Repairs Design Furniture

Winter surveys in the second youngest group. Walk in the second younger group


Promoting the formation of ideas about the collection and benefits of vegetables. Develop search engagement, observation and curiosity. Promoting the creation of good mood.


Cognitive-research, perception fiction, Musical, Labor, Muscular, Game.

Funds: letter, attributes of railway worker, mouthpieces, baskets in the number of children, large basket, mirror, inventory for labor activity, watering can, attributes for the plot-role-playing game "Shop": shop, vessels of vegetables, signs for counters, apron and a hat for the seller, bags for buyers; Sports inventory for ATS.

Methods: Artistic Word, Show, Mobile game, Intemeric Activity, musical accompaniment, promotion, individual work, reflection.

Reflection: The result of a walk.

Structure of a walk:

A letter comes to the group in which children are invited to a fun journey. The teacher opens it and reads children. Children together with the educator are going and overlooking the street.

On the street they hear the ad from the horn:

Attention! Attention!

The train from Romashkovo

Departs from this way!

Please take your places!

The educator puts the attributes of the railway and announces that there will be many stops. According to their name, we will perform tasks. Children are built up with a train, depict the movement of the train. The educator reads a poem

V.Musatova "Merry Train":

Noise and fun in the woods at the Alley,

Long chain panama whites.

Keep the guys each other for the belt -

A minute later the train will go.

The first in the chain was a steam locomotive -

He went down and carved cars.

Ten cars - ten guys.

Rushing cars and burst loudly.

Rushing forward on the shoots, on the slopes,

Everyone wants to be a locomotive!

Everyone wants to be a steam locomotive,

The first to run on the shoots, on the slopes,

I want very much, but only it is impossible:

The train can not quit friends.

Here is the burdens - Chu-Chu-Chu! - steam locomotive.

Ten cars on the hill are taken.

Ten cars do not want to fall behind -

Also try, too, puff.

Past trees, past bushes ...

Go to Saratov? Go to Rostov?

Or in some city of another?

"U-y! .. - Top up, - we go home!"

Each legs work cleverly,

We drove, drove - stop! Stop.

Two-storey house, blue house,

With red roof and yellow tube ...

Praise guys their locomotive,

Quickly up kindergarten Doves!

The train arrived, there is no train

The train washed and sat down for lunch.

As if in the depot of locomotives are silent,

Heard as spoons in the dining room are knocking.

The "train" arrived at the site.

The educator announces:

  1. "Attention! Stop "Berry". Children stop, "come out of the wagons." The educator proposes to start a dance:

"Malinka will go to the garden."

purpose : Exercise children perform a variety of movements, forming a circle, exercise in a melodic pronunciation of the lyrics.

According to the signal "U-U-y ...", children are staged by a train and go further.

  1. The tutor sets the direction of "the train" to the sports field. Announces stop " Sunny».

Observation of the Sun.« Sun radiant appeared in the sky».

purpose : Continue to acquaint children with the phenomena of inanimate nature, changes taking place with the Sun. Support a good mood while walking.

Sun land examined

Each beam left the trail.

There is no more important in the world

How to give heat and light.

Notes that on such a sunny day, the sun is not at all hot, it does not heat so much like at the beginning of summer.

Questions for children: "Where is the sun? What is it? "," Sun warms? " - It is noted that the sun shines, but heats not so much, it's not hot on the street. Educator proposes to listen to children fairy tale Hippo and sun »

Once a hippo caught the sun and decided to make his friends a gift. He divided the sun into pieces and crushed them. And immediately it became dark on the ground! I understood the animals, which they did a mistake. They folded the sun and returned it to the place.

- What mistake did the beasts?

- Who needs Sunny?

- Can the sun harm?

The educator offers to play with the sun.

Held movable game "Solar bunnies."

Purpose: Specify the directions, up, down, to the side, learn to perform a variety of movements. Develop the motor activity of children.

Game traffic: The teacher holds a small mirror in his hand and says: "Look, a funny sunny bunny rushes to visit us. See how he rejoices, jumps up, then down, then to the side. And piled! Let's play with him! "

Skachwings are dripping - sunny bunnies.

