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What is condemned in the fastener of a pig under the oak. Methodical development of literature (grade 5) on the topic: I.A. Krylov. Analysis of fables "Pig under the oak

Moral Basni "Pig under the oak"

Arguing about the morality of the fable "Pig under the oak", it should be noted that an amazing feature of the Krylov was the lightness and journey with which he presented the vices of people. This fastener is also the same. The determination of the main character becomes ambiguous. At first glance, this is a pig, but most likely it is oak that explains the essence of history.
Among the actors of the Basni, the first image of a pig appears. It is in it that the author emphasizes such qualities as ignorance, disrespect for someone else's work and ungratefulness. Not for nothing that this animal chose the wings. After all, pigs anatomically cannot lift their heads. This emphasizes how not the desire to listen to anything and no longer the ability to do so. The next before us appears raven. He is trying to arouse a pig and with some naivety suggests that she will hear him. And here is an oak image. He, like a sage, an old man who knows the truth. Oak does not try to do anyone, being a power source for piggyback.
Wings describes a pig without special favor. Its main features are nonsense, laziness, selfishness. It displays the image of a person of the delightful only I.
The author is facing true enlightenment and ignorance. Ignorant protruding a pig who does not want to understand what is the source of her food:
"Let him dry," says Piggy, -
It is not disturbing me. "

The words of true enlightenment voiced by caring crow:
"After all, this tree harms -
To her with an oak of the raven says -
Kohl root expose, it can dry. "
In this basin of the wings, with the help of a well-selected allegory describes such human vices, as not the ability and reluctance to find a causal relationship. The pig does not want to understand that her food is acorns, directly depend on oak. Relying on its ignorance, it undermines the roots of oak, destroying its power source. In life, people often behave in a similar way. It is about them that the Russian saying "Not Rubi bitch, on which you sit." Ivan Krylov himself somewhat narrows in the end of the Moral Basni "Pig under the oak", calling us respectfully to science and study, reminding that we use their fruits.

From under the feather of the Great Master Ivan Andreevich Krylova, a huge set of unsurpassed and instructive stories came out. The aim of its ridiculation of human defects, he considered the cleansing of the world. His works are relevant and in our modern time.

The fable "Pig under the oak", unlike the rest, has no good example. This plot is not found from other basinists. The wings in this sense are completely original.

And again traditionally, animals are used as characters. True, in this work there are also plants. Moreover, that others are with bright characteristics. Pig - a symbol of dirt and stupidity, Raven - a wise bird, but the oak is a majestic and powerful tree. On the example of animals, it is probably easier to show all the shortcomings of a person. On this plays wings.

Images of the main characters in the bass are clearly designed for people. Pig is a lazy person who does not appreciate the work and achievement of others. Limited in the mind, she is so proud that he does not notice anyone and nothing around. Raven - a man with a rich experience, easily noticeing other people's mistakes and has the right to specify them. Oak - the man is kind and calm, simply and without claims providing others to enjoy their benefits.

Decide on who from these heroes is most importantly not possible. One can only assume that it is oak, since it is he who explains the essence of the morality of the work.

As for the moral outcome, it can be considered two: it is widely - this is, of course, the renewing of an ungrateful and ignorant relationship. But narrowly: the relationship of illiterate people to scientific achievements. People who are far from understanding the importance of inventions must be kept from them at a distance. In their hands, they will only be spoiled. Pigs who have received everything they need and satisfied their low-lying needs are able to only humiliate the authority of those involved in the scientific discovery, people of smart and educated.

The composition of the fables consists of their two parts. Such a division is traditionally enough for Krylov. The first part is the narration of the whole story, the second is the final quatrain with a teaching. As for the rhythmic system of the work, the wings widely use inversion. This leads to a more convenient perception.

Ivan Andreevich in his bascle "Pig under the oak" touched on important and serious problems, but at the same time it passed it so easily and simply, which is understandable and accessible to even children.

16. Topic: I. A. Krylov. Basni "Pig under the oak", "Crow and Fox". Oral of human defects in bass.

Grade 5 LIT-RA 10/10/16

Objectives: Develop the skills of expressive reading fables, the ability to find a morality in Basna, draw conclusions for yourself, watching the actions of others.

Planning the results of the study of the topic:

Subsection: know Features of the content of the read work;be able to Perceive and analyze the text, determine the genre of Basni, develop the skills of expressive reading the fables, the ability to find morality, draw conclusions for yourself, watching the behavior of others.

MetaPered Wood:

Personal: Modeling - establishes the relationship between the purpose of learning activities and its motive, carries out moral and ethical estimation of the absorbing content.

