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Room Maple Abutilon Care. Abutilon - how to grow indoor maple in a pot? Reproduction with cuttings in water

Abutilon (Abutilon) is a small tree or shrub, leaves in shape resembling maple, hence the name "room maple". Characteristic features of Abutloron: care and maintenance at home, titles, descriptions of species and varieties, photos.

Wonderful and abundant flowering, growing rapidly, easy to grow from seeds. In the photo, the plant Abutilon: He is unpretentious in his care, although some nuances in its cultivation still should be considered. In this flower, one advantages are good for novice flowerflowers.

How to start properly care for Abutilon, creating it favorable conditions and after a few months a house plant in a pot will bloom ...

Thanks to spectacular appearance, invariably attracts the attention of all, who saw it for the first time.

The genus of Abutilon (Abutilon Mill) is about 200 types of shrubs of the Malvic family (Malvaceae) ... The inhabitant of the tropics and subtropics of South America, Australia, China, India.

In room flower growing, the types of Abutloron are common: Selova, Amazonian, hybrid ... The most common abutylon hybrid, uniting three groups: A. Darvin (A. Darvinii), A. Pictis (A. Pictum \u003d A.Striatum), A. Megapotam (A. Megapotamicum).

In the photo: Hybrid Abutilon is available and unpretentious in care ... (Abutilon x Hybridus). Hybrids of all shades of orange, yellow, red, pink and just white. Sometimes with contrasting dark or light veins.

Names: "Giving shadow", "Cattle", "Room Maple", "Indian Malwa", "Chinese lanterns". The most accurately determines the nature of the plant is the phrase "Indian Mallow", because of the close kinship of Abutlor with Malva and Hibiscus.

By lowered bright flowers resembling glowing lanterns, Abutilon is called Chinese lanterns. The "canter" was called, because in India, coarse fibrous fiber is used to make brazed products, burlap, ropes.

Abutilons begin to bloom at a young age, whose flowers are barely towers above the pot. It is surprising that blossom is constant. It is a cute tree with charming flowers - Maple Plant combines ease of care, compactness and high decorativeness.

Choosing "your" maple flower has to take into account some, sometimes barely noticeable, inherent in a certain variety, features. Consider the most suitable types and varieties of abutulon for home content.

  • Bella - a recently derived variety, differs in a slight increase in up to 40 cm, the presence of bulk beautiful bright flowers of pink or golden color, the diameter of about 8 cm. Flowers throughout the year. In pruning and pinching does not need;
  • "Juliet" is an unpretentious kind of half-meter height, the cultivation of which does not require abundant lighting and frequent irrigation. Six months after seeding, seed gives bright large flowers;
  • "SELLO" is the kind of homemade maple - Abutilon, the informal name "Babushkin". Abutilon Sellovianum. Tall, up to 2.5 m. Flowers - drooped bells, with a diameter of 5-7 cm hanging from branches on long stiffs. Bright orange, lilap or red with a shallow grid of contrasting dark burgundy residences ... The variety can be variant - with motley leaves.
  • "Bellevue" is a hybrid mixture, the flowers of Abutloron with coloring under all the colors of the rainbow. It is a lush bush, dressed in bells, up to two meters high with constant trimming. In the garden outdoors appeired in all its glory, racing in a couple of months. Abutilon flowering maple bellvue - (eng. "Beautiful view of a blooming maple"). Bellevue (FR. Bellevue, Bellvue "Beautiful View").
  • Bella Mix is \u200b\u200ba hybrid with large flowers (diameter up to 8 cm) of gentle tones: yellow, apricot, pink;
  • "Tiger eye" is a beautiful large shrub with an orange shade flowers and red streaks, resembling a lantern.

Care for abutilon at home

Many flowerflowers love this kind of plant with leaves like a maple called Abutilon room ... This is a beautiful shrub that is used to decorate interior. We offer to familiarize yourself with the departure, there are simple advice on choosing a place, organization of watering system, making mineral fertilizers, trimming ...

Required conditions - heat, light, humidity level, fertile loose land. With all its unpretentiousness is afraid of drafts. From lack of light, an abutilon-flower drops buds and leaves. It grows relatively rapidly. It is well restored by loss of decorative, while creating a good care to Abutilon. Flowering: From April to November.

In the photo: Abutilon "Room Maple" - Flowers Large, bells with many colors ... Cutting Multiborable leaves with cloths along the edges resemble maple leaves - site ...

Lighting: bright light or light half. Acqualing to the sunshine gradually. In the case of burns on the leaves, white dry spots appear. In winter, Abutilons need additional lighting.

The temperature during the vegetation period is + 18-25 ºC, in winter - 12-15 ºC. A long decrease in temperature will lead to a stop of growth and flowering, and above +30 - to the flap of the buds.

Watering from the beginning of March to the autumn is abundant, in the winter the upper layer of the substrate between the irrigation to let dry by a quarter of the depth. In cool conditions, it should be dry more thoroughly, without bringing to the complete loss of moisture. Quickly restores the turgor leaves after irrigation. For a long time to leave water in the pallet, it is impossible, excess should be drained after 15-30 minutes.