Jump! Skok! Up-down-in side (children try to catch sun bunny)

We call them - do not go.

Were here - and there are no them here.

Jump! Skok! Up! Down! In the side!

Jump jumping in the corners

Were there - and there are no them there.

Where are the shooters - solar bunnies?

Children are included in the game and are looking for a sun bunny. The game is repeated.

The "U-U-y ..." signal is distributed, children are built by a train, "train" goes on, the teacher leads children to the garden.

  1. Announced station "Harvest"

The educator reads a poem:

Eat vegetables and fruit

These are the best products.

You will be saved from all diseases.

There is no delicious and helpful.

Make friends with vegetables,

And with salads and sch).

Vitamins in them are not reading.

So you need it!

Look at what kind of harvest we have in the garden! It's time to collect him. But first we need to help plants on the garden so that there are even more vitamins.

Experience " Vegetables are easier to breathe if the soil is poured and explode»

Purpose: To form in children the ability to make simple conclusions, develop memory and thinking.

Suggest viewing the soil in the garden, touch it. What is she on the touch? (Dry, hard.) Can I crash with a stick? Why did she become like that? Why dried so? (The sun was dried.) In such Earth, vegetables breathe badly. Now we are polly of their beds. After watering, skip the soil on the garden. What is she now? (Wet.) And the wand is easily included in the ground? Now we will explode her, and vegetables will begin to breathe.

Output: What have we learned about today? When hawkers breathe easier? (It is easier to breathe if the soil pour and explode.)

Well now we collect vegetables with beds. And what do we need to take to collect a crop? (the necessary inventory is laid out)

Labor activity - Work in the garden.

Purpose: Exercising children to work together, consolidate the ability to fulfill the instructions of the caregiver when collecting vegetables. Eat hard work.

And now all come,

What do you like - take!

But before you take something,

The riddle must be guessing.

Magnifying mysteries:

Russell lady in the garden
Dressed in noisy silk.
We prepare for her
And large salts floor bag.
- cabbage -

For curly khokholok
Fox made of mink tops.
To the touch - very smooth,
Taste - like sugar sweet.
- carrot -

Very long grows
And half the bed takes.
This pumpkin vegetable brother,
In summer, everything is eaten.
- zucchini -

Groans on the garden
Green branches
And on them
Red kids.
- Tomatoes -

In summer - in the garden,
Fresh, green,
And in winter - in the barrel,
Strong, salty.
- Cucumbers -

Collected crops in baskets. The educator praises children. Reads poem:

We worked on the glory!

We collected a crop!

Take it into the kitchen,

Cook will make a salad.

Vitamins! Vitamins!

This is the joy for the guys!

There is a signal to depart. Children are built by each other and with baskets go to the plot.

  1. The educator announces: stop " Game»

On the veranda there is a large basket for the harvest, children fold in her vegetables, in order to attribute them to cooks.

The educator attracts the attention of children:

- Look at what our handsome store! Oh, but someone visited here and mixed all the products! How do we now sell them? Let's decompose products in counterparts.

Children lay out everything in places when order is induced in the store - it opens.

Scene-role game " Score»

Purpose: Formation of the correct behavior of relationships during the game. Educating a benevolent relation to each other.

The tutor takes on the role of the seller, children - buyers. The plot-role-playing game unfolds.

  1. Individual work on ATS with Misha, Sasha, Polina:

« Throw a ball with a sunny bunny»

Purpose: Exercise in the ability to properly take the starting position, perform a throw from the bottom. Develop agility, coordination of movements, confidence.

The seller in the store sold Dasha ball. The tutor conducts individual work on the ATS. With the help of a mirror adult makes a sun bunny, a child throws the ball in his direction.

Self game activity With remote material.

Railway serves a signal:

- Attention! Attention!

Train from Romashkovo

go to kindergarten!

Children "sit down" in the train and go to kindergarten. On the way the teacher and children relating harvest in the kitchen.

Reflection : Children talk about what they liked that they found out new, what else want to know.

