars for the development of roots, especially given the absence of leaves - we also remove petioles with leaves. The lower cut at the handle is made, as always, under the kidney, and the upper one is approximately between two kidneys.

    Rooting cuttings carefully check for disease and damage. If at least one cutting turns out to be with a speck of mold, disease, then there is a possibility that all the cuttings will deteriorate during storage. Therefore, discard all suspected cuttings.

    Propagation of roses using the burrito method (photo):

    Next, take a newspaper, preferably a large one, a regular plastic bag and water. We collect the cuttings in a bundle and carefully wrap them in newspaper so that they are closed on all sides. Some gardeners prefer to lay a thin layer of moss along the entire length between the cuttings, ordinary forest moss, which “regulates” the water supply to the cuttings well. This cake from the newspaper and cuttings should be moistened with water, but not over-moistened. You can wet a rag, wring it out a little and wrap a newspaper cake in it. You can simply sprinkle with water so that the entire newspaper is wet. If waterlogged heavily with water, then let the water drain. Then we put this kulebyak into the bag at the very bottom in a vertical position and wind the rest of the bag onto the contents. It seems that the cuttings do not dry out from excess fresh air, and at the same time they are not hermetically closed so as not to “suffocate”.

    This bundle must now be put in a dark and cool place, with a temperature of +18 degrees, approximately. We leave the bundle for a couple of days. In general, callus, that is, the beginning of root formation, takes place in 3-4 weeks. Therefore, check the bundle once or twice a week. Review the cuttings, some may begin to rot, some do not form callus at the final stage - then discard such cuttings. But basically, if moisture and temperature are taken into account, then you will reject a few cuttings.

    All cuttings in different ways and at different times start up callus, young roots, but if there are cuttings already with roots, then they can already be planted in open ground. After all, we prepared the cuttings in early spring, when we just cut the garden, and now after 3-4 weeks the earth has warmed up enough. We plant as usual, with one kidney above ground level, everything else in the ground. Top with a mini-greenhouse or a plastic bottle. And let yourself slowly develop until the beginning of summer. Do not forget to shade and water the cuttings in extreme heat. When the leaves are actively developing, then during this period you can gradually accustom to more fresh air by opening greenhouses or bottles for half an hour, for an hour.

    By the way, the propagation of roses using the burrito method is also well suited for those varieties of roses that are poorly propagated by cuttings!