Air humidity Increased, regular spraying of leaves is required. With too dry air it may be affected by a paouth tick.

Undercasses in the period of growth and flowering - once every two weeks with mineral or organic fertilizers. Excessive fertilizer can lead to cessation of flowering, and excess nitrogen will cause an increase in too large leaves. In winter they do not feed.

The rest period is not pronounced pronounced, but from November to March all processes in development slow down.

The transplant method of neat transshipment: in spring, before the start of active growth, young plants Abutilon are transplanted annually, adults - once every 3 years.

Substrate: finished peat universal weakness soil (pH 5.5-6.5).

Like most plants, indoor abutylon breeds seeds and cuttings. The harassment guarantees the preservation of varietal signs. The grown flower of seeds is not always identical to the maternal.


Diseases: Root rot, Fitting and changing the color of leaves.

Inadequate, the right care and home plant Abutilon in a couple of years loses decorativeness. The same fate is waiting for it if you do not use trimming. To maintain the compactness of the crown, shoots off and pinch in autumn or spring to half or a third of the initial length.

With a cool winter content, trimming can be held in autumn, after the end of flowering. With warm winter content, it is advisable to spend early in the spring, removing all weak elongated shoots. Separate branches can be cut at any time of the year.

In care of the abutilon, it is better to navigate the condition of the plant, the size of the pot, the temperature of the content. A small amount of soil loses moisture faster than the soil in a large pot.

Exceptionally decorative indoor flower Abutilon called "Maple" won recognition among flower water and became one of the best decorations in the house - site ...

Growing from seeds, stages of development from the appearance of a sprout before forming the leaves.

For many millennia, flowers personify the beauty, joy and perfection of nature. Each flower gives a special world of aroma and charm, in which you start feeling your loved ones and happy. Therefore, people try to decorate their and life close to these invaluable gifts of nature. For flowers, you are not interested in weekdays today or solemn, they bring joy to any moment. None of us can know everything about colors, but to start learning the name of flowers and their history is never late. Here today we consider the article about Abutilon. Fans of flowering plants in the house like this decorative plant due to abundant, bright flowering almost all year round. It attracts flowerflowers to rapid growth, unpretentious temper. Meet the "underwater stones" for the care of abutilon ("room maple") and its content at home. Even a flower model without experience will be able to cope with this task.

Abutloron description

Decorative Abutilon refers to perpetary fast growing plants.

It is also called homemade maple, it has a similar form of sheets resembling Maple. The second name is it - "Catnaker", it appeared due to the fact that from this plant produce fiber for ropes and various products.

Abutilon is widespread in places with a wet tropical and subtropical climate. These are countries of India, Africa and South America. Therefore, despite relative unpretentiousness, it still prefers the places of sunny, warm, with good bright lighting and lack of drafts. Under these conditions, it is capable of blossoming almost constantly.

The leaves of Abutloron are large and as already mentioned above, remind of the appearance of the maple leaves. Flowers of his bell-shaped forms

Types and varieties of Abutloron photo

Like Hibiscus, Abutilon belongs to the Malvic family and sometimes called Indian Malva. There are more than 150 types of abutulon, differing in size, shaped and color of leaves and flowers, list some of them.

Abutilon grape-olive photo

It can grow, and quite quickly, above two meters, the leaves can reach 15 cm long. Flowers are collected in inflorescences of 3-4 pieces, appear in May. Their color is bluish-lilac or pink, sometimes with dark streaks. Like all Abutilons, the plant is very beautiful and will decorate any interior.

Abutilon hybrid photo

Reaches up to one and a half meters of growth, on its leaves you can notice a soft cannon. Flowers can be different colors: white, golden, red, burgundy. The variety is evergreen.

Abutilon Darwin photo

It has silk shoots, not too long, at the end of which large leaves are placed, and flowers grow in their sinuses. In the length of the leaves of this variety of abutulon reach 15-20 cm, in width - 8-10. Flowers are also large, up to 5 cm in diameter.

Abutilon Megapotam (Amazonian) photo

Also called the "crying Chinese flashlight". It has very beautiful red-yellow flowers, with proper care that remains throughout the year.

Abutilon spotted (painted) photo

It is called so because of white spots on the leaves. It blooms for a short time, in August-September.

Abutilon Sello Photo

Abutloron variety with light lilac flowers having pink bodies blooming from July to the end of the year. One of the most ancient varieties requires constant trimming to cause branching, as it is very quickly pulled in length.

Abutilon Variagat Photo.

Ampel variety of Abutloron. Used for decorative purposes, good for cultivation in suspended porridge.

Abutilon theophist photo

Separately, it is necessary to say about the grade Abutilon of the theofora, which is therapeutic, is able to heal small wounds, and also helps from the furunculosis.