Name: SUBSTRUE SUPPECT WAY junior group "Merry train"
Nomination: kindergarten, abstracts of classes, nodes, ecology, second junior group

Position: Educator
Place of work: MBDOU "Kindergarten №102"
Location: Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region

Walk in kindergarten is an integral part of the educational process. This article presents walks for the second youngest group for the first half of September. For a walk, the educator continues educational processwho develops in children necessary knowledge, skills and abilities.
Walk 1.
Weather monitoring
Purpose: to learn to determine the time of year on characteristic features.
Stroke observation
Suggest the children to see if there is a sun or clouds in the sky. Ask what they did clouds (closed the sun), note what kind of heaven (gloomy), what the weather is (frowning). Winds are blowing, the winds are buoy, there are clouds, clouds are dark. To draw the attention of children on the tops of trees
(swing), the wind blows, rocks the trees. Read children poem "Autumn"
In the trees bloomed foliage.
If on the trees leaves wishes.
If in the edge of a distant bird flew,
If the sky is gloomy, if the rain is poured,
This time is called in the fall.
Labor activity
Putting sand for the game.
Objectives: To accustom to abide by the purity and order on the plot, encourage
assist adults; Continue to consolidate the knowledge that dry sand is crumbling, and if it is poured, it becomes wet and you can sculpt cakes for dolls.
Movable game
"Take care of the subject."
Objective: Learn to act and navigate the signal, in space, develop dexterity.
Individual work
"Go through the rope"
Development of movements.
Remote material
Watering cans, cubes and molds for each child for playing with
sand, doll, cars.
Walk 2.
Watching birds during feeding
Goals: instilling the desire to take care of birds; continue to form knowledge about the hawves of birds; Educating love for nature.
Stroke observation
Before walk to leave the bird feed on the site. Test children to feeder for birds. To watch what birds first flew to the trough (fast, yurk, bold). Little boy, in the gray Armenian, walks around the courtyard, picks up the crumbs.
The educator sets children questions, suggests guessing the riddle.
What birds collect grains? (Bloom, he is sharp; birds peck and fly to a new place.)
How do birds shout? How to jump? Chick-Chirik to the grains - Jump. Keys - not Roby! Who is it? (Sparrow.)
Labor activity
Feeding birds. Objectives: encourage independent execution
elementary orders (bird feeding, plot cleaning); To continue the desire to care for animals.
Movable game
"Purobushki and cat."
Objectives: Learning gently, jump, bending legs in the knees; run, not touching each other, believed from leading; continue to learn quickly run away, find your place; Be careful, occupying a place, not to push the comrade.
Individual work.
"Jumping on two legs"
Purpose: develop the ability to jump.
Remote material
Food for birds, dolls, dressed in the weather, emblems masks, pencils, scoops, cars.
Walk 3.
Surveillance bus
Objectives: learning to distinguish transport in appearance; fasten the names of the main parts of the car; Continue to fix the skills of behavior in the bus.
Stroke observation
Read the poem about the machines.
On the street of our car, cars.
Machine-baby, cars are large.
Hurry freight, passenger fyrchat,
Torch, rushing, as if alive.
Every car business and care
Machines come out in the morning to work.
Bus - passenger transport, people transported on it. The driver sits ahead, and in the cabin passengers. Passengers await a bus at the bus stop. When the bus drives up, they enter and occupy space. During movement, you can not get up, run around the cabin, touch your hands
a door. You need to wait until the driver opens the door.
Labor activity
Sweeping track leading to the site.
Purpose: learn correctly, use brooms.
Movable game
Objectives: To accustom to observe the rules of the road; Fasten the knowledge of buses.
Individual work
"Throw the ball"
Objective: Develop the ability to catch the ball with two hands
Remote material
Handles, scoops, molds, toys, chalk, cars.
PR O G U L K A 4
Consider clubs
Goals: continue learning to distinguish and call two flowering plants in color, size, pay attention to their color; Fasten love for nature.
Stroke observation
For a walk, we bring the children to the flower bed, where chamomiles grow, velvets. To acquaint children with plants, tell about them. Velhets Other Tagtess name, they are low and high, different golden orange shades. Flowers small and large, leaves dissected, motley, with a sharp smell. Grow fast, bloom to frosts.
Chamomile is a high elegant plant with small white flower. Flarely long, deep autumn. Good grows in sunny plots.
Labor activity
Digging the velvets and transplanting them into boxes for further observations in the corner of nature.
Purpose: to educate the desire to participate in the care of plants.
Movable game
"Bird in a nest".
Objectives: Learning to walk and run, swarming, not pushing
each other; Acquire quickly, act across the tutor signal,
to help each other.
Individual work on the subject of the week
Remote material
Schedule, small toys, sports hoops, molds, blades, drawers for flowers.
Walk 5.
Observation of the clouds
Objectives: to acquaint with different natural phenomena; Show a variety of water condition in environment; To form a creative attitude to business.
Stroke observation
Wasy clouds,
White fur coats
And in unknown gave
Like horses croutons
On heavenly carpet,
Entertaining Devor
Offer children to watch clouds, tell me that
the clouds consist of water droplets. Offer each child to choose the most liked cloud and trace where it
flowers, quickly moves or slowly. Let every child
give your cloud name.
Labor activity
Collection of fallen leaves and other garbage on the site.
Objective: To accustom to observe order on the site of the kindergarten.
Movable game
"From the bump on the hammer."
Objectives: Continue to learn to jump on two legs; jump from high items to gently land, bending legs in the knees; Improve jumping skills.
Individual work
"Jumping through the rope"
Purpose: Develop physical qualities.
Remote material
Schookes, Sandbox Molds, Machines, Cubes for
games, chalk, gloves.