Regulatory: Accepts and maintains a learning task, plans the necessary actions, operations acting according to plan.

Cognitive: aware of the informative task; Comprehensizes the purpose of reading, choosing a type of read depending on the communicative goal; extracts the necessary information from listened texts related to different genres; Defines basic and secondary information.

Communicative: Builds minor monologic statements, carries out joint activities in pairs and working groups, taking into account specific educational and educational tasks

During the classes

I. Reading and analyzing the Basni "Crow and Fox".

Acquaintance with text. Analysis of Basni Po issues:

1. Find where morals hid in the text Basni. What is its meaning?

2. What makes the fox so humble to try cheese?("Fox Cheese Plenil".)

3. What does the fox use to achieve his goal? What is her behavior?(Uses flattery, laudatory speeches. "Retrieves the tail ... and says so sweet, a little breathing ...".)

4. What is the stupidity of the crows?(She has exaggerated self-conceit. She turned out to be a paddle on sweet flatkened ("He turned out to be a head," "from joy in Zobu Dyhanye Semen.")

5. Can I say that the fox is mocking over the raven?(The fox haunting his goal, wants to get cheese any ways. The crow takes praise as well-deserved, thinks that all said by the fox - True.)

6. What is the meaning of Basni?(You need to be able to accidentally not be a crow, be able to correctly evaluate your abilities, opportunities.)

7. Is it possible to take note of the moral of this bass today?

Output . I. A. Krylov makes it possible to readers to understand that it is not the one who flatters is stupid, but the one who is amenable to flattery and cannot recognize the Lysta. It is impossible to believe the legets, the flattery is very attractive, but it is dangerous ("... Flashing of the gnus, harmful").

Students read the fables in the faces, the voice showing the preliminary flattery of the foxes and the stupidity of the crow.

8. What words and expressions from this basin and today live in our speech?

II. Reading and analyzing the bass "Pig under the oak".

Expressive readingworks in faces.

Bassni Analysis on:

1. Is it interesting to the fable?

2. What is better: to be a competent scientist or remain unsuccessful, ignorant?

3. Who is ignorant?(Unacceptable, uneducated teach, book knowledge, uninimited.) **

4. Explain the Bassni allegia.(Stupid, uneducated man (pig) enjoys enlightenment fruits (acory), they are pleasant to him. But ignorant is unable to understand where these fruits come from, unable to respond to advice competent people (Raven, Oak). Itself not realizing, ruins his ignorance the beginning of knowledge (roots). Does not understand that sciences should develop.)

5. Can I say that the author condemns a pig?

6. What intonation sounds in an oak replica?(Despair, helplessness.)

7. Are Moral Basni in our time relevant?

8. What did this bass taught you?

Output. I. A. Krylov in their bass ridiculed the vices of people. The people themselves represented in the images of birds, animals, plants. Generalizes in bass deep, we learn to understand true moral values, use popular wisdom, thereby accumulating life experience.

III . Test execution (on fixing material)

Basnya is:

1) story in verse about any event, case
2) a brief story of a moral nature having an allegorical meaning
3) Short poem about the life of animals

2. Moral Basni is:

1) Primary or final lines of fables with a brief moral output
2) Bassni initial lines in which the reader meets the heroes
3) Final lines of fables in which the reader finds out that it became with the heroes at the end

1) I.A. Wings
2) Ezop.
3) M.V. Lomonosov

4. From what fable the following lines are taken: "Although it is not necessary for him, I won't regret it, they wouldn't even be whitewashing: because I'm fat from them"?

1) "Wolf on Psarn"
2) "Pig under the oak"
3) "Crow and Fox"

5. What fable are the following words: "SPIA, Svetik, not be ashamed!"?

1) "Wolf on Psarn"
2) "Pig under the oak"
3) "Crow and Fox

6. What fable are the following words: "You are gray, and I, buddy, sad ..."?

1) "Wolf on Psarn"
2) "Pig under the oak"
3) "Crow and Fox"

7. What is the character of the fable "Pig under the oak" tried to stop the pig, undermining the roots of oak?

1) Korshun
2) Sokol.
3) Roron

8. What is the Moral Basni "Pig under Oak"?

1) the impact of ignorance, which disrespect relate to enlightenment and evil respond to good
2) Disposal of ignorance, which is satisfied with their small supply of knowledge
3) the bories of ignorant that do nothing for people and state

1) Golubushka2) Plutovka
3) king bird

10. What events from the history of Russia captured I.A. Wings in the Basna "Wolf on Psarn"?

1) War with Napoleon in 1812
2) War with the fascists in 1941-1945.
3) War with the Japanese in 1904-1905.