Reproduction and cultivation of Abutlor

The plant is perfectly multiplied by shifting. For this, cuttings are used, cut during the care and trimming process behind room maple. They are rooted equally actively, both in water and in the ground.

If the cuttings are placed in a substrate for rooting, be sure to cover it with a polyethylene film or a glass jar, occasionally removing the artificial "greenhouse" to ventilate.

Sometimes in flower shops can be found on the shelves of the seeds of Abutloron. As a rule, plants with green monotonous leaves are grown. Popular varieties from seeds are not removed.

Location and selection of a vase for Abutloron

Culture can not only complement the interior of the room, but also to be grown in balconies, loggias, and in the summer - on the terraces. Optimal location in the house - southwestern and southeastern windows. You can not expose to abutilon exposure to drafts. And if it is on the terrace, protect it from rain and wind. Otherwise, he will start to hurt, will lose his appeal. Vase for home maple is selected according to its size. For young seedlings, a container is suitable up to 9 cm in diameter. As the diameter grows, it will grow to 18-20 cm. Each time the transplant is recommended to take a capacity by 2-3 cm wider than the former. It is possible to understand that the flower requires a new pot, you can, if the crown become twice as much as its volume. Be sure to prefer to give a pot with a variety of fine holes.

Temperature for the cultivation of Abutloron

The channel is better developed in cool conditions. Therefore, the plant is most often growing on a glazed balcony or in the winter garden. Some botany argue that Abutilon is able to withstand a short-term decrease in temperature to 0 ° C. But it is better not to create such shock conditions. Conditions are suitable for the bedroom maple: in summer - the abutilon will easily stand the temperature of +20 ° C ... + 25 ° C; In winter, a significant decrease is required to +12 ° C ... + 15 ° C. The channel does not tolerate sudden temperature drops. Therefore, the winter regime needs to teach it gradually.

Soil substrate and feeding for

abutulonovshaty home maple abutilon in universal soil, with a neutral reaction. If the soil is prepared independently, then it usually consists of peat crumb, sand and leaf land in equal proportions. The mixture should be easy and breathable.

Forming (especially in spring and summer) is very important in the care of abutilon, as the homemade maple grows very quickly and is actively blooming. Undercores in the warm season are held weekly - minimum 1 time in 10 days. You can use both natural and organic fertilizers.

During the increase in green mass, complex fertilizers with an increased nitrogen content are used. And during the appearance of buds and mass flowering, preparations with increased percentage of potassium and phosphorus are used. Upon compliance with the rules of feeding, Abutilon blooms much abundant and more lure. Unpretentious Abutilon, home care is minimal compared to other colors.

Transplantation of Abutloron

The transplant is needed to room maple. She is held, noticing the signs that Abutilon serves:

  • slow growth;
  • small flowers;
  • roots protrude from drainage holes;
  • buds fall away;
  • on the leaves due to lack of nutrition, light spots appear;
  • the crown diameter visually exceeds the pot diameter.

Replanting (passing) Abutilon from one pot to another, update the container if necessary. Refresh ground, remove dense clusters of roots and damaged roots. Slices sprinkled with chopped coal. Young bushes are transplanted once a year, adults - after 3 years. It is better to do this in cloudy weather so that the plant makes it easier to change the transplant.

Watering Abutloron

When the plant begins with active growth (in a warm period), it must be regularly and abundantly water. This process can not be reduced during flowering home maple. Excess water that is recruited in the pallet of an hour later after watering, is poured. Somewhere from November to water the shrub need less and this rule must be adhere to February.

If the soil is susceptible to dry or overcoat, maple can lose colors and thick crowns.

Pruning Abutloron.

If the shrub to ensure proper care, then for the spring-summer period it grows greatly. Therefore, the krona is compact and spectachable, in the last winter weeks, the bush needs to be cut into ½ part of the height, while during intensive growth with it remove all the extra, as well as weak stems, and should not be allowed excessive congument of the crown. Abutilon will need a garter to the support.

Diseases and pests of Abutloron

If the conditions of growing conditions are violated, the channel starts to hurt, and is also attacked by pests insects, such as: TLL, shield, whitefly, red cobwebs.

Due to the lack of lighting, Abutloron turns yellow and losing their color leaves, becoming pale, while the stem is pulled out and thinned. The solution to the problem will be a permutation of a pot with a plant to a more illuminated place. Strongly stretched shoots cut or pinch.

In the case when the leaves in the abutulon are yellow and fold, and also dry the tips of the shoots, it is necessary to remove the plant away from direct sunlight, increase the humidity and the frequency of spraying the plant with water.

If the leaves lost their elasticity and started, check the soil. Most likely, he is lacking moisture in a flower pot. For recovery, the container with the canter is immersed in water for 20-30 minutes. In the future, follow the humidity of the soil.

The pests of Abutloron can affect all plants or some parts of it.

The TLL strikes predominantly the tops of the stem, feeds with juice of leaves and shoots. Because of this, individual parts of the affected plant are withering, deforming and losing their shape. Insecticides accuters or phosbecide, soap solution are used to combat pests.