Walk 6.
Watching birds
Objectives: Continue watching birds on the site; Learning to distinguish between the main parts of the body; Develop and educate careful attitude towards birds.
Stroke observation
In the fall, you can often see how the telegraph wires or bushes are sitting and tweetted sparrows. Please note that birds are going to the cold. Invite children to feed the birds, pouring them with bread crumbs, do it, like birds peck.
- Sparrow, what are you waiting for?
Bread crumbs do not peck.
- I have long noticed the crumbs,
Yes, I'm afraid angry cat.
Together with children consider appearance birds. (The body is covered in a fortune, feathers, there are wings; they fly, jump, peck.)
Labor activity
Feeding birds.
Objectives: encourage to independently perform elementary orders (bird feeding, site cleaning); Rise up a desire to care for animals.
Movable game
"Get into the circle."
Objectives: Improve the ability to act with different subjects; Develop the ability to throw objects in a certain direction with two hands; develop the eye meter, coordination of movement, dexterity.
Individual work on the subject of the week
Remote material
Food for birds, dolls, dressed in weather, emblems masks, pencil, scoops, cars.
PR O G U L K A 7
Observation of roadway road
Objectives: to acquaint with the roadway road - highway; Give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe rules of the road.
Stroke observation
Go to the carriageway of the road and watch the movement of transport. Explain that kindergarten is located next to the road. It is a highway. Read the poem about the road-highway.
At the highway, the brother teaches fame:
"The look left, look right!
If there are no cars near,
Then go, do not brand!
If the car is close,
Stop, as in the radish field! "
Glory immediately laughed:
"Long here else to grow?"
Ask which cars moving along the highway? Let the children name familiar cars. Pay attention to the fact that there are a lot of passenger and trucksAnd no one bothers each other. This is because driving the road rules.
Labor activity
Sgrading dry leaves in a certain place. Purpose: Learning
proper to use robbles, fill buckets "to a certain measure.
Movable game
"Furnits - catch-up."
Purpose: learn to coordinate your actions with actions
Individual work
"Saving the ball"
Purpose: Fasten the skills
Remote material
Rui, emblems masks, scoops, molds, toys, chalk,
Walk 8.
Observation of the janitor's work
Objectives: Continue to educate respect for the work of adults; Learning to come to help others.
Stroke observation
To draw the attention of children to the crushed territory. Tell them about the peculiarities of the janitor's work, its need for people. Call
children desire to abide by purity.
Labor activity
Clearing platforms from leaves, branches.
Objectives: Acqualing children to help adults; learn the right job skills with a chisen; Fasten the ability to remove the inventory after work for your previous place.
Movable game
"Find yourself a couple."
Purpose: Exercise in running, develop endurance and dexterity.
Individual work
"Help to a friend"
Purpose: continue to instill mutual assistance
Remote material
Shovels, scrapers, seats, pencils, flags, metels.
Walk 9.
Observation of the autumn forest
Objectives: expand the idea of \u200b\u200bthe forest; Learn to admire the beauty of the native nature in the fall.
Stroke observation
Read the children poem about the autumn forest to children.
Holiday in autumn in the forest -
And light, and fun.
Here are some decorations
Autumn burned here.
Each golden leaf -
Small sunny.
Colon in the basket I,
Put on the bottom.
Shore I leave ...
Autumn continues.
I have long at home
The holiday does not end.
On the way to the woods to stop the children in such a place where the forest was visible from released and looks well. To admire the multicolored forest, draw the attention of children to the beauty of the landscape. Clarify which color is characteristic of autumn trees.
Labor activity
Cleaning a forest area where children will play.
Objective: To accustom to observe the purity and order in the forest.
Movable game
"Birds in nests." Objectives: Learning to walk and run a swarming, not pushing at each other; Acquire quickly, act across the tutor signal, help each other.
Individual work
"Get into the goal"
Purpose: continue to develop physical qualities.
Remote material
Baskets for cones, buckets for garbage collection.
Walk number 10.
Leisure observation
Objective: to learn to determine signs of autumn, develop observation. Learn to admire the beauty of the native nature.
Stroke observation
Take the children to such a place where the grove was visible from afar and looks well. Pay attention to the beauty of the grove in the fall. While walking through the grove, pay attention to the fallen leaves. Suggest children to run on false foliage. Ask children with all the trees the same leaves. Suggest children to collect leaves from different trees.
Leaf fall, leaf fall,
Yellow leaves fly.
Yellow maple, yellow beech,
Yellow sun circle in the sky.
Yellow courtyard, yellow house.
All Land of Yellow Circle.
Yellowness, yellowness,
So autumn is not spring.
Compare assembled leaves in shape, coloring. Ask for children to choose the most beautiful in their look leaves, ask why they liked them.
Labor activity
Clearing from leaves, dry branches.
Objectives: Continue to accustom children to help adults; learn the right skills to work with rakes; Fasten the ability to remove the post -rabest inventory for your previous place.
Movable game
"We are leaflets"
Objective: Teach children carefully listen to the text and in accordance with it perform movements.
We leaves, we leavers children stand a circle, holding in
We are autumn leaves. Hands leaf.
We sat on the branches, scatter in different directions.
Revealed wind - flew
We flew, we flew - run, having fluttered with leaves.
All leaves are so tired.
Stopped blowing the breeze - squatted in a circle,
Everyone sat down in a circle. Leafs hold above head.
The wind again suddenly blurted out in different directions.
And leaflets from the branches plot.
All leaflets flop leaves up
And on Earth quietly sat down.
Individual work on the subject of the week
Remote material
Sovkochka, molds for sandboxes, cars, cubes for games, chalk.