Homework: to learn by heart your favorite fable.


    Theory of literature


    During the classes

    I. . Check d \\ s.

    (Listen to 2 students)

    II. .

    Teacher's word:

    The problem of ignorance, ungratefulness remains relevant and now, and the bass was written in 1825.

    What do the words "ignorance," Nevezh "," ignorant "mean? After all, precisely against these concepts and spoke the wings in their works.


    Anti-reading question

    4. Conversation - preparation for reading on roles:

    (to pig - with contempt: the use of spaticral words: located before the dump ,

    to the oak - with respect: century, Promolvlin

    The task:

    2. Sleeps under the oak.

    3. Pig thoughtlessunderlook the roots of oak.

    4.Forone reproachfully

    5. Pig self-lying Replies to the crow.

    6. Oak himself indignantly Appeals to the pig.

    The task:


    6. Reading on the roles

    7. Fastening.

    (Disciples are offered handouts with texts about school life, 3 text - 3 options)

    The task:

    2.We, only WHO and now there.

    For references: 1. The beast cat is not terrible.

    2. And Vaska listens and eats.

    3. And the Lark just opened.

    Answers: 1V.-3, 2B. -2, 3V.-3

    7. Results.

    8. D \\ s

    2. Reading Bassni by heart - ind. the task.

    3. Draw pictures to signed frames on cards - at will

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"The abstract of the lesson on the topic: I.A. Krylov" Pig under the oak ". Rugs of ignorance and ungratefulness "

The plan-abstract lesson on literature on the Kurdyumovaya program T.F. In the 6th grade or program Korovina V.Ya. in the 5th grade

Topic: I.A. Krylov. Bass "Pig under the oak". Riddling ignorance and ungratefulness.


    Continue acquaintance with the diversity of the subject of Basen I.A. Krylova

    Teach expressive reading

    To acquaint with new theoretical concepts: the role of the author in the Basna, the position of the author and the means of its expression

Wordwork : Interpretation of the words "ignorance", "Nevezh", "ignorant", comparison of concepts and the use of them in practical work in the meaningful analysis of the fable.

Theory of literature : teaching, allegory, allegorical meaning, conflict, composition, position of the author

Visuality : text of the fable, training article, Cartoon cards for creating a cartoon, illustration of artists of Gorokhovsky and Racheva, distribution material for working with covered expressions from Bass Krylov

During the classes

I. . Check d \\ s.

Expressive reading by heart Basni I.A. Krylova "Swan, Cancer and Pike"

(Listen to 2 students)

II. . Explanation of a new topic: I.A. Krylov. Bass "Pig under the oak". Razeing ignorance and ungratefulness .

Teacher's word:

I.a Krylov was written about 200 Bassen, and only 30 Bassen he considered non-original, translated, the fancy "Pig under the oak" fastener is adjacent to them, because Her plot echoes the plot of Basen Ezop "Pedestrians and Yavor" and Lessing (Germ.) "Oak and Pig"

Problem ignorance, ungratefulness It remains relevant and today, and after all, the bass is written in 1825.

What do words mean "Ignorance," Nevezh "," ignorant "? After all, precisely against these concepts and spoke the wings in their works.

(Listen to the version of the interpretation of words, then open an entry on a blackboard, which or confirms, or adjusts the opinion of students)

Slika : Ignorance - lack of knowledge

Nevezhi - rough, non-public person

Ignorant - poorly educated, low-spirited person

3. Expressive reading of the Basnie (listening to audio recordings).

Anti-reading question: Listen to the fastener and decide whether it is possible to call a pig about ignorant and ignorant? Explain your point of view.

4. Conversation - preparation for reading on roles:

1. What is the pig appear before us? (Wings describes a pig without sympathy. The pig is stupid, ignorant, closer, lazy, selfish. She thinks only about his pleasure).

Confirm your thoughts from Bassni. Determine which artistic technique is using the author, characterizing the pig.

2. What are the characters except for pig, are involved in the bass? (Raven, Oak, author)

4. How does he belong to his heroes? Prove the bass rows as possible.

(to pig - with contempt: the use of spaticral words: located before the dump , favoring, the eyes of the ram, sly

to the oak - with respect: century, Promolvlin (Feeling power, self-esteem)

to the crow as a wise, things, a lot of knowledgeable bird)

5. Between what heroes is the conflict? How does the oak call a pig? (ungrateful) Why? (She does not understand that the source of his satiety goes, his contentment)

6. Read the instructive part of the fable. Determine its place in the composition of the work. Who is designed to teach: pig or man, in his ignorance similar to this heroine?