The whiteflink is striking the bottom of the sheet, eating it with juice. The leaves are yellowing and disappear. The pest is capable of hitting all the plant in a short time. Due to the rapid reproduction, the fight against a blonde may be difficult. It is necessary to reduce the humidity of the soil and make a timely manner. Every two or three days, the channel is sprayed with perfect-containing preparations. In case of strong infection, accuters or decis are used to combat insects.

With damage to the shield, the leaves are covered with stains, yellow and fall. The pest allocates sticky liquid, covering the leaves and stalks of the plant. Suching juice from leaves, the shield leads to the death of the entire plant. Helps in the struggle of a soap solution. With the defeat of most of the plants, the treatment of insecticides helps, but preferably affected parts of the plant plant.

Abutilon Signs and Superstition

Esoterics believe that the plant can attract solar energy and give it to others. A flower located in a residential room can get rid of despondency, depression and drowsiness. Abutilon restores psychological equilibrium and improves mood.

The flower is useful to place in office space, as he makes people kinder and more carefully for each other, helps to establish communication and cause sympathy among others.

Room maple promotes communication between people. During the flowering period, everyone can feel its soothing properties. It helps to wake creative forces and fantasy, as well as implement ideas in life.

Abutilon absorbs the negative energy of Sha and fills the dwelling with solar energy. The plant should be placed on the cabinets and high shelves, since the ampel shape of the channel with long, hanging down stems smoothes sharp angles that accumulate negative energy.

The flower should not hold a lonely person. If there are difficulties in personal life, an ampel plant may make it difficult to search for the second half.

There are signs associated with this phenomenon. In some countries, that in the middle of winter, Abutilon blooms to a large surprise or any important event, other interpreters believe that the flowering of the canter foreshadows trouble.

Home Maple Abutilon Care At Home Video

For many flower flower, Abutilon becomes the embodiment of the dream of an ideal room plant, combining unpretentiousness, long-term colorful flowering, high growth rate and easy receipt of offspring.

With the most advantages, the main thing is that in the plant draws attention, it is single or paired flowers that appear in the sinuses and for long months forming a lush cap. In the homeland, Abutilon is large perennial shrubs tall up to two or three meters. The closest relative is a well-known Russian or Althea of \u200b\u200bthe Drug, Abutilon in the difficult climatic conditions of our country can be grown only as pot culture. But in this form, the plant, named for the characteristic form of the leaves "home maple," exhibits all their best qualities.

At home, Abutilon is growing rapidly and for several years it can turn into a large tree or bush. So that the green pet does not take the necessary people in a residential area, the apartment is better to grow abutilongs of hybrid origin with a more compact crown and large cupid colors of different colors.

What conditions of detention are needed to such an unusual room plant? And what is the care of Abutilon, so that bright flowers of the bells are blobing from spring and to deep autumn?

Temperature of the content of Abutloron

Despite the southern origin of the culture, staying in constantly warm air apartments for Abutulon is not at all useful. In nature, it grows in areas where the difference between winter and summer temperatures is about 10 degrees. That is why the cannket or "home maple" can more often meet in winter gardens or greenhouse, and at home, the abutilon is at temperatures:

  • from 20 to 26 ° C in summer;
  • from 12 to 15 ° C in winter.

If the plant is put on the veranda or loggia, it must be remembered that the drop in the temperature of the abutulon content is below 5-10 ° C. It begins to experience serious discomfort. And with long stay in cold air, the culture resets the foliage. Extremely dangerous for the plating minus temperature values \u200b\u200band exposure to draft. However, the cold is not the only enemy of Abutloron.

If the air warms up to 30 ° C, it can be expected that the plant will stop forming buds and even reset the available. It is possible to help an overhead part of the plant that sufferers from the high temperature of the content of the content. For this use only warm soft water.

In winter, when heating devices are influenced on the quality of air in the room, there will be a good protection from the heat from a nonwoven material or a film enclosing the windowsill from the dwelling.

Lighting during the cultivation of abutulon

Abutilon is light-see, and at home he needed bright, but not harming foliage diffused lighting. If the light is not enough, it is not necessary to wait for abundant flowering. When growing abutulon with a motley or almost white foliage, the plant is more correctly shaped to save the unique pattern on the leaves.

At home, Abutilons feel great on the windowsill overlooking the east, southeast, West or South-West. On the southern windows, it is not without protection from the midday sun, and the northern side will not provide the required amount of light. The quality of the lighting directly affects how compact crown will turn out from the plant, because in the shadow the shoots are noticeably lengthened, the foliage is rare, the formation and pruning of abutulon is complicated.

In summer days, Abutilon reacts perfectly to staying on the solar veranda or balcony, and sometimes plants are successfully transferred to the garden or even transplanted into open ground.

In this case, the quiet plot is selected in the half, and also the abutylon is contained at a temperature in the limits described above. In the fresh air, the pet grow well and blooms, and when it is cooling it, it can be protected with a cap from the underfloor material.