Junior group.

Walk 17.

Observation. "What a spruce"

purpose: Show that the ate has a trunk, branches are covered with needles. There are many of them, they are small, green, prickly. The branches on the ate different: downstairs - large spreading, at the top - small, rare. Spruce - Slender beautiful tree, it looks like a pyramid.

Methodical techniques: The educator invites children to find the trunk, touch it with his hands, show the branches, to portray their arms with their hands. Children bypass the Christmas tree around, admire its slim and beauty. Putting the children away, the teacher himself depicts the triangular shape of the fir, says that it looks like a toy pyramid (shows a specially cooked toy), invites children with hands to show the shape of ate.

Labor activity

Snow smooth shovel.

Objective: Learning to work together, to achieve the goal of the goal with common efforts.

Individual workDevelopment of movements.

Objective: Learning to throw snowballs in the distance.

Outdoor games

Objective: to learn the rules of the order in the game requiring the same actions with one common subject. "Who will quick to check box?". Purpose: Learn to perform actions strictly across the tutor.

Remote material

Shovels, scoops, bullets, buckets, molds for snow, ski slopes with slides, flags Red and blue.

An evening walk.

Weather monitoring

Expand the ideas about the signs of nature in a frosty day. Frost pinch pucks, nose, draws patterns on glasses.