(Fucking, with irony, soothefully tell the "funny" story, and in the instructive part show your true attitude to the problem of ignorance)

8. Try to determine the allegorical meaning of the fable (see records in the notebook).

5. verbal drawing- splitting

1. Preliminary work with illustrations of artists of Gorokhovsky and Racheva.

The task: Consider illustrations. What episodes of the fable on them are depicted? How did you imagine the heroes of the work?

2. Imagine that you are also artists and create pictures for a cartoon. (The guys are heated by stupid sheets, where they must enter key episodes in each frame using fable fragments) work in pairs (and easier, and faster). The teacher helps.

1. A pig under the oak eats acorns.

2. Sleeps under the oak.

3. Pig thoughtlessunderlook the roots of oak.

4.Forone reproachfully Apply to the pig from the oak branch.

5. Pig self-lying Replies to the crow.

6. Oak himself indignantly Appeals to the pig.

The task: Find and emphasize the words in our records that answer the question like?

Determine what is their role in the Basna?

Output: These keywords transmitting the attitude of the heroes to the conflict will help you find the right intonation when reading the bascie on the roles.

6. Reading on the roles

How many readers should be? Name them. (Oak, Raven, Pig, author)

(I choose the readers, once again we remind the peculiarities of reading the words of each hero and listen to reading, briefly discuss the dignity and disadvantages, which will need to work on the house)

7. Fastening.

Krylov's fables are popular and in our time: adults and children read them, and many expressions from its works have become "wrecks", i.e. They switched to conversational speech, they became similar to proverbs and sayings, briefly and Emko explain different life situations similar to the Basenic.

(Disciples are offered handouts with texts about school life, 3 text - 3 options)

The task: Choose to the texts about the school life "Winged" expressions from Bass Krylov (the task is written on cards)

A bowed baby quarreled with a much stronger and torn opponent. Surrounding laughs ...

For references: 1. The sea bit fell silent.

2.We, only WHO and now there.

3. Ay, Pug! Knowing she is stronger what barks on an elephant.

Instead of preparing for the test work, Katya Murochka went to the disco and having fun there all evening. The next day on the control in mathematics, turning to help to the neighbors, she heard ...

For references: 1. The beast cat is not terrible.

2. Are you lying all? This is the case: so look so much!

3. And the Lark just opened.

Kostya Vashekin, not knowing the lesson, exhausted the entire board, trying to solve the task. Finally, the teacher wrote the right decision on the board and with the words: "....", - Vashekina gave the diary.

For references: 1. The beast cat is not terrible.

2. And Vaska listens and eats.

3. And the Lark just opened.

Answers: 1V.-3, 2B. -2, 3V.-3

7. Results.

Basni Krylova, his irony helps us understand: What flaws you need to fight first of all. I think you will listen to the kind teachings of the Basinista and will strive for knowledge, to culture, to become educated, educated, and not be ignorant, denying education, education and learning.

8. D \\ s

1. Expressive reading of fable on roles.

2. Reading Bassni by heart - ind. the task.

3. Draw pictures to signed frames on cards - at will

The purpose of the lesson: the formation of the presentation of human defects on the basis of the analysis of the behavior of the heroes of Basny I. A. Krylova "Pig under the oak". The main didactic problem is the repetition and practical application of the previously studied material when opening new knowledge.



Theme lesson : I.A. Krylov. Analysis of the Basni "Pig under the oak"
Objectives lesson: To form an idea of \u200b\u200bhuman defects based on the analysis of Basni I. A. Krylova "Pig under the oak".


training: Analyze the fastener, consider its features, allocate morality;

developing: develop the skills of expressive reading, analysis of the text, the ability to understand the allegorical meaning of Basni and its morality; improve language culture of students;

educational E: Promoting the upbringing of the need to be decent, organized, intellectually developed, be able to draw conclusions for themselves, watching the actions of others, develop a negative attitude towards ignorant and ignorance.

Planned results:

cognitive Uud.: search and selection of necessary information, conscious and arbitrary construction of speech statement orally, free orientation and perception of the text of the artwork, semantic reading;

personal Wood: self-determination, morally - ethical orientation, the ability to self-esteem its actions, actions;

regulativeu: goaling, planning, self-regulation, allocation and awareness of students that have already been learned and what else needs to be learned;

communicative Woods: Planning training cooperation with teacher and peers, compliance with the rules of speech behavior, the ability to express and justify your point of view.