Watering features when leaving abutilon

Abutilons at home willingly "drink", which is especially noticeable in hot summer days, as well as in the warm dry air of the room, where heating works. The delay during the period of active vegetation necessarily leads to fading of foliage, and in some cases even to the loss of buds and the death of the peripheral root system. Plant should not dispel. And the gap is optimal to be the gap between the irrigation, when the surface of the soil dries down a bit.

However, in care of Abutil, it is better to focus on the state of the plant, the size of the pot in which it is and the temperature of the content. A small amount of soil loses moisture faster than the soil in a large pot. Yes, and in the dry air of the heated room, the moisture of the substrate falls much more sharper than when the pet is in the parisader. Much depends on the composition of the soil.

Watering abutilon at home is needed only with warm standing or melting water.

If the plant is satisfied with the cool wintering, it is necessary to water it much less frequently, otherwise the moisture not demanded by the abutilon will cause rotted on the roots.

Selection and transplantation of Abutloron

The main requirement for the soil for the cultivation of abutulon is a good permeability for moisture and air. Therefore, as a substrate, a universal soil can be used for indoor crops, converted by substances that disintegrate the soil. It may be sand, perlite or vermiculite.

If components of natural origin are added to the mixture, for example, humid or squeezing soil, they must be disinfecting to eliminate the possibility of entering pests and pathogenic fungi.

The soil for the cultivation of abutulon should have a neutral reaction, be loose and easy. But even with a high-quality substrate, flowerfields sometimes complain about the scarce bloom of culture. This is due to the wrong choice of pot.

Fast-growing with a good potential plant greedily masters soil com, but during the development of the root system, the abutilon practically does not bloom. Therefore, a young copy is better to plant a diameter with a diameter of no more than 9-10 cm, and then in the framework of the abutilon care, it is in the spring, a little more translated into a pot.

The need to transplant says completely hidden under the coil roots of the Earth's com, as well as extremely fast absorption of moisture during watering.

When and what to fertilize Abutilon?

The rapid development of the green part of the plant and active flowering are the reasons for the fact that at home the abutil is necessary to feed. In the spring and until the autumn, the feeders spend once every two weeks, alternating mineral and. The clearer the chart of feeding, the longer and abundantly, the abutilon blooms.

The concentration of fertilizers for abutulon can be less than in the instructions of the selected composition, but at the same time it is necessary to feed the flower a little more. At the time of mass flowering, fertilize the abutilon is better than a means with an elevated content of phosphorus and potassium, which positively affect the formation of buds. When, after trimming, Abutilon must quickly turn new foliage, it is more correct to use drugs with nitrogen.

Sometimes flowerflowers notice that the number of colors decreases, and the foliage of a good abutulon care is bleaching, yellowing and loses its attractiveness. These symptoms talk about a lack of trace elements. To prevent the development of chlorosis, pet feed, for example, "emerald", which helps to quickly return the decorativeness and brightness of the leaves.

Pruning Abutloron.

Depending on the embedded grade, the abutilon in the apartment can form a krona up to one and a half meters high. If you do not use trimming, the abutilon in a couple of years loses the shape, the bush falls apart, and the flowers are formed only at the ends of the shoots.

To form a compact bush or a strambet tree, without trimming can not do. The shoots are cut and pinch in autumn and spring to half or a third of the initial length.

Even a strong trimming of Abutilon suffers well, and in a few weeks the greens is completely restored. In addition, with the help of this procedure, the crown volume can be monitored, the plant after trimming is updated.

If the abutilon in the summer grew in the garden, in the fall, expose the cropping and its rolling root system, which allows you to return the bush in the old pot.

After flowering, it is necessary to cut off already swords, all damaged or dried branches. During such care, Abutilon should not leave parts of the crown, shading it, making a thick and confused. In the spring, before the appearance of buds, the crown shape once again adjust.

If there is a trimming of a young plant, the main escape is plugged at an altitude of 15-30 cm from the level of soil. And the next time the second order shoots in the same way. When Abutilon-grown at home is to become a miniature tree, in the first years for the stability of the stammer, especially during the recruitment of buds, useful to use supports.

Pruning causes the awakening of sleeping kidneys and the formation of side branches on which buds are formed. The more thoroughly carry out the formation of the crown, the greater the bloom in the coming season. And after trimming, the abutil is fed. Video about the care of abutilon at home will help to visually get acquainted with the peculiarities of culture and handling.

Possible problems in the cultivation of Abutloron

If the care of abutilon is not to pay due attention, the flower model may face the advent of such hazardous diseases and pests, like root rot, milder chervitsa, wave, web mite and shields. For prevention, it is necessary to maintain competent irrigation, moisturize the air and remove the fallen flowers and leaves.

Swimming of buds, yellowness and fading of the ebutulon foliage signals:

  • on sharp drops of the temperature of the abutulon content;
  • about the presence of a draft room;
  • about violation of irrigation graphics.