Game-imitation"Fleeces-concerned as snowflakes"

Develop fantasy.

Independent games with remote material. To make a snowman.

Junior group.

Walk 18.

Observation"Let's help her Christmas tree - she is live"

purpose: To educate the careful attitude to the tree on the example of ate: show how they shake the snow, when there is a lot of it, so that he does not break the branches with his severity; As the trunk of snow, so that the roots become warmer.

Methodical techniques:By losing the children to a fir, the educator proposes to say hello to her, not to admire her beauty: "Spruce is not a person - can not talk, but we will say hello to her tender words: our beauty, we came to look at you and take care of you. Stuck the snow with your paw, so that the roots do not froze. "The teacher himself cautiously shakes the snow, children help to sketch it under the Christmas tree.

Labor activity

Snowing snow with blades, clearing track.

Objective: Learning to work together, to achieve goals with common efforts

Individual work: Drawings on the snow.

Purpose: imagination, develop interest in drawing, develop small motor hand

Outdoor games

"I catch birds on the fly" (Russian folk). Objectives:

    learn to act quickly in the signal;

    run, not pushing at each other.
    "Get into the goal" ..

Purpose: Exercise in a throw in the target, develop dexterity.

Remote material

Shovels, brooms, scrapers, sledges.

An evening walk

Observation Behind the fresh snow. Develop in children the ability to notice unusual in nature: Fresh-haired snow, its whiteness, temperature. Awake interest in the snow an unusual material - In the snow, traces remain, you can draw on it. Show children how snow flashes from stirring hands, learning to find traces of people and their own, traces of dogs, birds, not necessarily at all - you can wait until the next observation. Learn to use interns for snow. Learning to notice beauty in the surrounding. After observing, children can offer non-light sticks and squeaks for independent drawing in the snow.

N / game. « Snow targets "make a target snow. Show children how to sculpt snowballs and throw them on targets.


Junior group.

Walk 19.

Observation"Comparison of the live and toy christmas tree"

Purpose: Show the difference alive ate from an artificial Christmas tree (living grows, she stands in one place, roots go deep into the ground, it smelly smells, beautiful from the fucking and snow; the artificial Christmas tree was made at the factory, it looks like a living spruce - she also has a trunk, branches and needles, but it does not smell, does not grow, it can be transferred and put it in any place, dress up christmas toys - Then she will become beautiful; Artificial Christmas tree, in contrast to alive, does not appear.

Methodical techniques: The educator for observation takes the artificial Christmas tree, which will then stand in the group. Putting it next to the lively, invites children to consider both christmas trees, find the table, branches, touch with bare hands, stroke the paws and needles to smell. Calls the differences between them, asks to repeat behind him, draws attention to the beauty of the living spruce: it is green, well visible on the snow, they are decorated with frost and snow flakes; She sparkles in the sun, very beautiful, nice to stand and look at her. Artificial Christmas tree You can attribute to the group and decorate with New Year's toys - it will also be beautiful, but differently.

Labor activity

Construction of snow flower beds.

Purpose: Learn to rack the snow with shovels in a certain place.

Individual work: Acquaintance with the cat.

Objective: To form ideas about pets, what benefit they bring to people to exercise in the pronunciation of sound resistance, develop memory, speech, to form ideas about proper methods interactions with animals.

Outdoor games

"Purobushki and car".

Purpose: consolidate knowledge of road rules.

"Who will jump better?".

Objectives: Teach correlate your own actions with the actions of the participants of the game;

    fasten the ability to jump.

Remote material

Dolls dressed in weather, emblem masks.

An evening walk

Observation. Pay attention to the beauty of the winter landscape (white circle, snow sparkles in the sun, blue sky). Mark which sun (dim, bright, closed clouds). Recall what it was yesterday.

N / game"My cheerful ringing ball."

The goal is to teach children to jump on two legs, listen carefully to the text and run away only when they are pronounced last words. Game traffic:

My cheerful ringing ball,

Where did you get to dissolve?

Red, Yellow, Blue,

Do not keep up with you!

Work. Clean feeders, pour food.

Junior group.

Walk 20.