Equipment : Projector, computer, multimedia presentation, Basinie recording performed by the artistic word masters; Tutorial, drawings of students and illustrations for fables; Dictionaries, collections of proverbs and sayings, reference abstract on the topic "Basni", didactic material.

During the classes

  1. Motivating principle. Reception "Forecasting"

Guys, listen to the lines belonging to the Russian poet Peter Andreevich Vyazemsky, and tell me, about whom they?

He corrected people to fun

Equal from them vices dust;

He smelled his fables ...

(About wing)

What bass of Krylov are you familiar?

What is the purpose of Ivan Andreevich created his fables?


But what he himself told about it: "I love where there is a case, pour flap."

Let's try to explain the meaning of these words. What is vice? What vices are you known? And here's another vices exist. (Slide).

And all their wings loved in the fables to "pinch." What does it mean to "pinch"?


  1. Actualization of reference knowledge

1) - Do you call "Basney"? Morality?

Wrongs are used in bass.(Examples).

Allegory? ( As a fox - a cunning man, an ant - hardworking, dragonfly - loaf, corona- stupid, etc.)

And who was hiding behind the images of the deck and wolf in the Basna "Wolf on Psarn"?

What historical event is it dedicated?

What do this fable teaches us? (How to do with the invaders, who have been thinking about the independence of our Motherland)

Wings showed patriotic feelings in his work?

Who is "patriot"?

2) Expressive reading of the Basni "Wolf on Psarn" by students.Result of the homework.

3. Fizkultminutka.

four . Formulation of the theme and objectives of the lesson.

- Today we will meet with another most fastened masterpiece I.A. Krylova. Read the name of the Basinie in the textbook, with which we will work in the lesson.

We formulate the topic. (I.A. Krylov. Analysis of the Basni "Pig under the oak")

Record the topic on the board and in notebooks.

Decide with goals! What will we do in the lesson? What are we false going to learn?

5. Opening of new knowledge

1) Acquaintance with Basney.

The teacher demonstrates the video of Basni performed by the Master of the Art Word of Alexey Gribova. Draws the attention of the disciples to the reading of the fable "Pig under the oak" is accompanied by magnificent illustrations.

Is the text listened enough to understand the meaning of the bass?

(No, the analysis of the work is necessary)

2). Research work in pairs.

1st pair of "literary critics".

Prove that the work of the "Pig under Oak" is a fable. (If necessary, refer to the textbook's reference material)

work with various sources (dictionaries, reference books, Internet)

2 - I am a couple of "researchers".

Who is a pig? Give the definition. What does she think about? Who is oak? What definition does he give a pig? Read it with proper intonation.

3rd couple "Linguists".

Find in the explanatory dictionary of the words "Nevezhi" and "ignorant". Write down in a notebook.

3). Working with the text of the Bassni. Monitoring primary mastering material

1. Speech by students

1st Couple "Literary Arms"

(Basnya is a story of moral character. There are morality, allegory, personification. Sample examples)

2 - I am a couple of "researchers".

What kind of pig? ( Stupid, lazy).

What does she think about? (About your pleasure).

Who is oak? Why century?(Century is not only old, but also wise).

What determination does he give a pig?(Ungrateful).

- Find the roots in this word, try to determine the meaning of the word(lack of a sense of appreciation to the good).

What is the ingratitude of the pig? (She not only walked, not thanking, but also began to undermine the roots of the tree).

That is, the pig came ... how? (-Sinski)

3rd couple "Linguists".

Consider the meaning of the words "Nevezhi" and "ignorant".

Who is a pig?

What of these words characterizes a pig? Or maybe both?

What is Moral Basni?(Ignorants do not understand the benefits of exercise)

- Is the fable in our time? What situation in your life could you use these words? (Pupils scold school, forgetting that learning - light)

What did bass taught us?

What vice "pointed" in this basher of the wings?

four). Reading bass on roles.

6. Reflection. Filling the emotional state card.

Card emotional state

Fill out the card icons: - Yes, - no, - I find it difficult to answer.

I was interested in the lesson

I felt comfortable

I felt my significance in the lesson

I was successful (successful)

I believe that the material of the lesson is understood and learned

Self-assessment of work in the lesson

Assessment of teacher

7. Homework. Optionally.

1. Learn the fastener by heart

2. Draw an illustration or tell how you would depict the situation about which the wings told.


Frame from cartoon

Artist G.Kupriyanov

Artist A. Laptev

Nevezhuz - ancient Russian word. G.

Vocational work is relevant - important for this moment. Is the fable today for our time? What did bass taught you? What vice "pointed" in this basher of the wings?