Not the best way to appear on the appearance of the plant and its flowering, the lack of light and the lack of fertilizers, when they are especially needed - during the spring and summer vegetation.

Video about abutilo room maple

In places of its natural growing (tropics and subtropics), everywhere is found in the wild, but in a more severe climate it is grown exclusively as a decorative pot culture. Her advantages is the original form of leaves, for which it is called "room maple", delicate bell-shaped buds, rapid growth and long-term, to six months or more flowering. At the same time, the care of abutilon is very simple. Grow a healthy and beautiful plant, at least briefly knowing how to care for him, even a beginner flower model will be able.

For the cultivation of Abutloron at home, preference should be given to hybrid varieties. They differ in the crown compactness and large size of flowers. In order to bloom bright bells from spring to the late autumn on the home maple, it is necessary to observe the conditions of lighting, temperature regime, watering and make feeding on time.

Air temperature

Despite the fact that Maple Abutilon is a plant Southern, constant finding in a warm apartment does not benefit him. The perfect temperature for a tropical "guest" in the warm season +20 ° C - +26 ° C, and in the winter it should be at the level of +12 ° C - +15 ° C.

If the air cools up to +5 ° C - +10 ° C, abutylon and can start reset leaves. There are no less danger to drafts. Negatively affect the condition of the indoor maple can and too warm air. At a temperature of +30 ° C, the formation of buds is terminated. To help a green pet resort to spraying the above-ground part with a warm soft, sparkled water.

In summer days, Abutilon reacts perfectly to staying on the solar veranda or balcony, and sometimes plants are successfully transferred to the garden or even transplanted into open ground.


Abutilons are lighthead and need a bright abdomen. Its deficiency leads to the fact that the number of buds on the bush decreases. At the same time, varieties having a motley (Variant) or a bright color of the leaves are slightly shaded. It helps to keep them beautiful, clear patterns.

Abutilons on the windowsill in the apartment

Preferred places for growing abutulon room maple care, followed in the house - Eastern, Western, Southeast and Southwestern window sills. Buckets that are on the south side must be protected from the sun on a midday clock, otherwise they will dry the leaves. Plants posted on the windowsill of the northern windows need additional backlight.


Abutilongans love abundant watering. Allowing the dryness of the soil in the pot is impossible. The need for moisture is enhanced in hot weather or in a cold period when heaters are working in the apartment or the heating system is included. Timely irrigation is especially important in the growing season. The lack of moisture in this case inevitably leads to fading, loss of buds, and sometimes to the death of the root system.

If Abutilon lacks moisture, he begins to actively reset buds. Overfiling may indicate the dynamic type of plant.

Watering homemade maple is needed at the moment when the ground after the previous irrigation will light slightly. To use for this we should have a standing or melting warm water. With a cold wintering, the number and abundance of irrigation is significantly reduced to prevent the appearance of rot.

Selection of soil

The soil for homemade maple must pass the air and moisture well. It can be a universal soil designed for indoor plants with an additive of sand, vermiculite or perlite. The substrate for abutulon should be not only loose and easy, but also to have a neutral or weakly acidic pH reaction (within 6-7), as well as to be moisture and breathable.

If you do the soil yourself, it will be necessary to mix: 2 pieces of the turf, 2 parts of the coniferous or deciduous humor, 0.5 pieces of river sand, 1 part of the coconut substrate. As a drainage at the bottom of the pot (about 2 centimeters), it is recommended to use clamzite or just small pebbles, as well as moss-sphagnum (it is laying on top of the clamzite before falling asleep the soil, to create an additional moisture exchange).


Abutilon grows very quickly and in general enough "voracious" for these reasons it needs constant feeding. They are brought from the onset of spring and before the autumn every two weeks. The abundance and quality of flowering depends on the regularity of the feeding. Making mineral fertilizers is recommended to alternate with the addition of organic industries.

The concentration of fertilizers for abutulon can be less than in the instructions of the selected composition, but at the same time it is necessary to feed the flower a little more. At the time of mass flowering, fertilize the abutilon is better than a means with an elevated content of phosphorus and potassium, which positively affect the formation of buds. When, after trimming, Abutilon must quickly turn new foliage, it is more correct to use drugs with nitrogen.

The disadvantage in mineral fertilizers often leads to the fact that the Abutlorian leaves begin to turn yellow, in which case the drug with the name "Emerald" will help.

How to care for abutilon in winter

Warm wintering

The root system of the room maple may be suspended and rot. To protect the roots under the flower pot, you can put the heat-insulating material, for example, a cork stand or a piece of foam.

Watering Abutulon should be moderate and made after the ground will dry half the pot. The feeders are made on the sheet and only in the occurrence of the signs of the shortage of nutrients.

Cold wintering

At home, a balcony or loggia can become a place for the cold wintering of Abutloron, but with one important condition: the air temperature should not fall below +8 ° C. Watering should be moderate, closer to the meager. It is carried out after the maximum soil drying. Upcories in the winter, until mid-February are not made. Soil for cold wintering is better to select air-permeable, loose and light.