Summary of pine.

Purpose: To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe peculiarities of pine on which it can be allocated among other trees, develop observation, to educate the careful attitude towards nature.

Test children to pine. Pay their attention to characteristics.

Instead of needle leaves, always green, branches at the bottom are long, at the top are short. In winter, only pine is green. Suggest pass throughout the territory children's house And find pine.

Always in the forest you will find it

Walk to walk and meet.

It is striking, like a hedgehog,

In winter in a summer dress

Labor activity

Clearing the territory of snow.

    teaching the right to use the spatula, wear snow to build, help comrades in the fulfillment of employment actions;

    bring the work started to the end.

Individual work: Exercise on sound resistance "How does the machine signal? "

Purpose: Learning to distinguish and call transport, develop the skills of connected speech, to educate activity in communication.

Outdoor games

"On a roving track."

Objectives: - - Learn to go to a low bruus;

    jump, bending legs in the knees.
    "Who will make less jumps?"
    Objectives: - Learn to jump by gigantic steps;

    start the game on the tutor signal.

Remote material

Shovels, brooms, stretchers, molds for snow, oilcloth for riding, pencils.

An evening walk

Observation.It should be noted that the trees dropped the foliage for the winter. To explain that in the frosty days the branches of trees and bushes are very fragile, easily break, so they need to be protected, do not break, do not knock on the trunk.

N / game. "Tracks".

The goal is to teach children to run the arcs after another, making complex turns, keep balance, do not interfere with the arc to a friend and not push ahead of the running.

Game move: different winding lines are drawn on the site, children run on them.

Work.Clean feeders, pour food. Short the snow to the trunks of bushes on the site.

home and family

What includes a trip file for walking in the second younger group?

February 11, 2014.

Most parents underestimate the significance of walking in the life of children. Fresh air, the sun and chat with children is the main result, according to moms and dads, from street festivities. However, in preschool educational institution Each group has a whole card file walk! In the second younger group, where children are only 3-4 years old, the pedagogical material is also collected.

General scheme for walking

Before the educator, there are more global tasks than just walking with children. Each walk is subordinate to a specific topic and includes 4 points:

  • observation;
  • plot role;
  • physical activity;
  • labor activity.

The topics of walks are closely related to the curriculum. For example, a card file for walking the second younger group for autumn includes a birdbirth. Then the poultry will be sculpted on the modeling, reading books about wintering and games to select on this topic.

In accordance with example, the purpose of observation will be acquaintance with birds in the territory of the kindergarten. The tutor should not only tell about them, but also to draw the attention of children to the body part, feed, movement. It is the behavior of birds playing in rolling games and on physical education ("go like a clarification", "jump as a pile").

Whatever the author belongs to the card file of walks in the second youngest group, it includes scene-role games. They help children feel the position of birds when they hunt a predator or not enough feed in winter. Therefore, the final stage will be the hanging of the feeders and permanent feeding of the feathers.

How to make a walk plan

There are special on sale teaching books With a card file for each group for every day. However, teachers are inconvenient to work with a book, so they make special cards, where the goal and task of the walk, the names of the games, a description of the work, extensive material are briefly prescribed.

For novice teachers of a card file of walks in the second youngest group is a crib. But so that the children do not scatter the dying, educators prescribe a detailed abstract of classes, selecting also poems, signs, functions, riddles.

The teacher pays more attention to the development of observation in children and their speech activity, paying attention to the hyperbola, comparisons, epithets, descriptive adjectives (ramp winds, the sun is red). Please note that every institution has its own educational standard and a program in accordance with which the entire pedagogical process is built.

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What purposes are subject to a card file of walks?

The second younger group walks twice a day. The theme of the walk can be united for the whole day or adjacent. For example, see the differences in the morning and evening sun, or in the morning to study the properties of sand, and in the evening it is to watch birds.

Walking in this age group The following tasks solve:

A card file of walks in the second younger group allows you to change classes in places when changing weather conditions. For example, the evening was planned to monitor how the flowers are preparing to sleep, and because of the shower, all classes are adjusted. Thanks to walks, children quickly enshrine the knowledge gained and can hit their parents with their observations!