In the winter, when heating devices are influenced on the quality of air in the room, there will be a good protection from the heat from a nonwoven material or film, which enlightened space under the windowsill from the dwelling.

Fertilizers for Abutloron

The room maple loves the feeding and gratefully responding to them. In this case, almost any formulations are suitable. The fertilizers for Abutloron makes sense from the onset of spring and to the fall, and their prototypes are recommended to be enjoyed in a slightly lower concentration, which is supposed to be in the instructions for the selected composition. Making feeding is completed in October.

When it comes to active flowering, the bush fertilizes by means saturated with potassium and fluorine. They contribute to the formation of buds. After trimming the branches and in the period of active growth of green mass it is useful to make nitrogen-containing drugs. And with its discoloration, signaling about the shortage of trace elements, the plant is fed by an integrated organineral fertilizer, for example, "emerald".

In summer, the soil fertilizer intervals can be reduced to 1 time in 2 weeks. From around November of the month and before the spring, it is enough to feed the substrate once a month or stop feeding to the plant that the plant rested.

Diseases of Abutilonov

If the care for the green "pet" is held in a timely manner and correctly, nothing threatens him. With incorrect care, the room can be exposed to diseases and pests. Symptoms and reasons for their appearance can be different, as well as ways to help the flower.

Problems with blossom

The first buds are blooming on it in 3-5 months after seeding. But sometimes all acceptable time passes, and home maple does not bloom. So, he lacks forces to tie and dissolve buds.

The main reasons why Abutilon does not bloom two:

  1. lighting shortage (plant requires at least 2 hours of bright sunlight per day);
  2. excessively large volume of floral pot: the bush spends too much forces to fill the root system.

Sometimes Abutilon recesses buds. Probable backgrounds of such a phenomenon:

  • insufficient watering, especially in the spring-summer period;
  • nutrient deficit, need for additional feeding;
  • impact of drafts, indoor maple does not tolerate them.

Problems with leaves

With incorrect care with the leaves of room maple, there may also be problems in a different nature and varying degrees of complexity. Each of them needs to be solved individually:

The main pests of Abutloron:

  • Shields. When they appear, the abutil is covered with sticky discharge, and then small plaques of brown color. To remove pests, you can use a cotton disk and treat a stitch with a solution of insecticide, for example, an act of activating or soapy.
  • Cellite ticks. Signs of their presence in a pot with a plant - the presence of gray or black specks on the inner surface of the leaves, as well as a thin coat. You can cope with this pest using anthetin or phytodeterm. Processing must be carried out several times, with a weekly interruption.
  • . Causes consumables considerable harm and infects them with viral diseases. With the appearance of TLI, a solution of agroventine can be used or using folk remedies. For example, once a week is allowed to handle the bustard of the infusion of garlic with the household soap.

How to trim Abutilon

Room cloth at home can grow up to 1.5 meters in height. Without trimming, it loses the form, inflorescences are located only at the ends of the shoots. To form a compact bush or a strambet tree, it is necessary to cut down in the spring and autumn, leaving half or one third of the initial length from them. Abutilon feels comfortable after trimming and pinching, completely restoring the volume of green mass in a few weeks.

To form a compact bush or a strambet tree, without trimming can not do. The shoots are cut and pinch in autumn and spring to half or a third of the initial length.

So that Abutilon busted well, with a flashing bustle, it is necessary to regularly cut the dried and damaged branches, cut forward the crown. And in the spring the correction of the crown shape must be repeated. Thanks to the pruning, sleeping kidneys awaken and side branches appear. After this procedure, the plant must be bought. When forming a stammer to give a plant of stability so that the bush does not put the branches, it is recommended to put supports.

Flower Abutilon is a dream of many homemade flora lovers. This pot culture combines ease of care, unpretentiousness and high decorativeness. Carefully treat the green "pet" and it every year, from spring and to late autumn will delight you with abundant and colorful bloom.

Golden UCS (Callia Siny): landing and care at home ,

Abutilon is an unpretentious indoor plant that perfectly fit into the home or office interior will become the decoration of winter gardens. It does not require the creation of special conditions and careful care, so it is quite popular among Flora lovers. About what kinds is the room is Abutilon, and how to grow it correctly, you will learn from this article.

Botanical characteristic of Abutloron

This plant of the family of Malvs is an evergreen tree or shrub, whose leaves are reminded in size and shaped maples. This gave Abutilon another popular name - room maple. In a natural habitat, these plants live in the tropical zone of Africa, South Asia and South America, so the flower loves a large amount of light and heat.

With proper content, it reaches a height of 1.5-2 meters and richly branched. The leaflets are located on the cutters and have a length of 10-20 cm, a sheet plate oval or heart-shaped, with soft and rare hairs. Usually, the leaves have a green color, but there are varieties with golden-motley or scarlet colors.