A summary of a walk in the second youngest group "Winter Joy".
Purpose: continue to create favorable conditions For the development of motor activity of children on a walk and interest in it.
Educational: Continue to acquaint children with seasonal changes in nature; consolidate the names of winter clothes and shoes; To acquaint children with snow value in nature.
Developing: Continue to develop the ability to act across the signaler and coordinate their movements with movements of peers; develop attention, memory, auditory perception and curiosity; Continue to develop the ability to jump on two legs.
Educational: to educate interest in the diversity of the surrounding world; encourage children's interest in nature; Cross children to direct communication with nature, the perception of her beauty and diversity.
Wordwork: Snow blanket, bitten, frosty air, beauty-beauty.
Integration educational regions: "Cognition", "Health", " Physical education"," Communication "," Artistic Word "," Labor "," Socialization ".
Preliminary work with children: making feeders; Making an album "Seasons"; viewing slides about seasonal changes; Heading the poems of winter and winter fun, learning games. Production of crafts of parents along with children to the exhibition "New Year's toy".
Equipment: Bear Mask and Doggy, Dog Toy, Shovels, Slanders, Designer Large, Strollers and Sledge For Dolls.
Conducted in the locker room during the dressing of children. The educator draws attention to the need for warm clothing, fixes with children the name of clothing, shoes, hats.
Main part:
Observation start with emotional moment: Guys, see how beautiful on the street! Circle white white! And how well breathe! What is the time of year now?
-And you love the winter?
-What do you like most in winter? (children's responses)
- Molders!
Let's breathe winter, fresh, frosty air through the spout, and exhale through the mouth.
Listen to one very beautiful winter poem:
White snow fluffy
In the air spruce
And on the ground quietly
Falls, go to bed.
And in the morning snow
The field was glad,
Exactly pellenium
All his dressed.
-I like this poem?
What is this poem? (About the snow, about winter) What does snow look like? (on a blanket that crushes the earth and all alive). Right, children!
As you, mommy is covered with a warm blanket before bedtime, and snow looked at the plants, trees, shrubs. For them, fluffy snow in winter real salvation from frost and wind. The more snow in the winter, the warmer to all plants and trees.
-And in the forest under the snow in Berorga sleeps all winter teddy bear closure.
Let's wake a bear to and he can admire the beauty in winter!
The game of small mobility "Bear".
Children get up in a circle. A bear is chosen, he gets into a circle and closes his eyes.
- like under the tree snow, snow,
- And on the Christmas tree snow, snow,
- and under the slide snow, snow,
- and on a hill snow, snow,
- And under the snow is sleeping bear
- Hush, quieter, not noise!
On 1 and 3 lines, children go in a circle, and on 2 and 4 - from the circle, on 5 lines, children carefully fit the bear, 6 lines pronounces one child as directed by the educator. The bear should learn in a voice who called.
During the game, the teacher monitors the clear observance of the rules, reminds that it is necessary to play honestly.
Well done boys! Mishka really liked to play with you, and now Mishke is time again in the forest. Let's take the blades, we clear the tracks from the snow so that the bear can get on clean tracks home. (Labor activity)
If the blades are not all, then the teacher offers the rest of the strollers and sledges for dolls, as well as the designer and the sountors.
While cleaning snow, the children find a toy (dog).
- Guys, see who we found in the snow, who is it? Dog frozen. Let us warm our dog, regret it, stand up. A dog whispered to me on the ear, that she became warm and joyful and she wants with you guys play the game.
The educator invites children to play the rolling game "Shaggy Dog" using a toy. The game "The shaggy dog \u200b\u200bis 3-4 times. During the game, the teacher teaches children to manage his behavior, overcome the fear and not to grasp the difficulties.
(During the game, a differentiated approach to the dosage of loads is needed: someone plays the whole game, and someone twice; it is necessary to seek compliance with the rules of the game; to encourage the ps to the PSU close, fully pronounced the words)
Individual work with children on physical. Education is carried out with a toy dog.
For example, the educator invites children to show a dog, how they know how to jump on two legs on the spot; On two legs with moving forward. You can also offer children jumping over sticks. Or throwing the ball through any obstacle.
Independent activities of children.