Flowers, similar in shape on the bell, are distinguished by brightness and variety of shades from white to red. Blossom differs in duration. It occurs from early spring and to deep autumn. In India, the cooler fiber of Abutlor is used to create burlap, ropes and ropes, so the plant has another name - a cannket.

Views of Abutloron

This shrub has more than 100 varieties and hybrids. Consider the most suitable types of photos with photos.

  • Abutilon Bell is a recently derived variety, which is distinguished by the presence of bulk bright flowers of pink or golden color (diameter of about 8 cm) and large branchiness. It grows about 40 cm and beautifully blooms throughout the year. In pruning and pinching does not need;

  • Juliet is a very unpretentious appearance whose cultivation does not require abundant lighting and frequent irrigation. The plant reaches a height half a meter and gives bright large flowers in six months after seeding;

  • Organza is a branched shrub to a meter in height with green smooth foliage and large bright flowers, located singly. Requires frequent trimming to maintain form;

  • Bellevue is a hybrid mixture having flowers with coloring under all the colors of the rainbow. It is a lush beautiful bush, which has a height of up to two meters under the correct conditions of care and constant pruning;

  • Bella Mix is \u200b\u200banother hybrid with large flowers (diameter up to 8 cm) of gentle tones: yellow, apricot, pink;

  • Sello - this type is distinguished by the easy branching and inflorescences of peach tones with pinkish residences. Bloom occurs since July until December;

  • Tiger eye is a large shrub with an orange shade flowers and red streaks. Looks very beautiful and reminds the lantern.

The care of abutilon at home does not require much attention or some special skills. You only need to perform some simple recommendations.

Planting a canter

Abutilon from seeds is grown in a mixture of peat, light earth and sand (in proportion 2: 2: 1, respectively).

  • The soil in front of the sowing is recommended to sift him to get looseness and better kept moisture. It also needs to be disinfected by mangalls from fungi and bacteria;
  • The seed material is soaked in a warm water for 12 hours;
  • Seeds are planted into a small depth of the pot - about 5 mm are tightened with film to create "greenhouses" and placed in a warm sunny place. Shoots begin to appear in about 20 days;
  • When the first leaflets appear, seedlings need to be seeded in small cups with a diameter of about 7 cm. Now you just need to properly care for the abutilon, creating the desired level of humidity, lighting and temperature (about it below), and after half a year the plant will begin to bloom.

Of course, you can buy in a flower shop already an adult blooming copy, but the price of seeds is much cheaper, and grow a "green friend" on its own much more pleasant and more interesting. The cost of seed packing on average is 20 rubles, and the young plant will cost approximately 500 rubles.

Required temperature and lighting for room maple

Homemade maple Abutilon is a flower that needs too much. For him, the room with an abundance of daylight is well suited, but the plant does not like very bright lighting. In summer, it needs to be taken out on fresh air, a veranda or a balcony, putting in a privided corner. But the "green pet" may not bloom with insufficient light.

In the summer in a room where the abutilon is contained, the optimal temperature level should be + 20-25 degrees, not lower. In the winter period, it is permissible to reduce the temperature regime to + 10-15 degrees, but it must be borne in mind that if the shrub is long in the room with a temperature of +10 degrees, it will begin to dry.

Watering a canter

When the plant begins with active growth (in a warm period), it must be regularly and abundantly water. This process can not be reduced during flowering home maple. Excess water that is recruited in the pallet of an hour later after watering, is poured. Somewhere from November to water the shrub need less and this rule must be adhere to February.

If the soil is susceptible to dry or overcoat, maple can lose colors and thick crowns.

Air humidity

The "green resident" loves moisture, so if he is in a stuffy room, it needs to be sprayed with water as often as possible. When flowering bush, spraying is performed very carefully - the water should not fall on the flowers.

Fertilizer of homemade maple

Abutilon needs feeding organic and mineral fertilizers regularly once a week. With the active growth of the shrub when he picks up a green mass, which is sometimes sometimes occasionally, it is desirable to make nitrogen. Homemade maple fabricated with potassium and phosphorus before flowering, but the process of feeding is not needed at all.


Abutilon must be trimmed in a timely manner so that the bush has the right size and the desired height, because it has the ability to quickly grow.

While the Green Friend has no active growth, it is cut off by 1/3 (or 2/3) lengths. Such shorting stimulates the lush flowering, forms a beautiful crown. On young shrubs, the tops are plugged, and then the plant is transferred to the warm room, they fit well and watered.

Domestic Male Transplantation

The reproduction of the shrub occurs with stalling or seeds. The most favorable time for breeding maple cuttings - August. Although this can be done at all times of the year.

  1. We take a stalk to 12 cm long with a flexible trunk. With it we remove the bottom leaves and buds. To plant cuttings, use a mixture of sand and peat, or a ready-made substrate from the store.
  2. Plant cuttings in small cups, cover with banks. This is the most create as if greenhouse conditions, and a short system appears at seedlings. During this period, they need to water, spray, ventilated.
  3. Then the sprouted cuttings are transplanted into the pots having a diameter of 7 cm, no more.